changeset 2474:7d70b7e1cb21

Moved net and alib files into here
author boisy
date Tue, 30 Mar 2010 02:44:42 +0000
parents dac1ff96637f
children c249cc490a83
files lib/alib/alib.doc lib/alib/ lib/alib/alib.intro lib/alib/asc_bin.a lib/alib/b09strlen.a lib/alib/bin2hex.a lib/alib/bin_asc.a lib/alib/bin_dec.a lib/alib/bin_hex.a lib/alib/bin_rom.a lib/alib/compare.a lib/alib/datestr.a lib/alib/dec_bin.a lib/alib/dectab.a lib/alib/div16x16.a lib/alib/div16x8.a lib/alib/div8x8.a lib/alib/fgetc.a lib/alib/fgets.a lib/alib/fgety.a lib/alib/fputc.a lib/alib/fputcr.a lib/alib/fputs.a lib/alib/fputspace.a lib/alib/fputy.a lib/alib/frewind.a lib/alib/ftoeof.a lib/alib/ftrans.a lib/alib/getc.a lib/alib/getfmd.a lib/alib/gets.a lib/alib/gety.a lib/alib/hex_bin.a lib/alib/inkey.a lib/alib/is_alnum.a lib/alib/is_alpha.a lib/alib/is_cntrl.a lib/alib/is_digit.a lib/alib/is_lower.a lib/alib/is_print.a lib/alib/is_punct.a lib/alib/is_space.a lib/alib/is_termin.a lib/alib/is_upper.a lib/alib/is_xdigit.a lib/alib/jsr_cmd.a lib/alib/jsr_cmd2.a lib/alib/linedit.a lib/alib/memmove.a lib/alib/memset.a lib/alib/mktemp.a lib/alib/mult16x16.a lib/alib/mult16x8.a lib/alib/parsnstr.a lib/alib/print_asc.a lib/alib/print_dec.a lib/alib/print_hex.a lib/alib/prints.a lib/alib/ptsearch.a lib/alib/putc.a lib/alib/putcr.a lib/alib/puts.a lib/alib/putspace.a lib/alib/puty.a lib/alib/rnd.a lib/alib/sho_regs.a lib/alib/stimestr.a lib/alib/strcat.a lib/alib/strcmp.a lib/alib/strcpy.a lib/alib/strhcpy.a lib/alib/strhlen.a lib/alib/strlen.a lib/alib/strncmp.a lib/alib/strncpy.a lib/alib/to_lower.a lib/alib/to_lowrs.a lib/alib/to_non_sp.a lib/alib/to_sp.a lib/alib/to_upper.a lib/alib/to_upprs.a lib/alib/windefs.a lib/makefile lib/net.a
diffstat 84 files changed, 4880 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
Binary file lib/alib/alib.doc has changed
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lib/alib/	Tue Mar 30 02:44:42 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1013 @@
+.s="",ss=0,p="",n="",sn=80,  * normal (pica) characters, 80 per 8 inch line
+.lm=5, rm=75, tm=5, bm=60
+.he0="Assembler Library Documentation", he1="Page ##"
+.he2="String Handlers"
+== String Handlers ==
+STIMESTR: Get current system time as an ascii string.
+ENTRY:  X=buffer for ascii
+EXIT: all registers preserved (except cc)
+DATESTR: Convert a date to a string. This can be used
+         for converting the system time as well as
+         modify/create dates from files. The date must
+         be 6 bytes -- null pad file dates.
+ENTRY: X=binary date
+       Y=buffer for ascii
+EXIT: all registers preserved (except cc)
+TO_NON_SP: Advance X to 1st non-space character
+ENTRY: X=somewhere in a string
+EXIT: X=1st non-space character in string
+      B=char at X
+PRINT_DEC: Print decimal number to standard out.
+ENTRY: D=value to print
+EXIT: CC carry set if error (from I$WritLn)
+      B error code, if any
+PRINT_HEX: Print hex number to standard out.
+ENTRY: D=value to print
+EXIT: CC carry set if error (from I$WritLn)
+      B error code, if any
+PRINT_ASC: Print binary number to standard out.
+ENTRY: D=value to print
+EXIT: CC carry set if error (from I$WritLn)
+      B error code, if any
+STRCMP: compare two null terminated strings.
+NOTE: This routine first finds the length of both
+      strings and passes the length of the longer
+      one to strncmp.
+ENTRY: X=start of 1st string
+       Y=start of 2nd string
+EXIT: CC zero set  if equal (beq)
+         carry + zero clear if 1>2 (bhi)
+         carry set if 1<2 (blo)
+STRNCMP: compare 2 null terminated strings
+         maximum number of bytes to compare in D
+ENTRY: X=start of 1st string
+       Y=start of 2nd string
+       D=number of bytes to compare
+       CASEMTCH:(a global variable in COMPARE)
+                0=match for case
+               -1=ignore case differences
+EXIT: CC zero set  if equal (beq)
+         carry + zero clear if 1>2 (bhi)
+         carry set if 1<2 (blo)
+STRLEN: String Length: find length of null terminated string.
+        note:null NOT included in count.
+ENTRY: X=start of string
+EXIT: D=length
+      all other regs (except cc) preserved
+STRHLEN: find length of sign-bit terminated string.
+         note: sign-bit set byte IS included in count.
+ENTRY: X=start of string
+EXIT: D=length
+      all other regs (except cc) preserved
+B09STRLEN: Find the length of a BASIC09 string.
+ENTRY: X=start of string
+       D=max possible length (size passed to subroutine)
+EXIT: D=actual length (either at $FF or max size)
+      all other regs (except cc) preserved
+STRCAT: append 2 null terminated strings
+        User must ensure there is room in buffer!!!
+ENTRY: X=start of string to move
+       Y=start of string to append to
+EXIT: all regs preserved (except cc)
+STRNCPY: copy N bytes of a null terminated string
+         User must ensure there is room in buffer!!!
+         If N>string length only N bytes will be moved
+ENTRY: X=start of string to move
+       Y=buffer for copy of string
+EXIT: D = actual number of bytes moved
+      all other regs preserved (except cc)
+STRCPY: copy a null terminated string
+        User must ensure there is room in buffer!!!
+ENTRY: X=start of string to move
+       Y=buffer for copy of string
+EXIT: all regs preserved (except cc)
+STRNCPY: copy N bytes of a null terminated string
+         User must ensure there is room in buffer!!!
+         If N>string length only N bytes will be moved
+ENTRY: X=start of string to move
+       Y=buffer for copy of string
+EXIT: D = actual number of bytes moved
+      all other regs preserved (except cc)
+STRHCPY: copy sign-bit terminated string
+         User must ensure there is room in buffer!!!
+         See also PARSNSTR, this routine does not change
+         sign-bit termination.
+OTHER MODULES NEEDED: strhlen,memmove
+ENTRY: X=start of string to move
+       Y=buffer for copy of string
+TO_UPPRS: convert a null terminated string to all uppercase
+ENTRY: X=start of string
+EXIT:  all registers (except CC) preserved
+TO_UPPER: Convert character in "B" to uppercase
+ENTRY: B=ascii value of character to convert
+EXIT: B=ascii value of character in uppercase
+Note: control codes, etc. are not effected.
+TO_LOWRS: convert a null terminated string to all lowercase
+ENTRY: X=start of string
+EXIT:  all registers (except CC) preserved
+TO_LOWER: Convert character in "B" to lowercase
+ENTRY: B=ascii value of character to convert
+EXIT: B=ascii value of character in lowercase
+Note: control codes, etc. are not effected.
+PARSNSTR: Parse sign bit terminated string to convert it to a
+          null terminated string. Note: if X and Y are the same
+          the existing string will be overwritten -- don't do this
+          with psects...
+ENTRY: X=start of sign bit terminated string
+       Y=buffer for null terminated string
+EXIT: D=string size (not including null)
+      All other regs (except cc) preserved
+.lf=c, he2="I/O Routines",pg
+== I/O Routines ==
+PRINTS: Print a program embedded, null terminated string to std out.
+ENTRY: Null terminated string must follow PRINTS call
+       eg:  LBSR PRINTS
+            fcc /this is a string to print/
+            fcb $0d
+            fcc /a second string/
+            fcb $0d,0
+            lbsr morestuff... 
+EXIT: CC carry set if error
+      B error code (if any)
+PUTS: Print a null terminated string to standard out.
+ENTRY: X=string to print
+EXIT: CC carry set if error
+      B error code (if any)
+FPUTS: print null terminated string to "A".
+ENTRY: X=start of string
+       A=path
+EXIT: CC carry set if error
+      B = OS9 error if any (from I$WritLn)
+NOTE: string is feed through I$WritLn for editing (adding LF, etc.)
+PUTCR: Subroutine to print a carriage return to std. out.
+ENTRY: none
+EXIT: CC carry set if error (from I$WritLn)
+      B  error code if any.
+FPUTCR: Subroutine to print a carriage return
+ENTRY: A=path
+EXIT: CC carry set if error (from I$WritLn)
+      B  error code if any.
+PUTSPACE: Subroutine to print a space to std. out
+ENTRY: none
+EXIT: CC carry set if error (from I$WritLn)
+      B  error code if any.
+FPUTSPACE: Subroutine to print a space
+ENTRY: A=path
+EXIT: CC carry set if error (from I$WritLn)
+      B  error code if any.
+PUTC: Put single character to standard out.
+ENTRY: B=character to print
+EXIT: CC carry set if error
+      B=error code if any
+FPUTC: Subroutine to print one character.
+ENTRY: A=path
+       B=char to print
+EXIT:  CC carry set if error (from I$WritLn)
+       B  error code if any
+GETC: Subroutine to input one character from std in.
+ENTRY: none
+EXIT:  A  character
+       CC carry set if error (from I$Read)
+       B  error code if any
+FGETC: Subroutine to input one character.
+ENTRY: A=path
+EXIT:  A  character
+       CC carry set if error (from I$Read)
+       B  error code if any
+GETS: Subroutine to input a null terminated string from Std. In
+ENTRY: X=buffer for string
+       Y=max buffer size (leave room for null!!)
+EXIT:  CC carry set if error (from I$ReadLn)
+       B  error code if any
+NOTE: The string entered must end with an end-of-record char
+      (usually a $0D), the null is appended for ease in string
+      handling.
+FGETS: Subroutine to input a null terminated string.
+ENTRY: A=path
+       X=buffer for string
+       Y=max buffer size (leave room for null!!)
+EXIT:  CC carry set if error (from I$ReadLn)
+       B  error code if any
+NOTE: The string entered must end with an end-of-record char
+      (usually a $0D), the null is appended for ease in string
+      handling.
+INKEY: Checks STDIN for a keypress and returns it if avail.
+ENTRY: none
+EXIT: A=character, 0=no character
+      B=error code (if any)
+      CC=carry set if error (from I$Read)
+NOTE: NULLs entered from the keyboard are returned as "no keypress".
+.he2="Integer Math",pg,lf=c
+== Integer Math ==
+MULT168: 16 x 8 Multiply (24 bit result)
+ENTRY: A = multiplier
+       X = multiplicand
+EXIT: A = product byte 1
+      X = product bytes 2 & 3
+      B modified
+MULT16: 16 x 16 Multiply
+ENTRY: D = multiplier
+       X = multiplicand
+EXIT: Y = product 2 msbs
+       U =    "    2 lsbs
+       D & X preserved
+DIV168: 16 x 8 bit integer divide
+Result must be an 8 bit value
+ENTRY: A = divisor
+       X = dividend
+EXIT:  A = remainder
+       B = quotient
+       all other registers (except CC) preserved
+DIV16: 16 x 16 bit integer divide
+ENTRY: D = divisor
+       X = dividend
+EXIT: X = quotient
+      D = remainder
+DIV88: 8 x 8 Divide
+ENTRY: A = divisor
+       B = dividend
+EXIT: A = remainder
+      B = quotient
+.he2="Number Conversions",pg,lf=c
+== Number Conversions ==
+DEC_BIN: DECIMAL to BINARY conversion routine
+ENTRY: X = start of asci decimal string terminated by
+           a space, comma, CR or null.
+EXIT: D = binary value
+      CC carry set if error (too large, not numeric)
+      Y = terminator or error char.
+BIN_DEC: Binary to decimal conversion
+ENTRY: X=buffer for ascii string
+       D=binary value to convert
+EXIT: all registers (except cc) preserved
+ASC_BIN: ASCII String to binary byte conversion
+ENTRY: X = start of string of binary digits (001101)
+           terminated by space, comma, CR or null.
+EXIT: D = value
+      CC carry set if error (string too long, not binary digits)
+      Y = terminator or error pos.
+BIN_ASC: Binary word to ASCII string conversion
+ENTRY: D = binary value
+       X = buffer for 16 bit number
+EXIT: all registers (except cc) preserved
+HEX_BIN: Hexadecimal string to BINARY conversion
+ENTRY: X=start of a hex string terminated by a space,
+         comma, CR, or NULL.
+EXIT: D=binary number
+      CC carry set iferror (too large, non-numeric)
+      Y=terminator position or error char.
+BIN_HEX: Binary to hexadecimal convertor
+This subroutine will convert the binary value in
+'D' to a 4 digit hexadecimal ascii string.
+ENTRY: D=value to convert
+       X=buffer for hex string-null terminated
+EXIT all registers (except CC) preserved.
+HEX2BIN: Convert hex byte to 2 hex digits
+ENTRY: B= value to convert
+EXIT: D=2 byte hex digits
+DECTAB: table of decimal numbers for use by binary/decimal conversion
+.he2="What's IT??",pg,lf=c
+== What's IT?? ==
+IS_PUNCT: See if character in "B" is a punctuation character
+ENTRY: B=character to test
+EXIT: CC zero=1 if punct., 0 if not
+IS_PRINT: See if character in "B" is a printable character
+controls are defined as $00..$1F and $7F+ -- all others are printable
+ENTRY: B=character to test
+EXIT: CC zero=1 if printable, 0 if not
+IS_CNTRL: See if character in "B" is a control character
+controls are defined as $00..$1F and $7F+
+ENTRY: B=character to test
+EXIT: CC zero=1 if control, 0 if not
+IS_SPACE: See if character in "B" is a space ($20)
+NOTE: This module is included for completeness only,
+      it is much more efficient to do an inline test.
+ENTRY: B=character to test
+EXIT: CC zero=1 if space, 0 if not
+IS_XDIGIT: See if character in "B" is a hexdigit 0..9, A..F or a..f
+ENTRY: B=character to test
+EXIT: CC zero=1 if hex digit, 0 if not
+IS_ALNUM: See if character in "B" is a
+          alpha letter a..z or A..Z or digit 0..9
+ENTRY: B=character to test
+EXIT: CC zero=1 if alphanumeric, 0 if not
+IS_ALPHA: See if character in "B" is a alpha letter a..z or A..Z
+ENTRY: B=character to test
+EXIT: CC zero=1 if alpha, 0 if not
+IS_DIGIT: See if character in "B" is a digit 0..9
+ENTRY: B=character to test
+EXIT: CC zero=1 if digit, 0 if not
+IS_LOWER: See if character in "B" is a lowercase letter
+ENTRY: B=character to test
+EXIT: CC zero=1 if lowercase, 0 if not
+IS_UPPER: See if character in "B" is a uppercase letter
+ENTRY: B=character to test
+EXIT: CC zero=1 if uppercase, 0 if not
+IS_TERMIN: See if character in "B" is a valid string terminator.
+NOTE: This module is used by HEX_BIN, DEC_BIN, etc. It permits
+      SPACE, CR, COMMA and NULL to be used as a delimiter -- useful
+      for paramater and list processing....
+ENTRY: B=character to test
+EXIT: CC zero=1 if space, 0 if not
+.he2="OS9 File Specific",lf=c
+== OS9 File Specific ==
+GETFMD: Get the "last modified" date of an open file
+NOTE: Even though OS9 does not save seconds in its
+      files this routine stores a zero in this position.
+      This is done to make the routine compatible with
+      DATESTR.
+ENTRY: X=buffer for 6 byte date
+       A=path of open file
+EXIT: CC carry set if error
+      B  error code (if any) from SS.FD
+MKTEMP: This subroutine creates a temorary filename
+by adding a "." and a 2digit hex value based
+on the process id.
+IMPORTANT: there must be room after the filename
+for at least 6 bytes!! Filename must be variable
+area, not parameter or program sections!!!
+ENTRY: X= filename
+EXIT: no registers (expect cc) modified
+      filename ends in ".processid",$0d
+.he2="Miscellaneous Routines",pg,lf=c
+== Miscellaneous Routines ==
+LINEDIT: Edit/input line.
+This routine does not use cursor positioning,
+instead it uses backspacing, etc. This means it
+can be used without a GOTOXY module, however it
+is a bit slow, especially when lines get longer than
+one line. If the buffer contains data, you will be
+able to edit; to enter new data pass a buffer of
+ENTRY: X=null terminated string to edit
+       A=input path (normally 0)
+       B=output path (normally 1)
+EXIT: CC carry set if error (GetStt, Setstt, Write, Read, etc.)
+      B=error code, if any
+SHO_REGS: Display the 6809 registers to standard error.
+ENTRY: none
+EXIT: none
+NOTE: The value used for PC is that of the calling routine
+      S is assumed to be 2 greater than actual to comp for
+      the subroutine call...
+MEMMOVE: Memory move
+NOTE: This routine properly moves overlapping areas of memory.
+      Uses fast move algorithm
+ENTRY: X=source data
+       Y=destination
+       D=count
+EXIT: all registers (except CC) preserved
+PTSEARCH: Pattern Search
+ENTRY: X=start of memory to search
+       U=end of memory
+       Y=start of pattern
+       D=size of pattern
+       CASEMTCH (a global variable in COMPARE) =0 if A<>a, -1 if A=a
+EXIT: X=address of match if found, unchanged if no match
+      CC zero set if match, clear for no-match
+      A,B,U,Y preserved
+MEMSET: Set bytes in memory to specified value
+ENTRY: X=start of memory
+       Y=number of bytes to set
+       B=character to set
+EXIT: all registers (except cc) preserved
+COMPARE: Subroutine for string comparsion routines.
+         Compares chars in A/B, will convert both to
+         uppercase first if CASEMTCH is set (negative)
+ENTRY: A/B=characters to compare
+       CASEMTCH=0 (or positive value) if A<>a
+               -1 (or neg value) if A=a
+EXIT: CC zero set if characters match.
+      All other registers preserved.
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lib/alib/alib.intro	Tue Mar 30 02:44:42 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+                           RMA Library
+                               by
+                         Bob van der Poel
+WARNING: The entire contents of this file including the documentation and
+the actual binary library code are protected by copyright and is the sole
+property of Bob van der Poel. You are given permission to use this
+software and to post it on other information systems, etc. However, you
+may not sell it, or claim it as your own. Any commercial expoltation will
+be prosectuted to the full extent of the law.
+                   Bob van der Poel Software
+               P.O. Box 57          P.O. Box 355
+               Wynndel, B.C.        Porthill, ID
+               Canada V0B 2N0         USA  83853
+To use the routines in this library, just include calls to them in your
+programs with a "lbsr". For example, the following code segment calls a
+library routine to print a number via standard out:
+ ldd number
+ lbsr PRINT_DEC
+To use a routine make sure you have set up all the registers properly.
+None of the routines use any memory other than stated. Since the hardware
+stack is used for all temporary variables all the routines are re-entrant
+and shareable. It is up to the user to ensure an adequate stack area.
+Note that most of the routines have all uppercase names. It is hoped that
+this will make your code more readable since you can tell at a glance
+which routines are external.
+To compile an assembler program using the library first use RMA to
+generate a ".r" file, then use RLINK to compile. A sample command line
+would be:
+ rlink yourprog.a -o=yourprog -l=/d0/lib/alib.l
+The file alib.doc is a formatted listing of all the commands available in
+the library. Just list it to your printer.
+Included in the SRC directory is the file "makefile" which can be used
+with MAKE to create a new library file. List "makefile" first to see
+which directories, etc. you'll need.
+Also included on the disk is the file "LIB/alib.l".  This is the complied
+version of the library, ready for you to link with.
+If you have any comments or suggestions for future improvement--or even
+if you want to send money (yes, I take contributions!)--please write me
+at the above address or email
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lib/alib/asc_bin.a	Tue Mar 30 02:44:42 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+* ASCII String to binary byte conversion
+* ENTRY: X = start of string of binary digits (001101)
+*            terminated by space, comma, CR or null.
+*  EXIT: D = value
+*        CC carry set if error (string too long, not binary digits)
+*        Y = terminator or error pos.
+ nam ASCII String to Binary Conversion
+ ttl Assembler Library Module
+ psect ASC_BIN,0,0,0,0,0
+ clra msb/lsb=0
+ clrb 
+ pshs a,b,x
+ ldb ,x+ get a digit
+ lbsr IS_TERMIN see if space/comma/null/cr
+ beq ascbn2
+ subb #$30 strip off ASCII
+ bmi error less than "0"..
+ cmpb #1
+ BHI error geater than "1"
+ rorb get bit into carry
+ ROL 1,S into LSB
+ ROL ,S into MSB
+ inca bump string length
+ cmpa #16
+ BLS ascbn1 length ok, loop
+ BRA error
+ clrb = no errors
+ tsta len = 0?
+ bne done no, skip
+* error -- too long or null
+ CLR ,S force data to 0
+ CLR 1,S
+ ORCC #1 set carry flag
+ leay -1,x end of string/error char
+ PULS A,B,X,PC get data; restore & return
+ endsect
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lib/alib/b09strlen.a	Tue Mar 30 02:44:42 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+* BASIC09 String Length: find length of a BASIC09 string
+*                        which can be terminated by a $ff 
+*                         =or= allocated storage size
+* ENTRY: X=start of string
+*        D=max allocated
+* EXIT: D=actual length
+*       all other regs (except cc) preserved
+ nam Find Basic09 String Length
+ ttl Assembler Library Module
+ psect B09STRLEN,0,0,0,0,0
+ pshs d,x,y
+ tfr d,y max. possible size to Y
+ lda ,x+ get char from string
+ inca this effects a cmpa #$ff
+ beq exit reached terminator
+ leay -1,y if string max leng, no terminator
+ bne loop no yet, check more
+ puls d get max possible size
+ pshs y unused size in memory
+ subd ,s++ find actual length
+ puls x,y,pc 
+ endsect
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lib/alib/bin2hex.a	Tue Mar 30 02:44:42 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+* Convert hex byte to 2 hex digits
+* ENTRY: B= value to convert
+* EXIT: D=2 byte hex digits
+ nam Convert Byte to Hex
+ ttl Assembler Library Module
+ psect BIN2HEX,0,0,0,0,0
+ pshs b
+ lsrb get msn
+ lsrb
+ lsrb
+ lsrb fall through to convert msn and return
+ bsr ToHex
+ tfr b,a 1st digit in A
+ puls b get lsn
+ andb #%00001111 keep msn
+ addb #'0 convert to ascii
+ cmpb #'9
+ bls ToHex1
+ addb #7 convert plus 9 to A..F
+ rts
+ endsect
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lib/alib/bin_asc.a	Tue Mar 30 02:44:42 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+* Binary word to ASCII string conversion
+* ENTRY: D = binary value
+*        X = buffer for 16 bit number
+* EXIT: all registers (except cc) preserved
+ nam Convert # to Ascii String
+ ttl Assembler Library Module
+ psect BIN_ASC,0,0,0,0,0
+ pshs a,b,x save registers
+ pshs a,b save data again
+ ldb #16 total bits to convert
+ andcc #%11111110 clear CARRY to start
+ lda #'0 get ASCII 0
+ rol 1,S get hi bit in LSB to carry
+ rol ,S and into MSB; is it 1 or 0?
+ bcc binas2 0, skip
+ inca get ASCII 1
+ sta ,x+ put it in the buffer
+ decb done all bits?
+ bne binas1 no, loop
+ clr ,x mark end of string
+ leas 2,s clean up
+ puls a,b,x,pc restore & return
+ endsect
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lib/alib/bin_dec.a	Tue Mar 30 02:44:42 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+* Binary to decimal conversion
+* ENTRY: X=buffer for ascii string
+*        D=binary value to convert
+* EXIT: all registers (except cc) preserved
+* BGP - 04/11/2009 - Fixed issue where BIN_DEC was printing negative
+* sign in certain cases.  Cleared nega flag to fix issue.
+ nam Binary to Decimal Conversion
+ ttl Assembler Library Module
+ psect BIN_DEC,0,0,0,0,0
+ vsect
+nega rmb 1
+ endsect
+ clr nega,u
+ tsta
+ bpl  BIN_DEC
+ sta nega,u
+ comb
+ coma
+ addd #$0001
+ bra BIN_DEC_COMMON	+++ added BGP
+ clr nega,u		+++ added BGP
+ pshs a,b,x,y
+ lda #7 clear out 7 bytes in buffer
+ clr ,x+
+ deca
+ bne bindc1
+ ldx 2,s restore buffer start address
+ ldd ,s get data
+ bne bindc2 not 0, do convert
+ lda #'0
+ sta ,x
+ bra bindc8 exit
+ tst nega,u
+ beq bindc25
+ pshs a
+ lda #'-
+ sta ,x+
+ puls a
+ leay DECTAB$,pcr point to conversion table
+ clr ,--s temps, flag 1st dgt not placed
+ clr 1,s current digit=0
+ subd ,y sub table element
+ bcs bindc5 too far, correct
+ inc 1,s bump digit
+ bra bindc4 loop til done
+ addd ,y restore, 1 too many subtracts
+ pshs a,b save rest of number
+ lda 3,s get the digit
+ adda #$30 make it ascii
+ cmpa #'0 is it zero?
+ bne bindc6 no, skip
+ tst 2,s is it 1st digit in string?
+ beq bindc7 yes, don't do leading 0s
+ inc 2,s indidicate at least 1 digit
+ sta ,x+ save in buffer
+ leay 2,y next table entry
+ tst 1,y end of table
+ puls a,b restore data
+ bne bindc3 no..loop
+ leas 2,s
+ puls a,b,x,y,pc restore and return
+ endsect
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lib/alib/bin_hex.a	Tue Mar 30 02:44:42 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+* Binary to hexadecimal convertor
+* This subroutine will convert the binary value in
+* 'D' to a 4 digit hexadecimal ascii string.
+* ENTRY: D=value to convert
+*        X=buffer for hex string-null terminated
+* EXIT all registers (except CC) preserved.
+ nam Convert # to Hex String
+ ttl Assembler Library Module
+ psect BIN_HEX,0,0,0,0,0
+ pshs d,x
+ ldb ,s
+ lbsr BIN2HEX convert 1 byte
+ std ,x++
+ ldb 1,s
+ lbsr BIN2HEX convert 2nd byte
+ std ,x++
+ clr ,x term with null
+ puls d,x 
+ endsect
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lib/alib/bin_rom.a	Tue Mar 30 02:44:42 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+* Subroutine to convert binary number to roman numerals
+* ENTRY: D=number to convert
+*        X=start of buffer (20 bytes)
+* EXIT:  all registers preserved
+* Note: the buffer should be set to 20 bytes. This permits the
+* longest possible number to be converted without a buffer overflow.
+* This routine trunates any numbers >8191 to ensure that no number
+* is longer than 19 characters (plus null terminator).
+* The number 7888 converts to a 19 character string. To permit larger
+* number conversions one could delete the anda #%00011111 statement. 
+* This routine has been converted from the BASIC09 sample in
+* the Basic09 Reference Manual (Microware) page a-3.
+ nam Binary to Roman numberal conversion
+ ttl Assembler Library Module
+ psect BINROM,0,0,0,0,0
+ pshs d,x,y,u
+ leau nums,pcr number conversion table
+ clr ,-s  counter on stack
+ lda 1,s restore value
+ anda #%00011111 ensure no value>8191 permitted
+ cmpd ,u 
+ blo roman2
+ leay chars,pcr
+ bsr addchar
+ subd ,u
+ bra roman1
+ pshs d
+ ldd ,u
+ subd 2,u
+ cmpd ,s
+ puls d
+ bhi roman3
+ leay subs,pcr
+ bsr addchar
+ leay chars,pcr
+ bsr addchar
+ subd ,u
+ addd 2,u
+ leau 4,u  next pair of values
+ pshs d
+ inc 2,s counter
+ lda 2,s
+ cmpa #7 done?
+ puls d
+ bne roman1  no, do more
+ puls a
+ clr ,x null terminator
+ puls d,x,y,u,pc
+ pshs d
+ lda 4,s  get loop count
+ lda a,y  get char
+ sta ,x+
+ puls d,pc
+nums fdb 1000,100
+     fdb 500,100
+     fdb 100,10
+     fdb 50,10
+     fdb 10,1
+     fdb 5,1
+     fdb 1,0
+chars fcc /MDCLXVI/
+subs  fcc /CCXXII/
+ endsect
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lib/alib/compare.a	Tue Mar 30 02:44:42 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+* COMPARE: Subroutine for string comparsion routines.
+*          Compares chars in A/B, will convert both to
+*          uppercase first if CASEMTCH is set (negative)
+* ENTRY: A/B=characters to compare
+*        CASEMTCH=0 (or positive value) if A<>a
+*                -1 (or neg value) if A=a
+* EXIT: CC zero set if characters match.
+*       All other registers preserved.
+ nam Compare 2 Chars
+ ttl Assembler Library Module
+ Psect COMPARE,0,0,0,0,0
+ vsect dp
+CASEMTCH: rmb 1
+ endsect
+ pshs d
+ tst CASEMTCH need to covert to upper?
+ bpl no
+ lbsr TO_UPPER
+ exg a,b
+ lbsr TO_UPPER
+ pshs a somewhere to compare it
+ cmpb ,s+ do compare, set zero
+ puls d,pc go home
+ endsect
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lib/alib/datestr.a	Tue Mar 30 02:44:42 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+* Convert a date to a string. This can be used
+* for converting the system time as well as
+* modify/create dates from files. The date must
+* be 6 bytes -- null pad file dates.
+* ENTRY: X=binary date
+*        Y=buffer for ascii
+* EXIT: all registers preserved (except cc)
+ nam Get ASCII Date
+ ttl Assembler Library Module
+ psect DATESTR,0,0,0,0,0
+ pshs d,x,y,u
+ leau delims,pcr
+ bsr get1 convert a byte
+ lda ,u+ get next delimiter
+ sta ,y+ add to ascii buffer
+ bne loop not end yet
+ puls d,x,y,u,pc
+ ldb ,x+ get next byte to convert
+ clra only doing one byte value
+ pshs x save ptr to date packet
+ leas -8,s buffer for ascii number
+ tfr s,x
+ lbsr BIN_DEC convert
+ ldd ,x get ascii
+ tstb 1byte number?
+ bne get2 no
+ tfr a,b
+ lda #'0 leading "0"
+ std ,y++ to buffer
+ leas 8,s
+ puls x,pc
+ fcc '// ::'
+ fcb 0
+ endsect
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lib/alib/dec_bin.a	Tue Mar 30 02:44:42 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+* DECIMAL to BINARY conversion routine
+* ENTRY: X = start of asci decimal string terminated by
+*            a space, comma, CR or null.
+* EXIT: D = binary value
+*       CC carry set if error (too large, not numeric)
+*       Y = terminator or error char.
+ nam Convert Decimal String to Binary
+ ttl Assembler Library Module
+ psect DEC_BIN,0,0,0,0,0
+ vsect
+nega rmb 1
+ endsect
+ clra set result to 0
+ clrb
+ pshs a,b,x
+ leas -1,s temp variable
+ clr nega,u
+ ldb ,x+
+ cmpb #'-
+ bne decbn15
+ stb nega,u
+ LDB ,X+ get a digit
+ bne decbn3 end of string...
+ INCA bump string len
+ BRA decbn1 loop for whole string
+ lbsr IS_TERMIN valid terminator?
+ bne error
+ TSTA length = 0?
+ BEQ error yes, error
+ CMPA #6 more than 6 chars?
+ BHI error yes, error
+ ldx 3,s get start of string again
+ lda ,x
+ cmpa #'-
+ bne decbn35
+ leax 1,x
+ LDA #5 max length
+ SUBA ,S+ adjust for offset
+ ASLA 2 bytes per table entry
+ LEAY DECTAB$,PCR addr of conversion table
+ LEAY A,Y add in offset for actual len
+ LDA ,X+ get a digit
+ SUBA #$30 strip off ASCII
+ BEQ decbn6 zero, skip
+ sta ,s save digit=# of adds
+ LDD 1,S get binary data
+ ADDD ,Y add in table value
+ BCS error past 0, too big
+ DEC ,S count down digit size
+ BNE decbn5 loop til 0
+ STD 1,S save binary data
+ LEAY 2,Y next entry
+ tst 1,y end of table?
+ BNE decbn4 loop til done
+ clr ,s+ clean up and clear carry
+ bra exit
+ clr 0,s force data = 0
+ clr 1,s
+ com ,s+ clean up and set carry
+ tfr x,y end of string/error char
+ puls a,b,x
+ bcs leave
+ tst nega,u
+ beq leave
+ subd #$0001
+ coma
+ comb
+ andcc #$FE
+ rts
+ endsect
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lib/alib/dectab.a	Tue Mar 30 02:44:42 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+* table of decimal numbers for use by binary/decimal conversion
+* routines.
+ nam Decimal Number Table
+ ttl Assembler Library Module
+ psect DECTAB$,0,0,0,0,0
+ fdb 10000,1000,100,10,1,0
+ endsect
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lib/alib/div16x16.a	Tue Mar 30 02:44:42 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+* 16 x 16 bit integer divide
+* ENTRY: D = divisor
+*        X = dividend
+*  EXIT: X = quotient
+*        D = remainder
+ nam 16x16 bit Divide
+ ttl Assembler Library Module
+ psect DIV16,0,0,0,0,0
+ vsect
+negcount rmb 1
+ endsect
+* Signed Divide
+ clr negcount,u
+ tst ,s
+ bpl testquo
+ ldd ,s
+ comb
+ coma
+ addd #$0001
+ std ,s
+ inc negcount,u
+ tst 2,s
+ bpl ok
+ ldd 2,s
+ comb
+ coma
+ addd #$0001
+ std 2,s
+ inc negcount,u
+ puls d,x
+ bsr DIV16
+ dec negcount,u
+ bne goforit
+ pshs d,x
+ ldd ,s
+ coma
+ comb
+ addd #$0001
+ std ,s
+ ldd 2,s
+ coma
+ comb
+ addd #$0001
+ std 2,s 
+ puls d,x
+ rts
+* Unsigned Divide
+ PSHS D,X save divisor & dividend
+ LDA #16 bit counter
+ CLRA initialize remainder
+ ASL 4,S shift dividend & quotient
+ ROL 3,S
+ ROLB shift dividend into B
+ CMPD 1,S trial subtraction reqd?
+ BLO div2
+ SUBD 1,S yes, do subtraction
+ INC 4,S increment quotient
+ DEC ,S count down another bit
+ BNE div1
+ LDX 3,S get quotient
+ LEAS 5,S clean stack
+ endsect
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lib/alib/div16x8.a	Tue Mar 30 02:44:42 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+* 16 x 8 bit integer divide
+* Result must be an 8 bit value
+* ENTRY: A = divisor
+*        X = dividend
+* EXIT:  A = remainder
+*        B = quotient
+*        all other registers (except CC) preserved
+ nam 16x8 bit Divide
+ ttl Assembler Library Module
+ psect DIV168,0,0,0,0,0
+ vsect
+negcount rmb 1
+ endsect
+* Signed Divide
+ clr negcount,u
+ tst ,s
+ bpl testquo
+ lda ,s
+ coma
+ inca
+ sta ,s
+ inc negcount,u
+ tst 1,s
+ bpl ok
+ ldd 1,s
+ comb
+ coma
+ addd #$0001
+ std 1,s
+ inc negcount,u
+ puls a,x
+ bsr DIV168
+ dec negcount,u
+ bne goforit
+ pshs a,x
+ lda ,s
+ coma
+ inca
+ sta ,s
+ ldd 1,s
+ coma
+ comb 
+ addd #$0001
+ std 1,s 
+ puls a,x
+ rts
+ LDB #8 bit counter
+ PSHS A,B,X save count and divisor and value
+ TFR X,D put dividend in D
+ ASLB shift dividend and quotient
+ CMPA 0,S is trial subtraction successful?
+ BCS div2
+ SUBA 0,S yes, subtract and set bit
+ INCB in quotient
+ DEC 1,S count down bits
+ BNE div1 loop till done
+ LEAS 2,S clean stack
+ PULS X,PC return
+ endsect
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lib/alib/div8x8.a	Tue Mar 30 02:44:42 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+* 8 x 8 Divide
+* ENTRY: A = divisor
+*        B = dividend
+*  EXIT: A = remainder
+*        B = quotient
+ nam 8x8 bit Divide
+ ttl Assembler Library Module
+ psect DIV88,0,0,0,0,0
+ vsect
+negcount rmb 1
+ endsect
+* Signed Divide
+ clr negcount,u
+ tst ,s
+ bpl testquo
+ lda ,s
+ coma
+ inca
+ sta ,s
+ inc negcount,u
+ tst 1,s
+ bpl ok
+ ldd 1,s
+ coma
+ adda #$01
+ std 1,s
+ inc negcount,u
+ puls d
+ bsr DIV88
+ dec negcount,u
+ bne goforit
+ pshs d
+ lda ,s
+ coma
+ inca
+ sta ,s
+ lda 1,s
+ coma
+ inca
+ sta 1,s 
+ puls d
+ rts
+ PSHS A save divisor
+ LDA #8 bit counter
+ CLRA initialize remainder
+ ASLB shift dividend & quotient
+ CMPA 1,S trial subtraction needed
+ BLO div2
+ SUBA 1,S
+ DEC 0,S count down # of bits
+ BNE div1
+ LEAS 2,S clean up stack
+ endsect
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lib/alib/fgetc.a	Tue Mar 30 02:44:42 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+* Subroutine to input one character.
+* ENTRY: A=path
+* EXIT:  A  character
+*        CC carry set if error (from I$Read)
+*        B  error code if any
+ nam Input Single Character
+ ttl Assembler Library Module
+ psect FGETC,0,0,0,0,0
+ pshs a,x,y
+ ldy #1 number of char to print
+ tfr s,x point x at 1 char buffer
+ os9 I$Read
+ puls a,x,y,pc
+ endsect
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lib/alib/fgets.a	Tue Mar 30 02:44:42 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+* Subroutine to input a null terminated string.
+* ENTRY: A=path
+*        X=buffer for string
+*        Y=max buffer size (leave room for null!!)
+* EXIT:  CC carry set if error (from I$ReadLn)
+*        B  error code if any
+* NOTE: The string entered must end with an end-of-record char
+*       (usually a $0D), the null is appended for ease in string
+*       handling.
+ nam Input Null Terminated String
+ ttl Assembler Library Module
+ psect FGETS,0,0,0,0,0
+ pshs d,x
+ bsr FGETS
+ bcs bye
+ tfr y,d
+ leax -1,x
+ clr d,x
+bye puls d,x,pc
+ pshs a,x
+ os9 I$ReadLn get line
+ bcs exit return error code
+ tfr y,d
+ clr d,x add null
+ clrb no error..
+ puls a,x,pc
+ endsect
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lib/alib/fgety.a	Tue Mar 30 02:44:42 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+* Subroutine to input one word in Y.
+* ENTRY: A=path
+* EXIT:  Y  value
+*        CC carry set if error (from I$Read)
+*        B  error code if any
+ nam Input word
+ ttl Assembler Library Module
+ psect FGETY,0,0,0,0,0
+ pshs x,y
+ ldy #2 number of char to read
+ leax 2,s point x at 2 char buffer
+ os9 I$Read
+ puls x,y,pc
+ endsect
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lib/alib/fputc.a	Tue Mar 30 02:44:42 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+* Subroutine to print one character.
+* ENTRY: A=path
+*        B=char to print
+* EXIT:  CC carry set if error (from I$WritLn)
+*        B  error code if any
+ nam Output Single Char.
+ ttl Assembler Library Module
+ psect FPUTC,0,0,0,0,0
+ pshs b,x,y
+ ldy #1 number of char to print
+ tfr s,x point x at char to print
+ os9 I$WritLn
+ leas 1,s don't care about char anymore (B now = error)
+ puls x,y,pc
+ endsect
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lib/alib/fputcr.a	Tue Mar 30 02:44:42 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+* Subroutine to print a carriage return 
+* ENTRY: A=path
+* EXIT: CC carry set if error (from I$WritLn)
+*       B  error code if any.
+ nam Output Carriage Return
+ ttl Assembler Library Module
+ psect FPUTCR,0,0,0,0,0
+ ldb #$0d
+ lbra FPUTC
+ endsect
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lib/alib/fputs.a	Tue Mar 30 02:44:42 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+* FPUTS: print null terminated string to "A".
+* ENTRY: X=start of string
+*        A=path
+* EXIT: CC carry set if error
+*       B = OS9 error if any (from I$WritLn)
+* NOTE: string is feed through I$WritLn for editing (adding LF, etc.)
+ nam Output String
+ ttl Assembler Library Module
+ psect FPUTS,0,0,0,0,0
+ pshs a,x,y,u
+ tfr x,u start of 1st segment to print
+ pshs u start of this segment
+ ldy #-1 size of this seg.
+ leay 1,y count size
+ ldb ,u+ check for null/cr
+ beq doit null=do last seg.
+ cmpb #$0d cr=do this seg.
+ bne l1
+ leay 1,y count CR as one of the ones to print
+ puls x get start of this segment
+ OS9 I$WritLn
+ bcs exit
+ tst -1,u at end?
+ bne loop
+ puls a,x,y,u,pc return with status in CC,error code in B
+ endsect
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lib/alib/fputspace.a	Tue Mar 30 02:44:42 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+* Subroutine to print a space
+* ENTRY: A=path
+* EXIT: CC carry set if error (from I$WritLn)
+*       B  error code if any.
+ nam Output One Space Char.
+ ttl Assembler Library Module
+ psect FPUTSPACE,0,0,0,0,0
+ ldb #$20
+ lbra FPUTC
+ endsect
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lib/alib/fputy.a	Tue Mar 30 02:44:42 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+* Subroutine to save word in Y to file
+* ENTRY: A=path
+*        Y=value to save
+* EXIT:  CC carry set if error (from I$Write)
+*        B  error code if any
+ nam Save word to file
+ ttl Assembler Library Module
+ psect FPUTY,0,0,0,0,0
+ pshs x,y
+ ldy #2 number of chars to write
+ leax 2,s point X at value
+ os9 I$Write
+ puls x,y,pc
+ endsect
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lib/alib/frewind.a	Tue Mar 30 02:44:42 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+* Subroutine rewind file
+* ENTRY: A=path
+* EXIT:  CC carry set if error (from I$Seek)
+*        B  error code if any
+ nam Rewind open RBF file
+ ttl Assembler Library Module
+ psect FREWIND,0,0,0,0,0
+ pshs x,u
+ ldx #0
+ tfr x,u
+ os9 I$Seek seek to pos 0
+ puls x,u,pc
+ endsect
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lib/alib/ftoeof.a	Tue Mar 30 02:44:42 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+* Subroutine seek to end of file
+* ENTRY: A=path
+* EXIT:  CC carry set if error (from I$Seek)
+*        B  error code if any
+ nam Seek EOF of open RBF file
+ ttl Assembler Library Module
+ psect FTOEOF,0,0,0,0,0
+ pshs x,u
+ ldb #SS.Size first get filesize
+ os9 I$GetStt
+ bcs exit
+ os9 I$Seek seek to end of file
+ puls x,u,pc
+ endsect
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lib/alib/ftrans.a	Tue Mar 30 02:44:42 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+* Subroutine to transfer data for one file to another
+* ENTRY: A=source path
+*        B=destination path
+*        Y=number of bytes to transfer
+*        X=buffer for this routine
+*        U=buffer size
+* EXIT:  CC carry set if error (from I$Read or I$Write)
+*        B  error code if any
+ nam File data transfer
+ ttl Assembler Library Module
+ csect
+* this sets up a stack frame used for variable references
+count   rmb 2     number of bytes to transfer (2nd Y)
+inpath  rmb 1     source file (A)
+Breg    rmb 1     copy of B register
+outpath equ Breg  dest file
+buffer  rmb 2     buffer memory (X)
+        rmb 2     copy of Y
+bufsize rmb 2     buffer size (U)
+ endsect
+ psect FTRANS,0,0,0,0,0
+ pshs a,b,x,y,u
+ pshs y
+ ldy count,s bytes left to send
+ beq exit all done?
+ lda inpath,s source file
+ ldx buffer,s buffer area
+ cmpy bufsize,s is remainder > buffer size
+ blo get no, get all of remainder
+ ldy bufsize,s use buffer size
+ os9 I$Read get data
+ bcs error
+ lda outpath,s
+ os9 I$Write
+ bcs error
+ pshs y number of bytes got/sent
+ ldd count+2,s adjust count remaining
+ subd ,s++
+ std count,s
+ bra loop
+ clra no error
+ bra exit2
+ coma signal error
+ stb Breg,s set B
+ puls y
+ puls a,b,x,y,u,pc
+ endsect
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lib/alib/getc.a	Tue Mar 30 02:44:42 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+* Subroutine to input one character from std in.
+* ENTRY: none
+* EXIT:  A  character
+*        CC carry set if error (from I$Read)
+*        B  error code if any
+ nam Input Single Character
+ ttl Assembler Library Module
+ psect GETC,0,0,0,0,0
+ clra std in
+ lbra FGETC
+ endsect
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lib/alib/getfmd.a	Tue Mar 30 02:44:42 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+* Get the "last modified" date of an open file
+* NOTE: Even though OS9 does not save seconds in its
+*       files this routine stores a zero in this position.
+*       This is done to make the routine compatible with
+*       DATESTR.
+* ENTRY: X=buffer for 6 byte date
+*        A=path of open file
+* EXIT: CC carry set if error
+*       B  error code (if any) from SS.FD
+ nam Get Last Modified Date
+ ttl Assembler Library Module
+ psect GETFMD,0,0,0,0,0
+BUFSIZ equ 8
+ pshs x,y
+ leas -BUFSIZ,s where to put FD sector info
+ tfr s,x pointer for FD sector info
+ ldy #BUFSIZ bytes to read from FD sector
+ ldb #$0F SS.FD
+ os9 I$GetStt
+ bcs exit
+ ldy BUFSIZ,s get back orig X
+ ldx 3,s get 2 bytes
+ stx ,y++ move year,month
+ ldx 5,s
+ stx ,y++ move date,hour
+ lda 7,s
+ sta ,y+ move minutes
+ clr ,y null for seconds
+ leas BUFSIZ,s
+ puls x,y,pc
+ endsect
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lib/alib/gets.a	Tue Mar 30 02:44:42 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+* Subroutine to input a null terminated string from Std. In
+* ENTRY: X=buffer for string
+*        Y=max buffer size (leave room for null!!)
+* EXIT:  CC carry set if error (from I$ReadLn)
+*        B  error code if any
+* NOTE: The string entered must end with an end-of-record char
+*       (usually a $0D), the null is appended for ease in string
+*       handling.
+ nam Input Null Terminated String from Std. In
+ ttl Assembler Library Module
+ psect GETS,0,0,0,0,0
+ pshs a
+ clra std in.
+ lbsr FGETS
+ puls a,pc
+ endsect
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lib/alib/gety.a	Tue Mar 30 02:44:42 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+* Subroutine to input a word in Y
+* ENTRY: none
+* EXIT:  Y  value
+*        CC carry set if error (from I$Read)
+*        B  error code if any
+ nam Input Word for stdin
+ ttl Assembler Library Module
+ psect GETY,0,0,0,0,0
+ pshs a
+ clra std in
+ lbsr FGETY
+ puls a,pc
+ endsect
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lib/alib/hex_bin.a	Tue Mar 30 02:44:42 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+* Hexadecimal string to BINARY conversion
+* ENTRY: X=start of a hex string terminated by a space,
+*          comma, CR, or NULL.
+* EXIT: D=binary number
+*       CC carry set iferror (too large, non-numeric)
+*       Y=terminator position or error char.
+ nam Convert Hex String to Binary
+ ttl Assembler Library Module
+ psect HEX_BIN,0,0,0,0,0
+ clra init number
+ clrb
+ pshs d,x
+ tfr d,y digit counter
+ ldb ,x+ get next digit
+ lbsr TO_UPPER convert to uppercase
+ lbsr IS_TERMIN end of string?
+ beq exit yes, go home
+ lbsr IS_XDIGIT make sure it's valid digit
+ bne error not 0..9, a..f
+ cmpb #'9 convert to binary value
+ bls notAtoF
+ subb #7 fix a..f
+ subb #'0 convert to binary 0..15
+* now shift the digit to bits 7..4
+ lslb
+ lslb
+ lslb
+ lslb
+* now shift the value in to the result
+ lda #4 number of bits
+ lslb digit bit to carry
+ rol 1,s carry bit to result
+ rol 0,s
+ deca done 4?
+ bne l1 no, loop
+ leay 1,y number of digits done
+ cmpy #4 
+ bhi error more than 4
+ bra loop keep going
+ clrb clear carry=no error
+ sty -2,s test y (count)
+ bne done no digits?
+ clr 0,s
+ clr 1,s
+ orcc #1 set carry
+ leay -1,x terminator/error pos
+ puls d,x,pc
+ endsect
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lib/alib/inkey.a	Tue Mar 30 02:44:42 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+* Subroutine to input one character from std in. if ready
+* like an INKEY$...
+* ENTRY: none
+* EXIT:  A  character, 0=no char 
+*        CC carry set if error (from I$Read)
+*        B  error code if any
+ nam Inkey
+ ttl Assembler Library Module
+ psect INKEY,0,0,0,0,0
+ clra std in
+ ldb #SS.Ready 
+ os9 I$GetStt see if key ready
+ bcc getit
+ cmpb #E$NotRdy no keys ready=no error
+ bne exit other error, report it
+ clra no error
+ bra exit
+ lbsr FGETC go get the key
+* this inst. needed since ctrl/: sometimes returns a null
+* usually callers are not expecting a null.... 
+ tsta
+ rts
+ endsect
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lib/alib/is_alnum.a	Tue Mar 30 02:44:42 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+* See if character in "B" is a alpha letter a..z or A..Z or digit 0..9
+* ENTRY: B=character to test
+* EXIT: CC zero=1 if alphanumeric, 0 if not
+ nam Is Char AlphaNumeric?
+ ttl Assembler Library Module
+ psect IS_ALNUM,0,0,0,0,0
+ lbsr IS_ALPHA
+ BEQ yes upper/lowercase letters are alphanumeric
+ lbsr IS_DIGIT last chance to set flags.
+ rts
+ endsect
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lib/alib/is_alpha.a	Tue Mar 30 02:44:42 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+* See if character in "B" is a alpha letter a..z or A..Z
+* ENTRY: B=character to test
+* EXIT: CC zero=1 if alpha, 0 if not
+ nam Is Char Alphabetic?
+ ttl Assembler Library Module
+ psect IS_ALPHA,0,0,0,0,0
+ lbsr IS_UPPER
+ BEQ yes uppercase letters are alpha
+ lbsr IS_LOWER last chance to set flags.
+ rts
+ endsect
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lib/alib/is_cntrl.a	Tue Mar 30 02:44:42 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+* See if character in "B" is a control character
+* controls are defined as $00..$1F and $7F+
+* ENTRY: B=character to test
+* EXIT: CC zero=1 if control, 0 if not
+ nam Is Char a Control?
+ ttl Assembler Library Module
+ psect IS_CNTRL,0,0,0,0,0
+ cmpb #$7f
+ bhs yes
+ cmpb #$1f
+ bhi exit not control, zero cleared
+ orcc #%00000100 set zero
+ rts
+ endsect
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lib/alib/is_digit.a	Tue Mar 30 02:44:42 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+* See if character in "B" is a digit 0..9
+* ENTRY: B=character to test
+* EXIT: CC zero=1 if digit, 0 if not
+ nam Is Char a Digit?
+ ttl Assembler Library Module
+ psect IS_DIGIT,0,0,0,0,0
+ cmpb #'0 
+ blo no not digit, zero cleared
+ cmpb #'9 if equal, zero set
+ bhi no not digit, zero cleared
+ orcc #%00000100 set zero
+ rts
+ endsect
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lib/alib/is_lower.a	Tue Mar 30 02:44:42 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+* See if character in "B" is a lowercase letter
+* ENTRY: B=character to test
+* EXIT: CC zero=1 if lowercase, 0 if not
+ nam Is Char. Lowercase?
+ ttl Assembler Library Module
+ psect IS_LOWER,0,0,0,0,0
+ cmpb #'a 
+ blo no not lowercase, zero cleared
+ cmpb #'z if equal, zero set
+ bhi no not lowc, zero cleared
+ orcc #%00000100 set zero
+ rts
+ endsect
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lib/alib/is_print.a	Tue Mar 30 02:44:42 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+* See if character in "B" is a printable character
+* controls are defined as $00..$1F and $7F+ -- all others are printable
+* ENTRY: B=character to test
+* EXIT: CC zero=1 if printable, 0 if not
+ nam Is Char Printable?
+ ttl Assembler Library Module
+ psect IS_PRINT,0,0,0,0,0
+ lbsr IS_CNTRL
+ beq no
+ orcc #%00000100 set zero
+ rts
+ andcc #%11111011 clear zero
+ rts
+ endsect
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lib/alib/is_punct.a	Tue Mar 30 02:44:42 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+* See if character in "B" is a punctuation character
+* ENTRY: B=character to test
+* EXIT: CC zero=1 if punct., 0 if not
+ nam Is Char Punctuation?
+ ttl Assembler Library Module
+ psect IS_PUNCT,0,0,0,0,0
+ lbsr IS_ALNUM
+ BEQ no if its a.z,A.Z or 0.9 not punct
+ lbsr IS_CNTRL
+ BEQ no controls not punct.
+ orcc #%00000100 set carry
+ rts
+ andcc #%11111011 clear zero
+ rts
+ endsect
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lib/alib/is_space.a	Tue Mar 30 02:44:42 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+* See if character in "B" is a space ($20)
+* NOTE: This module is included for completeness only,
+*       it is much more efficient to do an inline test.
+* ENTRY: B=character to test
+* EXIT: CC zero=1 if space, 0 if not
+ nam Is Char a Space?
+ ttl Assembler Library Module
+ psect IS_SPACE,0,0,0,0,0
+ cmpb #$20
+ rts
+ endsect
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lib/alib/is_termin.a	Tue Mar 30 02:44:42 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+* See if character in "B" is a valid string terminator.
+* NOTE: This module is used by HEX_BIN, DEC_BIN, etc. It permits
+*       SPACE, CR, COMMA and NULL to be used as a delimiter -- useful
+*       for paramater and list processing....
+* ENTRY: B=character to test
+* EXIT: CC zero=1 if space, 0 if not
+ nam Is Char a Terminator?
+ ttl Assembler Library Module
+ psect IS_TERMIN,0,0,0,0,0
+ tstb null?
+ beq exit
+ cmpb #$20 space
+ beq exit
+ cmpb #$0d carriage return
+ beq exit
+ cmpb #', comma?
+ rts
+ endsect
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lib/alib/is_upper.a	Tue Mar 30 02:44:42 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+* See if character in "B" is a uppercase letter
+* ENTRY: B=character to test
+* EXIT: CC zero=1 if uppercase, 0 if not
+ nam Is Char Uppercase?
+ ttl Assembler Library Module
+ psect IS_UPPER,0,0,0,0,0
+ cmpb #'A 
+ blo no not uppercase, zero cleared
+ cmpb #'Z if equal, zero set
+ bhi no not upperc, zero cleared
+ orcc #%00000100 set zero
+ rts
+ endsect
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lib/alib/is_xdigit.a	Tue Mar 30 02:44:42 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+* See if character in "B" is a hexdigit 0..9, A..F or a..f
+* ENTRY: B=character to test
+* EXIT: CC zero=1 if hex digit, 0 if not
+ nam Is Char a Hex Digit?
+ ttl Assembler Library Module
+ psect IS_XDIGIT,0,0,0,0,0
+ pshs b
+ lbsr IS_DIGIT 
+ beq exit digits are okay
+ cmpb #'A 
+ blo exit exit, zero not set
+ cmpb #'f
+ bhi exit zero not set
+ cmpb #'a 
+ bhs yes
+ cmpb #'F
+ bhi exit
+ orcc #%00000100 set zero
+ puls b,pc
+ endsect
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lib/alib/jsr_cmd.a	Tue Mar 30 02:44:42 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+* Subroutine to jsr to subroutine from 1 character command table
+* ENTRY: A=1 char command
+*        X=start of jump table
+* EXIT:  CC carry set if entry not found 
+*        all other regs can be modified by subs
+* Note format of table: each entry is three bytes
+*                       0-match character (command)
+*                       1..2-offset to routine
+* It is the user's job to set commands to proper case for matching...
+* end of table=NULL
+* sample table:  fcc /A/
+*                fdb routineA-*
+*                fcc /B/
+*                fdb routineB-*
+*                fcb 0 
+ nam Jsr to 1 char Command
+ ttl Assembler Library Module
+ psect JSR_CMD,0,0,0,0,0
+ tst ,x end of table?
+ beq jsrerr
+ cmpa ,x+ found match?
+ beq docmd yes, go do it
+ leax 2,x next entry
+ bra JSR_CMD
+* no match found, return with carry set
+ coma set error flag
+ rts
+* command found, do call and return
+ ldd ,x get offset to routine
+ jsr d,x
+ andcc #%11111110 clear carry
+ rts
+ endsect
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lib/alib/jsr_cmd2.a	Tue Mar 30 02:44:42 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+* Subroutine to jsr to subroutine from 2 character command table
+* ENTRY: D=2 char command
+*        X=start of jump table
+* EXIT:  CC carry set if entry not found 
+*        all other regs can be modified by subs
+*        D and X always modified
+* Note format of table: each entry is four bytes
+*                       0..1-match characters (command)
+*                       2..3-offset to routine
+* It is the user's job to set commands to proper case for matching...
+* end of table=NULL
+* sample table:  fcc /A1/
+*                fdb routineA-*
+*                fcc /B1/
+*                fdb routineB-*
+*                fcb 0 
+ nam Jsr to 2 char Command
+ ttl Assembler Library Module
+ psect JSR_CMD2,0,0,0,0,0
+ tst ,x end of table?
+ beq jsrerr
+ cmpd ,x++ found match?
+ beq docmd yes, go do it
+ leax 2,x next entry
+ bra JSR_CMD2
+* no match found, return with carry set
+ coma set error flag
+ rts
+* command found, do call and return
+ ldd ,x get offset to routine
+ jsr d,x
+ andcc #%11111110 clear carry
+ rts
+ endsect
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lib/alib/linedit.a	Tue Mar 30 02:44:42 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
+* Edit/input line.
+* This routine does not use cursor positioning,
+* instead it uses backspacing, etc. This means it
+* can be used without a GOTOXY module, however it
+* is a bit slow, especially when lines get longer than
+* one line. If the buffer contains data, you will be
+* able to edit; to enter new data pass a buffer of
+* blanks.
+* ENTRY: X=null terminated string to edit
+*        A=input path (normally 0)
+*        B=output path (normally 1)
+* EXIT: B=key used to end editing
+*       CC carry set if error (GetStt, Setstt, Write, Read, etc.)
+*         B=error code, if any
+ nam Edit/Input Line
+ ttl Assembler Library Module
+ psect LINEDIT,0,0,0,0,0
+* these variable are all referenced via the
+* U stack pointer.
+modPD equ 0 first buffer of copy of path descriptor
+echo equ $04 echo mode
+bso  equ $02 backspace mode
+bse  equ $12 backspace echo char
+bsp  equ $09 backspace char
+int  equ $10 interupt char
+qut  equ $11 quit char
+bell equ $13 line-overflow char
+maxsize equ 35 temp variable
+dupPD equ 38 2nd path desc.
+vsize equ dupPD+32 variable stack size
+strptr equ vsize+2 x on stack
+inpath equ vsize+0 a on stack
+outpath equ inpath+1 b on stack
+ pshs a,b,x,y,u
+ leas -vsize,s variable storage area
+ tfr s,u point U to var. area
+ lbsr STRLEN
+ std maxsize,u save max leng.
+ lbeq exit
+* get 2 copies of path descriptor, one to restore with, one to modify
+ lda outpath,u
+ leax dupPD,u
+ clrb SS.OPT
+ OS9 I$GetStt
+ bcs err1
+ leax modPD,u
+ clrb
+ OS9 I$GetStt
+ bcs err1
+ clrb
+ clr echo,u turn off echo
+ clr int,u ignore keyboard interupt
+ clr qut,u ignore quit
+ clr bso,u backspace overstrike
+ os9 I$SetStt
+ lbcs exit
+* parse string and change all controls to space
+ lda ,x+
+ beq fixx
+ lbsr IS_PRINT is it printable?
+ beq fixloop yes, test next
+ lda #$20 change control to space
+ sta -1,x
+ bra fixloop
+* print string at current cursor pos....
+ lda outpath,u
+ ldy maxsize,u
+ ldx strptr,u get string start
+ lbsr FPUTS print string
+ bra shiftl1 go to line start
+ pshs a save outpath
+ lda inpath,u
+ lbsr FGETC get one char
+ tfr a,b keypress to B
+ puls a restore outpath
+ lbcs out
+ cmpb bsp,u backspace?
+ bne delete no, try next
+* backspace one position
+ sty -2,s test y
+ beq loop ignore if already at start
+ lbsr bs do a backspace
+ leax -1,x 
+ bra loop
+* Delete char at cursor
+ cmpb #$10 delete char?
+ bne inspace no, try next
+ pshs d,x,y
+ ldd maxsize,u max leng
+ subd 4,s -current pos
+ tfr x,y destination
+ leax 1,x source
+ lbsr MEMMOVE
+ leax d,y end of string
+ lda #$20 put space at end of string
+ sta -1,x
+ tfr y,x
+ puls d get outpath and char
+ lbsr FPUTS reprint string
+ ldy maxsize,u
+ cmpy 2,s back up to current cur pos
+ beq del3
+ lbsr bs
+ bra del2
+ puls x,y clean up and loop 
+ bra loop
+ cmpb #$11 insert space?
+ bne shiftl no, try next
+ pshs d,x,y
+ ldd maxsize,u
+ subd 4,s
+ subd #1
+ leay 1,x X=source, Y=dest
+ lbsr MEMMOVE
+ ldb #$20 insert space in hole
+ stb ,x
+ bra del1 go reprint and loop
+* move cursor to start of line
+ cmpb #$18 shift left?
+ bne shiftr no, try next
+ bsr startln backup to start of line
+ ldx strptr,u reset x to start of line
+ bra asciix go loop
+* move cursor to end of line
+ cmpb #$19 shift right?
+ bne right
+ cmpy maxsize,u
+ bhs del4 back to loop
+ ldb ,x+ move to end by printing string
+ lbsr FPUTC
+ leay 1,y
+ bra shiftr1
+* move 1 pos right
+ cmpb #$09
+ bne maybasci
+ ldb ,x get current char and insert it
+ lbeq loop at end, don't move
+* insert ascii char into buffer
+ tstb insert ascii into buffer
+ lbmi out not ascii
+ cmpb #$20
+ lblo out
+ cmpy maxsize,u room for this?
+ blo ascii yes, insert it
+ ldb bell,u
+ lbsr FPUTC
+ bra asciix to main loop
+ stb ,x+
+ lbsr FPUTC
+ leay 1,y
+ lbra loop
+ pshs b save keypress
+ bsr startln
+ ldx strptr,u
+ lbsr FPUTS
+ leax dupPD,u get original pd
+ lda outpath,u
+ clrb
+ os9 I$SetStt
+ puls a get keypress
+ bcc out1
+ tfr b,a set error to A
+ sta outpath,s set B to error/keypress
+* when exiting CARRY will be set if error. B will contain
+* either the keypress or the error code.
+ leas vsize,s
+ puls a,b,x,y,u,pc
+* move cursor to start of line
+ sty -2,s
+ beq startlnx exit if at start
+ bsr bs
+ bne startln1
+ rts
+ pshs b
+ ldb bse,u
+ lbsr FPUTC
+ leay -1,y
+ puls b,pc
+ endsect
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lib/alib/memmove.a	Tue Mar 30 02:44:42 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+* Memory move
+* NOTE: This routine properly moves overlapping areas of memory.
+*       Uses fast move algorithm
+* ENTRY: X=source data
+*        Y=destination
+*        D=count
+* EXIT: all registers (except CC) preserved
+ nam Move Memory
+ ttl Assembler Library Module
+ psect MEMMOVE,0,0,0,0,0
+ pshs d,x,y,u
+ std -2,s test u
+ beq exit zero count, exit
+ tfr y,u use u for dest
+ tfr d,y count in y
+ cmpu 2,s compare dest. to source (x)
+ beq exit same, no need to move
+ bhi down u>x
+ bitb #1 see if odd number to move
+ beq up1
+ lda ,x+ move odd byte
+ sta ,u+
+ leay -1,y could be only one
+ beq exit
+ ldd ,x++ move 2 bytes 
+ std ,u++
+ leay -2,y count down
+ bne up1
+ bra exit
+ leau d,u u=dest end (count in D)
+ leax d,x x=source end
+ bitb #1
+ beq down2
+ lda ,-x move odd byte
+ sta ,-u
+ leay -1,y could be only one to do
+ beq exit
+ ldd ,--x get 2 bytes
+ std ,--u move them
+ leay -2,y count down
+ bne down2
+ puls d,x,y,u,pc
+ endsect
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lib/alib/memset.a	Tue Mar 30 02:44:42 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+* MEMSET: Set bytes in memory to specified value
+* ENTRY: X=start of memory
+*        Y=number of bytes to set
+*        B=character to set
+* EXIT: all registers (except cc) preserved 
+ nam Set memory
+ ttl Assembler Library Module
+ psect MEMSET,0,0,0,0,0
+ pshs x,y
+ stb ,x+
+ leay -1,y dec count
+ bne loop till zero
+ puls x,y,pc
+ endsect
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lib/alib/mktemp.a	Tue Mar 30 02:44:42 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+* This subroutine creates a temorary filename
+* by adding a "." and a 2digit hex value based
+* on the process id.
+* IMPORTANT: there must be room after the filename
+* for at least 6 bytes!! Filename must be variable
+* area, not parameter or program sections!!!
+* ENTRY: X= filename
+* EXIT: no registers (expect cc) modified
+*       filename ends in ".processid",$0d
+ nam Make Unique Filename
+ ttl Assembler Library Module
+ psect MKTEMP,0,0,0,0,0
+ pshs d,x,y
+ OS9 F$PrsNam find end of name
+ tfr y,x
+ lda #'.
+ sta ,x+ put "." in name
+ OS9 F$ID
+ tfr a,b convert to 4 digit hex
+ lbsr BIN2HEX 
+ std ,x++
+ lda #$0d end name with cr
+ sta ,x
+ puls d,x,y,pc
+ endsect
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lib/alib/mult16x16.a	Tue Mar 30 02:44:42 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+* 16 x 16 Multiply
+* ENTRY: D = multiplier
+*        X = multiplicand
+*  EXIT: Y = product 2 msbs
+*        U =    "    2 lsbs
+*        D & X preserved
+ nam 16x16 bit Multiply
+ ttl Assembler Library Module
+ psect MULT16,0,0,0,0,0
+ PSHS D,X,Y,U save #s and make stack room
+ CLR 4,S reset overflow flag
+ LDA 3,S get byte
+ STD 6,S save B x Xl
+ LDD 1,S
+ MUL B x Xh
+ ADDB 6,S
+ ADCA #0
+ STD 5,S add 1st 2 mult.
+ LDB 0,S
+ LDA 3,S
+ MUL A x Xl
+ ADDD 5,S
+ STD 5,S add result to previous
+ BCC no.ov branch if no overflow
+ INC 4,S set overflow flag
+ LDA 0,S
+ LDB 2,S
+ MUL A x Xh
+ ADDD 4,S
+ STD 4,S
+ PULS D,X,Y,U,PC return
+ endsect
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lib/alib/mult16x8.a	Tue Mar 30 02:44:42 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+* 16 x 8 Multiply (24 bit result)
+* ENTRY: A = multiplier
+*        X = multiplicand
+*  EXIT: A = product byte 1
+*        X = product bytes 2 & 3
+ nam 16x8 bit Multiply
+ ttl Assembler Library Module
+ psect MULT168,0,0,0,0,0
+ PSHS A,X save numbers
+ LEAS -3,S room for product
+ LDB 5,S get lsb of multiplicand
+ STD 1,S save partial product
+ LDD 3,S get mupltiplier & msb of multp.
+ ADDB 1,S add lsb to msb
+ ADCA #0 add carry
+ STD 0,S save sum of partial products
+ LDX 1,S get 2 lsb's
+ LEAS 6,S clean stack
+ endsect
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lib/alib/parsnstr.a	Tue Mar 30 02:44:42 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+* Parse sign bit terminated string to convert it to a
+* null terminated string. Note: if X and Y are the same
+* the existing string will be overwritten -- don't do this
+* with psects...
+* ENTRY: X=start of sign bit terminated string
+*        Y=buffer for null terminated string
+* EXIT: D=string size (not including null)
+*       All other regs (except cc) preserved
+ nam Parse sign-bit terminated string
+ ttl Assembler Library Module
+ psect PARSNSTR,0,0,0,0,0
+ pshs x
+ lbsr STRHCPY copy string
+ tfr y,x point to moved string
+ lbsr STRHLEN find length of string
+ pshs d size
+ leax d,x
+ lda ,-x get final byte
+ anda #%01111111 clear sign bit
+ clrb add null terminator
+ std ,x  
+ puls d,x,pc
+ endsect
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lib/alib/print_asc.a	Tue Mar 30 02:44:42 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+* Print binary number to standard out.
+* ENTRY: D=value to print
+* EXIT: CC carry set if error (from I$WritLn)
+*       B error code, if any
+ nam Print # as ASCII String to Std. Out
+ ttl Assembler Library Module
+ psect PRINT_ASC,0,0,0,0,0
+ pshs a,x
+ leas -18,s buffer
+ tfr s,x
+ lbsr BIN_ASC convert to ascii
+ lbsr PUTS print to standard out
+ leas 18,s clean stack
+ puls a,x,pc return with error in B
+ endsect
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lib/alib/print_dec.a	Tue Mar 30 02:44:42 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+* Print decimal number to standard out.
+* ENTRY: D=value to print
+* EXIT: CC carry set if error (from I$WritLn)
+*       B error code, if any
+ nam Print # as Decimal String to Std Out
+ ttl Assembler Library Module
+ psect PRINT_DEC,0,0,0,0,0
+ pshs a,x
+ leas -8,s buffer
+ tfr s,x
+ lbsr BIN_DEC convert to decimal 
+ lbsr PUTS print to standard out
+ leas 8,s clean stack
+ puls a,x,pc return with error in B
+ endsect
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lib/alib/print_hex.a	Tue Mar 30 02:44:42 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+* Print hex number to standard out.
+* ENTRY: D=value to print
+* EXIT: CC carry set if error (from I$WritLn)
+*       B error code, if any
+ nam Print # as Hex String to Std Out
+ ttl Assembler Library Module
+ psect PRINT_HEX,0,0,0,0,0
+ pshs a,x
+ leas -6,s buffer
+ tfr s,x
+ lbsr BIN_HEX convert to hex
+ lbsr PUTS print to standard out
+ leas 6,s clean stack
+ puls a,x,pc return with error in B
+ endsect
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lib/alib/prints.a	Tue Mar 30 02:44:42 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+* Print a program-embedded, null terminated string to standard out.
+* ENTRY: Null terminated string must follow PRINTS call
+*        eg: LBSR PRINTS
+*            fcc /this is stuff to print/
+*            fcb $0d  * a new line
+*            fcc /more stuff to print/
+*            fcb $0d,0  the end
+*            lda #xx or whatever..
+*            * the rest of the program....
+* EXIT: CC carry set if error
+*       B error code (if any)
+ nam Print Embedded String to Std. Out
+ ttl Assembler Library Module
+ psect PRINTS,0,0,0,0,0
+ pshs x,u
+ ldx 4,s get start of string (old return address)
+ tfr x,u copy it
+ tst ,u+ advance U to end of string
+ bne loop
+ stu 4,s one past null=return address
+ lbsr PUTS print from orig pos.
+ puls x,u,pc return to caller
+ endsect
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lib/alib/ptsearch.a	Tue Mar 30 02:44:42 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+* Pattern Search
+* ENTRY: X=start of memory to search
+*        U=end of memory
+*        Y=start of pattern
+*        D=size of pattern
+*        CASEMTCH (a global variable in COMPARE) =0 if A<>a, -1 if A=a
+* EXIT: X=address of match if found, unchanged if no match
+*       CC zero set if match, clear for no-match
+*       A,B,U,Y preserved
+ nam Pattern Search
+ ttl Assembler Library Module
+ psect PTSEARCH,0,0,0,0,0
+* set up stack frame for variables
+ csect
+pattend rmb 2 end of pattern in memory
+memend  rmb 2 realend-pattern size
+patsize rmb 2 saved <D>
+memstrt rmb 2 saved <X>
+patstrt rmb 2 saved <Y>
+realend rmb 2 saved <U>
+ endsect
+ pshs d,x,y,u
+ leas -4,s room for temps
+ tfr u,d end of memory to check
+ subd patsize,s end-pattern size
+ std memend,s where we stop looking
+ ldd patstrt,s
+ addd patsize,s
+ std pattend,s
+* loop here looking for a match of the first characters
+ cmpx memend,s raeched end of memory
+ bhs nomatch
+ lda ,x+ get char from memory
+ ldb ,y compare to pattern
+ lbsr COMPARE compare them
+ bne inmatch keep looking for inital match
+* see if rest of pattern matches
+ tfr x,u save pointer
+ leay 1,y already matched that one
+ cmpy pattend,s all chars matched, go home happy
+ beq match
+ lda ,x+
+ ldb ,y+
+ lbsr COMPARE
+ beq more1 keep matching
+ tfr u,x match fails, backup and do more
+ ldy patstrt,s start of pattern
+ bra inmatch
+ lda #1 clear zero
+ bra exit
+ leau -1,u start of match
+ stu memstrt,s where pattern starts
+ clra set zero flag=found
+ leas 4,s clean stack
+ puls d,x,y,u,pc
+ endsect
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lib/alib/putc.a	Tue Mar 30 02:44:42 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+* Put single character to standard out.
+* ENTRY: B=character to print
+* EXIT: CC carry set if error
+*       B=error code if any
+ nam Print Char to Std. Out
+ ttl Assembler Library Module
+ psect PUTC,0,0,0,0,0
+ pshs a
+ lda #1 stn out
+ bsr FPUTC
+ puls a,pc
+ endsect
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lib/alib/putcr.a	Tue Mar 30 02:44:42 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+* Subroutine to print a carriage return to std. out.
+* ENTRY: none
+* EXIT: CC carry set if error (from I$WritLn)
+*       B  error code if any.
+ nam Output Carriage Return to Std. Out
+ ttl Assembler Library Module
+ psect PUTCR,0,0,0,0,0
+ pshs a
+ lda #1 std out
+ lbsr FPUTCR
+ puls a,pc
+ endsect
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lib/alib/puts.a	Tue Mar 30 02:44:42 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+* Print a null terminated string to standard out.
+* ENTRY: X=string to print
+* EXIT: CC carry set if error
+*       B error code (if any)
+ nam Print String to Std. Out
+ ttl Assembler Library Module
+ psect PUTS,0,0,0,0,0
+ pshs a
+ lda #1 std out
+ lbsr FPUTS
+ puls a,pc
+ endsect
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lib/alib/putspace.a	Tue Mar 30 02:44:42 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+* Subroutine to print a space to std. out
+* ENTRY: none
+* EXIT: CC carry set if error (from I$WritLn)
+*       B  error code if any.
+ nam Output One Space Char. to Std. Out
+ ttl Assembler Library Module
+ psect PUTSPACE,0,0,0,0,0
+ pshs a
+ lda #1
+ puls a,pc
+ endsect
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lib/alib/puty.a	Tue Mar 30 02:44:42 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+* Put the word in Y to std out
+* ENTRY: Y=value to save
+* EXIT: CC carry set if error
+*       B=error code if any
+ nam Save word to std out
+ ttl Assembler Library Module
+ psect PUTY,0,0,0,0,0
+ pshs a
+ lda #1 stn out
+ bsr FPUTY
+ puls a,pc
+ endsect
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lib/alib/rnd.a	Tue Mar 30 02:44:42 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+* Subroutine to calc. a random number
+* Based on routine by L.A. Middaugh
+*                     The Rainbow Jan/85 p. 277
+* Value truncated so that it is =>0 and <=passed value in D.
+* ENTRY: D=max value of number to be returned
+* EXIT:  D = value
+ nam Rnd
+ ttl Assembler Library Module
+ psect Rnd,0,0,0,0,0
+ vsect dp
+SEED rmb 4
+ endsect
+ pshs d,x,u
+ ldx #SEED point to seed
+ ldb #8 number of shifts
+ lda 3,x exclusive or bit 28 with 31
+ rora
+ rora
+ rora
+ eora 3,x
+ rora  result in carry
+ rora
+ ror 0,x rotate carry into bit0
+ ror 1,x
+ ror 2,x
+ ror 3,x
+ decb do 8 times
+ bne loop
+ ldd 1,x get rnd value
+ bne trunc ensure we never return a 0
+ inc 1,x fudge it so we get a non-zero
+ inc 3,x 
+ bra rnd0
+ cmpd ,s in range specified?
+ bls exit yes
+ subd ,s
+ bra trunc
+ leas 2,s forget original D
+ puls x,u,pc
+* Subroutine to seed the random number buffer
+* with the current system date
+* ENTRY: none
+* EXIT:  none
+ pshs d,x
+ leas -6,s make room for date
+ tfr s,x point X to buffer
+ os9 F$Time
+ addd 4,x add min/secs to value in D
+ addd <SEED add to orig value
+ std <SEED set msb of seed
+ addd <SEED+2 add lsb of seed to new msb
+ std <SEED+2
+ leas 6,s
+ puls d,x,pc
+ endsect
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lib/alib/sho_regs.a	Tue Mar 30 02:44:42 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+* Display the 6809 registers to standard error
+* ENTRY: none
+* EXIT: none
+* NOTE: The value used for PC is that of the calling routine
+*       S is assumed to be 2 greater than actual to comp for
+*       the subroutine call...
+ nam Show Register Values
+ ttl Assembler Library Module
+ psect SHO_REGS,0,0,0,0,0
+ csect
+count rmb 1 counter for 9 regs.
+buffer rmb 8 buffer for ascii strings
+cc.r rmb 1 offsets to access values
+a.r  rmb 1
+b.r  rmb 1
+dp.r rmb 1
+x.r  rmb 2
+y.r  rmb 2
+u.r  rmb 2
+s.r  rmb 2
+pc.r rmb 2
+ endsect
+ leas -2,s room for copy of <S>
+ pshs cc,a,b,dp,x,y,u save rest
+ leas -cc.r,s room for ascii strings
+ tfr s,x
+ leax pc.r,x get old <S>
+ stx s.r,s stick on stack
+ leay cc.r,s point to regs
+ leau text,pcr register names
+ clr count,s int. counter
+* now we loop and display all the registers
+ leax buffer,s point to ascii buffer
+ ldd ,u++ get reg. name
+ std ,x++
+ lda #'= add a "="
+ sta ,x+
+ lda count,s 1st 4 are 1 byte
+ cmpa #4
+ bhs loop2 no, do a 2byte
+ ldb ,y+ get single value
+ lbsr BIN2HEX
+ std ,x save ascii number
+ clr 2,x
+ bra report go report
+ cmpa #9 done all?
+ bhs exit yes, go home
+ ldd ,y++ get reg value
+ lbsr BIN_HEX convert it
+* report reg. value
+ leax buffer,s start of buffer
+ lda #2 std err
+ lbsr FPUTS print it
+ ldb #$20 space
+ lbsr FPUTC
+ inc count,s do next reg
+ bra loop1
+ ldb #$0d
+ lda #2
+ lbsr FPUTC start new line
+ leas cc.r,s clear up stack
+ puls cc,a,b,dp,x,y,u
+ leas 2,s
+ rts go home
+ fcc /cc/
+ fcc / a/
+ fcc / b/
+ fcc /dp/
+ fcc / x/
+ fcc / y/
+ fcc / u/
+ fcc / s/
+ fcc /pc/
+ endsect
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lib/alib/stimestr.a	Tue Mar 30 02:44:42 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+* Get current system time as an ascii string.
+* ENTRY:  X=buffer for ascii
+* EXIT: all registers preserved (except cc)
+ nam Get System Time String
+ ttl Assembler Library Module
+ psect STIMESTR,0,0,0,0,0
+ pshs x,y
+ tfr x,y ascii buffer to Y
+ leas -7,s buffer for time packet
+ tfr s,x
+ os9 F$Time get system time
+ lbsr DATESTR convert to ascii in Y buffer
+ leas 7,s
+ puls x,y,pc
+ endsect
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lib/alib/strcat.a	Tue Mar 30 02:44:42 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+* STRCAT: append 2 null terminated strings
+*         User must ensure there is room in buffer!!!
+* ENTRY: X=start of string to move
+*        Y=start of string to append to
+* EXIT: all regs preserved (except cc)
+ nam Append 2 null terminated strings
+ ttl Assembler Library Module
+ psect STRCAT,0,0,0,0,0
+ pshs d,x,y
+ exg x,y
+ lbsr STRLEN find end of appended string
+ leax d,x point to end of "buffer"
+ exg x,y
+ lbsr STRCPY copy string
+ puls d,x,y,pc
+ endsect
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lib/alib/strcmp.a	Tue Mar 30 02:44:42 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+* STRCMP: compare two null terminated strings.
+* NOTE: This routine first finds the length of both
+*       strings and passes the length of the longer
+*       one to strncmp.
+* ENTRY: X=start of 1st string
+*        Y=start of 2nd string
+* EXIT: CC zero set  if equal (beq)
+*          carry + zero clear if 1>2 (bhi)
+*          carry set if 1<2 (blo)
+ nam Compare Strings
+ ttl Assembler Library Module
+ psect STRCMP,0,0,0,0,0
+ pshs d
+ lbsr STRLEN find len of str1
+ pshs d
+ exg y,x find len of str2
+ lbsr STRLEN
+ exg y,x restore ptrs
+ cmpd ,s
+ bhi ok
+ ldd ,s get bigger value
+ leas 2,s clean stack
+ lbsr STRNCMP go compare
+ puls d,pc go home
+ endsect
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lib/alib/strcpy.a	Tue Mar 30 02:44:42 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+* STRCPY: copy a null terminated string
+*         User must ensure there is room in buffer!!!
+* ENTRY: X=start of string to move
+*        Y=buffer for copy of string
+* EXIT: all regs preserved (except cc)
+ nam Copy Null Term. String
+ ttl Assembler Library Module
+ psect STRCPY,0,0,0,0,0
+ pshs d
+ ldd #$ffff pass very long value to STRNCPY
+ lbsr STRNCPY move it
+ puls d,pc
+ endsect
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lib/alib/strhcpy.a	Tue Mar 30 02:44:42 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+* STRHCPY: copy sign-bit terminated string
+*          User must ensure there is room in buffer!!!
+*          See also PARSNSTR, this routine does not change
+*          sign-bit termination.
+* OTHER MODULES NEEDED: strhlen,memmove
+* ENTRY: X=start of string to move
+*        Y=buffer for copy of string
+* EXIT:  all regs preserved (except cc)
+ nam Copy sign-bit terminated String
+ ttl Assembler Library Module
+ psect STRHCPY,0,0,0,0,0
+ pshs d
+ lbsr STRHLEN find length of string
+ lbsr MEMMOVE move it
+ puls d,pc
+ endsect
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lib/alib/strhlen.a	Tue Mar 30 02:44:42 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+* String Length: find length of sign-bit terminated string.
+*          note: sign-bit set byte IS included in count.
+* ENTRY: X=start of string
+* EXIT: D=length
+*       all other regs (except cc) preserved
+ nam Find sign-bit term. String Length
+ ttl Assembler Library Module
+ psect STRHLEN,0,0,0,0,0
+ pshs x
+ clra it'll be at least one byte long
+ clrb
+ addd #1 bump count
+ tst ,x+ end?
+ bpl loop
+ puls x,pc
+ endsect
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lib/alib/strlen.a	Tue Mar 30 02:44:42 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+* String Length: find length of null terminated string.
+*  note:null NOT included in count.
+* ENTRY: X=start of string
+* EXIT: D=length
+*       all other regs (except cc) preserved
+ nam Find String Length
+ ttl Assembler Library Module
+ psect STRLEN,0,0,0,0,0
+ pshs x
+ ldd #-1 comp for inital inc
+ addd #1 bump count
+ tst ,x+ end?
+ bne loop
+ puls x,pc
+ endsect
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lib/alib/strncmp.a	Tue Mar 30 02:44:42 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+* STRNCMP: compare 2 null terminated strings
+*          maximum number of bytes to compare in D
+* ENTRY: X=start of 1st string
+*        Y=start of 2nd string
+*        D=number of bytes to compare
+*        CASEMTCH:(a global variable in COMPARE)
+*                 0=match for case
+*                -1=ignore case differences
+* EXIT: CC zero set  if equal (beq)
+*          carry + zero clear if 1>2 (bhi)
+*          carry set if 1<2 (blo)
+ nam Compare 2 Strings
+ ttl Assembler Library Module
+ psect STRNCMP,0,0,0,0,0
+ pshs d,x,y,u
+ tfr y,u U=string2
+ tfr d,y use Y for counter
+ leay 1,y comp for initial dec.
+ leay -1,y count down
+ beq exit no miss-matches
+ lda ,x+ get 2 to compare
+ ldb ,u+
+ lbsr COMPARE go compare chars.
+ beq loop chars match, do more
+* exit with flags set. Do a beq, bhi or blo to correct
+* routines....
+ puls d,x,y,u,pc
+ endsect
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lib/alib/strncpy.a	Tue Mar 30 02:44:42 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+* STRNCPY: copy N bytes of a null terminated string
+*          User must ensure there is room in buffer!!!
+*          If N>string length only N bytes will be moved
+* ENTRY: X=start of string to move
+*        Y=buffer for copy of string
+* EXIT: D = actual number of bytes moved
+*       all other regs preserved (except cc)
+ nam Copy partial String
+ ttl Assembler Library Module
+ psect STRNCPY,0,0,0,0,0
+ pshs d bytes wanted to move
+ lbsr STRLEN find length of string
+ addd #1 move NULL also
+ cmpd ,s get smaller of passed/actual size
+ bls skip use actual leng
+ ldd ,s use passed leng²²
+ lbsr MEMMOVE move it
+ leas 2,s
+ rts
+ endsect
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lib/alib/to_lower.a	Tue Mar 30 02:44:42 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+* Convert character in "B" to lowercase
+* ENTRY: B=ascii value of character to convert
+* EXIT: B=ascii value of character in lowercase
+* Note: control codes, etc. are not effected.
+ nam Convert Char to Lowercase
+ ttl Assembler Library Module
+ psect TO_LOWER,0,0,0,0,0
+ pshs cc
+ lbsr IS_UPPER only uppercase can be converted
+ bne tolox no upper, exit
+ addb #$20 make lowercase
+ puls cc,pc
+ endsect
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lib/alib/to_lowrs.a	Tue Mar 30 02:44:42 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+* convert a null terminated string to all lowercase
+* ENTRY: X=start of string
+* EXIT:  all registers  preserved
+ nam Convert String to Lowercase
+ ttl Assembler Library Module
+ psect TO_LOWRS,0,0,0,0,0
+ pshs cc,b,x
+ ldb ,x get char to check
+ beq exit exit if all done
+ bsr TO_LOWER convert to upper 
+ stb ,x+ put back in string
+ bra loop loop till done
+ puls cc,b,x,pc
+ endsect
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lib/alib/to_non_sp.a	Tue Mar 30 02:44:42 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+* Advance X to 1st non-space character
+* ENTRY: X=somewhere in a string
+* EXIT: X=1st non-space character in string
+*       B=char at X
+ nam Advance to non-space
+ ttl Assembler Library Module
+ psect TO_NON_SP,0,0,0,0,0
+ ldb ,x+
+ cmpb #$20 is it space?
+ beq TO_NON_SP yes, loop
+ leax -1,x point to non-space
+ rts
+ endsect
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lib/alib/to_sp.a	Tue Mar 30 02:44:42 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+* Advance X to 1st space character
+* ENTRY: X=somewhere in a string
+* EXIT: X=1st space character in string
+ nam Advance to space
+ ttl Assembler Library Module
+ psect TO_SP,0,0,0,0,0
+ pshs b
+ ldb ,x+
+ cmpb #$20 is it space?
+ bne spl no, loop
+ leax -1,x point to space
+ puls b,pc
+ endsect
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lib/alib/to_upper.a	Tue Mar 30 02:44:42 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+* Convert character in "B" to uppercase
+* ENTRY: B=ascii value of character to convert
+* EXIT: B=ascii value of character in uppercase
+* Note: control codes, etc. are not effected.
+ nam Convert Char to Uppercase
+ ttl Assembler Library Module
+ psect TO_UPPER,0,0,0,0,0
+ pshs cc
+ lbsr IS_LOWER only lowercase can be converted to upper
+ bne toupx
+ subb #$20 make uppercase
+ puls cc,pc
+ endsect
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lib/alib/to_upprs.a	Tue Mar 30 02:44:42 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+* convert a null terminated string to all uppercase
+* ENTRY: X=start of string
+* EXIT:  all registers (except CC) preserved
+ nam Convert String to Uppercase
+ ttl Assembler Library Module
+ psect TO_UPPRS,0,0,0,0,0
+ pshs cc,b,x
+ ldb ,x get char to check
+ beq exit exit if all done
+ bsr TO_UPPER convert to upper 
+ stb ,x+ put back in string
+ bra loop
+ puls cc,b,x,pc
+ endsect
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lib/alib/windefs.a	Tue Mar 30 02:44:42 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+* This file contains the names for the various window
+* commands avail for CoCo3 Level 2 OS9.
+* History: File created 88/04/24 - Bob van der Poel
+* Note that all these constants begin with a "W"
+ ttl Window Definitions
+ psect Windefs,0,0,0,0,0
+WBColor:   equ $1b33 background color
+WBoldSw:   equ $1b3d bold switch
+WBorder:   equ $1b34 border color
+WCWArea:   equ $1b25 change working area
+WDefColr:  equ $1b30 set default color
+WDfnGPBuf: equ $1b28 define get/put buffer
+WDWEnd:    equ $1b24 device window end
+WDWProtSw: equ $1b36 device window protect
+WDWSet:    equ $1b20 device window set
+WFColor:   equ $1b32 foreground color
+WFont:     equ $1b3a select font
+WGCSet:    equ $1b39 graphics cursor set
+WGetBlk:   equ $1b2c get block
+WGPLoad:   equ $1b2b get/put buffer load
+WKilBuf:   equ $1b2a kill get/put buffer
+WLSet:     equ $1b2f logic set
+WOWEnd:    equ $1b23 overlay window end
+WOWSet:    equ $1b22 overlay window set
+WPalette:  equ $1b31 change palette
+WPropSw:   equ $1b3f proportional switch
+WPSet:     equ $1b2e Pattern set
+WPutBlk:   equ $1b2d put block
+WScaleSw:  equ $1b35 scale switch
+WSelect:   equ $1b21 select window
+WTCharSw:  equ $1b3c transparent char switch
+* drawing commands
+WArc3P:    equ $1b52 draw arc
+WBar:      equ $1b4a draw bar
+WRBar:     equ $1b4b draw bar relative
+WBox:      equ $1b48 draw box
+WRBox:     equ $1b49 draw box relative
+WCircle:   equ $1b50 draw circle
+WEllipse:  equ $1b51 draw ellipse
+WFFill:    equ $1b4f flood fill
+WLine:     equ $1b44 draw line
+WRLine:    equ $1b45 draw line relative
+WLineM:    equ $1b46 draw line and move
+WRLineM:   equ $1b47 draw line relative and move
+WPoint:    equ $1b42 set point
+WRPoint:   equ $1b43 set point relative
+WPutGC:    equ $1b4e put graphics cursor
+WSetDPtr:  equ $1b40 set draw pointer
+WRSetDPtr: equ $1b41 set draw pointer relative
+* Text commands
+* these are one byte codes...
+WHomeCur:    equ $01 home cursor
+WPosCur:     equ $02 position cursor
+WErasLn:     equ $03 erase line
+WErasEOL:    equ $04 erase to end of line
+WErasEOS:    equ $0b erase to end of screen
+WErase:      equ $0c erase screen and home cursor
+WCurR:       equ $06 move cursor right one pos
+WCurL:       equ $08 move cursor left one pos
+WCurUp:      equ $09 move cursor up one line
+WCurDn:      equ $0a move cursor down one line
+WBell:       equ $07 rings terminal bell
+WCr:         equ $0d sends a carriage return
+* two byte codes...
+WCurOff:     equ $0520 turn off cursor
+WCurOn:      equ $0521 turn  on cursor
+WRvOn:       equ $1f20 reverse video on
+WRvOff:      equ $1f21 reverse video off
+WUlOn:       equ $1f22 underlining on
+WUlOff:      equ $1f23 underlineing off
+WBlnkOn:     equ $1f24 blinking on
+WBlnkOff:    equ $1f25 blinking off
+WInsLn:      equ $1f30 insert line at cursor
+WDelLn:      equ $1f31 delete current line
+ endsect
--- a/lib/makefile	Wed Mar 17 13:17:38 2010 +0000
+++ b/lib/makefile	Tue Mar 30 02:44:42 2010 +0000
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 include $(NITROS9DIR)/rules.mak
-all: sys6809l1.l sys6809l2.l sys6309l2.l
+all: sys6809l1.l sys6809l2.l sys6309l2.l net.l alib.l
 sys6809l1.l: sys6809l1.a
@@ -8,5 +8,11 @@
 sys6309l2.l: sys6309l2.a
+net.l: net.a
+	cd alib; make; cp alib.l ..
 	$(RM) *.l *.r
+	$(RM) alib/*.r
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/lib/net.a	Tue Mar 30 02:44:42 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
+* net - network routines
+* $Id$
+* Edt/Rev  YYYY/MM/DD  Modified by
+* Comment
+* ------------------------------------------------------------------
+*   1      2010/01/08  Boisy G. Pitre
+* Started.
+               nam       net.a
+               ttl       network routines
+               psect     net_a,0,0,0,0,0
+               vsect
+nbufferl       equ       128
+nbuffer        rmb       nbufferl
+               endsect
+space          fcb       C$SPAC
+devnam         fcs       "/N"
+getopts        leax      nbuffer,u
+               ldb       #SS.Opt
+               os9       I$GetStt
+               rts
+setopts        leax      nbuffer,u
+               ldb       #SS.Opt
+               os9       I$SetStt
+               rts
+* Set Echo
+* Entry: A = path to network device
+* Exit:
+*        Success: CC carry clear 
+*        Failure: CC carry set, B = error code
+SetEcho:       pshs      a,x
+               bsr       getopts
+               bcs       rawex           
+               ldb       #1
+               stb       PD.EKO-PD.OPT,x
+               bsr       setopts
+               puls      a,x,pc
+* Set Auto Linefeed
+* Entry: A = path to network device
+* Exit:
+*        Success: CC carry clear 
+*        Failure: CC carry set, B = error code
+SetAutoLF:     pshs      a,x
+               bsr       getopts
+               bcs       rawex           
+               ldb       #1
+               stb       PD.ALF-PD.OPT,x
+               bsr       setopts
+               puls      a,x,pc
+* Put the path passed in A in raw mode
+* Entry: A = path to network device
+* Exit:
+*        Success: CC carry clear 
+*        Failure: CC carry set, B = error code
+RawPath:       pshs      a,x
+               bsr       getopts
+               bcs       rawex
+               leax      PD.UPC-PD.OPT,x
+               ldb       #PD.QUT-PD.UPC 
+rawloop        clr       ,x+
+               decb
+               bpl       rawloop
+               bsr       setopts
+rawex          puls      a,x,pc
+* Attempts to open and setup a path to the TCP server
+* Exit:
+*        Success: A = path to network device, CC carry clear 
+*        Failure: B = error code, CC carry set
+TCPOpen:       pshs      x,y
+               lda       #UPDAT.
+               leax      devnam,pcr
+               os9       I$Open
+               puls      x,y,pc
+* Informs the server that we are killing a session
+* Entry: A = path to network device
+*        Y = pointer to token string (nul terminated)
+* Exit:
+*        Success: CC carry clear 
+*        Failure: CC carry set, B = error code
+TCPKill:       pshs      a,x,y
+               leax      tcpkill,pcr
+               ldy       #tcpkilll
+               os9       I$Write
+               lbcs      connectex
+               bra       writeport
+* Informs the server that we are joining a session
+* Entry: A = path to network device
+*        Y = pointer to token string (nul terminated)
+* Exit:
+*        Success: CC carry clear 
+*        Failure: CC carry set, B = error code
+TCPJoin:       pshs      a,x,y
+               leax      tcpjoin,pcr
+               ldy       #tcpjoinl
+               os9       I$Write
+               lbcs      connectex
+               bra       writeport
+* Attempts to connect to a TCP/IP host via the server
+* Entry: A = path to network device
+*        X = pointer to host name string (nul terminated)
+*        Y = pointer to port string (nul terminated)
+* Exit:
+*        Success: CC carry clear 
+*        Failure: CC carry set, B = error code
+               pshs      a,x,y
+               leax      tcpconnect,pcr
+               ldy       #tcpconnectl
+               os9       I$Write
+               bcs       connectex
+               ldx       1,s
+               lbsr      STRLEN
+               tfr       d,y
+               lda       ,s
+               os9       I$Write
+* write space
+               leax      space,pcr
+               ldy       #1
+               os9       I$Write          
+* write port (we worry about response later)
+writeport      ldx       3,s            get original Y on stack
+               pshs      a
+               lbsr      STRLEN
+               tfr       d,y
+               puls      a
+               os9       I$Write
+               leax      acr,pcr
+               ldy       #1
+               os9       I$WritLn
+* read response from server
+* Entry: A = path
+               leax      nbuffer,u
+               ldy       #nbufferl
+               os9       I$ReadLn
+               bcs       connectex
+               lda       ,x
+               cmpa      #'F
+               bne       connectex
+* failure case: read number and return it with carry set
+               leax      5,x             skip over "FAIL "
+               lbsr      DEC_BIN         error will fit in B
+               coma                      set carry
+connectex      puls      a,x,y,pc
+acr            fcb       C$CR
+* Requests to listen on a port
+* Entry: A = path to network device
+*        X = pointer to parameter string (nul terminated)
+* Exit:
+*        Success: CC carry clear 
+*        Failure: CC carry set, B = error code
+TCPListen:     pshs      a,x,y
+               leax      tcplisten,pcr
+               ldy       #tcplistenl
+               os9       I$Write
+               bcs       connectex
+               ldx       1,s
+               lbsr      STRLEN
+               tfr       d,y
+               lda       ,s
+               os9       I$Write
+               leax      acr,pcr
+               ldy       #1
+               os9       I$WritLn
+               bra       readresponse
+* Disconnects the TCP/IP host via the server
+* Entry: A = path to network device
+* Exit:
+*        Success: CC carry clear 
+*        Failure: B = error code, CC carry set
+TCPDisconnect: os9        I$Close
+               rts
+tcpconnect     fcc         'tcp connect '
+tcpconnectl    equ         *-tcpconnect
+tcplisten      fcc         'tcp listen '
+tcplistenl     equ         *-tcplisten
+tcpjoin        fcc         'tcp join '
+tcpjoinl       equ         *-tcpjoin
+tcpkill        fcc         'tcp kill '
+tcpkilll       equ         *-tcpkill
+               endsect