changeset 330:e0679d0d5abc

These commands are either gathered from level1/CMDS or have been moved to 3rdparty/utils/enhanced
author boisy
date Wed, 24 Jul 2002 05:22:59 +0000
parents 65a11be4f1e7
children 2a7bfa7ce709
files level2/cmds/cobbler.asm level2/cmds/copy.asm level2/cmds/display.asm level2/cmds/makdir.asm level2/cmds/xmode.asm
diffstat 5 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 1741 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/level2/cmds/cobbler.asm	Wed Jul 24 05:14:25 2002 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,416 +0,0 @@
-* Cobbler - Boot generation utility
-* $Id$
-* Ed.    Comments                                       Who YY/MM/DD
-* ------------------------------------------------------------------
-* 7      Reworked                                       AD
-* 8      Fixed error where $40+C$CR should have been    BGP 98/10/20
-*        $40*256+C$CR
-         nam   Cobbler
-         ttl   Boot generation utility
-* Disassembled 94/10/23 11:19:48 by Alan DeKok
-* WARNING: This is a LEVEL II Cobbler only!
-         ifp1
-         use   os9defs
-         use   scfdefs
-         use   rbfdefs
-         endc
-tylg     set   Prgrm+Objct   
-atrv     set   ReEnt+rev
-rev      set   $01
-edition  set   8
-         mod   eom,name,tylg,atrv,start,size
-u0000    rmb   3
-u0003    rmb   1
-u0004    rmb   12
-u0010    rmb   5
-u0015    rmb   1
-u0016    rmb   2
-u0018    rmb   2
-* Everything before here is the equivalent
-PathO    rmb   1          path output to OS9boot file
-Path     rmb   3          path to /DEVICE@
-KernelF  rmb   1          0=write kernel track, 1= don't
-BootF    rmb   1          0=write boot track, 1=don't
-FileNm   rmb   20         /DEVICE/OS9Boot memory
-         rmb   16
-SysDAT   rmb   16         copy of the system DAT image
-FileDesc rmb   $20        room for first bit of file descriptor
-AllMap   rmb   1024       allocation map is entirely too large...
-Buffer   rmb   $2000      only copy 8k at a time
-         rmb   200        room for the stack
-size     equ   .
-name     fcs   /Cobbler/
-         fcb   edition    my version of cobbler
-L0015    fdb   $0000      minimal DAT image for checking out the system.
-OS9Boot  fcs   '/OS9Boot'
-Rel      fcc   /Rel/
-start    clr   <KernelF   force a write of the kernel track
-         clr   <BootF     force a write of the boot track
-skip     ldd   ,x+
-         cmpa  #C$SPAC    space?
-         beq   skip
-         cmpa  #'-        hyphen?
-         bne   s.001
-         andb  #$DF       make it uppercase
-         cmpb  #'K        force no write of kernel track?
-         bne   check.b    no, check for the boot track stuff
-         stb   <KernelF   save the kernel flag
-         bra   s.000
-check.b  cmpb  #'B        don't write boot?
-         bne    no, print out help message
-         stb   <BootF     save the boot flag
-s.000    leax  1,x        skip the character
-         lda   ,x++       get the next character, and point to the next one
-         cmpa  #$20       space?
-         bne    no, print out a help message
-s.001    leax  -1,x
-         lda   #'/
-         cmpa  ,x         is the first character a slash?  lbne  Help       not a device name, error out
-         os9   F$PrsNam   parse the name
-         lbcs  Exit       exit on error
-         lda   #'/        is the next character a slash?
-         cmpa  ,y         check it
-         lbeq  Help       yes, dump out a help message
-         ldy   #FileNm    point to the filename buffer
-L013C    sta   ,y+        make first character a slash
-         lda   ,x+        copy the name over
-         decb  
-         bpl   L013C
-         ldd   #$40*256+C$CR  '@+CR'
-         std   ,y         save in the buffer
-         ldx   #FileNm    point to the filename again
-         lda   #UPDAT.
-         os9   I$Open     open /DEVICE@
-         sta   <Path      save the path to the file
-         lbcs  Exit       dump out help on an error
-         leax  ,y         point to end of '/DEVICE' name
-         leay  >OS9Boot,pcr point to the OS9Boot name
-L0162    lda   ,y+        get a byte from the name
-         sta   ,x+        save in my buffer
-         bpl   L0162      copy it over
-         leax  ,u         both are zero in a level II system
-         lda   <Path
-         os9   I$Seek     seek to LSN0
-         lbcs  Exit       dump out error if encountered
-* X is implicitely zero from the call above
-         ldy   #DD.BSZ+2  read everything up to the boot size
-         lda   <Path
-         os9   I$Read     get it
-         lbcs  Exit
-         tst   <BootF     replace OS9Boot?
-         lbne  no.boot    no, go write the kernel track
-         ldd   <DD.BSZ    get the boot size
-         lbeq  L019F      if non-existent, don't delete it
-         ldx   #FileNm    point to /DEVICE/OS9boot
-         os9   I$Delete   delete it, if it exists
-         clra  
-         clrb  
-         sta   <DD.BT     NO OS9boot file on this disk
-         std   <DD.BT+1
-         std   <DD.BSZ
-         lbsr  L045A      dump out LSN0 information again
-L019F    ldd   #(UPDAT.*256)+UPDAT.
-         ldx   #FileNm    create a /DEVICE/OS9Boot file
-         os9   I$Create 
-         lbcs  Exit
-         sta   <PathO
-         leax  >L0015,pcr temporary DAT image
-         tfr   x,d
-         ldx   #$0000     get copy of direct page
-         ldy   #$0090     first $90 bytes
-         ldu   #Buffer    to a buffer
-         os9   F$CpyMem   copy memory
-         lbcs  Exit
-         leax  >L0015,pcr
-         tfr   x,d        use it as temporary DAT image
-         ldx   >Buffer+D.SysDAT get pointer to system DAT image
-         ldy   #$0010     get a copy of it
-         ldu   #SysDAT    point to room for the system DAT image
-         os9   F$CpyMem   get the system DAT image
-         lbcs  Exit
-         ldx   #Buffer
-         ldd   <D.BtPtr,x address of boot in system memory
-         pshs  d          save a copy of it
-         ldd   <D.BtSz,x  size of the OS9Boot file in system memory
-         std   <DD.BSZ    save in the boot size info for LSN0
-         pshs  d          save the size
-L01F7    ldy   #$2000     only do 8k at a time
-         cmpy  ,s         default to one block???
-         bls   L0203
-         ldy   ,s         get the actual boot size
-L0203    pshs  y          save a copy of it
-         ldx   #SysDAT    get dat image
-         tfr   x,d        save it
-         ldx   $04,s      get start of boot in memory
-         ldu   #Buffer
-         os9   F$CpyMem   copy one block at a time
-         lbcs  Exit
-         ldy   ,s         get how much we're copying
-         ldx   #Buffer    point to the buffer
-         lda   <PathO     dump it to /DEVICE/OS9Boot file
-         os9   I$Write 
-         lbcs  Exit
-         puls  d          get size of what we're copying
-         ldy   $02,s      get start address of boot file in system memory
-         leay  d,y        go to the next group of data
-         sty   $02,s      save new start a address
-         nega  
-         negb  
-         sbca  #$00
-         ldy   ,s         get size of boot file left
-         leay  d,y        take out what we've done
-         sty   ,s         save it
-         bne   L01F7      if not done, continue
-         leas  $04,s      remove start,size from the stack
-         lda   <PathO     path to OS9Boot
-         ldb   #SS.FD     get FD information
-         ldx   #FileDesc  read the file descriptor sector
-         ldy   #$0020     only get the first 32 bytes of it
-         os9   I$GetStt
-         lbcs  Exit
-         os9   I$Close    close the path
-         lbcs  Exit
-         ldd   <FD.SEG+3+2+3,x get size of SECOND segment in file
-         lbne  L0488      if not zero, the file is fragmented
-         ldb   <FD.SEG,x  get first byte of address
-         stb   <DD.BT     save starting sector of the bootstrap file
-         ldd   <FD.SEG+1,x
-         std   <DD.BT+1   save the rest of the LSN#
-         lbsr  L045A      seek to LSN0 and dump out this information, too
-         lda   <KernelF   do we do a kernel track?
-         bne   ClnExit    no, don't even check for floppy stuff
-         lda   <DD.FMT    is it a HD? (Bit 7 set)
-         bpl   Floppy     if bit 7 is clear, go do track 34 stuff.
-ClnExit  clrb             no error
-Exit1    OS9   F$Exit     and exit
-no.boot  lda   <DD.FMT    is it a HD? (bit 7 set)
-         bpl   Floppy     if OK, go write it
-         coma             set carry
-         ldb   #E$BTyp    bad media type
-         bra   Exit1
-Floppy   ldd   #$0001     track 0, sector 1: LSN 1
-         lbsr  L0440      seek to it
-         ldx   #AllMap    point to the allocation map buffer
-         ldy   <DD.MAP    get the size of the map
-         lda   <Path
-         os9   I$Read     read in the allocation map
-         bcs   Exit1
-         ldd   <DD.MAP    get number of bytes in the map
-         leau  d,x        point to the END of the map
-         ldd   #$2200     track 34, sector 0
-         lbsr  Tk2LSN     get LSN of this in D
-         pshs  d          save it for later
-         ldy   #0018      force the boot track to be 18 sectors long
-         OS9   F$SchBit   search for 18 free sectors at D,X: ending at U
-         cmpd  ,s++       did we find bits at the starting bit number?
-         bne   Check      no, check for REL on the disk
-         cmpy  #0018      if found at the right spot, did we find 18 bits?
-         beq   AllClr     if so, go allocate them
-Check    ldd   #$2200     track 34, sector 0
-         lbsr  L0440      seek to it
-         ldx   #Buffer
-         ldy   #$0100     read one sector
-         lda   <Path
-         os9   I$Read     get the first sector of the boot track
-         lbcs  Exit
-         ldd   ,x++       get the first 2 bytes
-         cmpd  #$4F53     is it 'OS'?
-         lbne  L0496      files present on track 34, give error
-         ldd   ,x++
-         cmpa  #$20       is it a BRA?
-         lbne  L0496
-         ldd   ,x         get some bytes from the sector
-         cmpd  #M$ID12    is it a module header?
-         beq   map.blk    yes, go write out the kernel track
-         leax  2,x        skip the $1205 sync bytes
-         ldd   ,x         grab the header
-         cmpd  #M$ID12    is there a module here?
-         lbne  L0496      no, error out
-         bra   map.blk    don't allocate track 34, REL already exists on it
-* We've found 18 bytes at D,X in the allocation bit map
-* D,X,Y are set up from above
-AllClr   OS9   F$AllBit   allocate the bits in the bitmap
-* possible problems here, as the r/w of the allocation bitmap is NOT atomic.
-* some other process may come along and grab the sectors we want.
-L0315    ldd   #$0001     track 0, sector 1
-         bsr   L0440      seek to it
-         ldx   #AllMap
-         ldy   <DD.MAP
-         lda   <Path
-         os9   I$Write    dump out the allocation map again
-         lbcs  Exit
-* Do a F$Link to REL?
-map.blk  ldx   #$003F     the boot track is in block 63
-         ldb   #1         one block
-         OS9   F$MapBlk   map the block in
-         lbcs  L049D      error finding boot track in memory
-         ldd   #$2200     track 34, sector 0
-         bsr   L0440      seek to it
-         lda   <Path
-         leax  $0D00,u    the boot track starts out at $ED00
-         ldy   #$1200     dump out 18 sectors
-         os9   I$Write    dump out REL, Boot, OS9p1
-         pshs  cc,b
-         ldb   #1
-         OS9   F$ClrBlk   un-map block $3F
-         puls  cc,b       restore possible error code
-         bcs   L048F      if there was an error, print it out and exit
-         os9   I$Close    close the path
-         clrb             no erros
-         bra   Exit
-* Convert track,sector to LSN
-* Entry: A = track number
-*        B = sector number
-* Exit : D = LSN# of that sector
-Tk2LSN   pshs  b
-         ldb   <DD.FMT
-         andb  #$01
-         beq   L037F
-         ldb   #$02       disk is 2-sided
-         bra   L0381
-L037F    ldb   #$01       disk is 1-sided
-L0381    mul              multiply sides by tracks
-         lda   <DD.TKS    track size in sectors
-         mul              get LSN of the track
-         addb  ,s         add in the sector
-         adca  #$00       make it 16-bit
-         leas  $01,s      dumb dumb dumb people...
-         rts
-L0440    pshs  u,y,x,d
-         bsr   Tk2LSN     convert track,sector to LSN
-         pshs  a
-         tfr   b,a
-         clrb             shuffle so 16-bit LSN goes to
-         tfr   d,u        32-bit address, with the lower
-         puls  b          16 bits all zero
-         clra  
-         tfr   d,x
-         lda   <Path
-         os9   I$Seek     seek to it
-         bcs   L048F
-         puls  pc,u,y,x,d
-L045A    clra  
-         clrb  
-         tfr   d,x
-         tfr   d,u        go to LSN0
-         lda   <Path
-         os9   I$Seek     seek to LSN0
-         ldy   #DD.DAT    X=$0000 already...
-         lda   <Path
-         os9   I$Write    dump it out
-         bcs   Exit
-         rts   
-Help     leax  <HelpMsg,pcr
-         clrb
-Print    pshs  b,cc
-         lda   #$02
-         ldy   #$0200
-         os9   I$WritLn 
-         comb  
-         puls  b,cc
-Exit     os9   F$Exit   
-L0488    leax  >L00D1,pcr
-         clrb  
-         bra   Print
-L048F    leax  >L0051,pcr
-         clrb  
-         bra   Print
-L0496    leax  >L008E,pcr
-         clrb  
-         bra   Print
-L049D    leax  >L00F2,pcr
-         bra   Print
-HelpMsg  fcb   C$LF
-         fcc   'Use: COBBLER [-k] [-b] </devname>'
-         fcb   C$LF
-         fcc   /     to create a new system disk by writing an OS9Boot file/
-         fcb   C$LF
-         fcc   /     and a boot (kernel) track to the specified drive./
-         fcb   C$LF,C$LF
-         fcc   /  -k = don't write the kernel track/
-         fcb   C$LF
-         fcc   /       Hard disk drives never have the kernel track written./
-         fcb   C$LF
-         fcc   /  -b = don't write the OS9Boot file/
-         fcb   C$CR
-L0051    fcb   C$LF
-         fcc   /Error writing kernel track or LSN0./
-         fcb   C$CR 
-L008E    fcb   C$LF
-         fcc   /Warning - file(s) present on track 34/
-         fcb   C$LF
-         fcc   /        - this track not rewritten./
-         fcb   C$CR
-L00D1    fcb   C$LF
-         fcc   /Error - OS9boot file fragmented/
-         fcb   C$CR
-L00F2    fcb   C$LF
-         fcc   /Error - can't find boot track in memory/
-         fcb   C$CR
-         emod
-eom      equ   *
-         end
--- a/level2/cmds/copy.asm	Wed Jul 24 05:14:25 2002 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,320 +0,0 @@
-* Copy - File copy utility
-* $Id$
-* Ed.    Comments                                       Who YY/MM/DD
-* ------------------------------------------------------------------
-* 10     Reworked                                       RML
-         nam   Copy
-         ttl   File copy utility
-* Edition 10 rewrite 10/28/88 - RML
-         ifp1  
-         use   defsfile
-         endc  
-tylg     set   Prgrm+Objct
-atrv     set   ReEnt+rev
-rev      set   $01
-edition  set   10
-         mod   eom,name,tylg,atrv,start,size
-inpath   rmb   1          input path number
-outpath  rmb   1          output path number
-indevtyp rmb   1          input device type (1 = RBF)
-verify   rmb   1          verify on/off (1=on)
-bufsize  rmb   2          read/write buffer size
-fsizemsb rmb   2          msb's of file size
-fsizelsb rmb   2          lsb's of file size
-writemsb rmb   2          msb's of bytes written to output
-writelsb rmb   2          lsb's of bytes written to output
-single   rmb   1          single drive copy flag (1=yes)
-attribs  rmb   1          file attributes
-fdbuff   rmb   16         File Descriptor buffer
-optbuff  rmb   32         Path Descriptor Options Buffer
-stack    rmb   448        stack storage
-vfybuff  rmb   256        verify buffer
-buffer   rmb   $2000-.    read/write buffer (minimum..will expand with mem mod)
-size     equ   .
-name     fcs   /Copy/
-         fcb   edition
-start    leas  vfybuff,u  set stack pointer to 512
-         pshs  u          save u reg
-         leau  <optbuff,u point u to 20th byte
-clearit  clr   ,-u        clear byte
-         cmpu  ,s         done ?
-         bhi   clearit    loop back
-         tfr   y,d        move in top of mem (after param area)
-         subd  ,s++       subtract current stack
-         subd  #$0300     and back off variable storage
-         clrb             round off to page bondary
-         std   <bufsize   buffer size
-         pshs  x          save x register
-getopt   lda   ,x+        get a char
-         cmpa  #'-        was it a '-'??
-         beq   chkopt     yes..go check opt
-         cmpa  #C$CR      was it a <cr>??
-         bne   getopt     no..check next char
-         bra   openin     else done..go finish processing
-chkopt   ldd   ,x+        get next 2 chars
-         eora  #'S        check if its an S
-         anda  #$DF       make upper case
-         lbne  sndinstr   not an s.. send instructions
-         cmpb  #$30       else check if next char is number or letter
-         lbhs  sndinstr   yup...send instructions
-         inc   <single    set s option
-         bra   getopt     and check next char
-openin   puls  x          restore line pointer
-         lda   #READ.     open first file
-         os9   I$Open
-         lbcs  chkerr     error..go see what it was
-         sta   <inpath    save path number
-         pshs  x          save second path name start
-         leax  <fdbuff,u  point to FD buffer
-         ldy   #16        bytes to read
-         ldb   #SS.FD     get file descriptor
-         os9   I$GetStt
-         puls  x          restore line pointer
-         bcs   getintyp   skip this on eror
-         tst   <single    single drive copy ?
-         beq   getintyp   no..skip this stuff
-         lda   ,x         get first char of path name
-         ldb   #E$BPNam   load bad path name error message
-         cmpa  #'/        was it a path separaor ?
-         bne   errjump    nope..error
-getintyp pshs  x          save out path name start
-         lda   <inpath    get path number
-         bsr   getopts    get option section
-         lda   ,x         get device type
-         sta   <indevtyp  save it
-         ldb   #$0F       default,write,execute,public
-         cmpa  #DT.RBF    was device type RBF ?
-         bne   openout    nope...don't get file size/attributes
-         pshs  u,x        save registers
-         lda   <inpath    get path number
-         ldb   #SS.Size   Get File size
-         bsr   getstat    do the GetStt call..exit on error
-         stx   <fsizemsb  save 2 msb's of file size
-         stu   <fsizelsb  save 2 lsb's of file size
-         puls  u,x        restore registers
-         ldb   <$13,x     get file attributes
-openout  stb   <attribs   save attributes
-         ldx   ,s         get start of second path name
-         lbsr  destsnd    send destination msg
-         lda   #UPDAT.    open file for update
-         ldb   <attribs   get attributes
-         os9   I$Create   create the file
-         puls  x          restore x register
-         bcc   open010    no error..skip this
-         inc   <verify    set verify off
-         lda   #WRITE.    open filein write only mode
-         ldb   <attribs   get atributes
-         os9   I$Create   create the file
-         bcs   errjump    exit on error
-open010  sta   <outpath   save second path number
-         bsr   getopts    get option section
-         ldb   ,x         get device type
-         cmpb  #DT.RBF    was it RBF
-         beq   setvfy     yup...skip this
-         inc   <verify    set verify off
-         bra   mainloop   and skip all this
-errjump  lbra  errexit    nope....error
-getopts  leax  <optbuff,u point to buffer
-         ldb   #SS.Opt    get option section of path descritor
-getstat  os9   I$GetStt
-         bcs   errjump    exit on error
-         rts   
-setvfy   tst   <verify    do we want verify on
-         bne   setsiz     nope...dont set driver verify on
-         ldb   #1         verify
-         stb   8,x        turn verify on
-         ldb   #SS.OPT    set options
-         os9   I$SetStt
-         bcs   errjump    exit on error
-setsiz   lda   <indevtyp  get device type
-         cmpa  #DT.RBF    is it an RBF file
-         bne   mainloop   nope...dont preset file size
-         pshs  u          save register
-         lda   <outpath   get out path number
-         ldb   #SS.Size   set file size
-         ldx   <fsizemsb  get 2 msb's of in file size
-         ldu   <fsizelsb  get 2 lsb's of in file size
-         os9   I$SetStt   set the size
-         bcs   errjump    exit on error
-         puls  u          restore register
-         lda   <outpath   get out path number
-         leax  <fdbuff,u  point to FD buffer
-         ldy   #16        number of bytes to write
-         ldb   #SS.FD     write out the FD (for dates,etc.)
-         os9   I$SetStt
-mainloop leax  buffer,u   point to buffer
-         clra             source drive code
-         lbsr  chkdrive   send source switch msg
-         lda   <inpath    get in path number
-         ldy   <bufsize   get buffer size
-         os9   I$Read     read a block
-         bcs   chkeof2    if error..go check which one
-         lbsr  destsnd    send destination switch msg
-         lda   <outpath   get out path number
-         os9   I$Write    write the block out
-         bcs   errjump    exit on error
-         tst   <verify    are we verifying ?
-         bne   chkeof     skip this
-         pshs  u,y        save registers
-         ldx   <writemsb  get 2 msb's of last write
-         ldu   <writelsb  get 2 lsb's of last write
-         lda   <outpath   get out path number
-         os9   I$Seek
-         bcs   errjump    exit on error
-         ldu   2,s        get original u back
-         leau  buffer,u   point to buffer start
-         ldd   ,s         get bytes written
-         addd  <writelsb  add on to current 2 lsb positions
-         std   <writelsb  save them
-         ldd   ,s         get bytes written
-         bcc   vfy000     skip if no carry
-         leax  1,x        bump up 2 msb's
-         stx   <writemsb  and save them
-vfy000   ldy   #$0100     chars to read for verify
-         std   ,s         save it
-         tsta             did we write more than 255 bytes ?
-         bne   vfy010     yes...only read 256
-         tfr   d,y        else xfer amount we did write
-vfy010   ldx   2,s        get u register
-         leax  $200,x     point to start of verify buffer
-         lda   <outpath   get output path number
-         os9   I$Read     read a block in
-         bcs   errexit    exit on error
-vfy020   lda   ,u+        get char from in buffer
-         cmpa  ,x+        get char from out buffer
-         bne   snderr1    not equal...send write verfiy msg
-         leay  -1,y       decrement read count
-         bne   vfy020     if more..loop back
-         ldd   ,s         get write count back
-         subd  #$0100     subtract verify buffer size
-         bhi   vfy000     if more left...loop back
-         puls  u,y        else restore registers
-chkeof   lda   <inpath    get in path number
-         ldb   #SS.EOF    check for end of file
-         os9   I$GetStt
-         bcc   mainloop   nope...loop back
-         cmpb  #E$EOF     are we at end of file ?
-         beq   closeout   yes...close file
-chkeof2  cmpb  #E$EOF     check for end of file
-         bne   errexit    nope...error exit
-         bsr   destsnd    send msg for disk switch
-closeout lda   <outpath   get out path number
-         os9   I$Close    close the file
-         bcc   exitok     exit w/o error if o.k.
-         bra   errexit    else error exit
-errmsg1  fcb   $07
-         fcc   /Error - write verification failed./
-         fcb   $0D
-snderr1  leax  errmsg1,pcr address of 'write verify failed' msg
-         bsr   sndline    send it
-         comb             set carry
-         ldb   #$01       set error
-         bra   errexit    exit
-chkerr   cmpb  #E$BPNam   was it bad path name
-         bne   errexit    error exit
-sndinstr leax  Help,pcr   get instructions
-         bsr   sndline    send them
-exitok   clrb  
-errexit  os9   F$Exit
-sndline  ldy   #256       max chars to send
-         lda   #1         std out
-         os9   I$WritLn   write the line
-         rts   
-* Send message and wait for disk switch for single drive copy
-destsnd  lda   #1         set flag for destination message
-chkdrive tst   <single    are we doing single drive copy
-         beq   msgrts     nope..just exit
-         pshs  y,x        else save registers
-sndsrc   pshs  a          save drive flag
-         tsta             do we want source drive ?
-         bne   snddst destination message
-         leax  srcmsg,pcr point to 'source' msg
-         ldy   #srcmsgsz  chars to send
-         bra   msgsnd     go send it
-srcmsg   fcc   /Ready SOURCE/
-srcmsgsz equ   *-srcmsg
-dstmsg   fcc   /Ready DESTINATION/
-dstmsgsz equ   *-dstmsg
-cntmsg   fcc   /, hit C to continue: /
-cntmsgsz equ   *-cntmsg
-snddst   leax  dstmsg,pcr point to 'destination' msg
-         ldy   #dstmsgsz  chars to send
-msgsnd   lda   #1         std out
-         os9   I$Write    write it
-         leax  cntmsg,pcr point to 'hit C ...'
-         ldy   #cntmsgsz  get size of message
-         os9   I$Write    write it
-         leax  ,-s        back up for dummy buffer
-         ldy   #1         chars to read
-         clra             std in
-         os9   I$Read     read one char
-         lda   ,s+
-         pshs  y,x,a      save registers
-         leax  crmsg,pcr  point to <cr>
-         bsr   sndline    write it
-         puls  y,x,a      restore registers
-         eora  #'C        check if its a C
-         anda  #$DF       make it upper case
-         puls  a          restore drive status
-         bne   sndsrc     loop back & send message
-         puls  y,x        restore registers
-msgrts   rts   
-Help     fcc   /Use: Copy <Path1> <Path2> [-s]/
-         fcb   C$LF
-         fcc   /  -s = single drive copy/
-         fcc   / (Path2 must be complete pathlist)/
-         fcb   C$CR
-         fcb   C$CR
-         emod  
-eom      equ   *
-         end
--- a/level2/cmds/display.asm	Wed Jul 24 05:14:25 2002 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,191 +0,0 @@
-* Display - Character display utility
-* $Id$
-* Ed.    Comments                                       Who YY/MM/DD
-* ------------------------------------------------------------------
-* 2      Original Tandy/Microware version
-* 3      Added decimal, text features                   AD
-         nam   Display
-         ttl   Character display utility
-* Disassembled 94/12/10 12:27:37 by Alan DeKok
-         ifp1
-         use   defsfile
-         endc
-tylg     set   Prgrm+Objct   
-atrv     set   ReEnt+rev
-rev      set   $01
-edition  set   3
-         mod   eom,name,tylg,atrv,start,size
-         org   0
-T.Delim  rmb   1          text delimiter
-D.Len    rmb   1          length of decimal bytes: 0=1 byte, 1=2 bytes
-D.Word   rmb   2          decimal byte to output
-         rmb   200        room for the stack
-size     equ   .
-name     fcs   /Display/
-         fcb   edition
-Start    pshs  x          save start address of text to output
-         leay  ,x         destination buffer=input buffer (always shrinks it)
-         leau  Hex,pcr    point to routine to ouput hex characters
-Loop     jsr   ,u         grab a character
-         bcs   S.01       if error, dump it
-         stb   ,x+        save character in internal buffer
-         bra   Loop       and get another one
-S.01     tfr   x,d        get current pointer into D
-         subd  ,s         take out start address
-         tfr   d,y        length of the data to print
-         puls  x          restore start address
-         lda   #$01       to STDOUT
-         os9   I$Write    dump it out
-         bcs   Exit       exit if error
-ClnExit  clrb             no error
-Exit     os9   F$Exit     and exit
-Do.Hex   leau  <Hex,pcr   point to main hex routine
-Hex      ldb   ,y+        grab a character
-         cmpb  #',        comma?
-         bne   Hex.2      nope, do more checks
-Hex.1    ldb   ,y+        grab another character
-Hex.2    cmpb  #C$SPAC    space?
-         beq   Hex.1      yup, skip it
-         cmpb  #'/        slash?
-         beq   Do.Text    yes, go output straight text
-         cmpb  #'\        back-slash?
-         beq   Do.Text    yes, output straight text
-         cmpb  #'"        double-quote?
-         beq   Do.Text    yes, output straight text
-         cmpb  #'.        period?
-         beq   Decimal    yes, do a one-time output of decimal byte(s)
-         leay  -1,y
-         bsr   Nibble     turn character in B into a nibble
-         bcs   OK.2
-         pshs  b          save high nibble
-         bsr   Nibble     get current character
-         bcs   Hex.3      skip move if next character is not a number
-         lsl   ,s         move low nibble into high nibble
-         lsl   ,s
-         lsl   ,s         - can't do it before now, because hex number
-         lsl   ,s           might be 1 digit long
-         addb  ,s         add high nibble to low nibble
-         stb   ,s         save it
-Hex.3    clrb             no error
-         puls  b,pc       restore byte to output, and exit
-Nibble   ldb   ,y         get the current character
-         cmpb  #C$CR      end of parameters?
-         beq   Error      yes, exit
-         cmpb  #'0        error if B<'0'
-         blo   Error      
-         cmpb  #'9
-         bls   OK         allow '0' to '9' inclusive
-         cmpb  #'A        error if B<'A'
-         blo   Error
-         andb  #$DF       make the character lowercase
-         cmpb  #'F
-         bhi   Error      error if B>'F'
-         subb  #$07       map 'A' down to $0A
-OK       subb  #$30       take out ascii zero, now B=nibble 0-F
-OK.0     leay  1,y
-OK.1     clra             set to no error
-OK.2     rts   
-Error    comb             set carry
-         rts   
-Do.Text  leau  <Text,pcr
-         stb   <T.Delim   save text delimiter
-Text     ldb   ,y+        grab a character
-         cmpb  <T.Delim   text delimiter again?
-         beq   T.Check    check for some stuff
-         cmpb  #C$CR      end of text?
-         beq   Error      yes, signal it
-         bra   OK.1       otherwise allow the character
-T.Check  lda   ,y         get the next character after the delimiter
-         cmpa  <T.Delim   is it the same, i.e. 2 delimiters in a row?
-         beq   OK.0       yes, skip the second and output the first
-         bra   Do.Hex     otherwise go to hex mode again
-Decimal  lda   ,y         get next character
-         anda  #$DF       make it uppercase
-         cmpa  #'W        force a word?
-         bne   D.One      no, do a straight decimal conversion
-         leay  1,y        skip the 'w' character
-         lda   #1         force 2 bytes
-         fcb   $21        skip the 'clra' following
-D.One    clra             force 1 byte (may expand to 2)
-         sta   <D.Len     save length of the decimal character
-         clra             start off at zero
-         clrb
-         std   <D.Word    sav starting value of the decimal word to output
-D.Read   lda   ,y+        grab a decimal digit
-         cmpa  #C$CR      done the list?
-         beq   D.CR       yes, output the characters and then exit
-         cmpa  #'0        smaller than zero?
-         bls   D.Done0    yes, we're done this decimal digit
-         cmpa  #'9
-         bhi   Error
-         suba  #'0        convert ascii to number
-         pshs  a          save the character for later
-         ldd   <D.Word    get the current word
-         aslb
-         rola             N*2
-         aslb
-         rola             N*4
-         aslb
-         rola             N*8
-         addd  <D.Word    N*8+N=N*9
-         addd  <D.Word    N*9+N=N*10
-         addb  ,s+        add in our latest character
-         adca  #0         make it 16-bit
-         std   <D.Word
-         bra   D.Read     go get another character
-D.Done0  leay  -1,y       point to character we've tried to convert to dec.
-D.Done   ldd   <D.Word    get the byte(s) to output
-         tst   <D.Len     check length flag
-         bne   D.Two      if forcing 2 bytes, output them
-         tst   <D.Word    is high byte zero?
-         beq   D.Exit     yes, only output low order byte
-D.Two    sta   ,x+        save high byte in the output buffer
-D.Exit   clra  
-         rts
-D.CR     leau  Error,pcr  point to error routine: no more characters
-         bra   D.Done     output these characters, and the exit
-         emod
-eom      equ   *
-         end
--- a/level2/cmds/makdir.asm	Wed Jul 24 05:14:25 2002 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
-* MakDir - create directories
-* $Id$
-* Ed.    Comments                                       Who YY/MM/DD
-* ------------------------------------------------------------------
-* 5      Makes multiple directories from a single       ADK
-*        pathlist (i.e. foo/bar/bar2)
-         nam   Makdir
-         ttl   program module       
-* Disassembled 94/12/08 21:42:56 by Alan DeKok
-         ifp1
-         use   defsfile
-         endc
-tylg     set   Prgrm+Objct   
-atrv     set   ReEnt+rev
-rev      set   $01
-edition  set   5
-         mod   eom,name,tylg,atrv,start,size
-Param    rmb   2          parameter area
-MFlag    rmb   1          made a directory yet from this pathlist?
-         rmb   200        stack space
-size     equ   .
-name     fcs   /MakDir/
-         fcb   edition
-Sk.1     leax  1,x        go on to the next character
-Skip     lda   ,x         get a character
-         cmpa  #C$SPAC    space?
-         beq   Sk.1       if so, skip it
-         rts
-* Any pathnames at all?
-* Exit with error if none
-Start    bsr   Skip       skip the first bit, if applicable
-         cmpa  #C$SPAC    is it a CR?
-         bne   start2     no, go ahead and make directories
-         comb             set carry
-         ldb   #E$BPNam   a CR is a bad pathname...
-         bra   Exit       and go exit
-* skip leading spaces or '/' and setup pointers
-start1   bsr   Skip       skip any non-zero characters, if applicable
-start2   ldb   #$FF       a non-zero value
-         stb   <MFlag     we haven't made a directory from this pathname yet
-         stx   <Param     save in the parameter area
-         cmpa  #PDELIM    leading slash?
-         bne   S.020      if not, go get the name
-* find the pseudo-end of the pathname, stopping at space, cr, '/'
-S.010    leax  1,x
-S.020    lda   ,x
-         cmpa  #C$SPAC    space?
-         beq   S.030
-         cmpa  #C$CR      cr?
-         beq   S.030
-         cmpa  #PDELIM    slash?
-         bne   S.010      if none of these, then skip this character
-* force the pathname to be a subset of the full pathname
-S.030    pshs  a,x        save byte found, where we found it
-         lda   #C$CR      force it to be a CR
-         sta   ,x
-*try to open it for reading, i.e. does it already exists?
-         ldx   <Param     get the start address of this pathname
-         lda   #DIR.+READ. open the directory for reading
-         os9   I$Open     check if the directory already exists
-         bcs   S.040      if there was an error opening it, go make it
-         OS9   I$Close    close the path to the file
-         bra   S.050      skip making this directory
-* The partial pathname doesn't exist, so create it
-S.040    ldx   <Param     get the start address of this pathname
-         ldb   #^SHARE.  everything but SHARE.
-         os9   I$MakDir 
-         bcs   Error
-         clr   <MFlag     clear the flag: we've successfully made a directory
-* make pathname full again, and continue
-S.050    puls  a,x        restore byte, address
-         sta   ,x         restore it
-         cmpa  #PDELIM    was it a slash?
-         beq   S.010      yes, make pathname full again, and find next one
-* searched this pathname, have we made a directory from it?
-         tst   <MFlag     have we made a directory?
-         bne   CEF        if not, error out with fake E$CEF
-* check for end/continue flag
-         cmpa  #C$SPAC    was it a space?
-         beq   start1     yup, go get another pathname to create
-ClnExit  clrb             no error
-Exit     OS9   F$Exit     and exit
-CEF      comb             set carry
-         ldb   #E$CEF     we've just tried to create an existing file
-Error    pshs  b,cc       save error code
-         lda   #2         to STDERR
-         leax  EMsg,pc    to error found string
-         ldy   #Elen
-         OS9   I$Write
-         ldx   <param     get pathname we're trying to open
-         ldy   #200       a _very_ long pathname
-         OS9   I$WritLn   we're sure that the name ends in a CR...
-         puls  b,cc       restore error code, condition
-         bra   Exit
-EMsg     fcc   /makdir: error creating /
-ELen     equ   *-EMsg
-         emod
-eom      equ   *
-         end
--- a/level2/cmds/xmode.asm	Wed Jul 24 05:14:25 2002 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,689 +0,0 @@
-* XMode - Modify device descriptors
-* $Id$
-* XMode  by Bruce Isted
-*        based on "DMode", a program by Kevin K. Darling
-* XMode is an SCF device descriptor utility similar to the original XMode,
-* intended to replace the original utility.  This utility works on SCF
-* descriptors in memory or on disk in single module files.
-* Ed.    Comments                                       Who YY/MM/DD
-* ------------------------------------------------------------------
-* 1      Release to public domain                       BRI 89/06/21
-         nam   XMode
-         ttl   Modify device descriptors
-         ifp1  
-         use   defsfile
-         endc  
-BuffSize equ   10         max. CHAR string length
-Edtn     equ   1
-MaxSize  equ   $80        maximum module size
-NameSize equ   4          maximum module name length
-Vrsn     equ   1
-         org   0
-Count    rmb   1          number of option bytes
-DataPtr  rmb   2          current option ptr
-HexIn    rmb   2          2 byte hex number
-ModAddr  rmb   2          module address
-ModSize  rmb   2          module size
-OptEnd   rmb   2          option table end offset
-ParmPtr  rmb   2          next name DataPtr
-PathNmbr rmb   1          file path
-TxtPtr   rmb   2          option name ptr
-Buffer   rmb   BuffSize   miscellaneous output buffer
-ModBuff  rmb   MaxSize    module work copy buffer
-stack    rmb   $0200      stack and parameter space
-MemSize  equ   .
-         mod   Size,Name,Prgrm+Objct,ReEnt+Vrsn,Entry,MemSize
-Name     fcs   "XMode"
-         fcb   Edtn       edition number
-         fcc   " nam"     option name
-         fcb   Sign+M$Name,NameSize offset to string offset & max. byte count to change
-         fcc   " mgr"
-         fcb   Sign+M$FMgr,0 offset to string offset & no changes allowed
-         fcc   " ddr"
-         fcb   Sign+M$PDev,0
-         fcc   " hpn"
-         fcb   M$Port,1   option offset & byte count
-         fcc   " hpa"
-         fcb   M$Port+1,2
-         fcc   " upc"
-         fcb   IT.UPC,1
-         fcc   " bso"
-         fcb   IT.BSO,1
-         fcc   " dlo"
-         fcb   IT.DLO,1
-         fcc   " eko"
-         fcb   IT.EKO,1
-         fcc   " alf"
-         fcb   IT.ALF,1
-         fcc   " nul"
-         fcb   IT.NUL,1
-         fcc   " pau"
-         fcb   IT.PAU,1
-         fcc   " pag"
-         fcb   IT.PAG,1
-         fcc   " bsp"
-         fcb   IT.BSP,1
-         fcc   " del"
-         fcb   IT.DEL,1
-         fcc   " eor"
-         fcb   IT.EOR,1
-         fcc   " eof"
-         fcb   IT.EOF,1
-         fcc   " rpr"
-         fcb   IT.RPR,1
-         fcc   " dup"
-         fcb   IT.DUP,1
-         fcc   " psc"
-         fcb   IT.PSC,1
-         fcc   " int"
-         fcb   IT.INT,1
-         fcc   " qut"
-         fcb   IT.QUT,1
-         fcc   " bse"
-         fcb   IT.BSE,1
-         fcc   " ovf"
-         fcb   IT.OVF,1
-         fcc   " par"
-         fcb   IT.PAR,1
-         fcc   " bau"
-         fcb   IT.BAU,1
-         fcc   " xon"
-         fcb   IT.XON,1
-         fcc   " xof"
-         fcb   IT.XOFF,1
-         fcc   " col"
-         fcb   IT.COL,1
-         fcc   " row"
-         fcb   IT.ROW,1
-         fcc   " xtp"
-         fcb   IT.XTYP,1
-         fcc   " wnd"
-         fcb   IT.WND,1
-         fcc   " val"
-         fcb   IT.VAL,1
-         fcc   " sty"
-         fcb   IT.STY,1
-         fcc   " cpx"
-         fcb   IT.CPX,1
-         fcc   " cpy"
-         fcb   IT.CPY,1
-         fcc   " fgc"
-         fcb   IT.FGC,1
-         fcc   " bgc"
-         fcb   IT.BGC,1
-         fcc   " bdc"
-         fcb   IT.BDC,1
-TablOpts equ   (*-OptTable)/6 number of table entries
-         fcb   $80        end of option table
-         fcb   C$LF
-         fcc   "Usage:  XMode [/<device> || -<pathlist> || -?] [option] [option] [...]"
-         fcb   C$LF,C$LF
-         fcc   "Purpose:  To report or alter current option settings of SCF device"
-         fcb   C$LF
-         fcc   "          descriptors in memory or on disk in single module files."
-         fcb   C$LF,C$LF
-         fcc   "Options:  nam, mgr, ddr, hpn, hpa, upc, bso, dlo, eko, alf, nul, pau,"
-         fcb   C$LF
-         fcc   "          pag, bsp, del, eor, eof, rpr, dup, psc, int, qut, bse, ovf,"
-         fcb   C$LF
-         fcc   "          par, bau, xon, xof, col, row, xtp, wnd, val, sty, cpx, cpy,"
-         fcb   C$LF
-         fcc   "          fgc, bgc, bdc"
-         fcb   C$LF,C$LF
-         fcc   "Examples:  xmode /t2"
-         fcb   C$LF
-         fcc   "               Prints the current option settings of the /T2 descriptor"
-         fcb   C$LF
-         fcc   "               in memory."
-         fcb   C$LF
-         fcc   "           xmode -modules/t4.dd nam=T2 bau=6 hpa=ff6c eof=1B"
-         fcb   C$LF
-         fcc   "               Changes the module name in the MODULES/T4.dd file to T2,"
-         fcb   C$LF
-         fcc   "               sets the baud rate code to 6,  the hardware port address"
-         fcb   C$LF
-         fcc   "               to $FF6C, and the end of file character to $1B."
-         fcb   C$LF
-         fcc   "           xmode -?"
-         fcb   C$LF
-         fcc   "               Prints more complete information on all of the options."
-         fcb   C$CR
-UseLen   equ   *-UseMsg
-         fcb   C$LF
-         fcc   "The NAM option accepts only a legal OS-9 module name with a maximum of"
-         fcb   C$LF
-         fcc   "4 characters.  It is up to the user to ensure that there is adequate"
-         fcb   C$LF
-         fcc   "room for the module name, and if required to rename the disk file to"
-         fcb   C$LF
-         fcc   "suit the new module name.  The MGR and DDR options can't be changed."
-         fcb   C$LF
-         fcc   "All other options require hexadecimal numbers (0 through FFFF).  XTP is"
-         fcb   C$LF
-         fcc   "for certain ACIA descriptors only.  WND, VAL, STY, CPX, CPY, FGC, BGC,"
-         fcb   C$LF
-         fcc   "and BDC are for window descriptors only."
-         fcb   C$LF,C$LF
-         fcc   "nam Device Name         mgr File Manager Name   ddr Device Driver Name"
-         fcb   C$LF
-         fcc   "hpn H'ware Page Number  hpa H'ware Port Address upc Case Lock Flag"
-         fcb   C$LF
-         fcc   "bso Backspace Method    dlo Delete Line Method  eko Screen Echo Flag"
-         fcb   C$LF
-         fcc   "alf Auto Linefeed Flag  nul End Of Line Nulls   pau Page Pause Flag"
-         fcb   C$LF
-         fcc   "pag Page Length         bsp Backspace Character del Delete Line Char"
-         fcb   C$LF
-         fcc   "eor End Of Record Char  eof End Of File Char    rpr Reprint Line Char"
-         fcb   C$LF
-         fcc   "dup Duplicate Line Char psc Pause Character     int Interrupt Character"
-         fcb   C$LF
-         fcc   "qut Quit Character      bse Backspace Echo Char ovf Overflow Character"
-         fcb   C$LF
-         fcc   "par Type (Parity) Code  bau Baud Rate Code      xon XON Character"
-         fcb   C$LF
-         fcc   "xof XOFF Character      col Display Columns     row Display Rows"
-         fcb   C$LF
-         fcc   "xtp Extended Type Code  wnd Window Number       val Valid Window Flag"
-         fcb   C$LF
-         fcc   "sty Window Screen Type  cpx X Corner Position   cpy Y Corner Position"
-         fcb   C$LF
-         fcc   "fgc Foreground Colour   bgc Background Colour   bdc Border Colour"
-         fcb   C$CR
-HelpLen  equ   *-HelpMsg
-Equal    fcc   "="
-         fcb   C$LF
-         fcc   "Not an SCF descriptor!"
-CR       fcb   C$CR
-TypeLen  equ   *-TypeMsg
-         fcb   C$LF
-         fcc   "Module size out of range!"
-         fcb   C$CR
-Sizelen  equ   *-Sizemsg
-         fcb   C$LF
-         fcc   "Syntax error:  "
-SynLen   equ   *-SynMsg
-* miscellaneous error and help routines
-         leax  HelpMsg,pc
-         ldy   #HelpLen
-         bra   Helpprnt
-         leax  Sizemsg,pc
-         ldy   #Sizelen
-         bra   AddHelp
-         leax  TypeMsg,pc
-         ldy   #TypeLen
-         lda   #2
-         os9   I$WritLn
-         leax  UseMsg,pc
-         ldy   #UseLen
-         lda   #2
-         os9   I$WritLn
-         lbra  OkayEnd2
-         ldd   #0
-         std   <ModAddr   zero mod flag
-         sta   <PathNmbr  zero file flag
-         ldd   ,x+        check for device name
-         cmpa  #'-        file option?
-         bne   Link
-         cmpb  #'?        help option?
-         beq   MuchHelp
-* Use Filename to Get Desc:
-         lda   #Updat.    open path to module file
-         os9   I$Open
-         bcs   Help
-         stx   <ParmPtr
-         sta   <PathNmbr  save path number
-         ldy   #MaxSize   max size
-         leax  ModBuff,u  module buff
-         os9   I$Read     get it
-         lbcs  Error
-         ldb   M$Opt,x
-         clra             [D] = option table size
-         addd  #M$DTyp    add options start offset
-         std   <OptEnd    save options end offset
-         ldd   M$Size,x   get module size
-         cmpd  #MaxSize   module size OK?
-         bhi   BadSize    no, go return error...
-         std   <ModSize
-         bra   GotIt
-         cmpa  #'/        else must be /<devicename>
-         bne   Help
-         pshs  u
-         lda   #Devic
-         os9   F$Link     link to module
-         bcs   Help
-         stx   <ParmPtr   update after name
-         tfr   u,x
-         puls  u
-         stx   <ModAddr
-         ldb   M$Opt,x
-         clra             [D] = option table size
-         addd  #M$DTyp    add options start offset
-         std   <OptEnd    save options end offset
-         ldd   M$Size,x   get module size
-         cmpd  #MaxSize   module size OK?
-         lbhi  BadSize    no, go report error...
-         std   <ModSize
-         tfr   d,y        copy module size...
-         pshs  u          save data area pointer
-         leau  ModBuff,u
-         lda   ,x+
-         sta   ,u+
-         leay  -1,y
-         bne   GetModLp
-         puls  u          recover data area pointer
-         ldd   <OptEnd    get option table end offset
-         cmpd  <ModSize   is option table size OK?
-         lbhs  BadSize    no, go report error...
-         leax  ModBuff,u
-         lda   M$DTyp,x   get device type
-         lbne  BadType    SCF = $00
-         ldx   <ParmPtr   point to input parms
-         lbsr  SkipSpac   go skip leading spaces...
-         cmpa  #C$CR      no options?
-         lbeq  Info       ..yes, give info
-         leax  -1,x
-* X=ParmPtr
-* Find and Set Options:
-         lbsr  SkipSpac   get next input param
-         stx   <ParmPtr   save for syntax error use
-         cmpa  #C$CR      end?
-         lbeq  Verify     ..yes, update module CRC
-         leay  OptTable-6,pc ready option table ptr
-         pshs  u
-         ldu   ,x++       get next two chars
-         ora   #$20       convert 1st param char to lower case
-         exg   d,u        move [U] where we can convert param chars
-         ora   #$20       convert 2nd param char...
-         orb   #$20       convert 3rd...
-         exg   d,u        move back again
-         leay  6,y        next option entry
-         tst   ,y         last entry?
-         bmi   Syntax     ..yes, bad option
-         cmpa  1,y
-         bne   FindLp20   same name?
-         cmpu  2,y
-         bne   FindLp20, loop
-* Found Option
-         puls  u
-         sty   <TxtPtr
-         ldd   ,x+        must be followed by "=", leave [X] pointing at char after "="
-         cmpa  #'=
-         bne   Syntax
-         cmpb  #C$CR      rest of option missing?
-         beq   Syntax     yes, go report error
-         cmpb  #C$SPAC    rest of option missing?
-         beq   Syntax     yes, go report error
-         ldb   5,y        get # of bytes
-         beq   Syntax     0 bytes, not allowed to change this option
-         stb   <Count
-         ldb   4,y        get option offset or offset to option offset
-         bpl   NumOpt     option offset, go set hexadecimal option
-* Get CHAR input and set option:
-         andb  #^Sign     clear sign bit of offset to string offset
-         clra             [D] = offset to string offset within module
-         cmpd  <ModSize   is it OK?
-         bhs   Syntax     no, go report error...
-         leay  ModBuff,u  point to module
-         ldd   b,y        get offset to string
-         cmpd  <ModSize   is it OK?
-         bhs   Syntax     no, go report error...
-         leay  d,y        point to option
-         pshs  y          save option pointer
-         os9   F$PrsNam   valid OS-9 name?
-         puls  y          recover option pointer (end of name pointer lost)
-         bcs   Syntax     no, go report error
-         cmpa  #C$SPAC    space delimiter char?
-         beq   ChkLen     yes, go check name length...
-         cmpa  #C$CR      <CR> delimiter char?
-         bne   Syntax     no, go report error
-         cmpb  <Count     name length OK?
-         bhi   Syntax     no, go report error...
-         lda   ,x+        get character
-         sta   ,y+        save it to module copy
-         decb             done yet?
-         bne   SetChrLp   no, go copy another char...
-         lda   -1,y       get last char
-         ora   #Sign      set sign bit
-         sta   -1,y       save last char
-         lbra  FindLp10   go do next...
-* Syntax Error:
-         leax  SynMsg,pc
-         ldy   #SynLen
-         lda   #2
-         os9   I$Write
-         ldx   <ParmPtr
-         leax  -1,x
-         pshs  x
-         ldy   #0
-         leay  1,y
-         lda   ,x+
-         cmpa  #C$CR
-         beq   SynSay
-         cmpa  #C$SPAC
-         bne   CntLoop
-         puls  x
-         lda   #2
-         os9   I$Write    output err
-         lbra  OkayEnd
-* Get Hex Input and Set Option:
-         clra             [D] = option offset within module
-         cmpd  <OptEnd    is it OK?
-         bhs   Syntax     no, go report error...
-         clr   <HexIn     zero hex input bytes
-         clr   <HexIn+1
-         lda   ,x+        get next #
-         cmpa  #C$SPAC    end of number?
-         beq   SetNum2    ..yes, set option
-         cmpa  #C$CR      end of line?
-         beq   SetNum1    ..yes, set option
-* Convert ASCII Hex-->Byte:
-         suba  #$30       make number from ASCII
-         bmi   Syntax
-         cmpa  #10        is it number?
-         bcs   Num
-         anda  #$5F       make uppercase
-         suba  #$11-$0A   make hex $A-$F
-         cmpa  #$0A
-         bcs   Syntax
-         cmpa  #$10       not hex char?
-         bcc   Syntax
-         ldb   #16        fancy asl *4
-         mul   
-         pshs  b          save top 4 bits
-         ldd   <HexIn
-         rol   ,s
-         rolb  
-         rola  
-         rol   ,s
-         rolb  
-         rola  
-         rol   ,s
-         rolb  
-         rola  
-         rol   ,s
-         rolb  
-         rola  
-         std   <HexIn
-         puls  b          drop temp
-         bra   SetNumLp   ..loop
-         leax  -1,x       reset so can find <CR>
-         ldb   4,y        get option offset
-         leay  ModBuff,u  point to module
-         leay  b,y        point to option
-         ldd   <HexIn     pick up hex input
-         dec   <Count
-         beq   SetOne
-         std   ,y         set two byte option
-         lbra  FindLp10
-         tsta  
-         lbne  Syntax
-         stb   ,y         set one byte option
-         lbra  FindLp10
-* --------------
-* Skip Spaces:
-         lda   ,x+
-         cmpa  #C$SPAC
-         beq   SkipSpac
-         rts   
-* --------------
-* Update Module CRC:
-         pshs  u          save data ptr
-         leau  ModBuff,u
-         tfr   u,x        X is mod address
-         ldy   M$Size,x   Y is mod size
-         leay  -3,y       beginning of chksum
-         tfr   y,d        Y is byte count
-         leau  d,u        set U to chksum
-         lda   #$FF       init chksum
-         sta   ,u
-         sta   1,u
-         sta   2,u
-         pshs  u
-         os9   F$CRC      calc new crc
-         puls  u
-         com   ,u+        fix it up right
-         com   ,u+
-         com   ,u
-         lda   <PathNmbr  was it file?
-         beq   MemMod, in memory
-         ldx   #0
-         tfr   x,u
-         os9   I$Seek     go back to file begin
-         bcs   Error
-         puls  u
-         leax  ModBuff,u
-         ldy   <ModSize
-         os9   I$Write    update module file
-         bra   OkayEnd
-         ldu   ,s         get data area pointer
-         leax  ModBuff,u
-         ldy   <ModSize
-         ldu   <ModAddr
-         lda   ,x+
-         sta   ,u+
-         leay  -1,y
-         bne   PutModLp
-         puls  u          recover data area pointer
-         bra   OkayEnd2
-         bsr   OutCR
-         clrb             okay
-         pshs  b,cc
-         ldu   <ModAddr
-         beq   Bye
-         os9   F$UnLink
-         puls  b,cc
-         os9   F$Exit     we're done...
-* --------------
-* Print a <CR>:
-         leax  CR,pc
-         ldy   #1
-         lda   #1
-         os9   I$WritLn
-         rts   
-* Output Current Desc Info:
-         bsr   OutCR      do a <CR>
-         ldb   #TablOpts  number of table entries
-         pshs  b          save counter
-         leax  OptTable,pc point to text table
-         stx   <TxtPtr
-         ldx   <TxtPtr
-         ldy   #4
-         lbsr  OutPut     print option name
-         leax  Equal,pc
-         ldy   #1
-         lbsr  OutPut     print =
-         ldx   <TxtPtr
-         ldb   4,x        get offset to HEX option;  if minus, offset to option offset
-         bpl   PrintHex   go do simple offset to HEX option
-         andb  #^Sign     clear sign bit
-         clra             [D] = offset to string offset within module
-         cmpd  <ModSize   is it OK?
-         bhs   MovePtr    no, skip this option...
-         leay  ModBuff,u  point [Y] to module work copy
-         ldd   b,y        get string offset within module
-         cmpd  <ModSize   is string offset OK?
-         bhs   MovePtr    no, skip this option...
-         leay  d,y        point [Y] to CHAR string
-         lda   #BuffSize  get max. chars to print
-         leax  Buffer,u   point [X] to CHAR string buffer
-         clr   <Count     init counter
-CharCopy ldb   ,y+        get char
-         bpl   NotLast    sign bit clear so not last, go on...
-         andb  #^Sign     clear sign bit
-         lda   #1         set up as last char
-NotLast  stb   ,x+
-         inc   <Count     count chars in string
-         deca             done yet?
-         bne   CharCopy   no, go do another char...
-         ldb   <Count     get chars in string ([A]=0, so [D]=char count)
-         tfr   d,y        module name length into [Y]
-         leax  Buffer,u   point [X] to CHAR string copy
-         bsr   OutPut     print CHAR string
-         bra   MovePtr    skip HEX output routine
-* Print Hex Option Values:
-         ldx   <TxtPtr
-         ldb   5,x        get # of digits
-         stb   <Count
-         ldb   4,x        get option offset in module
-         clra             [D] = option offset within module
-         cmpd  <OptEnd    is option offset OK?
-         bhs   MovePtr    no, skip this option...
-         leax  ModBuff,u  point [X] to module work copy
-         abx              point [X] to option
-         stx   <DataPtr
-* Print One Byte:
-         ldx   <DataPtr
-         lda   ,x+
-         stx   <DataPtr
-         pshs  a
-         lsra  
-         lsra  
-         lsra  
-         lsra  
-         bsr   OutOne
-         puls  a
-         anda  #$0F
-         bsr   OutOne
-         dec   <Count
-         bne   NumLoop
-         ldx   <TxtPtr
-         leax  6,x
-         stx   <TxtPtr
-         dec   ,s
-         lbeq  OkayEnd    done...
-         ldb   ,s
-         bitb  #$07       # of options remaining evenly divisible by eight?
-         lbne  InfoLoop   no, go print next option on same line
-         lbsr  OutCR      <CR> after every 8th option
-         lbra  InfoLoop   ..loop
-* --------------
-* Print 1/2 Byte Hex Char:
-         cmpa  #10
-         bcs   Number
-         adda  #$11-10    make alpha
-         adda  #$30       make ASCII
-         sta   <Buffer
-         leax  Buffer,u
-         ldy   #1
-         lda   #1         std out
-         os9   I$Write
-         lbcs  Error
-         rts   
-         emod  
-Size     equ   *
-         end   