
age author description
2013-04-23 Nobuyasu Oshiro modified viewer.html draft
2013-04-23 Nobuyasu Oshiro add viewrLib.js draft
2013-04-23 Nobuyasu Oshiro remove unnecessary files draft
2013-04-23 one modified InitialData.java draft
2013-04-23 one modified pass to passed draft
2013-04-19 Nobuyasu Oshiro modified revisionviewer.html draft
2013-04-19 Nobuyasu Oshiro remove createOptionTag method draft
2013-04-19 Nobuyasu Oshiro implemented slider draft
2013-04-17 Nobuyasu Oshiro merge 117 draft
2013-04-17 Nobuyasu Oshiro modifie viewr draft
2013-04-17 Nobuyasu Oshiro viewer.html draft
2013-04-01 one modified Claim.java and TPGRaph getLatestVertexId method draft
2013-03-19 Nobuyasu Oshiro add view[0].position draft
2013-03-18 Nobuyasu Oshiro sampleJSONData draft
2013-03-17 Nobuyasu Oshiro modified sampleJSONData draft
2013-03-17 Nobuyasu Oshiro create traverse function draft
2013-03-17 Nobuyasu Oshiro add label draft
2013-03-17 Nobuyasu Oshiro remove unnecessary code draft
2013-03-17 Nobuyasu Oshiro modified recursiveShowRelationNode draft
2013-03-17 Nobuyasu Oshiro add showAllEdge function draft
2013-03-17 Nobuyasu Oshiro create updateRelationNode function draft
2013-03-17 Nobuyasu Oshiro modified graph -> node draft
2013-03-17 Nobuyasu Oshiro create parseJSONDate function draft
2013-03-17 Nobuyasu Oshiro modified viewer_white.html draft
2013-03-16 Nobuyasu Oshiro modified label draft
2013-03-16 Nobuyasu Oshiro add jquery.jsPlumb-1.3.15-all-min.js draft
2013-03-16 Nobuyasu Oshiro mofidied body css draft
2013-03-16 Nobuyasu Oshiro modified viewer_white.html draft
2013-03-16 Nobuyasu Oshiro modfied jsPlumb draft
2013-03-16 Nobuyasu Oshiro add jsPlumb code draft
2013-03-16 Nobuyasu Oshiro add jsPlumb draft
2013-03-15 Nobuyasu Oshiro modified miniDisplay draft
2013-03-15 Nobuyasu Oshiro modified miniDisplay draft
2013-03-15 Nobuyasu Oshiro create miniDisplay tag draft
2013-03-15 Nobuyasu Oshiro modified viewer_whit.html draft
2013-03-15 Nobuyasu Oshiro modfied viewer_white.html draft
2013-03-12 one modified createMention action draft
2013-03-12 one create getLatestClaimTree action. modified createMention action and viewer.html. draft
2013-03-10 one delete setInterval in revisionviewer.html draft
2013-03-10 one modified revisionviewer.html draft
2013-03-10 one modified revisionviewer.html draft
2013-03-10 one modified revisionviewer.html draft
2013-03-10 one add revisionviewer.html draft
2013-03-10 one modified public/viewer/viewer.html draft
2013-03-10 one modified InitialData draft
2013-03-09 one create getClaimRevision methos draft
2013-03-09 one modified clone method in ClaimModel. draft
2013-03-09 one modified copyConsensusTree method draft
2013-03-08 one create getUserLatestClaims. draft
2013-03-08 one modified public/viewer/index.html draft
2013-03-08 one implemented getLatestClaimsAndRequest method draft
2013-03-08 one create getLatestUserConsensus Action draft
2013-03-08 one modified TPGraph.java draft
2013-03-08 one TPGraph wrap graph draft
2013-03-07 one modified copyConsensusTree draft
2013-03-07 one create copyConsensusTree method. draft
2013-03-06 one create copyRequestEdges method in ClaimModel. draft
2013-03-06 one modified ClaiModel clone method draft
2013-02-20 one add comment draft
2013-02-19 one add TIMESTAMP. modified getClaimInfoTraverse. draft
2013-02-05 one modified computeAndUpdateStatus draft
2012-11-15 one modifired createMention
2012-11-13 one modified Demo data
2012-11-12 one modified
2012-11-12 one modified InitialData.java
2012-11-12 one modified InitialData.java
2012-11-12 one implemented reset method in Claim.java
2012-11-12 one add InitialData
2012-11-12 one modified initialData method
2012-11-12 one add initialData method
2012-11-12 one modified User.java
2012-11-07 one add ETDemo
2012-11-07 one modify getAllUpperClaims
2012-10-04 one modified public/viewer/index.html
2012-10-04 one modified public/viewer
2012-10-04 one add public/js
2012-10-04 one modified ClaiMode/computeUnaimously method
2012-10-04 one modify checkUnanimously
2012-10-04 one add public/viewer
2012-10-04 one modified routes
2012-10-04 one modified computeAndUpdateStatus
2012-10-04 one modified checkUnanimously method
2012-10-03 one modified computeAndUpdateStatus
2012-10-03 one modified ClaimModel/checkRefutationClaim method
2012-10-03 one commit
2012-10-03 one modified ClaimModel/computeAndUpdateStatus method
2012-10-03 one modified Claim/setClaimProperties
2012-10-03 one modified updateUserConsensusStatus
2012-10-03 one create updateRequestStatus
2012-10-03 one create getAllUsers() action.
2012-10-03 one create getUserConsensusStatus action
2012-10-03 one fix createMention action bug
2012-10-03 one fix const value FAILED from FAIL
2012-10-03 one create editClaim
2012-10-03 one fix
2012-10-03 one fix
2012-10-03 one modified createMentionTree
2012-10-03 one create createMentions
2012-10-03 one create ClaimModel/getUsersIdAndStatus method
2012-10-03 one modified ClaimModel/getInfo action
2012-10-03 one create getClaimInfo
2012-10-03 one modified RequestTest.java
2012-10-02 one modified checkConsensus
2012-10-02 one modified checkconsensus
2012-10-02 one fix infinite loop on getConsensus Action
2012-10-02 one create getConsensus action. but this action can not test because there is no createMention action.
2012-10-02 one modifying getConsensus action
2012-10-02 one modified getUser
2012-10-02 one modified getUserClaims
2012-10-02 one modified UserModel/getEdgeInUser
2012-10-02 one delete unnecessary library
2012-10-02 one fix
2012-10-02 one modified UserModel/appendRequests
2012-10-02 one modified createClaim
2012-10-02 one add jersey libraries and RequestTest.java
2012-10-02 one add ClaimModel.java
2012-10-02 one create action Claim/createClaim
2012-10-02 one fix NodeModel.java
2012-10-02 one add controllers/Claim.java
2012-10-01 one modified User.java