view 2015/0609.html @ 28:0bec56f5c23f

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author Masataka Kohagura <>
date Tue, 09 Jun 2015 17:13:09 +0900
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<!DOCTYPE html>
  <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8"> 

   Notes on CSS media types used:
   1) projection -> slideshow mode (display one slide at-a-time; hide all others)
   2) screen     -> outline mode (display all slides-at-once on screen) 
   3) print      -> print (and print preview)
   Note: toggle between projection/screen (that is, slideshow/outline) mode using t-key

   Questions, comments?
   - send them along to the mailinglist/forum online @    

<!-- styles  -->
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         box-sizing: border-box;
         width: 100%; height: 100%;    /* css note: lets use border-box; no need to add padding+border to get to 100% */
         overflow-x: hidden; overflow-y: auto;
         z-index: 2;

.slide.current { display: block; }  /* only display current slide in projection mode */

.slide .stepcurrent { color: black; }
.slide .step        { color: silver; } /* or hide next steps e.g. .step { visibility: hidden; } */

.slide {
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<style media="print">
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<!-- add js lib (jquery) -->
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  $(document).ready( function() {
    // Example 2: Start Off in Outline Mode
    // Slideshow.init( { mode: 'outline' } );
    // Example 3: Use Custom Transition
    // Slideshow.transition = transitionScrollUp;
    // Slideshow.init();

    // Example 4: Start Off in Autoplay Mode with Custom Transition
    // Slideshow.transition = transitionScrollUp;
    // Slideshow.init( { mode: 'autoplay' } );
  } );


<div class="presentation">

  <div class='slide cover'>
  <table width="90%" height="90%" border="0" align="center">
  <td><div align="center">
      <h1>Cerium 上での正規表現の実装</h1>
      <td><div align="right">
          <name>Masataka Kohagura 2nd, June , 2015</name>

  <div id="cover">
            当研究室では並列プログラミングフレームワーク Cerium Task Manager でプログラミングを行っている。


  <div id="cover">
    例題 : (a|aa|aaa)*b
            <object data="images/vector/automata.svg" type="image/svg+xml"></object><br>
        非決定性オートマトンから subset Constraction
            <object data="images/vector/dfa2tosubset.svg" type="image/svg+xml"></object><br>

  <div id="cover">
    例題 : ab(ab)+
            <object data="images/vector/abab.svg" type="image/svg+xml"></object><br>
        テキストが abab の途中で分割される場合を考える
            <object data="images/vector/ababautomata.svg" type="image/svg+xml"></object><br>
        分割されたファイルの1コ前の終わりが状態(3)の場合で、分割されたファイルの先頭が b の場合状態(4)に遷移して受理される。(正規表現にマッチする)
            <object data="images/vector/ababtable.svg" type="image/svg+xml"></object><br>
            <object data="images/vector/bitvectorTable.svg" type="image/svg+xml"></object><br>

  <div id="cover">
    <h1>状態を bit列で表現</h1>
    状態をビットで表現するため、bitSet を実装した。


typedef struct bitInfo {
    int arrayNum;
    unsigned long *bitContainer;

void bitSet(BitInfoPtr bi, int bitSetPosition) {

    unsigned long tmp = 1;
    int arrayPosition = 0;

    arrayPosition = bitSetPosition / 64;
    bitSetPosition = bitSetPosition % 64;

    tmp = tmp << (63 - bitSetPosition);
    bi->bitContainer[arrayPosition] = bi->bitContainer[arrayPosition] | tmp;


  <div id="cover">
    bitVector を生成するため、正規表現の parser を記述する

  <div id="cover">


typedef struct SDL_AudioSpec {
    int freq;          /** DSP frequency samples per second */
    Uint16 format;     /** Audio data format */
    Uint8  channels;   /** Number of channels: 1 mono, 2 stereo */
    Uint8  silence;    /** Audio buffer silence value (calculated) */
    Uint16 samples;    /** Audio buffer size in samples (power of 2) */
    Uint16 padding;    /** Necessary for some compile environments */
    Uint32 size;       /** Audio buffer size in bytes (calculated) */
    void (SDLCALL *callback)(void *userdata, Uint8 *stream, int len);
    void  *userdata;
} SDL_AudioSpec;
    <img src="./images/sqrWave.png" width="50%" height="">


</div> <!-- presentation -->