changeset 3234:d1c60028af6e

Updated sources for syscall in basic09 packages to fix for incorrect offsets for 6309 because sources always expect 6809 offsets. Updated level1 vtio sources with expanded comments for readability and also fixed a SSReady GetStat call issue that was not returning correct # of buffered keys.
author David Ladd <>
date Thu, 15 Feb 2018 23:06:22 -0600
parents f467615c0e95
children b05e48458203
files 3rdparty/packages/basic09/syscall.asm level1/modules/vtio.asm
diffstat 2 files changed, 1119 insertions(+), 1030 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/3rdparty/packages/basic09/syscall.asm	Sat Feb 10 23:08:57 2018 -0600
+++ b/3rdparty/packages/basic09/syscall.asm	Thu Feb 15 23:06:22 2018 -0600
@@ -71,18 +71,21 @@
          ldd   #$103F           get SWI2 instruction ('os9')
          pshs  b,a              put on stack (so stack is now 'os9 x$nam' & 'rts')
          ldu   PrmPtr2+4,s      get pointer to caller's registers on stack (+4 is because we just put SWI2 and RTS on stack)
-         ldd   R$D,u            R$D Get copies of registers from caller (no system calls have CC as input, or PC as input)
-         ldx   R$X,u            R$X
-         ldy   R$Y,u            R$Y
-         ldu   R$U,u            R$U
+* Do not change the values on the following 4 lines LDD LDX LDY LDU because these require 6809 offsets only.  Even on 6309 CPU's
+         ldd   $01,u            R$D Get copies of registers from caller (no system calls have CC as input, or PC as input)
+         ldx   $04,u            R$X
+         ldy   $06,u            R$Y
+         ldu   $08,u            R$U
          jsr   ,s               Call our little 4 byte routine on stack (os9 x$nam / rts) with register values passed to us
          pshs  u,cc             Save U and CC
          ldu   PrmPtr2+7,s      Get ptr to caller's registers on stack again (+7 now from our 4 byte routine, plus saving U&CC)
-         leau  R$U,u            Offset to caller's U register on stack (push works up, so we are leaving U alone at this point)
+* The following line needs to be the $08 rather than R$U because it needs to be forced to 6809 offsets only
+         leau  $08,u            R$U Offset to caller's U register on stack (push works up, so we are leaving U alone at this point)
          pshu  y,x,dp,b,a       Put 4 of the registers returned from system call into appropriate spots over callers original ones
          puls  x,a              Get our saved copies of U and CC we got back from system call
          sta   ,-u              Save CC overtop callers original CC (for error flag)
-         stx   R$U,u            Save U return back from system call overtop caller's original U
+* The following line needs to be the $08 rather than R$U because it needs to be forced to 6809 offsets only
+         stx   $08,u            R$U Save U return back from system call overtop caller's original U
          leas  $04,s            Eat the 4 byte instruction sequence we made
          clrb                   Return to caller with no error (it's up to them to read their copies of CC and B to determine if an error happened)
--- a/level1/modules/vtio.asm	Sat Feb 10 23:08:57 2018 -0600
+++ b/level1/modules/vtio.asm	Thu Feb 15 23:06:22 2018 -0600
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
 *          2005/04/24  P.Harvey-Smith
 * Added cursor flash call to AltIRQ routine, this decrements a
 * counter and when zero calls the routine contained in V.Flash
-* ccio initialises this to point to an rts, the individual COxx 
+* ccio initialises this to point to an rts, the individual COxx
 * routine can over-ride this in it's init, this should point to
 * a routine to flash the cursor which should end in an rts.
@@ -35,42 +35,40 @@
 *                      L. Curtis Boyle
 * Updated GoGrfo to load GrfDrv if GrfDrv was not found in memory
 * using a new load routine called LoadSub
-*   3      2018/02/10  David Ladd
+*   3      2018/02/15  David Ladd
 *                      L. Curtis Boyle
-* Optimized a few routines for speed based on long branches to
-* short branches.
-         nam   VTIO      
+* Fixed bug with SS.Ready GetStat call - it was not saving the # of chars
+* available in the keyboard buffer to caller's B register
+         nam   VTIO
          ttl   OS-9 Level One V2 CoCo I/O driver
-         ifp1            
-         use   defsfile  
-;         use   scfdefs   
+         ifp1
+         use   defsfile
+;         use   scfdefs
          use   cocovtio.d
-         endc            
+         endc
 tylg     set   Drivr+Objct
-atrv     set   ReEnt+rev 
+atrv     set   ReEnt+rev
 rev      set   $00
 edition  set   1
          mod   eom,name,tylg,atrv,start,size
-size     equ   V.Last    
+size     equ   V.Last
          fcb   UPDAT.+EXEC.
-name     fcs   /VTIO/    
-         fcb   edition   
-start    lbra  Init      
-         lbra  Read      
-         lbra  Write     
-         lbra  GetStat   
-         lbra  SetStat   
-         lbra  Term      
+name     fcs   /VTIO/
+         fcb   edition
+start    lbra  Init
+         lbra  Read
+         lbra  Write
+         lbra  GetStat
+         lbra  SetStat
+         lbra  Term
 * Init
 * Entry:
@@ -81,44 +79,43 @@
 *    CC = carry set on error
 *    B  = error code
 * MESS Debug lines for Phill
-*        pshs	y
-*	ldy	#$aa55
-*	ldy	#V.5136
-*	ldy	#V.51End
-*	puls	y
-         stu   >D.KbdSta  store devmem ptr
-         leax  <V.SCF,u   point to memory after V.SCF
-         ldd   #V.51End-V.SCF
-L002E    sta   ,x+        clear mem
-         decb             decrement counter
-         bne   L002E      continue if more
-         leax  FlashCursor,pcr * Point to dummy cursor flash
-         stx   V.Flash,u  * Setup cursor flash
-         coma             A = $FF
-         comb             B = $FF
-         IFEQ  coco2b+deluxe-1
-         clr   <V.Caps,u 
-         ELSE
-         stb   <V.Caps,u 
-         ENDC
+*        pshs   y
+*       ldy     #$aa55
+*       ldy     #V.5136
+*       ldy     #V.51End
+*       puls    y
+         stu   >D.KbdSta      store devmem ptr
+         leax  <V.SCF,u       Point to start of mem to clear
+         ldd   #V.51End-V.SCF 0 byte to clear with, and size of static mem to clear
+L002E    sta   ,x+            clear mem
+         decb                 decrement counter
+         bne   L002E          continue if more
+         leax  FlashCursor,pcr Point to dummy cursor flash (just an rts). 
+         stx   V.Flash,u      Setup cursor flash
+         coma                 A = $FF
+         comb                 B = $FF
+       IFEQ  coco2b+coco2b_6309+deluxe-1
+         clr   <V.Caps,u
+       ELSE
+         stb   <V.Caps,u
+       ENDC
          std   <V.LKeyCd,u
          std   <V.2Key2,u
-         lda   #60       
+* I presume this should also get IFEQ to specify 50 for PAL systems
+         lda   #60            Init clock ctr to 60
          sta   <V.ClkCnt,u
-         leax  >AltIRQ,pcr get IRQ routine ptr
-         stx   >D.AltIRQ  store in AltIRQ
-         leax  >SetDsply,pcr get display vector
-         stx   <V.DspVct,u store in vector address
-         leax  >XY2Addr,pcr get address of XY2Addr
-         stx   <V.CnvVct,u
-         ldd   <IT.PAR,y  get parity and baud
-         lbra  SetupTerm  process them
+         leax  >AltIRQ,pcr    get IRQ routine ptr
+         stx   >D.AltIRQ      store in AltIRQ
+         leax  >SetDsply,pcr  get display vector
+         stx   <V.DspVct,u    store in vector address
+         leax  >XY2Addr,pcr   get address of XY2Addr
+         stx   <V.CnvVct,u    Save as vector get mem location and pixel mask based on X,Y coords on gfx screen
+         ldd   <IT.PAR,y      get parity and baud
+         lbra  SetupTerm      process them
 * Term
 * Entry:
@@ -128,12 +125,12 @@
 *    CC = carry set on error
 *    B  = error code
-Term     pshs  cc        
-         orcc  #IRQMask   mask interrupts
-         ldx   >D.Clock   get clock vector
-         stx   >D.AltIRQ  and put back in AltIRQ
-         puls  pc,cc     
+Term     pshs  cc
+         orcc  #IRQMask       mask interrupts
+         ldx   >D.Clock       get clock vector
+         stx   >D.AltIRQ      and put back in AltIRQ
+         puls  pc,cc          Restore interrups & return
 * Read
 * Entry:
@@ -145,11 +142,11 @@
 *    CC = carry set on error
 *    B  = error code
-*	pshs	y
-*	ldy	#$aa57
-*	puls	y
+*       pshs    y
+*       ldy     #$aa57
+*       puls    y
          leax  V.InBuf,u  point X to input buffer
          ldb   V.IBufT,u  get tail pointer
          orcc  #IRQMask   mask IRQ
@@ -161,12 +158,12 @@
          stb   V.IBufT,u  store updated tail
          andcc  #^(IRQMask+Carry) unmask IRQ
-         rts             
+         rts
 Put2Bed  lda   V.BUSY,u   get calling process ID
          sta   V.WAKE,u   store in V.WAKE
          andcc  #^IRQMask  clear interrupts
-         ldx   #$0000    
+         ldx   #$0000
          os9   F$Sleep    sleep forever
          clr   V.WAKE,u   clear wake
          ldx   <D.Proc    get pointer to current proc desc
@@ -174,398 +171,420 @@
          beq   Read       branch if no signal
          cmpb  #S$Window  window signal?
          bcc   Read       branch if so
-         coma            
-         rts             
+         coma
+         rts
 * Check if we need to wrap around tail pointer to zero
 L009D    incb             increment pointer
          cmpb  #$7F       at end?
          bls   L00A3      branch if not
          clrb             else clear pointer (wrap to head)
-L00A3    rts             
+L00A3    rts
 * IRQ routine for keyboard
-*        pshs	y
-*	ldy	#$aa58
-*	puls	y
-         ldu   >D.KbdSta  get keyboard static
-         ldb   <V.CFlg1,u graphics screen currently being displayed?
-         beq   L00B7      branch if not
-         ldb   <V.Alpha,u alpha mode?
-         beq   L00B7      branch if so
-         lda   <V.PIA1,u 
-         lbsr  SetDsply   set up display
-L00B7    ldx   #PIA0Base  point to PIA base
-         clra            
-         clrb            
-         std   <V.KySns,u clear keysense byte
-         bsr   L00E8      get bits
-         bne   L00CC     
-         clr   $02,x      clear PIA0Base+2
-         lda   ,x         get byte from PIA
-         coma             complement
-         anda  #$7F       strip off hi bit
-         bne   L00F1      branch if any bit set
-L00CC    clra            
-         clrb            
-         std   <V.KTblLC,u clear
-         coma             A = $FF
-         tst   <V.Spcl,u  special key?
-         bne   l@         branch if so
+*        pshs   y
+*       ldy     #$aa58
+*       puls    y
+         ldu   >D.KbdSta      get keyboard static memory ptr
+         ldb   <V.CFlg1,u     graphics screen currently being displayed?
+         beq   L00B7          branch if not
+         ldb   <V.Alpha,u     alpha mode?
+         beq   L00B7          branch if so
+         lda   <V.PIA1,u
+         lbsr  SetDsply       set up display
+L00B7    ldx   #PIA0Base      point to PIA base
+         clra
+         clrb
+         std   <V.KySns,u     clear keysense byte
+         bsr   L00E8          get bits
+         bne   L00CC
+         clr   2,x            clear PIA0Base+2
+         lda   ,x             get byte from PIA
+         coma                 invert
+         anda  #$7F           strip off hi bit
+         bne   L00F1          branch if any bit set
+L00CC    clra
+         clrb
+         std   <V.KTblLC,u    clear
+         coma                 A = $FF
+         tst   <V.Spcl,u      special key?
+         bne   l@             branch if so
          sta   <V.LKeyCd,u
-l@       stb   <V.Spcl,u  clear for next time
-         comb            
+l@       stb   <V.Spcl,u      clear for next time
+         comb
          sta   <V.2Key1,u
          std   <V.2Key2,u
-         dec   V.FlashCount,u Get flash counter
-         bne   AltIRQEnd  Otherwise just call clock module
-         jsr   [V.Flash,u] Call flash routine
-         lda   #CFlash50hz Re-init count
+         dec   V.FlashCount,u Dec flash counter
+         bne   AltIRQEnd      Still more, just call clock module.
+         jsr   [V.Flash,u]    Call flash routine
+* 6809/6309 NOTE: Should add IFEQ of some sort here for CFlash50hz or CFlash60hz - but I am not
+*  sure what to compare it with
+         lda   #CFlash50hz    Re-init count (25 or 30 depending - every 2 clock ticks)
          sta   V.FlashCount,u
-         jmp   [>D.Clock] jump into clock module
-L00E8    comb            
-         stb   $02,x      strobe one column
-         ldb   ,x         read PIA #0 row states
-         comb             invert bits so 1=key pressed
-         andb  #$03       mask out all but lower 2 bits
-         rts             
-         bsr   L015C     
-         bmi   L00CC     
-         clrb            
-         bsr   L00E8     
-         bne   L00CC     
-         cmpa  <V.6F,u   
-         bne   L010E     
-         ldb   <V.ClkCnt,u
-         beq   L010A     
-         decb            
+         jmp   [>D.Clock]     jump into clock module
+L00E8    comb
+         stb   2,x            strobe one column
+         ldb   ,x             read PIA #0 row states
+         comb                 invert bits so 1=key pressed
+         andb  #$03           mask out all but lower 2 bits
+         rts
+L00F1    bsr   L015C
+         bmi   L00CC
+         clrb
+         bsr   L00E8          Scan keyboard?
+         bne   L00CC          Key pressed, go process
+         cmpa  <V.6F,u        Check flag: Same as last key pressed?
+         bne   L010E          No, skip ahead
+         ldb   <V.ClkCnt,u    Get clock tick count
+         beq   L010A          If 0, reload it with 5
+         decb                 Otherwise, drop by 1 & save back
 L0105    stb   <V.ClkCnt,u
-         bra   CheckFlash
-L010A    ldb   #$05      
-         bra   L011A     
-L010E    sta   <V.6F,u   
-         ldb   #$05      
-         tst   <V.KySame,u
-         bne   L0105     
-         ldb   #60       
+         bra   CheckFlash     Check of we should flash cursor (separate counter)
+L010A    ldb   #$05           Set clock counter back to 5
+         bra   L011A          Save it and continue
+L010E    sta   <V.6F,u        Save copy of key pressed?
+         ldb   #$05           Default timer to 5 tickets
+         tst   <V.KySame,u    Same key as last time?
+         bne   L0105          Yes, save clock tick count of 5, check for cursor flash
+         ldb   #60            No, set clock tick count to 60 
 L011A    stb   <V.ClkCnt,u
-         ldb   V.IBufH,u  get head pointer in B
-         leax  V.InBuf,u  point X to input buffer
-         abx              X now holds address of head
-         lbsr  L009D      check for tail wrap
-         cmpb  V.IBufT,u  B at tail?
-         beq   L012F      branch if so
-         stb   V.IBufH,u 
-L012F    sta   ,x         store our char at ,X
-         beq   WakeIt     if nul, do wake-up
-         cmpa  V.PCHR,u   pause character?
-         bne   L013F      branch if not
-         ldx   V.DEV2,u   else get dev2 statics
-         beq   WakeIt     branch if none
-         sta   V.PAUS,x   else set pause request
-         bra   WakeIt    
-L013F    ldb   #S$Intrpt  get interrupt signal
-         cmpa  V.INTR,u   our char same as intr?
-         beq   L014B      branch if same
-         ldb   #S$Abort   get abort signal
-         cmpa  V.QUIT,u   our char same as QUIT?
-         bne   WakeIt     branch if not
-L014B    lda   V.LPRC,u   get ID of last process to get this device
-         bra   L0153      go for it
-WakeIt   ldb   #S$Wake    get wake signal
-         lda   V.WAKE,u   get process to wake
-L0153    beq   L0158      branch if none
-         os9   F$Send     else send wakeup signal
-L0158    clr   V.WAKE,u   clear process to wake flag
-         bra   AltIRQEnd  and move along
-L015C    clra            
-         clrb            
-         std   <V.ShftDn,u SHIFT/CTRL flag; 0=NO $FF=YES
+         ldb   V.IBufH,u      get head pointer in B
+         leax  V.InBuf,u      point X to input buffer
+         abx                  X now holds address of head
+         lbsr  L009D          check for tail wrap
+         cmpb  V.IBufT,u      B at tail?
+         beq   L012F          branch if so
+         stb   V.IBufH,u
+L012F    sta   ,x             store our char at ,X
+         beq   WakeIt         if nul, do wake-up
+         cmpa  V.PCHR,u       pause character?
+         bne   L013F          branch if not
+         ldx   V.DEV2,u       else get dev2 statics
+         beq   WakeIt         branch if none
+         sta   V.PAUS,x       else set pause request
+         bra   WakeIt
+L013F    ldb   #S$Intrpt      get interrupt signal
+         cmpa  V.INTR,u       our char same as intr?
+         beq   L014B          branch if same
+         ldb   #S$Abort       get abort signal
+         cmpa  V.QUIT,u       our char same as QUIT?
+         bne   WakeIt         branch if not
+L014B    lda   V.LPRC,u       get ID of last process to get this device
+         bra   L0153          go for it
+WakeIt   ldb   #S$Wake        get wake signal
+         lda   V.WAKE,u       get process to wake
+L0153    beq   L0158          branch if none
+         os9   F$Send         else send wakeup signal
+L0158    clr   V.WAKE,u       clear process to wake flag
+         bra   AltIRQEnd      and move along
+L015C    clra
+         clrb
+         std   <V.ShftDn,u    SHIFT/CTRL flag; 0=NO $FF=YES
          std   <V.KeyFlg,u
 * %00000111-Column # (Output, 0-7)
 * %00111000-Row # (Input, 0-6)
-         coma            
-         comb            
-         std   <V.Key1,u  key 1&2 flags $FF=none
-         sta   <V.Key3,u  key 3     "
-         deca             lda #%11111110
-         sta   $02,x      write column strobe
-L016F    lda   ,x         read row from PIA0Base
-         ifne  (tano+d64+dalpha)
-         lbsr  DragonToCoCo ; Translate Dragon keyboard layout to CoCo
-         endc            
-         coma             invert so 1=key pressed
-         anda  #$7F       keep only keys, bit 0=off 1=on
-         beq   L0183      no keys pressed, try next column
-         ldb   #$FF       preset counter to -1
-L0178    incb            
-         lsra             bit test regA
-         bcc   L017F      no key, brach
-         lbsr  L0221      convert column/row to matrix value and store
-L017F    cmpb  #$06       max counter
-         bcs   L0178      loop if more bits to test
-L0183    inc   <V.KeyFlg,u counter; used here for column
-         orcc  #Carry     bit marker; disable strobe
-         rol   $02,x      shift to next column
-         bcs   L016F      not finished with columns so loop
-         lbsr  L0289      simultaneous check; recover key matrix value
-         bmi   L020A      invalid so go
-         cmpa  <V.LKeyCd,u last keyboard code
-         bne   L0199     
-         inc   <V.KySame,u same key flag ?counter?
-L0199    sta   <V.LKeyCd,u setup for last key pressed
-         beq   L01B9      if @ key, use lookup table
-         suba  #$1A       the key value (matrix) of Z
-         bhi   L01B9      not a letter, so go
-         adda  #$1A       restore regA
-         ldb   <V.CtrlDn,u CTRL flag
-         bne   L01E9      CTRL is down so go
-         adda  #$40       convert to ASCII value; all caps
-         ldb   <V.ShftDn,u shift key flag
-         eorb  <V.Caps,u  get current device static memory pointer
-         andb  #$01       tet caps flag
-         bne   L01E9      not shifted so go
-         adda  #$20       convert to ASCII lowercase
-         bra   L01E9     
+         coma
+         comb
+         std   <V.Key1,u      key 1&2 flags $FF=none
+         sta   <V.Key3,u      key 3     "
+         deca                 lda #%11111110
+         sta   2,x            write column strobe
+L016F    lda   ,x             read row from PIA0Base
+       ifne  (tano+d64+dalpha)
+         lbsr  DragonToCoCo   Translate Dragon keyboard layout to CoCo
+       endc
+         coma                 invert so 1=key pressed
+         anda  #$7F           keep only keys, bit 0=off 1=on
+         beq   L0183          no keys pressed, try next column
+         ldb   #$FF           preset counter to -1
+L0178    incb
+         lsra                 bit test regA
+         bcc   L017F          no key, brach
+         lbsr  L0221          convert column/row to matrix value and store
+L017F    cmpb  #$06           max counter
+         bcs   L0178          loop if more bits to test
+L0183    inc   <V.KeyFlg,u    counter; used here for column
+         orcc  #Carry         bit marker; disable strobe
+         rol   $02,x          shift to next column
+         bcs   L016F          not finished with columns so loop
+         lbsr  L0289          simultaneous check; recover key matrix value
+         bmi   L020A          invalid so go
+         cmpa  <V.LKeyCd,u    last keyboard code
+         bne   L0199
+         inc   <V.KySame,u    Same, set "Key pressed same as last time" flag
+L0199    sta   <V.LKeyCd,u    setup for last key pressed
+         beq   L01B9          if @ key, use lookup table
+         suba  #$1A           the key value (matrix) of Z
+         bhi   L01B9          not a letter, so go
+         adda  #$1A           restore regA
+         ldb   <V.CtrlDn,u    CTRL flag
+         bne   L01E9          CTRL is down so go
+         adda  #$40           convert to ASCII value; all caps
+         ldb   <V.ShftDn,u    shift key flag
+         eorb  <V.Caps,u      get current device static memory pointer
+         andb  #$01           tet caps flag
+         bne   L01E9          not shifted so go
+         adda  #$20           convert to ASCII lowercase
+         bra   L01E9
 * Not a letter key, use the special keycode lookup table
-* Entry: A = table idnex (matrix scancode-26)
-L01B9    ldb   #$03       three entries per key (normal, SHIFT, CTRL)
-         mul              convert index to table offset
-         lda   <V.ShftDn,u shift key flag
-         beq   L01C4      not shifted so go
-         incb             else adjust offset for SHIFTed entry
-         bra   L01CB      and do it
-L01C4    lda   <V.CtrlDn,u CTRL flag?
-         beq   L01CB      adjust offset for CTRL key
-         addb  #$02      
-L01CB    lda   <V.KySnsF,u key sense flag?
-         beq   L01D4      not set, so go
-         cmpb  #$11       spacebar?
-         ble   L0208      must be an arrow so go
-L01D4    cmpb  #$4C       ALT key? (SHOULD BE $4C???)
-         blt   L01DD      not ALT, CTRL, F1, F2 or SHIFT so go
-         inc   <V.AltDwn,u flag special keys (ALT, CTRL)
-         subb  #$06       adjust offset to skip them
-L01DD    pshs  x          save X
-         leax  >KeyTbl,pcr point to keyboard table
-         lda   b,x       
-         puls  x         
-         bmi   L01FD      if A = $81 - $84, special key
+* Entry: A = table index (matrix scancode-26)
+L01B9    ldb   #3             three entries per key (normal, SHIFT, CTRL)
+         mul                  convert index to table offset
+         lda   <V.ShftDn,u    shift key flag
+         beq   L01C4          not shifted so go
+         incb                 else adjust offset for SHIFTed entry
+         bra   L01CB          and do it
+L01C4    lda   <V.CtrlDn,u    CTRL flag?
+         beq   L01CB
+         addb  #$02           Yes, adjust offset for CTRL key
+L01CB    lda   <V.KySnsF,u    key sense flag?
+         beq   L01D4          not set, so go
+         cmpb  #$11           spacebar?
+         ble   L0208          must be an arrow so go
+L01D4    cmpb  #$4C           ALT key? (SHOULD BE $4C???)
+         blt   L01DD          not ALT, CTRL, F1, F2 or SHIFT so go
+         inc   <V.AltDwn,u    flag special keys (ALT, CTRL)
+         subb  #$06           adjust offset to skip them
+L01DD    pshs  x              save X
+         leax  >KeyTbl,pcr    point to keyboard table
+         lda   b,x            Get key from tbl
+         puls  x
+         bmi   L01FD          if A = $81 - $84, special key
 * several entries to this routine from any key press; A is already ASCII
-L01E9    ldb   <V.AltDwn,u was ALT flagged?
-         beq   L01FA      no, so go
-         cmpa  #$3F       ?
-         bls   L01F8      # or code
-         cmpa  #$5B       [
-         bcc   L01F8      capital letter so go
-         ora   #$20       convert to lower case
-L01F8    ora   #$80       set for ALT characters
-L01FA    andcc  #^Negative not negative
-         rts             
+L01E9    ldb   <V.AltDwn,u    was ALT flagged?
+         beq   L01FA          no, so go
+         cmpa  #$3F           ?
+         bls   L01F8          # or code
+         cmpa  #$5B           [
+         bhs   L01F8          capital letter so go
+         ora   #$20           convert to lower case
+L01F8    ora   #$80           set for ALT characters
+L01FA    andcc  #^Negative    not negative
+         rts
 * Flag that special key was hit
-L01FD    inc   <V.Spcl,u 
-         ldb   <V.KySame,u
-         bne   L0208     
-         com   <V.Caps,u 
-L0208    orcc  #Negative  set negative
-L020A    rts             
+L01FD    inc   <V.Spcl,u      Set flag
+         ldb   <V.KySame,u    Key pressed same as last checked?
+         bne   L0208          Yes, set negative flag & return
+         com   <V.Caps,u      No, flip state of Caps lock flag
+L0208    orcc  #Negative      set negative
+L020A    rts
 * Calculate arrow keys for key sense byte
-L020B    pshs  b,a        convert column into power of 2
-         clrb            
-         orcc  #Carry    
-         inca            
-L0211    rolb            
-         deca            
-         bne   L0211     
-         bra   L0219     
-L0217    pshs  b,a       
-L0219    orb   <V.KySns,u previous value of column
+L020B    pshs  d              convert column into power of 2
+         clrb
+         orcc  #Carry
+         inca
+L0211    rolb
+         deca
+         bne   L0211
+         bra   L0219
+L0217    pshs  d
+L0219    orb   <V.KySns,u     previous value of column
          stb   <V.KySns,u
-         puls  pc,b,a    
+         puls  pc,d
 * Check special keys (SHIFT, CTRL, ALT)
-L0221    pshs  b,a       
-         cmpb  #$03       is it row 3?
-         bne   L0230     
-         lda   <V.KeyFlg,u get column #
-         cmpa  #$03       is it column 3?; ie up arrow
-         blt   L0230      if lt it must be a letter
-         bsr   L020B      its a non letter so bsr
-L0230    lslb             B*8 8 keys per row
-         lslb            
-         lslb            
-         addb  <V.KeyFlg,u add in the column #
-         beq   L025D     
-         cmpb  #$33       ALT
-         bne   L0243     
-         inc   <V.AltDwn,u ALT down flag
-         ldb   #$04      
-         bra   L0219     
-L0243    cmpb  #$31       CLEAR?
-         beq   L024B     
-         cmpb  #$34       CTRL?
-         bne   L0252     
-L024B    inc   <V.CtrlDn,u CTRL down flag
-         ldb   #$02      
-         bra   L0219     
-L0252    cmpb  #$37       SHIFT key
-         bne   L0262     
-         com   <V.ShftDn,u SHIFT down flag
-         ldb   #$01      
-         bra   L0219     
-L025D    ldb   #$04      
-         bsr   L0217     
-         clrb            
+L0221    pshs  d
+         cmpb  #$03           is it row 3?
+         bne   L0230
+         lda   <V.KeyFlg,u    get column #
+         cmpa  #$03           is it column 3?; ie up arrow
+         blt   L0230          if lt it must be a letter
+         bsr   L020B          its a non letter so bsr
+L0230    lslb                 B*8 8 keys per row
+         lslb
+         lslb
+         addb  <V.KeyFlg,u    add in the column #
+         beq   L025D
+         cmpb  #$33           ALT
+         bne   L0243
+         inc   <V.AltDwn,u    ALT down flag
+         ldb   #$04
+         bra   L0219
+L0243    cmpb  #$31           CLEAR?
+         beq   L024B
+         cmpb  #$34           CTRL?
+         bne   L0252
+L024B    inc   <V.CtrlDn,u    CTRL down flag
+         ldb   #$02
+         bra   L0219
+L0252    cmpb  #$37           SHIFT key
+         bne   L0262
+         com   <V.ShftDn,u    SHIFT down flag
+         ldb   #$01
+         bra   L0219
+L025D    ldb   #$04
+         bsr   L0217
+         clrb
 * Check how many key (1-3) are currently being pressed
-L0262    pshs  x         
-         leax  <V.Key1,u  1st key table
-         bsr   L026D     
-         puls  x         
-         puls  pc,b,a    
-L026D    pshs  a         
-         lda   ,x        
-         bpl   L0279     
-         stb   ,x        
-         ldb   #$01      
-         puls  pc,a      
-L0279    lda   $01,x     
-         bpl   L0283     
-         stb   $01,x     
-         ldb   #$02      
-         puls  pc,a      
-L0283    stb   $02,x     
-         ldb   #$03      
-         puls  pc,a      
+* Exit: <V.Key1 entries updated (up to 3)
+*       B=# keys pressed (1,2,3)
+L0262    pshs  x
+         leax  <V.Key1,u      1st key table
+         bsr   L026D
+         puls  x
+         puls  pc,d
+L026D    pshs  a
+         lda   ,x
+         bpl   L0279
+         stb   ,x
+         ldb   #1
+         puls  pc,a
+L0279    lda   1,x
+         bpl   L0283
+         stb   1,x
+         ldb   #2
+         puls  pc,a
+L0283    stb   2,x
+         ldb   #3
+         puls  pc,a
 * simultaneous key test
-L0289    pshs  y,x,b     
-         bsr   L02EE     
-         ldb   <V.KTblLC,u key table entry #
-         beq   L02C5     
-         leax  <V.2Key1,u point to 2nd key table
-         pshs  b         
-L0297    leay  <V.Key1,u  1st key table
-         ldb   #$03      
-         lda   ,x         get key #1
-         bmi   L02B6      go if invalid? (no key)
-L02A0    cmpa  ,y         is it a match?
-         bne   L02AA      go if not a matched key
-         clr   ,y        
-         com   ,y         set value to $FF
-         bra   L02B6     
-L02AA    leay  $01,y     
-         decb            
-         bne   L02A0     
-         lda   #$FF      
-         sta   ,x        
-         dec   <V.KTblLC,u key table entry #
-L02B6    leax  $01,x     
-         dec   ,s         column counter
-         bne   L0297     
-         leas  $01,s     
-         ldb   <V.KTblLC,u key table entry (can test for 3 simul keys)
-         beq   L02C5     
-         bsr   L0309     
-L02C5    leax  <V.Key1,u  1st key table
-         lda   #$03      
-L02CA    ldb   ,x+       
-         bpl   L02DE     
-         deca            
-         bne   L02CA     
-         ldb   <V.KTblLC,u key table entry (can test for 3 simul keys)
-         beq   L02EA     
-         decb            
-         leax  <V.2Key1,u 2nd key table
-         lda   b,x       
-         bra   L02E8     
-L02DE    tfr   b,a       
-         leax  <V.2Key1,u 2nd key table
-         bsr   L026D     
+L0289    pshs  y,x,b
+         bsr   L02EE
+         ldb   <V.KTblLC,u    key table entry #
+         beq   L02C5
+         leax  <V.2Key1,u     point to 2nd key table
+         pshs  b
+L0297    leay  <V.Key1,u      1st key table
+         ldb   #3             # of keys to check
+         lda   ,x             get key #1
+         bmi   L02B6          go if invalid? (no key)
+L02A0    cmpa  ,y             is it a match?
+         bne   L02AA          go if not a matched key
+         clr   ,y
+         com   ,y             set value to $FF
+         bra   L02B6
+L02AA    leay  1,y
+         decb
+         bne   L02A0
+         lda   #$FF
+         sta   ,x
+         dec   <V.KTblLC,u    key table entry #
+L02B6    leax  1,x
+         dec   ,s             column counter
+         bne   L0297
+         leas  1,s
+         ldb   <V.KTblLC,u    key table entry (can test for 3 simul keys)
+         beq   L02C5
+         bsr   L0309
+L02C5    leax  <V.Key1,u      1st key table
+         lda   #$03
+L02CA    ldb   ,x+
+         bpl   L02DE
+         deca
+         bne   L02CA
+         ldb   <V.KTblLC,u    key table entry (can test for 3 simul keys)
+         beq   L02EA
+         decb
+         leax  <V.2Key1,u     2nd key table
+         lda   b,x
+         bra   L02E8
+L02DE    tfr   b,a
+         leax  <V.2Key1,u     2nd key table
+         bsr   L026D
          stb   <V.KTblLC,u
-L02E8    puls  pc,y,x,b  
-L02EA    orcc  #Negative  flag negative
-         puls  pc,y,x,b  
-L02EE    ldd   <V.ShftDn,u
-         bne   L0301     
-         lda   #$03      
-         leax  <V.Key1,u 
-L02F8    ldb   ,x        
-         beq   L0302     
-         leax  $01,x     
-         deca            
-         bne   L02F8     
-L0301    rts             
-L0302    comb            
-         stb   ,x        
-         inc   <V.AltDwn,u
-         rts             
+L02E8    puls  pc,y,x,b
+L02EA    orcc  #Negative      flag negative
+         puls  pc,y,x,b
+L02EE    ldd   <V.ShftDn,u    Get Shift and CTRL key down flags
+         bne   L0301          At least one of them is down, return
+         lda   #3             3 keys to check
+         leax  <V.Key1,u      Point to 1st key pressed
+* 6809/6309 could ,x+, remove leax 1,x, and change L0302 to stb -1,x. X is destroyed on return anyways
+* would slightly slow down single key press (speed up multi-presses), but save 2 bytes. LCB
+L02F8    ldb   ,x             Get the keypress
+         beq   L0302          None, Flip to $FF, write back, and flag ALT key is pressed.
+         leax  1,x            Bump to next keypress
+         deca                 Done all 3?
+         bne   L02F8          no, keep going
+L0301    rts                  Yes, return
+L0302    comb
+         stb   ,x
+         inc   <V.AltDwn,u    Set flag that ALT key is pressed
+         rts
 * Sort 3 byte packet @ G.2Key1 according to sign of each byte
 * so that positive #'s are at beginning & negative #'s at end
-L0309    leax  <V.2Key1,u 2nd key table
-         bsr   L0314      sort bytes 1 & 2
-         leax  $01,x     
-         bsr   L0314      sort bytes 2 & 3
-         leax  -$01,x     sort 1 & 2 again (fall thru for third pass)
-L0314    lda   ,x         get current byte
-         bpl   L0320      positive - no swap
-         ldb   $01,x      get next byte
-         bmi   L0320      negative - no swap
-         sta   $01,x      swap the bytes
-         stb   ,x        
-L0320    rts             
+* NOTE: The only call to come here destroys X immediately on return (L02B6),
+L0309    leax  <V.2Key1,u     2nd key table
+         bsr   L0314          sort bytes 1 & 2
+         leax  1,x
+         bsr   L0314          sort bytes 2 & 3
+         leax  -1,x           sort 1 & 2 again (fall thru for third pass)
+L0314    lda   ,x             get current byte
+         bpl   L0320          positive - no swap
+         ldb   1,x            get next byte
+         bmi   L0320          negative - no swap
+         sta   1,x            swap the bytes
+         stb   ,x
+L0320    rts
 ; Convert Dragon Keyboard mapping to CoCo.
-; Entry	a=Dragon formatted keyboard input from PIA
-; Exit	a=CoCo formatted keyboard input from PIA
+; Entry a=Dragon formatted keyboard input from PIA
+; Exit  a=CoCo formatted keyboard input from PIA
-         ifne  (tano+d64+dalpha)
-         pshs  b         
-         sta   ,-s        ; Save on stack
-         tfr   a,b        ; Take a copy of keycode
-         anda  #%01000000 ; Top row same on both machines
-         andb  #%00000011 ; shift bottom 2 rows up 4 places 
-         lslb            
-         lslb            
-         lslb            
-         lslb            
-         pshs  b         
-         ora   ,s+        ; recombine rows
-         ldb   ,s
-         andb  #%00111100 ; Shift middle 4 rows down 2 places
-         lsrb            
-         lsrb            
-         stb   ,s
-         ora   ,s+        ; recombine rows	
-         puls  b,pc
-         endc            
+       ifne  (tano+d64+dalpha)
+         pshs  b              Save B
+         sta   ,-s            Save Dragon formatted keyboard on stack
+         tfr   a,b            Take a copy of keycode
+* 6309 - andd #%0100000000000011 replaces next two lines
+         anda  #%01000000     Top row same on both machines
+         andb  #%00000011     shift bottom 2 rows up 4 places
+         lslb
+         lslb
+         lslb
+         lslb
+         pshs  b              Save shifted version
+         ora   ,s+            Combine shifted version with original & remove from stack
+         ldb   ,s             Get original dragon formatted one back (-2 cyc)
+         andb  #%00111100     Shift middle 4 rows down 2 places
+         lsrb
+         lsrb
+         stb   ,s             Save shifted version on stack (-2 cyc)
+         ora   ,s+            recombine rows
+         puls  b,pc           Restore original B & return
+       endc
 * Key Table
 * 1st column = key (no modifier)
 * 2nd column = SHIFT+key
-* 3rd column = CTRL+key 
+* 3rd column = CTRL+key
 KeyTbl   fcb   $00,$40,$60 ALT @ `
          fcb   $0c,$1c,$13 UP
          fcb   $0a,$1a,$12 DOWN
@@ -593,9 +612,10 @@
          fcb   $05,$03,$1b BREAK key
          fcb   $31,$33,$35 F1 key
          fcb   $32,$34,$36 F2 key
-* Write
+* Write - move to just after initial jump table to make short branch, since this
+*  will be the most often used routine in VTIO
 * Entry:
 *    A  = character to write
@@ -606,110 +626,114 @@
 *    CC = carry set on error
 *    B  = error code
-Write    ldb   <V.NGChr,u are we in the process of getting parameters?
-         bne   PrmHandl   yes, go process
-         sta   <V.WrChr,u save character to write
-         ldb   V.51EscSeq,u     * in Escape sequence?
-         bne   GoCo             * yes, send to COHR
-         cmpa  #C$SPAC    space or higher?
-         bcc   GoCo       yes, normal write
-         cmpa  #$1B             * COHR Escape Code?
+Write    ldb   <V.NGChr,u     are we in the process of getting parameters?
+         bne   PrmHandl       yes, go process character as parameter
+         sta   <V.WrChr,u     No, save character to write
+         ldb   V.51EscSeq,u   in Escape sequence?
+         bne   GoCo           yes, send to COHR
+         cmpa  #C$SPAC        space or higher?
+         bhs   GoCo           yes, normal write
+         cmpa  #$1B           * COHR Escape Code?
          beq   GoCo
-         cmpa  #$1E       escape sequence $1E or $1F?
-         bcc   Escape     yes, go process
-         cmpa  #$0F       GFX codes?
-         lbcc  GfxDispatch branch if so
-         cmpa  #C$BELL    bell?
-         lbeq  Ding       if so, ring bell
+         cmpa  #$1E           escape sequence $1E or $1F?
+         bhs   Escape         yes, go process
+         cmpa  #$0F           GFX codes?
+         lbhs  GfxDispatch    branch if so
+         cmpa  #C$BELL        bell?
+         lbeq  Ding           if so, ring bell
 * Here we call the CO-module to write the character
-GoCo     lda   <V.CurCo,u get CoVDG/CoWP flag
-CoWrite  ldb   #$03       we want to write
-CallCO   leax  <V.GrfDrvE,u get base pointer to CO-entries
-         pshs  a         
-         tsta            Is it GrfDrv we are trying to init?
-         beq   IsGrfDrv
-         lbsr  GetModOffset ; Get offset
-IsGrfDrv ldx   a,x        get pointer to CoVDG/CoWP
-         puls  a         
-         beq   NoIOMod    branch if no module
-         lda   <V.WrChr,u get character to write
-L039D    jmp   b,x        call i/o subroutine
-NoIOMod  comb            
-         ldb   #E$MNF    
-         rts             
-* Parameter handler
-PrmHandl cmpb  #$02       two parameters left?
-         beq   L03B0      branch if so
-         sta   <V.NChr2,u else store in V.NChr2
-         clr   <V.NGChr,u clear parameter counter
-         jmp   [<V.RTAdd,u] jump to return address
-L03B0    sta   <V.NChar,u store in V.NChar
-         dec   <V.NGChr,u decrement parameter counter
-         clrb            
-         rts             
-Escape   beq   L03C5      if $1E, we conveniently ignore it
-         leax  <COEscape,pcr else it's $1F... set up to get next char
-L03BD    ldb   #$01      
+GoCo     lda   <V.CurCo,u     get CoVDG/CoWP flag
+CoWrite  ldb   #$03           we want to write
+CallCO   leax  <V.GrfDrvE,u   get base pointer to CO-entries
+         pshs  a              Save Co Module bit flags
+         tsta                 Is it GrfDrv we are trying to init?
+         beq   IsGrfDrv       Yes, skip getting offset
+         lbsr  GetModOffset   Get offset for entry point for the Co-module we are going to use
+IsGrfDrv ldx   a,x            get pointer to Entry point of Co-module
+         puls  a              Get back Co module bit flags
+         beq   NoIOMod        branch if no module (X<>0)
+         lda   <V.WrChr,u     get character to write
+L039D    jmp   b,x            Call co-module with char to write
+NoIOMod  comb                 Module not found error
+         ldb   #E$MNF
+         rts
+* Parameter handler - currently ONLY handles 1 or 2 bytes of parameters. Any additions that require
+*   more will require code changes here.
+* Entry: A=byte parameter currently processing
+*        B=# bytes still left to get
+PrmHandl cmpb  #2             Still two parameters left?
+         beq   L03B0          Yes, save this parameter byte, update counter, and go get the last one
+         sta   <V.NChr2,u     NO, we only needed 1, which we now have. Save byte in V.NChr2
+         clr   <V.NGChr,u     clear how many more bytes we need as parameters
+         jmp   [<V.RTAdd,u]   jump to return address to routine that asked for parameters in the 1st place
+L03B0    sta   <V.NChar,u     store 1st parameter byte in V.NChar
+         dec   <V.NGChr,u     decrement parameter counter
+         clrb                 Return w/o error, to go get the 2nd parameter byte
+         rts
+Escape   beq   L03C5          if $1E, we conveniently ignore it
+         leax  <COEscape,pcr  else it's $1F... set up to get next char
+L03BD    ldb   #$01
 L03BF    stx   <V.RTAdd,u
          stb   <V.NGChr,u
-L03C5    clrb            
-         rts             
-COEscape ldb   #$03       write offset into CO-module
-         lbra  JmpCO     
-* Show VDG or Graphics screen
+L03C5    clrb
+         rts
+COEscape ldb   #$03           'Write' offset into CO-module
+         lbra  JmpCO
+* Show VDG or Graphics screen. Set up as a vector (V.DspVct)
 * Entry: B = 0 for VDG, 1 for Graphics
-SetDsply pshs  x,a       
-         stb   <V.Alpha,u save passed flag in B
+SetDsply pshs  x,a
+         stb   <V.Alpha,u     save passed flag in B
          lda   >PIA1Base+2
-         anda  #$07       mask out all but lower 3 bits
-         ora   ,s+        OR in passed A
-         tstb             display graphics?
-         bne   L03DE      branch if so
+         anda  #%00000111     mask out all but lower 3 bits
+         ora   ,s+            OR in passed A
+         tstb                 display graphics?
+         bne   L03DE          branch if so
          ora   <V.CFlag,u
 L03DE    sta   >PIA1Base+2
-         sta   <V.PIA1,u 
-         tstb             display graphics?
-         bne   DoGfx      branch if so
+         sta   <V.PIA1,u
+         tstb                 display graphics?
+         bne   DoGfx          Yes, do that
 * Set up VDG screen for text
-         stb   >$FFC0    
-         stb   >$FFC2    
-         stb   >$FFC4    
-         lda   <V.ScrnA,u get pointer to alpha screen
-         bra   L0401     
+DoVDG    stb   >$FFC0         No, set up for 32x16 text screen
+         stb   >$FFC2
+         stb   >$FFC4
+         lda   <V.ScrnA,u     get pointer to alpha screen
+         bra   L0401
 * Set up VDG screen for graphics
-DoGfx    stb   >$FFC0    
-         stb   >$FFC3    
-         stb   >$FFC5    
-         lda   <V.SBAdd,u get pointer to graphics screen
-L0401    ldb   #$07      
-         ldx   #$FFC6    
-         lsra            
-L0407    lsra            
-         bcs   L0410     
-         sta   ,x++      
-         bra   L0414     
-L0410    leax  $01,x     
-         sta   ,x+       
-L0414    decb            
-         bne   L0407     
-         clrb            
-         puls  pc,x      
-GrfDrv   fcs   /GrfDrv/    
-CoVDG    fcs   /CoVDG/    
-CoWP     fcs   /CoWP/    
+DoGfx    stb   >$FFC0
+         stb   >$FFC3
+         stb   >$FFC5
+         lda   <V.SBAdd,u     get pointer to graphics screen (just need hi byte-VDG needs 512 byte boundaries)
+L0401    ldb   #$07           7 SAM double-byte settings to do
+         ldx   #$FFC6         Point to SAM to set up where to map
+         lsra
+L0407    lsra
+         bcs   L0410          If bit set, store on odd byte
+         sta   ,x++           bit clear, store on even byte (Faster (not important), smaller)
+         bra   L0414
+L0410    leax  1,x
+         sta   ,x+
+L0414    decb                 Done all 7 mem pairs?
+         bne   L0407          No, keep going until done
+         clrb                 Return w/o error
+         puls  pc,x
+* Comodule filename list. 6809/6309 - Try to move elsewhere to allow some 8 bit ,pcr's
+GrfDrv   fcs   /GrfDrv/
+CoVDG    fcs   /CoVDG/
+CoWP     fcs   /CoWP/
 CoHR     fcs   /CoHR/
-Co42     fcs   /Co42/    
+Co42     fcs   /Co42/
 CoVGA    fcs   /CoVGA/
 * GetStat
 * Entry:
@@ -721,152 +745,165 @@
 *    CC = carry set on error
 *    B  = error code
-GetStat  sta   <V.WrChr,u save off stat code
-         cmpa  #SS.Ready  ready call?
-         bne   L0439      branch if not
-         lda   V.IBufT,u  get buff tail ptr
-         suba  V.IBufH,u  num of chars ready in A
-         lbeq  NotReady   branch if empty
-SSEOF    clrb            
-         rts             
-L0439    cmpa  #SS.EOF    EOF?
-         beq   SSEOF      branch if so
-         ldx   PD.RGS,y   get caller's regs
-         cmpa  #SS.Joy    joystick?
-         beq   SSJOY      branch if so
-         cmpa  #SS.ScSiz  screen size?
-         beq   SSSCSIZ    branch if so
-         cmpa  #SS.KySns  keyboard sense?
-         beq   SSKYSNS    branch if so
-         cmpa  #SS.DStat  display status?
-         lbeq  SSDSTAT    branch if so
-         ldb   #$06       getstat entry into CO-module
-         lbra  JmpCO     
+GetStat  sta   <V.WrChr,u     save off stat code
+         cmpa  #SS.EOF        EOF call?
+         beq   SSEOF          Yes, exit w/o error
+         ldx   PD.RGS,y       Get ptr to caller's regs (all other calls require this)
+         cmpa  #SS.Ready      Data ready call? (keyboard buffer)
+         bne   L0439          No, check next
+         lda   V.IBufH,u      get buff tail ptr
+         suba  V.IBufT,u      num of chars ready in A
+         sta   R$B,x          Save for caller
+         lbeq  NotReady       If no data in keyboard buffer, return with Not Ready error
+SSEOF    clrb
+         rts
+*6809/6309 note: If we move a call or two before GetStat above, may be able to eliminate a
+*  couple of long branch instructions below
+L0439    cmpa  #SS.Joy        joystick?
+         beq   SSJOY          branch if so
+         cmpa  #SS.ScSiz      screen size?
+         beq   SSSCSIZ        branch if so
+         cmpa  #SS.KySns      keyboard sense?
+         beq   SSKYSNS        branch if so
+         cmpa  #SS.DStat      display status?
+         lbeq  SSDSTAT        branch if so
+         ldb   #$06           getstat entry into CO-module
+         lbra  JmpCO
 * Return key sense information
 SSKYSNS  ldb   <V.KySns,u get key sense info
          stb   R$A,x      put in caller's A
-         clrb            
-         rts             
+         clrb
+         rts
 * Return screen size
-SSSCSIZ  clra             clear upper 8 bits of D
-         ldb   <V.Col,u   get column count
-         std   R$X,x      save in X
-         ldb   <V.Row,u   get row count
-         std   R$Y,x      save in Y
-         clrb             no error
-         rts             
-* Get joytsick values
-SSJOY    pshs  y,cc      
-         orcc  #IRQMask   mask interrupts
-         lda   #$FF      
+SSSCSIZ  clra                 clear upper 8 bits of D
+         ldb   <V.Col,u       get column count
+         std   R$X,x          save in X
+         ldb   <V.Row,u       get row count
+         std   R$Y,x          save in Y
+         clrb                 no error
+         rts
+* Get joystick values
+SSJOY    pshs  y,cc
+         orcc  #IRQMask       mask interrupts
+         lda   #$FF
          sta   >PIA0Base+2
-         ldb   >PIA0Base 
-         ldy   R$X,x      get joystick number to poll
-         bne   L0481     
-         andb  #$01      
-         bne   L0485     
-         bra   L0486     
-L0481    andb  #$02      
-         beq   L0486     
-L0485    clra            
-L0486    sta   R$A,x     
+         ldb   >PIA0Base
+         ldy   R$X,x          get joystick number to poll
+         bne   L0481
+         andb  #$01
+         bne   L0485
+         bra   L0486
+L0481    andb  #$02
+         beq   L0486
+L0485    clra
+L0486    sta   R$A,x
          lda   >PIA0Base+3
-         ora   #$08      
-         ldy   R$X,x     
-         bne   L0494     
-         anda  #$F7      
+         ora   #$08
+         ldy   R$X,x
+         bne   L0494
+         anda  #$F7
 L0494    sta   >PIA0Base+3
          lda   >PIA0Base+1
-         anda  #$F7      
-         bsr   L04B3     
-         std   R$X,x     
+         anda  #$F7
+         bsr   L04B3
+         std   R$X,x
          lda   >PIA0Base+1
-         ora   #$08      
-         bsr   L04B3     
-         pshs  b,a       
-         ldd   #63       
-         subd  ,s++      
-         std   R$Y,x     
-         clrb            
-         puls  pc,y,cc   
+         ora   #$08
+         bsr   L04B3
+         pshs  d
+         ldd   #63
+         subd  ,s++
+         std   R$Y,x
+         clrb
+         puls  pc,y,cc
 L04B3    sta   >PIA0Base+1
          ldd   #$7F40
-L04C7    pshs  b         
-         sta   >PIA1Base 
-         tst   >PIA0Base 
-         bpl   L04D5     
-         adda  ,s+       
-L04BC    lsrb            
-         cmpb  #$01      
-         bhi   L04C7     
-         lsra            
-         lsra            
-         tfr   a,b       
-         clra            
-         rts             
-L04D5    suba  ,s+       
-         bra   L04BC     
+L04C7    pshs  b
+         sta   >PIA1Base
+         tst   >PIA0Base
+         bpl   L04D5
+         adda  ,s+
+L04BC    lsrb
+         cmpb  #$01
+         bhi   L04C7
+         lsra
+         lsra
+         tfr   a,b
+         clra
+         rts
+L04D5    suba  ,s+
+         bra   L04BC
 * Return display status
 * Entry: A = path
 * Exit: A = color code of pixel at cursor address
 *       X = address of graphics display memory
 *       Y = graphics cursor address; X = MSB, Y = LSB
-SSDSTAT  lbsr  GfxActv    gfx screen allocated?
-         bcs   L050E      branch if not
-         ldd   <V.GCrsX,u else get X/Y gfx cursor position
-         bsr   XY2Addr   
-         tfr   a,b       
-         andb  ,x        
-L04E7    bita  #$01      
-         bne   L04F6     
-         lsra             divide D by 2
-         lsrb            
-         tst   <V.Mode,u  which mode?
-         bmi   L04E7      branch if 256x192
-         lsra             else divide D by 2 again
-         lsrb            
-         bra   L04E7     
-L04F6    pshs  b         
-         ldb   <V.PMask,u get pixel color mask in B
-         andb  #$FC      
-         orb   ,s+       
-         ldx   PD.RGS,y   get caller's regs
-         stb   R$A,x      place pixel color in A
+SSDSTAT  lbsr  GfxActv        gfx screen allocated?
+         bcs   L050E          branch if not
+         ldd   <V.GCrsX,u     else get X/Y gfx cursor position
+         bsr   XY2Addr        Get pixel coords: Y=ptr to start of screen, X=ptr to pixel byte, A=pixel mask within byte
+         tfr   a,b            Duplicate pixel mask
+         andb  ,x             Keep only the pixels worth of bits from screen
+* Loop to figure out color. Shifts until set bits both in actual color byte, and mask byte, shift out
+L04E7    bita  #$01           Loop to figure out color-have we shifted enough to get the first bit of pixel?
+         bne   L04F6          Yes, shifted enough to get active pixel to far right
+         lsra                 no, still going; Shift pixel mask to the right
+         lsrb                 Shift color bits of pixel to right as well
+         tst   <V.Mode,u      Are we in 2 color mode?
+         bmi   L04E7          Yes, loop back
+         lsra                 4 color mode, move both to right one more bit (2 bits per pixel)
+         lsrb
+         bra   L04E7          Check if we have found active pixel yet.
+L04F6    pshs  b              Save pixel color (last 1 or 2 bits)
+         ldb   <V.PMask,u     get pixel color mask in B
+         andb  #%11111100     Only keep 2 bits (covers both 2 and 4 color modes)
+         orb   ,s+            Merge with actual color value in pixel
+         ldx   PD.RGS,y       get caller's regs
+         stb   R$A,x          place pixel color in A
          ldd   <V.GCrsX,u
-         std   R$Y,x      cursor X/Y pos in Y,
+         std   R$Y,x          cursor X/Y pos in Y,
          ldd   <V.SBAdd,u
-         std   R$X,x      and screen addr in X
-         clrb            
-L050E    rts             
+         std   R$X,x          and screen addr in X
+         clrb
+L050E    rts
+* This vector also gets called from Grfdrv
 * Entry: A = X coor, B = Y coor
-XY2Addr  pshs  y,b,a      save off regs
-         ldb   <V.Mode,u  get video mode
-         bpl   L0517      branch if 128x192 (divide A by 4)
-         lsra             else divide by 8
-L0517    lsra            
-         lsra            
-         pshs  a          save on stack
-         ldb   #191       get max Y
-         subb  $02,s      sutract from Y on stack
-         lda   #32        byte sper line
-         mul             
-         addb  ,s+        add offset on stack
-         adca  #$00      
-         ldx   <V.SBAdd,u get base address
-         leax  d,x        move D bytes into address
-         lda   ,s         pick up original X coor
-         stx   ,s         put offset addr on stack
+* Exit: Y=Base address of screen, X=ptr to byte on screen, A=pixel mask for specific pixel
+XY2Addr  pshs  y,d            save off regs
+         ldb   <V.Mode,u      get video mode
+         bpl   L0517          branch if 128x192 (divide A by 4)
+         lsra                 else divide by 8
+L0517    lsra
+         lsra
+         pshs  a              save on stack
+         ldb   #191           get max Y
+         subb  2,s            subtract from Y on stack
+         lda   #32            bytes per line
+         mul
+         addb  ,s+            add offset on stack
+         adca  #$00
+* 6809/6309 - since we are going to pull X & Y off the stack anyways, use X here (byte shorter, cycle
+*  faster for both ldy and sty)
+         ldx   <V.SBAdd,u     get base address
+         leax  d,x            move D bytes into address
+         lda   ,s             pick up original X coor
+         stx   ,s             put offset addr on stack
          anda  <V.PixBt,u
          ldx   <V.MTabl,u
-         lda   a,x       
-         puls  pc,y,x     X = offset address, Y = base
+         lda   a,x
+         puls  pc,y,x         X = offset address, Y = base
 * SetStat
 * Entry:
@@ -878,423 +915,472 @@
 *    CC = carry set on error
 *    B  = error code
-SetStat  sta   <V.WrChr,u save function code
-         ldx   PD.RGS,y   get caller's regs
-         cmpa  #SS.ComSt 
-         lbeq  SSCOMST   
-         cmpa  #SS.AAGBf 
-         beq   SSAAGBF   
-         cmpa  #SS.SLGBf 
-         beq   SSSLGBF   
-         cmpa  #SS.KySns 
-         bne   CoGetStt  
-         ldd   R$X,x      get caller's key sense set data
-         beq   L0558      branch if zero
-         ldb   #$FF       else set all bits
-L0558    stb   <V.KySnsF,u store value in KySnsFlag
-L055B    clrb            
-L055C    rts             
-CoGetStt ldb   #$09       CO-module setstat
-JmpCO    pshs  b         
+SetStat  sta   <V.WrChr,u     save function code
+         ldx   PD.RGS,y       get caller's regs
+         cmpa  #SS.ComSt
+         lbeq  SSCOMST
+         cmpa  #SS.AAGBf
+         beq   SSAAGBF
+         cmpa  #SS.SLGBf
+         beq   SSSLGBF
+         cmpa  #SS.KySns
+         bne   CoGetStt
+         ldd   R$X,x          get caller's key sense set data
+         beq   L0558          branch if zero
+         ldb   #$FF           else set all bits
+L0558    stb   <V.KySnsF,u    store value in KySnsFlag
+L055B    clrb
+L055C    rts
+CoGetStt ldb   #$09           CO-module setstat
+JmpCO    pshs  b
          lda   <V.CurCo,u get CO-module in use
-         lbsr  CallCO    
-         puls  a         
-         bcc   L055B     
-         tst   <V.GrfDrvE,u GrfDrv linked?
-         beq   L055C     
-         tfr   a,b       
-         clra             GrfDrv address offset in statics
-         lbra  CallCO     call it
+         lbsr  CallCO
+         puls  a
+         bcc   L055B
+         tst   <V.GrfDrvE,u   GrfDrv linked?
+         beq   L055C
+         tfr   a,b
+         clra                 GrfDrv address offset in statics
+         lbra  CallCO         call it
 * Reserve an additional graphics buffer (up to 2)
-SSAAGBF  ldb   <V.Rdy,u   was initial buffer allocated with $0F?
-         lbeq  NotReady   branch if not
-         pshs  b          save buffer number
-         leay  <V.AGBuf,u point to additional graphics buffers
-         ldd   ,y         first entry empty?
-         beq   L058E      branch if so
-         leay  $02,y      else move to next entry
-         inc   ,s         increment B on stack
-         ldd   ,y         second entry empty?
-         bne   L059E      if not, no room for more... error out
-L058E    lbsr  GetMem     allocate graphics buffer memory
-         bcs   L05A1      branch if error
-         std   ,y         save new buffer pointer at ,Y
-         std   R$X,x      and in caller's X
-         puls  b          get buffer number off stack
-         clra             clear hi byte of D
-         std   R$Y,x      and put in caller's Y (buffer number)
-         clrb             call is ok
-         rts              and return
-L059E    ldb   #E$BMode  
-         coma            
-L05A1    puls  pc,a      
+SSAAGBF  ldb   <V.Rdy,u       was initial buffer allocated with $0F?
+         lbeq  NotReady       branch if not
+         pshs  b              save buffer number
+         leay  <V.AGBuf,u     point to additional graphics buffers
+         ldd   ,y             first entry empty?
+         beq   L058E          branch if so
+         leay  2,y            else move to next entry
+         inc   ,s             increment B on stack
+         ldd   ,y             second entry empty?
+* 6809/6309 - change to bne BadMode2
+         bne   L059E          if not, no room for more... error out
+L058E    lbsr  GetMem         allocate graphics buffer memory
+         bcs   L05A1          branch if error
+         std   ,y             save new buffer pointer at ,Y
+         std   R$X,x          and in caller's X
+         puls  b              get buffer number off stack
+         clra                 clear hi byte of D
+         std   R$Y,x          and put in caller's Y (buffer number)
+         clrb                 call is ok
+         rts                  and return
+* 6809/6309 - after above change done, delete these 2 lines
+L059E    ldb   #E$BMode
+         coma
+*6809/6309 - After above changes, move label L05A1 to just before BadMode label,
+* change line to puls a
+L05A1    puls  pc,a
 * Select a graphics buffer
-SSSLGBF  ldb   <V.Rdy,u   was initial buffer allocated with $0F?
-         lbeq  NotReady   branch if not
-         ldd   R$Y,x      else get buffer number from caller
-         cmpd  #$0002     compare against high
-         bhi   BadMode    branch if error
-         leay  <V.GBuff,u point to base graphics buffer address
-         lslb             multiply by 2
-         ldd   b,y        get pointer
-         beq   BadMode    branch if error
-         std   <V.SBAdd,u else save in current
-         ldd   R$X,x      get select flag
-         beq   L05C3      if zero, do nothing
-         ldb   #$01       else set display flag
-L05C3    stb   <V.CFlg1,u save display flag
-         clrb            
-         rts             
-BadMode  comb            
-         ldb   #E$BMode  
-         rts             
-SSCOMST  ldd   R$Y,x      Get caller's Y
-         bita  #ModCoVDG   CoWP?
-         beq   GoCoWP     branch if so
-         ldb   #$10       assume true lower case TRUE
-         bita  #$01       true lowercase bit set?
-         bne   GoCoVDG     branch if so
-         clrb             true lower case FALSE
-GoCoVDG  stb   <V.CFlag,u save flag for later
-         lda   #ModCoVDG   CoVDG is loaded bit
-         ldx   #$2010     32x16
-         pshs  u,y,x,a   
-         leax  >CoVDG,pcr 
+SSSLGBF  ldb   <V.Rdy,u       was initial buffer allocated with $0F?
+         lbeq  NotReady       branch if not
+         ldd   R$Y,x          else get buffer number from caller
+         cmpd  #$0002         compare against high
+         bhi   BadMode        branch if error
+         leay  <V.GBuff,u     point to base graphics buffer address
+         lslb                 multiply by 2
+         ldd   b,y            get pointer
+         beq   BadMode        branch if error
+         std   <V.SBAdd,u     else save in current
+         ldd   R$X,x          get select flag
+         beq   L05C3          if zero, do nothing
+         ldb   #$01           else set display flag
+L05C3    stb   <V.CFlg1,u     save display flag
+         clrb
+         rts
+BadMode  comb                 Exit with Bad Mode error
+         ldb   #E$BMode
+         rts
+SSCOMST  ldd   R$Y,x          Get caller's Y
+         bita  #ModCoVDG      32x16 VDG bit flag set?
+         beq   GoCoWP         No, go check next co-module type
+         ldb   #$10           assume true lower case TRUE 
+         bita  #$01           true lowercase bit set?
+         bne   GoCoVDG        Yes, branch if so
+         clrb                 true lower case FALSE
+GoCoVDG  stb   <V.CFlag,u     save lowercase flag
+         lda   #ModCoVDG      CoVDG is loaded bit
+         ldx   #$2010         32x16
+         pshs  u,y,x,a
+         leax  >CoVDG,pcr
          bra   SetupCoModule
-GoCoWP   bita  #ModCoWP   ; CoWP needed ?
-         beq   GOCo42    
-         stb   <V.CFlag,u  allow lowercase
-         clr   <V.Caps,u   set caps off
-         lda   #ModCoWP    'CoWP is loaded' bit
-         ldx   #$5019      80x25     WordPark RS supports 25 lines
-         pshs  u,y,x,a   
-         leax  >CoWP,pcr 
-         bsr   LoadCoModule load CO-module if not already loaded
-         puls  u,y,x,a   
-         bcs   L0600     
-         stx   <V.Col,u   save screen size
-         sta   <V.CurCo,u current module in use? ($02=CoVDG, $04=C080)
-L0600    rts             
-GOCo42   bita  #ModCo42
-         beq   GOCoHR
-         ldb   #$10
+GoCoWP   bita  #ModCoWP       CoWP needed ?
+         beq   GOCo42         No, try next co-module
+         stb   <V.CFlag,u     allow lowercase
+         clr   <V.Caps,u      set caps off
+         lda   #ModCoWP       'CoWP is loaded' bit
+         ldx   #$5019         80x25 WordPark RS supports 25 lines
+         pshs  u,y,x,a
+         leax  >CoWP,pcr
+* 6809/6309 - Try embedding LoadCoModule since short and only called from here.
+* Entry: X=ptr to co-module name
+         bsr   LoadCoModule   Load Co-module if not already loaded
+         puls  u,y,x,a
+         bcs   L0600          Couldn't load/link co-module, return with error
+         stx   <V.Col,u       save screen size
+         sta   <V.CurCo,u     current module in use? ($02=CoVDG, $04=C080, etc.)
+L0600    rts
+GOCo42   bita  #ModCo42       42x24 gfx term?
+         beq   GOCoHR         No, try 51 column co-module
+         ldb   #$10           Flag that we can do real lowercase
          stb   <V.CFlag,u
-         clr   <V.Caps,u 
-         lda   #ModCo42   'Co42 is loaded' bit
-         ldx   #$2A18     42x24
-         pshs  u,y,x,a   
-         leax  >Co42,pcr 
+         clr   <V.Caps,u      Caps lock OFF
+         lda   #ModCo42       'Co42 is loaded' bit
+         ldx   #$2A18         42x24
+         pshs  u,y,x,a
+         leax  >Co42,pcr
          bra   SetupCoModule
 GOCoHR   ldb   #$10
          stb   <V.CFlag,u
-         clr   <V.Caps,u 
-         lda   #ModCoHR   'CoHR is loaded' bit
-         ldx   #$3318     51x24
-         pshs  u,y,x,a   
-         leax  >CoHR,pcr 
+         clr   <V.Caps,u
+         lda   #ModCoHR       'CoHR is loaded' bit
+         ldx   #$3318         51x24
+         pshs  u,y,x,a
+         leax  >CoHR,pcr
          bra   SetupCoModule
-         bita  <V.COLoad,u module loaded?
-         beq   L0608      branch if not
-L0606    clrb             else clear carry
-         rts              and return
-L0608    pshs  y,x,a     
-         bsr   LinkSub   
-         bcc   L061F      branch if link was successful
-         ldx   $01,s      get pointer to name on stack
+         bita   <V.COLoad,u    Module loaded?
+         beq    L0608          No, try loading
+L0606    clrb                  Yes, return with no error
+         rts
+L0608    pshs  y,x,a          Preserve regs
+         bsr   LinkSub        Try to link to Co-module
+         bcc   L061F          Got, save it's entry pointer in co-module entry table
+         ldx   1,s            get pointer to co-module name again from stack
          bsr   LoadSub
-         bcc   L061F     
-         puls  y,x,a     
-         lbra  NoIOMod   
-L061F    leax  <V.GrfDrvE,u get base pointer to CO-entries
-         lda   ,s        
-         bsr   GetModOffset ; Get offset in table
-         sty   a,x        ; Save address
-         puls  y,x,a     
-         clrb  #$00       CO-module init offset
-         lbra  CallCO     call it
+         bcc   L061F          Loaded; save it's entry pointer in co-module entry table
+         puls  y,x,a
+         lbra  NoIOMod        Couldn't even load, return Module Not Found error
+L061F    leax  <V.GrfDrvE,u   get base pointer to CO-entries
+         lda   ,s
+         bsr   GetModOffset   Get offset in table
+         sty   a,x            Save address
+         puls  y,x,a
+         clrb                 CO-module init offset
+         lbra  CallCO         call it
 ; Get module offset from V.GrfDrvE into A reg.
 ; I had to do this because the previous system would only work
 ; properly for 2 entries !
-         pshs  b         
-         clrb             ; Calculate address offset 
-         bita  #$01       ; Done all shifts ?
-         bne   AddrDone  
-         addb  #$2        ; increment addr offset ptr
-         lsra            
-         bra   AddrFind   ; Test again
-         tfr   b,a        ; output in a
-         puls  b,pc      
+         pshs  b
+         clrb                 Calculate address offset
+AddrFind bita  #$01           Done all shifts ?
+         bne   AddrDone
+         addb  #$2            increment addr offset ptr
+         lsra
+         bra   AddrFind       Test again
+AddrDone tfr   b,a            output in a
+         puls  b,pc
 * Link to subroutine
-LinkSub  pshs  u         
+LinkSub  pshs  u
          lda   #Systm+Objct
-         os9   F$Link    
-         puls  pc,u      
+         os9   F$Link
+         puls  pc,u
 * Load subroutine
-LoadSub  pshs  u         
+LoadSub  pshs  u
          lda   #Systm+Objct
-         os9   F$Load    
-         puls  pc,u      
-* 128x192 4 color pixel table
-Mode1Clr fdb   $0055,$aaff
-         cmpa  #$15       GrfDrv-handled code?
-         bcc   GoGrfo     branch if so
-         cmpa  #$0F       display graphics code?
-         beq   Do0F       branch if so
-         suba  #$10      
-         bsr   GfxActv    check if first gfx screen was alloc'ed
-         bcs   L0663      if not, return with error
-         leax  <gfxtbl,pcr else point to jump table
-         lsla             multiply by two
-         ldd   a,x        get address of routine
-         jmp   d,x        jump to it
+         os9   F$Load
+         puls  pc,u
+* 128x192 color mask table for 4 color modes
+Mode1Clr fcb   $00,$55,$aa,$ff
+         cmpa  #$15           GrfDrv-handled code?
+         bhs   GoGrfo         Yep, pass code over to it
+         cmpa  #$0F           display graphics code? NEED TO FIND OUT IF COHR/CO42 SHOULD SKIP THIS
+         beq   Do0F           branch if so
+         suba  #$10
+         bsr   GfxActv        check if first gfx screen was alloc'ed
+         bcs   L0663          if not, return with error
+         leax  <gfxtbl,pcr    else point to jump table
+         lsla                 multiply by two
+         ldd   a,x            get address of routine
+         jmp   d,x            jump to it
 * Jump table for graphics codes $10-$14
-gfxtbl   fdb   Do10-gfxtbl $10 - Preset Screen
-         fdb   Do11-gfxtbl $11 - Set Color
-         fdb   Do12-gfxtbl $12 - End Graphics
-         fdb   Do13-gfxtbl $13 - Erase Graphics
-         fdb   Do14-gfxtbl $14 - Home Graphics Cursor
-GfxActv  ldb   <V.Rdy,u   gfx screen allocated?
-         bne   L0606      branch if so
-NotReady comb            
-         ldb   #E$NotRdy 
-L0663    rts             
-GoGrfo   bsr   GfxActv   
-         bcs   L0663     
-         ldx   <V.GrfDrvE,u get GrfDrv entry point
-         bne   L0681      branch if not zero
-         pshs  y,a        else preserve regs
-         leax  >GrfDrv,pcr  get pointer to name string
-         bsr   LinkSub    link to GrfDrv
-         bcc   L067B      branch if ok
-         leax  >GrfDrv,pcr  get pointer to name string
+gfxtbl   fdb   Do10-gfxtbl    $10 - Preset Screen
+         fdb   Do11-gfxtbl    $11 - Set Color
+         fdb   Do12-gfxtbl    $12 - End Graphics
+         fdb   Do13-gfxtbl    $13 - Erase Graphics
+         fdb   Do14-gfxtbl    $14 - Home Graphics Cursor
+GfxActv  ldb   <V.Rdy,u       gfx screen allocated?
+         bne   L0606          Yes, exit with no error
+NotReady comb                 No, exit with Not Ready error
+         ldb   #E$NotRdy
+L0663    rts
+GoGrfo   bsr   GfxActv        Is a graphics screen already active?
+         bcs   L0663          No, return with error
+         ldx   <V.GrfDrvE,u   get GrfDrv entry point
+         bne   L0681          branch if not zero
+         pshs  y,a            else preserve regs
+         leax  >GrfDrv,pcr    get pointer to name string
+         bsr   LinkSub        link to GrfDrv
+         bcc   L067B          branch if ok
+         leax  >GrfDrv,pcr    get pointer to name string
          bsr   LoadSub
          bcc   L067B
-         puls  pc,y,a     else exit with error
-L067B    sty   <V.GrfDrvE,u save module entry pointer
-L067F    puls  y,a        restore regs
-L0681    clra             A = GrfDrv address offset in statics
-         lbra  CoWrite   
+         puls  pc,y,a         else exit with error
+L067B    sty   <V.GrfDrvE,u   save module entry pointer
+L067F    puls  y,a            restore regs
+L0681    clra                 A = GrfDrv address offset in statics
+         lbra  CoWrite
 * Allocate GFX mem -- we must allocate on a 512 byte page boundary
-GetMem   pshs  u          save static pointer
-         ldd   #6144+256  allocate graphics memory + 1 page
-         os9   F$SRqMem   do it
-         bcc   L0691      branch if ok
-         puls  pc,u       else return with error
-L0691    tfr   u,d        move mem ptr to D
-         puls  u          restore statics
-         tfr   a,b        move high 8 bits to lower
-         bita  #$01       odd page?
-         beq   L069F      branch if not
-         adda  #$01      
-         bra   L06A1     
-L069F    addb  #$18      
-L06A1    pshs  u,a       
-         tfr   b,a       
-         clrb            
-         tfr   d,u       
-         ldd   #256      
-         os9   F$SRtMem   return page
-         puls  u,a       
-         bcs   L06B3      branch if error
-         clrb            
-L06B3    rts             
+GetMem   pshs  u              save static pointer
+         ldd   #6144+256      allocate graphics memory + 1 page ($1900) to allow for 512 byte boundary
+         os9   F$SRqMem       do it
+         bcc   L0691          We got the memory; figure out 512 byte boundary, return un-needed 256 bytes
+         puls  pc,u           else return with error
+L0691    tfr   u,d            move mem ptr to D
+         puls  u              restore static mem ptr
+         tfr   a,b            move high 8 bits to lower
+         bita  #$01           odd page?
+         beq   L069F          No, even 512 start, so we will return last 256 byte page to mem pool
+         adda  #$01           Make even (SAM/VDG needs 512 byte boundaries for screens)
+         bra   L06A1          Return the first 256 byte page to the mem pool
+L069F    addb  #$18           Point to last 256 byte page (we will return to mem pool)
+L06A1    pshs  u,a            Save static mem ptr and high byte start mem ptr of screen
+         tfr   b,a            Move high byte start mem ptr of 256 bytes we are returning
+         clrb                 D=start ptr of page we are returning
+         tfr   d,u            Move to reg for system call
+         ldd   #256           256 bytes to return
+         os9   F$SRtMem       return page
+         puls  u,a            Restore regs
+         bcs   L06B3          branch if error
+         clrb
+L06B3    rts
 * $0F - display graphics
-Do0F     leax  <DispGfx,pcr
-         ldb   #$02      
-         lbra  L03BF     
-DispGfx  ldb   <V.Rdy,u   already allocated initial buffer?
-         bne   L06D1      branch if so
-         bsr   GetMem     else get graphics memory
-         bcs   L06EF      branch if error
-         std   <V.SBAdd,u save memory
-         std   <V.GBuff,u and GBuff
-         inc   <V.Rdy,u   ok, we're ready
-         lbsr  EraseGfx   clear gfx mem
-L06D1    lda   <V.NChr2,u get character after next
-         sta   <V.PMask,u save color set (0-3)
-         anda  #$03       mask out all but lower 2 bits
-         leax  >Mode1Clr,pcr point to mask byte table
-         lda   a,x        get byte
-         sta   <V.Msk1,u  save mask byte here
-         sta   <V.Msk2,u  and here
-         lda   <V.NChar,u get next char, mode byte (0-1)
-         cmpa  #$01       compare against max
-         bls   L06F0      branch if valid
-         comb            
-         ldb   #E$BMode   else invalid mode specified, send error
-L06EF    rts             
-L06F0    tsta             test user supplied mode byte
-         beq   L0710      branch if 256x192
-         ldd   #$C003    
-         std   <V.MCol,u 
-         lda   #$01      
-         sta   <V.Mode,u  128x192 mode
-         lda   #$E0      
+Do0F     leax  <DispGfx,pcr   Get address to call after we get 2 parameter bytes
+         ldb   #$02           2 bytes more to get
+         lbra  L03BF          Go get them, come back to DispGfx when done
+DispGfx  ldb   <V.Rdy,u       already allocated initial buffer?
+         bne   L06D1          Yes, skip allocating
+         bsr   GetMem         else get graphics memory
+* 6809/6309 - after below E$BMode is change to LBRA, change this to bcs L06B3
+         bcs   L06EF          Couldn't get RAM; return with error
+         std   <V.SBAdd,u     save ptr to graphics RAM
+         std   <V.GBuff,u     And again
+         inc   <V.Rdy,u       ok, we're ready
+         lbsr  EraseGfx       clear gfx mem
+L06D1    lda   <V.NChr2,u     get character after next
+         sta   <V.PMask,u     save color set (0-15)
+         anda  #%00000011     mask out all but lower 2 bits
+         leax  >Mode1Clr,pcr  point to color mask table
+         lda   a,x            get byte
+         sta   <V.Msk1,u      save mask byte here
+         sta   <V.Msk2,u      and here
+         lda   <V.NChar,u     get next char, mode byte (0-1)
+         cmpa  #$01           compare against max
+         bls   L06F0          branch if valid
+* 6809/6309 - change next 3 lines to LBRA BadMode (dont' care about speed on errors
+         comb
+         ldb   #E$BMode       else invalid mode specified, send error
+L06EF    rts
+* 6809/6309 tsta redundant if we change beq L0710 to blo L0710 (lower than cmpa#1 above)
+L06F0    tsta                 test user supplied mode byte
+         beq   L0710          branch if 256x192
+         ldd   #$C003         4 color mode; Make pixel masks for start and end pixels in a byte  
+         std   <V.MCol,u      Save them for re-use
+* 6809/6309 - change next 3 lines to: ldd #$E001 / stb <V.Mode,u
+         lda   #$01
+         sta   <V.Mode,u      128x192 mode
+         lda   #$E0
+         ldb   <V.NChr2,u
+         andb  #$08
+         beq   L0709
+         lda   #$F0
+L0709    ldb   #$03           Base 0 # pixels in a byte
+         leax  <L0742,pcr     Point to 4 color pixel masks table
+         bra   L072D
+L0710    ldd   #$8001         2 color mode; Make pixel masks for start and end pixels in a byte  
+         std   <V.MCol,u      Save them for re-use
+         lda   #$FF
+         tst   <V.Msk1,u
+         beq   L0723
+         sta   <V.Msk1,u
+         sta   <V.Msk2,u
+L0723    sta   <V.Mode,u      256x192 mode
+* 6809/6309 - LDD #$F007
+         lda   #$F0
+         ldb   #$07           Base 0 # pixels in a byte
+         leax  <L0746,pcr     Point to 2 color pixel masks table
+L072D    stb   <V.PixBt,u     Save base 0 # pixels in a byte
+         stx   <V.MTabl,u     Save ptr to pixel mask table
          ldb   <V.NChr2,u
-         andb  #$08      
-         beq   L0709     
-         lda   #$F0      
-L0709    ldb   #$03      
-         leax  <L0742,pcr
-         bra   L072D     
-L0710    ldd   #$8001    
-         std   <V.MCol,u 
-         lda   #$FF      
-         tst   <V.Msk1,u 
-         beq   L0723     
-         sta   <V.Msk1,u 
-         sta   <V.Msk2,u 
-L0723    sta   <V.Mode,u  256x192 mode
-         lda   #$F0      
-         ldb   #$07      
-         leax  <L0746,pcr
-L072D    stb   <V.PixBt,u
-         stx   <V.MTabl,u
-         ldb   <V.NChr2,u
-         andb  #$04      
-         lslb            
-         pshs  b         
-         ora   ,s+       
-         ldb   #$01      
+         andb  #$04
+         lslb
+* 6309 - orr b,a replaces two lines
+         pshs  b
+         ora   ,s+
+         ldb   #$01
 * Indicate screen is current
-         lbra  SetDsply  
+         lbra  SetDsply
+* 4 color pixel masks
 L0742    fcb   $c0,$30,$0c,$03
+* 2 color pixel masks
 L0746    fcb   $80,$40,$20,$10,$08,$04,$02,$01
 * $11 - set color
-Do11     leax  <SetColor,pcr set up return address
-         lbra  L03BD     
-SetColor clr   <V.NChar,u get next char
-         lda   <V.Mode,u  which mode?
-         bmi   L075F      branch if 256x192
+Do11     leax  <SetColor,pcr  set up return address
+         lbra  L03BD
+SetColor clr   <V.NChar,u     get next char
+         lda   <V.Mode,u      which mode?
+         bmi   L075F          branch if 256x192
          inc   <V.NChar,u
-L075F    lbra  L06D1     
+L075F    lbra  L06D1
 * $12 - end graphics
-Do12     leax  <V.GBuff,u point to first buffer
-         ldy   #$0000     Y = 0
-         ldb   #$03       free 3 gfx screens max
-         pshs  u,b       
-L076D    ldd   #6144      size of graphics screen
-         ldu   ,x++       get address of graphics screen
-         beq   L077A      branch if zero
-         sty   -$02,x     else clear entry
-         os9   F$SRtMem   and return memory
-L077A    dec   ,s         decrement counter
-         bgt   L076D      keep going if not end
-         ldu   ,x         flood fill buffer?
-         beq   L0788      branch if not allocated
-         ldd   #512       else get size
-         os9   F$SRtMem   and free memory
-L0788    puls  u,b        restore regs
-         clra            
-         sta   <V.Rdy,u   gfx mem no longer alloced
-         lbra  SetDsply  
+Do12     leax  <V.GBuff,u     point to first buffer
+* 6309 - TFR 0,y (same speed, 2 bytes smaller)
+         ldy   #0             Y = 0
+         ldb   #3             free 3 gfx screens max
+         pshs  u,b
+L076D    ldd   #6144          size of graphics screen
+         ldu   ,x++           get address of graphics screen
+         beq   L077A          branch if zero
+         sty   -2,x           else clear entry
+         os9   F$SRtMem       and return memory
+L077A    dec   ,s             decrement counter
+         bgt   L076D          keep going if not end
+         ldu   ,x             flood fill buffer?
+         beq   L0788          No, skip return flood fill buffer memory to system
+         ldd   #512           else get size
+         os9   F$SRtMem       and free memory
+L0788    puls  u,b            restore regs
+         clra
+         sta   <V.Rdy,u       gfx mem no longer allocated
+         lbra  SetDsply
 Do10     leax  <Preset,pcr set up return address
-         lbra  L03BD     
+         lbra  L03BD
 * NOTE! Shouldn't this be lda <V.NChar,u ??
-Preset   lda   <V.NChr2,u get next char
-         tst   <V.Mode,u  which mode?
-         bpl   L07A7      branch if 128x192 4 color
-         ldb   #$FF       assume we will clear with $FF
-         anda  #$01       mask out all but 1 bit (2 colors)
-         beq   EraseGfx   erase graphic screen with color $00
-         bra   L07B2      else erase screen with color $FF
-L07A7    anda  #$03       mask out all but 2 bits (4 colors)
-         leax  >Mode1Clr,pcr point to color table
-         ldb   a,x        get appropriate byte
-         bra   L07B2      and start the clearing
-* Erase graphics screen
-EraseGfx clrb             value to clear screen with
+Preset   lda   <V.NChr2,u     get next char
+         tst   <V.Mode,u      which mode?
+         bpl   L07A7          branch if 128x192 4 color
+         ldb   #$FF           assume we will clear with $FF
+         anda  #$01           mask out all but 1 bit (2 colors)
+         beq   EraseGfx       erase graphic screen with color $00
+         bra   L07B2          else erase screen with color $FF
+L07A7    anda  #$03           mask out all but 2 bits (4 colors)
+         leax  >Mode1Clr,pcr  point to color table
+         ldb   a,x            get appropriate byte
+         bra   L07B2          and start the clearing
+* Erase graphics screen. Change to mini stack blast for 6809, TFM for 6309
+* NOTE: Make a vector, so that all the various co-modules (including grfdrv)
+* can share this, and make more entry parameters (color mask, start addr of
+* clear, and size). V.ClrBlk or something like that will need to be added
+* to cocovtio.d
+* Long term - make a system call for this, so that all system modules (and
+* even user programs) can use it. Mini-stack blast for 6809, tfm for 6309)
+* This would clear a contiguous chunk of RAM (in 4 byte chunks only).
+*EraseGfx clrb                 Color 0 to clear with
+*L07B2    pshs  y,x,u          Save regs
+*L07B2    tfr b,a              Dupe color to D
+*         tfr d,x              Move to X&Y
+*         leay ,x
+*         ldu  <V.SBAdd,u      Get base address for screen
+*         leau >6144,u         Point to end of screen+1
+*         ldd  #$0600          6 blocks of 256 (how many 4 byte chunks to clear)
+*InCLSLp  pshu x,y             4 bytes cleared
+*         decb
+*         bne  InCLSLp         Not done 256*4 (1k) bytes
+*         deca                 Dec 1K blocks ctr
+*         bne  InCLSLp         Do till done
+*         puls x,y,u           Restore regs         
+EraseGfx clrb                 value to clear screen with
 L07B2    ldx   <V.SBAdd,u
-         leax  >6144+1,x  point to end of gfx mem + 1
-L07B9    stb   ,-x        clear
-         cmpx  <V.SBAdd,u X = to start?
-         bhi   L07B9      if not, continue
+         leax  >6144+1,x      point to end of gfx mem + 1
+L07B9    stb   ,-x            clear
+         cmpx  <V.SBAdd,u     X = to start?
+         bhi   L07B9          if not, continue
 * Home Graphics cursor
-Do14     clra            
-         clrb            
+Do14     clra
+         clrb
          std   <V.GCrsX,u
-         rts             
+         rts
 * Ding - tickle CoCo's PIA to emit a sound
-Ding     pshs  b,a       
+Ding     pshs  d
          lda   >PIA0Base+1
          ldb   >PIA0Base+3
-         pshs  b,a       
-         anda  #$F7      
-         andb  #$F7      
+         pshs  d
+* 6309 - ANDD #$F7F7
+         anda  #$F7
+         andb  #$F7
          sta   >PIA0Base+1
          stb   >PIA0Base+3
          lda   >PIA1Base+3
-         pshs  a         
-         ora   #$08      
+         pshs  a
+         ora   #$08
          sta   >PIA1Base+3
-         ldb   #$0A      
-L07E6    lda   #$FE      
+         ldb   #$0A
+L07E6    lda   #$FE
          bsr   DingDuration
-         lda   #$02      
+         lda   #$02
          bsr   DingDuration
-         decb            
-         bne   L07E6     
-         puls  a         
+         decb
+         bne   L07E6
+         puls  a
          sta   >PIA1Base+3
-         puls  b,a       
+         puls  d
          sta   >PIA0Base+1
          stb   >PIA0Base+3
-         puls  pc,b,a    
-         sta   >PIA1Base 
-         lda   #128      
-L0805    inca            
-         bne   L0805     
-         rts             
-* Dummy flash cursor routine, can be replaced by COxx module.
-         emod            
-eom      equ   *         
-         end             
+         puls  pc,d
+         sta   >PIA1Base
+         lda   #128
+L0805    inca
+         bne   L0805
+         rts
+         emod
+eom      equ   *
+         end