view js/1.3.15/jsPlumb-renderers-svg-1.3.15-RC1.js @ 0:36959449f3b2 draft

add some files
author Nobuyasu Oshiro <>
date Tue, 19 Mar 2013 23:50:07 +0900
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 * jsPlumb
 * Title:jsPlumb 1.3.15
 * Provides a way to visually connect elements on an HTML page, using either SVG, Canvas
 * elements, or VML.  
 * This file contains the SVG renderers.
 * Copyright (c) 2010 - 2012 Simon Porritt (
 * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL2 licenses.

 * SVG support for jsPlumb.
 * things to investigate:
 * gradients:
 * css:
 * text on a path:
 * pointer events:
 * IE9 hover jquery:
;(function() {
	var svgAttributeMap = {
	STROKE_DASHARRAY = "stroke-dasharray",
	DASHSTYLE = "dashstyle",
	LINEAR_GRADIENT = "linearGradient",
	RADIAL_GRADIENT = "radialGradient",
	FILL = "fill",
	STOP = "stop",
	STROKE = "stroke",
	STROKE_WIDTH = "stroke-width",
	STYLE = "style",
	NONE = "none",
	JSPLUMB_GRADIENT = "jsplumb_gradient_",
	LINE_WIDTH = "lineWidth",
	ns = {
	_attr = function(node, attributes) {
		for (var i in attributes)
			node.setAttribute(i, "" + attributes[i]);
	_node = function(name, attributes) {
		var n = document.createElementNS(ns.svg, name);
		attributes = attributes || {};
		attributes["version"] = "1.1";
		attributes["xmlns"] = ns.xhtml;
		_attr(n, attributes);
		return n;
	_pos = function(d) { return "position:absolute;left:" + d[0] + "px;top:" + d[1] + "px"; },	
	_clearGradient = function(parent) {
		for (var i = 0; i < parent.childNodes.length; i++) {
			if (parent.childNodes[i].tagName == LINEAR_GRADIENT || parent.childNodes[i].tagName == RADIAL_GRADIENT)
	_updateGradient = function(parent, node, style, dimensions, uiComponent) {
		var id = JSPLUMB_GRADIENT + uiComponent._jsPlumb.idstamp();
		// first clear out any existing gradient
		// this checks for an 'offset' property in the gradient, and in the absence of it, assumes
		// we want a linear gradient. if it's there, we create a radial gradient.
		// it is possible that a more explicit means of defining the gradient type would be
		// better. relying on 'offset' means that we can never have a radial gradient that uses
		// some default offset, for instance.
		// issue 244 suggested the 'gradientUnits' attribute; without this, straight/flowchart connectors with gradients would
		// not show gradients when the line was perfectly horizontal or vertical.
		if (!style.gradient.offset) {
			var g = _node(LINEAR_GRADIENT, {id:id, gradientUnits:"userSpaceOnUse"});
		else {
			var g = _node(RADIAL_GRADIENT, {
		// the svg radial gradient seems to treat stops in the reverse 
		// order to how canvas does it.  so we want to keep all the maths the same, but
		// iterate the actual style declarations in reverse order, if the x indexes are not in order.
		for (var i = 0; i < style.gradient.stops.length; i++) {
			// Straight Connectors and Bezier connectors act slightly differently; this code is a bit of a kludge.  but next version of
			// jsplumb will be replacing both Straight and Bezier to be generic instances of 'Connector', which has a list of segments.
			// so, not too concerned about leaving this in for now.
			var styleToUse = i;
			if (dimensions.length == 8) 
				styleToUse = dimensions[4] < dimensions[6] ? i: style.gradient.stops.length - 1 - i;
				styleToUse = dimensions[4] < dimensions[6] ? style.gradient.stops.length - 1 - i : i;
			var stopColor = jsPlumbUtil.convertStyle(style.gradient.stops[styleToUse][1], true);
			var s = _node(STOP, {"offset":Math.floor(style.gradient.stops[i][0] * 100) + "%", "stop-color":stopColor});
		var applyGradientTo = style.strokeStyle ? STROKE : FILL;
		node.setAttribute(STYLE, applyGradientTo + ":url(#" + id + ")");
	_applyStyles = function(parent, node, style, dimensions, uiComponent) {
		if (style.gradient) {
			_updateGradient(parent, node, style, dimensions, uiComponent);			
		else {
			// make sure we clear any existing gradient
			node.setAttribute(STYLE, "");
		node.setAttribute(FILL, style.fillStyle ? jsPlumbUtil.convertStyle(style.fillStyle, true) : NONE);
		node.setAttribute(STROKE, style.strokeStyle ? jsPlumbUtil.convertStyle(style.strokeStyle, true) : NONE);		
		if (style.lineWidth) {
			node.setAttribute(STROKE_WIDTH, style.lineWidth);
		// in SVG there is a stroke-dasharray attribute we can set, and its syntax looks like
		// the syntax in VML but is actually kind of nasty: values are given in the pixel
		// coordinate space, whereas in VML they are multiples of the width of the stroked
		// line, which makes a lot more sense.  for that reason, jsPlumb is supporting both
		// the native svg 'stroke-dasharray' attribute, and also the 'dashstyle' concept from
		// VML, which will be the preferred method.  the code below this converts a dashstyle
		// attribute given in terms of stroke width into a pixel representation, by using the
		// stroke's lineWidth. 
		if (style[DASHSTYLE] && style[LINE_WIDTH] && !style[STROKE_DASHARRAY]) {
			var sep = style[DASHSTYLE].indexOf(",") == -1 ? " " : ",",
			parts = style[DASHSTYLE].split(sep),
			styleToUse = "";
			parts.forEach(function(p) {
				styleToUse += (Math.floor(p * style.lineWidth) + sep);
			node.setAttribute(STROKE_DASHARRAY, styleToUse);
		else if(style[STROKE_DASHARRAY]) {
			node.setAttribute(STROKE_DASHARRAY, style[STROKE_DASHARRAY]);
		// extra attributes such as join type, dash offset.
		for (var i in svgAttributeMap) {
			if (style[i]) {
				node.setAttribute(svgAttributeMap[i], style[i]);
	_decodeFont = function(f) {
		var r = /([0-9].)(p[xt])\s(.*)/;
		var bits = f.match(r);
		return {size:bits[1] + bits[2], font:bits[3]};		
	_classManip = function(el, add, clazz) {
		var classesToAddOrRemove = clazz.split(" "),
			className = el.className,
			curClasses = className.baseVal.split(" ");
		for (var i = 0; i < classesToAddOrRemove.length; i++) {
			if (add) {
				if (curClasses.indexOf(classesToAddOrRemove[i]) == -1)
			else {
				var idx = curClasses.indexOf(classesToAddOrRemove[i]);
				if (idx != -1)
					curClasses.splice(idx, 1);
		el.className.baseVal = curClasses.join(" ");
	_addClass = function(el, clazz) {
		_classManip(el, true, clazz);
	_removeClass = function(el, clazz) {
		_classManip(el, false, clazz);
		utility methods for other objects to use.
	jsPlumbUtil.svg = {
	 * Base class for SVG components.
	var SvgComponent = function(params) {
		var self = this,
		pointerEventsSpec = params.pointerEventsSpec || "all";
		jsPlumb.jsPlumbUIComponent.apply(this, params.originalArgs);
		self.canvas = null, self.path = null, self.svg = null; 
		var clazz = params.cssClass + " " + (params.originalArgs[0].cssClass || ""),		
			svgParams = {
		if (self.tooltip) svgParams["title"] = self.tooltip;
		self.svg = _node("svg", svgParams);
		if (params.useDivWrapper) {
			self.canvas = document.createElement("div");["position"] = "absolute";
			self.canvas.className = clazz;
			if (self.tooltip) self.canvas.setAttribute("title", self.tooltip);
		else {
			_attr(self.svg, { "class":clazz });
			self.canvas = self.svg;
		params._jsPlumb.appendElement(self.canvas, params.originalArgs[0]["parent"]);
		if (params.useDivWrapper) self.canvas.appendChild(self.svg);
		// TODO this displayElement stuff is common between all components, across all
		// renderers.  would be best moved to jsPlumbUIComponent.
		var displayElements = [ self.canvas ];
		this.getDisplayElements = function() { 
			return displayElements; 
		this.appendDisplayElement = function(el) {
		this.paint = function(d, style, anchor) {	   
			if (style != null) {
				var x = d[0], y = d[1];
				if (params.useDivWrapper) {
					jsPlumb.sizeCanvas(self.canvas, d[0], d[1], d[2], d[3]);
					x = 0, y = 0;
				var p = _pos([x, y, d[2], d[3]]);
				if (self.getZIndex()) p += ";z-index:" + self.getZIndex() + ";";
		    	_attr(self.svg, {
	    			"width": d[2],
	    			"height": d[3]
		    	self._paint.apply(this, arguments);		    			    	
	 * Base class for SVG connectors.
	var SvgConnector = jsPlumb.SvgConnector = function(params) {
		var self = this;
		SvgComponent.apply(this, [ { 
		} ]);
		this._paint = function(d, style) {
			var p = self.getPath(d), a = { "d":p }, outlineStyle = null;									
			a["pointer-events"] = "all";
			// outline style.  actually means drawing an svg object underneath the main one.
			if (style.outlineColor) {
				var outlineWidth = style.outlineWidth || 1,
				outlineStrokeWidth = style.lineWidth + (2 * outlineWidth),
				outlineStyle = jsPlumb.CurrentLibrary.extend({}, style);
				outlineStyle.strokeStyle = jsPlumbUtil.convertStyle(style.outlineColor);
				outlineStyle.lineWidth = outlineStrokeWidth;
				if (self.bgPath == null) {
					self.bgPath = _node("path", a);
		    		self.attachListeners(self.bgPath, self);
				else {
					_attr(self.bgPath, a);
				_applyStyles(self.svg, self.bgPath, outlineStyle, d, self);
			// test - see below
	    	//	a["clip-path"]= "url(#testClip)"; 
	    	if (self.path == null) {
		    	self.path = _node("path", a);
	    		self.attachListeners(self.path, self);	    	
	    		this is a test of a clip path.  i'm looking into using one of these to animate a jsplumb connection.
	    		you could do this by walking along the line, stepping along a little at a time, and setting the clip
	    		path to extend as far as that point.
	    		self.clip = _node("clipPath", {id:"testClip", clipPathUnits:"objectBoundingBox"});
	    		self.clip.appendChild(_node("rect", {
	    	else {
	    		_attr(self.path, a);
	    	_applyStyles(self.svg, self.path, style, d, self);
		this.reattachListeners = function() {
			if (self.bgPath) self.reattachListenersForElement(self.bgPath, self);
			if (self.path) self.reattachListenersForElement(self.path, self);

	 * SVG Bezier Connector
	jsPlumb.Connectors.svg.Bezier = function(params) {	
		jsPlumb.Connectors.Bezier.apply(this, arguments);
		SvgConnector.apply(this, arguments);	
		this.getPath = function(d) {
			var _p = "M " + d[4] + " " + d[5];						
			_p += (" C " + d[8] + " " + d[9] + " " + d[10] + " " + d[11] + " " + d[6] + " " + d[7]);			
			return _p;
	 * SVG straight line Connector
	jsPlumb.Connectors.svg.Straight = function(params) {			
		jsPlumb.Connectors.Straight.apply(this, arguments);
		SvgConnector.apply(this, arguments);	    		    
	    this.getPath = function(d) { return "M " + d[4] + " " + d[5] + " L " + d[6] + " " + d[7]; };	    
	jsPlumb.Connectors.svg.Flowchart = function() {
    	var self = this;
    	jsPlumb.Connectors.Flowchart.apply(this, arguments);
		SvgConnector.apply(this, arguments);
    	this.getPath = function(dimensions) {
    		var p = "M " + dimensions[4] + "," + dimensions[5],
				lx = dimensions[4],
				ly = dimensions[5];
	        // loop through extra points
	        for (var i = 0; i < dimensions[8]; i++) {
				var x1 = dimensions[9 + (i*2)], y1 = dimensions[10 + (i*2)],
					x2 =  dimensions[9 + ((i + 1) * 2)], y2 = dimensions[10 + ((i + 1) * 2)],					
					horiz = (x1 != lx) && (y1 == ly),
					vert = (x1 == lx) && (y1 != ly),
					multX = horiz ? x1 > x2 ? 1 : -1 : 0,
					multY = vert ? y1 > y2 ? 1 : -1 : 0,
					halfStroke = self.lineWidth / 2;								
				// previously:
				//p = p + " L " + x1 + " " + y1;
				//p = p + " M " + x1 + " " + y1;
				// now, with support for painting an extra bit at the end each line:
	        	p = p + " L " + x1 + " " + y1;											
				p = p + " L " + (x1 + (multX * halfStroke)) + " " + (y1 + (multY * halfStroke));
				lx = x1;
				ly = y1;				
				p = p + " M " + x1 + " " + y1;				
	        // finally draw a line to the end
	        p = p  + " L " + dimensions[6] + "," +  dimensions[7];
	        return p;
	 * Base class for SVG endpoints.
	var SvgEndpoint = window.SvgEndpoint = function(params) {
		var self = this;
		SvgComponent.apply(this, [ {
		} ]);
		this._paint = function(d, style) {
			var s = jsPlumb.extend({}, style);
			if (s.outlineColor) {
				s.strokeWidth = s.outlineWidth;
				s.strokeStyle = jsPlumbUtil.convertStyle(s.outlineColor, true);
			if (self.node == null) {
				self.node = self.makeNode(d, s);
				self.attachListeners(self.node, self);
			_applyStyles(self.svg, self.node, s, d, self);
			_pos(self.node, d);
		this.reattachListeners = function() {
			if (self.node) self.reattachListenersForElement(self.node, self);
	 * SVG Dot Endpoint
	jsPlumb.Endpoints.svg.Dot = function() {
		jsPlumb.Endpoints.Dot.apply(this, arguments);
		SvgEndpoint.apply(this, arguments);		
		this.makeNode = function(d, style) { 
			return _node("circle", {
					"cx"	:	d[2] / 2,
					"cy"	:	d[3] / 2,
					"r"		:	d[2] / 2
	 * SVG Rectangle Endpoint 
	jsPlumb.Endpoints.svg.Rectangle = function() {
		jsPlumb.Endpoints.Rectangle.apply(this, arguments);
		SvgEndpoint.apply(this, arguments);		
		this.makeNode = function(d, style) {
			return _node("rect", {
	 * SVG Image Endpoint is the default image endpoint.
	jsPlumb.Endpoints.svg.Image = jsPlumb.Endpoints.Image;
	 * Blank endpoint in svg renderer is the default Blank endpoint.
	jsPlumb.Endpoints.svg.Blank = jsPlumb.Endpoints.Blank;	
	 * Label overlay in svg renderer is the default Label overlay.
	jsPlumb.Overlays.svg.Label = jsPlumb.Overlays.Label;
	 * Custom overlay in svg renderer is the default Custom overlay.
	jsPlumb.Overlays.svg.Custom = jsPlumb.Overlays.Custom;
	var AbstractSvgArrowOverlay = function(superclass, originalArgs) {
    	superclass.apply(this, originalArgs);
    	jsPlumb.jsPlumbUIComponent.apply(this, originalArgs);
        this.isAppendedAtTopLevel = false;
    	var self = this, path = null;
    	this.paint = function(connector, d, lineWidth, strokeStyle, fillStyle) {
    		if (path == null) {
    			path = _node("path", {
    			self.attachListeners(path, connector);
    			self.attachListeners(path, self);
    		var clazz = originalArgs && (originalArgs.length == 1) ? (originalArgs[0].cssClass || "") : "";
    		_attr(path, { 
    			"d"		:	makePath(d),
    			"class" :	clazz,
    			stroke 	: 	strokeStyle ? strokeStyle : null,
    			fill 	: 	fillStyle ? fillStyle : null
    	var makePath = function(d) {
    		return "M" + d.hxy.x + "," + d.hxy.y +
    				" L" + d.tail[0].x + "," + d.tail[0].y + 
    				" L" + d.cxy.x + "," + d.cxy.y + 
    				" L" + d.tail[1].x + "," + d.tail[1].y + 
    				" L" + d.hxy.x + "," + d.hxy.y;
    	this.reattachListeners = function() {
			if (path) self.reattachListenersForElement(path, self);
		this.cleanup = function() {
    		if (path != null) jsPlumb.CurrentLibrary.removeElement(path);
    jsPlumb.Overlays.svg.Arrow = function() {
    	AbstractSvgArrowOverlay.apply(this, [jsPlumb.Overlays.Arrow, arguments]);    	
    jsPlumb.Overlays.svg.PlainArrow = function() {
    	AbstractSvgArrowOverlay.apply(this, [jsPlumb.Overlays.PlainArrow, arguments]);    	
    jsPlumb.Overlays.svg.Diamond = function() {
    	AbstractSvgArrowOverlay.apply(this, [jsPlumb.Overlays.Diamond, arguments]);    	

    // a test
    jsPlumb.Overlays.svg.GuideLines = function() {
        var path = null, self = this, path2 = null, p1_1, p1_2;
        jsPlumb.Overlays.GuideLines.apply(this, arguments);
        this.paint = function(connector, d, lineWidth, strokeStyle, fillStyle) {
    		if (path == null) {
    			path = _node("path");
    			self.attachListeners(path, connector);
    			self.attachListeners(path, self);

                p1_1 = _node("path");
    			self.attachListeners(p1_1, connector);
    			self.attachListeners(p1_1, self);

                p1_2 = _node("path");
    			self.attachListeners(p1_2, connector);
    			self.attachListeners(p1_2, self);


    		_attr(path, {
    			"d"		:	makePath(d[0], d[1]),
    			stroke 	: 	"red",
    			fill 	: 	null

            _attr(p1_1, {
    			"d"		:	makePath(d[2][0], d[2][1]),
    			stroke 	: 	"blue",
    			fill 	: 	null

            _attr(p1_2, {
    			"d"		:	makePath(d[3][0], d[3][1]),
    			stroke 	: 	"green",
    			fill 	: 	null

        var makePath = function(d1, d2) {
            return "M " + d1.x + "," + d1.y +
                   " L" + d2.x + "," + d2.y;
