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view examples_forth/extend09.4 @ 177:3770e86114aa
TL/1 fix
author | Shinji KONO <> |
date | Mon, 15 Apr 2019 04:27:18 +0900 |
parents | 2088fd998865 |
children |
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\ Extensions to sod Forth kernel to make a complete Forth system. \ created 1994 by L.C. Benschop. \ copyleft (c) 1994-2014 by the sbc09 team, see AUTHORS for more details. \ license: GNU General Public License version 2, see LICENSE for more details. : \G POSTPONE \ ; IMMEDIATE \G comment till end of line for inclusion in glossary. \ PART 1: MISCELLANEOUS WORDS. : COMPARE ( addr1 u1 addr2 u2 --- diff ) \G Compare two strings. diff is negative if addr1 u1 is smaller, 0 if it \G is equal and positive if it is greater than addr2 u2. ROT 2DUP - >R MIN DUP IF >R BEGIN OVER C@ OVER C@ - IF SWAP C@ SWAP C@ - R> DROP R> DROP EXIT THEN 1+ SWAP 1+ SWAP R> 1- DUP >R 0= UNTIL R> THEN DROP DROP DROP R> NEGATE ; : ERASE 0 FILL ; : <= ( n1 n2 --- f) \G f is true if and only if n1 is less than or equal to n2. > 0= ; : 0<= ( n1 --- f) \G f is true if and only if n1 is less than zero. 0 <= ; : >= < 0= ; : 0<> 0= 0= ; : BOUNDS ( addr1 n --- addr2 addr1) \G Convert address and length to two bounds addresses for DO LOOP OVER + SWAP ; : WITHIN ( u1 u2 u3 --- f) \G f is true if u1 is greater or equal to u2 and less than u3 2 PICK U> ROT ROT U< 0= AND ; : -TRAILING ( c-addr1 u1 --- c-addr2 u2) \G Adjust the length of the string such that trailing spaces are excluded. BEGIN 2DUP + 1- C@ BL = WHILE 1- REPEAT ; : NIP ( x1 x2 --- x2) \G Discard the second item on the stack. SWAP DROP ; \ PART 2: SEARCH ORDER WORDLIST : GET-ORDER ( --- w1 w2 ... wn n ) \G Return all wordlists in the search order, followed by the count. #ORDER @ 0 ?DO CONTEXT I CELLS + @ LOOP #ORDER @ ; : SET-ORDER ( w1 w2 ... wn n --- ) \G Set the search order to the n wordlists given on the stack. #ORDER ! 0 #ORDER @ 1- DO CONTEXT I CELLS + ! -1 +LOOP ; : ALSO ( --- ) \G Duplicate the last wordlist in the search order. CONTEXT #ORDER @ CELLS + DUP CELL- @ SWAP ! 1 #ORDER +! ; : PREVIOUS ( --- ) \G Remove the last wordlist from search order. -1 #ORDER +! ; VARIABLE #THREADS ( --- a-addr) \G This variable holds the number of threads a word list will have. : WORDLIST ( --- wid) \G Make a new wordlist and give its address. HERE #THREADS @ , #THREADS @ CELLS ALLOT HERE #THREADS @ CELLS - #THREADS @ CELLS ERASE ; : DEFINITIONS ( --- ) \G Set the definitions wordlist to the last wordlist in the search order. CONTEXT #ORDER @ 1- CELLS + @ CURRENT ! ; : FORTH ( --- ) \G REplace the last wordlist in the search order with FORTH-WORDLIST FORTH-WORDLIST CONTEXT #ORDER @ 1- CELLS + ! ; 1 #THREADS ! WORDLIST CONSTANT ROOT-WORDLIST ( --- wid ) \G Minimal wordlist for ONLY 4 #THREADS ! : ONLY ( --- ) \G Set the search order to the minimal wordlist. 1 #ORDER ! ROOT-WORDLIST CONTEXT ! ; : VOCABULARY ( --- ) \G Make a definition that will replace the last word in the search order \G by its wordlist. WORDLIST CREATE , \ Make a new wordlist and store it in def. DOES> >R \ Replace last item in the search order. GET-ORDER SWAP DROP R> @ SWAP SET-ORDER ; \ PART 3: SOME UTILITIES, DUMP .S WORDS : DL ( addr1 --- addr2 ) \G hex/ascii dump in one line of 16 bytes at addr1 addr2 is addr1+16 BASE @ >R 16 BASE ! CR DUP 0 <# # # # # #> TYPE ." : " 16 0 DO DUP I + C@ 0 <# # # #> TYPE SPACE LOOP 16 0 DO DUP I + C@ DUP 127 AND 31 < IF DROP ." ." ELSE EMIT THEN LOOP 16 + R> BASE ! ; : DUMP ( addr len --- ) \G Show a hex/ascii dump of the memory block of len bytes at addr 15 + 4 RSHIFT 0 DO DL LOOP DROP ; : .S ( --- ) \G Show the contents of the stack. DEPTH IF 0 DEPTH 2 - DO I PICK . -1 +LOOP ELSE ." Empty " THEN ; : ID. ( nfa --- ) \G Show the name of the word with name field address nfa. COUNT 31 AND TYPE SPACE ; : WORDS ( --- ) \G Show all words in the last wordlist of the search order. CONTEXT #ORDER @ 1- CELLS + @ DUP @ >R \ number of threads to return stack. CELL+ R@ 0 DO DUP I CELLS + @ SWAP LOOP DROP \ All thread pointers to stack. BEGIN 0 0 R@ 0 DO I 2 + PICK OVER U> IF DROP DROP I I 1 + PICK THEN LOOP \ Find the thread pointer with the highest address. WHILE DUP 1+ PICK DUP ID. \ Print the name. CELL- @ \ Link to previous. SWAP 2 + CELLS SP@ + ! \ Update the right thread pointer. REPEAT DROP R> 0 DO DROP LOOP \ Drop the thread pointers. ; ROOT-WORDLIST CURRENT ! : FORTH FORTH ; : ALSO ALSO ; : ONLY ONLY ; : PREVIOUS PREVIOUS ; : DEFINITIONS DEFINITIONS ; : WORDS WORDS ; DEFINITIONS \ Fill the ROOT wordlist. \ PART 4: ERROR MESSAGES : MESS" ( n "cccq" --- ) \G Create an error message for throw code n. ALIGN , ERRORS @ , HERE 2 CELLS - ERRORS ! 34 WORD C@ 1+ ALLOT ; -3 MESS" Stack overflow" -4 MESS" Stack underflow" -10 MESS" Divide overflow" -13 MESS" Undefined word" -22 MESS" Incomplete control structure" -28 MESS" BREAK key pressed" -37 MESS" File I/O error" -38 MESS" File does not exist" : 2CONSTANT ( d --- ) \G Create a new definition that has the following runtime behavior. \G Runtime: ( --- d) push the constant double number on the stack. CREATE HERE 2! 2 CELLS ALLOT DOES> 2@ ; : D.R ( d n --- ) \G Print double number d right-justified in a field of width n. >R SWAP OVER DABS <# #S ROT SIGN #> R> OVER - 0 MAX SPACES TYPE ; : U.R ( u n --- ) \G Print unsigned number u right-justified in a field of width n. >R 0 R> D.R ; : .R ( n1 n2 --- ) \G Print number n1 right-justified in a field of width n2. >R S>D R> D.R ; : AT-XY ( x y --- ) \G Put screen cursor at location (x,y) (0,0) is upper left corner. 27 EMIT [CHAR] [ EMIT SWAP 1+ SWAP 0 .R [CHAR] ; EMIT 1+ 0 .R [CHAR] H EMIT ; : PAGE \G Clear the screen. 27 EMIT ." [2J" 0 0 AT-XY ; : VALUE ( n --- ) CREATE , DOES> @ ; : TO ' >BODY STATE @ IF POSTPONE LITERAL POSTPONE ! ELSE ! THEN ; IMMEDIATE : D- ( d1 d2 --- d3) DNEGATE D+ ; : D0= OR 0= ; : D= D- D0= ; : BLANK 32 FILL ; : AGAIN POSTPONE 0 POSTPONE UNTIL ; IMMEDIATE : CASE CSP @ SP@ CSP ! ; IMMEDIATE : OF POSTPONE OVER POSTPONE = POSTPONE IF POSTPONE DROP ; IMMEDIATE : ENDOF POSTPONE ELSE ; IMMEDIATE : ENDCASE POSTPONE DROP BEGIN SP@ CSP @ - WHILE POSTPONE THEN REPEAT CSP ! ; IMMEDIATE : MS ( n --- ) \G Delay for n milliseconds. 5 + 20 / $2B @ + BEGIN DUP $2B @ = UNTIL DROP ; CAPS ON