diff src/perl6-debug.nqp @ 0:c341f82e7ad7 default tip

Rakudo branch in cr.ie.u-ryukyu.ac.jp
author Shinji KONO <kono@ie.u-ryukyu.ac.jp>
date Thu, 26 Dec 2019 16:50:27 +0900
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/perl6-debug.nqp	Thu Dec 26 16:50:27 2019 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,548 @@
+use Perl6::Grammar;
+use Perl6::Actions;
+use Perl6::Compiler;
+class Perl6::DebugHooks {
+    has %!hooks;
+    has $!suspended;
+    method set_hook($name, $callback) {
+        $*W.add_object($callback);
+        %!hooks{$name} := $callback;
+    }
+    method has_hook($name) {
+        !$!suspended && nqp::existskey(%!hooks, $name)
+    }
+    method get_hook($name) {
+        %!hooks{$name}
+    }
+    method suspend() {
+        $!suspended := 1
+    }
+    method unsuspend() {
+        $!suspended := 0
+    }
+sub ps_qast() {
+    QAST::Op.new(
+        :op('callmethod'), :name('new'),
+        QAST::WVal.new( :value($*W.find_symbol(['PseudoStash'])) )
+    )
+grammar Perl6::HookRegexGrammar is Perl6::RegexGrammar {
+    method nibbler() {
+        my $*RX_TOP_LEVEL_NIBBLER := 0;
+        unless %*RX<DEBUGGER_SEEN> {
+            %*RX<DEBUGGER_SEEN> := 1;
+            $*RX_TOP_LEVEL_NIBBLER := 1;
+        }
+        Perl6::RegexGrammar.HOW.find_method(Perl6::RegexGrammar, 'nibbler')(self)
+    }
+class Perl6::HookRegexActions is Perl6::RegexActions {
+    method nibbler($/) {
+        if $*RX_TOP_LEVEL_NIBBLER && $*DEBUG_HOOKS.has_hook('regex_region') {
+            my $file := nqp::getlexcaller('$?FILES') // $*ANON_CODE_NAME;
+            $*DEBUG_HOOKS.get_hook('regex_region')($file, $/.from, $/.to);
+        }
+        Perl6::RegexActions.nibbler($/);
+    }
+    method quantified_atom($/) {
+        Perl6::RegexActions.quantified_atom($/);
+        my $qa := $/.ast;
+        if $qa && !(~$/ ~~ /^\s*$/) && $*DEBUG_HOOKS.has_hook('regex_atom') {
+            $/.make(QAST::Regex.new(
+                :rxtype('concat'),
+                QAST::Regex.new(
+                    :rxtype('qastnode'),
+                    :subtype('declarative'),
+                    QAST::Stmts.new(
+                        QAST::Op.new(
+                            :op('p6store'),
+                            QAST::Var.new( :name('$/'), :scope<lexical> ),
+                            QAST::Op.new(
+                                QAST::Var.new( :name('$¢'), :scope<lexical> ),
+                                :name('MATCH'),
+                                :op('callmethod')
+                            )
+                        ),
+                        QAST::Op.new(
+                            :op('call'),
+                            QAST::WVal.new( :value($*DEBUG_HOOKS.get_hook('regex_atom')) ),
+                            $*W.add_string_constant(nqp::getlexcaller('$?FILES') // $*ANON_CODE_NAME),
+                            ps_qast(),
+                            $*W.add_numeric_constant($/, 'Int', $/.from),
+                            $*W.add_numeric_constant($/, 'Int', $/.to)
+                        )
+                    )
+                ),
+                $qa
+            ));
+        }
+    }
+grammar QRegex::P5Regex::HookGrammar is Perl6::P5RegexGrammar {
+    method nibbler() {
+        my $*RX_TOP_LEVEL_NIBBLER := 0;
+        unless %*RX<DEBUGGER_SEEN> {
+            %*RX<DEBUGGER_SEEN> := 1;
+            $*RX_TOP_LEVEL_NIBBLER := 1;
+        }
+        QRegex::P5Regex::Grammar.HOW.find_method(QRegex::P5Regex::Grammar, 'nibbler')(self)
+    }
+class QRegex::P5Regex::HookActions is Perl6::P5RegexActions {
+    method nibbler($/) {
+        if $*RX_TOP_LEVEL_NIBBLER && $*DEBUG_HOOKS.has_hook('regex_region') {
+            my $file := nqp::getlexcaller('$?FILES') // $*ANON_CODE_NAME;
+            $*DEBUG_HOOKS.get_hook('regex_region')($file, $/.from, $/.to);
+        }
+        QRegex::P5Regex::Actions.nibbler($/);
+    }
+    method quantified_atom($/) {
+        QRegex::P5Regex::Actions.quantified_atom($/);
+        my $qa := $/.ast;
+        if $qa && !(~$/ ~~ /^\s*$/) && $*DEBUG_HOOKS.has_hook('regex_atom') {
+            $/.make(QAST::Regex.new(
+                :rxtype('concat'),
+                QAST::Regex.new(
+                    :rxtype('qastnode'),
+                    :subtype('declarative'),
+                    QAST::Op.new(
+                        :op('call'),
+                        QAST::WVal.new( :value($*DEBUG_HOOKS.get_hook('regex_atom')) ),
+                        $*W.add_string_constant(nqp::getlexcaller('$?FILES') // $*ANON_CODE_NAME),
+                        ps_qast(),
+                        $*W.add_numeric_constant($/, 'Int', $/.from),
+                        $*W.add_numeric_constant($/, 'Int', $/.to)
+                    )
+                ),
+                $qa
+            ));
+        }
+    }
+class Perl6::HookActions is Perl6::Actions {
+    my %uninteresting := nqp::hash(
+        'package_declarator', 1,
+        'routine_declarator', 1,
+        'multi_declarator', 1,
+        'type_declarator', 1,
+        'regex_declarator', 1,
+        'statement_prefix', 1
+    );
+    sub interesting_expr($e) {
+        my $accept := 1;
+        for $e.hash {
+            my $key := $_.key;
+            my $value := $_.value;
+            if %uninteresting{$key} {
+                $accept := 0;
+                last;
+            }
+            if $key eq 'scope_declarator' && $value<sym> eq 'has' {
+                $accept := 0;
+                last;
+            }
+            if $key eq 'scope_declarator' && ($value<sym> eq 'my' || $value<sym> eq 'our') {
+                if $value<scoped><declarator> -> $decl {
+                    # Skip plain, boring declarations with no assignment.
+                    if $decl<variable_declarator> && !$decl<initializer> {
+                        $accept := 0;
+                        last;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            if $key eq 'circumfix' && $e<circumfix><pblock> {
+                $accept := 0;
+                last;
+            }
+        }
+        $accept
+    }
+    method statement($/) {
+        Perl6::Actions.statement($/);
+        if $*ST_DEPTH <= 1 && $<EXPR> && interesting_expr($<EXPR>) {
+            my $stmt := $/.ast;
+            my $pot_hash := nqp::istype($stmt, QAST::Op) &&
+                ($stmt.name eq '&infix:<,>' || $stmt.name eq '&infix:«=>»');
+            my $nil := nqp::istype($stmt, QAST::Var) && $stmt.name eq 'Nil';
+            if !$pot_hash && !$nil && $*DEBUG_HOOKS.has_hook('statement_simple') {
+                $/.make(QAST::Stmts.new(
+                    QAST::Op.new(
+                        :op('call'),
+                        QAST::WVal.new( :value($*DEBUG_HOOKS.get_hook('statement_simple')) ),
+                        $*W.add_string_constant(nqp::getlexcaller('$?FILES') // $*ANON_CODE_NAME),
+                        ps_qast(),
+                        $*W.add_numeric_constant($/, 'Int', $/.from),
+                        $*W.add_numeric_constant($/, 'Int', $/.to)
+                    ),
+                    $stmt
+                ));
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    method statement_control:sym<if>($/) {
+        if $*DEBUG_HOOKS.has_hook('statement_cond') {
+            my $from := $<sym>[0].from;
+            for $<xblock> {
+                my $ast := $_.ast;
+                $ast[0] := QAST::Stmts.new(
+                    QAST::Op.new(
+                        :op('call'),
+                        QAST::WVal.new( :value($*DEBUG_HOOKS.get_hook('statement_cond')) ),
+                        $*W.add_string_constant(nqp::getlexcaller('$?FILES') // $*ANON_CODE_NAME),
+                        ps_qast(),
+                        $*W.add_string_constant('if'),
+                        $*W.add_numeric_constant($/, 'Int', $from),
+                        $*W.add_numeric_constant($/, 'Int', $_<pblock>.from - 1)
+                    ),
+                    $ast[0]
+                );
+                $from := $_<pblock>.to + 1;
+            }
+        }
+        Perl6::Actions.statement_control:sym<if>($/);
+    }
+    sub simple_xblock_hook($/) {
+        if $*DEBUG_HOOKS.has_hook('statement_cond') {
+            my $stmt := $/.ast;
+            $stmt[0] := QAST::Stmts.new(
+                QAST::Op.new(
+                    :op('call'),
+                    QAST::WVal.new( :value($*DEBUG_HOOKS.get_hook('statement_cond')) ),
+                    $*W.add_string_constant(nqp::getlexcaller('$?FILES') // $*ANON_CODE_NAME),
+                    ps_qast(),
+                    $*W.add_string_constant(~$<sym>),
+                    $*W.add_numeric_constant($/, 'Int', $<sym>.from),
+                    $*W.add_numeric_constant($/, 'Int', $<xblock><pblock>.from - 1)
+                ),
+                $stmt[0]
+            );
+        }
+    }
+    method statement_control:sym<unless>($/) {
+        Perl6::Actions.statement_control:sym<unless>($/);
+        simple_xblock_hook($/);
+    }
+    method statement_control:sym<while>($/) {
+        Perl6::Actions.statement_control:sym<while>($/);
+        simple_xblock_hook($/);
+    }
+    method statement_control:sym<repeat>($/) {
+        Perl6::Actions.statement_control:sym<repeat>($/);
+        if $*DEBUG_HOOKS.has_hook('statement_cond') {
+            my $stmt := $/.ast;
+            $stmt[0] := QAST::Stmts.new(
+                QAST::Op.new(
+                    :op('call'),
+                    QAST::WVal.new( :value($*DEBUG_HOOKS.get_hook('statement_cond')) ),
+                    $*W.add_string_constant(nqp::getlexcaller('$?FILES') // $*ANON_CODE_NAME),
+                    ps_qast(),
+                    $*W.add_string_constant(~$<wu>),
+                    $*W.add_numeric_constant($/, 'Int', $<wu>.from),
+                    $*W.add_numeric_constant($/, 'Int', $<xblock>
+                        ?? $<xblock><pblock>.from - 1
+                        !! $/.to)
+                ),
+                $stmt[0]
+            );
+        }
+    }
+    method statement_control:sym<loop>($/) {
+        if $*DEBUG_HOOKS.has_hook('statement_cond') {
+            for <e1 e2 e3> -> $expr {
+                if $/{$expr} -> $m {
+                    $m[0].make(QAST::Stmts.new(
+                        QAST::Op.new(
+                            :op('call'),
+                            QAST::WVal.new( :value($*DEBUG_HOOKS.get_hook('statement_cond')) ),
+                            $*W.add_string_constant(nqp::getlexcaller('$?FILES') // $*ANON_CODE_NAME),
+                            ps_qast(),
+                            $*W.add_string_constant('loop'),
+                            $*W.add_numeric_constant($/, 'Int', widen_expr_from($m[0])),
+                            $*W.add_numeric_constant($/, 'Int', widen_expr_to($m[0]))
+                        ),
+                        $m[0].ast
+                    ));
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        Perl6::Actions.statement_control:sym<loop>($/);
+    }
+    sub widen_expr_from($e) {
+        my $from := $e.from;
+        for @($e) {
+            if $_.from < $from {
+                $from := $_.from;
+            }
+        }
+        $from
+    }
+    sub widen_expr_to($e) {
+        my $to := $e.to;
+        for @($e) {
+            if $_.to > $to {
+                $to := $_.to;
+            }
+        }
+        $to
+    }
+    method statement_control:sym<for>($/) {
+        Perl6::Actions.statement_control:sym<for>($/);
+        simple_xblock_hook($/);
+    }
+    method statement_control:sym<given>($/) {
+        Perl6::Actions.statement_control:sym<given>($/);
+        simple_xblock_hook($/);
+    }
+    method statement_control:sym<when>($/) {
+        Perl6::Actions.statement_control:sym<when>($/);
+        simple_xblock_hook($/);
+    }
+    method statement_control:sym<require>($/) {
+        Perl6::Actions.statement_control:sym<require>($/);
+        if $*DEBUG_HOOKS.has_hook('statement_simple') {
+            $/.make(QAST::Stmts.new(
+                QAST::Op.new(
+                    :op('call'),
+                    QAST::WVal.new( :value($*DEBUG_HOOKS.get_hook('statement_simple')) ),
+                    $*W.add_string_constant(nqp::getlexcaller('$?FILES') // $*ANON_CODE_NAME),
+                    ps_qast(),
+                    $*W.add_numeric_constant($/, 'Int', $/.from),
+                    $*W.add_numeric_constant($/, 'Int', $/.to)
+                ),
+                $/.ast
+            ));
+        }
+    }
+    sub routine_hook($/, $body, $type, $name) {
+        if $*DEBUG_HOOKS.has_hook('routine_region') {
+            my $file := nqp::getlexcaller('$?FILES') // $*ANON_CODE_NAME;
+            $*DEBUG_HOOKS.get_hook('routine_region')($file, $/.from, $/.to, $type, $name);
+        }
+    }
+    method routine_declarator:sym<sub>($/) {
+        Perl6::Actions.routine_declarator:sym<sub>($/);
+        routine_hook($/, $<routine_def>, 'sub',
+            $<routine_def><deflongname> ?? ~$<routine_def><deflongname>[0] !! '');
+    }
+    method routine_declarator:sym<method>($/) {
+        Perl6::Actions.routine_declarator:sym<method>($/);
+        routine_hook($/, $<method_def>, 'method',
+            $<method_def><longname> ?? ~$<method_def><longname> !! '');
+    }
+    method routine_declarator:sym<submethod>($/) {
+        Perl6::Actions.routine_declarator:sym<submethod>($/);
+        routine_hook($/, $<method_def>, 'submethod',
+            $<method_def><longname> ?? ~$<method_def><longname> !! '');
+    }
+    method routine_declarator:sym<macro>($/) {
+        #Perl6::Actions.routine_declarator:sym<macro>($/);
+        routine_hook($/, $<macro_def>, 'macro',
+            $<macro_def><deflongname> ?? ~$<macro_def><deflongname>[0] !! '');
+    }
+class Perl6::HookGrammar is Perl6::Grammar {
+    my %seen_files;
+    method statementlist($*statement_level = 0) {
+        my $file := nqp::getlexcaller('$?FILES') // $*ANON_CODE_NAME;
+        unless nqp::existskey(%*SEEN_FILES, $file) {
+            if $*DEBUG_HOOKS.has_hook('new_file') {
+                # First time we've seen this file; register it.
+                $*DEBUG_HOOKS.get_hook('new_file')($file, self.MATCH.orig);
+            }
+            %*SEEN_FILES{$file} := 1;
+        }
+        my $cur_st_depth := $*ST_DEPTH;
+        {
+            my $*ST_DEPTH := $cur_st_depth + 1;
+            Perl6::Grammar.HOW.find_method(Perl6::Grammar, 'statementlist')(self, $*statement_level)
+        }
+    }
+    method comp_unit() {
+        my $*ST_DEPTH := 0;
+        my %*SEEN_FILES;
+        # Fiddle the %*LANG for the appropriate actions.
+        %*LANG<Regex>           := Perl6::HookRegexGrammar;
+        %*LANG<Regex-actions>   := Perl6::HookRegexActions;
+        %*LANG<P5Regex>         := QRegex::P5Regex::HookGrammar;
+        %*LANG<P5Regex-actions> := QRegex::P5Regex::HookActions;
+        %*LANG<MAIN>            := Perl6::HookGrammar;
+        %*LANG<MAIN-actions>    := Perl6::HookActions;
+        Perl6::Grammar.HOW.find_method(Perl6::Grammar, 'comp_unit')(self)
+    }
+    method blockoid() {
+        my $*ST_DEPTH := 0;
+        Perl6::Grammar.HOW.find_method(Perl6::Grammar, 'blockoid')(self)
+    }
+    method semilist() {
+        my $cur_st_depth := $*ST_DEPTH;
+        {
+            my $*ST_DEPTH := $cur_st_depth + 1;
+            Perl6::Grammar.HOW.find_method(Perl6::Grammar, 'semilist')(self)
+        }
+    }
+    method comment:sym<#>() {
+        my $c := Perl6::Grammar.HOW.find_method(Perl6::Grammar, 'comment:sym<#>')(self);
+        if $c {
+            my $comment := $c.MATCH.Str;
+            if $comment ~~ /'#?BREAK'/ {
+                if $*DEBUG_HOOKS.has_hook('new_breakpoint') {
+                    my $file := nqp::getlexcaller('$?FILES') // $*ANON_CODE_NAME;
+                    $*DEBUG_HOOKS.get_hook('new_breakpoint')($file, $c.MATCH().from());
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        $c
+    }
+class Perl6::Debugger is Perl6::Compiler {
+    my $repl_code := 1;
+    method eval(*@pos, *%named) {
+        my $*ANON_CODE_NAME := "<REPL {$repl_code++}>";
+        if $*DEBUG_HOOKS.has_hook('reset') {
+            $*DEBUG_HOOKS.get_hook('reset')();
+        }
+        nqp::findmethod(Perl6::Compiler, 'eval')(self, |@pos, |%named)
+    }
+sub MAIN(*@ARGS) {
+    # XXX Parrot compat hack.
+    if nqp::islist(@ARGS[0]) {
+        @ARGS := @ARGS[0];
+    }
+    # Initialize dynops.
+    nqp::p6init();
+    # Create and configure compiler object.
+    my $comp := Perl6::Debugger.new();
+    $comp.language('perl6');
+    $comp.parsegrammar(Perl6::HookGrammar);
+    $comp.parseactions(Perl6::HookActions);
+    $comp.addstage('syntaxcheck', :before<ast>);
+    $comp.addstage('optimize', :after<ast>);
+    hll-config($comp.config);
+    my $COMPILER_CONFIG := $comp.config;
+    nqp::bindhllsym('perl6', '$COMPILER_CONFIG', $comp.config);
+    # Determine Perl6 and NQP dirs.
+    my $config := nqp::backendconfig();
+    my $sep := $config<osname> eq 'MSWin32' ?? '\\' !! '/';
+#?if jvm
+    my $execname := nqp::atkey(nqp::jvmgetproperties,'perl6.execname');
+#?if !jvm
+    my $execname := nqp::execname();
+    my $install-dir := $execname eq ''
+        ?? $comp.config<prefix>
+        !! nqp::substr($execname, 0, nqp::rindex($execname, $sep, nqp::rindex($execname, $sep) - 1));
+    my $rakudo-home := $comp.config<static_rakudo_home>
+        // nqp::getenvhash()<PERL6_HOME>
+        // nqp::getenvhash()<RAKUDO_HOME>
+        // $install-dir ~ '/share/perl6';
+    if nqp::substr($rakudo-home, nqp::chars($rakudo-home) - 1) eq $sep {
+        $rakudo-home := nqp::substr($rakudo-home, 0, nqp::chars($rakudo-home) - 1);
+    }
+    my $nqp-home := $comp.config<static_nqp_home>
+        // nqp::getenvhash()<NQP_HOME>
+        // $install-dir ~ '/share/nqp';
+    if nqp::substr($nqp-home, nqp::chars($nqp-home) - 1) eq $sep {
+        $nqp-home := nqp::substr($nqp-home, 0, nqp::chars($nqp-home) - 1);
+    }
+    nqp::bindhllsym('perl6', '$RAKUDO_HOME', $rakudo-home);
+    nqp::bindhllsym('perl6', '$NQP_HOME', $nqp-home);
+    # Add extra command line options.
+    my @clo := $comp.commandline_options();
+    @clo.push('setting=s');
+    @clo.push('c');
+    @clo.push('I=s');
+    @clo.push('M=s');
+    @clo.push('nqp-lib=s');
+    # Set up module loading trace
+    my @*MODULES := [];
+    # Set up END block list, which we'll run at exit.
+    nqp::bindhllsym('perl6', '@END_PHASERS', []);
+    # Force loading of the debugger module.
+    my $debugger;
+    my $i := 1;
+    while @ARGS[$i] ~~ /^\-/ {
+        if @ARGS[$i] ~~ /^\-D/ {
+            $debugger := "-M" ~ nqp::substr(@ARGS[$i], 2);
+            nqp::splice(@ARGS, [], $i, 1);
+            last;
+        }
+        $i++;
+    }
+    if !(nqp::defined($debugger)) {
+        $debugger := '-MDebugger::UI::CommandLine';
+    }
+    my $pname := @ARGS.shift();
+    @ARGS.unshift('-Ilib');
+    @ARGS.unshift($debugger);
+    @ARGS.unshift($pname);
+    # Set up debug hooks object.
+    my $*DEBUG_HOOKS := Perl6::DebugHooks.new();
+    # Enter the compiler.
+    $comp.command_line(@ARGS, :encoding('utf8'), :transcode('ascii iso-8859-1'));
+    # Run any END blocks before exiting.
+    for nqp::gethllsym('perl6', '@END_PHASERS') {
+        my $result := $_();
+        nqp::isfalse(nqp::isnull($result))
+            && nqp::can($result, 'sink') && $result.sink;
+    }