changeset 393:faba76628bfd

Added B&B hard drive boot module
author boisy
date Sun, 25 Aug 2002 19:36:44 +0000
parents df43967d6a46
children 369698ee11f4
files 3rdparty/booters/boot_burke.asm
diffstat 1 files changed, 331 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/3rdparty/booters/boot_burke.asm	Sun Aug 25 19:36:44 2002 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,331 @@
+* Boot - Burke & Burke Boot Module
+* $Id$
+* Burke & Burke boot module... needs to be patched for OS9Boots that are
+* far into the device.
+* Track is the literal cylinder #, Cylinder would be including all heads
+* of that track
+* Ed.    Comments                                       Who YY/MM/DD
+* ------------------------------------------------------------------
+         nam   Boot
+         ttl   Burke & Burke Boot Module
+         org   0
+buffptr  rmb   2           Pointer to sector buffer in memory
+numcyl   rmb   2           Number of tracks for drive geometry init
+sechead  rmb   2           # of logical sectors/physical sector
+numhead  rmb   1           # of heads (sides)
+seccyl   rmb   2           # of sectors/cylinder (# of heads*sectors per head)
+track    rmb   2           Cylinder number last calculated ($9 - $A)
+head     rmb   1           Drive/head number (drive always 0)
+sector   rmb   1           Sector number (0-63)
+vars     equ   13-buffptr  Size of stack variables buffer
+         ifp1
+         use   defsfile
+         endc
+tylg     set   Systm+Objct
+atrv     set   ReEnt+rev
+rev      set   $02
+edition  set   2
+         mod   eom,name,tylg,atrv,start,size
+u0000    rmb   0
+size     equ   .
+name     fcs   /Boot/
+         fcb   edition
+start    ldb   >MPI.Slct   Set up Multipak properly for us
+         lda   #$10
+         mul
+         ldb   #$11
+         mul
+         stb   >MPI.Slct
+         leas  -vars,s      Reserve work area on stack of 13 bytes
+         tfr   s,u          U points to beginning of 13 byte buffer
+         pshs  u,y,x,b,a    Preserve registers
+         ldd   #$0200       512 bytes for each read from XT-GEN
+         std   numcyl,u     # of cyls on drive
+         sta   sechead+1,u  # of sectors/head
+         sta   numhead,u    # of heads on drive
+         os9   F$SRqMem     Request 512 byte buffer from OS9P1
+         lbcs  L00B6        Error
+         tfr   u,d          d=Starting address of 512 byte block
+         ldu   $06,s        Get back pointer to 13 byte buffer
+         std   buffptr,u    Preserve buffer pointer
+         clr   >$FF51       Reset controller
+         clr   >$FF53       Set controller mode to 0 (part of init)
+         lbsr  drvtype      Set drive geometry (type of drive)
+         clrb               Set initial LSN to 0
+         ldx   #$0000
+         lbsr  GetSect      Figure out track/head/sector for LSN0
+         bcs   L00B6        Error occured in read
+         ldy   buffptr,u    Get buffer pointer
+         ldd   DD.NAM+PD.CYL,y   Get real # cylinders on drive
+         std   numcyl,u          Preserve
+         ldd   DD.NAM+PD.SCT,y   Get real # sectors/track
+         std   sechead,u         Preserve
+         lda   DD.NAM+PD.SID,y   Get real # heads
+         sta   numhead,u         Preserve
+         leay  DD.BT,y           Point to OS9Boot information
+         ldd   DD.BSZ-DD.BT,y    Get size of OS9Boot
+         std   ,s                Preserve on stack
+         ldb   DD.BT-DD.BT,y     Get MSB of starting LSN of OS9Boot
+         ldx   DD.BT-DD.BT+1,y   Get LSW of starting LSN of OS9Boot
+         pshs  x,b               Push on stack
+         lbsr  drvtype           Set up drive for real drive specs
+         ldd   #$0200            Get size of our buffer
+         ldu   buffptr,u         Get pointer to our 512 byte buffer
+         os9   F$SRtMem          Deallocate our old sector buffer
+         ldd   $03,s             Get back size of OS9Boot
+         inca                    Increase size by 1 block (256 bytes)
+         ifeq  Level-1
+         os9   F$SRqMem
+         else
+         os9   F$BtMem           Allocate memory for boot file
+         endc
+         bcs   L00B0             Error
+         stu   $05,s             Preserve pointer to start of OS9boot memory
+         ldu   $09,s             Get back pointer to local variables
+         ldd   $05,s             Get pointer to start of OS9Boot memory
+         std   buffptr,u         Move disk buffer pointer to there
+         ldd   $03,s             Get size of bootfile
+         beq   L00A9             If zero, do someting
+         pshs  b,a               Otherwise push on stack
+ReadBt   std   ,s                Store # bytes left in boot on stack
+         ldb   $02,s             Get MSB of start sector of boot
+         ldx   $03,s             Get LSW of start sector of boot
+         bsr   GetSect           Convert to track/head/sector
+         bcs   L00B4             If an error in getting, do something
+         inc   buffptr,u         Bump up buffer pointer by a page
+         ldx   $03,s             Bump up LSW of sector number
+         leax  $01,x
+         stx   $03,s             And put it back
+         bne   L00A0             If no carry over needed, proceed
+         inc   $02,s             Bump up MSB of sector number
+L00A0    ldd   ,s                Get current boot size left to do
+         subd  #$0100            Subtract 256 from it
+         bhi   ReadBt            If not zero yet, keep reading
+         leas  $02,s             Eat our temporary size left
+L00A9    leas  $03,s             Eat our current LSN to get
+         clrb                    Clear carry (No error)
+         puls  b,a               pull off multipak settings (?)
+         bra   BtExit
+L00B0    leas  $03,s             Purge stack
+         bra   L00B6
+L00B4    leas  $05,s             Purge stack
+L00B6    leas  $02,s             Purge stack
+BtExit   pshs  a
+         lda   #$FF
+         sta   >$FF51         Reset controller
+         sta   >MPI.Slct      Reset multipak
+         sta   >$FFD9         Double speed on
+         puls  u,y,x,a        Get exit parameters for Boot
+         leas  vars,s         Reset stack
+         rts                  Exit from Boot
+* Get 512 byte sector from controller
+* Entry X:B = 24 bit Logical sector number to get
+GetSect  pshs  x,b            Preserve registers
+         ldx   #$FFFF         (Init X so it will be 0 in loop)
+* 24 bit divide routine. Stack=LSN (3 bytes)
+* Entry: u=pointer to our local variable list
+cyldiv   leax  $01,x          # of loops through subtract
+         ldd   $01,s          Get original x (0)
+         subd  seccyl,u       Subtract # sector/cylinder
+         std   $01,s          Preserve it back
+         ldb   ,s             Continue subtract with borrow for 24 bit
+         sbcb  #$00
+         stb   ,s
+         bcc   cyldiv         If not trying to borrow again, continue
+         stx   track,u        Got track #
+         ldd   $01,s          Reset value to last in loop
+         addd  seccyl,u
+         clr   head,u         Set head # to 0?
+hddiv    inc   head,u         Increase head #?
+         subd  sechead,u      Subtract # sectors/head?
+         bcc   hddiv          Continue subtracting until it wraps
+         dec   head,u         Adjust head to not include wrap
+         addd  sechead,u      Adjust leftover to not include wrap
+         lsrb                 Divide b by 2 (256 byte sector to 512)
+         stb   sector,u       Preserve sector #
+         leas  $03,s          Clear stack of 24 bit number
+     pshs  cc             Preserve odd sector flag (carry bit)
+         bsr   cmdstrt        Set up controller for new command
+         lda   #$08           Read sector command
+         ldb   head,u         Drive/head byte (Drive always 0)
+         bsr   dblsend        Send to controller
+         ldd   track,u        Get msb of track
+         lsra                 Move right 2 bits into left two for the
+         rora                 controller
+         rora
+         ora   sector,u       mask in the sector number into remaining 6 bits
+*        ldb   track+1,u      Get LSB of track
+         bsr   dblsend        Send to controller
+         ldd   #$0100         1 sector to read/no error correction/3 ms step
+         bsr   dblsend        Send that to controller
+         ldx   buffptr,u      Get pointer to sector buffer
+* new code is here
+         puls  cc             Get back odd sector 1/2 indicator
+         bcc   normal         Even sector, use 1st half
+         bsr   Eat256         Odd sector, use 2nd half
+         bsr   Read256        Read 256 bytes off of controller
+         lbra  chkcmplt       See if command is complete
+normal   bsr   Read256        Read 1/2 of sector
+         bsr   Eat256         Eat half of sector
+         lbra  chkcmplt       See if command is complete
+Eat256   clrb                 Eat 256 bytes off of controller
+Eatlp    lbsr  nxtready       Get byte from controller
+         decb                 counter
+         bne   Eatlp          Keep eating until 256 bytes done
+         clrb
+         rts
+* Read 256 bytes from controller
+* Entry: X=Pointer to current position in 512 physical sector buffer
+Read256  clrb                 Set counter for 256 byte read
+ReadLp   lbsr  nxtready       Go get a byte from controller
+         sta   ,x+            Put in buffer
+         decb                 keep doing until all 256 are read
+         bne   ReadLp
+middle   clrb                 Clear carry for no error & return
+         rts
+* Send 2 bytes to the controller
+* Entry: a=1st byte to send
+*        b=2nd byte to send
+dblsend  pshs  b,a        Preserve d for a moment
+         bsr   sendbyte   Go send what is in a to controller
+         tfr   b,a        Send what was in b to the controller
+         bsr   sendbyte
+         puls  pc,b,a     Return with a and b intact
+* Sends a byte to the controller when it is ready for it
+* Entry: a=byte to send
+sendbyte pshs  a          Preserve a for a moment
+waitsend bsr   stable     Make sure status register is stable and get it
+         anda  #%00001011 Mask out bits
+         cmpa  #$09       Is it expecting next byte of data packet?
+         bne   waitsend
+         puls  a          Yes, get the byte we are sending next
+         sta   >$FF50     Store in data register
+         rts
+* Sends out command packet (6 bytes). Hard coded for drive 0, head 0,
+* track 0, sector 0, interleave 0, no error correction, 3 ms step rate
+cmdpckt  pshs  a          Preserve command for a moment
+         bsr   cmdstrt    Go initialize controller for command start
+         puls  a          Get back command byte
+         clrb             1st option byte to 0
+         bsr   dblsend    Send both to controller
+         clra
+         bsr   dblsend    Send 4 more 0's to controller
+         bsr   dblsend    (sent command byte and 5 zero bytes for command
+         rts              packet)
+cmdstrt  bsr   stable
+         anda  #%00001001 Mask out all but bits 0 and 3
+         bne   cmdstrt    If controller command is not complete or expecting
+         clr   >$FF52     data, keep reading status register until it is ready
+         rts              Otherwise initialize command start
+* Make sure controller's status register is stable
+stable   lda   >$FF51     Get status from controller
+         cmpa  >$FF51     Keep getting until it stabilizes
+         bne   stable
+         rts
+* Set the drive type (set to 512 track - may be the error)
+* Using the initialize drive geometry command
+* Exit: Carry set if non-recoverable error
+drvtype  lda   #$0C       Initialize drive geometry command
+         bsr   cmdpckt    Go init
+         ldd   numcyl,u   Get # of cylinders on media
+         bsr   dblsend    Send it out (indicates drive has 512 tracks)
+         ldb   sechead+1,u  Get # of sectors/head
+         lda   numhead,u  Get # of heads on media
+         lsrb             Divide OS9 sectors by 2
+         bsr   sendbyte   Send out # of heads for drive geometry
+         lslb             Multiply WD sectors by 2 to get OS9 sectors again.
+         mul
+         std   seccyl,u   # sectors per cylinder (all heads on a track)
+         ldd   numcyl,u   Get # of tracks back
+         subd  #$0001     Reduce write track=last track-1
+         bsr   dblsend    Send out reduced write track #
+         bsr   dblsend    Also use as write precomp track #
+         lda   #$04       Maximum ECC burst length correctable=4
+         bsr   sendbyte   Send it out
+* Make sure command has completed
+* Exit: Carry set if controller reported a non-recoverable error
+*       Carry clear if everything went fine
+chkcmplt bsr   stable     When status register is stable get it
+         anda  #%00000111  Keep checking until controller indicates that
+         cmpa  #%00000111  command completion code is ready to be read
+         bne   chkcmplt
+         lda   >$FF50     Get command completion code
+         bita  #%00000010 Was there in error in completing the command?
+         beq   noerror    Nope, everything fine setting drive geometry
+         lda   #$03       Error, Request Sense Status from the drive
+         bsr   cmdpckt    send Request Sense Status code
+         bsr   nxtready   Go get response from controller
+         anda  #%00111111 Mask out all but error type and error code
+         pshs  a          Preserve it for a second
+         bsr   eat2       Go eat next 4 bytes from controller (remaining 3
+         bsr   eat2       from Sense Status & command completion code)
+         puls  a          Get back original error byte
+         tsta             No error occured?
+         beq   noerror    No error; exit without error
+         cmpa  #%00011000 Type 1, error 8 (correctable data error)?
+         beq   noerror    Yes, return without error
+         comb             Set carry to indicate error
+         rts              return
+noerror  clrb
+         rts
+* Reads two byte from controller without caring what they are
+eat2     bsr   nxtready
+* Waits until next byte coming from controller is ready, then gets it
+* Exit: a=byte from controller
+nxtready bsr   stable       Make sure status register is stable and get it
+         anda  #%00001011   Controller ready to send me next byte?
+         cmpa  #%00001011
+         bne   nxtready     Nope, keep waiting
+         lda   >$FF50       Yes, get byte and return
+         rts                Padding to get $1D0 Size
+* Pad to $1d0 bytes exactly
+         rts
+*         fcc   /0/
+         emod
+eom      equ   *
+         end