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author Ryoma SHINYA <>
date Sat, 11 Sep 2010 23:46:30 +0900
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<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" 

<html xmlns="">

<title>S5: An Introduction</title>
<!-- metadata -->
<meta name="generator" content="S5" />
<meta name="version" content="S5 1.1" />
<meta name="presdate" content="20050728" />
<meta name="author" content="Eric A. Meyer" />
<meta name="company" content="Complex Spiral Consulting" />
<!-- configuration parameters -->
<meta name="defaultView" content="slideshow" />
<meta name="controlVis" content="hidden" />
<!-- style sheet links -->
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<link rel="stylesheet" href="ui/default/outline.css" type="text/css" media="screen" id="outlineStyle" />
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<link rel="stylesheet" href="ui/default/opera.css" type="text/css" media="projection" id="operaFix" />
<!-- embedded styles -->
<style type="text/css" media="all">
.imgcon {width: 525px; margin: 0 auto; padding: 0; text-align: center;}
#anim {width: 270px; height: 320px; position: relative; margin-top: 0.5em;}
#anim img {position: absolute; top: 42px; left: 24px;}
img#me01 {top: 0; left: 0;}
img#me02 {left: 23px;}
img#me04 {top: 44px;}
img#me05 {top: 43px;left: 36px;}
<!-- S5 JS -->
<script src="ui/default/slides.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

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<h1>S5 Testbed</h1>
<h2>Your computer &#8226; Today's date</h2>

<ol class="presentation xoxo">

<li class="slide">
<h1>S5: An Introduction</h1>
<h3>Eric A. Meyer</h3>
<h4><a href="">Complex Spiral Consulting</a></h4>

<li class="slide">
<h1>What Is S5?</h1>
<li>It's a <strong>S</strong>imple <strong>S</strong>tandards-based <strong>S</strong>lide <strong>S</strong>how <strong>S</strong>ystem</li>
<li>One XHTML document provides all of the slide show's content</li>
<li>CSS handles the layout and look of the slides</li>
<li>JavaScript handles the dynamic aspects of the show</li>
<li>That's all there is to it!</li>

<li class="slide">
<h1>Operatic Origins</h1>
<li>Opera 4 introduced <a href="">Opera Show</a>, a projection-mode style sheet technology</li>
<li>Allows a single XHTML document to be turned into a PowerPoint-like slide show</li>
<li>Adding screen and print style sheets allows for multi-medium views of a single document</li>
<li>Highly efficient, but highly browser centric...</li>

<li class="slide">
<h1>Expanding The Field</h1>
<li>When Opera 7.5 for OS X came out, the banner ads persisted in projection mode</li>
<li><a href="" rel="friend colleague met">Tantek &Ccedil;elik</a> created a JavaScript-driven slide show technique that worked on multiple browsers
<li>Unfortunately, it required each slide to be ID'ed ahead of time, making additions and rearrangement difficult</li>
<li>Navigation was only linear; no way to jump to an arbitrary slide</li>
<li>There was also no facility to "switch off" the slide show styles short of killing all CSS</li>
<li>Motive and opportunity combined to point the way...</li>

<li class="slide">
<h1>Where We Are Now</h1>
<li>S5 builds on Tantek's scripts and ideas, with input and ideas from several other people</li>
<li>Each slide is enclosed in a classed element; IDs are dynamically assigned via JavaScript</li>
<li>Navigation menu is automatically built at run time</li>
<li>The S5 format is compatible with <a href="">Opera Show Format 1.0</a>, making it easy to move slides between the two formats as needed</li>
<li>S5 can also run slide shows based on <a href="">XOXO</a></li>

<li class="slide">
<h1>How It Works</h1>
<li>Controls are...
<li>Next slide: Space bar, return, right arrow, down arrow, page down, click anywhere in slide that isn't in the control area (lower right corner), click "arrow" in lower right corner, accesskey "X"</li>
<li>Previous slide: Up arrow, left arrow, page up, click "arrow" in lower right corner, accesskey "Z"</li>
<li>Toggle the slide styles: Click on the toggle button (to the left of the arrows), press "t", accesskey "T"</li>
...<a href="" rel="external">plus more</a>!
<li>To invoke the navigation menu: mouse into the lower right corner of the slide (below the navigation arrows)</li>

<li class="slide">
<h1>The Advantages</h1>
<li>With one file, you get a slide show, a printable outline, and a screen presentation</li>
<li>Files are incredibly lightweight and compress easily</li>
<li>Thanks to being semantic XHTML, slideshow files are also highly accessible</li>
<li>New slide themes can be created simply by writing new style sheets</li>
<li>Unlike Opera Show, which has all of the above advantages, S5 works in multiple browsers</li>

<li class="slide">
<h1>S5 Default File Structure</h1>
<p style="text-align: center;">
<img src="pix/s5filemap.png" alt="" title="At a Glance" />

<li class="slide">
<h1>S5 Themes</h1>
<p style="width: 520px; margin: 0 auto; text-align: center;">
<img src="pix/S501.jpg" alt="" title="Default" />
<img src="pix/S502.jpg" alt="" title="I18N" />
<img src="pix/S503.jpg" alt="" title="Blue" />
<img src="pix/S504.jpg" alt="" title="Flower" />
(just a sampling)

<li class="slide">
<h1>Features New to 1.1</h1>
<ul class="incremental">
<li>Incremental display of slide content</li>
<li>Font scaling based on window size</li>
<li>Support for PNG alpha channels in all supporting browsers, including IE/Win</li>
<li>Ability to jump to any slide, or skip a number of slides, via keyboard commands</li>

<li class="slide">
<h1>Incremental Animation</h1>
<li>A demonstration of just one of the many ways to accomplish simple animation-like effects <small>(using a diagram from <a href="" rel="external">"XFN and..."</a>)</small></li>
<p class="imgcon" id="anim">
<img src="pix/mememe01.png" id="me01" alt="" />
<img src="pix/mememe02.png" alt="" id="me02" class="incremental" />
<img src="pix/mememe03.png" alt="" id="me03" class="incremental" />
<img src="pix/mememe04.png" alt="" id="me04" class="incremental" />
<img src="pix/mememe05.png" alt="" id="me05" class="incremental" />

<li class="slide">
<h1>Current Limitations</h1>
<li>Only one author can be listed in the metadata</li>
<li>Opera falls back to use OperaShow; thus no extras (like the navigation menu or progress indication) are available</li>
<li>Images are not scaled along with the text when the window size changes</li>

<li class="slide">
<h1>Open To The Public</h1>
<li>S5 1.1 is released under an explicit Public Domain license</li>
<li>Contributors to S5 <strong>must</strong> be willing to accept those terms
<li>In other words: if you submit a contribution, you are agreeing to abide by and place your contributions into the Public Domain along with S5</li>
<li>On the other hand, anyone can freely use S5 for their own presentations or modify S5 to suit their needs</li>

<li class="slide">
<h1>In Summary</h1>
<li>With minimal scripting, we have recreated and improved upon a (currently) browser-specific technology, making it cross-browser in the process</li>
<li>New themes are just a matter of writing a new style sheet</li>
<li>The S5 format is OSF 1.0 and XOXO compatible</li>
<li>S5 is a very flexible and lightweight slide show system available for anyone to use</li>

