#!/usr/bin/env perl6 # note: Due to a limitation in argument parsing options that should be passed # through to fudgeall have to come after all other options # We keep TAP module in a non-core repo, so here we either clone # it or just pull in any changes into the directory with the module # that we then load: use lib ; constant $tap-dir = 't/packages/tap-harness6'.IO; constant $tap-repo = 'https://github.com/perl6/tap-harness6'; if $tap-dir.d { say 'Updating TAP::Harness checkout...'; run :cwd($tap-dir), ; } else { say 'TAP::Harness checkout not found; going to clone...'; run , $tap-repo, $tap-dir.absolute; } require ::('TAP'); constant FULL_ROAST_TEST_LIST_FILE = 't/spectest.data'; constant ROAST_VERSION_FILE = 't/spec/VERSION'; my $vm = $*VM.name; sub MAIN( Str :$tests-from-file is copy = Str, Bool :$fudge = False, Int :$verbosity = (%*ENV // 0).Int, Int :$jobs = (%*ENV // 1).Int, Bool :$quick = False, Bool :$stress = False, Bool :$randomize = False, Bool :$no-mix-slow = $*DISTRO.is-win || $jobs == 1, Str :$perlpath = ~$*EXECUTABLE, Str :$perl5path = 'perl', *@files, ) { my @slow; with $tests-from-file { $tests-from-file .= &convert-to-versioned-file; my $inline-perl5-is-installed = run( $perlpath, '-e', 'exit 1 if (try require Inline::Perl5) === Nil' ).exitcode == 0; unless $inline-perl5-is-installed { say 'Inline::Perl5 not installed: not running Perl 5 integration tests'; say 'You can install Inline::Perl5 into the build directory with'; say ''; say " zef --install-to=inst#{$*PROGRAM.parent}/../gen/build_rakudo_home/site install Inline::Perl5"; say ''; } my %traits = :perl5($inline-perl5-is-installed), :long(!$quick), :$stress, :slow, :jvm($vm eq 'jvm'), :moar($vm eq 'moar'), :conc(?($vm eq any("jvm","moar"))); my $recode-path = $*SPEC !~~ IO::Spec::Unix; for $tests-from-file.IO.lines { next if / ^ \s* '#' / or not m/ \S /; my ($fn, $fudgespec) = .trim.split(/ \s+ '#' \s* /); my @specs = $fudgespec ?? $fudgespec.words !! (); next if not all(%traits{@specs}); $fn ~~ s{ ^ } = "t/spec/"; $fn = $*SPEC.catdir($fn.split('/')) if $recode-path; if $fn.IO ~~ :r { if not $no-mix-slow and any(@specs) eq 'slow' { push @slow, $fn; } else { push @files, $fn; } } else { warn "Missing test file: $fn\n"; } } } my @tfiles = $randomize ?? @files.flatmap(&all-in).pick(*) !! @files.flatmap(&all-in).sort; if (@slow) { @slow.=flatmap(&all-in); @tfiles = (roundrobin @slow, batch(@tfiles / @slow, @tfiles)).flat; } if $fudge { @tfiles = batch(200, @tfiles).flatmap(&fudge); } my $harness = ::('TAP::Harness').new( :handlers[get-handler($vm, :$perlpath)], :ignore-exit, # :trap, :$jobs, :$verbosity, :err('ignore'), ); await $harness.run(@tfiles).waiter; sub batch(Int(Real) $size, @files) { gather { while @files { my @batch = @files.splice: 0, $size; take @batch; } } } multi all-in(Str $start) { all-in($start.IO); } multi all-in(IO::Path $start) { return ~$start unless $start.d; return gather { listdir($start); } sub listdir(IO::Path $start) { state $test = none($*SPEC.updir, $*SPEC.curdir, '.git'); for $start.dir(:$test) -> $file { if $file.d { listdir($file); } elsif $file ~~ / \. t $ / { take ~$file; } } } } sub fudge(@files) { my $cmd = run($perl5path, 't/spec/fudgeall', '--keep-exit-code', "rakudo.$vm", |@files, :out); $cmd.out.slurp-rest.split(' ').map(*.chomp); } # multi sub get-handler('jvm') { # unlink 'TESTTOKEN'; # state $server = run ".".IO.child("perl6-eval-server"), <-bind-stdin -cookie TESTTOKEN -app perl6.jar>, :in; # sleep 1; # ::('TAP::Harness::SourceHandler::Exec').new($perl5path, './eval-client.pl', 'TESTTOKEN', 'run'); # } multi sub get-handler(Any, :$perlpath) { ::('TAP::Harness::SourceHandler::Perl6').new(:incdirs['lib'], :path($perlpath)); } } sub note-in-box { note "{'#' x 76}\n\n$^text\n\n{'#' x 76}\n" } sub convert-to-versioned-file ($file) { return $file unless $file eq FULL_ROAST_TEST_LIST_FILE; my $ver = .lines.grep({!/\s* '#'/ and .trim.chars}).head.trim with ROAST_VERSION_FILE.IO.open orelse note-in-box "Failed to open roast VERSION file in " ~ "{ROAST_VERSION_FILE}: " ~ .exception.message ~ "\nDefaulting to test files from $file" and return $file; # Make a new test file name using the version of the roast. The master # branch would have version something like `6.d-proposals`; in such # a case, we'll use the default test file list my $new-file = $file ~ (".$ver" unless $ver.lc.contains: 'propos'); if $new-file.IO.r { say "Testing Roast version $ver using test file list from $new-file"; return $new-file; } note-in-box "Test list file `$new-file` for Roast version $ver does not exist\n" ~ "or isn't readable. Defaulting to $file"; return $file; } sub USAGE { say "\n" ~ (require ::('Pod::To::Text')).render($=pod[0]) ~ "\n" } =begin pod =head1 NAME t/harness - run the harness tests for Rakudo. =head1 SYNOPSIS t/harness [options] [files] Options: --help - display the help message. --tests-from-file=[filename] - get the tests from the filename. --fudge - apply backend specific fixups to various files --verbosity=[level] - set the verbosity level. --jobs - number of jobs. Defaults to TEST_JOBS env var if specified, or 1 --quick - do not run tests marked as long-running --stress - run tests marked as stress tests --randomize randomize the order in which test-files are processed. --no-mixslow - don't spread tests marked "slow" equally over the run (on non-Win) --perlpath - path to perl6 (defaults to $*EXECUTABLE) --perl5path - path to Perl executable for various helper utilities (defaults to 'perl') =end pod