changeset 2979:978396f33bb2

Move bootman to 3rdparty/wip and add a ReadMe file
author Tormod Volden <>
date Sat, 05 Apr 2014 10:19:12 +0200
parents 683a924462c8
children f41c4caac519
files 3rdparty/wip/bootman/ReadMe 3rdparty/wip/bootman/ 3rdparty/wip/bootman/ 3rdparty/wip/bootman/ 3rdparty/wip/bootman/ 3rdparty/wip/bootman/ 3rdparty/wip/bootman/ 3rdparty/wip/bootman/makefile bootman/ bootman/ bootman/ bootman/ bootman/ bootman/ bootman/makefile
diffstat 15 files changed, 444 insertions(+), 439 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/3rdparty/wip/bootman/ReadMe	Sat Apr 05 10:19:12 2014 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+BootMan - a modular boot manager
+BootMan is a bootstrap mechanism for NitrOS-9 or any other OS, started on
+by Boisy Pitre in 2008.
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/3rdparty/wip/bootman/	Sat Apr 05 10:19:12 2014 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+         NAM    boot_config
+         TTL    Boot manager configuration
+         SECTION code
+* autoboot (1 = yes, 0 = no, use menu)
+cfg_auto: fcb    0
+* list of booters to be tried (in order, $0000 terminates list)
+* entry format:  booter entry point, address, device ID
+cfg_boot: fdb    llbt_1773,$FF40,0
+          fdb    llbt_1773,$FF40,1
+*          fdb    llbt_tc3,$FF70,0
+*          fdb    llbt_ide,$FF50,0
+          fdb    $0000
+         ENDSECT
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/3rdparty/wip/bootman/	Sat Apr 05 10:19:12 2014 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+         NAM    bootman
+         TTL    Boot Manager
+BOOTTRACK equ   0
+         SECTION __os9
+TYPE     EQU    $11          Prgrm($10)+Objct($01)
+ATTR     EQU    $80          REEntrent
+REV      EQU    $00          Revision level
+         ENDSECT
+TOP      EQU   $FE00
+* The entry point of the boot manager
+* Entry: stack is set up, U points to static storage
+         SECTION bss
+sectptr  rmb    2
+         ENDSECT
+         SECTION code
+__start  EXPORT
+entry    lbsr   mach_init   initialize the machine we're running on
+         leas   entry,pcr   set up stack
+         leau   entry-256,pcr set up static storage
+         leax   entry-512,pcr set up sector buffer pointer
+         stx    sectptr,u
+         leax   welcome,pcr
+         bsr    writestr
+* start booter calling
+         leax   cfg_boot,pcr
+         ldy    ,x             get address of booter
+         beq    bootup         if 0, try again
+* call booter's get info entry
+         leax   attempt,pcr
+         bsr    writestr
+         jsr    12,y
+         bsr    writestr
+         leax   crlf,pcr
+         bsr    writestr
+loop     bra    loop
+attempt  fcc     "Attempting to boot from "
+         fcb     0
+welcome  fcc     "NitrOS-9 Boot Manager"
+crlf     fcb     13,10
+         fcb     0
+* Helpful routines
+* writestr - write string to output handler
+* Entry:
+*   X = address of string (nul terminated)
+* Preserves:
+*   Y
+         pshs    y
+         leay    llio,pcr
+         lda     ,x+
+         beq     writedone
+         jsr     3,y
+         bra     writeloop
+         puls    y,pc
+         ENDSECT
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/3rdparty/wip/bootman/	Sat Apr 05 10:19:12 2014 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+         NAM    llbt_1773
+         TTL    WD1773 low-level booter
+         SECTION code
+         lbsr   llinit
+         lbsr   llread
+         lbsr   llwrite
+         lbsr   llterm
+         lbsr   llinfo
+         rts
+llinfo   leax   info,pcr
+         rts
+info     fcc    "Floppy disk drive"
+         fcb    0
+         ENDSECT
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/3rdparty/wip/bootman/	Sat Apr 05 10:19:12 2014 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+         NAM    llio_coco3
+         TTL    CoCo 3 low-level I/O handler
+         SECTION code
+         lbsr   llinit
+         lbsr   llread
+         lbsr   llwrite
+         lbsr   llterm
+********** I/O ROUTINES ********** 
+* 6551 Parameters
+ADDR           EQU       $FF68
+A_RXD          EQU       ADDR+$00
+A_TXD          EQU       ADDR+$00
+A_STATUS       EQU       ADDR+$01
+A_RESET        EQU       ADDR+$01
+A_CMD          EQU       ADDR+$02
+A_CTRL         EQU       ADDR+$03
+* Baud rates
+_B2400         EQU       $1A                 2400 bps, 8-N-1
+_B4800         EQU       $1C                 4800 bps, 8-N-1
+_B9600         EQU       $1E                 9600 bps, 8-N-1
+_B19200        EQU       $1F                 19200 bps, 8-N-1
+BAUD           EQU       _B9600
+* ll_init - Initialize the low-level I/O
+* Exit: Carry = 0: Init success; Carry = 1; Init failed
+               sta       A_RESET             soft reset (value not important)
+* Set specific modes and functions:
+* - no parity, no echo, no Tx interrupt
+* - no Rx interrupt, enable Tx/Rx
+               lda       #$0B
+               sta       A_CMD               save to command register
+               lda       #BAUD
+               sta       A_CTRL              select proper baud rate
+* Read any junk rx byte that may be in the register
+               lda       A_RXD
+               rts       
+* llread - Read one character from 6551
+* Entry: None
+* Exit:  A = character that was read
+* Note, this routine currently doesn't timeout
+r              lda       A_STATUS            get status byte
+               anda      #$08                mask rx buffer status flag
+               beq       r                   loop if rx buffer empty
+               lda       A_RXD               get byte from ACIA data port
+               rts       
+* llwrite - Write one character to 6551
+* Entry: A = character to write
+* Exit:  None
+               pshs      a                   save byte to write
+w              lda       A_STATUS            get status byte
+               anda      #$10                mask tx buffer status flag
+               beq       w                   loop if tx buffer full
+               puls      a                   get byte
+               sta       A_TXD               save to ACIA data port
+               rts       
+               rts
+               IFNE      0
+* llwout - Write an entire string
+* llwerr - Write an entire string
+               pshs      a
+l@             lda       ,x+
+               cmpa      #C$CR
+               beq       e@
+               leay      -1,y
+               beq       f@
+               bsr       Write
+               bra       l@
+e@             bsr       Write
+               lda       #C$LF
+               bsr       Write
+f@             ldx       <buffptr
+               clrb      
+               puls      a,pc
+* ReadLine - Read an entire string, up to CR
+* Entry: X = address to place string being read (CR terminated)
+*        Y = maximum number of bytes to read (including nul byte)
+               ldx       <buffptr
+               pshs      y,x,a
+               ldy       #80
+l@             bsr       Read                read 1 character
+               cmpa      #C$CR               carriage return?
+               beq       e@                  branch if so...
+               cmpa      #$08                backspace?
+               beq       bs@
+               cmpy      #$0000              anymore room?
+               beq       l@
+               leay      -1,y                back up one char
+               sta       ,x+                 and save in input buffer
+m@             bsr       Write               echo back out
+               bra       l@
+e@             sta       ,x
+               bsr       Write
+               lda       #C$LF
+               bsr       Write
+               clrb      
+               puls      a,x,y,pc
+bs@            cmpx      1,s                 are we at start
+               beq       l@                  if so, do nothing
+               clr       ,-x                 else erase last byte
+               lbsr      Write               write backspace
+               lda       #C$SPAC             a space...
+               lbsr      Write               write it
+               leay      1,y                 count back up free char
+               lda       #$08                another backspace
+               bra       m@
+               ENDC
+         ENDSECT
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/3rdparty/wip/bootman/	Sat Apr 05 10:19:12 2014 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+         NAM    mach_coco
+         TTL    CoCo machine routines
+         SECTION code
+PIA0Base equ   $FF00
+PIA1Base equ   $FF20
+* CoCo 1/2 Initialization Code
+         ldx   #PIA1Base               PIA1
+         clr   -3,x                    clear PIA0 Control Register A
+         clr   -1,x                    clear PIA0 Control Register B
+         clr   -4,x                    set PIA0 side A to input
+         ldd   #$FF34
+         sta   -2,x                    set PIA0 side B to output
+         stb   -3,x                    enable PIA0 peripheral reg, disable PIA0
+         stb   -1,x                    MPU interrupts, set CA2, CA1 to outputs
+         clr   1,x                     $FF20 = DDR, motoroff
+         clr   3,x                     $FF22 = DDR, sound disabled
+         deca                          A = $FE after deca
+         sta   ,x                      bits 1-7 are outputs, bit 0 is input on PIA1 side A
+         lda   #$F8
+         sta   2,x                     bits 0-2 are inputs, bits 3-7 are outputs on B side
+         stb   1,x                     enable peripheral registers, disable PIA1 MPU
+         stb   3,x                     interrupts and set CA2, CB2 as outputs
+         clr   2,x                     set 6847 mode to alphanumeric
+         ldb   #$02
+         stb   ,x                      make RS-232 output marking
+         clrb
+         tfr   b,dp                    B = 0
+         ldb   #$04
+         clr   -2,x
+         bitb  2,x
+         lda   #$37
+         sta   PIA1Base+3
+         lda   PIA0Base+3
+         ora   #$01
+         sta   PIA0Base+3
+         lda   PIA1Base+2
+         anda  #$07
+         sta   PIA1Base+2
+* 64K DRAM (M0=0, M1=1)
+         sta   $FFDA                   RESET M0
+         sta   $FFDD                   SET   M1
+         rts
+         ENDSECT
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/3rdparty/wip/bootman/	Sat Apr 05 10:19:12 2014 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+         NAM    mach_coco
+         TTL    CoCo machine routines
+         SECTION code
+PIA0Base equ   $FF00
+PIA1Base equ   $FF20
+DAT.Regs equ   $FFA0
+* CoCo 3 Initialization Code
+         clr   $FFD9      go into fast mode
+* Setup MMU
+         ldx   #DAT.Regs
+         leay  MMUTbl,pcr
+         ldb   #16      
+MMULoop  lda   ,y+      
+         sta   ,x+
+         decb
+         bne   MMULoop
+* Setup video
+         leau  CC3Regs,pcr      point to video setup data
+         ldx   #$FF90
+Loop1    ldd   ,u++             get the bytes
+         std   ,x++             save in the hardware
+         cmpx  #$FFA0
+         bcs   Loop1
+* Set palettes up
+         leau  PalTbl,pcr
+         ldy   #$FFB0           palette register
+         ldb   #16
+         lbsr  CopyRtn
+* Initialize PIAs
+         ldx   #PIA1Base  RG - Initialize the PIA 1
+         ldd   #$FF34
+         clr   1,x      cassette motor off, 0,x is DDR
+         clr   3,x      2,x is DDR
+         deca           A = $FE
+         sta   ,x       cassette bit 0 input, all others output
+         lda   #$F8     bits 7-3 output, bits 2-0 input
+         sta   2,x      set DDR
+         stb   1,x      0,x not DDR
+         stb   3,x      2,x not DDR
+         clr   2,x
+         lda   #$02     RS-232 bit hi
+         sta   ,x       set it
+         lda   #$FF     all outputs
+         ldx   #PIA0Base
+         clr   1,x      0,x is DDR
+         clr   3,x      2,x is DDR
+         clr   ,x       all inputs
+         sta   2,x      all outputs
+         stb   1,x      0,x is not DDR
+         stb   3,x      2,x is not DDR
+         clr   2,x
+         rts
+CopyRtn  clra
+         tfr   d,x
+Copy1    ldb   ,u+
+         stb   ,y+
+         leax  -1,x
+         bne   Copy1
+         rts
+* MMU
+         fcb   $38,$39,$3A,$3B,$3C,$3D,$3E,$3F
+         fcb   $38,$39,$3A,$3B,$3C,$3D,$3E,$3F
+* GIME register default values
+CC3Regs  fcb   $EC        CC2, MMU, IRQ, Vector page, SCS
+         fcb   $00        map type 0
+         fcb   $00        no FIRQ
+         fcb   $00        no IRQ
+         fdb   $0900      timer
+         fcb   $00        unused
+         fcb   $00        unused
+         fcb   $00
+         fcb   $00
+         fcb   $00
+         fcb   $00
+         fdb   $0FE0
+         fcb   $00
+         fcb   $00
+* Palette register default colors
+         fcb   $12      green
+         fcb   $36
+         fcb   $09      blue
+         fcb   $24      red
+         fcb   $3F      white
+         fcb   $1B      cyan
+         fcb   $2D      magenta
+         fcb   $26
+         fcb   $00      black
+         fcb   $12      green
+         fcb   $00      black
+         fcb   $3F      white
+         fcb   $00      black
+         fcb   $12      green
+         fcb   $00      black
+         fcb   $26
+         ENDSECT
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/3rdparty/wip/bootman/makefile	Sat Apr 05 10:19:12 2014 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+include ../rules.mak
+BOOTMAN = bootman_coco_6551 bootman_coco3_6551
+all: $(BOOTMAN)
+bootman_coco_6551: bootman.o boot_config.o mach_coco.o llio_6551.o llbt_1773.o
+	$(LINKER) $^ -o$@
+bootman_coco3_6551: bootman.o boot_config.o mach_coco3.o llio_6551.o llbt_1773.o
+	$(LINKER) $^ -o$@
+dsk: $(BOOTMAN)
+	decb dskini bootman.dsk
+	decb copy -b -2 bootman_coco_6551 bootman.dsk,BM6551.BIN
+	decb copy -b -2 bootman_coco3_6551 bootman.dsk,BM36551.BIN
+	$(RM) bootman.dsk
+clean: dskclean
+	$(RM) *.o bootman_coco_6551 bootman_coco3_6551 bootman.dsk
--- a/bootman/	Sat Apr 05 10:15:01 2014 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-         NAM    boot_config
-         TTL    Boot manager configuration
-         SECTION code
-* autoboot (1 = yes, 0 = no, use menu)
-cfg_auto: fcb    0
-* list of booters to be tried (in order, $0000 terminates list)
-* entry format:  booter entry point, address, device ID
-cfg_boot: fdb    llbt_1773,$FF40,0
-          fdb    llbt_1773,$FF40,1
-*          fdb    llbt_tc3,$FF70,0
-*          fdb    llbt_ide,$FF50,0
-          fdb    $0000
-         ENDSECT
--- a/bootman/	Sat Apr 05 10:15:01 2014 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-         NAM    bootman
-         TTL    Boot Manager
-BOOTTRACK equ   0
-         SECTION __os9
-TYPE     EQU    $11          Prgrm($10)+Objct($01)
-ATTR     EQU    $80          REEntrent
-REV      EQU    $00          Revision level
-         ENDSECT
-TOP      EQU   $FE00
-* The entry point of the boot manager
-* Entry: stack is set up, U points to static storage
-         SECTION bss
-sectptr  rmb    2
-         ENDSECT
-         SECTION code
-__start  EXPORT
-entry    lbsr   mach_init   initialize the machine we're running on
-         leas   entry,pcr   set up stack
-         leau   entry-256,pcr set up static storage
-         leax   entry-512,pcr set up sector buffer pointer
-         stx    sectptr,u
-         leax   welcome,pcr
-         bsr    writestr
-* start booter calling
-         leax   cfg_boot,pcr
-         ldy    ,x             get address of booter
-         beq    bootup         if 0, try again
-* call booter's get info entry
-         leax   attempt,pcr
-         bsr    writestr
-         jsr    12,y
-         bsr    writestr
-         leax   crlf,pcr
-         bsr    writestr
-loop     bra    loop
-attempt  fcc     "Attempting to boot from "
-         fcb     0
-welcome  fcc     "NitrOS-9 Boot Manager"
-crlf     fcb     13,10
-         fcb     0
-* Helpful routines
-* writestr - write string to output handler
-* Entry:
-*   X = address of string (nul terminated)
-* Preserves:
-*   Y
-         pshs    y
-         leay    llio,pcr
-         lda     ,x+
-         beq     writedone
-         jsr     3,y
-         bra     writeloop
-         puls    y,pc
-         ENDSECT
--- a/bootman/	Sat Apr 05 10:15:01 2014 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-         NAM    llbt_1773
-         TTL    WD1773 low-level booter
-         SECTION code
-         lbsr   llinit
-         lbsr   llread
-         lbsr   llwrite
-         lbsr   llterm
-         lbsr   llinfo
-         rts
-llinfo   leax   info,pcr
-         rts
-info     fcc    "Floppy disk drive"
-         fcb    0
-         ENDSECT
--- a/bootman/	Sat Apr 05 10:15:01 2014 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
-         NAM    llio_coco3
-         TTL    CoCo 3 low-level I/O handler
-         SECTION code
-         lbsr   llinit
-         lbsr   llread
-         lbsr   llwrite
-         lbsr   llterm
-********** I/O ROUTINES ********** 
-* 6551 Parameters
-ADDR           EQU       $FF68
-A_RXD          EQU       ADDR+$00
-A_TXD          EQU       ADDR+$00
-A_STATUS       EQU       ADDR+$01
-A_RESET        EQU       ADDR+$01
-A_CMD          EQU       ADDR+$02
-A_CTRL         EQU       ADDR+$03
-* Baud rates
-_B2400         EQU       $1A                 2400 bps, 8-N-1
-_B4800         EQU       $1C                 4800 bps, 8-N-1
-_B9600         EQU       $1E                 9600 bps, 8-N-1
-_B19200        EQU       $1F                 19200 bps, 8-N-1
-BAUD           EQU       _B9600
-* ll_init - Initialize the low-level I/O
-* Exit: Carry = 0: Init success; Carry = 1; Init failed
-               sta       A_RESET             soft reset (value not important)
-* Set specific modes and functions:
-* - no parity, no echo, no Tx interrupt
-* - no Rx interrupt, enable Tx/Rx
-               lda       #$0B
-               sta       A_CMD               save to command register
-               lda       #BAUD
-               sta       A_CTRL              select proper baud rate
-* Read any junk rx byte that may be in the register
-               lda       A_RXD
-               rts       
-* llread - Read one character from 6551
-* Entry: None
-* Exit:  A = character that was read
-* Note, this routine currently doesn't timeout
-r              lda       A_STATUS            get status byte
-               anda      #$08                mask rx buffer status flag
-               beq       r                   loop if rx buffer empty
-               lda       A_RXD               get byte from ACIA data port
-               rts       
-* llwrite - Write one character to 6551
-* Entry: A = character to write
-* Exit:  None
-               pshs      a                   save byte to write
-w              lda       A_STATUS            get status byte
-               anda      #$10                mask tx buffer status flag
-               beq       w                   loop if tx buffer full
-               puls      a                   get byte
-               sta       A_TXD               save to ACIA data port
-               rts       
-               rts
-               IFNE      0
-* llwout - Write an entire string
-* llwerr - Write an entire string
-               pshs      a
-l@             lda       ,x+
-               cmpa      #C$CR
-               beq       e@
-               leay      -1,y
-               beq       f@
-               bsr       Write
-               bra       l@
-e@             bsr       Write
-               lda       #C$LF
-               bsr       Write
-f@             ldx       <buffptr
-               clrb      
-               puls      a,pc
-* ReadLine - Read an entire string, up to CR
-* Entry: X = address to place string being read (CR terminated)
-*        Y = maximum number of bytes to read (including nul byte)
-               ldx       <buffptr
-               pshs      y,x,a
-               ldy       #80
-l@             bsr       Read                read 1 character
-               cmpa      #C$CR               carriage return?
-               beq       e@                  branch if so...
-               cmpa      #$08                backspace?
-               beq       bs@
-               cmpy      #$0000              anymore room?
-               beq       l@
-               leay      -1,y                back up one char
-               sta       ,x+                 and save in input buffer
-m@             bsr       Write               echo back out
-               bra       l@
-e@             sta       ,x
-               bsr       Write
-               lda       #C$LF
-               bsr       Write
-               clrb      
-               puls      a,x,y,pc
-bs@            cmpx      1,s                 are we at start
-               beq       l@                  if so, do nothing
-               clr       ,-x                 else erase last byte
-               lbsr      Write               write backspace
-               lda       #C$SPAC             a space...
-               lbsr      Write               write it
-               leay      1,y                 count back up free char
-               lda       #$08                another backspace
-               bra       m@
-               ENDC
-         ENDSECT
--- a/bootman/	Sat Apr 05 10:15:01 2014 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-         NAM    mach_coco
-         TTL    CoCo machine routines
-         SECTION code
-PIA0Base equ   $FF00
-PIA1Base equ   $FF20
-* CoCo 1/2 Initialization Code
-         ldx   #PIA1Base               PIA1
-         clr   -3,x                    clear PIA0 Control Register A
-         clr   -1,x                    clear PIA0 Control Register B
-         clr   -4,x                    set PIA0 side A to input
-         ldd   #$FF34
-         sta   -2,x                    set PIA0 side B to output
-         stb   -3,x                    enable PIA0 peripheral reg, disable PIA0
-         stb   -1,x                    MPU interrupts, set CA2, CA1 to outputs
-         clr   1,x                     $FF20 = DDR, motoroff
-         clr   3,x                     $FF22 = DDR, sound disabled
-         deca                          A = $FE after deca
-         sta   ,x                      bits 1-7 are outputs, bit 0 is input on PIA1 side A
-         lda   #$F8
-         sta   2,x                     bits 0-2 are inputs, bits 3-7 are outputs on B side
-         stb   1,x                     enable peripheral registers, disable PIA1 MPU
-         stb   3,x                     interrupts and set CA2, CB2 as outputs
-         clr   2,x                     set 6847 mode to alphanumeric
-         ldb   #$02
-         stb   ,x                      make RS-232 output marking
-         clrb
-         tfr   b,dp                    B = 0
-         ldb   #$04
-         clr   -2,x
-         bitb  2,x
-         lda   #$37
-         sta   PIA1Base+3
-         lda   PIA0Base+3
-         ora   #$01
-         sta   PIA0Base+3
-         lda   PIA1Base+2
-         anda  #$07
-         sta   PIA1Base+2
-* 64K DRAM (M0=0, M1=1)
-         sta   $FFDA                   RESET M0
-         sta   $FFDD                   SET   M1
-         rts
-         ENDSECT
--- a/bootman/	Sat Apr 05 10:15:01 2014 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
-         NAM    mach_coco
-         TTL    CoCo machine routines
-         SECTION code
-PIA0Base equ   $FF00
-PIA1Base equ   $FF20
-DAT.Regs equ   $FFA0
-* CoCo 3 Initialization Code
-         clr   $FFD9      go into fast mode
-* Setup MMU
-         ldx   #DAT.Regs
-         leay  MMUTbl,pcr
-         ldb   #16      
-MMULoop  lda   ,y+      
-         sta   ,x+
-         decb
-         bne   MMULoop
-* Setup video
-         leau  CC3Regs,pcr      point to video setup data
-         ldx   #$FF90
-Loop1    ldd   ,u++             get the bytes
-         std   ,x++             save in the hardware
-         cmpx  #$FFA0
-         bcs   Loop1
-* Set palettes up
-         leau  PalTbl,pcr
-         ldy   #$FFB0           palette register
-         ldb   #16
-         lbsr  CopyRtn
-* Initialize PIAs
-         ldx   #PIA1Base  RG - Initialize the PIA 1
-         ldd   #$FF34
-         clr   1,x      cassette motor off, 0,x is DDR
-         clr   3,x      2,x is DDR
-         deca           A = $FE
-         sta   ,x       cassette bit 0 input, all others output
-         lda   #$F8     bits 7-3 output, bits 2-0 input
-         sta   2,x      set DDR
-         stb   1,x      0,x not DDR
-         stb   3,x      2,x not DDR
-         clr   2,x
-         lda   #$02     RS-232 bit hi
-         sta   ,x       set it
-         lda   #$FF     all outputs
-         ldx   #PIA0Base
-         clr   1,x      0,x is DDR
-         clr   3,x      2,x is DDR
-         clr   ,x       all inputs
-         sta   2,x      all outputs
-         stb   1,x      0,x is not DDR
-         stb   3,x      2,x is not DDR
-         clr   2,x
-         rts
-CopyRtn  clra
-         tfr   d,x
-Copy1    ldb   ,u+
-         stb   ,y+
-         leax  -1,x
-         bne   Copy1
-         rts
-* MMU
-         fcb   $38,$39,$3A,$3B,$3C,$3D,$3E,$3F
-         fcb   $38,$39,$3A,$3B,$3C,$3D,$3E,$3F
-* GIME register default values
-CC3Regs  fcb   $EC        CC2, MMU, IRQ, Vector page, SCS
-         fcb   $00        map type 0
-         fcb   $00        no FIRQ
-         fcb   $00        no IRQ
-         fdb   $0900      timer
-         fcb   $00        unused
-         fcb   $00        unused
-         fcb   $00
-         fcb   $00
-         fcb   $00
-         fcb   $00
-         fdb   $0FE0
-         fcb   $00
-         fcb   $00
-* Palette register default colors
-         fcb   $12      green
-         fcb   $36
-         fcb   $09      blue
-         fcb   $24      red
-         fcb   $3F      white
-         fcb   $1B      cyan
-         fcb   $2D      magenta
-         fcb   $26
-         fcb   $00      black
-         fcb   $12      green
-         fcb   $00      black
-         fcb   $3F      white
-         fcb   $00      black
-         fcb   $12      green
-         fcb   $00      black
-         fcb   $26
-         ENDSECT
--- a/bootman/makefile	Sat Apr 05 10:15:01 2014 +0200
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-include ../rules.mak
-BOOTMAN = bootman_coco_6551 bootman_coco3_6551
-all: $(BOOTMAN)
-bootman_coco_6551: bootman.o boot_config.o mach_coco.o llio_6551.o llbt_1773.o
-	$(LINKER) $^ -o$@
-bootman_coco3_6551: bootman.o boot_config.o mach_coco3.o llio_6551.o llbt_1773.o
-	$(LINKER) $^ -o$@
-dsk: $(BOOTMAN)
-	decb dskini bootman.dsk
-	decb copy -b -2 bootman_coco_6551 bootman.dsk,BM6551.BIN
-	decb copy -b -2 bootman_coco3_6551 bootman.dsk,BM36551.BIN
-	$(RM) bootman.dsk
-clean: dskclean
-	$(RM) *.o bootman_coco_6551 bootman_coco3_6551 bootman.dsk