
age author description
2014-12-07 one fit jungleCore
2014-10-24 tatsuki fix bag
2014-09-27 Shinji KONO add license
2014-09-12 one fit junglecore
2014-09-04 one Log
2014-09-03 one NodeEditor change
2014-08-30 one fit jungle core
2014-08-30 one NodeEditor add getLog
2014-07-30 one sanitizing
2014-07-05 tatsuki change JRE 1.8
2014-02-11 Nobuyasu Oshiro Changed jetty version
2014-02-06 Nobuyasu Oshiro editMessageUseGet
2014-02-06 Nobuyasu Oshiro Fixed
2014-02-06 Nobuyasu Oshiro Jetty update 6 to 7
2014-01-28 Nobuyasu Oshiro Added Consistency Level ANY
2014-01-27 Nobuyasu Oshiro Added exclusions sl4j in pom.xml
2014-01-24 Nobuyasu Oshiro Added EditMessageUseGet
2014-01-20 Nobuyasu Oshiro Added -rep [num] option for setting of Replication factor
2014-01-09 Nobuyasu Oshiro Modified CassandraBulletinBoard for use consistencylevel
2014-01-09 Nobuyasu Oshiro Modified CassandraBulletInBoard's constructor for change consistency level
2013-07-12 one fix bug LogUpdateCodeSegment
2013-02-28 Shoshi TAMAKI modified junglebulletinboard
2013-02-09 Shoshi TAMAKI added junglebulletinboard
2013-02-06 Shoshi TAMAKI added cassandra bulletin board