Mercurial > hg > Papers > 2011 > nobu-prosym
view presen/ui/scala_utf/slides.js @ 78:6465e96ba272
modify explanation of continuation with environment
author | Nobuyasu Oshiro <> |
date | Wed, 04 Jan 2012 17:12:52 +0900 |
parents | a967ee5a0b0f |
children |
line wrap: on
line source
// S5 1.3beta7 (18-Apr-2007) advanced version by C. Effenberger // Please see for more information // based on S5 v1.2a1 slides.js -- released into the Public Domain // Please see for information // about all the wonderful and talented contributors to this code! // audio extension: soundmanager2 is NOT Public Domain // Please see for information var undef; var slideCSS = ''; var snum = 0; var smax = 1; var incpos = 0; var number = undef; var firstTime = 1; var s5mode = true; var helpmode = false; var defaultView = 'slideshow'; //outline var controlVis = 'visible'; // scalable images extension var empx = 0; var images = new Array(); var canvas = new Array(); var medias = new Array(); var piecharts = new Array(); var barcharts = new Array(); var linecharts = new Array(); // scalable images extension // transition extension var tranSitions = false; var fadeModus = false; var fadeDuration = 500; var incrDuration = 250; var opac = 1; var cid = ''; var nid = ''; var tid = ''; var jl = ''; // transition extension // autoplay extension var autoMatic = false; var playLoop = false; var playPause = false; var autoRun = false; var playDelay = 5000; var remainDer = 0; var incrDelay = 0; // autoplay extension // audio extension var sound = new Array(); var audioSupport = false; var audioVolume = 100; var audioError = false; var swfUnloaded = true; var bgSoundItem = 9999; var curSoundID = -1; // audio extension // panel extension var highLight = "rgb(255, 204, 0)"; // panel extension // canvas chart extension var canvasSupport = false; var ChartData = new Array(); var colorSlice = new Array(); var font = document.createElement("img"); font.setAttribute("src", "ui/graphic_support/numeric.png"); signs = { '0': {sx: 0, sy: 0, sw: 48, sh: 64}, '1': {sx: 48, sy: 0, sw: 48, sh: 64}, '2': {sx: 96, sy: 0, sw: 48, sh: 64}, '3': {sx: 144, sy: 0, sw: 48, sh: 64}, '4': {sx: 192, sy: 0, sw: 48, sh: 64}, '5': {sx: 240, sy: 0, sw: 48, sh: 64}, '6': {sx: 288, sy: 0, sw: 48, sh: 64}, '7': {sx: 336, sy: 0, sw: 48, sh: 64}, '8': {sx: 384, sy: 0, sw: 48, sh: 64}, '9': {sx: 432, sy: 0, sw: 48, sh: 64}, '%': {sx: 480, sy: 0, sw: 48, sh: 64}, '.': {sx: 528, sy: 0, sw: 24, sh: 64} }; 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var s5NotesWindowLoaded = false; var previousSlide = 0; var presentationStart = new Date(); var slideStart = new Date(); var countdown = { timer: 0, state: 'pause', start: new Date(), end: 0, remaining: 0 }; var isIE = navigator.appName == 'Microsoft Internet Explorer' && navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Opera') < 1 ? 1 : 0; if(isIE) var notIE7 = parseInt(navigator.appVersion) < 7 ? 1 : 0; var isOp = navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Opera') > -1 ? 1 : 0; var isGe = navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Gecko') > -1 && navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Safari') < 1 ? 1 : 0; var isS2 = navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Safari') >= 2 ? 1 : 0; function hasClass(object, className) { if (!object.className) return false; return ('(^|\\s)' + className + '(\\s|$)') != -1); } function hasValue(object, value) { if (!object) return false; return ('(^|\\s)' + value + '(\\s|$)') != -1); } function removeClass(object,className) { if (!object || !hasClass(object,className)) return; object.className = object.className.replace(new RegExp('(^|\\s)'+className+'(\\s|$)'), RegExp.$1+RegExp.$2); 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} return(result); } function slideLabel() { var slideColl = GetElementsWithClassName('*','slide'); var list = document.getElementById('jumplist'); smax = slideColl.length; for (var n = 0; n < smax; n++) { var obj = slideColl[n]; var did = 'slide' + n.toString(); obj.setAttribute('id',did); var otext = ''; var menu = obj.firstChild; if (!menu) continue; // to cope with empty slides while (menu && menu.nodeType == 3) { menu = menu.nextSibling; } if (!menu) continue; // to cope with slides with only text nodes var menunodes = menu.childNodes; for (var o = 0; o < menunodes.length; o++) { otext += nodeValue(menunodes[o]); } list.options[list.length] = new Option(n + ' : ' + otext, n); } } function currentSlide() { var cs, at, fd, ss; if (document.getElementById) { cs = document.getElementById('currentSlide'); } else { cs = document.currentSlide; } fd = fadeModus?"F":"–"; ss = audioSupport?"S":"–"; at = (autoMatic?(playPause?"||":(playLoop?">0":">|")):"––"); cs.innerHTML = '<div id="plink" nowrap="nowrap">' + '<span id="csFade">[' + fd + ss + ']<\/span> ' + '<span id="csHere"><strong>' + snum + '<\/strong><\/span>' + '<span id="csSep">\/<\/span>' + '<span id="csTotal">' + (smax-1) + '<\/span> ' + '<span id="csAuto">[' + at + ']<\/span>' + '<\/div>'; if (snum == 0) { = 'hidden'; } else { = 'visible'; } } function go(step) { if (document.getElementById('slideProj').disabled || step == 0) return; jl = document.getElementById('jumplist'); cid = 'slide' + snum; var ce = document.getElementById(cid); if (incrementals[snum].length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < incrementals[snum].length; i++) { removeClass(incrementals[snum][i], 'current'); removeClass(incrementals[snum][i], 'incremental'); } } if (step != 'j') { snum += step; lmax = smax - 1; if (snum > lmax) snum = lmax; if (snum < 0) snum = 0; }else { snum = parseInt(jl.value); } nid = 'slide' + snum; var ne = document.getElementById(nid); if (!ne) { ne = document.getElementById('slide0'); nid = 'slide0'; snum = 0; } if (step < 0) { incpos = incrementals[snum].length }else { incpos = 0; } if (incrementals[snum].length > 0 && incpos == 0) { for (var i = 0; i < incrementals[snum].length; i++) { if (hasClass(incrementals[snum][i], 'current')) { incpos = i + 1; }else { addClass(incrementals[snum][i], 'incremental'); 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shiftOpacity(nid,fadeDuration); window.setTimeout("finishSlides()",fadeDuration); } function finishSlides() { jl.selectedIndex = snum; currentSlide(); loadNote(); permaLink(); number = undef; if(sound[getSoundID(nid)]) { playSound(nid); // audio support }else if(sound[bgSoundItem] && curSoundID != bgSoundItem) { playSound(bgSoundItem); // audio support } } function goTo(target) { if (target >= smax || target == snum) return; go(target - snum); } function subgo(step) { if (step > 0) { removeClass(incrementals[snum][incpos - 1],'current'); removeClass(incrementals[snum][incpos], 'incremental'); if(tranSitions && s5mode && fadeModus) { if(!incrementals[snum][incpos].id) { var tmp = new Date(); tid = "inc" + String(tmp.getTime()); incrementals[snum][incpos].id = tid; }else { tid = incrementals[snum][incpos].id; } if(typeof(incrementals[snum][incpos].src) != "undefined" || incrementals[snum][incpos].getContext) { changeOpac(0,tid); addClass(incrementals[snum][incpos],'current'); shiftOpacity(tid,incrDuration); setTimeout("nextInc()",incrDuration); }else { addClass(incrementals[snum][incpos],'current'); nextInc(); } }else { addClass(incrementals[snum][incpos],'current'); nextInc(); } } else { incpos--; removeClass(incrementals[snum][incpos],'current'); addClass(incrementals[snum][incpos], 'incremental'); addClass(incrementals[snum][incpos - 1],'current'); loadNote(); } } function nextInc() { incpos++; loadNote(); } function toggle() { var slideColl = GetElementsWithClassName('*','slide'); var slides = document.getElementById('slideProj'); var outline = document.getElementById('outlineStyle'); var guru = document.getElementById('guru'); if (!slides.disabled) { stopPlay(); if(audioSupport && !swfUnloaded) stopAllSounds(); slides.disabled = true; outline.disabled = false; s5mode = false; fontSize(1,'em'); for (var n = 0; n < smax; n++) { var slide = slideColl[n]; = 'visible'; } if(guru) = 'hidden'; } else { slides.disabled = false; outline.disabled = true; s5mode = true; fontScale(); for (var n = 0; n < smax; n++) { var slide = slideColl[n]; = 'hidden'; } slideColl[snum].style.visibility = 'visible'; if(guru && snum==0) = 'visible'; } } function showHide(action) { var obj = GetElementsWithClassName('*','hideme')[0]; switch (action) { case 's': = 'visible'; break; case 'h': = 'hidden'; break; case 'k': if ( != 'visible') { = 'visible'; } else { = 'hidden'; } break; } } function keys(key) { if (!key) { key = event; key.which = key.keyCode; } if (helpmode) { dumpHelpReq(); return; } if (key.which == 84 && !isOp) { toggle(); return; } if (s5mode) { if (autoMatic) { switch (key.which) { case 70: // f/ading on/off switchFade(); break; case 83: // s/ound on/off toggleSounds(); break; case 67: // c showHide('k'); break; case 65: // a/utoplay on/off stopPlay(); break; case 76: // l/ooping on/off switchLoop(); break; case 80: // p/ause case 32: // spacebar pausePlay(); break; } }else { switch (key.which) { case 8: // backspace = HELP createHelpReq(); break; case 10: // return case 13: // enter if (window.event && isParentOrSelf(window.event.srcElement, 'controls')) return; if ( && isParentOrSelf(, 'controls')) return; if(number != undef) { goTo(number); break; } case 32: // spacebar case 34: // page down case 39: // rightkey case 40: // downkey if(number != undef) { go(number); } else if (!incrementals[snum] || incpos >= incrementals[snum].length) { go(1); } else { subgo(1); } break; case 33: // page up case 37: // leftkey case 38: // upkey if(number != undef) { go(-1 * number); } else if (!incrementals[snum] || incpos <= 0) { go(-1); } else { subgo(-1); } break; case 65: // a/utoplay startPlay(); break; case 72: // h case 36: // home goTo(0); break; case 69: // e case 35: // end goTo(smax-1); break; case 70: // f/ade transitions on/off switchFade(); break; case 76: // l/ooping on/off switchLoop(); break; case 83: // s/ound support on/off toggleSounds(); break; case 27: // escape case 81: // q if(!isOp) byby(); break; case 67: // c showHide('k'); break; case 78: // n createNotesWindow(); break; } if (key.which < 48 || key.which > 57) { number = undef; } else { if (window.event && isParentOrSelf(window.event.srcElement, 'controls')) return; if ( && isParentOrSelf(, 'controls')) return; number = (((number != undef) ? number : 0) * 10) + (key.which - 48); } } } return false; } function clicker(e) { number = undef; var target; if (window.event) { target = window.event.srcElement; e = window.event; } else { target =; } if (target.href != null || hasValue(target.rel, 'external') || isParentOrSelf(target, 'controls') || isParentOrSelf(target,'embed') || isParentOrSelf(target,'object')) return true; if (!helpmode) { if (!e.which || e.which == 1) { if (!incrementals[snum] || incpos >= incrementals[snum].length) { go(1); } else { subgo(1); } } } else { dumpHelpReq(); } } function findSlide(hash) { var target = null; var slides = GetElementsWithClassName('*','slide'); for (var i = 0; i < slides.length; i++) { var targetSlide = slides[i]; if ( ( && == hash) || ( && == hash) ) { target = targetSlide; break; } } while(target != null && target.nodeName != 'BODY') { if (hasClass(target, 'slide')) { return parseInt(; } target = target.parentNode; } return null; } function slideJump() { if (window.location.hash == null) return; var sregex = /^#slide(\d+)$/; var matches = sregex.exec(window.location.hash); var dest = null; if (matches != null) { dest = parseInt(matches[1]); } else { dest = findSlide(window.location.hash.slice(1)); } if (dest != null) go(dest - snum); } function fixLinks() { var thisUri = window.location.href; thisUri = thisUri.slice(0, thisUri.length - window.location.hash.length); var aelements = document.getElementsByTagName('A'); for (var i = 0; i < aelements.length; i++) { var a = aelements[i].href; var slideID = a.match('\#slide[0-9]{1,2}'); if ((slideID) && (slideID[0].slice(0,1) == '#')) { var dest = findSlide(slideID[0].slice(1)); if (dest != null) { if (aelements[i].addEventListener) { aelements[i].addEventListener("click", new Function("e", "if (document.getElementById('slideProj').disabled) return;" + "go("+dest+" - snum); " + "if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault();"), true); } else if (aelements[i].attachEvent) { aelements[i].attachEvent("onclick", new Function("", "if (document.getElementById('slideProj').disabled) return;" + "go("+dest+" - snum); " + "event.returnValue = false;")); } } } } } function externalLinks() { if (!document.getElementsByTagName) return; var anchors = document.getElementsByTagName('a'); for (var i=0; i<anchors.length; i++) { var anchor = anchors[i]; if (anchor.getAttribute('href') && hasValue(anchor.rel, 'external')) { = '_blank'; addClass(anchor,'external'); } } } function permaLink() { document.getElementById('plink').href = window.location.pathname + '#slide' + snum; } function createControls() { var controlsDiv = document.getElementById("controls"); if (!controlsDiv) return; var hider = ' onmouseover="showHide(\'s\');" onmouseout="showHide(\'h\');"'; var hideDiv, hideList = ''; if (controlVis == 'hidden') { hideDiv = hider; } else { hideList = hider; } if(isOp) { var str = ''; }else { var str = '<a accesskey="t" id="sheet" title="toggle CSS" href="javascript:toggle();">±<\/a>'; } if(isIE) { var tmp = "move around&xA0;until the color&xA0;change to red!"; }else if(isS2) { var tmp = "move around\r\nuntil the color\r\nchange to red!"; }else { var tmp = "move around until color change to red!"; } if(isIE) { controlsDiv.innerHTML = str + '<form action="#" id="controlForm"' + hideDiv + '>' + '<div id="navLinks" title="press [backspace] for keyboard help!" style="background-image: none;">' + '<a accesskey="n" id="show-notes" title="show Notes" href="javascript:createNotesWindow();">i<\/a>' + '<a accesskey="t" id="toggle" title="toggle CSS" href="javascript:toggle();">±<\/a>' + '<a accesskey="h" id="zero" title="goto Start Slide" href="javascript:goTo(0);">|<<\/a>' + '<a accesskey="y" id="prev" title="previous Slide" href="javascript:go(-1);"><<\/a>' + '<a accesskey="x" id="next" title="next Slide" href="javascript:go(1);">><\/a>' + '<a accesskey="e" id="last" title="goto Last Slide" href="javascript:goTo(smax-1);">>|<\/a>' + '<br \/><div class="subLinks" id="autoLinks" style="margin-left:0.25em;">' + '<a accesskey="a" id="auto" title="Auto Play" href="javascript:togglePlay();">><\/a> ' + '<a style="font-weight: bold;" accesskey="p" id="pause" title="Pausing" href="javascript:pausePlay();">||<\/a> ' + '<a style="font-weight: bold;" accesskey="l" id="loop" title="Looping" href="javascript:switchLoop();">∞<\/a> ' + '<a title="5 Sec. Delay" href="javascript:setDelay(5);">5<\/a>·' + '<a title="10 Sec. Delay" href="javascript:setDelay(10);">10<\/a>·' + '<a title="15 Sec. Delay" href="javascript:setDelay(15);">15<\/a>·' + '<a title="30 Sec. Delay" href="javascript:setDelay(30);">30<\/a>·' + '<a title="60 Sec. Delay" href="javascript:setDelay(60);">60<\/a>' + '<\/div><select id="jumplist" style="position: absolute; left: -9999px;"><\/select><\/div><\/form>'; }else { controlsDiv.innerHTML = str + '<form action="#" id="controlForm"' + hideDiv + '>' + '<div id="navLinks" title="press [backspace] or double click this area for keyboard help!" ondblclick="createHelpReq();">' + '<a accesskey="q" id="exit" title="exit Show" href="javascript:byby();">×<\/a>' + '<a accesskey="n" id="show-notes" title="show Notes" href="javascript:createNotesWindow();">❏<\/a>' + '<a accesskey="t" id="toggle" title="toggle CSS" href="javascript:toggle();">±<\/a>' + '<a accesskey="h" id="zero" title="goto Start Slide" href="javascript:goTo(0);">|<<\/a>' + '<a accesskey="y" id="prev" title="previous Slide" href="javascript:go(-1);"><<\/a>' + '<a accesskey="x" id="next" title="next Slide" href="javascript:go(1);">><\/a>' + '<a accesskey="e" id="last" title="goto Last Slide" href="javascript:goTo(smax-1);">>|<\/a>' + '<a id="list" style="cursor:wait;" title="' + tmp + '">Ξ<\/a>' + '<select id="jumplist" title="select named Slide" onchange="go(\'j\');"><\/select>' + '<br \/><div class="subLinks" id="fadeLinks">' + '<a style="font-weight: bold;" accesskey="f" id="fade" title="Transions" href="javascript:switchFade();">▨<\/a> ' + '<\/div><div class="subLinks" id="audioLinks" style="margin-left:0.25em;">' + '<a accesskey="s" id="audio" title="Sound" href="javascript:toggleSounds();">♫<\/a> ' + '<a id="volume" style="cursor:wait;" title="' + tmp + '">◢<\/a>' + '<select id="volumelist" title="select Volume" onchange="setVolume();"><option value="100">100</option>' + '<option value="90">90</option><option value="80">80</option>' + '<option value="70">70</option><option value="60">60</option>' + '<option value="50">50</option><option value="40">40</option>' + '<option value="30">30</option><option value="20">20</option>' + '<option value="10">10</option><option value="0">0</option>' + '<\/select>' + '<\/div><div class="subLinks" id="autoLinks" style="margin-left:0.25em;">' + '<a accesskey="a" id="auto" title="Auto Play" href="javascript:togglePlay();">▶<\/a> ' + '<a style="font-weight: bold;" accesskey="p" id="pause" title="Pausing" href="javascript:pausePlay();">||<\/a> ' + '<a style="font-weight: bold;" accesskey="l" id="loop" title="Looping" href="javascript:switchLoop();">∞<\/a> ' + '<a title="5 Sec. Delay" href="javascript:setDelay(5);">5<\/a>·' + '<a title="10 Sec. Delay" href="javascript:setDelay(10);">10<\/a>·' + '<a title="15 Sec. Delay" href="javascript:setDelay(15);">15<\/a>·' + '<a title="30 Sec. Delay" href="javascript:setDelay(30);">30<\/a>·' + '<a title="60 Sec. Delay" href="javascript:setDelay(60);">60<\/a>' + '<\/div><\/div><\/form>'; } if (controlVis == 'hidden') { var hidden = document.getElementById('navLinks'); } else { var hidden = document.getElementById('jumplist'); } addClass(hidden,'hideme'); } function fontScale() { // causes layout problems in FireFox that get fixed if browser's Reload is used; same may be true of other Gecko-based browsers if (!s5mode && !isOp) return false; var hScreen = screen.width; var vScreen = screen.height; var vWindow = window.outerHeight; var hWindow = window.outerWidth; if (isOp && s5mode && defaultView=='slideshow' && ((hScreen != hWindow) || (vScreen != vWindow))) { toggle(); return false; } if (isOp && !s5mode && ((hScreen != hWindow) || (vScreen != vWindow))) return false; if (isOp && !s5mode && (hScreen == hWindow) && (vScreen == vWindow)) toggle(); var vScale = 48; // both yield 16 (the usual browser default) at 1024x768 var hScale = 64; // perhaps should auto-calculate based on theme's declared value? if (window.innerHeight) { var vSize = window.innerHeight; var hSize = window.innerWidth; } else if (document.documentElement.clientHeight) { var vSize = document.documentElement.clientHeight; var hSize = document.documentElement.clientWidth; } else if (document.body.clientHeight) { var vSize = document.body.clientHeight; var hSize = document.body.clientWidth; } else { var vSize = 700; // assuming 1024x768, minus chrome and such equals 8:5 var hSize = 1024; // these do not account for kiosk mode or Opera Show } var newSize = Math.min(Math.round(vSize/vScale),Math.round(hSize/hScale)); extendImgSizes(newSize); // scalable images extension extendCanSizes(newSize); // scalable canvas extension extendObjSizes(newSize); // scalable object extension fontSize(newSize,"px"); if(!isS2 || firstTime==0) { generateCanvas(); // dynamic canvas extension } if (isGe) { // hack to counter incremental reflow bugs var obj = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]; = 'hidden'; = 'none'; = 'block'; = 'visible'; changeOpac(100,'slide' + snum); shiftOpacity('slide' + snum,10); window.setTimeout("fixReflow()",10); }else { setListPos(); // invisible select extension } } function fixReflow() { shiftOpacity('slide' + snum,10); window.setTimeout("finishReflow()",10); } function finishReflow() { setListPos(); // invisible select extension } function fontSize(val,fmt) { var value = val + fmt; if (!(s5ss = document.getElementById('s5ss'))) { if (!document.createStyleSheet) { document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(s5ss = document.createElement('style')); s5ss.setAttribute('media','screen, projection'); s5ss.setAttribute('id','s5ss'); } else { document.createStyleSheet(); document.s5ss = document.styleSheets[document.styleSheets.length - 1]; } } if (!(document.s5ss && document.s5ss.addRule)) { while (s5ss.lastChild) s5ss.removeChild(s5ss.lastChild); s5ss.appendChild(document.createTextNode('html {font-size: ' + value + ' !important;}')); } else { document.s5ss.addRule('html','font-size: ' + value + ' !important;'); } } function windowChange() { fontScale(); } function notOperaFix() { slideCSS = document.getElementById('slideProj').href; var slides = document.getElementById('slideProj'); var outline = document.getElementById('outlineStyle'); slides.setAttribute('media','screen'); outline.disabled = true; if (isGe) { slides.setAttribute('href','null'); // Gecko fix slides.setAttribute('href',slideCSS); // Gecko fix } if ((isIE && notIE7) && document.styleSheets && document.styleSheets[0]) { document.styleSheets[0].addRule('img', 'behavior: url(ui/graphic_support/'); document.styleSheets[0].addRule('div', 'behavior: url(ui/graphic_support/'); document.styleSheets[0].addRule('.slide', 'behavior: url(ui/graphic_support/'); } } function getIncrementals(obj) { var incrementals = new Array(); if (!obj) return incrementals; var children = obj.childNodes; for (var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { var child = children[i]; if (hasClass(child, 'incremental')) { if (child.nodeName == 'OL' || child.nodeName == 'UL') { removeClass(child, 'incremental'); for (var j = 0; j < child.childNodes.length; j++) { if (child.childNodes[j].nodeType == 1) { addClass(child.childNodes[j], 'incremental'); } } } else { incrementals[incrementals.length] = child; removeClass(child,'incremental'); } } if (hasClass(child, 'show-first')) { if (child.nodeName == 'OL' || child.nodeName == 'UL') { removeClass(child, 'show-first'); if (child.childNodes[isGe].nodeType == 1) { removeClass(child.childNodes[isGe], 'incremental'); } } else { incrementals[incrementals.length] = child; } } incrementals = incrementals.concat(getIncrementals(child)); } return incrementals; } function createIncrementals() { var incrementals = new Array(); for (var i = 0; i < smax; i++) { incrementals[i] = getIncrementals(document.getElementById('slide'+i)); } return incrementals; } function trap(e) { if (!e) { e = event; e.which = e.keyCode; } try { modifierKey = e.ctrlKey || e.altKey || e.metaKey; } catch(e) { modifierKey = false; } return modifierKey || e.which == 0; } // notes extension function noteLabel() { // Gives notes id's to match parent slides var notes = GetElementsWithClassName('div','notes'); for (var i = 0; i < notes.length; i++) { var note = notes[i]; var id = 'note' +; note.setAttribute('id',id); } resetElapsedSlide(); resetRemainingTime(); window.setInterval('updateElaspedTime()', 1000); } function createNotesWindow() { // creates a window for our notes if (!s5NotesWindow || s5NotesWindow.closed) { // Create the window if it doesn't exist s5NotesWindowLoaded = false; // Note: Safari has a tendency to ignore window options preferring to default to the settings of the parent window, grr. s5NotesWindow ='ui/s5-notes.html', 's5NotesWindow', 'top=0,left=0'); } if (s5NotesWindowLoaded) { // Load the current note if the Note HTML has loaded loadNote(); } else { // Keep trying... window.setTimeout('createNotesWindow()', 50); } } function loadNote() { // Loads a note into the note window var notes = nextNotes = '<em class="disclaimer">There are no notes for this slide.</em>'; if (document.getElementById('note' + snum)) { notes = document.getElementById('note' + snum).innerHTML; } if (document.getElementById('note' + (snum + 1))) { nextNotes = document.getElementById('note' + (snum + 1)).innerHTML; } var jl = document.getElementById('jumplist'); var slideTitle = jl.options[jl.selectedIndex].text.replace(/^\d+\s+:\s+/, '') + ((jl.selectedIndex) ? ' (' + jl.selectedIndex + '/' + (smax - 1) + ')' : ''); if (incrementals[snum].length > 0) { slideTitle += ' <small>[' + incpos + '/' + incrementals[snum].length + ']</small>'; } if (jl.selectedIndex < smax - 1) { var nextTitle = jl.options[jl.selectedIndex + 1].text.replace(/^\d+\s+:\s+/, '') + ((jl.selectedIndex + 1) ? ' (' + (jl.selectedIndex + 1) + '/' + (smax - 1) + ')' : ''); } else { var nextTitle = '[end of slide show]'; } if (s5NotesWindow && !s5NotesWindow.closed && s5NotesWindow.document) { s5NotesWindow.document.getElementById('slide').innerHTML = slideTitle; s5NotesWindow.document.getElementById('notes').innerHTML = notes; s5NotesWindow.document.getElementById('next').innerHTML = nextTitle; s5NotesWindow.document.getElementById('nextnotes').innerHTML = nextNotes; } resetElapsedSlide(); } function minimizeTimer(id) { var obj = s5NotesWindow.document.getElementById(id); if (hasClass(obj,'collapsed')) { removeClass(obj,'collapsed'); } else { addClass(obj,'collapsed'); } } function resetElapsedTime() { presentationStart = new Date(); slideStart = new Date(); updateElaspedTime(); } function resetElapsedSlide() { if (snum != previousSlide) { slideStart = new Date(); previousSlide = snum; updateElaspedTime(); } } function updateElaspedTime() { if (!s5NotesWindowLoaded || !s5NotesWindow || s5NotesWindow.closed) return; var now = new Date(); var ep = s5NotesWindow.document.getElementById('elapsed-presentation'); var es = s5NotesWindow.document.getElementById('elapsed-slide'); ep.innerHTML = formatTime(now.valueOf() - presentationStart.valueOf()); es.innerHTML = formatTime(now.valueOf() - slideStart.valueOf()); } function resetRemainingTime() { if (!s5NotesWindowLoaded || !s5NotesWindow || s5NotesWindow.closed) return; var startField = s5NotesWindow.document.getElementById('startFrom'); startFrom = readTime(startField.value); countdown.remaining = startFrom * 60000; // convert to msecs countdown.start = new Date().valueOf(); countdown.end = countdown.start + countdown.remaining; var tl = s5NotesWindow.document.getElementById('timeLeft'); var timeLeft = formatTime(countdown.remaining); tl.innerHTML = timeLeft; } function updateRemainingTime() { if (!s5NotesWindowLoaded || !s5NotesWindow || s5NotesWindow.closed) return; var tl = s5NotesWindow.document.getElementById('timeLeft'); var now = new Date(); if (countdown.state == 'run') { countdown.remaining = countdown.end - now; } = ''; = ''; if (countdown.remaining >= 0) { var timeLeft = formatTime(countdown.remaining); removeClass(tl,'overtime'); if (countdown.remaining < 300000) { = 'rgb(' + (255-Math.round(countdown.remaining/2000)) + ',0,0)'; = 'rgb(255,255,' + (Math.round(countdown.remaining/2000)) + ')'; } } else { var timeLeft = '-' + formatTime(-countdown.remaining); addClass(tl,'overtime'); } tl.innerHTML = timeLeft; } function toggleRemainingTime() { if (countdown.state == 'pause') countdown.state = 'run'; else countdown.state = 'pause'; if (countdown.state == 'pause') { window.clearInterval(countdown.timer); } if (countdown.state == 'run') { countdown.start = new Date().valueOf(); countdown.end = countdown.start + countdown.remaining; countdown.timer = window.setInterval('updateRemainingTime()', 1000); } } function alterRemainingTime(amt) { var change = amt * 60000; // convert to msecs countdown.end += change; countdown.remaining += change; updateRemainingTime(); } function formatTime(msecs) { var time = new Date(msecs); var hrs = time.getUTCHours() + ((time.getUTCDate() -1) * 24); // I doubt anyone will spend more than 24 hours on a presentation or single slide but just in case... hrs = (hrs < 10) ? '0'+hrs : hrs; if (hrs == 'NaN' || isNaN(hrs)) hrs = '--'; var min = time.getUTCMinutes(); min = (min < 10) ? '0'+min : min; if (min == 'NaN' || isNaN(min)) min = '--'; var sec = time.getUTCSeconds(); sec = (sec < 10) ? '0'+sec : sec; if (sec == 'NaN' || isNaN(sec)) sec = '--'; return hrs + ':' + min + ':' + sec; } function readTime(val) { var sregex = /:/; var matches = sregex.exec(val); if (matches == null) { return val; } else { var times = val.split(':'); var hours = parseInt(times[0]); var mins = parseInt(times[1]); var total = (hours * 60) + mins; return total; } } // notes extension // startup process function createSlideShow() { defaultCheck(); if(!isIE) createDetector(); // (degrade IE) scalable images extension if(opac!=0 || isIE) { // &&!isIE (degrade IE) tranSitions = false; fadeModus = false; } if(tranSitions && document.getElementById && document.createElement){ createProgress(); var nop=document.getElementById('StartupControl'); nop.onload = dumpProgress; }else { startup(); showAll(); setListPos(true); // invisible select extension panelSetup(); audioSetup(); // audio extension if(isS2 && firstTime>=1) { generateCanvas(); // dynamic canvas extension } firstTime = 0; } } function defaultCheck() { var allMetas = document.getElementsByTagName('meta'); for (var i = 0; i< allMetas.length; i++) { if (allMetas[i].name == 'defaultView') { defaultView = allMetas[i].content; } if (allMetas[i].name == 'controlVis') { controlVis = allMetas[i].content; } if (allMetas[i].name == 'tranSitions') { tranSitions = (allMetas[i].content == "true") ? true : false; fadeModus = (tranSitions == true) ? true : false; } if (allMetas[i].name == 'fadeDuration') { var tmp = parseInt(allMetas[i].content); fadeDuration = Math.max(200,Math.min(tmp,2000)); } if (allMetas[i].name == 'incrDuration') { var tmp = parseInt(allMetas[i].content); incrDuration = Math.max(50,Math.min(tmp,500)); } if (allMetas[i].name == 'autoMatic') { autoMatic = (allMetas[i].content == "true") ? true : false; } if (allMetas[i].name == 'playLoop') { playLoop = (allMetas[i].content == "true") ? true : false; } if (allMetas[i].name == 'playDelay') { var tmp = parseInt(allMetas[i].content); playDelay = Math.max(5,Math.min(tmp,90))*1000; playDelay = (fadeModus == true) ? (playDelay+(2*fadeDuration)) : playDelay; } if (allMetas[i].name == 'audioSupport') { audioSupport = (allMetas[i].content == "true") ? true : false; } if (allMetas[i].name == 'audioVolume') { var tmp = parseInt(allMetas[i].content); audioVolume = Math.max(0,Math.min(tmp,100)); } if (allMetas[i].name == 'audioError') { audioError = (allMetas[i].content == "true") ? true : false; } } } function createProgress() { var obj = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].firstChild; var pg = document.createElement('div'); = "StartupProgress"; = 'absolute'; = 0 + 'px'; = 0 + 'px'; = 100 + '%'; = 100 + '%'; = 0 + 'px'; = 0 + 'px'; if (isIE) { = "alpha(opacity=100)"; }else { = 1.0; } = 9999;"rgb(255, 255, 255)"; = "center"; = "middle";"center center";"no-repeat";"url(ui/graphic_support/progress.gif)"; document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].insertBefore(pg,obj); var im = document.createElement('img'); = "StartupControl"; im.src = "ui/graphic_support/blank.gif?" + new Date().valueOf(); document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].appendChild(im); } function startup() { createControls(); // hallvord slideLabel(); incrementals = createIncrementals(); noteLabel(); // [SI:060104] must follow slideLabel() loadNote(); fixLinks(); externalLinks(); fontScale(); if (!isOp) { notOperaFix(); }else if(isOp) { document.getElementById('exit').style.visibility = 'hidden'; document.getElementById('toggle').style.visibility = 'hidden'; document.getElementById('list').style.visibility = 'hidden'; document.getElementById('jumplist').style.visibility = 'hidden'; document.getElementById('audioLinks').style.display = 'none'; } slideJump(); if (defaultView == 'outline') toggle(); document.onkeyup = keys; document.onkeypress = trap; document.onclick = clicker; } function preloadImgages() { var temp = ''; var objects = document.getElementsByTagName('img'); for (var i=0; i < objects.length; i++) { if(objects[i].src != '') { temp = new Image(); temp.src = objects[i].src; } } } function showAll() { var obj1 = GetElementsWithClassName('div','presentation')[0]; if(!obj1) var obj1 = GetElementsWithClassName('ol','presentation')[0]; var obj2 = GetElementsWithClassName('div','layout')[0]; if(!obj1){}else { = 'block'}; if(!obj2){}else { = 'block'}; } function dumpProgress() { document.body.removeChild(document.getElementById('StartupControl')); startup(); preloadImgages(); showAll(); createSoundManagerScript(); shiftOpacity('StartupProgress',1000); window.setTimeout("removeProgress()",1000); } function removeProgress() { document.body.removeChild(document.getElementById('StartupProgress')); setListPos(true); // invisible select extension panelSetup(); audioSetup(); // audio extension if(isS2 && firstTime>=1) { generateCanvas(); // dynamic canvas extension } firstTime = 0; } function panelSetup() { if(playPause) document.getElementById('pause').style.color=highLight; if(playLoop) document.getElementById('loop').style.color=highLight; if(audioSupport && !isIE && !isOp) document.getElementById('audio').style.color=highLight; if(fadeModus && !isIE) document.getElementById('fade').style.color=highLight; if(autoMatic) { document.getElementById('auto').style.color=highLight; startPlay(); } if(audioVolume && !isIE && !isOp) { var idx = 0; if(audioVolume >= 95 && audioVolume <= 100) {idx = 0;} else if(audioVolume >= 85 && audioVolume < 95) {idx = 1;} else if(audioVolume >= 75 && audioVolume < 85) {idx = 2;} else if(audioVolume >= 65 && audioVolume < 75) {idx = 3;} else if(audioVolume >= 55 && audioVolume < 65) {idx = 4;} else if(audioVolume >= 45 && audioVolume < 55) {idx = 5;} else if(audioVolume >= 35 && audioVolume < 45) {idx = 6;} else if(audioVolume >= 25 && audioVolume < 35) {idx = 7;} else if(audioVolume >= 15 && audioVolume < 25) {idx = 8;} else if(audioVolume >= 5 && audioVolume < 15) {idx = 9;} else {idx = 10;} document.getElementById('volumelist').selectedIndex = idx; } } // startup process // shutdown process function byby() { stopPlay(); if(tranSitions && fadeModus && s5mode && !isOp) { fadeoutSound(curSoundID,true); // audio support var pg = document.createElement('div'); = "GoodBy"; = 'absolute'; = 0 + 'px'; = 0 + 'px'; = 100 + '%'; = 100 + '%'; = 0 + 'px'; = 0 + 'px'; if (isIE) { = "alpha(opacity=0)"; }else { = 0.0; } = 9999;"rgb(255, 255, 255)"; = "center"; = "middle";"center center";"no-repeat";"url(ui/graphic_support/finish.gif)"; document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].appendChild(pg); shiftOpacity('GoodBy',1000); window.setTimeout("history.back()",1000); }else { stopSound(curSoundID); history.back(); } } // shutdown process // scalable images extension function createDetector() { var em = document.createElement('div');'EMSizeControl';"absolute";"-999px";"1em";"1em";; document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].appendChild(em); var nop=document.getElementById('EMSizeControl'); if(!nop||findPosX(nop)!=-999) {}else { opac=document.getElementById('EMSizeControl').style.opacity; empx=document.getElementById('EMSizeControl').offsetHeight; document.body.removeChild(document.getElementById('EMSizeControl')); var objects = document.getElementsByTagName('img'); var j = 0; var i = 0; var k = 0; var d; var obj; for (i=0; i < objects.length; i++) { if(objects[i].className.match(/^scale/i)) { images[j] = objects[i]; ++j; } } var objects = document.getElementsByTagName('canvas'); j = 0; for (i=0; i < objects.length; i++) { if(objects[i].className.match(/^scale/i)) { canvas[objects[i].id] = objects[i]; if(j==0) { if(objects[i].getContext) { canvasSupport = true; } ++j; } } } if(canvasSupport!=true) { for (d in canvas) { canvas[d].setAttribute("width",1); canvas[d].setAttribute("height",1); } } var objects = document.getElementsByTagName('table'); j = 0; k = 0; l = 0; var w; var h; var tmp; var cnt; for (i=0; i < objects.length; i++) { if(objects[i].className.match(/^piechart/i)) { tmp = objects[i].id; cnt = tmp.split("_"); obj = cnt[0] + "_canvas"; if(canvas[obj]) { w = canvas[obj].getAttribute("width"); h = canvas[obj].getAttribute("height"); if(w>0&&h>0) { piecharts[j] = objects[i]; em = piecharts[j].getAttribute("summary"); if(em != "") em = "," + em; piecharts[j].setAttribute("summary", w + "," + h + em); ++j; } } } if(objects[i].className.match(/^barchart/i)) { tmp = objects[i].id; cnt = tmp.split("_"); obj = cnt[0] + "_canvas"; if(canvas[obj]) { w = canvas[obj].getAttribute("width"); h = canvas[obj].getAttribute("height"); if(w>0&&h>0) { barcharts[k] = objects[i]; em = barcharts[k].getAttribute("summary"); if(em != "") em = "," + em; barcharts[k].setAttribute("summary", w + "," + h + em); ++k; } } } if(objects[i].className.match(/^linechart/i)) { tmp = objects[i].id; cnt = tmp.split("_"); obj = cnt[0] + "_canvas"; if(canvas[obj]) { w = canvas[obj].getAttribute("width"); h = canvas[obj].getAttribute("height"); if(w>0&&h>0) { linecharts[l] = objects[i]; em = linecharts[l].getAttribute("summary"); if(em != "") em = "," + em; linecharts[l].setAttribute("summary", w + "," + h + em); ++l; } } } } objects = document.getElementsByTagName('object'); j = 0; i = 0; for (i=0; i < objects.length; i++) { if(objects[i].className.match(/^scale/i)) { medias[j] = objects[i]; ++j; if(!isIE) { if(objects[i].getAttributeNode("classid")) objects[i].removeAttributeNode(objects[i].getAttributeNode("classid")); if(objects[i].getAttributeNode("codebase")) objects[i].removeAttributeNode(objects[i].getAttributeNode("codebase")); } } } } } function extendImgSizes(f) { if(empx>0) { var q = (f/empx); var w = 0; var h = 0; for(var i=0; i < images.length; i++) { w=images[i].getAttribute("width",0); h=images[i].getAttribute("height",0); if(w>0&&h>0) { images[i].style.width=Math.floor(w*q)+"px"; images[i].style.height=Math.floor(h*q)+"px"; } } } } function extendCanSizes(f) { if(empx>0 && canvasSupport) { var q = (f/empx); var w = 0; var h = 0; var tmp = ""; var cnt; var obj; for(var i=0; i < piecharts.length; i++) { if(piecharts[i].getAttribute("summary")) { tmp = piecharts[i].getAttribute("summary"); cnt = tmp.split(","); if(cnt[0].match(/^[1-9][0-9]+/)) w = parseInt(cnt[0]); if(cnt[1].match(/^[1-9][0-9]+/)) h = parseInt(cnt[1]); if(w>0&&h>0) { tmp = piecharts[i].id; cnt = tmp.split("_"); obj = cnt[0] + "_canvas"; canvas[obj].setAttribute("width",Math.floor(w*q)); canvas[obj].setAttribute("height",Math.floor(h*q)); canvas[obj].style.width=Math.floor(w*q)+"px"; canvas[obj].style.height=Math.floor(h*q)+"px"; } } } for(var i=0; i < barcharts.length; i++) { if(barcharts[i].getAttribute("summary")) { tmp = barcharts[i].getAttribute("summary"); cnt = tmp.split(","); if(cnt[0].match(/^[1-9][0-9]+/)) w = parseInt(cnt[0]); if(cnt[1].match(/^[1-9][0-9]+/)) h = parseInt(cnt[1]); if(w>0&&h>0) { tmp = barcharts[i].id; cnt = tmp.split("_"); obj = cnt[0] + "_canvas"; canvas[obj].setAttribute("width",Math.floor(w*q)); canvas[obj].setAttribute("height",Math.floor(h*q)); canvas[obj].style.width=Math.floor(w*q)+"px"; canvas[obj].style.height=Math.floor(h*q)+"px"; } } } for(var i=0; i < linecharts.length; i++) { if(linecharts[i].getAttribute("summary")) { tmp = linecharts[i].getAttribute("summary"); cnt = tmp.split(","); if(cnt[0].match(/^[1-9][0-9]+/)) w = parseInt(cnt[0]); if(cnt[1].match(/^[1-9][0-9]+/)) h = parseInt(cnt[1]); if(w>0&&h>0) { tmp = linecharts[i].id; cnt = tmp.split("_"); obj = cnt[0] + "_canvas"; canvas[obj].setAttribute("width",Math.floor(w*q)); canvas[obj].setAttribute("height",Math.floor(h*q)); canvas[obj].style.width=Math.floor(w*q)+"px"; canvas[obj].style.height=Math.floor(h*q)+"px"; } } } } } function extendObjSizes(f) { if(empx>0) { var q = (f/empx); var w = 0; var h = 0; for(var i=0; i < medias.length; i++) { w=medias[i].getAttribute("width",0); h=medias[i].getAttribute("height",0); if(w>0&&h>0) { medias[i].style.width=Math.floor(w*q)+"px"; medias[i].style.height=Math.floor(h*q)+"px"; } } } } function findPosX(obj) { var posLeft = 0; while (obj.offsetParent) { posLeft += obj.offsetLeft; obj = obj.offsetParent; } return posLeft; } function findPosY(obj) { var posTop = 0; while (obj.offsetParent) { posTop += obj.offsetTop; obj = obj.offsetParent; } return posTop; } // scalable images extension // canvas chart extension function deg2rad(degrees) { return Math.PI *degrees/180; } function rad2deg(radians) { return 180.0 *radians/Math.PI; } function circle_point_x(radians, diameter) { var x = Math.cos(radians)*(diameter/2); return x; } function circle_point_y(radians, diameter) { var y = Math.sin(radians)*(diameter/2); return y; } function roundTo(val,dig) { var num = val; if (val > 8191 && val < 10485) { val = val-5000; num = Math.round(val*Math.pow(10,dig))/Math.pow(10,dig); num = num+5000; } else { num = Math.round(val*Math.pow(10,dig))/Math.pow(10,dig); } return num; } function searchColor(value) { for (var dat in colorNames) { if(dat==value) return colorNames[dat]; } return false; } function scanColor(value) { if(value.match(/^#[0-9a-f][0-9a-f][0-9a-f]$/i)) { var val1 = value.substr(1,1).toLowerCase(); var val2 = value.substr(2,1).toLowerCase(); var val3 = value.substr(3,1).toLowerCase(); value = '#' + val1 + val1 + val2 + val2 + val3 + val3; } if(!value.match(/^#[0-9a-f][0-9a-f][0-9a-f][0-9a-f][0-9a-f][0-9a-f]$/i)) { var tmp = searchColor(value.toLowerCase()); if(!tmp) {}else{value = tmp;} } if(!value.match(/^#[0-9a-f][0-9a-f][0-9a-f][0-9a-f][0-9a-f][0-9a-f]$/i)) { value = '#000000'; } return value.toLowerCase(); } function hex2rgb(val,trans) { if(val.length==7) { var tp1 = Math.max(0,Math.min(parseInt(val.substr(1,2),16),255)); var tp2 = Math.max(0,Math.min(parseInt(val.substr(3,2),16),255)); var tp3 = Math.max(0,Math.min(parseInt(val.substr(5,2),16),255)); return 'rgba(' + tp1 + ',' + tp2 + ',' + tp3 + ',' + trans + ')'; } } function trim(str) { return (str.replace(/\s+$/,"").replace(/^\s+/,"")); } function roundedRect(ctx,x,y,width,height,radius){ ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(x,y+radius); ctx.lineTo(x,y+height-radius); ctx.quadraticCurveTo(x,y+height,x+radius,y+height); ctx.lineTo(x+width-radius,y+height); ctx.quadraticCurveTo(x+width,y+height,x+width,y+height-radius); ctx.lineTo(x+width,y+radius); ctx.quadraticCurveTo(x+width,y,x+width-radius,y); ctx.lineTo(x+radius,y); ctx.quadraticCurveTo(x,y,x,y+radius); ctx.closePath(); } function drawString(ctx, text, fc, tx, ty) { var xp = 0; var c = ""; ctx.beginPath(); for (var i = 0; i < text.length; i++) { c = text[i]; ctx.drawImage(font, signs[c].sx, signs[c].sy, signs[c].sw, signs[c].sh, tx+xp, ty, signs[c].sw*fc, signs[c].sh*fc); xp += (signs[c].sw*fc); } ctx.closePath(); } function strokeString(ctx, txt, col, fh, tx, ty) { var fw = fh*0.666666; var lw = fh*0.125; var ls = lw/2; var cr = lw; var xp = 0; ctx.lineCap = "round"; ctx.lineJoin = "round" ctx.lineWidth = lw; ctx.strokeStyle = col; for (var i = 0; i < txt.length; i++) { strokeSymbol(ctx, txt[i], ls, tx+xp, ty, fw, fh); xp += (txt[i]!="."?fw+cr:(fw/2)+cr); } } function strokeSymbol(ctx, symbol, fc, cx, cy, cw, ch) { ctx.beginPath(); switch (symbol) { case "0": ctx.moveTo(cx+fc,cy+(ch*0.333333)); ctx.arc(cx+(cw/2),cy+(cw/2),(cw/2)-fc,deg2rad(180),0, false); ctx.arc(cx+(cw/2),(cy+ch)-(cw/2),(cw/2)-fc,0,deg2rad(180), false); ctx.closePath(); break; case "1": ctx.moveTo(cx+(cw*0.1)+fc,cy+ch-fc); ctx.lineTo(cx+cw-fc,cy+ch-fc); ctx.moveTo(cx+(cw*0.666666),cy+ch-fc); ctx.lineTo(cx+(cw*0.666666),cy+fc); ctx.lineTo(cx+(cw*0.25),cy+(ch*0.25)); break; case "2": ctx.moveTo(cx+cw-fc,cy+(ch*0.8)); ctx.lineTo(cx+cw-fc,cy+ch-fc); ctx.lineTo(cx+fc,cy+ch-fc); ctx.arc(cx+(cw/2),cy+(cw*0.425),(cw*0.425)-fc,deg2rad(45),deg2rad(-180), true); break; case "3": ctx.moveTo(cx+(cw*0.1)+fc,cy+fc); ctx.lineTo(cx+(cw*0.9)-fc,cy+fc); ctx.arc(cx+(cw/2),cy+ch-(cw*0.5),(cw*0.5)-fc,deg2rad(-90),deg2rad(180), false); break; case "4": ctx.moveTo(cx+(cw*0.75),cy+ch-fc); ctx.lineTo(cx+(cw*0.75),cy+fc); ctx.moveTo(cx+cw-fc,cy+(ch*0.666666)); ctx.lineTo(cx+fc,cy+(ch*0.666666)); ctx.lineTo(cx+(cw*0.75),cy+fc); ctx.moveTo(cx+cw-fc,cy+ch-fc); ctx.lineTo(cx+(cw*0.5),cy+ch-fc); break; case "5": ctx.moveTo(cx+(cw*0.9)-fc,cy+fc); ctx.lineTo(cx+(cw*0.1)+fc,cy+fc); ctx.lineTo(cx+(cw*0.1)+fc,cy+(ch*0.333333)); ctx.arc(cx+(cw/2),cy+ch-(cw*0.5),(cw*0.5)-fc,deg2rad(-80),deg2rad(180), false); break; case "6": ctx.moveTo(cx+fc,cy+ch-(cw*0.5)-fc); ctx.arc(cx+(cw/2),cy+ch-(cw*0.5),(cw*0.5)-fc,deg2rad(-180),deg2rad(180), false); ctx.bezierCurveTo(cx+fc,cy+fc,cx+fc,cy+fc,cx+(cw*0.9)-fc,cy+fc); ctx.moveTo(cx+(cw*0.9)-fc,cy+fc); break; case "7": ctx.moveTo(cx+(cw*0.5),cy+ch-fc); ctx.lineTo(cx+cw-fc,cy+fc); ctx.lineTo(cx+(cw*0.1)+fc,cy+fc); ctx.lineTo(cx+(cw*0.1)+fc,cy+(ch*0.25)-fc); break; case "8": ctx.moveTo(cx+(cw*0.92)-fc,cy+(cw*0.59)); ctx.arc(cx+(cw/2),cy+(cw*0.45),(cw*0.45)-fc,deg2rad(25),deg2rad(-205), true); ctx.arc(cx+(cw/2),cy+ch-(cw*0.5),(cw*0.5)-fc,deg2rad(-135),deg2rad(-45), true); ctx.closePath(); ctx.moveTo(cx+(cw*0.79),cy+(ch*0.47)); ctx.lineTo(cx+(cw*0.21),cy+(ch*0.47)); break; case "9": ctx.moveTo(cx+cw-fc,cy+(cw*0.5)); ctx.arc(cx+(cw/2),cy+(cw*0.5),(cw*0.5)-fc,deg2rad(0),deg2rad(360), false); ctx.bezierCurveTo(cx+cw-fc,cy+ch-fc,cx+cw-fc,cy+ch-fc,cx+(cw*0.1)+fc,cy+ch-fc); break; case "%": ctx.moveTo(cx+fc,cy+(ch*0.75)); ctx.lineTo(cx+cw-fc,cy+(ch*0.25)); ctx.moveTo(cx+(cw*0.505),cy+(cw*0.3)); ctx.arc(cx+(cw*0.3),cy+(cw*0.3),(cw*0.3)-fc,deg2rad(0),deg2rad(360), false); ctx.moveTo(cx+(cw*0.905),cy+ch-(cw*0.3)); ctx.arc(cx+(cw*0.7),cy+ch-(cw*0.3),(cw*0.3)-fc,deg2rad(0),deg2rad(360), false); break; case ".": ctx.moveTo(cx+(cw*0.25),cy+ch-fc-fc); ctx.arc(cx+(cw*0.25),cy+ch-fc-fc,fc,deg2rad(0),deg2rad(360), false); ctx.closePath(); break; default: break; 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ctx.bezierCurveTo(x+width,y,x,y,x,y+rh) ctx.closePath(); ctx.fillStyle = color; ctx.fill(); S2L = ctx.createLinearGradient(x,y+(height/2),x+width,y+(height/2)); S2L.addColorStop(0, 'rgba(255,255,255,0.75)'); S2L.addColorStop(0.2, 'rgba(255,255,255,0)'); S2L.addColorStop(0.3, 'rgba(0,0,0,0)'); S2L.addColorStop(0.5, 'rgba(0,0,0,0.1)'); S2L.addColorStop(0.9, 'rgba(0,0,0,0.35)'); S2L.addColorStop(1, 'rgba(0,0,0,0.3)'); ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(x,y+rh); ctx.lineTo(x,y+rh+dh); ctx.bezierCurveTo(x,y+height,x+width,y+height,x+width,y+rh+dh) ctx.lineTo(x+width,y+rh); ctx.bezierCurveTo(x+width,y,x,y,x,y+rh) ctx.closePath(); ctx.fillStyle = S2L; ctx.fill(); ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(x+width,y+rh); ctx.bezierCurveTo(x+width,y,x,y,x,y+rh) ctx.bezierCurveTo(x,y+(rh*2),x+width,y+(rh*2),x+width,y+rh) ctx.closePath(); ctx.fillStyle = color; ctx.fill(); S2L = ctx.createLinearGradient(x+rw-(width*0.15),y-2,x+rw+(width*0.15),y+(2.1*rh)); S2L.addColorStop(0, 'rgba(255,255,255,0.9)'); S2L.addColorStop(0.5, 'rgba(255,255,255,0)'); S2L.addColorStop(0.6, 'rgba(0,0,0,0)'); S2L.addColorStop(1, 'rgba(0,0,0,0.3)'); ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(x+width,y+rh); ctx.bezierCurveTo(x+width,y,x,y,x,y+rh) ctx.bezierCurveTo(x,y+(rh*2),x+width,y+(rh*2),x+width,y+rh) ctx.closePath(); ctx.fillStyle = S2L; ctx.fill(); S2L = ctx.createLinearGradient(x+rw-(width*0.15),y-2,x+rw+(width*0.15),y+(2.1*rh)); S2L.addColorStop(0, 'rgba(255,255,255,0.9)'); S2L.addColorStop(0.5, 'rgba(255,255,255,0)'); S2L.addColorStop(0.6, 'rgba(0,0,0,0)'); S2L.addColorStop(1, 'rgba(0,0,0,0.1)'); ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(x+width,y+rh); ctx.bezierCurveTo(x+width,y,x,y,x,y+rh) ctx.bezierCurveTo(x,y+(rh*2),x+width,y+(rh*2),x+width,y+rh) ctx.closePath(); ctx.strokeStyle = S2L; ctx.stroke(); }else { ctx.fillStyle = color; ctx.fillRect(x,y+rh+yo,width,dh); } ctx.lineCap = "butt"; ctx.lineWidth = 1; ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(255,255,255,0.5)'; var bw = width; var bh = bw/4; var th = roundTo(bh*0.75,0); var tf = bh/80; var c; var w; if(canvas_notext <= 0) { if(canvas_htmltext <= 0) { w = '"' + per + '"'; 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i++) { ctx.lineTo(x+(i*dist),y+height-(array[i]*factor)); } ctx.lineTo(x+width,y+height); ctx.lineTo(x,y+height); ctx.closePath(); ctx.fillStyle = style; ctx.fill(); } ctx.lineJoin = "round"; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(x,y+height-(array[0]*factor)); for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { ctx.lineTo(x+(i*dist),y+height-(array[i]*factor)); } ctx.strokeStyle = color; ctx.stroke(); } function setDataURL(cid) { if(cid.toDataURL) { var obj = document.getElementById( + "_link"); if(obj) { obj.setAttribute("title", "To Data URL"); obj.setAttribute("target", "_blank"); obj.setAttribute("href", cid.toDataURL()); } } } function get_input(dataobj,canvasobj,linechart) { var table = document.getElementById(dataobj); var canvas = document.getElementById(canvasobj); var row; var clm; var cnt = 0; var val = 0; var nme = ""; var col = ""; if(canvas.getContext) { canvas_width = parseInt(; canvas_height = parseInt(; if(canvas_width >= 16 && canvas_height >= 16) { var tmp = table.getAttribute("summary"); canvas_noshade = 0; canvas_noshadow = 0; canvas_notext = 0; canvas_imgtext = 0; canvas_htmltext = 0; canvas_nofill = 0; if( != -1) canvas_noshadow = 1; if( != -1) canvas_noshade = 1; if( != -1) canvas_nofill = 1; if( != -1) canvas_notext = 1; if( != -1) canvas_htmltext = 1; if( != -1) canvas_imgtext = 1; if(table.getAttribute("bgcolor")) { canvas_bgcolor = scanColor(table.getAttribute("bgcolor")); } ChartData = new Array(); colorSlice = new Array(); if(table.getElementsByTagName("tr")[0].getElementsByTagName("th")[0]) cnt = 1; for(var r = cnt; r < table.getElementsByTagName("tr").length; r++) { row = table.getElementsByTagName("tr")[r]; clm = row.getElementsByTagName("td").length; if(row.getElementsByTagName("td")[0].getAttribute("bgcolor")) { col = scanColor(row.getElementsByTagName("td")[0].getAttribute("bgcolor")); val = 0; nme = trim(row.getElementsByTagName("td")[1].innerHTML.replace(/<[^>]+>/g,"")); if(!linechart) { if(clm > 3) { for(var z = 2; z < clm; z++) { val += parseFloat(row.getElementsByTagName("td")[z].innerHTML.replace(/<[^>]+>/g,"")); 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} } if(canvas.getContext) { var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); if(canvas_bgcolor != "") { ctx.fillStyle = canvas_bgcolor; ctx.fillRect(0,0,cw,ch); }else { ctx.clearRect(0,0,cw,ch); } if(canvas_noshadow <= 0) { if(!isOp) { ctx.beginPath(); var B2B = ctx.createRadialGradient(cx+(cr*0.1),cy+(cr*0.1),cr,cx+(cr*0.1),cy+(cr*0.1),sr*0.9); B2B.addColorStop(0, 'rgba(0,0,0,0)'); B2B.addColorStop(1, 'rgba(0,0,0,0.5)'); ctx.arc(cx+(cr*0.1),cy+(cr*0.1),cr,0,deg2rad(360), false); ctx.closePath(); ctx.fillStyle = B2B; ctx.fill(); }else { var B2B = ctx.createRadialGradient(cx+(cr*0.1),cy+(cr*0.1),0,cx+(cr*0.1),cy+(cr*0.1),cr); B2B.addColorStop(0, 'rgba(0,0,0,0.5)'); B2B.addColorStop(0.87, 'rgba(0,0,0,0.5)'); B2B.addColorStop(1, 'rgba(0,0,0,0)'); ctx.fillStyle = B2B; ctx.fillRect(0,0,cw,ch); } } var val = 0; var deg = 0; var idx = 0; var data; for (data in ChartData) { val = ChartData[data]; sdeg = deg; deg += (val/ct)*deg2rad(360); edeg = deg; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(cx,cy); ctx.arc(cx,cy,cr,sdeg,edeg, false); ctx.lineTo(cx,cy); ctx.closePath(); ctx.fillStyle = colorSlice[(idx++)]; ctx.fill(); } if(canvas_noshade <= 0) { ctx.beginPath(); var W2T = ctx.createLinearGradient(cp*2,cp*2,cx,cy); W2T.addColorStop(0, 'rgba(255,255,255,0.8)'); W2T.addColorStop(1, 'rgba(255,255,255,0)'); ctx.moveTo(cx,cy); ctx.arc(cx,cy,sr,deg2rad(135),deg2rad(315), false); ctx.closePath(); ctx.fillStyle = W2T; ctx.fill(); ctx.beginPath(); var T2B = ctx.createLinearGradient(cx,cy,cw-(cp*2),ch-(cp*2)); T2B.addColorStop(0, 'rgba(0,0,0,0)'); T2B.addColorStop(1, 'rgba(0,0,0,0.5)'); ctx.moveTo(cx,cy); ctx.arc(cx,cy,sr,deg2rad(-45),deg2rad(135), false); ctx.closePath(); ctx.fillStyle = T2B; ctx.fill(); ctx.beginPath(); var B2T = ctx.createLinearGradient(cx,cy,cw-(cp*1.9),ch-(cp*1.9)); B2T.addColorStop(0, 'rgba(0,0,0,0)'); B2T.addColorStop(1, 'rgba(0,0,0,0.6)'); ctx.lineWidth = cr*0.07; ctx.lineCap = "round"; ctx.moveTo(cx,cy); ctx.arc(cx,cy,cr*0.965,deg2rad(-45),deg2rad(135), false); ctx.closePath(); ctx.strokeStyle = B2T; 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remainDer = parseInt(playDelay-(incrementals[snum].length*incrDuration)); autoRun = setTimeout('autoPlayIncr()',incrDelay); } autoRun = setTimeout('autoPlay();',playDelay); } } } function autoPlayIncr() { if (incpos < incrementals[snum].length) { subgo(1); autoRun = setTimeout('autoPlayIncr();',incrDelay); }else { autoRun = setTimeout('nop();',remainDer); } } function nop() { // no operation dummy } function togglePlay() { if (autoRun && s5mode) { stopPlay(); }else if (!autoRun && s5mode) { startPlay(); } } function stopPlay() { if (autoRun && s5mode) { clearTimeout(autoRun); autoRun = null; autoMatic = false; playPause = false; document.getElementById('auto').style.color=""; document.getElementById('pause').style.color=""; currentSlide(); } } function startPlay() { if (!autoRun && s5mode) { playPause = false; autoMatic = true; document.getElementById('pause').style.color=""; document.getElementById('auto').style.color=highLight; autoRun = setTimeout('autoPlay();',playDelay); currentSlide(); 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((delay*1000)+(2*fadeDuration)) : (delay*1000); } } // autoplay extension // audio extension function createSoundManagerScript() { if(typeof soundManager=="undefined") { onerrorSM2(); }else { var script=document.createElement('SCRIPT'); var tx=document.createTextNode("soundManager.createMovie();"); script.appendChild(tx); document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].appendChild(script); } } //soundManager.onload = function() { function onloadSM2() { if(!isIE) { //(degrade IE) swfUnloaded = false; preloadSounds(); } } //soundManager.onerror = function() { function onerrorSM2() { if(typeof soundManager!="undefined") { soundManager.destruct; delete soundManager; } audioSupport = false; swfUnloaded = true; if(audioError && !isIE && !isOp) { var dv = document.createElement('div'); = "guru"; var d2=document.createElement('div'); dv.appendChild(d2); var tx=document.createTextNode('Guru Meditation - SoundManager failed to load/initialize!'); d2.appendChild(tx); document.getElementById('slide0').appendChild(dv); } } function audioSetup() { if(sound[0]) { playSound(0); }else if(sound[bgSoundItem] && !sound[0]) { playSound(bgSoundItem); } } function fadeoutSound(ids, option) { if(curSoundID >= 0 && !swfUnloaded) { if(isNaN(ids)) { if(ids == "bgSound") { var cnum = parseInt(bgSoundItem); }else { for (var i = 0; i < (sound.length-1); i++) { if(sound[i] && ids == sound[i]["id"]) { var cnum = i; break; } } } }else { var cnum = ids; ids = sound[cnum]["id"]; } var vol = getMaxVolume(sound[cnum]["volume"]); var millisec = fadeDuration; var speed = Math.round(millisec / vol); var timer = 0; for(var i = vol; i > 0; i--) { setTimeout("fadeout(" + i + ",'" + ids + "')",(timer * speed)); timer++; } if(option) setTimeout("stopSound('"+ids+"')",millisec); } } function fadeout(volume, id) { soundManager.setVolume(id,volume); } function stopSound(ids) { var sid; if(isNaN(ids)) { sid = ids; }else if(sound[ids]) { sid = sound[ids]["id"]; } if(sid!='' && curSoundID >= 0) { soundManager.stop(sid); curSoundID = -1; } } function toggleSounds() { if(audioSupport && !swfUnloaded) { stopAllSounds(); }else if (!audioSupport && !swfUnloaded) { allowSounds(); } } function allowSounds() { if(!swfUnloaded) { audioSupport = true; document.getElementById('audio').style.color=highLight; currentSlide(); } } function stopAllSounds() { if(curSoundID >= 0) { stopSound(curSoundID); }else { soundManager.stopAll(); curSoundID = -1; } audioSupport = false; document.getElementById('audio').style.color=""; currentSlide(); } function playSound(id) { if(audioSupport && !swfUnloaded) { var url, sid, vol, lps, cnum; if(isNaN(id)) { sid = id; if(sid == "bgSound") { cnum = parseInt(bgSoundItem); }else { cnum = getSoundID(id); } }else { cnum = parseInt(id); if(sound[cnum]) sid = sound[cnum]["id"]; } if(sound[cnum] && sound[cnum]["url"]!='' && sid!=''){ url = sound[cnum]["url"]; vol = (sound[cnum]["volume"]!='')?getMaxVolume(sound[cnum]["volume"]):getMaxVolume(100); lps = (sound[cnum]["loops"])?true:false; if(lps) {,{volume:vol,onplay:function(){curSoundID=cnum;},onfinish:function(){,{volume:getMaxVolume(sound[cnum]["volume"])});}}); }else {,{volume:vol,onplay:function(){curSoundID=cnum;},onfinish:function(){curSoundID=-1;}}); } } } } function getSoundID(str) { for (var i = 0; i < (sound.length-1); i++) { if(sound[i] && str == sound[i]["id"]) { var id = i; break; } } return id; } function setVolume() { var vol = document.getElementById('volumelist'); if(audioSupport && !swfUnloaded) { audioVolume = parseInt(vol.value); if(curSoundID >= 0) { if(sound[curSoundID]) { var sid = sound[curSoundID]["id"]; var vid = getMaxVolume(sound[curSoundID]["volume"]); soundManager.setVolume(sid,vid); } } } } function getMaxVolume(value) { if(audioVolume>0) {var factor = audioVolume/100;}else {var factor = 0;} return Math.max(0,Math.min(parseInt(value*factor),audioVolume)); } function preloadSounds() { var temp = ''; var parm = ''; var t = ''; var cl = ''; var objects = document.getElementsByTagName('object'); for (var i=0; i < objects.length; i++) { if(objects[i].type.toLowerCase() == 'audio/mp3' && objects[i].data != '') { objects[i].width = 0; 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