
age author description
2013-07-12 Tormod Volden Makefiles: Avoid duplicates in command sets to copy lwtools-port
2013-07-12 Tormod Volden goldrush: Use tOC_dw.txt also for becker disk image lwtools-port
2013-07-12 Tormod Volden Makefiles: Always use macro for lwar and rm lwtools-port
2013-07-12 Tormod Volden blackcauldron/makefile: Avoid duplicate files when combining disk 1 and 2 lwtools-port
2013-07-12 Tormod Volden arcadepak/makefile: Call "os9 copy" with multiple files lwtools-port
2013-07-11 Tormod Volden Makefiles: Call OS9ATTR with multiple files (part 2/2) lwtools-port
2013-07-11 Tormod Volden Makefiles: Call OS9ATTR with multiple files (part 1) lwtools-port
2013-07-11 Tormod Volden Makefiles: Avoid double use of CD variable lwtools-port
2013-07-11 Tormod Volden Fix kingsquest3 disk image names lwtools-port
2013-07-10 Tormod Volden arcadepak/makefile: Do not delete "shell" file lwtools-port
2013-07-10 Tormod Volden level2/coco3/makefile: Fix attributes on non-local text files lwtools-port
2013-07-10 Tormod Volden Makefiles: Overwrite soft link destination instead of failing lwtools-port
2013-07-10 Tormod Volden Fix case-sensitive build of deluxe port, part 2 lwtools-port
2013-07-10 Tormod Volden Fix os9l2bbs makefile for make dskcopy lwtools-port
2013-07-10 Tormod Volden Sierra/*: Rename tOC_dw3.txt to tOC_dw.txt lwtools-port