changeset 344:d111309b0f11

hdisk.asm and h0_hdisk.asm nixed parallel.asm and pp.asm moved to 3rdparty/drivers/disto
author boisy
date Wed, 24 Jul 2002 19:55:44 +0000
parents b32293fc84f2
children 8d1e2504f428
files level2/modules/h0_hdisk.asm level2/modules/hdisk.asm level2/modules/makefile level2/modules/parallel.asm level2/modules/pp.asm
diffstat 5 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 736 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/level2/modules/h0_hdisk.asm	Wed Jul 24 19:12:18 2002 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-* RGB Computer Systems
-* OS-9 Level 2 Hard Disk
-* Device Descripter Module
-* Copyright (C) 1989 by RGB Computer Systems
-* All rights reserved
-         nam   h0 or h1
-         ttl   Hard Disk Device Descripter
-         ifp1  
-         use   defsfile
-         use   rbfdefs
-         endc  
-* Change the following equates for your hard drive type:
-drive    equ   0          set to /h0
-numcyl   equ   000        set to your number of cylinders
-heads    equ   0          set to your number of r/w heads
-numsec   equ   32         number of sectors/track (some may be 33)
-* Set the next equate for the type of Hard Disk
-* Interface you are using. Use the following values:
-* For LR-TECH, OWL, KEN-TON and RGB, use $FF74
-* For DISTO 4-IN-1 BOARD, use $FF58
-PORT     equ   $ff74      set for LR-TECH
-**********  Make no changes below this line  **********
-rev      set   1          rev number
-type     equ   devic+objct
-         mod   end,name,type,reent+rev,mgr,dvr
-         fcb   $ff        all modes
-         fcb   $7         device extended address
-         fdb   PORT       port address
-         fcb   name-*-1   option byte count
-         fcb   DT.RBF     rbf device type
-         fcb   drive      drive number
-         fcb   0          step rate (reserved 0)
-         fcb   $80        disk type (hard disk)
-         fcb   1          density (unused)
-         fdb   numcyl     number of cylinders
-         fcb   heads      number of surfaces
-         fcb   1          verify (unused)
-         fdb   numsec     default sectors/track
-         fdb   numsec     default sectors/track tk00
-         fcb   0          interleave (unused)
-         fcb   32         sector allocation size <- 32 is good for a HD
-name     fcc   /h/
-         fcb   '0+$80+drive
-         fcb   1          edition
-mgr      fcs   /rbf/
-dvr      fcs   /hdisk/
-         emod  
-end      equ   *
-         end   
--- a/level2/modules/hdisk.asm	Wed Jul 24 19:12:18 2002 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,523 +0,0 @@
-* OS-9 Level 2 - SCSI Device Driver module.
-* Copyright (C) 1989 by RGB Computer Systems
-* All Rights Reserved
-* Last Revised 11/18/89
-         nam   HDisk.dr
-         ttl   RGB Computer Systems Hard Disk Device Driver
-* Set the following equate for the type of Hard Disk
-* Interface you are using. Codes are as follows:
-*  0 = LR-TECH and OWL
-*  1 = KEN-TON and RGB
-HDI.type equ   1          set for KEN-TON/RGB
-* To save system map space we support only 4 drives but
-* the driver can support a MAXIMUM of 16. Set NUMDRV to
-* the max number of drives you NEED to run.
-NUMDRV   equ   4          can support up to 16
-**********  MAKE NO CHANGES BELOW THIS LINE  **********
-         ifp1  
-         use   defsfile
-         use   rbfdefs
-         endc  
-         ifeq  HDI.type
-* Hard Disk Interface REGISTER OFFSETS
-* For the LR-TECH and OWL HDI
-DATAPORT equ   0
-RESET    equ   DATAPORT+3
-* Status Register EQUATES
-REQ      equ   1          1=data transfer request
-BUSY     equ   2          controller busy 1=busy
-MSG      equ   4          message for host 1=2nd status byte
-CMD      equ   8          command/data 1=command
-INOUT    equ   $10        input/output 1=input
-ACK      equ   $00        not supported
-SEL      equ   $00        not supported
-RST      equ   $00        not supported
-         endc  
-         ifeq  HDI.type-1
-* Hard Disk Interface REGISTER OFFSETS
-* For the KEN-TON and RGB HDI
-DATAPORT equ   0
-RESET    equ   DATAPORT+3
-* Status Register EQUATES
-REQ      equ   1          1=data transfer request
-BUSY     equ   2          controller busy 1=busy
-MSG      equ   4          message for host 1=2nd status byte
-CMD      equ   8          command/data 1=command
-INOUT    equ   $10        input/output 1=input
-ACK      equ   $20        1=ack asserted
-SEL      equ   $40        1=select asserted
-RST      equ   $80        1=reset asserted
-         endc  
-         ifeq  HDI.type-2
-* Hard Disk Interface REGISTER OFFSETS
-DATAPORT equ   0
-RESET    equ   DATAPORT-2
-* Status Register EQUATES
-SEL      equ   0          select not supported
-BUSY     equ   1          1=busy
-ACK      equ   2          1=ack
-MSG      equ   4          1=msg
-INOUT    equ   $20        1=in, 0=out
-CMD      equ   $40        1=cmd, 0=data
-REQ      equ   $80        1=req
-         endc  
-         pag   
-* SCSI Class 0 CCS (Common Command Set)
-C$RSTR   equ   1          reset to track 00
-C$RDET   equ   3          request sense
-C$RBLK   equ   8          read from device
-C$WBLK   equ   10         write to device
-* Optional Class 0 command
-C$STSTOP equ   $1B        stop (park) device
-* Misc equates
-ERRSTA   equ   2          bit 1 of status byte "check sense"
-BSYBIT   equ   8          bit 3 of status byte "device busy"
-SKIP2    equ   $8C        cmpx # opcode skips 2 bytes
-EDITION  equ   2          driver edition number
-TYPE     set   Drivr+Objct
-REVS     set   ReEnt+EDITION
-* Module begins here
-         fcb   %11111111  all modes available
-NAME     fcs   /HDisk/
-         fcb   EDITION
-* Data area
-         rmb   DRVBEG+(DRVMEM*NUMDRV) RBF memory
-V$CMD    rmb   1          command code byte (a)
-V$ADDR0  rmb   1          unit hi sector address (b)
-V$ADDR1  rmb   2          unit middle & low sector (x)
-V$BLKS   rmb   1          sector count/options (1)
-V$OPTS   rmb   1          options for drive (0)
-V$EXT    rmb   4          room for extended commands
-V$RETRY  rmb   1          I/O retry counter
-V$ERROR  rmb   27         read error buffer
-DMEM     equ   .
-* Branch Table for subroutines
-ENTRY    lbra  INIT       intialize
-         lbra  MREAD      read a sector
-         lbra  MWRITE     write a sector
-         lbra  GET        get status
-         lbra  PUT        put status
-         lbra  TERM       terminate
-         pag   
-* Initalize
-         ldd   #($ff*256)+NUMDRV fake media size / # of drives
-         leax  DRVBEG,u   point to drive table start
-         stb   V.NDRV,u   tell RBF how many drives we support
-INIT10   sta   2,x        setup fake media size $0000FF sectors
-         leax  DRVMEM,x   next table
-         decb             count down
-         bne   INIT10     next table
-         clrb             no errors
-         rts              return
-         pag   
-* Read data
-* If LSN zero is read, copy DD.SIZ bytes into the drive table
-MREAD    tstb             LSN zero?
-         bne   READ10     no, normal read
-         cmpx  #0         at LSN zero?
-         bne   READ10     no, normal read
-         bsr   READ10     read in LSN zero
-         bcc   READ30     copy drive table if no error
-         rts              error, return with it
-READ30   ldb   PD.DRV,y   get drive number
-         andb  #%00001111 keep lowest 4 bits
-         leax  DRVBEG,u   point x to start of drive tables
-READ40   decb             count down
-         bmi   READ50     done, go copy drive table
-         leax  DRVMEM,x   next table
-         bra   READ40     go again
-READ50   ldb   #DD.SIZ    size of drive table
-         ldy   PD.BUF,y   get sector buffer address
-READ60   lda   ,y+        get byte from buffer
-         sta   ,x+        store in drive table
-         decb             bytes left to store
-         bne   READ60     done ?
-         clrb             no errors
-         rts              return
-* Generic Read and Write
-MWRITE   lda   #C$WBLK    write command
-         fcb   SKIP2      skip 2 bytes
-READ10   lda   #C$RBLK    read command
-         bsr   SETUP      setup command block
-         bra   COMMAND    do it & return
-         pag   
-* SCSI Device Wakeup Routine (Acquire SCSI bus)
-WAKEUP   ldb   #4         Not Ready code
-         ldx   #0         bus free timeout counter
-         pshs  b,u        save registers
-         ldu   V.PORT,u   get data port pointer
-WAKE     lda   STATUS,u   get bus status
-         bita  #BUSY+SEL  is scsi bus free?
-         beq   WAKE2      yes, start selection
-WAKE1    leax  -1,x       decrement counter
-         bne   WAKE       try again
-         bra   WAKE5      exit, BEQ=timeout
-WAKE2    clra             a=0
-         ldb   PD.DRV,y   get drive number
-         lsrb             shift off drive select
-         andb  #%00000111 keep SCSI ID number
-         orcc  #Carry     set carry
-WAKE3    rola             shift bit over
-         decb             count down
-         bpl   WAKE3      go again
-* tst DATAPORT,u port still clear?
-* bne WAKE1 no, wait more
-         sta   DATAPORT,u assert SCSI device address
-         bsr   SETTLE     bus settle delay
-         sta   SELECT,u   assert -SELect (-BSY will clear it)
-WAKE4    lda   STATUS,u   get status
-         bita  #BUSY      did it go busy yet?
-         beq   WAKE4      no, check again
-WAKE5    puls  b,u,pc     restore regs & return
-* Setup Command Descripter Block
-SETUP    sta   V$CMD,u    store command opcode
-         lda   PD.DRV,y   get drive number
-         bita  #1         test drive select bit
-         beq   DRIVE0     don't set bit 5
-         orb   #%00100000 set bit 5
-DRIVE0   stb   V$ADDR0,u  store sector hi byte
-         stx   V$ADDR1,u  store sector lo word
-         ldb   #1         transfer 1 block
-         stb   V$BLKS,u   read/write 1 sector
-         ldb   PD.STP,y   get step/options
-         stb   V$OPTS,u   store in command packet
-SETTLE   rts              return (also bus settle delay)
-         pag   
-* Execute all SCSI commands
-* Command errors are re-tried ten times
-* Upon entry:  CDB at V$CMD,u setup with data
-* Upon exit :  Command executed
-*              If no error, carry clear & B=0
-*              If error, carry set & B=ErrCode
-COMMAND  lda   #10        I/O retry count
-         sta   V$RETRY,u  setup inital count
-CMD20    bsr   WAKEUP     get controller on-line
-         lbeq  CONVERT    timeout, error
-         leax  V$CMD,u    address of command packet
-         bsr   SEND       send command out
-         pshs  u          save u
-         ldu   V.PORT,u   point to data port
-         bsr   WAITRQ     wait for -REQuest asserted
-         puls  u          restore data pointer
-         bita  #CMD       command or data transfer?
-         bne   GETSTA     get status
-         ldx   PD.BUF,y   get buffer address
-         bita  #INOUT     data IN or OUT?
-         beq   WRT        data OUT, go write
-         bsr   READ       data IN, go read
-         fcb   SKIP2      skip over write
-WRT      bsr   WRITE      data OUT, go write
-GETSTA   lbsr  INSTAT     get completion status
-         bita  #BSYBIT    controller busy?
-         bne   CMD20      yes, re-send command
-         bita  #ERRSTA    any error?
-         bne   GET20      yes, re-send if retries left
-         rts              no error, return
-GET20    dec   V$RETRY,u  any retries left?
-         bne   CMD20      yes, re-send command
-* Arrive here if there WAS an error
-         lbsr  WAKEUP     get controller again
-         lbeq  CONVERT    timeout, error
-         lda   #C$RDET    request sense info
-         clrb             scsi reserved (0)
-         ldx   #0         scsi reserved (0)
-         bsr   SETUP      setup command
-         clr   V$BLKS,u   scsi reserved (setup sets to 1)
-         leax  V$CMD,u    point to command
-         bsr   SEND       send command
-         leax  V$ERROR,u  point to buffer for error
-         bsr   READ       read error info
-         bsr   INSTAT     get completion status
-         ldb   V$ERROR,u  get error code
-         andb  #%01111111 strip address valid bit
-         bra   CONVERT    convert HD error into OS-9 code
-         pag   
-* Send out a Command Descripter Block
-SEND     pshs  u          save u
-         ldu   V.PORT,u   get port address
-SEND2    bsr   WAITRQ     wait for -REQuest
-         bita  #CMD       command or data?
-         beq   DONE       data phase, exit
-         bita  #INOUT     status phase?
-         bne   DONE       yes, exit
-         lda   ,x+        get a command byte
-         sta   DATAPORT,u send it out
-         bra   SEND2      send another one
-DONE     puls  u,pc       restore u & return
-* Wait for -REQ asserted, return with status byte in "A"
-WAITRQ   pshs  x          save X
-WAIT10   lda   STATUS,u   get status byte
-         bita  #ACK       -ACK still asserted?
-         bne   WAIT20     yes, -REQ not valid yet
-         bita  #REQ       -REQ asserted?
-         bne   WAIT30     yes, exit now
-WAIT20   ldx   D.Proc     get current process pointer
-         cmpx  D.SysPrc   are we doing a system process?
-         beq   WAIT10     yes, do not F$Sleep!
-         ldx   #1         sleep till end of time slice
-         os9   F$Sleep    sleep 1 tick
-         bra   WAIT10     check status again
-WAIT30   puls  x,pc       restore & return
-         pag   
-* Read SCSI data
-READ     pshs  u          save u
-         ldu   V.PORT,u   get port address
-READ2    bsr   WAITRQ     wait for -REQ
-         bita  #CMD       data phase?
-         bne   DONE       no, exit
-         lda   DATAPORT,u get data byte
-         sta   ,x+        store in buffer
-         bra   READ2      go again
-* Write SCSI data
-WRITE    pshs  u          save u
-         ldu   V.PORT,u   get port address
-WRITE2   bsr   WAITRQ     wait for -REQ
-         bita  #CMD       data phase?
-         bne   DONE       no, exit
-         lda   ,x+        get byte from buffer
-         sta   DATAPORT,u send it out
-         bra   WRITE2     go again
-         pag   
-* Get command completion status
-INSTAT   pshs  a,u        save registers
-         ldu   V.PORT,u   get port address
-         bsr   WAITRQ     wait for -REQ
-         lda   DATAPORT,u get status byte
-         anda  #%00001111 strip unused bits
-         sta   ,s         save status in A
-         bsr   WAITRQ     wait for -REQ
-         clra             null & clear carry
-         sta   DATAPORT,u clear bus & ack
-         puls  a,u,pc     restore status code & return
-* Convert HD error code into OS-9 code
-CONVERT  pshs  b          put HD error on stack
-         leax  ERRTBL,pcr point to error table
-CONV2    ldb   ,x++       get code from table
-         bmi   CONV3      code not found, exit
-         cmpb  ,s         is this our error?
-         bne   CONV2      nope, try again
-CONV3    com   ,s+        set carry & reset stack
-         ldb   -1,x       get OS-9 error code
-         rts              return with error code
-         fcb   $01,E$NotRdy no index pulse
-         fcb   $02,E$Seek no seek complete
-         fcb   $03,E$Write write error
-         fcb   $04,E$NotRdy drive not ready
-         fcb   $06,E$Seek no TK00 found
-         fcb   $10,E$CRC  id CRC error
-         fcb   $11,E$Read uncorrectable data error
-         fcb   $12,E$Seek address mark not found
-         fcb   $14,E$Seek record not found
-         fcb   $15,E$Seek seek error
-         fcb   $18,E$CRC  data check, no retry mode
-         fcb   $19,E$CRC  ECC error
-         fcb   $1A,E$Unit interleave error
-         fcb   $1C,E$Unit bad format or no format
-         fcb   $20,E$Unit illegal command opcode
-         fcb   $21,E$IBA  illegal sector address
-         fcb   $23,E$IBA  overflow after first sector
-         fcb   $24,E$Unit bad argument in command
-         fcb   $25,E$Unit invalid argument in CDB
-         fcb   $70,E$Unit Seagate Extended sense
-         fcb   $FF,E$UnkSvc if here, bmi! unknown error!
-         pag   
-* Get and Term do nothing 
-         clrb             clear carry = no error
-         rts   
-* PutSta can restore or park the drive
-PUT      ldx   PD.RGS,y   get register packet
-         ldb   R$B,x      get function call
-         cmpb  #SS.SQD    sequence down hard disk code?
-         beq   PARK       yes, go park drive.
-         cmpb  #SS.RESET  recalibrate command?
-         beq   RESTORE    yes, do it
-         cmpb  #SS.WTRK   write track (format) command?
-         beq   PUT2       yes, allow it & exit (drive NOT formatted!)
-         comb             set carry = error
-         ldb   #E$UnkSvc  no, unknown call
-PUT2     rts              return
-PARK     bsr   RESTORE    restore drive to tk00
-         bcs   PUT2       exit if error
-         lda   #C$STSTOP  start/stop (park)
-         fcb   SKIP2      skip following LDA
-RESTORE  lda   #C$RSTR    restore drive to tk00
-         clrb             scsi reserved
-         ldx   #0         scsi reserved
-         lbsr  SETUP      setup command
-         clr   V$BLKS,u   setup sets to 1
-         lbra  COMMAND    go do it & return
-* T-T-T-That's all folks!
-         emod  
-END      equ   *
-         end   
--- a/level2/modules/makefile	Wed Jul 24 19:12:18 2002 +0000
+++ b/level2/modules/makefile	Wed Jul 24 19:55:44 2002 +0000
@@ -12,8 +12,8 @@
 CLOCKS		= clock clock2_soft clock2_disto clock2_146818
 DRIVERS		= cc3disk.dr cc3hdisk.dr cc3io.dr modpak.dr \
-		vrn.dr piper.dr printer.dr parallel.dr sio.dr ram.dr sspak.dr \
-		hdisk.dr sacia.dr dacia.dr
+		vrn.dr piper.dr printer.dr sio.dr ram.dr sspak.dr \
+		sacia.dr dacia.dr
 IOSUBS		= keydrv joydrv_joy \
 		joydrv_6551L joydrv_6552L joydrv_6551M joydrv_6552M snddrv
 DESCS		= d0_35s.dd d1_35s.dd d2_35s.dd d3_35s.dd \
@@ -21,10 +21,10 @@
 		d1_80d.dd d2_80d.dd ddd0_35s.dd ddd0_40d.dd \
 		ddd0_80d.dd r0_8k.dd r0_96k.dd r0_128k.dd r0_192k.dd \
 		ddr0_8k.dd ddr0_96k.dd ddr0_128k.dd ddr0_192k.dd \
-		m1.dd m2.dd nil.dd p.dd pp.dd pipe.dd t1.dd t2_sacia.dd \
+		m1.dd m2.dd nil.dd p.dd pipe.dd t1.dd t2_sacia.dd \
 		t3_sacia.dd t2_dacia.dd t3_dacia.dd \
 		h0_10.dd h1_10.dd h0_15.dd h1_15.dd h0_35.dd h1_35.dd \
-		ftdd.dd vi.dd ssp.dd h0_hdisk.dd term_t1.dd
+		ftdd.dd vi.dd ssp.dd term_t1.dd
 WINDESCS	= term_vdg.dt term_win40.dt term_win80.dt w.dw w1.dw w2.dw \
 		w3.dw w4.dw w5.dw w6.dw w7.dw v1.dw v2.dw v3.dw v4.dw v5.dw \
 		v6.dw v7.dw
--- a/level2/modules/parallel.asm	Wed Jul 24 19:12:18 2002 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-* Parallel - Disto Parallel Printer driver
-* $Id$
-* Ed.    Comments                                       Who YY/MM/DD
-* ------------------------------------------------------------------
-* 12     ???
-         nam   Parallel
-         ttl   Disto Parallel Printer driver
-* Disassembled 98/08/25 13:20:51 by Disasm v1.6 (C) 1988 by RML
-         ifp1
-         use   defsfile
-         endc
-tylg     set   Drivr+Objct   
-atrv     set   ReEnt+rev
-rev      set   $01
-edition  set   12
-         mod   eom,name,tylg,atrv,start,size
-u0000    rmb   29
-u001D    rmb   1
-u001E    rmb   1
-u001F    rmb   1
-size     equ   .
-         fcb   $03 
-name     fcs   /Parallel/
-         fcb   edition
-start    equ   *
-         lbra  L0079
-         lbra  L0029
-         lbra  L002D
-         lbra  L005C
-         lbra  L0058
-         lbra  L006D
-L0029    comb  
-         ldb   #$CB
-         rts   
-L002D    ldb   >MPI.Slct
-         andb  #$33
-         pshs  b
-         ldb   #$33
-         stb   >MPI.Slct
-         tst   >$FF52
-         bmi   L004B
-L003E    sta   >$FF52
-         sta   >$FF52
-         puls  b
-         stb   >MPI.Slct
-         clrb  
-         rts   
-L004B    ldx   #$0001
-         os9   F$Sleep  
-         tst   >$FF52
-         bpl   L003E
-         bra   L004B
-L0058    comb  
-         ldb   #$D0
-         rts   
-L005C    cmpa  #$26
-         bne   L0058
-         ldx   $06,y
-         clra  
-         ldb   <u001D,u
-         std   $04,x
-         ldb   <u001E,u
-         std   $06,x
-L006D    clra  
-         lbra  L002D
-         lbra  L002D
-         lbra  L002D
-         clrb  
-         rts   
-L0079    ldd   <$2C,y
-         std   <u001D,u
-         lda   <$26,y
-         sta   <u001F,u
-         clrb  
-         rts   
-         emod
-eom      equ   *
-         end
--- a/level2/modules/pp.asm	Wed Jul 24 19:12:18 2002 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-         nam   P
-         ttl   Disto Parallel Port device descriptor
-* Disassembled 98/08/25 13:20:40 by Disasm v1.6 (C) 1988 by RML
-         ifp1  
-         use   defsfile
-         use   scfdefs
-         endc  
-tylg     set   Devic+Objct
-atrv     set   ReEnt+rev
-rev      set   $01
-         mod   eom,name,tylg,atrv,mgrnam,drvnam
-         fcb   READ.+WRITE. mode byte
-         fcb   $07        extended controller address
-         fdb   $FF52      physical controller address
-         fcb   initsize-*-1 initilization table size
-         fcb   DT.SCF     device type:0=scf,1=rbf,2=pipe,3=scf
-         fcb   $00        case:0=up&lower,1=upper only
-         fcb   $00        backspace:0=bsp,1=bsp then sp & bsp
-         fcb   $01        delete:0=bsp over line,1=return
-         fcb   $00        echo:0=no echo
-         fcb   $01        auto line feed:0=off
-         fcb   $00        end of line null count
-         fcb   $00        pause:0=no end of page pause
-         fcb   66         lines per page
-         fcb   C$BSP      backspace character
-         fcb   C$DEL      delete line character
-         fcb   C$CR       end of record character
-         fcb   $00        end of file character
-         fcb   C$RPRT     reprint line character
-         fcb   C$RPET     duplicate last line character
-         fcb   C$PAUS     pause character
-         fcb   $00        interrupt character
-         fcb   $00        quit character
-         fcb   $5F        backspace echo character
-         fcb   C$BELL     line overflow character (bell)
-         fcb   $00        init value for dev ctl reg
-         fcb   B9600      baud rate
-         fdb   name       copy of descriptor name address
-         fcb   $00        acia xon char
-         fcb   $00        acia xoff char
-         fcb   80         (szx) number of columns for display
-         fcb   66         (szy) number of rows for display
-initsize equ   *
-name     fcs   /p/
-mgrnam   fcs   /SCF/
-drvnam   fcs   /Parallel/
-         emod  
-eom      equ   *
-         end   