changeset 737:f5740daaf828

With new clock module from NitrOS, these are no longer needed
author boisy
date Sun, 05 Jan 2003 23:58:30 +0000
parents 5126a1921409
children 7bac2d08d4bd
files level2/modules/clock2_146818.asm level2/modules/clock2_bb.asm level2/modules/clock2_disto.asm level2/modules/clock2_soft.asm level2/modules/clock2_swatch.asm
diffstat 5 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 829 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/level2/modules/clock2_146818.asm	Sun Jan 05 23:55:43 2003 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
-* Clock2 - Motorola 146818 clock driver
-* $Id$
-* Ed.    Comments                                       Who YY/MM/DD
-* ------------------------------------------------------------------
-* 1      Created                                        BRI 88/10/06
-* 2      Shift D.Tick & exit if UIP (not wait up to
-*        2228 uS for completion), general clean up      BRI 88/11/17
-* 3      Re-wrote clock access to eliminate repeated
-*        subroutine calls to increase speed             BRI 88/11/26
-* 4      Changed clock access to once per minute        BRI 89/03/25
-* 5      More changes                                   BRI 90/04/15
-         nam   Clock2
-         ttl   Motorola 146818 clock driver
-edition  equ   5
-MPISlot  equ   $33 (MPI Slot $00-$33)
-         ifp1                          
-         use   defsfile
-         endc                          
-ClkAddr  equ   $FF72                    clock base address
-Vrsn     equ   1                       
-SpeedClk equ   $20                      32.768 KHz, rate=0
-StartClk equ   $06                      binary, 24 Hour, DST disabled
-StopClk  equ   $86                      bit 7 set stops clock to allow setting t
-* MC146818/DS1287 clock register map:
-         org   $00                     
-CRegSec  rmb   $01                      seconds register
-CRegSAl  rmb   $01                      seconds alarm register
-CRegMin  rmb   $01                      minutes register
-CRegMAl  rmb   $01                      minutes alarm register
-CRegHour rmb   $01                      hours register
-CRegHAl  rmb   $01                      hours alarm register
-CRegDayW rmb   $01                      day of week register
-CRegDayM rmb   $01                      day of month register
-CRegMnth rmb   $01                      months register
-CRegYear rmb   $01                      years register
-CRegA    rmb   $01                      bits 7-0: UIP (read only); DV2-DV0; RS3-
-CRegB    rmb   $01                      bits 7-0: SET; PIE; AIE; UIE; SQWE; DM; 
-CRegC    rmb   $01                      bits 7-0: IRQF; PF; AF; UF; Unused3-Unus
-CRegD    rmb   $01                      bits 7-0: VRT; Unused6-Unused0
-CSRAM    rmb   $40-.                    CMOS static RAM
-         mod   CSize,CNam,Systm+Objct,ReEnt+Vrsn,Entry,ClkAddr
-CNam     fcs   "Clock2"
-         fcb   edition
-*RTCSlot  fcb   MPISlot
-Entry    bra   Init                     clock hardware initialization gets time
-         nop                            maintain 3 byte entry table spacing
-         bra   GetTime                  get hardware time
-         nop                            save a couple cycles with short branch a
-SetTime  clrb                           no error for return...
-         pshs  cc,d,x,y,u               save regs which will be altered
-         ldx   <M$Mem,pcr               get clock base addr
-         leay  <SetTable,pcr            point [Y] to RTC register set table
-         ldu   #D.Time                  point [U] to time variables in DP
-         ldb   #(SetEnd-SetTable)/2     get loop count
-         stb   R$B,s                    save counter to B reg on stack
-         orcc  #IntMasks                disable IRQs while setting clock
-CSetLoop ldd   ,y++                     get clock set data
-         bmi   CRegSet                  [A] Sign bit set, go save [B] to clock requirement
-         ldb   b,u                      get system time from D.Time variables
-CRegSet  anda  #^Sign                   clear sign bit
-         std   ,x                       generate clock address strobe, store dat
-         dec   R$B,s                    done all clock regs?
-         bne   CSetLoop                 no, go do next...
-L003A    ldb   #$01
-         stb   <$002E
-         puls  cc,d,x,y,u,pc            restore altered regs, return to caller
-SetTable equ   *                       
-         fcb   Sign+CRegB,StopClk      
-         fcb   Sign+CRegA,SpeedClk     
-GetTable equ   *                       
-         fcb   CRegYear,D.Year-D.Time  
-         fcb   CRegMnth,D.Month-D.Time 
-         fcb   CRegDayM,D.Day-D.Time   
-         fcb   CRegHour,D.Hour-D.Time  
-         fcb   CRegMin,D.Min-D.Time    
-         fcb   CRegSec,D.Sec-D.Time    
-GetEnd   equ   *                       
-         fcb   Sign+CRegDayW,$01       
-         fcb   Sign+CRegHAl,$00        
-         fcb   Sign+CRegMAl,$00
-         fcb   Sign+CRegSAl,$00        
-         fcb   Sign+CRegB,StartClk     
-SetEnd   equ   *                       
-Init     ldb   #59                      last second in minute
-         stb   <D.Sec                   force RTC read
-GetTime  clrb                           no error for return...
-         pshs  cc,d,x,y,u               save regs which will be altered
-         ldb   <D.Sec                   get current second
-         incb                           next...
-         cmpb  #60                      done minute?
-         bhs   CGetT00                  yes, go read RTC...
-         stb   <D.Sec                   set new second
-         bra   CGExit                   go clean up & return
-CGetT00  ldx   <M$Mem,pcr               get clock base addr
-         lda   #CRegA                   RTC Update In Progress status register
-         sta   ,x                       generate address strobe
-         lda   1,x                      get UIP status
-         bmi   L003A                    RTC Update In Progress (1:449 chance), go shft D.Ticki
-         leay  <GetTable,pcr             point [Y] to RTC "get" register info table
-         ldu   #D.Time                  point [U] to time variables in DP
-         ldb   #$06
-         stb   R$B,s                    save counter to B reg on stack
-CGetLoop ldd   ,y++                     get clock register info from table
-         sta   ,x                       generate clock address strobe
-         lda   1,x                      get clock data
-         sta   b,u                      save data to D.Time variables
-         dec   R$B,s                    done all D.Time vars?
-         bne   CGetLoop                 no, go do next...
-CGExit   puls  cc,d,x,y,u,pc            recover regs, return to caller
-         emod
-CSize    equ   *                       
-         end                           
--- a/level2/modules/clock2_bb.asm	Sun Jan 05 23:55:43 2003 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,154 +0,0 @@
-* Clock2 - Burke & Burke/TC^3 clock driver
-* $Id$
-* Ed.    Comments                                       Who YY/MM/DD
-* ------------------------------------------------------------------
-* 1      Created                                        BGP 02/10/10
-         nam   Clock2    
-         ttl   Burke & Burke/TC^3 clock driver
-         ifp1            
-         use   defsfile  
-         endc            
-rev      set   1         
-edition  set   1         
-RTC.Zero equ   -4         Send zero bit by writing this offset
-RTC.One  equ   -3         Send one bit by writing this offset
-RTC.Read equ   0          Read data from this offset
-         ifne  TC3       
-RTC.Base equ   $FF7C      We map the clock into this addr
-         else            
-MPIFlag  set   1         
-RTCMPSlt equ   $22        MPI Slot ($00-$33) where RTC is
-RTC.Base equ   $FF5C      Burke & Burke
-         endc            
-         mod   CSize,CNam,Systm+Objct,ReEnt+rev,Entry,RTC.Base
-CNam     fcs   "Clock2"  
-         fcb   edition    edition byte
-         ifeq  TC3       
-SlotSlct fcb   RTCMPSlt   slot constant for MPI select code
-         endc            
-Entry    bra   Init       clock hardware initialization
-         nop              maintain 3 byte entry table spacing
-         bra   ReadRTC    get hardware time
-         nop              save a couple cycles with short branch a
-         bra   SetTime    set hardware time
-* SetTime
-SetTime  ldx   R$X,u     
-         ldd   ,x        
-         std   <D.Year   
-         ldd   2,x       
-         std   <D.Day    
-         ldd   4,x       
-         std   <D.Min    
-         andcc  #^Carry   
-         pshs  d,x,y,u,cc
-         leay  SendBCD,pcr
-         lbra  TfrTime   
-         rts             
-GetTime  ldb   <D.Sec     get seconds
-         incb            
-         cmpb  #60       
-         beq   ReadRTC    if zero, get SmartWatch time
-         stb   <D.Sec     else update second
-         rts             
-ReadRTC  pshs  d,x,y,u,cc save regs which will be altered
-         leay  ReadBCD,pcr Read bytes of clock
-TfrTime  orcc  #IntMasks  turn off interrupts
-         ldu   M$Mem,pcr  Get base address
-         IFNE  MPIFlag   
-         ldb   >MPI.Slct  Select slot
-         pshs  b         
-         andb  #$F0      
-         orb   SlotSlct,pcr
-         stb   >MPI.Slct 
-         ENDC            
-         lbsr  SendMsg    Initialize clock
-         ldx   #D.Sec    
-         ldb   #8         Tfr 8 bytes
-tfrloop  jsr   ,y         Tfr 1 byte
-         bitb  #$03      
-         beq   skipstuf   Skip over day-of-week, etc.
-         leax  -1,x      
-skipstuf decb            
-         bne   tfrloop   
-         IFNE  MPIFlag   
-         puls  b         
-         stb   >MPI.Slct  restore MPAK slot
-         ENDC            
-         puls  d,x,y,u,cc,pc
-ClkMsg   fcb   $C5,$3A,$A3,$5C,$C5,$3A,$A3,$5C
-* Enable clock with message $C53AA35CC53AA35C
-SendMsg  lda   RTC.Read,u Send Initialization message to clock
-         leax  <ClkMsg,pcr
-         ldb   #8        
-msgloop  lda   ,x+       
-         bsr   SendByte  
-         decb            
-         bne   msgloop   
-         rts             
-SendBCD  pshs  b          Send byte to clock, first converting to BCD
-         bitb  #$03      
-         bne   BCDskip    Send zero for day-of-week, etc.
-         lda   #0        
-         bra   SndBCDGo  
-BCDskip  lda   ,x        
-SndBCDGo tfr   a,b       
-         bra   binenter  
-binloop  adda  #6        
-binenter subb  #10       
-         bhs   binloop   
-         puls  b         
-SendByte coma             Send one byte to clock
-         rora            
-         bcc   sendone   
-sendzero tst   RTC.Zero,u
-         lsra            
-         bcc   sendone   
-         bne   sendzero  
-         rts             
-sendone  tst   RTC.One,u 
-         lsra            
-         bcc   sendone   
-         bne   sendzero  
-         rts             
-ReadBCD  pshs  b         
-         ldb   #$80       High bit will rotate out after we read 8 bits
-readbit  lda   RTC.Read,u Read a bit
-         lsra            
-         rorb             Shift it into B
-         bcc   readbit    Stop when marker bit appears
-         tfr   b,a       
-         bra   BCDEnter   Convert BCD number to Binary
-BCDLoop  subb  #6         by subtracting 6 for each $10
-BCDEnter suba  #$10      
-         bhs   BCDLoop   
-         stb   ,x        
-         puls  b,pc      
-         emod            
-CSize    equ   *         
-         end             
--- a/level2/modules/clock2_disto.asm	Sun Jan 05 23:55:43 2003 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
-* Clock2 - Disto 2N1/4N1 clock driver
-* $Id$
-* Ed.    Comments                                       Who YY/MM/DD
-* ------------------------------------------------------------------
-* 1      MPI slot dependent Disto RTC where edition     BRI 89/10/12
-*        byte is really MPI slot code.
-         nam   Clock2
-         ttl   Disto 2N1/4N1 clock driver
-         ifp1  
-         use   defsfile
-         endc  
-tylg     set   Systm+Objct
-atrv     set   ReEnt+rev
-rev      set   1
-edition  set   3
-RTCMPSlt equ   $33
-RTCBase  equ   $FF50      clock base address
-         mod   eom,name,tylg,atrv,start,RTCBase
-name     fcs   "Clock2"
-         fcb   edition
-MPISlot  fcb   RTCMPSlt
-start    bra   Init
-         nop   
-         bra   GetTime
-         nop   
-         lbra  SetTime
-Init     pshs  x,a,cc
-         ldx   M$Mem,pcr  get hw addr of disto clock
-         orcc  #IntMasks  mask IRQ and FIRQ
-         sta   >$FFD8     slow down CoCo 3 to .89MHz
-         ldb   >MPI.Slct  get current MPI slot
-         pshs  b          save it
-         lda   >MPISlot,pcr get our slot selection
-         sta   >MPI.Slct  select it!
-         ldd   #$010F
-         stb   1,x
-         sta   ,x
-         ldd   #$0504
-         sta   ,x
-         stb   ,x
-         puls  b          get original slot
-         stb   >MPI.Slct  select it!
-         stb   >$FFD9     speed Coco 3 up to 1.78MHz
-         ldb   #59        last second in minute
-         stb   <D.Sec     force RTC read
-         puls  x,a,cc     fall through to RTC read ebelow
-GetTime  clrb             return no error
-         pshs  u,y,x,b,a,cc save regs to be altered
-         ldb   <D.Sec     get current second
-         incb             next...
-         cmpb  #60        minute done?
-         bcc   L005E      yes, go read RTC...
-         stb   <D.Sec     set new second
-         bra   GTExit     go clean up & return
-L005E    ldx   M$Mem,pcr  get clock base addr
-         orcc  #IntMasks
-         sta   >$FFD8
-         ldb   >MPI.Slct
-         pshs  b
-         lda   >MPISlot,pcr
-         sta   >MPI.Slct
-         ldy   #D.Time
-         ldb   #$0B
-         bsr   L0098
-         bsr   L0098
-         bsr   L0098
-         ldb   #$05
-         stb   1,x
-         decb  
-         lda   ,x
-         anda  #$03
-         bsr   L009F
-         bsr   L0098
-         bsr   L0098
-         puls  b
-         stb   >MPI.Slct
-         stb   >$FFD9
-GTExit   puls  pc,u,y,x,b,a,cc recover regs & return
-L0098    stb   $01,x
-         decb  
-         lda   ,x
-         anda  #$0F
-L009F    pshs  b
-         ldb   #$0A
-         mul   
-         pshs  b
-         ldb   $01,s
-         stb   $01,x
-         lda   ,x
-         anda  #$0F
-         adda  ,s+
-         puls  b
-         decb  
-         sta   ,y+
-         rts   
-SetTime  clrb             no error for return...
-         pshs  u,y,x,b,a,cc save regs to be altered
-         ldx   M$Mem,pcr  get clock base addres
-         orcc  #IntMasks
-         sta   >$FFD8
-         ldb   >MPI.Slct
-         pshs  b
-         lda   >MPISlot,pcr
-         sta   >MPI.Slct
-         ldy   #D.Time
-         ldb   #$0B
-         bsr   L00EA
-         bsr   L00EA
-         bsr   L00EA
-         bsr   L00EA
-         bsr   L00EA
-         bsr   L00EA
-         puls  b
-         stb   >MPI.Slct
-         stb   >$FFD9
-         puls  pc,u,y,x,b,a,cc restore altered regs & return
-L00EA    stb   $01,x
-         decb  
-         clra  
-         pshs  b,a
-         ldb   ,y+
-         clr   ,-s
-L00F4    subb  #$0A
-         bcs   L00FC
-         inc   ,s
-         bra   L00F4
-L00FC    addb  #$0A
-         puls  a
-         ora   ,s+
-         sta   ,x
-         tfr   b,a
-         puls  b
-         stb   $01,x
-         decb  
-         sta   ,x
-         rts   
-         emod  
-eom      equ   *
-         end   
--- a/level2/modules/clock2_soft.asm	Sun Jan 05 23:55:43 2003 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
-* Clock2 - Software clock driver
-* $Id$
-* This clock driver is not only Y2K compliant, but also will handle
-* leap year calculations correctly for all years from 1900 A.D. to
-* 2155 A.D.  Note that this driver is ONLY valid from 1900-2155 and
-* will not handle years outside of this range.
-* Ed.    Comments                                       Who YY/MM/DD
-* ------------------------------------------------------------------
-* 1      Obtained source and commented/restructured     BGP 98/10/05
-* 2      Fixed leap year assumptions about 1900 and     BGP 99/05/02
-*        2100 so that they do not have Feb. 29
-         nam   Clock2
-         ttl   Software clock driver
-rev      set   1
-edition  set   2
-         ifp1  
-         use   defsfile
-         endc  
-         mod   len2,name2,systm+objct,reent+rev,entry,0
-name2    fcs   "Clock2"
-         fcb   edition
-entry    bra   Init       0 init hardware
-         nop   
-         bra   GetTime    3 get time to D.Time (once a second??)
-         nop   
-         bra   SetTime    6 set time fm D.Time
-         nop   
-* Init and SetTime do nothing for the software clock
-SetTime  clrb             setime must clrb if okay
-         rts              nothing for this guy
-GetTime  ldd   <D.Min     get minutes, seconds
-* Second increment
-         incb             secs+1
-         cmpb  #60        minute yet?
-         blo   L0080
-* Minute increment
-         inca             minute+1
-         cmpa  #60        hour yet?
-         blo   L007F
-         ldd   <D.Day     get day, hour
-* Hour increment
-         incb             hour+1
-         cmpb  #24        day yet?
-         blo   L007C
-* Day increment
-         inca             day+1
-         leax  >months,pcr point to months table
-         ldb   <D.Month   this month
-         cmpa  b,x        end of month?
-         bls   L007B
-* Here we are at the case where the incremented day in A is larger
-* than the max day in the month.
-* Now's our chance to check for leap year case.
-         cmpb  #2         yes, is it Feb?
-         bne   L006D, ok
-         ldb   <D.Year    else get year
-         beq   L006D      1900 has no leap year.. +BGP+ 1999/05/02
-         cmpb  #200       is year 2100?           +BGP+ 1999/05/02
-         beq   L006D      yep, has no leap year.. +BGP+ 1999/05/02
-         andb  #$03       check for leap year
-         cmpd  #$1D00     29th on leap year?
-         beq   L007B      ..yes, skip it
-L006D    ldd   <D.Year    else month+1
-* Month increment
-         incb  
-         cmpb  #13        end of year?
-         blo   L0077
-* Year increment
-* Note that once A rolls over to 0, it assumes year 1900.
-         inca             year+1
-         ldb   #$01       set month to jan
-L0077    std   <D.Year    save year, month
-         lda   #$01       day=1st
-L007B    clrb             hour=midnite
-L007C    std   <D.Day     save day,hour
-         clra             minute=00
-L007F    clrb             seconds=00
-L0080    std   <D.Min     save min,secs
-         rts   
-months   fcb   $00
-         fcb   31         jan
-         fcb   28         feb
-         fcb   31         mar
-         fcb   30         apr
-         fcb   31         may
-         fcb   30         jun
-         fcb   31         jul
-         fcb   31         aug
-         fcb   30         sep
-         fcb   31         oct
-         fcb   30         nov
-         fcb   31         dec
-         emod  
-len2     equ   *
-         end   
--- a/level2/modules/clock2_swatch.asm	Sun Jan 05 23:55:43 2003 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,280 +0,0 @@
-* Clock2 - Dallas Semiconductor 1216E SmartWatch clock driver
-* $Id$
-* Ed.    Comments                                       Who YY/MM/DD
-* ------------------------------------------------------------------
-* 1      Created                                        BGP 98/10/04
-         nam   Clock2
-         ttl   Dallas Semiconductor 1216E SmartWatch clock driver
-         ifp1  
-         use   defsfile
-         endc  
-rev      set   1
-edition  set   1
-RTC.Base equ   $2000      We map the clock into this addr
-RTC.Blok equ   $FFA1      Address corresponding to map RTC ROM block into
-RTCMPSlt equ   $33        MPI Slot ($00-$33) where RTC is
-         mod   CSize,CNam,Systm+Objct,ReEnt+rev,Entry,RTC.Base
-CNam     fcs   "Clock2"
-         fcb   edition    edition byte
-SlotSlct fcb   RTCMPSlt   slot constant for MPI select code
-Entry    bra   Init       clock hardware initialization
-         nop              maintain 3 byte entry table spacing
-*         bra   GetTime    get hardware time
-         bra   ReadSW     get hardware time
-         nop              save a couple cycles with short branch a
-         bra   SetTime    set hardware time
-* SetTime is not implemented yet
-SetTime  clrb  
-         rts   
-GetTime  ldb   <D.Sec     get seconds
-         incb  
-         cmpb  #60
-         beq   ReadSW     if zero, get SmartWatch time
-         stb   <D.Sec     else update second
-         rts   
-ReadSW   pshs  d,x,y,u save regs which will be altered
-         ldx   #$003E
-         ldb   #1
-         os9   F$MapBlk
-*         lbcs  exx
-         pshs  cc
-*         orcc  #IntMasks  disable interrupts
-         lda   MPI.Slct    get MPI slot
-         ldb   <D.HINIT    get GIME shadow of $FF90
-         pshs  d
-         lda   SlotSlct,pcr
-         sta   MPI.Slct    and select it
-         andb  #$FC
-         stb   $FF90      ROM mapping = 16k internal, 16k external
-         leay  SWKey,pcr
-*ROMRAM   sta   >$FFDE     put CC3 in ROM mode
-* Loop to write 64 bit key to SmartWatch
-MapSW    lda   $04,u      read ROM block (trigger SW)
-LoopTop  ldb   #8         B = bit counter (8)
-         lda   ,y+        get byte in key
-         beq   ReadTime   if zero, exit
-BitLoop  lsra             move bit 0 to Carry
-         bcs   Write1     if Carry set, write a 1 to SmartWatch
-         tst   ,u         else write 0 to SmartWatch
-         bra   LoopCntl
-Write1   tst   1,u
-LoopCntl decb             dec bit counter
-         beq   LoopTop    if more bits, continue 
-         bra   BitLoop    else move to top of loop and get next byte in key
-* Read Time from SmartWatch
-ReadTime lda   #8
-L00CF    ldb   #8
-         pshs  d
-L00D3    ldb   4,u
-         lsrb  
-         rora  
-         dec   1,s        dec count (B) on stack
-         bne   L00D3
-* Convert BCD to a normal number
-BCD2Dec  clrb  
-B2DLoop  cmpa  #$10
-         bcs   B2DDone
-         suba  #$10
-         addb  #$0A
-         bra   B2DLoop
-B2DDone  pshs  a
-         addb  ,s+
-         stb   1,s
-         puls  a
-         deca  
-         bne   L00CF
-*         sta   >$FFDF
-* Restore original values and unmask interrupts ASAP
-         ldx   #D.Time
-         ldd   ,s         get year/Month
-         std   ,x         save year/month
-         lda   2,s        get day
-         sta   2,x        save day
-         ldd   4,s        get hour/min
-         std   3,x        save hour/min
-         lda   6,s        get seconds
-         sta   5,x        save seconds
-         leas  8,s        clean stack
-         puls  d          get DINIT/MPI slot
-         sta   >MPI.Slct  restore org MPI slot
-         stb   >$FF90     restore org GIME INT0
-         puls  cc
-         ldb   #1
-         os9   F$ClrBlk
-         puls  pc,d,x,y,u
-SWKey    fcb   %11000101,%00111010,%10100011,%01011100
-         fcb   %11000101,%00111010,%10100011,%01011100
-         fcb   $00
-         ifeq  1
-* Read SmartWatch time
-* Entry: Y=copy of stack pointer
-ReadSW   pshs  cc         Save interrupt status
-         orcc  #IntMasks  Disable interupts
-         lda   >MPI.Slct  Get current MPak slot
-         ldb   <D.HINIT   Get current GIME init register
-         pshs  d          Save current MPak slot & GIME init register
-         lda   #RTCMPSlt  Set MPak to slot 4 (both ROM & IRQ select)
-         sta   >MPI.Slct
-         andb  #$FC       Set GIME to use 16K Internal/16K External ROM
-         stb   $FF90
-         lda   <D.TINIT   Get task side
-         bita  #$01       We in task 1? (either GRFDRV or user task)
-         bne   L0207      Yes, adjust myself for it
-* If we are in system state, map ROM block into block 2 of Task 0
-         ldb   RTC.Blok   Get current memory block to swap out
-         pshs  d          Save it
-         lda   #$3E       Get Disk ROM block #
-         sta   RTC.Blok   Swap it in
-         bra   ROMRAM     Go find Smart watch
-* If we are in user state, map ROM block into block 2 of Task 1
-L0207    ldb   RTC.Blok+8 Get block # to save
-         pshs  d          Preserve Init1 register & block # currently mapped
-         lda   #$3E       Get Disk ROM block #
-         sta   RTC.Blok+8 Swap it in
-* Now, switch to ROM mode and swap Smartwatch in
-ROMRAM   clr   $FFDE      Switch to all ROM mode
-*        pshs   dp          Preserve DP
-*        lda    #$20        Point DP to ROM/Smartwatch block
-*        tfr    a,dp
-         lbsr  MapSW      Swap Smarwatch into beginning of ROM block
-         ldx   #D.Sec     Point to system seconds
-         lda   #8         Get # registers to read
-         sta   ,-s        Save it on stack
-* Read bits from SmartWatch
-ReadSW   ldb   #8         Get # of bits
-GetBit   lda   >RTC.Base+4 Get a bit off the smartwatch
-         lsra             Shift it to carry
-         ror   ,x         Move it location
-         decb             Done?
-         bne   GetBit     No, keep going
-         lda   ,s         Get register #
-         cmpa  #$08       Was it the 1/10th second register?
-         beq   L023D      Yes skip it and do it again
-         cmpa  #$04       Was it day of week register?
-         bne   L0239      No, go on to next register
-         ldb   ,x         Get the day of week
-         stb   <D.Daywk   Save it
-         bra   L023D      Move to next register
-L0239    leax  -1,x       Move time packet pointer back
-         bsr   BCD2Dec    Convert BCD to hex for current register
-L023D    dec   ,s         Done all registers?
-         bne   ReadSW     No, go back
-         leas  1,s        Purge stack
-*        puls   dp          Get back real DP
-         clr   $FFDF      Swap back to all RAM mode
-         puls  d          Restore block #
-         bita  #$01       In task 1?
-         bne   L0251      Yes, save block to task 1
-         stb   RTC.Blok   Save block to task 0
-         bra   L0254      Continue on
-L0251    stb   RTC.Blok+8 Save block to task 1
-L0254    puls  d          Restore MPak slot # & GIME init register
-         sta   >MPI.Slct  Switch MPak back
-         stb   $FF90      Restore GIME
-         puls  cc,pc      Restore interupts & return
-* Convert BCD to Hex
-BCD2Dec  lda   1,x        Get BCD byte
-         clrb             Clear out destination byte
-L0261    cmpa  #16        0-15?
-         blo   L026B      Yes, it's fine
-         suba  #16        Subtract 16 from BCD byte
-         addb  #10        Add 10 to destination byte
-         bra   L0261      keep doing until we are done
-L026B    pshs  a          Push leftover onto stack
-         addb  ,s+        Add to current destination byte
-         stb   1,x        Store it back
-         rts              return
-* Enable SmartWatch
-* Entry: S is a new stack ptr for temporary use. ROM has been mapped into
-*   block 2, which will have the Smartwatch mapped into the beginning of
-*   it after we send out the 'map in Smartwatch' 64 bit sequence
-*   Y=original stack pointer, DO NOT MODIFY!
-*   DP must be $20, for direct page addressing
-* 6809 optomization: Preserve DP on the stack, and then set it for $20
-* Use for $2000/$2001 ops in direct page mode, saving 50+ cycles
-* (especially considering interrupts are disabled this whole time!)
-* NOTE: all accesses to smartwatch except the init pattern have to be
-*       READS ONLY, not writes
-* 6309: do above, and use LDE instead of TST, as well as F as the counter
-*  instead of the stack
-SWBits   fcb   %11000101,%00111010,%10100011,%01011100
-         fcb   %11000101,%00111010,%10100011,%01011100
-MapSW    leax  SWBits,pc  point to coding table
-         lda   >RTC.Base+4 Reset Smarwatch to expect the map in sequence
-         lda   #8         byte counter
-         sta   ,-s        onto stack
-ByteLoop ldb   #8         bit counter
-         lda   ,x+        get code byte
-BitLoop  lsra             shift LSBit out
-         bcs   Write1     if a 1 bit, skip ahead
-         tst   >RTC.Base  if 0, test 1st byte of ROM we mapped in
-         bra   DecLoop
-Write1   tst   >RTC.Base+1 if 1 bit, test 2nd byte of ROM we mapped in
-DecLoop  decb             dec bit counter
-         bne   BitLoop    keep reading alternate signals until byte is done
-         dec   ,s         dec byte counter
-         bne   ByteLoop   keep going until entire 64 bit read pattern done
-         puls  a,pc       restore regs & return
-         endc  
-         emod  
-CSize    equ   *
-         end   