changeset 47:c1c7f1cb1560

Moved to 3rdparty
author boisy
date Sat, 20 Apr 2002 13:38:17 +0000 (2002-04-20)
parents 60432af73b7e
children cdfe69117a2f
files level2/modules/boot_ide.asm
diffstat 1 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 262 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/level2/modules/boot_ide.asm	Sat Apr 20 13:37:42 2002 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,262 +0,0 @@
-* Boot - Glenside IDE Boot module
-* $Id$
-* Ed.    Comments                                       Who YY/MM/DD
-* ------------------------------------------------------------------
-* 1      Created                                        BGP 99/05/11
-         nam   Boot
-         ttl   Glenside IDE Boot module
-         ifp1
-         use   defsfile
-         use   rbfdefs
-         endc
-tylg     set   Systm+Objct
-atrv     set   ReEnt+rev
-rev      set   0
-edition  set   1
-         mod   eom,name,tylg,atrv,start,size
-blockloc rmb   2                       pointer to memory requested
-blockimg rmb   2                       duplicate of the above
-bootloc  rmb   3                       sector pointer; not byte pointer
-bootsize rmb   2                       size in bytes
-size     equ   .
-name     fcs   /Boot/
-         fcb   edition
-hwport   fdb   $FF70
-start    clra
-         ldb   #size
-clean    pshs  a
-         decb
-         bne   clean
-         tfr   s,u                     get pointer to data area
-         pshs  u                       save pointer to data area
-         lda   #$D0                    forced interrupt; kill floppy activity
-         sta   $FF48                   command register
-         clrb
-pause    decb
-         bne   pause
-         lda   $FF48                   clear controller
-         clr   $FF40                   make sure motors are turned off
-         sta   $FFD9                   fast clock
-         lbsr   Init
-* Request memory for LSN0
-         ldd   #1
-         os9   F$SRqMem                request one page of RAM
-         bcs   error
-         bsr   getpntr
-* Get LSN0 into memory
-         clrb                          MSB sector
-         ldx   #0                      LSW sector
-         bsr   mread
-         bcs   error
-         ldd   bootsize,u
-         beq   error
-         pshs  d
-* Return memory
-         ldd   #$100
-         ldu   blockloc,u
-         os9   F$SRtMem
-         puls  d
-         os9   F$BtMem
-         bcs   error
-         bsr   getpntr
-         std   blockimg,u
-* Get os9boot into memory
-         ldd   bootsize,u
-         leas  -2,s                    same as a PSHS D
-getboot  std   ,s
-         ldb   bootloc,u               MSB sector location
-         ldx   bootloc+1,u             LSW sector location
-         bsr   mread
-         ldd   bootloc+1,u             update sector location by one to 24bit word
-         addd  #1
-         std   bootloc+1,u
-         ldb   bootloc,u
-         adcb  #0
-         stb   bootloc,u
-         inc   blockloc,u              update memory pointer for upload
-         ldd   ,s                      update size of file left to read
-         subd  #$100                   file read one sector at a time
-         bhi   getboot
-         leas  4+size,s                reset the stack    same as PULS U,D
-         ldd   bootsize,u
-         ldx   blockimg,u              pointer to start of os9boot in memory
-         andcc #^Carry                 clear carry
-         rts                           back to os9p1
-error    leas  2+size,s
-         ldb   #E$NotRdy               drive not ready
-         rts
-getpntr  tfr   u,d                     save pointer to requested memory
-         ldu   2,s                     recover pointer to data stack
-         std   blockloc,u
-         rts
-mread    tstb
-         bne   read10
-         cmpx  #0
-         bne   read10
-         bsr   read10
-         bcc   readlsn0
-         rts
-readlsn0 pshs  a,x,y
-         ldy   blockloc,u
-         lda   DD.Bt,y                 os9boot pointer
-         ldx   DD.Bt+1,y               LSW of 24 bit address
-         sta   bootloc,u
-         stx   bootloc+1,u
-         ldx   DD.BSZ,y                os9boot size in bytes
-         stx   bootsize,u
-         clrb
-         puls  a,x,y,pc
-* Initialize IDE interface
-Init     ldx   #$1500
-         ldy   hwport,pc
-RdyIni1  tst   7,y           Wait for drive ready
-         bpl   GoInit
-         leax  -1,x
-         bne   RdyIni1
-         lbeq  ENotRdy       Timed out ... give up on drive
-GoInit   ldd   #$AF20        Drive is ready -- initialize
-* For IDE command $91, DrvHd reg = 101xhhhh binary
-         sta   6,y           $10 heads       (x=0-master/1-slave; hhhh=#heads)
-         stb   2,y           $20 sectors/track
-         lda   #$91 
-         sta   7,y           Give drive the Init Drive Parameters IDE command
-RdyIni2  tst   7,y
-         bmi   RdyIni2       Wait *forever* until drive is ready
-         clrb
-         rts
-ENotRdy  comb
-         ldb    #E$NotRdy
-         rts
-* B = MSB of OS-9 disk LSN
-* X = LSB of OS-9 disk LSN
-read10   lbsr  SetIDE
-         bcs   Ret
-         ldx   blockloc,u
-         lda   #$20
-         pshs  a
-         ldy   hwport,pc
-ReadLp   lda   ,y
-         ldb   ,y
-         std   ,x++
-         lda   ,y
-         ldb   ,y
-         std   ,x++
-         lda   ,y
-         ldb   ,y
-         std   ,x++
-         lda   ,y
-         ldb   ,y
-         std   ,x++
-         dec   ,s
-         bne   ReadLp
-         puls  a
-* After read or write, check drive status
-*   Return value = CC, true=error, false=OK
-WaitOK   lda   #$80        Is DRQ still true?  Just one check necessary
-         ldy   hwport,pc
-         bita  7,y         If it is, sector isn't fully transferred
-         bne   WaitOK      
-         lda   #$01        Wait *forever* for drive ready
-         bita  7,y
-         bne   CmdErr
-Ret      clrb              Nope -- clear CC
-         rts   
-CmdErr   comb              Yep  -- set CC
-         rts   
-* Setup IDE read or write operation
-* trashes D and X
-SetIDE   pshs  b,x
-         ldx   #$A000
-CmdLp1   ldy   hwport,pc
-         tst   7,y
-         bpl   SetRdy       Should go to ChkDRDY ?????
-         leax  -1,x
-         bne   CmdLp1
-         puls  b,x
-         bra   ENotRdy
-SetRdy   lda   2,s          Sector first
-         anda  #$1F
-         adda  #$01
-         sta   3,y          Store calculated sector number
-         ldd   1,s
-         rolb  
-         rola  
-         rolb  
-         rola  
-         rolb  
-         rola  
-         anda  #$0F
-         ora   #$A0
-         sta   6,y          Store calculated drive number
-         ldd   ,s           Last, the cylinder number (2-bytes)
-         rora  
-         rorb  
-         anda  #$7F
-         sta   5,y          Store calculated CylHi
-         stb   4,y          Store calculated CylLo
-         lda   #$01
-         sta   2,y          Sector count = 1
-         ldb   #$20
-         stb   7,y          Lastly, push the command to the drive
-         ldb   #$40
-         lda   #$08         Wait for Drive ready
-CmdLp2   bita  7,y
-         bne   CmdDone
-         decb  
-         bne   CmdLp2
-         ldx   #$0001       If we time out, sleep 1 tick, then loop *forever*
-         os9   F$Sleep
-CmdLp3   bita  7,y
-         beq   CmdLp3
-CmdDone  puls  b,x
-         clrb               All right, drive ready -- return
-         rts   
-* Fillers to get to $1D0
-         fcc   /9999999999/
-         fcc   /9999999999/
-         fcc   /9999999999/
-         fcc   /9999999999/
-         fcc   /9999999999/
-         fcc   /9999999999/
-         fcc   /9999999999/
-         fcc   /999999999/
-         emod
-eom      equ   *