Mercurial > hg > Papers > 2016 > parusu-sigos
changeset 21:f035e77dcca3 default tip
author | Tatsuki IHA <> |
date | Wed, 01 Jun 2016 00:19:05 +0900 |
parents | cd38e09f980b |
children | |
files | paper/pic/taskManager.graffle paper/pic/taskManager.pdf presen/images/taskManager.svg presen/sigos.html presen/ |
diffstat | 5 files changed, 282 insertions(+), 58 deletions(-) [+] |
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--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/presen/images/taskManager.svg Wed Jun 01 00:19:05 2016 +0900 @@ -0,0 +1,256 @@ +<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> +<svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="1021pt" height="459pt" viewBox="0 0 1021 459" version="1.1"> +<defs> +<g> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-0"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 9.8125 -15.984375 L 2.453125 -15.984375 L 2.453125 -1.125 L 9.8125 -1.125 Z M 11.046875 -17.09375 L 11.046875 -0.03125 L 1.21875 -0.03125 L 1.21875 -17.09375 Z M 11.046875 -17.09375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-1"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 17.359375 0 L 21.9375 -17.140625 L 19.65625 -17.140625 L 16.171875 -2.875 L 16.125 -2.875 L 12.34375 -17.140625 L 9.859375 -17.140625 L 6.03125 -2.875 L 5.96875 -2.875 L 2.609375 -17.140625 L 0.28125 -17.140625 L 4.6875 0 L 7.0625 0 L 11.015625 -14.40625 L 11.0625 -14.40625 L 14.96875 0 Z M 17.359375 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-2"> +<path 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-9.273438 9.148438 -9.632812 8.984375 -9.90625 C 8.816406 -10.175781 8.597656 -10.382812 8.328125 -10.53125 C 8.066406 -10.675781 7.769531 -10.769531 7.4375 -10.8125 C 7.113281 -10.863281 6.796875 -10.890625 6.484375 -10.890625 C 5.617188 -10.890625 4.894531 -10.722656 4.3125 -10.390625 C 3.738281 -10.066406 3.429688 -9.453125 3.390625 -8.546875 L 1.34375 -8.546875 C 1.375 -9.316406 1.53125 -9.960938 1.8125 -10.484375 C 2.101562 -11.015625 2.488281 -11.441406 2.96875 -11.765625 C 3.457031 -12.097656 4.007812 -12.335938 4.625 -12.484375 C 5.238281 -12.628906 5.894531 -12.703125 6.59375 -12.703125 C 7.15625 -12.703125 7.710938 -12.660156 8.265625 -12.578125 C 8.816406 -12.492188 9.316406 -12.328125 9.765625 -12.078125 C 10.210938 -11.835938 10.570312 -11.492188 10.84375 -11.046875 C 11.113281 -10.597656 11.25 -10.007812 11.25 -9.28125 L 11.25 -2.90625 C 11.25 -2.425781 11.273438 -2.070312 11.328125 -1.84375 C 11.390625 -1.625 11.582031 -1.515625 11.90625 -1.515625 C 12.082031 -1.515625 12.289062 -1.550781 12.53125 -1.625 Z M 9.21875 -6.40625 C 8.957031 -6.21875 8.617188 -6.078125 8.203125 -5.984375 C 7.785156 -5.898438 7.347656 -5.828125 6.890625 -5.765625 C 6.441406 -5.710938 5.984375 -5.648438 5.515625 -5.578125 C 5.054688 -5.503906 4.640625 -5.382812 4.265625 -5.21875 C 3.898438 -5.0625 3.601562 -4.835938 3.375 -4.546875 C 3.144531 -4.253906 3.03125 -3.851562 3.03125 -3.34375 C 3.03125 -3 3.097656 -2.710938 3.234375 -2.484375 C 3.367188 -2.253906 3.539062 -2.066406 3.75 -1.921875 C 3.96875 -1.773438 4.21875 -1.671875 4.5 -1.609375 C 4.789062 -1.546875 5.097656 -1.515625 5.421875 -1.515625 C 6.097656 -1.515625 6.675781 -1.601562 7.15625 -1.78125 C 7.632812 -1.96875 8.023438 -2.203125 8.328125 -2.484375 C 8.628906 -2.765625 8.851562 -3.066406 9 -3.390625 C 9.144531 -3.722656 9.21875 -4.03125 9.21875 -4.3125 Z M 9.21875 -6.40625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-3"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.703125 -14.640625 L 3.703125 -17.140625 L 1.65625 -17.140625 L 1.65625 -14.640625 Z M 1.65625 -12.40625 L 1.65625 0 L 3.703125 0 L 3.703125 -12.40625 Z M 1.65625 -12.40625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-4"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 4.375 -12.40625 L 4.375 -16.125 L 2.328125 -16.125 L 2.328125 -12.40625 L 0.21875 -12.40625 L 0.21875 -10.609375 L 2.328125 -10.609375 L 2.328125 -2.71875 C 2.328125 -2.132812 2.378906 -1.664062 2.484375 -1.3125 C 2.597656 -0.96875 2.769531 -0.695312 3 -0.5 C 3.238281 -0.3125 3.546875 -0.179688 3.921875 -0.109375 C 4.296875 -0.0351562 4.75 0 5.28125 0 L 6.84375 0 L 6.84375 -1.796875 L 5.90625 -1.796875 C 5.582031 -1.796875 5.320312 -1.804688 5.125 -1.828125 C 4.925781 -1.859375 4.769531 -1.910156 4.65625 -1.984375 C 4.539062 -2.066406 4.460938 -2.179688 4.421875 -2.328125 C 4.390625 -2.472656 4.375 -2.664062 4.375 -2.90625 L 4.375 -10.609375 L 6.84375 -10.609375 L 6.84375 -12.40625 Z M 4.375 -12.40625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-5"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 5.765625 -15.21875 L 5.765625 0 L 8.046875 0 L 8.046875 -15.21875 L 13.75 -15.21875 L 13.75 -17.140625 L 0.046875 -17.140625 L 0.046875 -15.21875 Z M 5.765625 -15.21875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-6"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.78125 -3.90625 L 0.75 -3.90625 C 0.78125 -3.144531 0.9375 -2.492188 1.21875 -1.953125 C 1.507812 -1.421875 1.894531 -0.988281 2.375 -0.65625 C 2.851562 -0.332031 3.40625 -0.0976562 4.03125 0.046875 C 4.65625 0.191406 5.3125 0.265625 6 0.265625 C 6.625 0.265625 7.25 0.203125 7.875 0.078125 C 8.507812 -0.0351562 9.078125 -0.242188 9.578125 -0.546875 C 10.085938 -0.859375 10.5 -1.257812 10.8125 -1.75 C 11.125 -2.25 11.28125 -2.875 11.28125 -3.625 C 11.28125 -4.21875 11.160156 -4.710938 10.921875 -5.109375 C 10.691406 -5.515625 10.390625 -5.847656 10.015625 -6.109375 C 9.640625 -6.367188 9.207031 -6.578125 8.71875 -6.734375 C 8.226562 -6.898438 7.726562 -7.039062 7.21875 -7.15625 C 6.738281 -7.257812 6.257812 -7.363281 5.78125 -7.46875 C 5.300781 -7.570312 4.867188 -7.703125 4.484375 -7.859375 C 4.097656 -8.015625 3.78125 -8.207031 3.53125 -8.4375 C 3.289062 -8.664062 3.171875 -8.957031 3.171875 -9.3125 C 3.171875 -9.632812 3.25 -9.894531 3.40625 -10.09375 C 3.5625 -10.289062 3.769531 -10.445312 4.03125 -10.5625 C 4.289062 -10.6875 4.578125 -10.769531 4.890625 -10.8125 C 5.203125 -10.863281 5.507812 -10.890625 5.8125 -10.890625 C 6.144531 -10.890625 6.472656 -10.851562 6.796875 -10.78125 C 7.128906 -10.71875 7.429688 -10.601562 7.703125 -10.4375 C 7.972656 -10.28125 8.195312 -10.066406 8.375 -9.796875 C 8.550781 -9.535156 8.65625 -9.207031 8.6875 -8.8125 L 10.734375 -8.8125 C 10.679688 -9.5625 10.519531 -10.1875 10.25 -10.6875 C 9.976562 -11.195312 9.613281 -11.597656 9.15625 -11.890625 C 8.695312 -12.191406 8.171875 -12.398438 7.578125 -12.515625 C 6.992188 -12.640625 6.347656 -12.703125 5.640625 -12.703125 C 5.097656 -12.703125 4.550781 -12.628906 4 -12.484375 C 3.445312 -12.347656 2.945312 -12.140625 2.5 -11.859375 C 2.0625 -11.585938 1.703125 -11.226562 1.421875 -10.78125 C 1.148438 -10.332031 1.015625 -9.796875 1.015625 -9.171875 C 1.015625 -8.367188 1.210938 -7.742188 1.609375 -7.296875 C 2.003906 -6.847656 2.503906 -6.5 3.109375 -6.25 C 3.710938 -6 4.363281 -5.804688 5.0625 -5.671875 C 5.769531 -5.535156 6.421875 -5.382812 7.015625 -5.21875 C 7.617188 -5.050781 8.117188 -4.832031 8.515625 -4.5625 C 8.921875 -4.289062 9.125 -3.890625 9.125 -3.359375 C 9.125 -2.972656 9.023438 -2.65625 8.828125 -2.40625 C 8.640625 -2.164062 8.394531 -1.976562 8.09375 -1.84375 C 7.800781 -1.71875 7.476562 -1.628906 7.125 -1.578125 C 6.769531 -1.535156 6.4375 -1.515625 6.125 -1.515625 C 5.707031 -1.515625 5.300781 -1.550781 4.90625 -1.625 C 4.507812 -1.707031 4.15625 -1.835938 3.84375 -2.015625 C 3.539062 -2.203125 3.289062 -2.453125 3.09375 -2.765625 C 2.90625 -3.078125 2.800781 -3.457031 2.78125 -3.90625 Z M 2.78125 -3.90625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-7"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.65625 -17.140625 L 1.65625 0 L 3.703125 0 L 3.703125 -4.703125 L 5.609375 -6.484375 L 9.859375 0 L 12.453125 0 L 7.171875 -7.890625 L 12.09375 -12.40625 L 9.359375 -12.40625 L 3.703125 -6.984375 L 3.703125 -17.140625 Z M 1.65625 -17.140625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-8"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 10.796875 -4.890625 L 9.59375 -3.5 L 11.5 -1.984375 C 10.726562 -1.671875 9.9375 -1.515625 9.125 -1.515625 C 8.082031 -1.515625 7.179688 -1.71875 6.421875 -2.125 C 5.671875 -2.53125 5.054688 -3.066406 4.578125 -3.734375 C 4.097656 -4.410156 3.742188 -5.164062 3.515625 -6 C 3.296875 -6.84375 3.1875 -7.695312 3.1875 -8.5625 C 3.1875 -9.425781 3.296875 -10.28125 3.515625 -11.125 C 3.742188 -11.96875 4.097656 -12.722656 4.578125 -13.390625 C 5.054688 -14.066406 5.671875 -14.609375 6.421875 -15.015625 C 7.179688 -15.421875 8.082031 -15.625 9.125 -15.625 C 10.164062 -15.625 11.0625 -15.421875 11.8125 -15.015625 C 12.5625 -14.609375 13.175781 -14.066406 13.65625 -13.390625 C 14.132812 -12.722656 14.484375 -11.96875 14.703125 -11.125 C 14.929688 -10.28125 15.046875 -9.425781 15.046875 -8.5625 C 15.046875 -7.507812 14.882812 -6.5 14.5625 -5.53125 C 14.25 -4.5625 13.753906 -3.742188 13.078125 -3.078125 Z M 15.84375 1.46875 L 16.984375 0.03125 L 14.734375 -1.75 C 15.597656 -2.613281 16.242188 -3.632812 16.671875 -4.8125 C 17.109375 -6 17.328125 -7.25 17.328125 -8.5625 C 17.328125 -9.726562 17.15625 -10.851562 16.8125 -11.9375 C 16.46875 -13.019531 15.953125 -13.976562 15.265625 -14.8125 C 14.578125 -15.644531 13.71875 -16.304688 12.6875 -16.796875 C 11.664062 -17.296875 10.476562 -17.546875 9.125 -17.546875 C 7.757812 -17.546875 6.566406 -17.296875 5.546875 -16.796875 C 4.523438 -16.304688 3.664062 -15.644531 2.96875 -14.8125 C 2.28125 -13.976562 1.765625 -13.019531 1.421875 -11.9375 C 1.078125 -10.851562 0.90625 -9.726562 0.90625 -8.5625 C 0.90625 -7.394531 1.078125 -6.269531 1.421875 -5.1875 C 1.765625 -4.113281 2.28125 -3.160156 2.96875 -2.328125 C 3.664062 -1.492188 4.523438 -0.832031 5.546875 -0.34375 C 6.566406 0.144531 7.757812 0.390625 9.125 0.390625 C 10.707031 0.390625 12.070312 0.0507812 13.21875 -0.625 Z M 15.84375 1.46875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-9"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 11.8125 0 L 11.8125 -12.40625 L 9.765625 -12.40625 L 9.765625 -5.40625 C 9.765625 -4.84375 9.6875 -4.320312 9.53125 -3.84375 C 9.382812 -3.375 9.160156 -2.960938 8.859375 -2.609375 C 8.554688 -2.265625 8.175781 -1.992188 7.71875 -1.796875 C 7.257812 -1.609375 6.71875 -1.515625 6.09375 -1.515625 C 5.3125 -1.515625 4.695312 -1.738281 4.25 -2.1875 C 3.800781 -2.632812 3.578125 -3.242188 3.578125 -4.015625 L 3.578125 -12.40625 L 1.53125 -12.40625 L 1.53125 -4.25 C 1.53125 -3.570312 1.597656 -2.957031 1.734375 -2.40625 C 1.867188 -1.851562 2.101562 -1.378906 2.4375 -0.984375 C 2.78125 -0.585938 3.222656 -0.28125 3.765625 -0.0625 C 4.304688 0.15625 4.988281 0.265625 5.8125 0.265625 C 6.71875 0.265625 7.503906 0.0859375 8.171875 -0.265625 C 8.847656 -0.628906 9.40625 -1.195312 9.84375 -1.96875 L 9.890625 -1.96875 L 9.890625 0 Z M 11.8125 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-10"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 10.15625 -7.390625 L 3.03125 -7.390625 C 3.0625 -7.867188 3.160156 -8.320312 3.328125 -8.75 C 3.503906 -9.175781 3.742188 -9.546875 4.046875 -9.859375 C 4.359375 -10.179688 4.722656 -10.429688 5.140625 -10.609375 C 5.566406 -10.796875 6.046875 -10.890625 6.578125 -10.890625 C 7.085938 -10.890625 7.550781 -10.796875 7.96875 -10.609375 C 8.394531 -10.429688 8.765625 -10.1875 9.078125 -9.875 C 9.390625 -9.5625 9.640625 -9.1875 9.828125 -8.75 C 10.015625 -8.320312 10.125 -7.867188 10.15625 -7.390625 Z M 12.125 -3.9375 L 10.109375 -3.9375 C 9.929688 -3.125 9.566406 -2.515625 9.015625 -2.109375 C 8.460938 -1.710938 7.753906 -1.515625 6.890625 -1.515625 C 6.210938 -1.515625 5.625 -1.625 5.125 -1.84375 C 4.632812 -2.070312 4.226562 -2.375 3.90625 -2.75 C 3.59375 -3.125 3.363281 -3.554688 3.21875 -4.046875 C 3.070312 -4.535156 3.007812 -5.050781 3.03125 -5.59375 L 12.3125 -5.59375 C 12.34375 -6.34375 12.273438 -7.132812 12.109375 -7.96875 C 11.941406 -8.800781 11.632812 -9.566406 11.1875 -10.265625 C 10.75 -10.972656 10.164062 -11.554688 9.4375 -12.015625 C 8.71875 -12.472656 7.804688 -12.703125 6.703125 -12.703125 C 5.847656 -12.703125 5.0625 -12.539062 4.34375 -12.21875 C 3.632812 -11.894531 3.019531 -11.445312 2.5 -10.875 C 1.988281 -10.300781 1.585938 -9.617188 1.296875 -8.828125 C 1.003906 -8.046875 0.859375 -7.179688 0.859375 -6.234375 C 0.890625 -5.296875 1.03125 -4.425781 1.28125 -3.625 C 1.53125 -2.820312 1.898438 -2.132812 2.390625 -1.5625 C 2.890625 -0.988281 3.503906 -0.539062 4.234375 -0.21875 C 4.960938 0.101562 5.820312 0.265625 6.8125 0.265625 C 8.21875 0.265625 9.382812 -0.0820312 10.3125 -0.78125 C 11.25 -1.488281 11.851562 -2.539062 12.125 -3.9375 Z M 12.125 -3.9375 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1.484375 -2.710938 1.851562 -2.046875 2.34375 -1.484375 C 2.832031 -0.921875 3.4375 -0.488281 4.15625 -0.1875 C 4.882812 0.113281 5.722656 0.265625 6.671875 0.265625 C 8.253906 0.265625 9.503906 -0.148438 10.421875 -0.984375 C 11.347656 -1.816406 11.921875 -3 12.140625 -4.53125 L 10.0625 -4.53125 C 9.925781 -3.570312 9.570312 -2.828125 9 -2.296875 C 8.4375 -1.773438 7.648438 -1.515625 6.640625 -1.515625 C 6.003906 -1.515625 5.453125 -1.640625 4.984375 -1.890625 C 4.523438 -2.148438 4.148438 -2.488281 3.859375 -2.90625 C 3.578125 -3.332031 3.367188 -3.816406 3.234375 -4.359375 C 3.097656 -4.910156 3.03125 -5.472656 3.03125 -6.046875 C 3.03125 -6.671875 3.09375 -7.273438 3.21875 -7.859375 C 3.34375 -8.441406 3.550781 -8.957031 3.84375 -9.40625 C 4.144531 -9.851562 4.539062 -10.210938 5.03125 -10.484375 C 5.53125 -10.753906 6.148438 -10.890625 6.890625 -10.890625 C 7.753906 -10.890625 8.441406 -10.671875 8.953125 -10.234375 C 9.460938 -9.804688 9.796875 -9.203125 9.953125 -8.421875 Z M 9.953125 -8.421875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-13"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 7.125 0 L 11.65625 -12.40625 L 9.53125 -12.40625 L 6.140625 -2.0625 L 6.09375 -2.0625 L 2.609375 -12.40625 L 0.34375 -12.40625 L 4.9375 0 Z M 7.125 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-14"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.921875 -17.140625 L 1.921875 0 L 4.078125 0 L 4.078125 -14.25 L 4.125 -14.25 L 9.484375 0 L 11.421875 0 L 16.78125 -14.25 L 16.828125 -14.25 L 16.828125 0 L 18.984375 0 L 18.984375 -17.140625 L 15.859375 -17.140625 L 10.4375 -2.734375 L 5.046875 -17.140625 Z M 1.921875 -17.140625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-15"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.53125 -12.40625 L 1.53125 0 L 3.578125 0 L 3.578125 -7.015625 C 3.578125 -7.566406 3.648438 -8.078125 3.796875 -8.546875 C 3.953125 -9.023438 4.179688 -9.4375 4.484375 -9.78125 C 4.785156 -10.132812 5.164062 -10.40625 5.625 -10.59375 C 6.082031 -10.789062 6.625 -10.890625 7.25 -10.890625 C 8.03125 -10.890625 8.644531 -10.664062 9.09375 -10.21875 C 9.539062 -9.769531 9.765625 -9.164062 9.765625 -8.40625 L 9.765625 0 L 11.8125 0 L 11.8125 -8.15625 C 11.8125 -8.832031 11.742188 -9.445312 11.609375 -10 C 11.472656 -10.550781 11.234375 -11.023438 10.890625 -11.421875 C 10.554688 -11.828125 10.117188 -12.140625 9.578125 -12.359375 C 9.035156 -12.585938 8.351562 -12.703125 7.53125 -12.703125 C 5.695312 -12.703125 4.351562 -11.945312 3.5 -10.4375 L 3.453125 -10.4375 L 3.453125 -12.40625 Z M 1.53125 -12.40625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-16"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 12.234375 -1.0625 L 12.234375 -12.40625 L 10.3125 -12.40625 L 10.3125 -10.625 L 10.296875 -10.625 C 9.929688 -11.3125 9.421875 -11.828125 8.765625 -12.171875 C 8.109375 -12.523438 7.382812 -12.703125 6.59375 -12.703125 C 5.519531 -12.703125 4.613281 -12.492188 3.875 -12.078125 C 3.144531 -11.671875 2.554688 -11.148438 2.109375 -10.515625 C 1.660156 -9.890625 1.335938 -9.1875 1.140625 -8.40625 C 0.953125 -7.632812 0.859375 -6.878906 0.859375 -6.140625 C 0.859375 -5.296875 0.972656 -4.492188 1.203125 -3.734375 C 1.441406 -2.972656 1.789062 -2.304688 2.25 -1.734375 C 2.71875 -1.171875 3.296875 -0.71875 3.984375 -0.375 C 4.671875 -0.0390625 5.476562 0.125 6.40625 0.125 C 7.207031 0.125 7.960938 -0.0507812 8.671875 -0.40625 C 9.390625 -0.769531 9.921875 -1.335938 10.265625 -2.109375 L 10.3125 -2.109375 L 10.3125 -1.296875 C 10.3125 -0.609375 10.242188 0.0195312 10.109375 0.59375 C 9.972656 1.175781 9.753906 1.671875 9.453125 2.078125 C 9.148438 2.484375 8.765625 2.800781 8.296875 3.03125 C 7.835938 3.269531 7.269531 3.390625 6.59375 3.390625 C 6.257812 3.390625 5.90625 3.351562 5.53125 3.28125 C 5.164062 3.207031 4.828125 3.085938 4.515625 2.921875 C 4.210938 2.765625 3.953125 2.554688 3.734375 2.296875 C 3.515625 2.046875 3.398438 1.738281 3.390625 1.375 L 1.34375 1.375 C 1.375 2.039062 1.550781 2.601562 1.875 3.0625 C 2.195312 3.53125 2.597656 3.90625 3.078125 4.1875 C 3.566406 4.476562 4.109375 4.6875 4.703125 4.8125 C 5.304688 4.945312 5.898438 5.015625 6.484375 5.015625 C 8.460938 5.015625 9.914062 4.507812 10.84375 3.5 C 11.769531 2.488281 12.234375 0.96875 12.234375 -1.0625 Z M 6.53125 -1.65625 C 5.851562 -1.65625 5.289062 -1.796875 4.84375 -2.078125 C 4.394531 -2.359375 4.035156 -2.722656 3.765625 -3.171875 C 3.492188 -3.628906 3.300781 -4.140625 3.1875 -4.703125 C 3.082031 -5.265625 3.03125 -5.828125 3.03125 -6.390625 C 3.03125 -6.972656 3.097656 -7.535156 3.234375 -8.078125 C 3.367188 -8.628906 3.582031 -9.113281 3.875 -9.53125 C 4.164062 -9.945312 4.546875 -10.273438 5.015625 -10.515625 C 5.484375 -10.765625 6.046875 -10.890625 6.703125 -10.890625 C 7.335938 -10.890625 7.878906 -10.757812 8.328125 -10.5 C 8.773438 -10.25 9.140625 -9.910156 9.421875 -9.484375 C 9.703125 -9.066406 9.90625 -8.59375 10.03125 -8.0625 C 10.15625 -7.53125 10.21875 -6.992188 10.21875 -6.453125 C 10.21875 -5.878906 10.148438 -5.300781 10.015625 -4.71875 C 9.878906 -4.144531 9.664062 -3.628906 9.375 -3.171875 C 9.09375 -2.722656 8.710938 -2.359375 8.234375 -2.078125 C 7.765625 -1.796875 7.195312 -1.65625 6.53125 -1.65625 Z M 6.53125 -1.65625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-17"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.46875 -12.40625 L 1.46875 0 L 3.5 0 L 3.5 -5.515625 C 3.5 -6.316406 3.578125 -7.023438 3.734375 -7.640625 C 3.898438 -8.253906 4.160156 -8.773438 4.515625 -9.203125 C 4.867188 -9.640625 5.332031 -9.96875 5.90625 -10.1875 C 6.476562 -10.414062 7.171875 -10.53125 7.984375 -10.53125 L 7.984375 -12.703125 C 6.890625 -12.734375 5.976562 -12.503906 5.25 -12.015625 C 4.53125 -11.535156 3.925781 -10.796875 3.4375 -9.796875 L 3.390625 -9.796875 L 3.390625 -12.40625 Z M 1.46875 -12.40625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-18"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.875 -17.140625 L 1.875 0 L 13.78125 0 L 13.78125 -1.921875 L 4.15625 -1.921875 L 4.15625 -7.84375 L 13.0625 -7.84375 L 13.0625 -9.765625 L 4.15625 -9.765625 L 4.15625 -15.21875 L 13.703125 -15.21875 L 13.703125 -17.140625 Z M 1.875 -17.140625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-19"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.03125 -6.09375 C 3.03125 -6.707031 3.09375 -7.300781 3.21875 -7.875 C 3.34375 -8.445312 3.546875 -8.957031 3.828125 -9.40625 C 4.117188 -9.851562 4.503906 -10.210938 4.984375 -10.484375 C 5.472656 -10.753906 6.0625 -10.890625 6.75 -10.890625 C 7.445312 -10.890625 8.039062 -10.757812 8.53125 -10.5 C 9.03125 -10.238281 9.4375 -9.890625 9.75 -9.453125 C 10.0625 -9.023438 10.289062 -8.523438 10.4375 -7.953125 C 10.582031 -7.390625 10.65625 -6.800781 10.65625 -6.1875 C 10.65625 -5.613281 10.585938 -5.046875 10.453125 -4.484375 C 10.316406 -3.921875 10.097656 -3.421875 9.796875 -2.984375 C 9.492188 -2.546875 9.097656 -2.191406 8.609375 -1.921875 C 8.128906 -1.648438 7.546875 -1.515625 6.859375 -1.515625 C 6.203125 -1.515625 5.628906 -1.640625 5.140625 -1.890625 C 4.660156 -2.148438 4.265625 -2.492188 3.953125 -2.921875 C 3.640625 -3.359375 3.40625 -3.851562 3.25 -4.40625 C 3.101562 -4.957031 3.03125 -5.519531 3.03125 -6.09375 Z M 12.625 4.734375 L 12.625 -12.40625 L 10.578125 -12.40625 L 10.578125 -10.75 L 10.53125 -10.75 C 10.3125 -11.113281 10.035156 -11.421875 9.703125 -11.671875 C 9.378906 -11.921875 9.03125 -12.117188 8.65625 -12.265625 C 8.289062 -12.421875 7.925781 -12.53125 7.5625 -12.59375 C 7.195312 -12.664062 6.851562 -12.703125 6.53125 -12.703125 C 5.582031 -12.703125 4.75 -12.523438 4.03125 -12.171875 C 3.320312 -11.828125 2.734375 -11.363281 2.265625 -10.78125 C 1.796875 -10.195312 1.441406 -9.515625 1.203125 -8.734375 C 0.972656 -7.953125 0.859375 -7.117188 0.859375 -6.234375 C 0.859375 -5.359375 0.976562 -4.523438 1.21875 -3.734375 C 1.457031 -2.953125 1.8125 -2.265625 2.28125 -1.671875 C 2.757812 -1.085938 3.351562 -0.617188 4.0625 -0.265625 C 4.78125 0.0859375 5.617188 0.265625 6.578125 0.265625 C 7.441406 0.265625 8.234375 0.113281 8.953125 -0.1875 C 9.671875 -0.488281 10.195312 -0.988281 10.53125 -1.6875 L 10.578125 -1.6875 L 10.578125 4.734375 Z M 12.625 4.734375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-0"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.78125 0 L 0.78125 -17.21875 L 14.4375 -17.21875 L 14.4375 0 Z M 12.28125 -2.15625 L 12.28125 -15.0625 L 2.9375 -15.0625 L 2.9375 -2.15625 Z M 12.28125 -2.15625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-1"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 9.828125 -9.328125 C 10.921875 -9.328125 11.785156 -9.546875 12.421875 -9.984375 C 13.066406 -10.421875 13.390625 -11.210938 13.390625 -12.359375 C 13.390625 -13.578125 12.941406 -14.410156 12.046875 -14.859375 C 11.566406 -15.097656 10.929688 -15.21875 10.140625 -15.21875 L 4.4375 -15.21875 L 4.4375 -9.328125 Z M 2.109375 -17.21875 L 10.078125 -17.21875 C 11.390625 -17.21875 12.472656 -17.023438 13.328125 -16.640625 C 14.941406 -15.910156 15.75 -14.554688 15.75 -12.578125 C 15.75 -11.546875 15.535156 -10.703125 15.109375 -10.046875 C 14.679688 -9.390625 14.085938 -8.863281 13.328125 -8.46875 C 13.992188 -8.1875 14.5 -7.820312 14.84375 -7.375 C 15.1875 -6.9375 15.375 -6.21875 15.40625 -5.21875 L 15.5 -2.90625 C 15.519531 -2.25 15.570312 -1.757812 15.65625 -1.4375 C 15.800781 -0.894531 16.050781 -0.546875 16.40625 -0.390625 L 16.40625 0 L 13.546875 0 C 13.472656 -0.144531 13.410156 -0.332031 13.359375 -0.5625 C 13.316406 -0.800781 13.28125 -1.257812 13.25 -1.9375 L 13.109375 -4.8125 C 13.046875 -5.9375 12.625 -6.6875 11.84375 -7.0625 C 11.40625 -7.28125 10.707031 -7.390625 9.75 -7.390625 L 4.4375 -7.390625 L 4.4375 0 L 2.109375 0 Z M 2.109375 -17.21875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-2"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 6.78125 -12.828125 C 7.664062 -12.828125 8.523438 -12.617188 9.359375 -12.203125 C 10.203125 -11.785156 10.84375 -11.242188 11.28125 -10.578125 C 11.695312 -9.953125 11.976562 -9.21875 12.125 -8.375 C 12.25 -7.789062 12.3125 -6.867188 12.3125 -5.609375 L 3.109375 -5.609375 C 3.148438 -4.328125 3.453125 -3.300781 4.015625 -2.53125 C 4.578125 -1.769531 5.445312 -1.390625 6.625 -1.390625 C 7.726562 -1.390625 8.609375 -1.75 9.265625 -2.46875 C 9.640625 -2.894531 9.90625 -3.382812 10.0625 -3.9375 L 12.125 -3.9375 C 12.070312 -3.476562 11.890625 -2.960938 11.578125 -2.390625 C 11.273438 -1.828125 10.929688 -1.367188 10.546875 -1.015625 C 9.910156 -0.390625 9.117188 0.0351562 8.171875 0.265625 C 7.660156 0.390625 7.085938 0.453125 6.453125 0.453125 C 4.890625 0.453125 3.5625 -0.113281 2.46875 -1.25 C 1.382812 -2.394531 0.84375 -3.988281 0.84375 -6.03125 C 0.84375 -8.050781 1.390625 -9.6875 2.484375 -10.9375 C 3.578125 -12.195312 5.007812 -12.828125 6.78125 -12.828125 Z M 10.140625 -7.28125 C 10.054688 -8.195312 9.859375 -8.925781 9.546875 -9.46875 C 8.960938 -10.488281 7.992188 -11 6.640625 -11 C 5.671875 -11 4.859375 -10.644531 4.203125 -9.9375 C 3.546875 -9.238281 3.203125 -8.351562 3.171875 -7.28125 Z M 6.578125 -12.859375 Z M 6.578125 -12.859375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-3"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.796875 -3.9375 C 2.859375 -3.238281 3.035156 -2.703125 3.328125 -2.328125 C 3.859375 -1.640625 4.78125 -1.296875 6.09375 -1.296875 C 6.875 -1.296875 7.5625 -1.46875 8.15625 -1.8125 C 8.75 -2.15625 9.046875 -2.679688 9.046875 -3.390625 C 9.046875 -3.929688 8.804688 -4.34375 8.328125 -4.625 C 8.023438 -4.789062 7.425781 -4.988281 6.53125 -5.21875 L 4.859375 -5.640625 C 3.785156 -5.898438 2.992188 -6.195312 2.484375 -6.53125 C 1.578125 -7.101562 1.125 -7.890625 1.125 -8.890625 C 1.125 -10.078125 1.550781 -11.035156 2.40625 -11.765625 C 3.257812 -12.503906 4.410156 -12.875 5.859375 -12.875 C 7.753906 -12.875 9.117188 -12.320312 9.953125 -11.21875 C 10.472656 -10.507812 10.726562 -9.75 10.71875 -8.9375 L 8.71875 -8.9375 C 8.675781 -9.414062 8.507812 -9.851562 8.21875 -10.25 C 7.726562 -10.800781 6.890625 -11.078125 5.703125 -11.078125 C 4.898438 -11.078125 4.289062 -10.921875 3.875 -10.609375 C 3.46875 -10.304688 3.265625 -9.90625 3.265625 -9.40625 C 3.265625 -8.863281 3.535156 -8.425781 4.078125 -8.09375 C 4.390625 -7.90625 4.851562 -7.734375 5.46875 -7.578125 L 6.859375 -7.25 C 8.367188 -6.875 9.382812 -6.515625 9.90625 -6.171875 C 10.726562 -5.640625 11.140625 -4.796875 11.140625 -3.640625 C 11.140625 -2.515625 10.710938 -1.546875 9.859375 -0.734375 C 9.015625 0.078125 7.722656 0.484375 5.984375 0.484375 C 4.117188 0.484375 2.796875 0.0625 2.015625 -0.78125 C 1.242188 -1.632812 0.832031 -2.6875 0.78125 -3.9375 Z M 5.921875 -12.859375 Z M 5.921875 -12.859375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-4"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 6.53125 -1.359375 C 7.925781 -1.359375 8.882812 -1.882812 9.40625 -2.9375 C 9.925781 -4 10.1875 -5.179688 10.1875 -6.484375 C 10.1875 -7.648438 10 -8.601562 9.625 -9.34375 C 9.03125 -10.5 8.003906 -11.078125 6.546875 -11.078125 C 5.265625 -11.078125 4.328125 -10.582031 3.734375 -9.59375 C 3.148438 -8.613281 2.859375 -7.425781 2.859375 -6.03125 C 2.859375 -4.695312 3.148438 -3.582031 3.734375 -2.6875 C 4.328125 -1.800781 5.257812 -1.359375 6.53125 -1.359375 Z M 6.609375 -12.921875 C 8.222656 -12.921875 9.585938 -12.378906 10.703125 -11.296875 C 11.828125 -10.222656 12.390625 -8.640625 12.390625 -6.546875 C 12.390625 -4.515625 11.894531 -2.835938 10.90625 -1.515625 C 9.925781 -0.203125 8.398438 0.453125 6.328125 0.453125 C 4.597656 0.453125 3.222656 -0.128906 2.203125 -1.296875 C 1.191406 -2.460938 0.6875 -4.03125 0.6875 -6 C 0.6875 -8.113281 1.222656 -9.796875 2.296875 -11.046875 C 3.367188 -12.296875 4.804688 -12.921875 6.609375 -12.921875 Z M 6.546875 -12.859375 Z M 6.546875 -12.859375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-5"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.609375 -17.21875 L 3.71875 -17.21875 L 3.71875 0 L 1.609375 0 Z M 1.609375 -17.21875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-6"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.578125 -12.546875 L 5.9375 -2.328125 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--- a/presen/sigos.html Tue May 31 01:27:56 2016 +0900 +++ b/presen/sigos.html Wed Jun 01 00:19:05 2016 +0900 @@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ <!-- === begin markdown block === generated by markdown/1.2.0 on Ruby 2.3.1 (2016-04-26) [x86_64-darwin15] - on 2016-05-31 01:26:46 +0900 with Markdown engine kramdown (1.11.1) + on 2016-05-31 11:06:27 +0900 with Markdown engine kramdown (1.11.1) using options {} --> @@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ <p>を指標とした Gears OS を設計してきた</p> <ul> - <li>本研究では Gears OS のプロトタイプとして並列処理機構をCbC(Continuation based C) で実装を行う</li> + <li>本研究では Gears OS のプロトタイプとして並列処理機構を Continuation based C(CbC) で実装を行う</li> </ul> @@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ <li>Meta Computation</li> <li>Continuation based C(CbC)</li> <li>CbC を用いた Gears OS の記述</li> - <li>Gears OS のプロトタイプの構成</li> + <li>Gears OS の並列処理のプロトタイプ</li> <li>まとめ</li> <li>課題</li> </ul> @@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ <!-- _S9SLIDE_ --> <h2 id="continuation-based-c">Continuation based C</h2> <ul> - <li>Gears OS の実装は本研究室で開発しているCbC(Continuation based C)を用いる</li> + <li>Gears OS の実装は本研究室で開発している Continuation based C(CbC) を用いる</li> <li>CbC は処理を Code Segment を用いて記述する事を基本とする</li> <li>Code Segment は Code Gear を同等のものため、 Gears OS を記述するのに適している</li> </ul> @@ -468,20 +468,22 @@ <li>Code Gear によって参照される Data Gear の管理を行う</li> </ul> </li> + <li>Worker + <ul> + <li>TaskQueue から Task を取得し、実行する</li> + </ul> + </li> <li>TaskManager <ul> <li>Persistent Data Tree を監視し、 Task の依存関係を解決する</li> </ul> </li> - <li>Worker - <ul> - <li>TaskQueue から Task を取得し、実行する</li> - </ul> - </li> </ul> </li> </ul> +<p>※ TaskManager は今回未実装</p> + </div> <div class='slide '> @@ -627,29 +629,11 @@ <ul> <li>TaskManager は Task の依存関係の解決を行う</li> <li>Thread の作成と停止も行う</li> - <li>このコードは Thread の生成を行い、 Thread 毎の context を設定している <strong>Meta Code Gear</strong> である</li> </ul> -<pre lang="c"><code>// Meta Code Gear -__code createWorker(struct Context* context, struct LoopCounter* loopCounter, struct Worker* worker) { - int i = loopCounter->i; - - if (i < worker->num) { - struct Context* worker_context = &worker->contexts[i]; - worker_context->next = GetQueue; - worker_context->data[Tree] = context->data[Tree]; - worker_context->data[ActiveQueue] = context->data[ActiveQueue]; - pthread_create(&worker_context->thread, NULL, (void*)&start_code, worker_context); - worker_context->thread_num = i; - loopCounter->i++; - - goto meta(context, CreateWorker); - } - - loopCounter->i = 0; - goto meta(context, TaskManager); -} -</code></pre> +<div style="text-align: center;"> + <img src="./images/taskManager.svg" alt="message" width="800" /> +</div> </div> @@ -746,7 +730,7 @@ <h2 id="cerium-">Cerium との比較</h2> <ul> <li>Cerium は本研究室で開発していた並列プログラミングフレームワーク</li> - <li>Cerium では Task と呼ばれる分割されたプログラムを依存関係に沿って実行することで並列実行を可能にする + <li>Cerium では Task を依存関係に沿って実行することで並列実行を可能にする <ul> <li>本来 Task はデータに依存するもので Task 間の依存関係ではデータの依存関係を保証することが出来ない</li> <li>Gears OS の Task 中身は Code Gear になっており、必要な Input Data Gear が揃わない限り実行しないため、データの依存関係を保証できる</li>
--- a/presen/ Tue May 31 01:27:56 2016 +0900 +++ b/presen/ Wed Jun 01 00:19:05 2016 +0900 @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ を指標とした Gears OS を設計してきた -- 本研究では Gears OS のプロトタイプとして並列処理機構をCbC(Continuation based C) で実装を行う +- 本研究では Gears OS のプロトタイプとして並列処理機構を Continuation based C(CbC) で実装を行う ## Gears OS の並列性 - Gears OS はプログラムの単位として Gear を用いる @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ - Meta Computation - Continuation based C(CbC) - CbC を用いた Gears OS の記述 -- Gears OS のプロトタイプの構成 +- Gears OS の並列処理のプロトタイプ - まとめ - 課題 @@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ ## Continuation based C -- Gears OS の実装は本研究室で開発しているCbC(Continuation based C)を用いる +- Gears OS の実装は本研究室で開発している Continuation based C(CbC) を用いる - CbC は処理を Code Segment を用いて記述する事を基本とする - Code Segment は Code Gear を同等のものため、 Gears OS を記述するのに適している @@ -245,10 +245,12 @@ - 実行される Task のリストを扱う - Persistent Data Tree - Code Gear によって参照される Data Gear の管理を行う + - Worker + - TaskQueue から Task を取得し、実行する - TaskManager - Persistent Data Tree を監視し、 Task の依存関係を解決する - - Worker - - TaskQueue から Task を取得し、実行する + +※ TaskManager は今回未実装 ## TaskQueue - Task Queue は Task のリストを扱う @@ -356,29 +358,11 @@ ## TaskManger - TaskManager は Task の依存関係の解決を行う - Thread の作成と停止も行う -- このコードは Thread の生成を行い、 Thread 毎の context を設定している **Meta Code Gear** である - -``` c -// Meta Code Gear -__code createWorker(struct Context* context, struct LoopCounter* loopCounter, struct Worker* worker) { - int i = loopCounter->i; - if (i < worker->num) { - struct Context* worker_context = &worker->contexts[i]; - worker_context->next = GetQueue; - worker_context->data[Tree] = context->data[Tree]; - worker_context->data[ActiveQueue] = context->data[ActiveQueue]; - pthread_create(&worker_context->thread, NULL, (void*)&start_code, worker_context); - worker_context->thread_num = i; - loopCounter->i++; +<div style="text-align: center;"> + <img src="./images/taskManager.svg" alt="message" width="800"> +</div> - goto meta(context, CreateWorker); - } - - loopCounter->i = 0; - goto meta(context, TaskManager); -} -``` ## プロトタイプの実行 - 今回 Gears OS の構成要素である Persistent Data Tree, TaskQueue, Worker の実装を行った @@ -449,7 +433,7 @@ ## Cerium との比較 - Cerium は本研究室で開発していた並列プログラミングフレームワーク -- Cerium では Task と呼ばれる分割されたプログラムを依存関係に沿って実行することで並列実行を可能にする +- Cerium では Task を依存関係に沿って実行することで並列実行を可能にする - 本来 Task はデータに依存するもので Task 間の依存関係ではデータの依存関係を保証することが出来ない - Gears OS の Task 中身は Code Gear になっており、必要な Input Data Gear が揃わない限り実行しないため、データの依存関係を保証できる - Task には汎用ポインタとしてデータの受け渡しを行う