view seminar2013/pm_kou_config.js @ 2:7f4128b2369a

update seminar slides
author taiki <>
date Tue, 04 Jun 2013 17:15:27 +0900
line wrap: on
line source

  // Slide settings
  settings: {
    title: 'ELILO におけるメモリ管理の実験',
    //subtitle: 'Subtitle Goes Here',
    useBuilds: true, // Default: true. False will turn off slide animation builds.
    usePrettify: true, // Default: true
    enableSlideAreas: true, // Default: true. False turns off the click areas on either slide of the slides.
    enableTouch: true, // Default: true. If touch support should enabled. Note: the device must support touch.
    //analytics: 'UA-XXXXXXXX-1', // TODO: Using this breaks GA for some reason (probably requirejs). Update your tracking code in template.html instead.
    favIcon: 'images/google_developers_logo_tiny.png',
    fonts: [
      'Open Sans:regular,semibold,italic,italicsemibold',
      'Source Code Pro'
    //theme: ['mytheme'], // Add your own custom themes or styles in /theme/css. Leave off the .css extension.

  // Author information
  presenters: [{
    name: 'Taiki Taira',
//    company: 'Job Title, Google',
    gplus: '',
    twitter: '',
    www: '',
    github: ''
  }/*, {
    name: 'Second Name',
    company: 'Job Title, Google',
    gplus: '',
    twitter: '@yourhandle',
    www: '',
    github: ''