Title Goes Here Up
To Two Lines

Carlos Ruby
November 11, 2011

This is a slide with just text. This is a slide with just text. This is a slide with just text. This is a slide with just text. This is a slide with just text. This is a slide with just text.

There is more text just underneath.

Simple slide with header and text

This is a slide with just text. This is a slide with just text. This is a slide with just text. This is a slide with just text. This is a slide with just text. This is a slide with just text.

There is more text just underneath with a code sample: 5px.

Simple slide with header and text (small font)

This is a slide with just text. This is a slide with just text. This is a slide with just text. This is a slide with just text. This is a slide with just text. This is a slide with just text.

There is more text just underneath with a code sample: 5px.

Slide with bullet points and a longer title, just because we can make it longer

Slide with bullet points that builds

Any element with child nodes can build.

It doesn't have to be a list.

Slide with bullet points (small font)

Slide with a table

Name Occupation
Luke Mahé V.P. of Keepin’ It Real
Marcin Wichary The Michael Bay of Doodles

Slide with a table (smaller text)

Name Occupation
Luke Mahé V.P. of Keepin’ It Real
Marcin Wichary The Michael Bay of Doodles

Segue slide

Slide with an image

Source: Carlos Ruby

Slide with an image (centered)

Source: Carlos Ruby

Image filling the slide (with optional header)

Source: Carlos Ruby

This slide has some code

# The Greeter class
class Greeter
  def initialize(name)
    @name = name.capitalize
  def salute
    puts "Hello #{@name}!"
# Create a new object
g = Greeter.new("world")
# Output "Hello World!"

This slide has some code (small font)

# The Greeter class
class Greeter
  def initialize(name)
    @name = name.capitalize
  def salute
    puts "Hello #{@name}!"
# Create a new object
g = Greeter.new("world")
# Output "Hello World!"
The best way to predict the future is to invent it.
Alan Kay
A distributed system is one in which the failure of a computer you didn’t even know existed can render your own computer unusable.
Leslie Lamport

A slide with an embed + title

Full-slide embed with (optional) slide title on top

Thank you!