changeset 228:a7d1dd92b04f

Added gfx
author boisy
date Tue, 16 Jul 2002 02:32:12 +0000
parents c9803b86c85a
children a2023f60ac37
files level1/cmds/gfx.asm level1/cmds/makefile
diffstat 2 files changed, 284 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/level1/cmds/gfx.asm	Tue Jul 16 02:32:12 2002 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
+* GFX - CoCo 2 graphics subroutine module
+* $Id$
+* Ed.    Comments                                       Who YY/MM/DD
+* ------------------------------------------------------------------
+* 1      Original Tandy/Microware version
+         nam   GFX
+         ttl   CoCo 2 graphics subroutine module
+* Disassembled 98/09/25 21:47:16 by Disasm v1.6 (C) 1988 by RML
+         ifp1  
+         use   defsfile
+         endc  
+tylg     set   Sbrtn+Objct
+atrv     set   ReEnt+rev
+rev      set   $01
+edition  set   1
+         mod   eom,name,tylg,atrv,start,size
+u0000    rmb   0
+size     equ   .
+name     fcs   /GFX/
+         fcb   edition
+FuncTbl  fdb   Alpha-FuncTbl
+         fcc   "Alpha"
+         fcb   $FF
+         fdb   Circle-FuncTbl
+         fcc   "Circle"
+         fcb   $FF
+         fdb   Clear-FuncTbl
+         fcc   "Clear"
+         fcb   $FF
+         fdb   CColor-FuncTbl
+         fcc   "Color"
+         fcb   $FF
+         fdb   GColr-FuncTbl
+         fcc   "GColr"
+         fcb   $FF
+         fdb   GLoc-FuncTbl
+         fcc   "GLoc"
+         fcb   $FF
+         fdb   JoyStk-FuncTbl
+         fcc   "JoyStk"
+         fcb   $FF
+         fdb   Line-FuncTbl
+         fcc   "Line"
+         fcb   $FF
+         fdb   Mode-FuncTbl
+         fcc   "Mode"
+         fcb   $FF
+         fdb   Move-FuncTbl
+         fcc   "Move"
+         fcb   $FF
+         fdb   Point-FuncTbl
+         fcc   "Point"
+         fcb   $FF
+         fdb   Quit-FuncTbl
+         fcc   "Quit"
+         fcb   $FF
+         fdb   $0000
+stkdepth set   9
+start    leas  -stkdepth,s
+         ldd   2+stkdepth,s get parameter count
+         beq   BadFunc
+         tsta             param count greater than 255?
+         bne   BadFunc    yep, branch to error
+         leau  >FuncTbl,pcr point to function pointer table
+L007D    ldy   ,u++       get pointer to function
+         beq   NoFunc
+* Compare passed function name to our list
+         ldx   4+stkdepth,s
+L0084    lda   ,x+        get passed param char
+         eora  ,u+        XOR it with compared param char
+         anda  #$DF       make case same
+         beq   L0094      branch if equal
+         leau  -1,u       back up one
+L008E    tst   ,u+
+         bpl   L008E
+         bra   L007D
+L0094    tst   -1,u
+         bpl   L0084
+         tfr   y,d        put funcion pointer in D
+         leay  >FuncTbl,pcr point Y to table
+         leay  d,y        get function address
+         leax  ,s
+         leau  <$11,s
+         ldd   stkdepth+2,s put parameter count in D
+         jmp   ,y
+NoFunc   ldb   #E$NoRout
+         bra   L00AF
+BadFunc  ldb   #E$ParmEr  $38
+L00AF    coma  
+         leas  stkdepth,s
+         rts   
+* Each subroutine enters with the following parameters
+* B = parameter count
+* X = temporary stack
+* U = pointer to size of first parameter
+Mode     lda   #$0F
+         bra   L00B9
+Move     lda   #$15
+L00B9    cmpb  #$03       correct number of params?
+         bne   BadFunc
+         bra   L010B
+CColor   lda   #$11
+         bra   L00DE
+Point    cmpb  #$03       correct number of params?
+         beq   L00D4
+         cmpb  #$04
+         bne   BadFunc
+         leau  <$19,s
+         lbsr  L015E
+         leau  <$11,s
+L00D4    lda   #$18
+         bra   L010B
+Clear    cmpb  #$01       correct number of params?
+         beq   L00E4
+         lda   #$10
+L00DE    cmpb  #$02
+         bne   BadFunc
+         bra   L0136
+L00E4    lda   #$13
+         bra   L0142
+Line     cmpb  #$06       correct number of params?
+         bhi   BadFunc
+         cmpb  #$03
+         bcs   L015B
+         bitb  #$01
+         bne   L0103
+         leau  <$19,s
+         cmpb  #$04
+         beq   L00FE
+         leau  <$21,s
+L00FE    bsr   L015E
+         leau  <$11,s
+L0103    cmpb  #$04
+         bls   L0109
+         bsr   L0164
+L0109    lda   #$16
+L010B    sta   ,x+
+         bsr   L016E
+         bsr   L016E
+         bra   L0144
+Circle   cmpb  #$05       correct number of params?
+         bhi   L015B
+         cmpb  #$02
+         bcs   L015B
+         bitb  #$01
+         beq   L012E
+         leau  <$15,s
+         cmpb  #$03
+         beq   L0129
+         leau  <$1D,s
+L0129    bsr   L015E
+         leau  <$11,s
+L012E    cmpb  #$03
+         bls   L0134
+         bsr   L0164
+L0134    lda   #$1A
+L0136    sta   ,x+
+         bsr   L016E
+         bra   L0144
+Alpha    lda   #$0E
+         bra   L0142
+Quit     lda   #$12
+L0142    sta   ,x+
+L0144    bsr   L0149
+         leas  stkdepth,s
+         rts   
+L0149    tfr   x,d
+         leax  2,s
+         pshs  x
+         subd  ,s++
+         tfr   d,y
+         lda   #1
+         os9   I$Write
+         rts   
+L0159    leas  $06,s
+L015B    lbra  BadFunc
+L015E    lda   #$11
+         sta   ,x+
+         bra   L016E
+L0164    puls  y
+         lda   #$15
+         sta   ,x+
+         bsr   L016E
+         pshs  y
+L016E    pshs  y,b,a
+         ldd   [,u++]
+         sta   ,x+
+         pulu  y
+         leay  -$01,y
+         beq   L0183
+         leay  -$01,y
+         bne   L0159
+         tsta  
+         bne   L0159
+         stb   -$01,x
+L0183    puls  pc,y,b,a
+GLoc     cmpb  #$02       correct number of params?
+         bne   L015B
+         ldx   <$13,s
+         leax  -$02,x
+         bne   L015B
+         lda   #1         standard out
+         ldb   #SS.DStat
+         os9   I$GetStt
+         bcs   L019C
+         stx   [<$11,s]
+L019C    leas  stkdepth,s
+         rts   
+GColr    cmpb  #2         correct number of params?
+         beq   L01AD
+         cmpb  #$04
+         bne   L015B
+         bsr   L0164
+         bsr   L0149
+         bcs   L019C
+L01AD    lda   #$01
+         ldb   #$12
+         os9   I$GetStt
+         bcs   L019C
+         tfr   a,b
+         bra   L01ED
+L01BA    leau  $04,u
+         pshs  u,x
+         ldx   -$02,u
+         ldu   -$04,u
+         leax  -$01,x
+         beq   L01CC
+         leax  -$01,x
+         bne   L0159
+         clr   ,u+
+L01CC    stb   ,u+
+         puls  pc,u,x
+JoyStk   cmpb  #5         correct number of params?
+         bne   L015B
+         clr   ,x+
+         bsr   L016E
+         ldx   -2,x
+         lda   #1
+         ldb   #SS.Joy
+         os9   I$GetStt
+         bcs   L019C
+         tfr   a,b
+         bsr   L01BA
+         tfr   x,d
+         bsr   L01BA
+         tfr   y,d
+L01ED    bsr   L01BA
+         leas  stkdepth,s
+         rts   
+         emod  
+eom      equ   *
+         end   
--- a/level1/cmds/makefile	Tue Jul 16 02:14:55 2002 +0000
+++ b/level1/cmds/makefile	Tue Jul 16 02:32:12 2002 +0000
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 		park printerr procs pwd pxd \
 		rename save setime shell sleep tee tmode tsmon \
 		tuneport unlink verify xmode
-SUBRTNS		= inkey syscall
+SUBRTNS		= inkey syscall gfx
 all:	$(ALLOBJS)