changeset 1586:e26f7d2e40df

source updated
author boisy
date Sat, 22 May 2004 03:54:25 +0000
parents 4a2a4667a4cf
children 5f18094d961d
files level1/modules/ccio.asm level1/modules/co32.asm level1/modules/co80.asm
diffstat 3 files changed, 65 insertions(+), 65 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/level1/modules/ccio.asm	Fri May 21 21:44:15 2004 +0000
+++ b/level1/modules/ccio.asm	Sat May 22 03:54:25 2004 +0000
@@ -52,28 +52,28 @@
 *    CC = carry set on error
 *    B  = error code
-Init     stu   >D.KbdSta		store devmem ptr
-         clra				clear A
-         leax  <V.SCF,u			point to memory after V.SCF
-         ldb   #$5D			get counter
-L002E    sta   ,x+			clear mem
-         decb				decrement counter
-         bne   L002E			continue if more
-         coma				A = $FF
-         comb				B = $FF
+Init     stu   >D.KbdSta	store devmem ptr
+         clra			clear A
+         leax  <V.SCF,u		point to memory after V.SCF
+         ldb   #$5D		get counter
+L002E    sta   ,x+		clear mem
+         decb			decrement counter
+         bne   L002E		continue if more
+         coma			A = $FF
+         comb			B = $FF
          stb   <V.Caps,u
          std   <V.LKeyCd,u
          std   <V.2Key2,u
          lda   #60
          sta   <V.ClkCnt,u
-         leax  >AltIRQ,pcr		get IRQ routine ptr
-         stx   >D.AltIRQ		store in AltIRQ
-         leax  >SetDsply,pcr		get display vector
-         stx   <V.DspVct,u		store in vector address
-         leax  >XY2Addr,pcr		get address of XY2Addr
+         leax  >AltIRQ,pcr	get IRQ routine ptr
+         stx   >D.AltIRQ	store in AltIRQ
+         leax  >SetDsply,pcr	get display vector
+         stx   <V.DspVct,u	store in vector address
+         leax  >XY2Addr,pcr	get address of XY2Addr
          stx   <V.CnvVct,u
-         ldd   <IT.PAR,y		get parity and baud
-         lbra  L05CE			process them
+         ldd   <IT.PAR,y	get parity and baud
+         lbra  L05CE		process them
 * Term
@@ -226,7 +226,7 @@
 L015C    clra
-         std   <V.ShftDn,u		SHIFT/CTRL flag; 0=NO $FF=YES
+         std   <V.ShftDn,u	SHIFT/CTRL flag; 0=NO $FF=YES
          std   <V.KeyFlg,u
 * %00000111-Column # (Output, 0-7)
 * %00111000-Row # (Input, 0-6)
@@ -565,14 +565,14 @@
          stb   >$FFC0
          stb   >$FFC2
          stb   >$FFC4
-         lda   <V.ScrnA,u		get pointer to alpha screen
+         lda   <V.ScrnA,u	get pointer to alpha screen
          bra   L0401
 * Set up VDG screen for graphics
 DoGfx    stb   >$FFC0
          stb   >$FFC3
          stb   >$FFC5
-         lda   <V.SBAdd,u		get pointer to graphics screen
+         lda   <V.SBAdd,u	get pointer to graphics screen
 L0401    ldb   #$07
          ldx   #$FFC6
@@ -627,7 +627,7 @@
          lbra  JmpCO
 * Return key sense information
-SSKYSNS  ldb   <V.KySns,u		get key sense info
+SSKYSNS  ldb   <V.KySns,u	get key sense info
          stb   R$A,x		put in caller's A
@@ -764,8 +764,8 @@
 *    CC = carry set on error
 *    B  = error code
-SetStat  sta   <V.WrChr,u		save function code
-         ldx   PD.RGS,y			get caller's regs
+SetStat  sta   <V.WrChr,u	save function code
+         ldx   PD.RGS,y		get caller's regs
          cmpa  #SS.ComSt
          lbeq  SSCOMST
          cmpa  #SS.AAGBf
@@ -1072,12 +1072,12 @@
 * Erase graphics screen
-EraseGfx clrb				value to clear screen with
+EraseGfx clrb			value to clear screen with
 L07B2    ldx   <V.SBAdd,u
-         leax  >6144+1,x		point to end of gfx mem + 1
-L07B9    stb   ,-x			clear
-         cmpx  <V.SBAdd,u		X = to start?
-         bhi   L07B9			if not, continue
+         leax  >6144+1,x	point to end of gfx mem + 1
+L07B9    stb   ,-x		clear
+         cmpx  <V.SBAdd,u	X = to start?
+         bhi   L07B9		if not, continue
 * Home Graphics cursor
 Do14     clra
--- a/level1/modules/co32.asm	Fri May 21 21:44:15 2004 +0000
+++ b/level1/modules/co32.asm	Sat May 22 03:54:25 2004 +0000
@@ -92,8 +92,8 @@
 *        Y = path desc ptr
 Write    tsta  
          bmi   L00D0
-         cmpa  #$1F			byte $1F?
-         bls   Dispatch			branch if lower or same
+         cmpa  #$1F		byte $1F?
+         bls   Dispatch		branch if lower or same
          ldb   <V.CFlag,u
          beq   L00B0
          cmpa  #$5E
@@ -124,32 +124,32 @@
          bcs   L00CE
          suba  #$40
 L00CE    eora  #$40
-L00D0    ldx   <V.CrsrA,u		get cursor address in X
-         sta   ,x+			store character at address
-         stx   <V.CrsrA,u 		update cursor address
-         cmpx  <V.ScrnE,u 		end of screen?
-         bcs   L00DF			branch if not
-         bsr   SScrl			else if at end of screen, scroll it
-L00DF    bsr   ShowCrsr			ends with a CLRB/RTS anyhow
+L00D0    ldx   <V.CrsrA,u	get cursor address in X
+         sta   ,x+		store character at address
+         stx   <V.CrsrA,u 	update cursor address
+         cmpx  <V.ScrnE,u 	end of screen?
+         bcs   L00DF		branch if not
+         bsr   SScrl		else if at end of screen, scroll it
+L00DF    bsr   ShowCrsr		ends with a CLRB/RTS anyhow
 * no operation entry point
 NoOp     clrb  
 * Screen Scroll Routine
-SScrl    ldx   <V.ScrnA,u		get address of screen
-         leax  <32,x			move to 2nd line
-L00E9    ldd   ,x++			copy from this line
-         std   <-34,x			to prevous
-         cmpx  <V.ScrnE,u		at end of screen yet?
-         bcs   L00E9			branch if not
-         leax  <-32,x			else back up one line
-         stx   <V.CrsrA,u		save address of cursor (first col of last row)
-         lda   #32			clear out row...
-         ldb   #$60			...width spaces
-L00FD    stb   ,x+			do it...
-         deca  				end of rope?
-         bne   L00FD			branch if not
+SScrl    ldx   <V.ScrnA,u	get address of screen
+         leax  <32,x		move to 2nd line
+L00E9    ldd   ,x++		copy from this line
+         std   <-34,x		to prevous
+         cmpx  <V.ScrnE,u	at end of screen yet?
+         bcs   L00E9		branch if not
+         leax  <-32,x		else back up one line
+         stx   <V.CrsrA,u	save address of cursor (first col of last row)
+         lda   #32		clear out row...
+         ldb   #$60		...width spaces
+L00FD    stb   ,x+		do it...
+         deca  			end of rope?
+         bne   L00FD		branch if not
 L0102    rts   
 Dispatch cmpa  #$1B		escape code?
@@ -165,21 +165,21 @@
 * display functions dispatch table
-DCodeTbl fdb   NoOp-DCodeTbl   $ffca  $00:no-op (null)
-         fdb   CurHome-DCodeTbl  $007d  $01:HOME cursor
-         fdb   CurXY-DCodeTbl  $00c9  $02:CURSOR XY
-         fdb   DelLine-DCodeTbl  $0107  $03:ERASE LINE
-         fdb   ErEOLine-DCodeTbl  $00f9  $04:CLEAR TO EOL
-         fdb   Do05-DCodeTbl  $0091  $05:CURSOR ON/OFF
-         fdb   CurRght-DCodeTbl  $005e  $06:CURSOR RIGHT
-         fdb   NoOp-DCodeTbl  $ffca  $07:no-op (bel:handled in CCIO)
-         fdb   CurLeft-DCodeTbl  $0050  $08:CURSOR LEFT
-         fdb   CurUp-DCodeTbl  $0119  $09:CURSOR UP
-         fdb   CurDown-DCodeTbl  $0038  $0A:CURSOR DOWN
-         fdb   ErEOScrn-DCodeTbl  $006c  $0B:ERASE TO EOS
-         fdb   ClrScrn-DCodeTbl  $0070  $0C:CLEAR SCREEN
-         fdb   Retrn-DCodeTbl  $001e  $0D:RETURN
-         fdb   DoAlpha-DCodeTbl  $012a  $0E:DISPLAY ALPHA
+DCodeTbl fdb   NoOp-DCodeTbl		$00:no-op (null)
+         fdb   CurHome-DCodeTbl		$01:HOME cursor
+         fdb   CurXY-DCodeTbl		$02:CURSOR XY
+         fdb   DelLine-DCodeTbl		$03:ERASE LINE
+         fdb   ErEOLine-DCodeTbl	$04:CLEAR TO EOL
+         fdb   Do05-DCodeTbl		$05:CURSOR ON/OFF
+         fdb   CurRght-DCodeTbl		$005e  $06:CURSOR RIGHT
+         fdb   NoOp-DCodeTbl		$07:no-op (bel:handled in CCIO)
+         fdb   CurLeft-DCodeTbl		$0050  $08:CURSOR LEFT
+         fdb   CurUp-DCodeTbl		$0119  $09:CURSOR UP
+         fdb   CurDown-DCodeTbl		$0038  $0A:CURSOR DOWN
+         fdb   ErEOScrn-DCodeTbl	$006c  $0B:ERASE TO EOS
+         fdb   ClrScrn-DCodeTbl		$0070  $0C:CLEAR SCREEN
+         fdb   Retrn-DCodeTbl		$001e  $0D:RETURN
+         fdb   DoAlpha-DCodeTbl		$012a  $0E:DISPLAY ALPHA
 * $0D - move cursor to start of line (carriage return)
 Retrn    bsr   HideCrsr		hide cursor
--- a/level1/modules/co80.asm	Fri May 21 21:44:15 2004 +0000
+++ b/level1/modules/co80.asm	Sat May 22 03:54:25 2004 +0000
@@ -239,7 +239,7 @@
 L0184    bsr   L0152		do home cursor, then erase to EOS
 * $0B - erase to end of screen
-L0186    ldd   #$0780
+L0186    ldd   #80*24
 L0189    addd  <V.54,u
          bsr   L0161
 L018E    bsr   L016B