diff js/1.3.15/jsPlumb-defaults-1.3.15-RC1.js @ 0:36959449f3b2 draft

add some files
author Nobuyasu Oshiro <dimolto@cr.ie.u-ryukyu.ac.jp>
date Tue, 19 Mar 2013 23:50:07 +0900
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/js/1.3.15/jsPlumb-defaults-1.3.15-RC1.js	Tue Mar 19 23:50:07 2013 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,1246 @@
+ * jsPlumb
+ * 
+ * Title:jsPlumb 1.3.15
+ * 
+ * Provides a way to visually connect elements on an HTML page, using either SVG, Canvas
+ * elements, or VML.  
+ * 
+ * This file contains the default Connectors, Endpoint and Overlay definitions.
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2010 - 2012 Simon Porritt (http://jsplumb.org)
+ * 
+ * http://jsplumb.org
+ * http://github.com/sporritt/jsplumb
+ * http://code.google.com/p/jsplumb
+ * 
+ * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL2 licenses.
+ */
+(function() {	
+	/**
+	 * 
+	 * Helper class to consume unused mouse events by components that are DOM elements and
+	 * are used by all of the different rendering modes.
+	 * 
+	 */
+	jsPlumb.DOMElementComponent = function(params) {
+		jsPlumb.jsPlumbUIComponent.apply(this, arguments);
+		// when render mode is canvas, these functions may be called by the canvas mouse handler.  
+		// this component is safe to pipe this stuff to /dev/null.
+		this.mousemove = 
+		this.dblclick  = 
+		this.click = 
+		this.mousedown = 
+		this.mouseup = function(e) { };					
+	};
+    /**
+     * Class: Connectors.Straight
+     * The Straight connector draws a simple straight line between the two anchor points.  It does not have any constructor parameters.
+     */
+    jsPlumb.Connectors.Straight = function() {
+    	this.type = "Straight";
+		var self = this,
+		currentPoints = null,
+		_m, _m2, _b, _dx, _dy, _theta, _theta2, _sx, _sy, _tx, _ty, _segment, _length;
+        /**
+         * Computes the new size and position of the canvas.         
+         */
+        this.compute = function(sourcePos, targetPos, sourceEndpoint, targetEndpoint, sourceAnchor, targetAnchor, lineWidth, minWidth) {
+        	var w = Math.abs(sourcePos[0] - targetPos[0]),
+            h = Math.abs(sourcePos[1] - targetPos[1]),
+            // these are padding to ensure the whole connector line appears
+            xo = 0.45 * w, yo = 0.45 * h;
+            // these are padding to ensure the whole connector line appears
+            w *= 1.9; h *=1.9;
+            var x = Math.min(sourcePos[0], targetPos[0]) - xo;
+            var y = Math.min(sourcePos[1], targetPos[1]) - yo;
+            // minimum size is 2 * line Width if minWidth was not given.
+            var calculatedMinWidth = Math.max(2 * lineWidth, minWidth);
+            if (w < calculatedMinWidth) { 
+        		w = calculatedMinWidth; 
+        		x = sourcePos[0]  + ((targetPos[0] - sourcePos[0]) / 2) - (calculatedMinWidth / 2);
+        		xo = (w - Math.abs(sourcePos[0]-targetPos[0])) / 2;
+        	}
+            if (h < calculatedMinWidth) {         
+        		h = calculatedMinWidth; 
+        		y = sourcePos[1]  + ((targetPos[1] - sourcePos[1]) / 2) - (calculatedMinWidth / 2);
+        		yo = (h - Math.abs(sourcePos[1]-targetPos[1])) / 2;
+        	}
+            _sx = sourcePos[0] < targetPos[0] ?  xo : w-xo;
+            _sy = sourcePos[1] < targetPos[1] ? yo:h-yo;
+            _tx = sourcePos[0] < targetPos[0] ? w-xo : xo;
+            _ty = sourcePos[1] < targetPos[1] ? h-yo : yo;
+            currentPoints = [ x, y, w, h, _sx, _sy, _tx, _ty ];                        
+            _dx = _tx - _sx, _dy = _ty - _sy;
+			//_m = _dy / _dx, _m2 = -1 / _m;
+            _m = jsPlumbUtil.gradient({x:_sx, y:_sy}, {x:_tx, y:_ty}), _m2 = -1 / _m;
+			_b = -1 * ((_m * _sx) - _sy);
+			_theta = Math.atan(_m); _theta2 = Math.atan(_m2);
+            //_segment = jsPlumbUtil.segment({x:_sx, y:_sy}, {x:_tx, y:_ty});
+            _length = Math.sqrt((_dx * _dx) + (_dy * _dy));
+            return currentPoints;
+        };
+        /**
+         * returns the point on the connector's path that is 'location' along the length of the path, where 'location' is a decimal from
+         * 0 to 1 inclusive. for the straight line connector this is simple maths.  for Bezier, not so much.
+         */
+        this.pointOnPath = function(location, absolute) {
+        	if (location == 0 && !absolute)
+                return { x:_sx, y:_sy };
+            else if (location == 1 && !absolute)
+                return { x:_tx, y:_ty };
+            else {
+                var l = absolute ? location > 0 ? location : _length + location : location * _length;
+                return jsPlumbUtil.pointOnLine({x:_sx, y:_sy}, {x:_tx, y:_ty}, l);
+            }
+        };
+        /**
+         * returns the gradient of the connector at the given point - which for us is constant.
+         */
+        this.gradientAtPoint = function(location) {
+            return _m;
+        };
+        /**
+         * returns the point on the connector's path that is 'distance' along the length of the path from 'location', where 
+         * 'location' is a decimal from 0 to 1 inclusive, and 'distance' is a number of pixels.
+         * this hands off to jsPlumbUtil to do the maths, supplying two points and the distance.
+         */
+        this.pointAlongPathFrom = function(location, distance, absolute) {            
+        	var p = self.pointOnPath(location, absolute),
+                farAwayPoint = location == 1 ? {
+                    x:_sx + ((_tx - _sx) * 10),
+                    y:_sy + ((_sy - _ty) * 10)
+                } : {x:_tx, y:_ty };
+            return jsPlumbUtil.pointOnLine(p, farAwayPoint, distance);
+        };
+    };
+    /**
+     * Class:Connectors.Bezier
+     * This Connector draws a Bezier curve with two control points.  You can provide a 'curviness' value which gets applied to jsPlumb's
+     * internal voodoo machine and ends up generating locations for the two control points.  See the constructor documentation below.
+     */
+    /**
+     * Function:Constructor
+     * 
+     * Parameters:
+     * 	curviness - How 'curvy' you want the curve to be! This is a directive for the placement of control points, not endpoints of the curve, so your curve does not 
+     * actually touch the given point, but it has the tendency to lean towards it.  The larger this value, the greater the curve is pulled from a straight line.
+     * Optional; defaults to 150.
+     * stub - optional value for a distance to travel from the connector's endpoint before beginning the Bezier curve. defaults to 0.
+     * 
+     */
+    jsPlumb.Connectors.Bezier = function(params) {
+    	var self = this;
+    	params = params || {};
+    	this.majorAnchor = params.curviness || 150;        
+        this.minorAnchor = 10;
+        var currentPoints = null;
+        this.type = "Bezier";
+        this._findControlPoint = function(point, sourceAnchorPosition, targetAnchorPosition, sourceEndpoint, targetEndpoint, sourceAnchor, targetAnchor) {
+        	// determine if the two anchors are perpendicular to each other in their orientation.  we swap the control 
+        	// points around if so (code could be tightened up)
+        	var soo = sourceAnchor.getOrientation(sourceEndpoint), 
+        		too = targetAnchor.getOrientation(targetEndpoint),
+        		perpendicular = soo[0] != too[0] || soo[1] == too[1],
+            	p = [],            
+            	ma = self.majorAnchor, mi = self.minorAnchor;                
+            if (!perpendicular) {
+                if (soo[0] == 0) // X
+                    p.push(sourceAnchorPosition[0] < targetAnchorPosition[0] ? point[0] + mi : point[0] - mi);
+                else p.push(point[0] - (ma * soo[0]));
+                if (soo[1] == 0) // Y
+                	p.push(sourceAnchorPosition[1] < targetAnchorPosition[1] ? point[1] + mi : point[1] - mi);
+                else p.push(point[1] + (ma * too[1]));
+            }
+             else {
+                if (too[0] == 0) // X
+                	p.push(targetAnchorPosition[0] < sourceAnchorPosition[0] ? point[0] + mi : point[0] - mi);
+                else p.push(point[0] + (ma * too[0]));
+                if (too[1] == 0) // Y
+                	p.push(targetAnchorPosition[1] < sourceAnchorPosition[1] ? point[1] + mi : point[1] - mi);
+                else p.push(point[1] + (ma * soo[1]));
+             }
+            return p;                
+        };        
+        var _CP, _CP2, _sx, _tx, _ty, _sx, _sy, _canvasX, _canvasY, _w, _h, _sStubX, _sStubY, _tStubX, _tStubY;
+        this.compute = function(sourcePos, targetPos, sourceEndpoint, targetEndpoint, sourceAnchor, targetAnchor, lineWidth, minWidth) {
+        	lineWidth = lineWidth || 0;
+            _w = Math.abs(sourcePos[0] - targetPos[0]) + lineWidth; 
+            _h = Math.abs(sourcePos[1] - targetPos[1]) + lineWidth;
+            _canvasX = Math.min(sourcePos[0], targetPos[0])-(lineWidth/2);
+            _canvasY = Math.min(sourcePos[1], targetPos[1])-(lineWidth/2);
+            _sx = sourcePos[0] < targetPos[0] ? _w - (lineWidth/2): (lineWidth/2);
+            _sy = sourcePos[1] < targetPos[1] ? _h - (lineWidth/2) : (lineWidth/2);
+            _tx = sourcePos[0] < targetPos[0] ? (lineWidth/2) : _w - (lineWidth/2);
+            _ty = sourcePos[1] < targetPos[1] ? (lineWidth/2) : _h - (lineWidth/2);
+            _CP = self._findControlPoint([_sx,_sy], sourcePos, targetPos, sourceEndpoint, targetEndpoint, sourceAnchor, targetAnchor);
+            _CP2 = self._findControlPoint([_tx,_ty], targetPos, sourcePos, targetEndpoint, sourceEndpoint, targetAnchor, sourceAnchor);                
+            var minx1 = Math.min(_sx,_tx), minx2 = Math.min(_CP[0], _CP2[0]), minx = Math.min(minx1,minx2),
+            	maxx1 = Math.max(_sx,_tx), maxx2 = Math.max(_CP[0], _CP2[0]), maxx = Math.max(maxx1,maxx2);
+            if (maxx > _w) _w = maxx;
+            if (minx < 0) {
+                _canvasX += minx; var ox = Math.abs(minx);
+                _w += ox; _CP[0] += ox; _sx += ox; _tx +=ox; _CP2[0] += ox;                
+            }                
+            var miny1 = Math.min(_sy,_ty), miny2 = Math.min(_CP[1], _CP2[1]), miny = Math.min(miny1,miny2),
+            	maxy1 = Math.max(_sy,_ty), maxy2 = Math.max(_CP[1], _CP2[1]), maxy = Math.max(maxy1,maxy2);
+            if (maxy > _h) _h = maxy;
+            if (miny < 0) {
+                _canvasY += miny; var oy = Math.abs(miny);
+                _h += oy; _CP[1] += oy; _sy += oy; _ty +=oy; _CP2[1] += oy;                
+            }
+            if (minWidth && _w < minWidth) {
+            	var posAdjust = (minWidth - _w) / 2;
+        		_w = minWidth;        		
+        		_canvasX -= posAdjust; _sx = _sx + posAdjust ; _tx = _tx + posAdjust; _CP[0] =  _CP[0] + posAdjust; _CP2[0] = _CP2[0] + posAdjust;
+        	}
+            if (minWidth && _h < minWidth) {
+            	var posAdjust = (minWidth - _h) / 2;
+        		_h = minWidth;        		
+        		_canvasY -= posAdjust; _sy = _sy + posAdjust ; _ty = _ty + posAdjust; _CP[1] =  _CP[1] + posAdjust; _CP2[1] = _CP2[1] + posAdjust;
+        	}
+            currentPoints = [_canvasX, _canvasY, _w, _h,
+                             _sx, _sy, _tx, _ty,
+                             _CP[0], _CP[1], _CP2[0], _CP2[1] ];
+            return currentPoints;            
+        };        
+        var _makeCurve = function() {
+        	return [	
+	        	{ x:_sx, y:_sy },
+	        	{ x:_CP[0], y:_CP[1] },
+	        	{ x:_CP2[0], y:_CP2[1] },
+	        	{ x:_tx, y:_ty }
+         	];
+        };     
+        var _translateLocation = function(curve, location, absolute) {
+            if (absolute)
+                location = jsBezier.locationAlongCurveFrom(curve, location > 0 ? 0 : 1, location);
+            return location;
+        };
+        /**
+         * returns the point on the connector's path that is 'location' along the length of the path, where 'location' is a decimal from
+         * 0 to 1 inclusive. for the straight line connector this is simple maths.  for Bezier, not so much.
+         */
+        this.pointOnPath = function(location, absolute) {
+            var c = _makeCurve();
+            location = _translateLocation(c, location, absolute);
+            return jsBezier.pointOnCurve(c, location);
+        };
+        /**
+         * returns the gradient of the connector at the given point.
+         */
+        this.gradientAtPoint = function(location, absolute) {
+            var c = _makeCurve();
+            location = _translateLocation(c, location, absolute);
+            return jsBezier.gradientAtPoint(c, location);        	
+        };	              
+        /**
+         * for Bezier curves this method is a little tricky, cos calculating path distance algebraically is notoriously difficult.
+         * this method is iterative, jumping forward .05% of the path at a time and summing the distance between this point and the previous
+         * one, until the sum reaches 'distance'. the method may turn out to be computationally expensive; we'll see.
+         * another drawback of this method is that if the connector gets quite long, .05% of the length of it is not necessarily smaller
+         * than the desired distance, in which case the loop returns immediately and the arrow is mis-shapen. so a better strategy might be to
+         * calculate the step as a function of distance/distance between endpoints.  
+         */
+        this.pointAlongPathFrom = function(location, distance, absolute) {
+            var c = _makeCurve();
+            location = _translateLocation(c, location, absolute);
+            return jsBezier.pointAlongCurveFrom(c, location, distance);
+        };           
+    };        
+    /**
+     * Class: Connectors.Flowchart
+     * Provides 'flowchart' connectors, consisting of vertical and horizontal line segments.
+     */
+    /**
+     * Function: Constructor
+     * 
+     * Parameters:
+     * 	stub - minimum length for the stub at each end of the connector. This can be an integer, giving a value for both ends of the connections, 
+     * or an array of two integers, giving separate values for each end. The default is an integer with value 30 (pixels). 
+     *  gap  - gap to leave between the end of the connector and the element on which the endpoint resides. if you make this larger than stub then you will see some odd looking behaviour.  defaults to 0 pixels.     
+     */
+    jsPlumb.Connectors.Flowchart = function(params) {
+    	this.type = "Flowchart";
+    	params = params || {};
+        var self = this, 
+        	stub = params.stub || params.minStubLength /* bwds compat. */ || 30, 
+            sourceStub = jsPlumbUtil.isArray(stub) ? stub[0] : stub,
+            targetStub = jsPlumbUtil.isArray(stub) ? stub[1] : stub,
+            gap = params.gap || 0,
+        	segments = [],
+            totalLength = 0,
+        	segmentProportions = [],
+        	segmentProportionalLengths = [],
+        	points = [],
+        	swapX, swapY,
+            maxX = -Infinity, maxY = -Infinity,
+            minX = Infinity, minY = Infinity,
+			grid = params.grid,
+			_gridClamp = function(n, g) { var e = n % g, f = Math.floor(n / g), inc = e > (g / 2) ? 1 : 0; return (f + inc) * g; },
+			clampToGrid = function(x, y, dontClampX, dontClampY) {
+				return [
+					dontClampX || grid == null ? x : _gridClamp(x, grid[0]),
+					dontClampY || grid == null ? y : _gridClamp(y, grid[1])
+				];
+			},
+		/**
+		 * recalculates the points at which the segments begin and end, proportional to the total length travelled
+		 * by all the segments that constitute the connector.   we use this to help with pointOnPath calculations.
+		 */
+		updateSegmentProportions = function(startX, startY, endX, endY) {
+			var curLoc = 0;
+			for (var i = 0; i < segments.length; i++) {
+				segmentProportionalLengths[i] = segments[i][5] / totalLength;
+				segmentProportions[i] = [curLoc, (curLoc += (segments[i][5] / totalLength)) ];
+			}
+		},
+		appendSegmentsToPoints = function() {
+			points.push(segments.length);
+			for (var i = 0; i < segments.length; i++) {
+				points.push(segments[i][0]);
+				points.push(segments[i][1]);
+			}
+		},		
+		/**
+		 * helper method to add a segment.
+		 */
+		addSegment = function(x, y, sx, sy, tx, ty/*, doGridX, doGridY*/) {
+			var lx = segments.length == 0 ? sx : segments[segments.length - 1][0],
+			    ly = segments.length == 0 ? sy : segments[segments.length - 1][1],
+                m = x == lx ? Infinity : 0;
+				/*,
+				gridded = clampToGrid(x, y),
+				doGridX = true,
+				doGridY = true;
+			// grid experiment. TODO: have two more params that indicate whether or not to lock to a grid in each
+			// axis. the reason for this is that anchor points wont always be located on the grid, so until a connector
+			// emanating from that anchor has turned a right angle, we can't actually clamp it to a grid for that axis.
+			// so if a line came out horizontally heading left, then it will probably not be clamped in the y axis, but
+			// we can choose to clamp its first corner in the x axis.  the same principle goes for the target anchor.
+			//if (segments.length == 0) {
+			console.log("this is the first segment...if sx == x then do not do grid in X.")
+			doGridX = !(sx == x) && !(tx == x);
+			doGridY = !(sy == y) && !(ty == y);						
+			x = doGridX ? gridded[0] : x;
+			y = doGridY ? gridded[1] : y;
+			*/			
+			var l = Math.abs(x == lx ? y - ly : x - lx);
+			segments.push([x, y, lx, ly, m, l]);
+            totalLength += l;
+            maxX = Math.max(maxX, x);
+            maxY = Math.max(maxY, y);
+            minX = Math.min(minX, x);
+            minY = Math.min(minY, y);
+		},
+		/**
+		 * returns [segment, proportion of travel in segment, segment index] for the segment 
+		 * that contains the point which is 'location' distance along the entire path, where 
+		 * 'location' is a decimal between 0 and 1 inclusive. in this connector type, paths 
+		 * are made up of a list of segments, each of which contributes some fraction to
+		 * the total length. 
+         * From 1.3.10 this also supports the 'absolute' property, which lets us specify a location
+         * as the absolute distance in pixels, rather than a proportion of the total path. 
+		 */
+		findSegmentForLocation = function(location, absolute) {
+            if (absolute) {
+                location = location > 0 ? location / totalLength : (totalLength + location) / totalLength;
+            }
+			var idx = segmentProportions.length - 1, inSegmentProportion = 1;
+			for (var i = 0; i < segmentProportions.length; i++) {
+				if (segmentProportions[i][1] >= location) {
+					idx = i;
+					inSegmentProportion = (location - segmentProportions[i][0]) / segmentProportionalLengths[i];                    
+ 					break;
+				}
+			}
+			return { segment:segments[idx], proportion:inSegmentProportion, index:idx };
+		};
+		this.compute = function(sourcePos, targetPos, sourceEndpoint, targetEndpoint, 
+            sourceAnchor, targetAnchor, lineWidth, minWidth, sourceInfo, targetInfo) {
+            segments = [];
+            segmentProportions = [];
+            totalLength = 0;
+            segmentProportionalLengths = [];
+            maxX = maxY = -Infinity;
+            minX = minY = Infinity;
+			self.lineWidth = lineWidth;
+            swapX = targetPos[0] < sourcePos[0]; 
+            swapY = targetPos[1] < sourcePos[1];
+            var lw = lineWidth || 1,                
+                sourceOffx = (lw / 2) + (sourceStub + targetStub), 
+                targetOffx = (lw / 2) + (targetStub + sourceStub),                 
+                sourceOffy = (lw / 2) + (sourceStub + targetStub),
+                targetOffy = (lw / 2) + (targetStub + sourceStub),
+                so = sourceAnchor.orientation || sourceAnchor.getOrientation(sourceEndpoint), 
+                to = targetAnchor.orientation || targetAnchor.getOrientation(targetEndpoint),
+                x = swapX ? targetPos[0] : sourcePos[0], 
+                y = swapY ? targetPos[1] : sourcePos[1],
+                w = Math.abs(targetPos[0] - sourcePos[0]) + sourceOffx + targetOffx, 
+                h = Math.abs(targetPos[1] - sourcePos[1]) + sourceOffy + targetOffy;
+            // if either anchor does not have an orientation set, we derive one from their relative
+            // positions.  we fix the axis to be the one in which the two elements are further apart, and
+            // point each anchor at the other element.  this is also used when dragging a new connection.
+            if (so[0] == 0 && so[1] == 0 || to[0] == 0 && to[1] == 0) {
+                var index = w > h ? 0 : 1, oIndex = [1,0][index];
+                so = []; to = [];
+                so[index] = sourcePos[index] > targetPos[index] ? -1 : 1;
+                to[index] = sourcePos[index] > targetPos[index] ? 1 : -1;
+                so[oIndex] = 0;
+                to[oIndex] = 0;
+            }
+			/*
+			 this code is unexplained and causes paint errors with continuous anchors sometimes.
+			 commenting it out until i can get to the bottom of it.
+            if (w < minWidth) {      
+                sourceOffx += (minWidth - w) / 2;
+                w = minWidth;
+            }
+            if (h < minWidth) {             
+                sourceOffy += (minWidth - h) / 2;
+                h = minWidth;
+            }
+            */
+            var sx = swapX ? (w - targetOffx) +( gap * so[0])  : sourceOffx + (gap * so[0]), 
+                sy = swapY ? (h - targetOffy) + (gap * so[1])  : sourceOffy + (gap * so[1]), 
+                tx = swapX ? sourceOffx + (gap * to[0]) : (w - targetOffx) + (gap * to[0]),
+                ty = swapY ? sourceOffy + (gap * to[1]) : (h - targetOffy) + (gap * to[1]),
+                startStubX = sx + (so[0] * sourceStub), 
+                startStubY = sy + (so[1] * sourceStub),
+                endStubX = tx + (to[0] * targetStub), 
+                endStubY = ty + (to[1] * targetStub),
+                isXGreaterThanStubTimes2 = Math.abs(sx - tx) > (sourceStub + targetStub),
+                isYGreaterThanStubTimes2 = Math.abs(sy - ty) > (sourceStub + targetStub),
+                midx = startStubX + ((endStubX - startStubX) / 2),
+                midy = startStubY + ((endStubY - startStubY) / 2),
+                oProduct = ((so[0] * to[0]) + (so[1] * to[1])),
+                opposite = oProduct == -1,
+                perpendicular = oProduct == 0,
+                orthogonal = oProduct == 1; 
+            x -= sourceOffx; y -= sourceOffy;
+            points = [x, y, w, h, sx, sy, tx, ty];
+            var extraPoints = [];                                        
+            var sourceAxis = so[0] == 0 ? "y" : "x",
+                anchorOrientation = opposite ? "opposite" : orthogonal ? "orthogonal" : "perpendicular",
+                segment = jsPlumbUtil.segment([sx, sy], [tx, ty]),
+                flipSourceSegments = so[sourceAxis == "x" ? 0 : 1] == -1,
+                flipSegments = {
+                    "x":[null, 4, 3, 2, 1],
+                    "y":[null, 2, 1, 4, 3]
+                }        
+            if (flipSourceSegments)                
+                segment = flipSegments[sourceAxis][segment];                                    
+			addSegment(startStubX, startStubY, sx, sy, tx, ty);
+            var findClearedLine = function(start, mult, anchorPos, dimension) {
+                return start + (mult * (( 1 - anchorPos) * dimension) + Math.max(sourceStub, targetStub));
+                //mx = so[0] == 0 ? startStubX + ((1 - sourceAnchor.x) * sourceInfo.width) + stub : startStubX,
+            },
+            lineCalculators = {
+                oppositex : function() {
+                    if (sourceEndpoint.elementId == targetEndpoint.elementId) {
+                        var _y = startStubY + ((1 - sourceAnchor.y) * sourceInfo.height) + Math.max(sourceStub, targetStub);
+                        return [ [ startStubX, _y ], [ endStubX, _y ]];
+                    }
+                    else if (isXGreaterThanStubTimes2 && (segment == 1 || segment == 2)) {
+                        return [[ midx, sy ], [ midx, ty ]];
+                    }    
+                    else {
+                        return [[ startStubX, midy ], [endStubX, midy ]];                
+                    }
+                },
+                orthogonalx : function() {
+                    if (segment == 1 || segment == 2) {
+                        return [ [ endStubX, startStubY  ]];
+                    }
+                    else {
+                        return [ [ startStubX, endStubY ]];
+                    }
+                },
+                perpendicularx : function() {                
+                    var my = (ty + sy) / 2;
+                    if ((segment == 1 && to[1] == 1) || (segment == 2 && to[1] == -1)) {                  
+                        if (Math.abs(tx - sx) > Math.max(sourceStub, targetStub))
+                            return [ [endStubX, startStubY ]];            
+                        else
+                            return [ [startStubX, startStubY ], [ startStubX, my ], [ endStubX, my ]];                                
+                    }  
+                    else if ((segment == 3 && to[1] == -1) || (segment == 4 && to[1] == 1)) {                    
+                        return [ [ startStubX, my ], [ endStubX, my ]];
+                    }
+                    else if ((segment == 3 && to[1] == 1) || (segment == 4 && to[1] == -1)) {                
+                        return [ [ startStubX, endStubY ]];
+                    }
+                    else if ((segment == 1 && to[1] == -1) || (segment == 2 && to[1] == 1)) {                
+                        if (Math.abs(tx - sx) > Math.max(sourceStub, targetStub))                    
+                            return [ [ midx, startStubY ], [ midx, endStubY ]];                    
+                        else
+                            return [ [ startStubX, endStubY ]];                                        
+                    }
+                },
+                oppositey : function() {
+                    if (sourceEndpoint.elementId == targetEndpoint.elementId) {
+                        var _x = startStubX + ((1 - sourceAnchor.x) * sourceInfo.width) + Math.max(sourceStub, targetStub);
+                        return [ [ _x, startStubY ], [ _x, endStubY ]];
+                    }
+                    else if (isYGreaterThanStubTimes2 && (segment == 2 || segment == 3)) {
+                        return [[ sx, midy ], [ tx, midy ]];
+                    }    
+                    else {
+                        return [[ midx, startStubY ], [midx, endStubY ]];                
+                    }
+                },
+                orthogonaly : function() {
+                    if (segment == 2 || segment == 3) {
+                        return [ [ startStubX, endStubY  ]];
+                    }
+                    else {
+                        return [ [ endStubX, startStubY ]];
+                    }
+                },
+                perpendiculary : function() {                
+                    var mx = (tx + sx) / 2;
+                    if ((segment == 2 && to[0] == -1) || (segment == 3 && to[0] == 1)) {                    
+                        if (Math.abs(tx - sx) > Math.max(sourceStub, targetStub))
+                            return [ [startStubX, endStubY ]];                    
+                        else
+                            return [ [startStubX, midy ], [ endStubX, midy ]];                                        
+                    }  
+                    else if ((segment == 1 && to[0] == -1) || (segment == 4 && to[0] == 1)) {
+                        var mx = (tx + sx) / 2;
+                        return [ [ mx, startStubY ], [ mx, endStubY ]];
+                    }
+                    else if ((segment == 1 && to[0] == 1) || (segment == 4 && to[0] == -1)) {                
+                        return [ [ endStubX, startStubY ]];
+                    }
+                    else if ((segment == 2 && to[0] == 1) || (segment == 3 && to[0] == -1)) {                
+                        if (Math.abs(ty - sy) > Math.max(sourceStub, targetStub))                    
+                            return [ [ startStubX, midy ], [ endStubX, midy ]];                  
+                        else
+                            return [ [ endStubX, startStubY ]];                                    
+                    }
+                }
+            };                                                 
+            var p = lineCalculators[anchorOrientation + sourceAxis]();
+            if (p) {
+                for (var i = 0; i < p.length; i++) {
+                    addSegment(p[i][0], p[i][1], sx, sy, tx, ty);
+                }
+            }                                                    
+            addSegment(endStubX, endStubY, sx, sy, tx, ty);
+            addSegment(tx, ty, sx, sy, tx, ty);
+            appendSegmentsToPoints();
+            updateSegmentProportions(sx, sy, tx, ty);                        
+            // adjust the max values of the canvas if we have a value that is larger than what we previously set.
+            // 
+            if (maxY > points[3]) points[3] = maxY + (lineWidth * 2);            
+            if (maxX > points[2]) points[2] = maxX + (lineWidth * 2);
+            return points;
+        };
+		/**
+         * returns the point on the connector's path that is 'location' along the length of the path, where 'location' is a decimal from
+         * 0 to 1 inclusive. for this connector we must first figure out which segment the given point lies in, and then compute the x,y position
+         * from our knowledge of the segment's start and end points.
+         */
+        this.pointOnPath = function(location, absolute) {            
+        	return self.pointAlongPathFrom(location, 0, absolute);
+        };
+        /**
+         * returns the gradient of the connector at the given point; the gradient will be either 0 or Infinity, depending on the direction of the
+         * segment the point falls in. segment gradients are calculated in the compute method.  
+         */
+        this.gradientAtPoint = function(location, absolute) { 
+        	return segments[findSegmentForLocation(location, absolute)["index"]][4];
+        };
+        /**
+         * returns the point on the connector's path that is 'distance' along the length of the path from 'location', where 
+         * 'location' is a decimal from 0 to 1 inclusive, and 'distance' is a number of pixels.  when you consider this concept from the point of view
+         * of this connector, it starts to become clear that there's a problem with the overlay paint code: given that this connector makes several
+         * 90 degree turns, it's entirely possible that an arrow overlay could be forced to paint itself around a corner, which would look stupid. this is
+         * because jsPlumb uses this method (and pointOnPath) so determine the locations of the various points that go to make up an overlay.  a better
+         * solution would probably be to just use pointOnPath along with gradientAtPoint, and draw the overlay so that its axis ran along
+         * a tangent to the connector.  for straight line connectors this would obviously mean the overlay was painted directly on the connector, since a 
+         * tangent to a straight line is the line itself, which is what we want; for this connector, and for beziers, the results would probably be better.  an additional
+         * advantage is, of course, that there's less computation involved doing it that way. 
+         */
+        this.pointAlongPathFrom = function(location, distance, absolute) {
+        	var s = findSegmentForLocation(location, absolute), seg = s.segment, p = s.proportion, sl = segments[s.index][5], m = segments[s.index][4];
+        	var e = {         		
+        		x 	: m == Infinity ? seg[2] : seg[2] > seg[0] ? seg[0] + ((1 - p) * sl) - distance : seg[2] + (p * sl) + distance,
+        		y 	: m == 0 ? seg[3] : seg[3] > seg[1] ? seg[1] + ((1 - p) * sl) - distance  : seg[3] + (p * sl) + distance,
+        		segmentInfo : s
+        	};
+        	return e;
+        };
+    };
+ // ********************************* END OF CONNECTOR TYPES *******************************************************************
+ // ********************************* ENDPOINT TYPES *******************************************************************
+    /**
+     * Class: Endpoints.Dot
+     * A round endpoint, with default radius 10 pixels.
+     */    	
+	/**
+	 * Function: Constructor
+	 * 
+	 * Parameters:
+	 * 
+	 * 	radius	-	radius of the endpoint.  defaults to 10 pixels.
+	 */
+	jsPlumb.Endpoints.Dot = function(params) {
+		this.type = "Dot";
+		var self = this;
+		params = params || {};				
+		this.radius = params.radius || 10;
+		this.defaultOffset = 0.5 * this.radius;
+		this.defaultInnerRadius = this.radius / 3;			
+		this.compute = function(anchorPoint, orientation, endpointStyle, connectorPaintStyle) {
+			var r = endpointStyle.radius || self.radius,
+				x = anchorPoint[0] - r,
+				y = anchorPoint[1] - r;
+			return [ x, y, r * 2, r * 2, r ];
+		};
+	};
+	/**
+	 * Class: Endpoints.Rectangle
+	 * A Rectangular Endpoint, with default size 20x20.
+	 */
+	/**
+	 * Function: Constructor
+	 * 
+	 * Parameters:
+	 * 
+	 * 	width	- width of the endpoint. defaults to 20 pixels.
+	 * 	height	- height of the endpoint. defaults to 20 pixels.	
+	 */
+	jsPlumb.Endpoints.Rectangle = function(params) {
+		this.type = "Rectangle";
+		var self = this;
+		params = params || {};
+		this.width = params.width || 20;
+		this.height = params.height || 20;
+		this.compute = function(anchorPoint, orientation, endpointStyle, connectorPaintStyle) {
+			var width = endpointStyle.width || self.width,
+				height = endpointStyle.height || self.height,
+				x = anchorPoint[0] - (width/2),
+				y = anchorPoint[1] - (height/2);
+			return [ x, y, width, height];
+		};
+	};
+    var DOMElementEndpoint = function(params) {
+        jsPlumb.DOMElementComponent.apply(this, arguments);
+        var self = this;
+        var displayElements = [  ];
+        this.getDisplayElements = function() { 
+            return displayElements; 
+        };
+        this.appendDisplayElement = function(el) {
+            displayElements.push(el);
+        };            
+    };
+	/**
+	 * Class: Endpoints.Image
+	 * Draws an image as the Endpoint.
+	 */
+	/**
+	 * Function: Constructor
+	 * 
+	 * Parameters:
+	 * 
+	 * 	src	-	location of the image to use.
+	 */
+	jsPlumb.Endpoints.Image = function(params) {
+		this.type = "Image";
+		DOMElementEndpoint.apply(this, arguments);
+		var self = this, 
+			initialized = false,
+			deleted = false,
+			widthToUse = params.width,
+			heightToUse = params.height,
+            _onload = null,
+            _endpoint = params.endpoint;
+		this.img = new Image();
+		self.ready = false;
+		this.img.onload = function() {
+			self.ready = true;
+			widthToUse = widthToUse || self.img.width;
+			heightToUse = heightToUse || self.img.height;
+            if (_onload) {
+                _onload(self);
+            }
+		};
+        /*
+            Function: setImage
+            Sets the Image to use in this Endpoint.  
+            Parameters:
+            img         -   may be a URL or an Image object
+            onload      -   optional; a callback to execute once the image has loaded.
+        */
+        _endpoint.setImage = function(img, onload) {
+            var s = img.constructor == String ? img : img.src;
+            _onload = onload;
+            self.img.src = img;
+            if (self.canvas != null)
+                self.canvas.setAttribute("src", img);
+        };
+        _endpoint.setImage(params.src || params.url, params.onload);
+		this.compute = function(anchorPoint, orientation, endpointStyle, connectorPaintStyle) {
+			self.anchorPoint = anchorPoint;
+			if (self.ready) return [anchorPoint[0] - widthToUse / 2, anchorPoint[1] - heightToUse / 2, 
+									widthToUse, heightToUse];
+			else return [0,0,0,0];
+		};
+		self.canvas = document.createElement("img"), initialized = false;
+		self.canvas.style["margin"] = 0;
+		self.canvas.style["padding"] = 0;
+		self.canvas.style["outline"] = 0;
+		self.canvas.style["position"] = "absolute";
+		var clazz = params.cssClass ? " " + params.cssClass : "";
+		self.canvas.className = jsPlumb.endpointClass + clazz;
+		if (widthToUse) self.canvas.setAttribute("width", widthToUse);
+		if (heightToUse) self.canvas.setAttribute("height", heightToUse);		
+		jsPlumb.appendElement(self.canvas, params.parent);
+		self.attachListeners(self.canvas, self);
+		self.cleanup = function() {
+			deleted = true;
+		};
+		var actuallyPaint = function(d, style, anchor) {
+			if (!deleted) {
+				if (!initialized) {
+					self.canvas.setAttribute("src", self.img.src);
+					self.appendDisplayElement(self.canvas);
+					initialized = true;
+				}
+				var x = self.anchorPoint[0] - (widthToUse / 2),
+					y = self.anchorPoint[1] - (heightToUse / 2);
+				jsPlumb.sizeCanvas(self.canvas, x, y, widthToUse, heightToUse);
+			}
+		};
+		this.paint = function(d, style, anchor) {
+			if (self.ready) {
+    			actuallyPaint(d, style, anchor);
+			}
+			else { 
+				window.setTimeout(function() {    					
+					self.paint(d, style, anchor);
+				}, 200);
+			}
+		};				
+	};
+	/**
+	 * Class: Endpoints.Blank
+	 * An Endpoint that paints nothing (visible) on the screen.  Supports cssClass and hoverClass parameters like all Endpoints.
+	 */
+	jsPlumb.Endpoints.Blank = function(params) {
+		var self = this;
+		this.type = "Blank";
+		DOMElementEndpoint.apply(this, arguments);		
+		this.compute = function(anchorPoint, orientation, endpointStyle, connectorPaintStyle) {
+			return [anchorPoint[0], anchorPoint[1],10,0];
+		};
+		self.canvas = document.createElement("div");
+		self.canvas.style.display = "block";
+		self.canvas.style.width = "1px";
+		self.canvas.style.height = "1px";
+		self.canvas.style.background = "transparent";
+		self.canvas.style.position = "absolute";
+		self.canvas.className = self._jsPlumb.endpointClass;
+		jsPlumb.appendElement(self.canvas, params.parent);
+		this.paint = function(d, style, anchor) {
+			jsPlumb.sizeCanvas(self.canvas, d[0], d[1], d[2], d[3]);	
+		};
+	};
+	/**
+	 * Class: Endpoints.Triangle
+	 * A triangular Endpoint.  
+	 */
+	/**
+	 * Function: Constructor
+	 * 
+	 * Parameters:
+	 * 
+	 * 	width	-	width of the triangle's base.  defaults to 55 pixels.
+	 * 	height	-	height of the triangle from base to apex.  defaults to 55 pixels.
+	 */
+	jsPlumb.Endpoints.Triangle = function(params) {
+		this.type = "Triangle";
+		params = params || {  };
+		params.width = params.width || 55;
+		params.height = params.height || 55;
+		this.width = params.width;
+		this.height = params.height;
+		this.compute = function(anchorPoint, orientation, endpointStyle, connectorPaintStyle) {
+			var width = endpointStyle.width || self.width,
+			height = endpointStyle.height || self.height,
+			x = anchorPoint[0] - (width/2),
+			y = anchorPoint[1] - (height/2);
+			return [ x, y, width, height ];
+		};
+	};
+// ********************************* END OF ENDPOINT TYPES *******************************************************************
+// ********************************* OVERLAY DEFINITIONS ***********************************************************************    
+	var AbstractOverlay = function(params) {
+		var visible = true, self = this;
+        this.isAppendedAtTopLevel = true;
+		this.component = params.component;
+		this.loc = params.location == null ? 0.5 : params.location;
+        this.endpointLoc = params.endpointLocation == null ? [ 0.5, 0.5] : params.endpointLocation;
+		this.setVisible = function(val) { 
+			visible = val;
+			self.component.repaint();
+		};
+    	this.isVisible = function() { return visible; };
+    	this.hide = function() { self.setVisible(false); };
+    	this.show = function() { self.setVisible(true); };
+    	this.incrementLocation = function(amount) {
+    		self.loc += amount;
+    		self.component.repaint();
+    	};
+    	this.setLocation = function(l) {
+    		self.loc = l;
+    		self.component.repaint();
+    	};
+    	this.getLocation = function() {
+    		return self.loc;
+    	};
+	};
+	/**
+	 * Class: Overlays.Arrow
+	 * 
+	 * An arrow overlay, defined by four points: the head, the two sides of the tail, and a 'foldback' point at some distance along the length
+	 * of the arrow that lines from each tail point converge into.  The foldback point is defined using a decimal that indicates some fraction
+	 * of the length of the arrow and has a default value of 0.623.  A foldback point value of 1 would mean that the arrow had a straight line
+	 * across the tail.  
+	 */
+	/**
+	 * Function: Constructor
+	 * 
+	 * Parameters:
+	 * 
+	 * 	length - distance in pixels from head to tail baseline. default 20.
+	 * 	width - width in pixels of the tail baseline. default 20.
+	 * 	fillStyle - style to use when filling the arrow.  defaults to "black".
+	 * 	strokeStyle - style to use when stroking the arrow. defaults to null, which means the arrow is not stroked.
+	 * 	lineWidth - line width to use when stroking the arrow. defaults to 1, but only used if strokeStyle is not null.
+	 * 	foldback - distance (as a decimal from 0 to 1 inclusive) along the length of the arrow marking the point the tail points should fold back to.  defaults to 0.623.
+	 * 	location - distance (as a decimal from 0 to 1 inclusive) marking where the arrow should sit on the connector. defaults to 0.5.
+	 * 	direction - indicates the direction the arrow points in. valid values are -1 and 1; 1 is default.
+	 */
+	jsPlumb.Overlays.Arrow = function(params) {
+		this.type = "Arrow";
+		AbstractOverlay.apply(this, arguments);
+        this.isAppendedAtTopLevel = false;
+		params = params || {};
+		var self = this;
+    	this.length = params.length || 20;
+    	this.width = params.width || 20;
+    	this.id = params.id;
+    	var direction = (params.direction || 1) < 0 ? -1 : 1,
+    	    paintStyle = params.paintStyle || { lineWidth:1 },
+    	    // how far along the arrow the lines folding back in come to. default is 62.3%.
+    	    foldback = params.foldback || 0.623;
+    	this.computeMaxSize = function() { return self.width * 1.5; };
+    	this.cleanup = function() { };  // nothing to clean up for Arrows
+    	this.draw = function(connector, currentConnectionPaintStyle, connectorDimensions) {
+            var hxy, mid, txy, tail, cxy;
+            if (connector.pointAlongPathFrom) {
+                if (jsPlumbUtil.isString(self.loc) || self.loc > 1 || self.loc < 0) {
+                    var l = parseInt(self.loc);
+                    hxy = connector.pointAlongPathFrom(l, direction * self.length / 2, true),
+                    mid = connector.pointOnPath(l, true),
+                    txy = jsPlumbUtil.pointOnLine(hxy, mid, self.length);
+                }
+                else if (self.loc == 1) {
+                    hxy = connector.pointOnPath(self.loc);
+                    mid = connector.pointAlongPathFrom(self.loc, -1);                    
+                    txy = jsPlumbUtil.pointOnLine(hxy, mid, self.length);
+                }
+                else if (self.loc == 0) {
+                    txy = connector.pointOnPath(self.loc);
+                    mid = connector.pointAlongPathFrom(self.loc, 1);
+                    hxy = jsPlumbUtil.pointOnLine(txy, mid, self.length);
+                }
+                else {
+    			    hxy = connector.pointAlongPathFrom(self.loc, direction * self.length / 2),
+                    mid = connector.pointOnPath(self.loc),
+                    txy = jsPlumbUtil.pointOnLine(hxy, mid, self.length);
+                }
+                tail = jsPlumbUtil.perpendicularLineTo(hxy, txy, self.width);
+                cxy = jsPlumbUtil.pointOnLine(hxy, txy, foldback * self.length);
+    			var minx = Math.min(hxy.x, tail[0].x, tail[1].x),
+    				maxx = Math.max(hxy.x, tail[0].x, tail[1].x),
+    				miny = Math.min(hxy.y, tail[0].y, tail[1].y),
+    				maxy = Math.max(hxy.y, tail[0].y, tail[1].y);
+    			var d = { hxy:hxy, tail:tail, cxy:cxy },
+    			    strokeStyle = paintStyle.strokeStyle || currentConnectionPaintStyle.strokeStyle,
+    			    fillStyle = paintStyle.fillStyle || currentConnectionPaintStyle.strokeStyle,
+    			    lineWidth = paintStyle.lineWidth || currentConnectionPaintStyle.lineWidth;
+    			self.paint(connector, d, lineWidth, strokeStyle, fillStyle, connectorDimensions);							
+			    return [ minx, maxx, miny, maxy]; 
+            }
+            else return [0,0,0,0];
+    	};
+    };          
+    /**
+     * Class: Overlays.PlainArrow
+	 * 
+	 * A basic arrow.  This is in fact just one instance of the more generic case in which the tail folds back on itself to some
+	 * point along the length of the arrow: in this case, that foldback point is the full length of the arrow.  so it just does
+	 * a 'call' to Arrow with foldback set appropriately.       
+	 */
+    /**
+     * Function: Constructor
+     * See <Overlays.Arrow> for allowed parameters for this overlay.
+     */
+    jsPlumb.Overlays.PlainArrow = function(params) {
+    	params = params || {};    	
+    	var p = jsPlumb.extend(params, {foldback:1});
+    	jsPlumb.Overlays.Arrow.call(this, p);
+    	this.type = "PlainArrow";
+    };
+    /**
+     * Class: Overlays.Diamond
+     * 
+	 * A diamond. Like PlainArrow, this is a concrete case of the more generic case of the tail points converging on some point...it just
+	 * happens that in this case, that point is greater than the length of the the arrow.    
+	 * 
+	 *      this could probably do with some help with positioning...due to the way it reuses the Arrow paint code, what Arrow thinks is the
+	 *      center is actually 1/4 of the way along for this guy.  but we don't have any knowledge of pixels at this point, so we're kind of
+	 *      stuck when it comes to helping out the Arrow class. possibly we could pass in a 'transpose' parameter or something. the value
+	 *      would be -l/4 in this case - move along one quarter of the total length.
+	 */
+    /**
+     * Function: Constructor
+     * See <Overlays.Arrow> for allowed parameters for this overlay.
+     */
+    jsPlumb.Overlays.Diamond = function(params) {
+    	params = params || {};    	
+    	var l = params.length || 40,
+    	    p = jsPlumb.extend(params, {length:l/2, foldback:2});
+    	jsPlumb.Overlays.Arrow.call(this, p);
+    	this.type = "Diamond";
+    };
+	// abstract superclass for overlays that add an element to the DOM.
+    var AbstractDOMOverlay = function(params) {
+		jsPlumb.DOMElementComponent.apply(this, arguments);
+    	AbstractOverlay.apply(this, arguments);
+		var self = this, initialised = false;
+		params = params || {};
+		this.id = params.id;
+		var div;
+		var makeDiv = function() {
+			div = params.create(params.component);
+			div = jsPlumb.CurrentLibrary.getDOMElement(div);
+			div.style["position"] 	= 	"absolute";    	
+			var clazz = params["_jsPlumb"].overlayClass + " " + 
+				(self.cssClass ? self.cssClass : 
+				params.cssClass ? params.cssClass : "");    	
+			div.className =	clazz;
+			jsPlumb.appendElement(div, params.component.parent);
+			params["_jsPlumb"].getId(div);		
+	    	self.attachListeners(div, self);
+	    	self.canvas = div;
+		};
+		this.getElement = function() {
+			if (div == null) {
+				makeDiv();
+			}
+    		return div;
+    	};
+		this.getDimensions = function() {
+    		return jsPlumb.CurrentLibrary.getSize(jsPlumb.CurrentLibrary.getElementObject(self.getElement()));
+    	};
+		var cachedDimensions = null,
+			_getDimensions = function(component) {
+				if (cachedDimensions == null)
+					cachedDimensions = self.getDimensions();
+				return cachedDimensions;
+			};
+		/*
+		 * Function: clearCachedDimensions
+		 * Clears the cached dimensions for the label. As a performance enhancement, label dimensions are
+		 * cached from 1.3.12 onwards. The cache is cleared when you change the label text, of course, but
+		 * there are other reasons why the text dimensions might change - if you make a change through CSS, for
+		 * example, you might change the font size.  in that case you should explicitly call this method.
+		 */
+		this.clearCachedDimensions = function() {
+			cachedDimensions = null;
+		};
+		this.computeMaxSize = function() {
+    		var td = _getDimensions();
+			return Math.max(td[0], td[1]);
+    	}; 
+		//override setVisible
+    	var osv = self.setVisible;
+    	self.setVisible = function(state) {
+    		osv(state); // call superclass
+    		div.style.display = state ? "block" : "none";
+    	};
+		this.cleanup = function() {
+    		if (div != null) jsPlumb.CurrentLibrary.removeElement(div);
+    	};
+		this.paint = function(component, d, componentDimensions) {
+			if (!initialised) {
+				self.getElement();
+				component.appendDisplayElement(div);
+				self.attachListeners(div, component);
+				initialised = true;
+			}
+			div.style.left = (componentDimensions[0] + d.minx) + "px";
+			div.style.top = (componentDimensions[1] + d.miny) + "px";			
+    	};
+		this.draw = function(component, currentConnectionPaintStyle, componentDimensions) {
+	    	var td = _getDimensions();
+	    	if (td != null && td.length == 2) {
+				var cxy = {x:0,y:0};
+                if (component.pointOnPath) {
+                    var loc = self.loc, absolute = false;
+                    if (jsPlumbUtil.isString(self.loc) || self.loc < 0 || self.loc > 1) {
+                        loc = parseInt(self.loc);
+                        absolute = true;
+                    }
+                    cxy = component.pointOnPath(loc, absolute);  // a connection
+                }
+                else {
+                    var locToUse = self.loc.constructor == Array ? self.loc : self.endpointLoc;
+                    cxy = { x:locToUse[0] * componentDimensions[2],
+                            y:locToUse[1] * componentDimensions[3] };      
+                } 
+				minx = cxy.x - (td[0] / 2),
+				miny = cxy.y - (td[1] / 2);				
+				self.paint(component, { minx:minx, miny:miny, td:td, cxy:cxy }, componentDimensions);				
+				return [minx, minx + td[0], miny, miny + td[1]];
+        	}
+	    	else return [0,0,0,0];
+	    };
+	    this.reattachListeners = function(connector) {
+	    	if (div) {
+	    		self.reattachListenersForElement(div, self, connector);
+	    	}
+	    };
+	};
+	/**
+     * Class: Overlays.Custom
+     * A Custom overlay. You supply a 'create' function which returns some DOM element, and jsPlumb positions it.
+     * The 'create' function is passed a Connection or Endpoint.
+     */
+    /**
+     * Function: Constructor
+     * 
+     * Parameters:
+     * 	create - function for jsPlumb to call that returns a DOM element.
+     * 	location - distance (as a decimal from 0 to 1 inclusive) marking where the label should sit on the connector. defaults to 0.5.
+     * 	id - optional id to use for later retrieval of this overlay.
+     * 	
+     */
+    jsPlumb.Overlays.Custom = function(params) {
+    	this.type = "Custom";    	
+    	AbstractDOMOverlay.apply(this, arguments);		    	        		    	    		
+    };
+    /**
+     * Class: Overlays.Label
+     * A Label overlay. For all different renderer types (SVG/Canvas/VML), jsPlumb draws a Label overlay as a styled DIV.  Version 1.3.0 of jsPlumb
+     * introduced the ability to set css classes on the label; this is now the preferred way for you to style a label.  The 'labelStyle' parameter
+     * is still supported in 1.3.0 but its usage is deprecated.  Under the hood, jsPlumb just turns that object into a bunch of CSS directive that it 
+     * puts on the Label's 'style' attribute, so the end result is the same. 
+     */
+    /**
+     * Function: Constructor
+     * 
+     * Parameters:
+     * 	cssClass - optional css class string to append to css class. This string is appended "as-is", so you can of course have multiple classes
+     *             defined.  This parameter is preferred to using labelStyle, borderWidth and borderStyle.
+     * 	label - the label to paint.  May be a string or a function that returns a string.  Nothing will be painted if your label is null or your
+     *         label function returns null.  empty strings _will_ be painted.
+     * 	location - distance (as a decimal from 0 to 1 inclusive) marking where the label should sit on the connector. defaults to 0.5.
+     * 	id - optional id to use for later retrieval of this overlay.
+     * 	
+     */
+    jsPlumb.Overlays.Label = function(params) {
+		var self = this;    	
+		this.labelStyle = params.labelStyle || jsPlumb.Defaults.LabelStyle;
+		this.cssClass = this.labelStyle != null ? this.labelStyle.cssClass : null;
+		params.create = function() {
+			return document.createElement("div");
+		};
+    	jsPlumb.Overlays.Custom.apply(this, arguments);
+		this.type = "Label";
+        var label = params.label || "",
+            self = this,    	    
+            labelText = null;
+    	/*
+    	 * Function: setLabel
+    	 * sets the label's, um, label.  you would think i'd call this function
+    	 * 'setText', but you can pass either a Function or a String to this, so
+    	 * it makes more sense as 'setLabel'. This uses innerHTML on the label div, so keep
+         * that in mind if you need escaped HTML.
+    	 */
+    	this.setLabel = function(l) {
+    		label = l;
+    		labelText = null;
+			self.clearCachedDimensions();
+			_update();
+    		self.component.repaint();
+    	};
+		var _update = function() {
+			if (typeof label == "function") {
+    			var lt = label(self);
+    			self.getElement().innerHTML = lt.replace(/\r\n/g, "<br/>");
+    		}
+    		else {
+    			if (labelText == null) {
+    				labelText = label;
+    				self.getElement().innerHTML = labelText.replace(/\r\n/g, "<br/>");
+    			}
+    		}
+		};
+    	this.getLabel = function() {
+    		return label;
+    	};
+		var superGD = this.getDimensions;		
+		this.getDimensions = function() {				
+    		_update();
+			return superGD();
+    	};
+    };
+ // ********************************* END OF OVERLAY DEFINITIONS ***********************************************************************
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