changeset 1054:a3faad87fa9f

Completed first pass of comments for the program.
author pwz
date Mon, 24 Mar 2003 03:36:16 +0000 (2003-03-24)
parents b5ff125a1d60
children 537443a2e0d9
files 3rdparty/packages/sierra/objs/shdw.asm
diffstat 1 files changed, 2112 insertions(+), 1786 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/3rdparty/packages/sierra/objs/shdw.asm	Thu Mar 20 20:19:53 2003 +0000
+++ b/3rdparty/packages/sierra/objs/shdw.asm	Mon Mar 24 03:36:16 2003 +0000
@@ -1,1787 +1,2113 @@
-* SHDW - Kings Quest III screen rendering module??
-* $Id$
-* Ed.    Comments                                       Who YY/MM/DD
-* ------------------------------------------------------------------
-* 0      Disassembly of original distribution           PWZ 03/03/14
-*        using a combination of disasm v1.6 and
-*        the os9tools disassembler Os9disasm
-*        Note the header shows a data size of 0
-*        called from the sierra module and accesses
-*        data set up in that module
-*        Much credit and thanks is give to Nick Sonneveld and 
-*        the other NAGI folks. Following his sources made it
-*        so much easier to document what was happening in here.
-*        This source will assemble byte for byte 
-*        to the original kq3 shdw module.
-*        Header for : shdw
-*        Module size: $A56  #2646
-*        Module CRC : $E9E019 (Good)
-*        Hdr parity : $74
-*        Exec. off  : $0012  #18
-*        Data size  : $0000  #0
-*        Edition    : $00  #0
-*        Ty/La At/Rv: $11 $81
-*        Prog mod, 6809 Obj, re-ent, R/O
-* Disassembly by Os9disasm of shdw
-         nam   shdw
-         ttl   program module       
-         ifp1
-         use   defsfile
-         endc
-tylg     set   Prgrm+Objct   
-atrv     set   ReEnt+rev
-rev      set   $01
-         mod   eom,name,tylg,atrv,start,size
-size           equ   .
-Xffa9          equ $FFA9
-X01af          equ $01AF   pointer to state.flag
-X0551          equ $0551   pointer to a linked list of picture data
-* OS9 data area definitions
-u001a          equ $001A    shdw MMU block data
-u002e          equ $002E    Load offset 
-u0042          equ $0042    Sierra process descriptor block
-u0043          equ $0043    Sierra 2nd 8K data block    
-u005a          equ $005A    color
-u005b          equ $005B    sbuff_drawmask
-u005c          equ $005C    flag_control 
-u006b          equ $006B    pen_status
-u009e          equ $009E    pos_init_x
-u009f          equ $009F    pos_init_y
-u00a0          equ $00A0    pos_final_x
-u00a1          equ $00A1    pos_final_y 
-u00a2          equ $00A2    pen_x position
-u00a3          equ $00A3    pen_y position
-* these look like gen purpose scratch vars
-u00a4          equ $00A4    
-u00a5          equ $00A5    
-u00a6          equ $00A6    
-u00a7          equ $00A7    
-u00a8          equ $00A8    
-u00a9          equ $00A9    
-u00aa          equ $00AA
-u00ab          equ $00AB    
-u00ac          equ $00AC    
-u00ad          equ $00AD    
-u00ae          equ $00AE
-u00af          equ $00AF
-u00b0          equ $00B0
-u00b2          equ $00B2
-u00b3          equ $00B3
-u00e9          equ $00E9
-* Local Program Defines
-O_DRAWN        equ $01   * 0  - object has been drawn
-O_BLKIGNORE    equ $02   * 1  - ignore blocks and condition lines
-O_PRIFIXED     equ $04   * 2  - fixes priority agi cannot change it based on position
-O_HRZNIGNORE   equ $08   * 3  - ignore horizon
-O_UPDATE       equ $10   * 4  - update every cycle
-O_CYCLE        equ $20   * 5  - the object cycles
-O_ANIMATE      equ $40   * 6  - animated
-O_BLOCK        equ $80   * 7  - resting on a block
-O_WATER        equ $100  * 8  - only allowed on water
-O_OBJIGNORE    equ $200  * 9  - ignore other objects when determining contacts
-O_REPOS        equ $400  * 10 - set whenever a obj is repositioned
-*                                that way the interpeter doesn't check it's next movement for one cycle
-O_LAND         equ $800  * 11 - only allowed on land
-O_SKIPUPDATE   equ $1000 * 12 - does not update obj for one cycle
-O_LOOPFIXED    equ $2000 * 13 - agi cannot set the loop depending on direction
-O_MOTIONLESS   equ $4000 * 14 - no movement.  
-*                                if position is same as position in last cycle then this flag is set.
-*                                follow/wander code can then create a new direction
-*                                (ie, if it hits a wall or something)
-O_UNUSED       equ $8000
-x_max          equ PICBUFF_WIDTH-1  
-y_max          equ PICBUFF_HEIGHT-1 
-gfx_picbuff    equ $6040   screen buff low address
-gbuffend       equ $C940   screen buff high address
-cmd_start      equ $F0     first command value
-name  equ   *
-L000d fcs 'shdw'
-      fcb $00
-* This module is linked to in sierra
-start equ   *
-L0012 lbra  L05fb      screen init ?
-      lbra  L0713      obj_chk_control
-      lbra  L0175      render_pic  (which calls pic_cmd_loop)  
-      lbra  L0189      pic_cmd_loop
-      lbra  L07be      obj_blit
-      lbra  L0927
-      lbra  L0a0f
-      lbra  L09d8
-      lbra  L040e      sbuff_fill
-      lbra  L063a
-      lbra  L0615
-      fcc  'AGI (c) copyright 1988 SIERRA On-Line'
-      fcc  'CoCo3 version by Chris Iden'
-      fcb   C$NULL
-* Twiddles with MMU
-* accd is loaded by calling program
-L0074 cmpa  u001a      compare to shdw mem block
-      beq   L008e      equal ?? no work to be done move on
-      orcc  #IntMasks  turn off interupts
-      sta   u001a      store the value passed in by a
-      lda   u0042      get sierra process descriptor map block
-      sta   Xffa9      map it in to $2000-$3FFF
-      ldu   u0043      2nd 8K data block in Sierra
-      lda   u001a      load my mem block value
-      sta   ,u         save my values at address held in u0043
-      stb   2,u        
-      std   Xffa9      map it to task 1 block 2
-      andcc #^IntMasks restore the interupts
-L008e rts              we done
-L008f fcb $00          load offsets updated flag
-* binary_list[] (pic_render.c)
-L0090 fdb $8000
-      fdb $4000
-      fdb $2000
-      fdb $1000
-      fdb $0800
-      fdb $0400
-      fdb $0200
-      fdb $0100
-      fdb $0080
-      fdb $0040
-      fdb $0020
-      fdb $0010
-      fdb $0008
-      fdb $0004
-      fdb $0002
-      fdb $0001
-* circle_data[] (pic_render.c)
-L00b0 fdb $8000
-      fdb $e000
-      fdb $e000
-      fdb $e000
-      fdb $7000
-      fdb $f800
-      fdb $f800
-      fdb $f800
-      fdb $7000
-      fdb $3800
-      fdb $7c00
-      fdb $fe00
-      fdb $fe00
-      fdb $fe00
-      fdb $7c00
-      fdb $3800
-      fdb $1c00
-      fdb $7f00
-      fdb $ff80
-      fdb $ff80
-      fdb $ff80
-      fdb $ff80
-      fdb $ff80
-      fdb $7f00
-      fdb $1c00
-      fdb $0e00
-      fdb $3f80
-      fdb $7fc0
-      fdb $7fc0
-      fdb $ffe0
-      fdb $ffe0
-      fdb $ffe0
-      fdb $7fc0
-      fdb $7fc0
-      fdb $3f80
-      fdb $1f00
-      fdb $0e00
-      fdb $0f80
-      fdb $3fe0
-      fdb $7ff0
-      fdb $7ff0
-      fdb $fff8
-      fdb $fff8
-      fdb $fff8
-      fdb $fff8
-      fdb $fff8
-      fdb $7ff0
-      fdb $7ff0
-      fdb $3fe0
-      fdb $0f80
-      fdb $07c0
-      fdb $1ff0
-      fdb $3ff8
-      fdb $7ffc
-      fdb $7ffc
-      fdb $fffe
-      fdb $fffe
-      fdb $fffe
-      fdb $fffe
-      fdb $fffe
-      fdb $7ffc
-      fdb $7ffc
-      fdb $3ff8
-      fdb $1ff0
-      fdb $07c0
-* circle_list[] (pic_render.c) 
-* I "assume" this data is different in the file
-* { 0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 37, 50 }
-* These run like a set of numbers**2 {0,1,2,3,4,5,~6,~7} 
-* ah ha these are multiples 2*(0,1,2,3,4,5,~6,~7)**2)
-L0132 fcb $00,$00        0
-      fcb $00,$02        2
-      fcb $00,$08        8
-      fcb $00,$12       18
-      fcb $00,$20       32
-      fcb $00,$32       50
-      fcb $00,$4a       74
-      fcb $00,$64      100
-* select case dispatch table for pic_cmd_loop()
-L0142 fdb $01bc        enable_pic_draw()
-      fdb $01c9        disable_pic_draw()
-      fdb $01d4        enable_pri_draw()
-      fdb $01e9        disable_pri_draw()
-      fdb $02de        draw_y_corner()
-      fdb $02d1        draw_x_corner()
-      fdb $0309        absolute_line()
-      fdb $031d        relative_line()
-      fdb $0359        pic_fill()
-      fdb $0211        read_pen_status()
-      fdb $01f4        plot_with_pen()
-* This code adds the load offsets to the program offsets above
-L0158 tst   L008f,pcr  test if we've loaded the offsets already
-      bne   L0174      done once leave
-      inc   L008f,pcr  not done set the flag 
-      lda   #$0b       set our index to 11
-      sta   u00ab      stow it in mem since we are going to clobber b
-      leau  >L0142,pcr load table head address
-L016a ldd   u002e      get load offset set in sierra
-      addd  ,u         add the load offset 
-      std   ,u++       and stow it back, bump pointer
-      dec   u00ab      decrement the index
-      bne   L016a      ain't done go again
-L0174 rts              we're out of here
-* The interaction between render_pic and pic_cmd_loop is divided 
-* differently in the NAGI source pic_render.c
-* render_pic()
-* color = F, 4 = proirity so the note says
-L0175 ldd   #$4f4f     load the color
-      pshs  d          push it on the stack for the pass
-      lbsr  L040e      call sbuff_fill routine
-      leas  2,s        reset stack to value at entry
-      ldd   2,s        pull the next word 
-      pshs  d          push it on top of the stack        
-      lbsr  L0189      call pic_cmd_loop()
-      leas  2,s        once we return clean up stack again
-      rts              return
-* pic_cmd_loop() (pic_render.c)        
-L0189 pshs  y
-      bsr   L0158      ensure load offset has been added to table address
-      lbsr  L06fc      sbuff_fill()
-      clra             make a zero
-      sta   u005b      sbuff_drawmask
-      sta   u006b      pen_status
-      coma             make the complement FF
-      sta   u005a      store color
-      ldu   4,s
-      ldd   5,u
-      lbsr  L0074      twiddle mmu 
-* pic_cmd_loop()  (pic_render.c) starts here      
-      ldx   X0551      given_pic_data  set in pic_res.c
-L01a2 lda   ,x+        pic_byte
-L01a4 cmpa  #$ff       if it's FF were done 
-      beq   L01b9      so head out
-      suba  #cmd_start first valid cmd = F0 so subtract to get index
-      blo   L01a2      less than F0 ignore it
-      cmpa  #$0a       check for top end
-      bhi   L01a2      greater than FA ignore it
-      leau  >L0142,pcr load the addr of the dispatch table
-      asla             sign extend multiply by two for double byte offset
-      jsr   [a,u]      make the call
-      bra   L01a4      loop again
-L01b9 puls  y          done then fetch the y back 
-      rts              and return
-* Command $F0 change picture color and enable picture draw
-*  enable_pic_draw() pic_render.c
-*  differs slightly with pic_render.c 
-*  don't have colour_render()
-*  and setting of colour_picpart
-*  x contains pic_byte         
-*  after ldd
-*  a contains color
-*  b contains draw mask
-*  returns the next pic_byte in a
-L01bc ldd   u005a      pulls in color and sbuff_drawmask
-      anda  #$f0       and color with $F0
-      ora   ,x+        or that result with the pic_byte and bump to next
-      orb   #$0f       or the sbuff_drawmask with $0F
-      std   u005a      store the updated values
-      lda   ,x+        return value ignored so this just bumps to next pic_byte
-      rts
-* Command $F1 Disable picture draw
-*  disable_pic_draw()         
-L01c9 ldd   u005a      pulls in color and sbuff_drawmask
-      ora   #$0f       ors color with $0F (white ??)
-      andb  #$f0       ands draw mask with $F0
-      std   u005a      store the updated values
-      lda   ,x+        return value ignored so this just bumps to next pic_byte
-      rts
-* Command $F2 Changes priority color and enables priority draw
-*  enable_pri_draw
-L01d4 ldd   u005a      pulls in color and sbuff_drawmask      
-      anda  #$0f       ands color with $0F
-      sta   u005a      save color 
-      lda   ,x+        loads pic_byte and bumps to next
-      asla             times 2 with sign extend
-      asla             again times 2
-      asla             and again times 2
-      asla             end result is multiply pic_byte by 16 ($10)  
-      ora   u005a      or that value with the modified color
-      orb   #$f0       or the sbuff_drawmask with $F0
-      std   u005a      store the updated values
-      lda   ,x+        return value ignored so this just bumps to next pic_byte
-      rts
-* Command $F3 Disable priority draw
-*  diasable_pri_draw() pic_render.c
-L1e9  ldd   u005a      pulls in color and sbuff_drawmask
-      ora   #$f0       or the color with $F0
-      andb  #$0f       and the sbuff_drawmask with $0F
-      std   u005a      store the updated values
-      lda   ,x+        return value ignored so this just bumps to next pic_byte
-      rts
-* Command $FA plot with pen 
-* Logic is pic_byte >= 0xF0 in c source.
-* Emailed Nick Sonneveld 3/14/ 03
-* plot_with_pen()  (pic_render.c)        
-L01f4 lda   u006b      pen_status
-      bita  #$20       and but don't change check for pen type solid or splater ($20)
-      beq   L0204      is splater 
-      lda   ,x+        load pic_byte (acca) from pic_code and bump pointer
-      cmpa  #cmd_start       test against $F0 if a is less than
-*                      based on discussions with Nick this must have been a bug 
-*                      in the earlier versions of software...
-*                      if it is less than $F0 it's just a picture byte 
-*                      fix next rev. 
-      lblo  L02ea      branch to a return statement miles away (could be fixed)
-      sta   u00a6      save our pic_byte in texture_num
-L0204 lbsr  L0364      call read_xy_postion
-      lblo  L02ea      far off rts
-      std   u00a2      pen x/y position 
-      bsr   L0218      call plot_with_pen2
-      bra   L01f4      go again ...
-*                      yes there is no rts here in the c source either
-* Command $F9 Change pen size and style
-*  read_pen_status() pic_render.c
-L0211 lda   ,x+        get pic_byte
-      sta   u006b      save as pen_status
-      lda   ,x+        return value ignored so this just bumps to next pic_byte  
-      rts
-* plot_with_pen2
-*  Set up circle_ptr         
-*  u00a7 = pen.size
-*  u00a9 = pensize x 2
-*  u00ab = scratch var
-*  u00ad = penwidth
-L0218 ldb   u006b      pen_status
-      andb  #$07        
-      stb   u00a7      pen.size ?? save for pen_status & $07 
-      clra             clear a and condition codes
-      lslb             multiply by 2 
-      std   u00a9      pen size x 2
-      leau  L0132,pcr  circle_list[]
-      ldd   b,u        d now holds one of the circle_list values 
-      leau  L00b0,pcr  circle_data[]
-      leau  d,u        use that to index to a circle_data item
-*                      u now is circle_ptr      
-*  Set up x position       
-      clra  
-      ldb   u00a2      load pen_x position
-      lslb             multiply by two
-      rola  
-      subb  u00a7      subtract the pen.size
-      bcc   L023f      outcome not less than zero move on
-      deca               
-      bpl   L023f      if we still have pos must be 0 or >
-      ldd   #0000        
-      bra   L024d
-L023f std   u00ab      store pen_x at scratch 
-      ldd   #$0140     start with 320
-      subd  u00a9      subtract 2 x pen.size
-      cmpd  u00ab      pen_x to calc
-      bls   L024d      if pen_x is greater keep temp calc
-      ldd   u00ab      otherwise use pen_x
-L024d lsra             divide by 2
-      rorb  
-      stb   u00a2      stow at pen_x
-      stb   u00a4      stow at pen_final_x
-*  Set up y position      
-      lda   u00a3      pen_y
-      suba  u00a7      pen.size
-      bcc   L025c      >= 0 Ok go stow it
-      clra             otherwise less than zero so set it to 0
-      bra   L0268      go stow it
-L025c sta   u00ab      store pen_y at scratch
-      lda   #y_max     start with 167
-      suba  u00aa      subtract 2 x pen.size
-      cmpa  u00ab      compare to pen_y calced so far
-      bls   L0268      if pen_y > calc use calc and save it
-      lda   u00ab      otherwise use pen_y
-L0268 sta   u00a3      pen_y
-      sta   u00a5      pen_final_y
-      lda   u00a6      texture_num
-      ora   #$01
-      sta   u00a8      t ??
-      ldb   u00aa      2 x pen.size
-      incb             bump it by one
-      tfr   b,a        copy b into a
-      adda  u00a5      add value to pen_final_y
-      sta   u00a5      save new pen_final_y
-      lslb             shift b left (multiply by 2)
-      leax  L0090,pcr  binary list[]
-      ldd   b,x        use 2x pensize + 1 to index into list 
-      std   u00ad      pen width ???
-*   this looks like it should have been nested for loops
-*   but not coded that way in pic_render.c
-*  new y
-L0284 leax  L0090,pcr  binary_list[]
-*  new x
-L0288 lda   u006b      pen_status
-      bita  #O_UPDATE  and it with $10 but don't change 
-      bne   L0298      not equal zero go on to next pen status test
-      ldd   ,u         otherwise  load data at circle_ptr
-      anda  ,x         and that with first element in binary_list
-      bne   L0298      if thats not zero go on to next pen status check
-      andb  1,x        and the second bytes of data at circle_ptr
-*                      and binary_list       
-      beq   L02ba      that outcome is equ zero head for next calcs 
-L0298 lda   u006b      pen_status
-      bita  #$20       anded with $20 but don't change  
-      beq   L02af      equals zero set up and plot buffer
-      lda   u00a8      otherwise load t (texture_num | $01)
-      lsra             divide by 2
-      bcc   L02a5      no remainder save that number as t
-      eora  #$b8       exclusive or t with$B8
-L02a5 sta   u00a8      save new t
-      bita  #O_DRAWN     anded with 1 but don't change 
-      bne   L02ba        not equal zero don't plot
-      bita  #O_BLKIGNORE anded with 2 but don't change 
-      beq   L02ba        does equal zero don't plot
-L02af pshs  u          save current u sbuff_plot uses it
-      ldd   u00a2      load pen_x/pen_y values
-      std   u009e      save at pos_init_x/y positions
-      lbsr  L046f      head for sbuff_plot()
-      puls  u          retrieve u from before call
-L02ba inc   u00a2      increment pen_x value
-      leax  4,x        move four bytes in the binary_list
-      cmpx  u00ad      comapre that value to pen_width
-      bls   L0288      less or same go again
-      leau  2,u        bump circle_ptr to next location in circle_data[]
-      lda   u00a4      load pen_final_x
-      sta   u00a2      store at pen_x       
-      inc   u00a3      bump pen_y
-      lda   u00a3      pen_y
-      cmpa  u00a5      compare to pen_final_y
-      bne   L0284      not equal go do the next row
-      rts
-* Command $F5 Draw an X corner 
-* draw_x_corner()  pic_render.c        
-L02d1 lbsr  L0364      call read_xy_pos
-      bcs   L02ea      next subs rts
-      std   u009e      save pos_init_x/y positions
-      lbsr  L046f      head for sbuff_plot()
-      bsr   L02eb      draw_corner(0)
-      rts
-* Command $F4 Draw a Y corner         
-L02de lbsr  L0364      call read_xy_pos
-      bcs   L02ea      return
-      std   u009e      save at pos_init_x/y positions
-      lbsr  L046f      head for sbuff_plot()
-      bsr   L02f9      draw_corner(1)
-L02ea rts
-* draw_corner()
-L02eb lbsr  L036f      get_x_pos()
-      bcs   L02ea      prior subs return
-      sta   u00a0      store as pos_final_x
-      ldb   u009f      load pos_init_y
-      stb   u00a1      store as pos_final_y
-      lbsr  L0421      call sbuff_xline()
-L02f9 lbsr  L0381      get_y_pos
-      bcs   L02ea      prior subs return
-      stb   u00a1      save pos_final_y
-      lda   u009e      load pos_init_x
-      sta   u00a0      save pos_final_x
-      lbsr  L0447      sbuff_yline()     
-      bra   L02eb      head for draw_x
-* Command $F6 Absolute line
-* absolute_line()
-* NAGI has these out of order
-* This command is before Draw X corner in their source
-L0309 bsr   L0364      call read_xy_pos
-      bcs   L02ea      prior subs return
-      std   u009e      save at pos_init_x/y positions
-      lbsr  L046f      head for sbuff_plot()
-L0312 bsr   L0364      call read_xy_pos
-      bcs   L02ea      prior subs return
-      std   u00a0      save at pos_final_x/y and passed draw_line in d
-      lbsr  L0394      call draw_line()
-      bra   L0312      go again
-* relative_line()      
-L031D bsr   L0364      call read_xy_pos
-      bcs   L02ea      prior subs return
-      std   u009e      save at pos_init_x/y positions
-      lbsr  L046f      head for sbuff_plot()
-* calc x
-L0326 lda   ,x+        get next pic_byte 
-*                      and load it in pos_data in c source
-      cmpa  #cmd_start is that equal $F0 or greater
-      bcc   L02ea      yep were done so return (we use prior subs return ??)
-*                      that rascal in acca changes names again to x_step
-*                      but it's still the same old data
-      anda  #$70       and that with $70 
-*                      (where these values are derived from I haven't a clue, as of yet :-))
-      lsra             divide by 2
-      lsra             and again
-      lsra             once more
-      lsra             and finally another for a /16
-      ldb   -1,x       get the original value
-      bpl   L0337      if original value not negative move on
-      nega             else it was so flip the sign of the computed value
-L0337 adda  u009e      add pos_init_x position
-      cmpa  #x_max     compare to 159
-      bls   L033f      if it's less or same move on
-      lda   #x_max     else cap it at 159
-L033f sta   u00a0      store as pos_final_x
-* calc y
-*                      not quite the same as pic_render.c almost
-*                      we've go the pic_byte ... er pos_data ... now called y_step
-*                      in b so lets calc the y_step
-      andb  #$0f       and with $0F (not in pic_render.c)
-      bitb  #$08       and that with $08 but don't change  
-      beq   L034a      if result = 0 move on
-      andb  #$07       else and it with $07
-      negb             and negate it
-L034a addb  u009f      add calced value to pos_init_y
-      cmpb  #y_max     compare to 167 
-      bls   L0352      less or same move on
-      ldb   #y_max     greater ? cap it
-L0352 stb   u00a1      pos_final_y
-*                      passes pos_final_x/y in d
-      lbsr  L0394      call draw_line()
-      bra   L0326      go again exit is conditinals inside loop
-* Command $F8 Fill
-* pic_fill()
-L0359 bsr   L0364      call read_xy_pos
-      bcs   L02ea      returned a 1 head for prior subs return
-      std   u009e      save at pos_init_x/y position
-      lbsr  L0486      call sbuff_picfill()
-      bra   L0359      loop till we get a 1 back from read_xy_pos
-* read_xy_pos() 
-L0364 lbsr  L036f      go get x position
-      lblo  L02ea      prior subs return
-      lbsr  L0381      go get the y position
-      rts
-* get_x_pos()         
-L036f lda   ,x+        load pic_byte
-      cmpa  #cmd_start is it a command?
-      bhs   L037e      if so set CC 
-      cmpa  #x_max     compare to 159
-      bls   L037b      is it less or same clear CC and return
-      lda   #x_max     greater than load acca with 159 
-L037b andcc #$fe       clear CC ad return
-      rts
-L037e orcc  #1         returns a "1"
-      rts
-* get_y_pos()         
-L0381 ldb   ,x+        load pic_byte
-      cmpb  #cmd_start is it a command
-      blo   L038b      nope less than command
-      lda   -1,x       was a command load x back in acca
-      bra   L037e      go set CC
-L038b cmpb  #y_max     compare to 167
-      bls   L0391      is it less or same clear CC and return
-      ldb   #y_max     greater than load accb with 167 
-L0391 andcc #$fe       clear CC and return
-      rts
-* draw_line()  pic_render.c
-* while this is a void function() seems pos_final_x/y are passed in d
-*  u00a2 = x_count
-*  u00a3 = y_count
-*  u00a4 = pos_x
-*  u00a5 = pos_y
-*  u00a6 = line_x_inc
-*  u00a7 = line_y_inc
-*  u00a8 = x_component
-*  u00a9 = y_component
-*  u00aa = largest_line
-*  u00ab = counter
-*  process straight lines
-L0394 cmpb  u009f      compare pos_final_y with pos_init_y
-      lbeq  L0421      if equal call sbuff_xline() and don't return here
-      cmpa  u009e      else compare with pos_init_x position
-      lbeq  L0447      if equal call sbuff_yline() and don't return here
-      ldd   u009e      load pos_init_x/y positions
-      std   u00a4      store at pen_final ??? not in pic_render.c version
-*  process y      
-      lda   #$01       line_y_inc
-      ldb   u00a1      load pos_final_y
-      subb  u009f      subtract pos_init_y
-      bcc   L03ae      greater or equal zero don't negate
-*                      less than zero         
-      nega             flip the sign of line_y_inc
-      negb             flip the sign of y_component
-L03ae sta   u00a7      store line_y_inc
-      stb   u00a9      store y_component
-* process x      
-      lda   #$01       line_x_inc
-      ldb   u00a0      load pos_final_x
-      subb  u009e      subtract pos_init_x
-      bcc   L03bc      greater or equal zero don't negate
-*                      less than zero      
-      nega             flip the sign of line_x_inc
-      negb             flip the sign of x_component
-L03bc sta   u00a6      store line_x_inc
-      stb   u00a8      store x_component 
-* compare x/y components
-      cmpb  u00a9      compare y_component to x_component
-      blo   L03d0      if x_component is smaller move on
-*  x >= y 
-*                      x_component is in b
-      stb   u00ab      counter
-      stb   u00aa      largest_line 
-      lsrb             divide by 2
-      stb   u00a3      store y_count
-      clra             make a zero
-      sta   u00a2      store x_count
-      bra   L03dc      move on
-*  x < y      
-L03d0 lda   u00a9      load y_component
-      sta   u00ab      stow as counter
-      sta   u00aa      stow as largest line
-      lsra             divide by 2
-      sta   u00a2      store x_count
-      clrb             make a zero
-      stb   u00a3      store as y_count
-* loops through the line and uses sbuff_plot to do the screen write
-*                      y_count is in b      
-L03dc addb  u00a9      add in the y_component
-      stb   u00a3      and stow back as y_count
-      cmpb  u00aa      compare that with line_largest
-      blo   L03ee      if y_count >= line_largest is not the case branch
-      subb  u00aa      subtract line_largest
-      stb   u00a3      store as y_count
-      ldb   u00a5      load pos_y
-      addb  u00a7      add line_y_inc
-      stb   u00a5      stow as pos_y
-*                      x_count is in a
-L03ee adda  u00a8      add in x_component
-      sta   u00a2      store as x_count
-      cmpa  u00aa      compare that with line_largest
-      blo   L0400      if x_count >= line_largest is not the case branch
-      suba  u00aa      subtract line_longest
-      sta   u00a2      store at x_count
-      lda   u00a4      load pos_x
-      adda  u00a6      add line_x_inc
-      sta   u00a4      stow as pos_x
-L0400 ldd   u00a4      load computed pos_x/y
-      std   u009e      store at pos_init_x/y positions
-      lbsr  L046f      head for sbuff_plot()
-      ldd   u00a2      reload x/y_count
-      dec   u00ab      decrement counter
-      bne   L03dc      if counter not zero go again
-      rts
-* end of pic_render.c
-* sbuff_fill() sbuf_util.c        
-* fill color is passed in s register
-L040e pshs  x          save x as we use it for an index
-      ldu   #gbuffend  address to write to 
-      ldx   #picb_size $6900 bytes to write (26.25K)
-*                      this would be picture buffer width x height
-      ldd   4,s        since we pushed x pull our color input out of the stack
-L0418 std   ,--u       store them and dec dest address
-      leax  -2,x       dec counter
-      bne   L0418      loop till done
-      puls  x          fetch the x
-      rts              return
-* no sbuff_testpattern
-* sbuff_xline()  sbuff_util.c
-* gets called here with pos_final_x/y in accd
-*  u00ac = x_orig
-L0421 sta   u00ac      stow as x_orig
-      cmpa  u009e      compare with pos_init_x position
-      bhs   L042d      if pos_final_x same or greater branch
-*                      otherwise init >  final so swap init and final     
-      ldb   u009e      load pos_init_x position
-      stb   u00a0      save pos_final_x position
-      sta   u009e      save pos_init_x position
-L042d bsr   L046f      head for sbuff_plot() returns pointer in u
-      ldb   u00a0      load pos_final_x
-      subb  u009e      subtract pos_init_x position
-      beq   L0442      if they are the same move on
-*                      b now holds the loop counter len
-*                      u is the pointer returned from sbuff_plot
-      leau  1,u        bump the pointer one byte right 
-L0437 lda   ,u         get the the byte
-      ora   u005b      or it with sbuff_drawmmask
-      anda  u005a      and it with the color
-      sta   ,u+        save it back and bump u to next byte
-      decb             decrememnt the loop counter
-      bne   L0437      done them all? Nope loop
-L0442 lda   u00ac      x_orig (pos_final_x)
-      sta   u009e      save at pos_init_x position
-      rts
-* sbuff_yline() sbuf_util.c
-* gets called here with pos_final_x/y in accd
-*  u00ac = y_orig
-L0447 stb   u00ac           stow as y_orig
-      cmpb  u009f           compare with pos_init_y
-      bhs   L0453           if pos_final same or greater branch
-*                           otherwise init > final so swap 'em   
-      lda   u009f           load pos_init_y
-      sta   u00a1           stow as pos_final_y
-      stb   u009f           stow as pos_init_y
-L0453 bsr   L046f           head for sbuff_plot() returns pointer in u
-      ldb   u00a1           load pos_final_y
-      subb  u009f           subtract pos_init_y
-      beq   L046a           if they are the same move on
-*                           b now holds the loop counter len
-*                           u is the pointer returned from sbuff_plot
-L045b leau  PICBUFF_WIDTH,u bump ptr one line up
-      lda   ,u              get the byte  
-      ora   u005b           or it with sbuff_drawmmask
-      anda  u005a           and it with the color
-      sta   ,u              save it back out
-      decb                  decrement the loop counter
-      bne   L045b           done them all ? Nope loop
-L046a ldb   u00ac           load y_orig
-      stb   u009f           save it as pos_init_y
-      rts
-* sbuff_plot()  from sbuf_util.c         
-* according to agi.h PBUF_MULT(width) ((( (width)<<2) + (width))<<5)
-* which next 3 lines equate to so the $A0 is from 2 x 5  
-* pointer is returned in index reg u
-L046f ldb   u009f           load pos_init_y
-      lda   #$A0            according to PBUF_MULT() 
-      mul                   do the math
-      addb  u009e           add pos_init_x position 
-      adca  #0000           this adds the carry bit in to a
-      addd  #gfx_picbuff    add that to the start of the screen buf $6040
-      tfr   d,u             move this into u
-      lda   ,u              get the byte u points to 
-      ora   u005b           or it with sbuff_drawmask
-      anda  u005a           and it with the color
-      sta   ,u              and stow it back at the same place
-      rts                   return
-* sbuff_picfill(u8 ypos, u8 xpos) sbuf_util.c         
-* u005a = color
-* u005b = sbuff_drawmask
-* u009e = pos_init_x
-* u009f = pos_init_y
-* u00a0 = left
-* u00a1 = right 
-* u00a2 = old_direction
-* u00a3 = direction
-* u00a4 = old_initx
-* u00a5 = old_inity
-* u00a6 = old_left
-* u00a7 = old_right
-* u00a8 = stack_left
-* u00a9 = stack_right
-* u00aa = toggle
-* u00ab = old_toggle
-* u00ac =  
-* u00ad =  
-* u00ae = color_bl
-* u00af = mask_dl
-* u00b0 = old_buff (word)
-* u00b2 = temp (buff)
-* u00b3 =
-* u00e9 =
-colorbl set $4F
-L0486 pshs  x               save x
-      ldx   #$e000          load addr to create a new stack
-      sts   ,--x            store current stack pointer there and decrement x 
-      tfr   x,s             make that the stack
-*                           s is now stack_ptr pointing to fill_stack      
-      ldb   u009f           pos_init_y
-      lda   #$a0            set up PBUF_MULT
-      mul                   do the math
-      addb  u009e           add pos_init_x
-      adca  #0000           add in that carry bit
-      addd  #gfx_picbuff    add the start of screen buffer $6040
-      tfr   d,u             move this to u
-*                           u now is pointer to screen buffer b
-      ldb   u005a           load color  
-      lda   u005b           load sbuff_drawmask
-*                          next 2 lines must have been a if (sbuff_drawmask > 0)
-*                          not in the nagi source
-      lbeq  L05f5           if sbuff_drawmask = 0 we're done
-      bpl   L04b8           if not negative branch to test color 
-      cmpa  #cmd_start      comp $F0 with sbuff_drawmask
-      bne   L04b8           not = go test color for $0F
-      andb  #$f0            and color with $F0
-      cmpb  #$40            compare that to $40 (input was $4x)
-      lbeq  L05f5           if so were done
-      lda   #$f0            set up value for mask_dl           
-      bra   L04c2           go save it
-L04b8 andb  #$0f            and color with $0F
-      cmpb  #$0f            was it already $0F
-      lbeq  L05f5           if so we're done   
-      lda   #$0f            set up value for mask_dl
-L04c2 sta   u00af           stow as mask_dl
-      anda  #colorbl        and that with $4F 
-      sta   u00ae           stow that as color_bl
-      lda   ,u              get byte at screen buffer
-      anda  u00af           and with mask_dl
-      cmpa  u00ae           compare to color_bl
-      lbne  L05f5           not equal were done
-      ldd   #$FFFF          push 7 $FF bytes on temp stack
-      pshs  a,b             and set stack_ptr accordingly
-      pshs  a,b
-      pshs  a,b
-      pshs  a
-      lda   #$a1            load a with 161
-      sta   u00a0           stow it at left
-      clra                  make a zero
-      sta   u00a1           stow it at right
-      sta   u00aa           stow it at toggle 
-      inca                  now we want a 1
-      sta   u00a3           stow it at direction
-* fill a new line
-L04e9 ldd   u00a0           load left/right
-      std   u00a6           stow at old_left/right
-      lda   u00aa           load toggle
-      sta   u00ab           stow at old_toggle
-      ldb   u009e           load pos_init_x
-      stb   u00a4           store as old_initx
-      incb                  accb now becomes counter
-      stu   u00b0           stow current screen byte as old_buff
-L04f8 lda   ,u              get the screen byte pointed to by u
-      ora   u005b           or it with sbuff_drawmmask
-      anda  u005a           and that with the color
-      sta   ,u              stow that back
-      lda   ,-u             get the screen byte befor that one
-      anda  u00af           and that with mask_dl
-      cmpa  u00ae           compare result with color_bl
-      bne   L050b           not equal move on
-      decb                  otherwise decrement the counter
-      bne   L04f8           if were not at zero go again
-L050b leau  1,u             since cranked to zero bump the screen pointer by one
-      tfr   u,d             move that into d
-      subd  u00b0           subtract old_buff
-      addb  u009e           add pos_init_x
-      stb   u00a0           stow at left
-      lda   u009e           load pos_init_x 
-      stb   u009e           store left at pos_init_x
-      stu   u00b2           temp buff
-      ldu   u00b0           load  old_buff
-      leau  1,u             bump to the next byte
-      nega                  negate pos_init_x value
-      adda  #x_max          add that to 159 (subtract pos_init_x)
-      beq   L0537           that's the new counter and if zero move on
-L0524 ldb   ,u              get that screen byte (color_old)
-      andb  u00af           and it with mask_dl
-      cmpb  u00ae           check against color_bl
-      bne   L0537           not equal move on
-      ldb   ,u              load that byte again to do something with
-      orb   u005b           or it with sbuff_drawmmask
-      andb  u005a           and it with color
-      stb   ,u+             stow it back and bump the pointer
-      deca                  decrement the counter 
-      bne   L0524           if we haven't hit zero go again
-L0537 tfr   u,d             move the screen buff ptr to d
-      subd  u00b2           subtract that saved old pointer
-      decb                  sunbtract a 1
-      addb  u00a0           add in the left
-      stb   u00a1           store as the right
-      lda   u00a6           load old_left
-      cmpa  #$a1            compare to 161
-      beq   L0577           if it is move on
-      cmpb  u00a7           if the new right == old right
-      beq   L0552           then move on
-      bhi   L0566           not equal and right > old_right
-*                           otherwise    
-      stb   u00a4           stow right as old_initx
-      clr   u00aa           clear toggle
-      bra   L056c           head for next calc
-*                           they were equal      
-L0552 lda   u00a0           load a with left
-      cmpa  u00a6           compare that to old_left
-      bne   L0566           move on          
-      lda   #$01            set up a one
-      cmpa  u00aa           compare toggle
-      beq   L0577           is a one ? go to locnext
-      sta   u00aa           not one ? set it to 1
-      lda   u00a1           load right
-      sta   u00a4           stow it as old_initx
-      bra   L056c           head for the next calc
-*                           right > old_right or left > old left      
-L0566 clr   u00aa           clear toggle
-      lda   u00a7           load old right
-      sta   u00a4           save as old_initx
-*         push a bunch on our temp stack
-L056c ldy   u00a2           old_direction/direction         
-      ldx   u00a4           old_initx/y
-      ldu   u00a6           old_left/right
-      lda   u00ab           old_toggle
-      pshs  a,x,y,u         push them on the stack
-L0577 lda   u00a3           load direction
-      sta   u00a2           stow as old_direction
-      ldb   u009f           load pos_init_y
-      stb   u00a5           stow as old_inity
-L057f addb  u00a3           add direction to pos_init_y 
-      stb   u009f           stow the updated pos_init_y
-      cmpb  #y_max          compare that to 167 
-      bhi   L05c5           greater than 167 go test direction
-L0587 ldb   u009f           load pos_init_y
-      lda   #$A0            according to PBUF_MULT
-      mul                   do the math
-      addb  u009e           add pos_init_x position
-      adca  #0000           this adds the carry bit into the answer
-      addd  #gfx_picbuff    add that to the screen buff start addr $6040
-      tfr   d,u             move it into u
-      lda   ,u              get the byte pointed to
-      anda  u00af           and with mask_dl
-      cmpa  u00ae           compare with color_bl
-      lbeq  L04e9           if equal go fill a new line
-      lda   u009e           load pos_init_x
-      ldb   u00a3           load direction
-      cmpb  u00a2           compare to old_direction
-      beq   L05bc           go comapre pos_init_x and right
-      tst   u00aa           test toggle
-      bne   L05bc           not zero go comapre pos_init_x and right
-      cmpa  u00a8           compare pos_init_x and stack_left
-      blo   L05bc           less than stack_left go comapre pos_init_x and right
-      cmpa  u00a9           compare it to stack_right
-      bhi   L05bc           greater than go comapre pos_init_x and right
-      lda   u00a9           load stack_right 
-      cmpa  u00a1           compare to right
-      bhs   L05c5           greater or equal go check direction
-      inca                  add one to stack_right
-      sta   u009e           stow as pos_init_x
-L05bc cmpa  u00a1           compare updated value to right
-      bhs   L05c5           go check directions
-      inca                  less than then increment by 1
-      sta   u009e           stow updated value pos_init_x
-      bra   L0587           loop for next byte
-* test direction and toggle      
-L05c5 lda   u00a3           load direction
-      cmpa  u00a2           compare old_direction
-      bne   L05dc           not equal go pull stacked values
-      tst   u00aa           test toggle
-      bne   L05dc           not zero go pull stack values
-      nega                  negate direction
-      sta   u00a3           store back at direction
-      lda   u00a0           load left
-      sta   u009e           stow as pos_init_x
-      ldb   u00a5           load old_inity
-      stb   u009f           stow at pos_init_y
-      bra   L05ef           go grab off stack and move on
-* directions not equal      
-L05dc puls  a,x,y,u         grab the stuff off the stack
-      cmpa  #$FF            test toggle for $FF source has test of pos_init_y
-      beq   L05f5           equal ? clean up stack and return
-      sty   u00a2           stow old_direction/direction
-      stx   u009e           stow pos_init_x/y
-      stu   u00a0           stow left/right
-      sta   u00aa           stow toggle
-      ldb   u009f           load pos_init_y
-      stb   u00a5           stow old_inity
-L05ef ldx   5,s             gets left right  off stack
-      stx   u00a8           stow stack_left/right
-      bra   L057f           always loop
-L05f5 lds   ,s              reset stack
-      puls  x               retrieve our x
-      rts                   return
-* screen initialization ??
-* this routine effective swaps postion of
-* the two nibbles of the byte loaded 
-* and returns it to the screen 
-L05fb ldx   #gfx_picbuff starting low address of srceen mem
-L05fe lda   ,x           get the first byte  bit order 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
-      clrb               empty b
-      lsra               shift one bit from a
-      rorb               into b
-      lsra               again
-      rorb  
-      lsra               and again
-      rorb  
-      lsra               and finally once more
-      rorb  
-      stb   ,x           were changing x anyway so use it for temp storage
-      ora   ,x           or that with acca so now bit order from orig
-*                        is 4,5,6,7,0,1,2,3
-      sta   ,x+          put it back at x and go for the next one
-      cmpx  #gbuffend    ending high address of screen mem
-      bcs   L05fe
-      rts   
-L0615 leas  -2,s
-      ldx   4,s
-      ldu   2,x
-L061b stu   ,s
-      beq   L0637
-      pshs  u
-      lbsr  L09d8
-      leas  2,s
-      ldu   ,s
-      ldu   4,u
-      pshs  u
-      lbsr  L07be     obj_blit()
-      leas  2,s
-      ldu   ,s
-      ldu   2,u
-      bra   L061b
-L0637 leas  2,s
-      rts   
-L063a leas  -2,s
-      ldx   4,s
-      ldu   ,x
-      beq   L0651
-L0642 stu   ,s
-      pshs  u
-      lbsr  L0a0f
-      leas  2,s
-      ldx   ,s
-      ldu   ,x
-      bne   L0642
-L0651 leas  2,s
-      rts   
-* From obj_picbuff.c the pri_table[172]
-* ours is only 168
-L0654 fcb $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
-      fcb $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
-      fcb $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
-      fcb $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
-      fcb $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
-      fcb $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
-      fcb $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
-      fcb $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
-      fcb $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
-      fcb $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
-      fcb $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
-      fcb $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
-      fcb $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
-      fcb $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
-      fcb $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
-      fcb $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
-      fcb $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
-      fcb $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
-      fcb $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
-      fcb $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
-      fcb $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
-      fcb $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
-      fcb $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
-      fcb $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
-      fcb $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
-      fcb $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
-      fcb $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
-      fcb $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
-* loops thru 48 bytes with a = 4
-* bumps a by one load b with 12 this  
-* iterates thru ten sets of twelve bytes
-* bumping a by one as it goes.
-* table_init()   obj_pic_buff.c
-L06fc leax  L0654,pcr   point to data block
-      ldb   #$30        load index 48
-      lda   #4          load acca = 4
-L0704 sta   ,x+         save a in buffer
-      decb              dec the inner loop counter
-      bne   L0704       go again if loop not finished
-      cmpa  #$0e        get here when inner loop is done
-      bcc   L0712       did we do 10 loops (e-4)
-      inca              nope bump data byte
-      ldb   #$0c        set new counter on loops 2-10
-*                       to do 12 bytes and       
-      bra   L0704       have at it again
-L0712 rts   
-* obj_chk_control(VIEW *x)  obj_picbuff.c
-* our index reg x points to the view structure
-* are 3 = x, 4 = y instead of 3-4 = x & 5-6 = y ???
-*  u00a5 = flag_signal
-*  u00a6 = flag_water
-*  u005c = flag_control
-*  X01af is loaction of state.flag
-*  see agi.h for definition of state structure
-L0713 pshs  y             save y
-      ldx   4,s           sets up mmu info
-      ldd   8,x         
-      lbsr  L0074         twiddle mmu
-      ldb   $04,x         load y ??? (obj_picbuff.c has a y ??)
-      lda   $26,x         load flags
-      bita  #O_PRIFIXED   and with $04 but don't change 
-      bne   L072f         not zero move on
-*                         it is zero then      
-      leau  L0654,pcr     load buffer address
-      clra                clear a since we will use d as an index
-      lda   d,u           fetch the data from pri_table
-      sta   $24,x         save as priority
-L072f lda   #$A0          according to PBUF_MULT()
-      mul                 do the math
-      addb  $03,x         add in x ??
-      adca  #0000         add in the carry bit
-      addd  #gfx_picbuff  add it to the start of the screen buff addr 6040
-      tfr   d,u           move the pointer pb to u
-      ldy   $10,x         load y with cel_data ptr
-      clra                make a zero
-      sta   u00a6         stow it at flag_water
-      sta   u00a5         stow it at flag_signal
-      inca                make a 1
-      sta   u005c         stow it at flag_contro1
-      ldb   $24,x         load priority
-      cmpb  #$0F          compare it with 15
-      beq   L078b         If it equals 15 move on
-*                         otherwise if not equal 15      
-      sta   u00a6         stow that 1 at flag_water
-      ldb   ,y            cx  first byte of cel_data  (cel_width)
-*  do while cx != 0
-L0752 lda   ,u+           (pri) put byte at pb in acca and bump pointer
-      anda  #$F0          and that with $F0  (obstacle ??)
-      beq   L077a         if it equals 0 set flag_control =0 and check_finish
-      cmpa  #$30          compare pri to 48 (water ??)
-      beq   L0766         not equal  move to end of loop
-      clr   u00a6         clear the water flag
-      cmpa  #$10          compare it with 16 (conditional ??)
-      beq   L077e         if equal go test for observe blocks
-      cmpa  #$20          compare with 32
-      beq   L0787
-L0766 decb                decrement cx
-      bne   L0752         not zero yet loop again
-      lda   $25,x         load flags in  acca
-      tst   u00a6         test flag_water
-      bne   L0776         not zero next test
-      bita  #O_DRAWN      should be O_WATER Looks like a BUG in ours
-      beq   L078b         if it equals one head for check_finish
-      bra   L077a         clear that flag control first and leave
-L0776 bita  #O_HRZNIGNORE should be O_LAND  Looks like a BUG in ours 
-      beq   L078b
-L077a clr   u005c         clear flag_control
-      bra   L078b         head for check_finish
-L077e lda   $26,x         load flags in acca
-      bita  #O_BLKIGNORE  and with $02 but don't change 
-      beq   L077a         equals zero clear flag_control and go check_finish 
-      bra   L0766         then  head back in the loop
-L0787 sta   u00a5         store acca at flag signal (obj_picbuff.c has =1) 
-      bra   L0766        continue with loop
-L078b lda   $02,x         load num
-      bne   L07bb         if not zero were done head out
-* flag signal test
-      lda   u00a5         load flag_signal  
-*                         operates on F03_EGOSIGNAL      
-      beq   L079d         if its zero go reset the signal
-*                         otherwise set the flag      
-      lda   X01af         load the state.flag element
-      ora   #$10          set the bits
-      sta   X01af         save it back
-      bra   L07a5         go test the water flag
-L079d lda   X01af         load the state.flag element
-      anda  #$ef          reset the bits 
-      sta   X01af         save it back
-* flag_water test      
-L07a5 lda   u00a6         load flag_water     
-      beq   L07b3         if zero go reset the flag
-*                         otherwise set it      
-      lda   X01af         load the state.flag element
-      ora   #$80          set the bits
-      sta   X01af         save it back
-      bra   L07bb         baby we're out of here
-L07b3 lda   X01af         load the state.flag element
-      anda  #$7f          reset the bits
-      sta   X01af         save it back
-L07bb puls  y             retrieve our y and leave
-      rts   
-*  obj_blit(VIEW *x)   obj_blit.c
-* our index reg x points to the view structure
-* are 3 = x, 4 = y instead of 3-4 = x & 5-6 = y ???
-*  u00a2 = cel_height
-*  u00a7 = cel_trans
-*  u00a8 = pb
-*  u00a9
-*  u00ac
-*  u00ad
-*  u009e = view_pri
-L07be ldx   $02,s
-      ldd   $08,x
-      lbsr  L0074        twiddle mmu
-      ldu   $10,x        u now is a pointer to cel_data
-      lda   $02,u        cel_data[$02] loaded
-      bita  #O_Block     are we testing against a block or does $80 mean something else here? 
-      beq   L07d1        if zero skip next instruction
-      lbsr  L087f        otherwise call obj_cell_mirror
-L07d1 ldd   ,u++         load the first 2 bytes of cel_data and bump to next word
-*                        cel_width is in acca we ignore 
-      stb   u00a2        save as cel_height
-*                        obj_blit.c has and $0F which is a divide by 16
-*                        we do a multiply x 16 ???      
-      lda   ,u+          cel_trans 
-      asla  
-      asla  
-      asla  
-      asla  
-      sta   u00a7        save as cel_tran
-      lda   $24,x        priority
-      asla  
-      asla  
-      asla  
-      asla  
-      sta   u009e        view_pri
-      ldb   $04,x        load the y value
-      subb  u00a2        subtract the cel_height
-      incb               add 1
-      lda   #$a0         according to PBUF_MULT()
-      mul                do the math
-      addb  $03,x        add in the x value
-      adca  #0000        add in the carry from multiply
-      addd  #gfx_picbuff add this to the start of the screen buff addr $6040
-      std   u00a8        pb pointer to the pic buffer
-      ldx   u00a8        load it in an index reg
-      lda   #$01
-      sta   u00ac        set cel_invis to 1 and save
-      bra   L0800
-L07ff abx   
-L0800 lda   ,u+
-      beq   L082d
-      ldb   -$01,u
-      anda  #$f0
-      andb  #$0f
-      cmpa  u00a7      
-      beq   L07ff
-      lsra  
-      lsra  
-      lsra  
-      lsra  
-      sta   u009f      
-L0814 lda   ,x
-      anda  #$f0
-      cmpa  #$20
-      bls   L083b
-      cmpa  u009e
-      bhi   L085b
-      lda   u009e
-L0822 ora   u009f      
-      sta   ,x+
-      clr   u00ac
-      decb  
-      bne   L0814
-      bra   L0800
-L082d dec   u00a2
-      beq   L0862
-      ldx   u00a8
-      leax  160,x
-      stx   u00a8
-      bra   L0800
-L083b stx   u00ad      
-      clra  
-L083e cmpx  #$c8a0
-      bcc   L084f
-      leax  >$00A0,x
-      lda   ,x
-      anda  #$f0
-      cmpa  #$20
-      bls   L083e
-L084f ldx   u00ad      
-      cmpa  u009e
-      bhi   L085b
-      lda   ,x
-      anda  #$f0
-      bra   L0822
-L085b leax  $01,x
-      decb  
-      bne   L0814
-      bra   L0800
-L0862 ldx   $02,s
-      lda   $02,x
-      bne   L087e
-      lda   u00ac
-      beq   L0876
-      lda   X01af
-      ora   #$40
-      sta   X01af
-      bra   L087e
-L0876 lda   X01af
-      anda  #$bf
-      sta   X01af
-L087e rts   
-* obj_cel_mirror in obj_picbuff.c 
-* we use different values 
-L087f anda  #$30
-      lsra  
-      lsra  
-      lsra  
-      lsra  
-      cmpa  $0A,x
-      lbeq  L0926
-      pshs  x,y,u
-      lda   $0A,x
-      asla  
-      asla  
-      asla  
-      asla  
-      sta   u00af
-      lda   #$cf
-      anda  2,u
-      ora   u00af
-      sta   2,u
-      ldy   #gbuffend
-      ldd   ,u++
-      std   u00a1
-      lda   ,u+
-      asla  
-      asla  
-      asla  
-      asla  
-      sta   u00a7     
-      stu   u00b0
-L08af clrb  
-      stb   u00ab
-L08b2 stb   u00aa
-      lda   ,u+
-      beq   L08fc
-      ldb   -1,u
-      anda  #$f0
-      andb  #$0f
-      cmpa  u00a7    
-      bne   L08cc
-      addb  u00aa
-      bra   L08b2
-L08c6 ldb   ,u+
-      beq   L08d4
-      andb  #$0f
-L08cc addb  u00aa
-      stb   u00aa
-      inc   u00ab
-      bra   L08c6
-L08d4 lda   u00aa
-      nega  
-      adda  u00a1
-      beq   L08f1
-L08db suba  #$0f
-      bls   L08eb
-      sta   u00aa
-      lda   u00a7   
-      ora   #$0f
-      sta   ,y+
-      lda   u00aa
-      bra   L08db
-L08eb adda  #$0f
-      ora   u00a7  
-      sta   ,y+
-L08f1 leax  -1,u
-      ldb   u00ab
-L08f5 lda   ,-x
-      sta   ,y+
-      decb  
-      bne   L08f5
-L08fc stb   ,y+
-      dec   u00a2
-      bne   L08af
-      tfr   y,d
-      subd  #gbuffend
-      stb   u00b2
-      andb  #$fe
-      tfr   d,x
-      ldu   u00b0
-      ldy   #gbuffend
-L0913 ldd   ,y++
-      std   ,u++
-      leax  -2,x
-      bne   L0913
-      lda   u00b2
-      lsra  
-      bcc   L0924
-      lda   ,y
-      sta   ,u
-L0924 puls  x,y,u
-L0926 rts   
-L0927 pshs  y
-      ldx   4,s
-      ldd   8,x
-      lbsr  L0074        twiddle mmu
-      clra  
-      ldb   4,x
-      leau  L0654,pcr
-      lda   d,u
-      std   u00a3   
-      ldb   36,x
-      andb  #$0f
-      bne   L0948
-      ora   36,x
-      sta   36,x
-L0948 pshs  x
-      lbsr  L07be       obj_blit
-      leas  2,s
-      ldx   4,s
-      lda   36,x
-      cmpa  #$3f
-      lbhi  L09d5
-      leau  L0654,pcr
-      ldb   u00a4
-      clr   u00b3
-L0962 clra  
-      inc   u00b3
-      tstb  
-      beq   L096f
-      decb  
-      lda   d,u
-      cmpa  u00a3   
-      beq   L0962
-L096f ldb   4,x
-      lda   #$a0
-      mul   
-      addb  3,x
-      adca  #0
-      addd  #gfx_picbuff     $6040
-      tfr   d,u
-      stu   u00a8
-      ldy   16,x
-      ldb   1,y
-      cmpb  u00b3
-      bhi   L098b
-      stb   u00b3
-L098b lda   36,x
-      anda  #$f0
-      sta   u009e
-      ldb   ,y
-L0994 lda   ,u
-      anda  #$0f
-      ora   u009e
-      sta   ,u+
-      decb  
-      bne   L0994
-      dec   u00b3
-      beq   L09d5
-      ldu   u00a8
-      ldb   ,y
-      decb  
-L09a8 leau  -160,u
-      tfr   u,x
-      lda   ,u
-      anda  #$0f
-      ora   u009e
-      sta   ,u
-      clra  
-      lda   d,u
-      anda  #$0f
-      ora   u009e
-      abx   
-      sta   ,x
-      dec   u00b3
-      bne   L09a8
-      ldb   ,y
-      subb  #2
-      leau  1,u
-L09ca lda   ,u
-      anda  #$0f
-      ora   u009e
-      sta   ,u+
-      decb  
-      bne   L09ca
-L09d5 puls  y
-      rts   
-L09d8 ldu   2,s
-      ldd   12,u
-      lbsr  L0074      twiddle mmu
-      ldu   2,s
-      ldd   8,u
-      std   u00a1
-      clr   u00a0
-      ldb   7,u
-      lda   #$a0
-      mul   
-      addb  6,u
-      adca  #0
-      addd  #gfx_picbuff     $6040
-      ldu   10,u
-L09f5 std   u00a8
-      addd  u00a0
-      std   u00ad   
-      ldx   u00a8
-L09fd ldd   ,x++
-      std   ,u++
-      cmpx  u00ad   
-      bcs   L09fd
-      ldd   u00a8
-      addd  #$00a0
-      dec   u00a2
-      bne   L09f5
-      rts   
-L0a0f ldu   2,s
-      ldd   12,u
-      lbsr  L0074     twiddle mmu
-      ldu   2,s
-      ldd   8,u
-      std   u00a1
-      clr   u00a0
-      ldb   7,u
-      lda   #$a0
-      mul   
-      addb  6,u
-      adca  #0
-      addd  #gfx_picbuff     $6040
-      ldu   10,u
-L0a2c std   u00a8
-      addd  u00a0
-      std   u00ad   
-      ldx   u00a8
-L0a34 ldd   ,u++
-      std   ,x++
-      cmpx  u00ad   
-      bcs   L0a34
-      ldd   u00a8
-      addd  #$00a0
-      dec   u00a2
-      bne   L0a2c
-      rts   
-      fcb $00,$00,$00,$00
-      fcb $00,$00,$00,$00
-      fcc "shdw"
-      fcb $00
-      emod 
-eom   equ *
-      end
+* SHDW - Kings Quest III screen rendering module??
+* $Id$
+* Ed.    Comments                                       Who YY/MM/DD
+* ------------------------------------------------------------------
+* 0      Disassembly of original distribution           PWZ 03/03/14
+*        using a combination of disasm v1.6 and
+*        the os9tools disassembler Os9disasm
+*        Note the header shows a data size of 0
+*        called from the sierra module and accesses
+*        data set up in that module
+*        Much credit and thanks is give to Nick Sonneveld and 
+*        the other NAGI folks. Following his sources made it
+*        so much easier to document what was happening in here.
+*        This source will assemble byte for byte 
+*        to the original kq3 shdw module.
+*        Header for : shdw
+*        Module size: $A56  #2646
+*        Module CRC : $E9E019 (Good)
+*        Hdr parity : $74
+*        Exec. off  : $0012  #18
+*        Data size  : $0000  #0
+*        Edition    : $00  #0
+*        Ty/La At/Rv: $11 $81
+*        Prog mod, 6809 Obj, re-ent, R/O
+* Disassembly by Os9disasm of shdw
+         nam   shdw
+         ttl   program module       
+         ifp1
+         use   defsfile
+         endc
+tylg     set   Prgrm+Objct   
+atrv     set   ReEnt+rev
+rev      set   $01
+         mod   eom,name,tylg,atrv,start,size
+size           equ   .
+Xffa9          equ $FFA9   task 1 block 2
+X01af          equ $01AF   pointer to state.flag
+X0551          equ $0551   pointer to a linked list of picture data
+* OS9 data area definitions
+u001a          equ $001A    shdw MMU block data
+u002e          equ $002E    Load offset 
+u0042          equ $0042    Sierra process descriptor block
+u0043          equ $0043    Sierra 2nd 8K data block    
+u005a          equ $005A    color
+u005b          equ $005B    sbuff_drawmask
+u005c          equ $005C    flag_control 
+u006b          equ $006B    pen_status
+* these look like gen purpose scratch vars
+u009e          equ $009E    pos_init_x
+u009f          equ $009F    pos_init_y
+u00a0          equ $00A0    pos_final_x
+u00a1          equ $00A1    pos_final_y 
+u00a2          equ $00A2    
+u00a3          equ $00A3    
+u00a4          equ $00A4    
+u00a5          equ $00A5    
+u00a6          equ $00A6    
+u00a7          equ $00A7    
+u00a8          equ $00A8    
+u00a9          equ $00A9    
+u00aa          equ $00AA
+u00ab          equ $00AB    
+u00ac          equ $00AC    
+u00ad          equ $00AD    
+u00ae          equ $00AE
+u00af          equ $00AF
+u00b0          equ $00B0
+u00b2          equ $00B2
+u00b3          equ $00B3
+O_DRAWN        equ $01   * 0  - object has been drawn
+O_BLKIGNORE    equ $02   * 1  - ignore blocks and condition lines
+O_PRIFIXED     equ $04   * 2  - fixes priority agi cannot change it based on position
+O_HRZNIGNORE   equ $08   * 3  - ignore horizon
+O_UPDATE       equ $10   * 4  - update every cycle
+O_CYCLE        equ $20   * 5  - the object cycles
+O_ANIMATE      equ $40   * 6  - animated
+O_BLOCK        equ $80   * 7  - resting on a block
+O_WATER        equ $100  * 8  - only allowed on water
+O_OBJIGNORE    equ $200  * 9  - ignore other objects when determining contacts
+O_REPOS        equ $400  * 10 - set whenever a obj is repositioned
+*                                that way the interpeter doesn't check it's next movement for one cycle
+O_LAND         equ $800  * 11 - only allowed on land
+O_SKIPUPDATE   equ $1000 * 12 - does not update obj for one cycle
+O_LOOPFIXED    equ $2000 * 13 - agi cannot set the loop depending on direction
+O_MOTIONLESS   equ $4000 * 14 - no movement.  
+*                                if position is same as position in last cycle then this flag is set.
+*                                follow/wander code can then create a new direction
+*                                (ie, if it hits a wall or something)
+O_UNUSED       equ $8000
+* Local Program Defines
+PICBUFF_WIDTH  equ 160  ($A0)
+PICBUFF_HEIGHT equ 168  ($A8)
+picb_size      equ PICBUFF_WIDTH*PICBUFF_HEIGHT   $6900
+x_max          equ PICBUFF_WIDTH-1                 159 ($9F)  
+y_max          equ PICBUFF_HEIGHT-1                167 ($A7)
+gfx_picbuff    equ $6040                           screen buff low address
+gbuffend       equ gfx_picbuff+picb_size           screen buff high address $C940
+blit_end       equ gfx_picbuff+$6860
+cmd_start      equ $F0                             first command value
+name  equ   *
+L000d fcs 'shdw'
+      fcb $00
+* This module is linked to in sierra
+start equ   *
+L0012 lbra  L05fb      screen init ?
+      lbra  L0713      obj_chk_control
+      lbra  L0175      render_pic  (which calls pic_cmd_loop)  
+      lbra  L0189      pic_cmd_loop
+      lbra  L07be      obj_blit
+      lbra  L0927      obj_add_pic_pri
+      lbra  L0a0f      blit_restore
+      lbra  L09d8      blit_save
+      lbra  L040e      sbuff_fill
+      lbra  L063a      blitlist_draw
+      lbra  L0615      blitlist_erase
+      fcc  'AGI (c) copyright 1988 SIERRA On-Line'
+      fcc  'CoCo3 version by Chris Iden'
+      fcb   C$NULL
+* Twiddles with MMU
+* accd is loaded by calling program
+*  u001a = shdw mem block data
+*  u0042 = sierra process descriptor block
+*  u0043 = Sierra 2nd 8K data block
+L0074 cmpa  u001a      compare to shdw mem block
+      beq   L008e      equal ?? no work to be done move on
+      orcc  #IntMasks  turn off interupts
+      sta   u001a      store the value passed in by a
+      lda   u0042      get sierra process descriptor map block
+      sta   Xffa9      map it in to $2000-$3FFF
+      ldu   u0043      2nd 8K data block in Sierra
+      lda   u001a      load my mem block value
+      sta   ,u         save my values at address held in u0043
+      stb   $02,u        
+      std   Xffa9      map it to task 1 block 2
+      andcc #^IntMasks restore the interupts
+L008e rts              we done
+L008f fcb $00          load offsets updated flag
+* binary_list[] (pic_render.c)
+L0090 fdb $8000
+      fdb $4000
+      fdb $2000
+      fdb $1000
+      fdb $0800
+      fdb $0400
+      fdb $0200
+      fdb $0100
+      fdb $0080
+      fdb $0040
+      fdb $0020
+      fdb $0010
+      fdb $0008
+      fdb $0004
+      fdb $0002
+      fdb $0001
+* circle_data[] (pic_render.c)
+L00b0 fdb $8000
+      fdb $e000
+      fdb $e000
+      fdb $e000
+      fdb $7000
+      fdb $f800
+      fdb $f800
+      fdb $f800
+      fdb $7000
+      fdb $3800
+      fdb $7c00
+      fdb $fe00
+      fdb $fe00
+      fdb $fe00
+      fdb $7c00
+      fdb $3800
+      fdb $1c00
+      fdb $7f00
+      fdb $ff80
+      fdb $ff80
+      fdb $ff80
+      fdb $ff80
+      fdb $ff80
+      fdb $7f00
+      fdb $1c00
+      fdb $0e00
+      fdb $3f80
+      fdb $7fc0
+      fdb $7fc0
+      fdb $ffe0
+      fdb $ffe0
+      fdb $ffe0
+      fdb $7fc0
+      fdb $7fc0
+      fdb $3f80
+      fdb $1f00
+      fdb $0e00
+      fdb $0f80
+      fdb $3fe0
+      fdb $7ff0
+      fdb $7ff0
+      fdb $fff8
+      fdb $fff8
+      fdb $fff8
+      fdb $fff8
+      fdb $fff8
+      fdb $7ff0
+      fdb $7ff0
+      fdb $3fe0
+      fdb $0f80
+      fdb $07c0
+      fdb $1ff0
+      fdb $3ff8
+      fdb $7ffc
+      fdb $7ffc
+      fdb $fffe
+      fdb $fffe
+      fdb $fffe
+      fdb $fffe
+      fdb $fffe
+      fdb $7ffc
+      fdb $7ffc
+      fdb $3ff8
+      fdb $1ff0
+      fdb $07c0
+* circle_list[] (pic_render.c) 
+* this data is different in the file
+* { 0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 37, 50 }
+* These run like a set of numbers**2 {0,1,2,3,4,5,~6,~7} 
+* ah ha these are multiples 2*(0,1,2,3,4,5,~6,~7)**2)
+L0132 fcb $00,$00        0
+      fcb $00,$02        2
+      fcb $00,$08        8
+      fcb $00,$12       18
+      fcb $00,$20       32
+      fcb $00,$32       50
+      fcb $00,$4a       74
+      fcb $00,$64      100
+* select case dispatch table for pic_cmd_loop()
+L0142 fdb $01bc        enable_pic_draw()
+      fdb $01c9        disable_pic_draw()
+      fdb $01d4        enable_pri_draw()
+      fdb $01e9        disable_pri_draw()
+      fdb $02de        draw_y_corner()
+      fdb $02d1        draw_x_corner()
+      fdb $0309        absolute_line()
+      fdb $031d        relative_line()
+      fdb $0359        pic_fill()
+      fdb $0211        read_pen_status()
+      fdb $01f4        plot_with_pen()
+* This code adds the load offsets to the program offsets above
+*  u00ab = loop counter
+L0158 tst   L008f,pcr  test if we've loaded the offsets already
+      bne   L0174      done once leave
+      inc   L008f,pcr  not done set the flag 
+      lda   #$0b       set our index to 11
+      sta   u00ab      stow it in mem since we are going to clobber b
+      leau  >L0142,pcr load table head address
+L016a ldd   u002e      get load offset set in sierra
+      addd  ,u         add the load offset 
+      std   ,u++       and stow it back, bump pointer
+      dec   u00ab      decrement the index
+      bne   L016a      ain't done go again
+L0174 rts              we're out of here
+* The interaction between render_pic and pic_cmd_loop is divided 
+* differently in the NAGI source pic_render.c
+* render_pic()
+* 4 = proirity and color = F, so the note says
+* so the priority is MSnibble and the color is LSnibble
+L0175 ldd   #$4f4f     load the color
+      pshs  d          push it on the stack for the pass
+      lbsr  L040e      call sbuff_fill routine
+      leas  $02,s      reset stack to value at entry
+      ldd   $02,s      pull the next word 
+      pshs  d          push it on top of the stack        
+      lbsr  L0189      call pic_cmd_loop()
+      leas  $02,s      once we return clean up stack again
+      rts              return
+* pic_cmd_loop() (pic_render.c)
+*  u005a = color
+*  u005b = sbuff_drawmask
+*  u006b = pen_status
+L0189 pshs  y
+      bsr   L0158      ensure load offset has been added to table address
+      lbsr  L06fc      sbuff_fill()
+      clra             make a zero
+      sta   u005b      sbuff_drawmask
+      sta   u006b      pen_status
+      coma             make the complement FF
+      sta   u005a      store color
+      ldu   4,s        get the word passed in to us on the stack
+      ldd   5,u        pull out the required info for the mmu twiddle
+      lbsr  L0074      twiddle mmu 
+* pic_cmd_loop()  (pic_render.c) starts here      
+      ldx   X0551      given_pic_data  set in pic_res.c
+L01a2 lda   ,x+        pic_byte
+L01a4 cmpa  #$ff       if it's FF were done 
+      beq   L01b9      so head out
+      suba  #cmd_start first valid cmd = F0 so subtract to get index
+      blo   L01a2      less than F0 ignore it get next byte
+      cmpa  #$0a       check for top end
+      bhi   L01a2      greater than FA ignore it get next byte
+      leau  >L0142,pcr load the addr of the dispatch table
+      asla             sign extend multiply by two for double byte offset
+      jsr   [a,u]      make the call
+      bra   L01a4      loop again
+L01b9 puls  y          done then fetch the y back 
+      rts              and return
+* Command $F0 change picture color and enable picture draw
+*  enable_pic_draw() pic_render.c
+*  differs slightly with pic_render.c 
+*  does't have colour_render()
+*  and setting of colour_picpart
+*  u005a = color
+*  u005b = sbuff_drawmask
+*  x contains pointer to given_pic_data known as the pic_byte         
+*  after ldd
+*  a contains color
+*  b contains draw mask
+*  returns the next pic_byte in a
+L01bc ldd   u005a      pulls in color and sbuff_drawmask
+      anda  #$f0       and color with $F0
+      ora   ,x+        or that result with the pic_byte and bump to next
+      orb   #$0f       or the sbuff_drawmask with $0F
+      std   u005a      store the updated values
+      lda   ,x+        return value ignored so this just bumps to next pic_byte
+      rts
+* Command $F1 Disable picture draw
+*  disable_pic_draw() 
+*  u005a = color
+*  u005b = sbuff_drawmask
+*  x contains pointer to given_pic_data known as the pic_byte         
+*  after ldd
+*  a contains color
+*  b contains draw mask
+*  returns the next pic_byte in a
+L01c9 ldd   u005a      pulls in color and sbuff_drawmask
+      ora   #$0f       ors color with $0F (white ??)
+      andb  #$f0       ands draw mask with $F0
+      std   u005a      store the updated values
+      lda   ,x+        return value ignored so this just bumps to next pic_byte
+      rts
+* Command $F2 Changes priority color and enables priority draw
+*  enable_pri_draw() pic_render.c
+*  u005a = color
+*  u005b = sbuff_drawmask
+*  x contains pointer to given_pic_data known as the pic_byte         
+*  after ldd
+*  a contains color
+*  b contains draw mask
+*  returns the next pic_byte in a
+L01d4 ldd   u005a      pulls in color and sbuff_drawmask      
+      anda  #$0f       ands color with $0F
+      sta   u005a      save color 
+      lda   ,x+        loads pic_byte and bumps to next
+      asla             times 2 with sign extend
+      asla             again times 2
+      asla             and again times 2
+      asla             end result is multiply pic_byte by 16 ($10)  
+      ora   u005a      or that value with the modified color
+      orb   #$f0       or the sbuff_drawmask with $F0
+      std   u005a      store the updated values
+      lda   ,x+        return value ignored so this just bumps to next pic_byte
+      rts
+* Command $F3 Disable priority draw
+*  diasable_pri_draw() pic_render.c
+*  u005a = color
+*  u005b = sbuff_drawmask
+*  x contains pointer to given_pic_data known as the pic_byte         
+*  after ldd
+*  a contains color
+*  b contains draw mask
+*  returns the next pic_byte in a
+L1e9  ldd   u005a      pulls in color and sbuff_drawmask
+      ora   #$f0       or the color with $F0
+      andb  #$0f       and the sbuff_drawmask with $0F
+      std   u005a      store the updated values
+      lda   ,x+        return value ignored so this just bumps to next pic_byte
+      rts
+* Command $FA plot with pen 
+* Logic is pic_byte >= 0xF0 in c source.
+* Emailed Nick Sonneveld 3/14/ 03
+*  u006b = pen_status
+*  u00a2 = pen_x position
+*  u00a3 = pen_y position
+*  u00a6 = texture_num
+*  x contains pointer to given_pic_data known as the pic_byte         
+*  returns the next pic_byte in a
+* plot_with_pen()  (pic_render.c)        
+L01f4 lda   u006b      pen_status
+      bita  #$20       and but don't change check for pen type solid or splater ($20)
+      beq   L0204      is splater 
+      lda   ,x+        load pic_byte (acca) from pic_code and bump pointer
+      cmpa  #cmd_start test against $F0 if a is less than
+*                      based on discussions with Nick this must have been a bug 
+*                      in the earlier versions of software...
+*                      if it is less than $F0 it's just a picture byte 
+*                      fix next rev. 
+      lblo  L02ea      branch to a return statement miles away (could be fixed)
+      sta   u00a6      save our pic_byte in texture_num
+L0204 lbsr  L0364      call read_xy_postion
+      lblo  L02ea      far off rts
+      std   u00a2      pen x/y position 
+      bsr   L0218      call plot_with_pen2()
+      bra   L01f4      go again ...
+*                      yes there is no rts here in the c source either
+* Command $F9 Change pen size and style
+*  read_pen_status() pic_render.c
+*  u006b = pen_status
+*  x contains pointer to given_pic_data known as the pic_byte         
+*  returns the next pic_byte in a
+L0211 lda   ,x+        get pic_byte
+      sta   u006b      save as pen_status
+      lda   ,x+        return value ignored so this just bumps to next pic_byte  
+      rts
+* plot_with_pen2()
+* called from plot with pen
+*  Sets up circle_ptr
+*  u006b = pen_status
+*  u009e = pos_init_x
+*  u009f = pos_init_y
+*  u00a2 = pen_x position
+*  u00a3 = pen_y position
+*  u00a4 = pen_final_x
+*  u00a5 = pen_final_y
+*  u00a7 = pen.size
+*  u00a8 = t
+*  u00a9 = pensize x 2
+*  u00aa =  "
+*  u00ab = scratch var
+*  u00ac = scratch var
+*  u00ad = penwidth
+*  u00ae =  "
+L0218 ldb   u006b      pen_status
+      andb  #$07        
+      stb   u00a7      pen.size ?? save for pen_status & $07 
+      clra             clear a and condition codes
+      lslb             multiply by 2 
+      std   u00a9      pen size x 2
+      leau  L0132,pcr  circle_list[]
+      ldd   b,u        d now holds one of the circle_list values 
+      leau  L00b0,pcr  circle_data[]
+      leau  d,u        use that to index to a circle_data item
+*                      u now is circle_ptr      
+*  Set up x position       
+      clra  
+      ldb   u00a2      load pen_x position
+      lslb             multiply by two
+      rola  
+      subb  u00a7      subtract the pen.size
+      bcc   L023f      outcome not less than zero move on
+      deca               
+      bpl   L023f      if we still have pos must be 0 or >
+      ldd   #0000        
+      bra   L024d
+L023f std   u00ab      store pen_x at scratch 
+      ldd   #$0140     start with 320
+      subd  u00a9      subtract 2 x pen.size
+      cmpd  u00ab      pen_x to calc
+      bls   L024d      if pen_x is greater keep temp calc
+      ldd   u00ab      otherwise use pen_x
+L024d lsra             divide by 2
+      rorb  
+      stb   u00a2      stow at pen_x
+      stb   u00a4      stow at pen_final_x
+*  Set up y position      
+      lda   u00a3      pen_y
+      suba  u00a7      pen.size
+      bcc   L025c      >= 0 Ok go stow it
+      clra             otherwise less than zero so set it to 0
+      bra   L0268      go stow it
+L025c sta   u00ab      store pen_y at scratch
+      lda   #y_max     start with 167
+      suba  u00aa      subtract 2 x pen.size
+      cmpa  u00ab      compare to pen_y calced so far
+      bls   L0268      if pen_y > calc use calc and save it
+      lda   u00ab      otherwise use pen_y
+L0268 sta   u00a3      pen_y
+      sta   u00a5      pen_final_y
+      lda   u00a6      texture_num
+      ora   #$01
+      sta   u00a8      t ??
+      ldb   u00aa      2 x pen.size
+      incb             bump it by one
+      tfr   b,a        copy b into a
+      adda  u00a5      add value to pen_final_y
+      sta   u00a5      save new pen_final_y
+      lslb             shift b left (multiply by 2)
+      leax  L0090,pcr  binary list[]
+      ldd   b,x        use 2x pensize + 1 to index into list 
+      std   u00ad      pen width ???
+*   this looks like it should have been nested for loops
+*   but not coded that way in pic_render.c
+*  new y
+L0284 leax  L0090,pcr  binary_list[]
+*  new x
+L0288 lda   u006b      pen_status
+      bita  #O_UPDATE  and it with $10 but don't change 
+      bne   L0298      not equal zero go on to next pen status test
+      ldd   ,u         otherwise  load data at circle_ptr
+      anda  ,x         and that with first element in binary_list
+      bne   L0298      if thats not zero go on to next pen status check
+      andb  $01,x      and the second bytes of data at circle_ptr
+*                      and binary_list       
+      beq   L02ba      that outcome is equ zero head for next calcs 
+L0298 lda   u006b      pen_status
+      bita  #$20       anded with $20 but don't change  
+      beq   L02af      equals zero set up and plot buffer
+      lda   u00a8      otherwise load t (texture_num | $01)
+      lsra             divide by 2
+      bcc   L02a5      no remainder save that number as t
+      eora  #$b8       exclusive or t with $B8
+L02a5 sta   u00a8      save new t
+      bita  #O_DRAWN     anded with 1 but don't change 
+      bne   L02ba        not equal zero don't plot
+      bita  #O_BLKIGNORE anded with 2 but don't change 
+      beq   L02ba        does equal zero don't plot
+L02af pshs  u          save current u sbuff_plot uses it
+      ldd   u00a2      load pen_x/pen_y values
+      std   u009e      save at pos_init_x/y positions
+      lbsr  L046f      head for sbuff_plot()
+      puls  u          retrieve u from before call
+L02ba inc   u00a2      increment pen_x value
+      leax  $04,x      move four bytes in the binary_list
+      cmpx  u00ad      comapre that value to pen_width
+      bls   L0288      less or same go again
+      leau  $02,u      bump circle_ptr to next location in circle_data[]
+      lda   u00a4      load pen_final_x
+      sta   u00a2      store at pen_x       
+      inc   u00a3      bump pen_y
+      lda   u00a3      pen_y
+      cmpa  u00a5      compare to pen_final_y
+      bne   L0284      not equal go do the next row
+      rts
+* Command $F5 Draw an X corner 
+* draw_x_corner()  pic_render.c  
+*  u009e = pos_init_x
+*  u009f = pos_init_y
+L02d1 lbsr  L0364      call read_xy_pos
+      bcs   L02ea      next subs rts
+      std   u009e      save pos_init_x/y positions
+      lbsr  L046f      head for sbuff_plot()
+      bsr   L02eb      draw_corner(0)
+      rts
+* Command $F4 Draw a Y corner         
+* draw_y_corner()  pic_render.c
+*  u009e = pos_init_x
+*  u009f = pos_init_y
+L02de lbsr  L0364      call read_xy_pos
+      bcs   L02ea      return
+      std   u009e      save at pos_init_x/y positions
+      lbsr  L046f      head for sbuff_plot()
+      bsr   L02f9      draw_corner(1)
+L02ea rts
+* draw_corner(u8 type)  pic_render.c
+*  u009e = pos_init_x
+*  u009f = pos_init_y
+*  u00a0 = pos_final_x
+*  u00a1 = pos_final_y 
+L02eb lbsr  L036f      get_x_pos()
+      bcs   L02ea      prior subs return
+      sta   u00a0      store as pos_final_x
+      ldb   u009f      load pos_init_y
+      stb   u00a1      store as pos_final_y
+      lbsr  L0421      call sbuff_xline()
+L02f9 lbsr  L0381      get_y_pos
+      bcs   L02ea      prior subs return
+      stb   u00a1      save pos_final_y
+      lda   u009e      load pos_init_x
+      sta   u00a0      save pos_final_x
+      lbsr  L0447      sbuff_yline()     
+      bra   L02eb      head for draw_x
+* Command $F6 Absolute line
+* absolute_line()
+* This command is before Draw X corner in nagi source
+*  u009e = pos_init_x
+*  u009f = pos_init_y
+*  u00a0 = pos_final_x
+*  u00a1 = pos_final_y 
+L0309 bsr   L0364      call read_xy_pos
+      bcs   L02ea      prior subs return
+      std   u009e      save at pos_init_x/y positions
+      lbsr  L046f      head for sbuff_plot()
+L0312 bsr   L0364      call read_xy_pos
+      bcs   L02ea      prior subs return
+      std   u00a0      save at pos_final_x/y and passed draw_line in d
+      lbsr  L0394      call draw_line()
+      bra   L0312      go again
+* relative_line()      
+*  u009e = pos_init_x
+*  u009f = pos_init_y
+*  u00a0 = pos_final_x
+*  u00a1 = pos_final_y 
+L031D bsr   L0364      call read_xy_pos
+      bcs   L02ea      prior subs return
+      std   u009e      save at pos_init_x/y positions
+      lbsr  L046f      head for sbuff_plot()
+* calc x
+L0326 lda   ,x+        get next pic_byte 
+*                      and load it in pos_data in c source
+      cmpa  #cmd_start is that equal $F0 or greater
+      bcc   L02ea      yep were done so return (we use prior subs return ??)
+*                      that rascal in acca changes names again to x_step
+*                      but it's still the same old data
+      anda  #$70       and that with $70 
+*                      (where these values are derived from I haven't a clue, as of yet :-))
+      lsra             divide by 2
+      lsra             and again
+      lsra             once more
+      lsra             and finally another for a /16
+      ldb   -$01,x       get the original value
+      bpl   L0337      if original value not negative move on
+      nega             else it was so flip the sign of the computed value
+L0337 adda  u009e      add pos_init_x position
+      cmpa  #x_max     compare to 159
+      bls   L033f      if it's less or same move on
+      lda   #x_max     else cap it at 159
+L033f sta   u00a0      store as pos_final_x
+* calc y
+*                      not quite the same as pic_render.c almost
+*                      we've go the pic_byte ... er pos_data ... now called y_step
+*                      in b so lets calc the y_step
+      andb  #$0f       and with $0F (not in pic_render.c)
+      bitb  #$08       and that with $08 but don't change  
+      beq   L034a      if result = 0 move on
+      andb  #$07       else and it with $07
+      negb             and negate it
+L034a addb  u009f      add calced value to pos_init_y
+      cmpb  #y_max     compare to 167 
+      bls   L0352      less or same move on
+      ldb   #y_max     greater ? cap it
+L0352 stb   u00a1      pos_final_y
+*                      passes pos_final_x/y in d
+      lbsr  L0394      call draw_line()
+      bra   L0326      go again exit is conditinals inside loop
+* Command $F8 Fill
+* pic_fill()
+*  u009e = pos_init_x
+*  u009f = pos_init_y
+L0359 bsr   L0364      call read_xy_pos
+      bcs   L02ea      returned a 1 head for prior subs return
+      std   u009e      save at pos_init_x/y position
+      lbsr  L0486      call sbuff_picfill()
+      bra   L0359      loop till we get a 1 back from read_xy_pos
+* read_xy_pos() 
+L0364 lbsr  L036f      go get x position
+      lblo  L02ea      prior subs return
+      lbsr  L0381      go get the y position
+      rts
+* get_x_pos()         
+L036f lda   ,x+        load pic_byte
+      cmpa  #cmd_start is it a command?
+      bhs   L037e      if so set CC 
+      cmpa  #x_max     compare to 159
+      bls   L037b      is it less or same clear CC and return
+      lda   #x_max     greater than load acca with 159 
+L037b andcc #$fe       clear CC ad return
+      rts
+L037e orcc  #1         returns a "1"
+      rts
+* get_y_pos()         
+L0381 ldb   ,x+        load pic_byte
+      cmpb  #cmd_start is it a command
+      blo   L038b      nope less than command
+      lda   -$01,x     was a command load x back in acca
+      bra   L037e      go set CC
+L038b cmpb  #y_max     compare to 167
+      bls   L0391      is it less or same clear CC and return
+      ldb   #y_max     greater than load accb with 167 
+L0391 andcc #$fe       clear CC and return
+      rts
+* draw_line()  pic_render.c
+* while this is a void function() seems pos_final_x/y are passed in d
+*  u009e = pos_init_x
+*  u009f = pos_init_y
+*  u00a0 = pos_final_x
+*  u00a1 = pos_final_y 
+*  u00a2 = x_count
+*  u00a3 = y_count
+*  u00a4 = pos_x
+*  u00a5 = pos_y
+*  u00a6 = line_x_inc
+*  u00a7 = line_y_inc
+*  u00a8 = x_component
+*  u00a9 = y_component
+*  u00aa = largest_line
+*  u00ab = counter
+*  process straight lines
+L0394 cmpb  u009f      compare pos_final_y with pos_init_y
+      lbeq  L0421      if equal call sbuff_xline() and don't return here
+      cmpa  u009e      else compare with pos_init_x position
+      lbeq  L0447      if equal call sbuff_yline() and don't return here
+      ldd   u009e      load pos_init_x/y positions
+      std   u00a4      store at pen_final ??? not in pic_render.c version
+*  process y      
+      lda   #$01       line_y_inc
+      ldb   u00a1      load pos_final_y
+      subb  u009f      subtract pos_init_y
+      bcc   L03ae      greater or equal zero don't negate
+*                      less than zero         
+      nega             flip the sign of line_y_inc
+      negb             flip the sign of y_component
+L03ae sta   u00a7      store line_y_inc
+      stb   u00a9      store y_component
+* process x      
+      lda   #$01       line_x_inc
+      ldb   u00a0      load pos_final_x
+      subb  u009e      subtract pos_init_x
+      bcc   L03bc      greater or equal zero don't negate
+*                      less than zero      
+      nega             flip the sign of line_x_inc
+      negb             flip the sign of x_component
+L03bc sta   u00a6      store line_x_inc
+      stb   u00a8      store x_component 
+* compare x/y components
+      cmpb  u00a9      compare y_component to x_component
+      blo   L03d0      if x_component is smaller move on
+*  x >= y 
+*                      x_component is in b
+      stb   u00ab      counter
+      stb   u00aa      largest_line 
+      lsrb             divide by 2
+      stb   u00a3      store y_count
+      clra             make a zero
+      sta   u00a2      store x_count
+      bra   L03dc      move on
+*  x < y      
+L03d0 lda   u00a9      load y_component
+      sta   u00ab      stow as counter
+      sta   u00aa      stow as largest line
+      lsra             divide by 2
+      sta   u00a2      store x_count
+      clrb             make a zero
+      stb   u00a3      store as y_count
+* loops through the line and uses sbuff_plot to do the screen write
+*                      y_count is in b      
+L03dc addb  u00a9      add in the y_component
+      stb   u00a3      and stow back as y_count
+      cmpb  u00aa      compare that with line_largest
+      blo   L03ee      if y_count >= line_largest is not the case branch
+      subb  u00aa      subtract line_largest
+      stb   u00a3      store as y_count
+      ldb   u00a5      load pos_y
+      addb  u00a7      add line_y_inc
+      stb   u00a5      stow as pos_y
+*                      x_count is in a
+L03ee adda  u00a8      add in x_component
+      sta   u00a2      store as x_count
+      cmpa  u00aa      compare that with line_largest
+      blo   L0400      if x_count >= line_largest is not the case branch
+      suba  u00aa      subtract line_longest
+      sta   u00a2      store at x_count
+      lda   u00a4      load pos_x
+      adda  u00a6      add line_x_inc
+      sta   u00a4      stow as pos_x
+L0400 ldd   u00a4      load computed pos_x/y
+      std   u009e      store at pos_init_x/y positions
+      lbsr  L046f      head for sbuff_plot()
+      ldd   u00a2      reload x/y_count
+      dec   u00ab      decrement counter
+      bne   L03dc      if counter not zero go again
+      rts
+* sbuff_fill() sbuf_util.c        
+* fill color is passed in s register
+L040e pshs  x          save x as we use it for an index
+      ldu   #gbuffend  address to write to 
+      ldx   #picb_size $6900 bytes to write (26.25K)
+*                      this would be picture buffer width x height
+      ldd   $04,s      since we pushed x pull our color input out of the stack
+L0418 std   ,--u       store them and dec dest address
+      leax  -$02,x     dec counter
+      bne   L0418      loop till done
+      puls  x          fetch the x
+      rts              return
+* sbuff_xline()  sbuff_util.c
+* gets called here with pos_final_x/y in accd
+*  u005a = color
+*  u005b = sbuff_drawmask
+*  u009e = pos_init_x
+*  u009f = pos_init_y
+*  u00a0 = pos_final_x
+*  u00a1 = pos_final_y 
+*  u00ac = x_orig
+L0421 sta   u00ac      stow as x_orig
+      cmpa  u009e      compare with pos_init_x position
+      bhs   L042d      if pos_final_x same or greater branch
+*                      otherwise init >  final so swap init and final     
+      ldb   u009e      load pos_init_x position
+      stb   u00a0      save pos_final_x position
+      sta   u009e      save pos_init_x position
+L042d bsr   L046f      head for sbuff_plot() returns pointer in u
+      ldb   u00a0      load pos_final_x
+      subb  u009e      subtract pos_init_x position
+      beq   L0442      if they are the same move on
+*                      b now holds the loop counter len
+*                      u is the pointer returned from sbuff_plot
+      leau  $01,u      bump the pointer one byte right 
+L0437 lda   ,u         get the the byte
+      ora   u005b      or it with sbuff_drawmmask
+      anda  u005a      and it with the color
+      sta   ,u+        save it back and bump u to next byte
+      decb             decrememnt the loop counter
+      bne   L0437      done them all? Nope loop
+L0442 lda   u00ac      x_orig (pos_final_x)
+      sta   u009e      save at pos_init_x position
+      rts
+* sbuff_yline() sbuf_util.c
+* gets called here with pos_final_x/y in accd
+*  u005a = color
+*  u005b = sbuff_drawmask
+*  u009e = pos_init_x
+*  u009f = pos_init_y
+*  u00a0 = pos_final_x
+*  u00a1 = pos_final_y 
+*  u00ac = y_orig
+L0447 stb   u00ac           stow as y_orig
+      cmpb  u009f           compare with pos_init_y
+      bhs   L0453           if pos_final same or greater branch
+*                           otherwise init > final so swap 'em   
+      lda   u009f           load pos_init_y
+      sta   u00a1           stow as pos_final_y
+      stb   u009f           stow as pos_init_y
+L0453 bsr   L046f           head for sbuff_plot() returns pointer in u
+      ldb   u00a1           load pos_final_y
+      subb  u009f           subtract pos_init_y
+      beq   L046a           if they are the same move on
+*                           b now holds the loop counter len
+*                           u is the pointer returned from sbuff_plot
+L045b leau  PICBUFF_WIDTH,u bump ptr one line up
+      lda   ,u              get the byte  
+      ora   u005b           or it with sbuff_drawmmask
+      anda  u005a           and it with the color
+      sta   ,u              save it back out
+      decb                  decrement the loop counter
+      bne   L045b           done them all ? Nope loop
+L046a ldb   u00ac           load y_orig
+      stb   u009f           save it as pos_init_y
+      rts
+* sbuff_plot()  from sbuf_util.c         
+* according to agi.h PBUF_MULT(width) ((( (width)<<2) + (width))<<5)
+* which next 3 lines equate to so the $A0 is from 2 x 5  
+* pointer is returned in index reg u
+*  u005a = color
+*  u005b = sbuff_drawmask
+*  u009e = pos_init_x
+*  u009f = pos_init_y
+L046f ldb   u009f           load pos_init_y
+      lda   #$A0            according to PBUF_MULT() 
+      mul                   do the math
+      addb  u009e           add pos_init_x position 
+      adca  #0000           this adds the carry bit in to a
+      addd  #gfx_picbuff    add that to the start of the screen buf $6040
+      tfr   d,u             move this into u
+      lda   ,u              get the byte u points to 
+      ora   u005b           or it with sbuff_drawmask
+      anda  u005a           and it with the color
+      sta   ,u              and stow it back at the same place
+      rts                   return
+* sbuff_picfill(u8 ypos, u8 xpos) sbuf_util.c         
+* u005a = color
+* u005b = sbuff_drawmask
+* u009e = pos_init_x
+* u009f = pos_init_y
+* u00a0 = left
+* u00a1 = right 
+* u00a2 = old_direction
+* u00a3 = direction
+* u00a4 = old_initx
+* u00a5 = old_inity
+* u00a6 = old_left
+* u00a7 = old_right
+* u00a8 = stack_left
+* u00a9 = stack_right
+* u00aa = toggle
+* u00ab = old_toggle
+* u00ae = color_bl
+* u00af = mask_dl
+* u00b0 = old_buff (word)
+* u00b2 = temp (buff)
+colorbl  set $4F
+temp_stk set $E000
+L0486 pshs  x               save x
+      ldx   #temp_stk       load addr to create a new stack
+      sts   ,--x            store current stack pointer there and decrement x 
+      tfr   x,s             make that the stack
+*                           s is now stack_ptr pointing to fill_stack      
+      ldb   u009f           pos_init_y
+      lda   #$a0            set up PBUF_MULT
+      mul                   do the math
+      addb  u009e           add pos_init_x
+      adca  #0000           add in that carry bit
+      addd  #gfx_picbuff    add the start of screen buffer $6040
+      tfr   d,u             move this to u
+*                           u now is pointer to screen buffer b
+      ldb   u005a           load color  
+      lda   u005b           load sbuff_drawmask
+*                           next 2 lines must have been a if (sbuff_drawmask > 0)
+*                           not in the nagi source
+      lbeq  L05f5           if sbuff_drawmask = 0 we're done
+      bpl   L04b8           if not negative branch to test color 
+      cmpa  #cmd_start      comp $F0 with sbuff_drawmask
+      bne   L04b8           not = go test color for $0F
+      andb  #$f0            and color with $F0
+      cmpb  #$40            compare that to $40 (input was $4x)
+      lbeq  L05f5           if so were done
+      lda   #$f0            set up value for mask_dl           
+      bra   L04c2           go save it
+L04b8 andb  #$0f            and color with $0F
+      cmpb  #$0f            was it already $0F
+      lbeq  L05f5           if so we're done   
+      lda   #$0f            set up value for mask_dl
+L04c2 sta   u00af           stow as mask_dl
+      anda  #colorbl        and that with $4F 
+      sta   u00ae           stow that as color_bl
+      lda   ,u              get byte at screen buffer
+      anda  u00af           and with mask_dl
+      cmpa  u00ae           compare to color_bl
+      lbne  L05f5           not equal were done
+      ldd   #$FFFF          push 7 $FF bytes on temp stack
+      pshs  a,b             and set stack_ptr accordingly
+      pshs  a,b
+      pshs  a,b
+      pshs  a
+      lda   #$a1            load a with 161
+      sta   u00a0           stow it at left
+      clra                  make a zero
+      sta   u00a1           stow it at right
+      sta   u00aa           stow it at toggle 
+      inca                  now we want a 1
+      sta   u00a3           stow it at direction
+* fill a new line
+L04e9 ldd   u00a0           load left/right
+      std   u00a6           stow at old_left/right
+      lda   u00aa           load toggle
+      sta   u00ab           stow at old_toggle
+      ldb   u009e           load pos_init_x
+      stb   u00a4           store as old_initx
+      incb                  accb now becomes counter
+      stu   u00b0           stow current screen byte as old_buff
+L04f8 lda   ,u              get the screen byte pointed to by u
+      ora   u005b           or it with sbuff_drawmmask
+      anda  u005a           and that with the color
+      sta   ,u              stow that back
+      lda   ,-u             get the screen byte befor that one
+      anda  u00af           and that with mask_dl
+      cmpa  u00ae           compare result with color_bl
+      bne   L050b           not equal move on
+      decb                  otherwise decrement the counter
+      bne   L04f8           if were not at zero go again
+L050b leau  1,u             since cranked to zero bump the screen pointer by one
+      tfr   u,d             move that into d
+      subd  u00b0           subtract old_buff
+      addb  u009e           add pos_init_x
+      stb   u00a0           stow at left
+      lda   u009e           load pos_init_x 
+      stb   u009e           store left at pos_init_x
+      stu   u00b2           temp buff
+      ldu   u00b0           load  old_buff
+      leau  1,u             bump to the next byte
+      nega                  negate pos_init_x value
+      adda  #x_max          add that to 159 (subtract pos_init_x)
+      beq   L0537           that's the new counter and if zero move on
+L0524 ldb   ,u              get that screen byte (color_old)
+      andb  u00af           and it with mask_dl
+      cmpb  u00ae           check against color_bl
+      bne   L0537           not equal move on
+      ldb   ,u              load that byte again to do something with
+      orb   u005b           or it with sbuff_drawmmask
+      andb  u005a           and it with color
+      stb   ,u+             stow it back and bump the pointer
+      deca                  decrement the counter 
+      bne   L0524           if we haven't hit zero go again
+L0537 tfr   u,d             move the screen buff ptr to d
+      subd  u00b2           subtract that saved old pointer
+      decb                  sunbtract a 1
+      addb  u00a0           add in the left
+      stb   u00a1           store as the right
+      lda   u00a6           load old_left
+      cmpa  #$a1            compare to 161
+      beq   L0577           if it is move on
+      cmpb  u00a7           if the new right == old right
+      beq   L0552           then move on
+      bhi   L0566           not equal and right > old_right
+*                           otherwise    
+      stb   u00a4           stow right as old_initx
+      clr   u00aa           clear toggle
+      bra   L056c           head for next calc
+*                           they were equal      
+L0552 lda   u00a0           load a with left
+      cmpa  u00a6           compare that to old_left
+      bne   L0566           move on          
+      lda   #$01            set up a one
+      cmpa  u00aa           compare toggle
+      beq   L0577           is a one ? go to locnext
+      sta   u00aa           not one ? set it to 1
+      lda   u00a1           load right
+      sta   u00a4           stow it as old_initx
+      bra   L056c           head for the next calc
+*                           right > old_right or left > old left      
+L0566 clr   u00aa           clear toggle
+      lda   u00a7           load old right
+      sta   u00a4           save as old_initx
+*         push a bunch on our temp stack
+L056c ldy   u00a2           old_direction/direction         
+      ldx   u00a4           old_initx/y
+      ldu   u00a6           old_left/right
+      lda   u00ab           old_toggle
+      pshs  a,x,y,u         push them on the stack
+L0577 lda   u00a3           load direction
+      sta   u00a2           stow as old_direction
+      ldb   u009f           load pos_init_y
+      stb   u00a5           stow as old_inity
+L057f addb  u00a3           add direction to pos_init_y 
+      stb   u009f           stow the updated pos_init_y
+      cmpb  #y_max          compare that to 167 
+      bhi   L05c5           greater than 167 go test direction
+L0587 ldb   u009f           load pos_init_y
+      lda   #$A0            according to PBUF_MULT
+      mul                   do the math
+      addb  u009e           add pos_init_x position
+      adca  #0000           this adds the carry bit into the answer
+      addd  #gfx_picbuff    add that to the screen buff start addr $6040
+      tfr   d,u             move it into u
+      lda   ,u              get the byte pointed to
+      anda  u00af           and with mask_dl
+      cmpa  u00ae           compare with color_bl
+      lbeq  L04e9           if equal go fill a new line
+      lda   u009e           load pos_init_x
+      ldb   u00a3           load direction
+      cmpb  u00a2           compare to old_direction
+      beq   L05bc           go comapre pos_init_x and right
+      tst   u00aa           test toggle
+      bne   L05bc           not zero go comapre pos_init_x and right
+      cmpa  u00a8           compare pos_init_x and stack_left
+      blo   L05bc           less than stack_left go comapre pos_init_x and right
+      cmpa  u00a9           compare it to stack_right
+      bhi   L05bc           greater than go comapre pos_init_x and right
+      lda   u00a9           load stack_right 
+      cmpa  u00a1           compare to right
+      bhs   L05c5           greater or equal go check direction
+      inca                  add one to stack_right
+      sta   u009e           stow as pos_init_x
+L05bc cmpa  u00a1           compare updated value to right
+      bhs   L05c5           go check directions
+      inca                  less than then increment by 1
+      sta   u009e           stow updated value pos_init_x
+      bra   L0587           loop for next byte
+* test direction and toggle      
+L05c5 lda   u00a3           load direction
+      cmpa  u00a2           compare old_direction
+      bne   L05dc           not equal go pull stacked values
+      tst   u00aa           test toggle
+      bne   L05dc           not zero go pull stack values
+      nega                  negate direction
+      sta   u00a3           store back at direction
+      lda   u00a0           load left
+      sta   u009e           stow as pos_init_x
+      ldb   u00a5           load old_inity
+      stb   u009f           stow at pos_init_y
+      bra   L05ef           go grab off stack and move on
+* directions not equal      
+L05dc puls  a,x,y,u         grab the stuff off the stack
+      cmpa  #$FF            test toggle for $FF source has test of pos_init_y
+      beq   L05f5           equal ? clean up stack and return
+      sty   u00a2           stow old_direction/direction
+      stx   u009e           stow pos_init_x/y
+      stu   u00a0           stow left/right
+      sta   u00aa           stow toggle
+      ldb   u009f           load pos_init_y
+      stb   u00a5           stow old_inity
+L05ef ldx   $05,s           gets left right  off stack
+      stx   u00a8           stow stack_left/right
+      bra   L057f           always loop
+L05f5 lds   ,s              reset stack
+      puls  x               retrieve our x
+      rts                   return
+* screen initialization ??
+* this routine effective swaps postion of
+* the two nibbles of the byte loaded 
+* and returns it to the screen 
+L05fb ldx   #gfx_picbuff starting low address of srceen mem
+L05fe lda   ,x           get the first byte  bit order 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
+      clrb               empty b
+      lsra               shift one bit from a
+      rorb               into b
+      lsra               again
+      rorb  
+      lsra               and again
+      rorb  
+      lsra               and finally once more
+      rorb  
+      stb   ,x           were changing x anyway so use it for temp storage
+      ora   ,x           or that with acca so now bit order from orig
+*                        is 4,5,6,7,0,1,2,3
+      sta   ,x+          put it back at x and go for the next one
+      cmpx  #gbuffend    ending high address of screen mem
+      bcs   L05fe
+      rts   
+*  our blit_struct is a bit different from the one in nagi
+* struct blit_struct
+* {
+*	struct blit_struct *prev;	// 0-1
+*	struct blit_struct *next;	// 2-3
+*	struct view_struct *v;		// 4-5
+*	s8 x;                       // 6
+*	s8 y;                       // 7
+*	s8 x_size;                  // 8
+*	s8 y_size;                  // 9
+*	u16 *buffer;                // A-B
+*   u16 *view_data              // C-D info for mmu twiddler
+* };
+* blitlist_draw(BLIT *b) obj_base.c
+L0615 leas  -$02,s       make room on the stack
+      ldx   $04,s        get the blit_struct pointer
+      ldu   $02,x        load u with pointer to next blit
+L061b stu   ,s           stow it on the stack
+      beq   L0637        if it's zero we're done
+      pshs  u            push the pointer on the stack
+      lbsr  L09d8        call blit_save()
+      leas  $02,s        get the pointer back in s
+      ldu   ,s           put it in u
+      ldu   $04,u        get the pointer to view_struct
+      pshs  u            push that on the stack and
+      lbsr  L07be        call obj_blit()
+      leas  $02,s        get the pointer back in s
+      ldu   ,s           put it in u
+      ldu   $02,u        get the pointer to the next one
+      bra   L061b        and go again
+L0637 leas  $02,s        clean up stack and leave
+      rts   
+* blitlist_erase(BLIT *b) obj_base.c
+* nagi has a return blitlist_free at the end
+L063a leas  -$02,s       make room on the stack
+      ldx   $04,s        get the blit_struct pointer
+      ldu   ,x           load u with the prev pointer
+      beq   L0651        if it's zero we're done
+L0642 stu   ,s           stow it on the stack
+      pshs  u            push the pointer
+      lbsr  L0a0f        call blit_restore()
+      leas  $02,s        get the pointer back in s
+      ldx   ,s           load x with the pointer
+      ldu   ,x           get the prev from that struct
+      bne   L0642        loop again
+L0651 leas  $02,s        clean up stack and leave 
+      rts              
+* From obj_picbuff.c the pri_table[172]
+* ours is only 168
+L0654 fcb $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
+      fcb $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
+      fcb $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
+      fcb $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
+      fcb $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
+      fcb $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
+      fcb $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
+      fcb $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
+      fcb $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
+      fcb $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
+      fcb $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
+      fcb $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
+      fcb $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
+      fcb $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
+      fcb $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
+      fcb $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
+      fcb $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
+      fcb $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
+      fcb $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
+      fcb $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
+      fcb $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
+      fcb $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
+      fcb $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
+      fcb $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
+      fcb $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
+      fcb $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
+      fcb $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
+      fcb $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
+* loops thru 48 bytes with a = 4
+* bumps a by one load b with 12 this  
+* iterates thru ten sets of twelve bytes
+* bumping acca by one as it goes.
+* table_init()   obj_pic_buff.c
+L06fc leax  L0654,pcr   point to data block
+      ldb   #$30        load index 48
+      lda   #4          load acca = 4
+L0704 sta   ,x+         save a in buffer
+      decb              dec the inner loop counter
+      bne   L0704       go again if loop not finished
+      cmpa  #$0e        get here when inner loop is done
+      bcc   L0712       did we do 10 loops (e-4)
+      inca              nope bump data byte
+      ldb   #$0c        set new counter on loops 2-10
+*                       to do 12 bytes and       
+      bra   L0704       have at it again
+L0712 rts   
+* obj_chk_control(VIEW *x)  obj_picbuff.c
+* our index reg x points to the view structure
+* are 3 = x, 4 = y instead of 3-4 = x & 5-6 = y ???
+* This routine is passed a pointer to a view_structure
+* from agi.h in the nagi source
+* struct view_struct
+*	u8 step_time;		// 0
+*	u8 step_count;		// 1	// counts down until the next step
+*	u8 num;				// 2
+*	     s16 x;	        // 3-4  in nagi
+*	     s16 y;         // 5-6  in nagi
+*   u8 x;               // 3 in ours
+*   u8 y:               // 4 the rest of the offsets hold true
+*   u8 dummy1           // 5 who knows what these are
+*   u8 dummy2           // 6 maybe just fillers
+*	u8 view_cur;		// 7
+*	u8 *view_data;		// 8-9
+*	u8 loop_cur; 		// A
+*	u8 loop_total;		// B
+*	u8 *loop_data;		// C-D
+*	u8 cel_cur;			// E
+*	u8 cel_total;		// F
+*	u8 *cel_data; 		// 10-11
+*	u8 cel_prev_width;	// new ones added to prevent kq4 crashing
+*	u8 cel_prev_height;
+*	//u8 *cel_data_prev;// 12-13
+*	BLIT *blit;			// 14-15
+*	s16 x_prev;			// 16-17
+*	s16 y_prev;			// 18-19
+*	s16 x_size;			// 1A-1B
+*	s16 y_size;			// 1C-1D
+*	u8 step_size;		// 1E
+*	u8 cycle_time; 		// 1F
+*	u8 cycle_count;		// 20	// counts down till next cycle
+*	u8 direction;		// 21
+*	u8 motion;			// 22
+*	u8 cycle;			// 23
+*	u8 priority;		// 24
+*	u16 flags;			// 25-26
+*	//u8 unknown27;		// 27	// these variables depend on the motion
+*	//u8 unknown28;		// 28	// type set by follow ego, move, obj.. stuff
+*	//u8 unknown29;		// 29	// like that
+*	//u8 unknown2A;		// 2A
+*	union
+*	{
+*		struct	// move_ego move_obj
+*		{
+*			s16 x;			// 27
+*			s16 y;			// 28
+*			u8 step_size;	// 29	// original stepsize
+*			u8 flag;		// 2A
+*		} move;
+*		struct	// follow_ego
+*		{
+*			u8 step_size;	// 27
+*			u8 flag;		// 28
+*			u8 count;		// 29
+*		} follow;
+*		// wander
+*		u8 wander_count;	// 27
+*		// reverse or end of loop
+*		u8 loop_flag;		// 27
+*	};
+*typedef struct view_struct VIEW;
+*  u00a5 = flag_signal
+*  u00a6 = flag_water
+*  u005c = flag_control
+*  X01af is loaction of state.flag
+*  see agi.h for definition of state structure
+L0713 pshs  y             save y
+      ldx   $04,s         sets up mmu info
+      ldd   $08,x         load view_data passed to mmu twiddler        
+      lbsr  L0074         twiddle mmu
+      ldb   $04,x         load y 
+      lda   $26,x         load flags
+      bita  #O_PRIFIXED   and with $04 but don't change 
+      bne   L072f         not zero move on
+*                         it is zero then      
+      leau  L0654,pcr     load buffer address
+      clra                clear a since we will use d as an index
+      lda   d,u           fetch the data from pri_table
+      sta   $24,x         save as priority
+L072f lda   #$A0          set up PBUF_MULT()
+      mul                 do the math
+      addb  $03,x         add in x 
+      adca  #0000         add in the carry bit
+      addd  #gfx_picbuff  add it to the start of the screen buff addr 6040
+      tfr   d,u           move the pointer pb to u
+      ldy   $10,x         load y with cel_data ptr
+      clra                make a zero
+      sta   u00a6         stow it at flag_water
+      sta   u00a5         stow it at flag_signal
+      inca                make a 1
+      sta   u005c         stow it at flag_contro1
+      ldb   $24,x         load priority
+      cmpb  #$0F          compare it with 15
+      beq   L078b         If it equals 15 move on
+*                         otherwise if not equal 15      
+      sta   u00a6         stow that 1 at flag_water
+      ldb   ,y            cx  first byte of cel_data  (cel_width)
+*  do while cx != 0
+L0752 lda   ,u+           (pri) put byte at pb in acca and bump pointer
+      anda  #$F0          and that with $F0  (obstacle ??)
+      beq   L077a         if it equals 0 set flag_control =0 and check_finish
+      cmpa  #$30          compare pri to 48 (water ??)
+      beq   L0766         not equal  move to end of loop
+      clr   u00a6         clear the water flag
+      cmpa  #$10          compare it with 16 (conditional ??)
+      beq   L077e         if equal go test for observe blocks
+      cmpa  #$20          compare with 32
+      beq   L0787
+L0766 decb                decrement cx
+      bne   L0752         not zero yet loop again
+      lda   $25,x         load flags in  acca
+      tst   u00a6         test flag_water
+      bne   L0776         not zero next test
+      bita  #O_DRAWN      should be O_WATER Looks like a BUG in ours
+      beq   L078b         if it equals one head for check_finish
+      bra   L077a         clear that flag control first and leave
+L0776 bita  #O_HRZNIGNORE should be O_LAND  Looks like a BUG in ours 
+      beq   L078b
+L077a clr   u005c         clear flag_control
+      bra   L078b         head for check_finish
+L077e lda   $26,x         load flags in acca
+      bita  #O_BLKIGNORE  and with $02 but don't change 
+      beq   L077a         equals zero clear flag_control and go check_finish 
+      bra   L0766         then  head back in the loop
+L0787 sta   u00a5         store acca at flag signal (obj_picbuff.c has =1) 
+      bra   L0766        continue with loop
+L078b lda   $02,x         load num
+      bne   L07bb         if not zero were done head out
+* flag signal test
+      lda   u00a5         load flag_signal  
+*                         operates on F03_EGOSIGNAL      
+      beq   L079d         if its zero go reset the signal
+*                         otherwise set the flag      
+      lda   X01af         load the state.flag element
+      ora   #$10          set the bits
+      sta   X01af         save it back
+      bra   L07a5         go test the water flag
+L079d lda   X01af         load the state.flag element
+      anda  #$ef          reset the bits 
+      sta   X01af         save it back
+* flag_water test      
+L07a5 lda   u00a6         load flag_water     
+      beq   L07b3         if zero go reset the flag
+*                         otherwise set it      
+      lda   X01af         load the state.flag element
+      ora   #$80          set the bits
+      sta   X01af         save it back
+      bra   L07bb         baby we're out of here
+L07b3 lda   X01af         load the state.flag element
+      anda  #$7f          reset the bits
+      sta   X01af         save it back
+L07bb puls  y             retrieve our y and leave
+      rts   
+*  obj_blit(VIEW *v)   obj_blit.c
+*  our index reg x points to the view structure
+*  are 3 = x, 4 = y instead of 3-4 = x & 5-6 = y ???
+*  u00a2 = cel_height
+*  u00a7 = cel_trans
+*  u00a8 = init (pb)
+*  u00ac = cel_invis
+*  u00ad = pb_pri
+*  u009e = view_pri
+*  u009f = col
+L07be ldx   $02,s        pull our x pointer off the stack
+      ldd   $08,x        load d with view_data
+      lbsr  L0074        twiddle mmu
+      ldu   $10,x        u now is a pointer to cel_data
+      lda   $02,u        cel_data[$02] loaded
+      bita  #O_Block     are we testing against a block or does $80 mean something else here? 
+      beq   L07d1        if zero skip next instruction
+      lbsr  L087f        otherwise call obj_cell_mirror
+L07d1 ldd   ,u++         load the first 2 bytes of cel_data and bump to next word
+*                        cel_width is in acca we ignore 
+      stb   u00a2        save as cel_height
+*                        obj_blit.c has and $0F which is a divide by 16
+*                        we do a multiply x 16 ???      
+      lda   ,u+          cel_trans 
+      asla  
+      asla  
+      asla  
+      asla  
+      sta   u00a7        save as cel_tran
+      lda   $24,x        priority
+      asla               shift left 4
+      asla  
+      asla  
+      asla  
+      sta   u009e        view_pri
+      ldb   $04,x        load the y value
+      subb  u00a2        subtract the cel_height
+      incb               add 1
+      lda   #$a0         set up PBUF_MULT()
+      mul                do the math
+      addb  $03,x        add in the x value
+      adca  #0000        add in the carry from multiply
+      addd  #gfx_picbuff add this to the start of the screen buff addr $6040
+      std   u00a8        pb pointer to the pic buffer
+      ldx   u00a8        load it in an index reg
+      lda   #$01
+      sta   u00ac        set cel_invis to 1 and save
+      bra   L0800
+L07ff abx                bump the pb pointer
+L0800 lda   ,u+          get the next "chunk"
+      beq   L082d        if zero
+      ldb   -$01,u       not zero load the same byte in accb
+      anda  #$f0         and chunk with $F0 (col) 
+      andb  #$0f         and chunk with $0F (chunk_len)
+      cmpa  u00a7        compare with cel_trans
+      beq   L07ff        set up and go again color is trasnparent
+      lsra               shift right 4
+      lsra  
+      lsra  
+      lsra  
+      sta   u009f        save the color
+L0814 lda   ,x           get the byte pointed to by pb 
+      anda  #$f0         get the priority portion
+      cmpa  #$20         compare to $20
+      bls   L083b        less or equal
+      cmpa  u009e        compare to view_pri
+      bhi   L085b        pb_pri > view_pri
+*                        otherwise      
+      lda   u009e        load view_pri
+L0822 ora   u009f        or it with col
+      sta   ,x+          store that at pb and bump the pointer
+      clr   u00ac        zero cel_invis
+      decb               decrement chunk_len
+      bne   L0814        not equal zero go again inner loop
+      bra   L0800        go again outer loop
+L082d dec   u00a2             decrement cel_height
+      beq   L0862             equal zero move on out of cel_height loop
+      ldx   u00a8             load init
+      leax  >PICBUFF_WIDTH,x  move 160 into screen
+      stx   u00a8             stow that back as init/pb
+      bra   L0800             go again
+L083b stx   u00ad             save the pointer
+      clra                    set up ch  
+L083e cmpx  #blit_end         compare to gfx_picbuff+$6860
+      bhs   L084f             not less than then branch out
+*                             less than the end
+      leax  >PICBUFF_WIDTH,x  bump the pointer by 160
+      lda   ,x                get that byte
+      anda  #$f0              and it with $F0
+      cmpa  #$20              test against $20
+      bls   L083e             less or equal go again
+L084f ldx   u00ad        load pb_pri      
+      cmpa  u009e        compare with view_pri
+      bhi   L085b        pb_pri > view_pri
+      lda   ,x           make the next 
+      anda  #$f0         pb_pri
+      bra   L0822        go or it with the color
+L085b leax  $01,x        bump the pb pointer
+      decb               decrement chunk_len
+      bne   L0814        not equal do middle loop again
+      bra   L0800        go again
+L0862 ldx   $02,s        pull our view pointer back off the stack 
+      lda   $02,x        get the num
+      bne   L087e        if not zero exit routine
+      lda   u00ac        get the cel_invis value
+      beq   L0876        reset the flag
+* set the flag
+      lda   X01af        load the state.flag
+      ora   #$40         set it
+      sta   X01af        stow it back
+      bra   L087e        exit routine
+* reset the flag      
+L0876 lda   X01af        load state.flag
+      anda  #$bf         clear it 
+      sta   X01af        stow it
+L087e rts   
+* obj_cel_mirror(View *v) in obj_picbuff.c 
+* we use different values from those shown nagi files
+* on entry 
+*    a contains cell_data[$02] in call from obj_blit()
+*    x contains pointer to view data
+*    u contains pointer to cel_data
+*    saves and restores x,y,u regs on exit
+*  u00a1 = width
+*  u00a2 = height_count
+*  u00a7 = trans transparent color left shifted 4
+*  u00aa = tran_size ??
+*  u00ab = meat_size
+*  u00af = loop_cur << 4
+*  u00b0 = al
+L087f anda  #$30      and that with $30  (nagi has $70)
+      lsra            shift right 4
+      lsra  
+      lsra  
+      lsra  
+      cmpa  $0A,x      compare that with loop_cur
+      lbeq  L0926      if equal we're done
+      pshs  x,y,u      save our view (x) what ever (y) and cel_data (u) pointers
+      lda   $0A,x      load loop_cur
+      asla             and shift it 4 left
+      asla  
+      asla  
+      asla  
+      sta   u00af      stow it as ??
+      lda   #$cf       load a with with $CF  (nagi has $8F)
+      anda  $02,u      and that with cel[2]
+      ora   u00af      or with loop_cur<<4
+      sta   $02,u      stow it back at cel[2]
+      ldy   #gbuffend  
+      ldd   ,u++       load d with width and hieght
+      std   u00a1      stow that
+      lda   ,u+        load a with trans color 
+      asla             and shift left 4
+      asla  
+      asla  
+      asla  
+      sta   u00a7      stow as trans
+      stu   u00b0      stow u as al
+L08af clrb             make a zero 
+      stb   u00ab      stow it as meat_size
+*                      nagi code has tran_size set to width and
+*                      al&$0F subtracted from it.
+*                      in this loop
+L08b2 stb   u00aa      and tran_size
+      lda   ,u+        load in the next cel_data byte
+      beq   L08fc      if its a zero leave loop
+      ldb   -$01,u     otherwise fetch the same data into b
+*                      at this point a & b both have the same data byte      
+      anda  #$f0       and the a copy with $F0
+      andb  #$0f       and the b copy with $0F
+      cmpa  u00a7      compare byte&$F0 with trans
+      bne   L08cc      not equal branch out of loop
+      addb  u00aa      otherwise add in tran_size
+      bra   L08b2      and loop
+L08c6 ldb   ,u+        load the nbext byte and bump the pointer
+      beq   L08d4      if it was zero move on
+      andb  #$0f       otherwise and it with $0F
+L08cc addb  u00aa      add in tran_size
+      stb   u00aa      save it as tran_size
+      inc   u00ab      bump meat_size
+      bra   L08c6      loop to the next byte
+L08d4 lda   u00aa      load tran_size
+      nega             negate it
+      adda  u00a1      add in the width
+      beq   L08f1      if that is zero move on
+L08db suba  #$0f       subtract 15 from it
+      bls   L08eb      less or same move on
+      sta   u00aa      otherwise stow that back as tran_size
+      lda   u00a7      fetch trans
+      ora   #$0f       or it with 15
+      sta   ,y+        store it at buff (gbuffend) and bump pointer
+      lda   u00aa      fetch tra_size
+      bra   L08db      loop again
+L08eb adda  #$0f       add 15 back into a (tran_size)
+      ora   u00a7      or that with trans
+      sta   ,y+        stow that at buff and bump the pointer
+L08f1 leax  -$01,u     set x to the last cel_data byte processed
+      ldb   u00ab      load b with the meat_size (the loop counter)
+L08f5 lda   ,-x        copy from the cel_data end 
+      sta   ,y+        to the buff front
+      decb             dec the counter
+      bne   L08f5      not done loop again
+L08fc stb   ,y+        on entry b should always = 0 stow that at the next buff location
+      dec   u00a2      decrement the height_count
+      bne   L08af      not zero go again
+* now we are going to copy the backward temp buffer back to the cel      
+      tfr   y,d        get the buff pointer in d
+      subd  #gbuffend  subtract the starting value of the buffer
+      stb   u00b2      save that as the buffer size
+      andb  #$fe       make it an even number
+      tfr   d,x        transfer that to x 
+      ldu   u00b0      al cel_data pointer
+      ldy   #gbuffend  load y start of our temp buffer
+L0913 ldd   ,y++       get a word
+      std   ,u++       stow a word
+      leax  -$02,x     dec the counter by a word
+      bne   L0913      not zero go again
+*                      so we've moved an even number of bytes      
+      lda   u00b2      load the actual byte count 
+      lsra             divide by 2 
+      bcc   L0924      no remainder (not odd) we're done
+      lda   ,y         otherwise move the last
+      sta   ,u         byte
+L0924 puls  x,y,u      retrieve our x,y,u values 
+L0926 rts              and return to caller
+* obj_add_pic_pri(VIEW *v)  obj_picbuff.c
+* our index reg x points to the view structure
+*  u009e = priority&$F0
+*  u00a3 = pri_table[y]
+*  u00a4 = pri_table[y]
+*  u00a8 = pb (word)
+*  u00a9 = "
+*  u00b3 = pri_height/height
+L0927 pshs  y          save the y
+      ldx   $04,s      get the the pointer to our view
+      ldd   $08,x      load d with view_data ?
+      lbsr  L0074      twiddle mmu
+*                      set up d as pointer to pri_table value
+      clra             zero a
+      ldb   $04,x      load view y value
+      leau  L0654,pcr  load pri_table address
+      lda   d,u        fetch the pri_table y data
+      std   u00a3      stow it in a temp
+      ldb   $24,x      load priority
+      andb  #$0f       and that with $0F
+      bne   L0948      if that equals zero move on
+      ora   $24,x      otherwise or the pri_table[y] with priority
+      sta   $24,x      stow that back as priority
+L0948 pshs  x          push the pointer to the view on the stack
+      lbsr  L07be      call obj_blit()
+      leas  $02,s      reset the stack
+      ldx   $04,s      get the pointer to our view
+      lda   $24,x      load priority
+      cmpa  #$3F       compare to $3F
+      lbhi  L09d5      if greater then nothing to do head out
+      leau  L0654,pcr  load pri_table address
+      ldb   u00a4      fetch pri_table[y] (cx)
+      clr   u00b3      clear pri_height
+L0962 clra             zero acca
+      inc   u00b3      bump pri_hieght
+      tstb             is pri_table[y] 
+      beq   L096f      equal zero if so move on
+      decb             dec our counter cx
+      lda   d,u        load pri_table[cx]
+      cmpa  u00a3      compare to pri_table[y]
+      beq   L0962      if they are equal loop again
+* set up and execute PBUF_MULT call      
+L096f ldb   $04,x        load the view->y in
+      lda   #$a0         from pbuf mult
+      mul                do the math
+      addb  $03,x        add in the x value   
+      adca  #0000         add in the carry
+      addd  #gfx_picbuff add in the base address $6040
+      tfr   d,u          move that to an index reg (pb)
+      stu   u00a8        stow it as pb
+      ldy   $10,x        load y with cel_data pointer     
+      ldb   $01,y        get the second byte (height)
+      cmpb  u00b3        compare to pri_height
+      bhi   L098b        greater move on
+      stb   u00b3        otherwise save the largest as pri_height
+L098b lda   $24,x        load the priority again
+      anda  #$f0         and it with $F0
+      sta   u009e        stow that for later use
+* bottom line
+      ldb   ,y           load b with the first byte in cel_data (cx)
+L0994 lda   ,u           get the byte at our pic buff pb
+      anda  #$0f         and it with $0F
+      ora   u009e        or it with priority&F0
+      sta   ,u+          stow it back and bump the pointer
+      decb               dec the loop counter cx 
+      bne   L0994        not zero go again
+* it has a height     
+      dec   u00b3        test "height" for > 1
+      beq   L09d5        wasn't head no more to do so head out
+      ldu   u00a8        reset u to our pb pic buff pointer   
+* the sides
+      ldb   ,y           get the first byte of cel_data
+      decb               subtract 1 (sideoff)
+L09a8 leau  -$A0,u       decrement pb by 160
+      tfr   u,x          move that value into x
+      lda   ,u           get the data
+      anda  #$0f         and it with $0F
+      ora   u009e        or it priority&$F0
+      sta   ,u           stow it back
+      clra               zero a so we can use d as a pointer
+      lda   d,u          use "sideoff" as an index into pb 
+      anda  #$0f         and that with $0F
+      ora   u009e        or that rascal with priority&$F0
+      abx                add that value to our x pointer 
+      sta   ,x           and store it there
+      dec   u00b3        dec the height
+      bne   L09a8        greater than zero go again
+* the top of the box
+      ldb   ,y           get the cel_data first byte in b
+      subb  #$02         subtract 2
+      leau  $01,u        bump the pb pointer
+L09ca lda   ,u           grab the byte
+      anda  #$0f         and that with $0F
+      ora   u009e        or it with priority &$F0
+      sta   ,u+          stow it back and bump the pointer
+      decb               dec our counter
+      bne   L09ca        loop if not finished
+L09d5 puls  y            return the y value
+      rts                return
+* blit_save(BLIT *b) obj_blit.c
+*  our blit_struct is a bit different from the one in nagi
+* u00a0 = zeroed and never changed cause we use the next byte :-)
+* u00a1 = x_count (x_size)         when cmpx ha ha 
+* u00a2 = y_count (y_size)
+* u00a8 = pic buffer start pic_cur
+* u00ad = pic_cur + offset
+L09d8 ldu   $02,s        get the pointer to the blit_struct
+      ldd   $0C,u        get the pointer to the view_data for mmu twiddler
+      lbsr  L0074        twiddle mmu
+      ldu   $02,s        get the pointer to the blit_struct data back in u
+      ldd   $08,u        load the x/y_size
+      std   u00a1        stow that at x/y_count
+      clr   u00a0        zero some adder
+      ldb   $07,u        get the y value
+      lda   #$a0         set up PBUF_MULT
+      mul                do the math
+      addb  $06,u        add in x
+      adca  #0           add in the carry bit
+      addd  #gfx_picbuff add in pic buff base $6040
+      ldu   $0A,u        load u with with the buffer pointer blit_cur 
+L09f5 std   u00a8        save the buffer start pointer pic_cur
+      addd  u00a0        add in the offset x_size
+      std   u00ad        stow that at pic_cur + offset
+      ldx   u00a8        load x with pic_cur
+L09fd ldd   ,x++         copy 2 bytes at a time
+      std   ,u++         to the buffer at blit_cur
+      cmpx  u00ad        have we copied it all ?? 
+      blo   L09fd        nope loop again
+      ldd   u00a8        load with pic buffer start
+      addd  #PICBUFF_WIDTH       add 160
+      dec   u00a2        dec y_count
+      bne   L09f5        not zero loop again
+      rts   
+* blit_restore(BLIT *b) obj_blit.c
+* blit_save(BLIT *b) obj_blit.c
+*  our blit_struct is a bit different from the one in nagi
+* u00a0 = zeroed and never changed cause we use the next byte :-)
+* u00a1 = x_count (x_size)         when cmpx ha ha 
+* u00a2 = y_count (y_size)
+* u00a8 = pic buffer start pic_cur
+* u00ad = pic_cur + offset
+L0a0f ldu   $02,s         get the pointer to the blit structure
+      ldd   $0C,u
+      lbsr  L0074         twiddle mmu
+      ldu   $02,s         get the blit_structure back in u
+      ldd   $08,u         load x/y_size
+      std   u00a1         stow them at x/y_count
+      clr   u00a0         clear the byte prior to x_size
+      ldb   $07,u         get the y value
+      lda   #$a0          set up PBUF_MULT
+      mul                 do the math
+      addb  $06,u         add in the x value
+      adca  #0            add in the carry bit
+      addd  #gfx_picbuff  add in the base address $6040
+      ldu   $0A,u         load u with buffer pointer blit_cur
+L0a2c std   u00a8         save the screen start buffer pic_cur
+      addd  u00a0         add in the x_size
+      std   u00ad         stow at pic_cur + offset 
+      ldx   u00a8         load x pic_cur pointer
+L0a34 ldd   ,u++          grab em from the buffer
+      std   ,x++          and send them to the screen
+      cmpx  u00ad         moved them all ??
+      blo   L0a34         nope then keep on keeping on
+      ldd   u00a8         load the pic_cur pointer
+      addd  #PICBUFF_WIDTH        add 160
+      dec   u00a2         dec the y count
+      bne   L0a2c         not zero move some more
+      rts   
+      fcb $00,$00,$00,$00
+      fcb $00,$00,$00,$00
+      fcc "shdw"
+      fcb $00
+      emod 
+eom   equ *
+      end
\ No newline at end of file