
age author description
2006-03-06 boisy Edition reset to 1, CTRL-ALT-BREAK now used to call F$Debug
2006-03-06 boisy Added comments
2006-03-06 boisy Slight massaging for looks
2006-03-06 boisy Fixed bug where SP wasn't properly set when invoking F$Debug from system state. Now the stack pointer is retrieved some known offset from the current SP value. Kind of a kludge, but it works (so far).
2006-03-05 boisy Updated for Level 1
2006-03-05 boisy Fixed F$Debug so that both Level 1 and 2 are at $23
2006-03-03 boisy Drive motor now shut off before boot module returns to kernel
2006-03-03 boisy Added comments
2006-03-03 boisy F$Debug/D.DbgMem settled
2006-03-03 boisy Further updates
2006-03-03 boisy Edition 3 - now copes well in user and system state
2006-03-01 boisy Fixed minor misspellings
2006-02-23 boisy Added comments
2006-02-23 boisy Added clean target
2006-02-23 boisy new script
2006-02-19 boisy Fixed incorrect offset reference in _readregs
2006-02-19 boisy Code added to modify MD
2006-02-19 boisy Added code to deal with V/MD
2006-02-19 boisy additional preliminary changes made by R. Gault
2006-02-17 boisy Minor code optimizations
2006-02-13 boisy Fixed mistake
2006-02-13 boisy Added MPI support code
2006-02-05 boisy Fixed minor issues in code
2006-02-03 boisy Updated
2006-01-30 afra Added ability to compile for CoCo machines.
2006-01-30 afra Added more definitions as I have worked them out :)
2006-01-30 afra Greatly expanded, added rom routine defines for compiling as either CoCo or
2006-01-30 afra Added (with limitations) support for running on a CoCo 1/2/3
2006-01-20 afra SuperDos rom, assembalable for Dragon Dos, Dragon Alpha or RS-DOS
2006-01-18 afra Updates to support Tano Dragon 64, using RS-DOS controler.
2006-01-18 afra Updates to support Tano Dragon 64, using RS-DOS controler
2006-01-18 robert Changes to permit selection of windows within a script file.
2006-01-18 robert Changes to permit selection of vdg windows within a script file.
2006-01-14 boisy Decided to remove SS.Eject and let SS.SQD play that role
2006-01-12 robert Disassembly of 1st half of source and correction of BAM to sectors in allocation map. Now calculation does not fail if DD.MAP is a exact multiple of $100 bytes.
2006-01-11 boisy Added remote debugging
2006-01-11 boisy Changed cc3iodefs to vtiodefs_cc3
2006-01-08 afra Pass correct steprate to boot_d64.asm
2006-01-08 afra Fixed up step rate to be same as default specified for descriptors at build
2006-01-08 afra Added targets for Dragon SS40 disks.
2006-01-08 afra Added descriptors for original Dragon 5.25" drives.
2006-01-08 afra Fixed step rate to 12ms, now builds a set of 2 SS40 disks, for original
2006-01-08 afra Fixed step rate issues on recalibrate on original Dragon 5.25" drives
2006-01-08 afra Patches to support upgraded Dragon 32.
2006-01-08 afra New target added, upgraded (to 64k) dragon 32, like 64 but without Acia
2006-01-08 afra Added comments to makefile !
2006-01-08 afra New target added, upgraded (to 64k) dragon 32, like 64 but without Acia
2006-01-04 afra Added lots of comments should now compile and work.
2006-01-04 afra Added pointer to saved LSN0
2006-01-04 afra Added pointer to loaded LSN0 to data passed to hardware dependent section
2006-01-04 afra Moved to using new boot_common/hardware dependent boot system
2006-01-04 afra Fixed up to use vtio/covdg/cohr
2005-12-23 robert Missing \ in helpmsg was generating make error 10
2005-12-23 boisy dirsort now part of standard commands
2005-12-23 robert Better format for 80 column screen
2005-12-21 robert Converted to UNIX terminators
2005-12-20 robert Changed USE /dd/defs/defsfile to
2005-12-20 boisy Added dirsort.hp
2005-12-20 boisy Update dirsort by Robert Gault
2005-12-20 boisy Added HawkSoft's CDF to standard.bl files
2005-12-20 boisy Appropriate references to symbols placed
2005-12-20 boisy Carry preserved appropriately where it wasn't before
2005-12-19 robert This file had /d0 changed to /dd but the CRC was not updated.
2005-12-17 boisy Updated info on rb1773 format bug
2005-12-12 chrish Can't spell!
2005-12-12 chrish Couldn't give yourself write permission to a file 'cause you didn't have write prmission, fixed.
2005-12-11 boisy Added SS.Eject
2005-12-11 boisy Added IT.SOFF1-ITSOFF3 and IT.LLDRV for SuperDrivers.
2005-12-05 boisy Level 1 slow time update bug fixed
2005-11-27 boisy Changed vdgint.io to covdg.io
2005-11-26 boisy Updated
2005-11-26 boisy printer is now scbbp
2005-11-26 boisy tOC files now properly made for 40 and 80 track disks
2005-11-26 boisy Now added an 80 track disk
2005-11-26 boisy Rename Startup to startup, changed date t to date -t
2005-11-26 boisy Reset editions
2005-11-26 boisy VDGInt replaced with CoVDG
2005-11-26 boisy VTIO now referenced
2005-11-26 boisy Fixed defsfile
2005-11-26 boisy Makefiles reflect new module names
2005-11-26 boisy Major changes:
2005-11-26 boisy Updated
2005-11-26 boisy Added SS.FDInf GetStat, now used by dir -e
2005-11-26 boisy Added -t and -n options to dsave
2005-11-26 boisy added dsave mod
2005-11-26 boisy Minor source formatting
2005-11-26 boisy Source reformatting
2005-11-25 boisy Fixed incorrect SuperBoard offsets
2005-11-25 boisy Fixed incorrect label reference
2005-11-25 chrish Didn't change label coping SS.FD fix from level 2.
2005-11-25 boisy Updated
2005-11-25 boisy New TODOs
2005-11-25 boisy Updated changelog
2005-11-25 boisy Updated os9gen
2005-11-25 boisy uses ss.fd
2005-11-24 chrish Attr now uses SS.FD to read and write permissions, instead of assuming it knows about the file system.
2005-11-24 boisy Fixed address offsets for SuperBoard
2005-11-23 boisy Changes to utils
2005-11-20 boisy Removed tabs
2005-11-20 boisy Added more defs for porting back to level 1 someday
2005-11-20 boisy Added examples section
2005-11-11 boisy Now assembles with rma, uses os9defs.d in c3
2005-11-09 boisy added makefile
2005-11-09 boisy test vefs
2005-11-09 boisy Updated
2005-11-08 boisy Start of Coyota software
2005-11-05 boisy Fixed incorrect calculation code for bitmap sectors
2005-11-03 afra added target alldragon
2005-11-03 afra Changes for cobbler
2005-11-03 afra Changes for cobber
2005-11-03 afra Added defs for Dragon boot track, defined conditionally
2005-11-03 afra Can now be compiled to cobble CoCo or Dragon disks.
2005-10-29 boisy Outdated info -- removed
2005-10-29 boisy Driver now properly accesses hardware registers via Y instead of embedding
2005-10-26 afra Updates to allow formatting of Dragon OS-9 compatible disks
2005-10-23 afra Added some minor defs for ddisk
2005-10-23 afra Minor changes to module builds
2005-10-23 afra Timing fixes for Dragon Alpha, should now boot more reliably
2005-10-22 robert Calc of baud table location changed. Handles both Level1&2
2005-10-17 boisy More booter optimizations
2005-10-15 boisy Modified booters to use new boot strategy with boot_common.asm
2005-10-14 robert reduced labeltab size so os9boot would link
2005-10-14 robert shortened H6309L2 code to fit within $1D0 bytes
2005-10-12 afra virtual disk descriptor program for DragonPlus add-on
2005-10-12 afra Virtual disk initialise program for DragonPlus add-on
2005-10-12 afra Virtual disk driver program for DragonPlus add-on
2005-10-12 afra GO80 loader program for DragonPlus add-on
2005-10-11 boisy Added fragmented bootfile support. Added more labels and comments
2005-10-11 boisy Changes so far
2005-10-11 boisy Updated for fragmented boot -b option
2005-10-11 boisy Added -b option to allow fragmented boots
2005-10-11 boisy Added fragmented boot support... needs additional testing.
2005-09-21 boisy Combo of changes
2005-09-10 boisy Added Level 1 support
2005-08-15 boisy rules.mak updated with new rules
2005-08-12 boisy Fixed a few problems
2005-08-11 boisy Slight update
2005-08-11 boisy Streamlining how bundi works
2005-08-11 boisy New method of creating BUNDIs
2005-08-11 boisy Converted to perl scripts
2005-08-11 boisy Fixed incorrect spelling
2005-08-10 boisy Fixed error in disk name generation
2005-08-08 boisy Added for future incorporation into NitrOS-9 Manual
2005-08-03 boisy Moved out of the way
2005-07-30 boisy Massive checkin
2005-07-29 boisy Slowly but surely
2005-07-28 boisy makefile added
2005-07-27 tlindner Now uses $(C3BASE) to find proper lib
2005-07-27 boisy Added rules for .r generation
2005-07-26 boisy Added pacos9
2005-07-25 boisy tylang problem fixed
2005-07-24 boisy To be tested later
2005-07-24 boisy Fixed corruption problem
2005-07-24 boisy os9defs and scfdefs combined for rma/rlink compatibility
2005-07-24 boisy rma/rlink compatible version of tee.asm
2005-07-20 boisy Added
2005-07-19 boisy lothan updates the document!
2005-07-12 boisy Corrected issue in makefiles so that directory under NITROS9 is properly named
2005-07-02 cyouse removed rel.asm (rely upon 6809l1 for this)
2005-07-02 cyouse Rolled back changes to rel.asm.
2005-07-02 cyouse Rolled back addition of COMMON directory
2005-07-02 cyouse Reverted previous change
2005-07-02 cyouse Added definition for COMMON directory.
2005-07-02 cyouse Modified to read commands from the new common directory.
2005-07-01 cyouse Separated level 1 and level 2 REL module sources.
2005-06-26 chrish Re-ordered dskcopy so dir was at the end.
2005-06-25 boisy Defs update
2005-06-24 boisy Fixed makefile error for dskcopy target
2005-06-21 afra Added ifdef to correctly define IO address on alpha
2005-06-21 afra Added correct step rate for Alpha drives
2005-06-17 afra Added defs for Alpha NMI disable
2005-06-17 afra Fix for non-booting on real hardware
2005-06-16 afra Added Dragon paralell printer driver
2005-06-16 afra Paralell printer descriptor for Dragon 32/64/Alpha
2005-06-16 afra Paralell printer driver for Dragon 32/64/Alpha
2005-06-16 afra Added proper NMI disable for Alpha
2005-05-31 afra Added ability to specify disk step rate
2005-05-31 afra Added ability to specify step rate in makefile
2005-05-31 afra Added ability to pass in step rate from mater makefile
2005-05-31 afra Added defines for bit 2 of IT.DNS, which is track 0 density flag for format
2005-05-31 afra Added ability to read/write/format Single density disks.
2005-05-08 afra Fix for non-booting Alpha port.
2005-05-08 afra Fix for known alpha disk control bits.
2005-05-05 boisy Added Robert Gault's 'F' option mod to backup for DSK images
2005-04-29 boisy Added scripts
2005-04-29 boisy Fixed slight error in makefile on naming of t3_sc6551
2005-04-24 afra Added flashing cursor to co51, as this was present in Dragon Data version
2005-04-24 afra Added call to AltIRQ, to call a cursor flash routine in COxx module
2005-04-24 afra Added variable definitions for cursor flash routines.
2005-04-24 afra Added correct bootfiles, brought realease version vars into line with CoCo
2005-04-24 afra Added correct discriptors for DS40, DS80 & SS80
2005-04-24 afra Removed debugging code/messages, tested successfully on real Dragons
2005-04-24 afra Fixed fatal read errors on the Dragon 64.
2005-04-23 afra Reformatted, corrected comments.
2005-04-21 afra Fixed errors in defines in WD2797 registers
2005-04-21 boisy Misc stuff
2005-04-21 boisy Added deskmate3 to makefile target
2005-04-21 boisy DeskMate 3 added
2005-04-20 boisy Addition of Bro Jeremy's sold disk
2005-04-20 afra Corrected so dragon options compiled into rel.asm for both Dragon64 and
2005-04-20 boisy Now rules.mak reflects 3.2.6 development work
2005-04-20 boisy /D2 now part of standard bootfile
2005-04-20 boisy Removred "CoCoFEST" build message
2005-04-19 boisy Updated for more robust window width handling
2005-04-19 boisy Updated for better window size support.
2005-04-19 boisy Updates
2005-04-18 boisy Changed NMISave to be rmb 3 for Level 1 -- Thanks Phill for pointing out the error.
2005-04-14 afra added some defs
2005-04-14 boisy Cleaned up environment var references nos9v030205
2005-04-14 boisy Cleaned up defs files
2005-04-14 boisy Removed NITROS9VERSION, NITROS9MAJOR, NITROS9MINOR environment vars from
2005-04-13 boisy Makefile udpates by Phill
2005-04-13 boisy A tip of the hat to the CoCoFEST has been added to sysgo
2005-04-13 boisy Dragon changes by Phill
2005-04-11 boisy makefile fixed for CO51
2005-04-11 boisy More updates
2005-04-11 boisy Updated
2005-04-10 boisy Updated by PHS
2005-04-10 boisy Phill's testing modifications commented out
2005-04-10 boisy Additions by Phill
2005-04-09 boisy Changed bra in slow-down loop not to branch to write to $FFD8
2005-04-09 boisy co80.io and term80.dt are no longer in the makefile
2005-04-09 boisy Modified to for better use of 51x24 driver
2005-04-09 boisy bootlists updated for disto scii drivers.
2005-04-09 boisy More changes
2005-04-09 boisy Forgot to take two bytes off top for 6309
2005-04-09 boisy Tons 'o changes
2005-04-09 boisy Comment additions
2005-04-08 boisy rb1773.asm: now saves/restores original NMI vector
2005-04-08 boisy Some comment additions and changes to the kernel as I learn more about it.
2005-04-07 boisy Minor source changes for clarity -- no code changes
2005-04-05 boisy added F$Debug
2005-04-04 tlindner Removed references to Sourceforge.
2005-04-03 boisy Added make
2005-04-02 boisy Parameterized the script.... still needs more work
2005-04-02 boisy Fixed redundant copy
2005-04-02 boisy Removed /dd/defs so that rma could assemble
2005-04-02 boisy Closer
2005-04-01 boisy added profile
2005-04-01 boisy An alternate set of standard pointers
2005-04-01 boisy Forgot these
2005-04-01 boisy source added
2005-04-01 boisy build improvements
2005-04-01 boisy added makeboot script
2005-04-01 boisy Updated
2005-04-01 boisy Docs added
2005-04-01 boisy Config files added
2005-04-01 boisy Fixed makefile error
2005-04-01 boisy New 'bundi' script
2005-04-01 boisy Fixed problem in swset where query needed lbra.
2005-04-01 boisy More updates to makefiles
2005-04-01 boisy Updates to add uumon
2005-04-01 boisy UUCPBB2.1 added
2005-04-01 boisy Fixed DEFS issue in 6809l2 and 6309l2 (thanks Rodney!)
2005-04-01 boisy Removed '-4' flag from format macro, thanks Rodney!
2005-03-26 boisy commented backup