diff testflow/testflow.tex @ 0:c0d36568602d

1st commit
author Kaito Tokumori <e105711@ie.u-ryukyu.ac.jp>
date Sun, 10 May 2015 22:54:12 +0900
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/testflow/testflow.tex	Sun May 10 22:54:12 2015 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,593 @@
+%% testflow.tex 
+%% V1.1
+%% 2007/01/10
+%% Copyright (c) 2002-2007 by Michael Shell and The LaTeX3 Project
+%% See: http://www.michaelshell.org/
+%% for current contact information.
+%% A test page based on Rainer Schoepf's testpage.tex which is part of the
+%% LaTeX2e system with added modifications to add tests to verify PS/PDF
+%% output by Michael Shell.
+%% For complete usage documentation, see the file testflow_doc.pdf
+%% Support sites:
+%% http://www.michaelshell.org/tex/testflow/
+%% http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/IEEEtran/testflow/
+%% Legal Notice:
+%% This code is offered as-is without any warranty either expressed or
+%% implied; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+%% User assumes all risk.
+%% In no event shall IEEE or any contributor to this code be liable for
+%% any damages or losses, including, but not limited to, incidental,
+%% consequential, or any other damages, resulting from the use or misuse
+%% of any information contained here.
+%% All comments are the opinions of their respective authors and are not
+%% necessarily endorsed by the IEEE.
+%% This work is distributed under the LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL)
+%% ( http://www.latex-project.org/ ) version 1.3, and may be freely used,
+%% distributed and modified. A copy of the LPPL, version 1.3, is included
+%% in the base LaTeX documentation of all distributions of LaTeX released
+%% 2003/12/01 or later.
+%% Retain all contribution notices and credits.
+%% ** Modified files should be clearly indicated as such, including  **
+%% ** renaming them and changing author support contact information. **
+%% File list of work: testflow.tex, testflow_ctl_A4.ps, testflow_ctl_A4.pdf,
+%%                    testflow_ctl_LTR.ps, testflow_ctl_LTR.pdf, 
+%%                    testflow_doc.pdf
+% Changelog:
+% 1.1 (2007/01/10)
+%  1. new duplex test
+%  2. tests for Palladio hinting
+% 1.0 (2002/04/08) Initial release
+% ***** To prevent testflow from prompting user on the console, *****
+% ***** uncomment one each of the two pairs below:              *****
+% *** paper size (choose one) ***
+% *** duplex page test (choose one) ***
+\typeout{ This is the testflow.tex (V\docversion) test page generator.}
+\typeout{ See the testflow_doc.pdf file for full documentation.}
+\typeout{*  Enter paper type in form of document class option,%
+\typeout{*  e.g., `a4paper' or `letterpaper' (without the quotes).\space*}
+\typeout{*  Do you wish to make a second page to test duplex printing?%
+\typeout{*  Enter `yes' or `no' (without the quotes).%
+% declare symbols for lasy test
+\DeclareMathSymbol\lasymho     {\mathord}{lasy}{"30}
+\DeclareMathSymbol\lasyJoin    {\mathrel}{lasy}{"31}
+\DeclareMathSymbol\lasyBox     {\mathord}{lasy}{"32}
+\DeclareMathSymbol\lasyDiamond {\mathord}{lasy}{"33}
+\DeclareMathSymbol\lasyleadsto {\mathrel}{lasy}{"3B}
+\DeclareMathSymbol\lasylhd     {\mathbin}{lasy}{"01}
+\DeclareMathSymbol\lasyunlhd   {\mathbin}{lasy}{"02}
+\DeclareMathSymbol\lasyrhd     {\mathbin}{lasy}{"03}
+\DeclareMathSymbol\lasyunrhd   {\mathbin}{lasy}{"04}
+\documentclass[\papertype, 10pt]{article}
+\typeout{-- Option summary:}
+\typeout{-- Paper size: \papertype}
+\typeout{-- With duplex test page}
+\typeout{-- No duplex test page}
+% enable Times fonts
+   \setlength{\help}{#2}\setcounter{#1}{\help}}
+     \framebox(\value{textwidth},\value{textheight}){}}
+% left mm ruler
+          {\line(0,1){\value{tmm}}}
+    \makebox(0,0){\arabic{foo}}\addtocounter{foo}{5}}
+% left in ruler
+    \makebox(0,0){\arabic{foo}}\addtocounter{foo}{1}}
+% right mm ruler
+    \makebox(0,0){\arabic{foo}}\addtocounter{foo}{5}}
+% right in ruler
+   \line(0,1){\value{fifthin}}}
+   \line(0,1){\value{tenthin}}}
+    \makebox(0,0){\arabic{foo}}\addtocounter{foo}{1}}
+% top mm ruler
+  \makebox(0,0){\arabic{foo}\rule{5pt}{0pt}}\addtocounter{foo}{5}}
+% top in ruler
+   \makebox(0,0){\arabic{foo}}\addtocounter{foo}{1}}
+% bottom mm ruler
+   \makebox(0,0){\arabic{foo}\rule{5pt}{0pt}}\addtocounter{foo}{5}}
+% bottom in ruler
+   \makebox(0,0){\arabic{foo}}\addtocounter{foo}{1}}
+% end of testpage environment
+\centerline{\Huge A Test for \LaTeX\ PS/PDF Printing}
+\centerline{\large Version \docversion\hspace{0.2in} Build Code: \docbuildcode}
+\centerline{\large See the testflow home page for the latest news and FAQ:}
+\centerline{\texttt{\footnotesize http://www.michaelshell.org/tex/testflow/}} 
+\centerline{\large\bfseries\scshape Notes}
+Document paper type selected under \LaTeX: \mbox{\ttfamily\papertype}\\
+Depends only on the base article.cls --- no other external packages are loaded.\\
+The main text font is Times Roman, the math font is Computer Modern.\\
+Imperial (0.1in) and metric (mm) rulers are provided to measure centering.\\
+The frame on this page should be centered on the paper and 1in (25.4mm) from the edges.\\
+To maintain accurate dimensions, do not scale page when printing.\\
+(i.e., deselect any ``fit to page" or ``shrink/expand page" options.)\\
+For complete usage information, read the \texttt{testflow\_doc.pdf} file.
+\centerline{\large\bfseries\scshape Palladio Font Hinting Test}
+\centerline{\renewcommand{\rmdefault}{ppl}\rmfamily\bfseries This is in bold Palatino/Palladio.}
+\centerline{\large\bfseries\scshape Ligature Test}
+\makebox[0.85in][l]{\textbf{Ligatures}} ---~~~The office was affected by the five flawed mufflers.
+\makebox[0.85in][l]{\textbf{No Ligatures}} ---~~~The of\/f\/ice was a\/f\/fected by the f\/ive f\/lawed muf\/f\/lers.
+\centerline{\large\bfseries\scshape Math Tests}
+\centerline{\normalsize\bfseries Large Delimiter and Operator Test}
+I = \left[ 
+    \begin{array}{cc}
+    1 & 0\\
+    0 & 1
+   \end{array}
+   \right]\quad \mbox{and}   
+\quad\Bigg(\sum\limits_{i=0}^{2} 2^i = 7 \Bigg)
+\centerline{\normalsize\bfseries Minus Sign Test}
+\mbox{If } a = 4\mbox{, then: } 2^{-a + 7} - 2^{a-3} = 2^{3} - 2^{1} = 6
+\centerline{\normalsize\bfseries Problem Character, Times Roman and Font Kerning Tests}
+% here is how we would directly access them within cmmi10
+\centerline{\normalfont Math italic glyphs: $\mathnormal{\Gamma,~\Psi,~\Omega,~\gamma,~\psi,~\mbox{\t{\mbox{}\mbox{}}}}$}
+\centerline{Large Times Roman italic: {\LARGE \textit{z}}\qquad GS kerning test: {\footnotesize The ``Problematic" little quotes.}} 
+{\footnotesize\textbf{Note:} The math italic glyphs are in the control character positions 
+0, 9, 10, 13, 32 and 127.\hfill\\
+i.e., \texttt{\string\Gamma}, \texttt{\string\Psi}, \texttt{\string\Omega}, 
+\texttt{\string\gamma}, \texttt{\string\psi}, and the \texttt{\string\t\{xx\}} tie-after accent, respectively.} 
+\centerline{\large\bfseries\scshape Picture and Lasy Fonts Test}
+\def\lasyglyphs{\lasymho, \lasyJoin, \lasyBox,
+\lasyDiamond, \lasyleadsto, \lasysqsubset, \lasysqsupset, 
+\lasylhd, \lasyunlhd, \lasyrhd, \lasyunrhd}
+\put(4.9,2.4){\makebox[0.75in][r]{10pt bold:\hspace{0.1in}}\tenptsize\boldmath$\lasyglyphs$}
+% Optional duplex test page
+\centerline{\Huge A Test for \LaTeX\ PS/PDF Printing}
+\centerline{\large Version \docversion\hspace{0.2in} Build Code: \docbuildcode}
+\centerline{\large\bfseries\scshape Duplex Alignment Test Side}