changeset 1145:ca83286ded5b

Start of new OS-9 L2 Kernel
author boisy
date Tue, 22 Apr 2003 19:35:48 +0000 (2003-04-22)
parents 2cdb7acff8aa
children 1b6a7fd01282
files level2/modules/kernel/defsfile level2/modules/kernel/fallbit.asm level2/modules/kernel/fallimg.asm level2/modules/kernel/fallprc.asm level2/modules/kernel/fallram.asm level2/modules/kernel/falltsk.asm level2/modules/kernel/faproc.asm level2/modules/kernel/fchain.asm level2/modules/kernel/fclrblk.asm level2/modules/kernel/fcmpnam.asm level2/modules/kernel/fcpymem.asm level2/modules/kernel/fcrcmod.asm level2/modules/kernel/fdatlog.asm level2/modules/kernel/fdelimg.asm level2/modules/kernel/fdelram.asm level2/modules/kernel/fexit.asm level2/modules/kernel/ffind64.asm level2/modules/kernel/ffmodul.asm level2/modules/kernel/ffork.asm level2/modules/kernel/ffreehb.asm level2/modules/kernel/fgblkmp.asm level2/modules/kernel/fgcmdir.asm level2/modules/kernel/fgmoddr.asm level2/modules/kernel/fgprdsc.asm level2/modules/kernel/fgprocp.asm level2/modules/kernel/ficpt.asm level2/modules/kernel/fid.asm level2/modules/kernel/fld.asm level2/modules/kernel/fldabx.asm level2/modules/kernel/flink.asm level2/modules/kernel/fmapblk.asm level2/modules/kernel/fmem.asm level2/modules/kernel/fmove.asm level2/modules/kernel/fnproc.asm level2/modules/kernel/fprsnam.asm level2/modules/kernel/freboot.asm level2/modules/kernel/fsend.asm level2/modules/kernel/fsleep.asm level2/modules/kernel/fsprior.asm level2/modules/kernel/fsrqmem.asm level2/modules/kernel/fssvc.asm level2/modules/kernel/fsswi.asm level2/modules/kernel/fstime.asm level2/modules/kernel/fsuser.asm level2/modules/kernel/funlink.asm level2/modules/kernel/funload.asm level2/modules/kernel/fvmodul.asm level2/modules/kernel/krn.asm level2/modules/kernel/krnp2.asm level2/modules/kernel/makefile
diffstat 50 files changed, 5847 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/level2/modules/kernel/defsfile	Tue Apr 22 19:35:48 2003 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
+         use   ../../defsfile
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/level2/modules/kernel/fallbit.asm	Tue Apr 22 19:35:48 2003 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
+* System Call: F$AllBit
+* Function: Sets bits in an allocation bitmap
+* Input:  X = Address of allocation bitmap
+*         D = Number of first bit to set
+*         Y = Bit count (number of bits to set)
+* Output: None
+* Error:  CC = C bit set; B = error code
+FAllBit  ldd   R$D,u        get bit # to start with
+         ldx   R$X,u        get address of allocation bit map
+         bsr   CalcBit      calculate byte & position & get first bit mask
+         ldy   <D.Proc      get current task #
+         ldb   P$Task,y     get task number
+         bra   SetBit       go do it
+* F$AllBit (System State)
+FSAllBit ldd   R$D,u        get bit # to start with
+         ldx   R$X,u        get address of allocation bit map
+         bsr   CalcBit      calculate byte & pos & get first bit mask
+         ldb   <D.SysTsk    Get system task #
+* Main bit setting loop
+SetBit   equ   *
+         IFNE  H6309
+         ldw   R$Y,u        get # bits to set
+         ELSE
+         ldy   R$Y,u        get # bits to set
+         ENDC
+         beq   BitEx        nothing to set, return
+         sta   ,-s          preserve current mask
+         bmi   SkpBit       If high bit set, skip ahead
+         os9   F$LDABX      Go get original value from bit map 
+NxtBitLp ora   ,s           OR it with the current mask
+         IFNE  H6309
+         decw               Dec the bit counter
+         ELSE
+         leay  -1,y
+         ENDC
+         beq   BitStEx      Done, go put the byte back into the task's map
+         lsr   ,s           Shift out the lowest bit of original
+         bcc   NxtBitLp     If it is a 0, do next bit
+         os9   F$STABX      If it was a 1 (which means whole byte done),
+         leax  1,x          Store finished byte and bump ptr
+SkpBit   lda   #$FF         Preload a finished byte
+         bra   SkpBit2      Skip ahead
+StFulByt os9   F$STABX      Store full byte
+         leax  1,x          Bump ptr up 1
+         IFNE  H6309
+         subw  #8           Bump counter down by 8
+SkpBit2  cmpw  #8           Is there at least 8 more (a full byte) to do?
+         ELSE
+         leay  -8,y
+SkpBit2  cmpy  #$0008
+         ENDC
+         bhi   StFulByt     More than 1, go do current
+         beq   BitStEx      Exactly 1 byte left, do final store & exit
+* Last byte: Not a full byte left loop
+L085A    lsra               Bump out least sig. bit
+         IFNE  H6309
+         decw               Dec the bit counter
+         ELSE
+         leay  -1,y
+         ENDC
+         bne   L085A        Keep going until last one is shifted out
+         coma               Invert byte to get proper result
+         sta   ,s           Preserve a sec
+         os9   F$LDABX      Get byte for original map
+         ora   ,s           Merge with new mask
+BitStEx  os9   F$STABX      Store finished byte into task
+         leas  1,s          Eat the working copy of the mask
+BitEx    clrb               No error & return
+         rts   
+* Calculate address of first byte we want, and which bit in that byte, from
+*   a bit allocation map given the address of the map & the bit # we want to
+*   point to
+* Entry: D=Bit #
+*        X=Ptr to bit mask table
+* Exit:  A=Mask to point to bit # within byte we are starting on
+*        X=Ptr in allocation map to first byte we are starting on
+CalcBit  pshs  b,y          preserve registers
+         IFNE  H6309
+         lsrd               divide bit # by 8 to calculate byte # to start
+         lsrd               allocating at
+         lsrd
+         addr  d,x          Offset that far into the map
+         ELSE
+         lsra
+         rorb
+         lsra
+         rorb
+         lsra
+         rorb
+         leax  d,x
+         ENDC
+         puls  b            restore bit position LSB
+         leay  <L0883,pc    point to mask table
+         andb  #7           round it down to nearest bit
+         lda   b,y          get bit mask
+         puls  y,pc         restore & return
+* Bit position table (NOTE that bit #'s are done by left to right)
+L0883    fcb   $80,$40,$20,$10,$08,$04,$02,$01
+* System Call: F$DelBit
+* Function: Clears bits in an allocation bitmap
+* Input:  X = Address of allocation bitmap
+*         D = Number of first bit to clear
+*         Y = Bit count (number of bits to clear)
+* Output: None
+* Error:  CC = C bit set; B = error code
+FDelBit  ldd   R$D,u        Get bit # to start with
+         ldx   R$X,u        Get addr. of bit allocation map
+         bsr   CalcBit      Point to starting bit
+         ldy   <D.Proc      Get current Task #
+         ldb   P$Task,y     get task #
+         bra   L08A0        Do rest of 0 bits
+* F$DelBit entry point for system state
+FSDelBit ldd   R$D,u        Get bit # to start with
+         ldx   R$X,u        Get addr. of bit allocation map
+         bsr   CalcBit      Point to starting bit
+         ldb   <D.SysTsk    Get system task #
+L08A0    equ   *
+         IFNE  H6309
+         ldw   R$Y,u        Get # bits to clear
+         ELSE
+         ldy   R$Y,u        Get # bits to clear
+         ENDC
+         beq   L08E0        None, return
+         coma               Invert current bit mask
+         sta   ,-s          Preserve on stack
+         bpl   L08BC        If high bit clear, skip ahead
+         os9   F$LDABX      Go get byte from user's map
+L08AD    anda  ,s           AND it with current mask
+         IFNE  H6309
+         decw               Dec the bits left counter
+         ELSE
+         leay  -1,y
+         ENDC
+         beq   BitDone      Done, store finished byte back in task's map
+         asr   ,s           Shift out lowest bit, leaving highest alone
+         bcs   L08AD        If it is a 1, do next bit
+         os9   F$STABX      If it was a 0 (which means whole byte done),
+         leax  1,x          store finished byte & inc. ptr
+L08BC    clra               Preload a cleared byte
+         bra   ChkFull      skip ahead
+L08BF    os9   F$STABX      Store full byte
+         leax  1,x          Bump ptr up by 1
+         IFNE  H6309
+         subw  #8           Dec bits left counter by 8
+ChkFull  cmpw  #8           At least 1 full byte left?
+         ELSE
+         leay  -8,y
+ChkFull  cmpy  #8
+         ENDC
+         bhi   L08BF        Yes, do a whole byte in 1 shot
+         beq   BitDone      Exactly 1, store byte & exit
+         coma               < full byte left, invert bits
+L08CF    lsra               Shift out rightmost bit
+         IFNE  H6309
+         decw               Dec bits left counter
+         ELSE
+         leay  -1,y
+         ENDC
+         bne   L08CF        Keep doing till done
+         sta   ,s           Save finished mask
+         os9   F$LDABX      Get original byte from task
+         anda  ,s           Merge cleared bits with it
+BitDone  os9   F$STABX      Store finished byte into task
+         leas  1,s          Eat working copy of mask
+L08E0    clrb               Eat error & return
+         rts   
+* System Call: F$SchBit
+* Function: Search bitmap for a free area
+* Input:  X = Address of allocation bitmap
+*         D = Starting bit number
+*         Y = Bit count (free bit block size)
+*         U = Address of end of allocation bitmap
+* Output: D = Beginning bit number
+*         Y = Bit count
+* Error:  CC = C bit set; B = error code
+FSchBit  ldd   R$D,u        Get start bit #
+         ldx   R$X,u        Get addr. of allocation bit map
+         bsr   CalcBit      Point to starting bit
+         ldy   <D.Proc      Get task #
+         ldb   P$Task,y
+         bra   L08F8        skip ahead
+* F$SchBit entry point for system
+FSSchBit ldd   R$D,u        Get start bit #
+         ldx   R$X,u        Get addr. of allocation bit map
+         lbsr  CalcBit      Point to starting bit
+         ldb   <D.SysTsk    Get task #
+* Stack: 0,s : byte we are working on (from original map)
+*        1,s : Mask of which bit in current byte to start on
+*        2,s : Task number the allocation bit map is in
+*        3,s : Largest block found so far
+*        5,s : Starting bit # of requested (or closest) size found
+*        7,s : Starting bit # of current block being checked (2 bytes) (NOW IN Y)
+         IFNE  H6309
+L08F8    pshs  cc,d,x,y    Preserve task # & bit mask & reserve stack space
+         clrd              Faster than 2 memory clears
+         ELSE
+L08F8    pshs  cc,d,x,y,u  Preserve task # & bit mask & reserve stack space
+         clra
+         clrb
+         ENDC
+         std   3,s         Preserve it
+         IFNE  H6309
+         ldw   R$D,u       get start bit #
+         tfr   w,y         save as current block starting bit #
+         ELSE
+         ldy   R$D,u
+         sty   7,s
+         ENDC
+         bra   Skipper     skip ahead
+* New start point for search at current location
+RstSrch  equ   *
+         IFNE  H6309
+         tfr   w,y         Preserve current block bit # start
+         ELSE
+         sty   7,s
+         ENDC
+* Move to next bit position, and to next byte if current byte is done
+MoveBit  lsr   1,s         Move to next bit position
+         bcc   CheckBit    If not the last one, check it
+         ror   1,s         Move bit position marker to 1st bit again
+         leax  1,x         Move byte ptr (in map) to next byte
+* Check if we are finished allocation map
+Skipper  cmpx  R$U,u       done entire map?
+         bhs   BadNews     yes, couldn't fit in 1 block, notify caller
+         ldb   2,s         Get task number
+         os9   F$LDABX     Get byte from bit allocation map
+         sta   ,s          Preserve in scratch area
+* Main checking
+CheckBit equ   *
+         IFNE  H6309
+         incw              Increment current bit #
+         ELSE
+         leay  1,y
+         ENDC
+         lda   ,s          Get current byte
+         anda  1,s         Mask out all but current bit position
+         bne   RstSrch     If bit not free, restart search from next bit
+         IFNE  H6309
+         tfr   w,d         Dupe current bit # into D
+         subr  y,d         Calculate size we have free so far
+         cmpd  R$Y,u       As big as user requested?
+         ELSE
+         tfr   y,d
+         subd  7,s
+         cmpd  R$Y,u
+         ENDC
+         bhs   WereDone    Yes, we are done
+         cmpd  $03,s       As big as the largest one we have found so far?
+         bls   MoveBit     No, move to next bit and keep going
+         std   $03,s       It is the largest, save current size
+         IFNE  H6309
+         sty   $05,s       Save as start bit # of largest block found so far
+         ELSE
+         ldd   7,s
+         std   5,s
+         ENDC
+         bra   MoveBit     Move to next bit and keep going
+* Couldn't find requested size block; tell user where the closest was found
+*   and how big it was
+BadNews  ldd   $03,s       Get size of largest block we found
+         std   R$Y,u       Put into callers Y register
+         comb              Set carry to indicate we couldn't get full size
+         ldd   5,s         Get starting bit # of largest block we found
+         bra   BadSkip     skip ahead
+* Found one, tell user where it is
+WereDone equ   *
+         IFNE  H6309
+         tfr   y,d         Get start bit # of the block we found
+         ELSE
+         ldd   7,s
+         ENDC
+BadSkip  std   R$D,u       Put starting bit # of block into callers D register
+         IFNE  H6309
+         leas  $07,s       Eat our temporary stack area & return
+         ELSE
+         leas  $09,s
+         ENDC
+         rts   
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/level2/modules/kernel/fallimg.asm	Tue Apr 22 19:35:48 2003 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+* F$AllImg entry point
+* Entry: U=Register stack pointer
+FAllImg  ldd   R$D,u        get starting block # & # of blocks
+         ldx   R$X,u        get process descriptor pointer
+* Entry point from F$SRqMem
+L09BE    pshs  d,x,y,u      
+         lsla  
+         leay  P$DATImg,x
+         leay  a,y
+         clra  
+         tfr   d,x
+         ldu   <D.BlkMap
+         pshs  d,x,y,u
+L09CD    ldd   ,y++
+         cmpd  #DAT.Free
+         beq   L09E2
+         lda   d,u
+         cmpa  #RAMinUse
+         puls  d
+         bne   L09F7
+         IFNE  H6309
+         decd
+         ELSE
+         subd  #$0001
+         ENDC
+         pshs  d
+L09E2    leax  -1,x
+         bne   L09CD
+         ldx   ,s++
+         beq   L0A00
+L09EA    lda   ,u+
+         bne   L09F2
+         leax  -1,x
+         beq   L0A00
+L09F2    cmpu  <D.BlkMap+2
+         bcs   L09EA
+L09F7    ldb   #E$MemFul
+         leas  6,s
+         stb   1,s
+         comb  
+         puls  d,x,y,u,pc
+L0A00    puls  x,y,u
+L0A02    ldd   ,y++
+         cmpd  #DAT.Free
+         bne   L0A16
+L0A0A    lda   ,u+
+         bne   L0A0A
+         inc   ,-u
+         tfr   u,d
+         subd  <D.BlkMap
+         std   -2,y
+L0A16    leax  -1,x
+         bne   L0A02
+         ldx   2,s
+         IFNE  H6309
+         oim   #ImgChg,P$State,x
+         ELSE
+         lda   P$State,x
+         ora   #ImgChg
+         sta   P$State,x
+         ENDC
+         clrb  
+         puls  d,x,y,u,pc
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/level2/modules/kernel/fallprc.asm	Tue Apr 22 19:35:48 2003 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+* F$AllPrc entry point
+* Entry: U=Register stack pointer
+FAllPrc  pshs  u            preserve register stack pointer
+         bsr   AllPrc       try & allocate descriptor
+         bcs   L02E8        can't do, return
+         ldx   ,s           get register stack pointer
+         stu   R$U,x        save pointer to new descriptor
+L02E8    puls  u,pc         restore & return
+* Allocate a process desciptor
+* Entry: None
+AllPrc   ldx    <D.PrcDBT   get pointer to process descriptor block table
+L02EC    lda    ,x+         get a process block #
+         bne    L02EC       used, keep looking
+         leax   -1,x        point to it again
+         tfr    x,d         move it to D
+         subd   <D.PrcDBT   subtract pointer to table (gives actual prc. ID)
+         tsta               id valid?
+         beq    L02FE       yes, go on
+         comb               set carry
+         ldb    #E$PrcFul   get error code
+         rts                Return with error
+L02FE    pshs   b           save process #
+         ldd    #P$Size     get size of descriptor
+         os9    F$SRqMem    request the memory for it
+         puls   a           restore process #
+         bcs    L032F       exit if error from mem call
+         sta    P$ID,u      save ID to descriptor
+         tfr    u,d
+         sta    ,x          save ID to process descriptor table
+* Clear out process descriptor through till stack
+         IFNE   H6309
+         leay   <Null3,pc  Point to 0 byte
+         leax   1,u
+         ldw    #$0100
+Null3    equ   *-1
+         tfm    y,x+
+         ELSE
+         clra
+         leax   P$PID,u
+         ldy    #$80
+LChinese std    ,x++
+         leay   -1,y
+         bne   LChinese
+         ENDC
+* OS-9 L2 Upgrade Enhancement: Stamp current date/time for start of process
+*         ldy    <D.Proc		get current process descriptor
+*         ldx    <D.SysProc	get system process descriptor
+*         stx    <D.Proc		make system process current
+*         leax   P$DatBeg,u	new proc desc creation date/time stamp
+*         os9    F$Time		ignore any error...
+*         sty    <D.Proc		restore current proc desc address
+         lda    #SysState   set process to system state
+         sta    P$State,u
+* Empty out DAT image
+         ldb    #DAT.BlCt   # of double byte writes
+         ldx    #DAT.Free   Empty block marker
+         leay   P$DATImg,u
+L0329    stx    ,y++
+         decb               done?
+         bne    L0329       no, keep going
+         clrb               clear carry
+L032F    rts                return
+* F$DelPrc entry point
+FDelPrc  lda    R$A,u		get process #
+         bra    L0386		delete it
+* F$Wait entry point
+* Checks all children to see if any died (done through linked child process
+*   list through P$CID for 1st one & P$SID for rest)
+* Will stick process into Wait Queue until either Waiting process receives
+*  signal or until child dies. Child dying does NOT send signal to parent
+FWait    ldx    <D.Proc     get current process
+         lda    P$CID,x     any children?
+         beq    L0368       no, exit with error
+L033A    lbsr   L0B2E       get pointer to child process dsc. into Y
+         IFNE   H6309
+         tim    #Dead,P$State,y  Is child dead?
+         ELSE
+         lda    P$State,y
+         bita   #Dead
+         ENDC
+         bne    L036C       Yes, send message to parent
+         lda    P$SID,y     No, check for another child (thru sibling list)
+         bne    L033A       Yes there is another child, go see if it is dead
+         sta    R$A,u       No child has died, clear out process # & status
+         sta    R$B,u         code in caller's A&B regs
+         pshs   cc          Preserve CC
+         orcc   #IntMasks   Shut off interrupts
+         lda    <P$Signal,x Any signals pending?
+         beq    L035D       No, skip ahead
+* No Child died, but received signal
+         deca               Yes, is it a wakeup signal?
+         bne    L035A       no, wake it up with proper signal
+         sta    <P$Signal,x Clear out signal code
+L035A    lbra   L071B       go wake it up (no signal will be sent)
+* No dead child & no signal...execute next F$Waiting process in line
+L035D    ldd    <D.WProcQ   get ptr to head of waiting process line
+         std    P$Queue,x   save as next process in line from current one
+         stx    <D.WProcQ   save curr. process as new head of waiting process line
+         puls   cc          restore interupts
+         lbra   L0780       go activate next process in line
+L0368    comb               Exit with No Children error
+         ldb    #E$NoChld
+         rts   
+* Child has died
+* Entry: Y=Ptr to child process that died
+*        U=Ptr to caller's register stack
+L036C    lda   P$ID,y       Get process ID of dead child
+         ldb   <P$Signal,y  Get signal code that child received (if any)
+         std   R$D,u        Save in caller's D
+         leau  ,y           Point U to child process dsc.
+         leay  P$CID-P$SID,x    Bump Y up by 1 for 1st loop so P$SID below actually
+*                             references P$CID
+         bra   L037C        skip ahead
+* Update linked list of sibling processes to exclude dead child
+L0379    lbsr  L0B2E        get pointer to process
+L037C    lda   P$SID,y      Get Sibling ID (or Child ID on 1st run)
+         cmpa  P$ID,u       Same as Dying process ID?
+         bne   L0379        No, go get ptr to Sibling process & do again
+         ldb   P$SID,u      Yes, wrapped to our own, get Sibling ID from child
+         stb   P$SID,y      Save as sibling process id # in other sibling
+L0386    pshs  d,x,u        preserve regs
+         cmpa  WGlobal+G.AlPID     Does dying process have an alarm set up?
+         bne   L0393        no, go on
+         IFNE  H6309
+         clrd               Faster than 2 memory clears
+         ELSE
+         clra
+         clrb
+         ENDC
+         std   WGlobal+G.AlPID    clear alarm ID & signal
+L0393    ldb   ,s           get dying process # back
+         ldx   <D.PrcDBT    get ptr to process descriptor block table
+         abx                offset into table
+         lda   ,x           Get MSB of process dsc. ptr
+         beq   L03AC        If gone already, exit
+         clrb
+         stb   ,x           Clear out entry in block table
+         tfr   d,x          Move process dsc. ptr to X
+         os9   F$DelTsk     Remove task # for this process
+         leau  ,x           Point U to start of Dead process dsc.
+         ldd   #P$Size      Size of a process dsc.
+         os9   F$SRtMem     Deallocate process dsc. from system memory pool
+L03AC    puls  d,x,u,pc     Restore regs & return
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/level2/modules/kernel/fallram.asm	Tue Apr 22 19:35:48 2003 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+* F$AllRam entry point
+* Entry: B=# blocks to allocate
+* Exit:  D=block # of start of contigously allocated blocks
+FAllRam  ldb   R$B,u        Get # blocks requested
+         pshs  b,x,y        Save regs
+         ldx   <D.BlkMap    Get ptr to start of block map
+L0974    leay  ,x           Point Y to current block
+         ldb   ,s           Get # blocks requested
+L0978    cmpx  <D.BlkMap+2  Hit end of map yet?
+         bhs   L0995        Yes, exit with No RAM error
+         lda   ,x+          Get block marker
+         bne   L0974        Already used, start over with next block up
+         decb               Dec # blocks still needed
+         bne   L0978        Still more, keep checking
+* Entry: Y=ptr to start of memory found
+* Note: Due to fact that block map always starts @ $200 (up to $2FF), we
+*       don't need to calc A
+L0983    tfr   y,d          Copy start of requested block mem ptr to D (B)
+         lda   ,s           Get # blocks requested
+         stb   ,s           Save start block # 
+L098D    inc   ,y+          Flag blocks as used
+         deca                (for all blocks allocated)
+         bne   L098D        Do until done
+         puls  b            Get start block #
+         clra               (allow for D as per original calls)
+         std   R$D,u        Save for caller
+         puls  x,y,pc       Restore regs & return
+L0995    comb               Exit with No RAM error
+         ldb   #E$NoRam
+         stb   ,s
+         puls  b,x,y,pc
+* F$AlHRam entry point
+* Entry: B=# blocks to allocate
+* Exit:  D=block # of start of contigously allocated blocks
+FAlHRam  ldb   R$B,u        Get # blocks to allocate
+         pshs  b,x,y        Preserve regs
+         ldx   <D.BlkMap+2  Get ptr to end of block map
+L09A9    ldb   ,s           Get # blocks requested
+L09AB    cmpx  <D.BlkMap    Are we at beginning of RAM yet?
+         bls   L0995        Yes, exit with No RAM error
+         lda   ,-x          Get RAM block marker
+         bne   L09A9        If not free, start checking next one down
+         decb               Free block, dec # blocks left to find count
+         bne   L09AB        Still more needed, keep checking
+         tfr   x,y          Found enough contigous blocks, move ptr to Y
+         bra   L0983        Go mark blocks as used, & return info to caller
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/level2/modules/kernel/falltsk.asm	Tue Apr 22 19:35:48 2003 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+* F$AllTsk entry point
+FAllTsk  ldx   R$X,u        get pointer to process descriptor
+L0C58    ldb   P$Task,x     already have a task #?
+         bne   L0C64        yes, return
+         bsr   L0CA6        find a free task
+         bcs   L0C65        error, couldn't get one, return
+         stb   P$Task,x     save task #
+         bsr   L0C79        load MMU with task
+L0C64    clrb               clear errors
+L0C65    rts                return
+* F$DelTsk entry point
+FDelTsk  ldx   R$X,u
+L0C68    ldb   P$Task,x   grab the current task number
+         beq   L0C64      if system (or released), exit
+         clr   P$Task,x   force the task number to be zero
+         bra   L0CC3      do a F$RelTsk
+TstImg   equ   *
+         IFNE  H6309
+         tim   #ImgChg,P$State,x
+         ELSE
+         pshs  a
+         lda   P$State,x
+         bita  #ImgChg
+         puls  a
+         ENDC
+         beq   L0C65      if not, exit now: don't clear carry, it's not needed
+         fcb   $8C        skip LDX, below
+* F$SetTsk entry point
+FSetTsk  ldx   R$X,u        get process descriptor pointer
+L0C79    equ   *
+         IFNE  H6309
+         aim   #^ImgChg,P$State,x flag DAT image change in process descriptor
+         ELSE
+         lda   P$State,x
+         anda  #^ImgChg
+         sta   P$State,x
+         ENDC
+         clr   <D.Task1N  task 1 DAT image has changed
+         andcc #^Carry      clear carry
+         pshs  cc,d,x,u     preserve everything
+         ldb   P$Task,x     get task #
+         leau  <P$DATImg,x  point to DAT image
+         ldx   <D.TskIPt    get task image table pointer
+         lslb               account for 2 bytes/entry
+         stu   b,x          save DAT image pointer in task table
+         cmpb  #2           is it either system or GrfDrv?
+         bhi   L0C9F        no, return
+         ldx   #$FFA0     update system DAT image
+         lbsr  L0E93      go bash the hardware
+L0C9F    puls  cc,d,x,u,pc
+* F$ResTsk entry point
+FResTsk  bsr   L0CA6
+         stb   R$B,u
+L0CA5    rts   
+* Find a free task in task map
+* Entry: None
+* Exit : B=Task #
+L0CA6    pshs  x            preserve X
+         ldb   #$02         get starting task # (skip System/Grfdrv)
+         ldx   <D.Tasks     get task table pointer
+L0CAC    lda   b,x          task allocated?
+         beq   L0CBA        no, allocate it & return
+         incb               move to next task
+         cmpb  #$20         end of task list?
+         bne   L0CAC        no, keep looking
+         comb               set carry for error
+         ldb   #E$NoTask    get error code
+         puls  x,pc
+L0CBA    stb   b,x          flag task used (1 cycle faster than inc)
+*         orb   <D.SysTsk    merge in system task # ??? always 0
+         clra               clear carry
+L0CBF    puls  x,pc         restore & return
+* F$RelTsk entry point
+* no idea why B and X are saved.
+FRelTsk  ldb   R$B,u        Get task # to release
+L0CC3    pshs  b,x          Preserve it & X
+* ??? No idea why this stuff is done.  D.SysTsk is ALWAYS 0.
+*     Even GrfDrv never changes it.
+*         ldb   <D.SysTsk    Get system task #
+*         comb               Invert it
+*         andb  ,s           Mask with requested task
+         tstb               check out B
+         beq   L0CD0        If system task, don't bother deleting the task
+         ldx   <D.Tasks     Get task table ptr
+         clr   b,x          Clear out the task
+L0CD0    puls  b,x,pc       Restore regs & return
+* Sleeping process update (Gets executed from clock)
+* Could move this code into Clock, but what about the call to F$AProc (L0D11)?
+* It probably will be OK... but have to check.
+*   Possible, move ALL software-clock code into OS9p2, and therefore
+* have it auto-initialize?  All hardware clocks would then be called
+* just once a minute.
+L0CD2    ldx   <D.SProcQ      Get sleeping process Queue ptr
+         beq   L0CFD          None (no one sleeping), so exit
+         IFNE  H6309
+         tim   #TimSleep,P$State,x  Is it a timed sleep?
+         ELSE
+         ldb   P$State,x
+         bitb  #TimSleep
+         ENDC
+         beq   L0CFD          No, exit: waiting for signal/interrupt
+         ldu   P$SP,x         Yes, get his stack pointer
+         ldd   R$X,u          Get his sleep tick count
+         IFNE  H6309
+         decd                 decrement sleep count
+         ELSE
+         subd  #$0001
+         ENDC
+         std   R$X,u          Save it back
+         bne   L0CFD          Still more ticks to go, so exit
+* Process needs to wake up, update queue pointers
+L0CE7    ldu   P$Queue,x      Get next process in Queue
+         bsr   L0D11          activate it
+         leax  ,u             point to new process
+         beq   L0CFB          don't exist, go on
+         IFNE  H6309
+         tim   #TimSleep,P$State,x  is it in a timed sleep?
+         ELSE
+         ldb   P$State,x
+         bitb  #TimSleep
+         ENDC
+         beq   L0CFB          no, go update process table
+         ldu   P$SP,x         get it's stack pointer
+         ldd   R$X,u          any sleep time left?
+         beq   L0CE7          no, go activate next process in queue
+L0CFB    stx   <D.SProcQ      Store new sleeping process pointer
+L0CFD    dec   <D.Slice       Any time remaining on process?
+         bne   L0D0D          Yes, exit
+         inc   <D.Slice       reset slice count
+         ldx   <D.Proc        Get current process pointer
+         beq   L0D0D          none, return
+         IFNE  H6309
+         oim   #TimOut,P$State,x put him in a timeout state
+         ELSE
+         ldb   P$State,x
+         orb   #TimOut
+         stb   P$State,x
+         ENDC
+L0D0D    clrb  
+         rts   
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/level2/modules/kernel/faproc.asm	Tue Apr 22 19:35:48 2003 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+* System Call: F$AProc
+* Function: Insert process into active process queue
+* Input:  X = Address of process descriptor
+* Output: None
+* Error:  CC = C bit set; B = error code
+FAProc   ldx   R$X,u        Get ptr to process to activate
+L0D11    clrb  
+         pshs  cc,b,x,y,u
+         lda   P$Prior,x    Get process priority
+         sta   P$Age,x      Save it as age (How long it's been around)
+         orcc  #IntMasks    Shut down IRQ's
+         ldu   #(D.AProcQ-P$Queue)  Get ptr to active process queue
+         bra   L0D29        Go through the chain
+* Update active process queue
+*  X=Process to activate
+*  U=Current process in queue links
+L0D1F    inc   P$Age,u      update current process age
+         bne   L0D25        wrap?
+         dec   P$Age,u      yes, reset it to max.
+L0D25    cmpa  P$Age,u      match process ages??
+         bhi   L0D2B        no, skip update
+L0D29    leay  ,u           point Y to current process
+L0D2B    ldu   P$Queue,u    get pointer to next process in chain
+         bne   L0D1F        Still more in chain, keep going
+         ldd   P$Queue,y    
+         stx   P$Queue,y    save new process to chain
+         std   P$Queue,x
+         puls  cc,b,x,y,u,pc
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/level2/modules/kernel/fchain.asm	Tue Apr 22 19:35:48 2003 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
+* System Call: F$Chain
+* Function: Starts a new child process and terminates the calling process.
+* Input:  X = Address of module or filename
+*         Y = Parameter area size (256 byte pages)
+*         U = Address of parameter area
+*         A = Language/Type code
+*         B = Optional data area size (256 byte pages)
+* Output: None
+* Error:  CC = C bit set; B = error code
+FChain   pshs  u            preserve register stack pointer
+         lbsr  AllPrc       allocate a new process descriptor
+         bcc   L03B7        do the chain if no error
+         puls  u,pc         return to caller with error
+* Copy Process Descriptor Data
+L03B7    ldx   <D.Proc      get pointer to current process
+         pshs  x,u          save old & new descriptor pointers
+         leax  P$SP,x       point to source
+         leau  P$SP,u       point to destination
+         IFNE  H6309
+         ldw   #$00fc       get size (P$SP+$FC)
+         tfm   x+,u+        move it
+         ELSE
+         ldy   #$007E
+L03C3    ldd   ,x++		copy bytes
+         std   ,u++
+         leay  -1,y
+         bne   L03C3
+         ENDC
+L03CB    ldu   2,s          get new descriptor pointer
+         leau  <P$DATImg,u
+         ldx   ,s           get old descriptor pointer
+         lda   P$Task,x     get task #
+         lsla               2 bytes per entry
+         ldx   <D.TskIpt    get task image table pointer
+         stu   a,x          save updated DAT image pointer for later
+* Question: are the previous 7 lines necessary? The F$AllTsk call, below
+* should take care of everything!
+         ldx   <D.Proc      get process descriptor
+         IFNE  H6309
+         clrd               Faster than 2 memory clears
+         ELSE
+         clra
+         clrb
+         ENDC
+         stb   P$Task,x     old process has no task number
+         std   <P$SWI,x     clear out all sorts of signals and vectors
+         std   <P$SWI2,x
+         std   <P$SWI3,x
+         sta   <P$Signal,x
+         std   <P$SigVec,x
+         ldu   <P$PModul,x
+         os9   F$UnLink     unlink from the primary module
+         ldb   P$PagCnt,x   grab the page count
+         addb  #$1F         round up to the nearest block
+         lsrb  
+         lsrb  
+         lsrb  
+         lsrb  
+         lsrb               get number of blocks used
+         lda   #$08         
+         IFNE  H6309
+         subr  b,a          A=number of blocks unused
+         ELSE
+         pshs  b
+         suba  ,s+
+         ENDC
+         leay  <P$DATImg,x  set up the initial DAT image
+         lslb  
+         leay  b,y          go to the offset
+         ldu   #DAT.Free    mark the blocks as free
+L040C    stu   ,y++         do all of them
+         deca  
+         bne   L040C
+         ldu   2,s          get new process descriptor pointer
+         stu   <D.Proc      make it the new process
+         ldu   4,s
+         lbsr  L04B1        link to new module & setup register stack
+         IFNE  H6309
+         bcs   L04A1
+         ELSE
+         lbcs  L04A1
+         ENDC
+         pshs  d            somehow D = memory size? Or parameter size?
+         os9   F$AllTsk     allocate a new task number
+* ignore errors here
+* Hmmm.. the code above FORCES the new process to have the same DAT image ptr
+* as the old process, not that it matters...
+         fcb   $24,$00
+         ldu   <D.Proc      get nre process
+         lda   P$Task,u     new task number
+         ldb   P$Task,x     old task number
+         leau  >(P$Stack-R$Size),x  set up the stack for the new process
+         leax  ,y           
+         ldu   R$X,u        where to copy from
+         IFNE  H6309
+         cmpr  x,u          check From/To addresses
+         ELSE
+         pshs  u		src ptr
+         cmpx  ,s++		dest ptr
+         ENDC
+         puls  y		size
+         bhi   L0471        To < From: do F$Move
+         beq   L0474        To == From, skip F$Move
+* To > From: do special copy
+         leay  ,y           any bytes to move?
+         beq   L0474        no, skip ahead
+         IFNE  H6309
+         pshs  x            save address
+         addr  y,x          add size to FROM address
+         cmpr  x,u          is it
+         puls  x
+         ELSE
+         pshs  d,x
+         tfr   y,d
+         leax  d,x
+         pshs  u
+         cmpx  ,s++
+         puls  d,x
+         ENDC
+         bls   L0471        end of FROM <= start of TO: do F$Move
+* The areas to copy overlap: do special move routine
+         pshs  d,x,y,u      save regs
+         IFNE  H6309
+         addr  y,x         go to the END of the area to copy FROM
+         addr  y,u         end of area to copy TO
+         ELSE
+         tfr   y,d
+         leax  d,x
+         leau  d,y
+         ENDC
+* This all appears to be doing a copy where destination <= source,
+* in the same address space.
+L0457    ldb   ,s           grab ??
+         leax  -1,x         back up one
+         os9   F$LDABX  
+         exg   x,u
+         ldb   1,s
+         leax  -1,x         back up another one
+         os9   F$STABX  
+         exg   x,u
+         leay  -1,y
+         bne   L0457
+         puls  d,x,y,u      restore regs
+         bra   L0474        skip over F$Move
+L0471    os9   F$Move       move data over?
+L0474    lda   <D.SysTsk    get system task number
+         ldx   ,s           old process dsc ptr
+         ldu   P$SP,x
+         leax  >(P$Stack-R$Size),x
+         ldy   #R$Size
+         os9   F$Move       move the stack over
+         puls  u,x          restore new, old process dsc's
+         lda   P$ID,u
+         lbsr  L0386        check alarms
+         os9   F$DelTsk     delete the old task
+         orcc  #IntMasks
+         ldd   <D.SysPrc
+         std   <D.Proc
+         IFNE   H6309
+         aim   #^SysState,P$State,x
+         ELSE
+         lda   P$State,x
+         anda  #^SysState
+         sta   P$State,x
+         ENDC
+         os9   F$AProc      activate the process
+         os9   F$NProc      go to it
+* comes here on error with link to new module
+L04A1    puls  u,x
+         stx   <D.Proc
+         pshs  b
+         lda   ,u
+         lbsr  L0386        kill signals
+         puls  b
+         os9   F$Exit       exit from the process with error condition
+* Setup new process DAT image with module
+L04B1    pshs   d,x,y,u     preserve everything
+         ldd    <D.Proc     get pointer to current process
+         pshs   d           save it
+         stx    <D.Proc     save pointer to new process
+         lda    R$A,u       get module type
+         ldx    R$X,u       get pointer to module name
+         ldy    ,s          get pointer to current process
+         leay   P$DATImg,y  point to DAT image
+         os9    F$SLink     map it into new process DAT image
+         bcc    L04D7       no error, keep going
+         ldd    ,s          restore to current process
+         std    <D.Proc
+         ldu    4,s         get pointer to new process
+         os9    F$Load      try & load it
+         bcc    L04D7       no error, keep going
+         leas   4,s         purge stack
+         puls   x,y,u,pc    restore & return
+L04D7    stu    2,s         save pointer to module
+         pshs   a,y         save module type & entry point
+         ldu    $0B,s       restore register stack pointer
+         stx    R$X,u       save updated name pointer
+         ldx    $07,s       restore process pointer
+         stx    <D.Proc     make it current
+         ldd    5,s         get pointer to new module
+         std    P$PModul,x  save it into process descriptor
+         puls   a           restore module type
+         cmpa   #Prgrm+Objct regular module?
+         beq    L04FB       yes, go
+         cmpa   #Systm+Objct system module?
+         beq    L04FB
+*--- these lines added to allow 6309 native mode modules to be executed
+         cmpa   #Prgrm+Obj6309 regular module?
+         beq    L04FB       yes, go
+         cmpa   #Systm+Obj6309 system module?
+         beq    L04FB
+         ldb    #E$NEMod    return unknown module
+L04F4    leas   2,s         purge stack
+         stb    3,s         save error
+         comb               set carry
+         bra    L053E       return
+* Setup up data memory
+L04FB    ldd    #M$Mem      get offset to module memory size
+         leay   P$DATImg,x  get pointer to DAT image
+         ldx    P$PModul,x  get pointer to module header
+         os9    F$LDDDXY    get module memory size
+         cmpa   R$B,u       bigger or smaller than callers request?
+         bcc    L050E       bigger, use it instead
+         lda    R$B,u       get callers memory size instead
+         clrb               clear LSB of mem size
+L050E    os9    F$Mem       try & get the data memory
+         bcs    L04F4       can't do it, exit with error
+         ldx    6,s         restore process pointer
+         leay   (P$Stack-R$Size),x point to new register stack
+         pshs   d           preserve memory size
+         subd   R$Y,u       take off size of paramater area
+         std    R$X,y       save pointer to parameter area
+         subd   #R$Size     take off size of register stack
+         std    P$SP,x      save new SP
+         ldd    R$Y,u       get parameter count
+         std    R$A,y       save it to new process
+         std    6,s         save it for myself to
+         puls   d,x         restore top of mem & program entry point
+         std    R$Y,y       set top of mem pointer
+         ldd    R$U,u       get pointer to parameters
+         std    6,s
+         lda    #Entire
+         sta    R$CC,y      save condition code
+         clra  
+         sta    R$DP,y      save direct page
+         clrb  
+         std    R$U,y       save data area start
+         stx    R$PC,y      save program entry point
+L053E    puls   d           restore process pointer
+         std    <D.Proc     save it as current
+         puls   d,x,y,u,pc
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/level2/modules/kernel/fclrblk.asm	Tue Apr 22 19:35:48 2003 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+* F$ClrBlk entry point
+FClrBlk  ldb   R$B,u
+         beq   L0BE9
+         ldd   R$U,u
+         tstb  
+         bne   L0BAA
+         bita  #$1F
+         bne   L0BAA
+         ldx   <D.Proc
+         lda   P$SP,x
+         anda  #$E0
+         suba  R$U,u
+         bcs   L0BCE
+         lsra  
+         lsra  
+         lsra  
+         lsra  
+         lsra  
+         cmpa  R$B,u
+         bcs   L0BAA
+         IFNE  H6309
+         oim   #ImgChg,P$State,x
+         ELSE
+         lda   P$State,x
+         ora   #ImgChg
+         sta   P$State,x
+         ENDC
+         lda   R$U,u
+         lsra  
+         lsra  
+         lsra  
+         lsra  
+         leay  P$DATImg,x
+         leay  a,y
+         ldb   R$B,u
+         ldx   #DAT.Free
+L0BE4    stx   ,y++
+         decb  
+         bne   L0BE4
+L0BE9    clrb  
+         rts   
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/level2/modules/kernel/fcmpnam.asm	Tue Apr 22 19:35:48 2003 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+* System Call: F$CmpNam
+* Function: Compare two names
+* Input:  X = Address of first name
+*         Y = Address of second name
+*         B = length of first name
+* Output: None
+* Error:  CC = C bit set; B = error code
+FCmpNam  ldx   <D.Proc      get current process ptr
+         leay  P$DATImg,x   Point to the DAT image
+         ldx   R$X,u        Get pointer to string #1
+         pshs  y,x          preserve 'em
+         bra   L07CF
+* F$CmpNam entry point for system state
+FSCmpNam ldx   <D.Proc      Get current proc. dsc. ptr
+         leay  P$DATImg,x   Point to it's DAT image
+         ldx   R$X,u        get pointer to string #1
+         pshs  x,y
+         ldy   <D.SysDAT    get pointer to system DAT
+L07CF    ldx   R$Y,u        get pointer to string #2
+         pshs  y,x          Preserve them
+         ldd   R$D,u        get length
+         leax  4,s          point to string #1 info packet
+         leay  ,s           point to string #2 info packet
+         bsr   L07DE        go compare 'em
+         leas  8,s          purge stack
+         rts                return
+* Compare 2 strings
+* Input:  D = Length of string #1 (only requires B)
+*         X = Ptr to string #1 info packet
+*             0,X = DAT image pointer
+*             2,X = Pointer to string
+*         Y = Ptr to string #2 info packet
+*             0,Y = DAT image pointer
+*             2,Y = Pointer to string
+*         U = Register stack ptr
+L07DE    pshs  d,x,y,u      preserve registers
+         tfr   x,u          U=ptr to string #1 packet
+         pulu  x,y          get DAT ptr to Y and string ptr to X
+         lbsr  AdjBlk0      adjust X to use block 0
+         pshu  x,y          put them back
+         ldu   4,s          get pointer to string #2 packet
+         pulu  x,y          get DAT ptr to Y and string ptr to X
+         lbsr  AdjBlk0      Adjust X to block 0
+         bra   L07F6        go compare the strings
+L07F2    ldu   4,s          get pointer to string #2 packet
+         pulu  x,y          get DAT ptr to Y and string ptr to X
+L07F6    lbsr  LDAXY        Map in the block & grab a byte from string
+         pshu  x,y          Put updated DAT & string ptr back
+         pshs  a            Save the character
+         ldu   3,s          pointer to string #1 packet
+         pulu  x,y          get DAT ptr to Y and string ptr to X
+         lbsr  LDAXY        get byte from string #1
+         pshu  y,x          put pointers back
+         eora  ,s
+         tst   ,s+          was it high bit?
+         bmi   L0816        yes, check if last character in string #2
+         decb  
+         beq   L0813
+         anda  #$DF         match?
+         beq   L07F2        yes, check next character
+L0813    comb               set carry
+         puls  d,x,y,u,pc
+L0816    decb               done whole string?
+         bne   L0813        no, exit with no match
+         anda  #$5F         match?
+         bne   L0813        yes, keep checking
+         clrb               strings match, clear carry
+         puls  d,x,y,u,pc   restore & return
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/level2/modules/kernel/fcpymem.asm	Tue Apr 22 19:35:48 2003 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+         IFNE  H6309
+* F$CpyMem entry point
+* NOTE: It currently checks to see if the end of the buffer you are copying to
+*   will overflow past $FFFF, and exits if it does. Should this be changed to 
+*   check if it overflows past the data area of a process, or at least into
+*   Vector page RAM & I/O ($FE00-$FFFF)?
+FCpyMem  ldd   R$Y,u        get byte count
+         beq   L0A01        nothing there so nothing to move, return
+         addd  R$U,u        add it caller's buffer start ptr.
+         cmpa  #$FE         Is it going to overwrite Vector or I/O pages?
+         bhs   L0A01        Yes, exit without error
+         leas  -$10,s       make a buffer for DAT image
+         leay  ,s           point to it
+         pshs  y,u          Preserve stack buffer ptr & register stack pointer
+         ldx   <D.Proc      Get caller's task #
+         ldf   P$Task,x     get task # of caller
+         leay  P$DATImg,x   Point to DAT image in callers's process dsc.
+         ldx   R$D,u        get caller's DAT image pointer
+         lde   #$08         counter (for double byte moves)
+         ldu   ,s           get temp. stack buffer pointer
+* This loop copies the DAT image from the caller's process descriptor into
+* a temporary buffer on the stack
+L09C7    equ   *
+         clrd               Clear offset to 0
+         bsr   L0B02         Short cut OS9 F$LDDDXY
+         std   ,u++         save it to buffer
+         leax  2,x          Bump ptr
+         dece               Decrement loop counter
+         bne   L09C7        Keep doing until 16 bytes is done
+         ldu   2,s          Get back register stack pointer
+         lbsr  L0CA6        Short cut OS9 F$ResTsk
+         bcs   L09FB        If error, deallocate our stack & exit with error
+         tfr   b,e          New temp task # into E
+         lslb               Multiply by 2 for 2 byte entries
+         ldx   <D.TskIPt    Get ptr to task image table
+* Make new temporary task use the memory blocks from the requested DAT image
+*   from the caller, to help do a 1 shot F$Move command, because in general
+* the temporary DAT image is not associated with a task.
+         ldu   ,s           Get pointer to DAT image we just copied
+         stu   b,x          Point new task image table to our DAT image copy
+         ldu   2,s          Get back data area pointer
+         tfr   w,d          Move temp & caller's task #'s into proper regs.
+         pshs  a            Save new task #
+         bsr   L0B25        F$Move the memory into the caller's requested area
+* BAD Bug! Well, maybe not.  F$Move NEVER returns an error code
+* but if it did, we'd skip the $RelTsk, and have an orphan task
+* left over.
+*         bcs   L09FB        If error, purge stack & return with error code
+         puls  b            Get back new task #
+         lbsr  L0CC3        Short cut OS9 F$RelTsk
+L09FB    leas  <$14,s       Purge our stack buffer & return
+         rts
+L0A01    clrb               No error & exit
+         rts   
+         ELSE
+*                     F$CpyMem
+FCpyMem  ldd   R$Y,u      byte count
+         beq   L0A01      ..skip if none
+         addd  R$U,u      plus dest buff
+         bcs   L0A01
+         leas  -$10,s
+         leay  ,s
+         pshs  a,b,y      save buff end,img ptr
+         ldx   <D.Proc
+         ldb   P$Task,X
+         pshs  b          save caller task#
+         leay  P$DATImg,x
+         ldx   R$D,u      X=caller DAT img ptr
+         ldb   #8
+         pshs  b,u
+         ldu   P$Task,s   U=tempdat ptr
+L09C7    clra             D=0000
+         clrb
+         os9   F$LDDDXY   move user DAT image
+         std   ,u++       to sys tempDAT img
+         leax  2,x
+         dec   ,s
+         bne   L09C7      ..loop
+         puls  b,u
+         ldx   R$X,u      X=offset
+         ldu   R$U,u      U=dest buffer
+         ldy   3,s        Y=tmpDAT
+         puls  b
+         bra   L09E7
+N09D6    leax  $E000,x
+         leay  2,y
+* Copy Loop:
+L09E7    cmpx  #$2000
+         bcc   N09D6
+L09EC    os9   F$LDAXY    get byte
+         leax  1,x
+         exg   x,u
+         os9   F$STABX    store byte
+         leax  1,x        plus one
+         cmpx  ,s
+         exg   x,u
+         bcs   L09E7
+         leas  $14,s
+L0A01    clrb             ok
+         rts              end.
+         ENDC
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/level2/modules/kernel/fcrcmod.asm	Tue Apr 22 19:35:48 2003 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+* F$CRCMod entry point - CHANGED 05/20/93
+* Entry : A = 0 Report current mode
+*           = 1 Shut CRC Checking off
+*           =>2 Turn CRC Checking on
+* Exit  : A = 0 CRC is off
+*             1 CRC is on
+*         no error can be returned
+*         except if call not available
+FCRCMod  lda    R$A,u       do they want a report or a toggle?
+         beq    CRCRep      a report only
+         deca               Check for OFF
+         bne    GoCRCon     No, must be on
+         fcb   $8C        --- skip 2 bytes, saves 3 bytes of memory
+*         sta    <D.CRC      Shut CRC flag off
+*         bra    CRCRep2     Save in caller's A & return
+GoCRCon  lda    #$1         CRC checking on
+         sta    <D.CRC      Turn CRC checking on
+CRCRep   lda    <D.CRC      get current CRC flag for return
+CRCRep2  sta    R$A,u       save it to their register stack
+         clrb               no error 
+         rts                and exit
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/level2/modules/kernel/fdatlog.asm	Tue Apr 22 19:35:48 2003 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+* F$DATLog entry point
+FDATLog  ldb   R$B,u          Get logical Block #
+         ldx   R$X,u          Get offset into block
+         bsr   CmpLBlk        Go modify X to be Logical address
+         stx   R$X,u          Save in callers X register
+         clrb                 No error & return
+         rts   
+* Compute logical address given B=Logical Block # & X=offset into block
+* Exits with B being logical block & X=logical address
+CmpLBlk  pshs  b              Preserve logical block #
+         tfr   b,a            Move log. block # to A
+         lsla                 Multiply logical block by 32
+         lsla  
+         lsla  
+         lsla  
+         lsla  
+         clrb                 D=8k offset value
+         IFNE  H6309
+         addr  d,x            X=logical address in 64k workspace
+         ELSE
+         leax  d,x
+         ENDC
+         puls  b,pc           Restore A, block # & return
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/level2/modules/kernel/fdelimg.asm	Tue Apr 22 19:35:48 2003 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+* F$DelImg entry point
+FDelImg  ldx   R$X,u        get process pointer
+         ldd   R$D,u        get start block & block count
+         leau  <P$DATImg,x  point to DAT image
+         lsla               2 bytes per block entry
+         leau  a,u          Point U to block entry
+* Block count in B
+         IFNE  H6309
+         ldw   ,u           Get block #
+         addw  <D.BlkMap    Add it to map ptr
+         aim   #^RAMinUse,0,w
+         ldw   #DAT.Free    get empty block marker
+         stw   ,u++         save it to process descriptor
+         decb               done?
+         bne   L0B55        No, keep going
+         oim   #ImgChg,P$State,x
+         ELSE
+         clra
+         tfr   d,y
+         pshs  x
+L0BLoop  ldd   ,u
+         addd  <D.BlkMap
+         tfr   d,x
+         lda   ,x
+         anda  #^RAMinUse
+         sta   ,x
+         ldd   #DAT.Free
+         std   ,u++
+         leay  -1,y
+         bne   L0BLoop
+         puls  x
+         lda   P$State,x
+         ora   #ImgChg
+         sta   P$State,x
+         ENDC
+         clrb  
+         rts   
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/level2/modules/kernel/fdelram.asm	Tue Apr 22 19:35:48 2003 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+* F$DelRAM entry point --- moved over from OS9p2
+FDelRAM  ldb   R$B,u      # of blocks to de-allocate
+         beq   DelRAM.2   if none, exit
+         ldd   <D.BlkMap+2 get end of the block map
+         subd  <D.BlkMap  subtract out start of the block map
+         subd  R$X,u      take out starting block number
+         bls   DelRAM.2   exit if the starting block is ># of blocks available
+         tsta             check high byte of RAM #
+         bne   DelRAM.0   if not zero, skip it
+         cmpb  R$B,u      check against size of the block
+         bhs   DelRAM.0   if size is >RAM available
+         stb   R$B,u      save actual # of blocks deleted
+DelRAM.0 ldx   <D.BlkMap  get start address of the block map
+         ldd   R$X,u      starting address of the RAM to de-allocate
+         leax  d,x        slower, but smaller than ADDR
+         ldb   R$B,u      get actual # of blocks to de-allocate
+DelRAM.1 equ   *
+         IFNE  H6309
+         aim   #^RAMinUse,,x+  set to RAM not in use
+         ELSE
+         lda   ,x
+         anda  #^RAMinUse
+         sta   ,x+
+         ENDC
+         decb             count down a block
+         bne   DelRAM.1   continue
+DelRAM.2 clrb             and exit
+         rts   
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/level2/modules/kernel/fexit.asm	Tue Apr 22 19:35:48 2003 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+* System Call: F$Exit
+* Function: Causes a process to cease execution and exit
+* Input:  B = Status code to be returned to parent process
+* Output: None
+* Error:  CC = C bit set; B = error code
+FExit    ldx   <D.Proc		get current process pointer
+         bsr   L05A5		close all the paths
+         ldb   R$B,u		get exit signal
+         stb   <P$Signal,x	and save in proc desc
+         leay  P$PID,x
+         bra   L0563		go find kids...
+L0551    clr   P$SID,y          clear child ID
+         lbsr  L0B2E		find its proc desc
+         clr   1,y		clear sibling ID
+         IFNE  H6309
+         tim   #Dead,P$State,y
+         ELSE
+         lda   P$State,y	get child's state
+         bita  #Dead		is it dead?
+         ENDC
+         beq   L0563
+         lda   P$ID,y		else get its ID
+         lbsr  L0386		and destroy its proc desc
+L0563    lda   P$SID,y		get child ID
+         bne   L0551		...yes, loop
+         leay  ,x		kid's proc desc
+         ldx   #D.WProcQ-P$Queue
+         lds   <D.SysStk	use system stack
+         pshs  cc		save CC
+         orcc  #IntMasks	halt interrupts
+         lda   P$PID,y		get our parent ID
+         bne   L0584		and wake him up
+         puls  cc		restore CC
+         lda   P$ID,y		get our ID
+         lbsr  L0386		give up our proc desc
+         bra   L05A2		and start next active process
+* Search for Waiting Parent
+L0580    cmpa  P$ID,x		is proc desc our parent's?
+         beq   L0592		...yes!
+L0584    leau  ,x		U is base desc
+         ldx   P$Queue,x	X is next waiter
+         bne   L0580		see if parent
+         puls  cc		restore CC
+         lda   #(SysState!Dead)	set us to system state
+         sta   P$State,y	and mark us as dead
+         bra   L05A2		so F$Wait will find us; next proc
+* Found Parent (X)
+L0592    ldd   P$Queue,x	take parent out of wait queue
+         std   P$Queue,u
+         puls  cc		restore CC
+         ldu   P$SP,x		get parent's stack register
+         ldu   R$U,u
+         lbsr  L036C		get child's death signal to parent
+         os9   F$AProc  	move parent to active queue
+L05A2    os9   F$NProc  	start next proc in active queue
+* Close Proc I/O Paths & Unlink Mem
+* Entry: U=Register stack pointer
+L05A5    pshs  u            preserve register stack pointer
+         ldb   #NumPaths    get maximum # of paths
+         leay  P$Path,x     point to path table
+L05AC    lda   ,y+          path open?
+         beq   L05B9        no, skip ahead
+         clr   -1,y         clear the path block #
+         pshs  b            preserve count
+         os9   I$Close      close the path
+         puls  b            restore count
+L05B9    decb               done?
+         bne   L05AC        no, continue looking
+* Clean up memory process had
+         clra               get starting block
+         ldb   P$PagCnt,x   get page count
+         beq   L05CB        none there, skip ahead
+         addb  #$1F         round it up
+         lsrb               divide by 32 to get block count
+         lsrb
+         lsrb
+         lsrb
+         lsrb
+         os9   F$DelImg     delete the ram & DAT image
+* Unlink the module
+L05CB    ldd   <D.Proc
+         pshs  d
+         stx   <D.Proc		set bad proc
+         ldu   P$PModul,x	program pointer
+         os9   F$UnLink 	unlink aborted program
+         puls  u,b,a
+         std   <D.Proc		reset parent proc
+         os9   F$DelTsk 	release X's task #
+         rts   
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/level2/modules/kernel/ffind64.asm	Tue Apr 22 19:35:48 2003 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
+* System Call: F$Find64
+* Function: Find a 64 byte memory block
+* Input:  X = Address of page table
+*         A = Block number
+* Output: Y = Address of block
+* Error:  CC = C bit set; B = error code
+FFind64  ldx   R$X,u        Get block tbl ptr
+         lda   R$A,u        get path block #
+* Find a empty path block
+         beq   L0A70        None, return error
+         clrb               calculate address
+         IFNE  H6309
+         lsrd               (Divide by 4)
+         lsrd
+         ELSE
+         lsra
+         rorb
+         lsra
+         rorb
+         ENDC
+         lda   a,x          is that block allocated?
+         tfr   d,x          Move addr to X
+         beq   L0A70        no, return error
+         tst   ,x           this the page table?
+         bne   L0A71        no, we can use this one
+L0A70    coma               set carry & return
+         rts
+L0A71    stx   R$Y,u        save address of block
+         rts                return
+* System Call: F$All64
+* Function: Allocate a 64 byte memory block
+* Input:  X = Address of page table (0 if page table hasn't been allocated)
+* Output: A = Block number
+*         X = Address of page table
+*         Y = Address of block
+* Error:  CC = C bit set; B = error code
+FAll64   ldx   R$X,u        get base address of page table
+         bne   L0A7F        it's been allocated, skip ahead
+         bsr   L0A89        allocate the page
+         bcs   L0A88        error allocating, return
+         stx   ,x           save base address in page table
+         stx   R$X,u        save base address to caller's X
+L0A7F    bsr   L0A9F        find a empty spot in path table
+         bcs   L0A88        couldn't find one, return error
+         sta   R$A,u        save block #
+         sty   R$Y,u        save address of block
+L0A88    rts                return
+* Allocate a new base page
+* Exit: X=Ptr to newly allocated 256 byte page
+L0A89    pshs  u            preserve register stack pointer
+         IFNE  H6309
+         ldq   #$01000100   get block size (1 for SRqMem & 1 for TFM)
+         ELSE
+         ldd   #$0100
+         ENDC
+         os9   F$SRqMem     request mem for it
+         leax  ,u           point to it
+         ldu   ,s           restore register stack pointer
+         stx   ,s           save pointer to new page on stack
+         bcs   L0A9E        error on allocate, return
+* Clear freshly allocated page to 0's
+         IFNE  H6309
+         leay  TFMNull,pc   point to NULL byte
+         tfm   y,x+
+         ELSE
+         clrb
+AllLoop  clr   ,x+
+         decb
+         bne   AllLoop
+         ENDC
+L0A9E    puls  x,pc
+         IFNE  H6309
+TFMNull  fcb   0            used to clear memory
+         ENDC
+* Search page table for a free 64 byte block
+* Entry: X=Ptr to base page (the one with the 64 entry page index)
+L0A9F    pshs  x,u          preserve base page & register stack ptrs
+         clra               Index entry #=0
+* Main search loop
+L0AA2    pshs  a            Save which index entry we are checking
+         clrb               Set position within page we are checking to 0
+         lda   a,x          Is the current index entry used?
+         beq   L0AB4        no, skip ahead
+         tfr   d,y          Yes, Move ptr to 256 byte block to Y
+         clra               Clear offset for 64 byte blocks to 0
+L0AAC    tst   d,y          Is this 64 byte block allocated?
+         beq   L0AB6        No, skip ahead
+         addb  #$40         Yes, point to next 64 byte block in page
+         bcc   L0AAC        If not done checking entire page, keep going
+* Index entry has a totally unused 256 byte page
+L0AB4    orcc  #Carry       Set flag (didn't find one)
+L0AB6    leay  d,y          
+         puls  a            Get which index entry we were checking
+         bcc   L0AE1        If we found a blank entry, go allocate it
+         inca               Didn't, move to next index entry
+         cmpa  #64          Done entire index?
+         blo   L0AA2        no, keep looking
+         clra               Yes, clear out to first entry
+L0AC2    tst   a,x          Is this one used?
+         beq   L0AD0        No, skip ahead
+         inca               Increment index entry #
+         cmpa  #64          Done entire index?
+         blo   L0AC2        No, continue looking
+         comb               Done all of them, exit with Path table full error
+         ldb   #E$PthFul
+         puls  x,u,pc
+* Found empty page
+L0AD0    pshs  x,a          Preserve index ptr & index entry #
+         bsr   L0A89        Allocate & clear out new 256 byte page
+         bcs   L0AF0        If error,exit
+         leay  ,x           Point Y to start of new page
+         tfr   x,d          Also copy to D
+         tfr   a,b          Page # into B
+         puls  x,a          Get back index ptr & index entry #
+         stb   a,x          Save page # in proper index entry
+         clrb               D=index entry #*256
+* D = Block Address
+L0AE1    equ   *
+         IFNE  H6309
+         lsld               ???Calculate 256 byte page #?
+         lsld
+         ELSE
+         aslb
+         rola
+         aslb
+         rola
+         ENDC
+         tfr   y,u          U=Ptr to start of new page
+         IFNE  H6309
+         ldw   #$3f         Clear out the 64 byte block we are using
+         leax  TFMNull,pc
+         tfm   x,u+
+         ELSE
+         ldb   #$3f
+ClrIt    clr   ,u+
+         decb
+         bne   ClrIt
+         ENDC
+         sta   ,y           Save 256 byte page # as 1st byte of block
+         puls  x,u,pc
+L0AF0    leas  3,s
+         puls  x,u,pc
+* System Call: F$Ret64
+* Function: Deallocate a 64 byte memory block
+* Input:  X = Address of page table
+*         A = Block number
+* Output: None
+* Error:  CC = C bit set; B = error code
+FRet64   lda   R$A,u
+         ldx   R$X,u
+         pshs  u,y,x,d
+         clrb  
+         tsta  
+         beq   L0B22
+         IFNE  H6309
+         lsrd               (Divide by 4)
+         lsrd
+         ELSE
+         lsra
+         rorb
+         lsra
+         rorb
+         ENDC
+         pshs  a
+         lda   a,x
+         beq   L0B20
+         tfr   d,y
+         clr   ,y
+         clrb  
+         tfr   d,u
+         clra  
+L0B10    tst   d,u
+         bne   L0B20
+         addb  #$40
+         bne   L0B10
+         inca  
+         os9   F$SRtMem 
+         lda   ,s
+         clr   a,x
+L0B20    clr   ,s+
+L0B22    puls  pc,u,y,x,d
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/level2/modules/kernel/ffmodul.asm	Tue Apr 22 19:35:48 2003 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+* F$FModul entry point
+FFModul  pshs  u            preserve register stack pointer
+         lda   R$A,u        get module type
+         ldx   R$X,u        get pointer to name
+         ldy   R$Y,u        get pointer to DAT image of name (from caller)
+         bsr   L068D        go find it
+         puls  y            restore register stack pointer
+         std   R$D,y        save type & revision
+         stx   R$X,y        save updated name pointer
+         stu   R$U,y        save pointer to directory entry
+         rts                return
+* Find module in module directory
+* Entry: A=Module type
+*        X=Pointer to module name
+*        Y=DAT image pointer for module name
+L068D    equ   *
+         IFNE  H6309
+         tfr   0,u          init directory pointer to nothing
+         ELSE
+         ldu   #$0000
+         ENDC
+         pshs  d,u          preserve (Why B?)
+         bsr   L0712        Go find 1st char of module name requested
+         cmpa  #PDELIM      Is it a '/'?
+         beq   L070B        yes, exit with error
+         lbsr  L0741        parse the name to find the end & length
+         bcs   L070E        error (illegal name), exit
+         ldu   <D.ModEnd    get module directory end pointer
+         bra   L0700        start looking for it
+* Main module directory search
+* Entry: A=Module type
+*        B=Module name length
+*        X=Logical address of name in Caller's 64k space
+*        Y=DAT image of caller (for module name)
+*        U=Module directory Entry ptr (current module being checked)
+L06A1    pshs  d,x,y        Preserve Mod type/nm len, Log. Addr, DAT Img ptr
+         pshs  x,y          Preserve Log. addr & DAT Img ptr
+         ldy   MD$MPDAT,u   Does the module have a DAT Image ptr?
+         beq   L06F6        no, skip module
+         ldx   MD$MPtr,u    get module pointer
+         pshs  x,y          Save module ptr & DAT Img ptr of module
+         ldd   #M$Name      # bytes to go in to get module name ptr
+         lbsr  L0B02        Go get the module name ptr
+         IFNE  H6309
+         addr  d,x          add it to module start
+         ELSE
+         leax  d,x
+         ENDC
+         pshs  x,y          preserve module name ptr & DAT pointer
+         leax  8,s          Point to addr of name we are searching for
+         ldb   13,s         get name length
+         leay  ,s           point to module name name ptr within module DAT
+* Stack:
+* 0-1,s = Ptr to module name within Module DAT Img
+* 2-3,s = Ptr to module's DAT Img
+* 4-5,s = Ptr to module start
+* 6-7,s = Ptr to module's DAT Img
+* 8-9,s = Ptr to name we are looking for in caller's 64K space
+* A-B,s = Ptr to caller's DAT Img
+* C,s   = Module type we are looking for (0=don't care)
+* D,s   = Length of module name
+* E-F,s = Ptr to name we are looking for in caller's 64K space
+* 10-11,s = Ptr to caller's DAT Img
+* 12,s  = Module type looking for
+* 13,s  = ??? (B from entry)
+* 14-15,s = Module directory ptr (inited to 0)
+         lbsr  L07DE        compare the names
+         leas  4,s          purge stack
+         puls  y,x          restore module pointer & DAT image
+         leas  4,s          purge stack
+         bcs   L06FE        name didn't match, skip ahead
+         ldd   #M$Type
+         lbsr  L0B02
+         sta   ,s
+         stb   $07,s
+         lda   $06,s
+         beq   L06ED
+         anda  #TypeMask
+         beq   L06E1
+         eora  ,s
+         anda  #TypeMask
+         bne   L06FE
+L06E1    lda   $06,s
+         anda  #LangMask
+         beq   L06ED
+         eora  ,s
+         anda  #LangMask
+         bne   L06FE
+L06ED    puls  y,x,d
+         abx   
+         clrb  
+         ldb   1,s
+         leas  4,s
+         rts   
+L06F6    leas  4,s          purge stack
+         ldd   8,s          do we have a directory pointer?
+         bne   L06FE        yes, skip ahead
+         stu   8,s          save directory entry pointer
+L06FE    puls  d,x,y        restore pointers
+L0700    leau  -MD$ESize,u  move back 1 entry in module table
+         cmpu  <D.ModDir    at the beginning?
+         bhs   L06A1        no, check entry
+         ldb   #E$MNF       get error code (module not found)
+         fcb   $8C        skip 2 bytes
+L070B    ldb   #E$BNam      get error code
+         coma             set carry for error
+L070E    stb   1,s          save error code for caller
+         puls  d,u,pc       return
+* Skip spaces in name string & return first character of name
+* Entry: X=Pointer to name
+*        Y=DAT image pointer
+* Exit : A=First character of name
+*        B=DAT image block offset
+*        X=Logical address of name
+L0712    pshs  y            preserve DAT image pointer
+L0714    lbsr  AdjBlk0      adjust pointer to offset for mapping in
+         lbsr  L0AC8        map in block
+         leax  1,x
+         cmpa  #C$SPAC      space?
+         beq   L0714        yes, eat it
+         leax  -1,x         move back to first character
+L0720    pshs  d,cc         preserve char
+         tfr   y,d          copy DAT pointer to D
+         subd  3,s          calculate DAT image offset
+         asrb               divide it by 2
+         lbsr  CmpLBlk        convert X to logical address in 64k map
+         puls  cc,d,y,pc    restore & return
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/level2/modules/kernel/ffork.asm	Tue Apr 22 19:35:48 2003 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+* System Call: F$Fork
+* Function: Starts a new child process
+* Input:  X = Address of module or filename
+*         Y = Parameter area size (256 byte pages)
+*         U = Address of parameter area
+*         A = Language/Type code
+*         B = Optional data area size (256 byte pages)
+* Output: X = Updated past the name string
+*         A = Child's process ID
+* Error:  CC = C bit set; B = error code
+FFork    pshs   u           preserve register stack pointer
+         lbsr   AllPrc      setup a new process descriptor
+         bcc    GotNPrc     went ok, keep going
+         puls   u,pc        restore & return with error
+* Copy user # & priority
+GotNPrc  pshs   u           save pointer to new descriptor
+         ldx    <D.Proc     get current process pointer
+         IFNE   H6309
+         ldq    P$User,x    Get user # & priority from forking process
+         std    P$User,u    Save user # in new process
+         ste    P$Prior,u   Save priority in new process
+         ELSE
+         ldd    P$User,x
+         std    P$User,u
+         lda    P$Prior,x
+         sta    P$Prior,u
+         pshs   x,u 
+         ENDC
+* Copy network I/O pointers to new descriptor
+         IFEQ   Network-1
+         pshs   x,u         preserve pointers to descriptors
+         leax   >P$NIO,x    point to current NIO pointers
+         leau   >P$NIO,u    point to buffer for new ones
+         IFNE   H6309
+         ldw    #NefIOSiz   get size
+         tfm    x+,u+       move 'em
+         ELSE
+         ldb    #NefIOSiz
+L0250    lda    ,x+
+         sta    ,u+
+         decb
+         bne    L0250
+         ENDC
+         puls   x,u         restore pointers to descriptors
+         ENDC
+* Copy I/O pointers to new descriptor
+         leax   P$DIO,x    
+         leau   P$DIO,u
+         IFNE   H6309
+         ldw    #DefIOSiz
+         tfm    x+,u+
+* Copy Standard paths to new descriptor
+         lde    #3          get # paths
+         ELSE
+         ldb    #DefIOSiz
+L0261    lda    ,x+
+         sta    ,u+
+         decb
+         bne    L0261
+         ldy    #3
+         ENDC
+* Duplicate 1st 3 paths
+GetOPth  lda    ,x+         get a path #
+         beq    SveNPth     don't exist, go on
+         os9    I$Dup       dupe it
+         bcc    SveNPth     no error, go on
+         clra               clear it
+* As std in/out/err
+SveNPth  sta    ,u+         save new path #
+         IFNE   H6309
+         dece               done?
+         ELSE
+         leay   -1,y
+         ENDC
+         bne    GetOPth     no, keep going
+* Link to new module & setup task map
+         ldx    ,s          get pointer to new descriptor
+         ldu    2,s         get pointer to register stack
+         lbsr   L04B1       link to module & setup register stack
+         bcs    L02CF       exit if error
+         pshs   d
+         os9    F$AllTsk    allocate the task & setup MMU
+         bcs    L02CF       Error, skip ahead
+* Copy parameters to new process
+         lda    P$PagCnt,x  get memory page count
+         clrb   
+         subd   ,s          calculate destination
+         tfr    d,u         set parameter destination pointer
+         ldb    P$Task,x    get source task #
+         ldx    <D.Proc     get destination task #
+         lda    P$Task,x
+         leax   ,y          point to parameters
+         puls   y           restore parameter count
+         os9    F$Move      move parameters to new process
+* Setup the new stack
+         ldx    ,s          get pointer to process descriptor
+         lda    <D.SysTsk   get task #
+         ldu    P$SP,x      get new stack pointer
+         leax   >(P$Stack-R$Size),x point to register stack
+         ldy    #R$Size     get size of register stack
+         os9    F$Move      move the register stack over
+         puls   u,x
+         os9    F$DelTsk 
+         ldy    <D.Proc
+         lda    P$ID,x
+         sta    R$A,u
+         ldb    P$CID,y
+         sta    P$CID,y
+         lda    P$ID,y
+         std    P$PID,x
+         IFNE   H6309
+         aim    #^SysState,P$State,x switch to non-system state
+         ELSE
+         lda    P$State,x
+         anda   #^SysState
+         sta    P$State,x
+         ENDC
+* Put date & time of creation into descriptor
+*         pshs   x           preserve process pointer
+*         leax   P$DatBeg,x  point to time buffer
+*         os9    F$Time      put date/time into it
+*         puls   x           restore pointer
+         os9    F$AProc     and start the process
+         rts                return
+* Fork error goes here
+L02CF    puls  x
+         pshs  b		save error
+         lbsr  L05A5		close paths & unlink mem
+         lda   P$ID,x		get bad ID
+         lbsr  L0386		delete proc desc & task #
+         comb			set carry
+         puls  pc,u,b		pull error code & u & return
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/level2/modules/kernel/ffreehb.asm	Tue Apr 22 19:35:48 2003 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+* F$FreeHB entry point (Called from F$MapBlk - called from SS.MpGPB)
+FFreeHB  ldb   R$B,u          Get # blocks requested
+         ldy   R$Y,u          Get DAT Img ptr
+         bsr   L0A31          Go find free blocks in high part of DAT
+L0A2C    bcs   L0A30          Couldn't find any, exit with error
+         sta   R$A,u          Save starting block #
+L0A30    rts                  Return
+L0A31    tfr   b,a            Copy # blocks requested to A
+* This gets called directly from within F$Link
+L0A33    suba  #$09           Invert within 8
+         nega  
+         pshs  x,d            Save X, block # & block count
+         ldd   #$FFFF         -1'
+L0A56    pshs  d
+* Move to next block - SHOULD OPTOMIZE WITH W
+L0A58    clra                 # free blocks found so far=0
+         ldb   2,s            Get block #
+         addb  ,s             Add block increment (point to next block)
+         stb   2,s            Save new block # to check
+         cmpb  1,s            Same as block count?
+         bne   L0A75          No, skip ahead
+         ldb   #E$MemFul      Preset error for 207 (Process mem full)
+         cmpy  <D.SysDAT      Is it the system process?
+         bne   L0A6C          No, exit with error 207
+         ldb   #E$NoRam       System Mem full (237)
+L0A6C    stb   3,s            Save error code
+         comb                 set carry
+         bra   L0A82          Exit with error
+L0A71    tfr   a,b            Copy # blocks to B
+         addb  2,s            Add to current start block #
+L0A75    lslb                 Multiply block # by 2
+         ldx   b,y            Get DAT marker for that block
+         cmpx  #DAT.Free      Empty block?
+         bne   L0A58          No, move to next block
+         inca                 Bump up # blocks free counter
+         cmpa  3,s            Have we got enough?
+         bne   L0A71          No, keep looking
+L0A82    leas  2,s            Eat temporary stack
+         puls  d,x,pc         Restore reg, error code & return
+FSFreeLB ldb   R$B,u          Get block count
+         ldy   R$Y,u          Get ptr to DAT Image
+         bsr   L0A4B          Go find block #'s
+         bra   L0A2C          Do error checking & exit (since never called,
+* not worried about speed)          
+L0A4B    lda   #$FF           Value to start loop at block 0
+         pshs  x,d            Preserve X,flag & block count
+*         lda   #$01           # to add to go to next block (positive here)
+         nega             -(-1)=+1
+         subb  #9             Drop block count to -8 to -1 (invert within 8)
+         negb                 Negate so it is a positive # again
+         bra   L0A56          Go into main find loop
+* F$FreLB entry point
+FFreeLB  ldd   R$D,u
+         ldx   R$X,u
+         ldu   R$U,u
+L0A8C    pshs  d,x,y,u
+         leay  <P$DATImg,x
+         lsla  
+         leay  a,y
+         IFNE  H6309
+         clra
+         lslb
+         tfr   d,w
+         tfm   u+,y+
+         oim   #ImgChg,P$State,x
+         ELSE
+L0ALoop  ldx   ,u++
+         stx   ,y++
+         decb
+         bne   L0ALoop
+         ldx   2,s			get proc desc ptr
+         lda   P$State,x
+         ora   #ImgChg
+         sta   P$State,x
+         ENDC
+         clrb  
+         puls  d,x,y,u,pc
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/level2/modules/kernel/fgblkmp.asm	Tue Apr 22 19:35:48 2003 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+* F$GBlkMp entry point
+FGBlkMp  ldd   #DAT.BlSz   # bytes per MMU block (8k)
+         std   R$D,u       Put into caller's D register
+         ldd   <D.BlkMap+2 Get end of system block map ptr
+         subd  <D.BlkMap   Subtract start of system block map ptr
+         std   R$Y,u       Store size of system block map in caller's Y reg.
+         tfr   d,y
+         lda   <D.SysTsk   Get system task #
+         ldx   <D.Proc     Get caller's task #
+         ldb   P$Task,x    get task # of caller
+         ldx   <D.BlkMap   Get start ptr of system block map
+L0978    ldu   R$X,u       Get addr to put it that caller requested
+         os9   F$Move      Move it into caller's space
+         rts   
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/level2/modules/kernel/fgcmdir.asm	Tue Apr 22 19:35:48 2003 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+* F$GCMDir entry point
+* This system call is only used by OS9p1 to get rid of all the empty spaces
+* in the module directory to keep it small & compact.
+FGCMDir  ldx   <D.ModDir    get pointer to module directory start
+         bra   L0C1D        skip ahead
+L0C17    ldu   MD$MPDAT,x   DAT initialized?
+         beq   L0C23        no it's empty skip ahead
+         leax  MD$ESize,x   move to next entry
+L0C1D    cmpx  <D.ModEnd    end of module directory?
+         bne   L0C17        no, keep looking
+         bra   L0C4B
+* Move all entrys up 1 slot in directory
+L0C23    tfr   x,y          move empty entry pointer to Y
+         bra   L0C2B
+L0C27    ldu   MD$MPDAT,y
+         bne   L0C34
+L0C2B    leay  MD$ESize,y
+         cmpy  <D.ModEnd    done complete directory?
+         bne   L0C27        no, keep going
+         bra   L0C49
+* Move entry up 1 slot in directory
+L0C34    equ   *
+         IFNE  H6309
+         ldw   #MD$ESize
+         tfm   y+,x+
+         ELSE
+         ldu   ,y++
+         stu   ,x++
+         ldu   ,y++
+         stu   ,x++
+         ldu   ,y++
+         stu   ,x++
+         ldu   ,y++
+         stu   ,x++
+         ENDC
+L0C44    cmpy  <D.ModEnd    done complete directory?
+         bne   L0C27        no, keep going
+L0C49    stx   <D.ModEnd    save new module directory end pointer
+* Shrink DAT table
+L0C4B    ldx   <D.ModDir+2  get module directory DAT end pointer
+         bra   L0C53
+L0C4F    ldu   ,x
+         beq   L0C5B
+L0C53    leax  -2,x         Bump module ptr down by 2
+         cmpx  <D.ModDAT    Hit beginning yet?
+         bne   L0C4F        No, keep checking
+         clrb               Yes, return without error
+         rts
+L0C5B    ldu   -2,x
+         bne   L0C53
+         tfr   x,y
+         bra   L0C67
+L0C63    ldu   ,y
+         bne   L0C70
+L0C67    leay  -2,y
+L0C69    cmpy  <D.ModDAT
+         bcc   L0C63
+         bra   L0C81
+L0C70    leay  2,y
+         ldu   ,y
+         stu   ,x
+L0C76    ldu   ,--y
+         stu   ,--x
+         beq   L0C87
+         cmpy  <D.ModDAT
+         bne   L0C76
+L0C81    stx   <D.ModDAT
+         bsr   L0C95
+         clrb               Yes, return without error
+         rts
+L0C87    leay  2,y
+         leax  2,x
+         bsr   L0C95
+         leay  -4,y
+         leax  -2,x
+         bra   L0C69
+* Update Module Dir Image Ptrs
+L0C95    pshs  u
+         ldu   <D.ModDir
+         bra   L0CA4
+L0C9B    cmpy  MD$MPDAT,u	same DAT ptrs?
+         bne   L0CA2		no, skip
+         stx   MD$MPDAT,u	else update ptrs
+L0CA2    leau  MD$ESize,u	next entry
+L0CA4    cmpu  <D.ModEnd	last entry?
+         bne   L0C9B		no
+         puls  u,pc		else yes... return
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/level2/modules/kernel/fgmoddr.asm	Tue Apr 22 19:35:48 2003 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+* F$GModDr entry point
+FGModDr  ldd   <D.ModDir+2 Get end ptr of module directory
+         subd  <D.ModDir   Calculate maximum size of module directory
+         tfr   d,y         Put max. size in Y
+         ldd   <D.ModEnd   Get real end ptr of module dir
+         subd  <D.ModDir   Calculate real size of module dir
+         ldx   R$X,u       Get requested buffer ptr to put it from caller
+         IFNE  H6309
+         addr  d,x         Calculate end addr. of directory after its copied
+         ELSE
+         leax  d,x
+         ENDC
+         stx   R$Y,u       Preserve in caller's Y register
+         ldx   <D.ModDir   Get start ptr of module directory
+         stx   R$U,u       Preserve in caller's U register
+         lda   <D.SysTsk   Get system task #
+         ldx   <D.Proc     Get current process task #
+         ldb   P$Task,x
+         ldx   <D.ModDir   Get start ptr of module directory
+         bra   L0978      --- saves 4 bytes, adds 3 cycles
+***         ldu   R$X,u       Get caller's buffer ptr
+***         os9   F$Move      Copy module directory in caller's buffer
+***         rts   
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/level2/modules/kernel/fgprdsc.asm	Tue Apr 22 19:35:48 2003 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+* F$GPrDsc entry point
+FGPrDsc  ldx   <D.Proc     Get current process dsc. ptr.
+         ldb   P$Task,x    Get task number
+         lda   R$A,u       Get requested process ID #
+         os9   F$GProcP    Get ptr to process to descriptor
+         bcs   L0962       Error, exit with it
+         lda   <D.SysTsk   Get system task #
+         leax  ,y          Point X to the process descriptor
+         ldy   #P$Size     Y=Size of process descriptor (512 bytes)
+         ldu   R$X,u       Get requested place to put copy of process dsc.
+         os9   F$Move      Move it into caller's space
+L0962    rts   
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/level2/modules/kernel/fgprocp.asm	Tue Apr 22 19:35:48 2003 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+* F$GProcP entry point
+FGProcP  lda   R$A,u        get process #
+         bsr   L0B2E        Get ptr to process descriptor
+         bcs   L0B2D        If error, exit with it
+         sty   R$Y,u        Save ptr in caller's Y
+L0B2D    rts                Return
+* Entry: A=Process #
+* Exit:  Y=Ptr to process descriptor
+*  All others preserved
+L0B2E    pshs  d,x          Preserve regs
+         ldb   ,s           Get process # into B
+         beq   L0B40        0, skip ahead
+         ldx   <D.PrcDBT    Get ptr to process descriptor block table
+         abx                Point to specific process' entry
+         lda   ,x           Get MSB of process dsc. ptr
+         beq   L0B40        None there, exit with error
+         clrb               Clear LSB of process dsc. ptr (always fall on $200
+         tfr   d,y            boundaries) & move ptr to Y
+         puls  d,x,pc       Restore regs & return
+L0B40    puls  d,x          Get regs back
+         comb               Exit with Bad process ID error
+         ldb   #E$BPrcID
+         rts   
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/level2/modules/kernel/ficpt.asm	Tue Apr 22 19:35:48 2003 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+* System Call: F$Icpt
+* Function: Sets the function to be called when a signal arrives.
+* Input:  X = Address of intercept routine
+*         U = Address of intercept routine data area
+* Output: None
+* Error:  CC = C bit set; B = error code
+FIcpt    ldx   <D.Proc      get current process pointer
+         ldd   R$X,u        Get vector for signal trap handler
+         IFNE  H6309
+         ldw   R$U,u        Get data area ptr for signal trap handler
+         stq   P$SigVec,x   Save them in descriptor
+         ELSE
+         std   P$SigVec,x
+         ldd   R$U,u
+         std   P$SigDat,x
+         ENDC
+         clrb               clear errors
+         rts                return
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/level2/modules/kernel/fid.asm	Tue Apr 22 19:35:48 2003 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+* System Call: F$ID
+* Function: Return's caller's process ID
+* Input:  None
+* Output: A = Caller's process ID
+*         Y = User ID
+* Error:  CC = C bit set; B = error code
+FID      ldx   <D.Proc      get current process pointer
+         lda   P$ID,x       get ID
+         sta   R$A,u        save it
+         ldd   P$User,x     get user #
+         std   R$Y,u        save it
+         clrb               clear error
+         rts
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/level2/modules/kernel/fld.asm	Tue Apr 22 19:35:48 2003 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+* F$LDAXY entry point
+FLDAXY   ldx   R$X,u          Get offset within block (S/B $0000-$1FFF)
+         ldy   R$Y,u          Get ptr to DAT block entry
+         bsr   L0AC8          Go get byte
+         sta   R$A,u          Save in caller's A reg.
+         rts   
+* Entry: X=offset ($0000-$1fff) to get from block pointed to by Y (DAT entry
+* format)
+L0AC8    lda   1,y            Get MMU block # to get data from
+         clrb                 Clear carry/setup for STB
+         pshs  cc             Preserve interrupt status/settings
+         orcc  #IntMasks      shut IRQ's off
+         sta   >$FFA0         Map block into $0000-$1FFF
+         brn    L0AC8
+         lda   ,x             Get byte
+         stb   >$FFA0         Map block 0 into $0000-$1FFF
+         fdb   $21ED
+         puls  pc,cc          Get interrupt status/(or turn on) & return
+* Get 1st byte of LDDDXY - also used by many other routines
+* Increments X on exit; adjusts X for within 8K block & Y (DAT img ptr)
+LDAXY    lda   1,y            Get MMU block #
+         pshs  b,cc
+         clrb
+         orcc  #IntMasks      Shut off interrupts
+         sta   >$FFA0         Map in MMU block into slot 0
+         lda   ,x+            Get byte
+          stb   >$FFA0
+*         clr   >$FFA0         Map in MMU block #0 into slot 0
+*         andcc #^IntMasks
+         puls  b,cc
+         bra   AdjBlk0
+L0AEA    leax  >-DAT.BlSz,x      Bump offset ptr to start of block again
+         leay  2,y            Bump source MMU block up to next on in DAT Image
+AdjBlk0  cmpx  #DAT.BlSz      Going to wrap out of our block?
+         bhs   L0AEA          Yes, go adjust
+         rts                  No, return
+* F$LDDDXY entry point
+FLDDDXY  ldd   R$D,u          Get offset to offset within DAT Image
+         leau  R$X,u          Point U to Offset
+         pulu  x,y            Y=Offset within DAT Image, X=DAT Image ptr
+         bsr   L0B02          Go get 2 bytes
+         std   -(R$X+3),u     Save into caller's X
+         clrb                 No error & return
+         rts   
+* Get 2 bytes for LDDDXY (also called by other routines)
+* Should simply map in 2 blocks, and do a LDD (don't have to worry about wrap)
+L0B02    pshs  u,y,x          Preserve regs
+         IFNE  H6309
+         addr  d,x            Point X to X+D
+         ELSE
+         leax  d,x
+         ENDC
+         bsr   AdjBlk0        Wrap address around for 1 block
+         ldu   <D.SysDAT      Get sys DAT Image ptr
+*         lda   1,u            Get MMU block #0
+         clra             system block 0 =0 always
+         ldb   3,u            Get MMU block #1
+         tfr   d,u        make U=blocks to re-map in once done
+         lda   1,y            Get MMU block #0
+         ldb   3,y            Get MMU block #1
+         pshs  cc             Preserve int. status
+         orcc  #IntMasks      shut off int.
+         std   >$FFA0         Map in both blocks
+         ldd   ,x             Get 2 bytes
+         stu   >$FFA0         Map original blocks in
+*         tfr   y,w            Restore W
+         puls  pc,u,y,x,cc    Restore regs & return
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/level2/modules/kernel/fldabx.asm	Tue Apr 22 19:35:48 2003 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+* F$LDABX entry point
+FLDABX   ldb   R$B,u        Get task # to get byte from
+         ldx   R$X,u        Get offset into task's DAT image to get byte from
+***         bsr   L0C40        Go get the byte into B
+* Load a byte from another task
+* Entry: B=Task #
+*        X=Pointer to data
+* Exit : B=Byte from other task
+L0C40    pshs  cc,a,x,u
+         bsr   L0BF5
+         ldd   a,u
+         orcc  #IntMasks
+         stb   >$FFA0
+         ldb   ,x
+         clr   >$FFA0
+         puls  cc,a,x,u
+         stb   R$A,u        Save into caller's A & return
+         clrb             set to no errors
+         rts   
+* Get pointer to task DAT image
+* Entry: B=Task #
+* Exit : U=Pointer to task image
+*L0C09    ldu   <D.TskIPt    get pointer to task image table
+*         lslb               multiply task # by 2
+*         ldu   b,u          get pointer to task image (doesn't affect carry)
+*         rts                restore & return
+* F$STABX entry point
+FSTABX   ldd   R$D,u
+         ldx   R$X,u
+* Store a byte in another task
+* Entry: A=Byte to store
+*        B=Task #
+*        X=Pointer to data
+L0C28    andcc #^Carry
+         pshs  cc,d,x,u
+         bsr   L0BF5        calculate offset into DAT image
+         ldd   a,u          get memory block
+         lda   1,s
+         orcc  #IntMasks
+         stb   >$FFA0
+         sta   ,x
+         clr   >$FFA0
+         puls  cc,d,x,u,pc
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/level2/modules/kernel/flink.asm	Tue Apr 22 19:35:48 2003 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+* F$SLink entry point
+* Entry: U=Register stack pointer
+FSLink   ldy    R$Y,u       get DAT image pointer of name
+         bra    L0398       skip ahead
+* F$ELink entry point
+* Entry: U=Register stack pointer
+FELink   pshs   u           preserve register stack pointer
+         ldb    R$B,u       get module type
+         ldx    R$X,u       get pointer to module directory entry
+         bra    L03AF       skip ahead
+* System Call: F$Link
+* Function: Link to a memory module
+* Input:  X = Address of module name
+*         A = Type/Language byte
+* Output: X = Advanced past module name
+*         Y = Module entry point address
+*         U = Module header address
+*         A = Module type/language byte
+*         B = Module attributes/revision byte
+* Error:  CC = C bit set; B = error code
+FLink    ldx    <D.Proc     get pointer to DAT image
+         leay   P$DATImg,x  point to process DAT image
+L0398    pshs   u           preserve register stack pointer
+         ldx    R$X,u       get pointer to path name
+         lda    R$A,u       get module type
+         lbsr   L068D       search module directory
+         bcs    L041E       not there, exit with error
+         leay   ,u          point to module directory entry
+         ldu    ,s          get register stack pointer
+         stx    R$X,u       save updated module name pointer
+         std    R$D,u       save type/language
+         leax   ,y          point to directory entry
+L03AF    bitb   #ReEnt      is it re-entrant?
+         bne    L03BB       yes, skip ahead
+         ldd    MD$Link,x   is module busy?
+         beq    L03BB       no, go link it
+         ldb    #E$ModBsy   return module busy error
+         bra    L041E       return
+L03BB    ldd    MD$MPtr,x   get module pointer
+         pshs   d,x         preserve that & directory pointer
+         ldy    MD$MPDAT,x  get module DAT image pointer
+         ldd    MD$MBSiz,x  get block size
+         addd   #$1FFF      round it up
+         tfr    a,b
+         lsrb
+         lsrb
+         lsrb
+         lsrb
+         lsrb
+*         adda   #$02
+         lsra
+         inca             instead of adda #2, above
+         lsra
+         lsra
+         lsra
+         lsra
+         pshs   a
+         leau   ,y          point to module DAT image
+         bsr    L0422       is it already linked in process space?
+         bcc    L03EB       yes, skip ahead
+         lda    ,s
+         lbsr   L0A33       find free low block in process DAT image
+         bcc    L03E8       found some, skip ahead
+         leas   5,s         purge stack
+         bra    L041E       return error
+L03E8    lbsr   L0A8C       copy memory blocks into process DAT image
+L03EB    ldb    #P$Links   point to memory block link counts
+         abx              smaller and faster than leax P$Links,x
+         sta    ,s          Save block # on stack
+         lsla               account for 2 bytes/entry
+         leau   a,x         Point to block # we want
+         ldd    ,u          Get link count for that block
+         IFNE   H6309
+         incd               Bump up by 1
+         ELSE
+         addd   #$0001
+         ENDC
+         beq    L03FC       If wraps to 0, leave at $FFFF
+         std    ,u          Otherwise, store new link count
+L03FC    ldu    $03,s
+         ldd    MD$Link,u
+         IFNE   H6309
+         incd
+         ELSE
+         addd   #$0001
+         ENDC
+         beq    L0406
+         std    MD$Link,u
+L0406    puls   b,x,y,u
+         lbsr   CmpLBlk
+         stx    R$U,u
+         ldx    MD$MPtr,y
+         ldy    ,y
+         ldd    #M$Exec     get offset to execution address
+         lbsr   L0B02       get execution offset
+         addd   R$U,u       add it to start of module
+         std    R$Y,u       set execution entry point
+         clrb               No error & return
+         rts   
+L041E    orcc   #Carry      Error & return
+         puls   u,pc
+L0422    ldx    <D.Proc     get pointer to current process
+         leay   P$DATImg,x  point to process DAT image
+         clra  
+         pshs   d,x,y
+         subb   #DAT.BlCt
+         negb  
+         lslb  
+         leay   b,y
+         IFNE   H6309
+L0430    ldw    ,s          Get counter
+         ELSE
+L0430    ldx    ,s
+         ENDC
+         pshs   u,y
+L0434    ldd    ,y++
+         cmpd   ,u++
+         bne    L0449
+         IFNE   H6309
+         decw               Dec counter
+         ELSE
+         leax   -1,x
+         ENDC
+         bne    L0434       If not done, keep going
+         puls   d,u
+         subd   4,s
+         lsrb  
+         stb    ,s
+         clrb  
+         puls   d,x,y,pc    Restore regs & return
+L0449    puls   u,y
+         leay   -2,y
+         cmpy   4,s
+         bcc    L0430
+         puls   d,x,y,pc
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/level2/modules/kernel/fmapblk.asm	Tue Apr 22 19:35:48 2003 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+* F$MapBlk entry point
+FMapBlk  lda   R$B,u        get # blocks
+         beq   L0BAA        can't map 0 blocks, return error
+         cmpa  #DAT.BlCt    within range of DAT image?
+         bhi   L0BAA        no, return error
+         leas  -$10,s       make a buffer to hold DAT image
+         ldx   R$X,u        get start block #
+         ldb   #1           block increment value
+* Change to W 05/19/93 - used W since one cycle faster per block
+         tfr   s,w          point to buffer
+FMapBlk2 stx   ,w++         save block # to buffer
+         abx                Next block
+         deca               done?
+         bne   FMapBlk2     no, keep going
+         ldb   R$B,u        get block count again
+         ldx   <D.Proc      get process pointer
+         leay  <P$DATImg,x  point to DAT image
+         os9   F$FreeHB     find the highest free block offset
+         bcs   L0BA6        no room, return error
+         tfr   d,w          Preserve start block # & # of blocks
+         lsla               Multiply start block # by 32
+         lsla  
+         lsla  
+         lsla  
+         lsla  
+         clrb  
+         std   R$U,u        save address of first block
+         tfr   w,d          Restore offset
+         leau  ,s           move DAT image into process descriptor
+         os9   F$SetImg     Change process dsc to reflect new blocks
+L0BA6    leas  <$10,s       Eat DAT image copy & return
+         rts   
+L0BAA    comb               Illegal Block address error
+         ldb   #E$IBA
+         rts   
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/level2/modules/kernel/fmem.asm	Tue Apr 22 19:35:48 2003 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+* System Call: F$Mem
+* Function: Resize data memory area
+* Input:  D = Desired memory area (in bytes)
+* Output: Y = Address of new memory area upper bound
+*         D = New memory area size in bytes
+* Error:  CC = C bit set; B = error code
+FMem     ldx   <D.Proc      get current process pointer
+         ldd   R$D,u        get requested memory size
+         beq   L0638        he wants current size, return it
+         addd  #$00FF       round up to nearest page
+         bcc   L05EE        no overflow, skip ahead
+         ldb   #E$MemFul    get mem full error
+         rts                return
+L05EE    cmpa  P$PagCnt,x   match current page count?
+         beq   L0638        yes, return it
+         pshs  a            save page count
+         bhs   L0602        he's requesting more, skip ahead
+         deca               subtract a page
+         ldb   #($100-R$Size) get size of default stack - R$Size
+         cmpd  P$SP,x       shrinking it into stack?
+         bhs   L0602        no, skip ahead
+         ldb   #E$DelSP     get error code (223)
+         bra   L0627        return error
+L0602    lda   P$PagCnt,x   get page count
+         adda  #$1F         round it up
+         lsra               divide by 32 to get block count
+         lsra
+         lsra
+         lsra
+         lsra
+         ldb   ,s
+         addb  #$1F
+         bcc   L0615        still have room, skip ahead
+         ldb   #E$MemFul
+         bra   L0627
+L0615    lsrb               divide by 32 to get block count
+         lsrb
+         lsrb
+         lsrb
+         lsrb
+         IFNE  H6309
+         subr  a,b          same count?
+         ELSE
+         pshs  b
+         suba  ,s+
+         ENDC
+         beq   L0634        yes, save it
+         bcs   L062C        overflow, delete the ram we just got
+         os9   F$AllImg     allocate the image in DAT
+         bcc   L0634        no error, skip ahead
+L0627    leas  1,s          purge stack
+L0629    orcc  #Carry       set carry for error
+         rts                return
+L062C    equ   *
+         IFNE  H6309
+         addr  b,a
+         ELSE
+         pshs  a
+         addb  ,s+
+         ENDC
+         negb  
+         os9   F$DelImg 
+L0634    puls  a            restore requested page count
+         sta   P$PagCnt,x   save it into process descriptor
+L0638    lda   P$PagCnt,x   get page count
+         clrb               clear LSB
+         std   R$D,u        save mem byte count to caller
+         std   R$Y,u        save memory upper limit to caller
+         rts                return
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/level2/modules/kernel/fmove.asm	Tue Apr 22 19:35:48 2003 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+* F$Move entry point
+* Entry: U=Register stack pointer
+FMove    ldd   R$D,u        get source & destination task #'s
+L0B25    ldy   R$Y,u        Get # bytes to move
+         beq   L0A01        None, exit without error
+         ldx   R$X,u        get source pointer
+         ldu   R$U,u        get destination pointer
+L0B2C    pshs  d,x,y,u      preserve it all
+         pshs  d,y          save task #'s & byte count
+         tfr   a,b          copy source task to B
+         lbsr  L0BF5        calculate block offset of source
+         leay  a,u          point to block
+         pshs  x,y          save source pointer & DAT pointer of source
+         ldb   9,s          get destination task #
+         ldx   14,s         get destination pointer
+         lbsr  L0BF5        calculate block offset
+         leay  a,u          point to block
+         pshs  x,y          save dest. pointer & DAT pointer to dest.
+* try ldq #$20002000/ subr x,w / pshsw (+3), take out ldd (-3)
+         ldd   #DAT.BlSz    get block size
+         subd  ,s           take off offset
+         pshs  d            preserve
+         ldd   #DAT.BlSz    init offset in block
+         subd  6,s
+         pshs  d            save distance to end??
+         ldx   8,s          get source pointer
+         leax  -$6000,x     make X point to where we'll map block ($a000)
+         ldu   4,s          get destination pointer
+         leau  -$4000,u     make U point to where we'll map block ($c000)
+         ldy   <D.SysDAT    Get ptr to system DAT image
+         lda   11,y         Get MMU block #5
+         ldb   13,y         Get MMU block #6
+         tfr   d,y          Move to Y since unused in loop below
+* Main move loop
+* Stack:  0,s=distance to end of source block
+*         2,s=distance to end of destination block
+*         4,s=pointer to destination
+*         6,s=pointer to destination DAT image
+*         8,s=pointer to source
+*        10,s=pointer to source DAT image
+*        12,s=task # of source
+*        13,s=task # of destination
+*        14,s=total byte count of move
+* Registers: X=Source pointer
+*            U=Destination pointer
+L0B6A    equ   *
+         IFNE  H6309
+         ldd   [<6,s]       [B]=Block # of source
+         ldw   [<10,s]      [A]=Block # of destination
+         tfr   f,a
+* Calculate move length for this pass
+         ldw   14,s         get full byte count
+         cmpw  ,s           we gonna overlap source?
+         bls   L0B82        no, skip ahead
+         ldw   ,s           get remaining bytes in source block
+L0B82    cmpw  2,s          we gonna overlap destination?
+         bls   L0B89        no, skip ahead
+         ldw   2,s          get remaining bytes in destination block
+L0B89    cmpw  #$0100       less than 128 bytes?
+         bls   L0B92        yes, skip ahead
+         ldw   #$0100       force to 128 bytes
+L0B92    stw   12,s         save count
+         orcc  #IntMasks    Shut off interrupts
+         std   >$FFA5       map in the blocks
+         tfm   x+,u+        Copy up to 128 bytes
+         sty   >$FFA5       Restore system blocks 5&6 to normal
+         andcc #^IntMasks
+         ldd   14,s         get full count
+         subd  12,s         done?
+         beq   L0BEF        yes, return
+         std   14,s         save updated count
+         ldd   ,s           get current offset in block
+         subd  12,s         need to switch source block?
+         bne   L0BD7        no, skip ahead
+         lda   #$20       B=0 from 'bne' above
+         subr  d,x          reset source back to begining of block
+         inc   11,s         add 2 to source DAT pointer
+         inc   11,s
+L0BD7    std   ,s           save updated source offset in block
+         ldd   2,s          get destination offset
+         subd  12,s         need to switch destination block?
+         bne   L0BEA        no, skip ahead
+         lda   #$20       B=0 from 'bne', above
+         subr  d,u          reset destination back to beginning of block
+         inc   7,s          add 2 to destination DAT pointer
+         inc   7,s
+L0BEA    std   2,s          save updated destination offset in block
+         bra   L0B6A        go do next block
+* Block move done, return
+L0BEF    leas  16,s         purge stack
+L0BF2    clrb               clear errors
+         puls  d,x,y,u,pc   return
+         ELSE
+L0BXA    pshs  cc         
+         ldd   [<$07,s]    
+         pshs  b  
+         ldd   [<$0C,s]    
+         pshs  b  
+         ldd   <$11,s
+         cmpd  $03,s
+         bls   L0B82
+         ldd   $03,s
+L0B82    cmpd  $05,s
+         bls   L0B89
+         ldd   $05,s
+L0B89    cmpd  #$0040
+         bls   L0B84
+         ldd   #$0040
+L0B84    std   $0F,s
+         puls  y
+         orcc  #IntMasks
+         sty   >$FFA5
+         andb  #$07
+         beq   L0B99
+L0B92    lda   ,x+
+         sta   ,u+
+         decb     
+         bne   L0B92       
+L0B99    ldb   $0E,s
+         lsrb
+         lsrb       
+         lsrb       
+         beq   L0BBC
+         pshs  b    
+         exg   x,u  
+L0BA4    pulu  y,b,a
+         std   ,x    
+         sty   $02,x
+         pulu  y,b,a 
+         std   $04,x
+         sty   $06,x
+         leax  $08,x    
+         dec   ,s    
+         bne   L0BA4
+         leas  $01,s
+         exg   x,u
+L0BBC    ldy   <D.SysDAT
+         lda   $0B,y
+         ldb   $0D,y       
+         std   >$FFA5
+         puls  cc   
+         ldd   $0E,s 
+         subd  $0C,s
+         beq   L0BEF       
+         std   $0E,s
+         ldd   ,s   
+         subd  $0C,s
+         bne   L0BD7 
+         ldd   #DAT.BlSz
+         leax  >-DAT.BlSz,x
+         inc   $0B,s
+         inc   $0B,s
+L0BD7    std   ,s       
+         ldd   $02,s 
+         subd  $0C,s
+         bne   L0BEA
+         ldd   #DAT.BlSz
+         leau  >-DAT.BlSz,u
+         inc   $07,s
+         inc   $07,s       
+L0BEA    std   $02,s 
+         lbra  L0BXA
+L0BEF    leas  <$10,s
+L0BF2    clrb       
+         puls  pc,u,y,x,b,a
+         ENDC
+L0BF3    tfr   u,y        save a copy of U for later
+* Calculate offset within DAT image
+* Entry: B=Task #
+*        X=Pointer to data
+* Exit : A=Offset into DAT image
+*        X=Offset within block from original pointer
+* Possible bug:  No one ever checks if the DAT image, in fact, exists.
+L0BF5    ldu   <D.TskIPt  get task image ptr table
+         lslb
+         ldu   b,u        get ptr to this task's DAT image
+         tfr   x,d          copy logical address to D
+         anda  #%11100000   Keep only which 8K bank it's in
+         beq   L0C07        Bank 0, no further calcs needed
+         clrb             force it to start on an 8K boundary
+         IFNE  H6309
+         subr  d,x        now X=offset into the block
+         ELSE
+         pshs  d
+         tfr   x,d
+         subd  ,s++
+         tfr   d,x
+         ENDC
+         lsra               Calculate offset into DAT image to get proper
+         lsra               8K bank (remember that each entry in a DAT image
+         lsra               is 2 bytes)
+         lsra
+L0C07    rts
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/level2/modules/kernel/fnproc.asm	Tue Apr 22 19:35:48 2003 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+* System Call: F$NProc
+* Function: Start the next process in the active queue
+* Input:  None
+* Output: Control does not return to the caller
+FNProc   ldx   <D.SysPrc   get system process descriptor
+         stx   <D.Proc     save it as current
+         lds   <D.SysStk   get system stack pointer
+         andcc #^IntMasks  re-enable IRQ's (to allow pending one through)
+         fcb   $8C        skip the next 2 bytes
+L0D91    cwai  #^IntMasks  re-enable IRQ's and wait for one
+L0D93    orcc  #IntMasks   Shut off interrupts again
+         lda   #Suspend    get suspend suspend state flag
+         ldx   #D.AProcQ-P$Queue For start of loop, setup to point to current process
+* Loop to find next active process that is not Suspended
+L0D9A    leay  ,x          Point y to previous link (process dsc. ptr)
+         ldx   P$Queue,y   Get process dsc. ptr for next active process
+         beq   L0D91       None, allow any pending IRQ thru & try again
+         bita  P$State,x   There is one, is it Suspended?
+         bne   L0D9A       Yes, skip it & try next one
+* Found a process in line ready to be started
+         ldd   P$Queue,x   Get next process dsc. ptr in line after found one
+         std   P$Queue,y   Save the next one in line in previous' next ptr
+         stx   <D.Proc     Make new process dsc. the current one
+         lbsr  L0C58       Go check or make a task # for the found process
+         bcs   L0D83       Couldn't get one, go to next process in line
+         lda   <D.TSlice   Reload # ticks this process can run
+         sta   <D.Slice    Save as new tick counter for process
+         ldu   P$SP,x      get the process stack pointer
+         lda   P$State,x   get it's state
+         lbmi  L0E29       If in System State, switch to system task (0)
+L0DB9    bita  #Condem     Was it condemned by a deadly signal?
+         bne   L0DFD       Yes, go exit with Error=the signal code #
+         lbsr  TstImg      do a F$SetTsk if the ImgChg flag is set
+L0DBD    ldb   <P$Signal,x any signals?
+         beq   L0DF7       no, go on
+         decb              is it a wake up signal?
+         beq   L0DEF       yes, go wake it up
+         leas  -R$Size,s   make a register buffer on stack
+         leau  ,s          point to it
+         lbsr  L02CB       copy the stack from process to our copy of it
+         lda   <P$Signal,x get last signal
+         sta   R$B,u       save it to process' B
+         ldd   <P$SigVec,x any intercept trap?
+         beq   L0DFD       no, go force the process to F$Exit
+         std   R$PC,u      save vector to it's PC
+         ldd   <P$SigDat,x get pointer to intercept data area
+         std   R$U,u       save it to it's U
+         ldd   P$SP,x      get it's stack pointer
+         subd  #R$Size     take off register stack
+         std   P$SP,x      save updated SP
+         lbsr  L02DA       Copy modified stack back overtop process' stack
+         leas  R$Size,s    purge temporary stack
+L0DEF    clr   <P$Signal,x clear the signal
+* No signals go here
+L0DF7    equ   *
+         IFNE  H6309
+         oim   #$01,<D.Quick
+         ELSE
+         ldb   <D.Quick
+         orb   #$01
+         stb   <D.Quick
+         ENDC
+BackTo1  equ   *
+L0DF2    ldu   <D.UsrSvc   Get current User's system call service routine ptr
+         stu   <D.XSWI2    Save as SWI2 service routine ptr
+         ldu   <D.UsrIRQ   Get IRQ entry point for user state
+         stu   <D.XIRQ     Save as IRQ service routine ptr
+         ldb   P$Task,x   get task number
+         lslb             2 bytes per entry in D.TskIpt
+         ldy   P$SP,x     get stack pointer
+         lbsr  L0E8D      re-map the DAT image, if necessary
+         ldb   <D.Quick   get quick return flag
+         bra   L0E4C       Go switch GIME over to new process & run
+* Process a signal (process had no signal trap)
+L0DFD    equ   *
+         IFNE  H6309
+         oim   #SysState,P$State,x  Put process into system state
+         ELSE
+         ldb   P$State,x
+         orb   #SysState
+         stb   P$State,x
+         ENDC
+         leas  >P$Stack,x           Point SP to process' stack
+         andcc #^IntMasks           Turn interrupts on
+         ldb   <P$Signal,x          Get signal that process received
+         clr   <P$Signal,x          Clear out the one in process dsc.
+         os9   F$Exit               Exit with signal # being error code
+L0E45    jmp    [>D.Poll]   Call IOMAN for IRQ polling
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/level2/modules/kernel/fprsnam.asm	Tue Apr 22 19:35:48 2003 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+* System Call: F$PrsNam
+* Function: Parse a path name
+* Input:  X = Address of pathlist
+* Output: X = Updated past optional "/" character
+*         Y = Address of last character of pathlist + 1
+*         B = Length of pathlist
+* Error:  CC = C bit set; B = error code
+* Modification to allow '-' in filenames by WG
+FPrsNam  ldx   <D.Proc      proc desc
+         leay  <P$DATImg,x  Y=DAT image ptr
+         ldx   R$X,u        X=name string
+         bsr   L0741        get it and length
+         std   R$D,u        return length in D
+         bcs   L073E        ..err
+         stx   R$X,u        and X at name begin
+         abx                plus len
+L073E    stx   R$Y,u        return Y=end of name ptr
+         rts                end.
+* Parse name
+L0741    pshs  y            save DAT image pointer
+         lbsr  AdjBlk0      go find map block...
+         pshs  x,y          save X offset within block and Y block pointer
+         bsr   GoGetAXY     go get byte at X in block Y...
+         cmpa  #'.        is the first character a period?
+         bne   IsSlash    no, do proper first character checking
+         lbsr  L0AC8      do a LDAXY, without changing X or Y
+         bsr   ChkFirst   is the next character non-period?
+         lda   #'.        restore the period character the LDAXY destroyed
+         bcc   Do.Loop    if NON-period character, skip 1st char checks
+IsSlash  cmpa  #'/          is it a slash?
+         bne   NotSlash     no, go keep X offset and block Y...
+         bsr   GetChar      go get character...
+NotSlash bsr   ChkFirst     go check if valid first character...
+         bcs   NotValid     not valid, go get next name start offset in X...
+Do.Loop  clrb               initialize character counter
+LastLoop incb               add one character
+         tsta               last character in name string?
+         bmi   LastChar     yes, go return valid...
+         bsr   GoGetAXY     go get next character...
+         bsr   ChkValid     go check if valid character...
+         bcc   LastLoop     valid, go check if last character...
+LastChar andcc #^Carry
+         bra   RtnValid
+GetChar  stx   2,s          save current offset over old offset
+         sty   4,s          save current block pointer over old block pointer
+GoGetAXY lbra  LDAXY        go get byte at X in block Y in A,  & return
+NextLoop bsr   GetChar      go get character...
+NotValid cmpa  #',          comma?
+         beq   NextLoop     yes, go get next character...
+         cmpa  #C$SPAC      space?
+         beq   NextLoop     yes, go get next character...
+         comb               error, set Carry
+         ldb   #E$BNam      'Bad Name' error
+RtnValid puls  x,y          recover offset & pointer
+         bra   L0720      go do a similar exit routine
+ChkFirst pshs  a            save character
+         anda  #$7F         drop msbit
+         bra   ChkRst       skip dash for first character check
+ChkValid pshs  a            save character
+         anda  #$7F         drop msbit
+         cmpa  #'.          period?
+         beq   ValidChr     yes, go return valid character...
+ChkRest  cmpa  #'-          is it a dash?
+         beq   ValidChr     yes, it's valid      
+ChkRst   cmpa  #'z          greater than "z"?
+         bhi   InvalidC     yes, go return invalid character...
+         cmpa  #'a          greater than or equal to "a"?
+         bhs   ValidChr     yes, go return valid character...
+         cmpa  #'_          underscore?
+         beq   ValidChr     yes, go return valid character...
+         cmpa  #'Z          greater than "Z"?
+         bhi   InvalidC     yes, go return invalid character...
+         cmpa  #'A          greater than or equal to "A"?
+         bhs   ValidChr     yes, go return valid character...
+         cmpa  #'9          greater than "9"?
+         bhi   InvalidC     yes, go return invalid character...
+         cmpa  #'0          greater than or equal to "0"?
+         bhs   ValidChr     yes, go return valid character...
+         cmpa  #'$          dollar symbol?
+         beq   ValidChr     yes, go return valid character...
+InvalidC coma               invalid character, set carry
+ValidChr puls  a,pc
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/level2/modules/kernel/freboot.asm	Tue Apr 22 19:35:48 2003 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+* F$ReBoot entry point
+*   Currently disabled (doesn't work)
+*   Besides, there's no need for this code to be in system memory.
+*   A user-mode program can do this just as well.
+* Entry A = 0 Cold ReBoot
+*         = 1 Quit to RSDOS
+*ReBoot   equ    *
+*         orcc   #Carry       Set error flag
+*         rts                 Exit
+*        tst    R$A,u        Cold start (a=0)
+*        bne    WarmBt       no, attempt a warm boot
+*WarmBt   orcc   #IntMasks
+*         ldb    #CodeSize
+*         leax   BootCode,pc
+*         tfr    0,y
+*BootLoop lda    ,x+
+*         sta    ,y+
+*         decb
+*         bne    BootLoop
+*         jmp    >$0000
+*BootCode equ   *
+*        lda   >$ffa8
+*        sta   >$ffa0
+*         clra
+*         sta   >$ff90
+*        sta   >$ff91
+*         jmp   >$ed5f
+*CodeSize equ   *-BootCode
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/level2/modules/kernel/fsend.asm	Tue Apr 22 19:35:48 2003 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+* System Call: F$Send
+* Function: Send a signal to a process
+* Input:  A = Receiver's process ID
+*         B = Signal code
+* Output: None
+* Error:  CC = C bit set; B = error code
+FSend    ldx   <D.Proc      get current process pointer
+         lda   R$A,u        get destination ID
+         bne   L0652        it's ok, go on
+         inca               add one
+* Send signal to ALL process's
+L0647    cmpa  P$ID,x       find myself?
+         beq   L064D        yes, skip it
+         bsr   L0652        send the signal
+L064D    inca               move to next process
+         bne   L0647        go send it
+         clrb               clear errors
+         rts                return
+* X   = process descriptor ptr of singal sender
+* A   = process ID to send signal to
+* R$B = signal code
+L0652    lbsr  L0B2E        get pointer to destination descriptor
+         pshs  cc,a,y,u     preserve registers
+         bcs   L066A        error, can't get pointer return
+         tst   R$B,u        kill signal?
+         bne   L066D        no, go on
+         ldd   P$User,x     get user #
+         beq   L066D        he's super user, go on
+         cmpd  P$User,y     does he own the process?
+         beq   L066D        yes, send the signal
+         ldb   #E$BPrcID    get bad process error
+         inc   ,s           set Carry in CC on stack
+L066A    puls  cc,a,y,u,pc  return
+* Y = process descriptor of process receiving signal
+L066D    orcc  #IntMasks    shut down IRQ's
+         ldb   R$B,u        get signal code
+         bne   L067B        not a kill signal, skip ahead
+         ldb   #E$PrcAbt    get error 228
+         IFNE  H6309
+         oim   #Condem,P$State,y condem process
+L067B    aim   #^Suspend,P$State,y   take process out of suspend state
+         ELSE
+         lda   P$State,y
+         ora   #Condem
+         sta   P$State,y
+L067B    lda   P$State,y
+         anda  #^Suspend
+         sta   P$State,y
+         ENDC
+         lda   <P$Signal,y  already have a pending signal?
+         beq   L068F        nope, go on
+         deca               is it a wakeup signal?
+         beq   L068F        yes, skip ahead
+         inc   ,s           set carry on stack
+         ldb   #E$USigP     get pending signal error
+         puls  cc,a,y,u,pc  return
+* Update sleeping process queue
+L068F    stb   P$Signal,y   save signal code in descriptor
+         ldx   #(D.SProcQ-P$Queue) get pointer to sleeping process queue
+         IFNE  H6309
+         clrd               Faster than 2 memory clears
+         ELSE
+         clra
+         clrb
+         ENDC
+L0697    leay  ,x           point Y to this process
+         ldx   P$Queue,x    get pointer to next process in chain
+         beq   L06D3        last one, go check waiting list
+         ldu   P$SP,x       get process stack pointer
+         addd  R$X,u        add his sleep count
+         cmpx  2,s          is it destination process?
+         bne   L0697        no, skip to next process
+         pshs  d            save sleep count
+         IFNE  H6309
+         tim   #TimSleep,P$State,x
+         ELSE
+         lda   P$State,x
+         bita  #TimSleep
+         ENDC
+         beq   L06CF        no, update queue
+         ldd   ,s
+         beq   L06CF
+         ldd   R$X,u
+         IFNE  H6309
+         ldw   ,s
+         stw   R$X,u
+         ELSE
+         pshs  d
+         ldd   2,s
+         std   R$X,u
+         puls  d
+         ENDC
+         ldu   P$Queue,x
+         beq   L06CF
+         std   ,s
+         IFNE   H6309
+         tim   #TimSleep,P$State,u
+         ELSE
+         lda   P$State,u
+         bita  #TimSleep
+         ENDC
+         beq   L06CF
+         ldu   P$SP,u
+         ldd   ,s
+         addd  R$X,u
+         std   R$X,u
+L06CF    leas  2,s
+         bra   L06E0
+L06D3    ldx   #(D.WProcQ-P$Queue)
+L06D6    leay  ,x
+         ldx   P$Queue,x
+         beq   L06F4
+         cmpx  2,s
+         bne   L06D6
+L06E0    ldd   P$Queue,x
+         std   P$Queue,y
+         lda   P$Signal,x
+         deca  
+         bne   L06F1
+         sta   P$Signal,x
+         lda   ,s
+         tfr   a,cc
+L06F1    os9   F$AProc      activate the process
+L06F4    puls  cc,a,y,u,pc  restore & return
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/level2/modules/kernel/fsleep.asm	Tue Apr 22 19:35:48 2003 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+* System Call: F$Sleep
+* Function: Put the calling process to sleep
+* Input:  X = Sleep time in ticks (0 = forever)
+* Output: X = Decremented by the number of ticks that the process slept
+* Error:  CC = C bit set; B = error code
+FSleep   pshs  cc           preserve interupt status
+         ldx   <D.Proc      Get current process pointer
+* F$Sleep bug fix.  Check if we're in system state.  If so return because you
+* should never sleep in system state.
+         cmpx  <D.SysPrc    is it system process?
+         beq   SkpSleep     skip sleep call
+         orcc  #IntMasks    disable interupts
+         lda   P$Signal,x   get pending signal
+         beq   L0722        none there, skip ahead
+         deca               wakeup signal?
+         bne   L0715        no, skip ahead
+         sta   P$Signal,x   clear pending signal so we can wake up process
+         IFNE   H6309
+         aim   #^Suspend,P$State,x
+         ELSE
+         ENDC
+L071B    puls  cc
+         os9   F$AProc      activate the process
+         bra   L0780
+L0722    ldd   R$X,u        get callers X (contains sleep tick count)
+         beq   L076D        done, wake it up
+         IFNE   H6309
+         decd               subtract 1 from tick count
+         ELSE
+         ENDC
+         std   R$X,u        save it back
+         beq   L071B        zero, wake up process
+         pshs  x,y
+         ldx   #(D.SProcQ-P$Queue)
+L0732    std   R$X,u
+         stx   2,s
+         ldx   P$Queue,x
+         beq   L074F
+         IFNE   H6309
+         tim   #TimSleep,P$State,x
+         ELSE
+         ENDC
+         beq   L074F
+         ldy   P$SP,x       get process stack pointer
+         ldd   R$X,u
+         subd  R$X,y
+         bcc   L0732
+         IFNE  H6309
+         negd
+         ELSE
+         nega
+         negb
+         ENDC
+         std   R$X,y
+L074F    puls  y,x
+         IFNE  H6309
+         oim   #TimSleep,P$State,x
+         ELSE
+         ENDC
+         ldd   P$Queue,y
+         stx   P$Queue,y
+         std   P$Queue,x
+         ldx   R$X,u
+         bsr   L0780
+         stx   R$X,u
+         ldx   <D.Proc
+         IFNE   H6309
+         aim   #^TimSleep,P$State,x
+         ELSE
+         ENDC
+SkpSleep puls  cc,pc
+L076D    ldx   #D.SProcQ-P$Queue
+L0770    leay  ,x
+         ldx   P$Queue,x
+         bne   L0770
+         ldx   <D.Proc
+         clra  
+         clrb  
+         stx   P$Queue,y
+         std   P$Queue,x
+         puls  cc
+L0780    pshs  dp,x,y,u,pc
+L0782    leax  <L079C,pc
+         stx   7,s
+         ldx   <D.Proc
+         ldb   P$Task,x    This is related to the 'one-byte hack'
+         cmpb  <D.SysTsk   that stops OS9p1 from doing an F$AllTsk on
+         beq   L0792       _every_ system call.
+         os9   F$DelTsk
+L0792    ldd   P$SP,x
+         IFNE  H6309
+         pshsw
+         ENDC
+         pshs  cc,d
+         sts   P$SP,x
+         os9   F$NProc  
+L079C    pshs  x
+         ldx   <D.Proc
+         std   P$SP,x
+         clrb  
+         puls  x,pc
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/level2/modules/kernel/fsprior.asm	Tue Apr 22 19:35:48 2003 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+* System Call: F$SPrior
+* Function: Set a process' priority
+* Input:  A = Process ID
+*         B = Priority (0 = lowest, 255 = highest)
+* Output: None
+* Error:  CC = C bit set; B = error code
+FSPrior  lda   R$A,u        get process #
+         lbsr  L0B2E        get pointer to it
+         bcs   L07C0        error, return
+         ldx   <D.Proc      get current process
+         ldd   P$User,x     get user #
+         beq   L07B7        super user, go set priority
+         cmpd  P$User,y     user #'s match?
+         bne   L07BD        no, return error
+L07B7    lda   R$B,u        get new priority
+         sta   P$Prior,y    set it
+         clrb               clear errors
+         rts                return
+L07BD    comb               set carry for error
+         ldb   #E$BPrcID
+L07C0    rts   
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/level2/modules/kernel/fsrqmem.asm	Tue Apr 22 19:35:48 2003 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,304 @@
+* System Call: F$SRqMem
+* Function: Request memory
+* Input:  D = Byte count
+* Output: U = Address of allocated memory area
+* Error:  CC = C bit set; B = error code
+* It also updates 8K DAT blocks-if it finds an empty block, it re-does the 32
+* entries in the SMAP table to indicate that they are free
+FSRqMem  ldd   R$D,u        get size requested
+         addd  #$00FF       round it up to nearest 256 byte page
+         clrb               Just keep # of pages (and start 8K block #)
+         std   R$D,u        save rounded version back to user
+         ldy   <D.SysMem    Get ptr to SMAP table
+         leay  $ED,y      
+*         leay  $20,y        Skip Block 0 (always reserved for system)
+* Change to pshs a,b:use 1,s for block # to check, and ,s for TFM spot
+*         incb               Skip block 0 (always reserved for system)
+         pshs  d            Reserve a byte & put 0 byte on stack
+* This loop updates the SMAP table if anything can be marked as unused
+*L082F    ldx   <D.SysDAT    get pointer to system DAT block list
+*         lslb               adjust block offset for 2 bytes/entry
+*         ldd   b,x          get block type/# from system DAT
+*         cmpd  #DAT.Free    Unused block?
+*         beq   L0847        yes, mark it free in SMAP table
+*         ldx   <D.BlkMap    No, get ptr to MMAP table
+*         lda   d,x          Get block marker for 2 meg mem map
+*         cmpa  #RAMinUse    Is it in use (not free, ROM or used by module)?
+*         bne   L0848        No, mark it as type it is in SMAP table
+*         leay  $20,y        Yes, move to next block in pages
+*         bra   L084F        move to next block & try again
+*L0847    clra               Byte to fill system page map with (0=Not in use)
+*L0848    sta   ,s           Put it on stack
+*         ldw   #$0020       Get size of 8K block in pages
+*         tfm   s,y+         Mark entire block's worth of pages with A
+*L084F    inc   1,s          Bump up to next block to check
+*         ldb   1,s          Get it
+*         cmpb  #8           Done whole 64k system space?
+*         blo   L082F        no, keep checking
+* Now we can actually attempt to allocate the system RAM requested
+* NOTE: Opt for Coco/TC9 OS9 ONLY: skip last 17 pages with leay -17,y since
+* they are: Kernal (REL/BOOT/OS9P1 - 15 pages), vector RAM & I/O (2 pages)
+* (Already permanently marked @ L01D2)
+* At the start, Y is pointing to the end of the SMAP table+1
+         ldx   <D.SysMem    Get start of table ptr
+         ldb   #$20         skip block 0: it's always full
+         abx                same size, but faster than leax $20,x
+*         leay  -17,y        Skip Kernal, Vector RAM & I/O (Can't be free)
+L0857    ldb   R$A,u        Get # 256 byte pages requested
+* Loop (from end of system mem map) to look for # continuous pages requested
+L0859    equ   *
+         IFNE  H6309
+* TODO: Verify order of comparison
+         cmpr  x,y          We still have any system RAM left to try?
+         ELSE
+         pshs  y
+         cmpx  ,s++
+         ENDC
+         bhi   L0863        Yes, continue
+         comb               Exit with No System RAM Error
+         ldb   #E$NoRam
+         bra   L0894        Eat stack & exit
+L0863    lda   ,-y          Get page marker (starting @ end of SMAP)
+         bne   L0857        Used, try next lower page
+         decb               Found 1 page, dec # pages we need to allocate
+         bne   L0859        Still more pages needed, check if we can get more
+         sty   ,s           Found free contigous pages, save SMAP entry ptr
+         lda   1,s          Get LSB of ptr
+         lsra               Divide by 32 (Calculate start 8K block #)
+         lsra  
+         lsra  
+         lsra  
+         lsra  
+         ldb   1,s          Get LSB of ptr again
+         andb  #%00011111   Keep only within 8K block offset
+         addb  R$A,u        Add # pages requested
+         addb  #$1F         Round up to nearest 8K block
+         lsrb               Divide by 32 (Calculate end 8K block #)
+         lsrb  
+         lsrb  
+         lsrb  
+         lsrb
+         ldx   <D.SysPrc    Get ptr to system proc. dsc.
+         lbsr  L09BE        Allocate an image with our start/end block #'s
+         bcs   L0894        Couldn't, exit with error
+         ldb   R$A,u        Get # pages requested
+         lda   #RAMinUse    Get SMAP in use flag
+L088A    sta   ,y+          Mark all the pages requested as In Use
+         decb
+         bne   L088A
+         lda   1,s          Get MSB of ptr to start of newly allocated Sys RAM
+         std   R$U,u        Save for caller
+         clrb               No error
+L0894    puls  u,pc         Eat stack (U is changed after it exits) & return
+* System Call: F$SRtMem
+* Function: Return memory
+* Input:  U = Address of memory to return
+*         D = Number of bytes to return
+* Output: None
+* Error:  CC = C bit set; B = error code
+FSRtMem  ldd   R$D,u        get # pages to free up
+         beq   L08F2        nothing to free, return without error
+         addd  #$00FF       round it up to nearest page
+         ldb   R$U+1,u      get LSB of address
+         beq   L08A6        it's a even page, skip ahead
+         comb               set carry
+         ldb   #E$BPAddr    get error code
+         rts                return
+L08A6    ldb   R$U,u        get MSB of page address
+         beq   L08F2        not a legal page, return without error
+         ldx   <D.SysMem    get pointer to system memory map
+         abx                set pointer into map
+L08AD    equ   *
+         IFNE  H6309
+         aim   #^RAMinUse,,x+
+         ELSE
+         ldb   ,x
+         andb  #^RAMinUse
+         stb   ,x+
+         ENDC
+         deca  
+         bne   L08AD
+* Scan DAT image to find memory blocks to free up
+         ldx   <D.SysDAT    get pointer to system DAT image
+         IFNE  H6309
+         lde   #8           get # blocks to check
+         ELSE
+         ldy   #DAT.BlCt
+         ENDC
+L08BC    ldd   ,x           get block image
+         cmpd  #DAT.Free    is it already free?
+         beq   L08EC        yes, skip to next one
+         ldu   <D.BlkMap    get pointer to MMU block map
+         lda   d,u          get allocation flag for this block: 16-bit offset
+         cmpa  #RAMinUse    being used?
+         bne   L08EC        no, move to next block
+         tfr   x,d
+         subd  <D.SysDAT
+         lslb  
+         lslb  
+         lslb  
+         lslb  
+         ldu   <D.SysMem    get pointer to system map
+         IFNE   H6309
+         addr   d,u
+* Check if we can remove the entire memory block from system map
+         ldf   #16          get # pages per block/2
+L08DA    ldd   ,u++         Either of these 2 pages allocated?
+         ELSE
+         leau  d,u
+         ldb   #32
+L08DA    lda   ,u+          Either of these 2 pages allocated?
+         ENDC
+         bne   L08EC        yes, can't free block, skip to next one
+         IFNE  H6309
+         decf               checked all pages?
+         ELSE
+         decb
+         ENDC
+         bne   L08DA        no, keep looking
+         ldd   ,x           get block # into B: could be >$80
+         ldu   <D.BlkMap    point to allocation table
+         IFNE  H6309
+         sta   d,u          clear the block using 16-bit offset
+         ELSE
+         clr   d,u
+         ENDC
+         ldd   #DAT.Free    get free block marker
+         std   ,x           save it into DAT image
+L08EC    leax  2,x          move to next DAT block
+         IFNE  H6309
+         dece               done?
+         ELSE
+         leay  -1,y
+         ENDC
+         bne   L08BC        no, keep checking
+L08F2    clrb               clear errors
+L08F3    rts                return
+* Optimize F$Boot for size, as it's only called once...
+* F$Boot entry point
+FBoot    lda   #'t        tried to boot
+         jsr   <D.BtBug
+         coma               Set boot flag
+         lda   <D.Boot      we booted once before?
+         bne   L08F3        Yes, return
+         inc   <D.Boot      Set boot flag
+         ldx   <D.Init      Get ptr to init module if it exists
+         beq   L0908        it doesn't, point to boot name
+         ldd   <BootStr,x   Get offset to text
+         beq   L0908        Doesn't exist, get hard coded text
+         leax   d,x         Adjust X to point to boot module
+         bra   L090C        Try & link to module
+boot     fcs   /Boot/
+L0908    leax  <boot,pcr
+* Link to module and execute
+L090C    lda   #Systm+Objct
+         os9   F$Link   
+         bcs   L08F3
+         lda   #'b        calling boot
+         jsr   <D.BtBug
+         jsr   ,y           load boot file
+         bcs   L08F3
+         std   <D.BtSz      save boot file size
+         stx   <D.BtPtr     save start pointer of bootfile
+         lda   #'b        boot returns OK
+         jsr   <D.BtBug
+* added for IOMan system memory extentions
+         ldd   M$Name,x   grab the name offset
+         ldd   d,x        find the first 2 bytes of the first module
+         cmpd  #$4E69     'Ni' ? (NitrOS9 module?)
+         bne   not.ext    no, not system memory extensions
+         ldd   M$Exec,x   grab the execution ptr
+         jmp   d,x        and go execute the system memory extension module
+not.ext  ldd   <D.BtSz
+         bsr   I.VBlock   internal verify block routine
+         ldx   <D.SysDAT    get system DAT pointer
+         ldb   $0D,x      get highest allocated block number
+         incb             allocate block 0, too
+         ldx   <D.BlkMap  point to the memory block map
+         lbra  L01DF      and go mark the blocks as used.
+FVBlock  ldd   R$D,u      size of block to verify
+         ldx   R$X,u      start address to verify
+I.VBlock leau  d,x          point to end of bootfile
+         tfr   x,d
+         anda  #$E0
+         clrb  
+         pshs  d,u
+         lsra  
+         lsra  
+         lsra  
+         lsra  
+         ldy   <D.SysDAT    get pointer to system DAT
+         leay  a,y          offset to bootfile
+L092D    ldd   M$ID,x       get module ID
+         cmpd  #M$ID12      legal ID?
+         bne   L0954        no, keep looking
+         ldd   M$Name,x   find name offset pointer
+         pshs  x
+         leax  d,x
+name.prt lda   ,x+        get first character of the name
+         jsr   <D.BtBug   print it out
+         bpl   name.prt
+         lda   #C$SPAC    a space
+         jsr   <D.BtBug
+         puls  x
+         IFNE  H6309
+         ldd   ,s         offset into block
+         subr  d,x        make X=offset into block
+         ELSE
+         tfr   x,d
+         subd  ,s
+         tfr   d,x
+         ENDC
+         tfr   y,d
+         os9   F$VModul 
+         IFNE  H6309
+         ldw   ,s
+         leax  w,x
+         ELSE
+         pshs  b
+         ldd   1,s
+         leax  d,x
+         puls  b
+         ENDC
+         bcc   L094E
+         cmpb  #E$KwnMod
+         bne   L0954
+L094E    ldd   M$Size,x
+         leax  d,x
+         fcb   $8C        skip 2 bytes
+L0954    leax  1,x          move to next byte
+L0956    cmpx  2,s          gone thru whole bootfile?
+         bcs   L092D        no, keep looking
+         leas  4,s          purge stack
+         clrb
+         rts
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/level2/modules/kernel/fssvc.asm	Tue Apr 22 19:35:48 2003 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+* System Call: F$SSVC
+* Function: Allocate a 64 byte memory block
+* Input:  Y = Address of service request init table
+* Output: None
+* Error:  CC = C bit set; B = error code
+FSSvc    ldy    R$Y,u       get pointer to table
+         bra    L037F       start moving
+* Main move loop
+L036D    clra               clear MSB of table offset
+         lslb               multiply function # by 2 to get offset into table
+         tfr    d,u         copy it to U
+         ldd    ,y++        get vector to function handler
+         leax   d,y         offset X from current Y
+         ldd    <D.SysDis   get system dispatch table pointer
+         stx    d,u         save vector into place
+         bcs    L037F       it was a privliged call, skip ahead
+         ldd    <D.UsrDis   get user displat table pointer
+         stx    d,u         save vector into place
+L037F    ldb    ,y+         get callcode
+         cmpb   #$80        done?
+         bne    L036D       no, keep going
+         rts                return
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/level2/modules/kernel/fsswi.asm	Tue Apr 22 19:35:48 2003 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+* System Call: F$SSWI
+* Function: Sets the SWI vector specified for the calling process.
+* Input:  B = SWI vector (1-3) to modify
+*         U = Address of new SWI vector for process
+* Output: None
+* Error:  CC = C bit set; B = error code
+FSSWI    ldx   <D.Proc      get current process
+         ldb   R$A,u        get type code
+         decb               adjust for offset
+         cmpb  #3           legal value?
+         bcc   BadSWI       no, return error
+         lslb               account for 2 bytes entry
+         addb  #P$SWI       go to start of P$SWI pointers
+         ldu   R$X,u        get address
+         stu   b,x          save to descriptor
+         rts                return
+BadSWI   comb
+         ldb   #E$ISWI
+         rts
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/level2/modules/kernel/fstime.asm	Tue Apr 22 19:35:48 2003 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+* System Call: F$STime
+* Function: Set system time
+* Input:  X = Address of time packet:
+*        Offset 0 = Year
+*        Offset 1 = Month
+*        Offset 2 = Day
+*        Offset 3 = Hour
+*        Offset 4 = Minute
+*        Offset 5 = Second
+* Output: System time/date set
+* Error:  CC = C bit set; B = error code
+FSTime   ldx   R$X,u           Get address that user wants time packet
+***         tfr   dp,a            Set MSB of D to direct page
+***         ldb   #D.Time         Offset to Time packet in direct page
+***         tfr   d,u             Point U to it
+         ldu   #D.Time    --- DP=0 always
+         ldy   <D.Proc         Get ptr to process that called us
+         lda   P$Task,y        Get task # from process
+         ldb   <D.SysTsk       Get task # of system process
+         ldy   #6              6 byte packet to move
+         os9   F$Move          Go move it
+         ldx   <D.Proc         Get ptr to process that called us
+         pshs  x               Preserve it
+         ldx   <D.SysPrc       Get ptr to system process
+         stx   <D.Proc         Save as current process
+         lda   #$C1            Link to Clock module
+         leax  L07E3,pc
+         os9   F$Link   
+         puls  x               Get back ptr to user's process
+         stx   <D.Proc         Make it the active process again
+         bcs   L0816           If error in Link, exit with error code
+         jmp   ,y              Jump into Clock
+L0816    rts   
+L07E3    fcs   /Clock/
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/level2/modules/kernel/fsuser.asm	Tue Apr 22 19:35:48 2003 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+* F$User entry point
+FSUser   ldx   <D.Proc      get current process dsc ptr
+         ldd   R$Y,u        get requested user number
+         std   P$User,x     save new user # in process descriptor
+         clrb               no error
+         rts                and return
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/level2/modules/kernel/funlink.asm	Tue Apr 22 19:35:48 2003 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+* System Call: F$UnLink
+* Function: Unlink a module
+* Input:  U = Address of module header
+* Output: None
+* Error:  CC = C bit set; B = error code
+FUnLink  pshs   d,u         preserve register stack pointer and make a buffer
+         ldd    R$U,u       get pointer to module header
+         tfr    d,x         copy it to X
+         lsra               divide MSB by 32 to get DAT block offset
+         lsra
+         lsra
+         lsra
+         lsra
+         sta    ,s          save DAT block offset
+         lbeq   L01D0       zero, can't use so exit
+         ldu    <D.Proc     get pointer to current process
+         leay   P$DATImg,u  point Y to it's DAT image
+         lsla               account for 2 bytes/entry
+         ldd    a,y         get block #
+         ldu    <D.BlkMap   get pointer to system block map
+         IFNE   H6309
+         tim    #ModBlock,d,u   Is memory block a module type?
+         ELSE
+         ldb    d,u
+         bitb   #ModBlock
+         ENDC
+         beq    L01D0       no, exit without error
+         leau   (P$Links-P$DATImg),y  point to block link counts
+         bra    L0161       go unlink block
+L015D    dec    ,s          we done?
+         beq    L01D0       yes, go on
+L0161    ldb    ,s          get current offset
+         lslb               account for 2 bytes entry
+         ldd    b,u         get block link count
+         beq    L015D       already zero, get next one
+         lda    ,s          get block offset
+         lsla               find offset into 64k map by multiplying by 32
+         lsla  
+         lsla  
+         lsla  
+         lsla  
+         clrb  
+         nega  
+         IFNE   H6309
+         addr   d,x
+         ELSE
+         leax   d,x
+         ENDC
+         ldb    ,s          get block offset
+         lslb               account for 2 bytes/entry
+         ldd    b,y         get block #
+         ldu    <D.ModDir   get module directory pointer
+         bra    L0185       go look for it
+* Main module directory search routine
+L017C    leau   MD$ESize,u  move to next module entry
+         cmpu   <D.ModEnd   done entire directory?
+         bhs    L01D0       Yes, exit
+L0185    cmpx   MD$MPtr,u   is module pointer the same?
+         bne    L017C       no, keep looking
+         cmpd   [MD$MPDAT,u] DAT match?
+         bne    L017C       no, keep looking
+* Module is found decrement link count
+*   L0198 - Safe, destroys D immediately
+*   Fall through- safe, destroys D immediately
+*   L01B5 - Seems to be safe
+         ldd    MD$Link,u   get module link count
+         beq    L0198       it's zero, go unlink it
+         IFNE   H6309
+         decd               decrement link count
+         ELSE
+         subd   #$0001
+         ENDC
+         std    MD$Link,u   save it back
+         bne    L01B5       go on
+* Module link count is zero check if he's unlinking a I/O module
+L0198    ldx    2,s         get pointer to register stack
+         ldx    R$U,x       get pointer to module
+         ldd    #M$Type     get offset to module type
+         os9    F$LDDDXY    get module type
+         cmpa   #FlMgr      is it a I/O module?
+         blo    L01B3       no, don't process for I/O
+         os9    F$IODel     device still being used by somebody else?
+         bcc    L01B3       no, go on
+         ldd    MD$Link,u   put the link count back to where it was
+         IFNE   H6309
+         incd
+         ELSE
+         addd   #$0001
+         ENDC
+         std    MD$Link,u
+         bra    L01D1       return error
+* Clear module from memory
+L01B3    bsr    DelMod      delete module from memory & module dir
+L01B5    ldb    ,s          get block
+         lslb               account for 2 bytes/entry
+         leay   b,y         point to block
+         ldd    (P$Links-P$DATImg),y get block link count
+         IFNE   H6309
+         decd               decrement it
+         ELSE
+         subd   #$0001
+         ENDC
+         std    (P$Links-P$DATImg),y save new link count
+         bne    L01D0       not zero, return to user
+* Clear module blocks in process DAT image
+         ldd    MD$MBSiz,u  get block size
+         bsr    L0226       calculate # blocks to delete
+         ldx    #DAT.Free   get DAT free marker
+L01CB    stx    ,y++        save it in DAT image
+         deca               done?
+         bne    L01CB       no, keep going
+L01D0    clrb               clear errors
+L01D1    leas   2,s         purge local data
+         puls   u,pc        restore & return
+* Delete module from module directory & from memory
+* Entry: U=Module directory entry pointer to delete
+* Exit : None
+DelMod   ldx    <D.BlkMap   get pointer to memory block map
+         ldd    [MD$MPDAT,u] get pointer to module DAT image
+         lda    d,x         is block type ROM?
+         bmi    L0225       yes can't delete it, return
+         ldx    <D.ModDir   get pointer to module directory
+L01DF    ldd    [MD$MPDAT,x] get offset to DAT
+         cmpd   [MD$MPDAT,u] match what we're looking for?
+         bne    L01EA       no, keep looking
+         ldd    MD$Link,x   get module link count
+         bne    L0225       not zero, return
+L01EA    leax   MD$ESize,x  move to next module
+         cmpx   <D.ModEnd   at the end?
+         bcs    L01DF       no, keep going
+         ldx    <D.BlkMap   get pointer to block map
+         ldd    MD$MBSiz,u  get memory block size
+         bsr    L0226       calculate # blocks to clear
+         IFNE   H6309
+         pshs   u           Preserve U (faster than original Y below)
+         clrb               Setup for faster block in use clears
+         ldu    MD$MPDAT,u  get pointer to module DAT image
+L01FB    ldw    ,u++        Get first block
+         stb    -2,u        clear it in DAT image
+         stb    -1,u
+         addr   x,w         point to block in block map
+         aim    #^(ModBlock!RAMinUse),,w
+         deca
+         bne    L01FB
+         puls   u           Restore module ptr
+         ELSE
+         pshs  y          save y
+         ldy   MD$MPDAT,u module image ptr
+L01FB    pshs  a,x        save #blocks, ptr
+         ldd   ,y         get block number
+         clr   ,y+        clear the image
+         clr   ,y+
+         leax  d,x        point to blkmap entry
+         ldb   ,x
+         andb  #^(RAMinUse+ModBlock) free block
+         stb   ,x
+         puls  a,x
+         deca             last block done?
+         bne   L01FB, loop
+         puls  y
+         ENDC
+         ldx    <D.ModDir   get module directory pointer
+         ldd    MD$MPDAT,u  get module DAT pointer
+L0216    cmpd   MD$MPDAT,x  match?
+         bne    L021F       no, keep looking
+         clr    MD$MPDAT,x  clear module DAT image pointer
+         clr    MD$MPDAT+1,x
+L021F    leax   MD$ESize,x  point to next module entry
+         cmpx   <D.ModEnd   at the end?
+         blo    L0216       no, keep looking
+L0225    rts                return
+L0226    addd   #$1FFF      round up to nearest block
+         lsra               calculate block # within 64k workspace
+         lsra  
+         lsra  
+         lsra  
+         lsra  
+         rts   
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/level2/modules/kernel/funload.asm	Tue Apr 22 19:35:48 2003 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+* F$UnLoad entry point
+FUnLoad  pshs  u            preserve register stack pointer
+         lda   R$A,u        get module type
+         ldx   <D.Proc      get current process pointer
+         leay  P$DATImg,x   point to DAT image
+         ldx   R$X,u        get pointer to name
+         os9   F$FModul     find it in module directory
+         puls  y            restore register stack pointer
+         bcs   L0A4F        couldn't find it, return error
+         stx   R$X,y        save update name pointer
+         IFNE  H6309
+         ldw   MD$Link,u    get link count
+         beq   L0A21        already 0 check if it's a I/O module
+         decw               subtract 1
+         stw   MD$Link,u    save it back
+         ELSE
+         ldx   MD$Link,u	get module link count
+         beq   L0A21		branch if zero
+         leax  -1,x		else decrement
+         stx   MD$Link,u
+         ENDC
+         bne   L0A4E        not zero, don't remove from memory, return
+* Link count is zero, check if module can be removed from memory
+L0A21    cmpa  #FlMgr       is it a I/O module?
+         blo   L0A4B        no, remove module from memory
+* Special handling for I/O module deletion
+         clra
+         ldx   [MD$MPDAT,u]         get 1st 2 blocks in DAT image of module
+         ldy   <D.SysDAT    get pointer to system DAT image
+L0A2B    adda  #2
+         cmpa  #DAT.ImSz    done entire DAT?
+         bcc   L0A4B        yes, delete the module from memory
+         cmpx  a,y          find block?
+         bne   L0A2B        no, keep looking
+         lsla               multiply by 16 to calculate the offset
+         lsla  
+         lsla  
+         lsla  
+         clrb  
+         addd  MD$MPtr,u    add in the pointer
+         tfr   d,x          copy it to X
+         os9   F$IODel      delete the device from memory
+         bcc   L0A4B        no error, skip ahead
+         IFNE  H6309
+         ldw   MD$Link,u    put link count back
+         incw
+         stw   MD$Link,u
+         ELSE
+         ldx   MD$Link,u    put link count back
+         leax  1,x
+         stx   MD$Link,u
+         ENDC
+         rts                Return with error
+* Delete module from memory
+L0A4B    lbsr  DelMod       Delete module from memory
+L0A4E    clrb               clear errors
+L0A4F    rts                return
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/level2/modules/kernel/fvmodul.asm	Tue Apr 22 19:35:48 2003 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,445 @@
+* System Call: F$VModul
+* Function: Verify a module
+* Input:  X = Address of module to verify
+* Output: U = Address of module directory entry
+* Error:  CC = C bit set; B = error code
+FVModul  pshs   u           preserve register stack pointer
+         ldx    R$X,u       get block offset
+         ldy    R$D,u       get DAT image pointer
+         bsr    L0463       validate it
+         ldx    ,s          get register stack pointer
+         stu    R$U,x       save address of module directory entry
+         puls   u,pc        restore & return
+* Validate module - shortcut for calls within OS9p1 go here (ex. OS9Boot)
+* Entry: X=Module block offset
+*        Y=Module DAT image pointer
+L0463    pshs   x,y         save block offset & DAT Image ptr
+         lbsr   L0586       Go check module ID & header parity
+         bcs    L0495       Error, exit
+         ldd    #M$Type     Get offset to module type
+         lbsr   L0B02       get it
+         andb   #LangMask   Just keep language mask
+         pshs   d           Preserve ??? & language
+         ldd    #M$Name     get offset to module name
+         lbsr   L0B02
+         leax   d,x         Point X to module name
+         puls   a           Restore type/language
+         lbsr   L068D
+         puls   a
+         bcs    L0497
+         IFNE   H6309
+         andb   #$0F
+         subr   a,b
+         ELSE
+         pshs   a
+         andb   #$0F
+         subb   ,s+
+         ENDC
+         blo    L0497         If wrapped, skip ahead
+         ldb    #E$KwnMod
+         fcb    $8C        skip 2 bytes
+L0491    ldb    #E$DirFul
+L0493    orcc   #Carry
+L0495    puls   x,y,pc
+L0497    ldx    ,s
+         lbsr   L0524
+         bcs    L0491
+         sty    ,u
+         stx    MD$MPtr,u
+         IFNE   H6309
+         clrd
+         ELSE
+         clra
+         clrb
+         ENDC
+         std    MD$Link,u
+         ldd    #M$Size     Get offset to size of module
+         lbsr   L0B02
+         IFNE   H6309
+         addr   x,d         Add it to module ptr
+         ELSE
+         pshs   x
+         addd   ,s++
+         ENDC
+         std    MD$MBSiz,u
+         ldy    [MD$MPDAT,u] get pointer to module DAT
+         ldx    <D.ModDir   get module directory pointer
+         pshs   u           save module pointer
+         fcb    $8C        skip 2 bytes
+L04BC    leax   MD$ESize,x  move to next entry
+L04BE    cmpx   <D.ModEnd
+         bcc    L04CD
+         cmpx   ,s          match?
+         beq    L04BC       no, keep looking
+         cmpy   [MD$MPDAT,x] DAT match?
+         bne    L04BC       no, keep looking
+         bsr    L04F2
+L04CD    puls   u
+         ldx    <D.BlkMap    Get ptr to block map
+         ldd    MD$MBSiz,u     Get size of module
+         addd   #$1FFF       Round up to nearest 8K block
+         lsra                Divide by 32
+         lsra
+         lsra
+         lsra
+         lsra
+         ldy    MD$MPDAT,u
+         IFNE   H6309
+         tfr    a,e
+L04DE    ldd    ,y++
+         oim    #ModBlock,d,x
+         dece
+         ELSE
+         pshs   a,x		save block size, blkmap
+L04DE    ldd    ,y++		D = image block #
+         leax   d,x		X = blkmap ptr
+         ldb    ,x		get block marker
+         orb    #ModBlock	set module in block
+         stb    ,x		marker
+         puls   x,a
+         deca			count--
+         ENDC
+         bne    L04DE       no, keep going
+         clrb               clear carry
+         puls   x,y,pc      return
+L04F2    pshs   d,x,y,u
+         ldx    ,x
+         IFNE   H6309
+         tfr    x,w         Dupe to faster index register
+         clrd
+L04FA    ldy    ,w
+         beq    L0503
+         std    ,w++
+         bra    L04FA
+L0503    ldy    2,s
+         ELSE
+         pshs   x
+         clra             D=0000
+         clrb
+L04FA    ldy   ,x         last entry?
+         beq   L0503      ..yes
+         std   ,x++       no, clear
+         bra   L04FA      and loop
+L0503    puls  x
+         ldy    2,s
+         ENDC
+         ldu    MD$MPDAT,u
+         puls   d
+L050C    cmpx   MD$MPDAT,y
+         bne    L051B
+         stu    MD$MPDAT,y
+         cmpd   MD$MBSiz,y
+         bcc    L0519
+         ldd    MD$MBSiz,y
+L0519    std    MD$MBSiz,y
+L051B    leay   MD$ESize,y
+         cmpy   <D.ModEnd
+         bne    L050C
+         puls   x,y,u,pc
+L0524    pshs   x,y,u
+         ldd    #M$Size
+         lbsr   L0B02
+         addd   ,s
+         addd   #$1FFF
+         lsra
+         lsra
+         lsra
+         lsra
+         lsra
+         tfr    a,b
+         pshs   b
+*         incb
+         comb             one byte shorter than incb;lslg;negb
+         lslb
+*         negb
+         sex
+         bsr    L054E
+         bcc    L054C
+         os9    F$GCMDir    get rid of empty slots in module directory
+         IFNE   H6309
+         tfr    0,u
+         ELSE
+         ldu    #$0000
+         ENDC
+         stu    $05,s
+         bsr    L054E
+L054C    puls   b,x,y,u,pc
+L054E    ldx    <D.ModDAT
+         leax   d,x
+         cmpx   <D.ModEnd
+         bcs    L0583
+         ldu    7,s
+         bne    L056E
+         IFEQ   H6309
+         pshs   x
+         ENDC
+         ldy    <D.ModEnd
+         leay   MD$ESize,y
+         IFNE   H6309
+* TODO: Verify order of comparison
+         cmpr   x,y
+         ELSE
+         cmpy   ,s++
+         ENDC
+         bhi    L0583
+         sty    <D.ModEnd
+         leay   -MD$ESize,y
+         sty    $07,s
+L056E    stx    <D.ModDAT
+         IFNE   H6309
+         ldd    $05,s         Get source ptr
+         stx    $05,s
+         ldf    2,s
+         clre
+         rolw
+         tfm    d+,x+
+         stw    ,x            Save 0
+         ELSE
+         ldy   5,s
+         ldb   2,s        B=block count
+         stx   5,s        return dir datimg ptr
+L0577    ldu   ,y++       copy images
+         stu   ,x++       to new mod dat entry
+         decb
+         bne   L0577
+         clr   ,x         zero flag     
+         clr   1,x
+         ENDC
+         rts
+* Default interrupt handling routine on first booting OS9p1
+L0583    orcc  #Carry
+         rts   
+* Check module ID & calculate module header parity & CRC
+* Entry: X=Block offset of module
+*        Y=DAT image pointer of module
+L0586    pshs  x,y          save block offset & DAT pointer
+         IFNE  H6309
+         clrd
+         ELSE
+         clra
+         clrb
+         ENDC
+         lbsr  L0B02        get module ID
+         cmpd  #M$ID12      legal module?
+         beq   L0597        yes, calculate header parity
+         ldb   #E$BMID      get bad module ID error
+         bra   L05F3        return error
+* Calculate module header parity
+L0597    leax  2,x          point to start location of header calc
+         lbsr  AdjBlk0      adjust it for block 0
+         IFNE  H6309
+         ldw   #($4A*256+M$Revs) Get initial value & count (7 bytes of header)
+L05A2    lbsr  LDAXY        get a byte from module
+         eorr  a,e          add it into running parity
+         decf               done full header?
+         bne   L05A2        no, keep going
+         ince               valid parity?
+         ELSE
+         leas  -1,s       make var
+         ldb   #$07       seven bytes
+         lda   #$4A       header crc
+L05A2    sta   ,s         save crc
+         lbsr  LDAXY      get next byte
+         eora  ,s         do crc      
+         decb             more?
+         bne   L05A2      ..loop
+         leas  1,s        drop var
+         inca             $FF+1 = 00
+         ENDC
+         beq   L05B5        yes, skip ahead
+         ldb   #E$BMHP      get module header parity error
+         bra   L05F3        return with error
+L05B5    puls  x,y          restore module pointer & DAT pointer
+* this checks if the module CRC checking is on or off
+         lda   <D.CRC       is CRC checking on?
+         bne   L05BA        yes - go check it
+         IFNE  H6309
+         clrd               no, clear out
+         ELSE
+         clra
+         clrb
+         ENDC
+         rts                and return
+* Begin checking Module CRC
+* Entry: X=Module pointer
+*        Y=DAT image pointer of module
+L05BA    ldd   #M$Size      get offset to module size
+         lbsr  L0B02        get module size
+         IFNE  H6309
+         tfr   d,w          move length to W
+         pshs  y,x          preserve [X]=Buffer pointer,[Y]=DAT pointer
+         ELSE
+         pshs  y,x,b,a      preserve [X]=Buffer pointer,[Y]=DAT pointer
+         ENDC
+         ldd   #$FFFF       initial CRC value of $FFFFFF
+         pshs  d            set up local 24 bit variable
+         pshs  b
+         lbsr  AdjBlk0      adjust module pointer into block 0 for mapping
+         leau  ,s           point to CRC accumulator
+* Loop: W=# bytes left to use in CRC calc
+L05CB    equ   *
+         IFNE  H6309
+         tstf               on 256 byte boundary?
+         ELSE
+         tstb
+         ENDC
+         bne   L05D8        no, keep going
+         pshs  x            give up some time to system
+         ldx   #1
+         os9   F$Sleep  
+         puls  x            restore module pointer
+L05D8    lbsr  LDAXY        get a byte from module into A
+         bsr   CRCCalc      add it to running CRC
+         IFNE  H6309
+         decw               Dec # bytes left to calculate CRC with
+         ELSE
+         ldd   3,s
+         subd  #$0001
+         std   3,s
+         ENDC
+         bne   L05CB        Still more, continue
+         IFNE  H6309
+         puls  b,x          yes, restore CRC
+         ELSE
+         puls  b,x,y        yes, restore CRC
+         ENDC
+         cmpb  #CRCCon1     CRC MSB match constant?
+         bne   L05F1        no, exit with error
+         cmpx  #CRCCon23    LSW match constant?
+         beq   L05F5        yes, skip ahead
+L05F1    ldb   #E$BMCRC     Bad Module CRC error
+L05F3    orcc  #Carry       Set up for error
+L05F5    puls  x,y,pc       exit
+* Calculate 24 bit CRC
+* Entry: A=Byte to add to CRC
+*        U=Pointer to 24 bit CRC accumulator
+* Future reference note: Do not use W unless preserved, contains module
+*                        byte counts from routines that come here!!
+CRCCalc  eora  ,u
+         pshs  a
+         ldd   1,u
+         std   ,u
+         clra  
+         ldb   ,s
+         IFNE  H6309
+         lsld
+         ELSE
+         aslb
+         rola
+         ENDC
+         eora  1,u
+         std   1,u
+         clrb  
+         lda   ,s
+         IFNE  H6309
+         lsrd
+         lsrd
+         eord  1,u
+         ELSE
+         lsra
+         rorb
+         lsra
+         rorb
+         eora  1,u
+         eorb  2,u
+         ENDC
+         std   1,u
+         lda   ,s
+         lsla  
+         eora  ,s
+         sta   ,s
+         lsla  
+         lsla  
+         eora  ,s
+         sta   ,s
+         lsla  
+         lsla  
+         lsla  
+         lsla  
+         eora  ,s+
+         bpl   L0635
+         IFNE  H6309
+         eim   #$80,,u
+         eim   #$21,2,u
+         ELSE
+         ldd   #$8021
+         eora  ,u
+         sta   ,u
+         eorb  2,u
+         stb   2,u
+         ENDC
+L0635    rts   
+* System Call: F$CRC
+* Function: Compute CRC
+* Input:  X = Address to start computation
+*         Y = Byte count
+*         U = Address of 3 byte CRC accumulator
+* Output: CRC accumulator is updated
+* Error:  CC = C bit set; B = error code
+FCRC     ldd   R$Y,u        get # bytes to do
+         beq   L0677        nothing there, so nothing to do, return
+         ldx   R$X,u        get caller's buffer pointer
+         pshs  d,x          save # bytes & buffer pointer
+         leas  -3,s         allocate a 3 byte buffer
+         ldx   <D.Proc      point to current process descriptor
+         lda   P$Task,x     get its task number
+         ldb   <D.SysTsk    get the system task number 
+         ldx   R$U,u        point to user's 24 bit CRC accumulator
+         ldy   #3           number of bytes to move 
+         leau  ,s           point to our temp buffer
+         pshs  d,x,y        save [D]=task #'s,[X]=Buff,[Y]=3
+         lbsr  L0B2C        move CRC accumulator to temp buffer
+         ldx   <D.Proc      point to current process descriptor
+         leay  <P$DATImg,x  point to its DAT image
+         ldx   11,s         restore the buffer pointer
+         lbsr  AdjBlk0      make callers buffer visible
+         IFNE  H6309
+         ldw   9,s          get byte count
+         ENDC
+L065D    lbsr  LDAXY        get byte from callers buffer
+         bsr   CRCCalc      add it to CRC
+         IFNE  H6309
+         decw               done?
+         ELSE
+         ldd   9,s
+         subd  #$0001
+         std   9,s
+         ENDC
+         bne   L065D        no, keep going
+         puls  d,x,y        restore pointers
+         exg   a,b          swap around the task numbers 
+         exg   x,u          and the pointers
+         lbsr  L0B2C        move accumulator back to user
+         leas  7,s          clean up stack
+L0677    clrb               no error
+         rts   
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/level2/modules/kernel/krn.asm	Tue Apr 22 19:35:48 2003 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,946 @@
+* OS9p1 - NitrOS-9 kernel
+* $Id$
+* Ed.    Comments                                       Who YY/MM/DD
+* ------------------------------------------------------------------
+* 19r6   Assembles to the os9p1 module that works on    BGP 02/08/21
+*        my NitrOS-9 system
+* 19r7   Added check for CRC feature bit in init module BGP 02/09/26
+         nam   OS9p1
+         ttl   NitrOS-9 kernel
+         IFP1
+         use   defsfile
+         ENDC
+* defines for customizations
+Revision set   7          module revision
+Edition  set   19         module Edition
+Where    equ   $F000      absolute address of where OS9p1 starts in memory
+         mod   eom,MName,Systm,ReEnt+Revision,OS9P1,0
+MName    fcs   /OS9p1/
+         fcb   Edition 
+* FILL - all unused bytes are now here
+         fcc   /0123456789ABCDEF/
+         fcc   /0123456789ABCDEF/
+         fcc   /0123456789ABCDEF/
+         fcc   /01234567/
+* Might as well have this here as just past the end of OS9p1...
+DisTable fdb   L0CD2+Where   D.Clock absolute address at the start
+         fdb   XSWI3+Where   D.XSWI3
+         fdb   XSWI2+Where   D.XSWI2
+         fdb   D.Crash       D.XFIRQ crash on an FIRQ
+         fdb   XIRQ+Where    D.XIRQ
+         fdb   XSWI+Where    D.XSWI
+         fdb   D.Crash       D.XNMI crash on an NMI
+         fdb   $0055         D.ErrRst ??? Not used as far as I can tell
+         fdb   Sys.Vec+Where Initial OS9p1 system call vector
+DisSize  equ   *-DisTable
+* DO NOT ADD ANYTHING BETWEEN THESE 2 TABLES: see code using 'SubSiz', below
+LowSub   equ   $0160      start of low memory subroutines
+SubStrt  equ   *
+* D.Flip0 - switch to system task 0
+R.Flip0  equ   *
+         IFNE  H6309
+         aim   #$FE,<D.TINIT  map type 0
+         lde   <D.TINIT   'nother 2 bytes saved if GRFDRV does a 'tfr cc,e'
+         ste   >DAT.Task   and we can use A here, instead of E
+         ELSE
+         pshs  a
+         lda   <D.TINIT
+         anda  #$FE
+         sta   <D.TINIT
+         sta   >DAT.Task
+         puls  a
+         ENDC
+         clr   <D.SSTskN
+         tfr   x,s
+         tfr   a,cc
+         rts   
+SubSiz   equ   *-SubStrt
+* Don't add any code here: See L0065, below.
+* Interrupt service routine
+L0271    jmp    [<-(D.SWI3-D.XSWI3),x]   (-$10) (Jmp to 2ndary vector)
+* Let's start by initializing system page
+OS9P1    equ    *
+         IFNE   H6309
+         ldq    #$01001f00  Start address to clear & # bytes to clear
+         leay   <OS9P1+2,pc Point to a 0
+         tfm    y,d+
+         ELSE
+         ldx    #$100
+         ldy    #8192-$100
+         clra
+         clrb
+L001C    std    ,x++
+         leay   -2,y
+         bne    L001C
+         inca
+         inca
+         ENDC
+* Setup system direct page variables
+         std    <D.CCStk    Set pointer to top of global memory to $2000
+         lda    #$01        set task user table to $0100
+         std    <D.Tasks
+         addb   #$20        set Task image table to $0120
+         std    <D.TskIPt
+         clrb               set memory block map to $0200
+         inca
+         std    <D.BlkMap
+         addb   #$40        set second block map to $0240
+         std    <D.BlkMap+2
+         clrb               set system service dispatch table to $0300
+         inca
+         std    <D.SysDis
+         inca               set user dispatch table to $0400
+         std    <D.UsrDis
+         inca               set process descriptor block to $0500
+         std    <D.PrcDBT
+         inca               set system process descriptor to $0600
+         std    <D.SysPrc
+         std    <D.Proc     set user process descriptor to $0600
+         adda   #$02        set stack pointer to $0800
+         tfr    d,s
+         inca               set system stack to $0900
+         std    <D.SysStk
+         std    <D.SysMem   set system memory map ptr $0900
+         inca               set module directory start to $0a00
+         std    <D.ModDir
+         std    <D.ModEnd   set module directory end to $0a00
+         adda   #$06        set secondary module directory start to $1000
+         std    <D.ModDir+2
+         std    <D.ModDAT   set module directory DAT pointer to $1000
+         std    <D.CCMem    set pointer to beggining of global memory to $1000
+* In following line, CRC=ON if it is STA <D.CRC, CRC=OFF if it is a STB <D.CRC
+         stb    <D.CRC      set CRC checking flag to off
+* Initialize interrupt vector tables
+         leay  <DisTable,pcr point to table of absoulte vector addresses
+         ldx   #D.Clock   where to put it in memory
+         IFNE  H6309
+         ldf   #DisSize   size of the table - E=0 from TFM, above
+         tfm   y+,x+      move it over
+         ELSE
+         ldb   #DisSize
+LoopCopy lda   ,y+
+         sta   ,x+
+         decb
+         bne   LoopCopy
+         ENDC
+* initialize D.Flip0 routine in low memory
+* Y=ptr to R.Flip0 already
+*         leay  >R.Flip0,pc
+         ldu   #LowSub    somewhere in block 0 that's never modified
+         stu   <D.Flip0   switch to system task 0
+         IFNE  H6309
+         ldf   #SubSiz    size of it
+         tfm   y+,u+      copy it over
+         ELSE
+         ldb   #SubSiz
+Loop2    lda   ,y+
+         sta   ,u+
+         decb
+         bne   Loop2
+         ENDC
+*         leau   <L0271,pc   point to vector
+         tfr   y,u        move the pointer to a faster register
+L0065    stu    ,x++        Set all IRQ vectors to go to L0271 for now
+         cmpx   #D.NMI
+         bls    L0065
+* Initialize user interupt vectors
+         ldx   <D.XSWI2     Get SWI2 (os9 command) service routine pointer
+         stx   <D.UsrSvc    Save it as user service routine pointer
+         ldx   <D.XIRQ      Get IRQ service routine pointer
+         stx   <D.UsrIRQ    Save it as user IRQ routine pointer
+         leax  >L0316,pc    Setup System service routine entry vector
+         stx   <D.SysSvc
+         stx   <D.XSWI2
+         leax  >L0E12,pc    Setup system IRQ service vector
+         stx   <D.SysIRQ
+         stx   <D.XIRQ
+         leax  >L0E45,pc    Setup in system IRQ service vector
+         stx   <D.SvcIRQ
+         leax  >L0583,pc    Setup interrupt polling vector
+         stx   <D.Poll    ORCC #$01;RTS
+         leax  >L0E44,pc    Setup alternate IRQ vector: pts to an RTS
+         stx   <D.AltIRQ
+         lda   #'1        --- in OS9p1
+         jsr   <D.BtBug   ---
+         leax  >L0E7D,pc    Setup change to task 1 vector
+         stx   <D.Flip1
+* Setup System calls
+         leay  >L0200,pc
+         lbsr  L037F
+* Initialize system process descriptor
+         ldu   <D.PrcDBT    get process table pointer
+         ldx   <D.SysPrc    get system process pointer
+* These overlap because it is quicker than trying to strip hi byte from X
+         stx   ,u           save it as first process in table
+         stx   1,u          save it as the second as well
+         IFNE  H6309
+         oim   #$01,P$ID,x  Set process ID to 1 (inited to 0)
+         oim   #SysState,P$State,x  Set to system state (inited to 0)
+         ELSE
+         ldd   #$01*256+SysState
+         sta   P$ID,x
+         stb   P$State,x
+         ENDC
+         clra               System task is task #0
+         sta   <D.SysTsk
+         sta   P$Task,x
+         coma               Setup its priority & age ($FF)
+         sta   P$Prior,x
+         sta   P$Age,x
+         leax  <P$DATImg,x  point to DAT image
+         stx   <D.SysDAT    save it as a pointer in DP
+* actually, since block 0 is tfm'd to be zero, we can skip the next 2 lines
+         IFNE  H6309
+         clrd
+         ELSE
+         clra
+         clrb
+         ENDC
+         std   ,x++         initialize 1st block to 0 (for this DP)
+         lda   #$06       initialize the rest of the blocks to be free
+         ldu   #DAT.Free
+L00EF    stu   ,x++
+         deca
+         bne   L00EF
+         ldu   #$003F      Block $3F is in use, at the top of system DAT image
+         stu    ,x
+         ldx   <D.Tasks     Point to task user table
+         inc   ,x           mark first 2 in use (system & GrfDrv)
+         inc   1,x
+* Setup system memory map
+         ldx   <D.SysMem    Get system memory map pointer
+         ldb   <D.CCStk     Get MSB of top of CC memory
+L0104    inc   ,x+          Mark it as used
+         decb               Done?
+         bne   L0104        No, go back till done
+* Calculate memory size
+         ldx   <D.BlkMap    get ptr to 8k block map
+         inc   <$3F,x       mark block $3F as used (kernel)
+         IFNE  H6309
+         ldq   #$00080100   e=Marker, D=Block # to check
+L0111    asld               get next block #
+         stb   >$FFA5       Map block into block 6 of my task
+         ste   >-$6000,x    save marker to that block
+         cmpe  ,x           did it ghost to block 0?
+         bne   L0111        No, keep going till ghost is found
+         stb    <D.MemSz    Save # 8k mem blocks that exist
+         addr   x,d         add number of blocks to block map start
+         std    <D.BlkMap+2 save block map end pointer
+         ELSE
+         ldd    #$0008
+L0111    rolb
+         lsla
+         stb    >$FFA5
+         pshs   a
+         lda    #$01
+         sta    >-$6000,x
+         cmpa   ,x
+         beq    L0112
+         puls   a
+         bra    L0111
+L0112    stb    <D.MemSz
+         pshs   x
+         addd   ,s++
+         std    <D.BlkMap+2
+         ENDC
+* [D] at this point will contain 1 of the following:
+* $0010 - 128k
+* $0020 - 256k
+* $0040 - 512k
+* $0080 - 1024k
+* $0100 - 2048k
+         bitb  #%00110000   block above 128K-256K?
+         beq   L0170        yes, no need to mark block map
+         tstb               2 meg?
+         beq   L0170        yes, skip this
+* Mark blocks from 128k-256K to block $3F as NOT RAM
+         abx                add maximum block number to block map start
+         leax  -1,x         Skip good blocks that are RAM
+         lda   #NotRAM      Not RAM flag
+         subb  #$3F         Calculate # blocks to mark as not RAM
+L0127    sta   ,x+          Mark them all
+         decb
+         bne   L0127
+L0170    ldx   #Bt.Start  start address of the boot track in memory
+         lda   #$12       size of the boot track: B=$00 from L0127 loop, above
+         lbsr  I.VBlock   go verify it
+         bsr   L01D2       go mark system map
+* See if init module is in memory already
+L01B0    leax  <init,pc    point to 'Init' module name
+         bsr   link        try & link it
+         bcc   L01BF       no error, go on
+L01B8    os9   F$Boot      error linking init, try & load boot file
+         bcc   L01B0       got it, try init again
+         bra   L01CE       error, re-booting do D.Crash
+* Save pointer to init module and execute os9p2
+L01BF    stu   <D.Init     Save init module pointer
+         lda   Feature1,u  Get feature byte #1 from init module
+         bita  #CRCOn      CRC feature on?
+         beq   ShowI       if not, continue
+         inc   <D.CRC      else inc. CRC flag
+ShowI    lda   #'i         found init module
+         jsr   <D.BtBug
+L01C1    leax  <os9p2,pc   Point to it's name
+         bsr   link        Try to link it
+         bcc   L01D0       It worked, execute it
+         os9   F$Boot      It doesn't exist try re-booting
+         bcc   L01C1       No error's, let's try to link it again
+L01CE    jmp   <D.Crash    obviously can't do it, crash machine
+L01D0    jmp   ,y          execute os9p2
+* Mark kernel in system memory map as used memory (256 byte blocks)
+L01D2    ldx   <D.SysMem   Get system mem ptr
+         ldd   #NotRAM*256+$ED  $ED00 is the start of the boot
+         abx                point to Bt.Start - start of boot track
+         comb             we have $FF-$ED pages to mark as used
+         sta   b,x         Mark I/O as not RAM
+L01DF    lda   #RAMinUse   get in use flag
+L01E1    sta   ,x+         save it
+         decb               done?
+         bne   L01E1       no, keep going
+         ldx   <D.BlkMap   get pointer to start of block map
+         sta   <$3f,x      mark kernel block as RAMinUse, instead of ModInBlk
+L0E44    rts                return
+* Link module pointed to by X
+link     lda   #Systm      Attempt to link system module
+         os9   F$Link   
+         rts
+init     fcs   'Init'
+os9p2    fcs   'OS9p2'
+* Service vector call pointers
+L0200    fcb   F$Link
+         fdb   FLink-*-2
+         fcb   F$PrsNam
+         fdb   FPrsNam-*-2
+         fcb   F$CmpNam
+         fdb   FCmpNam-*-2
+         fcb   F$CmpNam+SysState
+         fdb   FSCmpNam-*-2
+         fcb   F$CRC
+         fdb   FCRC-*-2
+         fcb   F$SRqMem+SysState
+         fdb   FSRqMem-*-2
+         fcb   F$SRtMem+SysState
+         fdb   FSRtMem-*-2
+         fcb   F$AProc+SysState
+         fdb   FAProc-*-2
+         fcb   F$NProc+SysState
+         fdb   FNProc-*-2
+         fcb   F$VModul+SysState
+         fdb   FVModul-*-2
+         fcb   F$SSvc+SysState
+         fdb   FSSvc-*-2
+         fcb   F$SLink+SysState
+         fdb   FSLink-*-2
+         fcb   F$Boot+SysState
+         fdb   FBoot-*-2
+         fcb   F$BtMem+SysState
+         fdb   FSRqMem-*-2
+         IFNE  H6309
+         fcb   F$CpyMem      Now here in OS9P1
+         fdb   FCpyMem-*-2
+         ENDC
+         fcb   F$Move+SysState
+         fdb   FMove-*-2
+         fcb   F$AllRam
+         fdb   FAllRam-*-2
+         fcb   F$AllImg+SysState
+         fdb   FAllImg-*-2
+         fcb   F$SetImg+SysState
+         fdb   FFreeLB-*-2
+         fcb   F$FreeLB+SysState
+         fdb   FSFreeLB-*-2
+         fcb   F$FreeHB+SysState
+         fdb   FFreeHB-*-2
+         fcb   F$AllTsk+SysState
+         fdb   FAllTsk-*-2
+         fcb   F$DelTsk+SysState
+         fdb   FDelTsk-*-2
+         fcb   F$SetTsk+SysState
+         fdb   FSetTsk-*-2
+         fcb   F$ResTsk+SysState
+         fdb   FResTsk-*-2
+         fcb   F$RelTsk+SysState
+         fdb   FRelTsk-*-2
+         fcb   F$DATLog+SysState
+         fdb   FDATLog-*-2
+         fcb   F$LDAXY+SysState
+         fdb   FLDAXY-*-2
+         fcb   F$LDDDXY+SysState
+         fdb   FLDDDXY-*-2
+         fcb   F$LDABX+SysState
+         fdb   FLDABX-*-2
+         fcb   F$STABX+SysState
+         fdb   FSTABX-*-2
+         fcb   F$ELink+SysState
+         fdb   FELink-*-2
+         fcb   F$FModul+SysState
+         fdb   FFModul-*-2
+         fcb   F$AlHRam+SysState
+         fdb   FAlHRam-*-2
+         fcb   F$VBlock+SysState
+         fdb   FVBlock-*-2
+         fcb   F$DelRAM
+         fdb   FDelRAM-*-2
+         fcb   $80
+* SWI3 vector entry
+XSWI3    lda   #P$SWI3    point to SWI3 vector
+         fcb   $8C        skip 2 bytes
+* SWI vector entry
+XSWI     lda   #P$SWI     point to SWI vector
+         ldx   <D.Proc     get process pointer
+         ldu   a,x         user defined SWI[x]?
+         beq   L028E       no, go get option byte
+GoUser   lbra  L0E5E       Yes, go call users's routine
+* SWI2 vector entry
+XSWI2    ldx    <D.Proc     get current process descriptor
+         ldu    P$SWI2,x    any SWI vector?
+         bne    GoUser      yes, go execute it
+* Process software interupts from a user state
+* Entry: X=Process descriptor pointer of process that made system call
+*        U=Register stack pointer
+L028E    ldu    <D.SysSvc   set system call processor to system side
+         stu    <D.XSWI2
+         ldu    <D.SysIRQ   do the same thing for IRQ's
+         stu    <D.XIRQ
+         IFNE   H6309
+         oim    #SysState,P$State,x   mark process as in system state
+         ELSE
+         pshs   d
+         lda    P$State,x
+         ora    #SysState
+         sta    P$State,x
+         ENDC
+* copy register stack to process descriptor
+         sts    P$SP,x      save stack pointer
+         leas   (P$Stack-R$Size),x point S to register stack destination
+         leau   R$Size-1,s  point to last byte of destination register stack
+         leay  -1,y       point to caller's register stack in $FEE1
+         IFNE  H6309
+         ldw   #R$Size    size of the register stack
+         tfm   y-,u-
+         ELSE
+         ldb   #R$Size
+Loop3    lda   ,y-
+         sta   ,u-
+         decb
+         bne   Loop3
+         puls  d
+         ENDC
+         andcc #^IntMasks
+         leau  ,s         needed because the TFM is u-, not -u (post, not pre)
+* B=function code already from calling process: DON'T USE IT!
+         ldx    R$PC,u      get where PC was from process
+         leax   1,x         move PC past option
+         stx    R$PC,u      save updated PC to process
+* execute function call
+         ldy    <D.UsrDis   get user dispatch table pointer
+         lbsr   L033B       go execute option
+         IFNE   H6309
+         aim    #^IntMasks,R$CC,u   Clear interrupt flags in caller's CC
+         ELSE
+         lda    R$CC,u
+         anda   #^IntMasks
+         sta    R$CC,u
+         ENDC
+         ldx    <D.Proc     get current process ptr
+         IFNE   H6309
+         aim    #^(SysState+TimOut),P$State,x  Clear system & timeout flags
+         ELSE
+         lda    P$State,x
+         anda   #^(SysState+TimOut)
+         sta    P$State,x
+         ENDC
+* Check for image change now, which lets stuff like F$MapBlk and F$ClrBlk
+* do the short-circuit thing, too.  Adds about 20 cycles to each system call.
+         lbsr  TstImg     it doesn't hurt to call this twice
+         lda   P$State,x  get current state of the process
+         ora   <P$Signal,x is there a pending signal?
+         sta   <D.Quick   save quick return flag
+         beq   AllClr     if nothing's have changed, do full checks
+DoFull   bsr   L02DA      move the stack frame back to user state
+         lbra  L0D80      go back to the process
+* add ldu P$SP,x, etc...
+AllClr   inc   <D.QCnt
+         IFNE  H6309
+         aim   #$1F,<D.QCnt
+         beq   DoFull     ever 32 system calls, do the full check
+         ldw   #R$Size    --- size of the register stack
+         ldy   #Where+SWIStack  --- to stack at top of memory
+         orcc  #IntMasks
+         tfm   u+,y+      --- move the stack to the top of memory
+         ELSE
+         lda   <D.QCnt
+         anda  #$1F
+         sta   <D.QCnt
+         beq   DoFull
+         ldb   #R$Size
+         ldy   #Where+SWIStack
+         orcc  #IntMasks
+Loop4    lda   ,u+
+         sta   ,y+
+         decb
+         bne   Loop4
+         ENDC
+         lbra  BackTo1    otherwise simply return to the user
+* Copy register stack from user to system
+* Entry: U=Ptr to Register stack in process dsc
+L02CB    pshs   cc,x,y,u    preserve registers
+         ldb    P$Task,x    get task #
+         ldx    P$SP,x      get stack pointer
+         lbsr   L0BF3       calculate block offset (only affects A&X)
+         leax   -$6000,x    adjust pointer to where memory map will be
+         bra    L02E9       go copy it
+* Copy register stack from system to user
+* Entry: U=Ptr to Register stack in process dsc
+L02DA    pshs   cc,x,y,u    preserve registers
+         ldb    P$Task,x    get task # of destination
+         ldx    P$SP,x      get stack pointer
+         lbsr   L0BF3       calculate block offset (only affects A&X)
+         leax   -$6000,x    adjust pointer to where memory map will be
+         exg    x,y         swap pointers & copy
+* Copy a register stack
+* Entry: X=Source
+*        Y=Destination
+*        A=Offset into DAT image of stack
+*        B=Task #
+L02E9    leau   a,u         point to block # of where stack is
+         lda    1,u         get first block
+         ldb    3,u         get a second just in case of overlap
+         orcc   #IntMasks   shutdown interupts while we do this
+         std    >$FFA5      map blocks in
+         IFNE   H6309
+         ldw    #R$Size     get size of register stack
+         tfm    x+,y+       copy it
+         ELSE
+         ldb    #R$Size
+Loop5    lda    ,x+
+         sta    ,y+
+         decb
+         bne    Loop5
+         ENDC
+         ldx    <D.SysDAT   remap the blocks we took out
+         lda    $0B,x
+         ldb    $0D,x
+         std    >$FFA5
+         puls   cc,x,y,u,pc restore & return
+* Process software interupts from system state
+* Entry: U=Register stack pointer
+L0316    leau   ,s          get pointer to register stack
+         lda    <D.SSTskN   Get system task # (0=SYSTEM, 1=GRFDRV)
+         clr    <D.SSTskN   Force to System Process
+         pshs   a           Save the system task number
+         lda    ,u          Restore callers CC register (R$CC=$00)
+         tfr    a,cc        make it current
+         ldx    R$PC,u      Get my caller's PC register
+         leax   1,x         move PC to next position
+         stx    R$PC,u      Save my caller's updated PC register
+         ldy    <D.SysDis   get system dispatch table pointer
+         bsr    L033B       execute system call
+         puls   a           restore system state task number
+         lbra   L0E2B       return to process
+* Entry: X = system call vector to jump to
+Sys.Vec  jmp    ,x          execute service call
+* Execute system call
+* Entry: B=Function call #
+*        Y=Function dispatch table pointer (D.SysDis or D.UsrDis)
+L033B    lslb               is it a I/O call? (Also multiplys by 2 for offset)
+         bcc    L0345       no, go get normal vector
+* Execute I/O system calls
+         ldx    IOEntry,y   get IOMan vector
+* Execute the system call
+L034F    pshs   u           preserve register stack pointer
+         jsr   [D.SysVec]   perform a vectored system call
+         puls   u           restore pointer
+L0355    tfr    cc,a        move CC to A for stack update
+         bcc    L035B       go update it if no error from call
+         stb    R$B,u       save error code to caller's B
+L035B    ldb    ,u          get callers CC, R$CC=$00
+         IFNE   H6309
+         andd   #$2FD0      [A]=H,N,Z,V,C [B]=E,F,I
+         orr    b,a         merge them together
+         ELSE
+         anda   #$2F        [A]=H,N,Z,V,C
+         andb   #$D0        [B]=E,F,I
+         pshs   b
+         ora    ,s+
+         ENDC
+         sta    ,u          return it to caller, R$CC=$00
+         rts
+* Execute regular system calls
+L0345    clra               clear MSB of offset
+         ldx    d,y         get vector to call
+         bne    L034F       it's initialized, go execute it
+         comb               set carry for error
+         ldb    #E$UnkSvc   get error code
+         bra    L0355       return with it
+         use   freboot.asm
+         use   fssvc.asm
+         use   flink.asm
+         use   fvmodul.asm
+         use   ffmodul.asm
+         use   fprsnam.asm
+         use   fcmpnam.asm
+         use   fsrqmem.asm
+         use   fallram.asm
+         use   fdelram.asm
+         use   fallimg.asm
+         use   ffreehb.asm
+         use   fdatlog.asm
+         use   fld.asm
+         use   fcpymem.asm
+         use   fmove.asm
+         use   fldabx.asm
+         use   falltsk.asm
+         use   faproc.asm
+* System IRQ service routine
+XIRQ     ldx   <D.Proc     get current process pointer
+         sts   P$SP,x      save the stack pointer
+         lds   <D.SysStk   get system stack pointer
+         ldd   <D.SysSvc   set system service routine to current
+         std   <D.XSWI2
+         ldd   <D.SysIRQ   set system IRQ routine to current
+         std   <D.XIRQ
+         jsr   [>D.SvcIRQ] execute irq service
+         bcc   L0D5B
+         ldx   <D.Proc     get current process pointer
+         ldb   P$Task,x
+         ldx   P$SP,x      get it's stack pointer
+         pshs  u,d,cc     save some registers
+         leau  ,s         point to a 'caller register stack'
+         lbsr  L0C40      do a LDB 0,X in task B
+         puls  u,d,cc     and now A ( R$A,U ) = the CC we want
+         ora   #IntMasks   disable it's IRQ's
+         lbsr  L0C28       save it back
+L0D5B    orcc  #IntMasks   shut down IRQ's
+         ldx   <D.Proc     get current process pointer
+         tst   <D.QIRQ    was it a clock IRQ?
+         lbne  L0DF7      if not, do a quick return
+         lda   P$State,x   Get it's state
+         bita  #TimOut     Is it timed out?
+         bne   L0D7C       yes, wake it up
+* Update active process queue
+         ldu   #(D.AProcQ-P$Queue) point to active process queue
+         ldb   #Suspend    get suspend flag
+L0D6A    ldu   P$Queue,u   get a active process pointer
+         beq   L0D78
+         bitb  P$State,u   is it suspended?
+         bne   L0D6A       yes, go to next one in chain
+         ldb   P$Prior,x   get current process priority
+         cmpb  P$Prior,u   do we bump this one?
+         blo   L0D7C
+L0D78    ldu   P$SP,x
+         bra   L0DB9
+L0D7C    anda  #^TimOut
+         sta   P$State,x
+L0D80    equ   *
+L0D83    bsr   L0D11       activate next process
+         use   fnproc.asm
+* The following routines must appear no earlier than $E00 when assembled, as
+* they have to always be in the vector RAM page ($FE00-$FEFF)
+* Default routine for D.SysIRQ
+L0E12    lda   <D.SSTskN      Get current task's GIME task # (0 or 1)
+         beq   FastIRQ        Use super-fast version for system state
+         clr   <D.SSTskN      Clear out memory copy (task 0)
+         jsr   [>D.SvcIRQ]    (Normally routine in Clock calling D.Poll)
+         inc   <D.SSTskN      Save task # for system state
+         lda   #1             Task 1
+         ora   <D.TINIT       Merge task bit's into Shadow version
+         sta   <D.TINIT       Update shadow
+         sta   >DAT.Task      Save to GIME as well & return
+         bra   DoneIRQ        Check for error and exit
+FastIRQ  jsr   [>D.SvcIRQ]    (Normally routine in Clock calling D.Poll)
+DoneIRQ  bcc   L0E28          No error on IRQ, exit
+         IFNE  H6309
+         oim   #IntMasks,0,s  Setup RTI to shut interrupts off again
+         ELSE
+         lda   ,s
+         ora   #IntMasks
+         sta   ,s
+         ENDC
+L0E28    rti
+* return from a system call
+L0E29    clra                Force System task # to 0 (non-GRDRV)
+L0E2B    ldx   <D.SysPrc     Get system process dsc. ptr
+         lbsr  TstImg        check image, and F$SetTsk (PRESERVES A)
+         orcc  #IntMasks     Shut interrupts off
+         sta   <D.SSTskN     Save task # for system state
+         beq   Fst2          If task 0, skip subroutine
+         ora   <D.TINIT      Merge task bit's into Shadow version
+         sta   <D.TINIT      Update shadow
+         sta   >DAT.Task     Save to GIME as well & return
+Fst2     leas  ,u            Stack ptr=U & return
+         rti
+* Switch to new process, X=Process descriptor pointer, U=Stack pointer
+L0E4C    equ    *
+         IFNE   H6309
+         oim    #$01,<D.TINIT switch GIME shadow to user state
+         lda    <D.TINIT
+         ELSE
+         lda    <D.TINIT
+         ora    #$01
+         sta    <D.TINIT
+         ENDC
+         sta    >DAT.Task  save it to GIME
+         leas   ,y          point to new stack
+         tstb             is the stack at SWISTACK?
+         bne   MyRTI      no, we're doing a system-state rti
+         IFNE  H6309
+         ldf   #R$Size    E=0 from call to L0E8D before
+         ldu   #Where+SWIStack point to the stack
+         tfm   u+,y+      move the stack from top of memory to user memory
+         ELSE
+         ldb   #R$Size
+RtiLoop  lda   ,u+
+         sta   ,y+
+         decb
+         bne   RtiLoop
+         ENDC
+MyRTI    rti                return from IRQ
+* Execute routine in task 1 pointed to by U
+* comes from user requested SWI vectors
+L0E5E    equ    *
+         IFNE   H6309
+         oim    #$01,<D.TINIT switch GIME shadow to user state
+         ldb    <D.TINIT
+         ELSE
+         ldb    <D.TINIT
+         orb    #$01
+         stb    <D.TINIT
+         ENDC
+         stb    >DAT.Task
+         jmp    ,u
+* Flip to task 1 (used by GRF/WINDInt to switch to GRFDRV) (pointed to 
+*  by <D.Flip1). All regs are already preserved on stack for the RTI
+L0E7D    ldb    #2          get Task image entry numberx2 for Grfdrv (task 1)
+         bsr    L0E8D       copy over the DAT image
+         IFNE   H6309
+         oim    #$01,<D.TINIT
+         lda    <D.TINIT    get copy of GIME Task side
+         ELSE
+         lda    <D.TINIT
+         ora    #$01
+         sta    <D.TINIT
+         ENDC
+         sta    >DAT.Task   save it to GIME register
+         inc    <D.SSTskN   increment system state task number
+         rti                return
+* Setup MMU in task 1, B=Task # to swap to, shifted left 1 bit
+L0E8D    cmpb  <D.Task1N  are we going back to the same task
+         beq   L0EA3      without the DAT image changing?
+         stb   <D.Task1N  nope, save current task in map type 1
+         ldx   #$FFA8      get MMU start register for process's
+         ldu   <D.TskIPt   get task image pointer table
+         ldu   b,u         get address of DAT image
+L0E93    leau  1,u         point to actual MMU block
+         IFNE  H6309
+         lde   #4          get # banks/2 for task
+         ELSE
+         lda   #4
+         pshs  a
+         ENDC
+L0E9B    lda   ,u++        get a bank
+         ldb   ,u++        and next one
+         std   ,x++        Save it to MMU
+         IFNE  H6309
+         dece              done?
+         ELSE
+         dec   ,s
+         ENDC
+         bne   L0E9B       no, keep going
+         IFEQ  H6309
+         leas  1,s
+         ENDC
+L0EA3    rts               return
+* Execute SWI3 vector
+* Execute FIRQ vector
+FIRQVCT  ldx    #D.FIRQ     get DP offset of vector
+         bra    L0EB8       go execute it
+* Execute IRQ vector
+IRQVCT   orcc   #IntMasks   disasble IRQ's
+         ldx    #D.IRQ      get DP offset of vector
+* Execute interrupt vector, B=DP Vector offset
+L0EB8    clra               (faster than CLR >$xxxx)
+         sta    >DAT.Task   Force to Task 0 (system state)
+         IFNE   H6309
+         tfr    0,dp        setup DP
+         ELSE
+         tfr    a,dp
+         ENDC
+MapGrf   equ    *
+         IFNE   H6309
+         aim    #$fe,<D.TINIT switch GIME shadow to system state
+         lda    <D.TINIT    set GIME again just in case timer is used
+         ELSE
+         lda    <D.TINIT
+         anda   #$FE
+         sta    <D.TINIT
+         ENDC
+MapT0    sta    >DAT.Task
+         jmp    [,x]        execute it
+SWI3VCT  orcc   #IntMasks   disable IRQ's
+         ldx    #D.SWI3     get DP offset of vector
+         bra    SWICall     go execute it
+* Execute SWI2 vector
+SWI2VCT  orcc   #IntMasks   disasble IRQ's
+         ldx    #D.SWI2     get DP offset of vector
+* saves 1 cycle on system-system calls
+* saves about 200 cycles (calls to I.LDABX and L029E) on grfdrv-system,
+*  or user-system calls.
+SWICall  ldb   [R$PC,s]   --- get callcode of the system call
+         clr   >DAT.Task  go to map type 1
+         IFNE  H6309
+         tfr   0,dp       set DP to zero
+         ELSE
+         clra
+         tfr   a,dp
+         ENDC
+* These lines add a total of 81 addition cycles to each SWI(2,3) call,
+* and 36 bytes+12 for R$Size in the constant page at $FExx
+*  It takes no more time for a SWI(2,3) from system state than previously,
+* ... and adds 14 cycles to each SWI(2,3) call from grfdrv... not a problem.
+* For processes that re-vector SWI, SWI3, it adds 81 cycles.  BUT SWI(3)
+* CANNOT be vectored to L0EBF cause the user SWI service routine has been
+* changed
+         lda   <D.TINIT   get map type flag
+         bita  #$01       check it without changing it
+* Change to LBEQ R.SysSvc to avoid JMP [,X]
+* and add R.SysSvc STA >DAT.Task ???
+         beq   MapT0      in map 0: restore hardware and do system service
+         tst   <D.SSTskN  get system state 0,1
+         bne   MapGrf     if in grfdrv, go to map 0 and do system service
+* the preceding few lines are necessary, as all SWI's still pass thru
+* here before being vectored to the system service routine... which
+* doesn't copy the stack from user state.
+         sta   >DAT.Task  go to map type X again to get user's stack
+* a byte less, a cycle more than ldy #$FEED-R$Size, or ldy #$F000+SWIStack
+         leay  <SWIStack,pc where to put the register stack: to $FEDF
+         tfr   s,u        get a copy of where the stack is
+         IFNE  H6309
+         ldw   #R$Size    get the size of the stack
+         tfm   u+,y+      move the stack to the top of memory
+         ELSE
+         pshs  b
+         ldb   #R$Size
+Looper   lda   ,u+
+         sta   ,y+
+         decb
+         bne   Looper 
+         puls  b
+         ENDC
+         bra   L0EB8      and go from map type 1 to map type 0
+* Execute SWI vector
+SWIVCT   ldx    #D.SWI      get DP offset of vector
+         bra    SWICall     go execute it
+* Execute NMI vector
+NMIVCT   ldx    #D.NMI      get DP offset of vector
+         bra    L0EB8       go execute it
+         emod
+eom      equ   *
+*SWIStack fcc   /REGISTER STACK/ R$Size data bytes
+SWIStack fcb   $88,$03,$00,$45,$72,$00,$cd,$00,$12,$00,$00,$00,$e5,$7f
+         fcb   $55        D.ErrRst
+* Now bra instead of lbra since 2 cycles/interrupt faster
+         bra  SWI3VCT      SWI3 vector
+         nop
+         bra  SWI2VCT      SWI2 vector
+         nop
+         bra  FIRQVCT      FIRQ vector
+         nop
+         bra  IRQVCT       IRQ vector
+         nop
+         bra  SWIVCT       SWI vector
+         nop
+         bra  NMIVCT       NMI vector
+         nop
+         end
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/level2/modules/kernel/krnp2.asm	Tue Apr 22 19:35:48 2003 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,396 @@
+* OS9p2 - NitrOS-9 Kernel Part II
+* $Id$
+* Copyright (c) 1982 Microware Corporation
+* Modified for 6309 Native mode by:
+* Bill Nobel, L. Curtis Boyle & Wes Gale - Gale Force Enterprises
+* Ed.    Comments                                       Who YY/MM/DD
+* ------------------------------------------------------------------
+* 17.2   08/02/92 - Active in 6309 Native mode, No apparent bugs (BN)
+*                 - Optimized F$Fork (BN)
+*                 - Optimized F$Chain (BN)
+* 18.4   92/12/15 - Cut initial memory allocation routine - unnecessary
+* 18.5   93/01/18 - Fixed bug in F$Sleep (LCB)
+*                 - Optimized F$All64 to use tfm (BN)
+* NitrOS9 V1.09 - Move & optomized F$CpyMem to OS9P1
+* V1.10  93/05/23 - Slight opt to UnLink
+* V1.11  93/07/26 - Slight opt in F$Icpt
+*                 - Slight opt in F$Wait alarm clearing
+*                 - Slight opt to speed up path table full errors
+*                 - Changed LBEQ to BEQ in F$Unlink
+* V1.16  93/09/03 - Moved F$SUser to OS9P1 (WG)
+*        93/09/08 - Moved F$SUser back to OS9P2 for room in OS9P1 (LCB)
+*        93/09/10 - F$Find64 (L0A50) - Took out BSR to L0A5C, merged routine
+*                   in (only called from here), and took out PSHS/PULS D
+*                   Also modified error structure a bit to shorten it
+*        93/10/06 - Added conditional assembly to skip Network I/O ptrs since
+*                   Coco network never released by Tandy/Microware (in F$Fork)
+*                 - @ GotNProc (in F$Fork), saved 1 byte/cycle when inheriting
+*                   User # & priority
+*                 - Changed routine @ L01FB to use U instead of Y (slightly
+*                   smaller & slightly faster), and also used CLRB with STB
+*                   instead of CLR for clearing DAT block #'s (F$UnLink)
+*        93/12/17 - Moved F$CRCMod code here to give some room in OS9P1
+*        94/05/15 - Attempted opts in Unlink: Changed usage of W to D @ L0185
+*                   and L0198 and L01B5, also optomized L017C to eliminate a
+*                   branch (speeds up module dir search by 3 cycles/module
+*                   checked)
+*                 - Changed BRA L032F @ L02EC (AllProc error) to RTS
+*                 - Changed BRA L0629 @ L05DF to RTS
+*                 - Changed L066A & L067B from BRA L06F4 to PULS CC,A,Y,U,PC
+*                   (F$Send errors)
+*                 - Changed L0A2B from BRA L0A4F to RTS (F$UnLoad error)
+*                 - Changed L0C53 & L0C81 BRA L0C93 to CLRB/RTS (F$GCMDir)
+* -- Alan DeKok
+*        94/10/28 - added boot debug calls
+*                 - Changed code at ~L0D47 to allow F$Fork/F$Chain of Obj6309
+*        94/10/30 - Added error checking on F$Fork of CC3Go
+*                 - Minor mods to F$SSWI call
+*                 - Minor mods to F$STime
+*                 - Changed F$GModDr to BRA to similar code in F$GBlkMp
+         nam    OS9p2
+         ttl    NitrOS-9 Kernel Part II
+** If Network I/O ptrs are disabled, F$Fork runs 72 cycles faster
+Network  equ    0             Set to 1 to enable network I/O ptrs
+         ifp1
+         use    defsfile
+         endc
+TC9      set    false       "true" use TC-9 6309 trap vector
+Edition  equ    18
+Revision equ    5
+*DAT.Free equ   $333E      --- remove this def later
+         mod    eom,MName,Systm,ReEnt+Revision,OS9P2,$0100
+MName    fcs    /OS9p2/
+         fcb    Edition
+         ifeq   TC9-1
+* Entry: None
+* Exit : Process killed & register dump produced for user
+Trap     bitmd  #%01000000  illegal instruction?
+         bne    BadIns      yes, go process
+         bitmd  #%10000000  division by 0?
+         bne    Div0        yes, go process
+         jmp    [<D.XSWI]   act as if nothing happened
+* Process illegal instruction trap
+BadIns   bsr    SetProc     move the register stack here
+         ldb    #18         get error code for F$Exit
+         bra    TrapDone
+* Process division by 0 trap
+Div0     bsr    SetProc     move the register stack
+         ldb    #45         get error code for F$Exit
+* Return to system after the trap
+* Entry: B=Error code
+*        U=Pointer to register stack
+TrapDone stb    R$B,u       save the error code to register stack for F$Exit
+         lbra   FExit       enter F$Exit directly
+* Set process to system state & copy register stack for trap processing
+SetProc  ldd    <D.SysSvc   set system call processor to system side
+         std    <D.XSWI2
+         ldd    <D.SysIRQ   do the same thing for IRQ's
+         std    <D.XIRQ
+         ldx    <D.Proc     get current process pointer
+         IFNE   H6309
+         oim    #SysState,P$State,x   mark process as system state
+         ELSE
+         ENDC
+* copy register stack to process descriptor
+         sts    P$SP,x      save stack pointer
+         leas   (P$Stack-R$Size),x point S to register stack destination
+         andcc  #^IntMasks  force interrupts back on
+         leau   ,s          point to destination register stack
+         ldb    P$Task,x    get task # of destination
+         ldx    P$SP,x      get the user/system stack pointer
+         pshs   b           preserve task for a moment
+         tfr    x,d         copy it for easier calcs
+         bita   #%11100000  offset above block 0?
+         beq    done        yes, no calc needed get out
+         anda   #%00011111  make it a offset within a block
+         tfr    d,x         copy new offset
+         lsra               make A an offset into DAT image
+         lsra
+         lsra
+         lsra
+done     puls   b           restore task #
+         leax   -$6000,x    make it a pointer to where I'll map the block
+         tfr    u,y
+         pshs   cc,u        preserve IRQ status & dest pointer
+         ldu    <D.TskIPt
+         lslb               adjust task # to fit table
+         ldu    b,u         get the DAT image pointer
+         leau   a,u         point to the blocks needed
+         lda    1,u         get 1st block
+         ldb    3,u         get a second in case of overlap
+         orcc   #IntMasks   shut IRQ's down
+         std    >$FFA5      map in the blocks
+         IFNE   H6309
+         ldw    #R$Size     get size of register stack
+         tfm    x+,y+       move 'em to process descriptor
+         ELSE
+         ldb    #R$Size
+Uday     lda    ,x+
+         sta    ,y+
+         decb
+         bne    Uday
+         ENDC
+         ldx    <D.SysDAT   get the system DAT image pointer
+         lda    $0B,x       get the original blocks
+         ldb    $0D,x
+         std    >$FFA5      map 'em back in
+         puls   cc,u,pc     restore IRQ's, register stack pointer & return
+     endc
+OS9P2    lda   #'2        into OS9p2
+         jsr   <D.BtBug
+         leay   SvcTab,pc   install system calls
+         os9    F$SSvc
+     ifeq  TC9-1
+         leax   Trap,pc
+         stx    <D.SWI
+     endc
+* Change to default directory
+L003A    ldu    <D.Init     get init module pointer
+         ldd    SysStr,u    get pointer to system device name (usually '/dd')
+         beq    L004F       don't exist, open std device
+         leax   d,u         point to name
+         lda   #'x        tried chd'ing
+         jsr   <D.BtBug
+         lda    #(EXEC.+READ.) get file mode
+         os9    I$ChgDir    change to it
+         bcc    L004F       went ok, go on
+         os9    F$Boot      try & load boot file
+         bcc    L003A       go try again
+L004F    ldu    <D.Init     get pointer to init
+         ldd    <StdStr,u   point to default device (usually '/term')
+         beq    L0077       don't exist go do OS9P3
+         leax   d,u         point to it
+         lda   #'o        tried opening output window
+         jsr   <D.BtBug
+         lda    #UPDAT.     get file mode
+         os9    I$Open      open path to it
+         bcc    L0066       went ok, save path #
+         os9    F$Boot      try & re-boot
+         bcc    L004F       go try again
+         bra    L009B       crash machine
+L0066    ldx    <D.Proc     get current process pointer
+         sta    <P$Path,x   save stdin path
+         os9    I$Dup       dupe it
+         sta    <P$Path+1,x save stdout path
+         os9    I$Dup       dupe it again
+         sta    <P$Path+2,x save stderr path
+L0077    leax   <L0096,pc   point to 'OS9P3'
+         lda    #Systm      get type
+         os9    F$Link      try & link
+         bcs    L0083       not there, go on
+         jsr    ,y          execute it
+* Execute module listed in Init module
+L0083    ldu    <D.Init     get init module pointer
+         ldd    InitStr,u   get offset to name of first module
+         leax   d,u         point to it
+         lda   #'C        tried to to CC3Go
+         jsr   <D.BtBug
+         lda    #Objct      get module type
+         clrb               get mem size
+         IFNE   H6309
+         tfr    0,y         Get parameter size
+         ELSE
+         ldy    #$0000
+         ENDC
+         os9    F$Fork      fork it
+         bcc   L0093      if no error, go execute it
+         jmp   <D.Crash   otherwise crash the system
+L0093    os9    F$NProc     let it take over
+L0096    fcs    /OS9p3/
+L009B    jmp    <D.Crash
+svctab   fcb    F$UnLink
+         fdb    FUnLink-*-2
+         fcb    F$Fork
+         fdb    FFork-*-2
+         fcb    F$Wait
+         fdb    FWait-*-2
+         fcb    F$Chain
+         fdb    FChain-*-2
+         fcb    F$Exit
+         fdb    FExit-*-2
+         fcb    F$Mem
+         fdb    FMem-*-2
+         fcb    F$Send
+         fdb    FSend-*-2
+         fcb    F$Icpt
+         fdb    FIcpt-*-2
+         fcb    F$Sleep
+         fdb    FSleep-*-2
+         fcb    F$SPrior
+         fdb    FSPrior-*-2
+         fcb    F$ID
+         fdb    FID-*-2
+         fcb    F$SSWI
+         fdb    FSSWI-*-2
+         fcb    F$STime
+         fdb    FSTime-*-2
+         fcb    F$SchBit
+         fdb    FSchBit-*-2
+         fcb    F$SchBit+$80
+         fdb    FSSchBit-*-2
+         fcb    F$AllBit
+         fdb    FAllBit-*-2
+         fcb    F$AllBit+$80
+         fdb    FSAllBit-*-2
+         fcb    F$DelBit
+         fdb    FDelBit-*-2
+         fcb    F$DelBit+$80
+         fdb    FSDelBit-*-2
+         fcb    F$GPrDsc
+         fdb    FGPrDsc-*-2
+         fcb    F$GBlkMp
+         fdb    FGBlkMp-*-2
+         fcb    F$GModDr
+         fdb    FGModDr-*-2
+         fcb    F$SUser      Added back here for room in OS9p1
+         fdb    FSUser-*-2
+         fcb    F$UnLoad
+         fdb    FUnLoad-*-2
+         fcb    F$Find64+$80
+         fdb    FFind64-*-2
+         fcb    F$All64+$80
+         fdb    FAll64-*-2
+         fcb    F$Ret64+$80
+         fdb    FRet64-*-2
+         fcb    F$GProcP+$80
+         fdb    FGProcP-*-2
+         fcb    F$DelImg+$80
+         fdb    FDelImg-*-2
+         fcb    F$AllPrc+$80
+         fdb    FAllPrc-*-2
+         fcb    F$DelPrc+$80
+         fdb    FDelPrc-*-2
+         fcb    F$MapBlk
+         fdb    FMapBlk-*-2
+         fcb    F$ClrBlk
+         fdb    FClrBlk-*-2
+         fcb    F$GCMDir+$80
+         fdb    FGCMDir-*-2
+         fcb    F$CRCMod    new system call to change module CRC calcs on/off
+         fdb    FCRCMod-*-2
+         fcb    $7f
+         fdb    GetIOMan-*-2
+         fcb    $80         
+         use    fcrcmod.asm
+* Link & execute IOMan
+* Entry: None
+* Exit : I/O handling installed & ready for use
+GetIOMan pshs   d,x,y,u     preserve regs
+         bsr    LnkIOMan    link to ioman
+         bcc    GotIOMan    no errors, go on
+         os9    F$Boot      re-load boot file
+         bcs    IOManErr    error loading, return
+         bsr    LnkIOMan    link to ioman
+         bcs    IOManErr    error, save it & return
+GotIOMan jsr    ,y          execute IOMan's init routine
+         puls   d,x,y,u     restore registers
+         jmp    [IOEntry,y] Execute I/O vector
+IOManErr stb    1,s         save error if any
+         puls   d,x,y,u,pc  restore & return
+* Link to IOMan
+* Entry: None
+* Exit : U=Pointer to IOMan module header
+*        Y=Pointer to IOMan entry point
+LnkIOMan leax   <IOMan,pc   point to name
+         lda    #(Systm+Objct) get type
+         os9    F$Link      link it
+         rts                return
+IOMan    fcs    /IOMan/    
+         use    funlink.asm
+         use    ffork.asm
+         use    fallprc.asm
+         use    fchain.asm
+         use    fexit.asm
+         use    fmem.asm
+         use    fsend.asm
+         use    ficpt.asm
+         use    fsleep.asm
+         use    fsprior.asm
+         use    fid.asm
+         use    fsswi.asm
+         use    fstime.asm
+         use    fallbit.asm
+         use    fgprdsc.asm
+         use    fgblkmp.asm
+         use    fgmoddr.asm
+         use    fsuser.asm
+         use    funload.asm
+         use    ffind64.asm
+         use    fgprocp.asm
+         use    fdelimg.asm
+         use    fmapblk.asm
+         use    fclrblk.asm
+         use    fgcmdir.asm
+         emod
+eom      equ   *
+         end
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/level2/modules/kernel/makefile	Tue Apr 22 19:35:48 2003 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+include ../../../Makefile.rules
+vpath %.asm $(LEVEL2)/MODULES/KERNEL
+DEPENDS		= ./Makefile
+ADDOPTS		= -e
+OS9P1		= os9p1
+OS9P2		= os9p2
+SYSCALLS	= fallimg.asm fallram.asm falltsk.asm faproc.asm fcmpnam.asm \
+		fcpymem.asm fdatlog.asm fdelram.asm ffmodul.asm ffreehb.asm \
+		fld.asm fldabx.asm flink.asm fmove.asm fnproc.asm fprsnam.asm \
+		freboot.asm fsrqmem.asm fssvc.asm fvmodul.asm \
+		fallbit.asm fallprc.asm fchain.asm fclrblk.asm fcrcmod.asm \
+		fdelimg.asm fexit.asm ffind64.asm ffork.asm fgblkmp.asm \
+		fgcmdir.asm fgmoddr.asm fgprdsc.asm fgprocp.asm ficpt.asm \
+		fid.asm fmapblk.asm fmem.asm fsend.asm fsleep.asm fsprior.asm \
+		fsswi.asm fstime.asm fsuser.asm funlink.asm funload.asm
+ALLOBJS		= $(OS9P1) $(OS9P2)
+all:	$(ALLOBJS)
+$(OS9P1):	os9p1.asm $(SYSCALLS)
+$(OS9P2):	os9p2.asm $(SYSCALLS)
+	$(RM) $(ALLOBJS)