changeset 3130:e0614e08fa5e

l1 boot modules: Expand documentation and clean up code Tidy up white-space and indentation. Expand documentation to show C flag is important on return from HWRead. Expand documentation to show how/why/when filler is needed at end of file. Delete dead code in some places. No functional changes.
author Neal Crook <>
date Sun, 04 Dec 2016 21:01:42 +0000
parents ce9f4ff0a380
children e1aadba01e81
files level1/modules/boot_1773.asm level1/modules/boot_burke.asm level1/modules/boot_common.asm level1/modules/boot_d64.asm level1/modules/boot_dw.asm level1/modules/boot_ide.asm level1/modules/boot_rampak.asm level1/modules/boot_scsi.asm level1/modules/boot_sdc.asm level1/modules/boot_wd1002.asm
diffstat 10 files changed, 801 insertions(+), 725 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/level1/modules/boot_1773.asm	Wed Nov 30 22:10:56 2016 +0000
+++ b/level1/modules/boot_1773.asm	Sun Dec 04 21:01:42 2016 +0000
@@ -1,12 +1,14 @@
 * Boot - WD1773 Boot module
+* Provides HWInit, HWTerm, HWRead which are called by code in
+* "use"d boot_common.asm
 * $Id$
 * Edt/Rev  YYYY/MM/DD  Modified by
 * Comment
 * ------------------------------------------------------------------
-*   4      1985/??/??   
+*   4      1985/??/??
 * Original Tandy distribution version.
 *   6      1998/10/12  Boisy G. Pitre
@@ -43,15 +45,15 @@
          nam   Boot
          ttl   WD1773 Boot module
-         IFP1
+       IFP1
          use   defsfile
-         ENDC
+       ENDC
 * FDC Control Register bits at $FF40
 HALTENA  equ   %10000000
-SIDESEL  equ   %01000000	DRVSEL3 if no DS drives
+SIDESEL  equ   %01000000        DRVSEL3 if no DS drives
 DDEN     equ   %00100000
-READY    equ   %00010000	READY for Tandy WD1773-based controllers
+READY    equ   %00010000        READY for Tandy WD1773-based controllers
 MOTON    equ   %00001000
 DRVSEL2  equ   %00000100
 DRVSEL1  equ   %00000010
@@ -59,20 +61,20 @@
 * Default Boot is from drive 0
 BootDr   set DRVSEL0
-         IFEQ  DNum-1
-BootDr   set DRVSEL1		Alternate boot from drive 1
-         ENDC
-         IFEQ  DNum-2
-BootDr   set DRVSEL2		Alternate boot from drive 2
-         ENDC
-         IFEQ  DNum-3
-BootDr   set SIDESEL		Alternate boot from drive 3
-         ENDC
+       IFEQ  DNum-1
+BootDr   set DRVSEL1            Alternate boot from drive 1
+       ENDC
+       IFEQ  DNum-2
+BootDr   set DRVSEL2            Alternate boot from drive 2
+       ENDC
+       IFEQ  DNum-3
+BootDr   set SIDESEL            Alternate boot from drive 3
+       ENDC
 * WD17x3 DPort offsets
 CONTROL  equ   0
-CMDREG   equ   8+0		write-only
-STATREG  equ   CMDREG		read-only
+CMDREG   equ   8+0              write-only
+STATREG  equ   CMDREG           read-only
 TRACKREG equ   8+1
 SECTREG  equ   8+2
 DATAREG  equ   8+3
@@ -81,13 +83,13 @@
 SECTSIZE equ   256
 * Step Rates:
-*	$00  = 6ms
-*	$01  = 12ms
-*	$02  = 20ms
-*	$03  = 30ms
-         IFNDEF STEP
+*       $00  = 6ms
+*       $01  = 12ms
+*       $02  = 20ms
+*       $03  = 30ms
 STEP     set   $00
-         ENDC
+       ENDC
 tylg     set   Systm+Objct
 atrv     set   ReEnt+rev
@@ -97,18 +99,18 @@
          mod   eom,name,tylg,atrv,start,size
 * NOTE: these are U-stack offsets, not DP
-seglist  rmb   2						pointer to segment list
-blockloc rmb   2                       pointer to memory requested
-blockimg rmb   2                       duplicate of the above
-bootsize rmb   2                       size in bytes
-LSN0Ptr	 rmb   2		In memory LSN0 pointer
+seglist  rmb   2                pointer to segment list
+blockloc rmb   2                pointer to memory requested
+blockimg rmb   2                duplicate of the above
+bootsize rmb   2                size in bytes
+LSN0Ptr  rmb   2                In memory LSN0 pointer
 drvsel   rmb   1
 currtrak rmb   1
 * Note, for optimization purposes, the following two variables
 * should be adjacent!!
-ddtks    rmb   1		no. of sectors per track
+ddtks    rmb   1                no. of sectors per track
 ddfmt    rmb   1
-side     rmb   1		side 2 flag
+side     rmb   1                side 2 flag
 size     equ   .
 name     fcs   /Boot/
@@ -123,33 +125,33 @@
 *   Exit:  Carry Clear = OK, Set = Error
 *          B = error (Carry Set)
-         lda   #%11010000		($D0) Force Interrupt (stops any command in progress)
-         sta   CMDREG,y			write command to command register
-         lbsr  Delay2			delay 54~
-         lda   STATREG,y		clear status register
+         lda   #%11010000               ($D0) Force Interrupt (stops any command in progress)
+         sta   CMDREG,y                 write command to command register
+         lbsr  Delay2                   delay 54~
+         lda   STATREG,y                clear status register
          lda   #$FF
-         sta   currtrak,u		set current track to 255
-         leax  >NMIRtn,pcr		point to NMI routine
-         IFGT  Level-1
-         stx   <D.NMI			save address
-         ELSE
-         stx   >D.XNMI+1		save address
+         sta   currtrak,u               set current track to 255
+         leax  >NMIRtn,pcr              point to NMI routine
+       IFGT  Level-1
+         stx   <D.NMI                   save address
+       ELSE
+         stx   >D.XNMI+1                save address
          lda   #$7E
          sta   >D.XNMI
-         ENDC
-         lda   #MOTON			turn on drive motor
+       ENDC
+         lda   #MOTON                   turn on drive motor
          ora   WhichDrv,pcr
          sta   CONTROL,y
 * MOTOR ON spin-up delay loop (~307 mSec)
-         IFGT  Level-1
-         IFNE  H6309
+       IFGT  Level-1
+       IFNE  H6309
          ldd   #$F000        3 cycles
-         ELSE
+       ELSE
          ldd   #50000
-         ENDC 
-         ELSE
-         ldd   #25000 
-         ENDC
+       ENDC
+       ELSE
+         ldd   #25000
+       ENDC
 *         IFNE  H6309
 *         nop
 *         ENDC
@@ -172,27 +174,29 @@
          use   boot_common.asm
-DoDDns   lda   #DDEN+MOTON		double density enable and motor on
-         ora   WhichDrv,pcr		OR in selected drive
-         sta   drvsel,u			save drive selection byte
-         clr   currtrak,u		clear current track
+DoDDns   lda   #DDEN+MOTON              double density enable and motor on
+         ora   WhichDrv,pcr             OR in selected drive
+         sta   drvsel,u                 save drive selection byte
+         clr   currtrak,u               clear current track
          lda   #$05
-         lbsr  SetTrak			Set the track to the head we want
-         ldb   #0+STEP			RESTORE cmd
-         lbra  Talk2FDC			send command and wait for it to complete
+         lbsr  SetTrak                  Set the track to the head we want
+         ldb   #0+STEP                  RESTORE cmd
+         lbra  Talk2FDC                 send command and wait for it to complete
 * HWRead - Read a 256 byte sector from the device
 *   Entry: Y = hardware address
 *          B = bits 23-16 of LSN
 *          X = bits 15-0  of LSN
-* 		   blockloc,u = ptr to 256 byte sector
+*          blockloc,u = ptr to 256 byte sector
 *   Exit:  X = ptr to data (i.e. ptr in blockloc,u)
+*          Carry Clear = OK, Set = Error
 HWRead   lda   #$91
-         bsr   L00DF		else branch subroutine
-         bcs   HWRRts		branch if error
-         ldx   blockloc,u	get buffer pointer in X for caller
+         bsr   L00DF            else branch subroutine
+         bcs   HWRRts           branch if error
+         ldx   blockloc,u       get buffer pointer in X for caller
 HWRRts   rts
@@ -200,32 +204,32 @@
          pshs  x,b,a
          bsr   DoDDns
          puls  x,b,a
-L00DF    pshs  x,b,a		save LSN, command
+L00DF    pshs  x,b,a            save LSN, command
          bsr   ReadSect
-         puls  x,b,a		restore LSN, command
-         bcc   HWRRts		branch if OK
+         puls  x,b,a            restore LSN, command
+         bcc   HWRRts           branch if OK
          bne   L00D7
-ReadSect bsr   Seek2Sect 	seek to the sector stored in X
-         bcs   HWRRts		if error, return to caller
-         ldx   blockloc,u	get address of buffer to fill
-         orcc  #IntMasks	mask interrupts
-         pshs  x			save X
+ReadSect bsr   Seek2Sect        seek to the sector stored in X
+         bcs   HWRRts           if error, return to caller
+         ldx   blockloc,u       get address of buffer to fill
+         orcc  #IntMasks        mask interrupts
+         pshs  x                save X
          ldx   #$FFFF
-         ldb   #%10000000	($80) READ SECTOR command
-         stb   CMDREG,y		write to command register
-         ldb   drvsel,u		(DDEN+MOTORON+BootDr)
+         ldb   #%10000000       ($80) READ SECTOR command
+         stb   CMDREG,y         write to command register
+         ldb   drvsel,u         (DDEN+MOTORON+BootDr)
 * NOTE: The 1773 FDC multiplexes the write precomp enable and ready
 * signals on the ENP/RDY pin, so the READY bit must always be ON for
 * read and seek commands.  (from the FD502 FDC Service Manual)
-         orb   #DDEN+READY	set DDEN+READY bits ($30)
-         tst   side,u		are we on side 2?
+         orb   #DDEN+READY      set DDEN+READY bits ($30)
+         tst   side,u           are we on side 2?
          beq   L0107
-         orb   #SIDESEL		set side 2 bit
+         orb   #SIDESEL         set side 2 bit
 L0107    stb   CONTROL,y
-         lbsr  Delay2		delay 54~
-         orb   #HALTENA		HALT enable ($80)
-*         lda   #%00000010	RESTORE cmd ($02)
+         lbsr  Delay2           delay 54~
+         orb   #HALTENA         HALT enable ($80)
+*         lda   #%00000010      RESTORE cmd ($02)
 *L0111    bita  >DPort+STATREG
 *         bne   L0123
 *         leay  -$01,y
@@ -239,9 +243,9 @@
 *         bra   L0123
-         ldx   ,s			get X saved earlier
+         ldx   ,s               get X saved earlier
 * Sector READ Loop
-L0123    lda   DATAREG,y	read from WD DATA register
+L0123    lda   DATAREG,y        read from WD DATA register
          sta   ,x+
 *         stb   >DPort+CONTROL
@@ -251,74 +255,74 @@
 * means that reading a single-density boot disk will not generate the
 * NMI signal needed to exit the read loop!  Single-density disks must
 * use a polled I/O loop instead.
-NMIRtn   leas  R$Size,s		adjust stack
+NMIRtn   leas  R$Size,s         adjust stack
          puls  x
-         ldb   STATREG,y	read WD STATUS register
-         bitb  #$9C			any errors?
-*         bitb  #$04		LOST DATA bit set?
-         beq   r@			branch if not
-*         beq   ChkErr		branch if not
-L0138    comb				else we will return error
+         ldb   STATREG,y        read WD STATUS register
+         bitb  #$9C             any errors?
+*         bitb  #$04            LOST DATA bit set?
+         beq   r@               branch if not
+*         beq   ChkErr          branch if not
+L0138    comb                   else we will return error
          ldb   #E$Read
 r@       rts
-         lda   #MOTON		permit alternate drives
-         ora   WhichDrv,pcr		permit alternate drives
-         sta   drvsel,u		save byte to static mem
-         clr   side,u		start on side 1
-         tfr   x,d			move LSN into D
-         cmpd  #$0000		zero?
-         beq   L016C		branch if so
-         clr   ,-s			else clear space on stack
+         lda   #MOTON           permit alternate drives
+         ora   WhichDrv,pcr     permit alternate drives
+         sta   drvsel,u         save byte to static mem
+         clr   side,u           start on side 1
+         tfr   x,d              move LSN into D
+         cmpd  #$0000           zero?
+         beq   L016C            branch if so
+         clr   ,-s              else clear space on stack
          pshs  a
          lda   ddfmt,u
-         bita  #FMT.SIDE	double sided disk?
+         bita  #FMT.SIDE        double sided disk?
          puls  a
-         beq   SnglSid		branch if not
+         beq   SnglSid          branch if not
          bra   DblSid
 * Double-sided code
-L0152    com   side,u		flag side 2
+L0152    com   side,u           flag side 2
          bne   DblSid
          inc   ,s
-DblSid   subb  ddtks,u		
+DblSid   subb  ddtks,u
          sbca  #$00
          bcc   L0152
          bra   L0168
 L0160    inc   ,s
-SnglSid  subb  ddtks,u		subtract sectors per track from B
+SnglSid  subb  ddtks,u          subtract sectors per track from B
          sbca  #$00
          bcc   L0160
-L0168    addb  ddtks,u		add sectors per track
-         puls  a		get current track indicator off of stack
+L0168    addb  ddtks,u          add sectors per track
+         puls  a                get current track indicator off of stack
 L016C    incb
-         stb   SECTREG,y	save in sector register
-SetTrak  ldb   currtrak,u	get current track in B
-         stb   TRACKREG,y	save in track register
-         cmpa  currtrak,u	same as A?
-         beq   rtsok		branch if so
+         stb   SECTREG,y        save in sector register
+SetTrak  ldb   currtrak,u       get current track in B
+         stb   TRACKREG,y       save in track register
+         cmpa  currtrak,u       same as A?
+         beq   rtsok            branch if so
          sta   currtrak,u
          sta   DATAREG,y
-         ldb   #$10+STEP	SEEK command
-         bsr   Talk2FDC		send command to controller
+         ldb   #$10+STEP        SEEK command
+         bsr   Talk2FDC         send command to controller
          pshs  x
 * Seek Delay
-         ldx   #$222E		delay ~39 mSec (78mS L1)
+         ldx   #$222E           delay ~39 mSec (78mS L1)
 SeekDly  leax  -$01,x
          bne   SeekDly
          puls  x
 rtsok    clrb
-*ChkErr   bitb  #$98		evaluate WD status (READY, RNF, CRC err)
+*ChkErr   bitb  #$98            evaluate WD status (READY, RNF, CRC err)
 *         bne   L0138
 *         clrb
 *         rts
-Talk2FDC bsr   DoCMD		issue FDC cmd, wait 54~
-FDCLoop  ldb   STATREG,y	get status
-         bitb  #$01			still BUSY?
-         bne   FDCLoop		loop until command completes
+Talk2FDC bsr   DoCMD            issue FDC cmd, wait 54~
+FDCLoop  ldb   STATREG,y        get status
+         bitb  #$01             still BUSY?
+         bne   FDCLoop          loop until command completes
 * Issue command and wait 54 clocks
@@ -328,18 +332,18 @@
 * Delay branches
 * 54 clock delay including bsr (=30uS/L2,60us/L1)
 * H6309 code changed to reduce code size, RG
-         IFEQ  H6309
+       IFEQ  H6309
          lbsr  Delay3
          lbsr  Delay4
-         ELSE
+       ELSE
 Delay2   lda   #5       3 cycles
 Delay3   exg   a,a      5 cycles  | 10*5
          deca           2 cycles  |
          bne   Delay3   3 cycles  |
-         ENDC
+       ENDC
 * Select And Send
@@ -349,10 +353,18 @@
          stb   CMDREG,y
-         IFGT  Level-1
-* Filler to get $1D0
+       IFGT  Level-1
+* L2 kernel file is composed of rel, boot, krn. The size of each of these
+* is controlled with filler, so that (after relocation):
+* rel  starts at $ED00 and is $130 bytes in size
+* boot starts at $EE30 and is $1D0 bytes in size
+* krn  starts at $F000 and ends at $FEFF (there is no 'emod' at the end
+*      of krn and so there are no module-end boilerplate bytes)
+* Filler to get to a total size of $1D0. 3, 2, 1 represent bytes after
+* the filler: the end boilerplate for the module, fdb and fcb respectively.
 Filler   fill  $39,$1D0-3-2-1-*
-         ENDC
+       ENDC
 Address  fdb   DPort
 WhichDrv fcb   BootDr
--- a/level1/modules/boot_burke.asm	Wed Nov 30 22:10:56 2016 +0000
+++ b/level1/modules/boot_burke.asm	Sun Dec 04 21:01:42 2016 +0000
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
 name     fcs   /Boot/
          fcb   edition
-start    ldb   >MPI.Slct   Set up Multipak properly for us
+start    ldb   >MPI.Slct    Set up Multipak properly for us
          lda   #$10
          ldb   #$11
@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@
          stb   sector,u       Preserve sector #
          leas  $03,s          Clear stack of 24 bit number
-     pshs  cc             Preserve odd sector flag (carry bit)
+         pshs  cc             Preserve odd sector flag (carry bit)
          bsr   cmdstrt        Set up controller for new command
          lda   #$08           Read sector command
@@ -327,7 +327,15 @@
          rts                Padding to get $1D0 Size
          IFGT  Level-1
-* Pad to $1D0 bytes exactly
+* L2 kernel file is composed of rel, boot, krn. The size of each of these
+* is controlled with filler, so that (after relocation):
+* rel  starts at $ED00 and is $130 bytes in size
+* boot starts at $EE30 and is $1D0 bytes in size
+* krn  starts at $F000 and ends at $FEFF (there is no 'emod' at the end
+*      of krn and so there are no module-end boilerplate bytes)
+* Filler to get to a total size of $1D0. 3 represents bytes after
+* the filler: the end boilerplate for the module.
 Pad      fill  $39,$1D0-3-*
--- a/level1/modules/boot_common.asm	Wed Nov 30 22:10:56 2016 +0000
+++ b/level1/modules/boot_common.asm	Sun Dec 04 21:01:42 2016 +0000
@@ -35,14 +35,14 @@
 *          2005/10/16  Boisy G. Pitre
 * Further optimizations made
-*	   2006/01/04  P.Harvey-Smith.
+*          2006/01/04  P.Harvey-Smith.
 * Added pointer to loaded LSN0 to data passed to hardware dependent section.
-*	   2007/08/23  Boisy G. Pitre
+*          2007/08/23  Boisy G. Pitre
 * Added 'subd #$00FF' to counteract earlier 'addd #$00FF'.  We need to undo
 * to give F$SRqMem the right amount of memory to allocate.
-*	   2007/08/24  Boisy G. Pitre
+*          2007/08/24  Boisy G. Pitre
 * We no longer use F$SRqMem to get the 256 byte buffer for LSN0, but
 * instead allocate the memory temporarily off the stack.  This gives us
 * two system ram pages that were not available before, and also prevents
@@ -53,52 +53,52 @@
 * the module directory table is at $400-$4FF, we must do this; otherwise, we
 * would overwrite the bottom portion of the module directory table and corrupt
 * it (it's already setup by krn before boot is called!)
 start    orcc  #IntMasks  ensure IRQs are off (necessary?)
 * allocate memory on stack for vars and sector buffer
-		 IFEQ  Level-1
-* Level 1: stack is only 256 bytes and its bottom runs against moddir ptrs... so cheat and use free page just above stack
-* for 256 byte disk buffer
-		 leas  -size,s   
+       IFEQ  Level-1
+* Level 1: stack is only 256 bytes and its bottom runs against moddir ptrs..
+* so cheat and use free page just above stack as 256-byte disk buffer
+         leas  -size,s
          tfr   s,u        get pointer to data area
          ldx   #$500
-		 ELSE
-		 leas  -size-256,s   
+       ELSE
+         leas  -size-256,s
          tfr   s,u        get pointer to data area
          leax  size,u     point U to 256 byte sector buffer
-		 ENDC
+       ENDC
          pshs  u          save pointer to data area
          stx   blockloc,u
 * Initialize Hardware
-         ldy   Address,pcr				get hardware address
+         ldy   Address,pcr  get hardware address
          lbsr  HWInit
 * Read LSN0
-         IFNE  LSN24BIT
+       IFNE  LSN24BIT
          clrb             MSB sector
-         ENDC
+       ENDC
          ldx   #0         LSW sector
          lbsr  HWRead     read LSN 0
          bcs   error      branch if error
-         IFGT  Level-1   
+       IFGT  Level-1
          lda   #'0        --- loaded in LSN0'
          jsr   <D.BtBug   ---
-         ENDC            
-	     stx   LSN0Ptr,u	Save LSN0 pointer
+       ENDC
+         stx   LSN0Ptr,u    Save LSN0 pointer
 * Pull relevant values from LSN0
-         IFNE  FLOPPY
+       IFNE  FLOPPY
          lda   DD.TKS,x   number of tracks on this disk
          ldb   DD.FMT,x   disk format byte
          std   ddtks,u    TAKE NOTE!  ASSUMES ADJACENT VARS!
-         ENDC
+       ENDC
          ldd   DD.BSZ,x   os9boot size in bytes
          beq   FragBoot   if zero, do frag boot
          std   bootsize,u
 * Old style boot -- make a fake FD segment right from LSN0!
-         leax  DD.BT,x  
+         leax  DD.BT,x
          addd  #$00FF     round up to next page
 * Important note: We are making an assumption that the upper 8 bits of the
 * FDSL.B field will always be zero.  That is a safe assumption, since an
@@ -106,24 +106,24 @@
 * under NitrOS-9 cannot be this large, and therefore this assumption
 * is safe.
          sta   FDSL.B+1,x save file size
-         IFNE  LSN24BIT
+       IFNE  LSN24BIT
          clr   FDSL.S,x   make next segment entry 0
-         ENDC
+       ENDC
          clr   FDSL.S+1,x
          clr   FDSL.S+2,x
          subd  #$00FF     undo previous add #$00FF
          bra   GrabBootMem
 Back2Krn lbsr  HWTerm     call HW termination routine
          ldx   blockimg,u pointer to start of os9boot in memory
          clrb             clear carry
          ldd   bootsize,u
-         IFEQ  Level-1
-         leas  2+size,s			reset the stack    same as PULS U
-		 ELSE
-         leas  2+size+256,s   reset the stack    same as PULS U
-		 ENDC
+       IFEQ  Level-1
+         leas  2+size,s      reset the stack    same as PULS U
+       ELSE
+         leas  2+size+256,s  reset the stack    same as PULS U
+       ENDC
          rts              return to kernel
@@ -136,13 +136,13 @@
          ldd   FD.SIZ+2,x get file size (we skip first two bytes)
          std   bootsize,u
          leax  FD.SEG,x   point to segment table
-         IFGT  Level-1   
-         os9   F$BtMem   
-         ELSE            
-         os9   F$SRqMem  
-         ENDC            
+       IFGT  Level-1
+         os9   F$BtMem
+       ELSE
+         os9   F$SRqMem
+       ENDC
          bcs   error
 * Save off alloced mem from F$SRqMem into blockloc,u and restore
 * the statics pointer in U
@@ -150,39 +150,39 @@
          ldu   ,s         recover pointer to data stack
          std   blockloc,u
          std   blockimg,u
 * Get os9boot into memory
 BootLoop stx   seglist,u  update segment list
-         IFNE  LSN24BIT
+       IFNE  LSN24BIT
          ldb   FDSL.A,x   MSB sector location
-         ENDC
+       ENDC
 BL2      ldx   FDSL.A+1,x LSW sector location
-         IFNE  LSN24BIT
-         bne   BL3       
-         tstb            
-         ENDC
-         beq   Back2Krn  
-BL3      lbsr  HWRead    
+       IFNE  LSN24BIT
+         bne   BL3
+         tstb
+       ENDC
+         beq   Back2Krn
+BL3      lbsr  HWRead
          inc   blockloc,u point to next input sector in mem
-         IFGT  Level-1   
+       IFGT  Level-1
          lda   #'.        show .'
-         jsr   <D.BtBug  
-         ENDC            
+         jsr   <D.BtBug
+       ENDC
          ldx   seglist,u  get pointer to segment list
          dec   FDSL.B+1,x get segment size
          beq   NextSeg    if <=0, get next segment
          ldd   FDSL.A+1,x update sector location by one
-         addd  #1        
+         addd  #1
          std   FDSL.A+1,x
-         IFNE  LSN24BIT
-         ldb   FDSL.A,x  
-         adcb  #0        
-         stb   FDSL.A,x  
-         ENDC
-         bra   BL2       
+       IFNE  LSN24BIT
+         ldb   FDSL.A,x
+         adcb  #0
+         stb   FDSL.A,x
+       ENDC
+         bra   BL2
 NextSeg  leax  FDSL.S,x   advance to next segment entry
-         bra   BootLoop  
+         bra   BootLoop
--- a/level1/modules/boot_d64.asm	Wed Nov 30 22:10:56 2016 +0000
+++ b/level1/modules/boot_d64.asm	Sun Dec 04 21:01:42 2016 +0000
@@ -1,480 +1,469 @@
 * Boot_d64, bootfile for Dragon 32/64, Dragon Alpha/Professional.
+* Provides HWInit, HWTerm, HWRead which are called by code in
+* "use"d boot_common.asm
 * 2004-11-07, P.Harvey-Smith.
-*	First disasembly and porting 
+*       First disasembly and porting
 * 2004-11-09, P.Harvey-Smith.
-* 	Dragon Alpha code, I am not sure of how to disable NMI 
-*	on the Alpha, it is simulated in software using the NMIFlag.
+*       Dragon Alpha code, I am not sure of how to disable NMI
+*       on the Alpha, it is simulated in software using the NMIFlag.
 * See DDisk.asm for a fuller discription of how Dragon Alpha
 * interface works.
 * 2004-11-25, P.Harvey-Smith.
-* 	Double sided Disk code added 
+*       Double sided Disk code added
-* 2005-05-08, P.Harvey-Smith, 
-*	Added code to force 5/8 line low on Alpha so correct clock selected.
+* 2005-05-08, P.Harvey-Smith,
+*       Added code to force 5/8 line low on Alpha so correct clock selected.
 * 2005-06-16, P.Harvey-Smith.
-*	Added NMI enable/disable code, as I know know how to enable/disable
-*	NMI on the Alpha, having disasembled the Alpha's OS9's ddisk.
+*       Added NMI enable/disable code, as I know know how to enable/disable
+*       NMI on the Alpha, having disasembled the Alpha's OS9's ddisk.
 * 2005-10-22, P.Harvey-Smith.
-* 	Removed unused user stack variable (u0000).
+*       Removed unused user stack variable (u0000).
 * 2005-12-31, P.Harvey-Smith.
-*	Converted to using new boot system which can support fragmented
-*	boot files.
+*       Converted to using new boot system which can support fragmented
+*       boot files.
 * 2006-01-08, P.Harvey-Smith.
-*	Fixed up steprate so that it is the same as that specified as the
-*	default when building NitrOS9, currently the distribution sets 
-*	this to 12ms, as this seems to be the default for both the 
-*	Dragon Data original 5.25" floppies, and for the Sony 3.5"
-*	drives in the Alpha. This allows NitrOS9 to boot correctly
-*	on Dragon Data 5.25" drives, and should also make booting on 
-*	the Alpha much more relaiable.
+*       Fixed up step-rate so that it is the same as that specified as the
+*       default when building NitrOS9, currently the distribution sets
+*       this to 12ms, as this seems to be the default for both the
+*       Dragon Data original 5.25" floppies, and for the Sony 3.5"
+*       drives in the Alpha. This allows NitrOS9 to boot correctly
+*       on Dragon Data 5.25" drives, and should also make booting on
+*       the Alpha much more reliable.
-	nam   Boot
-        ttl   os9 system module    
+                nam   Boot
+                ttl   Dragon 32/64 Boot module
 * Disassembled 1900/00/00 00:05:56 by Disasm v1.5 (C) 1988 by RML
-        ifp1
-	use 	defsfile
-        endc
-	IFNE	dalpha
+              IFP1
+                use     defsfile
+              ENDC
-* Dragon Alpha has a third PIA at FF24, this is used for
-* Drive select / motor control, and provides FIRQ from the
-* disk controler.
+              IFNE    dalpha
+* Dragon Alpha has a third PIA at $FF24, this is used for
+* Drive select/motor control, and provides FIRQ from the
+* disk controller.
+DPPIADA         equ     DPPIA2DA
+DPPIACRA        equ     DPPIA2CRA
+DPPIADB         equ     DPPIA2DB
+DPPIACRB        equ     DPPIA2CRB
+PIADA           equ     DPPIADA+IO      Side A Data/DDR
+PIACRA          equ     DPPIACRA+IO     Side A Control.
+PIADB           equ     DPPIADB+IO      Side A Data/DDR
+PIACRB          equ     DPPIACRB+IO     Side A Control.
-;WD2797 Floppy disk controler, used in Alpha Note registers in reverse order !
-DPCMDREG	EQU	DPCmdRegA	; command/status			
-DPTRKREG	EQU	DPTrkRegA	; Track register
-DPSECREG	EQU	DPSecRegA	; Sector register
-DPDATAREG	EQU	DPDataRegA	; Data register
+* WD2797 Floppy disk controller, used in Alpha. Note registers in reverse order!
+DPCMDREG        equ     DPCmdRegA       command/status
+DPTRKREG        equ     DPTrkRegA       Track register
+DPSECREG        equ     DPSecRegA       Sector register
+DPDATAREG       equ     DPDataRegA      Data register
-CMDREG		EQU	DPCMDREG+IO	; command/status			
-TRKREG		EQU	DPTRKREG+IO	; Track register
-SECREG		EQU	DPSECREG+IO	; Sector register
-; Disk IO bitmasks
+CMDREG          equ     DPCMDREG+IO     command/status
+TRKREG          equ     DPTRKREG+IO     Track register
+SECREG          equ     DPSECREG+IO     Sector register
+DATAREG         equ     DPDATAREG+IO    Data register
-WPCEn    	EQU   	WPCEnA
-SDensEn  	EQU   	SDensEnA
-MotorOn  	EQU   	MotorOnA 
-; Drive selects for non default boot drives.
+* Disk IO bitmasks
+NMIEn           equ     NMIEnA
+WPCEn           equ     WPCEnA
+SDensEn         equ     SDensEnA
+MotorOn         equ     MotorOnA
+* Drive selects for non default boot drives.
+DRVSEL0         equ     Drive0A
+DRVSEL1         equ     Drive1A
+DRVSEL2         equ     Drive2A
+DRVSEL3         equ     Drive3A
+              ELSE
+DPPIADA         equ     DPPIA1DA
+DPPIACRA        equ     DPPIA1CRA
+DPPIADB         equ     DPPIA1DB
+DPPIACRB        equ     DPPIA1CRB
+PIADA           equ     DPPIADA+IO      Side A Data/DDR
+PIACRA          equ     DPPIACRA+IO     Side A Control.
+PIADB           equ     DPPIADB+IO      Side A Data/DDR
+PIACRB          equ     DPPIACRB+IO     Side A Control.
-;WD2797 Floppy disk controler, used in DragonDos.
-DPCMDREG	EQU	DPCmdRegD	; command/status			
-DPTRKREG	EQU	DPTrkRegD	; Track register
-DPSECREG	EQU	DPSecRegD	; Sector register
-DPDATAREG	EQU	DPDataRegD	; Data register
+* WD2797 Floppy disk controller, used in DragonDos.
+DPCMDREG        equ     DPCmdRegD       command/status
+DPTRKREG        equ     DPTrkRegD       Track register
+DPSECREG        equ     DPSecRegD       Sector register
+DPDATAREG       equ     DPDataRegD      Data register
-CMDREG		EQU	DPCMDREG+IO	; command/status			
-TRKREG		EQU	DPTRKREG+IO	; Track register
-SECREG		EQU	DPSECREG+IO	; Sector register
+CMDREG          equ     DPCMDREG+IO     command/status
+TRKREG          equ     DPTRKREG+IO     Track register
+SECREG          equ     DPSECREG+IO     Sector register
+DATAREG         equ     DPDATAREG+IO    Data register
-; Disk IO bitmasks
+* Disk IO bitmasks
-WPCEn    	EQU   	WPCEnD
-SDensEn  	EQU   	SDensEnD
-MotorOn  	EQU   	MotorOnD
+NMIEn           equ     NMIEnD
+WPCEn           equ     WPCEnD
+SDensEn         equ     SDensEnD
+MotorOn         equ     MotorOnD
-; Drive selects for non default boot drives.
+* Drive selects for non default boot drives.
+DRVSEL0         equ     Drive0D
+DRVSEL1         equ     Drive1D
+DRVSEL2         equ     Drive2D
+DRVSEL3         equ     Drive3D
+              ENDC
 * Default Boot is from drive 0
-BootDr   set DRVSEL0
-         IFEQ  DNum-1
-BootDr   set DRVSEL1		Alternate boot from drive 1
-         ENDC
-         IFEQ  DNum-2
-BootDr   set DRVSEL2		Alternate boot from drive 2
-         ENDC
-         IFEQ  DNum-3
-BootDr   set DRVSEL3		Alternate boot from drive 3
-         ENDC
+BootDr          set DRVSEL0
+              IFEQ  DNum-1
+BootDr          set DRVSEL1     Alternate boot from drive 1
+              ENDC
+              IFEQ  DNum-2
+BootDr          set DRVSEL2     Alternate boot from drive 2
+              ENDC
+              IFEQ  DNum-3
+BootDr          set DRVSEL3     Alternate boot from drive 3
+              ENDC
-StepRate	EQU	3-STEP	Convert OS9 steprate code to WD.
+StepRate        equ     3-STEP  Convert OS9 steprate code to WD.
-tylg     	set   Systm+Objct   
-atrv     	set   ReEnt+rev
-rev      	set   $01
+tylg            set   Systm+Objct
+atrv            set   ReEnt+rev
+rev             set   $01
-		mod   eom,name,tylg,atrv,start,size
-;BuffPtr    	rmb   2
-;SideSel    	rmb   1		; Side select mask
-;CurrentTrack	rmb   1		; Current track number
+                mod   eom,name,tylg,atrv,start,size
 * NOTE: these are U-stack offsets, not DP
-seglist  	rmb   2		pointer to segment list
-blockloc 	rmb   2         pointer to memory requested
-blockimg 	rmb   2         duplicate of the above
-bootsize 	rmb   2         size in bytes
-LSN0Ptr		rmb   2		In memory LSN0 pointer
-drvsel   	rmb   1
-CurrentTrack	rmb   1		; Current track number
+seglist         rmb   2         pointer to segment list
+blockloc        rmb   2         pointer to memory requested
+blockimg        rmb   2         duplicate of the above
+bootsize        rmb   2         size in bytes
+LSN0Ptr         rmb   2         In memory LSN0 pointer
+drvsel          rmb   1
+CurrentTrack    rmb   1         Current track number
 * Note, for optimization purposes, the following two variables
 * should be adjacent!!
-ddtks    	rmb   1		no. of sectors per track
-ddfmt    	rmb   1
-side     	rmb   1		side 2 flag
+ddtks           rmb   1         no. of sectors per track
+ddfmt           rmb   1
+side            rmb   1         side 2 flag
-size     	equ   .
+size            equ   .
-name     	equ   *
-		fcs   /Boot/
-		fcb   $00 
+name            equ   *
+                fcs   /Boot/
+                fcb   $00
 * Common booter-required defines
-LSN24BIT equ   0
-FLOPPY   equ   1
+LSN24BIT        equ   0
+FLOPPY          equ   1
+HWInit  clra
+        ldx     #CMDREG         Force interrupt
+        lda     #FrcInt
+        sta     ,x
+        lbsr    Delay           Wait for command to complete
+        lda     ,x
+        lda     piadb           Clear DRQ from WD.
-;start   equ   	*
-HWInit  clra  	
-        ldx   	#CMDREG		; Force inturrupt
-        lda   	#FrcInt
-        sta   	,x
-        lbsr  	Delay		; Wait for command to complete
-        lda   	,x
-        lda   	piadb		; Clear DRQ from WD.
+      IFNE    dalpha
+        lda     #NMICA2Dis      Set PIA2 CA2 as output & disable NMI
+        sta     PIA2CRA
+      ENDC
+        lda     #$FF
+        sta     CurrentTrack,u
+        leax    >NMIService,pcr Setup NMI Handler.
+        stx     >D.XNMI+1
+        lda     #$7E            $7E=JMP
+        sta     >D.XNMI
+        lda     #MotorOn        Turn on motor
+        ora     WhichDrv,pcr    OR in selected drive
+        sta     drvsel,u        save drive selection byte
-	IFNE	dalpha
-	lda	#NMICA2Dis	; Set PIA2 CA2 as output & disable NMI
-	sta	PIA2CRA
-        lda   	#$FF
-        sta   	CurrentTrack,u
-        leax  	>NMIService,pcr	; Setup NMI Handler.
-        stx   	>D.XNMI+1	
-        lda   	#$7E		; $7E=JMP
-        sta   	>D.XNMI
-        lda   	#MotorOn	; Turn on motor
-        ora   	WhichDrv,pcr	; OR in selected drive
-        sta   	drvsel,u	; save drive selection byte
-	IFNE	dalpha
-	lbsr	AlphaDskCtl
-	sta   	>DSKCTL
-        ldd   	#$C350		; Delay while motors spin up
-	nop   
-        nop   
-        subd  	#$0001
-        bne   	MotorOnDelay
+      IFNE    dalpha
+        lbsr    AlphaDskCtl
+        ELSE
+        sta     >DSKCTL
+      ENDC
+        ldd     #$C350          Delay while motors spin up
+        nop
+        nop
+        subd    #$0001
+        bne     MotorOnDelay
+HWTerm  clrb
+        rts
-HWTerm	clrb
-	rts
-        use   	boot_common.asm
+        use     boot_common.asm
+* Reset disk heads to track 0
-; Reset disk heads to track 0
-        clr   	CurrentTrack,u	; Zero current track
-        lda   	#$05
-L00A9   ldb   	#StpICmnd+StepRate	; Step in
-        pshs  	a
-        lbsr  	CommandWaitReady
-        puls  	a
-        deca  
-        bne   	L00A9
-        ldb   	#RestCmnd+StepRate	; Restore to track 0
-        lbra  	CommandWaitReady
+        clr     CurrentTrack,u  Zero current track
+        lda     #$05
+L00A9   ldb     #StpICmnd+StepRate      Step in
+        pshs    a
+        lbsr    CommandWaitReady
+        puls    a
+        deca
+        bne     L00A9
+        ldb     #RestCmnd+StepRate      Restore to track 0
+        lbra    CommandWaitReady
-; Read a sector off disk.
 * HWRead - Read a 256 byte sector from the device
 *   Entry: Y = hardware address
 *          B = bits 23-16 of LSN
 *          X = bits 15-0  of LSN
-* 		   blockloc,u = ptr to 256 byte sector
+*                  blockloc,u = ptr to 256 byte sector
 *   Exit:  X = ptr to data (i.e. ptr in blockloc,u)
+*          Carry Clear = OK, Set = Error
+        lda     #$91            Retry count
+        bsr     ReadDataWithRetry       Yes read sector
+        bcs     ReadDataExit            And restore Y=LSN0 pointer
+        ldx     blockloc,u
+        clrb
+        rts
-	lda   	#$91		; Retry count
-        bsr   	ReadDataWithRetry	; Yes read sector
-        bcs   	ReadDataExit		; And restore Y=LSN0 pointer
-        ldx   	blockloc,u
-        clrb  
-	rts   
+        bcc     ReadDataWithRetry       Retry data read if error
+        pshs    x,b,a
+        bsr     ResetTrack0     Recalibrate drive
+        puls    x,b,a
+        pshs    x,b,a
+        bsr     DoReadData      Try reading data
+        puls    x,b,a
+        bcc     ReadDataExit    No error, return to caller
+        lsra                    decrement retry count
+        bne     ReadDataRetry   retry read on error
+        bsr     SeekTrack       Seek to correct track
+        bcs     ReadDataExit    Error : exit
-	bcc   	ReadDataWithRetry	; Retry data read if error
-        pshs  	x,b,a		
-        bsr   	ResetTrack0	; Recal drive
-        puls  	x,b,a
-	pshs  	x,b,a
-        bsr   	DoReadData	; Try reading data
-        puls  	x,b,a
-        bcc   	ReadDataExit	; No error, return to caller
-        lsra  			; decrement retry count
-        bne   	ReadDataRetry	; retry read on error
-	bsr   	SeekTrack	; Seek to correct track
-        bcs   	ReadDataExit	; Error : exit
-	ldx   	blockloc,u	; Set X=Data load address
-        pshs  	y,dp,cc
-        orcc  	#$50		; Enable FIRQ=DRQ from WD
-        lda   	#$FF		; Make DP=$FF, so access to WD regs faster
-        tfr   	a,dp
-	lda   	#$34
-        sta   	<dppia0crb	; Disable out PIA0 IRQ 
-	lda   	#$37
-        sta   	<dppiacrb	; Enable FIRQ
-        lda   	<dppiadb	; Clear any pending FIRQ
-	lda	drvsel,u	
-	ora	#NMIEn
-	IFNE	dalpha
-	lbsr	AlphaDskCtl
-	sta   	<dpdskctl
+        ldx     blockloc,u      Set X=Data load address
+        pshs    y,dp,cc
+        orcc    #$50            Enable FIRQ=DRQ from WD
+        lda     #$FF            Make DP=$FF, so access to WD regs faster
+        tfr     a,dp
+        lda     #$34
+        sta     <dppia0crb      Disable out PIA0 IRQ
+        lda     #$37
+        sta     <dppiacrb       Enable FIRQ
+        lda     <dppiadb        Clear any pending FIRQ
+        lda     drvsel,u
+        ora     #NMIEn
-        ldb   	#ReadCmnd	; Issue a read command
-	orb	side,u		; mask in side select
-	stb   	<dpcmdreg
+      IFNE    dalpha
+        lbsr    AlphaDskCtl
+      ELSE
+        sta     <dpdskctl
+      ENDIF
+        ldb     #ReadCmnd       Issue a read command
+        orb     side,u          mask in side select
+        stb     <dpcmdreg
-	IFNE	dalpha
-	lda	#NMICA2En	; Enable NMI
-	sta	<DPPIA2CRA	
-	sync  			; Read data from controler, save
+      IFNE    dalpha
+        lda     #NMICA2En       Enable NMI
+        sta     <DPPIA2CRA
+      ENDIF
+        sync                    Read data from controller, save
-        lda   	<dpdatareg	; in memory at X
-        ldb   	<dppiadb	
-        sta   	,x+		
-        bra   	ReadDataWait	; We break out with an NMI
-; NMI service routine.
+        lda     <dpdatareg      in memory at X
+        ldb     <dppiadb
+        sta     ,x+
+        bra     ReadDataWait    We break out with an NMI
+* NMI service routine.
-	leas  	R$Size,s	; Drop saved Regs from stack
-        lda   	#MotorOn
+        leas    R$Size,s        Drop saved Regs from stack
+        lda     #MotorOn
+      IFNE    dalpha
+        lbsr    AlphaDskCtl
+        lda     #NMICA2Dis      Disable NMI
+        sta     <DPPIA2CRA
+      ELSE
+        sta     <dpdskctl
+      ENDIF
-	IFNE	dalpha
-	lbsr	AlphaDskCtl
-	lda	#NMICA2Dis	; Disable NMI
-	sta	<DPPIA2CRA
-	sta    	<dpdskctl
+        lda     #$34            Disable FIRQ inturrupt
+        sta     <dppiacrb
+        ldb     <dpcmdreg
+        puls    y,dp,cc
+        bitb    #$04            Check for error
+        lbeq    L015A
+L011A   comb
+        ldb     #$F4
+        rts
+* Seek to a track, at this point Y still points to
+* in memory copy of LSN0 (if not reading LSN0 !).
-	lda   	#$34		; Disable FIRQ inturrupt
-        sta   	<dppiacrb
-        ldb   	<dpcmdreg
-        puls  	y,dp,cc
-        bitb  	#$04		; Check for error
-        lbeq  	L015A
-L011A   comb  
-        ldb   	#$F4
-        rts   
-; Seek to a track, at this point Y still points to 
-; in memory copy of LSN0 (if not reading LSN0 !).
-	ldy	LSN0Ptr,u	; Get LSN0 pointer
-        tfr   	x,d
-        cmpd  	#$0000		; LSN0 ?
-        beq   	SeekCalcSkip
-        clr   	,-s		; Zero track counter
-        bra   	L012E
-L012C   inc   	,s
-	subd  	DD.Spt,Y	; Take sectors per track from LSN
-	bcc   	L012C		; still +ve ? keep looping
-        addd  	DD.Spt,Y	; Compensate for over-loop
-        puls  	a		; retrieve track count.
+        ldy     LSN0Ptr,u       Get LSN0 pointer
+        tfr     x,d
+        cmpd    #$0000          LSN0 ?
+        beq     SeekCalcSkip
+        clr     ,-s             Zero track counter
+        bra     L012E
+L012C   inc     ,s
+        subd    DD.Spt,Y        Take sectors per track from LSN
+        bcc     L012C           still +ve ? keep looping
+        addd    DD.Spt,Y        Compensate for over-loop
+        puls    a               retrieve track count.
-; At this point the A contains the track number, 
-; and B contains the sector number on that track.
+* At this point the A contains the track number,
+* and B contains the sector number on that track.
-	pshs	b		; Save sector number
+        pshs    b               Save sector number
-        LDB   	DD.Fmt,Y     	; Is the media double sided ?
-        LSRB
-        BCC   	DiskSide0	; skip if not
+        ldb     DD.Fmt,Y        Is the media double sided ?
+        lsrb
+        bcc     DiskSide0       skip if not
-	LSRA			; Get bit 0 into CC, and divide track by 2
-	BCC	DiskSide0	; Even track no so it's on side 0
-	ldb	#Sid2Sel	; Odd track so on side 1, flag it
-	bra	SetSide
+        lsra                    Get bit 0 into CC, and divide track by 2
+        bcc     DiskSide0       Even track no so it's on side 0
+        ldb     #Sid2Sel        Odd track so on side 1, flag it
+        bra     SetSide
-	clrb			; Single sided, make sure sidesel set correctly
+        clrb                    Single sided, make sure sidesel set correctly
-	stb   	side,U		; Set side
-	puls	b		; Get sector number
-	incb  
-        stb   	SECREG
-        ldb   	CurrentTrack,u
-         stb   	TRKREG
-        cmpa  	CurrentTrack,u
-        beq   	L0158
-        sta   	CurrentTrack,u
-        sta   	DATAREG
-        ldb   	#SeekCmnd+3	; Seek command+ step rate code $13
-        bsr   	CommandWaitReady
-        pshs  	x
-        ldx   	#$222E		; Wait for head to settle.
-	leax  	-$01,x
-        bne   	SettleWait
-        puls  	x
-L0158   clrb  
-        rts   
-L015A    bitb  #$98
-         bne   L011A
-         clrb  
-         rts   
-	bsr   	MotorOnCmdBDelay	; Turn on motor and give command to WD
-	ldb   	>CMDREG		; Get command status
-        bitb  	#$01		; finished ?
-        bne   	CommandWait	; nope : continue waiting.
-        rts   
-	lda	drvsel,u	; Turn on motor
-	IFNE	dalpha
-	bsr	AlphaDskCtl
-	sta   	>DSKCTL
-        ENDIF
+        stb     side,U          Set side
+        puls    b               Get sector number
+        incb
+        stb     SECREG
+        ldb     CurrentTrack,u
+        stb     TRKREG
+        cmpa    CurrentTrack,u
+        beq     L0158
+        sta     CurrentTrack,u
+        sta     DATAREG
+        ldb     #SeekCmnd+3     Seek command+ step rate code $13
+        bsr     CommandWaitReady
+        pshs    x
+        ldx     #$222E          Wait for head to settle.
+        leax    -$01,x
+        bne     SettleWait
+        puls    x
+L0158   clrb
+        rts
+L015A   bitb    #$98
+        bne     L011A
+        clrb
+        rts
+        bsr     MotorOnCmdBDelay        Turn on motor and give command to WD
+        ldb     >CMDREG         Get command status
+        bitb    #$01            finished ?
+        bne     CommandWait     nope : continue waiting.
+        rts
+        lda     drvsel,u        Turn on motor
+      IFNE    dalpha
+        bsr     AlphaDskCtl
+      ELSE
+        sta     >DSKCTL
+      ENDIF
-        stb	>CMDREG		; Give command from B
-        rts   
-	bsr   	MotorOnCmdB
-Delay   lbsr  	Delay2
-Delay2  lbsr  	Delay3
-Delay3  rts   
+        stb     >CMDREG         Give command from B
+        rts
-	IFNE	dalpha
+        bsr     MotorOnCmdB
+Delay   lbsr    Delay2
+Delay2  lbsr    Delay3
+Delay3  rts
-; Turn on drives/motor/nmi for The Dragon Alpha.
+      IFNE    dalpha
+* Turn on drives/motor/nmi for The Dragon Alpha.
+        pshs    X,A,B,CC
-	bita	#MotorOn	; test motor on ?
-	bne	MotorRunning
+        bita    #MotorOn        test motor on ?
+        bne     MotorRunning
-	clra			; No, turn off other bits.
+        clra                    No, turn off other bits.
-	anda	#Mask58		; Mask out 5/8 bit to force the use of 5.25" clock
-	sta	-1,s	
+        anda    #Mask58         Mask out 5/8 bit to force the use of 5.25" clock
+        sta     -1,s
+        orcc    #$50            disable inturrupts
+        ldx     #PIA2DA
+        lda     #AYIOREG        AY-8912 IO register
+        sta     2,X             Output to PIA
+        ldb     #AYREGLatch     Latch register to modify
+        stb     ,x
-        orcc  	#$50		; disable inturrupts
-	ldx	#PIA2DA
-	lda	#AYIOREG	; AY-8912 IO register
-	sta	2,X		; Output to PIA
-	ldb	#AYREGLatch	; Latch register to modify
-	stb	,x
-	clr	,x		; Idle AY
-	lda	-1,s		; Fetch saved Drive Selects etc
-	sta	2,x		; output to PIA
-	ldb	#AYWriteReg	; Write value to latched register
-	stb	,x
-	clr	,x	
+        clr     ,x              Idle AY
+        lda     -1,s            Fetch saved Drive Selects etc
+        sta     2,x             output to PIA
+        ldb     #AYWriteReg     Write value to latched register
+        stb     ,x
+        clr     ,x
+        puls    x,A,B,CC
+        rts
+      ENDC
 Address  fdb   DPort
 WhichDrv fcb   BootDr
-         emod
-eom      equ   *
-         end
+        emod
+eom     equ   *
+        end
--- a/level1/modules/boot_dw.asm	Wed Nov 30 22:10:56 2016 +0000
+++ b/level1/modules/boot_dw.asm	Sun Dec 04 21:01:42 2016 +0000
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
 * Boot - DriveWire 3 Boot Module
+* Provides HWInit, HWTerm, HWRead which are called by code in
+* "use"d boot_common.asm
 * $Id$
@@ -12,10 +14,10 @@
                NAM       Boot
                TTL       DriveWire Boot Module
-               IFP1      
+             IFP1
                USE       defsfile
                USE       drivewire.d
-               ENDC      
+             ENDC
 tylg           SET       Systm+Objct
 atrv           SET       ReEnt+rev
@@ -51,26 +53,27 @@
 *              Hardware-Specific Booter Area               *
 * HWInit - Initialize the device
 *   Entry: Y = hardware address
 *   Exit:  Carry Clear = OK, Set = Error
 *          B = error (Carry Set)
                use       dwinit.asm
-HWTerm         clrb      
-               rts       
+HWTerm         clrb
+               rts
 * HWRead - Read a 256 byte sector from the device
 *   Entry: Y = hardware address
 *          B = bits 23-16 of LSN
 *          X = bits 15-0  of LSN
-* 		   blockloc,u = ptr to 256 byte sector
+*                  blockloc,u = ptr to 256 byte sector
 *   Exit:  X = ptr to data (i.e. ptr in blockloc,u)
+*          Carry Clear = OK, Set = Error
                pshs      cc,d,x
 * Send out op code and 3 byte LSN
                lda       #OP_READEX           load A with READ opcode
@@ -85,27 +88,27 @@
                bsr       DWRead               read bytes from server
                bcs       ReadEr               branch if framing error
                bne       ReadEr2
 * Send two byte checksum
                pshs      y
-	 		      leax      ,s
-			      ldy       #2
-			      lbsr      DWWrite 
-                              ldy       #1
-			      bsr       DWRead 
-			      leas      2,s
-     			   bcs       ReadEx
-                           bne      ReadEr2
-			      ldb       ,s
-			      beq       ReadEx
-			      cmpb      #E_CRC
-			      bne       ReadEr
+               leax      ,s
+               ldy       #2
+               lbsr      DWWrite
+               ldy       #1
+               bsr       DWRead
+               leas      2,s
+               bcs       ReadEx
+               bne      ReadEr2
+               ldb       ,s
+               beq       ReadEx
+               cmpb      #E_CRC
+               bne       ReadEr
                lda       #OP_REREADEX
                bra       Read2
 ReadEx         EQU       *
                leas      5,s                 eat stack
                ldx       blockloc,u
-               clrb      
+               clrb
 ReadEr2        ldb       #E$Read
@@ -116,12 +119,22 @@
                USE       dwread.asm
                USE       dwwrite.asm
-               IFGT      Level-1
-Pad            FILL      $39,$1D0-3-2-1-*
-               ENDC      
+             IFGT      Level-1
+* L2 kernel file is composed of rel, boot, krn. The size of each of these
+* is controlled with filler, so that (after relocation):
+* rel  starts at $ED00 and is $130 bytes in size
+* boot starts at $EE30 and is $1D0 bytes in size
+* krn  starts at $F000 and ends at $FEFF (there is no 'emod' at the end
+*      of krn and so there are no module-end boilerplate bytes)
+* Filler to get to a total size of $1D0. 3, 2, 1 represent bytes after
+* the filler: the end boilerplate for the module, fdb and fcb respectively.
+Filler         FILL      $39,$1D0-3-2-1-*
+             ENDC
 Address        FDB       $0000
 WhichDrv       FCB       $00
-               EMOD      
+               EMOD
 eom            EQU       *
-               END       
+               END
--- a/level1/modules/boot_ide.asm	Wed Nov 30 22:10:56 2016 +0000
+++ b/level1/modules/boot_ide.asm	Sun Dec 04 21:01:42 2016 +0000
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
 * Boot - IDE Boot Module
+* Provides HWInit, HWTerm, HWRead which are called by code in
+* "use"d boot_common.asm
 * $Id$
@@ -31,21 +33,21 @@
 * a OS9Boot file off of the real NitrOS-9 volume without need
 * of the OS9Boot file being stored in the HDBDOS virtual drive
-               NAM       Boot                
-               TTL       IDE Boot Module     
+               NAM       Boot
+               TTL       IDE Boot Module
-               IFP1      
+             IFP1
                USE       defsfile
                USE       ide.d
-               ENDC      
+             ENDC
 tylg           SET       Systm+Objct
 atrv           SET       ReEnt+rev
 rev            SET       $00
 edition        SET       9
-* Disassembled 94/06/25 11:37:47 by Alan DeKok 
-* ReDone by Paul T. Barton 99/08/17, for IDE 
+* Disassembled 94/06/25 11:37:47 by Alan DeKok
+* ReDone by Paul T. Barton 99/08/17, for IDE
                MOD       eom,name,tylg,atrv,start,size
@@ -61,9 +63,9 @@
 bootloc        RMB       3                   sector pointer; not byte pointer
 bootsize       RMB       2                   size in bytes
 LSN0Ptr        RMB       2                   LSN0 pointer (used by boot_common.asm)
-               IFDEF     DEBLOCK
+             IFDEF     DEBLOCK
 HalfSect       RMB       1
-               ENDC
+             ENDC
 size           EQU       .
 name           FCS       /Boot/
@@ -109,7 +111,7 @@
                ldb       #43
 l@             tst       DataReg,y
                lda       Latch,y
-               decb      
+               decb
                bne       l@
 * A holds byte with LBA bit
                anda      #%00000010          LBA drive?
@@ -119,37 +121,38 @@
                stb       mode,u
 nope@          ldb       #256-50
 o@             tst       DataReg,y
-               decb      
+               decb
                bne       o@
-HWTerm         clrb      
-               rts       
+HWTerm         clrb
+               rts
 * HWRead - Read a 256 byte sector from the device
 *   Entry: Y = hardware address
 *          B = bits 23-16 of LSN
 *          X = bits 15-0  of LSN
-*	   blockloc,u = ptr to 256 byte sector
+*          blockloc,u = ptr to 256 byte sector
 *   Exit:  X = ptr to data (i.e. ptr in blockloc,u)
+*          Carry Clear = OK, Set = Error
                pshs      x,b
 b@             tst       Status,y
-               bmi       b@                  if =1 then loop 
-               IFDEF     DEBLOCK
+               bmi       b@                  if =1 then loop
+             IFDEF     DEBLOCK
                clra                          clear A so we can hold half sector flag
                lsr       ,s                  ok shift the 3 bytes on stack that
                ror       1,s                 hold LSN to the right to create a
                ror       2,s                 divide by 2.  Then put last bit in
                rola                          A for use as the half sector flag
                sta       HalfSect,u          then store the flag on the stack
-               ENDC
+             ENDC
                lda       mode,u
-               sta       DevHead,y           0L0d/0hhh device=CHS 
-r@             ldb       Status,y            is IDE ready for commands? 
-               andb      #BusyBit+DrdyBit    ready ? 
+               sta       DevHead,y           0L0d/0hhh device=CHS
+r@             ldb       Status,y            is IDE ready for commands?
+               andb      #BusyBit+DrdyBit    ready ?
                cmpb      #DrdyBit
                bne       r@                  loop until Drdy=1 and Busy=0
-               ldb       #$01                only one at a time 
-               stb       SectCnt,y           only one at a time 
+               ldb       #$01                only one at a time
+               stb       SectCnt,y           only one at a time
                anda      #%01000000
                beq       chs@                branch if mode
                lda       ,s                  get bits 23-16
@@ -158,7 +161,7 @@
                stb       SectNum,y
                sta       CylLow,y
                bra       DoCmd
 * Compute proper C:H:S value
                lda       sides,u             get device's head
                ldb       sects+1,u           and sector
@@ -193,26 +196,26 @@
                tfr       x,d
                orb       DevHead,y           OR in with value written earlier
                stb       DevHead,y
-DoCmd          lda       #S$READ             read one sector 
-               sta       Command,y           finish process 
+DoCmd          lda       #S$READ             read one sector
+               sta       Command,y           finish process
-Blk2           lda       Status,y            is IDE ready to send? 
-               anda      #DrqBit             DRQ, data request 
-               beq       Blk2                loop while DRQ =0 
+Blk2           lda       Status,y            is IDE ready to send?
+               anda      #DrqBit             DRQ, data request
+               beq       Blk2                loop while DRQ =0
                ldx       blockloc,u
                clr       ,s
-               IFDEF     DEBLOCK
+             IFDEF     DEBLOCK
                lda       HalfSect,u          load half sector flag
                cmpa      #$01                check to see which routine we
                beq       Blk2Lp              need and branch to it.
-               ENDC
-               lda       DataReg,y           A <- IDE 
+             ENDC
+               lda       DataReg,y           A <- IDE
                ldb       Latch,y
-               std       ,x++                into RAM 
+               std       ,x++                into RAM
                inc       ,s
-               bpl       BlkLp               go get the rest 
+               bpl       BlkLp               go get the rest
 b@             lda       DataReg,y           read remaining 256 bytes
                dec       ,s
                bne       b@
@@ -220,11 +223,11 @@
                leax      -256,x
                stx       1,s
-               lda       Status,y            check for error-bit 
+               lda       Status,y            check for error-bit
                puls      b,x,pc
-               IFDEF     DEBLOCK
+             IFDEF     DEBLOCK
                lda       DataReg,y           A <- IDE
                inc       ,s                  Here we toss out the
@@ -237,18 +240,18 @@
                inc       ,s
                bpl       b2@                 go get the rest
                bra       BlkEnx
-               ENDC
+             ENDC
-* ------------------------------------------ 
+* ------------------------------------------
 *         pshs  d,y
 *         ldy   <Address,pcr
-*         bsr   ChkBusy    could be spinning up... 
-*         lda   #Diagnos   hits all drives 
-*         sta   Command,y   ./ 
-*         bsr   ChkBusy    wait 'til both done 
-*         clrb             no errors 
+*         bsr   ChkBusy    could be spinning up...
+*         lda   #Diagnos   hits all drives
+*         sta   Command,y   ./
+*         bsr   ChkBusy    wait 'til both done
+*         clrb             no errors
 *         puls  d,y,pc
 * Entry: A = number to show
@@ -270,15 +273,22 @@
 *s@ jsr   <D.BtBug
 * rts
-               IFGT      Level-1
-Pad            FILL      $39,$1D0-3-2-1-*
-               ENDC      
+             IFGT      Level-1
+* L2 kernel file is composed of rel, boot, krn. The size of each of these
+* is controlled with filler, so that (after relocation):
+* rel  starts at $ED00 and is $130 bytes in size
+* boot starts at $EE30 and is $1D0 bytes in size
+* krn  starts at $F000 and ends at $FEFF (there is no 'emod' at the end
+*      of krn and so there are no module-end boilerplate bytes)
+* Filler to get to a total size of $1D0. 3, 2, 1 represent bytes after
+* the filler: the end boilerplate for the module, fdb and fcb respectively.
+Filler         FILL      $39,$1D0-3-2-1-*
+             ENDC
 Address        FDB       SDAddr
 WhchDriv       FCB       0                   Drive to use (0 = master, 1 = slave)
-               EMOD      
+               EMOD
 eom            EQU       *
-               END       
+               END
--- a/level1/modules/boot_rampak.asm	Wed Nov 30 22:10:56 2016 +0000
+++ b/level1/modules/boot_rampak.asm	Sun Dec 04 21:01:42 2016 +0000
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
 * Boot - Disto RAMPak Boot Module
+* Provides HWInit, HWTerm, HWRead which are called by code in
+* "use"d boot_common.asm
 * $Id$
 * Edt/Rev  YYYY/MM/DD  Modified by
@@ -20,9 +23,9 @@
 * Disassembled 94/06/25 11:37:47 by Alan DeKok
-         IFP1  
+         IFP1
          use   defsfile
-         ENDC  
+         ENDC
 tylg     set   Systm+Objct
 atrv     set   ReEnt+rev
@@ -46,7 +49,7 @@
 bootsize rmb   2
 blockloc rmb   2
 blockimg rmb   2
-LSN0Ptr		rmb   2		In memory LSN0 pointer
+LSN0Ptr         rmb   2         In memory LSN0 pointer
 size     equ   .
 name     equ   *
@@ -78,7 +81,7 @@
 HWTerm   lda   mpisave,u
          sta   >MPI.Slct
-         rts   
+         rts
 * HWRead - Read a 256 byte sector from the device
@@ -87,6 +90,7 @@
 *          X = bits 15-0  of LSN
 *          blockloc,u = ptr to 256 byte sector
 *   Exit:  X = ptr to data (i.e. ptr in blockloc,u)
+*          Carry Clear = OK, Set = Error
 HWRead   tfr   x,d        move 16 bit LSN into 2 8-bit registers
          sta   2,y        save HB LSN
          stb   1,y        save LB LSN
@@ -104,12 +108,21 @@
          IFGT  Level-1
+* L2 kernel file is composed of rel, boot, krn. The size of each of these
+* is controlled with filler, so that (after relocation):
+* rel  starts at $ED00 and is $130 bytes in size
+* boot starts at $EE30 and is $1D0 bytes in size
+* krn  starts at $F000 and ends at $FEFF (there is no 'emod' at the end
+*      of krn and so there are no module-end boilerplate bytes)
+* Filler to get to a total size of $1D0. 3, 2, 1 represent bytes after
+* the filler: the end boilerplate for the module, fdb and fcb respectively.
 Pad      fill  $39,$1D0-3-2-1-*
 Address  fdb   $FF40      address of the device to boot from
 PakSlot  fcb   $01        multipak slot number
-         emod  
+         emod
 eom      equ   *
-         end   
+         end
--- a/level1/modules/boot_scsi.asm	Wed Nov 30 22:10:56 2016 +0000
+++ b/level1/modules/boot_scsi.asm	Sun Dec 04 21:01:42 2016 +0000
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
 * Boot - SCSI Boot Module
+* Provides HWInit, HWTerm, HWRead which are called by code in
+* "use"d boot_common.asm
 * $Id$
@@ -46,14 +48,14 @@
 * Ded the object to fix that AND the NULL bus address and this code broken.
 * WhichDrv is now a zero based decimal value passed in by the makefile via ITDNS
 * Thanks Boisy...
-               NAM       Boot                
-               TTL       SCSI Boot Module    
+               NAM       Boot
+               TTL       SCSI Boot Module
-               IFP1      
+               IFP1
                USE       defsfile
                USE       rbsuper.d
                USE       scsi.d
-               ENDC      
+               ENDC
 tylg           SET       Systm+Objct
 atrv           SET       ReEnt+rev
@@ -65,7 +67,7 @@
 SCSIEX         EQU       1
 * Data equates; subroutines must keep data in stack
-               IFNE      SCSIEX
+             IFNE      SCSIEX
 v$cmd          RMB       1
 v$extra        RMB       1
 v$addr0        RMB       1
@@ -76,13 +78,13 @@
 v$blks0        RMB       1
 v$blks1        RMB       1
 v$ctrl         RMB       1
-               ELSE
+             ELSE
 v$cmd          RMB       1
 v$addr0        RMB       1
 v$addr1        RMB       2
 v$blks         RMB       1
 v$opts         RMB       1
-			   ENDC
+             ENDC
 seglist        RMB       2                   pointer to segment list
 blockloc       RMB       2                   pointer to memory requested
 blockimg       RMB       2                   duplicate of the above
@@ -105,33 +107,33 @@
 *              Hardware-Specific Booter Area               *
 * HWInit - Initialize the device
 *   Entry: Y = hardware address
 *   Exit:  Carry Clear = OK, Set = Error
 *          B = error (Carry Set)
                clr       >$FF40              stop the disk motors
 *               IFNE      D4N1+HDII ??????
-        	leax      CntlSlot,pcr point at byte with MPI slot in it
-        	lda       ,x	get it
-        	sta       MPI.Slct and set the MPI to us.
-        	ENDC      But this was NOT being done.
+             IFNE    MPI
+               leax      CntlSlot,pcr       point at byte with MPI slot in it
+               lda       ,x                 get it
+               sta       MPI.Slct           and set the MPI to us.
+             ENDC                           But this was NOT being done.
                ldd       #S$SEEK*256
                ldx       #0
                bsr       setup
-               IFEQ      SCSIEX
-			   clr       v$blks,u
-			   ENDC
+             IFEQ      SCSIEX
+               clr       v$blks,u
+             ENDC
                bra       command
 * Sets up the SCSI packet to send
 * Destroys B
 setup          sta       v$cmd,u
-               IFNE      SCSIEX
-			   clr       v$extra,u
+             IFNE      SCSIEX
+               clr       v$extra,u
                clr       v$addr0,u
                stb       v$addr1,u
                stx       v$addr2,u
@@ -140,13 +142,13 @@
                ldb       #1
                stb       v$blks1,u
                clr       v$ctrl,u
-               ELSE
+             ELSE
                stb       v$addr0,u
                stx       v$addr1,u
                ldb       #1
                stb       v$blks,u
                clr       v$opts,u
-			   ENDC
+             ENDC
 * Sooooo, at end of module, the FF64XX, the XX is not a marching bit
@@ -194,6 +196,7 @@
 *          X = bits 15-0  of LSN
 *          blockloc,u = ptr to 256 byte sector
 *   Exit:  X = ptr to data (i.e. ptr in blockloc,u)
+*          Carry Clear = OK, Set = Error
 HWRead         lda       #S$READEX
                bsr       setup
 * SCSI Send Command Routine
@@ -212,23 +215,23 @@
                anda      #%00001111
                pshs      a
                bsr       Wait4REQ
-               clra      
+               clra
                sta       SCSIDATA,y
                puls      a
                bita      #X$BUSY
                bne       command
                bita      #X$ERROR
                beq       HWTerm
-reterr         comb      
+reterr         comb
                ldb       #E$Unit
-               rts       
+               rts
 * HWTerm - Terminate the device
 *   Entry: Y = hardware address
 *   Exit:  Carry Clear = OK, Set = Error
 *          B = error (Carry Set)
-HWTerm         clrb      
-               rts       
+HWTerm         clrb
+               rts
 SCSISend       bsr       Wait4REQ
                bita      #CMD
@@ -239,19 +242,19 @@
                sta       SCSIDATA,y
                bra       SCSISend
 ckmsg          bita      #MSG                MESSAGE IN (target->initiator)
-			   beq       HWTerm
+               beq       HWTerm
                lda       SCSIDATA,y          extended message?
-               deca      
+               deca
 * MESSAGE IN phase code
                bne       SCSISend
                ldb       SCSIDATA,y          get extended message length
 l@             tst       SCSIDATA,y          read extended message
-               decb      
+               decb
                bne       l@
                bra       reterr              return with carry set
 loop@          lda       SCSISTAT,y
                bita      #REQ
@@ -261,10 +264,10 @@
 * Patch to allow booting from sector sizes > 256 bytes - BGP 08/16/97
 * We ignore any bytes beyond byte 256, but continue to read them from
 * the SCSIDATA until the CMD bit is set.
 * next 2 lines added
                clrb                          +++ use B as counter
                bsr       Wait4REQ
                bita      #CMD
                bne       HWTerm
@@ -275,7 +278,7 @@
                incb                          +++
                bne       read2               +++
                leax      -256,x
                bsr       Wait4REQ            +++
                bita      #CMD                +++
                bne       HWTerm              +++
@@ -283,24 +286,35 @@
                bra       read3               +++
-               IFGT      Level-1
+             IFGT      Level-1
+* L2 kernel file is composed of rel, boot, krn. The size of each of these
+* is controlled with filler, so that (after relocation):
+* rel  starts at $ED00 and is $130 bytes in size
+* boot starts at $EE30 and is $1D0 bytes in size
+* krn  starts at $F000 and ends at $FEFF (there is no 'emod' at the end
+*      of krn and so there are no module-end boilerplate bytes)
+* Filler to get to a total size of $1D0. 3, 1, 2, 1 represent bytes after
+* the filler: the end boilerplate for the module, fcb, fdb and fcb respectively.
 * Fillers to get to $1D0
-Pad            FILL      $39,$1D0-3-1-2-1-*
-               ENDC      
+Filler         FILL      $39,$1D0-3-1-2-1-*
+             ENDC
 * rev1, add selections for MPI slot and bus address of drive
 * 2012\11\05 Gene Heskett
 * The default SCSI ID is here, but first do MPI slot
-               IFEQ      MPI-1
+             IFEQ      MPI-1
 CntlSlot       FCB       SDMPI
-               ELSE
+             ELSE
 CntrSlot       FCB       $FF
-               ENDC
+             ENDC
 Address        FDB       SDAddr
 * So now, this can be a base zero decimal value!
-               IFNDEF    ITDNS
+             IFNDEF    ITDNS
 ITDNS          EQU       0
-               ENDC
+             ENDC
 WhichDrv       FCB       ITDNS
 eom            EQU       *
--- a/level1/modules/boot_sdc.asm	Wed Nov 30 22:10:56 2016 +0000
+++ b/level1/modules/boot_sdc.asm	Sun Dec 04 21:01:42 2016 +0000
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
 * Boot - CoCo SDC Boot module
+* Provides HWInit, HWTerm, HWRead which are called by code in
+* "use"d boot_common.asm
 * $Id$
@@ -112,7 +114,7 @@
 *    Exit:
 *       X  = ptr to data (i.e. ptr in blockloc,u)
-*       Carry set => ERROR
+*       Carry Clear = OK, Set = Error
 * multicomp09:
 * for now, the image starts at SDcard block $02.8000
@@ -230,7 +232,15 @@
      IFGT Level-1
-* Filler to get $1D0
+* L2 kernel file is composed of rel, boot, krn. The size of each of these
+* is controlled with filler, so that (after relocation):
+* rel  starts at $ED00 and is $130 bytes in size
+* boot starts at $EE30 and is $1D0 bytes in size
+* krn  starts at $F000 and ends at $FEFF (there is no 'emod' at the end
+*      of krn and so there are no module-end boilerplate bytes)
+* Filler to get to a total size of $1D0. 3, 2, 1 represent bytes after
+* the filler: the end boilerplate for the module, fdb and fcb respectively.
 Filler         fill      $39,$1D0-3-2-1-*
--- a/level1/modules/boot_wd1002.asm	Wed Nov 30 22:10:56 2016 +0000
+++ b/level1/modules/boot_wd1002.asm	Sun Dec 04 21:01:42 2016 +0000
@@ -30,9 +30,9 @@
 *!  $03=18mS/6.0mS  !  $07=10mS/4.0mS  !  $0B=04mS/2.0mS  !  $0F=15uS/ 35uS  !
-         IFP1  
+       IFP1
          use   defsfile
-         ENDC  
+       ENDC
 * These equates should not have to be changed:
 BEdtn    equ   2
@@ -119,14 +119,14 @@
          cmpa  #$07       legal drive number?
          blo   InitPIA    yes, go initialize PIA...
 UnitErr  ldb   #E$Unit
-         coma  
-         rts   
+         coma
+         rts
 DumpRead clr   PB,y       set WD address to sector buffer
 DumpR0   lda   WDData,y   get a byte from WD sector buffer
          decb             done yet?
          bne   DumpR0     no, go dump another byte
-         rts   
+         rts
 LSN0Info ldb   #DD.FMT    load number of bytes to dump
          bsr   DumpRead   go dump LSN0 up to DD.FMT
          lda   WDData,y   get DD.FMT (disk density, sides)
@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@
          bsr   DumpRead   go dump LSN0 from DD.DAT to number of sides in option table
          lda   WDData,y   get number of sides from DD.OPT section
          sta   U.Sides,u
-GotInfo  rts   
+GotInfo  rts
 InitPIA  clr   CRA,y      enable PIA DDRA
          ldd   #$033E     [A]=DDRA:  PA bits 7-2 = inputs, bits 1-0 = outputs
@@ -223,7 +223,7 @@
 ReadErr  ldb   #E$Read
          coma             set Carry for error
          leas  BootMem,s  restore stack pointer
-         rts   
+         rts
 ChkBtMSB tst   U.BT,u     boot file LSN MSB = 0?
          beq   GotCyl     yes, go determine head number
          dec   U.BT,u     decrement boot file LSN MSB
@@ -277,7 +277,7 @@
          ldd   U.BSZ,u    get boot file size
          ldx   U.BtStrt,u get boot file start address
 BtExit0  leas  BootMem,s  restore stack pointer
-         rts   
+         rts
 GetSctr  bsr   SetupTF    go set up WD task files (except command)
          lda   #ReadSctr  load WD read sector command code
@@ -297,10 +297,10 @@
          stb   PB,y       set WD error register address
          ldb   WDData,y   get error register contents
          bne   BWErr
-NoError  clrb  
-         rts   
+NoError  clrb
+         rts
 BWErr    comb             error, set [CC] Carry...
-         rts   
+         rts
 SetupTF  ldd   #$01*256+SctrCnt single sector commands only
          bsr   TFUpdat
@@ -325,14 +325,21 @@
          ldb   #SDHReg
 TfUpdat  stb   PB,y       set WD register address
          sta   WDData,y   write data to WD 1002-05
-         rts   
+         rts
-         IFGT  Level-1
-* Pad Boot module out to $01D0 exactly
-Pad      fill  $39,$1D0-3-*
-         ENDC
+       IFGT  Level-1
+* L2 kernel file is composed of rel, boot, krn. The size of each of these
+* is controlled with filler, so that (after relocation):
+* rel  starts at $ED00 and is $130 bytes in size
+* boot starts at $EE30 and is $1D0 bytes in size
+* krn  starts at $F000 and ends at $FEFF (there is no 'emod' at the end
+*      of krn and so there are no module-end boilerplate bytes)
+* Filler to get to a total size of $1D0. 3 represents bytes after
+* the filler: the end boilerplate for the module.
+Filler   fill  $39,$1D0-3-*
+       ENDC
-         emod  
+         emod
 BEnd     equ   *
-         end   
+         end