changeset 1571:ccf4c764cde9

Removed in lieu of rb1773
author boisy
date Tue, 18 May 2004 01:26:32 +0000 (2004-05-18)
parents a4b6825eeb72
children 43f38b44b0ae
files level1/modules/ccdisk.asm level1/modules/ccdiskdesc.asm
diffstat 2 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 567 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/level1/modules/ccdisk.asm	Tue May 18 01:26:19 2004 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,500 +0,0 @@
-*    NewDisk -- copyright 1985 by Dave Lewis.
-*    Released to public domain January, 1986
-*    Permission granted to copy and redistribute provided this
-*      header is included with all copies.
-* This program is intended to replace the CCDisk module in the
-*   OS9Boot file on the OS-9 system disk. It is far more
-*   versatile than the disk driver provided with Color Computer
-*   OS-9, and is also slightly smaller (20 bytes or so).
-*   Some of its features are:
-*  -Uses the device descriptor to set head step rate. Original
-*     had 30mS hard-coded in.
-*  -Handles double-sided disks.
-*  -Gets its track and side information from the disk so you
-*     can read and write disks in any format the drive can
-*     physically handle. You can use 40-track double sided disks
-*     and still read/write 35-track single side disks.
-*  -Performs some tests before attempting to use the disk.
-*     The original CCDisk would hang the system if you tried to
-*     access a drive without a disk in it (I know, I know - you
-*     don't have to say `DUMMY!' - but it happens). You can
-*     hang this one too but not as easily.
-*  -An 80-track double sided disk holds 720Kbytes of data.
-*     That's four and a half 35-track single siders.
-*  -All of this stuff is completely transparent once NewDisk is
-*     installed. NewDisk automatically senses the disk format
-*     and conforms to it. (within limits -- don't use non-OS9
-*     formats)
-* One problem -- this program is not complete in itself. If you
-*   want to boot from a double-sided disk you will need my
-*   version of OS9Gen which will generate a double-sided system
-*   disk. Don't try it with the stock version; you'll have to
-*   reformat the disk to clean it up afterwards.
-*           Copyright 1985 by Dave Lewis.
-* UUCP address is loral!dml; in S. Cal. use ihnp4!sdcc3!loral
-* I'm releasing this program to public domain. Copy it, share
-*   it, but don't you DARE sell it! I worked hard on it. Include
-*   this header with all copies.
-* If you like this program, send me 5 bucks to encourage me to
-*   write more stuff - or at least to release it. If you send
-*   me 10 bucks I'll send you a good (Dysan) double side disk
-*   formatted 35 track single side with both sourcecode and
-*   executable binary files of the following:
-*   - NewDisk -- single or double sided disks, any number of
-*       tracks within reason, step rate set in device descriptor
-*   - OS9Gen -- rewritten version that automatically senses for
-*       single/double sided disk and puts all the boot data in
-*       the right places. Also enters the kernel file in the
-*       root directory, which makes Dcheck happy.
-*   - Separate -- breaks up your bootfile into its component
-*       modules for modification. Replace or remove any module
-*       individually.
-*   - Diskdescr -- sourcecode for an OS-9 disk device descriptor
-*       with EQUates at the beginning for step rate, #tracks,
-*       and single or double sided.
-*   - Documentation and procedure files for installing all of
-*       the above in most common system configurations.
-*   - Other stuff I've written that you may find useful.
-*   Send to:
-*             Dave Lewis
-*             4417 Idaho  Apt. 4
-*             San Diego CA 92116
-         NAM NewDisk
-         TTL Improved OS-9 disk device driver module
-*  Copyright 1985 by Dave Lewis
-*                4417 Idaho apt. 4
-*                San Diego, CA 92116
-*  Released to public domain January, 1986
-         USE defsfile
-REV      EQU 1
-N.DRIVES EQU 3 Number of drives supported
-DISKRUN  EQU $70 Disk run time after access
-NMIVECT  EQU $109 NMI jump vector in RAM
-COMDREG  EQU $FF48 1793 Command register (write)
-STATREG  EQU $FF48 1793 Status register (read)
-TRAKREG  EQU $FF49 1793 Track register
-SECTREG  EQU $FF4A 1793 Sector register
-DATAREG  EQU $FF4B 1793 Data register
-         FCB $FF Mode byte -- all modes
-NAME     FCS 'CCDisk' Still the same module name
-         FCB 4 Version number
-         RMB DRVBEG Storage common to all drives
-TABL.ORG RMB DRVMEM Drive 0 parameter table
-         RMB DRVMEM Drive 1 parameter table
-         RMB DRVMEM Drive 2 parameter table
-DRV.ACT  RMB 2 Active drive's table origin
-DPRT.IMG RMB 1 Drive control port image byte
-DRVS.RDY RMB 1 Drive ready flags
-Q.SEEK   RMB 1 Same drive/track flag
-STORG    EQU . Total storage required
-*  Function dispatch vectors
-EXEC     LBRA INIT Initialize variables
-         LBRA READ Read one sector
-         LBRA WRITE Write one sector
-         LBRA RETNOERR GETSTA call is not used
-         LBRA SETSTA Two oddball calls
-         LBRA RETNOERR TERM call is not used
-INIT     CLR >D.DSKTMR Zero disk rundown timer
-         LDA #$D0 `Force interrupt' command
-         STA >COMDREG
-         LDA #$FF
-         LDB #N.DRIVES Number of drives
-         STB V.NDRV,U
-         LEAX TABL.ORG,U Origin of first drive table
-INI.TBL  STA DD.TOT+1,X Make total sectors nonzero
-         STA V.TRAK,X Force first seek to track 0
-         CLR DD.FMT,X Make it see a 1-sided disk
-         LEAX DRVMEM,X Go to next drive table
-         DECB Test for last table done
-         BNE INI.TBL Loop if not finished
-         LEAX NMI.SVC,PCR Get address of NMI routine
-         STX >NMIVECT+1 NMI Jump vector operand
-         LDA #$7E Jump opcode
-         STA >NMIVECT NMI Jump vector opcode
-         LDA >STATREG Clear interrupt condition
-         RTS
-ERR.WPRT COMB Set carry flag
-         LDB #E$WP Set error code
-         RTS
-ERR.SEEK COMB Set carry flag
-         LDB #E$SEEK Set error code
-         RTS
-ERR.CRC  COMB Set carry flag
-         LDB #E$CRC Set error code
-         RTS
-ERR.READ COMB Set carry flag
-         LDB #E$READ Set error code
-         RTS
-* All disk controller commands exit via NMI. The service routine
-*   returns control to the address on top of stack after registers
-*   have been dumped off.
-NMI.SVC  LEAS R$SIZE,S Dump registers off stack
-         LDA >STATREG Get status condition
-STAT.TST LSLA Test status register bit 7
-         LBCS ERR.NRDY Status = Not Ready if set
-         LSLA Test bit 6
-         BCS ERR.WPRT Status = Write Protect if set
-         LSLA Test bit 5
-         LBCS ERR.WRT Status = Write Fault if set
-         LSLA Test bit 4
-         BCS ERR.SEEK Status = Record Not Found
-         LSLA Test bit 3
-         BCS ERR.CRC Status = CRC Error if set
-         LSLA Test bit 2
-         BCS ERR.READ Status = Lost Data if set
-         CLRB No error if all 0
-READ     TSTB If LSN is greater than 65,536
-         BNE ERR.SECT   return a sector error
-         LDA #$A4 Set retry control byte
-         CMPX #0 Is it sector 0?
-         BNE READ2 If not, just read the data
-         BSR READ2 If sector 0, read it and
-         BCS RETURN1   update drive table
-         PSHS Y,X Save X and Y
-         LDX PD.BUF,Y Point to data buffer
-         LDY DRV.ACT,U Point to active drive's table
-         LDB #DD.RES+1 Counter and offset pointer
-SEC0LOOP LDA B,X Get byte from buffer
-         STA B,Y Store in drive table
-         DECB Decrement loop index
-         BPL SEC0LOOP Loop until B < 0
-         CLRB No error
-         PULS X,Y,PC Pull and return
-WRITE    TSTB If LSN is greater than 65,536
-         BNE ERR.SECT   return a sector error
-         LDA #$A4 Set retry control byte
-         PSHS X,A,CC Save registers
-         LBSR DSKSTART Start and select drive
-         BCS EXIT.ERR Exit if error
-REWRITE  LDX 2,S Get LSN off stack
-         LBSR SEEK Position head at sector
-         BCS RETRY.WR Try again if seek error
-         BSR WRITE2 Write the sector
-         BCS RETRY.WR Try again if write error
-         TST PD.VFY,Y Check verify flag
-         BNE EXIT.NER Exit without verify if off
-         BSR VERIFY Verify sector just written
-         BCC EXIT.NER Exit if no error
-RETRY.WR LDA 1,S Get retry control byte
-         LSRA Indicate another try
-         STA 1,S Put updated byte back
-         BEQ EXIT.ERR If zero, no more chances
-         BCC REWRITE If bit 0 was 0, don't home
-         BSR HOME Home and start all over
-         BCC REWRITE If it homed OK, try again
-EXIT.ERR PULS CC Restore interrupt masks
-         COMA Set carry for error
-         BRA CCDEXIT Finish exit
-EXIT.NER PULS CC Restore interrupt masks
-         CLRB Clear carry -- no error
-CCDEXIT  LDA #8 Spindle motor control bit
-         STA >DPORT Deselect disk drive
-         PULS A,X,PC Pull and return
-ERR.SECT COMB Set carry flag for error
-         LDB #E$SECT Set error code
-         RTS
-READ2    PSHS X,A,CC CC is on top of stack
-         LBSR DSKSTART Start drives and test
-         BCS EXIT.ERR Abort if not ready
-REREAD   LDX 2,S Recover LSN from stack
-         LBSR SEEK Position head at sector
-         BCS RETRY.RD Try again if seek error
-         BSR READ3 Read the sector
-         BCC EXIT.NER Read OK, return data
-RETRY.RD LDA 1,S Get retry control byte
-         LSRA Indicate another try
-         STA 1,S Put updated byte back
-         BEQ EXIT.ERR If it was all 0, quit
-         BCC REREAD If bit 0 was 0, don't home
-         BSR HOME Home and start all over
-         BCC REREAD If it won't home, quit now
-         BRA EXIT.ERR Exit with an error
-WRITE2   LDA #$A2 `Write sector' command
-         BSR RWCMDX Execute command
-WAITWDRQ BITA >STATREG Wait until controller is
-         BEQ WAITWDRQ   ready to transfer data
-WRTLOOP  LDA ,X+ Get byte from data buffer
-         STA >DATAREG Put it in data register
-         STB >DPORT Activate DRQ halt function
-         BRA WRTLOOP Loop until interrupted
-VERIFY   LDA #$82 `Read sector' command
-         BSR RWCMDX Execute command
-WAITVDRQ BITA >STATREG Wait until controller is
-         BEQ WAITVDRQ   ready to transfer data
-VFYLOOP  LDA >DATAREG Get read data byte
-         STB >DPORT Activate DRQ halt function
-         CMPA ,X+ Compare to source data
-         BEQ VFYLOOP Loop until interrupt if equal
-         ANDB #$7F Mask off DRQ halt bit
-         STB >DPORT Disable DRQ halt function
-         LBSR KILLCOMD Abort read command
-ERR.WRT  COMB Set carry flag
-         LDB #E$WRITE Set error code
-         RTS
-SS.HOME  PSHS X,A,CC Set up stack for exit
-         BSR HOME Home drive
-         BRA SS.EXIT Skip to empty-stack exit
-SS.EXIT4 LEAS 2,S Exit w/4 bytes on stack
-SS.EXIT2 LEAS 2,S Exit w/2 bytes on stack
-SS.EXIT  BCS EXIT.ERR Exit with error
-         BRA EXIT.NER Exit with no error
-HOME     LBSR DSKSTART Start and select drive
-         BCS RETURN2 Return if error
-         LDX DRV.ACT,U Point to active drive's table
-         CLR V.TRAK,X Set track number to zero
-         LDD #$43C Home, verify, allow 3 seconds
-         LBSR STEPEX Execute stepping command
-SETSTA   LDX PD.RGS,Y Point to caller's stack
-         LDB R$B,X Get stacked B register
-         CMPB #SS.RESET `Home' call
-         BEQ SS.HOME Execute Home sequence
-         CMPB #SS.WTRK `Write track' call, used by
-         BEQ WRT.TRAK   the Format utility
-         COMB If not one of those, it's an
-         LDB #E$UNKSVC   illegal setsta call
-         RTS
-READ3    LDA #$82 Read sector command
-         BSR RWCMDX Set up for sector read
-WAITRDRQ BITA >STATREG Wait for controller to find
-         BEQ WAITRDRQ   sector and start reading
-READLOOP LDA >DATAREG Get data from controller
-         STA ,X+ Store in sector buffer
-         STB >DPORT Activate DRQ halt function
-         BRA READLOOP Loop until interrupted
-RWCMDX   LDX PD.BUF,Y Point to sector buffer
-         LDB DPRT.IMG,U Do a side verify using the
-         BITB #$40   DPORT image byte as a side
-         BEQ WTKCMDX   select indicator
-         ORA #8 Compare for side 1
-WTKCMDX  STA >COMDREG Issue command to controller
-         LDB #$A8 Set up DRQ halt function
-         ORB DPRT.IMG,U OR in select bits
-         LDA #2 DRQ bit in status register
-         RTS
-* Write an entire track -- used by Format
-WRT.TRAK PSHS X,A,CC Set up stack for exit
-         LDA R$U+1,X Get track number
-         LDB R$Y+1,X Get side select bit
-         LDX R$X,X Get track buffer address
-         PSHS X,D Save 'em
-         LBSR DSKSTART Start and select drive
-         BCS SS.EXIT4 Exit if error
-         PULS D Get track number and side
-         LDX DRV.ACT,U Get drive table address
-         BSR SID.PCMP Get drive ready to go
-         TST Q.SEEK,U Different drive/track?
-         BNE WRT.TRK2 If not, no need to seek
-         LDD #$103C Seek, allow 3 seconds
-         LBSR STEPEX Execute stepping command
-         BCS SS.EXIT2 Exit if error
-WRT.TRK2 PULS X Retrieve track buffer address
-         LDA #$F0 `Write track' command
-         BSR WTKCMDX Execute write track command
-         LBSR WAITWDRQ Just like a Write Sector
-         LBRA SS.EXIT Return to caller
-SID.PCMP LSRB Bit 0 of B is set for
-         BCC SIDE.ONE   side 2 of disk
-         LDB DPRT.IMG,U Get drive control image byte
-         ORB #$40 Side 2 select bit
-         STB DPRT.IMG,U Activate side 2 select
-SIDE.ONE CMPA PD.CYL+1,Y If track number exceeds #
-         LBHI ERR.SECT   of tracks, return error
-SD.PCMP2 LDB PD.DNS,Y Check track density of drive
-         LSRB Shift bit 1 (TPI bit) into
-         LSRB   carry flag (1 = 96 TPI)
-         LDB #20 Precomp starts at track 21
-         BCC FORTYTKS   on 48 TPI drives, track 41
-         LSLB   on 96 TPI drives
-FORTYTKS PSHS B Put B where it can be used
-         CMPA ,S+ Does it need precomp?
-         BLS NOPRECMP No, skip next step
-         LDB DPRT.IMG,U Get drive control image byte
-         ORB #$10 Write precompensation bit
-         STB DPRT.IMG,U Activate precompensation
-NOPRECMP LDB V.TRAK,X Get current track number
-         STB >TRAKREG Update disk controller
-         CMPA V.TRAK,X Same track as last access?
-         BEQ SAMETRAK If so, leave flag set
-         CLR Q.SEEK,U Clear same drive/track flag
-SAMETRAK STA V.TRAK,X Update track number
-         STA >DATAREG Set destination track
-         LDB DPRT.IMG,U Get disk control byte
-         STB >DPORT Update control port
-         RTS
-* Translate logical sector number (LSN) to physical side, track
-*   and sector, activate write precompensation if necessary,
-*   and execute seek command. If any error occurs, return error
-*   number to calling routine.
-SEEK     LDD PD.SCT,Y Get #sectors per track
-         PSHS X,D Put LSN and sec/trk on stack
-         LDD 2,S Get LSN off stack
-         CLR 2,S Set up track counter
-FINDTRAK INC 2,S Increment track counter
-         SUBD ,S Subtract sectors in one track
-         BPL FINDTRAK Loop if LSN still positive
-         ADDD ,S++ Restore sector number
-         INCB Sector numbers start at 1
-         STB 1,S Save sector number
-         PULS A Get track number
-         DECA Compensate for extra count
-         LDX DRV.ACT,U Get active table address
-         LDB DD.FMT,X See if disk is double sided
-         BITB #1 Test #sides bit
-         BEQ SEEK2 If one-sided, skip next step
-         LSRA Divide track number by 2
-         ROLB Put remainder in B bit 0
-SEEK2    BSR SID.PCMP Set up precomp and side sel
-         PULS B Get sector number
-         STB >SECTREG Set destination sector
-         TST Q.SEEK,U Same drive/track?
-         BNE COMDEXIT If so, no need to seek
-         LDD #$143C Seek with verify, allow 3 sec
-         BRA STEPEX Execute stepping command
-* Execute command in A and wait for it to finish. If it runs
-*   normally or aborts with an error it will exit through NMI;
-*   if it takes an unreasonable amount of time this routine
-*   will abort it and set the carry flag. If the command
-*   involves head movement, use STEPEX to set step rate.
-* On entry, A contains command code and B contains time limit
-*   in 50-millisecond increments.
-STEPEX   PSHS A Put raw command on stack
-         LDA PD.STP,Y Get step rate code
-         EORA #3 Convert to 1793's format
-         ORA ,S+ Combine with raw command
-COMDEX   STA >COMDREG Execute command in A
-         CLRA Clear carry flag
-         BSR WAIT50MS Wait while command runs
-         BCC COMDEXIT Exit if no error
-         CMPB #E$NOTRDY Test for the three valid
-         BEQ KCEXIT   error codes for a Type 1
-         CMPB #E$SEEK   disk controller command --
-         BEQ KCEXIT   home, seek or force int-
-         CMPB #E$CRC   errupt -- and return the
-         BEQ KCEXIT   errors
-COMDEXIT CLRB No error, clear carry
-         RTS
-WAIT50MS LDX #$15D8 Almost exactly 50 mSec delay
-WAITIMER LEAX -1,X Wait specified time for disk
-         BNE WAITIMER   controller to issue NMI
-         DECB   signaling command completed
-         BNE WAIT50MS   or aborted with error
-KILLCOMD LDA #$D0 Force interrupt, NMI disabled
-         STA >COMDREG Abort command in progress
-ERR.NRDY LDB #E$NOTRDY Set error code
-KCEXIT   COMA Set carry to flag error
-         RTS
-* Get selected drive ready to read or write. If spindle motors are
-*   stopped, start them and wait until they're up to operating
-*   speed. Check drive number and select drive if number is valid.
-*   Monitor index pulses to ensure door is closed, disk inserted
-*   and turning, etc. Return appropriate error code if any of
-*   these conditions can't be met.
-DSKSTART TST >D.DSKTMR Are drives already running?
-         BNE SPINRDY If so, no need to wait
-         CLR DRVS.RDY,U No drives are ready
-         LDD #$80B Motor on, wait 550 mSec
-         STA >DPORT Start spindle motors
-         BSR WAIT50MS Wait for motors to start
-SPINRDY  LDA PD.DRV,Y Get drive number
-         CMPA V.NDRV,U Test for valid drive #
-         BHS ERR.UNIT Return error if not
-         LEAX TABL.ORG,U Compute address of active
-         LDB #DRVMEM   drive's parameter table
-         MUL   TABL.ORG + (D# * tablesize)
-         LEAX D,X Add computed offset to origin
-         LDA PD.DRV,Y Get drive number again
-         LSLA Set corresponding drv select
-         BNE NOTDRV0   bit -- 1 for D1, 2 for D2
-         INCA Set bit 0 for drive 0
-NOTDRV0  TFR A,B Copy select bit
-         ORB #$28 Enable double density
-         ORCC #INTMASKS Disable IRQ and FIRQ
-         STB >DPORT Enable drive
-         STB DPRT.IMG,U Set image byte
-         CLR Q.SEEK,U Clear same drive/track flag
-         CMPX DRV.ACT,U Is this the same drive?
-         BNE NEWDRIVE If not, leave flag zeroed
-         LDB #$FF Indicate successive accesses
-         STB Q.SEEK,U   to the same drive.
-NEWDRIVE STX DRV.ACT,U Store table address
-         BITA DRVS.RDY,U Has this drive been ready
-         BNE DRVRDY   since the motors started?
-         PSHS A Save drive select bit
-         LDD #$D405 Force int, allow 250 mSec
-         BSR COMDEX Look for index pulse
-         PSHS CC Save carry flag condition
-         BSR KILLCOMD Clear index-pulse NMI state
-         PULS CC,A Restore carry flag and A
-         BCS RETURN3 Error if no index pulse
-DRVRDY   ORA DRVS.RDY,U Set corresponding drive
-         STA DRVS.RDY,U   ready flag
-         LDA #DISKRUN Restart disk rundown timer
-         STA >D.DSKTMR
-         LDA >STATREG Clear interrupt condition
-         CLRB Return no error
-ERR.UNIT COMB Set carry flag
-         LDB E$UNIT Set error code
-         RTS
-         EMOD CRC bytes
-SIZE     EQU *
-         END
--- a/level1/modules/ccdiskdesc.asm	Tue May 18 01:26:19 2004 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-* DX - CCDisk device descriptor template
-* $Id$
-* Edt/Rev  YYYY/MM/DD  Modified by
-* Comment
-* ------------------------------------------------------------------
-         nam   DX
-         ttl   CCDisk device descriptor template
-* Disassembled 98/08/23 17:09:41 by Disasm v1.6 (C) 1988 by RML
-         ifp1  
-         use   defsfile
-         endc  
-tylg     set   Devic+Objct
-atrv     set   ReEnt+rev
-rev      set   $00
-DNum     set   0
-Type     set   TYP.CCF+TYP.5
-Density  set   DNS.MFM
-Step     set   STP.6ms
-Cyls     set   35
-Sides    set   1
-Verify   set   1
-SectTrk  set   18
-SectTrk0 set   18
-Interlv  set   3
-SAS      set   8
-         mod   eom,name,tylg,atrv,mgrnam,drvnam
-         fcb   DIR.!ISIZ.!SHARE.!PEXEC.!PWRIT.!PREAD.!EXEC.!UPDAT. mode byte
-         fcb   HW.Page    extended controller address
-         fdb   $FF40      physical controller address
-         fcb   initsize-*-1 initilization table size
-         fcb   DT.RBF     device type:0=scf,1=rbf,2=pipe,3=scf
-         fcb   dnum       drive number
-         fcb   Step       step rate
-         fcb   Type       drive device type
-         fcb   Density    media density:0=single,1=double
-         fdb   Cyls       number of cylinders (tracks)
-         fcb   Sides      number of sides
-         fcb   Verify     verify disk writes:0=on
-         fdb   SectTrk    # of sectors per track
-         fdb   SectTrk0   # of sectors per track (track 0)
-         fcb   Interlv    sector interleave factor
-         fcb   SAS        minimum size of sector allocation
-initsize equ   *
-         ifne  DD
-name     fcs   /DD/
-         else
-name     fcc   /D/
-         fcb   176+dnum
-         endc
-mgrnam   fcs   /RBF/
-drvnam   fcs   /CCDisk/
-         emod  
-eom      equ   *
-         end   