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!i) { $fig = $1; $alt = $2; if ($fig) { $fig =~ s/\.gif|\.jpg/.eps/; } if (! $alt) { $alt = $alt0++; $caption = ""; } else { $caption = "\\caption{$alt}\n"; } &Pick('>>', $file); # center environment disturbes caption counter and label reference $line = <<"EOF"; \\begin{figure}[htb] \\begin{center} \\includegraphics[width=6cm]{${fig}} ${caption}\\end{center} \\label{${alt}} \\end{figure} EOF # print $fh "(fig.\\ref{$alt})\n"; print $fh $line; &Pick('>>', $ohp) && (print $fh "\\centerline{$line}\n"); if(! /^\s*%/) { $fig =~ s/[{}]//g; push(@depend,$fig); push(@ohpdepend,$fig); } next line; } elsif (m!^
!i) { $fig = $1; $alt = $2; if ($fig) { $fig =~ s/\.gif|\.jpg/.eps/; } if (! $alt) { $alt = $alt0++; $caption = ""; } else { $caption = "\\caption{$alt}\n"; } &Pick('>>', $file); $line = <<"EOF"; \\begin{figure}[htb] \\begin{center} \\includegraphics[width=6cm]{${fig}} ${caption}\\end{center} \\label{${alt}} \\end{figure} EOF # print $fh "(fig.\\ref{$alt})\n"; print $fh $line; &Pick('>>', $ohp) && (print $fh "\\centerline{$line}\n"); if(! /^\s*%/) { $fig =~ s/[{}]//g; push(@depend,$fig); push(@ohpdepend,$fig); } next line; } elsif (/\\epsfile\{.*file=([^{},]+)/ || /\\includegraphics\{([^{},]+)\}/ || /\\input (.*)/ || /\\include (.*)/) { $fig = $1; &Pick('>>', $file) && (print $fh $_); &Pick('>>', $ohp) && (print $fh "\\centerline{$_}\n"); if(! /^\s*%/) { $fig =~ s/[{}]//g; push(@depend,$fig); push(@ohpdepend,$fig); } next line; } elsif ($verbatim && /^\s/) { if(! $pre) { print $fh "{\\small\n\\begin{verbatim}"; $pre = 1; } print $fh $_; } elsif (!/^-/) { &Pick('>>', $file) && (print $fh $_); } if (/\\cite\{/) { $cite = ""; } } } foreach $arg (@ARGV) { open($fdbase,"nkf -e $arg |") || die("$arg cannot open"); &o2tex($fdbase); } &Pick('>>', $zero); select($fh); printf $fh "%s\\bibliographystyle{jplain} %% for bibliography\n", $cite; print <>', $zero) && (printf $fh "\\end{document}\n"); close($fh); &Pick('>>', $ohp) && (printf $fh "\n\\end{document}\n"); close($fh); sub trcover { if ($title) { &Pick('>>', $cover) && (printf $fh "{\\LARGE\\bf %s}\\\\[+5mm]\n", $title); } if ($author) { &Pick('>>', $cover) && (printf $fh "{\\large %s}\\\\[+5mm]\n", $author); } if ($number) { &Pick('>>', $cover) && (printf $fh "{\\large %s}\\\\[+4mm]\n", $number); } if ($day) { &Pick('>>', $cover) && (printf $fh "{\\large %s}\n", $day); } &Pick('>>', $cover) && (print $fh "\\end{center}}\\\\"); (print $fh "\\vfill"); (printf $fh "{\\Large Information Engineering, University of the Ryukyus\\\\\n"); (print $fh "Nishihara-cho 1, Okinawa, 903-01 JAPAN}\\\\[+2cm]"); (print $fh "{\\small Copyright \\copyright\\ \\number\\year\\"); (print $fh 'University of the Ryukyus'); (print $fh "}\\\\[+1cm]"); (print $fh "\\end{center}"); (print $fh "\\end{titlepage}\n\n"); return; } sub Pick { my ($mode,$name,$pipe) = @_; $fh = $opened{$name}; if (!$fh) { $fh = $opened{$name} = 'fh_' . ($nextfh++ + 0); open($fh,$mode.$name.$pipe); } 1; } &Pick('>>', $cover) && print $fh "\\end{document}\n"; close $fh; if (! -f Makefile) { open(fh,">Makefile"); select(fh); print "PAPER = ". $paper . "\n"; print <\$@ .c.tex: tgrind -F -lC \$< >\$@ .tokio.tex: tgrind -F -ltokio \$< >\$@ .fig.tex: f2tpic \$< >\$@ .xfig.tex: f2tpic \$< >\$@ .fig.ps: f2ps1 \$< >\$@ .x.tex: x2tpic \$< -rm -f \$*.pic .tex.dvi: jlatex \$< .dvi.print: \$(DVI2PS) \$(R) \$< | lpr -P\$(PRINTER) # lpr \$(PRINTER) -d \$< .dvi.lw: \$(DVI2PS) \$(R) \$< | lpr -P\$(PRINTER) .dvi.next: dviNeXT \$< .dvi.xdvi: (exec xdvi \$< & ) .dvi.ps: -\$(DVI2PS) \$(R) \$< > \$*.ps .ps.gs: gs \$*.ps all: -rm -f \$(MAIN).dvi make \$(MAIN).dvi print: \$(MAIN).print lw: \$(MAIN).lw next: \$(MAIN).next gs: \$(MAIN).gs \$(MAIN).gs : \$(MAIN).ps \$(MAIN).ps : \$(MAIN).dvi \$(OHP).gs : \$(OHP).ps \$(OHP).ps : \$(OHP).dvi xdvi: \$(MAIN).xdvi dvips: \$(MAIN).dvi dvips \$(MAIN).dvi -o \$(MAIN).ps \$(MAIN).dvi: 1.tex \$(LATEX) \$(MAIN) jsss.dvi: jsss.tex 1.tex \$(LATEX) jsss.tex wc: \$(SED) -e '/\\\\special{/d' \$(PAPER) | delatex | wc uu: tar cBf - \$(MAIN).[tab]* [0-9]*.tex \$(DEPENDENCY) \\ title.tex abstract.tex ohp.tex \\ Makefile | gzip | uuencode \$(PAPER).tar.gz > uu bbl: \$(MAIN).bbl \$(MAIN).bbl: ref.bib 1.tex # \$(MAIN).aux -\$(BIBTEX) \$(MAIN) \$(MAIN).aux: \$(MAIN).tex 1.tex \$(LATEX) \$(MAIN) 1.tex: \$(PAPER) \$(DEPENDENCY) -o2tex \$(PAPER) # OHP with slitex \$(OHP): \$(OHP).dvi \$(OHP).dvi : \$(OHP).tex \$(DEPENDOHP) \$(SLITEX) \$(OHP) ohpprint: \$(OHP).dvi lpr -c \$(OHP).dvi ohplw: \$(OHP).dvi \$(DVI2PS) \$(R) -o landscape \$(OHP).dvi | lpr -P\$(PRINTER) ohpnext: \$(OHP).dvi \$(DVI2PS) -h -i /usr/lib/tex/ps/tex-j.next -o landscape \$(OHP).dvi |\\ lpr -Pcb ohpgs: \$(OHP).gs cover: \$(COVER).dvi \$(COVER): \$(COVER).dvi \$(COVER).dvi : \$(PAPER) coverprint: \$(COVER).print coverlw: \$(COVER).lw covernext: \$(COVER).next covergs: \$(COVER).gs clean: -rm -f \$(MAIN).ps *.dvi *.log *.blg \\ *~ \\#* ?.tex *.toc *.lof *.lot xfig/*.tex tgrindfig.tex: ln -s "\$\$HOME"/paper/tgrindfig.tex . # for MSDOS tgrindfi.tex: ln -s "\$\$HOME"/paper/tgrindfig.tex tgrindfi.tex ref.bib: ln -s "\$\$HOME"/paper/ref.bib . RogueRogue close fh; } if ( ! -f "main.tex") { rename('00.tex','main.tex'); } if ( ! -f "jsss.tex") { rename('jsss00.tex','jsss.tex'); } if ( ! -f "ohp.tex") { rename('ohp00.tex','ohp.tex'); } # make depend > /dev/null rename("Makefile","Makefile.old"); open(MAKE, "Makefile"); select(fh); print "DEPENDENCY = @depend\n"; print "DEPENDOHP = @ohpdepend\n"; while() { next if(/^DEPEND/); chop; print; } close(fh); # end