view src/mon2.asm @ 162:d3a9f5f7befb

fix TL1 PIC
author Shinji KONO <>
date Tue, 09 Apr 2019 22:49:44 +0900
parents 2088fd998865
line wrap: on
line source

	;Buggy machine language monitor and rudimentary O.S. version 1.0

* Memory map of SBC
* $0-$40 Zero page variables reserved by monitor and O.S.
* $40-$FF Zero page portion for user programs.
* $100-$17F Xmodem buffer 0, terminal input buffer,
* $180-$1FF Xmodem buffer 1, terminal output buffer.
* $200-$27F Terminal input line.
* $280-$2FF Variables reserved by monitor and O.S.
* $300-$400 System stack.
* $400-$7FFF RAM for user programs and data.
* $8000-$DFFF PROM for user programs.
* $E000-$E1FF I/O addresses.
* $E200-$E3FF Reserved.
* $E400-$FFFF Monitor ROM

* Reserved Zero page addresses
		org $0000
* First the I/O routine vectors.
getchar		rmb 3		;Jump to getchar routine.
putchar		rmb 3		;Jump to putchar routine.
getline		rmb 3		;Jump to getline routine.
putline		rmb 3		;Jump to putline routine.
putcr		rmb 3		;Jump to putcr routine.
getpoll         rmb 3           ;Jump to getpoll routine.
xopenin		rmb 3		;Jump to xopenin routine.
xopenout	rmb 3		;Jump to xopenout routine.
xabortin	rmb 3           ;Jump to xabortin routine.
xclosein	rmb 3		;Jump to xclosein routine.
xcloseout	rmb 3		;Jump to xcloseout routine.
delay		rmb 3		;Jump to delay routine.

*Next the system variables in the zero page.
temp		rmb 2            ;hex scanning/disasm
temp2		rmb 2            ;Hex scanning/disasm
temp3 		rmb 2            ;Used in Srecords, H command
timer		rmb 3            ;3 byte timer, incremented every 20ms
xpacknum	rmb 1            ;Packet number for XMODEM block,
xsum		rmb 1		 ;XMODEM checksum
lastok		rmb 1            ;flag to indicate last block was OK
xcount		rmb 1		 ;Count of characters in buffer.
xmode 		rmb 1		 ;XMODEM mode, 0 none, 1 out, 2 in.
disflg		rmb 1

* I/O buffers.
buflen		equ 128		;Length of input line buffer.
		org $100
buf0		rmb 128		;Xmodem buffer 0, serial input buffer.
buf1		rmb 128		;Xmodem buffer 1, serial output buffer.
linebuf		rmb buflen	;Input line buffer.

* Interrupt vectors (start at $280)
* All interrupts except RESET are vectored through jumps.
* FIRQ is timer interrupt, IRQ is ACIA interrupt.
swi3vec		rmb 3
swi2vec		rmb 3
firqvec		rmb 3
irqvec		rmb 3
swivec 		rmb 3
nmivec		rmb 3
xerrvec		rmb 3           ;Error handler for XMODEM error.
exprvec		rmb 3		;Expression evaluator in assembler.
asmerrvec	rmb 3		;Error handler for assembler errors.
pseudovec	rmb 3		;Vector for asm pseudo instructions.

* Next the non zero page system variables.
oldpc		rmb 2		;Saved pc value for J command.
addr		rmb 2		;Address parameter.
length		rmb 2		;Length parameter.

brkpoints 	equ 8		;Number of settable breakpoints. 
bpaddr		rmb brkpoints*3 ;Address and byte for each break point.
stepbp		rmb 3		;Address of P command break point.

sorg		rmb 2		;Origin address of S record entry.
soffs		rmb 2		;Offset load adrr-addr in record

oldgetc		rmb 2		;Old getchar address.
oldputc		rmb 2		;Old putchar address.
oldputcr	rmb 2		;Old putcr address.
lastterm	rmb 1		;Last terminating character.
filler		rmb 1		;Filler at end of XMODEM file.
xmcr		rmb 1		;end-of-line characters for XMODEM send.
savesp		rmb 2		;Save sp to restore it on error.
nxtadd		rmb 2

* Following variables are used by assembler/disassembler.
prebyte		rmb 1
opc1		rmb 1
opcode 		rmb 1
postbyte	rmb 1
amode		rmb 1
operand		rmb 2		
mnembuf		rmb 5		;Buffer to store capitalized mnemonic.
opsize		rmb 1		;SIze (in bytes) of extra oeprand (0--2)
uncert		rmb 1		;Flag to indicate that op is unknown.
dpsetting	rmb 2

endvars		equ *

ramstart	equ $400	;first free RAM address.

ramtop  	equ $8000       ;top of RAM.

* I/O port addresses
aciactl		equ $e000	;Control port of ACIA
aciasta		equ $e000	;Status port of ACIA
aciadat		equ $e001	;Data port of ACIA

* ASCII control characters.
SOH		equ 1
EOT		equ 4
ACK		equ 6
BS		equ 8
TAB		equ 9
LF		equ 10
CR		equ 13
NAK		equ 21
CAN		equ 24
DEL		equ 127

CASEMASK	equ $DF		;Mask to make lowercase into uppercase.

* Monitor ROM starts here.
		org $E400

reset		orcc #$FF	;Disable interrupts.
		tfr a,dp	;Set direct page register to 0.
		clr disflg
		lds #ramstart
		ldx #intvectbl
		ldu #swi3vec
		ldb #osvectbl-intvectbl
		bsr blockmove   ;Initialize interrupt vectors from ROM.
		ldx #osvectbl
		ldu #0
		ldb #endvecs-osvectbl
		bsr blockmove	;Initialize I/O vectors from ROM.
		bsr initacia	;Initialize serial port.
		andcc #$0	;Enable interrupts
* Put the 'saved' registers of the program being monitored on top of the
* stack. There are 12 bytes on the stack for cc,b,a,dp,x,y,u and pc
* pc is initialized to $400, the rest to zero.
		ldx #0          
		tfr x,y
		ldu #ramstart
		pshs x,u
		pshs x,y
		pshs x,y  
		ldx #oldpc
		ldb #endvars-oldpc
clvar		clr ,x+
		bne clvar	;Clear the variable area.	
		ldd #$1A03	
		std filler	;Set XMODEM filler and end-of-line.
		ldx #welcome
		jsr outcount
		jsr putcr	;Print a welcome message.      
		jmp cmdline
* Block move routine, from X to U length B. Modifies them all and A. 
blockmove	lda ,x+
		sta ,u+
		bne blockmove

* Initialize serial communications port, buffers, interrupts.
initacia	ldb #$03
		stb aciactl
		ldb #%00110101

* O.S. routine to read a character into B register.
osgetc		ldb aciasta
		bitb #$01
		beq osgetc
		ldb aciadat

;O.S. rotuine to check if there is a character ready to be read.
osgetpoll       ldb aciasta
		bitb #$01
		bne poltrue
poltrue		ldb #$ff

* O.S. routine to write the character in the B register.
osputc		pshs a
putcloop	lda aciasta
		bita #$02
		beq putcloop
		stb aciadat
		puls a

* O.S. routine to read a line into memory at address X, at most B chars
* long, return actual length in B. Permit backspace editing.
osgetl		pshs a,x
		stb temp
osgetl1		jsr getchar
		andb #$7F      		
		cmpb #BS
		beq backsp
		cmpb #DEL
		bne osgetl2       
backsp		tsta                  ;Recognize BS and DEL as backspace key.
		beq osgetl1	      ;ignore if line already zero length.
		ldb #BS
		jsr putchar
		ldb #' '
		jsr putchar
		ldb #BS		      ;Send BS,space,BS. This erases last
		jsr putchar           ;character on most terminals.
		leax -1,x	      ;Decrement address.
		bra osgetl1
osgetl2		cmpb #CR
		beq newline
		cmpb #LF
		bne osgetl3           ;CR or LF character ends line.
		ldb lastterm
		cmpb #CR
		beq osgetl1	      ;Ignore LF if it comes after CR
		ldb #LF		      
newline         stb lastterm
		jsr putcr             
		tfr a,b               ;Move length to B
		puls a,x              ;restore registers.
		rts                   ;<--- Here is the exit point.
osgetl3         cmpb #TAB
		beq dotab		
		cmpb #' '
		blo osgetl1	      ;Ignore control characters.
		cmpa temp
		beq osgetl1	      ;Ignore char if line full.
		jsr putchar           ;Echo the character.
		stb ,x+               ;Store it in memory.
		bra osgetl1
dotab		ldb #' '
		cmpa temp
		beq osgetl1
		jsr putchar
		stb ,x+
		bita #7		       ;Insert spaces until length mod 8=0
		bne dotab
		bra osgetl1 

* O.S. routine to write a line starting at address X, B chars long.
osputl		pshs a,b,x
		tfr b,a
		beq osputl1
osputl2		ldb ,x+
		jsr putchar
		bne osputl2
osputl1		puls a,b,x

* O.S. routine to terminate a line.
oscr		pshs b
		ldb #CR
		jsr putchar
		ldb #LF
		jsr putchar     ;Send the CR and LF characters.
		puls b

* Output a counted string at addr X
outcount	pshs x,b
		ldb ,x+
		jsr putline
		puls x,b

timerirq	inc timer+2
		bne endirq
		inc timer+1
		bne endirq
		inc timer
aciairq		nop
endirq		rti

* Wait D times 20ms.
osdly		addd timer+1
dlyloop		cmpd timer+1
		bne dlyloop

* This table will be copied to the interrupt vector area in RAM.
intvectbl	jmp endirq
		jmp endirq
		jmp timerirq
		jmp aciairq
		jmp unlaunch
		jmp endirq
		jmp xerrhand
		jmp expr
		jmp asmerrvec
		jmp pseudo
* And this one to the I/O vector table.
osvectbl	jmp osgetc
		jmp osputc
		jmp osgetl
		jmp osputl
		jmp oscr		
		jmp osgetpoll
		jmp xopin
		jmp xopout
		jmp xabtin
		jmp xclsin
		jmp xclsout
		jmp osdly
endvecs 	equ *		
* The J command returns here.
stakregs        pshs x		     ;Stack something where the pc comes
		pshs ccr,b,a,dp,x,y,u ;Stack the normal registers.
		ldx oldpc	
		stx 10,s	     ;Stack the old pc value.
		bra unlaunch1
* The G and P commands return here through a breakpoint.
* Registers are already stacked.
unlaunch	ldd 10,s
		subd #1
		std 10,s	     ;Decrement pc before breakpoint
unlaunch1	andcc #$0	     ;reenable the interrupts.
		jsr disarm	     ;Disarm the breakpoints.
		jsr dispregs 	     
cmdline		jsr xcloseout
		sts savesp
		ldb #'.'
		jsr putchar
		ldx #linebuf
		ldb #buflen
                jsr getline
		beq cmdline          ;Ignore line if it is empty
		clr ,x		     ;Make location after line zero.
		ldx #linebuf
		ldb ,x+
		andb #CASEMASK	     ;Make 1st char uppercase.
		subb #'A'            
		bcs unk
		cmpb #26
		bcc unk		     ;Unknown cmd if it is not a letter.
		ldx #cmdtab
		aslb		      ;Index into command table.
		jmp [b,x]

cmdtab 		fdb asm,break,calc,dump
		fdb enter,find,go,help
		fdb inp,jump,unk,unk
		fdb move,unk,unk,prog
		fdb unk,regs,srec,trace
		fdb unasm,unk,unk,xmodem
		fdb unk,unk

* Unknown command handling routine.
unk		jsr xabortin
		ldx #unknown
		jsr outcount
		jsr putcr
		jmp cmdline

help		ldx #mhelp   	;Print a help message.
help1		ldb ,x+
		beq endhlp
		lbsr osputc
		bra help1		
endhlp		jmp cmdline
mhelp		fcb	CR,LF
		fcc	'Commands list'
		fcb	CR,LF

		fcc	'-------------'
		fcb	CR,LF

	        fcc 	'Asm    '
		fcc	'{Aaddr}'
		fcb	CR,LF

		fcc	'Unasm  '
		fcc	'{U or Uaddr or Uaddr,length}'
		fcb	CR,LF

		fcc	'Dump   '
		fcc	'{D or D<addr> or D<addr>,<length>}'
		fcb	CR,LF

		fcc	'Enter  '
		fcc	'{E or E<addr> or E<addr> <bytes> or E<addr>string}'
		fcb	CR,LF

		fcc	'Break  '
		fcc	'{B or B<addr>. B displays, B<addr> sets or clears breakpoint}'
		fcb	CR,LF

		fcc	'Find   '
		fcb	"{Faddr bytes or Faddr",34,"ascii",34,"}"
		fcb	CR,LF

		fcc	'Go     '
		fcc	'{G or G<addr>}'
		fcb	CR,LF

		fcc	'Calc   '
		fcc	'{Chexnum{+|-hexnum}}'
		fcb	CR,LF

		fcc	'Inp    '
		fcc	'{Iaddr}'
		fcb	CR,LF

		fcc	'Jump   '
		fcc	'{J<addr>}'
		fcb	CR,LF

		fcc	'Move   '
		fcc	'{M<addr1>,<addr2>,<lenght>}'
		fcb	CR,LF

		fcc	'Prog   '
		fcc	'{P}'
		fcb	CR,LF

		fcc	'Regs   '
		fcc	'{R or R<letter><hex>}'
		fcb	CR,LF

		fcc	'Srec   '
		fcc	'{SO<addr> or SS<addr>,<len> or S1<bytes> or S9<bytes>}'
		fcb	CR,LF

		fcc	'Trace  '
		fcc	'{T}'
		fcb	CR,LF

		fcc	'Xmodem '
		fcc	'{XSaddr,len XLaddr,len XX XOcrlf,filler, XSSaddr,len}'
		fcb	CR,LF

		fcc	'Help   '
		fcc	'{H}'
		fcb	CR,LF,0

* Here are some useful messages.
welcome		fcb unknown-welcome-1
		fcc "Welcome to BUGGY version 1.0"
unknown		fcb brkmsg-unknown-1
		fcc "Unknown command"
brkmsg		fcb clrmsg-brkmsg-1
		fcc "Breakpoint set"
clrmsg		fcb fullmsg-clrmsg-1
		fcc "Breakpoint cleared"
fullmsg		fcb smsg-fullmsg-1
		fcc "Breakpoints full"
smsg		fcb lastrec-smsg-1
		fcc "Error in S record"
lastrec		fcb xsmsg-lastrec-1
		fcc "S9030000FC"
xsmsg		fcb xrmsg-xsmsg-1
		fcc "Start XMODEM Send"
xrmsg		fcb xamsg-xrmsg-1
		fcc "Start XMODEM Receive"
xamsg		fcb invmmsg-xamsg-1
		fcc "XMODEM transfer aborted"
invmmsg		fcb exprmsg-invmmsg-1
		fcc "Invalid mnemonic"
exprmsg		fcb modemsg-exprmsg-1
		fcc "Expression error"
modemsg		fcb brmsg-modemsg-1
		fcc "Addressing mode error"		
brmsg		fcb endmsg-brmsg-1
		fcc "Branch too long"
endmsg		equ *

* Output hex digit contained in A
hexdigit 	adda #$90
		adca #$40
		daa		;It's the standard conversion trick ascii
		tfr a,b		;to hex without branching.
		jsr putchar

* Output contents of A as two hex digits 
outbyte		pshs a		
		bsr hexdigit
		puls a
		anda #$0f
		bra hexdigit

* Output contents of d as four hex digits 
outd		pshs b   
		bsr outbyte
		puls a
		bsr outbyte

* Skip X past spaces, B is first non-space character.
skipspace	ldb ,x+
		cmpb #' '
		beq skipspace

* Convert ascii hex digit in B register to binary Z flag set if no hex digit. 
convb		subb #'0'
		blo convexit
		cmpb #9
		bls cb2
		andb #CASEMASK ;Make uppercase.
		subb #7		;If higher than digit 9 it must be a letter.
		cmpb #9
		bls convexit
		cmpb #15
		bhi convexit
cb2		andcc #$FB      ;clear zero	
convexit	orcc #$04

scanexit  	ldd temp
		leax -1,x
		tst temp2
		rts		<-- exit point of scanhex

* Scan for hexadecimal number at address X return in D, Z flag is set it no
* number found.
scanhex		clr temp    
		clr temp+1
		clr temp2
		bsr skipspace
scloop		jsr convb
		beq scanexit
		pshs b
		ldd temp
		addb ,s+
		std temp
		inc temp2
		ldb ,x+
		bra scloop

scan2parms	std length
		bsr scanhex
		beq sp2
		std addr
		bsr skipspace
		cmpb #','
		bne sp2
		bsr scanhex
		beq sp2
		std length				
sp2 		rts

* Scan two hexdigits at in and convert to byte into A, Z flag if error.
scanbyte	bsr skipspace
		bsr convb
		beq sb1
		tfr b,a
		ldb ,x+
		bsr convb
		beq sb1
		stb temp
		adda temp
		andcc #$fb	;Clear zero flag
sb1		rts

* This is the code for the D command, hex/ascii dump of memory
* Syntax: D or D<addr> or D<addr>,<length>	
dump	    	ldx #linebuf+1
		ldd #$40	
	        jsr scan2parms ;Scan address and length, default length=64
		ldy addr
dh1		lda #16
		sta temp+1	
		tfr y,d
		jsr outd
		ldb #' '
		jsr putchar
dh2		lda ,y+		;display row of 16 mem locations as hex
		jsr outbyte
		ldb #' '
		lda temp+1
		cmpa #9
		bne dh6
		ldb #'-'	;Do a - after the eighth byte.
dh6		jsr putchar
		dec temp+1
		bne dh2
		leay -16,y	;And now for the ascii dump.
		lda #16
dh3		ldb ,y+
		cmpb #' '
		bhs dh4
		ldb #'.'            
dh4		cmpb #DEL
		blo dh5
		ldb #'.'	;Convert all nonprintables to .
dh5		jsr putchar
		bne dh3
		jsr putcr
		ldd length
		subd #16
		std length
		bhi dh1
		sty addr
		jmp cmdline

* This is the code for the E command, enter hex bytes or ascii string.
* Syntax E or E<addr> or E<addr> <bytes> or E<addr>"string"
enter		ldx #linebuf+1
		jsr scanhex
		beq ent1
		std addr
ent1		bsr entline
		lbne cmdline	;No bytes, then enter interactively.		
ent2		ldb #'E'
		jsr putchar
		ldd addr 
		jsr outd
		ldb #' '
		jsr putchar	;Display Eaddr + space
		lda [addr]
		jsr outbyte
		ldb #' '
		jsr putchar
                ldx #linebuf
		ldb #buflen
		jsr getline     ;Get the line.
		beq skipbyte
		clr ,x
		ldx #linebuf
		bsr entline
		bne ent2
		jmp cmdline 
skipbyte	ldd addr
		addd #1
		std addr
		bra ent2

* Enter a line of hex bytes or ascci string at address X, Z if empty.
entline		jsr skipspace
		beq entexit
		cmpb #'.'
		beq entexit
		cmpb #'"'
		beq entasc 
		leax -1,x
		ldy addr
entl2		jsr scanbyte  ;Enter hex digits.
		beq entdone
		sta ,y+
		bra entl2
entasc		ldy addr
entl3		lda ,x+
		beq entdone
		cmpa #'"'
		beq entdone
		sta ,y+
		bra entl3
entdone		sty addr
		andcc #$fb
entexit		orcc #$04

*This is the code for the I command, display the contents of an address
* Syntax: Iaddr
inp		ldx #linebuf+1
		jsr scanhex
		tfr d,x
		lda ,x		;Read the byte from memory.
		jsr outbyte	;Display itin hex.
		jsr putcr
		jmp cmdline		 

*This is the code for the H command, display result of simple hex expression
*Syntax Hhexnum{+|-hexnum}
calc		ldx #linebuf+1
		jsr scanhex
		std temp3
hexloop		jsr skipspace
		cmpb #'+'
		bne hex1
		jsr scanhex
		addd temp3
		std temp3
		bra hexloop
hex1		cmpb #'-'
		bne hexend
		jsr scanhex
		addd #1
		addd temp3
		std temp3
		bra hexloop
hexend		ldd temp3
		jsr outd
		jsr putcr
		jmp cmdline		

* This is the code for the G command, jump to the program
* Syntax G or G<addr>
go		ldx #linebuf+1
		jsr scanhex
		beq launch		
		std 10,s	;Store parameter in pc location.
launch		jsr arm         ;Arm the breakpoints.  
		puls ccr,b,a,dp,x,y,u,pc

* This is the code for the J command, run a subroutine.
* Syntax J<addr>
jump		ldx #linebuf+1
		ldd 10,s	        
		std oldpc	;Save old pc
		jsr scanhex
		std 10,s	;Store parameter in PC location
		tfr s,x
		leas -2,s
		tfr s,u
		ldb #12		;Move the saved register set 2 addresses
		jsr blockmove   ;down on the stack.
		ldd #stakregs
		std 12,s	;Prepare subroutine return address.
		bra launch	;Jump to the routine.

* This is the code for the P command, run instruction followed by breakpoint
* Syntax P
prog		ldy 10,s	;Get program counter value.
		jsr disdecode	;Find out location past current insn.
		sty stepbp
		bra launch

* This is the code for the T command, single step trace an instruction.
* Syntax T
trace		jsr traceone
		jsr dispregs
		jmp cmdline

traceone	orcc #$50	;Disable the interrupts.
		ldd ,s++	
		std oldpc	;Remove saved pc from stack.
		ldd #traceret
		std firqvec+1   ;Adjust timer IRQ vector.
		sync		;Synchronize on the next timer interrupt.
				;1 cycle
		ldx #4441	;3 cycles
traceloop	leax -1,x       ;6 cycles\x4441= 39969 cycles.
		bne traceloop	;3 cycles/
		nop		;2 cycles.
		nop		;2 cycles.
		nop		;2 cycles.
		brn traceret	;3 cycles.
		puls x,y,u,a,b,dp,cc,pc ;17 cycles, total=39999 20ms @ 2MHz
					;Pull all registers and execute.
					;Is timed such that next timer IRQ
					;occurs right after it.
traceret	puls cc
		pshs x,y,u,a,b,dp,cc;Store full register set instead of cc.
		ldd #timerirq
		std firqvec+1	;Restore timer IRQ vector.
		jmp [oldpc]

* Display the contents of 8 bit register, name in B, contents in A
disp8		jsr putchar
		ldb #'='
		jsr putchar
		jsr outbyte
		ldb #' '
		jsr putchar

* Display the contents of 16 bit register, name in B, contents in Y
disp16		jsr putchar
		ldb #'='
		jsr putchar
		tfr y,d
		jsr outd
		ldb #' '
		jsr putchar

* Display the contents of the registers and disassemble instruction at
* PC location.
dispregs	ldb #'X'
		ldy 6,s		;Note that there's one return address on
		bsr disp16	;stack so saved register offsets are 
		ldb #'Y'	;inremented by 2.
		ldy 8,s
		bsr disp16
		ldb #'U'
		ldy 10,s
		bsr disp16
		ldb #'S'
		tfr s,y
		leay 14,y	;S of the running program is 12 higher,
				;because regs are not stacked when running.
		bsr disp16
		ldb #'A'
		lda 3,s
		bsr disp8
		ldb #'B'
		lda 4,s
		bsr disp8
		ldb #'D'
		lda 5,s
		bsr disp8
		ldb #'C'
		lda 2,s
		bsr disp8
		jsr putcr
		ldb #'P'
		ldy 12,s
		bsr disp16
		jsr disdecode
		jsr disdisp       ;Disassemble instruction at PC
		jsr putcr

* This is the code for the R command, display or alter the registers.
* Syntax R or R<letter><hex>	
regs		ldx #linebuf+1
		jsr skipspace
		bne setreg		
		bsr dispregs	;Display regs ifnothing follows.
		jmp cmdline
setreg		ldy #regtab	
		andb #CASEMASK	;Make letter uppercase.
sr1		tst ,y
		lbeq unk	;At end of register tab, unknown reg
		cmpb ,y+
		beq sr2		;Found the register?
		bra sr1		
sr2		pshs a
		jsr scanhex	;Convert the hex argument.
		pshs d
		lda 2,s		;Get register number.
		cmpa #4
		bcc sr3		
		ldb 1,s		;It's 8 bit. 		
		leas 3,s	;Remove temp stuff from stack.
		stb a,s		;Store it in the reg on stack.
		jmp cmdline
sr3		cmpa #8
		bcc sr4		
		puls x		;It's 16 bit.
		leas 1,s
		suba #4		;Convert reg no to stack offset.
		stx a,s
		jmp cmdline
sr4		puls u		;It's the stack pointer.
		leas 1,s
		leau -12,u      
		tfr s,x
		tfr u,s		;Set new stack pointer.
		ldb #12
		jsr blockmove	;Move register set to new stack location.
		jmp cmdline				
regtab 		FCC "CABDXYUPS "

* Disarm the breakpoints, this is replace the SWI instructions with the
* original byte.
disarm		ldx #bpaddr
		lda #brkpoints+1
disarm1		ldu ,x++        
		ldb ,x+		;Get address in u, byte in b
		cmpu #0
		beq disarm2
		stb ,u
disarm2		deca
		bne disarm1
		ldu #0
		stu -3,x	;Clear the step breakpoint.

* Arm the breakponts, this is replace the byte at the breakpoint address
* with an SWI instruction.
arm		ldx #bpaddr+brkpoints*3
		lda #brkpoints+1  ;Arm them in reverse order of disarming.
arm1		ldu ,x       ;Get address in u.
		beq arm2
		ldb ,u
		stb 2,x
		cmpu 12,s      ;Compare to program counter location
		beq arm2
		ldb #$3F
		stb ,u	       ;Store SWI instruction if not equal.
arm2		leax -3,x
		bne arm1		

* This is the code for the break command, set, clear display breakpoints.
* Syntax B or B<addr>. B displays, B<addr> sets or clears breakpoint.
break		lda #brkpoints
		sta temp2+1     ;Store number of breakpoints to visit.
		ldx #linebuf+1
		jsr scanhex
		beq dispbp	;No number then display breakpoints
		ldx #bpaddr
		ldu #0
		tfr u,y
bp1		cmpd ,x
		beq clearit	;Found the breakpoint, so clear it,
		cmpu ,x		;Is location zero
		bne bp2
		tfr x,y		;Set free address to y
bp2		leax 3,x
		dec temp2+1
		bne bp1
		cmpy #0		;Address not found in list of breakpoints
		beq bpfull	;Was free address found.
		std ,y		;If so, store breakpoint there.
		ldx #brkmsg	
bpexit		jsr outcount
		jsr putcr
		jmp cmdline
clearit		clra
		std ,x
		ldx #clrmsg
		bra bpexit
bpfull		ldx #fullmsg
		bra bpexit		

dispbp 		ldx #bpaddr
dbp1		ldd ,x
		beq dbp2
		jsr outd
		ldb #' '
		jsr putchar
dbp2		leax 3,x
		dec temp2+1
		bne dbp1
		jsr putcr
		jmp cmdline

* Scan hex byte into a and add it to check sum in temp2+1
addchk		jsr scanbyte
		lbeq srecerr
		tfr a,b
		addb temp2+1
		stb temp2+1

* This tis the code for the S command, the Motorola S records entry.
* Syntax SO<addr> or SS<addr>,<len> or S1<bytes> or S9<bytes>
srec		ldx #linebuf+1
		ldb ,x+
		andb #CASEMASK
		cmpb #'O'
		beq setsorg
		cmpb #'S'
		beq sendrec
		ldb -1,x
		clr temp3
		cmpb #'1'
		beq readrec
		cmpb #'9'
		bne srecerr
		inc temp3		
readrec		clr temp2+1	;clear checksum.
		bsr addchk
		suba #2		;discount the address bytes from the count.
		sta temp3+1	;Read length byte.
		bsr addchk
		pshs a
		bsr addchk
		puls b
		exg a,b		;Read address into d.
		ldu sorg
		beq rr1		
		ldu soffs
		bne rr1
		pshs d		;Sorg is nonzero and soffs is zero, now
		subd sorg	;set soffs
		std soffs
		puls d
rr1		subd soffs	;Subtract the address offset.
		tfr d,y
rr2		bsr addchk	
		dec temp3+1
		beq endrec
		sta ,y+
		bra rr2
endrec		inc temp2+1	;Check checksum.
		bne srecerr
		tst temp3
		lbeq cmdline	;Was it no S9 record?
		cmpy #0
		beq endrec1 
		sty 10,s	;Store address into program counter.
endrec1		clra
		std sorg	;Reset sorg, next S loads will be normal.
		std soffs
		jmp cmdline	
srecerr		jsr xabortin
		ldx #smsg	;Error in srecord, display message.
		jsr outcount
		jsr putcr
		jmp cmdline
setsorg		jsr scanhex	;Set S record origin.
		std sorg
		std soffs
		jmp cmdline
* Send a memory region as S-records.
sendrec		ldd #$100	;Scan address and length parameter.
		jsr scan2parms				
		ldd sorg
		beq ss1
		ldd addr
		subd sorg
		std soffs	;Compute offset for origin.
ss1		ldd length	
		beq endss	;All bytes sent?
		cmpd #16
		blo ss2         
		ldb #16		;If more than 16 left, then send 16.
ss2		stb temp
		ldu length
		leau b,u
		stu length	;Discount line length from length.
		ldb #'S'
		jsr putchar
		ldb #'1'
		jsr putchar
		clr temp+1	;Clear check sum
		ldb temp
		addb #3
		bsr checkout	;Output byte b as hex and add to check sum.
		ldd addr
		tfr d,y
		subd soffs
		exg a,b
		bsr checkout
		exg a,b
		bsr checkout	;Output address (add into check sum)
ss3		ldb ,y+
		bsr checkout
		dec temp
		bne ss3
		sty addr
		ldb temp+1
		bsr checkout	;Output checksum byte.
		jsr putcr
		bra ss1
endss		ldx #lastrec
		jsr outcount
		jsr putcr
		jmp cmdline
* Output byte in register B and add it into check sum at temp+1
checkout	pshs a
		tfr b,a
		addb temp+1
		stb temp+1
		jsr outbyte
		puls a

* This is the code for the M command, move memory region.
* Syntax: Maddr1,addr2,length
move		ldx #linebuf+1
		jsr scanhex
		lbeq unk
		std temp3
		jsr skipspace
		cmpb #','
		lbne unk
		jsr scanhex
		lbeq unk
		tfr d,u
		jsr skipspace
		cmpb #','
		lbne unk
		jsr scanhex
		lbeq unk
		tfr d,y		;Read the argument separated by commas
		ldx temp3	;src addr to x, dest addr to u, length to y
			        ;Don't tolerate syntax deviations.
mvloop		lda ,x+
		sta ,u+
		leay -1,y
		bne mvloop	;Perform the block move.
		jmp cmdline

* This is the code for the F command, find byte/ascii string in memory.
* Syntax: Faddr bytes or Faddr "ascii"
find		ldx #linebuf+1
		jsr scanhex
		tfr d,y		;Scan the start address.
		jsr skipspace
		cmpb #'"'
		bne findhex
		ldu #linebuf	;Quote found, so scan for quoted string.
fstrloop	ldb ,x+
		beq startsrch	;End of line without final quote.
		cmpb #'"'
		beq startsrch   ;End quote found
		stb ,u+
		bra fstrloop		 		
findhex		ldu #linebuf	;Convert string of hex bytes.
		leax -1,x	;String will be stored at start of line
		clra		;buffer and may overwrite part of the
fhexloop	pshs a		;already converted string.
		jsr scanbyte
		tfr a,b
		puls a
		beq startsrch	
		stb ,u+
		bra fhexloop				
startsrch	tsta		;Start searching, start addr in Y, 
		                ;string starts at linebuf, length A
		lbeq cmdline	;Quit with zero length string.
		clr temp3
		sta temp3+1
srchloop	tfr y,x
		lda temp3+1
		cmpx #$e100
		bcc srch1
		leax a,x
		cmpx #$e000	;Stop at I/O addresses.
		lbcc cmdline
srch1		tfr y,x
		ldu #linebuf
srch2		ldb ,x+
		cmpb ,u+
		bne srch3       ;Not equal, try next address.
		bne srch2
		tfr y,d
		jsr outd	;String found
		jsr putcr
		inc temp3
		lda temp3
		cmpa #$10
		lbeq cmdline	;If 10 matches found, just stop.
srch3		leay 1,y
		bra srchloop

* Send the contents of the xmodem buffer and get it acknowledged, zero flag
* is set if transfer aborted.
xsendbuf	ldb #SOH		
		jsr osputc	;Send SOH
		ldb xpacknum
		jsr osputc	;Send block number.
		jsr osputc      ;and its complement.
		clr xsum
		lda #128
		ldx #buf0
xsloop		ldb ,x
	        addb xsum
		stb xsum	
		ldb ,x+
		jsr osputc
		bne xsloop      ;Send the buffer contents.
		ldb xsum
		jsr osputc	;Send the check sum
waitack		jsr osgetc
		cmpb #CAN
		beq xsabt	;^X for abort.
		cmpb #NAK        
		beq xsendbuf	;Send again if NAK
		cmpb #ACK
		bne waitack
		inc xpacknum
xsok		andcc #$fb	;Clear zero flag after ACK		
xsabt		rts
* Start an XMODEM send session.
xsendinit	ldb #1
		stb xpacknum	;Initialize block number.
waitnak		jsr osgetc
		cmpb #CAN
		beq xsabt      ;If ^X exit with zero flag.
		cmpb #NAK
		beq xsok        
		bra waitnak    ;Wait until NAK received.

* Send ETX and wait for ack.
xsendeot	ldb #EOT
		jsr osputc
waitack2	jsr osgetc
		cmpb #CAN
		beq xsabt
		cmpb #NAK
		beq xsendeot
		cmpb #ACK
		beq xsok
		bra waitack2

* Read character into B with a timeout of A seconds,  Carry set if timeout.
gettimeout	asla
		ldb #50
		tfr b,a
		adda timer+2
gt1		jsr osgetpoll
		bne gtexit
		cmpa timer+2
		bne gt1		
		orcc #$1
gtexit		jsr osgetc
		andcc #$fe

* Wait until line becomes quiet.
purge		lda #3
		jsr gettimeout
		bcc purge

* Receive an XMODEM block and wait till it is OK, Z set if etx.				
xrcvbuf		lda #3
		tst lastok				
		beq sendnak
		ldb #ACK
		jsr osputc	;Send an ack.
		lda #5         
		bra startblock
sendnak		ldb #NAK
		jsr osputc	;Send a NAK
startblock	clr lastok
		bsr gettimeout   
		lda #3
		bcs sendnak	;Keep sending NAKs when timed out.
		cmpb #EOT		
		beq xrcveot	;End of file reached, acknowledge EOT.
		cmpb #SOH
		bne purgeit	;Not, SOH, bad block.
		lda #1
		bsr gettimeout	
		bcs purgeit				
		cmpb xpacknum	;Is it the right block?
		beq xr1
		cmpb xpacknum   ;Was it the previous block.
		bne purgeit	
		inc lastok
xr1		stb xsum
		lda #1
		bsr gettimeout
		bcs purgeit
		cmpb xsum       ;Is the complement of the block number OK
		bne purgeit		
		ldx #buf0
		clr xsum
xrloop		lda #1
		bsr gettimeout  
		bcs purgeit
		stb ,x+
		addb xsum
		stb xsum
		cmpx #buf0+128
		bne xrloop       ;Get the data bytes.		
		lda #1
		bsr gettimeout
		bcs purgeit
		cmpb xsum
		bne purgeit	;Check the check sum.
		tst lastok
		bne xrcvbuf	;Block was the previous block, get next one
		inc lastok
		inc xpacknum
		andcc #$fb
purgeit		jsr purge
		bra sendnak		
xrcveot		lda #3		;EOT was received.
		ldb #ACK
ackloop		jsr osputc
		bne ackloop     ;Send 3 acks in a row.

savevecs	ldx getchar+1
		stx oldgetc
		ldx putchar+1
		stx oldputc
		ldx putcr+1
		stx oldputcr
		clr lastterm

rstvecs		ldx oldgetc
		stx getchar+1
		ldx oldputc
		stx putchar+1
		ldx oldputcr
		stx putcr+1
		clr lastterm

* O.S. routine to open input through XMODEM transfer.
xopin		pshs x,a,b
		ldx #xsmsg
		jsr outcount
		jsr putcr	;Display message to start XMODEM send.
		bsr savevecs
		ldx #noop
		stx putchar+1	;Disable character output.
		ldx #xgetc
		stx getchar+1	;
		clr lastok
		clr xcount
		lda #1
		sta xpacknum
		sta xmode	;set xmode to 2.
		puls x,a,b,pc

* O.S. routine to open output through XMODEM transfer.
xopout		pshs x,a,b
		bsr savevecs
		ldx #xrmsg
		jsr outcount	;Display message to start XMODEM receive
		jsr putcr
		ldx #xputc
		stx putchar+1
		ldx #xputcr
		stx putcr+1
		jsr xsendinit
		lbeq xerror
		clr xcount
		lda #1
		sta xmode
		puls x,a,b,pc

* O.S. routine to abort input through XMODEM transfer.
xabtin		lda xmode
		cmpa #2
		bne xclsend
		jsr purge
		ldb #CAN
		lda #8
xabtloop	jsr osputc
		bne xabtloop	;Send 8 CAN characters to kill transfer.
		bsr rstvecs
		clr xmode
		ldx #xamsg
		jsr outcount
		jsr putcr	;Send diagnostic message.

* O.S. routine to close output through XMODEM transfer.
xclsout		lda xmode 
		cmpa #1
		bne xclsend
		tst xcount
		beq xclsdone
		lda #128
		suba xcount
xclsloop	ldb filler
		bsr xputc   
		bne xclsloop	;Transfer filler chars to force block out.
xclsdone	jsr xsendeot	;Send EOT
		lbeq xerror
		jsr rstvecs
		clr xmode						
xclsend		rts	

* O.S. routine to close input through XMODEM, by gobbling up the remaining
* bytes.
xclsin		ldb xmode
		cmpb #2
		bne xclsend
		jsr putchar
		bra xclsin

* putchar routine for XMODEM 
xputc		pshs x,a,b
		lda xcount
		inc xcount
		ldx #buf0
		stb a,x		;Store character in XMODEM buffer.
		cmpa #127
		bne xputc1	;is buffer full?
		clr xcount
		pshs y,u
		jsr xsendbuf	
		lbeq xerror
		puls y,u
xputc1		puls x,a,b,pc			

* putcr routine for XMODEM
xputcr		pshs b
		ldb xmcr
		bitb #2
		beq xputcr1
		ldb #CR
		bsr xputc
xputcr1		ldb xmcr
		bitb #1
		beq xputcr2
		ldb #LF
		bsr xputc		
xputcr2		puls b

* getchar routine for XMODEM
xgetc		pshs x,a
		tst xcount	;No characters left?
		bne xgetc1
		pshs y,u
		jsr xrcvbuf	;Receive new block.
		puls y,u
		beq xgetcterm	;End of input?		
		lda #128
		sta xcount
xgetc1		lda xcount
		ldx #buf0+128
		ldb a,x		;Get character from buffer
		dec xcount
		puls x,a,pc		
xgetcterm	jsr rstvecs
		clr xmode
		ldb filler
		puls x,a,pc
xerror		jsr rstvecs	;Restore I/O vectors
		clr xmode
		ldx #xamsg
		jsr outcount
		jsr putcr
		jmp xerrvec
xerrhand	lds savesp
		jmp cmdline

* This is the code for the X command, various XMODEM related commands.
* Syntax: XSaddr,len XLaddr,len XX XOcrlf,filler, XSSaddr,len
xmodem		ldx #linebuf+1
		lda ,x+
		anda #CASEMASK	;Convert to uppercase.
		cmpa #'X'
		beq xeq	
		cmpa #'L'
		beq xload
		cmpa #'O'
		beq xopts
		cmpa #'S'
		lbne unk
		lda ,x
		anda #CASEMASK
		cmpa #'S'
		beq xss
		ldd #$100            ;XSaddr,len command.
		jsr scan2parms       ;Send binary through XMODEM
		jsr xopenout
		ldu addr
		ldy length
xsbinloop	ldb ,u+
		jsr putchar		
		leay -1,y
		bne xsbinloop 	     ;Send all the bytes through XMODEM.
		jmp cmdline
xss		leax 1,x	     ;XSSaddr,len command.
		jsr xopenout	     ;Send Srecords through XMODEM
		jmp sendrec		
xload		jsr scanhex	     ;XLaddr command
		tfr d,y		     ;Load binary through XMODEM
		jsr xopenin
xlodloop	jsr getchar
		tst xmode	     ;File ended? then done
		lbeq cmdline					
		stb ,y+
		bra xlodloop
xeq		jsr xopenin	     ;XX command
		jmp cmdline	     ;Execute commands received from XMODEM
xopts		ldd #$1a
		jsr scan2parms
		lda addr+1
		sta xmcr
		lda length+1
		sta filler
		jmp cmdline
* mnemonics table, ordered alphabetically.
* 5 bytes name, 1 byte category, 2 bytes opcode, 8 bytes total.
mnemtab         fcc "ABX  "
                fcb 0
                fdb $3a
                fcc "ADCA "
                fcb 7
                fdb $89
                fcc "ADCB "
                fcb 7
                fdb $c9
                fcc "ADDA "
                fcb 7
		fdb $8b
                fcc "ADDB "
                fcb 7
                fdb $cb 
                fcc "ADDD "
		fcb 8
		fdb $c3
                fcc "ANDA "
                fcb 7
                fdb $84
                fcc "ANDB "
                fcb 7
                fdb $c4
                fcc "ANDCC"
 		fcb 2
		fdb $1c
                fcc "ASL  "
		fcb 10
		fdb $08
                fcc "ASLA "
		fcb 0
		fdb $48
		fcc "ASLB "
		fcb 0
		fdb $58
                fcc "ASR  "
                fcb 10
                fdb $07
                fcc "ASRA "
		fcb 0
		fdb $47
                fcc "ASRB "
		fcb 0
		fdb $57
                fcc "BCC  "
		fcb 4
		fdb $24
                fcc "BCS  "
		fcb 4 
		fdb $25
                fcc "BEQ  "
		fcb 4
		fdb $27
                fcc "BGE  "
		fcb 4
		fdb $2c
                fcc "BGT  "
		fcb 4
		fdb $2e
                fcc "BHI  "
		fcb 4
		fdb $22
                fcc "BHS  "
		fcb 4
		fdb $24
                fcc "BITA "
		fcb 7
		fdb $85
                fcc "BITB "
		fcb 7
		fdb $c5
                fcc "BLE  "
		fcb 4
		fdb $2f
                fcc "BLO  "
		fcb 4
		fdb $25
                fcc "BLS  "
		fcb 4
		fdb $23
                fcc "BLT  "
		fcb 4
		fdb $2d
                fcc "BMI  "
		fcb 4
		fdb $2b
                fcc "BNE  "
		fcb 4
		fdb $26
                fcc "BPL  "
		fcb 4
		fdb $2a
                fcc "BRA  "
		fcb 4
		fdb $20 
                fcc "BRN  "
		fcb 4
		fdb $21
mnembsr         fcc "BSR  "
		fcb 4
		fdb $8d
                fcc "BVC  "
		fcb 4
		fdb $28
                fcc "BVS  "
		fcb 4
		fdb $29
                fcc "CLR  "
		fcb 10
		fdb $0f
                fcc "CLRA "
		fcb 0
		fdb $4f
                fcc "CLRB "
		fcb 0
		fdb $5f
                fcc "CMPA "
		fcb 7
		fdb $81
                fcc "CMPB "
		fcb 7
		fdb $c1
                fcc "CMPD "
		fcb 9
		fdb $1083
                fcc "CMPS "
		fcb 9
		fdb $118c
                fcc "CMPU "
		fcb 9
		fdb $1183
                fcc "CMPX "
		fcb 8
		fdb $8c
                fcc "CMPY "
		fcb 9
		fdb $108c
                fcc "COM  "
		fcb 10
		fdb $03
                fcc "COMA "
		fcb 0
		fdb $43
                fcc "COMB "
		fcb 0
		fdb $53
                fcc "CWAI "
		fcb 2
		fdb $3c
                fcc "DAA  "
		fcb 0
		fdb $19
                fcc "DEC  "
		fcb 10
		fdb $0a
                fcc "DECA "
		fcb 0
		fdb $4a
                fcc "DECB "
		fcb 0
		fdb $5a
                fcc "EORA "
		fcb 7
		fdb $88
                fcc "EORB "
		fcb 7
		fdb $c8
                fcc "EQU  "
		fcb 13
		fdb 0
                fcc "EXG  "
		fcb 11
		fdb $1e
mnemfcb         fcc "FCB  "
		fcb 13
		fdb 1
                fcc "FCC  "
		fcb 13
		fdb 2
                fcc "FDB  "
		fcb 13
		fdb 3
                fcc "INC  "
		fcb 10
		fdb $0c
                fcc "INCA "
		fcb 0
		fdb $4c
                fcc "INCB "
		fcb 0
		fdb $5c
                fcc "JMP  "
		fcb 10
		fdb $0e
mnemjsr         fcc "JSR  "
		fcb 8
		fdb $8d
                fcc "LBCC "
		fcb 5
		fdb $1024
                fcc "LBCS "
		fcb 5
		fdb $1025
                fcc "LBEQ "
		fcb 5
		fdb $1027
                fcc "LBGE "
		fcb 5
		fdb $102c
                fcc "LBGT "
		fcb 5
		fdb $102e
                fcc "LBHI "
		fcb 5
		fdb $1022
                fcc "LBHS "
		fcb 5
		fdb $1024
                fcc "LBLE "
		fcb 5
		fdb $102f
                fcc "LBLO "
		fcb 5
		fdb $1025
                fcc "LBLS "
		fcb 5
		fdb $1023
                fcc "LBLT "
		fcb 5
		fdb $102d
                fcc "LBMI "
		fcb 5
		fdb $102b
                fcc "LBNE "
		fcb 5
		fdb $1026
                fcc "LBPL "
		fcb 5
		fdb $102a
                fcc "LBRA "
		fcb 6
		fdb $16
                fcc "LBRN "
		fcb 5
		fdb $1021
                fcc "LBSR "
		fcb 6
		fdb $17
                fcc "LBVC "
		fcb 5
		fdb $1028
                fcc "LBVS "
		fcb 5
		fdb $1029
                fcc "LDA  "
		fcb 7
		fdb $86
                fcc "LDB  "
		fcb 7
		fdb $c6
                fcc "LDD  "
		fcb 8
		fdb $cc
                fcc "LDS  "
		fcb 9
		fdb $10ce
                fcc "LDU  "
		fcb 8
		fdb $ce
                fcc "LDX  "
		fcb 8
		fdb $8e
                fcc "LDY  "
		fcb 9
		fdb $108e
                fcc "LEAS "
		fcb 3
		fdb $32
                fcc "LEAU "
		fcb 3
		fdb $33
                fcc "LEAX "
		fcb 3
		fdb $30
                fcc "LEAY "
		fcb 3
		fdb $31
                fcc "LSL  "
		fcb 10
		fdb $08
                fcc "LSLA "
		fcb 0
		fdb $48
                fcc "LSLB "
		fcb 0
		fdb $58
                fcc "LSR  "
		fcb 10
		fdb $04
                fcc "LSRA "
		fcb 0
		fdb $44
                fcc "LSRB "
		fcb 0
		fdb $54
                fcc "MUL  "
		fcb 0
		fdb $3d
                fcc "NEG  "
		fcb 10
		fdb $00
                fcc "NEGA "
		fcb 0
		fdb $40
                fcc "NEGB "
		fcb 0
		fdb $50
                fcc "NOP  "
		fcb 0
		fdb $12
                fcc "ORA  "
		fcb 7
		fdb $8a
                fcc "ORB  "
		fcb 7
		fdb $ca
                fcc "ORCC "
		fcb 2
		fdb $1a
                fcc "ORG  "
		fcb 13
		fdb 4
                fcc "PSHS "
		fcb 12
		fdb $34
                fcc "PSHU "
		fcb 12
		fdb $36
                fcc "PULS "
		fcb 12
		fdb $35
                fcc "PULU "
		fcb 12
		fdb $37
                fcc "RMB  "
		fcb 13
		fdb 5
                fcc "ROL  "
		fcb 10
		fdb $09
                fcc "ROLA "
		fcb 0
		fdb $49
                fcc "ROLB "
		fcb 0
		fdb $59
                fcc "ROR  "
		fcb 10
		fdb $06
                fcc "RORA "
		fcb 0
		fdb $46
                fcc "RORB "
		fcb 0
		fdb $56
                fcc "RTI  "
		fcb 0
		fdb $3b
                fcc "RTS  "
		fcb 0
		fdb $39
                fcc "SBCA "
		fcb 7
		fdb $82
                fcc "SBCB "
		fcb 7
		fdb $c2
                fcc "SET  "
		fcb 13
		fdb 6
                fcc "SETDP"
		fcb 13
		fdb 7
                fcc "SEX  "
		fcb 0
		fdb $1d
                fcc "STA  "
		fcb 7
		fdb $87
                fcc "STB  "
		fcb 7
		fdb $c7
                fcc "STD  "
		fcb 8
		fdb $cd
                fcc "STS  "
		fcb 9
		fdb $10cf
                fcc "STU  "
		fcb 8
		fdb $cf
                fcc "STX  "
		fcb 8
		fdb $8f
                fcc "STY  "
		fcb 9
		fdb $108f
                fcc "SUBA "
		fcb 7
		fdb $80
                fcc "SUBB "
		fcb 7
		fdb $c0 
                fcc "SUBD "
		fcb 8
		fdb $83
                fcc "SWI  "
		fcb 0
		fdb $3f
                fcb "SWI2 "
		fcb 1
		fdb $103f
                fcb "SWI3 "
		fcb 1
		fdb $113f
                fcc "SYNC "
		fcb 0
		fdb $13
                fcc "TFR  "
		fcb 11
		fdb $1f
                fcc "TST  "
		fcb 10
		fdb $0d
                fcc "TSTA "
		fcb 0
		fdb $4d
                fcc "TSTB "
		fcb 0
		fdb $5d

mnemsize	equ (*-mnemtab)/8

* Register table for PUSH/PULL and TFR/EXG instructions.
* 3 bytes for name, 1 for tfr/exg, 1 for push/pull, 5 total 
asmregtab     	fcc "X  "
		fcb $01,$10
		fcc "Y  "
		fcb $02,$20
aregu           fcc "U  "
		fcb $03,$40
aregs		fcc "S  "
		fcb $04,$40
		fcc "PC "
		fcb $05,$80
                fcc "A  "
		fcb $08,$02
		fcc "B  "
		fcb $09,$04
		fcc "D  "
		fcb $00,$06
		fcc "CC "
		fcb $0a,$01
		fcc "CCR"
		fcb $0a,$01
		fcc "DP "
		fcb $0b,$08
		fcc "DPR"
		fcb $0b,$08
reginval	fcc "?  "

ixregs		fcc "XYUS"

* opcode offsets to basic opcode, depends on first nibble. 
opcoffs		fcb 0,0,0,0,0,0,-$60,-$70
		fcb 0,-$10,-$20,-$30,0,-$10,-$20,-$30
* mode depending on first nibble of opcode.
modetab		fcb 3,0,0,0,0,0,5,4,1,3,5,4,1,3,5,4
* mode depending on category code stored in mnemtab
modetab2	fcb 0,0,1,5,6,7,7,1,2,2,0,8,9
* modes in this context: 0 no operands, 1 8-bit immediate, 2 16 bit imm,
* 3, 8-bit address, 4 16 bit address, 5 indexed with postbyte, 6 short
* relative, 7 long relative, 8 pushpul, 9 tftetx

* Decode instruction pointed to by Y for disassembly (and to find out
* how long it is). On return, U points to appropriate mnemonic table entry,
* Y points past instruction. 
* It's rather clumsy code, but we do want to reuse the same table
* as used with assembling.
disdecode	clr prebyte
		clr amode
		lda ,y+
		cmpa #$10
		beq ddec1
		cmpa #$11
		bne ddec2
ddec1		sta prebyte         ;Store $10 or $11 prebyte.
		lda ,y+             ;Get new opcode.
ddec2		sta opcode
		lsra		    ;Get high nibble.
		ldx #modetab
		ldb a,x
		stb amode
		ldx #opcoffs
		lda a,x
		adda opcode         ;Add opcode offset to opcode. 		
ddec4		sta opc1            ;Store the 'basis' opcode.
		ldu #mnemtab
		ldx #mnemsize
ddecloop	ldb #13
		cmpb 5,u            ;Compare category code with 13
		beq ddec3	    ;13=pseudo op, no valid opcode
		ldd prebyte
		cmpd 6,u
		beq ddecfound	    ;Opcode&prebyte agree, operation found.
ddec3		leau 8,u            ;point to next mnemonic
		leax -1,x
		bne ddecloop        
		ldu #mnemfcb        ;mnemonic not found, use FCB byte.
		lda #3
		sta amode	    ;Store mode 3, 8 bit address.
		lda opcode
		tst prebyte
		beq ddec5
		lda prebyte 	    ;if it was the combination prebyte
		clr prebyte         ;and opcode that was not found,
         	leay -1,y 	    ;FCB just the prebyte
ddec5	        sta operand+1       ;The byte must be stored as operand.	
ddecfound       cmpu #mnembsr
		bne ddec6
		lda #$8d	    ;Is it really the BSR opcode?
		cmpa opcode
		beq ddec6
		ldu #mnemjsr        ;We mistakenly found BSR instead of JSR
ddec6           lda amode
		anda #$FE
		bne ddec7
		lda 5,u             ;nibble-dependent mode was 0 or 1,
		ldx #modetab2       ;use category dependent mode instead.
		lda a,x
		sta amode
ddec7           lda amode
		ldx #disdectab
		jmp [a,x]           ;jump dependent on definitive mode.
disdectab	fdb noop,opdec1,opdec2,opdec1,opdec2,opdecidx
		fdb opdec1,opdec2,opdecpb,opdecpb
disdectab1	fdb noop,noop,noop,noop,noop,noop,noop,noop
		fdb opdec1,opdec2,noop,noop,opdec1,opdec2,noop,opdec2
opdec1		ldb ,y+
od1a		std operand
noop		rts 
opdec2		ldd ,y++
		bra od1a
opdecpb		ldb ,y+
odpa		stb postbyte
opdecidx	ldb ,y+
		bpl odpa	;postbytes <$80 have no extra operands.
		stb postbyte    
		andb #$0f
		ldx #disdectab1
		jmp [b,x]

* Display disassembled instruction after the invocation of disdecode.
* U points to mnemonic table entry.
disdisp		tfr u,x
		ldb #5
		jsr putline      ;Display the mnemonic.
		ldb #' '
		jsr putchar
		lda amode
		ldx #disdisptab
		jmp [a,x]        ;Perform action dependent on mode.
disdisptab	fdb noop,disim8,disim16,disadr8,disadr16
		fdb disidx,disrel8,disrel16,distfr,dispush
disim8		bsr puthash
		bra disadr8
disim16		bsr puthash
disadr16	bsr putdol
		ldd operand
		jmp outd
disadr8		bsr putdol
		lda operand+1
		jmp outbyte
disrel8		bsr putdol
		ldb operand+1
dr8a		sty temp
		addd temp
		jmp outd
disrel16	bsr putdol
		ldd operand
		bra dr8a
puthash		ldb #'#'
		jmp putchar
putdol		ldb #'$'
		jmp putchar						    
putcomma	ldb #','
		jmp putchar
putspace	ldb #' '
		jmp putchar

dispush		ldb #12
		ldx #asmregtab	;Walk through the register table.
		clr temp
regloop		lda postbyte
		anda 4,x                
		beq dispush1	;Is bit corresponding to reg set in postbyte
		cmpx #aregu
		bne dispush3
		sta temp+1
		lda opcode
		anda #2
		bne dispush1    ;no u register in pshu pulu.
		lda temp+1		
dispush3	cmpx #aregs
		bne dispush4
		sta temp+1
		lda opcode
		anda #2
		beq dispush1   ;no s register in pshs puls.
		lda temp+1
dispush4	coma
		anda postbyte   ;remove the bits from postbyte.
		sta postbyte
		pshs b          
		tst temp
		beq dispush2
		bsr putcomma	;print comma after first register.
dispush2	bsr disregname
		inc temp
		puls b
dispush1	leax 5,x
		bne regloop		

distfr 		lda postbyte
		bsr distfrsub
		bsr putcomma
		lda postbyte
		anda #$0f
distfrsub	ldb #12
		ldx #asmregtab
distfrloop	cmpa 3,x
		beq distfrend
		leax 5,x
		bne distfrloop
distfrend	bsr disregname

disregname	lda #3
		tfr x,u
drnloop		ldb ,u+
		cmpb #' '
		beq drnend
		jsr putchar
		bne drnloop
drnend		rts

disidxreg	lda postbyte
		anda #3
		ldx #ixregs
		ldb a,x
		jmp putchar

disidx		clr temp
		lda postbyte
		bmi disidx1
		anda #$1f
		bita #$10
		bne negoffs
		jsr outdecbyte
		bra discomma
negoffs		ldb #'-'
		jsr putchar
		ora #$f0
		jsr outdecbyte
discomma	jsr putcomma         ;Display ,Xreg and terminating ]
disindex	bsr disidxreg
disindir	tst temp             ;Display ] if indirect.
		beq disidxend      
		ldb #']'       
		jsr putchar
disidxend	rts
disidx1		bita #$10			
		beq disidx2
		ldb #'['
		jsr putchar
		inc temp
disidx2		lda postbyte
		anda #$0f
		ldx #disidxtab
		jmp [a,x]	     ;Jump to routine for indexed mode
disadec2	lda #2
		bra disadeca
disadec1 	lda #1		
disadeca	jsr putcomma
disadloop	ldb #'-'
		jsr putchar
		bne disadloop
		bra disindex
disainc2	lda #2
		bra disainca
disainc1	lda #1
disainca	sta temp+1
		jsr putcomma
		jsr disidxreg		
		lda temp+1
disailoop	ldb #'+'
		jsr putchar
		bne disailoop
		jmp disindir
disax		ldb #'A'
		jsr putchar
		jmp discomma
disbx		ldb #'B'
		jsr putchar
		jmp discomma
disdx		ldb #'D'
		jsr putchar
		jmp discomma
disinval	ldb #'?'
		jsr putchar
		jmp disindir
disnx		lda operand+1
		bmi disnxneg
disnx1		jsr putdol
		jsr outbyte
		jmp discomma
disnxneg	ldb #'-'
		jsr putchar
		bra disnx1
disnnx		jsr putdol
		ldd operand
		jsr outd
		jmp discomma
disnpc		jsr putdol
		ldb operand+1
disnpca		sty temp2
		addd temp2
		jsr outd
		ldx #commapc
		ldb #4
		jsr putline
		jmp disindir
disnnpc		jsr putdol
		ldd operand
		bra disnpca
disdirect	jsr putdol
		ldd operand
		jsr outd		
		jmp disindir

commapc		fcc ",PCR"

disidxtab	fdb disainc1,disainc2,disadec1,disadec2
		fdb discomma,disbx,disax,disinval
		fdb disnx,disnnx,disinval,disdx
		fdb disnpc,disnnpc,disinval,disdirect		

* Display byte A in decimal (0<=A<20)
outdecbyte	cmpa #10
		blo odb1
		suba #10
		ldb #'1'
		jsr putchar
odb1		adda #'0'
		tfr a,b
		jmp putchar
* This is the code for the U command, unassemble instructions in memory.
* Syntax: U or Uaddr or Uaddr,length
unasm		bsr disasm		
		jmp cmdline
disasm		ldx #linebuf+1
		ldd #20
		jsr scan2parms  ;Scan address,length parameters.
dis1		ldd addr
		addd length
		std length
		ldy addr
unasmloop	tfr y,d
		jsr outd        ;Display instruction address
		jsr putspace
		pshs y
		jsr disdecode
		puls x
		sty temp
		clr temp2
unadishex	lda ,x+
		jsr outbyte
		inc temp2
		inc temp2
		cmpx temp
		bne unadishex  ;Display instruction bytes as hex.
unadisspc	ldb #' '
		jsr putchar
		inc temp2
		lda #11
		cmpa temp2     ;Fill out with spaces to width 11.
		bne unadisspc
		bne unadishex
		jsr disdisp    ;Display disassembled instruction.
		tst disflg
		bne skipcr		
		jsr putcr
skipcr		cmpy length
		bls unasmloop
		sty addr

* Simple 'expression evaluator' for assembler.
expr		ldb ,x
		cmpb #'-'
		bne pos
		leax 1,x
pos		pshs b
		bsr scanfact
		beq exprend1
		tst ,s+
		bne exprend 	;Was the minus sign there.
		addd #1
		andcc #$fb	;Clear Z flag for valid result.
exprend		rts		
exprend1	puls b

scanfact	ldb ,x+
		cmpb #'$'
		lbeq scanhex   ;Hex number if starting with dollar.
		cmpb #'''
		bne scandec    ;char if starting with ' else decimal
		ldb ,x+
		lda ,x
		cmpa #'''
		bne scanchar2
		leax 1,x       ;Increment past final quote if it's there.
scanchar2	clra
		andcc #$fb     ;Clear zero flag.
scandec		cmpb #'0'
		blo noexpr
		cmpb #'9'
		bhi noexpr
		clr temp
		clr temp+1
scandloop	subb #'0'
		bcs sdexit				
		cmpb #10
		bcc sdexit
		pshs b
		ldd temp
		pshs d
		addd ,s++     ;Multiply number by 10.
		addb ,s+
		adca #0	      ;Add digit to 10.
		std temp	
		ldb ,x+	      ;Get next character.
		bra scandloop
sdexit		ldd temp
		leax -1,x
		andcc #$fb	
noexpr		orcc #$04

* Assemble the instruction pointed to by X.
* Fisrt stage: copy mnemonic to mnemonic buffer.
asminstr 	lda #5
		ldu #mnembuf
mncploop	ldb ,x+		
		beq mncpexit
		cmpb #' '
		beq mncpexit	;Mnemonic ends at first space or null
		andb #CASEMASK
		cmpb #'A'
		blo nolet
		cmpb #'Z'
		bls mnemcp1	;Capitalize letters, but only letters.
nolet		ldb -1,x
mnemcp1		stb ,u+		;Copy to mnemonic buffer.
		bne mncploop
mncpexit	tsta
		beq mncpdone
		ldb #' '
mnfilloop	stb ,u+
		bne mnfilloop	;Fill the rest of mnem buffer with spaces.
* Second stage: look mnemonic up using binary search.
mncpdone	stx temp3
		clr temp	;Low index=0
		lda #mnemsize
		sta temp+1      ;High index=mnemsize.
bsrchloop	ldb temp+1
		cmpb #$ff
		beq invmnem	;lower limit -1?
		cmpb temp
		blo invmnem     ;hi index lower than low index?
		addb temp	;Add indexes.
		adca #0 	
		rorb		;Divide by 2 to get average
		stb temp2
		rola		;Multiply by 8 to get offset.
		ldu #mnemtab
		leau d,u	;Add offset to table base
		tfr u,y
		lda #5
		ldx #mnembuf
bscmploop	ldb ,x+
		cmpb ,y+
		bne bscmpexit	;Characters don't match?
		bne bscmploop
		jmp mnemfound	;We found the mnemonic.
bscmpexit	ldb temp2
		bcc bscmplower
		stb temp+1	;mnembuf<table, adjust high limit.
		bra bsrchloop
bscmplower	incb
		stb temp	;mnembuf>table, adjust low limit.
		bra bsrchloop
invmnem		ldx #invmmsg	
		jmp asmerrvec
* Stage 3: Perform routine depending on category code.
mnemfound	clr uncert
		ldy addr
		lda 5,u
		ldx #asmtab
		jsr [a,x]
		sty addr
asmtab		fdb onebyte,twobyte,immbyte,lea
		fdb sbranch,lbranch,lbra,acc8
		fdb dreg1,dreg2,oneaddr,tfrexg
		fdb pushpul,pseudovec

putbyte		stb ,y+
putword		std ,y++

onebyte		ldb 7,u		;Cat 0, one byte opcode w/o operands RTS
		bra putbyte
twobyte		ldd 6,u		;Cat 1, two byte opcode w/o operands SWI2
		bra putword
immbyte		ldb 7,u		;Cat 2, opcode w/ immdiate operand ANDCC
		bsr putbyte
		jsr scanops
		ldb amode
		cmpb #1
		lbne moderr
		ldb operand+1
		bra putbyte
lea		ldb 7,u		;Cat 3, LEA
		bsr putbyte
		jsr scanops
		lda amode
		cmpa #1
		lbeq moderr	;No immediate w/ lea
		cmpa #3
		lbhs doaddr	
		jsr set3
		lda #$8f
		sta postbyte
		lda #2
		sta opsize	;Use 8F nn nn for direct mode.	
		jmp doaddr
sbranch		ldb 7,u		;Cat 4, short branch instructions
		bsr putbyte
		jsr startop
		leax -1,x
		jsr exprvec
		lbeq exprerr
		jmp shortrel
lbranch		ldd 6,u		;Cat 5, long brach w/ two byte opcode
		bsr putword
lbra1		jsr startop
		leax -1,x
		jsr exprvec
		lbeq exprerr
		jmp longrel		
lbra		ldb 7,u		;Cat 6, long branch w/ one byte opcode.
		jsr putbyte
		bra lbra1
acc8		lda #1		;Cat 7, 8-bit two operand instructions ADDA
		sta opsize
		jsr scanops
		jsr adjopc
		jsr putbyte
		jmp doaddr
dreg1		lda #2		;Cat 8, 16-bit 2operand insns 1byte opc LDX
		sta opsize
		jsr scanops
		jsr adjopc
		jsr putbyte
		jmp doaddr
dreg2		lda #2		;Cat 9, 16-bit 2operand insns 2byte opc LDY
		sta opsize
		jsr scanops
		jsr adjopc
		lda 6,u
		jsr putword
		jmp doaddr
oneaddr		jsr scanops	;Cat 10, one-operand insns NEG..CLR
		ldb 7,u
		lda amode
		cmpa #1
		lbeq moderr	;No immediate mode
		cmpa #3
		bhs oaind	;indexed etc
		lda opsize
		beq oadir
		addb #$10	;Add $70 for extended direct.
oaind		addb #$60	;And $60 for indexed etc.
oadir		jsr putbyte	;And nothing for direct8.
		jmp doaddr
tfrexg		jsr startop	;Cat 11, TFR and EXG
		leax -1,x
		ldb 7,u
		jsr putbyte
		jsr findreg
		ldb ,u
		stb postbyte
		ldb ,x+
		cmpb #','
		lbne moderr
		jsr findreg
		ldb ,u
		orb postbyte
		jmp putbyte		
pushpul		jsr startop	;Cat 12, PSH and PUL
		leax -1,x
		ldb 7,u
		jsr putbyte
		clr postbyte
pploop		jsr findreg
		ldb 1,u
		orb postbyte
		stb postbyte
		ldb ,x+
		cmpb #','
		beq pploop
		leax -1,x
		ldb postbyte
		jmp putbyte		
pseudo		ldb 7,u		;Cat 13, pseudo oeprations
		ldx #pseudotab
		jmp [b,x]
pseudotab	fdb pseudoend,dofcb,dofcc,dofdb
		fdb doorg,dormb,pseudoend,pseudoend
dofcb		jsr startop
		leax -1,x
fcbloop		jsr exprvec
		lbeq exprerr
		jsr putbyte
		ldb ,x+
		cmpb #','
		beq fcbloop
pseudoend	rts
dofcc		jsr startop
		tfr b,a ;Save delimiter.
fccloop		ldb ,x+	
		beq pseudoend
		pshs a
		cmpb ,s+
		beq pseudoend
		jsr putbyte
		bra fccloop	
dofdb		jsr startop
		leax -1,x
fdbloop		jsr exprvec
		lbeq exprerr
		jsr putword
		ldb ,x+
		cmpb #','
		beq fdbloop
doorg		jsr startop
		leax -1,x
		jsr exprvec
		lbeq exprerr
		tfr d,y
dormb		jsr startop
		leax -1,x
		jsr exprvec
		lbeq exprerr
		leay d,y

* Adjust opcdoe depending on mode (in $80-$FF range)
adjopc		ldb 7,u
		lda amode
		cmpa #2
		beq adjdir	;Is it direct?
		cmpa #3
		bhs adjind	;Indexed etc?
		rts		;Not, then immediate, no adjust.
adjind		addb #$20	;Add $20 to opcode for indexed etc modes.
adjdir		addb #$10	;Add $10 to opcode for direct8
		lda opsize
		bne adjind	;If opsize=2, add another $20 for extended16	

* Start scanning of operands.
startop		ldx temp3
		clr amode
		jmp skipspace

* amode settings in assembler: 1=immediate, 2=direct/extended, 3=indexed
* etc. 4=pc relative, 5=indirect, 6=pcrelative and indirect.

* This subroutine scans the assembler operands.
scanops		bsr startop
		cmpb #'['
		bne noindir
		lda #5		;operand starts with [, then indirect.
		sta amode	
		ldb ,x+
noindir		cmpb #'#'
		lbeq doimm
		cmpb #','
		lbeq dospecial
		andb #CASEMASK    ;Convert to uppercase.
		lda #$86
		cmpb #'A'
		beq scanacidx
		lda #$85
		cmpb #'B'
		beq scanacidx
		lda #$8B
		cmpb #'D'
		bne scanlab
scanacidx	ldb ,x+		;Could it be A,X B,X or D,X
		cmpb #','
		bne nocomma
		sta postbyte
		clr opsize
		jsr set3
		jsr scanixreg
		bra scanend
nocomma		leax -1,x		
scanlab		leax -1,x	;Point to the start of the operand
		jsr exprvec
		lbeq exprerr    
		std operand
		tst uncert
		bne opsz2	;Go for extended if operand unknown.
		subd dpsetting  
		tsta		;Can we use 8-bit operand?
		bne opsz2
		bra opsz1
opsz2		lda #2
opsz1		sta opsize	;Set opsize depending on magnitude of op.
		lda amode
		cmpa #5
		bne opsz3	;Or was it indirect.
		lda #2		;Then we have postbyte and opsize=2
		sta opsize
		lda #$8F
		sta postbyte	
		bra opsz4
opsz3		lda #2
		sta amode	;Assume direct or absolute addressing 
opsz4		ldb ,x+		
		cmpb #','
		lbeq doindex	;If followed by, then indexed.
scanend		lda amode
		cmpa #5
		blo scanend2	;Was it an indirect mode?
		lda postbyte
		ora #$10	;Set indirect bit.
		sta postbyte
		ldb ,x+		
		cmpb #']'	;Check for the other ]
		lbeq moderr
scanend2	rts
doimm		jsr exprvec	;Immediate addressing.	
		lbeq exprerr
		std operand
		lda amode
		cmpa #5
		lbeq moderr	;Inirect mode w/ imm is illegal.
		lda #$01
		sta amode
dospecial	jsr set3
		clr opsize
adecloop	ldb ,x+
		cmpb #'-'
		bne adecend
		inca		;Count the - signs for autodecrement.
		bra adecloop
adecend		leax -1,x
		cmpa #2				
		lbhi moderr
		bne autodec
		clr postbyte
		jsr scanixreg
aincloop	ldb ,x+
		cmpb #'+'
		bne aincend
		bra aincloop	;Count the + signs for autoincrement.			
aincend		leax -1,x
		cmpa #2
		lbhi moderr
		bne autoinc
		lda #$84
		ora postbyte
		sta postbyte
		bra scanend
autoinc		adda #$7f
		ora postbyte
		sta postbyte		
		bra scanend
autodec		adda #$81
		sta postbyte
		jsr scanixreg
		lbra scanend
doindex		clr postbyte
		jsr set3
		ldb ,x+
		andb #CASEMASK	;Convert to uppercase.
		cmpb #'P'
		lbeq dopcrel	;Check for PC relative.
		leax -1,x
		clr opsize
		bsr scanixreg
		ldd operand
		tst uncert
		bne longindex	;Go for long index if operand unknown.
		cmpd #-16
		blt shortindex
		cmpd #15
		bgt shortindex
		lda amode
		cmpa #5		
		beq shortind1	;Indirect may not be 5-bit index	
				;It's a five-bit index.
		andb #$1f
		orb postbyte
		stb postbyte
		lbra scanend
shortindex	cmpd #-128
		blt longindex
		cmpd #127
		bgt longindex
shortind1	inc opsize
		ldb #$88
		orb postbyte
		stb postbyte
		lbra scanend
longindex	lda #$2
		sta opsize
		ldb #$89
		orb postbyte
		stb postbyte
		lbra scanend
dopcrel		ldb ,x+
		andb #CASEMASK	;Convert to uppercase
		cmpb #'C'
		blo pcrelend
		cmpb #'R'
		bhi pcrelend
		bra dopcrel	;Scan past the ,PCR 
pcrelend	leax -1,x
		ldb #$8C
		orb postbyte	;Set postbyte
		stb postbyte	
		inc amode	;Set addr mode to PCR
		lbra scanend

* Scan for one of the 4 index registers and adjust postbyte. 
scanixreg	ldb ,x+
		andb #CASEMASK	;Convert to uppercase.
		pshs x
		ldx #ixregs
scidxloop	cmpb ,x+
		beq ixfound
		adda #$20
		bpl scidxloop
		jmp moderr	;Index register not found where expected.
ixfound		ora postbyte
		sta postbyte	;Set index reg bits in postbyte.
		puls x
* This routine sets amode to 3, if it was less.
set3		lda amode
		cmpa #3
		bhs set3a
		lda #3
		sta amode
set3a		rts

* This subroutine lays down the address.
doaddr		lda amode
		cmpa #3
		blo doa1
		ldb postbyte
		jsr putbyte
		lda amode 
		anda #1
		beq doapcrel	;pc rel modes.
doa1		lda opsize
		beq set3a
		beq doa2
		ldd operand
		jmp putword
doa2		ldb operand+1
		jmp putbyte		
doapcrel	sty addr
		ldd operand
		subd addr
		subd #1
		tst uncert
		bne pcrlong
		cmpd #-128
		blt pcrlong
		cmpd #-127
		bgt pcrlong
		lda #1
		sta opsize
		jmp putbyte
pcrlong		subd #1
		leay -1,y
		inc postbyte
		pshs d
		ldb postbyte
		jsr putbyte
		lda #2
		sta opsize
		puls d
		jmp putword

* This routine checks and lays down short relative address.
shortrel	sty addr
		subd addr
		subd #1
		cmpd #-128
		blt brerr
		cmpd #127
		bgt brerr
		jsr putbyte
		lda #4
		sta amode
		lda #1
		sta opsize
* This routine lays down long relative address.
longrel		sty addr
		subd addr
		subd #2
		jsr putword
		lda #4
		sta amode
		lda #2
		sta opsize

brerr		ldx #brmsg
		jmp asmerrvec 
exprerr		ldx #exprmsg
		jmp asmerrvec
moderr		ldx #modemsg
		jmp asmerrvec
asmerr		pshs x
		jsr xabortin
		puls x
		jsr outcount
		jsr putcr
		lds savesp
		jmp cmdline

* Find register for TFR and PSH instruction
findreg		ldb #12
		pshs y,b
		ldu #asmregtab
findregloop	tfr x,y
		lda #3
frcmps		ldb ,u
		cmpb #' '
		bne frcmps1
		ldb ,y
		cmpb #'A'
		blt frfound
frcmps1		ldb ,y+
		andb #CASEMASK
		cmpb ,u+
		bne frnextreg
		bne frcmps
		bra frfound
frnextreg	inca
		leau a,u
		dec ,s
		bne findregloop
		lbra moderr
frfound		leau a,u
		tfr y,x
		puls y,b

* This is the code for the A command, assemble instructions.
* Syntax: Aaddr
asm             ldx #linebuf+1
		jsr scanhex
		std addr
		inc disflg	

asmloop		ldy #0
		sty length
		ldd addr
		pshs d
		jsr dis1        ;display unassembled line
		ldd addr
		std nxtadd

		puls d
		std addr

*		ldd addr
*		jsr outd

		ldb #TAB
		jsr putchar     ;Print TAB
		ldx #linebuf
		ldb #128
		jsr getline     ;Get new line
		beq next

***		beq asmend      ;Exit on empty line.
		clr ,x          ;Make line zero terminated.
		ldx #linebuf
		lda ,x
		cmpa #'.'
		beq asmend
		jsr asminstr
		bra asmloop

next		ldd nxtadd
		std addr
		bra asmloop

asmend		clr disflg
		jmp cmdline			

* Jump table for monitor routines that are usable by other programs.
		org $ffc0
		jmp outbyte
		jmp outd
		jmp scanbyte
		jmp scanhex
		jmp scanfact
		jmp asminstr
* Interrupt vector addresses at top of ROM. Most are vectored through jumps
* in RAM.
		org $fff2
		fdb swi3vec
		fdb swi2vec
		fdb firqvec
		fdb irqvec
		fdb swivec
		fdb nmivec
		fdb reset
