comparison Paper/jssst.bib @ 24:4e7979f6b571

added bib file
author Nobuyasu Oshiro <>
date Thu, 18 Jul 2013 20:22:06 +0900
children b71580df36bd
equal deleted inserted replaced
23:335cbec61221 24:4e7979f6b571
1 @article{sugi:2013,
2 author = "杉本 優",
3 title = "分散フレームワーク Alice の DataSegment の更新に関する改良",
4 journal = "情報処理学会",
5 month = "April",
6 year = 2013
7 }
9 @article{shoshi:2010a,
10 author = "玉城 将士 and 河野 真治",
11 title = "Cassandraを使ったCMSのPCクラスタを使ったスケーラビリティの検証",
12 journal = "日本ソフトウェア科学会",
13 month = "August",
14 year = 2010
15 }
17 @article{shoshi:2011a,
18 author = "玉城 将士 and 河野 真治",
19 title = "Cassandraを使ったスケーラビリティのあるCMSの設計",
20 journal = "情報処理学会",
21 month = "March",
22 year = 2011
23 }
25 @article{shoshi:2011b,
26 author = "玉城 将士 and 河野 真治",
27 title = "Cassandraと非破壊的構造を用いたCMSのスケーラビリティ検証環境の構築",
28 journal = "日本ソフトウェア科学会",
29 month = "August",
30 year = 2011
31 }
33 @article{cassandra,
34 author = "Avinash Lakshman and Prashant Malik.",
35 title = "Cassandra - a decentralized structured storage system",
36 journal = "LADIS",
37 year = "2003",
38 month = "March"
39 }
41 @article{bigtable,
42 author = "Fay Changand Jeffrey Dean and Sanjay Ghemawat and Wilson C. Hsieh and Deborah A. Wallach and Mike Burrows and Tushar Chandra and Andrew Fikes and Robert E. Gruber",
43 title = "Bigtable : A Distributed Storege System for Structured Data"
44 }
46 @article{cap,
47 author = "Nancy Lynch and Seth Gilbert",
48 title = "Brewer's conjecture and the feasibility of consistent, available, partition-tolerant web services",
49 journal = "ACM SIGACT News",
50 year = "2002"
51 }
53 @article{dynamo,
54 author = "Giuseppe DeCandia and Deniz Hastorun and Madan Jampani and Gunavardhan Kakulapati and Avinash Lakshman and Alex Pilchin and Swaminathan Sivasubramanian and Peter Vosshall and Werner Vogels",
55 title = "Dynamo: Amazon's Highly Avaliable Key-value Store"
56 }
58 @book{amdahl,
59 author = "{Brian Goetz, Tim Peierls, Joshua Bloch, Joseph Bowbeer, David Holmes, and Doug Lea}",
60 title = "{Java Concurrency in Prac-tice}",
61 publisher = "{Addison-Wesley Professional}",
62 year = "2005"
63 }