Mercurial > hg > Papers > 2019 > menikon-sigos
changeset 18:cef6ee71df2d
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0 L 7.796875 -1.203125 L 1.96875 -1.203125 C 2.03125 -1.554688 2.164062 -1.867188 2.375 -2.140625 C 2.582031 -2.410156 2.832031 -2.660156 3.125 -2.890625 C 3.414062 -3.128906 3.738281 -3.351562 4.09375 -3.5625 C 4.445312 -3.769531 4.800781 -3.976562 5.15625 -4.1875 C 5.507812 -4.414062 5.847656 -4.648438 6.171875 -4.890625 C 6.503906 -5.140625 6.796875 -5.414062 7.046875 -5.71875 C 7.304688 -6.019531 7.515625 -6.363281 7.671875 -6.75 C 7.828125 -7.132812 7.90625 -7.578125 7.90625 -8.078125 C 7.90625 -8.609375 7.8125 -9.078125 7.625 -9.484375 C 7.4375 -9.890625 7.179688 -10.226562 6.859375 -10.5 C 6.546875 -10.769531 6.171875 -10.976562 5.734375 -11.125 C 5.304688 -11.269531 4.847656 -11.34375 4.359375 -11.34375 C 3.753906 -11.34375 3.21875 -11.238281 2.75 -11.03125 C 2.28125 -10.832031 1.890625 -10.550781 1.578125 -10.1875 C 1.265625 -9.832031 1.03125 -9.410156 0.875 -8.921875 C 0.726562 -8.429688 0.671875 -7.898438 0.703125 -7.328125 Z M 0.703125 -7.328125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol 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-0.03125 C 6.242188 -0.175781 6.65625 -0.394531 7 -0.6875 C 7.351562 -0.976562 7.632812 -1.335938 7.84375 -1.765625 C 8.050781 -2.203125 8.15625 -2.703125 8.15625 -3.265625 C 8.15625 -3.941406 7.988281 -4.53125 7.65625 -5.03125 C 7.320312 -5.539062 6.804688 -5.867188 6.109375 -6.015625 L 6.109375 -6.046875 C 6.554688 -6.253906 6.929688 -6.550781 7.234375 -6.9375 C 7.535156 -7.332031 7.6875 -7.785156 7.6875 -8.296875 C 7.6875 -8.828125 7.597656 -9.28125 7.421875 -9.65625 C 7.242188 -10.039062 7 -10.351562 6.6875 -10.59375 C 6.375 -10.84375 6.003906 -11.03125 5.578125 -11.15625 C 5.160156 -11.28125 4.707031 -11.34375 4.21875 -11.34375 C 3.65625 -11.34375 3.15625 -11.25 2.71875 -11.0625 C 2.289062 -10.882812 1.929688 -10.632812 1.640625 -10.3125 C 1.359375 -10 1.140625 -9.617188 0.984375 -9.171875 C 0.828125 -8.722656 0.738281 -8.226562 0.71875 -7.6875 L 2.078125 -7.6875 C 2.078125 -8.007812 2.117188 -8.320312 2.203125 -8.625 C 2.296875 -8.925781 2.425781 -9.1875 2.59375 -9.40625 C 2.769531 -9.632812 2.992188 -9.8125 3.265625 -9.9375 C 3.546875 -10.070312 3.863281 -10.140625 4.21875 -10.140625 C 4.800781 -10.140625 5.28125 -9.988281 5.65625 -9.6875 C 6.039062 -9.382812 6.234375 -8.925781 6.234375 -8.3125 C 6.234375 -8.019531 6.175781 -7.753906 6.0625 -7.515625 C 5.945312 -7.285156 5.789062 -7.09375 5.59375 -6.9375 C 5.394531 -6.78125 5.164062 -6.660156 4.90625 -6.578125 C 4.644531 -6.503906 4.367188 -6.46875 4.078125 -6.46875 L 3.796875 -6.46875 C 3.742188 -6.46875 3.6875 -6.46875 3.625 -6.46875 C 3.582031 -6.46875 3.535156 -6.472656 3.484375 -6.484375 Z M 3.484375 -6.484375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-4"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 5.421875 -3.859375 L 1.609375 -3.859375 L 5.390625 -9.40625 L 5.421875 -9.40625 Z M 6.703125 -3.859375 L 6.703125 -11.34375 L 5.609375 -11.34375 L 0.453125 -3.96875 L 0.453125 -2.65625 L 5.421875 -2.65625 L 5.421875 0 L 6.703125 0 L 6.703125 -2.65625 L 8.234375 -2.65625 L 8.234375 -3.859375 Z M 6.703125 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-2.539062 0.671875 -2.078125 0.859375 -1.671875 C 1.054688 -1.273438 1.316406 -0.9375 1.640625 -0.65625 C 1.972656 -0.382812 2.351562 -0.175781 2.78125 -0.03125 C 3.21875 0.101562 3.679688 0.171875 4.171875 0.171875 C 4.835938 0.171875 5.414062 0.0664062 5.90625 -0.140625 C 6.40625 -0.347656 6.816406 -0.625 7.140625 -0.96875 C 7.472656 -1.320312 7.722656 -1.722656 7.890625 -2.171875 C 8.054688 -2.628906 8.140625 -3.097656 8.140625 -3.578125 C 8.140625 -4.234375 8.039062 -4.800781 7.84375 -5.28125 C 7.65625 -5.769531 7.394531 -6.175781 7.0625 -6.5 C 6.738281 -6.820312 6.351562 -7.0625 5.90625 -7.21875 C 5.457031 -7.382812 4.984375 -7.46875 4.484375 -7.46875 C 4.097656 -7.46875 3.707031 -7.398438 3.3125 -7.265625 C 2.925781 -7.140625 2.613281 -6.9375 2.375 -6.65625 L 2.34375 -6.6875 L 2.9375 -9.953125 Z M 7.515625 -9.953125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-6"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 6.625 -8.453125 L 7.984375 -8.453125 C 7.898438 -9.390625 7.578125 -10.101562 7.015625 -10.59375 C 6.460938 -11.09375 5.71875 -11.34375 4.78125 -11.34375 C 3.96875 -11.34375 3.296875 -11.171875 2.765625 -10.828125 C 2.234375 -10.484375 1.804688 -10.03125 1.484375 -9.46875 C 1.171875 -8.90625 0.945312 -8.257812 0.8125 -7.53125 C 0.675781 -6.800781 0.609375 -6.046875 0.609375 -5.265625 C 0.609375 -4.671875 0.648438 -4.050781 0.734375 -3.40625 C 0.828125 -2.769531 1.015625 -2.179688 1.296875 -1.640625 C 1.578125 -1.109375 1.972656 -0.671875 2.484375 -0.328125 C 2.992188 0.00390625 3.671875 0.171875 4.515625 0.171875 C 5.222656 0.171875 5.820312 0.0507812 6.3125 -0.1875 C 6.800781 -0.425781 7.191406 -0.726562 7.484375 -1.09375 C 7.773438 -1.457031 7.984375 -1.863281 8.109375 -2.3125 C 8.234375 -2.757812 8.296875 -3.191406 8.296875 -3.609375 C 8.296875 -4.140625 8.21875 -4.628906 8.0625 -5.078125 C 7.90625 -5.523438 7.675781 -5.910156 7.375 -6.234375 C 7.082031 -6.566406 6.71875 -6.828125 6.28125 -7.015625 C 5.851562 -7.203125 5.367188 -7.296875 4.828125 -7.296875 C 4.210938 -7.296875 3.664062 -7.175781 3.1875 -6.9375 C 2.71875 -6.707031 2.320312 -6.332031 2 -5.8125 L 1.96875 -5.84375 C 1.976562 -6.28125 2.019531 -6.75 2.09375 -7.25 C 2.164062 -7.75 2.300781 -8.210938 2.5 -8.640625 C 2.695312 -9.078125 2.972656 -9.4375 3.328125 -9.71875 C 3.679688 -10 4.144531 -10.140625 4.71875 -10.140625 C 5.257812 -10.140625 5.695312 -9.984375 6.03125 -9.671875 C 6.363281 -9.367188 6.5625 -8.960938 6.625 -8.453125 Z M 4.578125 -6.09375 C 4.960938 -6.09375 5.296875 -6.023438 5.578125 -5.890625 C 5.867188 -5.753906 6.109375 -5.566406 6.296875 -5.328125 C 6.492188 -5.097656 6.632812 -4.828125 6.71875 -4.515625 C 6.8125 -4.203125 6.859375 -3.867188 6.859375 -3.515625 C 6.859375 -3.191406 6.804688 -2.875 6.703125 -2.5625 C 6.609375 -2.257812 6.460938 -1.988281 6.265625 -1.75 C 6.078125 -1.519531 5.84375 -1.335938 5.5625 -1.203125 C 5.28125 -1.078125 4.953125 -1.015625 4.578125 -1.015625 C 4.203125 -1.015625 3.867188 -1.078125 3.578125 -1.203125 C 3.285156 -1.335938 3.039062 -1.515625 2.84375 -1.734375 C 2.644531 -1.960938 2.488281 -2.234375 2.375 -2.546875 C 2.269531 -2.859375 2.21875 -3.1875 2.21875 -3.53125 C 2.21875 -3.882812 2.269531 -4.21875 2.375 -4.53125 C 2.476562 -4.851562 2.628906 -5.128906 2.828125 -5.359375 C 3.035156 -5.585938 3.28125 -5.765625 3.5625 -5.890625 C 3.851562 -6.023438 4.191406 -6.09375 4.578125 -6.09375 Z M 4.578125 -6.09375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-7"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.859375 -2.609375 L 0.5 -2.609375 C 0.519531 -2.097656 0.625 -1.660156 0.8125 -1.296875 C 1.007812 -0.941406 1.265625 -0.65625 1.578125 -0.4375 C 1.898438 -0.21875 2.269531 -0.0625 2.6875 0.03125 C 3.101562 0.125 3.539062 0.171875 4 0.171875 C 4.414062 0.171875 4.832031 0.128906 5.25 0.046875 C 5.675781 -0.0234375 6.054688 -0.160156 6.390625 -0.359375 C 6.722656 -0.566406 6.992188 -0.832031 7.203125 -1.15625 C 7.410156 -1.488281 7.515625 -1.910156 7.515625 -2.421875 C 7.515625 -2.816406 7.4375 -3.144531 7.28125 -3.40625 C 7.132812 -3.675781 6.929688 -3.898438 6.671875 -4.078125 C 6.421875 -4.253906 6.132812 -4.394531 5.8125 -4.5 C 5.488281 -4.601562 5.15625 -4.691406 4.8125 -4.765625 C 4.5 -4.835938 4.179688 -4.910156 3.859375 -4.984375 C 3.535156 -5.054688 3.242188 -5.140625 2.984375 -5.234375 C 2.734375 -5.335938 2.523438 -5.46875 2.359375 -5.625 C 2.191406 -5.78125 2.109375 -5.972656 2.109375 -6.203125 C 2.109375 -6.421875 2.160156 -6.59375 2.265625 -6.71875 C 2.378906 -6.851562 2.519531 -6.960938 2.6875 -7.046875 C 2.851562 -7.128906 3.039062 -7.1875 3.25 -7.21875 C 3.457031 -7.25 3.664062 -7.265625 3.875 -7.265625 C 4.09375 -7.265625 4.3125 -7.238281 4.53125 -7.1875 C 4.75 -7.144531 4.945312 -7.066406 5.125 -6.953125 C 5.3125 -6.847656 5.460938 -6.707031 5.578125 -6.53125 C 5.703125 -6.351562 5.773438 -6.132812 5.796875 -5.875 L 7.15625 -5.875 C 7.125 -6.375 7.015625 -6.789062 6.828125 -7.125 C 6.648438 -7.457031 6.40625 -7.722656 6.09375 -7.921875 C 5.789062 -8.117188 5.441406 -8.257812 5.046875 -8.34375 C 4.660156 -8.425781 4.234375 -8.46875 3.765625 -8.46875 C 3.398438 -8.46875 3.03125 -8.421875 2.65625 -8.328125 C 2.289062 -8.234375 1.960938 -8.09375 1.671875 -7.90625 C 1.378906 -7.71875 1.140625 -7.472656 0.953125 -7.171875 C 0.765625 -6.878906 0.671875 -6.523438 0.671875 -6.109375 C 0.671875 -5.578125 0.800781 -5.160156 1.0625 -4.859375 C 1.332031 -4.566406 1.664062 -4.335938 2.0625 -4.171875 C 2.46875 -4.003906 2.90625 -3.875 3.375 -3.78125 C 3.84375 -3.6875 4.273438 -3.582031 4.671875 -3.46875 C 5.078125 -3.363281 5.410156 -3.21875 5.671875 -3.03125 C 5.941406 -2.851562 6.078125 -2.585938 6.078125 -2.234375 C 6.078125 -1.984375 6.015625 -1.773438 5.890625 -1.609375 C 5.765625 -1.441406 5.601562 -1.316406 5.40625 -1.234375 C 5.207031 -1.148438 4.988281 -1.09375 4.75 -1.0625 C 4.519531 -1.03125 4.296875 -1.015625 4.078125 -1.015625 C 3.796875 -1.015625 3.523438 -1.039062 3.265625 -1.09375 C 3.003906 -1.144531 2.769531 -1.226562 2.5625 -1.34375 C 2.351562 -1.46875 2.1875 -1.632812 2.0625 -1.84375 C 1.9375 -2.050781 1.867188 -2.304688 1.859375 -2.609375 Z M 1.859375 -2.609375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-8"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.90625 -8.265625 L 2.90625 -10.75 L 1.546875 -10.75 L 1.546875 -8.265625 L 0.140625 -8.265625 L 0.140625 -7.078125 L 1.546875 -7.078125 L 1.546875 -1.8125 C 1.546875 -1.425781 1.582031 -1.113281 1.65625 -0.875 C 1.738281 -0.644531 1.851562 -0.460938 2 -0.328125 C 2.15625 -0.203125 2.359375 -0.113281 2.609375 -0.0625 C 2.859375 -0.0195312 3.160156 0 3.515625 0 L 4.5625 0 L 4.5625 -1.203125 L 3.9375 -1.203125 C 3.71875 -1.203125 3.539062 -1.207031 3.40625 -1.21875 C 3.28125 -1.238281 3.175781 -1.273438 3.09375 -1.328125 C 3.019531 -1.378906 2.96875 -1.453125 2.9375 -1.546875 C 2.914062 -1.648438 2.90625 -1.78125 2.90625 -1.9375 L 2.90625 -7.078125 L 4.5625 -7.078125 L 4.5625 -8.265625 Z M 2.90625 -8.265625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" 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-6.191406 6.097656 -6.429688 5.984375 -6.609375 C 5.878906 -6.785156 5.738281 -6.921875 5.5625 -7.015625 C 5.382812 -7.117188 5.1875 -7.1875 4.96875 -7.21875 C 4.75 -7.25 4.53125 -7.265625 4.3125 -7.265625 C 3.738281 -7.265625 3.257812 -7.15625 2.875 -6.9375 C 2.488281 -6.71875 2.28125 -6.304688 2.25 -5.703125 L 0.890625 -5.703125 C 0.910156 -6.210938 1.015625 -6.640625 1.203125 -6.984375 C 1.398438 -7.335938 1.660156 -7.625 1.984375 -7.84375 C 2.304688 -8.0625 2.671875 -8.21875 3.078125 -8.3125 C 3.492188 -8.414062 3.9375 -8.46875 4.40625 -8.46875 C 4.769531 -8.46875 5.132812 -8.4375 5.5 -8.375 C 5.875 -8.320312 6.207031 -8.210938 6.5 -8.046875 C 6.800781 -7.890625 7.039062 -7.660156 7.21875 -7.359375 C 7.40625 -7.054688 7.5 -6.664062 7.5 -6.1875 L 7.5 -1.9375 C 7.5 -1.613281 7.515625 -1.378906 7.546875 -1.234375 C 7.585938 -1.085938 7.71875 -1.015625 7.9375 -1.015625 C 8.050781 -1.015625 8.191406 -1.039062 8.359375 -1.09375 Z M 6.140625 -4.265625 C 5.972656 -4.140625 5.75 -4.046875 5.46875 -3.984375 C 5.195312 -3.929688 4.90625 -3.882812 4.59375 -3.84375 C 4.289062 -3.8125 3.984375 -3.769531 3.671875 -3.71875 C 3.367188 -3.664062 3.09375 -3.585938 2.84375 -3.484375 C 2.601562 -3.378906 2.40625 -3.226562 2.25 -3.03125 C 2.09375 -2.832031 2.015625 -2.5625 2.015625 -2.21875 C 2.015625 -2 2.054688 -1.8125 2.140625 -1.65625 C 2.234375 -1.5 2.351562 -1.375 2.5 -1.28125 C 2.644531 -1.1875 2.8125 -1.117188 3 -1.078125 C 3.195312 -1.035156 3.398438 -1.015625 3.609375 -1.015625 C 4.054688 -1.015625 4.441406 -1.070312 4.765625 -1.1875 C 5.085938 -1.3125 5.347656 -1.46875 5.546875 -1.65625 C 5.753906 -1.84375 5.90625 -2.046875 6 -2.265625 C 6.09375 -2.484375 6.140625 -2.6875 6.140625 -2.875 Z M 6.140625 -4.265625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-10"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 8.15625 -0.703125 L 8.15625 -8.265625 L 6.875 -8.265625 L 6.875 -7.09375 L 6.859375 -7.09375 C 6.617188 -7.550781 6.28125 -7.894531 5.84375 -8.125 C 5.40625 -8.351562 4.925781 -8.46875 4.40625 -8.46875 C 3.6875 -8.46875 3.082031 -8.328125 2.59375 -8.046875 C 2.101562 -7.773438 1.707031 -7.429688 1.40625 -7.015625 C 1.101562 -6.597656 0.890625 -6.128906 0.765625 -5.609375 C 0.640625 -5.085938 0.578125 -4.582031 0.578125 -4.09375 C 0.578125 -3.53125 0.65625 -2.992188 0.8125 -2.484375 C 0.96875 -1.984375 1.195312 -1.539062 1.5 -1.15625 C 1.8125 -0.78125 2.195312 -0.476562 2.65625 -0.25 C 3.113281 -0.03125 3.648438 0.078125 4.265625 0.078125 C 4.804688 0.078125 5.3125 -0.0390625 5.78125 -0.28125 C 6.257812 -0.519531 6.613281 -0.894531 6.84375 -1.40625 L 6.875 -1.40625 L 6.875 -0.859375 C 6.875 -0.398438 6.828125 0.015625 6.734375 0.390625 C 6.648438 0.773438 6.503906 1.101562 6.296875 1.375 C 6.097656 1.65625 5.84375 1.867188 5.53125 2.015625 C 5.226562 2.171875 4.851562 2.25 4.40625 2.25 C 4.175781 2.25 3.9375 2.222656 3.6875 2.171875 C 3.445312 2.128906 3.222656 2.054688 3.015625 1.953125 C 2.804688 1.847656 2.628906 1.707031 2.484375 1.53125 C 2.335938 1.363281 2.257812 1.15625 2.25 0.90625 L 0.890625 0.90625 C 0.910156 1.351562 1.023438 1.734375 1.234375 2.046875 C 1.453125 2.359375 1.722656 2.609375 2.046875 2.796875 C 2.378906 2.992188 2.742188 3.132812 3.140625 3.21875 C 3.546875 3.300781 3.9375 3.34375 4.3125 3.34375 C 5.632812 3.34375 6.601562 3.003906 7.21875 2.328125 C 7.84375 1.660156 8.15625 0.648438 8.15625 -0.703125 Z M 4.359375 -1.109375 C 3.910156 -1.109375 3.535156 -1.195312 3.234375 -1.375 C 2.929688 -1.5625 2.6875 -1.804688 2.5 -2.109375 C 2.320312 -2.421875 2.195312 -2.765625 2.125 -3.140625 C 2.050781 -3.515625 2.015625 -3.882812 2.015625 -4.25 C 2.015625 -4.644531 2.054688 -5.023438 2.140625 -5.390625 C 2.234375 -5.753906 2.378906 -6.070312 2.578125 -6.34375 C 2.773438 -6.625 3.03125 -6.847656 3.34375 -7.015625 C 3.65625 -7.179688 4.03125 -7.265625 4.46875 -7.265625 C 4.894531 -7.265625 5.253906 -7.175781 5.546875 -7 C 5.847656 -6.832031 6.09375 -6.609375 6.28125 -6.328125 C 6.46875 -6.046875 6.601562 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408.945312 123.980469 407.773438 C 122.808594 406.601562 122.808594 404.703125 123.980469 403.53125 C 125.152344 402.359375 127.050781 402.359375 128.222656 403.53125 C 129.394531 404.703125 129.394531 406.601562 128.222656 407.773438 " transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,-3,-85)"/> +<path style="fill:none;stroke-width:1;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 191.632812 102 L 191.632812 249 " transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,-3,-85)"/> +<path style="fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;stroke-width:1;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 189.511719 249.878906 C 190.683594 248.707031 192.585938 248.707031 193.753906 249.878906 C 194.925781 251.050781 194.925781 252.949219 193.753906 254.121094 C 192.585938 255.292969 190.683594 255.292969 189.511719 254.121094 C 188.339844 252.949219 188.339844 251.050781 189.511719 249.878906 " 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192.949219 452.707031 194.121094 453.878906 C 195.292969 455.050781 195.292969 456.949219 194.121094 458.121094 C 192.949219 459.292969 191.050781 459.292969 189.878906 458.121094 C 188.707031 456.949219 188.707031 455.050781 189.878906 453.878906 " transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,-3,-85)"/> +<path style="fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;stroke-width:1;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 194.121094 305.121094 C 192.949219 306.292969 191.050781 306.292969 189.878906 305.121094 C 188.707031 303.949219 188.707031 302.050781 189.878906 300.878906 C 191.050781 299.707031 192.949219 299.707031 194.121094 300.878906 C 195.292969 302.050781 195.292969 303.949219 194.121094 305.121094 " transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,-3,-85)"/> +<path style="fill:none;stroke-width:1;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 207.027344 357 L 207 402 " 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210.320312 354.953125 209.148438 356.121094 " transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,-3,-85)"/> +<path style="fill:none;stroke-width:1;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 259 101.347656 L 259 146.347656 " transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,-3,-85)"/> +<path style="fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;stroke-width:1;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 256.878906 147.226562 C 258.050781 146.054688 259.949219 146.054688 261.121094 147.226562 C 262.292969 148.398438 262.292969 150.296875 261.121094 151.46875 C 259.949219 152.640625 258.050781 152.640625 256.878906 151.46875 C 255.707031 150.296875 255.707031 148.398438 256.878906 147.226562 " transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,-3,-85)"/> +<path 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249.226562 C 262.292969 250.398438 262.292969 252.296875 261.121094 253.46875 C 259.949219 254.640625 258.050781 254.640625 256.878906 253.46875 C 255.707031 252.296875 255.707031 250.398438 256.878906 249.226562 " transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,-3,-85)"/> +<path style="fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;stroke-width:1;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 261.121094 202.46875 C 259.949219 203.640625 258.050781 203.640625 256.878906 202.46875 C 255.707031 201.296875 255.707031 199.398438 256.878906 198.226562 C 258.050781 197.054688 259.949219 197.054688 261.121094 198.226562 C 262.292969 199.398438 262.292969 201.296875 261.121094 202.46875 " transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,-3,-85)"/> +<path style="fill:none;stroke-width:1;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 259 305.675781 L 259 350.675781 " transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,-3,-85)"/> +<path 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transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,-3,-85)"/> +<path style="fill:none;stroke-width:1;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 259 408 L 259 453 " transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,-3,-85)"/> +<path style="fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;stroke-width:1;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 256.878906 453.878906 C 258.050781 452.707031 259.949219 452.707031 261.121094 453.878906 C 262.292969 455.050781 262.292969 456.949219 261.121094 458.121094 C 259.949219 459.292969 258.050781 459.292969 256.878906 458.121094 C 255.707031 456.949219 255.707031 455.050781 256.878906 453.878906 " transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,-3,-85)"/> +<path style="fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;stroke-width:1;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 261.121094 407.121094 C 259.949219 408.292969 258.050781 408.292969 256.878906 407.121094 C 255.707031 405.949219 255.707031 404.050781 256.878906 402.878906 C 258.050781 401.707031 259.949219 401.707031 261.121094 402.878906 C 262.292969 404.050781 262.292969 405.949219 261.121094 407.121094 " transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,-3,-85)"/> +<path style="fill:none;stroke-width:1;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 207.027344 153 L 207 198 " transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,-3,-85)"/> +<path style="fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;stroke-width:1;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 204.878906 198.878906 C 206.050781 197.707031 207.953125 197.707031 209.121094 198.878906 C 210.292969 200.050781 210.292969 201.953125 209.121094 203.121094 C 207.949219 204.292969 206.046875 204.292969 204.878906 203.121094 C 203.707031 201.949219 203.707031 200.046875 204.878906 198.878906 " transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,-3,-85)"/> +<path style="fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;stroke-width:1;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 209.148438 152.121094 C 207.976562 153.292969 206.078125 153.292969 204.90625 152.121094 C 203.734375 150.949219 203.738281 149.046875 204.910156 147.878906 C 206.082031 146.707031 207.980469 146.707031 209.152344 147.878906 C 210.324219 149.050781 210.320312 150.953125 209.148438 152.121094 " transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,-3,-85)"/> +<path style="fill:none;stroke-width:1;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 326.890625 102 L 326.601562 453.652344 " transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,-3,-85)"/> +<path style="fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;stroke-width:1;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 324.476562 454.527344 C 325.652344 453.359375 327.550781 453.359375 328.71875 454.53125 C 329.890625 455.703125 329.890625 457.605469 328.71875 458.773438 C 327.542969 459.945312 325.644531 459.941406 324.472656 458.769531 C 323.304688 457.597656 323.304688 455.699219 324.476562 454.527344 " transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,-3,-85)"/> +<path style="fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;stroke-width:1;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 329.015625 101.125 C 327.839844 102.292969 325.941406 102.292969 324.769531 101.121094 C 323.601562 99.945312 323.601562 98.046875 324.773438 96.875 C 325.949219 95.707031 327.847656 95.707031 329.015625 96.878906 C 330.1875 98.054688 330.1875 99.953125 329.015625 101.125 " transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,-3,-85)"/> +<path style="fill:none;stroke-width:1;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 341.582031 153 L 341.769531 402.652344 " 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344.871094 150.949219 343.703125 152.121094 " transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,-3,-85)"/> +<path style="fill:none;stroke-width:1;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 356.722656 204 L 356.539062 351.324219 " transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,-3,-85)"/> +<path style="fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;stroke-width:1;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 354.414062 352.203125 C 355.589844 351.03125 357.488281 351.035156 358.660156 352.207031 C 359.828125 353.378906 359.824219 355.28125 358.652344 356.449219 C 357.480469 357.621094 355.582031 357.617188 354.410156 356.445312 C 353.238281 355.269531 353.242188 353.371094 354.414062 352.203125 " transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,-3,-85)"/> +<path 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374.292969 302.050781 374.292969 303.949219 373.121094 305.121094 C 371.949219 306.292969 370.050781 306.292969 368.878906 305.121094 C 367.707031 303.949219 367.707031 302.050781 368.878906 300.878906 " transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,-3,-85)"/> +<path style="fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(0%,0%,0%);fill-opacity:1;stroke-width:1;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 373.121094 254.121094 C 371.949219 255.292969 370.050781 255.292969 368.878906 254.121094 C 367.707031 252.949219 367.707031 251.050781 368.878906 249.878906 C 370.050781 248.707031 371.949219 248.707031 373.121094 249.878906 C 374.292969 251.050781 374.292969 252.949219 373.121094 254.121094 " transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,-3,-85)"/> +<path style="fill:none;stroke-width:1;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 415.1875 102 L 415.371094 198 " transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,-3,-85)"/> +<path 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4.078125 -5.328125 C 4.441406 -5.566406 4.625 -5.929688 4.625 -6.421875 C 4.625 -6.804688 4.492188 -7.125 4.234375 -7.375 C 3.972656 -7.632812 3.632812 -7.765625 3.21875 -7.765625 C 2.8125 -7.765625 2.46875 -7.632812 2.1875 -7.375 C 1.914062 -7.113281 1.742188 -6.726562 1.671875 -6.21875 L 0.609375 -6.40625 C 0.734375 -7.101562 1.023438 -7.644531 1.484375 -8.03125 C 1.941406 -8.425781 2.507812 -8.625 3.1875 -8.625 C 3.65625 -8.625 4.085938 -8.519531 4.484375 -8.3125 C 4.878906 -8.113281 5.179688 -7.84375 5.390625 -7.5 C 5.597656 -7.15625 5.703125 -6.785156 5.703125 -6.390625 C 5.703125 -6.023438 5.601562 -5.6875 5.40625 -5.375 C 5.207031 -5.070312 4.914062 -4.832031 4.53125 -4.65625 C 5.03125 -4.539062 5.421875 -4.296875 5.703125 -3.921875 C 5.984375 -3.554688 6.125 -3.09375 6.125 -2.53125 C 6.125 -1.78125 5.847656 -1.144531 5.296875 -0.625 C 4.753906 -0.101562 4.066406 0.15625 3.234375 0.15625 C 2.484375 0.15625 1.859375 -0.0664062 1.359375 -0.515625 C 0.859375 -0.972656 0.570312 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-5.023438 5.796875 -4.390625 L 4.765625 -4.234375 C 4.671875 -4.648438 4.5 -4.960938 4.25 -5.171875 C 4 -5.390625 3.695312 -5.5 3.34375 -5.5 C 2.8125 -5.5 2.378906 -5.304688 2.046875 -4.921875 C 1.710938 -4.546875 1.546875 -3.945312 1.546875 -3.125 C 1.546875 -2.28125 1.707031 -1.671875 2.03125 -1.296875 C 2.351562 -0.921875 2.769531 -0.734375 3.28125 -0.734375 C 3.695312 -0.734375 4.039062 -0.859375 4.3125 -1.109375 C 4.59375 -1.359375 4.773438 -1.75 4.859375 -2.28125 Z M 4.859375 -2.28125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-8"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.796875 2.390625 L 0.796875 -6.21875 L 1.75 -6.21875 L 1.75 -5.421875 C 1.976562 -5.734375 2.234375 -5.96875 2.515625 -6.125 C 2.804688 -6.28125 3.15625 -6.359375 3.5625 -6.359375 C 4.09375 -6.359375 4.5625 -6.222656 4.96875 -5.953125 C 5.375 -5.679688 5.675781 -5.296875 5.875 -4.796875 C 6.082031 -4.296875 6.1875 -3.75 6.1875 -3.15625 C 6.1875 -2.519531 6.070312 -1.945312 5.84375 -1.4375 C 5.625 -0.925781 5.296875 -0.535156 4.859375 -0.265625 C 4.421875 0.00390625 3.960938 0.140625 3.484375 0.140625 C 3.128906 0.140625 2.8125 0.0664062 2.53125 -0.078125 C 2.25 -0.234375 2.019531 -0.421875 1.84375 -0.640625 L 1.84375 2.390625 Z M 1.75 -3.078125 C 1.75 -2.273438 1.910156 -1.679688 2.234375 -1.296875 C 2.554688 -0.921875 2.945312 -0.734375 3.40625 -0.734375 C 3.875 -0.734375 4.273438 -0.929688 4.609375 -1.328125 C 4.941406 -1.722656 5.109375 -2.335938 5.109375 -3.171875 C 5.109375 -3.960938 4.945312 -4.550781 4.625 -4.9375 C 4.300781 -5.332031 3.910156 -5.53125 3.453125 -5.53125 C 3.003906 -5.53125 2.609375 -5.320312 2.265625 -4.90625 C 1.921875 -4.488281 1.75 -3.878906 1.75 -3.078125 Z M 1.75 -3.078125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-9"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 4.875 0 L 4.875 -0.921875 C 4.382812 -0.210938 3.722656 0.140625 2.890625 0.140625 C 2.523438 0.140625 2.179688 0.0703125 1.859375 -0.0625 C 1.546875 -0.207031 1.3125 -0.382812 1.15625 -0.59375 C 1 -0.8125 0.890625 -1.078125 0.828125 -1.390625 C 0.785156 -1.585938 0.765625 -1.914062 0.765625 -2.375 L 0.765625 -6.21875 L 1.828125 -6.21875 L 1.828125 -2.765625 C 1.828125 -2.222656 1.847656 -1.851562 1.890625 -1.65625 C 1.953125 -1.382812 2.085938 -1.164062 2.296875 -1 C 2.515625 -0.84375 2.785156 -0.765625 3.109375 -0.765625 C 3.421875 -0.765625 3.710938 -0.84375 3.984375 -1 C 4.265625 -1.164062 4.460938 -1.390625 4.578125 -1.671875 C 4.703125 -1.953125 4.765625 -2.359375 4.765625 -2.890625 L 4.765625 -6.21875 L 5.8125 -6.21875 L 5.8125 0 Z M 4.875 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-10"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.375 -1.859375 L 1.40625 -2.015625 C 1.46875 -1.597656 1.628906 -1.28125 1.890625 -1.0625 C 2.160156 -0.84375 2.539062 -0.734375 3.03125 -0.734375 C 3.507812 -0.734375 3.863281 -0.828125 4.09375 -1.015625 C 4.332031 -1.210938 4.453125 -1.445312 4.453125 -1.71875 C 4.453125 -1.957031 4.347656 -2.144531 4.140625 -2.28125 C 3.992188 -2.375 3.632812 -2.492188 3.0625 -2.640625 C 2.289062 -2.835938 1.753906 -3.003906 1.453125 -3.140625 C 1.160156 -3.285156 0.9375 -3.484375 0.78125 -3.734375 C 0.625 -3.984375 0.546875 -4.265625 0.546875 -4.578125 C 0.546875 -4.847656 0.609375 -5.101562 0.734375 -5.34375 C 0.859375 -5.582031 1.03125 -5.78125 1.25 -5.9375 C 1.414062 -6.050781 1.640625 -6.148438 1.921875 -6.234375 C 2.203125 -6.316406 2.507812 -6.359375 2.84375 -6.359375 C 3.320312 -6.359375 3.742188 -6.285156 4.109375 -6.140625 C 4.484375 -6.003906 4.757812 -5.816406 4.9375 -5.578125 C 5.113281 -5.335938 5.234375 -5.019531 5.296875 -4.625 L 4.265625 -4.484375 C 4.222656 -4.796875 4.085938 -5.039062 3.859375 -5.21875 C 3.640625 -5.40625 3.320312 -5.5 2.90625 -5.5 C 2.425781 -5.5 2.082031 -5.414062 1.875 -5.25 C 1.664062 -5.09375 1.5625 -4.90625 1.5625 -4.6875 C 1.5625 -4.550781 1.601562 -4.429688 1.6875 -4.328125 C 1.78125 -4.210938 1.914062 -4.117188 2.09375 -4.046875 C 2.195312 -4.003906 2.507812 -3.914062 3.03125 -3.78125 C 3.78125 -3.570312 4.300781 -3.40625 4.59375 -3.28125 C 4.882812 -3.15625 5.113281 -2.972656 5.28125 -2.734375 C 5.445312 -2.492188 5.53125 -2.191406 5.53125 -1.828125 C 5.53125 -1.472656 5.425781 -1.140625 5.21875 -0.828125 C 5.019531 -0.523438 4.726562 -0.285156 4.34375 -0.109375 C 3.957031 0.0546875 3.519531 0.140625 3.03125 0.140625 C 2.21875 0.140625 1.597656 -0.0234375 1.171875 -0.359375 C 0.753906 -0.703125 0.488281 -1.203125 0.375 -1.859375 Z M 0.375 -1.859375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-11"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.125 -4.65625 C 1.6875 -4.820312 1.359375 -5.050781 1.140625 -5.34375 C 0.929688 -5.644531 0.828125 -6 0.828125 -6.40625 C 0.828125 -7.03125 1.050781 -7.554688 1.5 -7.984375 C 1.957031 -8.410156 2.554688 -8.625 3.296875 -8.625 C 4.046875 -8.625 4.648438 -8.40625 5.109375 -7.96875 C 5.566406 -7.53125 5.796875 -7 5.796875 -6.375 C 5.796875 -5.976562 5.691406 -5.632812 5.484375 -5.34375 C 5.273438 -5.050781 4.957031 -4.820312 4.53125 -4.65625 C 5.0625 -4.488281 5.460938 -4.210938 5.734375 -3.828125 C 6.003906 -3.441406 6.140625 -2.984375 6.140625 -2.453125 C 6.140625 -1.722656 5.878906 -1.109375 5.359375 -0.609375 C 4.847656 -0.109375 4.164062 0.140625 3.3125 0.140625 C 2.46875 0.140625 1.785156 -0.109375 1.265625 -0.609375 C 0.742188 -1.109375 0.484375 -1.734375 0.484375 -2.484375 C 0.484375 -3.046875 0.625 -3.515625 0.90625 -3.890625 C 1.195312 -4.265625 1.601562 -4.519531 2.125 -4.65625 Z M 1.90625 -6.453125 C 1.90625 -6.046875 2.035156 -5.710938 2.296875 -5.453125 C 2.566406 -5.191406 2.910156 -5.0625 3.328125 -5.0625 C 3.734375 -5.0625 4.066406 -5.1875 4.328125 -5.4375 C 4.585938 -5.695312 4.71875 -6.015625 4.71875 -6.390625 C 4.71875 -6.773438 4.582031 -7.097656 4.3125 -7.359375 C 4.039062 -7.628906 3.707031 -7.765625 3.3125 -7.765625 C 2.90625 -7.765625 2.566406 -7.632812 2.296875 -7.375 C 2.035156 -7.113281 1.90625 -6.804688 1.90625 -6.453125 Z M 1.578125 -2.484375 C 1.578125 -2.179688 1.644531 -1.890625 1.78125 -1.609375 C 1.925781 -1.328125 2.140625 -1.109375 2.421875 -0.953125 C 2.703125 -0.796875 3.003906 -0.71875 3.328125 -0.71875 C 3.828125 -0.71875 4.238281 -0.878906 4.5625 -1.203125 C 4.894531 -1.523438 5.0625 -1.9375 5.0625 -2.4375 C 5.0625 -2.945312 4.894531 -3.367188 4.5625 -3.703125 C 4.226562 -4.035156 3.804688 -4.203125 3.296875 -4.203125 C 2.796875 -4.203125 2.382812 -4.035156 2.0625 -3.703125 C 1.738281 -3.378906 1.578125 -2.972656 1.578125 -2.484375 Z M 1.578125 -2.484375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-12"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 5.96875 -6.484375 L 4.921875 -6.40625 C 4.828125 -6.820312 4.695312 -7.125 4.53125 -7.3125 C 4.238281 -7.613281 3.882812 -7.765625 3.46875 -7.765625 C 3.132812 -7.765625 2.835938 -7.671875 2.578125 -7.484375 C 2.253906 -7.234375 1.992188 -6.875 1.796875 -6.40625 C 1.609375 -5.945312 1.507812 -5.289062 1.5 -4.4375 C 1.75 -4.820312 2.054688 -5.109375 2.421875 -5.296875 C 2.796875 -5.484375 3.1875 -5.578125 3.59375 -5.578125 C 4.289062 -5.578125 4.882812 -5.316406 5.375 -4.796875 C 5.875 -4.273438 6.125 -3.609375 6.125 -2.796875 C 6.125 -2.253906 6.003906 -1.75 5.765625 -1.28125 C 5.535156 -0.820312 5.21875 -0.46875 4.8125 -0.21875 C 4.40625 0.0195312 3.945312 0.140625 3.4375 0.140625 C 2.550781 0.140625 1.832031 -0.179688 1.28125 -0.828125 C 0.726562 -1.472656 0.453125 -2.535156 0.453125 -4.015625 C 0.453125 -5.679688 0.757812 -6.890625 1.375 -7.640625 C 1.90625 -8.296875 2.625 -8.625 3.53125 -8.625 C 4.207031 -8.625 4.757812 -8.429688 5.1875 -8.046875 C 5.625 -7.671875 5.882812 -7.148438 5.96875 -6.484375 Z M 1.671875 -2.78125 C 1.671875 -2.414062 1.742188 -2.066406 1.890625 -1.734375 C 2.046875 -1.410156 2.257812 -1.160156 2.53125 -0.984375 C 2.8125 -0.804688 3.109375 -0.71875 3.421875 -0.71875 C 3.859375 -0.71875 4.238281 -0.894531 4.5625 -1.25 C 4.882812 -1.613281 5.046875 -2.101562 5.046875 -2.71875 C 5.046875 -3.3125 4.882812 -3.78125 4.5625 -4.125 C 4.25 -4.46875 3.851562 -4.640625 3.375 -4.640625 C 2.894531 -4.640625 2.488281 -4.46875 2.15625 -4.125 C 1.832031 -3.78125 1.671875 -3.332031 1.671875 -2.78125 Z M 1.671875 -2.78125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-13"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.59375 0.515625 L 1.625 0.671875 C 1.664062 0.984375 1.785156 1.210938 1.984375 1.359375 C 2.242188 1.554688 2.597656 1.65625 3.046875 1.65625 C 3.535156 1.65625 3.910156 1.554688 4.171875 1.359375 C 4.441406 1.160156 4.625 0.890625 4.71875 0.546875 C 4.78125 0.328125 4.804688 -0.125 4.796875 -0.8125 C 4.335938 -0.269531 3.765625 0 3.078125 0 C 2.222656 0 1.5625 -0.304688 1.09375 -0.921875 C 0.625 -1.546875 0.390625 -2.285156 0.390625 -3.140625 C 0.390625 -3.734375 0.492188 -4.28125 0.703125 -4.78125 C 0.921875 -5.289062 1.234375 -5.679688 1.640625 -5.953125 C 2.046875 -6.222656 2.523438 -6.359375 3.078125 -6.359375 C 3.816406 -6.359375 4.425781 -6.0625 4.90625 -5.46875 L 4.90625 -6.21875 L 5.875 -6.21875 L 5.875 -0.84375 C 5.875 0.125 5.773438 0.8125 5.578125 1.21875 C 5.378906 1.625 5.066406 1.941406 4.640625 2.171875 C 4.210938 2.410156 3.6875 2.53125 3.0625 2.53125 C 2.320312 2.53125 1.722656 2.363281 1.265625 2.03125 C 0.804688 1.695312 0.582031 1.191406 0.59375 0.515625 Z M 1.46875 -3.21875 C 1.46875 -2.40625 1.628906 -1.8125 1.953125 -1.4375 C 2.273438 -1.0625 2.679688 -0.875 3.171875 -0.875 C 3.660156 -0.875 4.066406 -1.0625 4.390625 -1.4375 C 4.722656 -1.8125 4.890625 -2.394531 4.890625 -3.1875 C 4.890625 -3.945312 4.71875 -4.519531 4.375 -4.90625 C 4.039062 -5.289062 3.632812 -5.484375 3.15625 -5.484375 C 2.6875 -5.484375 2.285156 -5.289062 1.953125 -4.90625 C 1.628906 -4.53125 1.46875 -3.96875 1.46875 -3.21875 Z M 1.46875 -3.21875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-14"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.8125 2.53125 C 2.226562 1.789062 1.734375 0.929688 1.328125 -0.046875 C 0.929688 -1.035156 0.734375 -2.054688 0.734375 -3.109375 C 0.734375 -4.035156 0.878906 -4.925781 1.171875 -5.78125 C 1.523438 -6.769531 2.070312 -7.753906 2.8125 -8.734375 L 3.5625 -8.734375 C 3.09375 -7.921875 2.78125 -7.34375 2.625 -7 C 2.382812 -6.457031 2.195312 -5.894531 2.0625 -5.3125 C 1.894531 -4.582031 1.8125 -3.847656 1.8125 -3.109375 C 1.8125 -1.222656 2.394531 0.65625 3.5625 2.53125 Z M 2.8125 2.53125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-15"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.796875 0 L 0.796875 -8.59375 L 1.859375 -8.59375 L 1.859375 -3.6875 L 4.34375 -6.21875 L 5.71875 -6.21875 L 3.328125 -3.921875 L 5.953125 0 L 4.65625 0 L 2.59375 -3.1875 L 1.859375 -2.46875 L 1.859375 0 Z M 0.796875 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-16"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 5.046875 -2 L 6.140625 -1.875 C 5.972656 -1.238281 5.65625 -0.742188 5.1875 -0.390625 C 4.71875 -0.0351562 4.125 0.140625 3.40625 0.140625 C 2.5 0.140625 1.773438 -0.140625 1.234375 -0.703125 C 0.703125 -1.265625 0.4375 -2.050781 0.4375 -3.0625 C 0.4375 -4.101562 0.707031 -4.910156 1.25 -5.484375 C 1.789062 -6.066406 2.488281 -6.359375 3.34375 -6.359375 C 4.175781 -6.359375 4.851562 -6.078125 5.375 -5.515625 C 5.90625 -4.953125 6.171875 -4.15625 6.171875 -3.125 C 6.171875 -3.0625 6.171875 -2.96875 6.171875 -2.84375 L 1.53125 -2.84375 C 1.570312 -2.15625 1.765625 -1.628906 2.109375 -1.265625 C 2.453125 -0.910156 2.882812 -0.734375 3.40625 -0.734375 C 3.789062 -0.734375 4.117188 -0.832031 4.390625 -1.03125 C 4.671875 -1.238281 4.890625 -1.5625 5.046875 -2 Z M 1.59375 -3.703125 L 5.0625 -3.703125 C 5.019531 -4.234375 4.890625 -4.628906 4.671875 -4.890625 C 4.328125 -5.296875 3.890625 -5.5 3.359375 -5.5 C 2.867188 -5.5 2.457031 -5.335938 2.125 -5.015625 C 1.800781 -4.691406 1.625 -4.253906 1.59375 -3.703125 Z M 1.59375 -3.703125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-17"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.78125 0 L 0.78125 -6.21875 L 1.734375 -6.21875 L 1.734375 -5.28125 C 1.972656 -5.71875 2.191406 -6.003906 2.390625 -6.140625 C 2.597656 -6.285156 2.828125 -6.359375 3.078125 -6.359375 C 3.429688 -6.359375 3.789062 -6.25 4.15625 -6.03125 L 3.796875 -5.046875 C 3.535156 -5.203125 3.28125 -5.28125 3.03125 -5.28125 C 2.789062 -5.28125 2.578125 -5.207031 2.390625 -5.0625 C 2.210938 -4.925781 2.085938 -4.734375 2.015625 -4.484375 C 1.890625 -4.109375 1.828125 -3.703125 1.828125 -3.265625 L 1.828125 0 Z M 0.78125 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-18"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.796875 0 L 0.796875 -6.21875 L 1.734375 -6.21875 L 1.734375 -5.34375 C 2.191406 -6.019531 2.851562 -6.359375 3.71875 -6.359375 C 4.09375 -6.359375 4.4375 -6.289062 4.75 -6.15625 C 5.070312 -6.019531 5.3125 -5.84375 5.46875 -5.625 C 5.625 -5.40625 5.734375 -5.148438 5.796875 -4.859375 C 5.828125 -4.660156 5.84375 -4.316406 5.84375 -3.828125 L 5.84375 0 L 4.796875 0 L 4.796875 -3.78125 C 4.796875 -4.21875 4.753906 -4.539062 4.671875 -4.75 C 4.585938 -4.957031 4.441406 -5.125 4.234375 -5.25 C 4.023438 -5.382812 3.78125 -5.453125 3.5 -5.453125 C 3.050781 -5.453125 2.660156 -5.304688 2.328125 -5.015625 C 2.003906 -4.734375 1.84375 -4.195312 1.84375 -3.40625 L 1.84375 0 Z M 0.796875 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-19"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.765625 0 L 0.765625 -8.59375 L 1.828125 -8.59375 L 1.828125 0 Z M 0.765625 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-20"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.40625 -3.109375 C 0.40625 -4.265625 0.722656 -5.117188 1.359375 -5.671875 C 1.890625 -6.128906 2.539062 -6.359375 3.3125 -6.359375 C 4.164062 -6.359375 4.863281 -6.078125 5.40625 -5.515625 C 5.957031 -4.960938 6.234375 -4.191406 6.234375 -3.203125 C 6.234375 -2.398438 6.113281 -1.769531 5.875 -1.3125 C 5.632812 -0.851562 5.28125 -0.492188 4.8125 -0.234375 C 4.351562 0.015625 3.851562 0.140625 3.3125 0.140625 C 2.445312 0.140625 1.742188 -0.132812 1.203125 -0.6875 C 0.671875 -1.25 0.40625 -2.054688 0.40625 -3.109375 Z M 1.484375 -3.109375 C 1.484375 -2.316406 1.65625 -1.722656 2 -1.328125 C 2.351562 -0.929688 2.789062 -0.734375 3.3125 -0.734375 C 3.84375 -0.734375 4.28125 -0.929688 4.625 -1.328125 C 4.96875 -1.722656 5.140625 -2.328125 5.140625 -3.140625 C 5.140625 -3.910156 4.960938 -4.492188 4.609375 -4.890625 C 4.265625 -5.285156 3.832031 -5.484375 3.3125 -5.484375 C 2.789062 -5.484375 2.351562 -5.285156 2 -4.890625 C 1.65625 -4.503906 1.484375 -3.910156 1.484375 -3.109375 Z M 1.484375 -3.109375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-21"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.75 2.390625 L 0.625 1.40625 C 0.851562 1.46875 1.054688 1.5 1.234375 1.5 C 1.460938 1.5 1.644531 1.457031 1.78125 1.375 C 1.925781 1.300781 2.046875 1.195312 2.140625 1.0625 C 2.203125 0.945312 2.3125 0.679688 2.46875 0.265625 C 2.476562 0.210938 2.507812 0.128906 2.5625 0.015625 L 0.1875 -6.21875 L 1.328125 -6.21875 L 2.625 -2.625 C 2.789062 -2.164062 2.941406 -1.679688 3.078125 -1.171875 C 3.203125 -1.660156 3.347656 -2.132812 3.515625 -2.59375 L 4.84375 -6.21875 L 5.890625 -6.21875 L 3.53125 0.109375 C 3.269531 0.785156 3.070312 1.253906 2.9375 1.515625 C 2.75 1.867188 2.53125 2.125 2.28125 2.28125 C 2.039062 2.445312 1.753906 2.53125 1.421875 2.53125 C 1.222656 2.53125 1 2.484375 0.75 2.390625 Z M 0.75 2.390625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-22"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.484375 2.53125 L 0.734375 2.53125 C 1.898438 0.65625 2.484375 -1.222656 2.484375 -3.109375 C 2.484375 -3.835938 2.398438 -4.566406 2.234375 -5.296875 C 2.097656 -5.878906 1.910156 -6.441406 1.671875 -6.984375 C 1.515625 -7.328125 1.203125 -7.910156 0.734375 -8.734375 L 1.484375 -8.734375 C 2.210938 -7.753906 2.753906 -6.769531 3.109375 -5.78125 C 3.410156 -4.925781 3.5625 -4.035156 3.5625 -3.109375 C 3.5625 -2.054688 3.359375 -1.035156 2.953125 -0.046875 C 2.546875 0.929688 2.054688 1.789062 1.484375 2.53125 Z M 1.484375 2.53125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-23"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.765625 0 L 0.78125 0 L 0.78125 -8.59375 L 1.84375 -8.59375 L 1.84375 -5.53125 C 2.289062 -6.082031 2.859375 -6.359375 3.546875 -6.359375 C 3.929688 -6.359375 4.289062 -6.28125 4.625 -6.125 C 4.96875 -5.976562 5.25 -5.765625 5.46875 -5.484375 C 5.695312 -5.203125 5.875 -4.863281 6 -4.46875 C 6.125 -4.070312 6.1875 -3.648438 6.1875 -3.203125 C 6.1875 -2.140625 5.921875 -1.316406 5.390625 -0.734375 C 4.859375 -0.148438 4.226562 0.140625 3.5 0.140625 C 2.757812 0.140625 2.179688 -0.164062 1.765625 -0.78125 Z M 1.75 -3.15625 C 1.75 -2.414062 1.851562 -1.878906 2.0625 -1.546875 C 2.394531 -1.003906 2.84375 -0.734375 3.40625 -0.734375 C 3.863281 -0.734375 4.257812 -0.929688 4.59375 -1.328125 C 4.9375 -1.722656 5.109375 -2.320312 5.109375 -3.125 C 5.109375 -3.9375 4.945312 -4.535156 4.625 -4.921875 C 4.300781 -5.304688 3.910156 -5.5 3.453125 -5.5 C 2.992188 -5.5 2.59375 -5.296875 2.25 -4.890625 C 1.914062 -4.492188 1.75 -3.914062 1.75 -3.15625 Z M 1.75 -3.15625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-24"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.796875 -7.375 L 0.796875 -8.59375 L 1.859375 -8.59375 L 1.859375 -7.375 Z M 0.796875 0 L 0.796875 -6.21875 L 1.859375 -6.21875 L 1.859375 0 Z M 0.796875 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-25"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.09375 -0.9375 L 3.25 -0.015625 C 2.945312 0.046875 2.679688 0.078125 2.453125 0.078125 C 2.066406 0.078125 1.769531 0.0195312 1.5625 -0.09375 C 1.351562 -0.21875 1.203125 -0.378906 1.109375 -0.578125 C 1.023438 -0.773438 0.984375 -1.191406 0.984375 -1.828125 L 0.984375 -5.40625 L 0.21875 -5.40625 L 0.21875 -6.21875 L 0.984375 -6.21875 L 0.984375 -7.765625 L 2.03125 -8.390625 L 2.03125 -6.21875 L 3.09375 -6.21875 L 3.09375 -5.40625 L 2.03125 -5.40625 L 2.03125 -1.765625 C 2.03125 -1.460938 2.046875 -1.269531 2.078125 -1.1875 C 2.117188 -1.101562 2.179688 -1.035156 2.265625 -0.984375 C 2.347656 -0.929688 2.46875 -0.90625 2.625 -0.90625 C 2.75 -0.90625 2.90625 -0.914062 3.09375 -0.9375 Z M 3.09375 -0.9375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-26"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.546875 -2.765625 L 1.609375 -2.859375 C 1.660156 -2.421875 1.78125 -2.066406 1.96875 -1.796875 C 2.15625 -1.523438 2.441406 -1.300781 2.828125 -1.125 C 3.222656 -0.957031 3.664062 -0.875 4.15625 -0.875 C 4.582031 -0.875 4.960938 -0.9375 5.296875 -1.0625 C 5.628906 -1.195312 5.875 -1.375 6.03125 -1.59375 C 6.195312 -1.820312 6.28125 -2.066406 6.28125 -2.328125 C 6.28125 -2.597656 6.203125 -2.832031 6.046875 -3.03125 C 5.890625 -3.238281 5.632812 -3.410156 5.28125 -3.546875 C 5.039062 -3.640625 4.523438 -3.78125 3.734375 -3.96875 C 2.953125 -4.15625 2.40625 -4.332031 2.09375 -4.5 C 1.675781 -4.71875 1.367188 -4.984375 1.171875 -5.296875 C 0.972656 -5.617188 0.875 -5.976562 0.875 -6.375 C 0.875 -6.800781 0.992188 -7.203125 1.234375 -7.578125 C 1.484375 -7.960938 1.84375 -8.25 2.3125 -8.4375 C 2.789062 -8.632812 3.316406 -8.734375 3.890625 -8.734375 C 4.523438 -8.734375 5.085938 -8.628906 5.578125 -8.421875 C 6.066406 -8.222656 6.441406 -7.921875 6.703125 -7.515625 C 6.960938 -7.117188 7.101562 -6.671875 7.125 -6.171875 L 6.03125 -6.09375 C 5.96875 -6.632812 5.765625 -7.039062 5.421875 -7.3125 C 5.085938 -7.59375 4.59375 -7.734375 3.9375 -7.734375 C 3.25 -7.734375 2.75 -7.609375 2.4375 -7.359375 C 2.125 -7.109375 1.96875 -6.804688 1.96875 -6.453125 C 1.96875 -6.140625 2.078125 -5.882812 2.296875 -5.6875 C 2.515625 -5.488281 3.082031 -5.285156 4 -5.078125 C 4.925781 -4.867188 5.5625 -4.6875 5.90625 -4.53125 C 6.40625 -4.289062 6.773438 -3.992188 7.015625 -3.640625 C 7.253906 -3.296875 7.375 -2.890625 7.375 -2.421875 C 7.375 -1.960938 7.242188 -1.53125 6.984375 -1.125 C 6.722656 -0.726562 6.347656 -0.414062 5.859375 -0.1875 C 5.367188 0.03125 4.816406 0.140625 4.203125 0.140625 C 3.421875 0.140625 2.765625 0.03125 2.234375 -0.1875 C 1.710938 -0.414062 1.300781 -0.757812 1 -1.21875 C 0.707031 -1.675781 0.554688 -2.191406 0.546875 -2.765625 Z M 0.546875 -2.765625 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3.625 -6.359375 C 4.082031 -6.359375 4.457031 -6.265625 4.75 -6.078125 C 5.050781 -5.890625 5.257812 -5.625 5.375 -5.28125 C 5.875 -6 6.515625 -6.359375 7.296875 -6.359375 C 7.921875 -6.359375 8.394531 -6.1875 8.71875 -5.84375 C 9.050781 -5.507812 9.21875 -4.984375 9.21875 -4.265625 L 9.21875 0 L 8.171875 0 L 8.171875 -3.921875 C 8.171875 -4.335938 8.132812 -4.640625 8.0625 -4.828125 C 8 -5.015625 7.878906 -5.164062 7.703125 -5.28125 C 7.523438 -5.394531 7.3125 -5.453125 7.0625 -5.453125 C 6.625 -5.453125 6.257812 -5.304688 5.96875 -5.015625 C 5.6875 -4.722656 5.546875 -4.253906 5.546875 -3.609375 L 5.546875 0 L 4.484375 0 L 4.484375 -4.046875 C 4.484375 -4.515625 4.394531 -4.863281 4.21875 -5.09375 C 4.050781 -5.332031 3.773438 -5.453125 3.390625 -5.453125 C 3.085938 -5.453125 2.8125 -5.375 2.5625 -5.21875 C 2.3125 -5.0625 2.128906 -4.832031 2.015625 -4.53125 C 1.898438 -4.226562 1.84375 -3.796875 1.84375 -3.234375 L 1.84375 0 Z M 0.796875 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-29"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 4.859375 -0.765625 C 4.460938 -0.429688 4.082031 -0.195312 3.71875 -0.0625 C 3.363281 0.0703125 2.976562 0.140625 2.5625 0.140625 C 1.875 0.140625 1.347656 -0.0234375 0.984375 -0.359375 C 0.617188 -0.691406 0.4375 -1.117188 0.4375 -1.640625 C 0.4375 -1.941406 0.503906 -2.21875 0.640625 -2.46875 C 0.773438 -2.726562 0.957031 -2.929688 1.1875 -3.078125 C 1.414062 -3.234375 1.671875 -3.347656 1.953125 -3.421875 C 2.148438 -3.484375 2.460938 -3.539062 2.890625 -3.59375 C 3.734375 -3.6875 4.359375 -3.804688 4.765625 -3.953125 C 4.765625 -4.097656 4.765625 -4.1875 4.765625 -4.21875 C 4.765625 -4.65625 4.664062 -4.960938 4.46875 -5.140625 C 4.195312 -5.367188 3.796875 -5.484375 3.265625 -5.484375 C 2.773438 -5.484375 2.410156 -5.394531 2.171875 -5.21875 C 1.929688 -5.050781 1.753906 -4.75 1.640625 -4.3125 L 0.609375 -4.453125 C 0.703125 -4.890625 0.859375 -5.242188 1.078125 -5.515625 C 1.296875 -5.785156 1.609375 -5.992188 2.015625 -6.140625 C 2.421875 -6.285156 2.890625 -6.359375 3.421875 -6.359375 C 3.953125 -6.359375 4.382812 -6.296875 4.71875 -6.171875 C 5.050781 -6.046875 5.296875 -5.890625 5.453125 -5.703125 C 5.609375 -5.515625 5.71875 -5.273438 5.78125 -4.984375 C 5.8125 -4.804688 5.828125 -4.484375 5.828125 -4.015625 L 5.828125 -2.609375 C 5.828125 -1.628906 5.847656 -1.007812 5.890625 -0.75 C 5.941406 -0.488281 6.035156 -0.238281 6.171875 0 L 5.0625 0 C 4.957031 -0.21875 4.890625 -0.472656 4.859375 -0.765625 Z M 4.765625 -3.125 C 4.378906 -2.96875 3.804688 -2.832031 3.046875 -2.71875 C 2.609375 -2.65625 2.300781 -2.582031 2.125 -2.5 C 1.945312 -2.425781 1.804688 -2.316406 1.703125 -2.171875 C 1.609375 -2.023438 1.5625 -1.859375 1.5625 -1.671875 C 1.5625 -1.390625 1.664062 -1.15625 1.875 -0.96875 C 2.09375 -0.78125 2.40625 -0.6875 2.8125 -0.6875 C 3.21875 -0.6875 3.578125 -0.773438 3.890625 -0.953125 C 4.210938 -1.128906 4.445312 -1.375 4.59375 -1.6875 C 4.707031 -1.925781 4.765625 -2.273438 4.765625 -2.734375 Z M 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4.539062 -3.929688 4.625 -4.109375 C 4.664062 -4.203125 4.6875 -4.335938 4.6875 -4.515625 C 4.6875 -4.867188 4.554688 -5.125 4.296875 -5.28125 C 4.046875 -5.445312 3.6875 -5.53125 3.21875 -5.53125 C 2.664062 -5.53125 2.273438 -5.382812 2.046875 -5.09375 C 1.910156 -4.925781 1.820312 -4.679688 1.78125 -4.359375 L 0.796875 -4.359375 C 0.816406 -5.128906 1.066406 -5.664062 1.546875 -5.96875 C 2.035156 -6.269531 2.597656 -6.421875 3.234375 -6.421875 C 3.972656 -6.421875 4.570312 -6.28125 5.03125 -6 C 5.488281 -5.71875 5.71875 -5.28125 5.71875 -4.6875 L 5.71875 -1.078125 C 5.71875 -0.972656 5.738281 -0.882812 5.78125 -0.8125 C 5.832031 -0.75 5.929688 -0.71875 6.078125 -0.71875 C 6.117188 -0.71875 6.164062 -0.71875 6.21875 -0.71875 C 6.28125 -0.726562 6.347656 -0.738281 6.421875 -0.75 L 6.421875 0.03125 C 6.253906 0.0703125 6.125 0.0976562 6.03125 0.109375 C 5.945312 0.128906 5.832031 0.140625 5.6875 0.140625 C 5.320312 0.140625 5.0625 0.0078125 4.90625 -0.25 C 4.8125 -0.382812 4.75 -0.578125 4.71875 -0.828125 C 4.5 -0.546875 4.1875 -0.300781 3.78125 -0.09375 C 3.382812 0.113281 2.945312 0.21875 2.46875 0.21875 C 1.882812 0.21875 1.40625 0.0390625 1.03125 -0.3125 C 0.664062 -0.664062 0.484375 -1.109375 0.484375 -1.640625 C 0.484375 -2.222656 0.664062 -2.675781 1.03125 -3 C 1.394531 -3.320312 1.867188 -3.519531 2.453125 -3.59375 Z M 3.265625 -6.421875 Z M 3.265625 -6.421875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-8"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.796875 -6.28125 L 1.8125 -6.28125 L 1.8125 -5.1875 C 1.882812 -5.40625 2.082031 -5.664062 2.40625 -5.96875 C 2.726562 -6.269531 3.097656 -6.421875 3.515625 -6.421875 C 3.535156 -6.421875 3.566406 -6.414062 3.609375 -6.40625 C 3.660156 -6.40625 3.742188 -6.398438 3.859375 -6.390625 L 3.859375 -5.28125 C 3.796875 -5.289062 3.738281 -5.296875 3.6875 -5.296875 C 3.632812 -5.296875 3.578125 -5.296875 3.515625 -5.296875 C 2.984375 -5.296875 2.570312 -5.125 2.28125 -4.78125 C 2 -4.445312 1.859375 -4.054688 1.859375 -3.609375 L 1.859375 0 L 0.796875 0 Z M 0.796875 -6.28125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-9"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 4.21875 -1 C 4.613281 -1 4.9375 -1.039062 5.1875 -1.125 C 5.644531 -1.269531 6.019531 -1.5625 6.3125 -2 C 6.539062 -2.34375 6.703125 -2.785156 6.796875 -3.328125 C 6.859375 -3.660156 6.890625 -3.960938 6.890625 -4.234375 C 6.890625 -5.304688 6.675781 -6.132812 6.25 -6.71875 C 5.832031 -7.3125 5.148438 -7.609375 4.203125 -7.609375 L 2.140625 -7.609375 L 2.140625 -1 Z M 0.96875 -8.609375 L 4.453125 -8.609375 C 5.640625 -8.609375 6.554688 -8.1875 7.203125 -7.34375 C 7.785156 -6.59375 8.078125 -5.625 8.078125 -4.4375 C 8.078125 -3.519531 7.90625 -2.691406 7.5625 -1.953125 C 6.957031 -0.648438 5.914062 0 4.4375 0 L 0.96875 0 Z M 0.96875 -8.609375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-10"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.984375 -8.03125 L 2.046875 -8.03125 L 2.046875 -6.28125 L 3.046875 -6.28125 L 3.046875 -5.421875 L 2.046875 -5.421875 L 2.046875 -1.3125 C 2.046875 -1.09375 2.125 -0.945312 2.28125 -0.875 C 2.351562 -0.832031 2.488281 -0.8125 2.6875 -0.8125 C 2.738281 -0.8125 2.789062 -0.8125 2.84375 -0.8125 C 2.90625 -0.820312 2.972656 -0.828125 3.046875 -0.828125 L 3.046875 0 C 2.929688 0.03125 2.804688 0.0507812 2.671875 0.0625 C 2.546875 0.0820312 2.40625 0.09375 2.25 0.09375 C 1.757812 0.09375 1.425781 -0.03125 1.25 -0.28125 C 1.070312 -0.53125 0.984375 -0.859375 0.984375 -1.265625 L 0.984375 -5.421875 L 0.140625 -5.421875 L 0.140625 -6.28125 L 0.984375 -6.28125 Z M 0.984375 -8.03125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-0"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 6.546875 -10.65625 L 1.625 -10.65625 L 1.625 -0.75 L 6.546875 -0.75 Z M 7.359375 -11.390625 L 7.359375 -0.015625 L 0.8125 -0.015625 L 0.8125 -11.390625 Z M 7.359375 -11.390625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-1"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.3125 -11.421875 L 1.3125 0 L 2.828125 0 L 2.828125 -11.421875 Z M 1.3125 -11.421875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-2"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.03125 -8.265625 L 1.03125 0 L 2.390625 0 L 2.390625 -4.671875 C 2.390625 -5.046875 2.4375 -5.390625 2.53125 -5.703125 C 2.632812 -6.015625 2.785156 -6.285156 2.984375 -6.515625 C 3.191406 -6.753906 3.445312 -6.9375 3.75 -7.0625 C 4.050781 -7.195312 4.410156 -7.265625 4.828125 -7.265625 C 5.347656 -7.265625 5.757812 -7.113281 6.0625 -6.8125 C 6.363281 -6.519531 6.515625 -6.113281 6.515625 -5.59375 L 6.515625 0 L 7.875 0 L 7.875 -5.4375 C 7.875 -5.882812 7.828125 -6.289062 7.734375 -6.65625 C 7.640625 -7.03125 7.476562 -7.347656 7.25 -7.609375 C 7.03125 -7.878906 6.738281 -8.085938 6.375 -8.234375 C 6.019531 -8.390625 5.570312 -8.46875 5.03125 -8.46875 C 3.800781 -8.46875 2.90625 -7.960938 2.34375 -6.953125 L 2.296875 -6.953125 L 2.296875 -8.265625 Z M 1.03125 -8.265625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-3"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.078125 -8.265625 L 1.078125 3.15625 L 2.4375 3.15625 L 2.4375 -1.109375 L 2.46875 -1.109375 C 2.613281 -0.859375 2.796875 -0.648438 3.015625 -0.484375 C 3.234375 -0.316406 3.460938 -0.1875 3.703125 -0.09375 C 3.953125 0 4.203125 0.0664062 4.453125 0.109375 C 4.703125 0.148438 4.929688 0.171875 5.140625 0.171875 C 5.765625 0.171875 6.3125 0.0625 6.78125 -0.15625 C 7.257812 -0.382812 7.65625 -0.691406 7.96875 -1.078125 C 8.289062 -1.460938 8.523438 -1.914062 8.671875 -2.4375 C 8.828125 -2.96875 8.90625 -3.523438 8.90625 -4.109375 C 8.90625 -4.691406 8.828125 -5.242188 8.671875 -5.765625 C 8.515625 -6.296875 8.273438 -6.757812 7.953125 -7.15625 C 7.640625 -7.5625 7.242188 -7.878906 6.765625 -8.109375 C 6.296875 -8.347656 5.742188 -8.46875 5.109375 -8.46875 C 4.523438 -8.46875 3.992188 -8.363281 3.515625 -8.15625 C 3.035156 -7.945312 2.6875 -7.613281 2.46875 -7.15625 L 2.4375 -7.15625 L 2.4375 -8.265625 Z M 7.46875 -4.203125 C 7.46875 -3.796875 7.425781 -3.398438 7.34375 -3.015625 C 7.257812 -2.640625 7.117188 -2.300781 6.921875 -2 C 6.734375 -1.695312 6.484375 -1.457031 6.171875 -1.28125 C 5.859375 -1.101562 5.460938 -1.015625 4.984375 -1.015625 C 4.515625 -1.015625 4.113281 -1.097656 3.78125 -1.265625 C 3.457031 -1.441406 3.191406 -1.675781 2.984375 -1.96875 C 2.773438 -2.257812 2.625 -2.59375 2.53125 -2.96875 C 2.4375 -3.34375 2.390625 -3.734375 2.390625 -4.140625 C 2.390625 -4.523438 2.429688 -4.90625 2.515625 -5.28125 C 2.609375 -5.65625 2.753906 -5.988281 2.953125 -6.28125 C 3.160156 -6.570312 3.421875 -6.804688 3.734375 -6.984375 C 4.054688 -7.171875 4.445312 -7.265625 4.90625 -7.265625 C 5.34375 -7.265625 5.722656 -7.175781 6.046875 -7 C 6.378906 -6.832031 6.648438 -6.601562 6.859375 -6.3125 C 7.066406 -6.03125 7.21875 -5.703125 7.3125 -5.328125 C 7.414062 -4.960938 7.46875 -4.585938 7.46875 -4.203125 Z M 7.46875 -4.203125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-4"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 7.875 0 L 7.875 -8.265625 L 6.515625 -8.265625 L 6.515625 -3.59375 C 6.515625 -3.226562 6.460938 -2.882812 6.359375 -2.5625 C 6.253906 -2.25 6.097656 -1.972656 5.890625 -1.734375 C 5.691406 -1.503906 5.441406 -1.328125 5.140625 -1.203125 C 4.835938 -1.078125 4.476562 -1.015625 4.0625 -1.015625 C 3.539062 -1.015625 3.128906 -1.160156 2.828125 -1.453125 C 2.535156 -1.753906 2.390625 -2.160156 2.390625 -2.671875 L 2.390625 -8.265625 L 1.03125 -8.265625 L 1.03125 -2.828125 C 1.03125 -2.378906 1.070312 -1.972656 1.15625 -1.609375 C 1.25 -1.242188 1.40625 -0.925781 1.625 -0.65625 C 1.851562 -0.382812 2.148438 -0.175781 2.515625 -0.03125 C 2.878906 0.101562 3.332031 0.171875 3.875 0.171875 C 4.476562 0.171875 5.003906 0.0507812 5.453125 -0.1875 C 5.898438 -0.425781 6.269531 -0.800781 6.5625 -1.3125 L 6.59375 -1.3125 L 6.59375 0 Z M 7.875 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-5"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.90625 -8.265625 L 2.90625 -10.75 L 1.546875 -10.75 L 1.546875 -8.265625 L 0.140625 -8.265625 L 0.140625 -7.078125 L 1.546875 -7.078125 L 1.546875 -1.8125 C 1.546875 -1.425781 1.582031 -1.113281 1.65625 -0.875 C 1.738281 -0.644531 1.851562 -0.460938 2 -0.328125 C 2.15625 -0.203125 2.359375 -0.113281 2.609375 -0.0625 C 2.859375 -0.0195312 3.160156 0 3.515625 0 L 4.5625 0 L 4.5625 -1.203125 L 3.9375 -1.203125 C 3.71875 -1.203125 3.539062 -1.207031 3.40625 -1.21875 C 3.28125 -1.238281 3.175781 -1.273438 3.09375 -1.328125 C 3.019531 -1.378906 2.96875 -1.453125 2.9375 -1.546875 C 2.914062 -1.648438 2.90625 -1.78125 2.90625 -1.9375 L 2.90625 -7.078125 L 4.5625 -7.078125 L 4.5625 -8.265625 Z M 2.90625 -8.265625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-6"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d=""/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-7"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.765625 -1.28125 L 2.765625 -10.140625 L 5.328125 -10.140625 C 6.035156 -10.140625 6.628906 -10.039062 7.109375 -9.84375 C 7.585938 -9.644531 7.976562 -9.359375 8.28125 -8.984375 C 8.582031 -8.609375 8.800781 -8.148438 8.9375 -7.609375 C 9.070312 -7.066406 9.140625 -6.457031 9.140625 -5.78125 C 9.140625 -5.070312 9.066406 -4.46875 8.921875 -3.96875 C 8.773438 -3.476562 8.585938 -3.066406 8.359375 -2.734375 C 8.140625 -2.398438 7.890625 -2.132812 7.609375 -1.9375 C 7.328125 -1.75 7.039062 -1.601562 6.75 -1.5 C 6.457031 -1.40625 6.179688 -1.34375 5.921875 -1.3125 C 5.671875 -1.289062 5.460938 -1.28125 5.296875 -1.28125 Z M 1.25 -11.421875 L 1.25 0 L 5.171875 0 C 6.117188 0 6.9375 -0.128906 7.625 -0.390625 C 8.320312 -0.660156 8.894531 -1.046875 9.34375 -1.546875 C 9.789062 -2.054688 10.117188 -2.679688 10.328125 -3.421875 C 10.546875 -4.171875 10.65625 -5.023438 10.65625 -5.984375 C 10.65625 -7.816406 10.179688 -9.179688 9.234375 -10.078125 C 8.285156 -10.972656 6.929688 -11.421875 5.171875 -11.421875 Z M 1.25 -11.421875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-8"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 8.359375 -0.03125 C 8.117188 0.101562 7.789062 0.171875 7.375 0.171875 C 7.019531 0.171875 6.738281 0.0703125 6.53125 -0.125 C 6.320312 -0.320312 6.21875 -0.644531 6.21875 -1.09375 C 5.84375 -0.644531 5.40625 -0.320312 4.90625 -0.125 C 4.414062 0.0703125 3.882812 0.171875 3.3125 0.171875 C 2.9375 0.171875 2.582031 0.128906 2.25 0.046875 C 1.914062 -0.0351562 1.625 -0.164062 1.375 -0.34375 C 1.132812 -0.53125 0.941406 -0.769531 0.796875 -1.0625 C 0.648438 -1.351562 0.578125 -1.707031 0.578125 -2.125 C 0.578125 -2.59375 0.65625 -2.976562 0.8125 -3.28125 C 0.976562 -3.582031 1.191406 -3.820312 1.453125 -4 C 1.710938 -4.1875 2.007812 -4.328125 2.34375 -4.421875 C 2.675781 -4.523438 3.019531 -4.609375 3.375 -4.671875 C 3.75 -4.742188 4.101562 -4.796875 4.4375 -4.828125 C 4.769531 -4.867188 5.066406 -4.925781 5.328125 -5 C 5.585938 -5.070312 5.789062 -5.171875 5.9375 -5.296875 C 6.082031 -5.429688 6.15625 -5.628906 6.15625 -5.890625 C 6.15625 -6.191406 6.097656 -6.429688 5.984375 -6.609375 C 5.878906 -6.785156 5.738281 -6.921875 5.5625 -7.015625 C 5.382812 -7.117188 5.1875 -7.1875 4.96875 -7.21875 C 4.75 -7.25 4.53125 -7.265625 4.3125 -7.265625 C 3.738281 -7.265625 3.257812 -7.15625 2.875 -6.9375 C 2.488281 -6.71875 2.28125 -6.304688 2.25 -5.703125 L 0.890625 -5.703125 C 0.910156 -6.210938 1.015625 -6.640625 1.203125 -6.984375 C 1.398438 -7.335938 1.660156 -7.625 1.984375 -7.84375 C 2.304688 -8.0625 2.671875 -8.21875 3.078125 -8.3125 C 3.492188 -8.414062 3.9375 -8.46875 4.40625 -8.46875 C 4.769531 -8.46875 5.132812 -8.4375 5.5 -8.375 C 5.875 -8.320312 6.207031 -8.210938 6.5 -8.046875 C 6.800781 -7.890625 7.039062 -7.660156 7.21875 -7.359375 C 7.40625 -7.054688 7.5 -6.664062 7.5 -6.1875 L 7.5 -1.9375 C 7.5 -1.613281 7.515625 -1.378906 7.546875 -1.234375 C 7.585938 -1.085938 7.71875 -1.015625 7.9375 -1.015625 C 8.050781 -1.015625 8.191406 -1.039062 8.359375 -1.09375 Z M 6.140625 -4.265625 C 5.972656 -4.140625 5.75 -4.046875 5.46875 -3.984375 C 5.195312 -3.929688 4.90625 -3.882812 4.59375 -3.84375 C 4.289062 -3.8125 3.984375 -3.769531 3.671875 -3.71875 C 3.367188 -3.664062 3.09375 -3.585938 2.84375 -3.484375 C 2.601562 -3.378906 2.40625 -3.226562 2.25 -3.03125 C 2.09375 -2.832031 2.015625 -2.5625 2.015625 -2.21875 C 2.015625 -2 2.054688 -1.8125 2.140625 -1.65625 C 2.234375 -1.5 2.351562 -1.375 2.5 -1.28125 C 2.644531 -1.1875 2.8125 -1.117188 3 -1.078125 C 3.195312 -1.035156 3.398438 -1.015625 3.609375 -1.015625 C 4.054688 -1.015625 4.441406 -1.070312 4.765625 -1.1875 C 5.085938 -1.3125 5.347656 -1.46875 5.546875 -1.65625 C 5.753906 -1.84375 5.90625 -2.046875 6 -2.265625 C 6.09375 -2.484375 6.140625 -2.6875 6.140625 -2.875 Z M 6.140625 -4.265625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-9"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 9.796875 -1.421875 L 10.1875 0 L 11.15625 0 L 11.15625 -6.015625 L 6.140625 -6.015625 L 6.140625 -4.734375 L 9.796875 -4.734375 C 9.816406 -4.210938 9.742188 -3.722656 9.578125 -3.265625 C 9.421875 -2.816406 9.1875 -2.421875 8.875 -2.078125 C 8.5625 -1.742188 8.175781 -1.484375 7.71875 -1.296875 C 7.257812 -1.109375 6.726562 -1.015625 6.125 -1.015625 C 5.488281 -1.015625 4.925781 -1.140625 4.4375 -1.390625 C 3.957031 -1.640625 3.550781 -1.972656 3.21875 -2.390625 C 2.882812 -2.816406 2.628906 -3.300781 2.453125 -3.84375 C 2.285156 -4.394531 2.203125 -4.96875 2.203125 -5.5625 C 2.203125 -6.175781 2.273438 -6.769531 2.421875 -7.34375 C 2.578125 -7.925781 2.8125 -8.441406 3.125 -8.890625 C 3.4375 -9.347656 3.84375 -9.71875 4.34375 -10 C 4.84375 -10.28125 5.4375 -10.421875 6.125 -10.421875 C 6.550781 -10.421875 6.953125 -10.367188 7.328125 -10.265625 C 7.710938 -10.160156 8.050781 -10.003906 8.34375 -9.796875 C 8.644531 -9.597656 8.894531 -9.34375 9.09375 -9.03125 C 9.300781 -8.71875 9.441406 -8.34375 9.515625 -7.90625 L 11.046875 -7.90625 C 10.929688 -8.570312 10.726562 -9.144531 10.4375 -9.625 C 10.144531 -10.101562 9.78125 -10.492188 9.34375 -10.796875 C 8.914062 -11.109375 8.425781 -11.335938 7.875 -11.484375 C 7.332031 -11.628906 6.75 -11.703125 6.125 -11.703125 C 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-0.578125 4.71875 -0.828125 C 4.5 -0.546875 4.1875 -0.300781 3.78125 -0.09375 C 3.382812 0.113281 2.945312 0.21875 2.46875 0.21875 C 1.882812 0.21875 1.40625 0.0390625 1.03125 -0.3125 C 0.664062 -0.664062 0.484375 -1.109375 0.484375 -1.640625 C 0.484375 -2.222656 0.664062 -2.675781 1.03125 -3 C 1.394531 -3.320312 1.867188 -3.519531 2.453125 -3.59375 Z M 3.265625 -6.421875 Z M 3.265625 -6.421875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-8"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.796875 -6.28125 L 1.8125 -6.28125 L 1.8125 -5.1875 C 1.882812 -5.40625 2.082031 -5.664062 2.40625 -5.96875 C 2.726562 -6.269531 3.097656 -6.421875 3.515625 -6.421875 C 3.535156 -6.421875 3.566406 -6.414062 3.609375 -6.40625 C 3.660156 -6.40625 3.742188 -6.398438 3.859375 -6.390625 L 3.859375 -5.28125 C 3.796875 -5.289062 3.738281 -5.296875 3.6875 -5.296875 C 3.632812 -5.296875 3.578125 -5.296875 3.515625 -5.296875 C 2.984375 -5.296875 2.570312 -5.125 2.28125 -4.78125 C 2 -4.445312 1.859375 -4.054688 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2.046875 -5.421875 L 2.046875 -1.3125 C 2.046875 -1.09375 2.125 -0.945312 2.28125 -0.875 C 2.351562 -0.832031 2.488281 -0.8125 2.6875 -0.8125 C 2.738281 -0.8125 2.789062 -0.8125 2.84375 -0.8125 C 2.90625 -0.820312 2.972656 -0.828125 3.046875 -0.828125 L 3.046875 0 C 2.929688 0.03125 2.804688 0.0507812 2.671875 0.0625 C 2.546875 0.0820312 2.40625 0.09375 2.25 0.09375 C 1.757812 0.09375 1.425781 -0.03125 1.25 -0.28125 C 1.070312 -0.53125 0.984375 -0.859375 0.984375 -1.265625 L 0.984375 -5.421875 L 0.140625 -5.421875 L 0.140625 -6.28125 L 0.984375 -6.28125 Z M 0.984375 -8.03125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-0"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 6.546875 -10.65625 L 1.625 -10.65625 L 1.625 -0.75 L 6.546875 -0.75 Z M 7.359375 -11.390625 L 7.359375 -0.015625 L 0.8125 -0.015625 L 0.8125 -11.390625 Z M 7.359375 -11.390625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-1"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.3125 -11.421875 L 1.3125 0 L 2.828125 0 L 2.828125 -11.421875 Z M 1.3125 -11.421875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-2"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.03125 -8.265625 L 1.03125 0 L 2.390625 0 L 2.390625 -4.671875 C 2.390625 -5.046875 2.4375 -5.390625 2.53125 -5.703125 C 2.632812 -6.015625 2.785156 -6.285156 2.984375 -6.515625 C 3.191406 -6.753906 3.445312 -6.9375 3.75 -7.0625 C 4.050781 -7.195312 4.410156 -7.265625 4.828125 -7.265625 C 5.347656 -7.265625 5.757812 -7.113281 6.0625 -6.8125 C 6.363281 -6.519531 6.515625 -6.113281 6.515625 -5.59375 L 6.515625 0 L 7.875 0 L 7.875 -5.4375 C 7.875 -5.882812 7.828125 -6.289062 7.734375 -6.65625 C 7.640625 -7.03125 7.476562 -7.347656 7.25 -7.609375 C 7.03125 -7.878906 6.738281 -8.085938 6.375 -8.234375 C 6.019531 -8.390625 5.570312 -8.46875 5.03125 -8.46875 C 3.800781 -8.46875 2.90625 -7.960938 2.34375 -6.953125 L 2.296875 -6.953125 L 2.296875 -8.265625 Z M 1.03125 -8.265625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-3"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.078125 -8.265625 L 1.078125 3.15625 L 2.4375 3.15625 L 2.4375 -1.109375 L 2.46875 -1.109375 C 2.613281 -0.859375 2.796875 -0.648438 3.015625 -0.484375 C 3.234375 -0.316406 3.460938 -0.1875 3.703125 -0.09375 C 3.953125 0 4.203125 0.0664062 4.453125 0.109375 C 4.703125 0.148438 4.929688 0.171875 5.140625 0.171875 C 5.765625 0.171875 6.3125 0.0625 6.78125 -0.15625 C 7.257812 -0.382812 7.65625 -0.691406 7.96875 -1.078125 C 8.289062 -1.460938 8.523438 -1.914062 8.671875 -2.4375 C 8.828125 -2.96875 8.90625 -3.523438 8.90625 -4.109375 C 8.90625 -4.691406 8.828125 -5.242188 8.671875 -5.765625 C 8.515625 -6.296875 8.273438 -6.757812 7.953125 -7.15625 C 7.640625 -7.5625 7.242188 -7.878906 6.765625 -8.109375 C 6.296875 -8.347656 5.742188 -8.46875 5.109375 -8.46875 C 4.523438 -8.46875 3.992188 -8.363281 3.515625 -8.15625 C 3.035156 -7.945312 2.6875 -7.613281 2.46875 -7.15625 L 2.4375 -7.15625 L 2.4375 -8.265625 Z M 7.46875 -4.203125 C 7.46875 -3.796875 7.425781 -3.398438 7.34375 -3.015625 C 7.257812 -2.640625 7.117188 -2.300781 6.921875 -2 C 6.734375 -1.695312 6.484375 -1.457031 6.171875 -1.28125 C 5.859375 -1.101562 5.460938 -1.015625 4.984375 -1.015625 C 4.515625 -1.015625 4.113281 -1.097656 3.78125 -1.265625 C 3.457031 -1.441406 3.191406 -1.675781 2.984375 -1.96875 C 2.773438 -2.257812 2.625 -2.59375 2.53125 -2.96875 C 2.4375 -3.34375 2.390625 -3.734375 2.390625 -4.140625 C 2.390625 -4.523438 2.429688 -4.90625 2.515625 -5.28125 C 2.609375 -5.65625 2.753906 -5.988281 2.953125 -6.28125 C 3.160156 -6.570312 3.421875 -6.804688 3.734375 -6.984375 C 4.054688 -7.171875 4.445312 -7.265625 4.90625 -7.265625 C 5.34375 -7.265625 5.722656 -7.175781 6.046875 -7 C 6.378906 -6.832031 6.648438 -6.601562 6.859375 -6.3125 C 7.066406 -6.03125 7.21875 -5.703125 7.3125 -5.328125 C 7.414062 -4.960938 7.46875 -4.585938 7.46875 -4.203125 Z M 7.46875 -4.203125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-4"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 7.875 0 L 7.875 -8.265625 L 6.515625 -8.265625 L 6.515625 -3.59375 C 6.515625 -3.226562 6.460938 -2.882812 6.359375 -2.5625 C 6.253906 -2.25 6.097656 -1.972656 5.890625 -1.734375 C 5.691406 -1.503906 5.441406 -1.328125 5.140625 -1.203125 C 4.835938 -1.078125 4.476562 -1.015625 4.0625 -1.015625 C 3.539062 -1.015625 3.128906 -1.160156 2.828125 -1.453125 C 2.535156 -1.753906 2.390625 -2.160156 2.390625 -2.671875 L 2.390625 -8.265625 L 1.03125 -8.265625 L 1.03125 -2.828125 C 1.03125 -2.378906 1.070312 -1.972656 1.15625 -1.609375 C 1.25 -1.242188 1.40625 -0.925781 1.625 -0.65625 C 1.851562 -0.382812 2.148438 -0.175781 2.515625 -0.03125 C 2.878906 0.101562 3.332031 0.171875 3.875 0.171875 C 4.476562 0.171875 5.003906 0.0507812 5.453125 -0.1875 C 5.898438 -0.425781 6.269531 -0.800781 6.5625 -1.3125 L 6.59375 -1.3125 L 6.59375 0 Z M 7.875 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-5"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.90625 -8.265625 L 2.90625 -10.75 L 1.546875 -10.75 L 1.546875 -8.265625 L 0.140625 -8.265625 L 0.140625 -7.078125 L 1.546875 -7.078125 L 1.546875 -1.8125 C 1.546875 -1.425781 1.582031 -1.113281 1.65625 -0.875 C 1.738281 -0.644531 1.851562 -0.460938 2 -0.328125 C 2.15625 -0.203125 2.359375 -0.113281 2.609375 -0.0625 C 2.859375 -0.0195312 3.160156 0 3.515625 0 L 4.5625 0 L 4.5625 -1.203125 L 3.9375 -1.203125 C 3.71875 -1.203125 3.539062 -1.207031 3.40625 -1.21875 C 3.28125 -1.238281 3.175781 -1.273438 3.09375 -1.328125 C 3.019531 -1.378906 2.96875 -1.453125 2.9375 -1.546875 C 2.914062 -1.648438 2.90625 -1.78125 2.90625 -1.9375 L 2.90625 -7.078125 L 4.5625 -7.078125 L 4.5625 -8.265625 Z M 2.90625 -8.265625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-6"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d=""/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-7"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.765625 -1.28125 L 2.765625 -10.140625 L 5.328125 -10.140625 C 6.035156 -10.140625 6.628906 -10.039062 7.109375 -9.84375 C 7.585938 -9.644531 7.976562 -9.359375 8.28125 -8.984375 C 8.582031 -8.609375 8.800781 -8.148438 8.9375 -7.609375 C 9.070312 -7.066406 9.140625 -6.457031 9.140625 -5.78125 C 9.140625 -5.070312 9.066406 -4.46875 8.921875 -3.96875 C 8.773438 -3.476562 8.585938 -3.066406 8.359375 -2.734375 C 8.140625 -2.398438 7.890625 -2.132812 7.609375 -1.9375 C 7.328125 -1.75 7.039062 -1.601562 6.75 -1.5 C 6.457031 -1.40625 6.179688 -1.34375 5.921875 -1.3125 C 5.671875 -1.289062 5.460938 -1.28125 5.296875 -1.28125 Z M 1.25 -11.421875 L 1.25 0 L 5.171875 0 C 6.117188 0 6.9375 -0.128906 7.625 -0.390625 C 8.320312 -0.660156 8.894531 -1.046875 9.34375 -1.546875 C 9.789062 -2.054688 10.117188 -2.679688 10.328125 -3.421875 C 10.546875 -4.171875 10.65625 -5.023438 10.65625 -5.984375 C 10.65625 -7.816406 10.179688 -9.179688 9.234375 -10.078125 C 8.285156 -10.972656 6.929688 -11.421875 5.171875 -11.421875 Z M 1.25 -11.421875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-8"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 8.359375 -0.03125 C 8.117188 0.101562 7.789062 0.171875 7.375 0.171875 C 7.019531 0.171875 6.738281 0.0703125 6.53125 -0.125 C 6.320312 -0.320312 6.21875 -0.644531 6.21875 -1.09375 C 5.84375 -0.644531 5.40625 -0.320312 4.90625 -0.125 C 4.414062 0.0703125 3.882812 0.171875 3.3125 0.171875 C 2.9375 0.171875 2.582031 0.128906 2.25 0.046875 C 1.914062 -0.0351562 1.625 -0.164062 1.375 -0.34375 C 1.132812 -0.53125 0.941406 -0.769531 0.796875 -1.0625 C 0.648438 -1.351562 0.578125 -1.707031 0.578125 -2.125 C 0.578125 -2.59375 0.65625 -2.976562 0.8125 -3.28125 C 0.976562 -3.582031 1.191406 -3.820312 1.453125 -4 C 1.710938 -4.1875 2.007812 -4.328125 2.34375 -4.421875 C 2.675781 -4.523438 3.019531 -4.609375 3.375 -4.671875 C 3.75 -4.742188 4.101562 -4.796875 4.4375 -4.828125 C 4.769531 -4.867188 5.066406 -4.925781 5.328125 -5 C 5.585938 -5.070312 5.789062 -5.171875 5.9375 -5.296875 C 6.082031 -5.429688 6.15625 -5.628906 6.15625 -5.890625 C 6.15625 -6.191406 6.097656 -6.429688 5.984375 -6.609375 C 5.878906 -6.785156 5.738281 -6.921875 5.5625 -7.015625 C 5.382812 -7.117188 5.1875 -7.1875 4.96875 -7.21875 C 4.75 -7.25 4.53125 -7.265625 4.3125 -7.265625 C 3.738281 -7.265625 3.257812 -7.15625 2.875 -6.9375 C 2.488281 -6.71875 2.28125 -6.304688 2.25 -5.703125 L 0.890625 -5.703125 C 0.910156 -6.210938 1.015625 -6.640625 1.203125 -6.984375 C 1.398438 -7.335938 1.660156 -7.625 1.984375 -7.84375 C 2.304688 -8.0625 2.671875 -8.21875 3.078125 -8.3125 C 3.492188 -8.414062 3.9375 -8.46875 4.40625 -8.46875 C 4.769531 -8.46875 5.132812 -8.4375 5.5 -8.375 C 5.875 -8.320312 6.207031 -8.210938 6.5 -8.046875 C 6.800781 -7.890625 7.039062 -7.660156 7.21875 -7.359375 C 7.40625 -7.054688 7.5 -6.664062 7.5 -6.1875 L 7.5 -1.9375 C 7.5 -1.613281 7.515625 -1.378906 7.546875 -1.234375 C 7.585938 -1.085938 7.71875 -1.015625 7.9375 -1.015625 C 8.050781 -1.015625 8.191406 -1.039062 8.359375 -1.09375 Z M 6.140625 -4.265625 C 5.972656 -4.140625 5.75 -4.046875 5.46875 -3.984375 C 5.195312 -3.929688 4.90625 -3.882812 4.59375 -3.84375 C 4.289062 -3.8125 3.984375 -3.769531 3.671875 -3.71875 C 3.367188 -3.664062 3.09375 -3.585938 2.84375 -3.484375 C 2.601562 -3.378906 2.40625 -3.226562 2.25 -3.03125 C 2.09375 -2.832031 2.015625 -2.5625 2.015625 -2.21875 C 2.015625 -2 2.054688 -1.8125 2.140625 -1.65625 C 2.234375 -1.5 2.351562 -1.375 2.5 -1.28125 C 2.644531 -1.1875 2.8125 -1.117188 3 -1.078125 C 3.195312 -1.035156 3.398438 -1.015625 3.609375 -1.015625 C 4.054688 -1.015625 4.441406 -1.070312 4.765625 -1.1875 C 5.085938 -1.3125 5.347656 -1.46875 5.546875 -1.65625 C 5.753906 -1.84375 5.90625 -2.046875 6 -2.265625 C 6.09375 -2.484375 6.140625 -2.6875 6.140625 -2.875 Z M 6.140625 -4.265625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-9"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 9.796875 -1.421875 L 10.1875 0 L 11.15625 0 L 11.15625 -6.015625 L 6.140625 -6.015625 L 6.140625 -4.734375 L 9.796875 -4.734375 C 9.816406 -4.210938 9.742188 -3.722656 9.578125 -3.265625 C 9.421875 -2.816406 9.1875 -2.421875 8.875 -2.078125 C 8.5625 -1.742188 8.175781 -1.484375 7.71875 -1.296875 C 7.257812 -1.109375 6.726562 -1.015625 6.125 -1.015625 C 5.488281 -1.015625 4.925781 -1.140625 4.4375 -1.390625 C 3.957031 -1.640625 3.550781 -1.972656 3.21875 -2.390625 C 2.882812 -2.816406 2.628906 -3.300781 2.453125 -3.84375 C 2.285156 -4.394531 2.203125 -4.96875 2.203125 -5.5625 C 2.203125 -6.175781 2.273438 -6.769531 2.421875 -7.34375 C 2.578125 -7.925781 2.8125 -8.441406 3.125 -8.890625 C 3.4375 -9.347656 3.84375 -9.71875 4.34375 -10 C 4.84375 -10.28125 5.4375 -10.421875 6.125 -10.421875 C 6.550781 -10.421875 6.953125 -10.367188 7.328125 -10.265625 C 7.710938 -10.160156 8.050781 -10.003906 8.34375 -9.796875 C 8.644531 -9.597656 8.894531 -9.34375 9.09375 -9.03125 C 9.300781 -8.71875 9.441406 -8.34375 9.515625 -7.90625 L 11.046875 -7.90625 C 10.929688 -8.570312 10.726562 -9.144531 10.4375 -9.625 C 10.144531 -10.101562 9.78125 -10.492188 9.34375 -10.796875 C 8.914062 -11.109375 8.425781 -11.335938 7.875 -11.484375 C 7.332031 -11.628906 6.75 -11.703125 6.125 -11.703125 C 5.21875 -11.703125 4.425781 -11.53125 3.75 -11.1875 C 3.070312 -10.851562 2.503906 -10.398438 2.046875 -9.828125 C 1.597656 -9.265625 1.257812 -8.609375 1.03125 -7.859375 C 0.800781 -7.109375 0.6875 -6.316406 0.6875 -5.484375 C 0.6875 -4.742188 0.804688 -4.023438 1.046875 -3.328125 C 1.296875 -2.628906 1.65625 -2.015625 2.125 -1.484375 C 2.59375 -0.953125 3.160156 -0.53125 3.828125 -0.21875 C 4.503906 0.09375 5.269531 0.25 6.125 0.25 C 6.800781 0.25 7.46875 0.117188 8.125 -0.140625 C 8.789062 -0.398438 9.347656 -0.828125 9.796875 -1.421875 Z M 9.796875 -1.421875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-10"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 6.765625 -4.921875 L 2.015625 -4.921875 C 2.035156 -5.242188 2.101562 -5.546875 2.21875 -5.828125 C 2.34375 -6.109375 2.503906 -6.351562 2.703125 -6.5625 C 2.910156 -6.78125 3.15625 -6.953125 3.4375 -7.078125 C 3.71875 -7.203125 4.035156 -7.265625 4.390625 -7.265625 C 4.722656 -7.265625 5.03125 -7.203125 5.3125 -7.078125 C 5.601562 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-0.367188 6.359375 -0.203125 C 5.847656 0.0859375 5.195312 0.234375 4.40625 0.234375 C 3.394531 0.234375 2.519531 -0.0976562 1.78125 -0.765625 C 0.976562 -1.585938 0.578125 -2.722656 0.578125 -4.171875 C 0.578125 -5.609375 0.96875 -6.753906 1.75 -7.609375 C 2.488281 -8.421875 3.453125 -8.828125 4.640625 -8.828125 Z M 4.4375 -8.84375 Z M 4.4375 -8.84375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-7"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.578125 -1.671875 C 1.578125 -1.367188 1.6875 -1.128906 1.90625 -0.953125 C 2.132812 -0.773438 2.398438 -0.6875 2.703125 -0.6875 C 3.078125 -0.6875 3.4375 -0.769531 3.78125 -0.9375 C 4.375 -1.226562 4.671875 -1.695312 4.671875 -2.34375 L 4.671875 -3.1875 C 4.535156 -3.113281 4.363281 -3.046875 4.15625 -2.984375 C 3.957031 -2.929688 3.757812 -2.894531 3.5625 -2.875 L 2.9375 -2.796875 C 2.550781 -2.742188 2.257812 -2.660156 2.0625 -2.546875 C 1.738281 -2.367188 1.578125 -2.078125 1.578125 -1.671875 Z M 4.140625 -3.796875 C 4.378906 -3.828125 4.539062 -3.929688 4.625 -4.109375 C 4.664062 -4.203125 4.6875 -4.335938 4.6875 -4.515625 C 4.6875 -4.867188 4.554688 -5.125 4.296875 -5.28125 C 4.046875 -5.445312 3.6875 -5.53125 3.21875 -5.53125 C 2.664062 -5.53125 2.273438 -5.382812 2.046875 -5.09375 C 1.910156 -4.925781 1.820312 -4.679688 1.78125 -4.359375 L 0.796875 -4.359375 C 0.816406 -5.128906 1.066406 -5.664062 1.546875 -5.96875 C 2.035156 -6.269531 2.597656 -6.421875 3.234375 -6.421875 C 3.972656 -6.421875 4.570312 -6.28125 5.03125 -6 C 5.488281 -5.71875 5.71875 -5.28125 5.71875 -4.6875 L 5.71875 -1.078125 C 5.71875 -0.972656 5.738281 -0.882812 5.78125 -0.8125 C 5.832031 -0.75 5.929688 -0.71875 6.078125 -0.71875 C 6.117188 -0.71875 6.164062 -0.71875 6.21875 -0.71875 C 6.28125 -0.726562 6.347656 -0.738281 6.421875 -0.75 L 6.421875 0.03125 C 6.253906 0.0703125 6.125 0.0976562 6.03125 0.109375 C 5.945312 0.128906 5.832031 0.140625 5.6875 0.140625 C 5.320312 0.140625 5.0625 0.0078125 4.90625 -0.25 C 4.8125 -0.382812 4.75 -0.578125 4.71875 -0.828125 C 4.5 -0.546875 4.1875 -0.300781 3.78125 -0.09375 C 3.382812 0.113281 2.945312 0.21875 2.46875 0.21875 C 1.882812 0.21875 1.40625 0.0390625 1.03125 -0.3125 C 0.664062 -0.664062 0.484375 -1.109375 0.484375 -1.640625 C 0.484375 -2.222656 0.664062 -2.675781 1.03125 -3 C 1.394531 -3.320312 1.867188 -3.519531 2.453125 -3.59375 Z M 3.265625 -6.421875 Z M 3.265625 -6.421875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-8"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.796875 -6.28125 L 1.8125 -6.28125 L 1.8125 -5.1875 C 1.882812 -5.40625 2.082031 -5.664062 2.40625 -5.96875 C 2.726562 -6.269531 3.097656 -6.421875 3.515625 -6.421875 C 3.535156 -6.421875 3.566406 -6.414062 3.609375 -6.40625 C 3.660156 -6.40625 3.742188 -6.398438 3.859375 -6.390625 L 3.859375 -5.28125 C 3.796875 -5.289062 3.738281 -5.296875 3.6875 -5.296875 C 3.632812 -5.296875 3.578125 -5.296875 3.515625 -5.296875 C 2.984375 -5.296875 2.570312 -5.125 2.28125 -4.78125 C 2 -4.445312 1.859375 -4.054688 1.859375 -3.609375 L 1.859375 0 L 0.796875 0 Z M 0.796875 -6.28125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-9"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.15625 -5.9375 L 1.15625 -6.75 C 1.914062 -6.820312 2.441406 -6.945312 2.734375 -7.125 C 3.035156 -7.300781 3.265625 -7.710938 3.421875 -8.359375 L 4.25 -8.359375 L 4.25 0 L 3.125 0 L 3.125 -5.9375 Z M 1.15625 -5.9375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-10"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.375 0 C 0.414062 -0.71875 0.566406 -1.34375 0.828125 -1.875 C 1.085938 -2.414062 1.59375 -2.90625 2.34375 -3.34375 L 3.46875 -4 C 3.96875 -4.289062 4.320312 -4.539062 4.53125 -4.75 C 4.851562 -5.070312 5.015625 -5.441406 5.015625 -5.859375 C 5.015625 -6.347656 4.863281 -6.734375 4.5625 -7.015625 C 4.269531 -7.304688 3.882812 -7.453125 3.40625 -7.453125 C 2.675781 -7.453125 2.175781 -7.179688 1.90625 -6.640625 C 1.75 -6.335938 1.664062 -5.929688 1.65625 -5.421875 L 0.578125 -5.421875 C 0.585938 -6.148438 0.722656 -6.742188 0.984375 -7.203125 C 1.441406 -8.015625 2.25 -8.421875 3.40625 -8.421875 C 4.363281 -8.421875 5.0625 -8.160156 5.5 -7.640625 C 5.945312 -7.117188 6.171875 -6.539062 6.171875 -5.90625 C 6.171875 -5.238281 5.9375 -4.664062 5.46875 -4.1875 C 5.195312 -3.90625 4.707031 -3.566406 4 -3.171875 L 3.1875 -2.734375 C 2.8125 -2.523438 2.515625 -2.320312 2.296875 -2.125 C 1.898438 -1.789062 1.648438 -1.414062 1.546875 -1 L 6.140625 -1 L 6.140625 0 Z M 0.375 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-11"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 4.21875 -1 C 4.613281 -1 4.9375 -1.039062 5.1875 -1.125 C 5.644531 -1.269531 6.019531 -1.5625 6.3125 -2 C 6.539062 -2.34375 6.703125 -2.785156 6.796875 -3.328125 C 6.859375 -3.660156 6.890625 -3.960938 6.890625 -4.234375 C 6.890625 -5.304688 6.675781 -6.132812 6.25 -6.71875 C 5.832031 -7.3125 5.148438 -7.609375 4.203125 -7.609375 L 2.140625 -7.609375 L 2.140625 -1 Z M 0.96875 -8.609375 L 4.453125 -8.609375 C 5.640625 -8.609375 6.554688 -8.1875 7.203125 -7.34375 C 7.785156 -6.59375 8.078125 -5.625 8.078125 -4.4375 C 8.078125 -3.519531 7.90625 -2.691406 7.5625 -1.953125 C 6.957031 -0.648438 5.914062 0 4.4375 0 L 0.96875 0 Z M 0.96875 -8.609375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-12"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.984375 -8.03125 L 2.046875 -8.03125 L 2.046875 -6.28125 L 3.046875 -6.28125 L 3.046875 -5.421875 L 2.046875 -5.421875 L 2.046875 -1.3125 C 2.046875 -1.09375 2.125 -0.945312 2.28125 -0.875 C 2.351562 -0.832031 2.488281 -0.8125 2.6875 -0.8125 C 2.738281 -0.8125 2.789062 -0.8125 2.84375 -0.8125 C 2.90625 -0.820312 2.972656 -0.828125 3.046875 -0.828125 L 3.046875 0 C 2.929688 0.03125 2.804688 0.0507812 2.671875 0.0625 C 2.546875 0.0820312 2.40625 0.09375 2.25 0.09375 C 1.757812 0.09375 1.425781 -0.03125 1.25 -0.28125 C 1.070312 -0.53125 0.984375 -0.859375 0.984375 -1.265625 L 0.984375 -5.421875 L 0.140625 -5.421875 L 0.140625 -6.28125 L 0.984375 -6.28125 Z M 0.984375 -8.03125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-13"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0 1.5 L 0 0.90625 L 6.671875 0.90625 L 6.671875 1.5 Z M 0 1.5 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-14"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.40625 -1.96875 C 1.4375 -1.613281 1.523438 -1.34375 1.671875 -1.15625 C 1.929688 -0.820312 2.390625 -0.65625 3.046875 -0.65625 C 3.441406 -0.65625 3.785156 -0.738281 4.078125 -0.90625 C 4.378906 -1.070312 4.53125 -1.332031 4.53125 -1.6875 C 4.53125 -1.957031 4.410156 -2.164062 4.171875 -2.3125 C 4.015625 -2.394531 3.710938 -2.492188 3.265625 -2.609375 L 2.421875 -2.8125 C 1.890625 -2.945312 1.5 -3.097656 1.25 -3.265625 C 0.789062 -3.546875 0.5625 -3.941406 0.5625 -4.453125 C 0.5625 -5.046875 0.773438 -5.523438 1.203125 -5.890625 C 1.628906 -6.253906 2.207031 -6.4375 2.9375 -6.4375 C 3.875 -6.4375 4.550781 -6.160156 4.96875 -5.609375 C 5.238281 -5.253906 5.367188 -4.875 5.359375 -4.46875 L 4.359375 -4.46875 C 4.335938 -4.707031 4.253906 -4.925781 4.109375 -5.125 C 3.867188 -5.394531 3.445312 -5.53125 2.84375 -5.53125 C 2.445312 -5.53125 2.144531 -5.453125 1.9375 -5.296875 C 1.738281 -5.148438 1.640625 -4.953125 1.640625 -4.703125 C 1.640625 -4.429688 1.773438 -4.210938 2.046875 -4.046875 C 2.203125 -3.953125 2.429688 -3.867188 2.734375 -3.796875 L 3.421875 -3.625 C 4.179688 -3.4375 4.691406 -3.257812 4.953125 -3.09375 C 5.359375 -2.820312 5.5625 -2.394531 5.5625 -1.8125 C 5.5625 -1.257812 5.347656 -0.78125 4.921875 -0.375 C 4.503906 0.03125 3.863281 0.234375 3 0.234375 C 2.0625 0.234375 1.394531 0.0234375 1 -0.390625 C 0.613281 -0.816406 0.410156 -1.34375 0.390625 -1.96875 Z M 2.953125 -6.421875 Z M 2.953125 -6.421875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-15"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.828125 -6.28125 L 1.828125 -2.109375 C 1.828125 -1.785156 1.878906 -1.523438 1.984375 -1.328125 C 2.171875 -0.953125 2.519531 -0.765625 3.03125 -0.765625 C 3.757812 -0.765625 4.257812 -1.09375 4.53125 -1.75 C 4.675781 -2.101562 4.75 -2.582031 4.75 -3.1875 L 4.75 -6.28125 L 5.796875 -6.28125 L 5.796875 0 L 4.8125 0 L 4.8125 -0.921875 C 4.675781 -0.679688 4.507812 -0.484375 4.3125 -0.328125 C 3.90625 0.00390625 3.414062 0.171875 2.84375 0.171875 C 1.945312 0.171875 1.335938 -0.128906 1.015625 -0.734375 C 0.835938 -1.046875 0.75 -1.472656 0.75 -2.015625 L 0.75 -6.28125 Z M 3.28125 -6.421875 Z M 3.28125 -6.421875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-16"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.6875 -8.640625 L 1.71875 -8.640625 L 1.71875 -5.515625 C 1.945312 -5.816406 2.222656 -6.046875 2.546875 -6.203125 C 2.867188 -6.359375 3.21875 -6.4375 3.59375 -6.4375 C 4.375 -6.4375 5.003906 -6.164062 5.484375 -5.625 C 5.972656 -5.09375 6.21875 -4.304688 6.21875 -3.265625 C 6.21875 -2.265625 5.976562 -1.4375 5.5 -0.78125 C 5.019531 -0.125 4.351562 0.203125 3.5 0.203125 C 3.019531 0.203125 2.617188 0.0859375 2.296875 -0.140625 C 2.097656 -0.285156 1.890625 -0.503906 1.671875 -0.796875 L 1.671875 0 L 0.6875 0 Z M 3.4375 -0.734375 C 4.007812 -0.734375 4.4375 -0.957031 4.71875 -1.40625 C 5 -1.863281 5.140625 -2.460938 5.140625 -3.203125 C 5.140625 -3.867188 5 -4.414062 4.71875 -4.84375 C 4.4375 -5.28125 4.019531 -5.5 3.46875 -5.5 C 2.988281 -5.5 2.566406 -5.320312 2.203125 -4.96875 C 1.835938 -4.613281 1.65625 -4.023438 1.65625 -3.203125 C 1.65625 -2.617188 1.726562 -2.140625 1.875 -1.765625 C 2.15625 -1.078125 2.675781 -0.734375 3.4375 -0.734375 Z M 3.4375 -0.734375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-17"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.78125 -6.28125 L 1.8125 -6.28125 L 1.8125 -5.390625 C 2.0625 -5.691406 2.289062 -5.914062 2.5 -6.0625 C 2.84375 -6.300781 3.238281 -6.421875 3.6875 -6.421875 C 4.1875 -6.421875 4.585938 -6.296875 4.890625 -6.046875 C 5.054688 -5.910156 5.210938 -5.703125 5.359375 -5.421875 C 5.585938 -5.765625 5.859375 -6.015625 6.171875 -6.171875 C 6.492188 -6.335938 6.851562 -6.421875 7.25 -6.421875 C 8.09375 -6.421875 8.664062 -6.113281 8.96875 -5.5 C 9.132812 -5.175781 9.21875 -4.734375 9.21875 -4.171875 L 9.21875 0 L 8.125 0 L 8.125 -4.359375 C 8.125 -4.773438 8.019531 -5.0625 7.8125 -5.21875 C 7.601562 -5.375 7.347656 -5.453125 7.046875 -5.453125 C 6.628906 -5.453125 6.269531 -5.3125 5.96875 -5.03125 C 5.675781 -4.757812 5.53125 -4.300781 5.53125 -3.65625 L 5.53125 0 L 4.453125 0 L 4.453125 -4.09375 C 4.453125 -4.519531 4.398438 -4.832031 4.296875 -5.03125 C 4.140625 -5.320312 3.84375 -5.46875 3.40625 -5.46875 C 3.007812 -5.46875 2.644531 -5.3125 2.3125 -5 C 1.988281 -4.695312 1.828125 -4.140625 1.828125 -3.328125 L 1.828125 0 L 0.78125 0 Z M 0.78125 -6.28125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-0"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 6.546875 -10.65625 L 1.625 -10.65625 L 1.625 -0.75 L 6.546875 -0.75 Z M 7.359375 -11.390625 L 7.359375 -0.015625 L 0.8125 -0.015625 L 0.8125 -11.390625 Z M 7.359375 -11.390625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-1"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 9.28125 -7.984375 L 10.796875 -7.984375 C 10.710938 -8.585938 10.53125 -9.117188 10.25 -9.578125 C 9.976562 -10.046875 9.632812 -10.4375 9.21875 -10.75 C 8.800781 -11.0625 8.320312 -11.296875 7.78125 -11.453125 C 7.25 -11.617188 6.6875 -11.703125 6.09375 -11.703125 C 5.21875 -11.703125 4.441406 -11.539062 3.765625 -11.21875 C 3.085938 -10.90625 2.519531 -10.476562 2.0625 -9.9375 C 1.613281 -9.394531 1.269531 -8.753906 1.03125 -8.015625 C 0.800781 -7.285156 0.6875 -6.507812 0.6875 -5.6875 C 0.6875 -4.851562 0.796875 -4.070312 1.015625 -3.34375 C 1.234375 -2.613281 1.5625 -1.984375 2 -1.453125 C 2.4375 -0.921875 2.984375 -0.503906 3.640625 -0.203125 C 4.304688 0.0976562 5.082031 0.25 5.96875 0.25 C 7.425781 0.25 8.578125 -0.144531 9.421875 -0.9375 C 10.265625 -1.738281 10.757812 -2.859375 10.90625 -4.296875 L 9.390625 -4.296875 C 9.359375 -3.828125 9.257812 -3.390625 9.09375 -2.984375 C 8.9375 -2.585938 8.71875 -2.238281 8.4375 -1.9375 C 8.15625 -1.644531 7.816406 -1.414062 7.421875 -1.25 C 7.035156 -1.09375 6.59375 -1.015625 6.09375 -1.015625 C 5.414062 -1.015625 4.828125 -1.140625 4.328125 -1.390625 C 3.835938 -1.648438 3.4375 -1.992188 3.125 -2.421875 C 2.8125 -2.859375 2.578125 -3.363281 2.421875 -3.9375 C 2.273438 -4.519531 2.203125 -5.140625 2.203125 -5.796875 C 2.203125 -6.390625 2.273438 -6.960938 2.421875 -7.515625 C 2.578125 -8.078125 2.8125 -8.570312 3.125 -9 C 3.4375 -9.425781 3.835938 -9.769531 4.328125 -10.03125 C 4.816406 -10.289062 5.398438 -10.421875 6.078125 -10.421875 C 6.878906 -10.421875 7.570312 -10.21875 8.15625 -9.8125 C 8.738281 -9.40625 9.113281 -8.796875 9.28125 -7.984375 Z M 9.28125 -7.984375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-2"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.015625 -4.125 C 2.015625 -4.625 2.082031 -5.066406 2.21875 -5.453125 C 2.351562 -5.847656 2.535156 -6.175781 2.765625 -6.4375 C 3.003906 -6.707031 3.28125 -6.910156 3.59375 -7.046875 C 3.90625 -7.191406 4.238281 -7.265625 4.59375 -7.265625 C 4.945312 -7.265625 5.28125 -7.191406 5.59375 -7.046875 C 5.90625 -6.910156 6.175781 -6.707031 6.40625 -6.4375 C 6.644531 -6.175781 6.832031 -5.847656 6.96875 -5.453125 C 7.101562 -5.066406 7.171875 -4.625 7.171875 -4.125 C 7.171875 -3.625 7.101562 -3.175781 6.96875 -2.78125 C 6.832031 -2.394531 6.644531 -2.070312 6.40625 -1.8125 C 6.175781 -1.550781 5.90625 -1.351562 5.59375 -1.21875 C 5.28125 -1.082031 4.945312 -1.015625 4.59375 -1.015625 C 4.238281 -1.015625 3.90625 -1.082031 3.59375 -1.21875 C 3.28125 -1.351562 3.003906 -1.550781 2.765625 -1.8125 C 2.535156 -2.070312 2.351562 -2.394531 2.21875 -2.78125 C 2.082031 -3.175781 2.015625 -3.625 2.015625 -4.125 Z M 0.578125 -4.125 C 0.578125 -3.519531 0.660156 -2.953125 0.828125 -2.421875 C 1.003906 -1.898438 1.257812 -1.445312 1.59375 -1.0625 C 1.9375 -0.675781 2.359375 -0.375 2.859375 -0.15625 C 3.359375 0.0625 3.9375 0.171875 4.59375 0.171875 C 5.25 0.171875 5.828125 0.0625 6.328125 -0.15625 C 6.828125 -0.375 7.242188 -0.675781 7.578125 -1.0625 C 7.921875 -1.445312 8.175781 -1.898438 8.34375 -2.421875 C 8.519531 -2.953125 8.609375 -3.519531 8.609375 -4.125 C 8.609375 -4.738281 8.519531 -5.304688 8.34375 -5.828125 C 8.175781 -6.359375 7.921875 -6.816406 7.578125 -7.203125 C 7.242188 -7.597656 6.828125 -7.90625 6.328125 -8.125 C 5.828125 -8.351562 5.25 -8.46875 4.59375 -8.46875 C 3.9375 -8.46875 3.359375 -8.351562 2.859375 -8.125 C 2.359375 -7.90625 1.9375 -7.597656 1.59375 -7.203125 C 1.257812 -6.816406 1.003906 -6.359375 0.828125 -5.828125 C 0.660156 -5.304688 0.578125 -4.738281 0.578125 -4.125 Z M 0.578125 -4.125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-3"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.03125 -8.265625 L 1.03125 0 L 2.390625 0 L 2.390625 -4.671875 C 2.390625 -5.046875 2.4375 -5.390625 2.53125 -5.703125 C 2.632812 -6.015625 2.785156 -6.285156 2.984375 -6.515625 C 3.191406 -6.753906 3.445312 -6.9375 3.75 -7.0625 C 4.050781 -7.195312 4.410156 -7.265625 4.828125 -7.265625 C 5.347656 -7.265625 5.757812 -7.113281 6.0625 -6.8125 C 6.363281 -6.519531 6.515625 -6.113281 6.515625 -5.59375 L 6.515625 0 L 7.875 0 L 7.875 -5.4375 C 7.875 -5.882812 7.828125 -6.289062 7.734375 -6.65625 C 7.640625 -7.03125 7.476562 -7.347656 7.25 -7.609375 C 7.03125 -7.878906 6.738281 -8.085938 6.375 -8.234375 C 6.019531 -8.390625 5.570312 -8.46875 5.03125 -8.46875 C 3.800781 -8.46875 2.90625 -7.960938 2.34375 -6.953125 L 2.296875 -6.953125 L 2.296875 -8.265625 Z M 1.03125 -8.265625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-4"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.90625 -8.265625 L 2.90625 -10.75 L 1.546875 -10.75 L 1.546875 -8.265625 L 0.140625 -8.265625 L 0.140625 -7.078125 L 1.546875 -7.078125 L 1.546875 -1.8125 C 1.546875 -1.425781 1.582031 -1.113281 1.65625 -0.875 C 1.738281 -0.644531 1.851562 -0.460938 2 -0.328125 C 2.15625 -0.203125 2.359375 -0.113281 2.609375 -0.0625 C 2.859375 -0.0195312 3.160156 0 3.515625 0 L 4.5625 0 L 4.5625 -1.203125 L 3.9375 -1.203125 C 3.71875 -1.203125 3.539062 -1.207031 3.40625 -1.21875 C 3.28125 -1.238281 3.175781 -1.273438 3.09375 -1.328125 C 3.019531 -1.378906 2.96875 -1.453125 2.9375 -1.546875 C 2.914062 -1.648438 2.90625 -1.78125 2.90625 -1.9375 L 2.90625 -7.078125 L 4.5625 -7.078125 L 4.5625 -8.265625 Z M 2.90625 -8.265625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-5"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 6.765625 -4.921875 L 2.015625 -4.921875 C 2.035156 -5.242188 2.101562 -5.546875 2.21875 -5.828125 C 2.34375 -6.109375 2.503906 -6.351562 2.703125 -6.5625 C 2.910156 -6.78125 3.15625 -6.953125 3.4375 -7.078125 C 3.71875 -7.203125 4.035156 -7.265625 4.390625 -7.265625 C 4.722656 -7.265625 5.03125 -7.203125 5.3125 -7.078125 C 5.601562 -6.953125 5.851562 -6.785156 6.0625 -6.578125 C 6.269531 -6.367188 6.429688 -6.117188 6.546875 -5.828125 C 6.671875 -5.546875 6.742188 -5.242188 6.765625 -4.921875 Z M 8.078125 -2.625 L 6.734375 -2.625 C 6.617188 -2.082031 6.375 -1.675781 6 -1.40625 C 5.632812 -1.144531 5.164062 -1.015625 4.59375 -1.015625 C 4.144531 -1.015625 3.753906 -1.085938 3.421875 -1.234375 C 3.085938 -1.378906 2.8125 -1.578125 2.59375 -1.828125 C 2.382812 -2.078125 2.234375 -2.363281 2.140625 -2.6875 C 2.046875 -3.019531 2.003906 -3.367188 2.015625 -3.734375 L 8.203125 -3.734375 C 8.222656 -4.234375 8.175781 -4.757812 8.0625 -5.3125 C 7.957031 -5.863281 7.757812 -6.375 7.46875 -6.84375 C 7.175781 -7.3125 6.785156 -7.695312 6.296875 -8 C 5.804688 -8.3125 5.195312 -8.46875 4.46875 -8.46875 C 3.894531 -8.46875 3.367188 -8.359375 2.890625 -8.140625 C 2.421875 -7.929688 2.015625 -7.632812 1.671875 -7.25 C 1.328125 -6.863281 1.054688 -6.410156 0.859375 -5.890625 C 0.671875 -5.367188 0.578125 -4.789062 0.578125 -4.15625 C 0.597656 -3.53125 0.691406 -2.945312 0.859375 -2.40625 C 1.023438 -1.875 1.269531 -1.414062 1.59375 -1.03125 C 1.925781 -0.65625 2.332031 -0.359375 2.8125 -0.140625 C 3.300781 0.0664062 3.878906 0.171875 4.546875 0.171875 C 5.484375 0.171875 6.257812 -0.0625 6.875 -0.53125 C 7.5 -1 7.898438 -1.695312 8.078125 -2.625 Z M 8.078125 -2.625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-6"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.25 -4.359375 L 0.140625 0 L 1.796875 0 L 4.09375 -3.421875 L 6.40625 0 L 8.140625 0 L 4.9375 -4.46875 L 7.796875 -8.265625 L 6.15625 -8.265625 L 4.09375 -5.375 L 2.109375 -8.265625 L 0.375 -8.265625 Z M 3.25 -4.359375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-7"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.765625 -1.28125 L 2.765625 -10.140625 L 5.328125 -10.140625 C 6.035156 -10.140625 6.628906 -10.039062 7.109375 -9.84375 C 7.585938 -9.644531 7.976562 -9.359375 8.28125 -8.984375 C 8.582031 -8.609375 8.800781 -8.148438 8.9375 -7.609375 C 9.070312 -7.066406 9.140625 -6.457031 9.140625 -5.78125 C 9.140625 -5.070312 9.066406 -4.46875 8.921875 -3.96875 C 8.773438 -3.476562 8.585938 -3.066406 8.359375 -2.734375 C 8.140625 -2.398438 7.890625 -2.132812 7.609375 -1.9375 C 7.328125 -1.75 7.039062 -1.601562 6.75 -1.5 C 6.457031 -1.40625 6.179688 -1.34375 5.921875 -1.3125 C 5.671875 -1.289062 5.460938 -1.28125 5.296875 -1.28125 Z M 1.25 -11.421875 L 1.25 0 L 5.171875 0 C 6.117188 0 6.9375 -0.128906 7.625 -0.390625 C 8.320312 -0.660156 8.894531 -1.046875 9.34375 -1.546875 C 9.789062 -2.054688 10.117188 -2.679688 10.328125 -3.421875 C 10.546875 -4.171875 10.65625 -5.023438 10.65625 -5.984375 C 10.65625 -7.816406 10.179688 -9.179688 9.234375 -10.078125 C 8.285156 -10.972656 6.929688 -11.421875 5.171875 -11.421875 Z M 1.25 -11.421875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-8"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 8.359375 -0.03125 C 8.117188 0.101562 7.789062 0.171875 7.375 0.171875 C 7.019531 0.171875 6.738281 0.0703125 6.53125 -0.125 C 6.320312 -0.320312 6.21875 -0.644531 6.21875 -1.09375 C 5.84375 -0.644531 5.40625 -0.320312 4.90625 -0.125 C 4.414062 0.0703125 3.882812 0.171875 3.3125 0.171875 C 2.9375 0.171875 2.582031 0.128906 2.25 0.046875 C 1.914062 -0.0351562 1.625 -0.164062 1.375 -0.34375 C 1.132812 -0.53125 0.941406 -0.769531 0.796875 -1.0625 C 0.648438 -1.351562 0.578125 -1.707031 0.578125 -2.125 C 0.578125 -2.59375 0.65625 -2.976562 0.8125 -3.28125 C 0.976562 -3.582031 1.191406 -3.820312 1.453125 -4 C 1.710938 -4.1875 2.007812 -4.328125 2.34375 -4.421875 C 2.675781 -4.523438 3.019531 -4.609375 3.375 -4.671875 C 3.75 -4.742188 4.101562 -4.796875 4.4375 -4.828125 C 4.769531 -4.867188 5.066406 -4.925781 5.328125 -5 C 5.585938 -5.070312 5.789062 -5.171875 5.9375 -5.296875 C 6.082031 -5.429688 6.15625 -5.628906 6.15625 -5.890625 C 6.15625 -6.191406 6.097656 -6.429688 5.984375 -6.609375 C 5.878906 -6.785156 5.738281 -6.921875 5.5625 -7.015625 C 5.382812 -7.117188 5.1875 -7.1875 4.96875 -7.21875 C 4.75 -7.25 4.53125 -7.265625 4.3125 -7.265625 C 3.738281 -7.265625 3.257812 -7.15625 2.875 -6.9375 C 2.488281 -6.71875 2.28125 -6.304688 2.25 -5.703125 L 0.890625 -5.703125 C 0.910156 -6.210938 1.015625 -6.640625 1.203125 -6.984375 C 1.398438 -7.335938 1.660156 -7.625 1.984375 -7.84375 C 2.304688 -8.0625 2.671875 -8.21875 3.078125 -8.3125 C 3.492188 -8.414062 3.9375 -8.46875 4.40625 -8.46875 C 4.769531 -8.46875 5.132812 -8.4375 5.5 -8.375 C 5.875 -8.320312 6.207031 -8.210938 6.5 -8.046875 C 6.800781 -7.890625 7.039062 -7.660156 7.21875 -7.359375 C 7.40625 -7.054688 7.5 -6.664062 7.5 -6.1875 L 7.5 -1.9375 C 7.5 -1.613281 7.515625 -1.378906 7.546875 -1.234375 C 7.585938 -1.085938 7.71875 -1.015625 7.9375 -1.015625 C 8.050781 -1.015625 8.191406 -1.039062 8.359375 -1.09375 Z M 6.140625 -4.265625 C 5.972656 -4.140625 5.75 -4.046875 5.46875 -3.984375 C 5.195312 -3.929688 4.90625 -3.882812 4.59375 -3.84375 C 4.289062 -3.8125 3.984375 -3.769531 3.671875 -3.71875 C 3.367188 -3.664062 3.09375 -3.585938 2.84375 -3.484375 C 2.601562 -3.378906 2.40625 -3.226562 2.25 -3.03125 C 2.09375 -2.832031 2.015625 -2.5625 2.015625 -2.21875 C 2.015625 -2 2.054688 -1.8125 2.140625 -1.65625 C 2.234375 -1.5 2.351562 -1.375 2.5 -1.28125 C 2.644531 -1.1875 2.8125 -1.117188 3 -1.078125 C 3.195312 -1.035156 3.398438 -1.015625 3.609375 -1.015625 C 4.054688 -1.015625 4.441406 -1.070312 4.765625 -1.1875 C 5.085938 -1.3125 5.347656 -1.46875 5.546875 -1.65625 C 5.753906 -1.84375 5.90625 -2.046875 6 -2.265625 C 6.09375 -2.484375 6.140625 -2.6875 6.140625 -2.875 Z M 6.140625 -4.265625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-9"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.015625 -4.0625 C 2.015625 -4.46875 2.054688 -4.863281 2.140625 -5.25 C 2.222656 -5.632812 2.359375 -5.972656 2.546875 -6.265625 C 2.742188 -6.566406 3.003906 -6.804688 3.328125 -6.984375 C 3.648438 -7.171875 4.039062 -7.265625 4.5 -7.265625 C 4.96875 -7.265625 5.363281 -7.175781 5.6875 -7 C 6.019531 -6.820312 6.289062 -6.585938 6.5 -6.296875 C 6.707031 -6.015625 6.859375 -5.679688 6.953125 -5.296875 C 7.054688 -4.921875 7.109375 -4.53125 7.109375 -4.125 C 7.109375 -3.738281 7.0625 -3.359375 6.96875 -2.984375 C 6.875 -2.617188 6.722656 -2.285156 6.515625 -1.984375 C 6.316406 -1.691406 6.054688 -1.457031 5.734375 -1.28125 C 5.421875 -1.101562 5.035156 -1.015625 4.578125 -1.015625 C 4.140625 -1.015625 3.753906 -1.097656 3.421875 -1.265625 C 3.097656 -1.429688 2.832031 -1.660156 2.625 -1.953125 C 2.414062 -2.242188 2.257812 -2.570312 2.15625 -2.9375 C 2.0625 -3.300781 2.015625 -3.675781 2.015625 -4.0625 Z M 8.421875 0 L 8.421875 -11.421875 L 7.0625 -11.421875 L 7.0625 -7.171875 L 7.03125 -7.171875 C 6.875 -7.410156 6.6875 -7.613281 6.46875 -7.78125 C 6.25 -7.945312 6.015625 -8.082031 5.765625 -8.1875 C 5.523438 -8.289062 5.28125 -8.363281 5.03125 -8.40625 C 4.789062 -8.445312 4.566406 -8.46875 4.359375 -8.46875 C 3.722656 -8.46875 3.164062 -8.351562 2.6875 -8.125 C 2.21875 -7.894531 1.828125 -7.582031 1.515625 -7.1875 C 1.203125 -6.800781 0.96875 -6.347656 0.8125 -5.828125 C 0.65625 -5.304688 0.578125 -4.75 0.578125 -4.15625 C 0.578125 -3.570312 0.65625 -3.019531 0.8125 -2.5 C 0.976562 -1.976562 1.21875 -1.519531 1.53125 -1.125 C 1.84375 -0.726562 2.234375 -0.410156 2.703125 -0.171875 C 3.179688 0.0546875 3.742188 0.171875 4.390625 0.171875 C 4.960938 0.171875 5.488281 0.0703125 5.96875 -0.125 C 6.445312 -0.332031 6.800781 -0.664062 7.03125 -1.125 L 7.0625 -1.125 L 7.0625 0 Z M 8.421875 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-10"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.125 -5.71875 C 2.125 -6.289062 2.195312 -6.851562 2.34375 -7.40625 C 2.5 -7.96875 2.734375 -8.472656 3.046875 -8.921875 C 3.367188 -9.367188 3.78125 -9.726562 4.28125 -10 C 4.789062 -10.28125 5.390625 -10.421875 6.078125 -10.421875 C 6.773438 -10.421875 7.375 -10.28125 7.875 -10 C 8.375 -9.726562 8.78125 -9.367188 9.09375 -8.921875 C 9.414062 -8.472656 9.648438 -7.96875 9.796875 -7.40625 C 9.953125 -6.851562 10.03125 -6.289062 10.03125 -5.71875 C 10.03125 -5.132812 9.953125 -4.5625 9.796875 -4 C 9.648438 -3.445312 9.414062 -2.945312 9.09375 -2.5 C 8.78125 -2.050781 8.375 -1.691406 7.875 -1.421875 C 7.375 -1.148438 6.773438 -1.015625 6.078125 -1.015625 C 5.390625 -1.015625 4.789062 -1.148438 4.28125 -1.421875 C 3.78125 -1.691406 3.367188 -2.050781 3.046875 -2.5 C 2.734375 -2.945312 2.5 -3.445312 2.34375 -4 C 2.195312 -4.5625 2.125 -5.132812 2.125 -5.71875 Z M 0.609375 -5.71875 C 0.609375 -4.9375 0.722656 -4.1875 0.953125 -3.46875 C 1.179688 -2.75 1.523438 -2.109375 1.984375 -1.546875 C 2.441406 -0.992188 3.007812 -0.554688 3.6875 -0.234375 C 4.375 0.0859375 5.171875 0.25 6.078125 0.25 C 6.984375 0.25 7.773438 0.0859375 8.453125 -0.234375 C 9.140625 -0.554688 9.710938 -0.992188 10.171875 -1.546875 C 10.628906 -2.109375 10.972656 -2.75 11.203125 -3.46875 C 11.429688 -4.1875 11.546875 -4.9375 11.546875 -5.71875 C 11.546875 -6.488281 11.429688 -7.234375 11.203125 -7.953125 C 10.972656 -8.679688 10.628906 -9.320312 10.171875 -9.875 C 9.710938 -10.425781 9.140625 -10.867188 8.453125 -11.203125 C 7.773438 -11.535156 6.984375 -11.703125 6.078125 -11.703125 C 5.171875 -11.703125 4.375 -11.535156 3.6875 -11.203125 C 3.007812 -10.867188 2.441406 -10.425781 1.984375 -9.875 C 1.523438 -9.320312 1.179688 -8.679688 0.953125 -7.953125 C 0.722656 -7.234375 0.609375 -6.488281 0.609375 -5.71875 Z M 0.609375 -5.71875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-11"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 7.875 0 L 7.875 -8.265625 L 6.515625 -8.265625 L 6.515625 -3.59375 C 6.515625 -3.226562 6.460938 -2.882812 6.359375 -2.5625 C 6.253906 -2.25 6.097656 -1.972656 5.890625 -1.734375 C 5.691406 -1.503906 5.441406 -1.328125 5.140625 -1.203125 C 4.835938 -1.078125 4.476562 -1.015625 4.0625 -1.015625 C 3.539062 -1.015625 3.128906 -1.160156 2.828125 -1.453125 C 2.535156 -1.753906 2.390625 -2.160156 2.390625 -2.671875 L 2.390625 -8.265625 L 1.03125 -8.265625 L 1.03125 -2.828125 C 1.03125 -2.378906 1.070312 -1.972656 1.15625 -1.609375 C 1.25 -1.242188 1.40625 -0.925781 1.625 -0.65625 C 1.851562 -0.382812 2.148438 -0.175781 2.515625 -0.03125 C 2.878906 0.101562 3.332031 0.171875 3.875 0.171875 C 4.476562 0.171875 5.003906 0.0507812 5.453125 -0.1875 C 5.898438 -0.425781 6.269531 -0.800781 6.5625 -1.3125 L 6.59375 -1.3125 L 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-8.015625 2.25 -8.421875 3.40625 -8.421875 C 4.363281 -8.421875 5.0625 -8.160156 5.5 -7.640625 C 5.945312 -7.117188 6.171875 -6.539062 6.171875 -5.90625 C 6.171875 -5.238281 5.9375 -4.664062 5.46875 -4.1875 C 5.195312 -3.90625 4.707031 -3.566406 4 -3.171875 L 3.1875 -2.734375 C 2.8125 -2.523438 2.515625 -2.320312 2.296875 -2.125 C 1.898438 -1.789062 1.648438 -1.414062 1.546875 -1 L 6.140625 -1 L 6.140625 0 Z M 0.375 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-0"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 6.546875 -10.65625 L 1.625 -10.65625 L 1.625 -0.75 L 6.546875 -0.75 Z M 7.359375 -11.390625 L 7.359375 -0.015625 L 0.8125 -0.015625 L 0.8125 -11.390625 Z M 7.359375 -11.390625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-1"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.078125 -11.421875 L 1.078125 0 L 2.4375 0 L 2.4375 -1.109375 L 2.46875 -1.109375 C 2.613281 -0.859375 2.796875 -0.648438 3.015625 -0.484375 C 3.234375 -0.316406 3.460938 -0.1875 3.703125 -0.09375 C 3.953125 0 4.203125 0.0664062 4.453125 0.109375 C 4.703125 0.148438 4.929688 0.171875 5.140625 0.171875 C 5.765625 0.171875 6.3125 0.0625 6.78125 -0.15625 C 7.257812 -0.382812 7.65625 -0.691406 7.96875 -1.078125 C 8.289062 -1.460938 8.523438 -1.914062 8.671875 -2.4375 C 8.828125 -2.96875 8.90625 -3.523438 8.90625 -4.109375 C 8.90625 -4.691406 8.828125 -5.242188 8.671875 -5.765625 C 8.515625 -6.296875 8.273438 -6.757812 7.953125 -7.15625 C 7.640625 -7.5625 7.242188 -7.878906 6.765625 -8.109375 C 6.296875 -8.347656 5.742188 -8.46875 5.109375 -8.46875 C 4.523438 -8.46875 3.992188 -8.363281 3.515625 -8.15625 C 3.035156 -7.945312 2.6875 -7.613281 2.46875 -7.15625 L 2.4375 -7.15625 L 2.4375 -11.421875 Z M 7.46875 -4.203125 C 7.46875 -3.796875 7.425781 -3.398438 7.34375 -3.015625 C 7.257812 -2.640625 7.117188 -2.300781 6.921875 -2 C 6.734375 -1.695312 6.484375 -1.457031 6.171875 -1.28125 C 5.859375 -1.101562 5.460938 -1.015625 4.984375 -1.015625 C 4.515625 -1.015625 4.113281 -1.097656 3.78125 -1.265625 C 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2.859375 -0.15625 C 3.359375 0.0625 3.9375 0.171875 4.59375 0.171875 C 5.25 0.171875 5.828125 0.0625 6.328125 -0.15625 C 6.828125 -0.375 7.242188 -0.675781 7.578125 -1.0625 C 7.921875 -1.445312 8.175781 -1.898438 8.34375 -2.421875 C 8.519531 -2.953125 8.609375 -3.519531 8.609375 -4.125 C 8.609375 -4.738281 8.519531 -5.304688 8.34375 -5.828125 C 8.175781 -6.359375 7.921875 -6.816406 7.578125 -7.203125 C 7.242188 -7.597656 6.828125 -7.90625 6.328125 -8.125 C 5.828125 -8.351562 5.25 -8.46875 4.59375 -8.46875 C 3.9375 -8.46875 3.359375 -8.351562 2.859375 -8.125 C 2.359375 -7.90625 1.9375 -7.597656 1.59375 -7.203125 C 1.257812 -6.816406 1.003906 -6.359375 0.828125 -5.828125 C 0.660156 -5.304688 0.578125 -4.738281 0.578125 -4.125 Z M 0.578125 -4.125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-4"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 6.640625 -5.609375 L 8.046875 -5.609375 C 7.992188 -6.109375 7.863281 -6.535156 7.65625 -6.890625 C 7.457031 -7.242188 7.203125 -7.535156 6.890625 -7.765625 C 6.578125 -8.003906 6.210938 -8.179688 5.796875 -8.296875 C 5.390625 -8.410156 4.953125 -8.46875 4.484375 -8.46875 C 3.828125 -8.46875 3.253906 -8.351562 2.765625 -8.125 C 2.273438 -7.894531 1.867188 -7.578125 1.546875 -7.171875 C 1.222656 -6.773438 0.976562 -6.304688 0.8125 -5.765625 C 0.65625 -5.222656 0.578125 -4.644531 0.578125 -4.03125 C 0.578125 -3.414062 0.660156 -2.847656 0.828125 -2.328125 C 0.992188 -1.804688 1.238281 -1.359375 1.5625 -0.984375 C 1.882812 -0.617188 2.285156 -0.332031 2.765625 -0.125 C 3.253906 0.0703125 3.816406 0.171875 4.453125 0.171875 C 5.503906 0.171875 6.335938 -0.101562 6.953125 -0.65625 C 7.566406 -1.207031 7.945312 -2 8.09375 -3.03125 L 6.703125 -3.03125 C 6.617188 -2.382812 6.382812 -1.882812 6 -1.53125 C 5.625 -1.1875 5.101562 -1.015625 4.4375 -1.015625 C 4.007812 -1.015625 3.640625 -1.097656 3.328125 -1.265625 C 3.015625 -1.429688 2.757812 -1.65625 2.5625 -1.9375 C 2.375 -2.226562 2.234375 -2.550781 2.140625 -2.90625 C 2.054688 -3.269531 2.015625 -3.644531 2.015625 -4.03125 C 2.015625 -4.445312 2.054688 -4.847656 2.140625 -5.234375 C 2.222656 -5.628906 2.363281 -5.972656 2.5625 -6.265625 C 2.757812 -6.566406 3.023438 -6.804688 3.359375 -6.984375 C 3.691406 -7.171875 4.101562 -7.265625 4.59375 -7.265625 C 5.164062 -7.265625 5.625 -7.117188 5.96875 -6.828125 C 6.3125 -6.546875 6.535156 -6.140625 6.640625 -5.609375 Z M 6.640625 -5.609375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-5"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.109375 -11.421875 L 1.109375 0 L 2.46875 0 L 2.46875 -3.140625 L 3.75 -4.3125 L 6.578125 0 L 8.296875 0 L 4.78125 -5.265625 L 8.0625 -8.265625 L 6.234375 -8.265625 L 2.46875 -4.65625 L 2.46875 -11.421875 Z M 1.109375 -11.421875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-6"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.3125 -11.421875 L 1.3125 0 L 2.828125 0 L 2.828125 -11.421875 Z M 1.3125 -11.421875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-7"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.015625 -4.0625 C 2.015625 -4.46875 2.054688 -4.863281 2.140625 -5.25 C 2.222656 -5.632812 2.359375 -5.972656 2.546875 -6.265625 C 2.742188 -6.566406 3.003906 -6.804688 3.328125 -6.984375 C 3.648438 -7.171875 4.039062 -7.265625 4.5 -7.265625 C 4.96875 -7.265625 5.363281 -7.175781 5.6875 -7 C 6.019531 -6.820312 6.289062 -6.585938 6.5 -6.296875 C 6.707031 -6.015625 6.859375 -5.679688 6.953125 -5.296875 C 7.054688 -4.921875 7.109375 -4.53125 7.109375 -4.125 C 7.109375 -3.738281 7.0625 -3.359375 6.96875 -2.984375 C 6.875 -2.617188 6.722656 -2.285156 6.515625 -1.984375 C 6.316406 -1.691406 6.054688 -1.457031 5.734375 -1.28125 C 5.421875 -1.101562 5.035156 -1.015625 4.578125 -1.015625 C 4.140625 -1.015625 3.753906 -1.097656 3.421875 -1.265625 C 3.097656 -1.429688 2.832031 -1.660156 2.625 -1.953125 C 2.414062 -2.242188 2.257812 -2.570312 2.15625 -2.9375 C 2.0625 -3.300781 2.015625 -3.675781 2.015625 -4.0625 Z M 8.421875 0 L 8.421875 -11.421875 L 7.0625 -11.421875 L 7.0625 -7.171875 L 7.03125 -7.171875 C 6.875 -7.410156 6.6875 -7.613281 6.46875 -7.78125 C 6.25 -7.945312 6.015625 -8.082031 5.765625 -8.1875 C 5.523438 -8.289062 5.28125 -8.363281 5.03125 -8.40625 C 4.789062 -8.445312 4.566406 -8.46875 4.359375 -8.46875 C 3.722656 -8.46875 3.164062 -8.351562 2.6875 -8.125 C 2.21875 -7.894531 1.828125 -7.582031 1.515625 -7.1875 C 1.203125 -6.800781 0.96875 -6.347656 0.8125 -5.828125 C 0.65625 -5.304688 0.578125 -4.75 0.578125 -4.15625 C 0.578125 -3.570312 0.65625 -3.019531 0.8125 -2.5 C 0.976562 -1.976562 1.21875 -1.519531 1.53125 -1.125 C 1.84375 -0.726562 2.234375 -0.410156 2.703125 -0.171875 C 3.179688 0.0546875 3.742188 0.171875 4.390625 0.171875 C 4.960938 0.171875 5.488281 0.0703125 5.96875 -0.125 C 6.445312 -0.332031 6.800781 -0.664062 7.03125 -1.125 L 7.0625 -1.125 L 7.0625 0 Z M 8.421875 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-8"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.25 -4.359375 L 0.140625 0 L 1.796875 0 L 4.09375 -3.421875 L 6.40625 0 L 8.140625 0 L 4.9375 -4.46875 L 7.796875 -8.265625 L 6.15625 -8.265625 L 4.09375 -5.375 L 2.109375 -8.265625 L 0.375 -8.265625 Z M 3.25 -4.359375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-9"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.265625 3.15625 L 4.296875 3.15625 C 3.546875 1.925781 3.003906 0.710938 2.671875 -0.484375 C 2.347656 -1.691406 2.1875 -2.96875 2.1875 -4.3125 C 2.1875 -5.625 2.347656 -6.878906 2.671875 -8.078125 C 2.992188 -9.273438 3.535156 -10.484375 4.296875 -11.703125 L 3.265625 -11.703125 C 2.429688 -10.597656 1.800781 -9.40625 1.375 -8.125 C 0.957031 -6.84375 0.75 -5.570312 0.75 -4.3125 C 0.75 -3.613281 0.804688 -2.941406 0.921875 -2.296875 C 1.046875 -1.660156 1.21875 -1.035156 1.4375 -0.421875 C 1.65625 0.179688 1.914062 0.773438 2.21875 1.359375 C 2.53125 1.953125 2.878906 2.550781 3.265625 3.15625 Z M 3.265625 3.15625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-10"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.109375 -5.578125 C 2.109375 -5.859375 2.109375 -6.164062 2.109375 -6.5 C 2.117188 -6.84375 2.144531 -7.179688 2.1875 -7.515625 C 2.238281 -7.847656 2.3125 -8.171875 2.40625 -8.484375 C 2.5 -8.804688 2.632812 -9.085938 2.8125 -9.328125 C 2.988281 -9.578125 3.207031 -9.773438 3.46875 -9.921875 C 3.738281 -10.066406 4.066406 -10.140625 4.453125 -10.140625 C 4.835938 -10.140625 5.160156 -10.066406 5.421875 -9.921875 C 5.691406 -9.773438 5.914062 -9.578125 6.09375 -9.328125 C 6.269531 -9.085938 6.398438 -8.804688 6.484375 -8.484375 C 6.578125 -8.171875 6.644531 -7.847656 6.6875 -7.515625 C 6.738281 -7.179688 6.765625 -6.84375 6.765625 -6.5 C 6.773438 -6.164062 6.78125 -5.859375 6.78125 -5.578125 C 6.78125 -5.148438 6.765625 -4.671875 6.734375 -4.140625 C 6.710938 -3.617188 6.628906 -3.125 6.484375 -2.65625 C 6.335938 -2.195312 6.101562 -1.804688 5.78125 -1.484375 C 5.46875 -1.171875 5.023438 -1.015625 4.453125 -1.015625 C 3.867188 -1.015625 3.414062 -1.171875 3.09375 -1.484375 C 2.78125 -1.804688 2.550781 -2.195312 2.40625 -2.65625 C 2.257812 -3.125 2.171875 -3.617188 2.140625 -4.140625 C 2.117188 -4.671875 2.109375 -5.148438 2.109375 -5.578125 Z M 0.671875 -5.5625 C 0.671875 -5.144531 0.679688 -4.710938 0.703125 -4.265625 C 0.722656 -3.816406 0.773438 -3.378906 0.859375 -2.953125 C 0.941406 -2.523438 1.0625 -2.125 1.21875 -1.75 C 1.382812 -1.375 1.601562 -1.039062 1.875 -0.75 C 2.15625 -0.457031 2.503906 -0.226562 2.921875 -0.0625 C 3.347656 0.09375 3.859375 0.171875 4.453125 0.171875 C 5.046875 0.171875 5.550781 0.09375 5.96875 -0.0625 C 6.382812 -0.226562 6.726562 -0.457031 7 -0.75 C 7.28125 -1.039062 7.5 -1.375 7.65625 -1.75 C 7.820312 -2.125 7.945312 -2.523438 8.03125 -2.953125 C 8.113281 -3.378906 8.164062 -3.816406 8.1875 -4.265625 C 8.207031 -4.710938 8.21875 -5.144531 8.21875 -5.5625 C 8.21875 -5.976562 8.207031 -6.410156 8.1875 -6.859375 C 8.164062 -7.304688 8.113281 -7.742188 8.03125 -8.171875 C 7.945312 -8.597656 7.820312 -9.003906 7.65625 -9.390625 C 7.5 -9.773438 7.28125 -10.109375 7 -10.390625 C 6.726562 -10.679688 6.378906 -10.910156 5.953125 -11.078125 C 5.535156 -11.253906 5.035156 -11.34375 4.453125 -11.34375 C 3.859375 -11.34375 3.347656 -11.253906 2.921875 -11.078125 C 2.503906 -10.910156 2.15625 -10.679688 1.875 -10.390625 C 1.601562 -10.109375 1.382812 -9.773438 1.21875 -9.390625 C 1.0625 -9.003906 0.941406 -8.597656 0.859375 -8.171875 C 0.773438 -7.742188 0.722656 -7.304688 0.703125 -6.859375 C 0.679688 -6.410156 0.671875 -5.976562 0.671875 -5.5625 Z M 0.671875 -5.5625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-11"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.328125 -1.78125 L 1.328125 0 L 2.265625 0 C 2.273438 0.125 2.265625 0.257812 2.234375 0.40625 C 2.210938 0.5625 2.164062 0.710938 2.09375 0.859375 C 2.019531 1.003906 1.921875 1.132812 1.796875 1.25 C 1.671875 1.375 1.519531 1.46875 1.34375 1.53125 L 1.34375 2.34375 C 1.957031 2.15625 2.40625 1.84375 2.6875 1.40625 C 2.96875 0.96875 3.109375 0.445312 3.109375 -0.15625 L 3.109375 -1.78125 Z M 1.328125 -1.78125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-12"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d=""/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-13"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M -0.140625 3.15625 L 0.875 3.15625 C 1.707031 2.050781 2.332031 0.863281 2.75 -0.40625 C 3.175781 -1.675781 3.390625 -2.941406 3.390625 -4.203125 C 3.390625 -4.910156 3.332031 -5.582031 3.21875 -6.21875 C 3.101562 -6.863281 2.9375 -7.492188 2.71875 -8.109375 C 2.5 -8.722656 2.234375 -9.320312 1.921875 -9.90625 C 1.609375 -10.5 1.257812 -11.097656 0.875 -11.703125 L -0.140625 -11.703125 C 0.597656 -10.472656 1.128906 -9.25 1.453125 -8.03125 C 1.785156 -6.820312 1.953125 -5.546875 1.953125 -4.203125 C 1.953125 -2.898438 1.789062 -1.648438 1.46875 -0.453125 C 1.144531 0.742188 0.609375 1.945312 -0.140625 3.15625 Z M -0.140625 3.15625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-14"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 5.703125 0 L 5.703125 -11.34375 L 4.65625 -11.34375 C 4.582031 -10.914062 4.441406 -10.5625 4.234375 -10.28125 C 4.035156 -10.007812 3.789062 -9.789062 3.5 -9.625 C 3.207031 -9.46875 2.878906 -9.359375 2.515625 -9.296875 C 2.148438 -9.242188 1.773438 -9.21875 1.390625 -9.21875 L 1.390625 -8.125 L 4.34375 -8.125 L 4.34375 0 Z M 5.703125 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-15"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.703125 -7.328125 L 2.0625 -7.328125 C 2.050781 -7.671875 2.082031 -8.007812 2.15625 -8.34375 C 2.238281 -8.675781 2.367188 -8.972656 2.546875 -9.234375 C 2.734375 -9.503906 2.96875 -9.722656 3.25 -9.890625 C 3.539062 -10.054688 3.878906 -10.140625 4.265625 -10.140625 C 4.566406 -10.140625 4.847656 -10.09375 5.109375 -10 C 5.378906 -9.90625 5.613281 -9.765625 5.8125 -9.578125 C 6.007812 -9.398438 6.164062 -9.1875 6.28125 -8.9375 C 6.40625 -8.6875 6.46875 -8.40625 6.46875 -8.09375 C 6.46875 -7.695312 6.40625 -7.347656 6.28125 -7.046875 C 6.15625 -6.753906 5.972656 -6.476562 5.734375 -6.21875 C 5.492188 -5.96875 5.191406 -5.71875 4.828125 -5.46875 C 4.460938 -5.21875 4.039062 -4.941406 3.5625 -4.640625 C 3.164062 -4.398438 2.785156 -4.144531 2.421875 -3.875 C 2.066406 -3.613281 1.742188 -3.304688 1.453125 -2.953125 C 1.171875 -2.609375 0.9375 -2.195312 0.75 -1.71875 C 0.5625 -1.25 0.441406 -0.675781 0.390625 0 L 7.796875 0 L 7.796875 -1.203125 L 1.96875 -1.203125 C 2.03125 -1.554688 2.164062 -1.867188 2.375 -2.140625 C 2.582031 -2.410156 2.832031 -2.660156 3.125 -2.890625 C 3.414062 -3.128906 3.738281 -3.351562 4.09375 -3.5625 C 4.445312 -3.769531 4.800781 -3.976562 5.15625 -4.1875 C 5.507812 -4.414062 5.847656 -4.648438 6.171875 -4.890625 C 6.503906 -5.140625 6.796875 -5.414062 7.046875 -5.71875 C 7.304688 -6.019531 7.515625 -6.363281 7.671875 -6.75 C 7.828125 -7.132812 7.90625 -7.578125 7.90625 -8.078125 C 7.90625 -8.609375 7.8125 -9.078125 7.625 -9.484375 C 7.4375 -9.890625 7.179688 -10.226562 6.859375 -10.5 C 6.546875 -10.769531 6.171875 -10.976562 5.734375 -11.125 C 5.304688 -11.269531 4.847656 -11.34375 4.359375 -11.34375 C 3.753906 -11.34375 3.21875 -11.238281 2.75 -11.03125 C 2.28125 -10.832031 1.890625 -10.550781 1.578125 -10.1875 C 1.265625 -9.832031 1.03125 -9.410156 0.875 -8.921875 C 0.726562 -8.429688 0.671875 -7.898438 0.703125 -7.328125 Z M 0.703125 -7.328125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-16"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.765625 -1.28125 L 2.765625 -10.140625 L 5.328125 -10.140625 C 6.035156 -10.140625 6.628906 -10.039062 7.109375 -9.84375 C 7.585938 -9.644531 7.976562 -9.359375 8.28125 -8.984375 C 8.582031 -8.609375 8.800781 -8.148438 8.9375 -7.609375 C 9.070312 -7.066406 9.140625 -6.457031 9.140625 -5.78125 C 9.140625 -5.070312 9.066406 -4.46875 8.921875 -3.96875 C 8.773438 -3.476562 8.585938 -3.066406 8.359375 -2.734375 C 8.140625 -2.398438 7.890625 -2.132812 7.609375 -1.9375 C 7.328125 -1.75 7.039062 -1.601562 6.75 -1.5 C 6.457031 -1.40625 6.179688 -1.34375 5.921875 -1.3125 C 5.671875 -1.289062 5.460938 -1.28125 5.296875 -1.28125 Z M 1.25 -11.421875 L 1.25 0 L 5.171875 0 C 6.117188 0 6.9375 -0.128906 7.625 -0.390625 C 8.320312 -0.660156 8.894531 -1.046875 9.34375 -1.546875 C 9.789062 -2.054688 10.117188 -2.679688 10.328125 -3.421875 C 10.546875 -4.171875 10.65625 -5.023438 10.65625 -5.984375 C 10.65625 -7.816406 10.179688 -9.179688 9.234375 -10.078125 C 8.285156 -10.972656 6.929688 -11.421875 5.171875 -11.421875 Z M 1.25 -11.421875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-17"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.46875 -9.765625 L 2.46875 -11.421875 L 1.109375 -11.421875 L 1.109375 -9.765625 Z M 1.109375 -8.265625 L 1.109375 0 L 2.46875 0 L 2.46875 -8.265625 Z M 1.109375 -8.265625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-18"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.03125 -8.265625 L 1.03125 0 L 2.390625 0 L 2.390625 -5.15625 C 2.390625 -5.3125 2.425781 -5.507812 2.5 -5.75 C 2.582031 -5.988281 2.710938 -6.21875 2.890625 -6.4375 C 3.066406 -6.664062 3.296875 -6.859375 3.578125 -7.015625 C 3.859375 -7.179688 4.195312 -7.265625 4.59375 -7.265625 C 4.90625 -7.265625 5.15625 -7.21875 5.34375 -7.125 C 5.539062 -7.03125 5.695312 -6.898438 5.8125 -6.734375 C 5.9375 -6.578125 6.019531 -6.382812 6.0625 -6.15625 C 6.113281 -5.9375 6.140625 -5.691406 6.140625 -5.421875 L 6.140625 0 L 7.5 0 L 7.5 -5.15625 C 7.5 -5.789062 7.691406 -6.300781 8.078125 -6.6875 C 8.460938 -7.070312 8.988281 -7.265625 9.65625 -7.265625 C 9.988281 -7.265625 10.257812 -7.210938 10.46875 -7.109375 C 10.675781 -7.015625 10.835938 -6.882812 10.953125 -6.71875 C 11.078125 -6.5625 11.160156 -6.367188 11.203125 -6.140625 C 11.242188 -5.921875 11.265625 -5.679688 11.265625 -5.421875 L 11.265625 0 L 12.625 0 L 12.625 -6.0625 C 12.625 -6.488281 12.554688 -6.851562 12.421875 -7.15625 C 12.285156 -7.457031 12.097656 -7.703125 11.859375 -7.890625 C 11.617188 -8.085938 11.332031 -8.234375 11 -8.328125 C 10.664062 -8.421875 10.289062 -8.46875 9.875 -8.46875 C 9.332031 -8.46875 8.832031 -8.34375 8.375 -8.09375 C 7.925781 -7.851562 7.5625 -7.507812 7.28125 -7.0625 C 7.113281 -7.570312 6.820312 -7.929688 6.40625 -8.140625 C 5.988281 -8.359375 5.523438 -8.46875 5.015625 -8.46875 C 3.847656 -8.46875 2.957031 -8 2.34375 -7.0625 L 2.296875 -7.0625 L 2.296875 -8.265625 Z M 1.03125 -8.265625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-19"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.328125 -1.78125 L 1.328125 0 L 3.109375 0 L 3.109375 -1.78125 Z M 1.328125 -1.78125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-0"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M -10.65625 -6.546875 L -10.65625 -1.625 L -0.75 -1.625 L -0.75 -6.546875 Z M -11.390625 -7.359375 L -0.015625 -7.359375 L -0.015625 -0.8125 L -11.390625 -0.8125 Z M -11.390625 -7.359375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-1"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M -11.421875 -1.078125 L 0 -1.078125 L 0 -2.4375 L -1.109375 -2.4375 L -1.109375 -2.46875 C -0.859375 -2.613281 -0.648438 -2.796875 -0.484375 -3.015625 C -0.316406 -3.234375 -0.1875 -3.460938 -0.09375 -3.703125 C 0 -3.953125 0.0664062 -4.203125 0.109375 -4.453125 C 0.148438 -4.703125 0.171875 -4.929688 0.171875 -5.140625 C 0.171875 -5.765625 0.0625 -6.3125 -0.15625 -6.78125 C -0.382812 -7.257812 -0.691406 -7.65625 -1.078125 -7.96875 C -1.460938 -8.289062 -1.914062 -8.523438 -2.4375 -8.671875 C -2.96875 -8.828125 -3.523438 -8.90625 -4.109375 -8.90625 C -4.691406 -8.90625 -5.242188 -8.828125 -5.765625 -8.671875 C -6.296875 -8.515625 -6.757812 -8.273438 -7.15625 -7.953125 C -7.5625 -7.640625 -7.878906 -7.242188 -8.109375 -6.765625 C -8.347656 -6.296875 -8.46875 -5.742188 -8.46875 -5.109375 C -8.46875 -4.523438 -8.363281 -3.992188 -8.15625 -3.515625 C -7.945312 -3.035156 -7.613281 -2.6875 -7.15625 -2.46875 L -7.15625 -2.4375 L -11.421875 -2.4375 Z M -4.203125 -7.46875 C -3.796875 -7.46875 -3.398438 -7.425781 -3.015625 -7.34375 C -2.640625 -7.257812 -2.300781 -7.117188 -2 -6.921875 C -1.695312 -6.734375 -1.457031 -6.484375 -1.28125 -6.171875 C -1.101562 -5.859375 -1.015625 -5.460938 -1.015625 -4.984375 C -1.015625 -4.515625 -1.097656 -4.113281 -1.265625 -3.78125 C -1.441406 -3.457031 -1.675781 -3.191406 -1.96875 -2.984375 C -2.257812 -2.773438 -2.59375 -2.625 -2.96875 -2.53125 C -3.34375 -2.4375 -3.734375 -2.390625 -4.140625 -2.390625 C -4.523438 -2.390625 -4.90625 -2.429688 -5.28125 -2.515625 C -5.65625 -2.609375 -5.988281 -2.753906 -6.28125 -2.953125 C -6.570312 -3.160156 -6.804688 -3.421875 -6.984375 -3.734375 C -7.171875 -4.054688 -7.265625 -4.445312 -7.265625 -4.90625 C -7.265625 -5.34375 -7.175781 -5.722656 -7 -6.046875 C -6.832031 -6.378906 -6.601562 -6.648438 -6.3125 -6.859375 C -6.03125 -7.066406 -5.703125 -7.21875 -5.328125 -7.3125 C -4.960938 -7.414062 -4.585938 -7.46875 -4.203125 -7.46875 Z M -4.203125 -7.46875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-2"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M -11.421875 -1.109375 L 0 -1.109375 L 0 -2.46875 L -11.421875 -2.46875 Z M -11.421875 -1.109375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-3"> +<path 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-3.828125 9.257812 -3.390625 9.09375 -2.984375 C 8.9375 -2.585938 8.71875 -2.238281 8.4375 -1.9375 C 8.15625 -1.644531 7.816406 -1.414062 7.421875 -1.25 C 7.035156 -1.09375 6.59375 -1.015625 6.09375 -1.015625 C 5.414062 -1.015625 4.828125 -1.140625 4.328125 -1.390625 C 3.835938 -1.648438 3.4375 -1.992188 3.125 -2.421875 C 2.8125 -2.859375 2.578125 -3.363281 2.421875 -3.9375 C 2.273438 -4.519531 2.203125 -5.140625 2.203125 -5.796875 C 2.203125 -6.390625 2.273438 -6.960938 2.421875 -7.515625 C 2.578125 -8.078125 2.8125 -8.570312 3.125 -9 C 3.4375 -9.425781 3.835938 -9.769531 4.328125 -10.03125 C 4.816406 -10.289062 5.398438 -10.421875 6.078125 -10.421875 C 6.878906 -10.421875 7.570312 -10.21875 8.15625 -9.8125 C 8.738281 -9.40625 9.113281 -8.796875 9.28125 -7.984375 Z M 9.28125 -7.984375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-7"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.765625 -5.953125 L 2.765625 -10.140625 L 5.75 -10.140625 C 6.613281 -10.140625 7.242188 -9.960938 7.640625 -9.609375 C 8.035156 -9.253906 8.234375 -8.734375 8.234375 -8.046875 C 8.234375 -7.367188 8.035156 -6.847656 7.640625 -6.484375 C 7.242188 -6.117188 6.613281 -5.941406 5.75 -5.953125 Z M 1.25 -11.421875 L 1.25 0 L 2.765625 0 L 2.765625 -4.671875 L 6.25 -4.671875 C 7.40625 -4.660156 8.28125 -4.953125 8.875 -5.546875 C 9.46875 -6.148438 9.765625 -6.984375 9.765625 -8.046875 C 9.765625 -9.109375 9.46875 -9.9375 8.875 -10.53125 C 8.28125 -11.125 7.40625 -11.421875 6.25 -11.421875 Z M 1.25 -11.421875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-8"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 10.375 -4.125 L 10.375 -11.421875 L 8.84375 -11.421875 L 8.84375 -4.125 C 8.84375 -3.101562 8.585938 -2.328125 8.078125 -1.796875 C 7.578125 -1.273438 6.84375 -1.015625 5.875 -1.015625 C 4.851562 -1.015625 4.066406 -1.273438 3.515625 -1.796875 C 2.972656 -2.328125 2.703125 -3.101562 2.703125 -4.125 L 2.703125 -11.421875 L 1.1875 -11.421875 L 1.1875 -4.125 C 1.1875 -2.601562 1.597656 -1.492188 2.421875 -0.796875 C 3.242188 -0.0976562 4.394531 0.25 5.875 0.25 C 7.3125 0.25 8.421875 -0.113281 9.203125 -0.84375 C 9.984375 -1.570312 10.375 -2.664062 10.375 -4.125 Z M 10.375 -4.125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-9"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M -0.140625 3.15625 L 0.875 3.15625 C 1.707031 2.050781 2.332031 0.863281 2.75 -0.40625 C 3.175781 -1.675781 3.390625 -2.941406 3.390625 -4.203125 C 3.390625 -4.910156 3.332031 -5.582031 3.21875 -6.21875 C 3.101562 -6.863281 2.9375 -7.492188 2.71875 -8.109375 C 2.5 -8.722656 2.234375 -9.320312 1.921875 -9.90625 C 1.609375 -10.5 1.257812 -11.097656 0.875 -11.703125 L -0.140625 -11.703125 C 0.597656 -10.472656 1.128906 -9.25 1.453125 -8.03125 C 1.785156 -6.820312 1.953125 -5.546875 1.953125 -4.203125 C 1.953125 -2.898438 1.789062 -1.648438 1.46875 -0.453125 C 1.144531 0.742188 0.609375 1.945312 -0.140625 3.15625 Z M -0.140625 3.15625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-10"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 6.640625 -5.609375 L 8.046875 -5.609375 C 7.992188 -6.109375 7.863281 -6.535156 7.65625 -6.890625 C 7.457031 -7.242188 7.203125 -7.535156 6.890625 -7.765625 C 6.578125 -8.003906 6.210938 -8.179688 5.796875 -8.296875 C 5.390625 -8.410156 4.953125 -8.46875 4.484375 -8.46875 C 3.828125 -8.46875 3.253906 -8.351562 2.765625 -8.125 C 2.273438 -7.894531 1.867188 -7.578125 1.546875 -7.171875 C 1.222656 -6.773438 0.976562 -6.304688 0.8125 -5.765625 C 0.65625 -5.222656 0.578125 -4.644531 0.578125 -4.03125 C 0.578125 -3.414062 0.660156 -2.847656 0.828125 -2.328125 C 0.992188 -1.804688 1.238281 -1.359375 1.5625 -0.984375 C 1.882812 -0.617188 2.285156 -0.332031 2.765625 -0.125 C 3.253906 0.0703125 3.816406 0.171875 4.453125 0.171875 C 5.503906 0.171875 6.335938 -0.101562 6.953125 -0.65625 C 7.566406 -1.207031 7.945312 -2 8.09375 -3.03125 L 6.703125 -3.03125 C 6.617188 -2.382812 6.382812 -1.882812 6 -1.53125 C 5.625 -1.1875 5.101562 -1.015625 4.4375 -1.015625 C 4.007812 -1.015625 3.640625 -1.097656 3.328125 -1.265625 C 3.015625 -1.429688 2.757812 -1.65625 2.5625 -1.9375 C 2.375 -2.226562 2.234375 -2.550781 2.140625 -2.90625 C 2.054688 -3.269531 2.015625 -3.644531 2.015625 -4.03125 C 2.015625 -4.445312 2.054688 -4.847656 2.140625 -5.234375 C 2.222656 -5.628906 2.363281 -5.972656 2.5625 -6.265625 C 2.757812 -6.566406 3.023438 -6.804688 3.359375 -6.984375 C 3.691406 -7.171875 4.101562 -7.265625 4.59375 -7.265625 C 5.164062 -7.265625 5.625 -7.117188 5.96875 -6.828125 C 6.3125 -6.546875 6.535156 -6.140625 6.640625 -5.609375 Z M 6.640625 -5.609375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-11"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 7.875 0 L 7.875 -8.265625 L 6.515625 -8.265625 L 6.515625 -3.59375 C 6.515625 -3.226562 6.460938 -2.882812 6.359375 -2.5625 C 6.253906 -2.25 6.097656 -1.972656 5.890625 -1.734375 C 5.691406 -1.503906 5.441406 -1.328125 5.140625 -1.203125 C 4.835938 -1.078125 4.476562 -1.015625 4.0625 -1.015625 C 3.539062 -1.015625 3.128906 -1.160156 2.828125 -1.453125 C 2.535156 -1.753906 2.390625 -2.160156 2.390625 -2.671875 L 2.390625 -8.265625 L 1.03125 -8.265625 L 1.03125 -2.828125 C 1.03125 -2.378906 1.070312 -1.972656 1.15625 -1.609375 C 1.25 -1.242188 1.40625 -0.925781 1.625 -0.65625 C 1.851562 -0.382812 2.148438 -0.175781 2.515625 -0.03125 C 2.878906 0.101562 3.332031 0.171875 3.875 0.171875 C 4.476562 0.171875 5.003906 0.0507812 5.453125 -0.1875 C 5.898438 -0.425781 6.269531 -0.800781 6.5625 -1.3125 L 6.59375 -1.3125 L 6.59375 0 Z M 7.875 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-12"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.28125 -11.421875 L 1.28125 0 L 2.71875 0 L 2.71875 -9.5 L 2.75 -9.5 L 6.3125 0 L 7.609375 0 L 11.1875 -9.5 L 11.21875 -9.5 L 11.21875 0 L 12.65625 0 L 12.65625 -11.421875 L 10.578125 -11.421875 L 6.953125 -1.828125 L 3.359375 -11.421875 Z M 1.28125 -11.421875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-13"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 6.765625 -4.921875 L 2.015625 -4.921875 C 2.035156 -5.242188 2.101562 -5.546875 2.21875 -5.828125 C 2.34375 -6.109375 2.503906 -6.351562 2.703125 -6.5625 C 2.910156 -6.78125 3.15625 -6.953125 3.4375 -7.078125 C 3.71875 -7.203125 4.035156 -7.265625 4.390625 -7.265625 C 4.722656 -7.265625 5.03125 -7.203125 5.3125 -7.078125 C 5.601562 -6.953125 5.851562 -6.785156 6.0625 -6.578125 C 6.269531 -6.367188 6.429688 -6.117188 6.546875 -5.828125 C 6.671875 -5.546875 6.742188 -5.242188 6.765625 -4.921875 Z M 8.078125 -2.625 L 6.734375 -2.625 C 6.617188 -2.082031 6.375 -1.675781 6 -1.40625 C 5.632812 -1.144531 5.164062 -1.015625 4.59375 -1.015625 C 4.144531 -1.015625 3.753906 -1.085938 3.421875 -1.234375 C 3.085938 -1.378906 2.8125 -1.578125 2.59375 -1.828125 C 2.382812 -2.078125 2.234375 -2.363281 2.140625 -2.6875 C 2.046875 -3.019531 2.003906 -3.367188 2.015625 -3.734375 L 8.203125 -3.734375 C 8.222656 -4.234375 8.175781 -4.757812 8.0625 -5.3125 C 7.957031 -5.863281 7.757812 -6.375 7.46875 -6.84375 C 7.175781 -7.3125 6.785156 -7.695312 6.296875 -8 C 5.804688 -8.3125 5.195312 -8.46875 4.46875 -8.46875 C 3.894531 -8.46875 3.367188 -8.359375 2.890625 -8.140625 C 2.421875 -7.929688 2.015625 -7.632812 1.671875 -7.25 C 1.328125 -6.863281 1.054688 -6.410156 0.859375 -5.890625 C 0.671875 -5.367188 0.578125 -4.789062 0.578125 -4.15625 C 0.597656 -3.53125 0.691406 -2.945312 0.859375 -2.40625 C 1.023438 -1.875 1.269531 -1.414062 1.59375 -1.03125 C 1.925781 -0.65625 2.332031 -0.359375 2.8125 -0.140625 C 3.300781 0.0664062 3.878906 0.171875 4.546875 0.171875 C 5.484375 0.171875 6.257812 -0.0625 6.875 -0.53125 C 7.5 -1 7.898438 -1.695312 8.078125 -2.625 Z M 8.078125 -2.625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-14"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.03125 -8.265625 L 1.03125 0 L 2.390625 0 L 2.390625 -5.15625 C 2.390625 -5.3125 2.425781 -5.507812 2.5 -5.75 C 2.582031 -5.988281 2.710938 -6.21875 2.890625 -6.4375 C 3.066406 -6.664062 3.296875 -6.859375 3.578125 -7.015625 C 3.859375 -7.179688 4.195312 -7.265625 4.59375 -7.265625 C 4.90625 -7.265625 5.15625 -7.21875 5.34375 -7.125 C 5.539062 -7.03125 5.695312 -6.898438 5.8125 -6.734375 C 5.9375 -6.578125 6.019531 -6.382812 6.0625 -6.15625 C 6.113281 -5.9375 6.140625 -5.691406 6.140625 -5.421875 L 6.140625 0 L 7.5 0 L 7.5 -5.15625 C 7.5 -5.789062 7.691406 -6.300781 8.078125 -6.6875 C 8.460938 -7.070312 8.988281 -7.265625 9.65625 -7.265625 C 9.988281 -7.265625 10.257812 -7.210938 10.46875 -7.109375 C 10.675781 -7.015625 10.835938 -6.882812 10.953125 -6.71875 C 11.078125 -6.5625 11.160156 -6.367188 11.203125 -6.140625 C 11.242188 -5.921875 11.265625 -5.679688 11.265625 -5.421875 L 11.265625 0 L 12.625 0 L 12.625 -6.0625 C 12.625 -6.488281 12.554688 -6.851562 12.421875 -7.15625 C 12.285156 -7.457031 12.097656 -7.703125 11.859375 -7.890625 C 11.617188 -8.085938 11.332031 -8.234375 11 -8.328125 C 10.664062 -8.421875 10.289062 -8.46875 9.875 -8.46875 C 9.332031 -8.46875 8.832031 -8.34375 8.375 -8.09375 C 7.925781 -7.851562 7.5625 -7.507812 7.28125 -7.0625 C 7.113281 -7.570312 6.820312 -7.929688 6.40625 -8.140625 C 5.988281 -8.359375 5.523438 -8.46875 5.015625 -8.46875 C 3.847656 -8.46875 2.957031 -8 2.34375 -7.0625 L 2.296875 -7.0625 L 2.296875 -8.265625 Z M 1.03125 -8.265625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-15"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.21875 -4.71875 L 5.15625 -10.046875 L 5.1875 -10.046875 L 7.09375 -4.71875 Z M 4.359375 -11.421875 L -0.09375 0 L 1.453125 0 L 2.734375 -3.4375 L 7.5625 -3.4375 L 8.8125 0 L 10.5 0 L 6.03125 -11.421875 Z M 4.359375 -11.421875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-16"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.109375 -11.421875 L 1.109375 0 L 2.46875 0 L 2.46875 -11.421875 Z M 1.109375 -11.421875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-17"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d=""/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-18"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 4.40625 -7.03125 C 4.269531 -7.1875 4.140625 -7.34375 4.015625 -7.5 C 3.890625 -7.664062 3.769531 -7.828125 3.65625 -7.984375 C 3.550781 -8.148438 3.460938 -8.316406 3.390625 -8.484375 C 3.328125 -8.660156 3.296875 -8.835938 3.296875 -9.015625 C 3.296875 -9.421875 3.429688 -9.722656 3.703125 -9.921875 C 3.984375 -10.117188 4.285156 -10.21875 4.609375 -10.21875 C 5.015625 -10.21875 5.332031 -10.097656 5.5625 -9.859375 C 5.800781 -9.617188 5.921875 -9.335938 5.921875 -9.015625 C 5.921875 -8.765625 5.867188 -8.539062 5.765625 -8.34375 C 5.671875 -8.144531 5.550781 -7.960938 5.40625 -7.796875 C 5.257812 -7.640625 5.09375 -7.5 4.90625 -7.375 C 4.726562 -7.25 4.5625 -7.132812 4.40625 -7.03125 Z M 7.328125 -1.421875 L 8.546875 0 L 10.3125 0 L 8.09375 -2.578125 C 8.207031 -2.828125 8.304688 -3.050781 8.390625 -3.25 C 8.484375 -3.445312 8.554688 -3.644531 8.609375 -3.84375 C 8.671875 -4.050781 8.71875 -4.273438 8.75 -4.515625 C 8.789062 -4.753906 8.828125 -5.046875 8.859375 -5.390625 L 7.5625 -5.390625 C 7.53125 -4.804688 7.410156 -4.210938 7.203125 -3.609375 L 5.140625 -6.125 C 5.410156 -6.289062 5.671875 -6.46875 5.921875 -6.65625 C 6.179688 -6.851562 6.410156 -7.078125 6.609375 -7.328125 C 6.816406 -7.578125 6.976562 -7.847656 7.09375 -8.140625 C 7.21875 -8.429688 7.28125 -8.75 7.28125 -9.09375 C 7.28125 -9.46875 7.203125 -9.800781 7.046875 -10.09375 C 6.890625 -10.394531 6.679688 -10.644531 6.421875 -10.84375 C 6.171875 -11.039062 5.878906 -11.1875 5.546875 -11.28125 C 5.210938 -11.375 4.867188 -11.421875 4.515625 -11.421875 C 4.097656 -11.421875 3.726562 -11.359375 3.40625 -11.234375 C 3.082031 -11.109375 2.8125 -10.9375 2.59375 -10.71875 C 2.375 -10.5 2.207031 -10.242188 2.09375 -9.953125 C 1.988281 -9.671875 1.9375 -9.378906 1.9375 -9.078125 C 1.9375 -8.785156 1.96875 -8.523438 2.03125 -8.296875 C 2.101562 -8.066406 2.203125 -7.847656 2.328125 -7.640625 C 2.453125 -7.429688 2.585938 -7.222656 2.734375 -7.015625 C 2.878906 -6.816406 3.035156 -6.609375 3.203125 -6.390625 C 2.835938 -6.191406 2.492188 -5.984375 2.171875 -5.765625 C 1.847656 -5.546875 1.5625 -5.300781 1.3125 -5.03125 C 1.070312 -4.757812 0.878906 -4.453125 0.734375 -4.109375 C 0.597656 -3.765625 0.53125 -3.367188 0.53125 -2.921875 C 0.53125 -2.691406 0.566406 -2.398438 0.640625 -2.046875 C 0.722656 -1.691406 0.890625 -1.347656 1.140625 -1.015625 C 1.398438 -0.691406 1.765625 -0.410156 2.234375 -0.171875 C 2.703125 0.0546875 3.320312 0.171875 4.09375 0.171875 C 4.726562 0.171875 5.335938 0.0390625 5.921875 -0.21875 C 6.515625 -0.488281 6.984375 -0.890625 7.328125 -1.421875 Z M 3.953125 -5.515625 L 6.578125 -2.375 C 6.296875 -1.957031 5.945312 -1.625 5.53125 -1.375 C 5.125 -1.132812 4.660156 -1.015625 4.140625 -1.015625 C 3.867188 -1.015625 3.597656 -1.0625 3.328125 -1.15625 C 3.066406 -1.25 2.835938 -1.378906 2.640625 -1.546875 C 2.441406 -1.710938 2.28125 -1.914062 2.15625 -2.15625 C 2.03125 -2.394531 1.96875 -2.65625 1.96875 -2.9375 C 1.96875 -3.28125 2.019531 -3.578125 2.125 -3.828125 C 2.226562 -4.078125 2.367188 -4.300781 2.546875 -4.5 C 2.734375 -4.707031 2.945312 -4.890625 3.1875 -5.046875 C 3.425781 -5.210938 3.679688 -5.367188 3.953125 -5.515625 Z M 3.953125 -5.515625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-19"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.078125 -8.265625 L 1.078125 3.15625 L 2.4375 3.15625 L 2.4375 -1.109375 L 2.46875 -1.109375 C 2.613281 -0.859375 2.796875 -0.648438 3.015625 -0.484375 C 3.234375 -0.316406 3.460938 -0.1875 3.703125 -0.09375 C 3.953125 0 4.203125 0.0664062 4.453125 0.109375 C 4.703125 0.148438 4.929688 0.171875 5.140625 0.171875 C 5.765625 0.171875 6.3125 0.0625 6.78125 -0.15625 C 7.257812 -0.382812 7.65625 -0.691406 7.96875 -1.078125 C 8.289062 -1.460938 8.523438 -1.914062 8.671875 -2.4375 C 8.828125 -2.96875 8.90625 -3.523438 8.90625 -4.109375 C 8.90625 -4.691406 8.828125 -5.242188 8.671875 -5.765625 C 8.515625 -6.296875 8.273438 -6.757812 7.953125 -7.15625 C 7.640625 -7.5625 7.242188 -7.878906 6.765625 -8.109375 C 6.296875 -8.347656 5.742188 -8.46875 5.109375 -8.46875 C 4.523438 -8.46875 3.992188 -8.363281 3.515625 -8.15625 C 3.035156 -7.945312 2.6875 -7.613281 2.46875 -7.15625 L 2.4375 -7.15625 L 2.4375 -8.265625 Z M 7.46875 -4.203125 C 7.46875 -3.796875 7.425781 -3.398438 7.34375 -3.015625 C 7.257812 -2.640625 7.117188 -2.300781 6.921875 -2 C 6.734375 -1.695312 6.484375 -1.457031 6.171875 -1.28125 C 5.859375 -1.101562 5.460938 -1.015625 4.984375 -1.015625 C 4.515625 -1.015625 4.113281 -1.097656 3.78125 -1.265625 C 3.457031 -1.441406 3.191406 -1.675781 2.984375 -1.96875 C 2.773438 -2.257812 2.625 -2.59375 2.53125 -2.96875 C 2.4375 -3.34375 2.390625 -3.734375 2.390625 -4.140625 C 2.390625 -4.523438 2.429688 -4.90625 2.515625 -5.28125 C 2.609375 -5.65625 2.753906 -5.988281 2.953125 -6.28125 C 3.160156 -6.570312 3.421875 -6.804688 3.734375 -6.984375 C 4.054688 -7.171875 4.445312 -7.265625 4.90625 -7.265625 C 5.34375 -7.265625 5.722656 -7.175781 6.046875 -7 C 6.378906 -6.832031 6.648438 -6.601562 6.859375 -6.3125 C 7.066406 -6.03125 7.21875 -5.703125 7.3125 -5.328125 C 7.414062 -4.960938 7.46875 -4.585938 7.46875 -4.203125 Z M 7.46875 -4.203125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-20"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 4.265625 1.109375 C 4.109375 1.515625 3.953125 1.851562 3.796875 2.125 C 3.640625 2.40625 3.46875 2.632812 3.28125 2.8125 C 3.101562 2.988281 2.894531 3.113281 2.65625 3.1875 C 2.425781 3.269531 2.164062 3.3125 1.875 3.3125 C 1.707031 3.3125 1.546875 3.300781 1.390625 3.28125 C 1.234375 3.257812 1.078125 3.222656 0.921875 3.171875 L 0.921875 1.921875 C 1.046875 1.972656 1.179688 2.015625 1.328125 2.046875 C 1.484375 2.085938 1.617188 2.109375 1.734375 2.109375 C 2.003906 2.109375 2.234375 2.039062 2.421875 1.90625 C 2.609375 1.78125 2.75 1.59375 2.84375 1.34375 L 3.40625 -0.046875 L 0.125 -8.265625 L 1.65625 -8.265625 L 4.078125 -1.5 L 4.109375 -1.5 L 6.4375 -8.265625 L 7.875 -8.265625 Z M 4.265625 1.109375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-21"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.765625 -1.28125 L 2.765625 -10.140625 L 5.328125 -10.140625 C 6.035156 -10.140625 6.628906 -10.039062 7.109375 -9.84375 C 7.585938 -9.644531 7.976562 -9.359375 8.28125 -8.984375 C 8.582031 -8.609375 8.800781 -8.148438 8.9375 -7.609375 C 9.070312 -7.066406 9.140625 -6.457031 9.140625 -5.78125 C 9.140625 -5.070312 9.066406 -4.46875 8.921875 -3.96875 C 8.773438 -3.476562 8.585938 -3.066406 8.359375 -2.734375 C 8.140625 -2.398438 7.890625 -2.132812 7.609375 -1.9375 C 7.328125 -1.75 7.039062 -1.601562 6.75 -1.5 C 6.457031 -1.40625 6.179688 -1.34375 5.921875 -1.3125 C 5.671875 -1.289062 5.460938 -1.28125 5.296875 -1.28125 Z M 1.25 -11.421875 L 1.25 0 L 5.171875 0 C 6.117188 0 6.9375 -0.128906 7.625 -0.390625 C 8.320312 -0.660156 8.894531 -1.046875 9.34375 -1.546875 C 9.789062 -2.054688 10.117188 -2.679688 10.328125 -3.421875 C 10.546875 -4.171875 10.65625 -5.023438 10.65625 -5.984375 C 10.65625 -7.816406 10.179688 -9.179688 9.234375 -10.078125 C 8.285156 -10.972656 6.929688 -11.421875 5.171875 -11.421875 Z M 1.25 -11.421875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-22"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 4.75 0 L 7.78125 -8.265625 L 6.359375 -8.265625 L 4.09375 -1.375 L 4.0625 -1.375 L 1.75 -8.265625 L 0.21875 -8.265625 L 3.296875 0 Z M 4.75 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-23"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.46875 -9.765625 L 2.46875 -11.421875 L 1.109375 -11.421875 L 1.109375 -9.765625 Z M 1.109375 -8.265625 L 1.109375 0 L 2.46875 0 L 2.46875 -8.265625 Z M 1.109375 -8.265625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-24"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 9.796875 -1.421875 L 10.1875 0 L 11.15625 0 L 11.15625 -6.015625 L 6.140625 -6.015625 L 6.140625 -4.734375 L 9.796875 -4.734375 C 9.816406 -4.210938 9.742188 -3.722656 9.578125 -3.265625 C 9.421875 -2.816406 9.1875 -2.421875 8.875 -2.078125 C 8.5625 -1.742188 8.175781 -1.484375 7.71875 -1.296875 C 7.257812 -1.109375 6.726562 -1.015625 6.125 -1.015625 C 5.488281 -1.015625 4.925781 -1.140625 4.4375 -1.390625 C 3.957031 -1.640625 3.550781 -1.972656 3.21875 -2.390625 C 2.882812 -2.816406 2.628906 -3.300781 2.453125 -3.84375 C 2.285156 -4.394531 2.203125 -4.96875 2.203125 -5.5625 C 2.203125 -6.175781 2.273438 -6.769531 2.421875 -7.34375 C 2.578125 -7.925781 2.8125 -8.441406 3.125 -8.890625 C 3.4375 -9.347656 3.84375 -9.71875 4.34375 -10 C 4.84375 -10.28125 5.4375 -10.421875 6.125 -10.421875 C 6.550781 -10.421875 6.953125 -10.367188 7.328125 -10.265625 C 7.710938 -10.160156 8.050781 -10.003906 8.34375 -9.796875 C 8.644531 -9.597656 8.894531 -9.34375 9.09375 -9.03125 C 9.300781 -8.71875 9.441406 -8.34375 9.515625 -7.90625 L 11.046875 -7.90625 C 10.929688 -8.570312 10.726562 -9.144531 10.4375 -9.625 C 10.144531 -10.101562 9.78125 -10.492188 9.34375 -10.796875 C 8.914062 -11.109375 8.425781 -11.335938 7.875 -11.484375 C 7.332031 -11.628906 6.75 -11.703125 6.125 -11.703125 C 5.21875 -11.703125 4.425781 -11.53125 3.75 -11.1875 C 3.070312 -10.851562 2.503906 -10.398438 2.046875 -9.828125 C 1.597656 -9.265625 1.257812 -8.609375 1.03125 -7.859375 C 0.800781 -7.109375 0.6875 -6.316406 0.6875 -5.484375 C 0.6875 -4.742188 0.804688 -4.023438 1.046875 -3.328125 C 1.296875 -2.628906 1.65625 -2.015625 2.125 -1.484375 C 2.59375 -0.953125 3.160156 -0.53125 3.828125 -0.21875 C 4.503906 0.09375 5.269531 0.25 6.125 0.25 C 6.800781 0.25 7.46875 0.117188 8.125 -0.140625 C 8.789062 -0.398438 9.347656 -0.828125 9.796875 -1.421875 Z M 9.796875 -1.421875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-25"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 8.359375 -0.03125 C 8.117188 0.101562 7.789062 0.171875 7.375 0.171875 C 7.019531 0.171875 6.738281 0.0703125 6.53125 -0.125 C 6.320312 -0.320312 6.21875 -0.644531 6.21875 -1.09375 C 5.84375 -0.644531 5.40625 -0.320312 4.90625 -0.125 C 4.414062 0.0703125 3.882812 0.171875 3.3125 0.171875 C 2.9375 0.171875 2.582031 0.128906 2.25 0.046875 C 1.914062 -0.0351562 1.625 -0.164062 1.375 -0.34375 C 1.132812 -0.53125 0.941406 -0.769531 0.796875 -1.0625 C 0.648438 -1.351562 0.578125 -1.707031 0.578125 -2.125 C 0.578125 -2.59375 0.65625 -2.976562 0.8125 -3.28125 C 0.976562 -3.582031 1.191406 -3.820312 1.453125 -4 C 1.710938 -4.1875 2.007812 -4.328125 2.34375 -4.421875 C 2.675781 -4.523438 3.019531 -4.609375 3.375 -4.671875 C 3.75 -4.742188 4.101562 -4.796875 4.4375 -4.828125 C 4.769531 -4.867188 5.066406 -4.925781 5.328125 -5 C 5.585938 -5.070312 5.789062 -5.171875 5.9375 -5.296875 C 6.082031 -5.429688 6.15625 -5.628906 6.15625 -5.890625 C 6.15625 -6.191406 6.097656 -6.429688 5.984375 -6.609375 C 5.878906 -6.785156 5.738281 -6.921875 5.5625 -7.015625 C 5.382812 -7.117188 5.1875 -7.1875 4.96875 -7.21875 C 4.75 -7.25 4.53125 -7.265625 4.3125 -7.265625 C 3.738281 -7.265625 3.257812 -7.15625 2.875 -6.9375 C 2.488281 -6.71875 2.28125 -6.304688 2.25 -5.703125 L 0.890625 -5.703125 C 0.910156 -6.210938 1.015625 -6.640625 1.203125 -6.984375 C 1.398438 -7.335938 1.660156 -7.625 1.984375 -7.84375 C 2.304688 -8.0625 2.671875 -8.21875 3.078125 -8.3125 C 3.492188 -8.414062 3.9375 -8.46875 4.40625 -8.46875 C 4.769531 -8.46875 5.132812 -8.4375 5.5 -8.375 C 5.875 -8.320312 6.207031 -8.210938 6.5 -8.046875 C 6.800781 -7.890625 7.039062 -7.660156 7.21875 -7.359375 C 7.40625 -7.054688 7.5 -6.664062 7.5 -6.1875 L 7.5 -1.9375 C 7.5 -1.613281 7.515625 -1.378906 7.546875 -1.234375 C 7.585938 -1.085938 7.71875 -1.015625 7.9375 -1.015625 C 8.050781 -1.015625 8.191406 -1.039062 8.359375 -1.09375 Z M 6.140625 -4.265625 C 5.972656 -4.140625 5.75 -4.046875 5.46875 -3.984375 C 5.195312 -3.929688 4.90625 -3.882812 4.59375 -3.84375 C 4.289062 -3.8125 3.984375 -3.769531 3.671875 -3.71875 C 3.367188 -3.664062 3.09375 -3.585938 2.84375 -3.484375 C 2.601562 -3.378906 2.40625 -3.226562 2.25 -3.03125 C 2.09375 -2.832031 2.015625 -2.5625 2.015625 -2.21875 C 2.015625 -2 2.054688 -1.8125 2.140625 -1.65625 C 2.234375 -1.5 2.351562 -1.375 2.5 -1.28125 C 2.644531 -1.1875 2.8125 -1.117188 3 -1.078125 C 3.195312 -1.035156 3.398438 -1.015625 3.609375 -1.015625 C 4.054688 -1.015625 4.441406 -1.070312 4.765625 -1.1875 C 5.085938 -1.3125 5.347656 -1.46875 5.546875 -1.65625 C 5.753906 -1.84375 5.90625 -2.046875 6 -2.265625 C 6.09375 -2.484375 6.140625 -2.6875 6.140625 -2.875 Z M 6.140625 -4.265625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-26"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.03125 -8.265625 L 1.03125 0 L 2.390625 0 L 2.390625 -4.671875 C 2.390625 -5.046875 2.4375 -5.390625 2.53125 -5.703125 C 2.632812 -6.015625 2.785156 -6.285156 2.984375 -6.515625 C 3.191406 -6.753906 3.445312 -6.9375 3.75 -7.0625 C 4.050781 -7.195312 4.410156 -7.265625 4.828125 -7.265625 C 5.347656 -7.265625 5.757812 -7.113281 6.0625 -6.8125 C 6.363281 -6.519531 6.515625 -6.113281 6.515625 -5.59375 L 6.515625 0 L 7.875 0 L 7.875 -5.4375 C 7.875 -5.882812 7.828125 -6.289062 7.734375 -6.65625 C 7.640625 -7.03125 7.476562 -7.347656 7.25 -7.609375 C 7.03125 -7.878906 6.738281 -8.085938 6.375 -8.234375 C 6.019531 -8.390625 5.570312 -8.46875 5.03125 -8.46875 C 3.800781 -8.46875 2.90625 -7.960938 2.34375 -6.953125 L 2.296875 -6.953125 L 2.296875 -8.265625 Z M 1.03125 -8.265625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-27"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 8.15625 -0.703125 L 8.15625 -8.265625 L 6.875 -8.265625 L 6.875 -7.09375 L 6.859375 -7.09375 C 6.617188 -7.550781 6.28125 -7.894531 5.84375 -8.125 C 5.40625 -8.351562 4.925781 -8.46875 4.40625 -8.46875 C 3.6875 -8.46875 3.082031 -8.328125 2.59375 -8.046875 C 2.101562 -7.773438 1.707031 -7.429688 1.40625 -7.015625 C 1.101562 -6.597656 0.890625 -6.128906 0.765625 -5.609375 C 0.640625 -5.085938 0.578125 -4.582031 0.578125 -4.09375 C 0.578125 -3.53125 0.65625 -2.992188 0.8125 -2.484375 C 0.96875 -1.984375 1.195312 -1.539062 1.5 -1.15625 C 1.8125 -0.78125 2.195312 -0.476562 2.65625 -0.25 C 3.113281 -0.03125 3.648438 0.078125 4.265625 0.078125 C 4.804688 0.078125 5.3125 -0.0390625 5.78125 -0.28125 C 6.257812 -0.519531 6.613281 -0.894531 6.84375 -1.40625 L 6.875 -1.40625 L 6.875 -0.859375 C 6.875 -0.398438 6.828125 0.015625 6.734375 0.390625 C 6.648438 0.773438 6.503906 1.101562 6.296875 1.375 C 6.097656 1.65625 5.84375 1.867188 5.53125 2.015625 C 5.226562 2.171875 4.851562 2.25 4.40625 2.25 C 4.175781 2.25 3.9375 2.222656 3.6875 2.171875 C 3.445312 2.128906 3.222656 2.054688 3.015625 1.953125 C 2.804688 1.847656 2.628906 1.707031 2.484375 1.53125 C 2.335938 1.363281 2.257812 1.15625 2.25 0.90625 L 0.890625 0.90625 C 0.910156 1.351562 1.023438 1.734375 1.234375 2.046875 C 1.453125 2.359375 1.722656 2.609375 2.046875 2.796875 C 2.378906 2.992188 2.742188 3.132812 3.140625 3.21875 C 3.546875 3.300781 3.9375 3.34375 4.3125 3.34375 C 5.632812 3.34375 6.601562 3.003906 7.21875 2.328125 C 7.84375 1.660156 8.15625 0.648438 8.15625 -0.703125 Z M 4.359375 -1.109375 C 3.910156 -1.109375 3.535156 -1.195312 3.234375 -1.375 C 2.929688 -1.5625 2.6875 -1.804688 2.5 -2.109375 C 2.320312 -2.421875 2.195312 -2.765625 2.125 -3.140625 C 2.050781 -3.515625 2.015625 -3.882812 2.015625 -4.25 C 2.015625 -4.644531 2.054688 -5.023438 2.140625 -5.390625 C 2.234375 -5.753906 2.378906 -6.070312 2.578125 -6.34375 C 2.773438 -6.625 3.03125 -6.847656 3.34375 -7.015625 C 3.65625 -7.179688 4.03125 -7.265625 4.46875 -7.265625 C 4.894531 -7.265625 5.253906 -7.175781 5.546875 -7 C 5.847656 -6.832031 6.09375 -6.609375 6.28125 -6.328125 C 6.46875 -6.046875 6.601562 -5.726562 6.6875 -5.375 C 6.769531 -5.019531 6.8125 -4.660156 6.8125 -4.296875 C 6.8125 -3.921875 6.765625 -3.539062 6.671875 -3.15625 C 6.585938 -2.769531 6.445312 -2.421875 6.25 -2.109375 C 6.0625 -1.804688 5.8125 -1.5625 5.5 -1.375 C 5.1875 -1.195312 4.804688 -1.109375 4.359375 -1.109375 Z M 4.359375 -1.109375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-28"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.96875 -8.265625 L 0.96875 0 L 2.34375 0 L 2.34375 -3.6875 C 2.34375 -4.21875 2.394531 -4.6875 2.5 -5.09375 C 2.601562 -5.507812 2.769531 -5.859375 3 -6.140625 C 3.238281 -6.429688 3.550781 -6.648438 3.9375 -6.796875 C 4.320312 -6.953125 4.785156 -7.03125 5.328125 -7.03125 L 5.328125 -8.46875 C 4.585938 -8.488281 3.976562 -8.335938 3.5 -8.015625 C 3.019531 -7.691406 2.613281 -7.195312 2.28125 -6.53125 L 2.25 -6.53125 L 2.25 -8.265625 Z M 0.96875 -8.265625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-0"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.390625 0 L 0.390625 -8.609375 L 7.21875 -8.609375 L 7.21875 0 Z M 6.140625 -1.078125 L 6.140625 -7.53125 L 1.46875 -7.53125 L 1.46875 -1.078125 Z M 6.140625 -1.078125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-1"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.171875 -8.609375 L 2.359375 -8.609375 L 2.359375 0 L 1.171875 0 Z M 1.171875 -8.609375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-2"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.78125 -6.28125 L 1.78125 -6.28125 L 1.78125 -5.390625 C 2.070312 -5.753906 2.382812 -6.015625 2.71875 -6.171875 C 3.050781 -6.335938 3.421875 -6.421875 3.828125 -6.421875 C 4.710938 -6.421875 5.3125 -6.109375 5.625 -5.484375 C 5.800781 -5.140625 5.890625 -4.65625 5.890625 -4.03125 L 5.890625 0 L 4.8125 0 L 4.8125 -3.953125 C 4.8125 -4.335938 4.753906 -4.644531 4.640625 -4.875 C 4.453125 -5.269531 4.113281 -5.46875 3.625 -5.46875 C 3.375 -5.46875 3.171875 -5.441406 3.015625 -5.390625 C 2.722656 -5.304688 2.46875 -5.132812 2.25 -4.875 C 2.070312 -4.664062 1.957031 -4.453125 1.90625 -4.234375 C 1.851562 -4.015625 1.828125 -3.695312 1.828125 -3.28125 L 1.828125 0 L 0.78125 0 Z M 3.25 -6.421875 Z M 3.25 -6.421875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-3"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.421875 -0.703125 C 3.910156 -0.703125 4.316406 -0.910156 4.640625 -1.328125 C 4.972656 -1.742188 5.140625 -2.359375 5.140625 -3.171875 C 5.140625 -3.671875 5.066406 -4.101562 4.921875 -4.46875 C 4.648438 -5.15625 4.148438 -5.5 3.421875 -5.5 C 2.691406 -5.5 2.191406 -5.132812 1.921875 -4.40625 C 1.773438 -4.019531 1.703125 -3.523438 1.703125 -2.921875 C 1.703125 -2.429688 1.773438 -2.019531 1.921875 -1.6875 C 2.191406 -1.03125 2.691406 -0.703125 3.421875 -0.703125 Z M 0.6875 -6.25 L 1.71875 -6.25 L 1.71875 -5.421875 C 1.925781 -5.703125 2.15625 -5.921875 2.40625 -6.078125 C 2.757812 -6.304688 3.175781 -6.421875 3.65625 -6.421875 C 4.375 -6.421875 4.976562 -6.148438 5.46875 -5.609375 C 5.96875 -5.066406 6.21875 -4.289062 6.21875 -3.28125 C 6.21875 -1.90625 5.859375 -0.925781 5.140625 -0.34375 C 4.691406 0.03125 4.164062 0.21875 3.5625 0.21875 C 3.09375 0.21875 2.695312 0.113281 2.375 -0.09375 C 2.1875 -0.21875 1.976562 -0.421875 1.75 -0.703125 L 1.75 2.5 L 0.6875 2.5 Z M 0.6875 -6.25 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-4"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.828125 -6.28125 L 1.828125 -2.109375 C 1.828125 -1.785156 1.878906 -1.523438 1.984375 -1.328125 C 2.171875 -0.953125 2.519531 -0.765625 3.03125 -0.765625 C 3.757812 -0.765625 4.257812 -1.09375 4.53125 -1.75 C 4.675781 -2.101562 4.75 -2.582031 4.75 -3.1875 L 4.75 -6.28125 L 5.796875 -6.28125 L 5.796875 0 L 4.8125 0 L 4.8125 -0.921875 C 4.675781 -0.679688 4.507812 -0.484375 4.3125 -0.328125 C 3.90625 0.00390625 3.414062 0.171875 2.84375 0.171875 C 1.945312 0.171875 1.335938 -0.128906 1.015625 -0.734375 C 0.835938 -1.046875 0.75 -1.472656 0.75 -2.015625 L 0.75 -6.28125 Z M 3.28125 -6.421875 Z M 3.28125 -6.421875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-5"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.984375 -8.03125 L 2.046875 -8.03125 L 2.046875 -6.28125 L 3.046875 -6.28125 L 3.046875 -5.421875 L 2.046875 -5.421875 L 2.046875 -1.3125 C 2.046875 -1.09375 2.125 -0.945312 2.28125 -0.875 C 2.351562 -0.832031 2.488281 -0.8125 2.6875 -0.8125 C 2.738281 -0.8125 2.789062 -0.8125 2.84375 -0.8125 C 2.90625 -0.820312 2.972656 -0.828125 3.046875 -0.828125 L 3.046875 0 C 2.929688 0.03125 2.804688 0.0507812 2.671875 0.0625 C 2.546875 0.0820312 2.40625 0.09375 2.25 0.09375 C 1.757812 0.09375 1.425781 -0.03125 1.25 -0.28125 C 1.070312 -0.53125 0.984375 -0.859375 0.984375 -1.265625 L 0.984375 -5.421875 L 0.140625 -5.421875 L 0.140625 -6.28125 L 0.984375 -6.28125 Z M 0.984375 -8.03125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-6"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.734375 -8.609375 L 3.625 -8.609375 L 0.890625 0 L 0 0 Z M 2.734375 -8.609375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-7"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 4.625 -8.84375 C 6.144531 -8.84375 7.269531 -8.351562 8 -7.375 C 8.570312 -6.613281 8.859375 -5.640625 8.859375 -4.453125 C 8.859375 -3.171875 8.53125 -2.101562 7.875 -1.25 C 7.113281 -0.25 6.023438 0.25 4.609375 0.25 C 3.285156 0.25 2.242188 -0.1875 1.484375 -1.0625 C 0.804688 -1.90625 0.46875 -2.972656 0.46875 -4.265625 C 0.46875 -5.421875 0.757812 -6.414062 1.34375 -7.25 C 2.082031 -8.3125 3.175781 -8.84375 4.625 -8.84375 Z M 4.75 -0.796875 C 5.769531 -0.796875 6.507812 -1.160156 6.96875 -1.890625 C 7.4375 -2.628906 7.671875 -3.476562 7.671875 -4.4375 C 7.671875 -5.445312 7.40625 -6.257812 6.875 -6.875 C 6.34375 -7.5 5.617188 -7.8125 4.703125 -7.8125 C 3.804688 -7.8125 3.078125 -7.503906 2.515625 -6.890625 C 1.953125 -6.273438 1.671875 -5.375 1.671875 -4.1875 C 1.671875 -3.226562 1.910156 -2.421875 2.390625 -1.765625 C 2.878906 -1.117188 3.664062 -0.796875 4.75 -0.796875 Z M 4.671875 -8.84375 Z M 4.671875 -8.84375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-8"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d=""/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-9"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 4.21875 -1 C 4.613281 -1 4.9375 -1.039062 5.1875 -1.125 C 5.644531 -1.269531 6.019531 -1.5625 6.3125 -2 C 6.539062 -2.34375 6.703125 -2.785156 6.796875 -3.328125 C 6.859375 -3.660156 6.890625 -3.960938 6.890625 -4.234375 C 6.890625 -5.304688 6.675781 -6.132812 6.25 -6.71875 C 5.832031 -7.3125 5.148438 -7.609375 4.203125 -7.609375 L 2.140625 -7.609375 L 2.140625 -1 Z M 0.96875 -8.609375 L 4.453125 -8.609375 C 5.640625 -8.609375 6.554688 -8.1875 7.203125 -7.34375 C 7.785156 -6.59375 8.078125 -5.625 8.078125 -4.4375 C 8.078125 -3.519531 7.90625 -2.691406 7.5625 -1.953125 C 6.957031 -0.648438 5.914062 0 4.4375 0 L 0.96875 0 Z M 0.96875 -8.609375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-10"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.578125 -1.671875 C 1.578125 -1.367188 1.6875 -1.128906 1.90625 -0.953125 C 2.132812 -0.773438 2.398438 -0.6875 2.703125 -0.6875 C 3.078125 -0.6875 3.4375 -0.769531 3.78125 -0.9375 C 4.375 -1.226562 4.671875 -1.695312 4.671875 -2.34375 L 4.671875 -3.1875 C 4.535156 -3.113281 4.363281 -3.046875 4.15625 -2.984375 C 3.957031 -2.929688 3.757812 -2.894531 3.5625 -2.875 L 2.9375 -2.796875 C 2.550781 -2.742188 2.257812 -2.660156 2.0625 -2.546875 C 1.738281 -2.367188 1.578125 -2.078125 1.578125 -1.671875 Z M 4.140625 -3.796875 C 4.378906 -3.828125 4.539062 -3.929688 4.625 -4.109375 C 4.664062 -4.203125 4.6875 -4.335938 4.6875 -4.515625 C 4.6875 -4.867188 4.554688 -5.125 4.296875 -5.28125 C 4.046875 -5.445312 3.6875 -5.53125 3.21875 -5.53125 C 2.664062 -5.53125 2.273438 -5.382812 2.046875 -5.09375 C 1.910156 -4.925781 1.820312 -4.679688 1.78125 -4.359375 L 0.796875 -4.359375 C 0.816406 -5.128906 1.066406 -5.664062 1.546875 -5.96875 C 2.035156 -6.269531 2.597656 -6.421875 3.234375 -6.421875 C 3.972656 -6.421875 4.570312 -6.28125 5.03125 -6 C 5.488281 -5.71875 5.71875 -5.28125 5.71875 -4.6875 L 5.71875 -1.078125 C 5.71875 -0.972656 5.738281 -0.882812 5.78125 -0.8125 C 5.832031 -0.75 5.929688 -0.71875 6.078125 -0.71875 C 6.117188 -0.71875 6.164062 -0.71875 6.21875 -0.71875 C 6.28125 -0.726562 6.347656 -0.738281 6.421875 -0.75 L 6.421875 0.03125 C 6.253906 0.0703125 6.125 0.0976562 6.03125 0.109375 C 5.945312 0.128906 5.832031 0.140625 5.6875 0.140625 C 5.320312 0.140625 5.0625 0.0078125 4.90625 -0.25 C 4.8125 -0.382812 4.75 -0.578125 4.71875 -0.828125 C 4.5 -0.546875 4.1875 -0.300781 3.78125 -0.09375 C 3.382812 0.113281 2.945312 0.21875 2.46875 0.21875 C 1.882812 0.21875 1.40625 0.0390625 1.03125 -0.3125 C 0.664062 -0.664062 0.484375 -1.109375 0.484375 -1.640625 C 0.484375 -2.222656 0.664062 -2.675781 1.03125 -3 C 1.394531 -3.320312 1.867188 -3.519531 2.453125 -3.59375 Z M 3.265625 -6.421875 Z M 3.265625 -6.421875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-11"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 4.640625 -8.828125 C 5.441406 -8.828125 6.140625 -8.671875 6.734375 -8.359375 C 7.585938 -7.910156 8.109375 -7.125 8.296875 -6 L 7.15625 -6 C 7.007812 -6.625 6.710938 -7.082031 6.265625 -7.375 C 5.828125 -7.664062 5.273438 -7.8125 4.609375 -7.8125 C 3.804688 -7.8125 3.132812 -7.507812 2.59375 -6.90625 C 2.050781 -6.3125 1.78125 -5.421875 1.78125 -4.234375 C 1.78125 -3.210938 2.003906 -2.378906 2.453125 -1.734375 C 2.898438 -1.097656 3.628906 -0.78125 4.640625 -0.78125 C 5.421875 -0.78125 6.066406 -1.003906 6.578125 -1.453125 C 7.085938 -1.898438 7.347656 -2.628906 7.359375 -3.640625 L 4.671875 -3.640625 L 4.671875 -4.609375 L 8.4375 -4.609375 L 8.4375 0 L 7.6875 0 L 7.40625 -1.109375 C 7.019531 -0.671875 6.671875 -0.367188 6.359375 -0.203125 C 5.847656 0.0859375 5.195312 0.234375 4.40625 0.234375 C 3.394531 0.234375 2.519531 -0.0976562 1.78125 -0.765625 C 0.976562 -1.585938 0.578125 -2.722656 0.578125 -4.171875 C 0.578125 -5.609375 0.96875 -6.753906 1.75 -7.609375 C 2.488281 -8.421875 3.453125 -8.828125 4.640625 -8.828125 Z M 4.4375 -8.84375 Z M 4.4375 -8.84375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-12"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.390625 -6.421875 C 3.835938 -6.421875 4.269531 -6.316406 4.6875 -6.109375 C 5.101562 -5.898438 5.421875 -5.628906 5.640625 -5.296875 C 5.847656 -4.972656 5.988281 -4.601562 6.0625 -4.1875 C 6.125 -3.894531 6.15625 -3.429688 6.15625 -2.796875 L 1.546875 -2.796875 C 1.566406 -2.160156 1.71875 -1.648438 2 -1.265625 C 2.28125 -0.878906 2.71875 -0.6875 3.3125 -0.6875 C 3.863281 -0.6875 4.300781 -0.867188 4.625 -1.234375 C 4.8125 -1.441406 4.945312 -1.6875 5.03125 -1.96875 L 6.0625 -1.96875 C 6.039062 -1.738281 5.953125 -1.484375 5.796875 -1.203125 C 5.640625 -0.921875 5.46875 -0.6875 5.28125 -0.5 C 4.957031 -0.1875 4.554688 0.0195312 4.078125 0.125 C 3.828125 0.1875 3.539062 0.21875 3.21875 0.21875 C 2.4375 0.21875 1.773438 -0.0625 1.234375 -0.625 C 0.691406 -1.195312 0.421875 -1.992188 0.421875 -3.015625 C 0.421875 -4.023438 0.691406 -4.84375 1.234375 -5.46875 C 1.785156 -6.101562 2.503906 -6.421875 3.390625 -6.421875 Z M 5.0625 -3.640625 C 5.019531 -4.097656 4.921875 -4.460938 4.765625 -4.734375 C 4.484375 -5.242188 4.003906 -5.5 3.328125 -5.5 C 2.835938 -5.5 2.425781 -5.320312 2.09375 -4.96875 C 1.769531 -4.625 1.597656 -4.179688 1.578125 -3.640625 Z M 3.28125 -6.421875 Z M 3.28125 -6.421875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-13"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.796875 -6.28125 L 1.8125 -6.28125 L 1.8125 -5.1875 C 1.882812 -5.40625 2.082031 -5.664062 2.40625 -5.96875 C 2.726562 -6.269531 3.097656 -6.421875 3.515625 -6.421875 C 3.535156 -6.421875 3.566406 -6.414062 3.609375 -6.40625 C 3.660156 -6.40625 3.742188 -6.398438 3.859375 -6.390625 L 3.859375 -5.28125 C 3.796875 -5.289062 3.738281 -5.296875 3.6875 -5.296875 C 3.632812 -5.296875 3.578125 -5.296875 3.515625 -5.296875 C 2.984375 -5.296875 2.570312 -5.125 2.28125 -4.78125 C 2 -4.445312 1.859375 -4.054688 1.859375 -3.609375 L 1.859375 0 L 0.796875 0 Z M 0.796875 -6.28125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-14"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 4.546875 -8.84375 C 5.628906 -8.84375 6.472656 -8.554688 7.078125 -7.984375 C 7.679688 -7.410156 8.015625 -6.757812 8.078125 -6.03125 L 6.9375 -6.03125 C 6.8125 -6.582031 6.554688 -7.019531 6.171875 -7.34375 C 5.785156 -7.664062 5.242188 -7.828125 4.546875 -7.828125 C 3.703125 -7.828125 3.019531 -7.53125 2.5 -6.9375 C 1.976562 -6.34375 1.71875 -5.429688 1.71875 -4.203125 C 1.71875 -3.191406 1.953125 -2.367188 2.421875 -1.734375 C 2.890625 -1.109375 3.59375 -0.796875 4.53125 -0.796875 C 5.382812 -0.796875 6.039062 -1.128906 6.5 -1.796875 C 6.726562 -2.140625 6.90625 -2.597656 7.03125 -3.171875 L 8.15625 -3.171875 C 8.0625 -2.265625 7.726562 -1.503906 7.15625 -0.890625 C 6.46875 -0.148438 5.546875 0.21875 4.390625 0.21875 C 3.390625 0.21875 2.550781 -0.0820312 1.875 -0.6875 C 0.976562 -1.488281 0.53125 -2.722656 0.53125 -4.390625 C 0.53125 -5.660156 0.863281 -6.703125 1.53125 -7.515625 C 2.257812 -8.398438 3.265625 -8.84375 4.546875 -8.84375 Z M 4.3125 -8.84375 Z M 4.3125 -8.84375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-15"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.1875 -8.609375 L 2.1875 -3.28125 C 2.1875 -2.65625 2.300781 -2.140625 2.53125 -1.734375 C 2.875 -1.109375 3.460938 -0.796875 4.296875 -0.796875 C 5.273438 -0.796875 5.945312 -1.132812 6.3125 -1.8125 C 6.5 -2.175781 6.59375 -2.664062 6.59375 -3.28125 L 6.59375 -8.609375 L 7.78125 -8.609375 L 7.78125 -3.78125 C 7.78125 -2.71875 7.632812 -1.898438 7.34375 -1.328125 C 6.820312 -0.285156 5.835938 0.234375 4.390625 0.234375 C 2.929688 0.234375 1.941406 -0.285156 1.421875 -1.328125 C 1.140625 -1.898438 1 -2.71875 1 -3.78125 L 1 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C 3.21875 -7.8125 2.722656 -7.664062 2.421875 -7.375 C 2.117188 -7.09375 1.96875 -6.757812 1.96875 -6.375 C 1.96875 -5.957031 2.144531 -5.648438 2.5 -5.453125 C 2.726562 -5.328125 3.25 -5.171875 4.0625 -4.984375 L 5.28125 -4.703125 C 5.851562 -4.566406 6.300781 -4.382812 6.625 -4.15625 C 7.164062 -3.757812 7.4375 -3.175781 7.4375 -2.40625 C 7.4375 -1.457031 7.085938 -0.773438 6.390625 -0.359375 C 5.703125 0.046875 4.898438 0.25 3.984375 0.25 C 2.910156 0.25 2.070312 -0.0195312 1.46875 -0.5625 C 0.863281 -1.113281 0.566406 -1.851562 0.578125 -2.78125 Z M 4.03125 -8.84375 Z M 4.03125 -8.84375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-11"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.578125 -1.671875 C 1.578125 -1.367188 1.6875 -1.128906 1.90625 -0.953125 C 2.132812 -0.773438 2.398438 -0.6875 2.703125 -0.6875 C 3.078125 -0.6875 3.4375 -0.769531 3.78125 -0.9375 C 4.375 -1.226562 4.671875 -1.695312 4.671875 -2.34375 L 4.671875 -3.1875 C 4.535156 -3.113281 4.363281 -3.046875 4.15625 -2.984375 C 3.957031 -2.929688 3.757812 -2.894531 3.5625 -2.875 L 2.9375 -2.796875 C 2.550781 -2.742188 2.257812 -2.660156 2.0625 -2.546875 C 1.738281 -2.367188 1.578125 -2.078125 1.578125 -1.671875 Z M 4.140625 -3.796875 C 4.378906 -3.828125 4.539062 -3.929688 4.625 -4.109375 C 4.664062 -4.203125 4.6875 -4.335938 4.6875 -4.515625 C 4.6875 -4.867188 4.554688 -5.125 4.296875 -5.28125 C 4.046875 -5.445312 3.6875 -5.53125 3.21875 -5.53125 C 2.664062 -5.53125 2.273438 -5.382812 2.046875 -5.09375 C 1.910156 -4.925781 1.820312 -4.679688 1.78125 -4.359375 L 0.796875 -4.359375 C 0.816406 -5.128906 1.066406 -5.664062 1.546875 -5.96875 C 2.035156 -6.269531 2.597656 -6.421875 3.234375 -6.421875 C 3.972656 -6.421875 4.570312 -6.28125 5.03125 -6 C 5.488281 -5.71875 5.71875 -5.28125 5.71875 -4.6875 L 5.71875 -1.078125 C 5.71875 -0.972656 5.738281 -0.882812 5.78125 -0.8125 C 5.832031 -0.75 5.929688 -0.71875 6.078125 -0.71875 C 6.117188 -0.71875 6.164062 -0.71875 6.21875 -0.71875 C 6.28125 -0.726562 6.347656 -0.738281 6.421875 -0.75 L 6.421875 0.03125 C 6.253906 0.0703125 6.125 0.0976562 6.03125 0.109375 C 5.945312 0.128906 5.832031 0.140625 5.6875 0.140625 C 5.320312 0.140625 5.0625 0.0078125 4.90625 -0.25 C 4.8125 -0.382812 4.75 -0.578125 4.71875 -0.828125 C 4.5 -0.546875 4.1875 -0.300781 3.78125 -0.09375 C 3.382812 0.113281 2.945312 0.21875 2.46875 0.21875 C 1.882812 0.21875 1.40625 0.0390625 1.03125 -0.3125 C 0.664062 -0.664062 0.484375 -1.109375 0.484375 -1.640625 C 0.484375 -2.222656 0.664062 -2.675781 1.03125 -3 C 1.394531 -3.320312 1.867188 -3.519531 2.453125 -3.59375 Z M 3.265625 -6.421875 Z M 3.265625 -6.421875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-12"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d=""/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-13"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.390625 -6.421875 C 3.835938 -6.421875 4.269531 -6.316406 4.6875 -6.109375 C 5.101562 -5.898438 5.421875 -5.628906 5.640625 -5.296875 C 5.847656 -4.972656 5.988281 -4.601562 6.0625 -4.1875 C 6.125 -3.894531 6.15625 -3.429688 6.15625 -2.796875 L 1.546875 -2.796875 C 1.566406 -2.160156 1.71875 -1.648438 2 -1.265625 C 2.28125 -0.878906 2.71875 -0.6875 3.3125 -0.6875 C 3.863281 -0.6875 4.300781 -0.867188 4.625 -1.234375 C 4.8125 -1.441406 4.945312 -1.6875 5.03125 -1.96875 L 6.0625 -1.96875 C 6.039062 -1.738281 5.953125 -1.484375 5.796875 -1.203125 C 5.640625 -0.921875 5.46875 -0.6875 5.28125 -0.5 C 4.957031 -0.1875 4.554688 0.0195312 4.078125 0.125 C 3.828125 0.1875 3.539062 0.21875 3.21875 0.21875 C 2.4375 0.21875 1.773438 -0.0625 1.234375 -0.625 C 0.691406 -1.195312 0.421875 -1.992188 0.421875 -3.015625 C 0.421875 -4.023438 0.691406 -4.84375 1.234375 -5.46875 C 1.785156 -6.101562 2.503906 -6.421875 3.390625 -6.421875 Z M 5.0625 -3.640625 C 5.019531 -4.097656 4.921875 -4.460938 4.765625 -4.734375 C 4.484375 -5.242188 4.003906 -5.5 3.328125 -5.5 C 2.835938 -5.5 2.425781 -5.320312 2.09375 -4.96875 C 1.769531 -4.625 1.597656 -4.179688 1.578125 -3.640625 Z M 3.28125 -6.421875 Z M 3.28125 -6.421875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-14"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.796875 -6.28125 L 1.8125 -6.28125 L 1.8125 -5.1875 C 1.882812 -5.40625 2.082031 -5.664062 2.40625 -5.96875 C 2.726562 -6.269531 3.097656 -6.421875 3.515625 -6.421875 C 3.535156 -6.421875 3.566406 -6.414062 3.609375 -6.40625 C 3.660156 -6.40625 3.742188 -6.398438 3.859375 -6.390625 L 3.859375 -5.28125 C 3.796875 -5.289062 3.738281 -5.296875 3.6875 -5.296875 C 3.632812 -5.296875 3.578125 -5.296875 3.515625 -5.296875 C 2.984375 -5.296875 2.570312 -5.125 2.28125 -4.78125 C 2 -4.445312 1.859375 -4.054688 1.859375 -3.609375 L 1.859375 0 L 0.796875 0 Z M 0.796875 -6.28125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-15"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.40625 -1.96875 C 1.4375 -1.613281 1.523438 -1.34375 1.671875 -1.15625 C 1.929688 -0.820312 2.390625 -0.65625 3.046875 -0.65625 C 3.441406 -0.65625 3.785156 -0.738281 4.078125 -0.90625 C 4.378906 -1.070312 4.53125 -1.332031 4.53125 -1.6875 C 4.53125 -1.957031 4.410156 -2.164062 4.171875 -2.3125 C 4.015625 -2.394531 3.710938 -2.492188 3.265625 -2.609375 L 2.421875 -2.8125 C 1.890625 -2.945312 1.5 -3.097656 1.25 -3.265625 C 0.789062 -3.546875 0.5625 -3.941406 0.5625 -4.453125 C 0.5625 -5.046875 0.773438 -5.523438 1.203125 -5.890625 C 1.628906 -6.253906 2.207031 -6.4375 2.9375 -6.4375 C 3.875 -6.4375 4.550781 -6.160156 4.96875 -5.609375 C 5.238281 -5.253906 5.367188 -4.875 5.359375 -4.46875 L 4.359375 -4.46875 C 4.335938 -4.707031 4.253906 -4.925781 4.109375 -5.125 C 3.867188 -5.394531 3.445312 -5.53125 2.84375 -5.53125 C 2.445312 -5.53125 2.144531 -5.453125 1.9375 -5.296875 C 1.738281 -5.148438 1.640625 -4.953125 1.640625 -4.703125 C 1.640625 -4.429688 1.773438 -4.210938 2.046875 -4.046875 C 2.203125 -3.953125 2.429688 -3.867188 2.734375 -3.796875 L 3.421875 -3.625 C 4.179688 -3.4375 4.691406 -3.257812 4.953125 -3.09375 C 5.359375 -2.820312 5.5625 -2.394531 5.5625 -1.8125 C 5.5625 -1.257812 5.347656 -0.78125 4.921875 -0.375 C 4.503906 0.03125 3.863281 0.234375 3 0.234375 C 2.0625 0.234375 1.394531 0.0234375 1 -0.390625 C 0.613281 -0.816406 0.410156 -1.34375 0.390625 -1.96875 Z M 2.953125 -6.421875 Z M 2.953125 -6.421875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-16"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.75 -8.609375 L 1.765625 -8.609375 L 1.765625 -3.609375 L 4.46875 -6.28125 L 5.8125 -6.28125 L 3.421875 -3.921875 L 5.953125 0 L 4.609375 0 L 2.65625 -3.171875 L 1.765625 -2.359375 L 1.765625 0 L 0.75 0 Z M 0.75 -8.609375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-17"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.4375 -3.0625 C 1.4375 -2.394531 1.578125 -1.832031 1.859375 -1.375 C 2.148438 -0.925781 2.609375 -0.703125 3.234375 -0.703125 C 3.722656 -0.703125 4.125 -0.910156 4.4375 -1.328125 C 4.757812 -1.742188 4.921875 -2.347656 4.921875 -3.140625 C 4.921875 -3.929688 4.753906 -4.515625 4.421875 -4.890625 C 4.097656 -5.273438 3.703125 -5.46875 3.234375 -5.46875 C 2.703125 -5.46875 2.269531 -5.265625 1.9375 -4.859375 C 1.601562 -4.453125 1.4375 -3.851562 1.4375 -3.0625 Z M 3.03125 -6.390625 C 3.507812 -6.390625 3.910156 -6.285156 4.234375 -6.078125 C 4.421875 -5.960938 4.632812 -5.757812 4.875 -5.46875 L 4.875 -8.640625 L 5.890625 -8.640625 L 5.890625 0 L 4.9375 0 L 4.9375 -0.875 C 4.695312 -0.488281 4.40625 -0.207031 4.0625 -0.03125 C 3.726562 0.132812 3.34375 0.21875 2.90625 0.21875 C 2.207031 0.21875 1.601562 -0.0703125 1.09375 -0.65625 C 0.582031 -1.25 0.328125 -2.03125 0.328125 -3 C 0.328125 -3.914062 0.5625 -4.707031 1.03125 -5.375 C 1.5 -6.050781 2.164062 -6.390625 3.03125 -6.390625 Z M 3.03125 -6.390625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-0"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 6.546875 -10.65625 L 1.625 -10.65625 L 1.625 -0.75 L 6.546875 -0.75 Z M 7.359375 -11.390625 L 7.359375 -0.015625 L 0.8125 -0.015625 L 0.8125 -11.390625 Z M 7.359375 -11.390625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-1"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.84375 -10.140625 L 3.84375 0 L 5.359375 0 L 5.359375 -10.140625 L 9.171875 -10.140625 L 9.171875 -11.421875 L 0.03125 -11.421875 L 0.03125 -10.140625 Z M 3.84375 -10.140625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-2"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 8.359375 -0.03125 C 8.117188 0.101562 7.789062 0.171875 7.375 0.171875 C 7.019531 0.171875 6.738281 0.0703125 6.53125 -0.125 C 6.320312 -0.320312 6.21875 -0.644531 6.21875 -1.09375 C 5.84375 -0.644531 5.40625 -0.320312 4.90625 -0.125 C 4.414062 0.0703125 3.882812 0.171875 3.3125 0.171875 C 2.9375 0.171875 2.582031 0.128906 2.25 0.046875 C 1.914062 -0.0351562 1.625 -0.164062 1.375 -0.34375 C 1.132812 -0.53125 0.941406 -0.769531 0.796875 -1.0625 C 0.648438 -1.351562 0.578125 -1.707031 0.578125 -2.125 C 0.578125 -2.59375 0.65625 -2.976562 0.8125 -3.28125 C 0.976562 -3.582031 1.191406 -3.820312 1.453125 -4 C 1.710938 -4.1875 2.007812 -4.328125 2.34375 -4.421875 C 2.675781 -4.523438 3.019531 -4.609375 3.375 -4.671875 C 3.75 -4.742188 4.101562 -4.796875 4.4375 -4.828125 C 4.769531 -4.867188 5.066406 -4.925781 5.328125 -5 C 5.585938 -5.070312 5.789062 -5.171875 5.9375 -5.296875 C 6.082031 -5.429688 6.15625 -5.628906 6.15625 -5.890625 C 6.15625 -6.191406 6.097656 -6.429688 5.984375 -6.609375 C 5.878906 -6.785156 5.738281 -6.921875 5.5625 -7.015625 C 5.382812 -7.117188 5.1875 -7.1875 4.96875 -7.21875 C 4.75 -7.25 4.53125 -7.265625 4.3125 -7.265625 C 3.738281 -7.265625 3.257812 -7.15625 2.875 -6.9375 C 2.488281 -6.71875 2.28125 -6.304688 2.25 -5.703125 L 0.890625 -5.703125 C 0.910156 -6.210938 1.015625 -6.640625 1.203125 -6.984375 C 1.398438 -7.335938 1.660156 -7.625 1.984375 -7.84375 C 2.304688 -8.0625 2.671875 -8.21875 3.078125 -8.3125 C 3.492188 -8.414062 3.9375 -8.46875 4.40625 -8.46875 C 4.769531 -8.46875 5.132812 -8.4375 5.5 -8.375 C 5.875 -8.320312 6.207031 -8.210938 6.5 -8.046875 C 6.800781 -7.890625 7.039062 -7.660156 7.21875 -7.359375 C 7.40625 -7.054688 7.5 -6.664062 7.5 -6.1875 L 7.5 -1.9375 C 7.5 -1.613281 7.515625 -1.378906 7.546875 -1.234375 C 7.585938 -1.085938 7.71875 -1.015625 7.9375 -1.015625 C 8.050781 -1.015625 8.191406 -1.039062 8.359375 -1.09375 Z M 6.140625 -4.265625 C 5.972656 -4.140625 5.75 -4.046875 5.46875 -3.984375 C 5.195312 -3.929688 4.90625 -3.882812 4.59375 -3.84375 C 4.289062 -3.8125 3.984375 -3.769531 3.671875 -3.71875 C 3.367188 -3.664062 3.09375 -3.585938 2.84375 -3.484375 C 2.601562 -3.378906 2.40625 -3.226562 2.25 -3.03125 C 2.09375 -2.832031 2.015625 -2.5625 2.015625 -2.21875 C 2.015625 -2 2.054688 -1.8125 2.140625 -1.65625 C 2.234375 -1.5 2.351562 -1.375 2.5 -1.28125 C 2.644531 -1.1875 2.8125 -1.117188 3 -1.078125 C 3.195312 -1.035156 3.398438 -1.015625 3.609375 -1.015625 C 4.054688 -1.015625 4.441406 -1.070312 4.765625 -1.1875 C 5.085938 -1.3125 5.347656 -1.46875 5.546875 -1.65625 C 5.753906 -1.84375 5.90625 -2.046875 6 -2.265625 C 6.09375 -2.484375 6.140625 -2.6875 6.140625 -2.875 Z M 6.140625 -4.265625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-3"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.859375 -2.609375 L 0.5 -2.609375 C 0.519531 -2.097656 0.625 -1.660156 0.8125 -1.296875 C 1.007812 -0.941406 1.265625 -0.65625 1.578125 -0.4375 C 1.898438 -0.21875 2.269531 -0.0625 2.6875 0.03125 C 3.101562 0.125 3.539062 0.171875 4 0.171875 C 4.414062 0.171875 4.832031 0.128906 5.25 0.046875 C 5.675781 -0.0234375 6.054688 -0.160156 6.390625 -0.359375 C 6.722656 -0.566406 6.992188 -0.832031 7.203125 -1.15625 C 7.410156 -1.488281 7.515625 -1.910156 7.515625 -2.421875 C 7.515625 -2.816406 7.4375 -3.144531 7.28125 -3.40625 C 7.132812 -3.675781 6.929688 -3.898438 6.671875 -4.078125 C 6.421875 -4.253906 6.132812 -4.394531 5.8125 -4.5 C 5.488281 -4.601562 5.15625 -4.691406 4.8125 -4.765625 C 4.5 -4.835938 4.179688 -4.910156 3.859375 -4.984375 C 3.535156 -5.054688 3.242188 -5.140625 2.984375 -5.234375 C 2.734375 -5.335938 2.523438 -5.46875 2.359375 -5.625 C 2.191406 -5.78125 2.109375 -5.972656 2.109375 -6.203125 C 2.109375 -6.421875 2.160156 -6.59375 2.265625 -6.71875 C 2.378906 -6.851562 2.519531 -6.960938 2.6875 -7.046875 C 2.851562 -7.128906 3.039062 -7.1875 3.25 -7.21875 C 3.457031 -7.25 3.664062 -7.265625 3.875 -7.265625 C 4.09375 -7.265625 4.3125 -7.238281 4.53125 -7.1875 C 4.75 -7.144531 4.945312 -7.066406 5.125 -6.953125 C 5.3125 -6.847656 5.460938 -6.707031 5.578125 -6.53125 C 5.703125 -6.351562 5.773438 -6.132812 5.796875 -5.875 L 7.15625 -5.875 C 7.125 -6.375 7.015625 -6.789062 6.828125 -7.125 C 6.648438 -7.457031 6.40625 -7.722656 6.09375 -7.921875 C 5.789062 -8.117188 5.441406 -8.257812 5.046875 -8.34375 C 4.660156 -8.425781 4.234375 -8.46875 3.765625 -8.46875 C 3.398438 -8.46875 3.03125 -8.421875 2.65625 -8.328125 C 2.289062 -8.234375 1.960938 -8.09375 1.671875 -7.90625 C 1.378906 -7.71875 1.140625 -7.472656 0.953125 -7.171875 C 0.765625 -6.878906 0.671875 -6.523438 0.671875 -6.109375 C 0.671875 -5.578125 0.800781 -5.160156 1.0625 -4.859375 C 1.332031 -4.566406 1.664062 -4.335938 2.0625 -4.171875 C 2.46875 -4.003906 2.90625 -3.875 3.375 -3.78125 C 3.84375 -3.6875 4.273438 -3.582031 4.671875 -3.46875 C 5.078125 -3.363281 5.410156 -3.21875 5.671875 -3.03125 C 5.941406 -2.851562 6.078125 -2.585938 6.078125 -2.234375 C 6.078125 -1.984375 6.015625 -1.773438 5.890625 -1.609375 C 5.765625 -1.441406 5.601562 -1.316406 5.40625 -1.234375 C 5.207031 -1.148438 4.988281 -1.09375 4.75 -1.0625 C 4.519531 -1.03125 4.296875 -1.015625 4.078125 -1.015625 C 3.796875 -1.015625 3.523438 -1.039062 3.265625 -1.09375 C 3.003906 -1.144531 2.769531 -1.226562 2.5625 -1.34375 C 2.351562 -1.46875 2.1875 -1.632812 2.0625 -1.84375 C 1.9375 -2.050781 1.867188 -2.304688 1.859375 -2.609375 Z M 1.859375 -2.609375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-4"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.109375 -11.421875 L 1.109375 0 L 2.46875 0 L 2.46875 -3.140625 L 3.75 -4.3125 L 6.578125 0 L 8.296875 0 L 4.78125 -5.265625 L 8.0625 -8.265625 L 6.234375 -8.265625 L 2.46875 -4.65625 L 2.46875 -11.421875 Z M 1.109375 -11.421875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-5"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.265625 3.15625 L 4.296875 3.15625 C 3.546875 1.925781 3.003906 0.710938 2.671875 -0.484375 C 2.347656 -1.691406 2.1875 -2.96875 2.1875 -4.3125 C 2.1875 -5.625 2.347656 -6.878906 2.671875 -8.078125 C 2.992188 -9.273438 3.535156 -10.484375 4.296875 -11.703125 L 3.265625 -11.703125 C 2.429688 -10.597656 1.800781 -9.40625 1.375 -8.125 C 0.957031 -6.84375 0.75 -5.570312 0.75 -4.3125 C 0.75 -3.613281 0.804688 -2.941406 0.921875 -2.296875 C 1.046875 -1.660156 1.21875 -1.035156 1.4375 -0.421875 C 1.65625 0.179688 1.914062 0.773438 2.21875 1.359375 C 2.53125 1.953125 2.878906 2.550781 3.265625 3.15625 Z M 3.265625 3.15625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-6"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 6.640625 -5.609375 L 8.046875 -5.609375 C 7.992188 -6.109375 7.863281 -6.535156 7.65625 -6.890625 C 7.457031 -7.242188 7.203125 -7.535156 6.890625 -7.765625 C 6.578125 -8.003906 6.210938 -8.179688 5.796875 -8.296875 C 5.390625 -8.410156 4.953125 -8.46875 4.484375 -8.46875 C 3.828125 -8.46875 3.253906 -8.351562 2.765625 -8.125 C 2.273438 -7.894531 1.867188 -7.578125 1.546875 -7.171875 C 1.222656 -6.773438 0.976562 -6.304688 0.8125 -5.765625 C 0.65625 -5.222656 0.578125 -4.644531 0.578125 -4.03125 C 0.578125 -3.414062 0.660156 -2.847656 0.828125 -2.328125 C 0.992188 -1.804688 1.238281 -1.359375 1.5625 -0.984375 C 1.882812 -0.617188 2.285156 -0.332031 2.765625 -0.125 C 3.253906 0.0703125 3.816406 0.171875 4.453125 0.171875 C 5.503906 0.171875 6.335938 -0.101562 6.953125 -0.65625 C 7.566406 -1.207031 7.945312 -2 8.09375 -3.03125 L 6.703125 -3.03125 C 6.617188 -2.382812 6.382812 -1.882812 6 -1.53125 C 5.625 -1.1875 5.101562 -1.015625 4.4375 -1.015625 C 4.007812 -1.015625 3.640625 -1.097656 3.328125 -1.265625 C 3.015625 -1.429688 2.757812 -1.65625 2.5625 -1.9375 C 2.375 -2.226562 2.234375 -2.550781 2.140625 -2.90625 C 2.054688 -3.269531 2.015625 -3.644531 2.015625 -4.03125 C 2.015625 -4.445312 2.054688 -4.847656 2.140625 -5.234375 C 2.222656 -5.628906 2.363281 -5.972656 2.5625 -6.265625 C 2.757812 -6.566406 3.023438 -6.804688 3.359375 -6.984375 C 3.691406 -7.171875 4.101562 -7.265625 4.59375 -7.265625 C 5.164062 -7.265625 5.625 -7.117188 5.96875 -6.828125 C 6.3125 -6.546875 6.535156 -6.140625 6.640625 -5.609375 Z M 6.640625 -5.609375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-7"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.015625 -4.125 C 2.015625 -4.625 2.082031 -5.066406 2.21875 -5.453125 C 2.351562 -5.847656 2.535156 -6.175781 2.765625 -6.4375 C 3.003906 -6.707031 3.28125 -6.910156 3.59375 -7.046875 C 3.90625 -7.191406 4.238281 -7.265625 4.59375 -7.265625 C 4.945312 -7.265625 5.28125 -7.191406 5.59375 -7.046875 C 5.90625 -6.910156 6.175781 -6.707031 6.40625 -6.4375 C 6.644531 -6.175781 6.832031 -5.847656 6.96875 -5.453125 C 7.101562 -5.066406 7.171875 -4.625 7.171875 -4.125 C 7.171875 -3.625 7.101562 -3.175781 6.96875 -2.78125 C 6.832031 -2.394531 6.644531 -2.070312 6.40625 -1.8125 C 6.175781 -1.550781 5.90625 -1.351562 5.59375 -1.21875 C 5.28125 -1.082031 4.945312 -1.015625 4.59375 -1.015625 C 4.238281 -1.015625 3.90625 -1.082031 3.59375 -1.21875 C 3.28125 -1.351562 3.003906 -1.550781 2.765625 -1.8125 C 2.535156 -2.070312 2.351562 -2.394531 2.21875 -2.78125 C 2.082031 -3.175781 2.015625 -3.625 2.015625 -4.125 Z M 0.578125 -4.125 C 0.578125 -3.519531 0.660156 -2.953125 0.828125 -2.421875 C 1.003906 -1.898438 1.257812 -1.445312 1.59375 -1.0625 C 1.9375 -0.675781 2.359375 -0.375 2.859375 -0.15625 C 3.359375 0.0625 3.9375 0.171875 4.59375 0.171875 C 5.25 0.171875 5.828125 0.0625 6.328125 -0.15625 C 6.828125 -0.375 7.242188 -0.675781 7.578125 -1.0625 C 7.921875 -1.445312 8.175781 -1.898438 8.34375 -2.421875 C 8.519531 -2.953125 8.609375 -3.519531 8.609375 -4.125 C 8.609375 -4.738281 8.519531 -5.304688 8.34375 -5.828125 C 8.175781 -6.359375 7.921875 -6.816406 7.578125 -7.203125 C 7.242188 -7.597656 6.828125 -7.90625 6.328125 -8.125 C 5.828125 -8.351562 5.25 -8.46875 4.59375 -8.46875 C 3.9375 -8.46875 3.359375 -8.351562 2.859375 -8.125 C 2.359375 -7.90625 1.9375 -7.597656 1.59375 -7.203125 C 1.257812 -6.816406 1.003906 -6.359375 0.828125 -5.828125 C 0.660156 -5.304688 0.578125 -4.738281 0.578125 -4.125 Z M 0.578125 -4.125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-8"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.03125 -8.265625 L 1.03125 0 L 2.390625 0 L 2.390625 -4.671875 C 2.390625 -5.046875 2.4375 -5.390625 2.53125 -5.703125 C 2.632812 -6.015625 2.785156 -6.285156 2.984375 -6.515625 C 3.191406 -6.753906 3.445312 -6.9375 3.75 -7.0625 C 4.050781 -7.195312 4.410156 -7.265625 4.828125 -7.265625 C 5.347656 -7.265625 5.757812 -7.113281 6.0625 -6.8125 C 6.363281 -6.519531 6.515625 -6.113281 6.515625 -5.59375 L 6.515625 0 L 7.875 0 L 7.875 -5.4375 C 7.875 -5.882812 7.828125 -6.289062 7.734375 -6.65625 C 7.640625 -7.03125 7.476562 -7.347656 7.25 -7.609375 C 7.03125 -7.878906 6.738281 -8.085938 6.375 -8.234375 C 6.019531 -8.390625 5.570312 -8.46875 5.03125 -8.46875 C 3.800781 -8.46875 2.90625 -7.960938 2.34375 -6.953125 L 2.296875 -6.953125 L 2.296875 -8.265625 Z M 1.03125 -8.265625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-9"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.90625 -8.265625 L 2.90625 -10.75 L 1.546875 -10.75 L 1.546875 -8.265625 L 0.140625 -8.265625 L 0.140625 -7.078125 L 1.546875 -7.078125 L 1.546875 -1.8125 C 1.546875 -1.425781 1.582031 -1.113281 1.65625 -0.875 C 1.738281 -0.644531 1.851562 -0.460938 2 -0.328125 C 2.15625 -0.203125 2.359375 -0.113281 2.609375 -0.0625 C 2.859375 -0.0195312 3.160156 0 3.515625 0 L 4.5625 0 L 4.5625 -1.203125 L 3.9375 -1.203125 C 3.71875 -1.203125 3.539062 -1.207031 3.40625 -1.21875 C 3.28125 -1.238281 3.175781 -1.273438 3.09375 -1.328125 C 3.019531 -1.378906 2.96875 -1.453125 2.9375 -1.546875 C 2.914062 -1.648438 2.90625 -1.78125 2.90625 -1.9375 L 2.90625 -7.078125 L 4.5625 -7.078125 L 4.5625 -8.265625 Z M 2.90625 -8.265625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-10"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 6.765625 -4.921875 L 2.015625 -4.921875 C 2.035156 -5.242188 2.101562 -5.546875 2.21875 -5.828125 C 2.34375 -6.109375 2.503906 -6.351562 2.703125 -6.5625 C 2.910156 -6.78125 3.15625 -6.953125 3.4375 -7.078125 C 3.71875 -7.203125 4.035156 -7.265625 4.390625 -7.265625 C 4.722656 -7.265625 5.03125 -7.203125 5.3125 -7.078125 C 5.601562 -6.953125 5.851562 -6.785156 6.0625 -6.578125 C 6.269531 -6.367188 6.429688 -6.117188 6.546875 -5.828125 C 6.671875 -5.546875 6.742188 -5.242188 6.765625 -4.921875 Z M 8.078125 -2.625 L 6.734375 -2.625 C 6.617188 -2.082031 6.375 -1.675781 6 -1.40625 C 5.632812 -1.144531 5.164062 -1.015625 4.59375 -1.015625 C 4.144531 -1.015625 3.753906 -1.085938 3.421875 -1.234375 C 3.085938 -1.378906 2.8125 -1.578125 2.59375 -1.828125 C 2.382812 -2.078125 2.234375 -2.363281 2.140625 -2.6875 C 2.046875 -3.019531 2.003906 -3.367188 2.015625 -3.734375 L 8.203125 -3.734375 C 8.222656 -4.234375 8.175781 -4.757812 8.0625 -5.3125 C 7.957031 -5.863281 7.757812 -6.375 7.46875 -6.84375 C 7.175781 -7.3125 6.785156 -7.695312 6.296875 -8 C 5.804688 -8.3125 5.195312 -8.46875 4.46875 -8.46875 C 3.894531 -8.46875 3.367188 -8.359375 2.890625 -8.140625 C 2.421875 -7.929688 2.015625 -7.632812 1.671875 -7.25 C 1.328125 -6.863281 1.054688 -6.410156 0.859375 -5.890625 C 0.671875 -5.367188 0.578125 -4.789062 0.578125 -4.15625 C 0.597656 -3.53125 0.691406 -2.945312 0.859375 -2.40625 C 1.023438 -1.875 1.269531 -1.414062 1.59375 -1.03125 C 1.925781 -0.65625 2.332031 -0.359375 2.8125 -0.140625 C 3.300781 0.0664062 3.878906 0.171875 4.546875 0.171875 C 5.484375 0.171875 6.257812 -0.0625 6.875 -0.53125 C 7.5 -1 7.898438 -1.695312 8.078125 -2.625 Z M 8.078125 -2.625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-11"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.25 -4.359375 L 0.140625 0 L 1.796875 0 L 4.09375 -3.421875 L 6.40625 0 L 8.140625 0 L 4.9375 -4.46875 L 7.796875 -8.265625 L 6.15625 -8.265625 L 4.09375 -5.375 L 2.109375 -8.265625 L 0.375 -8.265625 Z M 3.25 -4.359375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-12"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M -0.140625 3.15625 L 0.875 3.15625 C 1.707031 2.050781 2.332031 0.863281 2.75 -0.40625 C 3.175781 -1.675781 3.390625 -2.941406 3.390625 -4.203125 C 3.390625 -4.910156 3.332031 -5.582031 3.21875 -6.21875 C 3.101562 -6.863281 2.9375 -7.492188 2.71875 -8.109375 C 2.5 -8.722656 2.234375 -9.320312 1.921875 -9.90625 C 1.609375 -10.5 1.257812 -11.097656 0.875 -11.703125 L -0.140625 -11.703125 C 0.597656 -10.472656 1.128906 -9.25 1.453125 -8.03125 C 1.785156 -6.820312 1.953125 -5.546875 1.953125 -4.203125 C 1.953125 -2.898438 1.789062 -1.648438 1.46875 -0.453125 C 1.144531 0.742188 0.609375 1.945312 -0.140625 3.15625 Z M -0.140625 3.15625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-13"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 11.5625 0 L 14.625 -11.421875 L 13.109375 -11.421875 L 10.78125 -1.921875 L 10.75 -1.921875 L 8.21875 -11.421875 L 6.578125 -11.421875 L 4.015625 -1.921875 L 3.984375 -1.921875 L 1.75 -11.421875 L 0.1875 -11.421875 L 3.125 0 L 4.703125 0 L 7.34375 -9.59375 L 7.375 -9.59375 L 9.984375 0 Z M 11.5625 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-14"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.46875 -9.765625 L 2.46875 -11.421875 L 1.109375 -11.421875 L 1.109375 -9.765625 Z M 1.109375 -8.265625 L 1.109375 0 L 2.46875 0 L 2.46875 -8.265625 Z M 1.109375 -8.265625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-15"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d=""/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-16"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.25 -11.421875 L 1.25 0 L 8.8125 0 L 8.8125 -1.28125 L 2.765625 -1.28125 L 2.765625 -11.421875 Z M 1.25 -11.421875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-17"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.703125 -7.328125 L 2.0625 -7.328125 C 2.050781 -7.671875 2.082031 -8.007812 2.15625 -8.34375 C 2.238281 -8.675781 2.367188 -8.972656 2.546875 -9.234375 C 2.734375 -9.503906 2.96875 -9.722656 3.25 -9.890625 C 3.539062 -10.054688 3.878906 -10.140625 4.265625 -10.140625 C 4.566406 -10.140625 4.847656 -10.09375 5.109375 -10 C 5.378906 -9.90625 5.613281 -9.765625 5.8125 -9.578125 C 6.007812 -9.398438 6.164062 -9.1875 6.28125 -8.9375 C 6.40625 -8.6875 6.46875 -8.40625 6.46875 -8.09375 C 6.46875 -7.695312 6.40625 -7.347656 6.28125 -7.046875 C 6.15625 -6.753906 5.972656 -6.476562 5.734375 -6.21875 C 5.492188 -5.96875 5.191406 -5.71875 4.828125 -5.46875 C 4.460938 -5.21875 4.039062 -4.941406 3.5625 -4.640625 C 3.164062 -4.398438 2.785156 -4.144531 2.421875 -3.875 C 2.066406 -3.613281 1.742188 -3.304688 1.453125 -2.953125 C 1.171875 -2.609375 0.9375 -2.195312 0.75 -1.71875 C 0.5625 -1.25 0.441406 -0.675781 0.390625 0 L 7.796875 0 L 7.796875 -1.203125 L 1.96875 -1.203125 C 2.03125 -1.554688 2.164062 -1.867188 2.375 -2.140625 C 2.582031 -2.410156 2.832031 -2.660156 3.125 -2.890625 C 3.414062 -3.128906 3.738281 -3.351562 4.09375 -3.5625 C 4.445312 -3.769531 4.800781 -3.976562 5.15625 -4.1875 C 5.507812 -4.414062 5.847656 -4.648438 6.171875 -4.890625 C 6.503906 -5.140625 6.796875 -5.414062 7.046875 -5.71875 C 7.304688 -6.019531 7.515625 -6.363281 7.671875 -6.75 C 7.828125 -7.132812 7.90625 -7.578125 7.90625 -8.078125 C 7.90625 -8.609375 7.8125 -9.078125 7.625 -9.484375 C 7.4375 -9.890625 7.179688 -10.226562 6.859375 -10.5 C 6.546875 -10.769531 6.171875 -10.976562 5.734375 -11.125 C 5.304688 -11.269531 4.847656 -11.34375 4.359375 -11.34375 C 3.753906 -11.34375 3.21875 -11.238281 2.75 -11.03125 C 2.28125 -10.832031 1.890625 -10.550781 1.578125 -10.1875 C 1.265625 -9.832031 1.03125 -9.410156 0.875 -8.921875 C 0.726562 -8.429688 0.671875 -7.898438 0.703125 -7.328125 Z M 0.703125 -7.328125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-18"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.109375 -6.5 L 3.109375 -8.265625 L 1.328125 -8.265625 L 1.328125 -6.5 Z M 1.328125 -1.78125 L 1.328125 0 L 3.109375 0 L 3.109375 -1.78125 Z M 1.328125 -1.78125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-19"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.125 -5.71875 C 2.125 -6.289062 2.195312 -6.851562 2.34375 -7.40625 C 2.5 -7.96875 2.734375 -8.472656 3.046875 -8.921875 C 3.367188 -9.367188 3.78125 -9.726562 4.28125 -10 C 4.789062 -10.28125 5.390625 -10.421875 6.078125 -10.421875 C 6.773438 -10.421875 7.375 -10.28125 7.875 -10 C 8.375 -9.726562 8.78125 -9.367188 9.09375 -8.921875 C 9.414062 -8.472656 9.648438 -7.96875 9.796875 -7.40625 C 9.953125 -6.851562 10.03125 -6.289062 10.03125 -5.71875 C 10.03125 -5.132812 9.953125 -4.5625 9.796875 -4 C 9.648438 -3.445312 9.414062 -2.945312 9.09375 -2.5 C 8.78125 -2.050781 8.375 -1.691406 7.875 -1.421875 C 7.375 -1.148438 6.773438 -1.015625 6.078125 -1.015625 C 5.390625 -1.015625 4.789062 -1.148438 4.28125 -1.421875 C 3.78125 -1.691406 3.367188 -2.050781 3.046875 -2.5 C 2.734375 -2.945312 2.5 -3.445312 2.34375 -4 C 2.195312 -4.5625 2.125 -5.132812 2.125 -5.71875 Z M 0.609375 -5.71875 C 0.609375 -4.9375 0.722656 -4.1875 0.953125 -3.46875 C 1.179688 -2.75 1.523438 -2.109375 1.984375 -1.546875 C 2.441406 -0.992188 3.007812 -0.554688 3.6875 -0.234375 C 4.375 0.0859375 5.171875 0.25 6.078125 0.25 C 6.984375 0.25 7.773438 0.0859375 8.453125 -0.234375 C 9.140625 -0.554688 9.710938 -0.992188 10.171875 -1.546875 C 10.628906 -2.109375 10.972656 -2.75 11.203125 -3.46875 C 11.429688 -4.1875 11.546875 -4.9375 11.546875 -5.71875 C 11.546875 -6.488281 11.429688 -7.234375 11.203125 -7.953125 C 10.972656 -8.679688 10.628906 -9.320312 10.171875 -9.875 C 9.710938 -10.425781 9.140625 -10.867188 8.453125 -11.203125 C 7.773438 -11.535156 6.984375 -11.703125 6.078125 -11.703125 C 5.171875 -11.703125 4.375 -11.535156 3.6875 -11.203125 C 3.007812 -10.867188 2.441406 -10.425781 1.984375 -9.875 C 1.523438 -9.320312 1.179688 -8.679688 0.953125 -7.953125 C 0.722656 -7.234375 0.609375 -6.488281 0.609375 -5.71875 Z M 0.609375 -5.71875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-20"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.015625 -4.0625 C 2.015625 -4.46875 2.054688 -4.863281 2.140625 -5.25 C 2.222656 -5.632812 2.359375 -5.972656 2.546875 -6.265625 C 2.742188 -6.566406 3.003906 -6.804688 3.328125 -6.984375 C 3.648438 -7.171875 4.039062 -7.265625 4.5 -7.265625 C 4.96875 -7.265625 5.363281 -7.175781 5.6875 -7 C 6.019531 -6.820312 6.289062 -6.585938 6.5 -6.296875 C 6.707031 -6.015625 6.859375 -5.679688 6.953125 -5.296875 C 7.054688 -4.921875 7.109375 -4.53125 7.109375 -4.125 C 7.109375 -3.738281 7.0625 -3.359375 6.96875 -2.984375 C 6.875 -2.617188 6.722656 -2.285156 6.515625 -1.984375 C 6.316406 -1.691406 6.054688 -1.457031 5.734375 -1.28125 C 5.421875 -1.101562 5.035156 -1.015625 4.578125 -1.015625 C 4.140625 -1.015625 3.753906 -1.097656 3.421875 -1.265625 C 3.097656 -1.429688 2.832031 -1.660156 2.625 -1.953125 C 2.414062 -2.242188 2.257812 -2.570312 2.15625 -2.9375 C 2.0625 -3.300781 2.015625 -3.675781 2.015625 -4.0625 Z M 8.421875 0 L 8.421875 -11.421875 L 7.0625 -11.421875 L 7.0625 -7.171875 L 7.03125 -7.171875 C 6.875 -7.410156 6.6875 -7.613281 6.46875 -7.78125 C 6.25 -7.945312 6.015625 -8.082031 5.765625 -8.1875 C 5.523438 -8.289062 5.28125 -8.363281 5.03125 -8.40625 C 4.789062 -8.445312 4.566406 -8.46875 4.359375 -8.46875 C 3.722656 -8.46875 3.164062 -8.351562 2.6875 -8.125 C 2.21875 -7.894531 1.828125 -7.582031 1.515625 -7.1875 C 1.203125 -6.800781 0.96875 -6.347656 0.8125 -5.828125 C 0.65625 -5.304688 0.578125 -4.75 0.578125 -4.15625 C 0.578125 -3.570312 0.65625 -3.019531 0.8125 -2.5 C 0.976562 -1.976562 1.21875 -1.519531 1.53125 -1.125 C 1.84375 -0.726562 2.234375 -0.410156 2.703125 -0.171875 C 3.179688 0.0546875 3.742188 0.171875 4.390625 0.171875 C 4.960938 0.171875 5.488281 0.0703125 5.96875 -0.125 C 6.445312 -0.332031 6.800781 -0.664062 7.03125 -1.125 L 7.0625 -1.125 L 7.0625 0 Z M 8.421875 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-21"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 8.15625 -0.703125 L 8.15625 -8.265625 L 6.875 -8.265625 L 6.875 -7.09375 L 6.859375 -7.09375 C 6.617188 -7.550781 6.28125 -7.894531 5.84375 -8.125 C 5.40625 -8.351562 4.925781 -8.46875 4.40625 -8.46875 C 3.6875 -8.46875 3.082031 -8.328125 2.59375 -8.046875 C 2.101562 -7.773438 1.707031 -7.429688 1.40625 -7.015625 C 1.101562 -6.597656 0.890625 -6.128906 0.765625 -5.609375 C 0.640625 -5.085938 0.578125 -4.582031 0.578125 -4.09375 C 0.578125 -3.53125 0.65625 -2.992188 0.8125 -2.484375 C 0.96875 -1.984375 1.195312 -1.539062 1.5 -1.15625 C 1.8125 -0.78125 2.195312 -0.476562 2.65625 -0.25 C 3.113281 -0.03125 3.648438 0.078125 4.265625 0.078125 C 4.804688 0.078125 5.3125 -0.0390625 5.78125 -0.28125 C 6.257812 -0.519531 6.613281 -0.894531 6.84375 -1.40625 L 6.875 -1.40625 L 6.875 -0.859375 C 6.875 -0.398438 6.828125 0.015625 6.734375 0.390625 C 6.648438 0.773438 6.503906 1.101562 6.296875 1.375 C 6.097656 1.65625 5.84375 1.867188 5.53125 2.015625 C 5.226562 2.171875 4.851562 2.25 4.40625 2.25 C 4.175781 2.25 3.9375 2.222656 3.6875 2.171875 C 3.445312 2.128906 3.222656 2.054688 3.015625 1.953125 C 2.804688 1.847656 2.628906 1.707031 2.484375 1.53125 C 2.335938 1.363281 2.257812 1.15625 2.25 0.90625 L 0.890625 0.90625 C 0.910156 1.351562 1.023438 1.734375 1.234375 2.046875 C 1.453125 2.359375 1.722656 2.609375 2.046875 2.796875 C 2.378906 2.992188 2.742188 3.132812 3.140625 3.21875 C 3.546875 3.300781 3.9375 3.34375 4.3125 3.34375 C 5.632812 3.34375 6.601562 3.003906 7.21875 2.328125 C 7.84375 1.660156 8.15625 0.648438 8.15625 -0.703125 Z M 4.359375 -1.109375 C 3.910156 -1.109375 3.535156 -1.195312 3.234375 -1.375 C 2.929688 -1.5625 2.6875 -1.804688 2.5 -2.109375 C 2.320312 -2.421875 2.195312 -2.765625 2.125 -3.140625 C 2.050781 -3.515625 2.015625 -3.882812 2.015625 -4.25 C 2.015625 -4.644531 2.054688 -5.023438 2.140625 -5.390625 C 2.234375 -5.753906 2.378906 -6.070312 2.578125 -6.34375 C 2.773438 -6.625 3.03125 -6.847656 3.34375 -7.015625 C 3.65625 -7.179688 4.03125 -7.265625 4.46875 -7.265625 C 4.894531 -7.265625 5.253906 -7.175781 5.546875 -7 C 5.847656 -6.832031 6.09375 -6.609375 6.28125 -6.328125 C 6.46875 -6.046875 6.601562 -5.726562 6.6875 -5.375 C 6.769531 -5.019531 6.8125 -4.660156 6.8125 -4.296875 C 6.8125 -3.921875 6.765625 -3.539062 6.671875 -3.15625 C 6.585938 -2.769531 6.445312 -2.421875 6.25 -2.109375 C 6.0625 -1.804688 5.8125 -1.5625 5.5 -1.375 C 5.1875 -1.195312 4.804688 -1.109375 4.359375 -1.109375 Z M 4.359375 -1.109375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-22"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 9.28125 -7.984375 L 10.796875 -7.984375 C 10.710938 -8.585938 10.53125 -9.117188 10.25 -9.578125 C 9.976562 -10.046875 9.632812 -10.4375 9.21875 -10.75 C 8.800781 -11.0625 8.320312 -11.296875 7.78125 -11.453125 C 7.25 -11.617188 6.6875 -11.703125 6.09375 -11.703125 C 5.21875 -11.703125 4.441406 -11.539062 3.765625 -11.21875 C 3.085938 -10.90625 2.519531 -10.476562 2.0625 -9.9375 C 1.613281 -9.394531 1.269531 -8.753906 1.03125 -8.015625 C 0.800781 -7.285156 0.6875 -6.507812 0.6875 -5.6875 C 0.6875 -4.851562 0.796875 -4.070312 1.015625 -3.34375 C 1.234375 -2.613281 1.5625 -1.984375 2 -1.453125 C 2.4375 -0.921875 2.984375 -0.503906 3.640625 -0.203125 C 4.304688 0.0976562 5.082031 0.25 5.96875 0.25 C 7.425781 0.25 8.578125 -0.144531 9.421875 -0.9375 C 10.265625 -1.738281 10.757812 -2.859375 10.90625 -4.296875 L 9.390625 -4.296875 C 9.359375 -3.828125 9.257812 -3.390625 9.09375 -2.984375 C 8.9375 -2.585938 8.71875 -2.238281 8.4375 -1.9375 C 8.15625 -1.644531 7.816406 -1.414062 7.421875 -1.25 C 7.035156 -1.09375 6.59375 -1.015625 6.09375 -1.015625 C 5.414062 -1.015625 4.828125 -1.140625 4.328125 -1.390625 C 3.835938 -1.648438 3.4375 -1.992188 3.125 -2.421875 C 2.8125 -2.859375 2.578125 -3.363281 2.421875 -3.9375 C 2.273438 -4.519531 2.203125 -5.140625 2.203125 -5.796875 C 2.203125 -6.390625 2.273438 -6.960938 2.421875 -7.515625 C 2.578125 -8.078125 2.8125 -8.570312 3.125 -9 C 3.4375 -9.425781 3.835938 -9.769531 4.328125 -10.03125 C 4.816406 -10.289062 5.398438 -10.421875 6.078125 -10.421875 C 6.878906 -10.421875 7.570312 -10.21875 8.15625 -9.8125 C 8.738281 -9.40625 9.113281 -8.796875 9.28125 -7.984375 Z M 9.28125 -7.984375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-23"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.03125 -8.265625 L 1.03125 0 L 2.390625 0 L 2.390625 -5.15625 C 2.390625 -5.3125 2.425781 -5.507812 2.5 -5.75 C 2.582031 -5.988281 2.710938 -6.21875 2.890625 -6.4375 C 3.066406 -6.664062 3.296875 -6.859375 3.578125 -7.015625 C 3.859375 -7.179688 4.195312 -7.265625 4.59375 -7.265625 C 4.90625 -7.265625 5.15625 -7.21875 5.34375 -7.125 C 5.539062 -7.03125 5.695312 -6.898438 5.8125 -6.734375 C 5.9375 -6.578125 6.019531 -6.382812 6.0625 -6.15625 C 6.113281 -5.9375 6.140625 -5.691406 6.140625 -5.421875 L 6.140625 0 L 7.5 0 L 7.5 -5.15625 C 7.5 -5.789062 7.691406 -6.300781 8.078125 -6.6875 C 8.460938 -7.070312 8.988281 -7.265625 9.65625 -7.265625 C 9.988281 -7.265625 10.257812 -7.210938 10.46875 -7.109375 C 10.675781 -7.015625 10.835938 -6.882812 10.953125 -6.71875 C 11.078125 -6.5625 11.160156 -6.367188 11.203125 -6.140625 C 11.242188 -5.921875 11.265625 -5.679688 11.265625 -5.421875 L 11.265625 0 L 12.625 0 L 12.625 -6.0625 C 12.625 -6.488281 12.554688 -6.851562 12.421875 -7.15625 C 12.285156 -7.457031 12.097656 -7.703125 11.859375 -7.890625 C 11.617188 -8.085938 11.332031 -8.234375 11 -8.328125 C 10.664062 -8.421875 10.289062 -8.46875 9.875 -8.46875 C 9.332031 -8.46875 8.832031 -8.34375 8.375 -8.09375 C 7.925781 -7.851562 7.5625 -7.507812 7.28125 -7.0625 C 7.113281 -7.570312 6.820312 -7.929688 6.40625 -8.140625 C 5.988281 -8.359375 5.523438 -8.46875 5.015625 -8.46875 C 3.847656 -8.46875 2.957031 -8 2.34375 -7.0625 L 2.296875 -7.0625 L 2.296875 -8.265625 Z M 1.03125 -8.265625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-24"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 5.703125 0 L 5.703125 -11.34375 L 4.65625 -11.34375 C 4.582031 -10.914062 4.441406 -10.5625 4.234375 -10.28125 C 4.035156 -10.007812 3.789062 -9.789062 3.5 -9.625 C 3.207031 -9.46875 2.878906 -9.359375 2.515625 -9.296875 C 2.148438 -9.242188 1.773438 -9.21875 1.390625 -9.21875 L 1.390625 -8.125 L 4.34375 -8.125 L 4.34375 0 Z M 5.703125 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-25"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.25 -11.421875 L 1.25 0 L 2.765625 0 L 2.765625 -4.875 L 6.484375 -4.875 C 6.859375 -4.875 7.15625 -4.816406 7.375 -4.703125 C 7.601562 -4.597656 7.785156 -4.453125 7.921875 -4.265625 C 8.054688 -4.078125 8.15625 -3.859375 8.21875 -3.609375 C 8.28125 -3.359375 8.335938 -3.09375 8.390625 -2.8125 C 8.441406 -2.539062 8.472656 -2.257812 8.484375 -1.96875 C 8.492188 -1.675781 8.503906 -1.40625 8.515625 -1.15625 C 8.523438 -0.90625 8.546875 -0.675781 8.578125 -0.46875 C 8.617188 -0.269531 8.691406 -0.113281 8.796875 0 L 10.5 0 C 10.332031 -0.1875 10.207031 -0.40625 10.125 -0.65625 C 10.050781 -0.914062 9.992188 -1.179688 9.953125 -1.453125 C 9.910156 -1.734375 9.882812 -2.015625 9.875 -2.296875 C 9.863281 -2.585938 9.847656 -2.875 9.828125 -3.15625 C 9.796875 -3.425781 9.75 -3.691406 9.6875 -3.953125 C 9.625 -4.210938 9.53125 -4.441406 9.40625 -4.640625 C 9.289062 -4.847656 9.128906 -5.023438 8.921875 -5.171875 C 8.710938 -5.328125 8.441406 -5.4375 8.109375 -5.5 L 8.109375 -5.53125 C 8.804688 -5.726562 9.3125 -6.085938 9.625 -6.609375 C 9.9375 -7.128906 10.09375 -7.738281 10.09375 -8.4375 C 10.09375 -9.363281 9.785156 -10.09375 9.171875 -10.625 C 8.554688 -11.15625 7.707031 -11.421875 6.625 -11.421875 Z M 5.9375 -6.15625 L 2.765625 -6.15625 L 2.765625 -10.140625 L 6.546875 -10.140625 C 7.253906 -10.140625 7.769531 -9.957031 8.09375 -9.59375 C 8.414062 -9.238281 8.578125 -8.769531 8.578125 -8.1875 C 8.578125 -7.769531 8.503906 -7.429688 8.359375 -7.171875 C 8.210938 -6.910156 8.019531 -6.703125 7.78125 -6.546875 C 7.539062 -6.390625 7.257812 -6.285156 6.9375 -6.234375 C 6.625 -6.179688 6.289062 -6.15625 5.9375 -6.15625 Z M 5.9375 -6.15625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-26"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 7.875 0 L 7.875 -8.265625 L 6.515625 -8.265625 L 6.515625 -3.59375 C 6.515625 -3.226562 6.460938 -2.882812 6.359375 -2.5625 C 6.253906 -2.25 6.097656 -1.972656 5.890625 -1.734375 C 5.691406 -1.503906 5.441406 -1.328125 5.140625 -1.203125 C 4.835938 -1.078125 4.476562 -1.015625 4.0625 -1.015625 C 3.539062 -1.015625 3.128906 -1.160156 2.828125 -1.453125 C 2.535156 -1.753906 2.390625 -2.160156 2.390625 -2.671875 L 2.390625 -8.265625 L 1.03125 -8.265625 L 1.03125 -2.828125 C 1.03125 -2.378906 1.070312 -1.972656 1.15625 -1.609375 C 1.25 -1.242188 1.40625 -0.925781 1.625 -0.65625 C 1.851562 -0.382812 2.148438 -0.175781 2.515625 -0.03125 C 2.878906 0.101562 3.332031 0.171875 3.875 0.171875 C 4.476562 0.171875 5.003906 0.0507812 5.453125 -0.1875 C 5.898438 -0.425781 6.269531 -0.800781 6.5625 -1.3125 L 6.59375 -1.3125 L 6.59375 0 Z M 7.875 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-27"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 9.796875 -1.421875 L 10.1875 0 L 11.15625 0 L 11.15625 -6.015625 L 6.140625 -6.015625 L 6.140625 -4.734375 L 9.796875 -4.734375 C 9.816406 -4.210938 9.742188 -3.722656 9.578125 -3.265625 C 9.421875 -2.816406 9.1875 -2.421875 8.875 -2.078125 C 8.5625 -1.742188 8.175781 -1.484375 7.71875 -1.296875 C 7.257812 -1.109375 6.726562 -1.015625 6.125 -1.015625 C 5.488281 -1.015625 4.925781 -1.140625 4.4375 -1.390625 C 3.957031 -1.640625 3.550781 -1.972656 3.21875 -2.390625 C 2.882812 -2.816406 2.628906 -3.300781 2.453125 -3.84375 C 2.285156 -4.394531 2.203125 -4.96875 2.203125 -5.5625 C 2.203125 -6.175781 2.273438 -6.769531 2.421875 -7.34375 C 2.578125 -7.925781 2.8125 -8.441406 3.125 -8.890625 C 3.4375 -9.347656 3.84375 -9.71875 4.34375 -10 C 4.84375 -10.28125 5.4375 -10.421875 6.125 -10.421875 C 6.550781 -10.421875 6.953125 -10.367188 7.328125 -10.265625 C 7.710938 -10.160156 8.050781 -10.003906 8.34375 -9.796875 C 8.644531 -9.597656 8.894531 -9.34375 9.09375 -9.03125 C 9.300781 -8.71875 9.441406 -8.34375 9.515625 -7.90625 L 11.046875 -7.90625 C 10.929688 -8.570312 10.726562 -9.144531 10.4375 -9.625 C 10.144531 -10.101562 9.78125 -10.492188 9.34375 -10.796875 C 8.914062 -11.109375 8.425781 -11.335938 7.875 -11.484375 C 7.332031 -11.628906 6.75 -11.703125 6.125 -11.703125 C 5.21875 -11.703125 4.425781 -11.53125 3.75 -11.1875 C 3.070312 -10.851562 2.503906 -10.398438 2.046875 -9.828125 C 1.597656 -9.265625 1.257812 -8.609375 1.03125 -7.859375 C 0.800781 -7.109375 0.6875 -6.316406 0.6875 -5.484375 C 0.6875 -4.742188 0.804688 -4.023438 1.046875 -3.328125 C 1.296875 -2.628906 1.65625 -2.015625 2.125 -1.484375 C 2.59375 -0.953125 3.160156 -0.53125 3.828125 -0.21875 C 4.503906 0.09375 5.269531 0.25 6.125 0.25 C 6.800781 0.25 7.46875 0.117188 8.125 -0.140625 C 8.789062 -0.398438 9.347656 -0.828125 9.796875 -1.421875 Z M 9.796875 -1.421875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-28"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.484375 -6.484375 L 3.484375 -5.328125 C 3.742188 -5.359375 4.015625 -5.375 4.296875 -5.375 C 4.640625 -5.375 4.957031 -5.328125 5.25 -5.234375 C 5.550781 -5.148438 5.804688 -5.015625 6.015625 -4.828125 C 6.234375 -4.640625 6.40625 -4.410156 6.53125 -4.140625 C 6.65625 -3.867188 6.71875 -3.554688 6.71875 -3.203125 C 6.71875 -2.859375 6.648438 -2.550781 6.515625 -2.28125 C 6.378906 -2.007812 6.195312 -1.78125 5.96875 -1.59375 C 5.75 -1.40625 5.488281 -1.257812 5.1875 -1.15625 C 4.894531 -1.0625 4.582031 -1.015625 4.25 -1.015625 C 3.476562 -1.015625 2.890625 -1.242188 2.484375 -1.703125 C 2.078125 -2.171875 1.863281 -2.769531 1.84375 -3.5 L 0.484375 -3.5 C 0.472656 -2.914062 0.550781 -2.394531 0.71875 -1.9375 C 0.894531 -1.476562 1.148438 -1.085938 1.484375 -0.765625 C 1.816406 -0.453125 2.21875 -0.21875 2.6875 -0.0625 C 3.15625 0.09375 3.675781 0.171875 4.25 0.171875 C 4.789062 0.171875 5.296875 0.101562 5.765625 -0.03125 C 6.242188 -0.175781 6.65625 -0.394531 7 -0.6875 C 7.351562 -0.976562 7.632812 -1.335938 7.84375 -1.765625 C 8.050781 -2.203125 8.15625 -2.703125 8.15625 -3.265625 C 8.15625 -3.941406 7.988281 -4.53125 7.65625 -5.03125 C 7.320312 -5.539062 6.804688 -5.867188 6.109375 -6.015625 L 6.109375 -6.046875 C 6.554688 -6.253906 6.929688 -6.550781 7.234375 -6.9375 C 7.535156 -7.332031 7.6875 -7.785156 7.6875 -8.296875 C 7.6875 -8.828125 7.597656 -9.28125 7.421875 -9.65625 C 7.242188 -10.039062 7 -10.351562 6.6875 -10.59375 C 6.375 -10.84375 6.003906 -11.03125 5.578125 -11.15625 C 5.160156 -11.28125 4.707031 -11.34375 4.21875 -11.34375 C 3.65625 -11.34375 3.15625 -11.25 2.71875 -11.0625 C 2.289062 -10.882812 1.929688 -10.632812 1.640625 -10.3125 C 1.359375 -10 1.140625 -9.617188 0.984375 -9.171875 C 0.828125 -8.722656 0.738281 -8.226562 0.71875 -7.6875 L 2.078125 -7.6875 C 2.078125 -8.007812 2.117188 -8.320312 2.203125 -8.625 C 2.296875 -8.925781 2.425781 -9.1875 2.59375 -9.40625 C 2.769531 -9.632812 2.992188 -9.8125 3.265625 -9.9375 C 3.546875 -10.070312 3.863281 -10.140625 4.21875 -10.140625 C 4.800781 -10.140625 5.28125 -9.988281 5.65625 -9.6875 C 6.039062 -9.382812 6.234375 -8.925781 6.234375 -8.3125 C 6.234375 -8.019531 6.175781 -7.753906 6.0625 -7.515625 C 5.945312 -7.285156 5.789062 -7.09375 5.59375 -6.9375 C 5.394531 -6.78125 5.164062 -6.660156 4.90625 -6.578125 C 4.644531 -6.503906 4.367188 -6.46875 4.078125 -6.46875 L 3.796875 -6.46875 C 3.742188 -6.46875 3.6875 -6.46875 3.625 -6.46875 C 3.582031 -6.46875 3.535156 -6.472656 3.484375 -6.484375 Z M 3.484375 -6.484375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-29"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.109375 -11.421875 L 1.109375 0 L 2.46875 0 L 2.46875 -11.421875 Z M 1.109375 -11.421875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-30"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 4.75 0 L 7.78125 -8.265625 L 6.359375 -8.265625 L 4.09375 -1.375 L 4.0625 -1.375 L 1.75 -8.265625 L 0.21875 -8.265625 L 3.296875 0 Z M 4.75 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" 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9.789062 -2.054688 10.117188 -2.679688 10.328125 -3.421875 C 10.546875 -4.171875 10.65625 -5.023438 10.65625 -5.984375 C 10.65625 -7.816406 10.179688 -9.179688 9.234375 -10.078125 C 8.285156 -10.972656 6.929688 -11.421875 5.171875 -11.421875 Z M 1.25 -11.421875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-0"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2 0 L 2 -10 L 10 -10 L 10 0 Z M 2.25 -0.25 L 9.75 -0.25 L 9.75 -9.75 L 2.25 -9.75 Z M 2.25 -0.25 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-1"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 6.4375 0 L 6.4375 -1.046875 C 5.914062 -0.222656 5.144531 0.1875 4.125 0.1875 C 3.457031 0.1875 2.847656 0.00390625 2.296875 -0.359375 C 1.742188 -0.722656 1.3125 -1.234375 1 -1.890625 C 0.695312 -2.546875 0.546875 -3.296875 0.546875 -4.140625 C 0.546875 -4.972656 0.679688 -5.722656 0.953125 -6.390625 C 1.234375 -7.066406 1.648438 -7.582031 2.203125 -7.9375 C 2.753906 -8.300781 3.375 -8.484375 4.0625 -8.484375 C 4.5625 -8.484375 5.003906 -8.378906 5.390625 -8.171875 C 5.785156 -7.960938 6.101562 -7.6875 6.34375 -7.34375 L 6.34375 -11.453125 L 7.75 -11.453125 L 7.75 0 Z M 2 -4.140625 C 2 -3.078125 2.222656 -2.28125 2.671875 -1.75 C 3.117188 -1.226562 3.644531 -0.96875 4.25 -0.96875 C 4.863281 -0.96875 5.382812 -1.21875 5.8125 -1.71875 C 6.25 -2.226562 6.46875 -3 6.46875 -4.03125 C 6.46875 -5.164062 6.25 -6 5.8125 -6.53125 C 5.375 -7.0625 4.832031 -7.328125 4.1875 -7.328125 C 3.5625 -7.328125 3.039062 -7.070312 2.625 -6.5625 C 2.207031 -6.050781 2 -5.242188 2 -4.140625 Z M 2 -4.140625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-2"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 6.734375 -2.671875 L 8.1875 -2.5 C 7.957031 -1.644531 7.53125 -0.984375 6.90625 -0.515625 C 6.289062 -0.046875 5.503906 0.1875 4.546875 0.1875 C 3.328125 0.1875 2.363281 -0.1875 1.65625 -0.9375 C 0.945312 -1.6875 0.59375 -2.734375 0.59375 -4.078125 C 0.59375 -5.472656 0.953125 -6.554688 1.671875 -7.328125 C 2.390625 -8.097656 3.320312 -8.484375 4.46875 -8.484375 C 5.570312 -8.484375 6.472656 -8.101562 7.171875 -7.34375 C 7.878906 -6.59375 8.234375 -5.535156 8.234375 -4.171875 C 8.234375 -4.085938 8.234375 -3.960938 8.234375 -3.796875 L 2.046875 -3.796875 C 2.097656 -2.878906 2.351562 -2.175781 2.8125 -1.6875 C 3.28125 -1.207031 3.859375 -0.96875 4.546875 -0.96875 C 5.066406 -0.96875 5.507812 -1.101562 5.875 -1.375 C 6.238281 -1.644531 6.523438 -2.078125 6.734375 -2.671875 Z M 2.125 -4.953125 L 6.75 -4.953125 C 6.6875 -5.648438 6.507812 -6.171875 6.21875 -6.515625 C 5.769531 -7.054688 5.191406 -7.328125 4.484375 -7.328125 C 3.835938 -7.328125 3.289062 -7.109375 2.84375 -6.671875 C 2.40625 -6.242188 2.164062 -5.671875 2.125 -4.953125 Z M 2.125 -4.953125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-3"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 6.46875 -3.046875 L 7.859375 -2.859375 C 7.703125 -1.910156 7.3125 -1.164062 6.6875 -0.625 C 6.070312 -0.0820312 5.3125 0.1875 4.40625 0.1875 C 3.269531 0.1875 2.351562 -0.179688 1.65625 -0.921875 C 0.96875 -1.671875 0.625 -2.738281 0.625 -4.125 C 0.625 -5.019531 0.769531 -5.800781 1.0625 -6.46875 C 1.363281 -7.144531 1.816406 -7.648438 2.421875 -7.984375 C 3.035156 -8.316406 3.695312 -8.484375 4.40625 -8.484375 C 5.3125 -8.484375 6.050781 -8.253906 6.625 -7.796875 C 7.195312 -7.347656 7.5625 -6.703125 7.71875 -5.859375 L 6.359375 -5.65625 C 6.222656 -6.207031 5.988281 -6.625 5.65625 -6.90625 C 5.332031 -7.1875 4.9375 -7.328125 4.46875 -7.328125 C 3.757812 -7.328125 3.179688 -7.070312 2.734375 -6.5625 C 2.296875 -6.0625 2.078125 -5.257812 2.078125 -4.15625 C 2.078125 -3.039062 2.289062 -2.226562 2.71875 -1.71875 C 3.144531 -1.21875 3.703125 -0.96875 4.390625 -0.96875 C 4.941406 -0.96875 5.398438 -1.132812 5.765625 -1.46875 C 6.140625 -1.8125 6.375 -2.335938 6.46875 -3.046875 Z M 6.46875 -3.046875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-4"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.046875 0 L 1.046875 -8.296875 L 2.3125 -8.296875 L 2.3125 -7.046875 C 2.632812 -7.628906 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0 L 10.90625 -5.234375 C 10.90625 -5.796875 10.859375 -6.195312 10.765625 -6.4375 C 10.671875 -6.6875 10.503906 -6.882812 10.265625 -7.03125 C 10.023438 -7.1875 9.742188 -7.265625 9.421875 -7.265625 C 8.835938 -7.265625 8.351562 -7.070312 7.96875 -6.6875 C 7.582031 -6.300781 7.390625 -5.679688 7.390625 -4.828125 L 7.390625 0 L 5.984375 0 L 5.984375 -5.390625 C 5.984375 -6.015625 5.867188 -6.484375 5.640625 -6.796875 C 5.410156 -7.109375 5.035156 -7.265625 4.515625 -7.265625 C 4.117188 -7.265625 3.753906 -7.160156 3.421875 -6.953125 C 3.085938 -6.742188 2.84375 -6.4375 2.6875 -6.03125 C 2.539062 -5.632812 2.46875 -5.0625 2.46875 -4.3125 L 2.46875 0 Z M 1.0625 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-6"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.0625 0 L 1.0625 -8.296875 L 2.328125 -8.296875 L 2.328125 -7.125 C 2.929688 -8.03125 3.8125 -8.484375 4.96875 -8.484375 C 5.46875 -8.484375 5.925781 -8.394531 6.34375 -8.21875 C 6.757812 -8.039062 7.070312 -7.804688 7.28125 -7.515625 C 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11.8125 -15.015625 C 12.5625 -14.609375 13.175781 -14.066406 13.65625 -13.390625 C 14.132812 -12.722656 14.484375 -11.96875 14.703125 -11.125 C 14.929688 -10.28125 15.046875 -9.425781 15.046875 -8.5625 C 15.046875 -7.507812 14.882812 -6.5 14.5625 -5.53125 C 14.25 -4.5625 13.753906 -3.742188 13.078125 -3.078125 Z M 15.84375 1.46875 L 16.984375 0.03125 L 14.734375 -1.75 C 15.597656 -2.613281 16.242188 -3.632812 16.671875 -4.8125 C 17.109375 -6 17.328125 -7.25 17.328125 -8.5625 C 17.328125 -9.726562 17.15625 -10.851562 16.8125 -11.9375 C 16.46875 -13.019531 15.953125 -13.976562 15.265625 -14.8125 C 14.578125 -15.644531 13.71875 -16.304688 12.6875 -16.796875 C 11.664062 -17.296875 10.476562 -17.546875 9.125 -17.546875 C 7.757812 -17.546875 6.566406 -17.296875 5.546875 -16.796875 C 4.523438 -16.304688 3.664062 -15.644531 2.96875 -14.8125 C 2.28125 -13.976562 1.765625 -13.019531 1.421875 -11.9375 C 1.078125 -10.851562 0.90625 -9.726562 0.90625 -8.5625 C 0.90625 -7.394531 1.078125 -6.269531 1.421875 -5.1875 C 1.765625 -4.113281 2.28125 -3.160156 2.96875 -2.328125 C 3.664062 -1.492188 4.523438 -0.832031 5.546875 -0.34375 C 6.566406 0.144531 7.757812 0.390625 9.125 0.390625 C 10.707031 0.390625 12.070312 0.0507812 13.21875 -0.625 Z M 15.84375 1.46875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-9"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 11.8125 0 L 11.8125 -12.40625 L 9.765625 -12.40625 L 9.765625 -5.40625 C 9.765625 -4.84375 9.6875 -4.320312 9.53125 -3.84375 C 9.382812 -3.375 9.160156 -2.960938 8.859375 -2.609375 C 8.554688 -2.265625 8.175781 -1.992188 7.71875 -1.796875 C 7.257812 -1.609375 6.71875 -1.515625 6.09375 -1.515625 C 5.3125 -1.515625 4.695312 -1.738281 4.25 -2.1875 C 3.800781 -2.632812 3.578125 -3.242188 3.578125 -4.015625 L 3.578125 -12.40625 L 1.53125 -12.40625 L 1.53125 -4.25 C 1.53125 -3.570312 1.597656 -2.957031 1.734375 -2.40625 C 1.867188 -1.851562 2.101562 -1.378906 2.4375 -0.984375 C 2.78125 -0.585938 3.222656 -0.28125 3.765625 -0.0625 C 4.304688 0.15625 4.988281 0.265625 5.8125 0.265625 C 6.71875 0.265625 7.503906 0.0859375 8.171875 -0.265625 C 8.847656 -0.628906 9.40625 -1.195312 9.84375 -1.96875 L 9.890625 -1.96875 L 9.890625 0 Z M 11.8125 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-10"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 10.15625 -7.390625 L 3.03125 -7.390625 C 3.0625 -7.867188 3.160156 -8.320312 3.328125 -8.75 C 3.503906 -9.175781 3.742188 -9.546875 4.046875 -9.859375 C 4.359375 -10.179688 4.722656 -10.429688 5.140625 -10.609375 C 5.566406 -10.796875 6.046875 -10.890625 6.578125 -10.890625 C 7.085938 -10.890625 7.550781 -10.796875 7.96875 -10.609375 C 8.394531 -10.429688 8.765625 -10.1875 9.078125 -9.875 C 9.390625 -9.5625 9.640625 -9.1875 9.828125 -8.75 C 10.015625 -8.320312 10.125 -7.867188 10.15625 -7.390625 Z M 12.125 -3.9375 L 10.109375 -3.9375 C 9.929688 -3.125 9.566406 -2.515625 9.015625 -2.109375 C 8.460938 -1.710938 7.753906 -1.515625 6.890625 -1.515625 C 6.210938 -1.515625 5.625 -1.625 5.125 -1.84375 C 4.632812 -2.070312 4.226562 -2.375 3.90625 -2.75 C 3.59375 -3.125 3.363281 -3.554688 3.21875 -4.046875 C 3.070312 -4.535156 3.007812 -5.050781 3.03125 -5.59375 L 12.3125 -5.59375 C 12.34375 -6.34375 12.273438 -7.132812 12.109375 -7.96875 C 11.941406 -8.800781 11.632812 -9.566406 11.1875 -10.265625 C 10.75 -10.972656 10.164062 -11.554688 9.4375 -12.015625 C 8.71875 -12.472656 7.804688 -12.703125 6.703125 -12.703125 C 5.847656 -12.703125 5.0625 -12.539062 4.34375 -12.21875 C 3.632812 -11.894531 3.019531 -11.445312 2.5 -10.875 C 1.988281 -10.300781 1.585938 -9.617188 1.296875 -8.828125 C 1.003906 -8.046875 0.859375 -7.179688 0.859375 -6.234375 C 0.890625 -5.296875 1.03125 -4.425781 1.28125 -3.625 C 1.53125 -2.820312 1.898438 -2.132812 2.390625 -1.5625 C 2.890625 -0.988281 3.503906 -0.539062 4.234375 -0.21875 C 4.960938 0.101562 5.820312 0.265625 6.8125 0.265625 C 8.21875 0.265625 9.382812 -0.0820312 10.3125 -0.78125 C 11.25 -1.488281 11.851562 -2.539062 12.125 -3.9375 Z M 12.125 -3.9375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-11"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 4.828125 -7.078125 L 7.734375 -15.078125 L 7.78125 -15.078125 L 10.625 -7.078125 Z M 6.53125 -17.140625 L -0.140625 0 L 2.1875 0 L 4.109375 -5.15625 L 11.359375 -5.15625 L 13.21875 0 L 15.75 0 L 9.046875 -17.140625 Z M 6.53125 -17.140625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-12"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 9.953125 -8.421875 L 12.078125 -8.421875 C 11.992188 -9.160156 11.800781 -9.796875 11.5 -10.328125 C 11.195312 -10.867188 10.804688 -11.3125 10.328125 -11.65625 C 9.859375 -12.007812 9.316406 -12.269531 8.703125 -12.4375 C 8.085938 -12.613281 7.425781 -12.703125 6.71875 -12.703125 C 5.738281 -12.703125 4.878906 -12.523438 4.140625 -12.171875 C 3.410156 -11.828125 2.800781 -11.351562 2.3125 -10.75 C 1.820312 -10.15625 1.457031 -9.453125 1.21875 -8.640625 C 0.976562 -7.835938 0.859375 -6.972656 0.859375 -6.046875 C 0.859375 -5.117188 0.984375 -4.265625 1.234375 -3.484375 C 1.484375 -2.710938 1.851562 -2.046875 2.34375 -1.484375 C 2.832031 -0.921875 3.4375 -0.488281 4.15625 -0.1875 C 4.882812 0.113281 5.722656 0.265625 6.671875 0.265625 C 8.253906 0.265625 9.503906 -0.148438 10.421875 -0.984375 C 11.347656 -1.816406 11.921875 -3 12.140625 -4.53125 L 10.0625 -4.53125 C 9.925781 -3.570312 9.570312 -2.828125 9 -2.296875 C 8.4375 -1.773438 7.648438 -1.515625 6.640625 -1.515625 C 6.003906 -1.515625 5.453125 -1.640625 4.984375 -1.890625 C 4.523438 -2.148438 4.148438 -2.488281 3.859375 -2.90625 C 3.578125 -3.332031 3.367188 -3.816406 3.234375 -4.359375 C 3.097656 -4.910156 3.03125 -5.472656 3.03125 -6.046875 C 3.03125 -6.671875 3.09375 -7.273438 3.21875 -7.859375 C 3.34375 -8.441406 3.550781 -8.957031 3.84375 -9.40625 C 4.144531 -9.851562 4.539062 -10.210938 5.03125 -10.484375 C 5.53125 -10.753906 6.148438 -10.890625 6.890625 -10.890625 C 7.753906 -10.890625 8.441406 -10.671875 8.953125 -10.234375 C 9.460938 -9.804688 9.796875 -9.203125 9.953125 -8.421875 Z M 9.953125 -8.421875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-13"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 7.125 0 L 11.65625 -12.40625 L 9.53125 -12.40625 L 6.140625 -2.0625 L 6.09375 -2.0625 L 2.609375 -12.40625 L 0.34375 -12.40625 L 4.9375 0 Z M 7.125 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-14"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.921875 -17.140625 L 1.921875 0 L 4.078125 0 L 4.078125 -14.25 L 4.125 -14.25 L 9.484375 0 L 11.421875 0 L 16.78125 -14.25 L 16.828125 -14.25 L 16.828125 0 L 18.984375 0 L 18.984375 -17.140625 L 15.859375 -17.140625 L 10.4375 -2.734375 L 5.046875 -17.140625 Z M 1.921875 -17.140625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-15"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.53125 -12.40625 L 1.53125 0 L 3.578125 0 L 3.578125 -7.015625 C 3.578125 -7.566406 3.648438 -8.078125 3.796875 -8.546875 C 3.953125 -9.023438 4.179688 -9.4375 4.484375 -9.78125 C 4.785156 -10.132812 5.164062 -10.40625 5.625 -10.59375 C 6.082031 -10.789062 6.625 -10.890625 7.25 -10.890625 C 8.03125 -10.890625 8.644531 -10.664062 9.09375 -10.21875 C 9.539062 -9.769531 9.765625 -9.164062 9.765625 -8.40625 L 9.765625 0 L 11.8125 0 L 11.8125 -8.15625 C 11.8125 -8.832031 11.742188 -9.445312 11.609375 -10 C 11.472656 -10.550781 11.234375 -11.023438 10.890625 -11.421875 C 10.554688 -11.828125 10.117188 -12.140625 9.578125 -12.359375 C 9.035156 -12.585938 8.351562 -12.703125 7.53125 -12.703125 C 5.695312 -12.703125 4.351562 -11.945312 3.5 -10.4375 L 3.453125 -10.4375 L 3.453125 -12.40625 Z M 1.53125 -12.40625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-16"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d=""/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-17"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 13.921875 -11.96875 L 16.203125 -11.96875 C 16.078125 -12.882812 15.804688 -13.691406 15.390625 -14.390625 C 14.972656 -15.085938 14.453125 -15.664062 13.828125 -16.125 C 13.203125 -16.59375 12.488281 -16.945312 11.6875 -17.1875 C 10.882812 -17.425781 10.035156 -17.546875 9.140625 -17.546875 C 7.828125 -17.546875 6.660156 -17.304688 5.640625 -16.828125 C 4.628906 -16.359375 3.785156 -15.71875 3.109375 -14.90625 C 2.429688 -14.09375 1.914062 -13.132812 1.5625 -12.03125 C 1.207031 -10.9375 1.03125 -9.765625 1.03125 -8.515625 C 1.03125 -7.265625 1.191406 -6.097656 1.515625 -5.015625 C 1.847656 -3.929688 2.34375 -2.988281 3 -2.1875 C 3.65625 -1.382812 4.476562 -0.753906 5.46875 -0.296875 C 6.457031 0.160156 7.617188 0.390625 8.953125 0.390625 C 11.140625 0.390625 12.863281 -0.207031 14.125 -1.40625 C 15.394531 -2.613281 16.144531 -4.296875 16.375 -6.453125 L 14.09375 -6.453125 C 14.039062 -5.753906 13.894531 -5.097656 13.65625 -4.484375 C 13.414062 -3.878906 13.082031 -3.351562 12.65625 -2.90625 C 12.238281 -2.46875 11.734375 -2.125 11.140625 -1.875 C 10.554688 -1.632812 9.890625 -1.515625 9.140625 -1.515625 C 8.117188 -1.515625 7.238281 -1.703125 6.5 -2.078125 C 5.769531 -2.460938 5.164062 -2.976562 4.6875 -3.625 C 4.21875 -4.28125 3.867188 -5.039062 3.640625 -5.90625 C 3.421875 -6.78125 3.3125 -7.707031 3.3125 -8.6875 C 3.3125 -9.582031 3.421875 -10.445312 3.640625 -11.28125 C 3.867188 -12.113281 4.21875 -12.851562 4.6875 -13.5 C 5.164062 -14.144531 5.765625 -14.660156 6.484375 -15.046875 C 7.210938 -15.429688 8.09375 -15.625 9.125 -15.625 C 10.320312 -15.625 11.351562 -15.316406 12.21875 -14.703125 C 13.09375 -14.097656 13.660156 -13.1875 13.921875 -11.96875 Z M 13.921875 -11.96875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-18"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.03125 -6.1875 C 3.03125 -6.9375 3.128906 -7.601562 3.328125 -8.1875 C 3.523438 -8.78125 3.800781 -9.273438 4.15625 -9.671875 C 4.507812 -10.066406 4.921875 -10.367188 5.390625 -10.578125 C 5.859375 -10.785156 6.359375 -10.890625 6.890625 -10.890625 C 7.421875 -10.890625 7.921875 -10.785156 8.390625 -10.578125 C 8.859375 -10.367188 9.269531 -10.066406 9.625 -9.671875 C 9.976562 -9.273438 10.253906 -8.78125 10.453125 -8.1875 C 10.648438 -7.601562 10.75 -6.9375 10.75 -6.1875 C 10.75 -5.4375 10.648438 -4.769531 10.453125 -4.1875 C 10.253906 -3.601562 9.976562 -3.113281 9.625 -2.71875 C 9.269531 -2.332031 8.859375 -2.035156 8.390625 -1.828125 C 7.921875 -1.617188 7.421875 -1.515625 6.890625 -1.515625 C 6.359375 -1.515625 5.859375 -1.617188 5.390625 -1.828125 C 4.921875 -2.035156 4.507812 -2.332031 4.15625 -2.71875 C 3.800781 -3.113281 3.523438 -3.601562 3.328125 -4.1875 C 3.128906 -4.769531 3.03125 -5.4375 3.03125 -6.1875 Z M 0.859375 -6.1875 C 0.859375 -5.28125 0.984375 -4.429688 1.234375 -3.640625 C 1.492188 -2.859375 1.878906 -2.175781 2.390625 -1.59375 C 2.910156 -1.007812 3.546875 -0.550781 4.296875 -0.21875 C 5.046875 0.101562 5.910156 0.265625 6.890625 0.265625 C 7.878906 0.265625 8.742188 0.101562 9.484375 -0.21875 C 10.234375 -0.550781 10.863281 -1.007812 11.375 -1.59375 C 11.882812 -2.175781 12.265625 -2.859375 12.515625 -3.640625 C 12.773438 -4.429688 12.90625 -5.28125 12.90625 -6.1875 C 12.90625 -7.101562 12.773438 -7.957031 12.515625 -8.75 C 12.265625 -9.539062 11.882812 -10.226562 11.375 -10.8125 C 10.863281 -11.394531 10.234375 -11.851562 9.484375 -12.1875 C 8.742188 -12.53125 7.878906 -12.703125 6.890625 -12.703125 C 5.910156 -12.703125 5.046875 -12.53125 4.296875 -12.1875 C 3.546875 -11.851562 2.910156 -11.394531 2.390625 -10.8125 C 1.878906 -10.226562 1.492188 -9.539062 1.234375 -8.75 C 0.984375 -7.957031 0.859375 -7.101562 0.859375 -6.1875 Z M 0.859375 -6.1875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-19"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 4.875 -6.53125 L 0.21875 0 L 2.6875 0 L 6.140625 -5.140625 L 9.59375 0 L 12.21875 0 L 7.421875 -6.703125 L 11.6875 -12.40625 L 9.234375 -12.40625 L 6.140625 -8.0625 L 3.171875 -12.40625 L 0.546875 -12.40625 Z M 4.875 -6.53125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-20"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 12.234375 -1.0625 L 12.234375 -12.40625 L 10.3125 -12.40625 L 10.3125 -10.625 L 10.296875 -10.625 C 9.929688 -11.3125 9.421875 -11.828125 8.765625 -12.171875 C 8.109375 -12.523438 7.382812 -12.703125 6.59375 -12.703125 C 5.519531 -12.703125 4.613281 -12.492188 3.875 -12.078125 C 3.144531 -11.671875 2.554688 -11.148438 2.109375 -10.515625 C 1.660156 -9.890625 1.335938 -9.1875 1.140625 -8.40625 C 0.953125 -7.632812 0.859375 -6.878906 0.859375 -6.140625 C 0.859375 -5.296875 0.972656 -4.492188 1.203125 -3.734375 C 1.441406 -2.972656 1.789062 -2.304688 2.25 -1.734375 C 2.71875 -1.171875 3.296875 -0.71875 3.984375 -0.375 C 4.671875 -0.0390625 5.476562 0.125 6.40625 0.125 C 7.207031 0.125 7.960938 -0.0507812 8.671875 -0.40625 C 9.390625 -0.769531 9.921875 -1.335938 10.265625 -2.109375 L 10.3125 -2.109375 L 10.3125 -1.296875 C 10.3125 -0.609375 10.242188 0.0195312 10.109375 0.59375 C 9.972656 1.175781 9.753906 1.671875 9.453125 2.078125 C 9.148438 2.484375 8.765625 2.800781 8.296875 3.03125 C 7.835938 3.269531 7.269531 3.390625 6.59375 3.390625 C 6.257812 3.390625 5.90625 3.351562 5.53125 3.28125 C 5.164062 3.207031 4.828125 3.085938 4.515625 2.921875 C 4.210938 2.765625 3.953125 2.554688 3.734375 2.296875 C 3.515625 2.046875 3.398438 1.738281 3.390625 1.375 L 1.34375 1.375 C 1.375 2.039062 1.550781 2.601562 1.875 3.0625 C 2.195312 3.53125 2.597656 3.90625 3.078125 4.1875 C 3.566406 4.476562 4.109375 4.6875 4.703125 4.8125 C 5.304688 4.945312 5.898438 5.015625 6.484375 5.015625 C 8.460938 5.015625 9.914062 4.507812 10.84375 3.5 C 11.769531 2.488281 12.234375 0.96875 12.234375 -1.0625 Z M 6.53125 -1.65625 C 5.851562 -1.65625 5.289062 -1.796875 4.84375 -2.078125 C 4.394531 -2.359375 4.035156 -2.722656 3.765625 -3.171875 C 3.492188 -3.628906 3.300781 -4.140625 3.1875 -4.703125 C 3.082031 -5.265625 3.03125 -5.828125 3.03125 -6.390625 C 3.03125 -6.972656 3.097656 -7.535156 3.234375 -8.078125 C 3.367188 -8.628906 3.582031 -9.113281 3.875 -9.53125 C 4.164062 -9.945312 4.546875 -10.273438 5.015625 -10.515625 C 5.484375 -10.765625 6.046875 -10.890625 6.703125 -10.890625 C 7.335938 -10.890625 7.878906 -10.757812 8.328125 -10.5 C 8.773438 -10.25 9.140625 -9.910156 9.421875 -9.484375 C 9.703125 -9.066406 9.90625 -8.59375 10.03125 -8.0625 C 10.15625 -7.53125 10.21875 -6.992188 10.21875 -6.453125 C 10.21875 -5.878906 10.148438 -5.300781 10.015625 -4.71875 C 9.878906 -4.144531 9.664062 -3.628906 9.375 -3.171875 C 9.09375 -2.722656 8.710938 -2.359375 8.234375 -2.078125 C 7.765625 -1.796875 7.195312 -1.65625 6.53125 -1.65625 Z M 6.53125 -1.65625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-21"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.46875 -12.40625 L 1.46875 0 L 3.5 0 L 3.5 -5.515625 C 3.5 -6.316406 3.578125 -7.023438 3.734375 -7.640625 C 3.898438 -8.253906 4.160156 -8.773438 4.515625 -9.203125 C 4.867188 -9.640625 5.332031 -9.96875 5.90625 -10.1875 C 6.476562 -10.414062 7.171875 -10.53125 7.984375 -10.53125 L 7.984375 -12.703125 C 6.890625 -12.734375 5.976562 -12.503906 5.25 -12.015625 C 4.53125 -11.535156 3.925781 -10.796875 3.4375 -9.796875 L 3.390625 -9.796875 L 3.390625 -12.40625 Z M 1.46875 -12.40625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-22"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.875 -17.140625 L 1.875 0 L 4.15625 0 L 4.15625 -7.3125 L 9.71875 -7.3125 C 10.28125 -7.3125 10.726562 -7.226562 11.0625 -7.0625 C 11.394531 -6.894531 11.664062 -6.671875 11.875 -6.390625 C 12.082031 -6.109375 12.234375 -5.78125 12.328125 -5.40625 C 12.429688 -5.03125 12.515625 -4.632812 12.578125 -4.21875 C 12.660156 -3.800781 12.707031 -3.375 12.71875 -2.9375 C 12.738281 -2.507812 12.753906 -2.109375 12.765625 -1.734375 C 12.785156 -1.359375 12.820312 -1.019531 12.875 -0.71875 C 12.925781 -0.414062 13.035156 -0.175781 13.203125 0 L 15.75 0 C 15.507812 -0.289062 15.328125 -0.625 15.203125 -1 C 15.085938 -1.375 14.992188 -1.769531 14.921875 -2.1875 C 14.859375 -2.601562 14.816406 -3.023438 14.796875 -3.453125 C 14.785156 -3.890625 14.765625 -4.316406 14.734375 -4.734375 C 14.679688 -5.148438 14.613281 -5.546875 14.53125 -5.921875 C 14.445312 -6.304688 14.3125 -6.65625 14.125 -6.96875 C 13.9375 -7.28125 13.6875 -7.546875 13.375 -7.765625 C 13.0625 -7.992188 12.660156 -8.15625 12.171875 -8.25 L 12.171875 -8.296875 C 13.210938 -8.585938 13.96875 -9.125 14.4375 -9.90625 C 14.90625 -10.695312 15.140625 -11.609375 15.140625 -12.640625 C 15.140625 -14.035156 14.679688 -15.132812 13.765625 -15.9375 C 12.847656 -16.738281 11.570312 -17.140625 9.9375 -17.140625 Z M 8.90625 -9.234375 L 4.15625 -9.234375 L 4.15625 -15.21875 L 9.8125 -15.21875 C 10.882812 -15.21875 11.660156 -14.941406 12.140625 -14.390625 C 12.617188 -13.847656 12.859375 -13.144531 12.859375 -12.28125 C 12.859375 -11.664062 12.75 -11.160156 12.53125 -10.765625 C 12.320312 -10.367188 12.035156 -10.054688 11.671875 -9.828125 C 11.316406 -9.597656 10.898438 -9.441406 10.421875 -9.359375 C 9.941406 -9.273438 9.4375 -9.234375 8.90625 -9.234375 Z M 8.90625 -9.234375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-23"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.65625 -17.140625 L 1.65625 0 L 3.703125 0 L 3.703125 -17.140625 Z M 1.65625 -17.140625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-24"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 4.15625 -1.921875 L 4.15625 -15.21875 L 7.984375 -15.21875 C 9.046875 -15.21875 9.9375 -15.066406 10.65625 -14.765625 C 11.375 -14.472656 11.960938 -14.039062 12.421875 -13.46875 C 12.878906 -12.90625 13.207031 -12.21875 13.40625 -11.40625 C 13.601562 -10.601562 13.703125 -9.6875 13.703125 -8.65625 C 13.703125 -7.601562 13.59375 -6.703125 13.375 -5.953125 C 13.164062 -5.210938 12.890625 -4.59375 12.546875 -4.09375 C 12.210938 -3.601562 11.832031 -3.210938 11.40625 -2.921875 C 10.988281 -2.640625 10.5625 -2.421875 10.125 -2.265625 C 9.695312 -2.117188 9.289062 -2.023438 8.90625 -1.984375 C 8.519531 -1.941406 8.195312 -1.921875 7.9375 -1.921875 Z M 1.875 -17.140625 L 1.875 0 L 7.75 0 C 9.175781 0 10.410156 -0.195312 11.453125 -0.59375 C 12.492188 -1 13.347656 -1.582031 14.015625 -2.34375 C 14.691406 -3.101562 15.1875 -4.035156 15.5 -5.140625 C 15.820312 -6.253906 15.984375 -7.53125 15.984375 -8.96875 C 15.984375 -11.726562 15.269531 -13.78125 13.84375 -15.125 C 12.425781 -16.46875 10.394531 -17.140625 7.75 -17.140625 Z M 1.875 -17.140625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-25"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.609375 -12.40625 L 1.609375 4.734375 L 3.640625 4.734375 L 3.640625 -1.65625 L 3.703125 -1.65625 C 3.921875 -1.289062 4.191406 -0.984375 4.515625 -0.734375 C 4.847656 -0.484375 5.195312 -0.285156 5.5625 -0.140625 C 5.9375 0.00390625 6.3125 0.109375 6.6875 0.171875 C 7.0625 0.234375 7.398438 0.265625 7.703125 0.265625 C 8.648438 0.265625 9.476562 0.0976562 10.1875 -0.234375 C 10.894531 -0.578125 11.484375 -1.039062 11.953125 -1.625 C 12.429688 -2.207031 12.785156 -2.890625 13.015625 -3.671875 C 13.253906 -4.453125 13.375 -5.285156 13.375 -6.171875 C 13.375 -7.046875 13.25 -7.875 13 -8.65625 C 12.757812 -9.445312 12.40625 -10.140625 11.9375 -10.734375 C 11.46875 -11.335938 10.875 -11.816406 10.15625 -12.171875 C 9.445312 -12.523438 8.613281 -12.703125 7.65625 -12.703125 C 6.789062 -12.703125 6 -12.546875 5.28125 -12.234375 C 4.5625 -11.921875 4.035156 -11.421875 3.703125 -10.734375 L 3.640625 -10.734375 L 3.640625 -12.40625 Z M 11.203125 -6.3125 C 11.203125 -5.707031 11.140625 -5.113281 11.015625 -4.53125 C 10.890625 -3.957031 10.679688 -3.445312 10.390625 -3 C 10.097656 -2.550781 9.71875 -2.191406 9.25 -1.921875 C 8.78125 -1.648438 8.191406 -1.515625 7.484375 -1.515625 C 6.785156 -1.515625 6.1875 -1.644531 5.6875 -1.90625 C 5.1875 -2.164062 4.78125 -2.507812 4.46875 -2.9375 C 4.164062 -3.375 3.941406 -3.875 3.796875 -4.4375 C 3.648438 -5.007812 3.578125 -5.601562 3.578125 -6.21875 C 3.578125 -6.789062 3.644531 -7.359375 3.78125 -7.921875 C 3.914062 -8.484375 4.132812 -8.984375 4.4375 -9.421875 C 4.738281 -9.859375 5.128906 -10.210938 5.609375 -10.484375 C 6.097656 -10.753906 6.6875 -10.890625 7.375 -10.890625 C 8.03125 -10.890625 8.597656 -10.757812 9.078125 -10.5 C 9.566406 -10.25 9.96875 -9.90625 10.28125 -9.46875 C 10.59375 -9.039062 10.820312 -8.550781 10.96875 -8 C 11.125 -7.445312 11.203125 -6.882812 11.203125 -6.3125 Z M 11.203125 -6.3125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-26"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.03125 -6.09375 C 3.03125 -6.707031 3.09375 -7.300781 3.21875 -7.875 C 3.34375 -8.445312 3.546875 -8.957031 3.828125 -9.40625 C 4.117188 -9.851562 4.503906 -10.210938 4.984375 -10.484375 C 5.472656 -10.753906 6.0625 -10.890625 6.75 -10.890625 C 7.445312 -10.890625 8.039062 -10.757812 8.53125 -10.5 C 9.03125 -10.238281 9.4375 -9.890625 9.75 -9.453125 C 10.0625 -9.023438 10.289062 -8.523438 10.4375 -7.953125 C 10.582031 -7.390625 10.65625 -6.800781 10.65625 -6.1875 C 10.65625 -5.613281 10.585938 -5.046875 10.453125 -4.484375 C 10.316406 -3.921875 10.097656 -3.421875 9.796875 -2.984375 C 9.492188 -2.546875 9.097656 -2.191406 8.609375 -1.921875 C 8.128906 -1.648438 7.546875 -1.515625 6.859375 -1.515625 C 6.203125 -1.515625 5.628906 -1.640625 5.140625 -1.890625 C 4.660156 -2.148438 4.265625 -2.492188 3.953125 -2.921875 C 3.640625 -3.359375 3.40625 -3.851562 3.25 -4.40625 C 3.101562 -4.957031 3.03125 -5.519531 3.03125 -6.09375 Z M 12.625 0 L 12.625 -17.140625 L 10.578125 -17.140625 L 10.578125 -10.75 L 10.53125 -10.75 C 10.3125 -11.113281 10.035156 -11.421875 9.703125 -11.671875 C 9.378906 -11.921875 9.03125 -12.117188 8.65625 -12.265625 C 8.289062 -12.421875 7.925781 -12.53125 7.5625 -12.59375 C 7.195312 -12.664062 6.851562 -12.703125 6.53125 -12.703125 C 5.582031 -12.703125 4.75 -12.523438 4.03125 -12.171875 C 3.320312 -11.828125 2.734375 -11.363281 2.265625 -10.78125 C 1.796875 -10.195312 1.441406 -9.515625 1.203125 -8.734375 C 0.972656 -7.953125 0.859375 -7.117188 0.859375 -6.234375 C 0.859375 -5.359375 0.976562 -4.523438 1.21875 -3.734375 C 1.457031 -2.953125 1.8125 -2.265625 2.28125 -1.671875 C 2.757812 -1.085938 3.351562 -0.617188 4.0625 -0.265625 C 4.78125 0.0859375 5.617188 0.265625 6.578125 0.265625 C 7.441406 0.265625 8.234375 0.113281 8.953125 -0.1875 C 9.671875 -0.488281 10.195312 -0.988281 10.53125 -1.6875 L 10.578125 -1.6875 L 10.578125 0 Z M 12.625 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-27"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 6.40625 1.65625 C 6.164062 2.257812 5.929688 2.769531 5.703125 3.1875 C 5.472656 3.601562 5.21875 3.941406 4.9375 4.203125 C 4.65625 4.472656 4.34375 4.664062 4 4.78125 C 3.65625 4.90625 3.257812 4.96875 2.8125 4.96875 C 2.570312 4.96875 2.332031 4.953125 2.09375 4.921875 C 1.851562 4.890625 1.617188 4.832031 1.390625 4.75 L 1.390625 2.875 C 1.566406 2.957031 1.769531 3.023438 2 3.078125 C 2.238281 3.140625 2.4375 3.171875 2.59375 3.171875 C 3.007812 3.171875 3.359375 3.066406 3.640625 2.859375 C 3.921875 2.660156 4.128906 2.378906 4.265625 2.015625 L 5.109375 -0.078125 L 0.1875 -12.40625 L 2.5 -12.40625 L 6.125 -2.25 L 6.171875 -2.25 L 9.640625 -12.40625 L 11.8125 -12.40625 Z M 6.40625 1.65625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-28"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.03125 -6.09375 C 3.03125 -6.707031 3.09375 -7.300781 3.21875 -7.875 C 3.34375 -8.445312 3.546875 -8.957031 3.828125 -9.40625 C 4.117188 -9.851562 4.503906 -10.210938 4.984375 -10.484375 C 5.472656 -10.753906 6.0625 -10.890625 6.75 -10.890625 C 7.445312 -10.890625 8.039062 -10.757812 8.53125 -10.5 C 9.03125 -10.238281 9.4375 -9.890625 9.75 -9.453125 C 10.0625 -9.023438 10.289062 -8.523438 10.4375 -7.953125 C 10.582031 -7.390625 10.65625 -6.800781 10.65625 -6.1875 C 10.65625 -5.613281 10.585938 -5.046875 10.453125 -4.484375 C 10.316406 -3.921875 10.097656 -3.421875 9.796875 -2.984375 C 9.492188 -2.546875 9.097656 -2.191406 8.609375 -1.921875 C 8.128906 -1.648438 7.546875 -1.515625 6.859375 -1.515625 C 6.203125 -1.515625 5.628906 -1.640625 5.140625 -1.890625 C 4.660156 -2.148438 4.265625 -2.492188 3.953125 -2.921875 C 3.640625 -3.359375 3.40625 -3.851562 3.25 -4.40625 C 3.101562 -4.957031 3.03125 -5.519531 3.03125 -6.09375 Z M 12.625 4.734375 L 12.625 -12.40625 L 10.578125 -12.40625 L 10.578125 -10.75 L 10.53125 -10.75 C 10.3125 -11.113281 10.035156 -11.421875 9.703125 -11.671875 C 9.378906 -11.921875 9.03125 -12.117188 8.65625 -12.265625 C 8.289062 -12.421875 7.925781 -12.53125 7.5625 -12.59375 C 7.195312 -12.664062 6.851562 -12.703125 6.53125 -12.703125 C 5.582031 -12.703125 4.75 -12.523438 4.03125 -12.171875 C 3.320312 -11.828125 2.734375 -11.363281 2.265625 -10.78125 C 1.796875 -10.195312 1.441406 -9.515625 1.203125 -8.734375 C 0.972656 -7.953125 0.859375 -7.117188 0.859375 -6.234375 C 0.859375 -5.359375 0.976562 -4.523438 1.21875 -3.734375 C 1.457031 -2.953125 1.8125 -2.265625 2.28125 -1.671875 C 2.757812 -1.085938 3.351562 -0.617188 4.0625 -0.265625 C 4.78125 0.0859375 5.617188 0.265625 6.578125 0.265625 C 7.441406 0.265625 8.234375 0.113281 8.953125 -0.1875 C 9.671875 -0.488281 10.195312 -0.988281 10.53125 -1.6875 L 10.578125 -1.6875 L 10.578125 4.734375 Z M 12.625 4.734375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-29"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 4.15625 -8.921875 L 4.15625 -15.21875 L 8.609375 -15.21875 C 9.910156 -15.21875 10.859375 -14.945312 11.453125 -14.40625 C 12.054688 -13.875 12.359375 -13.097656 12.359375 -12.078125 C 12.359375 -11.046875 12.054688 -10.257812 11.453125 -9.71875 C 10.859375 -9.175781 9.910156 -8.910156 8.609375 -8.921875 Z M 1.875 -17.140625 L 1.875 0 L 4.15625 0 L 4.15625 -7.015625 L 9.390625 -7.015625 C 11.109375 -6.992188 12.410156 -7.429688 13.296875 -8.328125 C 14.191406 -9.222656 14.640625 -10.472656 14.640625 -12.078125 C 14.640625 -13.671875 14.191406 -14.910156 13.296875 -15.796875 C 12.410156 -16.691406 11.109375 -17.140625 9.390625 -17.140625 Z M 1.875 -17.140625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-30"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.875 -17.140625 L 1.875 0 L 13.78125 0 L 13.78125 -1.921875 L 4.15625 -1.921875 L 4.15625 -7.84375 L 13.0625 -7.84375 L 13.0625 -9.765625 L 4.15625 -9.765625 L 4.15625 -15.21875 L 13.703125 -15.21875 L 13.703125 -17.140625 Z M 1.875 -17.140625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-0"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.78125 0 L 0.78125 -17.21875 L 14.4375 -17.21875 L 14.4375 0 Z M 12.28125 -2.15625 L 12.28125 -15.0625 L 2.9375 -15.0625 L 2.9375 -2.15625 Z M 12.28125 -2.15625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-1"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 9.828125 -9.328125 C 10.921875 -9.328125 11.785156 -9.546875 12.421875 -9.984375 C 13.066406 -10.421875 13.390625 -11.210938 13.390625 -12.359375 C 13.390625 -13.578125 12.941406 -14.410156 12.046875 -14.859375 C 11.566406 -15.097656 10.929688 -15.21875 10.140625 -15.21875 L 4.4375 -15.21875 L 4.4375 -9.328125 Z M 2.109375 -17.21875 L 10.078125 -17.21875 C 11.390625 -17.21875 12.472656 -17.023438 13.328125 -16.640625 C 14.941406 -15.910156 15.75 -14.554688 15.75 -12.578125 C 15.75 -11.546875 15.535156 -10.703125 15.109375 -10.046875 C 14.679688 -9.390625 14.085938 -8.863281 13.328125 -8.46875 C 13.992188 -8.1875 14.5 -7.820312 14.84375 -7.375 C 15.1875 -6.9375 15.375 -6.21875 15.40625 -5.21875 L 15.5 -2.90625 C 15.519531 -2.25 15.570312 -1.757812 15.65625 -1.4375 C 15.800781 -0.894531 16.050781 -0.546875 16.40625 -0.390625 L 16.40625 0 L 13.546875 0 C 13.472656 -0.144531 13.410156 -0.332031 13.359375 -0.5625 C 13.316406 -0.800781 13.28125 -1.257812 13.25 -1.9375 L 13.109375 -4.8125 C 13.046875 -5.9375 12.625 -6.6875 11.84375 -7.0625 C 11.40625 -7.28125 10.707031 -7.390625 9.75 -7.390625 L 4.4375 -7.390625 L 4.4375 0 L 2.109375 0 Z M 2.109375 -17.21875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-2"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 6.78125 -12.828125 C 7.664062 -12.828125 8.523438 -12.617188 9.359375 -12.203125 C 10.203125 -11.785156 10.84375 -11.242188 11.28125 -10.578125 C 11.695312 -9.953125 11.976562 -9.21875 12.125 -8.375 C 12.25 -7.789062 12.3125 -6.867188 12.3125 -5.609375 L 3.109375 -5.609375 C 3.148438 -4.328125 3.453125 -3.300781 4.015625 -2.53125 C 4.578125 -1.769531 5.445312 -1.390625 6.625 -1.390625 C 7.726562 -1.390625 8.609375 -1.75 9.265625 -2.46875 C 9.640625 -2.894531 9.90625 -3.382812 10.0625 -3.9375 L 12.125 -3.9375 C 12.070312 -3.476562 11.890625 -2.960938 11.578125 -2.390625 C 11.273438 -1.828125 10.929688 -1.367188 10.546875 -1.015625 C 9.910156 -0.390625 9.117188 0.0351562 8.171875 0.265625 C 7.660156 0.390625 7.085938 0.453125 6.453125 0.453125 C 4.890625 0.453125 3.5625 -0.113281 2.46875 -1.25 C 1.382812 -2.394531 0.84375 -3.988281 0.84375 -6.03125 C 0.84375 -8.050781 1.390625 -9.6875 2.484375 -10.9375 C 3.578125 -12.195312 5.007812 -12.828125 6.78125 -12.828125 Z M 10.140625 -7.28125 C 10.054688 -8.195312 9.859375 -8.925781 9.546875 -9.46875 C 8.960938 -10.488281 7.992188 -11 6.640625 -11 C 5.671875 -11 4.859375 -10.644531 4.203125 -9.9375 C 3.546875 -9.238281 3.203125 -8.351562 3.171875 -7.28125 Z M 6.578125 -12.859375 Z M 6.578125 -12.859375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-3"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.796875 -3.9375 C 2.859375 -3.238281 3.035156 -2.703125 3.328125 -2.328125 C 3.859375 -1.640625 4.78125 -1.296875 6.09375 -1.296875 C 6.875 -1.296875 7.5625 -1.46875 8.15625 -1.8125 C 8.75 -2.15625 9.046875 -2.679688 9.046875 -3.390625 C 9.046875 -3.929688 8.804688 -4.34375 8.328125 -4.625 C 8.023438 -4.789062 7.425781 -4.988281 6.53125 -5.21875 L 4.859375 -5.640625 C 3.785156 -5.898438 2.992188 -6.195312 2.484375 -6.53125 C 1.578125 -7.101562 1.125 -7.890625 1.125 -8.890625 C 1.125 -10.078125 1.550781 -11.035156 2.40625 -11.765625 C 3.257812 -12.503906 4.410156 -12.875 5.859375 -12.875 C 7.753906 -12.875 9.117188 -12.320312 9.953125 -11.21875 C 10.472656 -10.507812 10.726562 -9.75 10.71875 -8.9375 L 8.71875 -8.9375 C 8.675781 -9.414062 8.507812 -9.851562 8.21875 -10.25 C 7.726562 -10.800781 6.890625 -11.078125 5.703125 -11.078125 C 4.898438 -11.078125 4.289062 -10.921875 3.875 -10.609375 C 3.46875 -10.304688 3.265625 -9.90625 3.265625 -9.40625 C 3.265625 -8.863281 3.535156 -8.425781 4.078125 -8.09375 C 4.390625 -7.90625 4.851562 -7.734375 5.46875 -7.578125 L 6.859375 -7.25 C 8.367188 -6.875 9.382812 -6.515625 9.90625 -6.171875 C 10.726562 -5.640625 11.140625 -4.796875 11.140625 -3.640625 C 11.140625 -2.515625 10.710938 -1.546875 9.859375 -0.734375 C 9.015625 0.078125 7.722656 0.484375 5.984375 0.484375 C 4.117188 0.484375 2.796875 0.0625 2.015625 -0.78125 C 1.242188 -1.632812 0.832031 -2.6875 0.78125 -3.9375 Z M 5.921875 -12.859375 Z M 5.921875 -12.859375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-4"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 6.53125 -1.359375 C 7.925781 -1.359375 8.882812 -1.882812 9.40625 -2.9375 C 9.925781 -4 10.1875 -5.179688 10.1875 -6.484375 C 10.1875 -7.648438 10 -8.601562 9.625 -9.34375 C 9.03125 -10.5 8.003906 -11.078125 6.546875 -11.078125 C 5.265625 -11.078125 4.328125 -10.582031 3.734375 -9.59375 C 3.148438 -8.613281 2.859375 -7.425781 2.859375 -6.03125 C 2.859375 -4.695312 3.148438 -3.582031 3.734375 -2.6875 C 4.328125 -1.800781 5.257812 -1.359375 6.53125 -1.359375 Z M 6.609375 -12.921875 C 8.222656 -12.921875 9.585938 -12.378906 10.703125 -11.296875 C 11.828125 -10.222656 12.390625 -8.640625 12.390625 -6.546875 C 12.390625 -4.515625 11.894531 -2.835938 10.90625 -1.515625 C 9.925781 -0.203125 8.398438 0.453125 6.328125 0.453125 C 4.597656 0.453125 3.222656 -0.128906 2.203125 -1.296875 C 1.191406 -2.460938 0.6875 -4.03125 0.6875 -6 C 0.6875 -8.113281 1.222656 -9.796875 2.296875 -11.046875 C 3.367188 -12.296875 4.804688 -12.921875 6.609375 -12.921875 Z M 6.546875 -12.859375 Z M 6.546875 -12.859375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-5"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.609375 -17.21875 L 3.71875 -17.21875 L 3.71875 0 L 1.609375 0 Z M 1.609375 -17.21875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-6"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.578125 -12.546875 L 5.9375 -2.328125 L 9.4375 -12.546875 L 11.75 -12.546875 L 7.015625 0 L 4.765625 0 L 0.125 -12.546875 Z M 2.578125 -12.546875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-7"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d=""/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-8"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 14.359375 -17.21875 L 14.359375 -15.171875 L 8.5625 -15.171875 L 8.5625 0 L 6.1875 0 L 6.1875 -15.171875 L 0.390625 -15.171875 L 0.390625 -17.21875 Z M 14.359375 -17.21875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-9"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.171875 -3.34375 C 3.171875 -2.726562 3.390625 -2.242188 3.828125 -1.890625 C 4.273438 -1.546875 4.804688 -1.375 5.421875 -1.375 C 6.160156 -1.375 6.878906 -1.546875 7.578125 -1.890625 C 8.742188 -2.460938 9.328125 -3.394531 9.328125 -4.6875 L 9.328125 -6.390625 C 9.066406 -6.222656 8.734375 -6.082031 8.328125 -5.96875 C 7.921875 -5.863281 7.523438 -5.789062 7.140625 -5.75 L 5.859375 -5.578125 C 5.097656 -5.472656 4.523438 -5.3125 4.140625 -5.09375 C 3.492188 -4.726562 3.171875 -4.144531 3.171875 -3.34375 Z M 8.28125 -7.609375 C 8.757812 -7.671875 9.082031 -7.875 9.25 -8.21875 C 9.34375 -8.40625 9.390625 -8.675781 9.390625 -9.03125 C 9.390625 -9.75 9.132812 -10.269531 8.625 -10.59375 C 8.113281 -10.914062 7.378906 -11.078125 6.421875 -11.078125 C 5.316406 -11.078125 4.535156 -10.78125 4.078125 -10.1875 C 3.816406 -9.851562 3.648438 -9.363281 3.578125 -8.71875 L 1.609375 -8.71875 C 1.648438 -10.269531 2.148438 -11.347656 3.109375 -11.953125 C 4.078125 -12.554688 5.195312 -12.859375 6.46875 -12.859375 C 7.945312 -12.859375 9.144531 -12.578125 10.0625 -12.015625 C 10.976562 -11.453125 11.4375 -10.578125 11.4375 -9.390625 L 11.4375 -2.15625 C 11.4375 -1.9375 11.476562 -1.757812 11.5625 -1.625 C 11.65625 -1.5 11.847656 -1.4375 12.140625 -1.4375 C 12.234375 -1.4375 12.335938 -1.441406 12.453125 -1.453125 C 12.578125 -1.460938 12.703125 -1.476562 12.828125 -1.5 L 12.828125 0.0625 C 12.503906 0.15625 12.253906 0.210938 12.078125 0.234375 C 11.910156 0.253906 11.675781 0.265625 11.375 0.265625 C 10.65625 0.265625 10.128906 0.0078125 9.796875 -0.5 C 9.628906 -0.78125 9.507812 -1.171875 9.4375 -1.671875 C 9.007812 -1.109375 8.390625 -0.617188 7.578125 -0.203125 C 6.773438 0.210938 5.890625 0.421875 4.921875 0.421875 C 3.753906 0.421875 2.800781 0.0664062 2.0625 -0.640625 C 1.332031 -1.347656 0.96875 -2.234375 0.96875 -3.296875 C 0.96875 -4.460938 1.328125 -5.363281 2.046875 -6 C 2.773438 -6.644531 3.726562 -7.039062 4.90625 -7.1875 Z M 6.53125 -12.859375 Z M 6.53125 -12.859375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-10"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.5 -17.21875 L 3.53125 -17.21875 L 3.53125 -7.21875 L 8.9375 -12.546875 L 11.640625 -12.546875 L 6.828125 -7.859375 L 11.90625 0 L 9.21875 0 L 5.296875 -6.328125 L 3.53125 -4.71875 L 3.53125 0 L 1.5 0 Z M 1.5 -17.21875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-11"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 9.078125 -17.6875 C 11.265625 -17.6875 12.957031 -17.109375 14.15625 -15.953125 C 15.363281 -14.804688 16.03125 -13.503906 16.15625 -12.046875 L 13.890625 -12.046875 C 13.628906 -13.160156 13.113281 -14.039062 12.34375 -14.6875 C 11.570312 -15.332031 10.492188 -15.65625 9.109375 -15.65625 C 7.410156 -15.65625 6.039062 -15.054688 5 -13.859375 C 3.957031 -12.671875 3.4375 -10.847656 3.4375 -8.390625 C 3.4375 -6.378906 3.90625 -4.742188 4.84375 -3.484375 C 5.789062 -2.234375 7.195312 -1.609375 9.0625 -1.609375 C 10.78125 -1.609375 12.085938 -2.269531 12.984375 -3.59375 C 13.460938 -4.28125 13.816406 -5.191406 14.046875 -6.328125 L 16.328125 -6.328125 C 16.117188 -4.515625 15.445312 -2.992188 14.3125 -1.765625 C 12.945312 -0.285156 11.101562 0.453125 8.78125 0.453125 C 6.78125 0.453125 5.097656 -0.15625 3.734375 -1.375 C 1.953125 -2.976562 1.0625 -5.453125 1.0625 -8.796875 C 1.0625 -11.328125 1.734375 -13.40625 3.078125 -15.03125 C 4.523438 -16.800781 6.523438 -17.6875 9.078125 -17.6875 Z M 8.609375 -17.6875 Z M 8.609375 -17.6875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-12"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.609375 -12.546875 L 3.609375 -12.546875 L 3.609375 -10.390625 C 3.773438 -10.804688 4.175781 -11.316406 4.8125 -11.921875 C 5.457031 -12.523438 6.195312 -12.828125 7.03125 -12.828125 C 7.070312 -12.828125 7.140625 -12.820312 7.234375 -12.8125 C 7.328125 -12.8125 7.488281 -12.800781 7.71875 -12.78125 L 7.71875 -10.546875 C 7.59375 -10.566406 7.472656 -10.582031 7.359375 -10.59375 C 7.253906 -10.601562 7.140625 -10.609375 7.015625 -10.609375 C 5.953125 -10.609375 5.132812 -10.265625 4.5625 -9.578125 C 4 -8.898438 3.71875 -8.113281 3.71875 -7.21875 L 3.71875 0 L 1.609375 0 Z M 1.609375 -12.546875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-13"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.96875 -16.0625 L 4.109375 -16.0625 L 4.109375 -12.546875 L 6.109375 -12.546875 L 6.109375 -10.828125 L 4.109375 -10.828125 L 4.109375 -2.640625 C 4.109375 -2.203125 4.253906 -1.910156 4.546875 -1.765625 C 4.710938 -1.671875 4.988281 -1.625 5.375 -1.625 C 5.46875 -1.625 5.570312 -1.625 5.6875 -1.625 C 5.8125 -1.632812 5.953125 -1.648438 6.109375 -1.671875 L 6.109375 0 C 5.867188 0.0703125 5.613281 0.125 5.34375 0.15625 C 5.082031 0.1875 4.800781 0.203125 4.5 0.203125 C 3.519531 0.203125 2.851562 -0.046875 2.5 -0.546875 C 2.144531 -1.054688 1.96875 -1.710938 1.96875 -2.515625 L 1.96875 -10.828125 L 0.265625 -10.828125 L 0.265625 -12.546875 L 1.96875 -12.546875 Z M 1.96875 -16.0625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-14"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 9.265625 -17.65625 C 10.890625 -17.65625 12.289062 -17.34375 13.46875 -16.71875 C 15.175781 -15.820312 16.222656 -14.25 16.609375 -12 L 14.296875 -12 C 14.015625 -13.257812 13.429688 -14.175781 12.546875 -14.75 C 11.671875 -15.320312 10.5625 -15.609375 9.21875 -15.609375 C 7.625 -15.609375 6.28125 -15.007812 5.1875 -13.8125 C 4.09375 -12.625 3.546875 -10.84375 3.546875 -8.46875 C 3.546875 -6.425781 3.992188 -4.757812 4.890625 -3.46875 C 5.796875 -2.1875 7.265625 -1.546875 9.296875 -1.546875 C 10.847656 -1.546875 12.132812 -1.992188 13.15625 -2.890625 C 14.175781 -3.796875 14.695312 -5.257812 14.71875 -7.28125 L 9.328125 -7.28125 L 9.328125 -9.21875 L 16.890625 -9.21875 L 16.890625 0 L 15.390625 0 L 14.828125 -2.21875 C 14.035156 -1.351562 13.335938 -0.75 12.734375 -0.40625 C 11.703125 0.164062 10.398438 0.453125 8.828125 0.453125 C 6.785156 0.453125 5.03125 -0.207031 3.5625 -1.53125 C 1.957031 -3.1875 1.15625 -5.457031 1.15625 -8.34375 C 1.15625 -11.226562 1.9375 -13.519531 3.5 -15.21875 C 4.988281 -16.84375 6.910156 -17.65625 9.265625 -17.65625 Z M 8.890625 -17.6875 Z M 8.890625 -17.6875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-15"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.890625 -6.125 C 2.890625 -4.78125 3.171875 -3.65625 3.734375 -2.75 C 4.304688 -1.84375 5.222656 -1.390625 6.484375 -1.390625 C 7.460938 -1.390625 8.265625 -1.8125 8.890625 -2.65625 C 9.515625 -3.5 9.828125 -4.703125 9.828125 -6.265625 C 9.828125 -7.859375 9.503906 -9.035156 8.859375 -9.796875 C 8.210938 -10.554688 7.410156 -10.9375 6.453125 -10.9375 C 5.390625 -10.9375 4.53125 -10.53125 3.875 -9.71875 C 3.21875 -8.90625 2.890625 -7.707031 2.890625 -6.125 Z M 6.0625 -12.78125 C 7.019531 -12.78125 7.820312 -12.578125 8.46875 -12.171875 C 8.84375 -11.929688 9.269531 -11.519531 9.75 -10.9375 L 9.75 -17.28125 L 11.78125 -17.28125 L 11.78125 0 L 9.875 0 L 9.875 -1.75 C 9.382812 -0.976562 8.800781 -0.414062 8.125 -0.0625 C 7.457031 0.28125 6.691406 0.453125 5.828125 0.453125 C 4.429688 0.453125 3.21875 -0.132812 2.1875 -1.3125 C 1.164062 -2.488281 0.65625 -4.054688 0.65625 -6.015625 C 0.65625 -7.835938 1.117188 -9.421875 2.046875 -10.765625 C 2.984375 -12.109375 4.320312 -12.78125 6.0625 -12.78125 Z M 6.0625 -12.78125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-16"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 8.4375 -2 C 9.226562 -2 9.878906 -2.078125 10.390625 -2.234375 C 11.296875 -2.546875 12.035156 -3.132812 12.609375 -4 C 13.066406 -4.695312 13.398438 -5.585938 13.609375 -6.671875 C 13.722656 -7.316406 13.78125 -7.914062 13.78125 -8.46875 C 13.78125 -10.601562 13.351562 -12.257812 12.5 -13.4375 C 11.65625 -14.625 10.296875 -15.21875 8.421875 -15.21875 L 4.28125 -15.21875 L 4.28125 -2 Z M 1.9375 -17.21875 L 8.90625 -17.21875 C 11.269531 -17.21875 13.109375 -16.378906 14.421875 -14.703125 C 15.578125 -13.179688 16.15625 -11.238281 16.15625 -8.875 C 16.15625 -7.039062 15.8125 -5.390625 15.125 -3.921875 C 13.914062 -1.304688 11.835938 0 8.890625 0 L 1.9375 0 Z M 1.9375 -17.21875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-17"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.046875 -17.21875 L 14.609375 -17.21875 L 14.609375 -15.109375 L 4.328125 -15.109375 L 4.328125 -9.875 L 13.828125 -9.875 L 13.828125 -7.890625 L 4.328125 -7.890625 L 4.328125 -2.046875 L 14.78125 -2.046875 L 14.78125 0 L 2.046875 0 Z M 8.421875 -17.21875 Z M 8.421875 -17.21875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-18"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.359375 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-0.929688 3.84375 -0.828125 C 3.625 -0.734375 3.394531 -0.6875 3.15625 -0.6875 C 2.914062 -0.6875 2.6875 -0.734375 2.46875 -0.828125 C 2.25 -0.929688 2.054688 -1.070312 1.890625 -1.25 C 1.734375 -1.425781 1.609375 -1.648438 1.515625 -1.921875 C 1.429688 -2.191406 1.390625 -2.5 1.390625 -2.84375 Z M 0.390625 -2.84375 C 0.390625 -2.425781 0.445312 -2.035156 0.5625 -1.671875 C 0.6875 -1.316406 0.863281 -1.003906 1.09375 -0.734375 C 1.332031 -0.460938 1.625 -0.25 1.96875 -0.09375 C 2.3125 0.0507812 2.707031 0.125 3.15625 0.125 C 3.613281 0.125 4.007812 0.0507812 4.34375 -0.09375 C 4.6875 -0.25 4.972656 -0.460938 5.203125 -0.734375 C 5.441406 -1.003906 5.617188 -1.316406 5.734375 -1.671875 C 5.859375 -2.035156 5.921875 -2.425781 5.921875 -2.84375 C 5.921875 -3.257812 5.859375 -3.644531 5.734375 -4 C 5.617188 -4.363281 5.441406 -4.679688 5.203125 -4.953125 C 4.972656 -5.222656 4.6875 -5.429688 4.34375 -5.578125 C 4.007812 -5.734375 3.613281 -5.8125 3.15625 -5.8125 C 2.707031 -5.8125 2.3125 -5.734375 1.96875 -5.578125 C 1.625 -5.429688 1.332031 -5.222656 1.09375 -4.953125 C 0.863281 -4.679688 0.6875 -4.363281 0.5625 -4 C 0.445312 -3.644531 0.390625 -3.257812 0.390625 -2.84375 Z M 0.390625 -2.84375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-3"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2 -5.6875 L 2 -7.390625 L 1.0625 -7.390625 L 1.0625 -5.6875 L 0.09375 -5.6875 L 0.09375 -4.859375 L 1.0625 -4.859375 L 1.0625 -1.25 C 1.0625 -0.976562 1.085938 -0.757812 1.140625 -0.59375 C 1.191406 -0.4375 1.269531 -0.3125 1.375 -0.21875 C 1.488281 -0.132812 1.628906 -0.078125 1.796875 -0.046875 C 1.972656 -0.015625 2.179688 0 2.421875 0 L 3.140625 0 L 3.140625 -0.828125 L 2.703125 -0.828125 C 2.554688 -0.828125 2.4375 -0.832031 2.34375 -0.84375 C 2.257812 -0.851562 2.191406 -0.875 2.140625 -0.90625 C 2.085938 -0.945312 2.050781 -1 2.03125 -1.0625 C 2.007812 -1.132812 2 -1.222656 2 -1.328125 L 2 -4.859375 L 3.140625 -4.859375 L 3.140625 -5.6875 Z M 2 -5.6875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol 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3.390625 -6.421875 Z M 5.0625 -3.640625 C 5.019531 -4.097656 4.921875 -4.460938 4.765625 -4.734375 C 4.484375 -5.242188 4.003906 -5.5 3.328125 -5.5 C 2.835938 -5.5 2.425781 -5.320312 2.09375 -4.96875 C 1.769531 -4.625 1.597656 -4.179688 1.578125 -3.640625 Z M 3.28125 -6.421875 Z M 3.28125 -6.421875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-10"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 4.640625 -8.828125 C 5.441406 -8.828125 6.140625 -8.671875 6.734375 -8.359375 C 7.585938 -7.910156 8.109375 -7.125 8.296875 -6 L 7.15625 -6 C 7.007812 -6.625 6.710938 -7.082031 6.265625 -7.375 C 5.828125 -7.664062 5.273438 -7.8125 4.609375 -7.8125 C 3.804688 -7.8125 3.132812 -7.507812 2.59375 -6.90625 C 2.050781 -6.3125 1.78125 -5.421875 1.78125 -4.234375 C 1.78125 -3.210938 2.003906 -2.378906 2.453125 -1.734375 C 2.898438 -1.097656 3.628906 -0.78125 4.640625 -0.78125 C 5.421875 -0.78125 6.066406 -1.003906 6.578125 -1.453125 C 7.085938 -1.898438 7.347656 -2.628906 7.359375 -3.640625 L 4.671875 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2.867188 -6.359375 3.21875 -6.4375 3.59375 -6.4375 C 4.375 -6.4375 5.003906 -6.164062 5.484375 -5.625 C 5.972656 -5.09375 6.21875 -4.304688 6.21875 -3.265625 C 6.21875 -2.265625 5.976562 -1.4375 5.5 -0.78125 C 5.019531 -0.125 4.351562 0.203125 3.5 0.203125 C 3.019531 0.203125 2.617188 0.0859375 2.296875 -0.140625 C 2.097656 -0.285156 1.890625 -0.503906 1.671875 -0.796875 L 1.671875 0 L 0.6875 0 Z M 3.4375 -0.734375 C 4.007812 -0.734375 4.4375 -0.957031 4.71875 -1.40625 C 5 -1.863281 5.140625 -2.460938 5.140625 -3.203125 C 5.140625 -3.867188 5 -4.414062 4.71875 -4.84375 C 4.4375 -5.28125 4.019531 -5.5 3.46875 -5.5 C 2.988281 -5.5 2.566406 -5.320312 2.203125 -4.96875 C 1.835938 -4.613281 1.65625 -4.023438 1.65625 -3.203125 C 1.65625 -2.617188 1.726562 -2.140625 1.875 -1.765625 C 2.15625 -1.078125 2.675781 -0.734375 3.4375 -0.734375 Z M 3.4375 -0.734375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-16"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.1875 -8.609375 L 2.1875 -3.28125 C 2.1875 -2.65625 2.300781 -2.140625 2.53125 -1.734375 C 2.875 -1.109375 3.460938 -0.796875 4.296875 -0.796875 C 5.273438 -0.796875 5.945312 -1.132812 6.3125 -1.8125 C 6.5 -2.175781 6.59375 -2.664062 6.59375 -3.28125 L 6.59375 -8.609375 L 7.78125 -8.609375 L 7.78125 -3.78125 C 7.78125 -2.71875 7.632812 -1.898438 7.34375 -1.328125 C 6.820312 -0.285156 5.835938 0.234375 4.390625 0.234375 C 2.929688 0.234375 1.941406 -0.285156 1.421875 -1.328125 C 1.140625 -1.898438 1 -2.71875 1 -3.78125 L 1 -8.609375 Z M 4.390625 -8.609375 Z M 4.390625 -8.609375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-17"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 4.21875 -1 C 4.613281 -1 4.9375 -1.039062 5.1875 -1.125 C 5.644531 -1.269531 6.019531 -1.5625 6.3125 -2 C 6.539062 -2.34375 6.703125 -2.785156 6.796875 -3.328125 C 6.859375 -3.660156 6.890625 -3.960938 6.890625 -4.234375 C 6.890625 -5.304688 6.675781 -6.132812 6.25 -6.71875 C 5.832031 -7.3125 5.148438 -7.609375 4.203125 -7.609375 L 2.140625 -7.609375 L 2.140625 -1 Z M 0.96875 -8.609375 L 4.453125 -8.609375 C 5.640625 -8.609375 6.554688 -8.1875 7.203125 -7.34375 C 7.785156 -6.59375 8.078125 -5.625 8.078125 -4.4375 C 8.078125 -3.519531 7.90625 -2.691406 7.5625 -1.953125 C 6.957031 -0.648438 5.914062 0 4.4375 0 L 0.96875 0 Z M 0.96875 -8.609375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-18"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 5.328125 -3.53125 L 4.03125 -7.328125 L 2.640625 -3.53125 Z M 3.421875 -8.609375 L 4.734375 -8.609375 L 7.859375 0 L 6.578125 0 L 5.703125 -2.578125 L 2.296875 -2.578125 L 1.375 0 L 0.171875 0 Z M 4.015625 -8.609375 Z M 4.015625 -8.609375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-19"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.03125 -8.609375 L 7.296875 -8.609375 L 7.296875 -7.546875 L 2.15625 -7.546875 L 2.15625 -4.9375 L 6.921875 -4.9375 L 6.921875 -3.9375 L 2.15625 -3.9375 L 2.15625 -1.03125 L 7.390625 -1.03125 L 7.390625 0 L 1.03125 0 Z M 4.203125 -8.609375 Z M 4.203125 -8.609375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-20"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.171875 -6.28125 L 1.546875 -6.28125 L 2.984375 -4.0625 L 4.4375 -6.28125 L 5.71875 -6.25 L 3.609375 -3.21875 L 5.8125 0 L 4.46875 0 L 2.90625 -2.359375 L 1.40625 0 L 0.0625 0 L 2.28125 -3.21875 Z M 0.171875 -6.28125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-21"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.1875 -6.453125 C 3.894531 -6.453125 4.46875 -6.28125 4.90625 -5.9375 C 5.351562 -5.59375 5.625 -5.003906 5.71875 -4.171875 L 4.6875 -4.171875 C 4.625 -4.554688 4.484375 -4.875 4.265625 -5.125 C 4.046875 -5.382812 3.6875 -5.515625 3.1875 -5.515625 C 2.519531 -5.515625 2.039062 -5.1875 1.75 -4.53125 C 1.5625 -4.101562 1.46875 -3.578125 1.46875 -2.953125 C 1.46875 -2.328125 1.597656 -1.796875 1.859375 -1.359375 C 2.128906 -0.929688 2.550781 -0.71875 3.125 -0.71875 C 3.5625 -0.71875 3.90625 -0.851562 4.15625 -1.125 C 4.414062 -1.394531 4.59375 -1.757812 4.6875 -2.21875 L 5.71875 -2.21875 C 5.601562 -1.382812 5.3125 -0.773438 4.84375 -0.390625 C 4.375 -0.00390625 3.773438 0.1875 3.046875 0.1875 C 2.222656 0.1875 1.566406 -0.113281 1.078125 -0.71875 C 0.585938 -1.320312 0.34375 -2.070312 0.34375 -2.96875 C 0.34375 -4.070312 0.609375 -4.925781 1.140625 -5.53125 C 1.679688 -6.144531 2.363281 -6.453125 3.1875 -6.453125 Z M 3.03125 -6.421875 Z M 3.03125 -6.421875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-0"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 5.71875 -9.328125 L 1.421875 -9.328125 L 1.421875 -0.65625 L 5.71875 -0.65625 Z M 6.4375 -9.96875 L 6.4375 -0.015625 L 0.71875 -0.015625 L 0.71875 -9.96875 Z M 6.4375 -9.96875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-1"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.96875 -10 L 0.96875 0 L 2.15625 0 L 2.15625 -2.75 L 3.28125 -3.78125 L 5.75 0 L 7.265625 0 L 4.1875 -4.609375 L 7.0625 -7.234375 L 5.453125 -7.234375 L 2.15625 -4.078125 L 2.15625 -10 Z M 0.96875 -10 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-2"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 5.921875 -4.3125 L 1.765625 -4.3125 C 1.785156 -4.59375 1.84375 -4.851562 1.9375 -5.09375 C 2.039062 -5.34375 2.179688 -5.5625 2.359375 -5.75 C 2.535156 -5.9375 2.75 -6.082031 3 -6.1875 C 3.25 -6.300781 3.53125 -6.359375 3.84375 -6.359375 C 4.132812 -6.359375 4.40625 -6.300781 4.65625 -6.1875 C 4.90625 -6.082031 5.117188 -5.9375 5.296875 -5.75 C 5.484375 -5.570312 5.628906 -5.359375 5.734375 -5.109375 C 5.835938 -4.859375 5.898438 -4.59375 5.921875 -4.3125 Z M 7.0625 -2.296875 L 5.890625 -2.296875 C 5.785156 -1.816406 5.570312 -1.457031 5.25 -1.21875 C 4.9375 -0.988281 4.523438 -0.875 4.015625 -0.875 C 3.628906 -0.875 3.289062 -0.941406 3 -1.078125 C 2.707031 -1.210938 2.46875 -1.390625 2.28125 -1.609375 C 2.09375 -1.828125 1.957031 -2.078125 1.875 -2.359375 C 1.789062 -2.640625 1.753906 -2.941406 1.765625 -3.265625 L 7.1875 -3.265625 C 7.195312 -3.703125 7.15625 -4.160156 7.0625 -4.640625 C 6.96875 -5.128906 6.789062 -5.578125 6.53125 -5.984375 C 6.269531 -6.398438 5.925781 -6.738281 5.5 -7 C 5.082031 -7.269531 4.550781 -7.40625 3.90625 -7.40625 C 3.40625 -7.40625 2.945312 -7.3125 2.53125 -7.125 C 2.125 -6.9375 1.769531 -6.675781 1.46875 -6.34375 C 1.164062 -6.007812 0.925781 -5.613281 0.75 -5.15625 C 0.582031 -4.695312 0.5 -4.191406 0.5 -3.640625 C 0.519531 -3.085938 0.601562 -2.578125 0.75 -2.109375 C 0.894531 -1.640625 1.109375 -1.238281 1.390625 -0.90625 C 1.679688 -0.570312 2.039062 -0.3125 2.46875 -0.125 C 2.894531 0.0625 3.394531 0.15625 3.96875 0.15625 C 4.789062 0.15625 5.472656 -0.046875 6.015625 -0.453125 C 6.554688 -0.867188 6.90625 -1.484375 7.0625 -2.296875 Z M 7.0625 -2.296875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-3"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.859375 -7.234375 L 0.859375 0 L 2.046875 0 L 2.046875 -3.21875 C 2.046875 -3.6875 2.09375 -4.097656 2.1875 -4.453125 C 2.28125 -4.816406 2.425781 -5.125 2.625 -5.375 C 2.832031 -5.625 3.101562 -5.8125 3.4375 -5.9375 C 3.78125 -6.070312 4.1875 -6.140625 4.65625 -6.140625 L 4.65625 -7.40625 C 4.019531 -7.425781 3.488281 -7.296875 3.0625 -7.015625 C 2.644531 -6.734375 2.289062 -6.300781 2 -5.71875 L 1.96875 -5.71875 L 1.96875 -7.234375 Z M 0.859375 -7.234375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-4"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.890625 -7.234375 L 0.890625 0 L 2.09375 0 L 2.09375 -4.09375 C 2.09375 -4.414062 2.132812 -4.710938 2.21875 -4.984375 C 2.3125 -5.265625 2.445312 -5.503906 2.625 -5.703125 C 2.800781 -5.910156 3.019531 -6.070312 3.28125 -6.1875 C 3.550781 -6.300781 3.867188 -6.359375 4.234375 -6.359375 C 4.679688 -6.359375 5.035156 -6.226562 5.296875 -5.96875 C 5.566406 -5.707031 5.703125 -5.351562 5.703125 -4.90625 L 5.703125 0 L 6.890625 0 L 6.890625 -4.765625 C 6.890625 -5.148438 6.847656 -5.503906 6.765625 -5.828125 C 6.691406 -6.148438 6.554688 -6.425781 6.359375 -6.65625 C 6.160156 -6.894531 5.898438 -7.078125 5.578125 -7.203125 C 5.265625 -7.335938 4.867188 -7.40625 4.390625 -7.40625 C 3.316406 -7.40625 2.535156 -6.96875 2.046875 -6.09375 L 2.015625 -6.09375 L 2.015625 -7.234375 Z M 0.890625 -7.234375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-5"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.96875 -10 L 0.96875 0 L 2.15625 0 L 2.15625 -10 Z M 0.96875 -10 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-6"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d=""/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-7"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.765625 -3.609375 C 1.765625 -4.046875 1.820312 -4.4375 1.9375 -4.78125 C 2.050781 -5.125 2.210938 -5.410156 2.421875 -5.640625 C 2.628906 -5.867188 2.867188 -6.046875 3.140625 -6.171875 C 3.421875 -6.296875 3.710938 -6.359375 4.015625 -6.359375 C 4.328125 -6.359375 4.617188 -6.296875 4.890625 -6.171875 C 5.171875 -6.046875 5.410156 -5.867188 5.609375 -5.640625 C 5.816406 -5.410156 5.976562 -5.125 6.09375 -4.78125 C 6.207031 -4.4375 6.265625 -4.046875 6.265625 -3.609375 C 6.265625 -3.171875 6.207031 -2.78125 6.09375 -2.4375 C 5.976562 -2.101562 5.816406 -1.820312 5.609375 -1.59375 C 5.410156 -1.363281 5.171875 -1.1875 4.890625 -1.0625 C 4.617188 -0.9375 4.328125 -0.875 4.015625 -0.875 C 3.710938 -0.875 3.421875 -0.9375 3.140625 -1.0625 C 2.867188 -1.1875 2.628906 -1.363281 2.421875 -1.59375 C 2.210938 -1.820312 2.050781 -2.101562 1.9375 -2.4375 C 1.820312 -2.78125 1.765625 -3.171875 1.765625 -3.609375 Z M 0.5 -3.609375 C 0.5 -3.078125 0.570312 -2.582031 0.71875 -2.125 C 0.875 -1.664062 1.097656 -1.265625 1.390625 -0.921875 C 1.691406 -0.585938 2.0625 -0.320312 2.5 -0.125 C 2.9375 0.0625 3.441406 0.15625 4.015625 0.15625 C 4.597656 0.15625 5.101562 0.0625 5.53125 -0.125 C 5.96875 -0.320312 6.332031 -0.585938 6.625 -0.921875 C 6.925781 -1.265625 7.148438 -1.664062 7.296875 -2.125 C 7.453125 -2.582031 7.53125 -3.078125 7.53125 -3.609375 C 7.53125 -4.140625 7.453125 -4.632812 7.296875 -5.09375 C 7.148438 -5.5625 6.925781 -5.960938 6.625 -6.296875 C 6.332031 -6.640625 5.96875 -6.910156 5.53125 -7.109375 C 5.101562 -7.304688 4.597656 -7.40625 4.015625 -7.40625 C 3.441406 -7.40625 2.9375 -7.304688 2.5 -7.109375 C 2.0625 -6.910156 1.691406 -6.640625 1.390625 -6.296875 C 1.097656 -5.960938 0.875 -5.5625 0.71875 -5.09375 C 0.570312 -4.632812 0.5 -4.140625 0.5 -3.609375 Z M 0.5 -3.609375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-8"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 7.3125 -0.03125 C 7.101562 0.09375 6.816406 0.15625 6.453125 0.15625 C 6.140625 0.15625 5.894531 0.0703125 5.71875 -0.09375 C 5.539062 -0.269531 5.453125 -0.554688 5.453125 -0.953125 C 5.117188 -0.554688 4.734375 -0.269531 4.296875 -0.09375 C 3.867188 0.0703125 3.398438 0.15625 2.890625 0.15625 C 2.566406 0.15625 2.257812 0.117188 1.96875 0.046875 C 1.675781 -0.0234375 1.421875 -0.140625 1.203125 -0.296875 C 0.984375 -0.460938 0.8125 -0.671875 0.6875 -0.921875 C 0.5625 -1.179688 0.5 -1.492188 0.5 -1.859375 C 0.5 -2.273438 0.566406 -2.613281 0.703125 -2.875 C 0.847656 -3.132812 1.035156 -3.34375 1.265625 -3.5 C 1.492188 -3.664062 1.753906 -3.789062 2.046875 -3.875 C 2.335938 -3.957031 2.640625 -4.03125 2.953125 -4.09375 C 3.273438 -4.15625 3.582031 -4.203125 3.875 -4.234375 C 4.175781 -4.265625 4.4375 -4.3125 4.65625 -4.375 C 4.882812 -4.4375 5.0625 -4.523438 5.1875 -4.640625 C 5.320312 -4.753906 5.390625 -4.925781 5.390625 -5.15625 C 5.390625 -5.414062 5.335938 -5.625 5.234375 -5.78125 C 5.140625 -5.9375 5.015625 -6.054688 4.859375 -6.140625 C 4.710938 -6.222656 4.539062 -6.28125 4.34375 -6.3125 C 4.15625 -6.34375 3.96875 -6.359375 3.78125 -6.359375 C 3.28125 -6.359375 2.859375 -6.257812 2.515625 -6.0625 C 2.179688 -5.875 2 -5.515625 1.96875 -4.984375 L 0.78125 -4.984375 C 0.800781 -5.429688 0.894531 -5.804688 1.0625 -6.109375 C 1.226562 -6.421875 1.453125 -6.671875 1.734375 -6.859375 C 2.015625 -7.054688 2.332031 -7.195312 2.6875 -7.28125 C 3.050781 -7.363281 3.4375 -7.40625 3.84375 -7.40625 C 4.175781 -7.40625 4.503906 -7.378906 4.828125 -7.328125 C 5.148438 -7.285156 5.441406 -7.191406 5.703125 -7.046875 C 5.960938 -6.898438 6.171875 -6.695312 6.328125 -6.4375 C 6.484375 -6.175781 6.5625 -5.835938 6.5625 -5.421875 L 6.5625 -1.6875 C 6.5625 -1.414062 6.578125 -1.210938 6.609375 -1.078125 C 6.640625 -0.941406 6.75 -0.875 6.9375 -0.875 C 7.039062 -0.875 7.164062 -0.898438 7.3125 -0.953125 Z M 5.375 -3.734375 C 5.226562 -3.617188 5.03125 -3.535156 4.78125 -3.484375 C 4.539062 -3.441406 4.285156 -3.398438 4.015625 -3.359375 C 3.753906 -3.328125 3.488281 -3.289062 3.21875 -3.25 C 2.945312 -3.207031 2.703125 -3.140625 2.484375 -3.046875 C 2.273438 -2.953125 2.101562 -2.816406 1.96875 -2.640625 C 1.832031 -2.472656 1.765625 -2.242188 1.765625 -1.953125 C 1.765625 -1.753906 1.800781 -1.585938 1.875 -1.453125 C 1.957031 -1.316406 2.0625 -1.207031 2.1875 -1.125 C 2.3125 -1.039062 2.457031 -0.976562 2.625 -0.9375 C 2.800781 -0.894531 2.976562 -0.875 3.15625 -0.875 C 3.550781 -0.875 3.890625 -0.925781 4.171875 -1.03125 C 4.453125 -1.144531 4.679688 -1.28125 4.859375 -1.4375 C 5.035156 -1.601562 5.164062 -1.78125 5.25 -1.96875 C 5.332031 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1.765625 -3.21875 1.765625 -3.5625 Z M 7.359375 0 L 7.359375 -10 L 6.171875 -10 L 6.171875 -6.265625 L 6.140625 -6.265625 C 6.015625 -6.484375 5.851562 -6.664062 5.65625 -6.8125 C 5.46875 -6.957031 5.265625 -7.070312 5.046875 -7.15625 C 4.835938 -7.25 4.625 -7.3125 4.40625 -7.34375 C 4.195312 -7.382812 4 -7.40625 3.8125 -7.40625 C 3.257812 -7.40625 2.773438 -7.300781 2.359375 -7.09375 C 1.941406 -6.894531 1.59375 -6.625 1.3125 -6.28125 C 1.039062 -5.945312 0.835938 -5.550781 0.703125 -5.09375 C 0.566406 -4.632812 0.5 -4.148438 0.5 -3.640625 C 0.5 -3.128906 0.566406 -2.644531 0.703125 -2.1875 C 0.847656 -1.726562 1.054688 -1.328125 1.328125 -0.984375 C 1.609375 -0.640625 1.957031 -0.363281 2.375 -0.15625 C 2.789062 0.0507812 3.28125 0.15625 3.84375 0.15625 C 4.34375 0.15625 4.800781 0.0664062 5.21875 -0.109375 C 5.644531 -0.285156 5.953125 -0.578125 6.140625 -0.984375 L 6.171875 -0.984375 L 6.171875 0 Z M 7.359375 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-10"> +<path 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6.625 -4.71875 C 6.59375 -4.207031 6.484375 -3.6875 6.296875 -3.15625 L 4.5 -5.359375 C 4.738281 -5.503906 4.96875 -5.660156 5.1875 -5.828125 C 5.414062 -6.003906 5.617188 -6.195312 5.796875 -6.40625 C 5.972656 -6.625 6.113281 -6.859375 6.21875 -7.109375 C 6.320312 -7.367188 6.375 -7.648438 6.375 -7.953125 C 6.375 -8.285156 6.304688 -8.578125 6.171875 -8.828125 C 6.035156 -9.085938 5.851562 -9.304688 5.625 -9.484375 C 5.40625 -9.660156 5.144531 -9.789062 4.84375 -9.875 C 4.550781 -9.957031 4.253906 -10 3.953125 -10 C 3.585938 -10 3.265625 -9.941406 2.984375 -9.828125 C 2.703125 -9.710938 2.460938 -9.5625 2.265625 -9.375 C 2.078125 -9.1875 1.929688 -8.96875 1.828125 -8.71875 C 1.734375 -8.46875 1.6875 -8.207031 1.6875 -7.9375 C 1.6875 -7.6875 1.71875 -7.457031 1.78125 -7.25 C 1.84375 -7.050781 1.925781 -6.859375 2.03125 -6.671875 C 2.144531 -6.492188 2.265625 -6.316406 2.390625 -6.140625 C 2.523438 -5.960938 2.660156 -5.78125 2.796875 -5.59375 C 2.484375 -5.414062 2.179688 -5.234375 1.890625 -5.046875 C 1.609375 -4.859375 1.363281 -4.644531 1.15625 -4.40625 C 0.945312 -4.164062 0.78125 -3.894531 0.65625 -3.59375 C 0.53125 -3.300781 0.46875 -2.957031 0.46875 -2.5625 C 0.46875 -2.351562 0.5 -2.09375 0.5625 -1.78125 C 0.632812 -1.476562 0.78125 -1.179688 1 -0.890625 C 1.226562 -0.609375 1.546875 -0.363281 1.953125 -0.15625 C 2.367188 0.0507812 2.910156 0.15625 3.578125 0.15625 C 4.128906 0.15625 4.664062 0.0390625 5.1875 -0.1875 C 5.707031 -0.425781 6.113281 -0.78125 6.40625 -1.25 Z M 3.453125 -4.828125 L 5.75 -2.078125 C 5.507812 -1.710938 5.207031 -1.421875 4.84375 -1.203125 C 4.488281 -0.984375 4.082031 -0.875 3.625 -0.875 C 3.382812 -0.875 3.148438 -0.914062 2.921875 -1 C 2.691406 -1.09375 2.488281 -1.207031 2.3125 -1.34375 C 2.132812 -1.488281 1.988281 -1.664062 1.875 -1.875 C 1.769531 -2.09375 1.71875 -2.328125 1.71875 -2.578125 C 1.71875 -2.878906 1.765625 -3.140625 1.859375 -3.359375 C 1.953125 -3.578125 2.078125 -3.773438 2.234375 -3.953125 C 2.398438 -4.128906 2.585938 -4.285156 2.796875 -4.421875 C 3.003906 -4.566406 3.222656 -4.703125 3.453125 -4.828125 Z M 3.453125 -4.828125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-11"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.890625 -7.234375 L 0.890625 0 L 2.09375 0 L 2.09375 -4.515625 C 2.09375 -4.648438 2.125 -4.820312 2.1875 -5.03125 C 2.257812 -5.238281 2.375 -5.441406 2.53125 -5.640625 C 2.6875 -5.835938 2.882812 -6.003906 3.125 -6.140625 C 3.375 -6.285156 3.671875 -6.359375 4.015625 -6.359375 C 4.285156 -6.359375 4.503906 -6.316406 4.671875 -6.234375 C 4.847656 -6.160156 4.988281 -6.050781 5.09375 -5.90625 C 5.195312 -5.757812 5.269531 -5.585938 5.3125 -5.390625 C 5.351562 -5.191406 5.375 -4.976562 5.375 -4.75 L 5.375 0 L 6.5625 0 L 6.5625 -4.515625 C 6.5625 -5.066406 6.726562 -5.507812 7.0625 -5.84375 C 7.40625 -6.1875 7.867188 -6.359375 8.453125 -6.359375 C 8.742188 -6.359375 8.976562 -6.316406 9.15625 -6.234375 C 9.34375 -6.148438 9.488281 -6.035156 9.59375 -5.890625 C 9.695312 -5.742188 9.765625 -5.570312 9.796875 -5.375 C 9.835938 -5.175781 9.859375 -4.96875 9.859375 -4.75 L 9.859375 0 L 11.046875 0 L 11.046875 -5.3125 C 11.046875 -5.675781 10.988281 -5.988281 10.875 -6.25 C 10.757812 -6.519531 10.59375 -6.738281 10.375 -6.90625 C 10.164062 -7.082031 9.914062 -7.207031 9.625 -7.28125 C 9.332031 -7.363281 9.003906 -7.40625 8.640625 -7.40625 C 8.160156 -7.40625 7.722656 -7.296875 7.328125 -7.078125 C 6.929688 -6.867188 6.613281 -6.566406 6.375 -6.171875 C 6.21875 -6.617188 5.957031 -6.9375 5.59375 -7.125 C 5.226562 -7.3125 4.820312 -7.40625 4.375 -7.40625 C 3.363281 -7.40625 2.585938 -6.992188 2.046875 -6.171875 L 2.015625 -6.171875 L 2.015625 -7.234375 Z M 0.890625 -7.234375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-12"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.9375 -7.234375 L 0.9375 2.765625 L 2.125 2.765625 L 2.125 -0.96875 L 2.15625 -0.96875 C 2.289062 -0.75 2.453125 -0.566406 2.640625 -0.421875 C 2.828125 -0.273438 3.023438 -0.160156 3.234375 -0.078125 C 3.453125 0.00390625 3.671875 0.0625 3.890625 0.09375 C 4.117188 0.132812 4.320312 0.15625 4.5 0.15625 C 5.039062 0.15625 5.519531 0.0546875 5.9375 -0.140625 C 6.351562 -0.335938 6.695312 -0.601562 6.96875 -0.9375 C 7.25 -1.28125 7.457031 -1.679688 7.59375 -2.140625 C 7.726562 -2.597656 7.796875 -3.082031 7.796875 -3.59375 C 7.796875 -4.113281 7.722656 -4.597656 7.578125 -5.046875 C 7.441406 -5.503906 7.234375 -5.910156 6.953125 -6.265625 C 6.679688 -6.617188 6.335938 -6.894531 5.921875 -7.09375 C 5.515625 -7.300781 5.03125 -7.40625 4.46875 -7.40625 C 3.957031 -7.40625 3.492188 -7.3125 3.078125 -7.125 C 2.660156 -6.945312 2.351562 -6.660156 2.15625 -6.265625 L 2.125 -6.265625 L 2.125 -7.234375 Z M 6.53125 -3.6875 C 6.53125 -3.332031 6.492188 -2.984375 6.421875 -2.640625 C 6.347656 -2.304688 6.226562 -2.007812 6.0625 -1.75 C 5.894531 -1.488281 5.671875 -1.273438 5.390625 -1.109375 C 5.117188 -0.953125 4.78125 -0.875 4.375 -0.875 C 3.957031 -0.875 3.601562 -0.953125 3.3125 -1.109375 C 3.03125 -1.265625 2.796875 -1.46875 2.609375 -1.71875 C 2.429688 -1.96875 2.300781 -2.257812 2.21875 -2.59375 C 2.132812 -2.925781 2.09375 -3.269531 2.09375 -3.625 C 2.09375 -3.957031 2.128906 -4.285156 2.203125 -4.609375 C 2.285156 -4.941406 2.414062 -5.234375 2.59375 -5.484375 C 2.769531 -5.742188 3 -5.953125 3.28125 -6.109375 C 3.5625 -6.273438 3.898438 -6.359375 4.296875 -6.359375 C 4.679688 -6.359375 5.015625 -6.28125 5.296875 -6.125 C 5.578125 -5.976562 5.804688 -5.78125 5.984375 -5.53125 C 6.171875 -5.28125 6.304688 -4.992188 6.390625 -4.671875 C 6.484375 -4.347656 6.53125 -4.019531 6.53125 -3.6875 Z M 6.53125 -3.6875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-13"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.15625 -8.546875 L 2.15625 -10 L 0.96875 -10 L 0.96875 -8.546875 Z M 0.96875 -7.234375 L 0.96875 0 L 2.15625 0 L 2.15625 -7.234375 Z M 0.96875 -7.234375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-14"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 7.140625 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1.96875 C 3.65625 1.96875 3.453125 1.945312 3.234375 1.90625 C 3.015625 1.863281 2.8125 1.796875 2.625 1.703125 C 2.445312 1.609375 2.296875 1.488281 2.171875 1.34375 C 2.046875 1.195312 1.976562 1.015625 1.96875 0.796875 L 0.78125 0.796875 C 0.800781 1.191406 0.90625 1.523438 1.09375 1.796875 C 1.28125 2.066406 1.515625 2.285156 1.796875 2.453125 C 2.078125 2.617188 2.394531 2.738281 2.75 2.8125 C 3.101562 2.882812 3.445312 2.921875 3.78125 2.921875 C 4.9375 2.921875 5.785156 2.625 6.328125 2.03125 C 6.867188 1.445312 7.140625 0.566406 7.140625 -0.609375 Z M 3.8125 -0.96875 C 3.414062 -0.96875 3.085938 -1.046875 2.828125 -1.203125 C 2.566406 -1.367188 2.351562 -1.582031 2.1875 -1.84375 C 2.03125 -2.113281 1.921875 -2.410156 1.859375 -2.734375 C 1.796875 -3.066406 1.765625 -3.394531 1.765625 -3.71875 C 1.765625 -4.0625 1.800781 -4.390625 1.875 -4.703125 C 1.957031 -5.023438 2.082031 -5.304688 2.25 -5.546875 C 2.425781 -5.796875 2.648438 -5.992188 2.921875 -6.140625 C 3.191406 -6.285156 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6.96875 -4.4375 C 6.96875 -5.5625 6.738281 -6.394531 6.28125 -6.9375 C 5.820312 -7.476562 5.253906 -7.75 4.578125 -7.75 C 3.816406 -7.75 3.203125 -7.457031 2.734375 -6.875 C 2.273438 -6.300781 2.046875 -5.457031 2.046875 -4.34375 Z M 4.296875 -9.046875 C 4.972656 -9.046875 5.539062 -8.898438 6 -8.609375 C 6.269531 -8.453125 6.570312 -8.164062 6.90625 -7.75 L 6.90625 -12.234375 L 8.34375 -12.234375 L 8.34375 0 L 7 0 L 7 -1.234375 C 6.644531 -0.691406 6.226562 -0.296875 5.75 -0.046875 C 5.28125 0.191406 4.738281 0.3125 4.125 0.3125 C 3.132812 0.3125 2.273438 -0.101562 1.546875 -0.9375 C 0.828125 -1.769531 0.46875 -2.878906 0.46875 -4.265625 C 0.46875 -5.554688 0.796875 -6.675781 1.453125 -7.625 C 2.117188 -8.570312 3.066406 -9.046875 4.296875 -9.046875 Z M 4.296875 -9.046875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-10"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 12.453125 -0.03125 L 11.625 0.96875 L 9.734375 -0.46875 C 9.285156 -0.21875 8.796875 -0.0195312 8.265625 0.125 C 7.734375 0.28125 7.15625 0.359375 6.53125 0.359375 C 4.632812 0.359375 3.148438 -0.257812 2.078125 -1.5 C 1.140625 -2.707031 0.671875 -4.21875 0.671875 -6.03125 C 0.671875 -7.6875 1.078125 -9.097656 1.890625 -10.265625 C 2.941406 -11.773438 4.5 -12.53125 6.5625 -12.53125 C 8.707031 -12.53125 10.300781 -11.835938 11.34375 -10.453125 C 12.144531 -9.367188 12.546875 -7.988281 12.546875 -6.3125 C 12.546875 -5.519531 12.453125 -4.765625 12.265625 -4.046875 C 11.972656 -2.929688 11.476562 -2.03125 10.78125 -1.34375 Z M 6.734375 -1.125 C 7.078125 -1.125 7.394531 -1.144531 7.6875 -1.1875 C 7.988281 -1.238281 8.25 -1.332031 8.46875 -1.46875 L 7.140625 -2.515625 L 7.96875 -3.53125 L 9.5625 -2.296875 C 10.0625 -2.867188 10.398438 -3.507812 10.578125 -4.21875 C 10.765625 -4.9375 10.859375 -5.625 10.859375 -6.28125 C 10.859375 -7.71875 10.484375 -8.875 9.734375 -9.75 C 8.984375 -10.625 7.957031 -11.0625 6.65625 -11.0625 C 5.34375 -11.0625 4.300781 -10.640625 3.53125 -9.796875 C 2.757812 -8.960938 2.375 -7.671875 2.375 -5.921875 C 2.375 -4.460938 2.742188 -3.296875 3.484375 -2.421875 C 4.222656 -1.554688 5.304688 -1.125 6.734375 -1.125 Z M 6.734375 -1.125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-11"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.59375 -8.890625 L 2.59375 -2.984375 C 2.59375 -2.535156 2.664062 -2.164062 2.8125 -1.875 C 3.070312 -1.34375 3.566406 -1.078125 4.296875 -1.078125 C 5.335938 -1.078125 6.046875 -1.539062 6.421875 -2.46875 C 6.617188 -2.96875 6.71875 -3.65625 6.71875 -4.53125 L 6.71875 -8.890625 L 8.21875 -8.890625 L 8.21875 0 L 6.8125 0 L 6.828125 -1.3125 C 6.628906 -0.976562 6.382812 -0.691406 6.09375 -0.453125 C 5.53125 0.00390625 4.84375 0.234375 4.03125 0.234375 C 2.757812 0.234375 1.894531 -0.1875 1.4375 -1.03125 C 1.1875 -1.476562 1.0625 -2.082031 1.0625 -2.84375 L 1.0625 -8.890625 Z M 4.640625 -9.109375 Z M 4.640625 -9.109375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-12"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.09375 -8.890625 L 2.578125 -8.890625 L 2.578125 -7.625 C 2.929688 -8.0625 3.25 -8.378906 3.53125 -8.578125 C 4.03125 -8.921875 4.59375 -9.09375 5.21875 -9.09375 C 5.925781 -9.09375 6.492188 -8.914062 6.921875 -8.5625 C 7.160156 -8.363281 7.382812 -8.070312 7.59375 -7.6875 C 7.914062 -8.164062 8.300781 -8.519531 8.75 -8.75 C 9.207031 -8.976562 9.710938 -9.09375 10.265625 -9.09375 C 11.460938 -9.09375 12.273438 -8.660156 12.703125 -7.796875 C 12.941406 -7.328125 13.0625 -6.703125 13.0625 -5.921875 L 13.0625 0 L 11.5 0 L 11.5 -6.171875 C 11.5 -6.765625 11.347656 -7.171875 11.046875 -7.390625 C 10.753906 -7.617188 10.398438 -7.734375 9.984375 -7.734375 C 9.390625 -7.734375 8.878906 -7.535156 8.453125 -7.140625 C 8.035156 -6.742188 7.828125 -6.085938 7.828125 -5.171875 L 7.828125 0 L 6.3125 0 L 6.3125 -5.796875 C 6.3125 -6.398438 6.238281 -6.84375 6.09375 -7.125 C 5.863281 -7.539062 5.441406 -7.75 4.828125 -7.75 C 4.253906 -7.75 3.738281 -7.53125 3.28125 -7.09375 C 2.820312 -6.65625 2.59375 -5.863281 2.59375 -4.71875 L 2.59375 0 L 1.09375 0 Z M 1.09375 -8.890625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-13"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 4.84375 -1 C 5.539062 -1 6.117188 -1.289062 6.578125 -1.875 C 7.046875 -2.457031 7.28125 -3.332031 7.28125 -4.5 C 7.28125 -5.207031 7.175781 -5.816406 6.96875 -6.328125 C 6.582031 -7.304688 5.875 -7.796875 4.84375 -7.796875 C 3.8125 -7.796875 3.101562 -7.28125 2.71875 -6.25 C 2.519531 -5.6875 2.421875 -4.984375 2.421875 -4.140625 C 2.421875 -3.453125 2.519531 -2.863281 2.71875 -2.375 C 3.101562 -1.457031 3.8125 -1 4.84375 -1 Z M 0.984375 -8.84375 L 2.4375 -8.84375 L 2.4375 -7.671875 C 2.726562 -8.078125 3.050781 -8.390625 3.40625 -8.609375 C 3.914062 -8.941406 4.507812 -9.109375 5.1875 -9.109375 C 6.195312 -9.109375 7.050781 -8.722656 7.75 -7.953125 C 8.457031 -7.179688 8.8125 -6.078125 8.8125 -4.640625 C 8.8125 -2.703125 8.300781 -1.316406 7.28125 -0.484375 C 6.644531 0.0351562 5.898438 0.296875 5.046875 0.296875 C 4.378906 0.296875 3.816406 0.148438 3.359375 -0.140625 C 3.097656 -0.304688 2.800781 -0.59375 2.46875 -1 L 2.46875 3.546875 L 0.984375 3.546875 Z M 0.984375 -8.84375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-14"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.390625 -11.375 L 2.90625 -11.375 L 2.90625 -8.890625 L 4.328125 -8.890625 L 4.328125 -7.671875 L 2.90625 -7.671875 L 2.90625 -1.875 C 2.90625 -1.5625 3.007812 -1.351562 3.21875 -1.25 C 3.332031 -1.1875 3.523438 -1.15625 3.796875 -1.15625 C 3.867188 -1.15625 3.945312 -1.15625 4.03125 -1.15625 C 4.113281 -1.15625 4.210938 -1.160156 4.328125 -1.171875 L 4.328125 0 C 4.148438 0.0507812 3.96875 0.0859375 3.78125 0.109375 C 3.601562 0.128906 3.40625 0.140625 3.1875 0.140625 C 2.488281 0.140625 2.015625 -0.0351562 1.765625 -0.390625 C 1.515625 -0.753906 1.390625 -1.21875 1.390625 -1.78125 L 1.390625 -7.671875 L 0.1875 -7.671875 L 0.1875 -8.890625 L 1.390625 -8.890625 Z M 1.390625 -11.375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-15"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.671875 -12.1875 L 3.34375 -12.1875 L 3.34375 0 L 1.671875 0 Z M 1.671875 -12.1875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-16"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.140625 -8.890625 L 2.5625 -8.890625 L 2.5625 -7.359375 C 2.675781 -7.648438 2.957031 -8.007812 3.40625 -8.4375 C 3.863281 -8.875 4.390625 -9.09375 4.984375 -9.09375 C 5.003906 -9.09375 5.046875 -9.085938 5.109375 -9.078125 C 5.179688 -9.078125 5.300781 -9.066406 5.46875 -9.046875 L 5.46875 -7.46875 C 5.375 -7.488281 5.289062 -7.5 5.21875 -7.5 C 5.144531 -7.507812 5.0625 -7.515625 4.96875 -7.515625 C 4.21875 -7.515625 3.640625 -7.269531 3.234375 -6.78125 C 2.828125 -6.300781 2.625 -5.742188 2.625 -5.109375 L 2.625 0 L 1.140625 0 Z M 1.140625 -8.890625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-17"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.46875 -10.25 C 1.488281 -10.863281 1.597656 -11.316406 1.796875 -11.609375 C 2.140625 -12.117188 2.8125 -12.375 3.8125 -12.375 C 3.90625 -12.375 4 -12.367188 4.09375 -12.359375 C 4.195312 -12.359375 4.3125 -12.347656 4.4375 -12.328125 L 4.4375 -10.96875 C 4.28125 -10.976562 4.164062 -10.984375 4.09375 -10.984375 C 4.03125 -10.992188 3.96875 -11 3.90625 -11 C 3.457031 -11 3.1875 -10.878906 3.09375 -10.640625 C 3.007812 -10.410156 2.96875 -9.8125 2.96875 -8.84375 L 4.4375 -8.84375 L 4.4375 -7.671875 L 2.953125 -7.671875 L 2.953125 0 L 1.46875 0 L 1.46875 -7.671875 L 0.234375 -7.671875 L 0.234375 -8.84375 L 1.46875 -8.84375 Z M 1.46875 -10.25 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-18"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.234375 -2.359375 C 2.234375 -1.929688 2.390625 -1.59375 2.703125 -1.34375 C 3.023438 -1.09375 3.398438 -0.96875 3.828125 -0.96875 C 4.359375 -0.96875 4.867188 -1.09375 5.359375 -1.34375 C 6.191406 -1.738281 6.609375 -2.398438 6.609375 -3.328125 L 6.609375 -4.53125 C 6.421875 -4.40625 6.179688 -4.304688 5.890625 -4.234375 C 5.609375 -4.160156 5.332031 -4.101562 5.0625 -4.0625 L 4.15625 -3.953125 C 3.613281 -3.878906 3.207031 -3.765625 2.9375 -3.609375 C 2.46875 -3.347656 2.234375 -2.929688 2.234375 -2.359375 Z M 5.859375 -5.390625 C 6.203125 -5.429688 6.429688 -5.570312 6.546875 -5.8125 C 6.617188 -5.945312 6.65625 -6.140625 6.65625 -6.390625 C 6.65625 -6.898438 6.472656 -7.269531 6.109375 -7.5 C 5.742188 -7.726562 5.222656 -7.84375 4.546875 -7.84375 C 3.765625 -7.84375 3.210938 -7.632812 2.890625 -7.21875 C 2.703125 -6.976562 2.582031 -6.628906 2.53125 -6.171875 L 1.140625 -6.171875 C 1.160156 -7.265625 1.515625 -8.023438 2.203125 -8.453125 C 2.890625 -8.890625 3.679688 -9.109375 4.578125 -9.109375 C 5.628906 -9.109375 6.476562 -8.910156 7.125 -8.515625 C 7.78125 -8.109375 8.109375 -7.488281 8.109375 -6.65625 L 8.109375 -1.53125 C 8.109375 -1.375 8.140625 -1.25 8.203125 -1.15625 C 8.265625 -1.0625 8.394531 -1.015625 8.59375 -1.015625 C 8.664062 -1.015625 8.742188 -1.015625 8.828125 -1.015625 C 8.910156 -1.023438 9 -1.039062 9.09375 -1.0625 L 9.09375 0.046875 C 8.851562 0.109375 8.671875 0.144531 8.546875 0.15625 C 8.429688 0.175781 8.269531 0.1875 8.0625 0.1875 C 7.539062 0.1875 7.164062 0.00390625 6.9375 -0.359375 C 6.8125 -0.546875 6.726562 -0.816406 6.6875 -1.171875 C 6.375 -0.773438 5.929688 -0.429688 5.359375 -0.140625 C 4.796875 0.148438 4.171875 0.296875 3.484375 0.296875 C 2.660156 0.296875 1.988281 0.046875 1.46875 -0.453125 C 0.945312 -0.953125 0.6875 -1.578125 0.6875 -2.328125 C 0.6875 -3.148438 0.941406 -3.789062 1.453125 -4.25 C 1.960938 -4.707031 2.640625 -4.988281 3.484375 -5.09375 Z M 4.625 -9.109375 Z M 4.625 -9.109375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-19"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 4.53125 -9.140625 C 5.53125 -9.140625 6.34375 -8.894531 6.96875 -8.40625 C 7.59375 -7.925781 7.972656 -7.09375 8.109375 -5.90625 L 6.65625 -5.90625 C 6.5625 -6.445312 6.351562 -6.898438 6.03125 -7.265625 C 5.71875 -7.628906 5.21875 -7.8125 4.53125 -7.8125 C 3.570312 -7.8125 2.890625 -7.347656 2.484375 -6.421875 C 2.210938 -5.816406 2.078125 -5.070312 2.078125 -4.1875 C 2.078125 -3.289062 2.265625 -2.535156 2.640625 -1.921875 C 3.023438 -1.316406 3.617188 -1.015625 4.421875 -1.015625 C 5.046875 -1.015625 5.535156 -1.203125 5.890625 -1.578125 C 6.253906 -1.960938 6.507812 -2.484375 6.65625 -3.140625 L 8.109375 -3.140625 C 7.941406 -1.960938 7.523438 -1.101562 6.859375 -0.5625 C 6.191406 -0.0195312 5.34375 0.25 4.3125 0.25 C 3.144531 0.25 2.210938 -0.171875 1.515625 -1.015625 C 0.828125 -1.867188 0.484375 -2.929688 0.484375 -4.203125 C 0.484375 -5.765625 0.863281 -6.976562 1.625 -7.84375 C 2.382812 -8.707031 3.351562 -9.140625 4.53125 -9.140625 Z M 4.296875 -9.109375 Z M 4.296875 -9.109375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-0"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 6.546875 -10.65625 L 1.625 -10.65625 L 1.625 -0.75 L 6.546875 -0.75 Z M 7.359375 -11.390625 L 7.359375 -0.015625 L 0.8125 -0.015625 L 0.8125 -11.390625 Z M 7.359375 -11.390625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-1"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 7.203125 -3.265625 L 6.40625 -2.34375 L 7.65625 -1.328125 C 7.144531 -1.117188 6.617188 -1.015625 6.078125 -1.015625 C 5.390625 -1.015625 4.789062 -1.148438 4.28125 -1.421875 C 3.78125 -1.691406 3.367188 -2.050781 3.046875 -2.5 C 2.734375 -2.945312 2.5 -3.445312 2.34375 -4 C 2.195312 -4.5625 2.125 -5.132812 2.125 -5.71875 C 2.125 -6.289062 2.195312 -6.851562 2.34375 -7.40625 C 2.5 -7.96875 2.734375 -8.472656 3.046875 -8.921875 C 3.367188 -9.367188 3.78125 -9.726562 4.28125 -10 C 4.789062 -10.28125 5.390625 -10.421875 6.078125 -10.421875 C 6.773438 -10.421875 7.375 -10.28125 7.875 -10 C 8.375 -9.726562 8.78125 -9.367188 9.09375 -8.921875 C 9.414062 -8.472656 9.648438 -7.96875 9.796875 -7.40625 C 9.953125 -6.851562 10.03125 -6.289062 10.03125 -5.71875 C 10.03125 -5.007812 9.921875 -4.332031 9.703125 -3.6875 C 9.492188 -3.039062 9.164062 -2.492188 8.71875 -2.046875 Z M 10.5625 0.96875 L 11.328125 0.015625 L 9.828125 -1.171875 C 10.398438 -1.742188 10.828125 -2.425781 11.109375 -3.21875 C 11.398438 -4.007812 11.546875 -4.84375 11.546875 -5.71875 C 11.546875 -6.488281 11.429688 -7.234375 11.203125 -7.953125 C 10.972656 -8.679688 10.628906 -9.320312 10.171875 -9.875 C 9.710938 -10.425781 9.140625 -10.867188 8.453125 -11.203125 C 7.773438 -11.535156 6.984375 -11.703125 6.078125 -11.703125 C 5.171875 -11.703125 4.375 -11.535156 3.6875 -11.203125 C 3.007812 -10.867188 2.441406 -10.425781 1.984375 -9.875 C 1.523438 -9.320312 1.179688 -8.679688 0.953125 -7.953125 C 0.722656 -7.234375 0.609375 -6.488281 0.609375 -5.71875 C 0.609375 -4.9375 0.722656 -4.1875 0.953125 -3.46875 C 1.179688 -2.75 1.523438 -2.109375 1.984375 -1.546875 C 2.441406 -0.992188 3.007812 -0.554688 3.6875 -0.234375 C 4.375 0.0859375 5.171875 0.25 6.078125 0.25 C 7.128906 0.25 8.039062 0.0234375 8.8125 -0.421875 Z M 10.5625 0.96875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-2"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 7.875 0 L 7.875 -8.265625 L 6.515625 -8.265625 L 6.515625 -3.59375 C 6.515625 -3.226562 6.460938 -2.882812 6.359375 -2.5625 C 6.253906 -2.25 6.097656 -1.972656 5.890625 -1.734375 C 5.691406 -1.503906 5.441406 -1.328125 5.140625 -1.203125 C 4.835938 -1.078125 4.476562 -1.015625 4.0625 -1.015625 C 3.539062 -1.015625 3.128906 -1.160156 2.828125 -1.453125 C 2.535156 -1.753906 2.390625 -2.160156 2.390625 -2.671875 L 2.390625 -8.265625 L 1.03125 -8.265625 L 1.03125 -2.828125 C 1.03125 -2.378906 1.070312 -1.972656 1.15625 -1.609375 C 1.25 -1.242188 1.40625 -0.925781 1.625 -0.65625 C 1.851562 -0.382812 2.148438 -0.175781 2.515625 -0.03125 C 2.878906 0.101562 3.332031 0.171875 3.875 0.171875 C 4.476562 0.171875 5.003906 0.0507812 5.453125 -0.1875 C 5.898438 -0.425781 6.269531 -0.800781 6.5625 -1.3125 L 6.59375 -1.3125 L 6.59375 0 Z M 7.875 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-3"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 6.765625 -4.921875 L 2.015625 -4.921875 C 2.035156 -5.242188 2.101562 -5.546875 2.21875 -5.828125 C 2.34375 -6.109375 2.503906 -6.351562 2.703125 -6.5625 C 2.910156 -6.78125 3.15625 -6.953125 3.4375 -7.078125 C 3.71875 -7.203125 4.035156 -7.265625 4.390625 -7.265625 C 4.722656 -7.265625 5.03125 -7.203125 5.3125 -7.078125 C 5.601562 -6.953125 5.851562 -6.785156 6.0625 -6.578125 C 6.269531 -6.367188 6.429688 -6.117188 6.546875 -5.828125 C 6.671875 -5.546875 6.742188 -5.242188 6.765625 -4.921875 Z M 8.078125 -2.625 L 6.734375 -2.625 C 6.617188 -2.082031 6.375 -1.675781 6 -1.40625 C 5.632812 -1.144531 5.164062 -1.015625 4.59375 -1.015625 C 4.144531 -1.015625 3.753906 -1.085938 3.421875 -1.234375 C 3.085938 -1.378906 2.8125 -1.578125 2.59375 -1.828125 C 2.382812 -2.078125 2.234375 -2.363281 2.140625 -2.6875 C 2.046875 -3.019531 2.003906 -3.367188 2.015625 -3.734375 L 8.203125 -3.734375 C 8.222656 -4.234375 8.175781 -4.757812 8.0625 -5.3125 C 7.957031 -5.863281 7.757812 -6.375 7.46875 -6.84375 C 7.175781 -7.3125 6.785156 -7.695312 6.296875 -8 C 5.804688 -8.3125 5.195312 -8.46875 4.46875 -8.46875 C 3.894531 -8.46875 3.367188 -8.359375 2.890625 -8.140625 C 2.421875 -7.929688 2.015625 -7.632812 1.671875 -7.25 C 1.328125 -6.863281 1.054688 -6.410156 0.859375 -5.890625 C 0.671875 -5.367188 0.578125 -4.789062 0.578125 -4.15625 C 0.597656 -3.53125 0.691406 -2.945312 0.859375 -2.40625 C 1.023438 -1.875 1.269531 -1.414062 1.59375 -1.03125 C 1.925781 -0.65625 2.332031 -0.359375 2.8125 -0.140625 C 3.300781 0.0664062 3.878906 0.171875 4.546875 0.171875 C 5.484375 0.171875 6.257812 -0.0625 6.875 -0.53125 C 7.5 -1 7.898438 -1.695312 8.078125 -2.625 Z M 8.078125 -2.625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-4"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d=""/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-5"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.3125 -11.421875 L 1.3125 0 L 2.828125 0 L 2.828125 -11.421875 Z M 1.3125 -11.421875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-6"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.03125 -8.265625 L 1.03125 0 L 2.390625 0 L 2.390625 -4.671875 C 2.390625 -5.046875 2.4375 -5.390625 2.53125 -5.703125 C 2.632812 -6.015625 2.785156 -6.285156 2.984375 -6.515625 C 3.191406 -6.753906 3.445312 -6.9375 3.75 -7.0625 C 4.050781 -7.195312 4.410156 -7.265625 4.828125 -7.265625 C 5.347656 -7.265625 5.757812 -7.113281 6.0625 -6.8125 C 6.363281 -6.519531 6.515625 -6.113281 6.515625 -5.59375 L 6.515625 0 L 7.875 0 L 7.875 -5.4375 C 7.875 -5.882812 7.828125 -6.289062 7.734375 -6.65625 C 7.640625 -7.03125 7.476562 -7.347656 7.25 -7.609375 C 7.03125 -7.878906 6.738281 -8.085938 6.375 -8.234375 C 6.019531 -8.390625 5.570312 -8.46875 5.03125 -8.46875 C 3.800781 -8.46875 2.90625 -7.960938 2.34375 -6.953125 L 2.296875 -6.953125 L 2.296875 -8.265625 Z M 1.03125 -8.265625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-7"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.90625 -8.265625 L 2.90625 -10.75 L 1.546875 -10.75 L 1.546875 -8.265625 L 0.140625 -8.265625 L 0.140625 -7.078125 L 1.546875 -7.078125 L 1.546875 -1.8125 C 1.546875 -1.425781 1.582031 -1.113281 1.65625 -0.875 C 1.738281 -0.644531 1.851562 -0.460938 2 -0.328125 C 2.15625 -0.203125 2.359375 -0.113281 2.609375 -0.0625 C 2.859375 -0.0195312 3.160156 0 3.515625 0 L 4.5625 0 L 4.5625 -1.203125 L 3.9375 -1.203125 C 3.71875 -1.203125 3.539062 -1.207031 3.40625 -1.21875 C 3.28125 -1.238281 3.175781 -1.273438 3.09375 -1.328125 C 3.019531 -1.378906 2.96875 -1.453125 2.9375 -1.546875 C 2.914062 -1.648438 2.90625 -1.78125 2.90625 -1.9375 L 2.90625 -7.078125 L 4.5625 -7.078125 L 4.5625 -8.265625 Z M 2.90625 -8.265625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-8"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.96875 -8.265625 L 0.96875 0 L 2.34375 0 L 2.34375 -3.6875 C 2.34375 -4.21875 2.394531 -4.6875 2.5 -5.09375 C 2.601562 -5.507812 2.769531 -5.859375 3 -6.140625 C 3.238281 -6.429688 3.550781 -6.648438 3.9375 -6.796875 C 4.320312 -6.953125 4.785156 -7.03125 5.328125 -7.03125 L 5.328125 -8.46875 C 4.585938 -8.488281 3.976562 -8.335938 3.5 -8.015625 C 3.019531 -7.691406 2.613281 -7.195312 2.28125 -6.53125 L 2.25 -6.53125 L 2.25 -8.265625 Z M 0.96875 -8.265625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-9"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.578125 -7.078125 L 1.578125 0 L 2.9375 0 L 2.9375 -7.078125 L 4.546875 -7.078125 L 4.546875 -8.265625 L 2.9375 -8.265625 L 2.9375 -9.421875 C 2.9375 -9.785156 3.023438 -10.03125 3.203125 -10.15625 C 3.390625 -10.289062 3.648438 -10.359375 3.984375 -10.359375 C 4.097656 -10.359375 4.222656 -10.347656 4.359375 -10.328125 C 4.503906 -10.304688 4.632812 -10.273438 4.75 -10.234375 L 4.75 -11.421875 C 4.625 -11.460938 4.476562 -11.492188 4.3125 -11.515625 C 4.144531 -11.535156 4 -11.546875 3.875 -11.546875 C 3.125 -11.546875 2.550781 -11.375 2.15625 -11.03125 C 1.769531 -10.6875 1.578125 -10.175781 1.578125 -9.5 L 1.578125 -8.265625 L 0.1875 -8.265625 L 0.1875 -7.078125 Z M 1.578125 -7.078125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-10"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 8.359375 -0.03125 C 8.117188 0.101562 7.789062 0.171875 7.375 0.171875 C 7.019531 0.171875 6.738281 0.0703125 6.53125 -0.125 C 6.320312 -0.320312 6.21875 -0.644531 6.21875 -1.09375 C 5.84375 -0.644531 5.40625 -0.320312 4.90625 -0.125 C 4.414062 0.0703125 3.882812 0.171875 3.3125 0.171875 C 2.9375 0.171875 2.582031 0.128906 2.25 0.046875 C 1.914062 -0.0351562 1.625 -0.164062 1.375 -0.34375 C 1.132812 -0.53125 0.941406 -0.769531 0.796875 -1.0625 C 0.648438 -1.351562 0.578125 -1.707031 0.578125 -2.125 C 0.578125 -2.59375 0.65625 -2.976562 0.8125 -3.28125 C 0.976562 -3.582031 1.191406 -3.820312 1.453125 -4 C 1.710938 -4.1875 2.007812 -4.328125 2.34375 -4.421875 C 2.675781 -4.523438 3.019531 -4.609375 3.375 -4.671875 C 3.75 -4.742188 4.101562 -4.796875 4.4375 -4.828125 C 4.769531 -4.867188 5.066406 -4.925781 5.328125 -5 C 5.585938 -5.070312 5.789062 -5.171875 5.9375 -5.296875 C 6.082031 -5.429688 6.15625 -5.628906 6.15625 -5.890625 C 6.15625 -6.191406 6.097656 -6.429688 5.984375 -6.609375 C 5.878906 -6.785156 5.738281 -6.921875 5.5625 -7.015625 C 5.382812 -7.117188 5.1875 -7.1875 4.96875 -7.21875 C 4.75 -7.25 4.53125 -7.265625 4.3125 -7.265625 C 3.738281 -7.265625 3.257812 -7.15625 2.875 -6.9375 C 2.488281 -6.71875 2.28125 -6.304688 2.25 -5.703125 L 0.890625 -5.703125 C 0.910156 -6.210938 1.015625 -6.640625 1.203125 -6.984375 C 1.398438 -7.335938 1.660156 -7.625 1.984375 -7.84375 C 2.304688 -8.0625 2.671875 -8.21875 3.078125 -8.3125 C 3.492188 -8.414062 3.9375 -8.46875 4.40625 -8.46875 C 4.769531 -8.46875 5.132812 -8.4375 5.5 -8.375 C 5.875 -8.320312 6.207031 -8.210938 6.5 -8.046875 C 6.800781 -7.890625 7.039062 -7.660156 7.21875 -7.359375 C 7.40625 -7.054688 7.5 -6.664062 7.5 -6.1875 L 7.5 -1.9375 C 7.5 -1.613281 7.515625 -1.378906 7.546875 -1.234375 C 7.585938 -1.085938 7.71875 -1.015625 7.9375 -1.015625 C 8.050781 -1.015625 8.191406 -1.039062 8.359375 -1.09375 Z M 6.140625 -4.265625 C 5.972656 -4.140625 5.75 -4.046875 5.46875 -3.984375 C 5.195312 -3.929688 4.90625 -3.882812 4.59375 -3.84375 C 4.289062 -3.8125 3.984375 -3.769531 3.671875 -3.71875 C 3.367188 -3.664062 3.09375 -3.585938 2.84375 -3.484375 C 2.601562 -3.378906 2.40625 -3.226562 2.25 -3.03125 C 2.09375 -2.832031 2.015625 -2.5625 2.015625 -2.21875 C 2.015625 -2 2.054688 -1.8125 2.140625 -1.65625 C 2.234375 -1.5 2.351562 -1.375 2.5 -1.28125 C 2.644531 -1.1875 2.8125 -1.117188 3 -1.078125 C 3.195312 -1.035156 3.398438 -1.015625 3.609375 -1.015625 C 4.054688 -1.015625 4.441406 -1.070312 4.765625 -1.1875 C 5.085938 -1.3125 5.347656 -1.46875 5.546875 -1.65625 C 5.753906 -1.84375 5.90625 -2.046875 6 -2.265625 C 6.09375 -2.484375 6.140625 -2.6875 6.140625 -2.875 Z M 6.140625 -4.265625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-11"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 6.640625 -5.609375 L 8.046875 -5.609375 C 7.992188 -6.109375 7.863281 -6.535156 7.65625 -6.890625 C 7.457031 -7.242188 7.203125 -7.535156 6.890625 -7.765625 C 6.578125 -8.003906 6.210938 -8.179688 5.796875 -8.296875 C 5.390625 -8.410156 4.953125 -8.46875 4.484375 -8.46875 C 3.828125 -8.46875 3.253906 -8.351562 2.765625 -8.125 C 2.273438 -7.894531 1.867188 -7.578125 1.546875 -7.171875 C 1.222656 -6.773438 0.976562 -6.304688 0.8125 -5.765625 C 0.65625 -5.222656 0.578125 -4.644531 0.578125 -4.03125 C 0.578125 -3.414062 0.660156 -2.847656 0.828125 -2.328125 C 0.992188 -1.804688 1.238281 -1.359375 1.5625 -0.984375 C 1.882812 -0.617188 2.285156 -0.332031 2.765625 -0.125 C 3.253906 0.0703125 3.816406 0.171875 4.453125 0.171875 C 5.503906 0.171875 6.335938 -0.101562 6.953125 -0.65625 C 7.566406 -1.207031 7.945312 -2 8.09375 -3.03125 L 6.703125 -3.03125 C 6.617188 -2.382812 6.382812 -1.882812 6 -1.53125 C 5.625 -1.1875 5.101562 -1.015625 4.4375 -1.015625 C 4.007812 -1.015625 3.640625 -1.097656 3.328125 -1.265625 C 3.015625 -1.429688 2.757812 -1.65625 2.5625 -1.9375 C 2.375 -2.226562 2.234375 -2.550781 2.140625 -2.90625 C 2.054688 -3.269531 2.015625 -3.644531 2.015625 -4.03125 C 2.015625 -4.445312 2.054688 -4.847656 2.140625 -5.234375 C 2.222656 -5.628906 2.363281 -5.972656 2.5625 -6.265625 C 2.757812 -6.566406 3.023438 -6.804688 3.359375 -6.984375 C 3.691406 -7.171875 4.101562 -7.265625 4.59375 -7.265625 C 5.164062 -7.265625 5.625 -7.117188 5.96875 -6.828125 C 6.3125 -6.546875 6.535156 -6.140625 6.640625 -5.609375 Z M 6.640625 -5.609375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-12"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.265625 3.15625 L 4.296875 3.15625 C 3.546875 1.925781 3.003906 0.710938 2.671875 -0.484375 C 2.347656 -1.691406 2.1875 -2.96875 2.1875 -4.3125 C 2.1875 -5.625 2.347656 -6.878906 2.671875 -8.078125 C 2.992188 -9.273438 3.535156 -10.484375 4.296875 -11.703125 L 3.265625 -11.703125 C 2.429688 -10.597656 1.800781 -9.40625 1.375 -8.125 C 0.957031 -6.84375 0.75 -5.570312 0.75 -4.3125 C 0.75 -3.613281 0.804688 -2.941406 0.921875 -2.296875 C 1.046875 -1.660156 1.21875 -1.035156 1.4375 -0.421875 C 1.65625 0.179688 1.914062 0.773438 2.21875 1.359375 C 2.53125 1.953125 2.878906 2.550781 3.265625 3.15625 Z M 3.265625 3.15625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-13"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.859375 -2.609375 L 0.5 -2.609375 C 0.519531 -2.097656 0.625 -1.660156 0.8125 -1.296875 C 1.007812 -0.941406 1.265625 -0.65625 1.578125 -0.4375 C 1.898438 -0.21875 2.269531 -0.0625 2.6875 0.03125 C 3.101562 0.125 3.539062 0.171875 4 0.171875 C 4.414062 0.171875 4.832031 0.128906 5.25 0.046875 C 5.675781 -0.0234375 6.054688 -0.160156 6.390625 -0.359375 C 6.722656 -0.566406 6.992188 -0.832031 7.203125 -1.15625 C 7.410156 -1.488281 7.515625 -1.910156 7.515625 -2.421875 C 7.515625 -2.816406 7.4375 -3.144531 7.28125 -3.40625 C 7.132812 -3.675781 6.929688 -3.898438 6.671875 -4.078125 C 6.421875 -4.253906 6.132812 -4.394531 5.8125 -4.5 C 5.488281 -4.601562 5.15625 -4.691406 4.8125 -4.765625 C 4.5 -4.835938 4.179688 -4.910156 3.859375 -4.984375 C 3.535156 -5.054688 3.242188 -5.140625 2.984375 -5.234375 C 2.734375 -5.335938 2.523438 -5.46875 2.359375 -5.625 C 2.191406 -5.78125 2.109375 -5.972656 2.109375 -6.203125 C 2.109375 -6.421875 2.160156 -6.59375 2.265625 -6.71875 C 2.378906 -6.851562 2.519531 -6.960938 2.6875 -7.046875 C 2.851562 -7.128906 3.039062 -7.1875 3.25 -7.21875 C 3.457031 -7.25 3.664062 -7.265625 3.875 -7.265625 C 4.09375 -7.265625 4.3125 -7.238281 4.53125 -7.1875 C 4.75 -7.144531 4.945312 -7.066406 5.125 -6.953125 C 5.3125 -6.847656 5.460938 -6.707031 5.578125 -6.53125 C 5.703125 -6.351562 5.773438 -6.132812 5.796875 -5.875 L 7.15625 -5.875 C 7.125 -6.375 7.015625 -6.789062 6.828125 -7.125 C 6.648438 -7.457031 6.40625 -7.722656 6.09375 -7.921875 C 5.789062 -8.117188 5.441406 -8.257812 5.046875 -8.34375 C 4.660156 -8.425781 4.234375 -8.46875 3.765625 -8.46875 C 3.398438 -8.46875 3.03125 -8.421875 2.65625 -8.328125 C 2.289062 -8.234375 1.960938 -8.09375 1.671875 -7.90625 C 1.378906 -7.71875 1.140625 -7.472656 0.953125 -7.171875 C 0.765625 -6.878906 0.671875 -6.523438 0.671875 -6.109375 C 0.671875 -5.578125 0.800781 -5.160156 1.0625 -4.859375 C 1.332031 -4.566406 1.664062 -4.335938 2.0625 -4.171875 C 2.46875 -4.003906 2.90625 -3.875 3.375 -3.78125 C 3.84375 -3.6875 4.273438 -3.582031 4.671875 -3.46875 C 5.078125 -3.363281 5.410156 -3.21875 5.671875 -3.03125 C 5.941406 -2.851562 6.078125 -2.585938 6.078125 -2.234375 C 6.078125 -1.984375 6.015625 -1.773438 5.890625 -1.609375 C 5.765625 -1.441406 5.601562 -1.316406 5.40625 -1.234375 C 5.207031 -1.148438 4.988281 -1.09375 4.75 -1.0625 C 4.519531 -1.03125 4.296875 -1.015625 4.078125 -1.015625 C 3.796875 -1.015625 3.523438 -1.039062 3.265625 -1.09375 C 3.003906 -1.144531 2.769531 -1.226562 2.5625 -1.34375 C 2.351562 -1.46875 2.1875 -1.632812 2.0625 -1.84375 C 1.9375 -2.050781 1.867188 -2.304688 1.859375 -2.609375 Z M 1.859375 -2.609375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-14"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.078125 -8.265625 L 1.078125 3.15625 L 2.4375 3.15625 L 2.4375 -1.109375 L 2.46875 -1.109375 C 2.613281 -0.859375 2.796875 -0.648438 3.015625 -0.484375 C 3.234375 -0.316406 3.460938 -0.1875 3.703125 -0.09375 C 3.953125 0 4.203125 0.0664062 4.453125 0.109375 C 4.703125 0.148438 4.929688 0.171875 5.140625 0.171875 C 5.765625 0.171875 6.3125 0.0625 6.78125 -0.15625 C 7.257812 -0.382812 7.65625 -0.691406 7.96875 -1.078125 C 8.289062 -1.460938 8.523438 -1.914062 8.671875 -2.4375 C 8.828125 -2.96875 8.90625 -3.523438 8.90625 -4.109375 C 8.90625 -4.691406 8.828125 -5.242188 8.671875 -5.765625 C 8.515625 -6.296875 8.273438 -6.757812 7.953125 -7.15625 C 7.640625 -7.5625 7.242188 -7.878906 6.765625 -8.109375 C 6.296875 -8.347656 5.742188 -8.46875 5.109375 -8.46875 C 4.523438 -8.46875 3.992188 -8.363281 3.515625 -8.15625 C 3.035156 -7.945312 2.6875 -7.613281 2.46875 -7.15625 L 2.4375 -7.15625 L 2.4375 -8.265625 Z M 7.46875 -4.203125 C 7.46875 -3.796875 7.425781 -3.398438 7.34375 -3.015625 C 7.257812 -2.640625 7.117188 -2.300781 6.921875 -2 C 6.734375 -1.695312 6.484375 -1.457031 6.171875 -1.28125 C 5.859375 -1.101562 5.460938 -1.015625 4.984375 -1.015625 C 4.515625 -1.015625 4.113281 -1.097656 3.78125 -1.265625 C 3.457031 -1.441406 3.191406 -1.675781 2.984375 -1.96875 C 2.773438 -2.257812 2.625 -2.59375 2.53125 -2.96875 C 2.4375 -3.34375 2.390625 -3.734375 2.390625 -4.140625 C 2.390625 -4.523438 2.429688 -4.90625 2.515625 -5.28125 C 2.609375 -5.65625 2.753906 -5.988281 2.953125 -6.28125 C 3.160156 -6.570312 3.421875 -6.804688 3.734375 -6.984375 C 4.054688 -7.171875 4.445312 -7.265625 4.90625 -7.265625 C 5.34375 -7.265625 5.722656 -7.175781 6.046875 -7 C 6.378906 -6.832031 6.648438 -6.601562 6.859375 -6.3125 C 7.066406 -6.03125 7.21875 -5.703125 7.3125 -5.328125 C 7.414062 -4.960938 7.46875 -4.585938 7.46875 -4.203125 Z M 7.46875 -4.203125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-15"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.46875 -9.765625 L 2.46875 -11.421875 L 1.109375 -11.421875 L 1.109375 -9.765625 Z M 1.109375 -8.265625 L 1.109375 0 L 2.46875 0 L 2.46875 -8.265625 Z M 1.109375 -8.265625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-16"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 5.84375 0 L 7.203125 0 L 7.203125 -8.265625 L 5.84375 -8.265625 Z M 5.84375 -9.765625 L 7.203125 -9.765625 L 7.203125 -11.421875 L 5.84375 -11.421875 Z M 1.578125 -7.078125 L 1.578125 0 L 2.9375 0 L 2.9375 -7.078125 L 4.546875 -7.078125 L 4.546875 -8.265625 L 2.9375 -8.265625 L 2.9375 -9.421875 C 2.9375 -9.785156 3.023438 -10.03125 3.203125 -10.15625 C 3.390625 -10.289062 3.648438 -10.359375 3.984375 -10.359375 C 4.097656 -10.359375 4.222656 -10.347656 4.359375 -10.328125 C 4.503906 -10.304688 4.632812 -10.273438 4.75 -10.234375 L 4.75 -11.421875 C 4.625 -11.460938 4.476562 -11.492188 4.3125 -11.515625 C 4.144531 -11.535156 4 -11.546875 3.875 -11.546875 C 3.125 -11.546875 2.550781 -11.375 2.15625 -11.03125 C 1.769531 -10.6875 1.578125 -10.175781 1.578125 -9.5 L 1.578125 -8.265625 L 0.1875 -8.265625 L 0.1875 -7.078125 Z M 1.578125 -7.078125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-17"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.03125 -8.265625 L 1.03125 0 L 2.390625 0 L 2.390625 -5.15625 C 2.390625 -5.3125 2.425781 -5.507812 2.5 -5.75 C 2.582031 -5.988281 2.710938 -6.21875 2.890625 -6.4375 C 3.066406 -6.664062 3.296875 -6.859375 3.578125 -7.015625 C 3.859375 -7.179688 4.195312 -7.265625 4.59375 -7.265625 C 4.90625 -7.265625 5.15625 -7.21875 5.34375 -7.125 C 5.539062 -7.03125 5.695312 -6.898438 5.8125 -6.734375 C 5.9375 -6.578125 6.019531 -6.382812 6.0625 -6.15625 C 6.113281 -5.9375 6.140625 -5.691406 6.140625 -5.421875 L 6.140625 0 L 7.5 0 L 7.5 -5.15625 C 7.5 -5.789062 7.691406 -6.300781 8.078125 -6.6875 C 8.460938 -7.070312 8.988281 -7.265625 9.65625 -7.265625 C 9.988281 -7.265625 10.257812 -7.210938 10.46875 -7.109375 C 10.675781 -7.015625 10.835938 -6.882812 10.953125 -6.71875 C 11.078125 -6.5625 11.160156 -6.367188 11.203125 -6.140625 C 11.242188 -5.921875 11.265625 -5.679688 11.265625 -5.421875 L 11.265625 0 L 12.625 0 L 12.625 -6.0625 C 12.625 -6.488281 12.554688 -6.851562 12.421875 -7.15625 C 12.285156 -7.457031 12.097656 -7.703125 11.859375 -7.890625 C 11.617188 -8.085938 11.332031 -8.234375 11 -8.328125 C 10.664062 -8.421875 10.289062 -8.46875 9.875 -8.46875 C 9.332031 -8.46875 8.832031 -8.34375 8.375 -8.09375 C 7.925781 -7.851562 7.5625 -7.507812 7.28125 -7.0625 C 7.113281 -7.570312 6.820312 -7.929688 6.40625 -8.140625 C 5.988281 -8.359375 5.523438 -8.46875 5.015625 -8.46875 C 3.847656 -8.46875 2.957031 -8 2.34375 -7.0625 L 2.296875 -7.0625 L 2.296875 -8.265625 Z M 1.03125 -8.265625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-18"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.015625 -4.125 C 2.015625 -4.625 2.082031 -5.066406 2.21875 -5.453125 C 2.351562 -5.847656 2.535156 -6.175781 2.765625 -6.4375 C 3.003906 -6.707031 3.28125 -6.910156 3.59375 -7.046875 C 3.90625 -7.191406 4.238281 -7.265625 4.59375 -7.265625 C 4.945312 -7.265625 5.28125 -7.191406 5.59375 -7.046875 C 5.90625 -6.910156 6.175781 -6.707031 6.40625 -6.4375 C 6.644531 -6.175781 6.832031 -5.847656 6.96875 -5.453125 C 7.101562 -5.066406 7.171875 -4.625 7.171875 -4.125 C 7.171875 -3.625 7.101562 -3.175781 6.96875 -2.78125 C 6.832031 -2.394531 6.644531 -2.070312 6.40625 -1.8125 C 6.175781 -1.550781 5.90625 -1.351562 5.59375 -1.21875 C 5.28125 -1.082031 4.945312 -1.015625 4.59375 -1.015625 C 4.238281 -1.015625 3.90625 -1.082031 3.59375 -1.21875 C 3.28125 -1.351562 3.003906 -1.550781 2.765625 -1.8125 C 2.535156 -2.070312 2.351562 -2.394531 2.21875 -2.78125 C 2.082031 -3.175781 2.015625 -3.625 2.015625 -4.125 Z M 0.578125 -4.125 C 0.578125 -3.519531 0.660156 -2.953125 0.828125 -2.421875 C 1.003906 -1.898438 1.257812 -1.445312 1.59375 -1.0625 C 1.9375 -0.675781 2.359375 -0.375 2.859375 -0.15625 C 3.359375 0.0625 3.9375 0.171875 4.59375 0.171875 C 5.25 0.171875 5.828125 0.0625 6.328125 -0.15625 C 6.828125 -0.375 7.242188 -0.675781 7.578125 -1.0625 C 7.921875 -1.445312 8.175781 -1.898438 8.34375 -2.421875 C 8.519531 -2.953125 8.609375 -3.519531 8.609375 -4.125 C 8.609375 -4.738281 8.519531 -5.304688 8.34375 -5.828125 C 8.175781 -6.359375 7.921875 -6.816406 7.578125 -7.203125 C 7.242188 -7.597656 6.828125 -7.90625 6.328125 -8.125 C 5.828125 -8.351562 5.25 -8.46875 4.59375 -8.46875 C 3.9375 -8.46875 3.359375 -8.351562 2.859375 -8.125 C 2.359375 -7.90625 1.9375 -7.597656 1.59375 -7.203125 C 1.257812 -6.816406 1.003906 -6.359375 0.828125 -5.828125 C 0.660156 -5.304688 0.578125 -4.738281 0.578125 -4.125 Z M 0.578125 -4.125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-19"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 4.265625 1.109375 C 4.109375 1.515625 3.953125 1.851562 3.796875 2.125 C 3.640625 2.40625 3.46875 2.632812 3.28125 2.8125 C 3.101562 2.988281 2.894531 3.113281 2.65625 3.1875 C 2.425781 3.269531 2.164062 3.3125 1.875 3.3125 C 1.707031 3.3125 1.546875 3.300781 1.390625 3.28125 C 1.234375 3.257812 1.078125 3.222656 0.921875 3.171875 L 0.921875 1.921875 C 1.046875 1.972656 1.179688 2.015625 1.328125 2.046875 C 1.484375 2.085938 1.617188 2.109375 1.734375 2.109375 C 2.003906 2.109375 2.234375 2.039062 2.421875 1.90625 C 2.609375 1.78125 2.75 1.59375 2.84375 1.34375 L 3.40625 -0.046875 L 0.125 -8.265625 L 1.65625 -8.265625 L 4.078125 -1.5 L 4.109375 -1.5 L 6.4375 -8.265625 L 7.875 -8.265625 Z M 4.265625 1.109375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-20"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M -0.140625 3.15625 L 0.875 3.15625 C 1.707031 2.050781 2.332031 0.863281 2.75 -0.40625 C 3.175781 -1.675781 3.390625 -2.941406 3.390625 -4.203125 C 3.390625 -4.910156 3.332031 -5.582031 3.21875 -6.21875 C 3.101562 -6.863281 2.9375 -7.492188 2.71875 -8.109375 C 2.5 -8.722656 2.234375 -9.320312 1.921875 -9.90625 C 1.609375 -10.5 1.257812 -11.097656 0.875 -11.703125 L -0.140625 -11.703125 C 0.597656 -10.472656 1.128906 -9.25 1.453125 -8.03125 C 1.785156 -6.820312 1.953125 -5.546875 1.953125 -4.203125 C 1.953125 -2.898438 1.789062 -1.648438 1.46875 -0.453125 C 1.144531 0.742188 0.609375 1.945312 -0.140625 3.15625 Z M -0.140625 3.15625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-21"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 7.859375 -8.078125 L 9.296875 -8.078125 C 9.273438 -8.710938 9.15625 -9.253906 8.9375 -9.703125 C 8.71875 -10.160156 8.414062 -10.535156 8.03125 -10.828125 C 7.65625 -11.128906 7.21875 -11.347656 6.71875 -11.484375 C 6.21875 -11.628906 5.675781 -11.703125 5.09375 -11.703125 C 4.5625 -11.703125 4.046875 -11.632812 3.546875 -11.5 C 3.054688 -11.363281 2.613281 -11.160156 2.21875 -10.890625 C 1.832031 -10.617188 1.519531 -10.269531 1.28125 -9.84375 C 1.050781 -9.425781 0.9375 -8.929688 0.9375 -8.359375 C 0.9375 -7.828125 1.039062 -7.390625 1.25 -7.046875 C 1.457031 -6.703125 1.734375 -6.421875 2.078125 -6.203125 C 2.429688 -5.984375 2.828125 -5.804688 3.265625 -5.671875 C 3.703125 -5.535156 4.144531 -5.414062 4.59375 -5.3125 C 5.050781 -5.21875 5.5 -5.117188 5.9375 -5.015625 C 6.375 -4.921875 6.765625 -4.796875 7.109375 -4.640625 C 7.453125 -4.492188 7.726562 -4.296875 7.9375 -4.046875 C 8.144531 -3.804688 8.25 -3.488281 8.25 -3.09375 C 8.25 -2.675781 8.164062 -2.332031 8 -2.0625 C 7.832031 -1.789062 7.609375 -1.578125 7.328125 -1.421875 C 7.046875 -1.273438 6.734375 -1.171875 6.390625 -1.109375 C 6.046875 -1.046875 5.703125 -1.015625 5.359375 -1.015625 C 4.929688 -1.015625 4.515625 -1.066406 4.109375 -1.171875 C 3.703125 -1.273438 3.347656 -1.4375 3.046875 -1.65625 C 2.742188 -1.882812 2.5 -2.171875 2.3125 -2.515625 C 2.125 -2.867188 2.03125 -3.285156 2.03125 -3.765625 L 0.59375 -3.765625 C 0.59375 -3.066406 0.71875 -2.460938 0.96875 -1.953125 C 1.21875 -1.453125 1.554688 -1.035156 1.984375 -0.703125 C 2.421875 -0.378906 2.925781 -0.140625 3.5 0.015625 C 4.070312 0.171875 4.675781 0.25 5.3125 0.25 C 5.832031 0.25 6.359375 0.1875 6.890625 0.0625 C 7.421875 -0.0507812 7.894531 -0.242188 8.3125 -0.515625 C 8.738281 -0.785156 9.085938 -1.132812 9.359375 -1.5625 C 9.640625 -2 9.78125 -2.523438 9.78125 -3.140625 C 9.78125 -3.703125 9.675781 -4.171875 9.46875 -4.546875 C 9.257812 -4.921875 8.976562 -5.226562 8.625 -5.46875 C 8.28125 -5.71875 7.890625 -5.910156 7.453125 -6.046875 C 7.015625 -6.191406 6.566406 -6.316406 6.109375 -6.421875 C 5.660156 -6.535156 5.21875 -6.632812 4.78125 -6.71875 C 4.34375 -6.8125 3.953125 -6.925781 3.609375 -7.0625 C 3.265625 -7.207031 2.988281 -7.390625 2.78125 -7.609375 C 2.570312 -7.828125 2.46875 -8.113281 2.46875 -8.46875 C 2.46875 -8.84375 2.535156 -9.15625 2.671875 -9.40625 C 2.816406 -9.65625 3.007812 -9.851562 3.25 -10 C 3.488281 -10.144531 3.765625 -10.25 4.078125 -10.3125 C 4.390625 -10.382812 4.707031 -10.421875 5.03125 -10.421875 C 5.8125 -10.421875 6.457031 -10.234375 6.96875 -9.859375 C 7.476562 -9.492188 7.773438 -8.898438 7.859375 -8.078125 Z M 7.859375 -8.078125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-22"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 8.15625 -0.703125 L 8.15625 -8.265625 L 6.875 -8.265625 L 6.875 -7.09375 L 6.859375 -7.09375 C 6.617188 -7.550781 6.28125 -7.894531 5.84375 -8.125 C 5.40625 -8.351562 4.925781 -8.46875 4.40625 -8.46875 C 3.6875 -8.46875 3.082031 -8.328125 2.59375 -8.046875 C 2.101562 -7.773438 1.707031 -7.429688 1.40625 -7.015625 C 1.101562 -6.597656 0.890625 -6.128906 0.765625 -5.609375 C 0.640625 -5.085938 0.578125 -4.582031 0.578125 -4.09375 C 0.578125 -3.53125 0.65625 -2.992188 0.8125 -2.484375 C 0.96875 -1.984375 1.195312 -1.539062 1.5 -1.15625 C 1.8125 -0.78125 2.195312 -0.476562 2.65625 -0.25 C 3.113281 -0.03125 3.648438 0.078125 4.265625 0.078125 C 4.804688 0.078125 5.3125 -0.0390625 5.78125 -0.28125 C 6.257812 -0.519531 6.613281 -0.894531 6.84375 -1.40625 L 6.875 -1.40625 L 6.875 -0.859375 C 6.875 -0.398438 6.828125 0.015625 6.734375 0.390625 C 6.648438 0.773438 6.503906 1.101562 6.296875 1.375 C 6.097656 1.65625 5.84375 1.867188 5.53125 2.015625 C 5.226562 2.171875 4.851562 2.25 4.40625 2.25 C 4.175781 2.25 3.9375 2.222656 3.6875 2.171875 C 3.445312 2.128906 3.222656 2.054688 3.015625 1.953125 C 2.804688 1.847656 2.628906 1.707031 2.484375 1.53125 C 2.335938 1.363281 2.257812 1.15625 2.25 0.90625 L 0.890625 0.90625 C 0.910156 1.351562 1.023438 1.734375 1.234375 2.046875 C 1.453125 2.359375 1.722656 2.609375 2.046875 2.796875 C 2.378906 2.992188 2.742188 3.132812 3.140625 3.21875 C 3.546875 3.300781 3.9375 3.34375 4.3125 3.34375 C 5.632812 3.34375 6.601562 3.003906 7.21875 2.328125 C 7.84375 1.660156 8.15625 0.648438 8.15625 -0.703125 Z M 4.359375 -1.109375 C 3.910156 -1.109375 3.535156 -1.195312 3.234375 -1.375 C 2.929688 -1.5625 2.6875 -1.804688 2.5 -2.109375 C 2.320312 -2.421875 2.195312 -2.765625 2.125 -3.140625 C 2.050781 -3.515625 2.015625 -3.882812 2.015625 -4.25 C 2.015625 -4.644531 2.054688 -5.023438 2.140625 -5.390625 C 2.234375 -5.753906 2.378906 -6.070312 2.578125 -6.34375 C 2.773438 -6.625 3.03125 -6.847656 3.34375 -7.015625 C 3.65625 -7.179688 4.03125 -7.265625 4.46875 -7.265625 C 4.894531 -7.265625 5.253906 -7.175781 5.546875 -7 C 5.847656 -6.832031 6.09375 -6.609375 6.28125 -6.328125 C 6.46875 -6.046875 6.601562 -5.726562 6.6875 -5.375 C 6.769531 -5.019531 6.8125 -4.660156 6.8125 -4.296875 C 6.8125 -3.921875 6.765625 -3.539062 6.671875 -3.15625 C 6.585938 -2.769531 6.445312 -2.421875 6.25 -2.109375 C 6.0625 -1.804688 5.8125 -1.5625 5.5 -1.375 C 5.1875 -1.195312 4.804688 -1.109375 4.359375 -1.109375 Z M 4.359375 -1.109375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-23"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.109375 -11.421875 L 1.109375 0 L 2.46875 0 L 2.46875 -11.421875 Z M 1.109375 -11.421875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-24"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.25 -11.421875 L 1.25 0 L 8.8125 0 L 8.8125 -1.28125 L 2.765625 -1.28125 L 2.765625 -11.421875 Z M 1.25 -11.421875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-25"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.109375 -11.421875 L 1.109375 0 L 2.46875 0 L 2.46875 -3.140625 L 3.75 -4.3125 L 6.578125 0 L 8.296875 0 L 4.78125 -5.265625 L 8.0625 -8.265625 L 6.234375 -8.265625 L 2.46875 -4.65625 L 2.46875 -11.421875 Z M 1.109375 -11.421875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-26"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.015625 -4.0625 C 2.015625 -4.46875 2.054688 -4.863281 2.140625 -5.25 C 2.222656 -5.632812 2.359375 -5.972656 2.546875 -6.265625 C 2.742188 -6.566406 3.003906 -6.804688 3.328125 -6.984375 C 3.648438 -7.171875 4.039062 -7.265625 4.5 -7.265625 C 4.96875 -7.265625 5.363281 -7.175781 5.6875 -7 C 6.019531 -6.820312 6.289062 -6.585938 6.5 -6.296875 C 6.707031 -6.015625 6.859375 -5.679688 6.953125 -5.296875 C 7.054688 -4.921875 7.109375 -4.53125 7.109375 -4.125 C 7.109375 -3.738281 7.0625 -3.359375 6.96875 -2.984375 C 6.875 -2.617188 6.722656 -2.285156 6.515625 -1.984375 C 6.316406 -1.691406 6.054688 -1.457031 5.734375 -1.28125 C 5.421875 -1.101562 5.035156 -1.015625 4.578125 -1.015625 C 4.140625 -1.015625 3.753906 -1.097656 3.421875 -1.265625 C 3.097656 -1.429688 2.832031 -1.660156 2.625 -1.953125 C 2.414062 -2.242188 2.257812 -2.570312 2.15625 -2.9375 C 2.0625 -3.300781 2.015625 -3.675781 2.015625 -4.0625 Z M 8.421875 0 L 8.421875 -11.421875 L 7.0625 -11.421875 L 7.0625 -7.171875 L 7.03125 -7.171875 C 6.875 -7.410156 6.6875 -7.613281 6.46875 -7.78125 C 6.25 -7.945312 6.015625 -8.082031 5.765625 -8.1875 C 5.523438 -8.289062 5.28125 -8.363281 5.03125 -8.40625 C 4.789062 -8.445312 4.566406 -8.46875 4.359375 -8.46875 C 3.722656 -8.46875 3.164062 -8.351562 2.6875 -8.125 C 2.21875 -7.894531 1.828125 -7.582031 1.515625 -7.1875 C 1.203125 -6.800781 0.96875 -6.347656 0.8125 -5.828125 C 0.65625 -5.304688 0.578125 -4.75 0.578125 -4.15625 C 0.578125 -3.570312 0.65625 -3.019531 0.8125 -2.5 C 0.976562 -1.976562 1.21875 -1.519531 1.53125 -1.125 C 1.84375 -0.726562 2.234375 -0.410156 2.703125 -0.171875 C 3.179688 0.0546875 3.742188 0.171875 4.390625 0.171875 C 4.960938 0.171875 5.488281 0.0703125 5.96875 -0.125 C 6.445312 -0.332031 6.800781 -0.664062 7.03125 -1.125 L 7.0625 -1.125 L 7.0625 0 Z M 8.421875 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-27"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.21875 -4.71875 L 5.15625 -10.046875 L 5.1875 -10.046875 L 7.09375 -4.71875 Z M 4.359375 -11.421875 L -0.09375 0 L 1.453125 0 L 2.734375 -3.4375 L 7.5625 -3.4375 L 8.8125 0 L 10.5 0 L 6.03125 -11.421875 Z M 4.359375 -11.421875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-28"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.765625 -1.28125 L 2.765625 -10.140625 L 5.328125 -10.140625 C 6.035156 -10.140625 6.628906 -10.039062 7.109375 -9.84375 C 7.585938 -9.644531 7.976562 -9.359375 8.28125 -8.984375 C 8.582031 -8.609375 8.800781 -8.148438 8.9375 -7.609375 C 9.070312 -7.066406 9.140625 -6.457031 9.140625 -5.78125 C 9.140625 -5.070312 9.066406 -4.46875 8.921875 -3.96875 C 8.773438 -3.476562 8.585938 -3.066406 8.359375 -2.734375 C 8.140625 -2.398438 7.890625 -2.132812 7.609375 -1.9375 C 7.328125 -1.75 7.039062 -1.601562 6.75 -1.5 C 6.457031 -1.40625 6.179688 -1.34375 5.921875 -1.3125 C 5.671875 -1.289062 5.460938 -1.28125 5.296875 -1.28125 Z M 1.25 -11.421875 L 1.25 0 L 5.171875 0 C 6.117188 0 6.9375 -0.128906 7.625 -0.390625 C 8.320312 -0.660156 8.894531 -1.046875 9.34375 -1.546875 C 9.789062 -2.054688 10.117188 -2.679688 10.328125 -3.421875 C 10.546875 -4.171875 10.65625 -5.023438 10.65625 -5.984375 C 10.65625 -7.816406 10.179688 -9.179688 9.234375 -10.078125 C 8.285156 -10.972656 6.929688 -11.421875 5.171875 -11.421875 Z M 1.25 -11.421875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-29"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 9.796875 -1.421875 L 10.1875 0 L 11.15625 0 L 11.15625 -6.015625 L 6.140625 -6.015625 L 6.140625 -4.734375 L 9.796875 -4.734375 C 9.816406 -4.210938 9.742188 -3.722656 9.578125 -3.265625 C 9.421875 -2.816406 9.1875 -2.421875 8.875 -2.078125 C 8.5625 -1.742188 8.175781 -1.484375 7.71875 -1.296875 C 7.257812 -1.109375 6.726562 -1.015625 6.125 -1.015625 C 5.488281 -1.015625 4.925781 -1.140625 4.4375 -1.390625 C 3.957031 -1.640625 3.550781 -1.972656 3.21875 -2.390625 C 2.882812 -2.816406 2.628906 -3.300781 2.453125 -3.84375 C 2.285156 -4.394531 2.203125 -4.96875 2.203125 -5.5625 C 2.203125 -6.175781 2.273438 -6.769531 2.421875 -7.34375 C 2.578125 -7.925781 2.8125 -8.441406 3.125 -8.890625 C 3.4375 -9.347656 3.84375 -9.71875 4.34375 -10 C 4.84375 -10.28125 5.4375 -10.421875 6.125 -10.421875 C 6.550781 -10.421875 6.953125 -10.367188 7.328125 -10.265625 C 7.710938 -10.160156 8.050781 -10.003906 8.34375 -9.796875 C 8.644531 -9.597656 8.894531 -9.34375 9.09375 -9.03125 C 9.300781 -8.71875 9.441406 -8.34375 9.515625 -7.90625 L 11.046875 -7.90625 C 10.929688 -8.570312 10.726562 -9.144531 10.4375 -9.625 C 10.144531 -10.101562 9.78125 -10.492188 9.34375 -10.796875 C 8.914062 -11.109375 8.425781 -11.335938 7.875 -11.484375 C 7.332031 -11.628906 6.75 -11.703125 6.125 -11.703125 C 5.21875 -11.703125 4.425781 -11.53125 3.75 -11.1875 C 3.070312 -10.851562 2.503906 -10.398438 2.046875 -9.828125 C 1.597656 -9.265625 1.257812 -8.609375 1.03125 -7.859375 C 0.800781 -7.109375 0.6875 -6.316406 0.6875 -5.484375 C 0.6875 -4.742188 0.804688 -4.023438 1.046875 -3.328125 C 1.296875 -2.628906 1.65625 -2.015625 2.125 -1.484375 C 2.59375 -0.953125 3.160156 -0.53125 3.828125 -0.21875 C 4.503906 0.09375 5.269531 0.25 6.125 0.25 C 6.800781 0.25 7.46875 0.117188 8.125 -0.140625 C 8.789062 -0.398438 9.347656 -0.828125 9.796875 -1.421875 Z M 9.796875 -1.421875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-30"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 9.28125 -7.984375 L 10.796875 -7.984375 C 10.710938 -8.585938 10.53125 -9.117188 10.25 -9.578125 C 9.976562 -10.046875 9.632812 -10.4375 9.21875 -10.75 C 8.800781 -11.0625 8.320312 -11.296875 7.78125 -11.453125 C 7.25 -11.617188 6.6875 -11.703125 6.09375 -11.703125 C 5.21875 -11.703125 4.441406 -11.539062 3.765625 -11.21875 C 3.085938 -10.90625 2.519531 -10.476562 2.0625 -9.9375 C 1.613281 -9.394531 1.269531 -8.753906 1.03125 -8.015625 C 0.800781 -7.285156 0.6875 -6.507812 0.6875 -5.6875 C 0.6875 -4.851562 0.796875 -4.070312 1.015625 -3.34375 C 1.234375 -2.613281 1.5625 -1.984375 2 -1.453125 C 2.4375 -0.921875 2.984375 -0.503906 3.640625 -0.203125 C 4.304688 0.0976562 5.082031 0.25 5.96875 0.25 C 7.425781 0.25 8.578125 -0.144531 9.421875 -0.9375 C 10.265625 -1.738281 10.757812 -2.859375 10.90625 -4.296875 L 9.390625 -4.296875 C 9.359375 -3.828125 9.257812 -3.390625 9.09375 -2.984375 C 8.9375 -2.585938 8.71875 -2.238281 8.4375 -1.9375 C 8.15625 -1.644531 7.816406 -1.414062 7.421875 -1.25 C 7.035156 -1.09375 6.59375 -1.015625 6.09375 -1.015625 C 5.414062 -1.015625 4.828125 -1.140625 4.328125 -1.390625 C 3.835938 -1.648438 3.4375 -1.992188 3.125 -2.421875 C 2.8125 -2.859375 2.578125 -3.363281 2.421875 -3.9375 C 2.273438 -4.519531 2.203125 -5.140625 2.203125 -5.796875 C 2.203125 -6.390625 2.273438 -6.960938 2.421875 -7.515625 C 2.578125 -8.078125 2.8125 -8.570312 3.125 -9 C 3.4375 -9.425781 3.835938 -9.769531 4.328125 -10.03125 C 4.816406 -10.289062 5.398438 -10.421875 6.078125 -10.421875 C 6.878906 -10.421875 7.570312 -10.21875 8.15625 -9.8125 C 8.738281 -9.40625 9.113281 -8.796875 9.28125 -7.984375 Z M 9.28125 -7.984375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-0"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.390625 0 L 0.390625 -8.609375 L 7.21875 -8.609375 L 7.21875 0 Z M 6.140625 -1.078125 L 6.140625 -7.53125 L 1.46875 -7.53125 L 1.46875 -1.078125 Z M 6.140625 -1.078125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-1"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 4.21875 -1 C 4.613281 -1 4.9375 -1.039062 5.1875 -1.125 C 5.644531 -1.269531 6.019531 -1.5625 6.3125 -2 C 6.539062 -2.34375 6.703125 -2.785156 6.796875 -3.328125 C 6.859375 -3.660156 6.890625 -3.960938 6.890625 -4.234375 C 6.890625 -5.304688 6.675781 -6.132812 6.25 -6.71875 C 5.832031 -7.3125 5.148438 -7.609375 4.203125 -7.609375 L 2.140625 -7.609375 L 2.140625 -1 Z M 0.96875 -8.609375 L 4.453125 -8.609375 C 5.640625 -8.609375 6.554688 -8.1875 7.203125 -7.34375 C 7.785156 -6.59375 8.078125 -5.625 8.078125 -4.4375 C 8.078125 -3.519531 7.90625 -2.691406 7.5625 -1.953125 C 6.957031 -0.648438 5.914062 0 4.4375 0 L 0.96875 0 Z M 0.96875 -8.609375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-2"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.578125 -1.671875 C 1.578125 -1.367188 1.6875 -1.128906 1.90625 -0.953125 C 2.132812 -0.773438 2.398438 -0.6875 2.703125 -0.6875 C 3.078125 -0.6875 3.4375 -0.769531 3.78125 -0.9375 C 4.375 -1.226562 4.671875 -1.695312 4.671875 -2.34375 L 4.671875 -3.1875 C 4.535156 -3.113281 4.363281 -3.046875 4.15625 -2.984375 C 3.957031 -2.929688 3.757812 -2.894531 3.5625 -2.875 L 2.9375 -2.796875 C 2.550781 -2.742188 2.257812 -2.660156 2.0625 -2.546875 C 1.738281 -2.367188 1.578125 -2.078125 1.578125 -1.671875 Z M 4.140625 -3.796875 C 4.378906 -3.828125 4.539062 -3.929688 4.625 -4.109375 C 4.664062 -4.203125 4.6875 -4.335938 4.6875 -4.515625 C 4.6875 -4.867188 4.554688 -5.125 4.296875 -5.28125 C 4.046875 -5.445312 3.6875 -5.53125 3.21875 -5.53125 C 2.664062 -5.53125 2.273438 -5.382812 2.046875 -5.09375 C 1.910156 -4.925781 1.820312 -4.679688 1.78125 -4.359375 L 0.796875 -4.359375 C 0.816406 -5.128906 1.066406 -5.664062 1.546875 -5.96875 C 2.035156 -6.269531 2.597656 -6.421875 3.234375 -6.421875 C 3.972656 -6.421875 4.570312 -6.28125 5.03125 -6 C 5.488281 -5.71875 5.71875 -5.28125 5.71875 -4.6875 L 5.71875 -1.078125 C 5.71875 -0.972656 5.738281 -0.882812 5.78125 -0.8125 C 5.832031 -0.75 5.929688 -0.71875 6.078125 -0.71875 C 6.117188 -0.71875 6.164062 -0.71875 6.21875 -0.71875 C 6.28125 -0.726562 6.347656 -0.738281 6.421875 -0.75 L 6.421875 0.03125 C 6.253906 0.0703125 6.125 0.0976562 6.03125 0.109375 C 5.945312 0.128906 5.832031 0.140625 5.6875 0.140625 C 5.320312 0.140625 5.0625 0.0078125 4.90625 -0.25 C 4.8125 -0.382812 4.75 -0.578125 4.71875 -0.828125 C 4.5 -0.546875 4.1875 -0.300781 3.78125 -0.09375 C 3.382812 0.113281 2.945312 0.21875 2.46875 0.21875 C 1.882812 0.21875 1.40625 0.0390625 1.03125 -0.3125 C 0.664062 -0.664062 0.484375 -1.109375 0.484375 -1.640625 C 0.484375 -2.222656 0.664062 -2.675781 1.03125 -3 C 1.394531 -3.320312 1.867188 -3.519531 2.453125 -3.59375 Z M 3.265625 -6.421875 Z M 3.265625 -6.421875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-3"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.984375 -8.03125 L 2.046875 -8.03125 L 2.046875 -6.28125 L 3.046875 -6.28125 L 3.046875 -5.421875 L 2.046875 -5.421875 L 2.046875 -1.3125 C 2.046875 -1.09375 2.125 -0.945312 2.28125 -0.875 C 2.351562 -0.832031 2.488281 -0.8125 2.6875 -0.8125 C 2.738281 -0.8125 2.789062 -0.8125 2.84375 -0.8125 C 2.90625 -0.820312 2.972656 -0.828125 3.046875 -0.828125 L 3.046875 0 C 2.929688 0.03125 2.804688 0.0507812 2.671875 0.0625 C 2.546875 0.0820312 2.40625 0.09375 2.25 0.09375 C 1.757812 0.09375 1.425781 -0.03125 1.25 -0.28125 C 1.070312 -0.53125 0.984375 -0.859375 0.984375 -1.265625 L 0.984375 -5.421875 L 0.140625 -5.421875 L 0.140625 -6.28125 L 0.984375 -6.28125 Z M 0.984375 -8.03125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-4"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.640625 -8.609375 L 2.640625 -7.296875 L 3.921875 -7.75 L 4.15625 -7.09375 L 2.875 -6.6875 L 3.65625 -5.578125 L 3.078125 -5.15625 L 2.3125 -6.3125 L 1.546875 -5.15625 L 0.9375 -5.578125 L 1.75 -6.6875 L 0.453125 -7.09375 L 0.6875 -7.75 L 1.953125 -7.296875 L 1.953125 -8.609375 Z M 2.640625 -8.609375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-5"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d=""/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-6"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.453125 -3.046875 C 1.453125 -2.503906 1.53125 -2.050781 1.6875 -1.6875 C 1.957031 -1.03125 2.4375 -0.703125 3.125 -0.703125 C 3.863281 -0.703125 4.367188 -1.046875 4.640625 -1.734375 C 4.796875 -2.117188 4.875 -2.601562 4.875 -3.1875 C 4.875 -3.738281 4.789062 -4.191406 4.625 -4.546875 C 4.34375 -5.171875 3.84375 -5.484375 3.125 -5.484375 C 2.664062 -5.484375 2.269531 -5.285156 1.9375 -4.890625 C 1.613281 -4.492188 1.453125 -3.878906 1.453125 -3.046875 Z M 3.015625 -6.421875 C 3.535156 -6.421875 3.972656 -6.289062 4.328125 -6.03125 C 4.523438 -5.882812 4.710938 -5.675781 4.890625 -5.40625 L 4.890625 -6.28125 L 5.890625 -6.28125 L 5.890625 2.5 L 4.828125 2.5 L 4.828125 -0.71875 C 4.648438 -0.4375 4.40625 -0.210938 4.09375 -0.046875 C 3.789062 0.117188 3.40625 0.203125 2.9375 0.203125 C 2.269531 0.203125 1.671875 -0.0546875 1.140625 -0.578125 C 0.617188 -1.109375 0.359375 -1.910156 0.359375 -2.984375 C 0.359375 -3.984375 0.601562 -4.804688 1.09375 -5.453125 C 1.582031 -6.097656 2.222656 -6.421875 3.015625 -6.421875 Z M 3.015625 -6.421875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-7"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.828125 -6.28125 L 1.828125 -2.109375 C 1.828125 -1.785156 1.878906 -1.523438 1.984375 -1.328125 C 2.171875 -0.953125 2.519531 -0.765625 3.03125 -0.765625 C 3.757812 -0.765625 4.257812 -1.09375 4.53125 -1.75 C 4.675781 -2.101562 4.75 -2.582031 4.75 -3.1875 L 4.75 -6.28125 L 5.796875 -6.28125 L 5.796875 0 L 4.8125 0 L 4.8125 -0.921875 C 4.675781 -0.679688 4.507812 -0.484375 4.3125 -0.328125 C 3.90625 0.00390625 3.414062 0.171875 2.84375 0.171875 C 1.945312 0.171875 1.335938 -0.128906 1.015625 -0.734375 C 0.835938 -1.046875 0.75 -1.472656 0.75 -2.015625 L 0.75 -6.28125 Z M 3.28125 -6.421875 Z M 3.28125 -6.421875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-8"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.390625 -6.421875 C 3.835938 -6.421875 4.269531 -6.316406 4.6875 -6.109375 C 5.101562 -5.898438 5.421875 -5.628906 5.640625 -5.296875 C 5.847656 -4.972656 5.988281 -4.601562 6.0625 -4.1875 C 6.125 -3.894531 6.15625 -3.429688 6.15625 -2.796875 L 1.546875 -2.796875 C 1.566406 -2.160156 1.71875 -1.648438 2 -1.265625 C 2.28125 -0.878906 2.71875 -0.6875 3.3125 -0.6875 C 3.863281 -0.6875 4.300781 -0.867188 4.625 -1.234375 C 4.8125 -1.441406 4.945312 -1.6875 5.03125 -1.96875 L 6.0625 -1.96875 C 6.039062 -1.738281 5.953125 -1.484375 5.796875 -1.203125 C 5.640625 -0.921875 5.46875 -0.6875 5.28125 -0.5 C 4.957031 -0.1875 4.554688 0.0195312 4.078125 0.125 C 3.828125 0.1875 3.539062 0.21875 3.21875 0.21875 C 2.4375 0.21875 1.773438 -0.0625 1.234375 -0.625 C 0.691406 -1.195312 0.421875 -1.992188 0.421875 -3.015625 C 0.421875 -4.023438 0.691406 -4.84375 1.234375 -5.46875 C 1.785156 -6.101562 2.503906 -6.421875 3.390625 -6.421875 Z M 5.0625 -3.640625 C 5.019531 -4.097656 4.921875 -4.460938 4.765625 -4.734375 C 4.484375 -5.242188 4.003906 -5.5 3.328125 -5.5 C 2.835938 -5.5 2.425781 -5.320312 2.09375 -4.96875 C 1.769531 -4.625 1.597656 -4.179688 1.578125 -3.640625 Z M 3.28125 -6.421875 Z M 3.28125 -6.421875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-9"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.4375 -3.0625 C 1.4375 -2.394531 1.578125 -1.832031 1.859375 -1.375 C 2.148438 -0.925781 2.609375 -0.703125 3.234375 -0.703125 C 3.722656 -0.703125 4.125 -0.910156 4.4375 -1.328125 C 4.757812 -1.742188 4.921875 -2.347656 4.921875 -3.140625 C 4.921875 -3.929688 4.753906 -4.515625 4.421875 -4.890625 C 4.097656 -5.273438 3.703125 -5.46875 3.234375 -5.46875 C 2.703125 -5.46875 2.269531 -5.265625 1.9375 -4.859375 C 1.601562 -4.453125 1.4375 -3.851562 1.4375 -3.0625 Z M 3.03125 -6.390625 C 3.507812 -6.390625 3.910156 -6.285156 4.234375 -6.078125 C 4.421875 -5.960938 4.632812 -5.757812 4.875 -5.46875 L 4.875 -8.640625 L 5.890625 -8.640625 L 5.890625 0 L 4.9375 0 L 4.9375 -0.875 C 4.695312 -0.488281 4.40625 -0.207031 4.0625 -0.03125 C 3.726562 0.132812 3.34375 0.21875 2.90625 0.21875 C 2.207031 0.21875 1.601562 -0.0703125 1.09375 -0.65625 C 0.582031 -1.25 0.328125 -2.03125 0.328125 -3 C 0.328125 -3.914062 0.5625 -4.707031 1.03125 -5.375 C 1.5 -6.050781 2.164062 -6.390625 3.03125 -6.390625 Z M 3.03125 -6.390625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-10"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0 1.5 L 0 0.90625 L 6.671875 0.90625 L 6.671875 1.5 Z M 0 1.5 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-11"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.1875 -6.453125 C 3.894531 -6.453125 4.46875 -6.28125 4.90625 -5.9375 C 5.351562 -5.59375 5.625 -5.003906 5.71875 -4.171875 L 4.6875 -4.171875 C 4.625 -4.554688 4.484375 -4.875 4.265625 -5.125 C 4.046875 -5.382812 3.6875 -5.515625 3.1875 -5.515625 C 2.519531 -5.515625 2.039062 -5.1875 1.75 -4.53125 C 1.5625 -4.101562 1.46875 -3.578125 1.46875 -2.953125 C 1.46875 -2.328125 1.597656 -1.796875 1.859375 -1.359375 C 2.128906 -0.929688 2.550781 -0.71875 3.125 -0.71875 C 3.5625 -0.71875 3.90625 -0.851562 4.15625 -1.125 C 4.414062 -1.394531 4.59375 -1.757812 4.6875 -2.21875 L 5.71875 -2.21875 C 5.601562 -1.382812 5.3125 -0.773438 4.84375 -0.390625 C 4.375 -0.00390625 3.773438 0.1875 3.046875 0.1875 C 2.222656 0.1875 1.566406 -0.113281 1.078125 -0.71875 C 0.585938 -1.320312 0.34375 -2.070312 0.34375 -2.96875 C 0.34375 -4.070312 0.609375 -4.925781 1.140625 -5.53125 C 1.679688 -6.144531 2.363281 -6.453125 3.1875 -6.453125 Z M 3.03125 -6.421875 Z M 3.03125 -6.421875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-12"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.265625 -0.6875 C 3.960938 -0.6875 4.441406 -0.945312 4.703125 -1.46875 C 4.960938 -2 5.09375 -2.585938 5.09375 -3.234375 C 5.09375 -3.828125 5 -4.304688 4.8125 -4.671875 C 4.507812 -5.242188 4 -5.53125 3.28125 -5.53125 C 2.632812 -5.53125 2.164062 -5.285156 1.875 -4.796875 C 1.582031 -4.304688 1.4375 -3.710938 1.4375 -3.015625 C 1.4375 -2.347656 1.582031 -1.789062 1.875 -1.34375 C 2.164062 -0.90625 2.628906 -0.6875 3.265625 -0.6875 Z M 3.3125 -6.453125 C 4.113281 -6.453125 4.789062 -6.179688 5.34375 -5.640625 C 5.90625 -5.109375 6.1875 -4.316406 6.1875 -3.265625 C 6.1875 -2.253906 5.941406 -1.414062 5.453125 -0.75 C 4.960938 -0.09375 4.203125 0.234375 3.171875 0.234375 C 2.304688 0.234375 1.617188 -0.0546875 1.109375 -0.640625 C 0.597656 -1.234375 0.34375 -2.019531 0.34375 -3 C 0.34375 -4.050781 0.609375 -4.890625 1.140625 -5.515625 C 1.679688 -6.140625 2.40625 -6.453125 3.3125 -6.453125 Z M 3.265625 -6.421875 Z M 3.265625 -6.421875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-13"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.78125 -6.28125 L 1.78125 -6.28125 L 1.78125 -5.390625 C 2.070312 -5.753906 2.382812 -6.015625 2.71875 -6.171875 C 3.050781 -6.335938 3.421875 -6.421875 3.828125 -6.421875 C 4.710938 -6.421875 5.3125 -6.109375 5.625 -5.484375 C 5.800781 -5.140625 5.890625 -4.65625 5.890625 -4.03125 L 5.890625 0 L 4.8125 0 L 4.8125 -3.953125 C 4.8125 -4.335938 4.753906 -4.644531 4.640625 -4.875 C 4.453125 -5.269531 4.113281 -5.46875 3.625 -5.46875 C 3.375 -5.46875 3.171875 -5.441406 3.015625 -5.390625 C 2.722656 -5.304688 2.46875 -5.132812 2.25 -4.875 C 2.070312 -4.664062 1.957031 -4.453125 1.90625 -4.234375 C 1.851562 -4.015625 1.828125 -3.695312 1.828125 -3.28125 L 1.828125 0 L 0.78125 0 Z M 3.25 -6.421875 Z M 3.25 -6.421875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-14"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.171875 -6.28125 L 1.546875 -6.28125 L 2.984375 -4.0625 L 4.4375 -6.28125 L 5.71875 -6.25 L 3.609375 -3.21875 L 5.8125 0 L 4.46875 0 L 2.90625 -2.359375 L 1.40625 0 L 0.0625 0 L 2.28125 -3.21875 Z M 0.171875 -6.28125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-15"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.546875 -8.75 C 2.929688 -7.5625 2.535156 -6.6875 2.359375 -6.125 C 2.078125 -5.257812 1.9375 -4.269531 1.9375 -3.15625 C 1.9375 -2.019531 2.097656 -0.984375 2.421875 -0.046875 C 2.609375 0.535156 2.988281 1.367188 3.5625 2.453125 L 2.859375 2.453125 C 2.285156 1.554688 1.929688 0.984375 1.796875 0.734375 C 1.660156 0.492188 1.515625 0.160156 1.359375 -0.265625 C 1.140625 -0.835938 0.984375 -1.453125 0.890625 -2.109375 C 0.847656 -2.453125 0.828125 -2.773438 0.828125 -3.078125 C 0.828125 -4.234375 1.007812 -5.265625 1.375 -6.171875 C 1.601562 -6.742188 2.082031 -7.601562 2.8125 -8.75 Z M 3.546875 -8.75 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-16"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 5.390625 0 L 5.390625 -1.296875 L 6.609375 -1.296875 L 6.609375 0 Z M 1.390625 -1.296875 L 2.609375 -1.296875 L 2.609375 0 L 1.390625 0 Z M 9.390625 0 L 9.390625 -1.296875 L 10.609375 -1.296875 L 10.609375 0 Z M 9.390625 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-17"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.421875 2.453125 C 1.035156 1.242188 1.4375 0.359375 1.625 -0.203125 C 1.894531 -1.035156 2.03125 -2.019531 2.03125 -3.15625 C 2.03125 -4.28125 1.867188 -5.3125 1.546875 -6.25 C 1.359375 -6.832031 0.976562 -7.664062 0.40625 -8.75 L 1.109375 -8.75 C 1.710938 -7.789062 2.078125 -7.195312 2.203125 -6.96875 C 2.328125 -6.75 2.460938 -6.441406 2.609375 -6.046875 C 2.796875 -5.554688 2.929688 -5.070312 3.015625 -4.59375 C 3.097656 -4.113281 3.140625 -3.65625 3.140625 -3.21875 C 3.140625 -2.0625 2.953125 -1.03125 2.578125 -0.125 C 2.347656 0.457031 1.875 1.316406 1.15625 2.453125 Z M 0.421875 2.453125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-18"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.265625 -6.28125 L 2.46875 -1.328125 L 3.6875 -6.28125 L 4.875 -6.28125 L 6.109375 -1.359375 L 7.390625 -6.28125 L 8.4375 -6.28125 L 6.625 0 L 5.53125 0 L 4.25 -4.859375 L 3.015625 0 L 1.921875 0 L 0.109375 -6.28125 Z M 1.265625 -6.28125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-19"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.78125 -8.640625 L 1.828125 -8.640625 L 1.828125 -5.421875 C 2.078125 -5.742188 2.300781 -5.96875 2.5 -6.09375 C 2.84375 -6.3125 3.269531 -6.421875 3.78125 -6.421875 C 4.6875 -6.421875 5.300781 -6.101562 5.625 -5.46875 C 5.800781 -5.125 5.890625 -4.644531 5.890625 -4.03125 L 5.890625 0 L 4.8125 0 L 4.8125 -3.953125 C 4.8125 -4.410156 4.75 -4.75 4.625 -4.96875 C 4.4375 -5.3125 4.078125 -5.484375 3.546875 -5.484375 C 3.109375 -5.484375 2.710938 -5.332031 2.359375 -5.03125 C 2.003906 -4.726562 1.828125 -4.160156 1.828125 -3.328125 L 1.828125 0 L 0.78125 0 Z M 0.78125 -8.640625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-20"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.03125 -8.609375 L 7.296875 -8.609375 L 7.296875 -7.546875 L 2.15625 -7.546875 L 2.15625 -4.9375 L 6.921875 -4.9375 L 6.921875 -3.9375 L 2.15625 -3.9375 L 2.15625 -1.03125 L 7.390625 -1.03125 L 7.390625 0 L 1.03125 0 Z M 4.203125 -8.609375 Z M 4.203125 -8.609375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-21"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.78125 -6.28125 L 1.8125 -6.28125 L 1.8125 -5.390625 C 2.0625 -5.691406 2.289062 -5.914062 2.5 -6.0625 C 2.84375 -6.300781 3.238281 -6.421875 3.6875 -6.421875 C 4.1875 -6.421875 4.585938 -6.296875 4.890625 -6.046875 C 5.054688 -5.910156 5.210938 -5.703125 5.359375 -5.421875 C 5.585938 -5.765625 5.859375 -6.015625 6.171875 -6.171875 C 6.492188 -6.335938 6.851562 -6.421875 7.25 -6.421875 C 8.09375 -6.421875 8.664062 -6.113281 8.96875 -5.5 C 9.132812 -5.175781 9.21875 -4.734375 9.21875 -4.171875 L 9.21875 0 L 8.125 0 L 8.125 -4.359375 C 8.125 -4.773438 8.019531 -5.0625 7.8125 -5.21875 C 7.601562 -5.375 7.347656 -5.453125 7.046875 -5.453125 C 6.628906 -5.453125 6.269531 -5.3125 5.96875 -5.03125 C 5.675781 -4.757812 5.53125 -4.300781 5.53125 -3.65625 L 5.53125 0 L 4.453125 0 L 4.453125 -4.09375 C 4.453125 -4.519531 4.398438 -4.832031 4.296875 -5.03125 C 4.140625 -5.320312 3.84375 -5.46875 3.40625 -5.46875 C 3.007812 -5.46875 2.644531 -5.3125 2.3125 -5 C 1.988281 -4.695312 1.828125 -4.140625 1.828125 -3.328125 L 1.828125 0 L 0.78125 0 Z M 0.78125 -6.28125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-22"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.421875 -0.703125 C 3.910156 -0.703125 4.316406 -0.910156 4.640625 -1.328125 C 4.972656 -1.742188 5.140625 -2.359375 5.140625 -3.171875 C 5.140625 -3.671875 5.066406 -4.101562 4.921875 -4.46875 C 4.648438 -5.15625 4.148438 -5.5 3.421875 -5.5 C 2.691406 -5.5 2.191406 -5.132812 1.921875 -4.40625 C 1.773438 -4.019531 1.703125 -3.523438 1.703125 -2.921875 C 1.703125 -2.429688 1.773438 -2.019531 1.921875 -1.6875 C 2.191406 -1.03125 2.691406 -0.703125 3.421875 -0.703125 Z M 0.6875 -6.25 L 1.71875 -6.25 L 1.71875 -5.421875 C 1.925781 -5.703125 2.15625 -5.921875 2.40625 -6.078125 C 2.757812 -6.304688 3.175781 -6.421875 3.65625 -6.421875 C 4.375 -6.421875 4.976562 -6.148438 5.46875 -5.609375 C 5.96875 -5.066406 6.21875 -4.289062 6.21875 -3.28125 C 6.21875 -1.90625 5.859375 -0.925781 5.140625 -0.34375 C 4.691406 0.03125 4.164062 0.21875 3.5625 0.21875 C 3.09375 0.21875 2.695312 0.113281 2.375 -0.09375 C 2.1875 -0.21875 1.976562 -0.421875 1.75 -0.703125 L 1.75 2.5 L 0.6875 2.5 Z M 0.6875 -6.25 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-23"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 4.6875 -6.28125 L 5.859375 -6.28125 C 5.710938 -5.875 5.382812 -4.953125 4.875 -3.515625 C 4.488281 -2.441406 4.164062 -1.566406 3.90625 -0.890625 C 3.300781 0.710938 2.875 1.691406 2.625 2.046875 C 2.375 2.398438 1.941406 2.578125 1.328125 2.578125 C 1.179688 2.578125 1.066406 2.566406 0.984375 2.546875 C 0.910156 2.535156 0.8125 2.515625 0.6875 2.484375 L 0.6875 1.53125 C 0.875 1.582031 1.007812 1.613281 1.09375 1.625 C 1.175781 1.632812 1.25 1.640625 1.3125 1.640625 C 1.5 1.640625 1.640625 1.609375 1.734375 1.546875 C 1.828125 1.484375 1.90625 1.40625 1.96875 1.3125 C 1.988281 1.28125 2.054688 1.117188 2.171875 0.828125 C 2.296875 0.535156 2.382812 0.320312 2.4375 0.1875 L 0.125 -6.28125 L 1.3125 -6.28125 L 3 -1.171875 Z M 3 -6.421875 Z M 3 -6.421875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-24"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.75 -8.609375 L 1.765625 -8.609375 L 1.765625 -3.609375 L 4.46875 -6.28125 L 5.8125 -6.28125 L 3.421875 -3.921875 L 5.953125 0 L 4.609375 0 L 2.65625 -3.171875 L 1.765625 -2.359375 L 1.765625 0 L 0.75 0 Z M 0.75 -8.609375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-25"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.796875 -8.609375 L 1.859375 -8.609375 L 1.859375 0 L 0.796875 0 Z M 0.796875 -8.609375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-26"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.796875 -6.28125 L 1.8125 -6.28125 L 1.8125 -5.1875 C 1.882812 -5.40625 2.082031 -5.664062 2.40625 -5.96875 C 2.726562 -6.269531 3.097656 -6.421875 3.515625 -6.421875 C 3.535156 -6.421875 3.566406 -6.414062 3.609375 -6.40625 C 3.660156 -6.40625 3.742188 -6.398438 3.859375 -6.390625 L 3.859375 -5.28125 C 3.796875 -5.289062 3.738281 -5.296875 3.6875 -5.296875 C 3.632812 -5.296875 3.578125 -5.296875 3.515625 -5.296875 C 2.984375 -5.296875 2.570312 -5.125 2.28125 -4.78125 C 2 -4.445312 1.859375 -4.054688 1.859375 -3.609375 L 1.859375 0 L 0.796875 0 Z M 0.796875 -6.28125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-27"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.78125 -6.25 L 1.84375 -6.25 L 1.84375 0 L 0.78125 0 Z M 0.78125 -8.609375 L 1.84375 -8.609375 L 1.84375 -7.40625 L 0.78125 -7.40625 Z M 0.78125 -8.609375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-28"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.40625 -1.96875 C 1.4375 -1.613281 1.523438 -1.34375 1.671875 -1.15625 C 1.929688 -0.820312 2.390625 -0.65625 3.046875 -0.65625 C 3.441406 -0.65625 3.785156 -0.738281 4.078125 -0.90625 C 4.378906 -1.070312 4.53125 -1.332031 4.53125 -1.6875 C 4.53125 -1.957031 4.410156 -2.164062 4.171875 -2.3125 C 4.015625 -2.394531 3.710938 -2.492188 3.265625 -2.609375 L 2.421875 -2.8125 C 1.890625 -2.945312 1.5 -3.097656 1.25 -3.265625 C 0.789062 -3.546875 0.5625 -3.941406 0.5625 -4.453125 C 0.5625 -5.046875 0.773438 -5.523438 1.203125 -5.890625 C 1.628906 -6.253906 2.207031 -6.4375 2.9375 -6.4375 C 3.875 -6.4375 4.550781 -6.160156 4.96875 -5.609375 C 5.238281 -5.253906 5.367188 -4.875 5.359375 -4.46875 L 4.359375 -4.46875 C 4.335938 -4.707031 4.253906 -4.925781 4.109375 -5.125 C 3.867188 -5.394531 3.445312 -5.53125 2.84375 -5.53125 C 2.445312 -5.53125 2.144531 -5.453125 1.9375 -5.296875 C 1.738281 -5.148438 1.640625 -4.953125 1.640625 -4.703125 C 1.640625 -4.429688 1.773438 -4.210938 2.046875 -4.046875 C 2.203125 -3.953125 2.429688 -3.867188 2.734375 -3.796875 L 3.421875 -3.625 C 4.179688 -3.4375 4.691406 -3.257812 4.953125 -3.09375 C 5.359375 -2.820312 5.5625 -2.394531 5.5625 -1.8125 C 5.5625 -1.257812 5.347656 -0.78125 4.921875 -0.375 C 4.503906 0.03125 3.863281 0.234375 3 0.234375 C 2.0625 0.234375 1.394531 0.0234375 1 -0.390625 C 0.613281 -0.816406 0.410156 -1.34375 0.390625 -1.96875 Z M 2.953125 -6.421875 Z M 2.953125 -6.421875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-29"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 4.546875 -8.84375 C 5.628906 -8.84375 6.472656 -8.554688 7.078125 -7.984375 C 7.679688 -7.410156 8.015625 -6.757812 8.078125 -6.03125 L 6.9375 -6.03125 C 6.8125 -6.582031 6.554688 -7.019531 6.171875 -7.34375 C 5.785156 -7.664062 5.242188 -7.828125 4.546875 -7.828125 C 3.703125 -7.828125 3.019531 -7.53125 2.5 -6.9375 C 1.976562 -6.34375 1.71875 -5.429688 1.71875 -4.203125 C 1.71875 -3.191406 1.953125 -2.367188 2.421875 -1.734375 C 2.890625 -1.109375 3.59375 -0.796875 4.53125 -0.796875 C 5.382812 -0.796875 6.039062 -1.128906 6.5 -1.796875 C 6.726562 -2.140625 6.90625 -2.597656 7.03125 -3.171875 L 8.15625 -3.171875 C 8.0625 -2.265625 7.726562 -1.503906 7.15625 -0.890625 C 6.46875 -0.148438 5.546875 0.21875 4.390625 0.21875 C 3.390625 0.21875 2.550781 -0.0820312 1.875 -0.6875 C 0.976562 -1.488281 0.53125 -2.722656 0.53125 -4.390625 C 0.53125 -5.660156 0.863281 -6.703125 1.53125 -7.515625 C 2.257812 -8.398438 3.265625 -8.84375 4.546875 -8.84375 Z M 4.3125 -8.84375 Z M 4.3125 -8.84375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-30"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 4.640625 -8.828125 C 5.441406 -8.828125 6.140625 -8.671875 6.734375 -8.359375 C 7.585938 -7.910156 8.109375 -7.125 8.296875 -6 L 7.15625 -6 C 7.007812 -6.625 6.710938 -7.082031 6.265625 -7.375 C 5.828125 -7.664062 5.273438 -7.8125 4.609375 -7.8125 C 3.804688 -7.8125 3.132812 -7.507812 2.59375 -6.90625 C 2.050781 -6.3125 1.78125 -5.421875 1.78125 -4.234375 C 1.78125 -3.210938 2.003906 -2.378906 2.453125 -1.734375 C 2.898438 -1.097656 3.628906 -0.78125 4.640625 -0.78125 C 5.421875 -0.78125 6.066406 -1.003906 6.578125 -1.453125 C 7.085938 -1.898438 7.347656 -2.628906 7.359375 -3.640625 L 4.671875 -3.640625 L 4.671875 -4.609375 L 8.4375 -4.609375 L 8.4375 0 L 7.6875 0 L 7.40625 -1.109375 C 7.019531 -0.671875 6.671875 -0.367188 6.359375 -0.203125 C 5.847656 0.0859375 5.195312 0.234375 4.40625 0.234375 C 3.394531 0.234375 2.519531 -0.0976562 1.78125 -0.765625 C 0.976562 -1.585938 0.578125 -2.722656 0.578125 -4.171875 C 0.578125 -5.609375 0.96875 -6.753906 1.75 -7.609375 C 2.488281 -8.421875 3.453125 -8.828125 4.640625 -8.828125 Z M 4.4375 -8.84375 Z M 4.4375 -8.84375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-31"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 7.171875 -8.609375 L 7.171875 -7.578125 L 4.28125 -7.578125 L 4.28125 0 L 3.09375 0 L 3.09375 -7.578125 L 0.1875 -7.578125 L 0.1875 -8.609375 Z M 7.171875 -8.609375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-32"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.375 0 C 0.414062 -0.71875 0.566406 -1.34375 0.828125 -1.875 C 1.085938 -2.414062 1.59375 -2.90625 2.34375 -3.34375 L 3.46875 -4 C 3.96875 -4.289062 4.320312 -4.539062 4.53125 -4.75 C 4.851562 -5.070312 5.015625 -5.441406 5.015625 -5.859375 C 5.015625 -6.347656 4.863281 -6.734375 4.5625 -7.015625 C 4.269531 -7.304688 3.882812 -7.453125 3.40625 -7.453125 C 2.675781 -7.453125 2.175781 -7.179688 1.90625 -6.640625 C 1.75 -6.335938 1.664062 -5.929688 1.65625 -5.421875 L 0.578125 -5.421875 C 0.585938 -6.148438 0.722656 -6.742188 0.984375 -7.203125 C 1.441406 -8.015625 2.25 -8.421875 3.40625 -8.421875 C 4.363281 -8.421875 5.0625 -8.160156 5.5 -7.640625 C 5.945312 -7.117188 6.171875 -6.539062 6.171875 -5.90625 C 6.171875 -5.238281 5.9375 -4.664062 5.46875 -4.1875 C 5.195312 -3.90625 4.707031 -3.566406 4 -3.171875 L 3.1875 -2.734375 C 2.8125 -2.523438 2.515625 -2.320312 2.296875 -2.125 C 1.898438 -1.789062 1.648438 -1.414062 1.546875 -1 L 6.140625 -1 L 6.140625 0 Z M 0.375 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-33"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.15625 -5.9375 L 1.15625 -6.75 C 1.914062 -6.820312 2.441406 -6.945312 2.734375 -7.125 C 3.035156 -7.300781 3.265625 -7.710938 3.421875 -8.359375 L 4.25 -8.359375 L 4.25 0 L 3.125 0 L 3.125 -5.9375 Z M 1.15625 -5.9375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-34"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.125 0.234375 C 2.125 0.234375 1.398438 -0.0351562 0.953125 -0.578125 C 0.503906 -1.128906 0.28125 -1.796875 0.28125 -2.578125 L 1.390625 -2.578125 C 1.429688 -2.035156 1.53125 -1.640625 1.6875 -1.390625 C 1.96875 -0.953125 2.460938 -0.734375 3.171875 -0.734375 C 3.734375 -0.734375 4.179688 -0.878906 4.515625 -1.171875 C 4.847656 -1.472656 5.015625 -1.859375 5.015625 -2.328125 C 5.015625 -2.898438 4.835938 -3.300781 4.484375 -3.53125 C 4.128906 -3.769531 3.640625 -3.890625 3.015625 -3.890625 C 2.941406 -3.890625 2.867188 -3.882812 2.796875 -3.875 C 2.722656 -3.875 2.648438 -3.875 2.578125 -3.875 L 2.578125 -4.8125 C 2.691406 -4.789062 2.785156 -4.78125 2.859375 -4.78125 C 2.929688 -4.78125 3.007812 -4.78125 3.09375 -4.78125 C 3.488281 -4.78125 3.8125 -4.84375 4.0625 -4.96875 C 4.507812 -5.1875 4.734375 -5.578125 4.734375 -6.140625 C 4.734375 -6.554688 4.582031 -6.875 4.28125 -7.09375 C 3.988281 -7.320312 3.644531 -7.4375 3.25 -7.4375 C 2.550781 -7.4375 2.066406 -7.203125 1.796875 -6.734375 C 1.648438 -6.484375 1.566406 -6.117188 1.546875 -5.640625 L 0.5 -5.640625 C 0.5 -6.265625 0.625 -6.796875 0.875 -7.234375 C 1.300781 -8.015625 2.054688 -8.40625 3.140625 -8.40625 C 3.992188 -8.40625 4.65625 -8.210938 5.125 -7.828125 C 5.59375 -7.453125 5.828125 -6.898438 5.828125 -6.171875 C 5.828125 -5.660156 5.691406 -5.242188 5.421875 -4.921875 C 5.242188 -4.722656 5.019531 -4.566406 4.75 -4.453125 C 5.1875 -4.328125 5.53125 -4.09375 5.78125 -3.75 C 6.03125 -3.40625 6.15625 -2.984375 6.15625 -2.484375 C 6.15625 -1.679688 5.890625 -1.023438 5.359375 -0.515625 C 4.835938 -0.015625 4.09375 0.234375 3.125 0.234375 Z M 3.125 0.234375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph3-0"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 4.90625 -7.984375 L 1.21875 -7.984375 L 1.21875 -0.5625 L 4.90625 -0.5625 Z M 5.515625 -8.546875 L 5.515625 -0.015625 L 0.609375 -0.015625 L 0.609375 -8.546875 Z M 5.515625 -8.546875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph3-1"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.84375 -7.3125 L 1.84375 -8.5625 L 0.828125 -8.5625 L 0.828125 -7.3125 Z M 0.828125 -6.203125 L 0.828125 0 L 1.84375 0 L 1.84375 -6.203125 Z M 0.828125 -6.203125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph3-2"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.390625 -1.953125 L 0.375 -1.953125 C 0.382812 -1.566406 0.460938 -1.238281 0.609375 -0.96875 C 0.753906 -0.707031 0.945312 -0.492188 1.1875 -0.328125 C 1.425781 -0.160156 1.703125 -0.046875 2.015625 0.015625 C 2.328125 0.0859375 2.65625 0.125 3 0.125 C 3.3125 0.125 3.625 0.09375 3.9375 0.03125 C 4.257812 -0.0195312 4.546875 -0.117188 4.796875 -0.265625 C 5.046875 -0.421875 5.25 -0.625 5.40625 -0.875 C 5.5625 -1.125 5.640625 -1.4375 5.640625 -1.8125 C 5.640625 -2.101562 5.582031 -2.347656 5.46875 -2.546875 C 5.351562 -2.753906 5.203125 -2.921875 5.015625 -3.046875 C 4.828125 -3.179688 4.609375 -3.285156 4.359375 -3.359375 C 4.117188 -3.441406 3.867188 -3.515625 3.609375 -3.578125 C 3.367188 -3.628906 3.128906 -3.679688 2.890625 -3.734375 C 2.648438 -3.785156 2.429688 -3.847656 2.234375 -3.921875 C 2.046875 -4.003906 1.890625 -4.101562 1.765625 -4.21875 C 1.640625 -4.332031 1.578125 -4.476562 1.578125 -4.65625 C 1.578125 -4.8125 1.617188 -4.941406 1.703125 -5.046875 C 1.785156 -5.148438 1.890625 -5.226562 2.015625 -5.28125 C 2.140625 -5.34375 2.28125 -5.382812 2.4375 -5.40625 C 2.59375 -5.4375 2.75 -5.453125 2.90625 -5.453125 C 3.070312 -5.453125 3.234375 -5.429688 3.390625 -5.390625 C 3.554688 -5.359375 3.707031 -5.300781 3.84375 -5.21875 C 3.988281 -5.132812 4.101562 -5.023438 4.1875 -4.890625 C 4.269531 -4.765625 4.320312 -4.601562 4.34375 -4.40625 L 5.359375 -4.40625 C 5.335938 -4.78125 5.257812 -5.09375 5.125 -5.34375 C 4.988281 -5.59375 4.804688 -5.789062 4.578125 -5.9375 C 4.347656 -6.09375 4.082031 -6.195312 3.78125 -6.25 C 3.488281 -6.3125 3.164062 -6.34375 2.8125 -6.34375 C 2.539062 -6.34375 2.265625 -6.304688 1.984375 -6.234375 C 1.710938 -6.171875 1.46875 -6.066406 1.25 -5.921875 C 1.03125 -5.785156 0.847656 -5.601562 0.703125 -5.375 C 0.566406 -5.15625 0.5 -4.890625 0.5 -4.578125 C 0.5 -4.179688 0.597656 -3.867188 0.796875 -3.640625 C 1.003906 -3.421875 1.253906 -3.25 1.546875 -3.125 C 1.847656 -3 2.175781 -2.898438 2.53125 -2.828125 C 2.882812 -2.765625 3.207031 -2.691406 3.5 -2.609375 C 3.800781 -2.523438 4.050781 -2.414062 4.25 -2.28125 C 4.457031 -2.144531 4.5625 -1.945312 4.5625 -1.6875 C 4.5625 -1.488281 4.507812 -1.328125 4.40625 -1.203125 C 4.3125 -1.078125 4.191406 -0.984375 4.046875 -0.921875 C 3.898438 -0.859375 3.738281 -0.8125 3.5625 -0.78125 C 3.382812 -0.757812 3.21875 -0.75 3.0625 -0.75 C 2.851562 -0.75 2.648438 -0.769531 2.453125 -0.8125 C 2.253906 -0.851562 2.078125 -0.921875 1.921875 -1.015625 C 1.765625 -1.109375 1.640625 -1.234375 1.546875 -1.390625 C 1.453125 -1.546875 1.398438 -1.734375 1.390625 -1.953125 Z M 1.390625 -1.953125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph3-3"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.9375 -8.5625 L 0.9375 0 L 6.890625 0 L 6.890625 -0.953125 L 2.078125 -0.953125 L 2.078125 -3.921875 L 6.53125 -3.921875 L 6.53125 -4.890625 L 2.078125 -4.890625 L 2.078125 -7.609375 L 6.859375 -7.609375 L 6.859375 -8.5625 Z M 0.9375 -8.5625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph3-4"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.765625 -6.203125 L 0.765625 0 L 1.78125 0 L 1.78125 -3.859375 C 1.78125 -3.984375 1.8125 -4.132812 1.875 -4.3125 C 1.9375 -4.488281 2.03125 -4.660156 2.15625 -4.828125 C 2.289062 -5.003906 2.460938 -5.148438 2.671875 -5.265625 C 2.890625 -5.390625 3.144531 -5.453125 3.4375 -5.453125 C 3.675781 -5.453125 3.867188 -5.414062 4.015625 -5.34375 C 4.160156 -5.28125 4.273438 -5.1875 4.359375 -5.0625 C 4.453125 -4.9375 4.515625 -4.789062 4.546875 -4.625 C 4.585938 -4.457031 4.609375 -4.269531 4.609375 -4.0625 L 4.609375 0 L 5.625 0 L 5.625 -3.859375 C 5.625 -4.335938 5.765625 -4.722656 6.046875 -5.015625 C 6.335938 -5.304688 6.738281 -5.453125 7.25 -5.453125 C 7.5 -5.453125 7.703125 -5.414062 7.859375 -5.34375 C 8.015625 -5.269531 8.132812 -5.171875 8.21875 -5.046875 C 8.3125 -4.921875 8.375 -4.773438 8.40625 -4.609375 C 8.4375 -4.441406 8.453125 -4.257812 8.453125 -4.0625 L 8.453125 0 L 9.46875 0 L 9.46875 -4.546875 C 9.46875 -4.867188 9.414062 -5.144531 9.3125 -5.375 C 9.21875 -5.601562 9.078125 -5.785156 8.890625 -5.921875 C 8.710938 -6.066406 8.5 -6.171875 8.25 -6.234375 C 8 -6.304688 7.71875 -6.34375 7.40625 -6.34375 C 7 -6.34375 6.625 -6.25 6.28125 -6.0625 C 5.9375 -5.882812 5.660156 -5.628906 5.453125 -5.296875 C 5.328125 -5.679688 5.109375 -5.953125 4.796875 -6.109375 C 4.484375 -6.265625 4.132812 -6.34375 3.75 -6.34375 C 2.882812 -6.34375 2.21875 -5.992188 1.75 -5.296875 L 1.734375 -5.296875 L 1.734375 -6.203125 Z M 0.765625 -6.203125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph3-5"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.796875 -6.203125 L 0.796875 2.359375 L 1.828125 2.359375 L 1.828125 -0.828125 L 1.84375 -0.828125 C 1.957031 -0.640625 2.097656 -0.484375 2.265625 -0.359375 C 2.429688 -0.242188 2.601562 -0.148438 2.78125 -0.078125 C 2.96875 -0.00390625 3.15625 0.046875 3.34375 0.078125 C 3.53125 0.109375 3.703125 0.125 3.859375 0.125 C 4.328125 0.125 4.738281 0.0390625 5.09375 -0.125 C 5.445312 -0.289062 5.742188 -0.519531 5.984375 -0.8125 C 6.222656 -1.101562 6.398438 -1.441406 6.515625 -1.828125 C 6.628906 -2.222656 6.6875 -2.640625 6.6875 -3.078125 C 6.6875 -3.523438 6.625 -3.941406 6.5 -4.328125 C 6.382812 -4.722656 6.207031 -5.066406 5.96875 -5.359375 C 5.726562 -5.660156 5.429688 -5.898438 5.078125 -6.078125 C 4.722656 -6.253906 4.304688 -6.34375 3.828125 -6.34375 C 3.398438 -6.34375 3.003906 -6.265625 2.640625 -6.109375 C 2.273438 -5.953125 2.007812 -5.703125 1.84375 -5.359375 L 1.828125 -5.359375 L 1.828125 -6.203125 Z M 5.609375 -3.15625 C 5.609375 -2.851562 5.570312 -2.554688 5.5 -2.265625 C 5.4375 -1.984375 5.332031 -1.726562 5.1875 -1.5 C 5.050781 -1.269531 4.863281 -1.085938 4.625 -0.953125 C 4.382812 -0.816406 4.09375 -0.75 3.75 -0.75 C 3.394531 -0.75 3.09375 -0.816406 2.84375 -0.953125 C 2.59375 -1.085938 2.390625 -1.257812 2.234375 -1.46875 C 2.078125 -1.6875 1.960938 -1.9375 1.890625 -2.21875 C 1.816406 -2.507812 1.78125 -2.804688 1.78125 -3.109375 C 1.78125 -3.398438 1.8125 -3.679688 1.875 -3.953125 C 1.945312 -4.234375 2.0625 -4.484375 2.21875 -4.703125 C 2.375 -4.929688 2.570312 -5.113281 2.8125 -5.25 C 3.050781 -5.382812 3.34375 -5.453125 3.6875 -5.453125 C 4.007812 -5.453125 4.289062 -5.382812 4.53125 -5.25 C 4.78125 -5.125 4.984375 -4.953125 5.140625 -4.734375 C 5.296875 -4.523438 5.410156 -4.28125 5.484375 -4 C 5.566406 -3.726562 5.609375 -3.445312 5.609375 -3.15625 Z M 5.609375 -3.15625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph3-6"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.1875 -6.203125 L 2.1875 -8.0625 L 1.15625 -8.0625 L 1.15625 -6.203125 L 0.109375 -6.203125 L 0.109375 -5.296875 L 1.15625 -5.296875 L 1.15625 -1.359375 C 1.15625 -1.066406 1.179688 -0.832031 1.234375 -0.65625 C 1.296875 -0.476562 1.382812 -0.34375 1.5 -0.25 C 1.625 -0.15625 1.78125 -0.0859375 1.96875 -0.046875 C 2.15625 -0.015625 2.378906 0 2.640625 0 L 3.421875 0 L 3.421875 -0.90625 L 2.953125 -0.90625 C 2.796875 -0.90625 2.664062 -0.910156 2.5625 -0.921875 C 2.457031 -0.929688 2.378906 -0.957031 2.328125 -1 C 2.273438 -1.039062 2.238281 -1.09375 2.21875 -1.15625 C 2.195312 -1.226562 2.1875 -1.328125 2.1875 -1.453125 L 2.1875 -5.296875 L 3.421875 -5.296875 L 3.421875 -6.203125 Z M 2.1875 -6.203125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph3-7"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.203125 0.828125 C 3.085938 1.128906 2.96875 1.382812 2.84375 1.59375 C 2.726562 1.800781 2.597656 1.96875 2.453125 2.09375 C 2.316406 2.226562 2.160156 2.328125 1.984375 2.390625 C 1.816406 2.453125 1.625 2.484375 1.40625 2.484375 C 1.28125 2.484375 1.15625 2.472656 1.03125 2.453125 C 0.914062 2.441406 0.804688 2.414062 0.703125 2.375 L 0.703125 1.4375 C 0.785156 1.476562 0.882812 1.507812 1 1.53125 C 1.113281 1.5625 1.210938 1.578125 1.296875 1.578125 C 1.503906 1.578125 1.675781 1.523438 1.8125 1.421875 C 1.957031 1.328125 2.066406 1.191406 2.140625 1.015625 L 2.5625 -0.03125 L 0.09375 -6.203125 L 1.25 -6.203125 L 3.0625 -1.125 L 3.078125 -1.125 L 4.828125 -6.203125 L 5.90625 -6.203125 Z M 3.203125 0.828125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph3-8"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 6.953125 -5.984375 L 8.09375 -5.984375 C 8.03125 -6.441406 7.894531 -6.84375 7.6875 -7.1875 C 7.476562 -7.539062 7.21875 -7.832031 6.90625 -8.0625 C 6.59375 -8.289062 6.238281 -8.460938 5.84375 -8.578125 C 5.445312 -8.703125 5.023438 -8.765625 4.578125 -8.765625 C 3.921875 -8.765625 3.335938 -8.644531 2.828125 -8.40625 C 2.316406 -8.175781 1.890625 -7.859375 1.546875 -7.453125 C 1.210938 -7.046875 0.957031 -6.566406 0.78125 -6.015625 C 0.601562 -5.472656 0.515625 -4.890625 0.515625 -4.265625 C 0.515625 -3.640625 0.597656 -3.050781 0.765625 -2.5 C 0.929688 -1.957031 1.175781 -1.484375 1.5 -1.078125 C 1.820312 -0.679688 2.234375 -0.367188 2.734375 -0.140625 C 3.234375 0.078125 3.8125 0.1875 4.46875 0.1875 C 5.570312 0.1875 6.4375 -0.109375 7.0625 -0.703125 C 7.695312 -1.304688 8.070312 -2.148438 8.1875 -3.234375 L 7.046875 -3.234375 C 7.023438 -2.878906 6.953125 -2.546875 6.828125 -2.234375 C 6.703125 -1.929688 6.535156 -1.671875 6.328125 -1.453125 C 6.117188 -1.234375 5.867188 -1.0625 5.578125 -0.9375 C 5.285156 -0.8125 4.953125 -0.75 4.578125 -0.75 C 4.054688 -0.75 3.613281 -0.84375 3.25 -1.03125 C 2.882812 -1.226562 2.582031 -1.488281 2.34375 -1.8125 C 2.101562 -2.132812 1.925781 -2.515625 1.8125 -2.953125 C 1.707031 -3.390625 1.65625 -3.851562 1.65625 -4.34375 C 1.65625 -4.789062 1.707031 -5.222656 1.8125 -5.640625 C 1.925781 -6.054688 2.101562 -6.425781 2.34375 -6.75 C 2.582031 -7.070312 2.882812 -7.328125 3.25 -7.515625 C 3.613281 -7.710938 4.050781 -7.8125 4.5625 -7.8125 C 5.15625 -7.8125 5.671875 -7.660156 6.109375 -7.359375 C 6.546875 -7.054688 6.828125 -6.597656 6.953125 -5.984375 Z M 6.953125 -5.984375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph3-9"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.515625 -3.09375 C 1.515625 -3.46875 1.5625 -3.800781 1.65625 -4.09375 C 1.757812 -4.382812 1.898438 -4.628906 2.078125 -4.828125 C 2.253906 -5.035156 2.457031 -5.191406 2.6875 -5.296875 C 2.925781 -5.398438 3.175781 -5.453125 3.4375 -5.453125 C 3.707031 -5.453125 3.957031 -5.398438 4.1875 -5.296875 C 4.425781 -5.191406 4.632812 -5.035156 4.8125 -4.828125 C 4.988281 -4.628906 5.125 -4.382812 5.21875 -4.09375 C 5.320312 -3.800781 5.375 -3.46875 5.375 -3.09375 C 5.375 -2.71875 5.320312 -2.382812 5.21875 -2.09375 C 5.125 -1.800781 4.988281 -1.554688 4.8125 -1.359375 C 4.632812 -1.160156 4.425781 -1.007812 4.1875 -0.90625 C 3.957031 -0.800781 3.707031 -0.75 3.4375 -0.75 C 3.175781 -0.75 2.925781 -0.800781 2.6875 -0.90625 C 2.457031 -1.007812 2.253906 -1.160156 2.078125 -1.359375 C 1.898438 -1.554688 1.757812 -1.800781 1.65625 -2.09375 C 1.5625 -2.382812 1.515625 -2.71875 1.515625 -3.09375 Z M 0.4375 -3.09375 C 0.4375 -2.632812 0.5 -2.207031 0.625 -1.8125 C 0.75 -1.425781 0.9375 -1.085938 1.1875 -0.796875 C 1.445312 -0.503906 1.765625 -0.273438 2.140625 -0.109375 C 2.523438 0.046875 2.957031 0.125 3.4375 0.125 C 3.9375 0.125 4.367188 0.046875 4.734375 -0.109375 C 5.109375 -0.273438 5.425781 -0.503906 5.6875 -0.796875 C 5.945312 -1.085938 6.140625 -1.425781 6.265625 -1.8125 C 6.390625 -2.207031 6.453125 -2.632812 6.453125 -3.09375 C 6.453125 -3.550781 6.390625 -3.976562 6.265625 -4.375 C 6.140625 -4.769531 5.945312 -5.113281 5.6875 -5.40625 C 5.425781 -5.695312 5.109375 -5.925781 4.734375 -6.09375 C 4.367188 -6.257812 3.9375 -6.34375 3.4375 -6.34375 C 2.957031 -6.34375 2.523438 -6.257812 2.140625 -6.09375 C 1.765625 -5.925781 1.445312 -5.695312 1.1875 -5.40625 C 0.9375 -5.113281 0.75 -4.769531 0.625 -4.375 C 0.5 -3.976562 0.4375 -3.550781 0.4375 -3.09375 Z M 0.4375 -3.09375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph3-10"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.515625 -3.046875 C 1.515625 -3.347656 1.546875 -3.644531 1.609375 -3.9375 C 1.671875 -4.226562 1.773438 -4.484375 1.921875 -4.703125 C 2.066406 -4.929688 2.257812 -5.113281 2.5 -5.25 C 2.738281 -5.382812 3.03125 -5.453125 3.375 -5.453125 C 3.726562 -5.453125 4.023438 -5.382812 4.265625 -5.25 C 4.515625 -5.113281 4.71875 -4.9375 4.875 -4.71875 C 5.03125 -4.507812 5.144531 -4.257812 5.21875 -3.96875 C 5.289062 -3.6875 5.328125 -3.394531 5.328125 -3.09375 C 5.328125 -2.800781 5.289062 -2.515625 5.21875 -2.234375 C 5.15625 -1.960938 5.046875 -1.710938 4.890625 -1.484375 C 4.742188 -1.265625 4.550781 -1.085938 4.3125 -0.953125 C 4.070312 -0.816406 3.78125 -0.75 3.4375 -0.75 C 3.101562 -0.75 2.8125 -0.8125 2.5625 -0.9375 C 2.320312 -1.070312 2.125 -1.242188 1.96875 -1.453125 C 1.8125 -1.671875 1.695312 -1.914062 1.625 -2.1875 C 1.550781 -2.46875 1.515625 -2.753906 1.515625 -3.046875 Z M 6.3125 0 L 6.3125 -8.5625 L 5.296875 -8.5625 L 5.296875 -5.375 L 5.265625 -5.375 C 5.148438 -5.5625 5.007812 -5.71875 4.84375 -5.84375 C 4.6875 -5.96875 4.515625 -6.066406 4.328125 -6.140625 C 4.148438 -6.210938 3.96875 -6.265625 3.78125 -6.296875 C 3.59375 -6.328125 3.421875 -6.34375 3.265625 -6.34375 C 2.796875 -6.34375 2.378906 -6.253906 2.015625 -6.078125 C 1.660156 -5.910156 1.363281 -5.679688 1.125 -5.390625 C 0.894531 -5.097656 0.722656 -4.753906 0.609375 -4.359375 C 0.492188 -3.972656 0.4375 -3.5625 0.4375 -3.125 C 0.4375 -2.675781 0.492188 -2.253906 0.609375 -1.859375 C 0.734375 -1.472656 0.910156 -1.128906 1.140625 -0.828125 C 1.378906 -0.535156 1.675781 -0.300781 2.03125 -0.125 C 2.382812 0.0390625 2.800781 0.125 3.28125 0.125 C 3.71875 0.125 4.113281 0.0507812 4.46875 -0.09375 C 4.832031 -0.25 5.097656 -0.5 5.265625 -0.84375 L 5.296875 -0.84375 L 5.296875 0 Z M 6.3125 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph3-11"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 5.078125 -3.703125 L 1.515625 -3.703125 C 1.523438 -3.941406 1.570312 -4.164062 1.65625 -4.375 C 1.75 -4.582031 1.867188 -4.765625 2.015625 -4.921875 C 2.171875 -5.085938 2.351562 -5.21875 2.5625 -5.3125 C 2.78125 -5.40625 3.019531 -5.453125 3.28125 -5.453125 C 3.539062 -5.453125 3.773438 -5.40625 3.984375 -5.3125 C 4.203125 -5.21875 4.390625 -5.09375 4.546875 -4.9375 C 4.703125 -4.78125 4.820312 -4.59375 4.90625 -4.375 C 5 -4.164062 5.054688 -3.941406 5.078125 -3.703125 Z M 6.0625 -1.96875 L 5.046875 -1.96875 C 4.960938 -1.5625 4.78125 -1.253906 4.5 -1.046875 C 4.226562 -0.847656 3.875 -0.75 3.4375 -0.75 C 3.101562 -0.75 2.8125 -0.804688 2.5625 -0.921875 C 2.320312 -1.035156 2.117188 -1.1875 1.953125 -1.375 C 1.796875 -1.5625 1.679688 -1.773438 1.609375 -2.015625 C 1.535156 -2.265625 1.503906 -2.523438 1.515625 -2.796875 L 6.15625 -2.796875 C 6.175781 -3.171875 6.140625 -3.566406 6.046875 -3.984375 C 5.960938 -4.398438 5.8125 -4.78125 5.59375 -5.125 C 5.375 -5.476562 5.082031 -5.769531 4.71875 -6 C 4.351562 -6.226562 3.894531 -6.34375 3.34375 -6.34375 C 2.925781 -6.34375 2.535156 -6.265625 2.171875 -6.109375 C 1.816406 -5.953125 1.507812 -5.726562 1.25 -5.4375 C 0.988281 -5.144531 0.785156 -4.800781 0.640625 -4.40625 C 0.503906 -4.019531 0.4375 -3.59375 0.4375 -3.125 C 0.445312 -2.644531 0.515625 -2.207031 0.640625 -1.8125 C 0.765625 -1.414062 0.953125 -1.070312 1.203125 -0.78125 C 1.453125 -0.488281 1.753906 -0.265625 2.109375 -0.109375 C 2.472656 0.046875 2.90625 0.125 3.40625 0.125 C 4.113281 0.125 4.695312 -0.046875 5.15625 -0.390625 C 5.625 -0.742188 5.925781 -1.269531 6.0625 -1.96875 Z M 6.0625 -1.96875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph3-12"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d=""/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph3-13"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 7.34375 -1.0625 L 7.640625 0 L 8.359375 0 L 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7.828125 -7.21875 C 7.609375 -7.570312 7.335938 -7.863281 7.015625 -8.09375 C 6.691406 -8.332031 6.320312 -8.503906 5.90625 -8.609375 C 5.5 -8.710938 5.0625 -8.765625 4.59375 -8.765625 C 3.914062 -8.765625 3.320312 -8.640625 2.8125 -8.390625 C 2.300781 -8.140625 1.875 -7.800781 1.53125 -7.375 C 1.195312 -6.957031 0.941406 -6.460938 0.765625 -5.890625 C 0.597656 -5.328125 0.515625 -4.734375 0.515625 -4.109375 C 0.515625 -3.554688 0.601562 -3.019531 0.78125 -2.5 C 0.96875 -1.976562 1.238281 -1.515625 1.59375 -1.109375 C 1.945312 -0.710938 2.375 -0.394531 2.875 -0.15625 C 3.382812 0.0703125 3.957031 0.1875 4.59375 0.1875 C 5.101562 0.1875 5.601562 0.09375 6.09375 -0.09375 C 6.59375 -0.289062 7.007812 -0.613281 7.34375 -1.0625 Z M 7.34375 -1.0625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph3-14"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 6.265625 -0.03125 C 6.085938 0.0703125 5.84375 0.125 5.53125 0.125 C 5.269531 0.125 5.0625 0.0507812 4.90625 -0.09375 C 4.75 -0.238281 4.671875 -0.476562 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3.734375 -0.8125 C 3.367188 -0.8125 3.050781 -0.875 2.78125 -1 C 2.507812 -1.125 2.285156 -1.285156 2.109375 -1.484375 C 1.941406 -1.691406 1.816406 -1.925781 1.734375 -2.1875 C 1.660156 -2.457031 1.628906 -2.738281 1.640625 -3.03125 L 6.671875 -3.03125 C 6.679688 -3.4375 6.640625 -3.863281 6.546875 -4.3125 C 6.460938 -4.757812 6.300781 -5.175781 6.0625 -5.5625 C 5.820312 -5.945312 5.503906 -6.257812 5.109375 -6.5 C 4.722656 -6.75 4.226562 -6.875 3.625 -6.875 C 3.164062 -6.875 2.742188 -6.785156 2.359375 -6.609375 C 1.972656 -6.441406 1.640625 -6.203125 1.359375 -5.890625 C 1.078125 -5.578125 0.859375 -5.207031 0.703125 -4.78125 C 0.546875 -4.351562 0.46875 -3.882812 0.46875 -3.375 C 0.488281 -2.863281 0.5625 -2.390625 0.6875 -1.953125 C 0.820312 -1.523438 1.023438 -1.15625 1.296875 -0.84375 C 1.566406 -0.53125 1.898438 -0.285156 2.296875 -0.109375 C 2.691406 0.0546875 3.15625 0.140625 3.6875 0.140625 C 4.457031 0.140625 5.09375 -0.046875 5.59375 -0.421875 C 6.09375 -0.804688 6.414062 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-7.390625 2.28125 -7.578125 C 2.425781 -7.773438 2.601562 -7.929688 2.8125 -8.046875 C 3.03125 -8.171875 3.296875 -8.234375 3.609375 -8.234375 C 3.921875 -8.234375 4.1875 -8.171875 4.40625 -8.046875 C 4.625 -7.929688 4.800781 -7.773438 4.9375 -7.578125 C 5.082031 -7.390625 5.191406 -7.164062 5.265625 -6.90625 C 5.335938 -6.644531 5.394531 -6.375 5.4375 -6.09375 C 5.476562 -5.820312 5.5 -5.550781 5.5 -5.28125 C 5.507812 -5.007812 5.515625 -4.757812 5.515625 -4.53125 C 5.515625 -4.1875 5.503906 -3.800781 5.484375 -3.375 C 5.460938 -2.945312 5.390625 -2.539062 5.265625 -2.15625 C 5.148438 -1.78125 4.960938 -1.460938 4.703125 -1.203125 C 4.441406 -0.941406 4.078125 -0.8125 3.609375 -0.8125 C 3.140625 -0.8125 2.773438 -0.941406 2.515625 -1.203125 C 2.253906 -1.460938 2.066406 -1.78125 1.953125 -2.15625 C 1.835938 -2.539062 1.769531 -2.945312 1.75 -3.375 C 1.726562 -3.800781 1.71875 -4.1875 1.71875 -4.53125 Z M 0.546875 -4.53125 C 0.546875 -4.1875 0.550781 -3.832031 0.5625 -3.46875 C 0.582031 -3.101562 0.628906 -2.75 0.703125 -2.40625 C 0.773438 -2.0625 0.875 -1.734375 1 -1.421875 C 1.132812 -1.117188 1.3125 -0.847656 1.53125 -0.609375 C 1.757812 -0.378906 2.046875 -0.195312 2.390625 -0.0625 C 2.734375 0.0703125 3.140625 0.140625 3.609375 0.140625 C 4.097656 0.140625 4.507812 0.0703125 4.84375 -0.0625 C 5.1875 -0.195312 5.46875 -0.378906 5.6875 -0.609375 C 5.914062 -0.847656 6.09375 -1.117188 6.21875 -1.421875 C 6.351562 -1.734375 6.453125 -2.0625 6.515625 -2.40625 C 6.585938 -2.75 6.632812 -3.101562 6.65625 -3.46875 C 6.675781 -3.832031 6.6875 -4.1875 6.6875 -4.53125 C 6.6875 -4.863281 6.675781 -5.210938 6.65625 -5.578125 C 6.632812 -5.941406 6.585938 -6.296875 6.515625 -6.640625 C 6.453125 -6.984375 6.351562 -7.3125 6.21875 -7.625 C 6.09375 -7.9375 5.914062 -8.207031 5.6875 -8.4375 C 5.46875 -8.675781 5.1875 -8.863281 4.84375 -9 C 4.5 -9.144531 4.085938 -9.21875 3.609375 -9.21875 C 3.140625 -9.21875 2.734375 -9.144531 2.390625 -9 C 2.046875 -8.863281 1.757812 -8.675781 1.53125 -8.4375 C 1.3125 -8.207031 1.132812 -7.9375 1 -7.625 C 0.875 -7.3125 0.773438 -6.984375 0.703125 -6.640625 C 0.628906 -6.296875 0.582031 -5.941406 0.5625 -5.578125 C 0.550781 -5.210938 0.546875 -4.863281 0.546875 -4.53125 Z M 0.546875 -4.53125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-14"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M -0.109375 2.5625 L 0.71875 2.5625 C 1.394531 1.664062 1.898438 0.703125 2.234375 -0.328125 C 2.578125 -1.367188 2.75 -2.398438 2.75 -3.421875 C 2.75 -3.992188 2.703125 -4.539062 2.609375 -5.0625 C 2.515625 -5.582031 2.378906 -6.085938 2.203125 -6.578125 C 2.023438 -7.078125 1.8125 -7.566406 1.5625 -8.046875 C 1.3125 -8.535156 1.03125 -9.019531 0.71875 -9.5 L -0.109375 -9.5 C 0.492188 -8.507812 0.925781 -7.519531 1.1875 -6.53125 C 1.457031 -5.550781 1.59375 -4.515625 1.59375 -3.421875 C 1.59375 -2.359375 1.460938 -1.335938 1.203125 -0.359375 C 0.941406 0.609375 0.503906 1.582031 -0.109375 2.5625 Z M -0.109375 2.5625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-15"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 4.625 0 L 4.625 -9.21875 L 3.78125 -9.21875 C 3.71875 -8.875 3.601562 -8.585938 3.4375 -8.359375 C 3.28125 -8.128906 3.082031 -7.945312 2.84375 -7.8125 C 2.601562 -7.6875 2.332031 -7.597656 2.03125 -7.546875 C 1.738281 -7.503906 1.4375 -7.484375 1.125 -7.484375 L 1.125 -6.609375 L 3.515625 -6.609375 L 3.515625 0 Z M 4.625 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-16"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.578125 -5.953125 L 1.671875 -5.953125 C 1.660156 -6.234375 1.6875 -6.507812 1.75 -6.78125 C 1.820312 -7.050781 1.929688 -7.296875 2.078125 -7.515625 C 2.222656 -7.734375 2.410156 -7.90625 2.640625 -8.03125 C 2.867188 -8.164062 3.144531 -8.234375 3.46875 -8.234375 C 3.707031 -8.234375 3.9375 -8.195312 4.15625 -8.125 C 4.375 -8.050781 4.5625 -7.9375 4.71875 -7.78125 C 4.882812 -7.632812 5.015625 -7.457031 5.109375 -7.25 C 5.203125 -7.050781 5.25 -6.828125 5.25 -6.578125 C 5.25 -6.253906 5.195312 -5.972656 5.09375 -5.734375 C 5 -5.492188 4.851562 -5.269531 4.65625 -5.0625 C 4.46875 -4.851562 4.222656 -4.644531 3.921875 -4.4375 C 3.628906 -4.238281 3.289062 -4.015625 2.90625 -3.765625 C 2.582031 -3.578125 2.269531 -3.375 1.96875 -3.15625 C 1.675781 -2.9375 1.410156 -2.679688 1.171875 -2.390625 C 0.941406 -2.109375 0.75 -1.773438 0.59375 -1.390625 C 0.445312 -1.003906 0.351562 -0.539062 0.3125 0 L 6.328125 0 L 6.328125 -0.96875 L 1.59375 -0.96875 C 1.644531 -1.257812 1.753906 -1.515625 1.921875 -1.734375 C 2.097656 -1.953125 2.304688 -2.15625 2.546875 -2.34375 C 2.785156 -2.539062 3.046875 -2.722656 3.328125 -2.890625 C 3.609375 -3.054688 3.894531 -3.226562 4.1875 -3.40625 C 4.46875 -3.582031 4.742188 -3.769531 5.015625 -3.96875 C 5.285156 -4.175781 5.523438 -4.398438 5.734375 -4.640625 C 5.941406 -4.890625 6.109375 -5.171875 6.234375 -5.484375 C 6.359375 -5.796875 6.421875 -6.15625 6.421875 -6.5625 C 6.421875 -7 6.34375 -7.378906 6.1875 -7.703125 C 6.039062 -8.035156 5.835938 -8.3125 5.578125 -8.53125 C 5.316406 -8.75 5.007812 -8.914062 4.65625 -9.03125 C 4.3125 -9.15625 3.9375 -9.21875 3.53125 -9.21875 C 3.050781 -9.21875 2.617188 -9.132812 2.234375 -8.96875 C 1.847656 -8.800781 1.523438 -8.570312 1.265625 -8.28125 C 1.015625 -8 0.828125 -7.65625 0.703125 -7.25 C 0.585938 -6.851562 0.546875 -6.421875 0.578125 -5.953125 Z M 0.578125 -5.953125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-17"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.828125 -5.265625 L 2.828125 -4.328125 C 3.035156 -4.359375 3.257812 -4.375 3.5 -4.375 C 3.769531 -4.375 4.023438 -4.332031 4.265625 -4.25 C 4.503906 -4.175781 4.707031 -4.0625 4.875 -3.90625 C 5.050781 -3.757812 5.191406 -3.578125 5.296875 -3.359375 C 5.398438 -3.140625 5.453125 -2.882812 5.453125 -2.59375 C 5.453125 -2.320312 5.398438 -2.070312 5.296875 -1.84375 C 5.191406 -1.625 5.046875 -1.4375 4.859375 -1.28125 C 4.679688 -1.132812 4.46875 -1.019531 4.21875 -0.9375 C 3.976562 -0.851562 3.722656 -0.8125 3.453125 -0.8125 C 2.828125 -0.8125 2.347656 -1 2.015625 -1.375 C 1.679688 -1.757812 1.507812 -2.25 1.5 -2.84375 L 0.390625 -2.84375 C 0.378906 -2.363281 0.445312 -1.9375 0.59375 -1.5625 C 0.738281 -1.195312 0.941406 -0.882812 1.203125 -0.625 C 1.472656 -0.375 1.796875 -0.179688 2.171875 -0.046875 C 2.554688 0.078125 2.984375 0.140625 3.453125 0.140625 C 3.890625 0.140625 4.300781 0.0820312 4.6875 -0.03125 C 5.070312 -0.144531 5.40625 -0.316406 5.6875 -0.546875 C 5.976562 -0.785156 6.207031 -1.082031 6.375 -1.4375 C 6.539062 -1.789062 6.625 -2.195312 6.625 -2.65625 C 6.625 -3.207031 6.488281 -3.6875 6.21875 -4.09375 C 5.945312 -4.5 5.53125 -4.765625 4.96875 -4.890625 L 4.96875 -4.90625 C 5.332031 -5.070312 5.632812 -5.316406 5.875 -5.640625 C 6.113281 -5.960938 6.234375 -6.332031 6.234375 -6.75 C 6.234375 -7.175781 6.160156 -7.539062 6.015625 -7.84375 C 5.878906 -8.15625 5.6875 -8.410156 5.4375 -8.609375 C 5.1875 -8.816406 4.890625 -8.96875 4.546875 -9.0625 C 4.203125 -9.164062 3.832031 -9.21875 3.4375 -9.21875 C 2.976562 -9.21875 2.570312 -9.144531 2.21875 -9 C 1.863281 -8.851562 1.566406 -8.648438 1.328125 -8.390625 C 1.097656 -8.128906 0.921875 -7.816406 0.796875 -7.453125 C 0.671875 -7.085938 0.597656 -6.679688 0.578125 -6.234375 L 1.6875 -6.234375 C 1.6875 -6.503906 1.71875 -6.757812 1.78125 -7 C 1.851562 -7.25 1.960938 -7.460938 2.109375 -7.640625 C 2.253906 -7.828125 2.4375 -7.972656 2.65625 -8.078125 C 2.875 -8.179688 3.132812 -8.234375 3.4375 -8.234375 C 3.90625 -8.234375 4.289062 -8.109375 4.59375 -7.859375 C 4.90625 -7.617188 5.0625 -7.253906 5.0625 -6.765625 C 5.0625 -6.515625 5.015625 -6.296875 4.921875 -6.109375 C 4.828125 -5.921875 4.695312 -5.765625 4.53125 -5.640625 C 4.375 -5.515625 4.191406 -5.414062 3.984375 -5.34375 C 3.773438 -5.28125 3.550781 -5.25 3.3125 -5.25 L 3.078125 -5.25 C 3.035156 -5.25 2.992188 -5.25 2.953125 -5.25 C 2.921875 -5.25 2.878906 -5.253906 2.828125 -5.265625 Z M 2.828125 -5.265625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-0"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 6.546875 -10.65625 L 1.625 -10.65625 L 1.625 -0.75 L 6.546875 -0.75 Z M 7.359375 -11.390625 L 7.359375 -0.015625 L 0.8125 -0.015625 L 0.8125 -11.390625 Z M 7.359375 -11.390625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-1"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.25 -11.421875 L 1.25 0 L 9.1875 0 L 9.1875 -1.28125 L 2.765625 -1.28125 L 2.765625 -5.234375 L 8.703125 -5.234375 L 8.703125 -6.515625 L 2.765625 -6.515625 L 2.765625 -10.140625 L 9.140625 -10.140625 L 9.140625 -11.421875 Z M 1.25 -11.421875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-2"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.25 -4.359375 L 0.140625 0 L 1.796875 0 L 4.09375 -3.421875 L 6.40625 0 L 8.140625 0 L 4.9375 -4.46875 L 7.796875 -8.265625 L 6.15625 -8.265625 L 4.09375 -5.375 L 2.109375 -8.265625 L 0.375 -8.265625 Z M 3.25 -4.359375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-3"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 6.765625 -4.921875 L 2.015625 -4.921875 C 2.035156 -5.242188 2.101562 -5.546875 2.21875 -5.828125 C 2.34375 -6.109375 2.503906 -6.351562 2.703125 -6.5625 C 2.910156 -6.78125 3.15625 -6.953125 3.4375 -7.078125 C 3.71875 -7.203125 4.035156 -7.265625 4.390625 -7.265625 C 4.722656 -7.265625 5.03125 -7.203125 5.3125 -7.078125 C 5.601562 -6.953125 5.851562 -6.785156 6.0625 -6.578125 C 6.269531 -6.367188 6.429688 -6.117188 6.546875 -5.828125 C 6.671875 -5.546875 6.742188 -5.242188 6.765625 -4.921875 Z M 8.078125 -2.625 L 6.734375 -2.625 C 6.617188 -2.082031 6.375 -1.675781 6 -1.40625 C 5.632812 -1.144531 5.164062 -1.015625 4.59375 -1.015625 C 4.144531 -1.015625 3.753906 -1.085938 3.421875 -1.234375 C 3.085938 -1.378906 2.8125 -1.578125 2.59375 -1.828125 C 2.382812 -2.078125 2.234375 -2.363281 2.140625 -2.6875 C 2.046875 -3.019531 2.003906 -3.367188 2.015625 -3.734375 L 8.203125 -3.734375 C 8.222656 -4.234375 8.175781 -4.757812 8.0625 -5.3125 C 7.957031 -5.863281 7.757812 -6.375 7.46875 -6.84375 C 7.175781 -7.3125 6.785156 -7.695312 6.296875 -8 C 5.804688 -8.3125 5.195312 -8.46875 4.46875 -8.46875 C 3.894531 -8.46875 3.367188 -8.359375 2.890625 -8.140625 C 2.421875 -7.929688 2.015625 -7.632812 1.671875 -7.25 C 1.328125 -6.863281 1.054688 -6.410156 0.859375 -5.890625 C 0.671875 -5.367188 0.578125 -4.789062 0.578125 -4.15625 C 0.597656 -3.53125 0.691406 -2.945312 0.859375 -2.40625 C 1.023438 -1.875 1.269531 -1.414062 1.59375 -1.03125 C 1.925781 -0.65625 2.332031 -0.359375 2.8125 -0.140625 C 3.300781 0.0664062 3.878906 0.171875 4.546875 0.171875 C 5.484375 0.171875 6.257812 -0.0625 6.875 -0.53125 C 7.5 -1 7.898438 -1.695312 8.078125 -2.625 Z M 8.078125 -2.625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-4"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 6.640625 -5.609375 L 8.046875 -5.609375 C 7.992188 -6.109375 7.863281 -6.535156 7.65625 -6.890625 C 7.457031 -7.242188 7.203125 -7.535156 6.890625 -7.765625 C 6.578125 -8.003906 6.210938 -8.179688 5.796875 -8.296875 C 5.390625 -8.410156 4.953125 -8.46875 4.484375 -8.46875 C 3.828125 -8.46875 3.253906 -8.351562 2.765625 -8.125 C 2.273438 -7.894531 1.867188 -7.578125 1.546875 -7.171875 C 1.222656 -6.773438 0.976562 -6.304688 0.8125 -5.765625 C 0.65625 -5.222656 0.578125 -4.644531 0.578125 -4.03125 C 0.578125 -3.414062 0.660156 -2.847656 0.828125 -2.328125 C 0.992188 -1.804688 1.238281 -1.359375 1.5625 -0.984375 C 1.882812 -0.617188 2.285156 -0.332031 2.765625 -0.125 C 3.253906 0.0703125 3.816406 0.171875 4.453125 0.171875 C 5.503906 0.171875 6.335938 -0.101562 6.953125 -0.65625 C 7.566406 -1.207031 7.945312 -2 8.09375 -3.03125 L 6.703125 -3.03125 C 6.617188 -2.382812 6.382812 -1.882812 6 -1.53125 C 5.625 -1.1875 5.101562 -1.015625 4.4375 -1.015625 C 4.007812 -1.015625 3.640625 -1.097656 3.328125 -1.265625 C 3.015625 -1.429688 2.757812 -1.65625 2.5625 -1.9375 C 2.375 -2.226562 2.234375 -2.550781 2.140625 -2.90625 C 2.054688 -3.269531 2.015625 -3.644531 2.015625 -4.03125 C 2.015625 -4.445312 2.054688 -4.847656 2.140625 -5.234375 C 2.222656 -5.628906 2.363281 -5.972656 2.5625 -6.265625 C 2.757812 -6.566406 3.023438 -6.804688 3.359375 -6.984375 C 3.691406 -7.171875 4.101562 -7.265625 4.59375 -7.265625 C 5.164062 -7.265625 5.625 -7.117188 5.96875 -6.828125 C 6.3125 -6.546875 6.535156 -6.140625 6.640625 -5.609375 Z M 6.640625 -5.609375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-5"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 7.875 0 L 7.875 -8.265625 L 6.515625 -8.265625 L 6.515625 -3.59375 C 6.515625 -3.226562 6.460938 -2.882812 6.359375 -2.5625 C 6.253906 -2.25 6.097656 -1.972656 5.890625 -1.734375 C 5.691406 -1.503906 5.441406 -1.328125 5.140625 -1.203125 C 4.835938 -1.078125 4.476562 -1.015625 4.0625 -1.015625 C 3.539062 -1.015625 3.128906 -1.160156 2.828125 -1.453125 C 2.535156 -1.753906 2.390625 -2.160156 2.390625 -2.671875 L 2.390625 -8.265625 L 1.03125 -8.265625 L 1.03125 -2.828125 C 1.03125 -2.378906 1.070312 -1.972656 1.15625 -1.609375 C 1.25 -1.242188 1.40625 -0.925781 1.625 -0.65625 C 1.851562 -0.382812 2.148438 -0.175781 2.515625 -0.03125 C 2.878906 0.101562 3.332031 0.171875 3.875 0.171875 C 4.476562 0.171875 5.003906 0.0507812 5.453125 -0.1875 C 5.898438 -0.425781 6.269531 -0.800781 6.5625 -1.3125 L 6.59375 -1.3125 L 6.59375 0 Z M 7.875 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-6"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.90625 -8.265625 L 2.90625 -10.75 L 1.546875 -10.75 L 1.546875 -8.265625 L 0.140625 -8.265625 L 0.140625 -7.078125 L 1.546875 -7.078125 L 1.546875 -1.8125 C 1.546875 -1.425781 1.582031 -1.113281 1.65625 -0.875 C 1.738281 -0.644531 1.851562 -0.460938 2 -0.328125 C 2.15625 -0.203125 2.359375 -0.113281 2.609375 -0.0625 C 2.859375 -0.0195312 3.160156 0 3.515625 0 L 4.5625 0 L 4.5625 -1.203125 L 3.9375 -1.203125 C 3.71875 -1.203125 3.539062 -1.207031 3.40625 -1.21875 C 3.28125 -1.238281 3.175781 -1.273438 3.09375 -1.328125 C 3.019531 -1.378906 2.96875 -1.453125 2.9375 -1.546875 C 2.914062 -1.648438 2.90625 -1.78125 2.90625 -1.9375 L 2.90625 -7.078125 L 4.5625 -7.078125 L 4.5625 -8.265625 Z M 2.90625 -8.265625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-7"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 8.359375 -0.03125 C 8.117188 0.101562 7.789062 0.171875 7.375 0.171875 C 7.019531 0.171875 6.738281 0.0703125 6.53125 -0.125 C 6.320312 -0.320312 6.21875 -0.644531 6.21875 -1.09375 C 5.84375 -0.644531 5.40625 -0.320312 4.90625 -0.125 C 4.414062 0.0703125 3.882812 0.171875 3.3125 0.171875 C 2.9375 0.171875 2.582031 0.128906 2.25 0.046875 C 1.914062 -0.0351562 1.625 -0.164062 1.375 -0.34375 C 1.132812 -0.53125 0.941406 -0.769531 0.796875 -1.0625 C 0.648438 -1.351562 0.578125 -1.707031 0.578125 -2.125 C 0.578125 -2.59375 0.65625 -2.976562 0.8125 -3.28125 C 0.976562 -3.582031 1.191406 -3.820312 1.453125 -4 C 1.710938 -4.1875 2.007812 -4.328125 2.34375 -4.421875 C 2.675781 -4.523438 3.019531 -4.609375 3.375 -4.671875 C 3.75 -4.742188 4.101562 -4.796875 4.4375 -4.828125 C 4.769531 -4.867188 5.066406 -4.925781 5.328125 -5 C 5.585938 -5.070312 5.789062 -5.171875 5.9375 -5.296875 C 6.082031 -5.429688 6.15625 -5.628906 6.15625 -5.890625 C 6.15625 -6.191406 6.097656 -6.429688 5.984375 -6.609375 C 5.878906 -6.785156 5.738281 -6.921875 5.5625 -7.015625 C 5.382812 -7.117188 5.1875 -7.1875 4.96875 -7.21875 C 4.75 -7.25 4.53125 -7.265625 4.3125 -7.265625 C 3.738281 -7.265625 3.257812 -7.15625 2.875 -6.9375 C 2.488281 -6.71875 2.28125 -6.304688 2.25 -5.703125 L 0.890625 -5.703125 C 0.910156 -6.210938 1.015625 -6.640625 1.203125 -6.984375 C 1.398438 -7.335938 1.660156 -7.625 1.984375 -7.84375 C 2.304688 -8.0625 2.671875 -8.21875 3.078125 -8.3125 C 3.492188 -8.414062 3.9375 -8.46875 4.40625 -8.46875 C 4.769531 -8.46875 5.132812 -8.4375 5.5 -8.375 C 5.875 -8.320312 6.207031 -8.210938 6.5 -8.046875 C 6.800781 -7.890625 7.039062 -7.660156 7.21875 -7.359375 C 7.40625 -7.054688 7.5 -6.664062 7.5 -6.1875 L 7.5 -1.9375 C 7.5 -1.613281 7.515625 -1.378906 7.546875 -1.234375 C 7.585938 -1.085938 7.71875 -1.015625 7.9375 -1.015625 C 8.050781 -1.015625 8.191406 -1.039062 8.359375 -1.09375 Z M 6.140625 -4.265625 C 5.972656 -4.140625 5.75 -4.046875 5.46875 -3.984375 C 5.195312 -3.929688 4.90625 -3.882812 4.59375 -3.84375 C 4.289062 -3.8125 3.984375 -3.769531 3.671875 -3.71875 C 3.367188 -3.664062 3.09375 -3.585938 2.84375 -3.484375 C 2.601562 -3.378906 2.40625 -3.226562 2.25 -3.03125 C 2.09375 -2.832031 2.015625 -2.5625 2.015625 -2.21875 C 2.015625 -2 2.054688 -1.8125 2.140625 -1.65625 C 2.234375 -1.5 2.351562 -1.375 2.5 -1.28125 C 2.644531 -1.1875 2.8125 -1.117188 3 -1.078125 C 3.195312 -1.035156 3.398438 -1.015625 3.609375 -1.015625 C 4.054688 -1.015625 4.441406 -1.070312 4.765625 -1.1875 C 5.085938 -1.3125 5.347656 -1.46875 5.546875 -1.65625 C 5.753906 -1.84375 5.90625 -2.046875 6 -2.265625 C 6.09375 -2.484375 6.140625 -2.6875 6.140625 -2.875 Z M 6.140625 -4.265625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-8"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.078125 -11.421875 L 1.078125 0 L 2.4375 0 L 2.4375 -1.109375 L 2.46875 -1.109375 C 2.613281 -0.859375 2.796875 -0.648438 3.015625 -0.484375 C 3.234375 -0.316406 3.460938 -0.1875 3.703125 -0.09375 C 3.953125 0 4.203125 0.0664062 4.453125 0.109375 C 4.703125 0.148438 4.929688 0.171875 5.140625 0.171875 C 5.765625 0.171875 6.3125 0.0625 6.78125 -0.15625 C 7.257812 -0.382812 7.65625 -0.691406 7.96875 -1.078125 C 8.289062 -1.460938 8.523438 -1.914062 8.671875 -2.4375 C 8.828125 -2.96875 8.90625 -3.523438 8.90625 -4.109375 C 8.90625 -4.691406 8.828125 -5.242188 8.671875 -5.765625 C 8.515625 -6.296875 8.273438 -6.757812 7.953125 -7.15625 C 7.640625 -7.5625 7.242188 -7.878906 6.765625 -8.109375 C 6.296875 -8.347656 5.742188 -8.46875 5.109375 -8.46875 C 4.523438 -8.46875 3.992188 -8.363281 3.515625 -8.15625 C 3.035156 -7.945312 2.6875 -7.613281 2.46875 -7.15625 L 2.4375 -7.15625 L 2.4375 -11.421875 Z M 7.46875 -4.203125 C 7.46875 -3.796875 7.425781 -3.398438 7.34375 -3.015625 C 7.257812 -2.640625 7.117188 -2.300781 6.921875 -2 C 6.734375 -1.695312 6.484375 -1.457031 6.171875 -1.28125 C 5.859375 -1.101562 5.460938 -1.015625 4.984375 -1.015625 C 4.515625 -1.015625 4.113281 -1.097656 3.78125 -1.265625 C 3.457031 -1.441406 3.191406 -1.675781 2.984375 -1.96875 C 2.773438 -2.257812 2.625 -2.59375 2.53125 -2.96875 C 2.4375 -3.34375 2.390625 -3.734375 2.390625 -4.140625 C 2.390625 -4.523438 2.429688 -4.90625 2.515625 -5.28125 C 2.609375 -5.65625 2.753906 -5.988281 2.953125 -6.28125 C 3.160156 -6.570312 3.421875 -6.804688 3.734375 -6.984375 C 4.054688 -7.171875 4.445312 -7.265625 4.90625 -7.265625 C 5.34375 -7.265625 5.722656 -7.175781 6.046875 -7 C 6.378906 -6.832031 6.648438 -6.601562 6.859375 -6.3125 C 7.066406 -6.03125 7.21875 -5.703125 7.3125 -5.328125 C 7.414062 -4.960938 7.46875 -4.585938 7.46875 -4.203125 Z M 7.46875 -4.203125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-9"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.109375 -11.421875 L 1.109375 0 L 2.46875 0 L 2.46875 -11.421875 Z M 1.109375 -11.421875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-10"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.3125 -11.421875 L 1.3125 0 L 2.828125 0 L 2.828125 -11.421875 Z M 1.3125 -11.421875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-11"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.96875 -8.265625 L 0.96875 0 L 2.34375 0 L 2.34375 -3.6875 C 2.34375 -4.21875 2.394531 -4.6875 2.5 -5.09375 C 2.601562 -5.507812 2.769531 -5.859375 3 -6.140625 C 3.238281 -6.429688 3.550781 -6.648438 3.9375 -6.796875 C 4.320312 -6.953125 4.785156 -7.03125 5.328125 -7.03125 L 5.328125 -8.46875 C 4.585938 -8.488281 3.976562 -8.335938 3.5 -8.015625 C 3.019531 -7.691406 2.613281 -7.195312 2.28125 -6.53125 L 2.25 -6.53125 L 2.25 -8.265625 Z M 0.96875 -8.265625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-12"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d=""/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-13"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.84375 -10.140625 L 3.84375 0 L 5.359375 0 L 5.359375 -10.140625 L 9.171875 -10.140625 L 9.171875 -11.421875 L 0.03125 -11.421875 L 0.03125 -10.140625 Z M 3.84375 -10.140625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-14"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.859375 -2.609375 L 0.5 -2.609375 C 0.519531 -2.097656 0.625 -1.660156 0.8125 -1.296875 C 1.007812 -0.941406 1.265625 -0.65625 1.578125 -0.4375 C 1.898438 -0.21875 2.269531 -0.0625 2.6875 0.03125 C 3.101562 0.125 3.539062 0.171875 4 0.171875 C 4.414062 0.171875 4.832031 0.128906 5.25 0.046875 C 5.675781 -0.0234375 6.054688 -0.160156 6.390625 -0.359375 C 6.722656 -0.566406 6.992188 -0.832031 7.203125 -1.15625 C 7.410156 -1.488281 7.515625 -1.910156 7.515625 -2.421875 C 7.515625 -2.816406 7.4375 -3.144531 7.28125 -3.40625 C 7.132812 -3.675781 6.929688 -3.898438 6.671875 -4.078125 C 6.421875 -4.253906 6.132812 -4.394531 5.8125 -4.5 C 5.488281 -4.601562 5.15625 -4.691406 4.8125 -4.765625 C 4.5 -4.835938 4.179688 -4.910156 3.859375 -4.984375 C 3.535156 -5.054688 3.242188 -5.140625 2.984375 -5.234375 C 2.734375 -5.335938 2.523438 -5.46875 2.359375 -5.625 C 2.191406 -5.78125 2.109375 -5.972656 2.109375 -6.203125 C 2.109375 -6.421875 2.160156 -6.59375 2.265625 -6.71875 C 2.378906 -6.851562 2.519531 -6.960938 2.6875 -7.046875 C 2.851562 -7.128906 3.039062 -7.1875 3.25 -7.21875 C 3.457031 -7.25 3.664062 -7.265625 3.875 -7.265625 C 4.09375 -7.265625 4.3125 -7.238281 4.53125 -7.1875 C 4.75 -7.144531 4.945312 -7.066406 5.125 -6.953125 C 5.3125 -6.847656 5.460938 -6.707031 5.578125 -6.53125 C 5.703125 -6.351562 5.773438 -6.132812 5.796875 -5.875 L 7.15625 -5.875 C 7.125 -6.375 7.015625 -6.789062 6.828125 -7.125 C 6.648438 -7.457031 6.40625 -7.722656 6.09375 -7.921875 C 5.789062 -8.117188 5.441406 -8.257812 5.046875 -8.34375 C 4.660156 -8.425781 4.234375 -8.46875 3.765625 -8.46875 C 3.398438 -8.46875 3.03125 -8.421875 2.65625 -8.328125 C 2.289062 -8.234375 1.960938 -8.09375 1.671875 -7.90625 C 1.378906 -7.71875 1.140625 -7.472656 0.953125 -7.171875 C 0.765625 -6.878906 0.671875 -6.523438 0.671875 -6.109375 C 0.671875 -5.578125 0.800781 -5.160156 1.0625 -4.859375 C 1.332031 -4.566406 1.664062 -4.335938 2.0625 -4.171875 C 2.46875 -4.003906 2.90625 -3.875 3.375 -3.78125 C 3.84375 -3.6875 4.273438 -3.582031 4.671875 -3.46875 C 5.078125 -3.363281 5.410156 -3.21875 5.671875 -3.03125 C 5.941406 -2.851562 6.078125 -2.585938 6.078125 -2.234375 C 6.078125 -1.984375 6.015625 -1.773438 5.890625 -1.609375 C 5.765625 -1.441406 5.601562 -1.316406 5.40625 -1.234375 C 5.207031 -1.148438 4.988281 -1.09375 4.75 -1.0625 C 4.519531 -1.03125 4.296875 -1.015625 4.078125 -1.015625 C 3.796875 -1.015625 3.523438 -1.039062 3.265625 -1.09375 C 3.003906 -1.144531 2.769531 -1.226562 2.5625 -1.34375 C 2.351562 -1.46875 2.1875 -1.632812 2.0625 -1.84375 C 1.9375 -2.050781 1.867188 -2.304688 1.859375 -2.609375 Z M 1.859375 -2.609375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-15"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.109375 -11.421875 L 1.109375 0 L 2.46875 0 L 2.46875 -3.140625 L 3.75 -4.3125 L 6.578125 0 L 8.296875 0 L 4.78125 -5.265625 L 8.0625 -8.265625 L 6.234375 -8.265625 L 2.46875 -4.65625 L 2.46875 -11.421875 Z M 1.109375 -11.421875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-16"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.265625 3.15625 L 4.296875 3.15625 C 3.546875 1.925781 3.003906 0.710938 2.671875 -0.484375 C 2.347656 -1.691406 2.1875 -2.96875 2.1875 -4.3125 C 2.1875 -5.625 2.347656 -6.878906 2.671875 -8.078125 C 2.992188 -9.273438 3.535156 -10.484375 4.296875 -11.703125 L 3.265625 -11.703125 C 2.429688 -10.597656 1.800781 -9.40625 1.375 -8.125 C 0.957031 -6.84375 0.75 -5.570312 0.75 -4.3125 C 0.75 -3.613281 0.804688 -2.941406 0.921875 -2.296875 C 1.046875 -1.660156 1.21875 -1.035156 1.4375 -0.421875 C 1.65625 0.179688 1.914062 0.773438 2.21875 1.359375 C 2.53125 1.953125 2.878906 2.550781 3.265625 3.15625 Z M 3.265625 3.15625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-17"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.03125 -8.265625 L 1.03125 0 L 2.390625 0 L 2.390625 -4.671875 C 2.390625 -5.046875 2.4375 -5.390625 2.53125 -5.703125 C 2.632812 -6.015625 2.785156 -6.285156 2.984375 -6.515625 C 3.191406 -6.753906 3.445312 -6.9375 3.75 -7.0625 C 4.050781 -7.195312 4.410156 -7.265625 4.828125 -7.265625 C 5.347656 -7.265625 5.757812 -7.113281 6.0625 -6.8125 C 6.363281 -6.519531 6.515625 -6.113281 6.515625 -5.59375 L 6.515625 0 L 7.875 0 L 7.875 -5.4375 C 7.875 -5.882812 7.828125 -6.289062 7.734375 -6.65625 C 7.640625 -7.03125 7.476562 -7.347656 7.25 -7.609375 C 7.03125 -7.878906 6.738281 -8.085938 6.375 -8.234375 C 6.019531 -8.390625 5.570312 -8.46875 5.03125 -8.46875 C 3.800781 -8.46875 2.90625 -7.960938 2.34375 -6.953125 L 2.296875 -6.953125 L 2.296875 -8.265625 Z M 1.03125 -8.265625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-18"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 8.15625 -0.703125 L 8.15625 -8.265625 L 6.875 -8.265625 L 6.875 -7.09375 L 6.859375 -7.09375 C 6.617188 -7.550781 6.28125 -7.894531 5.84375 -8.125 C 5.40625 -8.351562 4.925781 -8.46875 4.40625 -8.46875 C 3.6875 -8.46875 3.082031 -8.328125 2.59375 -8.046875 C 2.101562 -7.773438 1.707031 -7.429688 1.40625 -7.015625 C 1.101562 -6.597656 0.890625 -6.128906 0.765625 -5.609375 C 0.640625 -5.085938 0.578125 -4.582031 0.578125 -4.09375 C 0.578125 -3.53125 0.65625 -2.992188 0.8125 -2.484375 C 0.96875 -1.984375 1.195312 -1.539062 1.5 -1.15625 C 1.8125 -0.78125 2.195312 -0.476562 2.65625 -0.25 C 3.113281 -0.03125 3.648438 0.078125 4.265625 0.078125 C 4.804688 0.078125 5.3125 -0.0390625 5.78125 -0.28125 C 6.257812 -0.519531 6.613281 -0.894531 6.84375 -1.40625 L 6.875 -1.40625 L 6.875 -0.859375 C 6.875 -0.398438 6.828125 0.015625 6.734375 0.390625 C 6.648438 0.773438 6.503906 1.101562 6.296875 1.375 C 6.097656 1.65625 5.84375 1.867188 5.53125 2.015625 C 5.226562 2.171875 4.851562 2.25 4.40625 2.25 C 4.175781 2.25 3.9375 2.222656 3.6875 2.171875 C 3.445312 2.128906 3.222656 2.054688 3.015625 1.953125 C 2.804688 1.847656 2.628906 1.707031 2.484375 1.53125 C 2.335938 1.363281 2.257812 1.15625 2.25 0.90625 L 0.890625 0.90625 C 0.910156 1.351562 1.023438 1.734375 1.234375 2.046875 C 1.453125 2.359375 1.722656 2.609375 2.046875 2.796875 C 2.378906 2.992188 2.742188 3.132812 3.140625 3.21875 C 3.546875 3.300781 3.9375 3.34375 4.3125 3.34375 C 5.632812 3.34375 6.601562 3.003906 7.21875 2.328125 C 7.84375 1.660156 8.15625 0.648438 8.15625 -0.703125 Z M 4.359375 -1.109375 C 3.910156 -1.109375 3.535156 -1.195312 3.234375 -1.375 C 2.929688 -1.5625 2.6875 -1.804688 2.5 -2.109375 C 2.320312 -2.421875 2.195312 -2.765625 2.125 -3.140625 C 2.050781 -3.515625 2.015625 -3.882812 2.015625 -4.25 C 2.015625 -4.644531 2.054688 -5.023438 2.140625 -5.390625 C 2.234375 -5.753906 2.378906 -6.070312 2.578125 -6.34375 C 2.773438 -6.625 3.03125 -6.847656 3.34375 -7.015625 C 3.65625 -7.179688 4.03125 -7.265625 4.46875 -7.265625 C 4.894531 -7.265625 5.253906 -7.175781 5.546875 -7 C 5.847656 -6.832031 6.09375 -6.609375 6.28125 -6.328125 C 6.46875 -6.046875 6.601562 -5.726562 6.6875 -5.375 C 6.769531 -5.019531 6.8125 -4.660156 6.8125 -4.296875 C 6.8125 -3.921875 6.765625 -3.539062 6.671875 -3.15625 C 6.585938 -2.769531 6.445312 -2.421875 6.25 -2.109375 C 6.0625 -1.804688 5.8125 -1.5625 5.5 -1.375 C 5.1875 -1.195312 4.804688 -1.109375 4.359375 -1.109375 Z M 4.359375 -1.109375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-19"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.03125 -11.421875 L 1.03125 0 L 2.390625 0 L 2.390625 -4.671875 C 2.390625 -5.046875 2.4375 -5.390625 2.53125 -5.703125 C 2.632812 -6.015625 2.785156 -6.285156 2.984375 -6.515625 C 3.191406 -6.753906 3.445312 -6.9375 3.75 -7.0625 C 4.050781 -7.195312 4.410156 -7.265625 4.828125 -7.265625 C 5.347656 -7.265625 5.757812 -7.113281 6.0625 -6.8125 C 6.363281 -6.519531 6.515625 -6.113281 6.515625 -5.59375 L 6.515625 0 L 7.875 0 L 7.875 -5.4375 C 7.875 -5.882812 7.828125 -6.289062 7.734375 -6.65625 C 7.640625 -7.03125 7.476562 -7.347656 7.25 -7.609375 C 7.03125 -7.878906 6.738281 -8.085938 6.375 -8.234375 C 6.019531 -8.390625 5.570312 -8.46875 5.03125 -8.46875 C 4.78125 -8.46875 4.523438 -8.4375 4.265625 -8.375 C 4.003906 -8.320312 3.753906 -8.238281 3.515625 -8.125 C 3.273438 -8.019531 3.054688 -7.878906 2.859375 -7.703125 C 2.671875 -7.523438 2.523438 -7.3125 2.421875 -7.0625 L 2.390625 -7.0625 L 2.390625 -11.421875 Z M 1.03125 -11.421875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-20"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.765625 -2.96875 L 0.765625 -1.890625 L 8.828125 -1.890625 L 8.828125 -2.96875 Z M 8.828125 -5.125 L 8.828125 -6.203125 L 0.765625 -6.203125 L 0.765625 -5.125 Z M 8.828125 -5.125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-21"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 5.421875 -3.859375 L 1.609375 -3.859375 L 5.390625 -9.40625 L 5.421875 -9.40625 Z M 6.703125 -3.859375 L 6.703125 -11.34375 L 5.609375 -11.34375 L 0.453125 -3.96875 L 0.453125 -2.65625 L 5.421875 -2.65625 L 5.421875 0 L 6.703125 0 L 6.703125 -2.65625 L 8.234375 -2.65625 L 8.234375 -3.859375 Z M 6.703125 -3.859375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-22"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M -0.140625 3.15625 L 0.875 3.15625 C 1.707031 2.050781 2.332031 0.863281 2.75 -0.40625 C 3.175781 -1.675781 3.390625 -2.941406 3.390625 -4.203125 C 3.390625 -4.910156 3.332031 -5.582031 3.21875 -6.21875 C 3.101562 -6.863281 2.9375 -7.492188 2.71875 -8.109375 C 2.5 -8.722656 2.234375 -9.320312 1.921875 -9.90625 C 1.609375 -10.5 1.257812 -11.097656 0.875 -11.703125 L -0.140625 -11.703125 C 0.597656 -10.472656 1.128906 -9.25 1.453125 -8.03125 C 1.785156 -6.820312 1.953125 -5.546875 1.953125 -4.203125 C 1.953125 -2.898438 1.789062 -1.648438 1.46875 -0.453125 C 1.144531 0.742188 0.609375 1.945312 -0.140625 3.15625 Z M -0.140625 3.15625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-23"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.015625 -4.125 C 2.015625 -4.625 2.082031 -5.066406 2.21875 -5.453125 C 2.351562 -5.847656 2.535156 -6.175781 2.765625 -6.4375 C 3.003906 -6.707031 3.28125 -6.910156 3.59375 -7.046875 C 3.90625 -7.191406 4.238281 -7.265625 4.59375 -7.265625 C 4.945312 -7.265625 5.28125 -7.191406 5.59375 -7.046875 C 5.90625 -6.910156 6.175781 -6.707031 6.40625 -6.4375 C 6.644531 -6.175781 6.832031 -5.847656 6.96875 -5.453125 C 7.101562 -5.066406 7.171875 -4.625 7.171875 -4.125 C 7.171875 -3.625 7.101562 -3.175781 6.96875 -2.78125 C 6.832031 -2.394531 6.644531 -2.070312 6.40625 -1.8125 C 6.175781 -1.550781 5.90625 -1.351562 5.59375 -1.21875 C 5.28125 -1.082031 4.945312 -1.015625 4.59375 -1.015625 C 4.238281 -1.015625 3.90625 -1.082031 3.59375 -1.21875 C 3.28125 -1.351562 3.003906 -1.550781 2.765625 -1.8125 C 2.535156 -2.070312 2.351562 -2.394531 2.21875 -2.78125 C 2.082031 -3.175781 2.015625 -3.625 2.015625 -4.125 Z M 0.578125 -4.125 C 0.578125 -3.519531 0.660156 -2.953125 0.828125 -2.421875 C 1.003906 -1.898438 1.257812 -1.445312 1.59375 -1.0625 C 1.9375 -0.675781 2.359375 -0.375 2.859375 -0.15625 C 3.359375 0.0625 3.9375 0.171875 4.59375 0.171875 C 5.25 0.171875 5.828125 0.0625 6.328125 -0.15625 C 6.828125 -0.375 7.242188 -0.675781 7.578125 -1.0625 C 7.921875 -1.445312 8.175781 -1.898438 8.34375 -2.421875 C 8.519531 -2.953125 8.609375 -3.519531 8.609375 -4.125 C 8.609375 -4.738281 8.519531 -5.304688 8.34375 -5.828125 C 8.175781 -6.359375 7.921875 -6.816406 7.578125 -7.203125 C 7.242188 -7.597656 6.828125 -7.90625 6.328125 -8.125 C 5.828125 -8.351562 5.25 -8.46875 4.59375 -8.46875 C 3.9375 -8.46875 3.359375 -8.351562 2.859375 -8.125 C 2.359375 -7.90625 1.9375 -7.597656 1.59375 -7.203125 C 1.257812 -6.816406 1.003906 -6.359375 0.828125 -5.828125 C 0.660156 -5.304688 0.578125 -4.738281 0.578125 -4.125 Z M 0.578125 -4.125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-24"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.078125 -8.265625 L 1.078125 3.15625 L 2.4375 3.15625 L 2.4375 -1.109375 L 2.46875 -1.109375 C 2.613281 -0.859375 2.796875 -0.648438 3.015625 -0.484375 C 3.234375 -0.316406 3.460938 -0.1875 3.703125 -0.09375 C 3.953125 0 4.203125 0.0664062 4.453125 0.109375 C 4.703125 0.148438 4.929688 0.171875 5.140625 0.171875 C 5.765625 0.171875 6.3125 0.0625 6.78125 -0.15625 C 7.257812 -0.382812 7.65625 -0.691406 7.96875 -1.078125 C 8.289062 -1.460938 8.523438 -1.914062 8.671875 -2.4375 C 8.828125 -2.96875 8.90625 -3.523438 8.90625 -4.109375 C 8.90625 -4.691406 8.828125 -5.242188 8.671875 -5.765625 C 8.515625 -6.296875 8.273438 -6.757812 7.953125 -7.15625 C 7.640625 -7.5625 7.242188 -7.878906 6.765625 -8.109375 C 6.296875 -8.347656 5.742188 -8.46875 5.109375 -8.46875 C 4.523438 -8.46875 3.992188 -8.363281 3.515625 -8.15625 C 3.035156 -7.945312 2.6875 -7.613281 2.46875 -7.15625 L 2.4375 -7.15625 L 2.4375 -8.265625 Z M 7.46875 -4.203125 C 7.46875 -3.796875 7.425781 -3.398438 7.34375 -3.015625 C 7.257812 -2.640625 7.117188 -2.300781 6.921875 -2 C 6.734375 -1.695312 6.484375 -1.457031 6.171875 -1.28125 C 5.859375 -1.101562 5.460938 -1.015625 4.984375 -1.015625 C 4.515625 -1.015625 4.113281 -1.097656 3.78125 -1.265625 C 3.457031 -1.441406 3.191406 -1.675781 2.984375 -1.96875 C 2.773438 -2.257812 2.625 -2.59375 2.53125 -2.96875 C 2.4375 -3.34375 2.390625 -3.734375 2.390625 -4.140625 C 2.390625 -4.523438 2.429688 -4.90625 2.515625 -5.28125 C 2.609375 -5.65625 2.753906 -5.988281 2.953125 -6.28125 C 3.160156 -6.570312 3.421875 -6.804688 3.734375 -6.984375 C 4.054688 -7.171875 4.445312 -7.265625 4.90625 -7.265625 C 5.34375 -7.265625 5.722656 -7.175781 6.046875 -7 C 6.378906 -6.832031 6.648438 -6.601562 6.859375 -6.3125 C 7.066406 -6.03125 7.21875 -5.703125 7.3125 -5.328125 C 7.414062 -4.960938 7.46875 -4.585938 7.46875 -4.203125 Z M 7.46875 -4.203125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-25"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 4.265625 1.109375 C 4.109375 1.515625 3.953125 1.851562 3.796875 2.125 C 3.640625 2.40625 3.46875 2.632812 3.28125 2.8125 C 3.101562 2.988281 2.894531 3.113281 2.65625 3.1875 C 2.425781 3.269531 2.164062 3.3125 1.875 3.3125 C 1.707031 3.3125 1.546875 3.300781 1.390625 3.28125 C 1.234375 3.257812 1.078125 3.222656 0.921875 3.171875 L 0.921875 1.921875 C 1.046875 1.972656 1.179688 2.015625 1.328125 2.046875 C 1.484375 2.085938 1.617188 2.109375 1.734375 2.109375 C 2.003906 2.109375 2.234375 2.039062 2.421875 1.90625 C 2.609375 1.78125 2.75 1.59375 2.84375 1.34375 L 3.40625 -0.046875 L 0.125 -8.265625 L 1.65625 -8.265625 L 4.078125 -1.5 L 4.109375 -1.5 L 6.4375 -8.265625 L 7.875 -8.265625 Z M 4.265625 1.109375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-26"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 9.21875 0 L 11.859375 -8.265625 L 10.453125 -8.265625 L 8.59375 -1.5 L 8.5625 -1.5 L 6.828125 -8.265625 L 5.34375 -8.265625 L 3.6875 -1.5 L 3.640625 -1.5 L 1.78125 -8.265625 L 0.265625 -8.265625 L 2.921875 0 L 4.40625 0 L 6.0625 -6.578125 L 6.09375 -6.578125 L 7.78125 0 Z M 9.21875 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-0"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.421875 0 L 0.421875 -9.328125 L 7.828125 -9.328125 L 7.828125 0 Z M 6.65625 -1.171875 L 6.65625 -8.15625 L 1.59375 -8.15625 L 1.59375 -1.171875 Z M 6.65625 -1.171875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-1"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 7.78125 -9.328125 L 7.78125 -8.21875 L 4.640625 -8.21875 L 4.640625 0 L 3.359375 0 L 3.359375 -8.21875 L 0.203125 -8.21875 L 0.203125 -9.328125 Z M 7.78125 -9.328125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-2"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.71875 -1.8125 C 1.71875 -1.476562 1.835938 -1.21875 2.078125 -1.03125 C 2.316406 -0.84375 2.601562 -0.75 2.9375 -0.75 C 3.332031 -0.75 3.71875 -0.835938 4.09375 -1.015625 C 4.726562 -1.328125 5.046875 -1.835938 5.046875 -2.546875 L 5.046875 -3.453125 C 4.910156 -3.367188 4.734375 -3.296875 4.515625 -3.234375 C 4.296875 -3.179688 4.078125 -3.140625 3.859375 -3.109375 L 3.171875 -3.015625 C 2.753906 -2.960938 2.441406 -2.878906 2.234375 -2.765625 C 1.890625 -2.566406 1.71875 -2.25 1.71875 -1.8125 Z M 4.484375 -4.125 C 4.742188 -4.15625 4.921875 -4.265625 5.015625 -4.453125 C 5.054688 -4.554688 5.078125 -4.703125 5.078125 -4.890625 C 5.078125 -5.273438 4.9375 -5.554688 4.65625 -5.734375 C 4.382812 -5.910156 3.992188 -6 3.484375 -6 C 2.878906 -6 2.453125 -5.835938 2.203125 -5.515625 C 2.066406 -5.335938 1.976562 -5.070312 1.9375 -4.71875 L 0.875 -4.71875 C 0.894531 -5.5625 1.164062 -6.144531 1.6875 -6.46875 C 2.207031 -6.800781 2.8125 -6.96875 3.5 -6.96875 C 4.300781 -6.96875 4.953125 -6.8125 5.453125 -6.5 C 5.953125 -6.195312 6.203125 -5.722656 6.203125 -5.078125 L 6.203125 -1.171875 C 6.203125 -1.046875 6.222656 -0.945312 6.265625 -0.875 C 6.316406 -0.8125 6.421875 -0.78125 6.578125 -0.78125 C 6.628906 -0.78125 6.6875 -0.78125 6.75 -0.78125 C 6.8125 -0.789062 6.878906 -0.800781 6.953125 -0.8125 L 6.953125 0.03125 C 6.773438 0.0820312 6.640625 0.113281 6.546875 0.125 C 6.453125 0.132812 6.320312 0.140625 6.15625 0.140625 C 5.769531 0.140625 5.488281 0.00390625 5.3125 -0.265625 C 5.21875 -0.421875 5.148438 -0.632812 5.109375 -0.90625 C 4.878906 -0.59375 4.546875 -0.320312 4.109375 -0.09375 C 3.671875 0.125 3.191406 0.234375 2.671875 0.234375 C 2.035156 0.234375 1.515625 0.0390625 1.109375 -0.34375 C 0.710938 -0.726562 0.515625 -1.207031 0.515625 -1.78125 C 0.515625 -2.414062 0.710938 -2.90625 1.109375 -3.25 C 1.503906 -3.59375 2.019531 -3.804688 2.65625 -3.890625 Z M 3.53125 -6.96875 Z M 3.53125 -6.96875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-3"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.515625 -2.140625 C 1.546875 -1.753906 1.640625 -1.457031 1.796875 -1.25 C 2.085938 -0.882812 2.585938 -0.703125 3.296875 -0.703125 C 3.722656 -0.703125 4.097656 -0.789062 4.421875 -0.96875 C 4.742188 -1.15625 4.90625 -1.441406 4.90625 -1.828125 C 4.90625 -2.117188 4.773438 -2.34375 4.515625 -2.5 C 4.347656 -2.59375 4.019531 -2.703125 3.53125 -2.828125 L 2.625 -3.046875 C 2.050781 -3.191406 1.625 -3.351562 1.34375 -3.53125 C 0.851562 -3.84375 0.609375 -4.269531 0.609375 -4.8125 C 0.609375 -5.457031 0.835938 -5.976562 1.296875 -6.375 C 1.765625 -6.769531 2.390625 -6.96875 3.171875 -6.96875 C 4.191406 -6.96875 4.929688 -6.671875 5.390625 -6.078125 C 5.671875 -5.691406 5.804688 -5.28125 5.796875 -4.84375 L 4.71875 -4.84375 C 4.695312 -5.101562 4.609375 -5.335938 4.453125 -5.546875 C 4.191406 -5.847656 3.734375 -6 3.078125 -6 C 2.648438 -6 2.320312 -5.914062 2.09375 -5.75 C 1.875 -5.582031 1.765625 -5.363281 1.765625 -5.09375 C 1.765625 -4.800781 1.910156 -4.566406 2.203125 -4.390625 C 2.378906 -4.285156 2.628906 -4.191406 2.953125 -4.109375 L 3.71875 -3.921875 C 4.53125 -3.722656 5.078125 -3.53125 5.359375 -3.34375 C 5.804688 -3.050781 6.03125 -2.59375 6.03125 -1.96875 C 6.03125 -1.363281 5.800781 -0.835938 5.34375 -0.390625 C 4.882812 0.046875 4.1875 0.265625 3.25 0.265625 C 2.238281 0.265625 1.519531 0.0351562 1.09375 -0.421875 C 0.675781 -0.890625 0.453125 -1.460938 0.421875 -2.140625 Z M 3.203125 -6.96875 Z M 3.203125 -6.96875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-4"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.8125 -9.328125 L 1.90625 -9.328125 L 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1.582031 -1.789062 1.875 -1.34375 C 2.164062 -0.90625 2.628906 -0.6875 3.265625 -0.6875 Z M 3.3125 -6.453125 C 4.113281 -6.453125 4.789062 -6.179688 5.34375 -5.640625 C 5.90625 -5.109375 6.1875 -4.316406 6.1875 -3.265625 C 6.1875 -2.253906 5.941406 -1.414062 5.453125 -0.75 C 4.960938 -0.09375 4.203125 0.234375 3.171875 0.234375 C 2.304688 0.234375 1.617188 -0.0546875 1.109375 -0.640625 C 0.597656 -1.234375 0.34375 -2.019531 0.34375 -3 C 0.34375 -4.050781 0.609375 -4.890625 1.140625 -5.515625 C 1.679688 -6.140625 2.40625 -6.453125 3.3125 -6.453125 Z M 3.265625 -6.421875 Z M 3.265625 -6.421875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-3"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.4375 -3.0625 C 1.4375 -2.394531 1.578125 -1.832031 1.859375 -1.375 C 2.148438 -0.925781 2.609375 -0.703125 3.234375 -0.703125 C 3.722656 -0.703125 4.125 -0.910156 4.4375 -1.328125 C 4.757812 -1.742188 4.921875 -2.347656 4.921875 -3.140625 C 4.921875 -3.929688 4.753906 -4.515625 4.421875 -4.890625 C 4.097656 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0.234375 C 3.394531 0.234375 2.519531 -0.0976562 1.78125 -0.765625 C 0.976562 -1.585938 0.578125 -2.722656 0.578125 -4.171875 C 0.578125 -5.609375 0.96875 -6.753906 1.75 -7.609375 C 2.488281 -8.421875 3.453125 -8.828125 4.640625 -8.828125 Z M 4.4375 -8.84375 Z M 4.4375 -8.84375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-7"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.578125 -1.671875 C 1.578125 -1.367188 1.6875 -1.128906 1.90625 -0.953125 C 2.132812 -0.773438 2.398438 -0.6875 2.703125 -0.6875 C 3.078125 -0.6875 3.4375 -0.769531 3.78125 -0.9375 C 4.375 -1.226562 4.671875 -1.695312 4.671875 -2.34375 L 4.671875 -3.1875 C 4.535156 -3.113281 4.363281 -3.046875 4.15625 -2.984375 C 3.957031 -2.929688 3.757812 -2.894531 3.5625 -2.875 L 2.9375 -2.796875 C 2.550781 -2.742188 2.257812 -2.660156 2.0625 -2.546875 C 1.738281 -2.367188 1.578125 -2.078125 1.578125 -1.671875 Z M 4.140625 -3.796875 C 4.378906 -3.828125 4.539062 -3.929688 4.625 -4.109375 C 4.664062 -4.203125 4.6875 -4.335938 4.6875 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5.847656 -4.972656 5.988281 -4.601562 6.0625 -4.1875 C 6.125 -3.894531 6.15625 -3.429688 6.15625 -2.796875 L 1.546875 -2.796875 C 1.566406 -2.160156 1.71875 -1.648438 2 -1.265625 C 2.28125 -0.878906 2.71875 -0.6875 3.3125 -0.6875 C 3.863281 -0.6875 4.300781 -0.867188 4.625 -1.234375 C 4.8125 -1.441406 4.945312 -1.6875 5.03125 -1.96875 L 6.0625 -1.96875 C 6.039062 -1.738281 5.953125 -1.484375 5.796875 -1.203125 C 5.640625 -0.921875 5.46875 -0.6875 5.28125 -0.5 C 4.957031 -0.1875 4.554688 0.0195312 4.078125 0.125 C 3.828125 0.1875 3.539062 0.21875 3.21875 0.21875 C 2.4375 0.21875 1.773438 -0.0625 1.234375 -0.625 C 0.691406 -1.195312 0.421875 -1.992188 0.421875 -3.015625 C 0.421875 -4.023438 0.691406 -4.84375 1.234375 -5.46875 C 1.785156 -6.101562 2.503906 -6.421875 3.390625 -6.421875 Z M 5.0625 -3.640625 C 5.019531 -4.097656 4.921875 -4.460938 4.765625 -4.734375 C 4.484375 -5.242188 4.003906 -5.5 3.328125 -5.5 C 2.835938 -5.5 2.425781 -5.320312 2.09375 -4.96875 C 1.769531 -4.625 1.597656 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-0.203125 C 5.847656 0.0859375 5.195312 0.234375 4.40625 0.234375 C 3.394531 0.234375 2.519531 -0.0976562 1.78125 -0.765625 C 0.976562 -1.585938 0.578125 -2.722656 0.578125 -4.171875 C 0.578125 -5.609375 0.96875 -6.753906 1.75 -7.609375 C 2.488281 -8.421875 3.453125 -8.828125 4.640625 -8.828125 Z M 4.4375 -8.84375 Z M 4.4375 -8.84375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-7"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.578125 -1.671875 C 1.578125 -1.367188 1.6875 -1.128906 1.90625 -0.953125 C 2.132812 -0.773438 2.398438 -0.6875 2.703125 -0.6875 C 3.078125 -0.6875 3.4375 -0.769531 3.78125 -0.9375 C 4.375 -1.226562 4.671875 -1.695312 4.671875 -2.34375 L 4.671875 -3.1875 C 4.535156 -3.113281 4.363281 -3.046875 4.15625 -2.984375 C 3.957031 -2.929688 3.757812 -2.894531 3.5625 -2.875 L 2.9375 -2.796875 C 2.550781 -2.742188 2.257812 -2.660156 2.0625 -2.546875 C 1.738281 -2.367188 1.578125 -2.078125 1.578125 -1.671875 Z M 4.140625 -3.796875 C 4.378906 -3.828125 4.539062 -3.929688 4.625 -4.109375 C 4.664062 -4.203125 4.6875 -4.335938 4.6875 -4.515625 C 4.6875 -4.867188 4.554688 -5.125 4.296875 -5.28125 C 4.046875 -5.445312 3.6875 -5.53125 3.21875 -5.53125 C 2.664062 -5.53125 2.273438 -5.382812 2.046875 -5.09375 C 1.910156 -4.925781 1.820312 -4.679688 1.78125 -4.359375 L 0.796875 -4.359375 C 0.816406 -5.128906 1.066406 -5.664062 1.546875 -5.96875 C 2.035156 -6.269531 2.597656 -6.421875 3.234375 -6.421875 C 3.972656 -6.421875 4.570312 -6.28125 5.03125 -6 C 5.488281 -5.71875 5.71875 -5.28125 5.71875 -4.6875 L 5.71875 -1.078125 C 5.71875 -0.972656 5.738281 -0.882812 5.78125 -0.8125 C 5.832031 -0.75 5.929688 -0.71875 6.078125 -0.71875 C 6.117188 -0.71875 6.164062 -0.71875 6.21875 -0.71875 C 6.28125 -0.726562 6.347656 -0.738281 6.421875 -0.75 L 6.421875 0.03125 C 6.253906 0.0703125 6.125 0.0976562 6.03125 0.109375 C 5.945312 0.128906 5.832031 0.140625 5.6875 0.140625 C 5.320312 0.140625 5.0625 0.0078125 4.90625 -0.25 C 4.8125 -0.382812 4.75 -0.578125 4.71875 -0.828125 C 4.5 -0.546875 4.1875 -0.300781 3.78125 -0.09375 C 3.382812 0.113281 2.945312 0.21875 2.46875 0.21875 C 1.882812 0.21875 1.40625 0.0390625 1.03125 -0.3125 C 0.664062 -0.664062 0.484375 -1.109375 0.484375 -1.640625 C 0.484375 -2.222656 0.664062 -2.675781 1.03125 -3 C 1.394531 -3.320312 1.867188 -3.519531 2.453125 -3.59375 Z M 3.265625 -6.421875 Z M 3.265625 -6.421875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-8"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.796875 -6.28125 L 1.8125 -6.28125 L 1.8125 -5.1875 C 1.882812 -5.40625 2.082031 -5.664062 2.40625 -5.96875 C 2.726562 -6.269531 3.097656 -6.421875 3.515625 -6.421875 C 3.535156 -6.421875 3.566406 -6.414062 3.609375 -6.40625 C 3.660156 -6.40625 3.742188 -6.398438 3.859375 -6.390625 L 3.859375 -5.28125 C 3.796875 -5.289062 3.738281 -5.296875 3.6875 -5.296875 C 3.632812 -5.296875 3.578125 -5.296875 3.515625 -5.296875 C 2.984375 -5.296875 2.570312 -5.125 2.28125 -4.78125 C 2 -4.445312 1.859375 -4.054688 1.859375 -3.609375 L 1.859375 0 L 0.796875 0 Z M 0.796875 -6.28125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-9"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.15625 -5.9375 L 1.15625 -6.75 C 1.914062 -6.820312 2.441406 -6.945312 2.734375 -7.125 C 3.035156 -7.300781 3.265625 -7.710938 3.421875 -8.359375 L 4.25 -8.359375 L 4.25 0 L 3.125 0 L 3.125 -5.9375 Z M 1.15625 -5.9375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-10"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.890625 -8.609375 L 2.5625 -8.609375 L 5.03125 -1.328125 L 7.484375 -8.609375 L 9.140625 -8.609375 L 9.140625 0 L 8.03125 0 L 8.03125 -5.078125 C 8.03125 -5.253906 8.03125 -5.546875 8.03125 -5.953125 C 8.039062 -6.359375 8.046875 -6.796875 8.046875 -7.265625 L 5.59375 0 L 4.4375 0 L 1.96875 -7.265625 L 1.96875 -7 C 1.96875 -6.789062 1.972656 -6.46875 1.984375 -6.03125 C 1.992188 -5.601562 2 -5.285156 2 -5.078125 L 2 0 L 0.890625 0 Z M 0.890625 -8.609375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-11"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.984375 -8.03125 L 2.046875 -8.03125 L 2.046875 -6.28125 L 3.046875 -6.28125 L 3.046875 -5.421875 L 2.046875 -5.421875 L 2.046875 -1.3125 C 2.046875 -1.09375 2.125 -0.945312 2.28125 -0.875 C 2.351562 -0.832031 2.488281 -0.8125 2.6875 -0.8125 C 2.738281 -0.8125 2.789062 -0.8125 2.84375 -0.8125 C 2.90625 -0.820312 2.972656 -0.828125 3.046875 -0.828125 L 3.046875 0 C 2.929688 0.03125 2.804688 0.0507812 2.671875 0.0625 C 2.546875 0.0820312 2.40625 0.09375 2.25 0.09375 C 1.757812 0.09375 1.425781 -0.03125 1.25 -0.28125 C 1.070312 -0.53125 0.984375 -0.859375 0.984375 -1.265625 L 0.984375 -5.421875 L 0.140625 -5.421875 L 0.140625 -6.28125 L 0.984375 -6.28125 Z M 0.984375 -8.03125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-12"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.375 0 C 0.414062 -0.71875 0.566406 -1.34375 0.828125 -1.875 C 1.085938 -2.414062 1.59375 -2.90625 2.34375 -3.34375 L 3.46875 -4 C 3.96875 -4.289062 4.320312 -4.539062 4.53125 -4.75 C 4.851562 -5.070312 5.015625 -5.441406 5.015625 -5.859375 C 5.015625 -6.347656 4.863281 -6.734375 4.5625 -7.015625 C 4.269531 -7.304688 3.882812 -7.453125 3.40625 -7.453125 C 2.675781 -7.453125 2.175781 -7.179688 1.90625 -6.640625 C 1.75 -6.335938 1.664062 -5.929688 1.65625 -5.421875 L 0.578125 -5.421875 C 0.585938 -6.148438 0.722656 -6.742188 0.984375 -7.203125 C 1.441406 -8.015625 2.25 -8.421875 3.40625 -8.421875 C 4.363281 -8.421875 5.0625 -8.160156 5.5 -7.640625 C 5.945312 -7.117188 6.171875 -6.539062 6.171875 -5.90625 C 6.171875 -5.238281 5.9375 -4.664062 5.46875 -4.1875 C 5.195312 -3.90625 4.707031 -3.566406 4 -3.171875 L 3.1875 -2.734375 C 2.8125 -2.523438 2.515625 -2.320312 2.296875 -2.125 C 1.898438 -1.789062 1.648438 -1.414062 1.546875 -1 L 6.140625 -1 L 6.140625 0 Z M 0.375 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-0"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 6.546875 -10.65625 L 1.625 -10.65625 L 1.625 -0.75 L 6.546875 -0.75 Z M 7.359375 -11.390625 L 7.359375 -0.015625 L 0.8125 -0.015625 L 0.8125 -11.390625 Z M 7.359375 -11.390625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-1"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.234375 -11.421875 L 1.234375 0 L 2.671875 0 L 2.671875 -9.171875 L 2.703125 -9.171875 L 8.671875 0 L 10.34375 0 L 10.34375 -11.421875 L 8.890625 -11.421875 L 8.890625 -2.15625 L 8.859375 -2.15625 L 2.84375 -11.421875 Z M 1.234375 -11.421875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-2"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.015625 -4.125 C 2.015625 -4.625 2.082031 -5.066406 2.21875 -5.453125 C 2.351562 -5.847656 2.535156 -6.175781 2.765625 -6.4375 C 3.003906 -6.707031 3.28125 -6.910156 3.59375 -7.046875 C 3.90625 -7.191406 4.238281 -7.265625 4.59375 -7.265625 C 4.945312 -7.265625 5.28125 -7.191406 5.59375 -7.046875 C 5.90625 -6.910156 6.175781 -6.707031 6.40625 -6.4375 C 6.644531 -6.175781 6.832031 -5.847656 6.96875 -5.453125 C 7.101562 -5.066406 7.171875 -4.625 7.171875 -4.125 C 7.171875 -3.625 7.101562 -3.175781 6.96875 -2.78125 C 6.832031 -2.394531 6.644531 -2.070312 6.40625 -1.8125 C 6.175781 -1.550781 5.90625 -1.351562 5.59375 -1.21875 C 5.28125 -1.082031 4.945312 -1.015625 4.59375 -1.015625 C 4.238281 -1.015625 3.90625 -1.082031 3.59375 -1.21875 C 3.28125 -1.351562 3.003906 -1.550781 2.765625 -1.8125 C 2.535156 -2.070312 2.351562 -2.394531 2.21875 -2.78125 C 2.082031 -3.175781 2.015625 -3.625 2.015625 -4.125 Z M 0.578125 -4.125 C 0.578125 -3.519531 0.660156 -2.953125 0.828125 -2.421875 C 1.003906 -1.898438 1.257812 -1.445312 1.59375 -1.0625 C 1.9375 -0.675781 2.359375 -0.375 2.859375 -0.15625 C 3.359375 0.0625 3.9375 0.171875 4.59375 0.171875 C 5.25 0.171875 5.828125 0.0625 6.328125 -0.15625 C 6.828125 -0.375 7.242188 -0.675781 7.578125 -1.0625 C 7.921875 -1.445312 8.175781 -1.898438 8.34375 -2.421875 C 8.519531 -2.953125 8.609375 -3.519531 8.609375 -4.125 C 8.609375 -4.738281 8.519531 -5.304688 8.34375 -5.828125 C 8.175781 -6.359375 7.921875 -6.816406 7.578125 -7.203125 C 7.242188 -7.597656 6.828125 -7.90625 6.328125 -8.125 C 5.828125 -8.351562 5.25 -8.46875 4.59375 -8.46875 C 3.9375 -8.46875 3.359375 -8.351562 2.859375 -8.125 C 2.359375 -7.90625 1.9375 -7.597656 1.59375 -7.203125 C 1.257812 -6.816406 1.003906 -6.359375 0.828125 -5.828125 C 0.660156 -5.304688 0.578125 -4.738281 0.578125 -4.125 Z M 0.578125 -4.125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-3"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.96875 -8.265625 L 0.96875 0 L 2.34375 0 L 2.34375 -3.6875 C 2.34375 -4.21875 2.394531 -4.6875 2.5 -5.09375 C 2.601562 -5.507812 2.769531 -5.859375 3 -6.140625 C 3.238281 -6.429688 3.550781 -6.648438 3.9375 -6.796875 C 4.320312 -6.953125 4.785156 -7.03125 5.328125 -7.03125 L 5.328125 -8.46875 C 4.585938 -8.488281 3.976562 -8.335938 3.5 -8.015625 C 3.019531 -7.691406 2.613281 -7.195312 2.28125 -6.53125 L 2.25 -6.53125 L 2.25 -8.265625 Z M 0.96875 -8.265625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-4"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.03125 -8.265625 L 1.03125 0 L 2.390625 0 L 2.390625 -5.15625 C 2.390625 -5.3125 2.425781 -5.507812 2.5 -5.75 C 2.582031 -5.988281 2.710938 -6.21875 2.890625 -6.4375 C 3.066406 -6.664062 3.296875 -6.859375 3.578125 -7.015625 C 3.859375 -7.179688 4.195312 -7.265625 4.59375 -7.265625 C 4.90625 -7.265625 5.15625 -7.21875 5.34375 -7.125 C 5.539062 -7.03125 5.695312 -6.898438 5.8125 -6.734375 C 5.9375 -6.578125 6.019531 -6.382812 6.0625 -6.15625 C 6.113281 -5.9375 6.140625 -5.691406 6.140625 -5.421875 L 6.140625 0 L 7.5 0 L 7.5 -5.15625 C 7.5 -5.789062 7.691406 -6.300781 8.078125 -6.6875 C 8.460938 -7.070312 8.988281 -7.265625 9.65625 -7.265625 C 9.988281 -7.265625 10.257812 -7.210938 10.46875 -7.109375 C 10.675781 -7.015625 10.835938 -6.882812 10.953125 -6.71875 C 11.078125 -6.5625 11.160156 -6.367188 11.203125 -6.140625 C 11.242188 -5.921875 11.265625 -5.679688 11.265625 -5.421875 L 11.265625 0 L 12.625 0 L 12.625 -6.0625 C 12.625 -6.488281 12.554688 -6.851562 12.421875 -7.15625 C 12.285156 -7.457031 12.097656 -7.703125 11.859375 -7.890625 C 11.617188 -8.085938 11.332031 -8.234375 11 -8.328125 C 10.664062 -8.421875 10.289062 -8.46875 9.875 -8.46875 C 9.332031 -8.46875 8.832031 -8.34375 8.375 -8.09375 C 7.925781 -7.851562 7.5625 -7.507812 7.28125 -7.0625 C 7.113281 -7.570312 6.820312 -7.929688 6.40625 -8.140625 C 5.988281 -8.359375 5.523438 -8.46875 5.015625 -8.46875 C 3.847656 -8.46875 2.957031 -8 2.34375 -7.0625 L 2.296875 -7.0625 L 2.296875 -8.265625 Z M 1.03125 -8.265625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-5"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 8.359375 -0.03125 C 8.117188 0.101562 7.789062 0.171875 7.375 0.171875 C 7.019531 0.171875 6.738281 0.0703125 6.53125 -0.125 C 6.320312 -0.320312 6.21875 -0.644531 6.21875 -1.09375 C 5.84375 -0.644531 5.40625 -0.320312 4.90625 -0.125 C 4.414062 0.0703125 3.882812 0.171875 3.3125 0.171875 C 2.9375 0.171875 2.582031 0.128906 2.25 0.046875 C 1.914062 -0.0351562 1.625 -0.164062 1.375 -0.34375 C 1.132812 -0.53125 0.941406 -0.769531 0.796875 -1.0625 C 0.648438 -1.351562 0.578125 -1.707031 0.578125 -2.125 C 0.578125 -2.59375 0.65625 -2.976562 0.8125 -3.28125 C 0.976562 -3.582031 1.191406 -3.820312 1.453125 -4 C 1.710938 -4.1875 2.007812 -4.328125 2.34375 -4.421875 C 2.675781 -4.523438 3.019531 -4.609375 3.375 -4.671875 C 3.75 -4.742188 4.101562 -4.796875 4.4375 -4.828125 C 4.769531 -4.867188 5.066406 -4.925781 5.328125 -5 C 5.585938 -5.070312 5.789062 -5.171875 5.9375 -5.296875 C 6.082031 -5.429688 6.15625 -5.628906 6.15625 -5.890625 C 6.15625 -6.191406 6.097656 -6.429688 5.984375 -6.609375 C 5.878906 -6.785156 5.738281 -6.921875 5.5625 -7.015625 C 5.382812 -7.117188 5.1875 -7.1875 4.96875 -7.21875 C 4.75 -7.25 4.53125 -7.265625 4.3125 -7.265625 C 3.738281 -7.265625 3.257812 -7.15625 2.875 -6.9375 C 2.488281 -6.71875 2.28125 -6.304688 2.25 -5.703125 L 0.890625 -5.703125 C 0.910156 -6.210938 1.015625 -6.640625 1.203125 -6.984375 C 1.398438 -7.335938 1.660156 -7.625 1.984375 -7.84375 C 2.304688 -8.0625 2.671875 -8.21875 3.078125 -8.3125 C 3.492188 -8.414062 3.9375 -8.46875 4.40625 -8.46875 C 4.769531 -8.46875 5.132812 -8.4375 5.5 -8.375 C 5.875 -8.320312 6.207031 -8.210938 6.5 -8.046875 C 6.800781 -7.890625 7.039062 -7.660156 7.21875 -7.359375 C 7.40625 -7.054688 7.5 -6.664062 7.5 -6.1875 L 7.5 -1.9375 C 7.5 -1.613281 7.515625 -1.378906 7.546875 -1.234375 C 7.585938 -1.085938 7.71875 -1.015625 7.9375 -1.015625 C 8.050781 -1.015625 8.191406 -1.039062 8.359375 -1.09375 Z M 6.140625 -4.265625 C 5.972656 -4.140625 5.75 -4.046875 5.46875 -3.984375 C 5.195312 -3.929688 4.90625 -3.882812 4.59375 -3.84375 C 4.289062 -3.8125 3.984375 -3.769531 3.671875 -3.71875 C 3.367188 -3.664062 3.09375 -3.585938 2.84375 -3.484375 C 2.601562 -3.378906 2.40625 -3.226562 2.25 -3.03125 C 2.09375 -2.832031 2.015625 -2.5625 2.015625 -2.21875 C 2.015625 -2 2.054688 -1.8125 2.140625 -1.65625 C 2.234375 -1.5 2.351562 -1.375 2.5 -1.28125 C 2.644531 -1.1875 2.8125 -1.117188 3 -1.078125 C 3.195312 -1.035156 3.398438 -1.015625 3.609375 -1.015625 C 4.054688 -1.015625 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-0.9375 C 12.875 0.0625 12.859375 0.5 12.78125 1.140625 L 13.984375 1.140625 C 13.921875 0.609375 13.90625 0.109375 13.90625 -0.9375 L 13.90625 -3.296875 L 15.5625 -3.296875 L 15.5625 -0.9375 C 15.5625 0.0625 15.546875 0.5 15.484375 1.140625 L 16.671875 1.140625 C 16.609375 0.546875 16.59375 0.109375 16.59375 -0.9375 L 16.59375 -3.296875 L 18.375 -3.296875 L 18.375 -0.34375 C 18.375 0.046875 18.265625 0.125 17.8125 0.125 C 17.578125 0.125 17.296875 0.109375 17.015625 0.046875 C 17.171875 0.4375 17.234375 0.734375 17.234375 1.21875 C 17.40625 1.234375 17.75 1.234375 17.953125 1.234375 C 19.109375 1.234375 19.484375 0.875 19.484375 -0.234375 L 19.484375 -6.03125 C 19.484375 -7.0625 19.515625 -7.6875 19.578125 -8.1875 C 19.15625 -8.125 18.421875 -8.078125 17.515625 -8.078125 L 12.390625 -8.078125 C 11.171875 -8.078125 10.5 -8.109375 10.078125 -8.140625 C 10.140625 -7.578125 10.15625 -7.078125 10.15625 -6.09375 L 10.15625 -0.53125 C 10.15625 0.375 10.140625 0.921875 10.078125 1.546875 L 11.34375 1.546875 C 11.28125 1.078125 11.25 0.375 11.25 -0.53125 L 11.25 -3.296875 Z M 12.875 -4.34375 L 11.25 -4.34375 L 11.25 -7.015625 L 12.875 -7.015625 Z M 13.90625 -4.34375 L 13.90625 -7.015625 L 15.5625 -7.015625 L 15.5625 -4.34375 Z M 16.59375 -4.34375 L 16.59375 -7.015625 L 18.375 -7.015625 L 18.375 -4.34375 Z M 1.890625 -5.984375 C 1.765625 -3.609375 1.46875 -2.03125 0.84375 -0.25 L 1.9375 0.25 C 2.515625 -1.53125 2.75 -2.859375 3.03125 -5.78125 Z M 5.984375 -5.84375 C 6.265625 -4.875 6.453125 -3.921875 6.65625 -2.3125 L 7.671875 -2.640625 C 7.40625 -4.234375 7.328125 -4.625 6.96875 -6.0625 Z M 7.890625 -15.265625 C 8.375 -15.34375 8.84375 -15.375 9.765625 -15.375 L 17.84375 -15.375 C 18.84375 -15.375 19.3125 -15.34375 19.84375 -15.265625 L 19.84375 -16.65625 C 19.28125 -16.5625 18.6875 -16.53125 17.78125 -16.53125 L 9.953125 -16.53125 C 9.078125 -16.53125 8.421875 -16.5625 7.890625 -16.65625 Z M 17.28125 -9.71875 C 18.0625 -9.71875 18.75 -9.703125 19.109375 -9.65625 C 19.0625 -10.140625 19.046875 -10.453125 19.046875 -11.28125 L 19.046875 -12.375 C 19.046875 -13.171875 19.0625 -13.5 19.109375 -13.9375 C 18.640625 -13.90625 18.078125 -13.875 17.21875 -13.875 L 10.609375 -13.875 C 9.703125 -13.875 9.203125 -13.90625 8.6875 -13.9375 C 8.75 -13.421875 8.75 -13.203125 8.75 -12.1875 C 8.75 -5.671875 8.171875 -2.375 6.546875 0.1875 C 7.03125 0.484375 7.265625 0.6875 7.5625 1.09375 C 8.609375 -0.6875 9.265625 -2.828125 9.59375 -5.5625 C 9.71875 -6.59375 9.890625 -8.734375 9.90625 -9.71875 Z M 9.953125 -12.78125 L 17.828125 -12.78125 L 17.828125 -10.796875 L 9.9375 -10.796875 C 9.953125 -11.109375 9.953125 -11.46875 9.953125 -11.953125 Z M 9.953125 -12.78125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-2"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 11.40625 -9.15625 L 15.875 -9.15625 C 16.796875 -9.15625 17.265625 -9.140625 17.765625 -9.046875 L 17.765625 -10.3125 C 17.140625 -10.203125 16.734375 -10.1875 15.875 -10.1875 L 11.40625 -10.1875 L 11.40625 -11.765625 L 15.875 -11.765625 C 16.828125 -11.765625 17.203125 -11.734375 17.765625 -11.65625 L 17.765625 -12.921875 C 17.15625 -12.8125 16.71875 -12.78125 15.875 -12.78125 L 11.40625 -12.78125 L 11.40625 -14.359375 L 16.921875 -14.359375 C 17.78125 -14.359375 18.203125 -14.34375 18.75 -14.265625 L 18.75 -15.5625 C 18.1875 -15.484375 17.75 -15.453125 16.828125 -15.453125 L 11.515625 -15.453125 C 11.890625 -15.9375 12.265625 -16.5 12.78125 -17.46875 L 11.421875 -17.78125 C 11.15625 -16.96875 10.84375 -16.375 10.15625 -15.453125 L 5.625 -15.453125 C 6 -15.9375 6 -15.9375 7.015625 -17.46875 L 5.5625 -17.828125 C 5.421875 -17.359375 5.140625 -16.84375 4.8125 -16.3125 C 3.71875 -14.609375 2.453125 -13.359375 0.734375 -12.15625 C 1.109375 -11.796875 1.328125 -11.578125 1.578125 -11.125 C 2.625 -11.921875 3.15625 -12.4375 3.90625 -13.296875 C 3.84375 -12.640625 3.828125 -11.984375 3.828125 -11.234375 L 3.828125 -7.703125 C 3.828125 -7.140625 3.796875 -6.609375 3.765625 -6.296875 C 4.203125 -6.34375 4.4375 -6.34375 5.203125 -6.34375 L 9.828125 -6.34375 L 9.828125 -4.8125 L 3.546875 -4.8125 C 2.375 -4.8125 1.765625 -4.84375 1.234375 -4.9375 L 1.234375 -3.546875 C 1.953125 -3.640625 2.609375 -3.671875 3.546875 -3.671875 L 8.734375 -3.671875 C 7.984375 -2.96875 7.15625 -2.390625 6.046875 -1.8125 C 4.453125 -0.96875 3.03125 -0.484375 0.9375 -0.109375 C 1.328125 0.3125 1.53125 0.609375 1.78125 1.15625 C 3.296875 0.75 4.59375 0.296875 5.796875 -0.296875 C 7.453125 -1.09375 8.625 -1.9375 9.890625 -3.25 C 9.875 -3 9.875 -3 9.875 -2.640625 C 9.84375 -2.578125 9.84375 -2.4375 9.84375 -2.21875 C 9.828125 -2 9.828125 -1.8125 9.828125 -1.65625 L 9.828125 0 C 9.828125 0.734375 9.8125 1.09375 9.703125 1.546875 L 11.25 1.546875 C 11.15625 1.140625 11.125 0.875 11.125 -0.015625 L 11.125 -1.65625 C 11.125 -2.25 11.125 -2.5 11.0625 -3.25 C 13.171875 -1.140625 15.5625 0.171875 19.25 1.265625 C 19.484375 0.734375 19.671875 0.4375 20.0625 -0.046875 C 16.84375 -0.71875 14.109375 -1.96875 12.15625 -3.671875 L 17.453125 -3.671875 C 18.421875 -3.671875 19.0625 -3.640625 19.796875 -3.546875 L 19.796875 -4.9375 C 19.25 -4.828125 18.640625 -4.8125 17.453125 -4.8125 L 11.125 -4.8125 L 11.125 -6.34375 L 16.90625 -6.34375 C 17.8125 -6.34375 18.25 -6.328125 18.8125 -6.234375 L 18.8125 -7.5 C 18.25 -7.40625 17.828125 -7.390625 16.890625 -7.390625 L 11.40625 -7.390625 Z M 10.15625 -9.15625 L 10.15625 -7.390625 L 5.109375 -7.390625 L 5.109375 -9.15625 Z M 10.15625 -10.1875 L 5.109375 -10.1875 L 5.109375 -11.765625 L 10.15625 -11.765625 Z M 10.15625 -12.78125 L 5.109375 -12.78125 L 5.109375 -14.359375 L 10.15625 -14.359375 Z M 10.15625 -12.78125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-3"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.359375 -14.40625 C 1.9375 -14.421875 1.9375 -14.421875 1.265625 -14.53125 L 1.265625 -13.109375 C 1.90625 -13.1875 2.484375 -13.234375 3.359375 -13.234375 L 17.6875 -13.234375 C 18.578125 -13.234375 19.171875 -13.1875 19.78125 -13.109375 L 19.78125 -14.53125 C 19.21875 -14.453125 18.625 -14.40625 17.6875 -14.40625 L 13.375 -14.40625 C 14.0625 -15.140625 14.8125 -16.0625 15.640625 -17.296875 L 14.296875 -17.8125 C 13.546875 -16.359375 12.953125 -15.546875 11.921875 -14.40625 L 8.921875 -14.40625 C 8.171875 -15.765625 7.953125 -16.0625 6.484375 -17.828125 L 5.234375 -17.328125 C 6.359375 -16.078125 6.765625 -15.5625 7.46875 -14.40625 Z M 4.015625 -3.3125 L 8.546875 -3.3125 L 8.546875 -0.5 C 8.546875 -0.0625 8.421875 0.046875 7.8125 0.046875 C 7.34375 0.046875 6.734375 -0.015625 5.984375 -0.171875 C 6.171875 0.359375 6.21875 0.53125 6.328125 1.140625 C 7.125 1.203125 7.625 1.21875 8.0625 1.21875 C 9.421875 1.21875 9.828125 0.859375 9.828125 -0.40625 L 9.828125 -9.296875 C 9.828125 -10.5 9.84375 -11.046875 9.890625 -11.53125 C 9.453125 -11.46875 9.140625 -11.4375 7.984375 -11.4375 L 4.6875 -11.4375 C 3.84375 -11.4375 3.34375 -11.46875 2.640625 -11.53125 C 2.6875 -11.046875 2.703125 -10.6875 2.703125 -9.65625 L 2.703125 -0.84375 C 2.703125 0.203125 2.6875 0.84375 2.609375 1.421875 L 4.140625 1.421875 C 4.046875 0.90625 4.015625 0.3125 4.015625 -0.796875 Z M 4.015625 -4.5 L 4.015625 -6.765625 L 8.546875 -6.765625 L 8.546875 -4.5 Z M 4.015625 -7.9375 L 4.015625 -10.25 L 8.546875 -10.25 L 8.546875 -7.9375 Z M 12.5 -11.28125 C 12.578125 -10.6875 12.59375 -10.375 12.59375 -9.296875 L 12.59375 -5.015625 C 12.59375 -3.546875 12.578125 -3.1875 12.515625 -2.671875 L 13.984375 -2.671875 C 13.90625 -3.171875 13.90625 -3.4375 13.90625 -5.046875 L 13.90625 -9.296875 C 13.90625 -10.4375 13.921875 -10.765625 14 -11.28125 Z M 16.921875 -11.90625 C 17.03125 -11.3125 17.046875 -10.9375 17.046875 -9.6875 L 17.046875 -0.59375 C 17.046875 -0.046875 16.90625 0.046875 16.078125 0.046875 C 15.390625 0.046875 14.484375 -0.046875 13.375 -0.234375 C 13.609375 0.3125 13.6875 0.65625 13.78125 1.171875 C 14.828125 1.265625 15.515625 1.296875 16.234375 1.296875 C 17.953125 1.296875 18.390625 0.921875 18.390625 -0.546875 L 18.390625 -9.640625 C 18.390625 -10.796875 18.421875 -11.359375 18.515625 -11.90625 Z M 16.921875 -11.90625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-4"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 11.640625 -13.921875 C 12.6875 -13.875 13.296875 -13.734375 14.0625 -13.390625 C 16.1875 -12.453125 17.40625 -10.515625 17.40625 -8.125 C 17.40625 -5.546875 16 -3.296875 13.6875 -2.25 C 12.703125 -1.78125 11.71875 -1.515625 10.1875 -1.265625 C 10.578125 -0.75 10.703125 -0.546875 10.921875 0.140625 C 12.375 -0.171875 13.171875 -0.421875 14.109375 -0.8125 C 17.15625 -2.125 18.921875 -4.8125 18.921875 -8.0625 C 18.921875 -10.078125 18.203125 -11.90625 16.890625 -13.1875 C 15.515625 -14.53125 13.46875 -15.265625 11.109375 -15.265625 C 8.296875 -15.265625 6 -14.328125 4.328125 -12.46875 C 2.921875 -10.90625 2.125 -8.8125 2.125 -6.671875 C 2.125 -3.734375 3.609375 -1.546875 5.609375 -1.546875 C 7.125 -1.546875 8.359375 -2.8125 9.578125 -5.59375 C 10.515625 -7.796875 11.3125 -11 11.640625 -13.921875 Z M 10.125 -13.90625 C 9.84375 -11.21875 9.078125 -8.109375 8.21875 -6.125 C 7.3125 -4.078125 6.46875 -3.09375 5.59375 -3.09375 C 4.453125 -3.09375 3.5625 -4.640625 3.5625 -6.65625 C 3.5625 -9.265625 4.875 -11.640625 7 -12.921875 C 7.953125 -13.5 8.859375 -13.796875 10.125 -13.90625 Z M 10.125 -13.90625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-5"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 17.21875 -11.78125 C 18.015625 -11.78125 18.8125 -11.734375 19.578125 -11.65625 L 19.578125 -13.171875 C 18.9375 -13.0625 18.296875 -13.015625 17.203125 -13.015625 L 11.03125 -13.015625 L 11.03125 -15.375 C 11.03125 -16.015625 11.0625 -16.625 11.171875 -17.28125 L 9.46875 -17.28125 C 9.578125 -16.609375 9.625 -16.0625 9.625 -15.34375 L 9.625 -13.015625 L 3.765625 -13.015625 C 2.859375 -13.015625 2.1875 -13.0625 1.46875 -13.171875 L 1.46875 -11.65625 C 2.265625 -11.734375 2.9375 -11.78125 3.78125 -11.78125 L 9.421875 -11.78125 C 8.25 -9.6875 7.34375 -8.375 6.09375 -6.96875 C 4.578125 -5.265625 2.625 -3.640625 0.75 -2.5 C 1.171875 -2.1875 1.515625 -1.78125 1.828125 -1.28125 C 3.34375 -2.328125 4.59375 -3.421875 5.875 -4.71875 C 7.46875 -6.359375 8.609375 -8 9.703125 -10.3125 C 9.65625 -9.453125 9.625 -8.375 9.625 -7.6875 L 9.625 -0.859375 C 9.625 0.109375 9.578125 0.8125 9.46875 1.546875 L 11.171875 1.546875 C 11.0625 0.875 11.03125 0.125 11.03125 -0.859375 L 11.03125 -7.6875 C 11.03125 -8.46875 10.984375 -9.40625 10.921875 -10.390625 C 11.765625 -8.8125 12.140625 -8.1875 12.828125 -7.25 C 13.9375 -5.71875 14.640625 -4.984375 16.3125 -3.5 C 17.34375 -2.609375 17.875 -2.203125 19.15625 -1.34375 C 19.484375 -1.9375 19.671875 -2.140625 20.203125 -2.671875 C 18.203125 -3.78125 16.53125 -5.0625 14.84375 -6.828125 C 13.546875 -8.171875 12.46875 -9.640625 11.234375 -11.78125 Z M 17.21875 -11.78125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-6"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 12.21875 -9.640625 L 12.21875 -8.28125 L 9.9375 -8.28125 C 8.859375 -8.28125 8.171875 -8.296875 7.640625 -8.3125 C 7.703125 -7.640625 7.734375 -7.140625 7.734375 -6.296875 L 7.734375 -2.9375 C 7.078125 -2.9375 6.703125 -2.96875 6.265625 -3.046875 L 6.265625 -1.78125 C 6.703125 -1.84375 7.140625 -1.890625 7.734375 -1.890625 L 7.734375 -0.65625 C 7.734375 0.4375 7.703125 0.984375 7.625 1.65625 L 9.03125 1.65625 C 8.953125 1.046875 8.953125 0.6875 8.953125 -0.65625 L 8.953125 -1.890625 L 17.015625 -1.890625 L 17.015625 -0.3125 C 17.015625 0.1875 16.859375 0.265625 16.171875 0.265625 C 15.484375 0.265625 14.84375 0.234375 13.9375 0.109375 C 14.0625 0.484375 14.15625 0.90625 14.203125 1.296875 C 15.015625 1.34375 15.578125 1.359375 16.234375 1.359375 C 17.828125 1.359375 18.234375 1.046875 18.234375 -0.25 L 18.234375 -1.890625 L 18.390625 -1.890625 C 18.96875 -1.890625 19.40625 -1.875 19.96875 -1.8125 L 19.96875 -3.0625 C 19.453125 -2.96875 19.125 -2.9375 18.390625 -2.9375 L 18.234375 -2.9375 L 18.234375 -6.234375 C 18.234375 -7.28125 18.25 -7.890625 18.3125 -8.375 C 17.8125 -8.3125 17.109375 -8.28125 16.296875 -8.28125 L 13.359375 -8.28125 L 13.359375 -9.640625 L 17.8125 -9.640625 C 18.796875 -9.640625 19.234375 -9.625 19.859375 -9.515625 L 19.859375 -10.8125 C 19.28125 -10.703125 18.78125 -10.6875 17.828125 -10.6875 L 15.9375 -10.6875 L 15.9375 -12.1875 L 17.015625 -12.1875 C 17.8125 -12.1875 18.296875 -12.15625 18.78125 -12.078125 L 18.78125 -13.296875 C 18.265625 -13.203125 17.765625 -13.1875 17.015625 -13.1875 L 15.9375 -13.1875 L 15.9375 -14.59375 L 17.625 -14.59375 C 18.453125 -14.59375 18.875 -14.578125 19.46875 -14.484375 L 19.46875 -15.734375 C 18.921875 -15.640625 18.4375 -15.609375 17.625 -15.609375 L 15.9375 -15.609375 C 15.9375 -16.4375 15.953125 -16.90625 16.0625 -17.4375 L 14.640625 -17.4375 C 14.734375 -17.015625 14.734375 -16.78125 14.765625 -15.609375 L 11.21875 -15.609375 C 11.21875 -16.609375 11.234375 -16.984375 11.34375 -17.4375 L 9.90625 -17.4375 C 10 -16.984375 10.015625 -16.59375 10.03125 -15.609375 L 8.890625 -15.609375 C 8.046875 -15.609375 7.53125 -15.625 7.03125 -15.703125 L 7.03125 -14.515625 C 7.578125 -14.578125 8.109375 -14.59375 8.890625 -14.59375 L 10.03125 -14.59375 L 10.03125 -13.1875 L 9.515625 -13.1875 C 8.734375 -13.1875 8.25 -13.203125 7.75 -13.265625 L 7.75 -12.09375 C 8.28125 -12.15625 8.734375 -12.1875 9.515625 -12.1875 L 10.03125 -12.1875 L 10.03125 -10.6875 L 8.671875 -10.6875 C 7.734375 -10.6875 7.21875 -10.703125 6.671875 -10.796875 L 6.671875 -9.53125 C 7.28125 -9.625 7.796875 -9.640625 8.71875 -9.640625 Z M 12.21875 -2.9375 L 8.953125 -2.9375 L 8.953125 -4.65625 L 12.21875 -4.65625 Z M 13.359375 -2.9375 L 13.359375 -4.65625 L 17.015625 -4.65625 L 17.015625 -2.9375 Z M 12.21875 -5.65625 L 8.953125 -5.65625 L 8.953125 -7.265625 L 12.21875 -7.265625 Z M 13.359375 -5.65625 L 13.359375 -7.265625 L 17.015625 -7.265625 L 17.015625 -5.65625 Z M 11.21875 -10.6875 L 11.21875 -12.1875 L 14.765625 -12.1875 L 14.765625 -10.6875 Z M 11.21875 -13.1875 L 11.21875 -14.59375 L 14.765625 -14.59375 L 14.765625 -13.1875 Z M 5.8125 -12.1875 C 6.359375 -12.1875 6.765625 -12.15625 7.1875 -12.09375 L 7.1875 -13.421875 C 6.78125 -13.359375 6.40625 -13.328125 5.796875 -13.328125 L 5.0625 -13.328125 L 5.0625 -15.328125 C 5.0625 -16.375 5.078125 -16.96875 5.171875 -17.5 L 3.71875 -17.5 C 3.796875 -17.046875 3.828125 -16.5 3.828125 -15.328125 L 3.828125 -13.328125 L 2.609375 -13.328125 C 1.9375 -13.328125 1.53125 -13.359375 1.15625 -13.421875 L 1.15625 -12.09375 C 1.515625 -12.15625 1.96875 -12.1875 2.609375 -12.1875 L 3.640625 -12.1875 C 2.984375 -9.265625 1.953125 -6.828125 0.546875 -4.90625 C 1.046875 -4.453125 1.171875 -4.3125 1.453125 -3.859375 C 1.953125 -4.65625 2.265625 -5.234375 2.671875 -6.109375 C 3.125 -7.125 3.28125 -7.578125 3.96875 -9.9375 C 3.890625 -8.84375 3.84375 -7.671875 3.84375 -6.65625 L 3.84375 -0.78125 C 3.84375 0.296875 3.796875 1.078125 3.71875 1.65625 L 5.1875 1.65625 C 5.078125 1.09375 5.0625 0.359375 5.0625 -0.78125 L 5.0625 -7.125 C 5.0625 -8.109375 5.015625 -9.390625 4.953125 -10.375 C 5.484375 -9.015625 5.84375 -8.28125 6.515625 -7.3125 C 6.828125 -7.8125 7 -8 7.3125 -8.34375 C 6.328125 -9.453125 5.71875 -10.5 5.140625 -12.1875 Z M 5.8125 -12.1875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-7"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 12.5 -13.328125 L 12.5 -10.515625 L 8.421875 -10.515625 C 7.5 -10.515625 6.96875 -10.546875 6.515625 -10.625 L 6.515625 -9.265625 C 7.09375 -9.328125 7.703125 -9.359375 8.375 -9.359375 L 17.6875 -9.359375 C 18.359375 -9.359375 18.9375 -9.328125 19.59375 -9.265625 L 19.59375 -10.625 C 19.125 -10.546875 18.625 -10.515625 17.6875 -10.515625 L 13.75 -10.515625 L 13.75 -13.328125 L 16.796875 -13.328125 C 17.6875 -13.328125 18.203125 -13.3125 18.78125 -13.25 L 18.78125 -14.609375 C 18.265625 -14.515625 17.765625 -14.484375 16.78125 -14.484375 L 13.75 -14.484375 L 13.75 -15.21875 C 13.75 -16.359375 13.78125 -16.90625 13.875 -17.390625 L 12.375 -17.390625 C 12.453125 -16.859375 12.5 -16.3125 12.5 -15.21875 L 12.5 -14.484375 L 9.71875 -14.484375 C 9.9375 -14.9375 10.015625 -15.09375 10.203125 -15.609375 C 10.453125 -16.21875 10.453125 -16.21875 10.578125 -16.46875 C 10.609375 -16.5 10.640625 -16.5625 10.671875 -16.65625 L 9.328125 -17.046875 C 9.265625 -16.65625 9.203125 -16.421875 9.046875 -15.984375 C 8.5 -14.46875 7.796875 -13.296875 6.59375 -11.953125 C 7.125 -11.71875 7.390625 -11.546875 7.703125 -11.234375 C 8.40625 -12.109375 8.65625 -12.5 9.140625 -13.328125 Z M 15.953125 -2.125 C 16.90625 -2.125 17.515625 -2.09375 18.171875 -2.015625 C 18.078125 -2.546875 18.078125 -2.8125 18.078125 -4.046875 L 18.078125 -5.65625 C 18.078125 -6.859375 18.078125 -7.1875 18.171875 -7.6875 C 17.515625 -7.609375 16.953125 -7.578125 15.921875 -7.578125 L 10.421875 -7.578125 C 9.359375 -7.578125 8.8125 -7.609375 8.1875 -7.6875 C 8.25 -7.25 8.28125 -6.84375 8.28125 -5.796875 L 8.28125 -4.03125 C 8.28125 -2.796875 8.25 -2.5 8.1875 -2.015625 C 8.859375 -2.09375 9.34375 -2.125 10.296875 -2.125 Z M 9.53125 -6.40625 L 16.78125 -6.40625 L 16.78125 -3.296875 L 9.53125 -3.296875 Z M 1.515625 -16.15625 C 2.921875 -14.875 3.703125 -13.96875 4.828125 -12.3125 L 5.90625 -13.25 C 4.765625 -14.734375 3.90625 -15.6875 2.5 -16.984375 Z M 1.15625 -7.640625 C 1.640625 -7.734375 2 -7.75 2.6875 -7.75 L 4.078125 -7.75 L 4.078125 -2.6875 C 2.859375 -1.515625 1.578125 -0.546875 0.6875 -0.140625 L 1.390625 1.234375 C 1.71875 0.921875 1.953125 0.734375 2.140625 0.59375 C 3.296875 -0.296875 3.71875 -0.65625 4.65625 -1.609375 C 5.265625 -0.65625 5.921875 -0.0625 6.828125 0.359375 C 8.078125 0.9375 9.265625 1.09375 12.828125 1.09375 C 15.3125 1.09375 17.71875 1.046875 19.921875 0.9375 C 20.0625 0.296875 20.078125 0.1875 20.40625 -0.59375 C 18.375 -0.296875 15.765625 -0.171875 11.96875 -0.171875 C 9.515625 -0.171875 8.296875 -0.3125 7.25 -0.78125 C 6.328125 -1.15625 5.90625 -1.59375 5.375 -2.6875 L 5.375 -6.796875 C 5.375 -7.859375 5.390625 -8.359375 5.484375 -9.03125 C 4.953125 -8.953125 4.5 -8.921875 3.859375 -8.921875 L 2.765625 -8.921875 C 2 -8.921875 1.65625 -8.953125 1.15625 -9.03125 Z M 1.15625 -7.640625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-8"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 12.953125 -10.84375 L 12.953125 -14.421875 C 15.671875 -14.875 17.265625 -15.265625 19 -15.984375 C 19.546875 -16.21875 19.578125 -16.21875 19.765625 -16.28125 L 18.6875 -17.453125 C 18.171875 -17.078125 17.640625 -16.84375 16.765625 -16.546875 C 15.03125 -16 12.890625 -15.578125 11.78125 -15.578125 C 11.734375 -15.578125 11.640625 -15.578125 11.53125 -15.578125 C 11.59375 -14.96875 11.640625 -14.0625 11.640625 -11.703125 C 11.640625 -4.6875 11 -1.75 8.984375 0.734375 C 9.515625 1.015625 9.75 1.203125 10.1875 1.609375 C 10.90625 0.65625 11.3125 -0.140625 11.734375 -1.265625 C 12.46875 -3.171875 12.921875 -6 12.9375 -8.796875 C 12.9375 -9.34375 12.9375 -9.34375 12.9375 -9.625 L 16.234375 -9.625 L 16.234375 -0.46875 C 16.234375 0.5625 16.1875 1.09375 16.109375 1.640625 L 17.71875 1.640625 C 17.625 1.109375 17.59375 0.59375 17.59375 -0.46875 L 17.59375 -9.625 L 18.375 -9.625 C 19.234375 -9.625 19.703125 -9.59375 20.21875 -9.515625 L 20.21875 -10.96875 C 19.734375 -10.875 19.234375 -10.84375 18.296875 -10.84375 Z M 6.765625 -15.515625 L 6.765625 -16.078125 C 6.765625 -16.78125 6.78125 -17.109375 6.859375 -17.5625 L 5.328125 -17.5625 C 5.421875 -17.09375 5.4375 -16.765625 5.4375 -16.078125 L 5.4375 -15.515625 L 3.34375 -15.515625 C 2.421875 -15.515625 1.96875 -15.546875 1.484375 -15.625 L 1.484375 -14.21875 C 2.03125 -14.296875 2.4375 -14.328125 3.3125 -14.328125 L 8.6875 -14.328125 C 9.515625 -14.328125 9.90625 -14.296875 10.484375 -14.21875 L 10.484375 -15.625 C 9.96875 -15.546875 9.578125 -15.515625 8.71875 -15.515625 Z M 2.8125 -10.6875 C 1.96875 -10.6875 1.53125 -10.703125 1.078125 -10.796875 L 1.078125 -9.390625 C 1.546875 -9.46875 2 -9.484375 2.8125 -9.484375 L 9.046875 -9.484375 C 9.8125 -9.484375 10.234375 -9.46875 10.75 -9.390625 L 10.75 -10.796875 C 10.265625 -10.703125 9.84375 -10.6875 9.046875 -10.6875 L 7.8125 -10.6875 C 8.296875 -11.515625 8.734375 -12.46875 9.234375 -13.734375 L 7.984375 -14.140625 C 7.6875 -12.875 7.3125 -11.921875 6.578125 -10.6875 Z M 5 -6 C 4.40625 -4.90625 4.09375 -4.46875 3.46875 -3.765625 C 2.6875 -2.890625 1.78125 -2.140625 0.734375 -1.453125 C 1.078125 -1.09375 1.296875 -0.75 1.53125 -0.265625 C 3.4375 -1.75 4.640625 -3.125 5.5 -4.9375 C 5.453125 -4.234375 5.4375 -3.703125 5.4375 -3.1875 L 5.4375 -0.203125 C 5.4375 0.484375 5.390625 1.046875 5.3125 1.59375 L 6.765625 1.59375 C 6.671875 1.03125 6.65625 0.53125 6.65625 -0.203125 L 6.65625 -3.25 C 6.640625 -4.03125 6.609375 -4.640625 6.578125 -5.109375 C 7.390625 -3.84375 7.828125 -3.359375 9.203125 -2.203125 C 9.453125 -2.6875 9.59375 -2.9375 9.9375 -3.34375 C 8.359375 -4.34375 7.765625 -4.890625 6.96875 -6 L 8.96875 -6 C 9.765625 -6 10.1875 -5.984375 10.671875 -5.90625 L 10.671875 -7.265625 C 10.125 -7.15625 9.703125 -7.140625 8.96875 -7.140625 L 6.65625 -7.140625 L 6.65625 -8.25 C 6.65625 -8.53125 6.671875 -8.859375 6.734375 -9.109375 L 5.328125 -9.109375 C 5.390625 -8.859375 5.4375 -8.53125 5.4375 -8.25 L 5.4375 -7.140625 L 2.875 -7.140625 C 2.015625 -7.140625 1.59375 -7.15625 1.109375 -7.265625 L 1.109375 -5.875 C 1.609375 -5.984375 2.015625 -6 2.828125 -6 Z M 5.015625 -11.28125 C 4.65625 -12.4375 4.40625 -13.0625 3.828125 -14.109375 L 2.703125 -13.6875 C 3.28125 -12.703125 3.546875 -12.046875 3.90625 -10.875 Z M 5.015625 -11.28125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-9"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 4.875 -16.375 C 4.9375 -15.953125 4.953125 -15.703125 4.953125 -15.265625 C 4.953125 -14.9375 4.953125 -14.53125 4.9375 -13.90625 C 4.765625 -7.28125 4.75 -6.765625 4.75 -5.359375 C 4.75 -3.15625 5.046875 -2.03125 5.90625 -1.046875 C 6.734375 -0.078125 8.0625 0.421875 9.84375 0.421875 C 12.3125 0.421875 14.28125 -0.4375 15.765625 -2.203125 C 16.6875 -3.28125 17.296875 -4.515625 18.109375 -6.96875 C 17.4375 -7.3125 17.171875 -7.46875 16.59375 -7.984375 C 16.296875 -6.515625 16.046875 -5.6875 15.5625 -4.6875 C 14.359375 -2.28125 12.4375 -1.03125 9.9375 -1.03125 C 8.84375 -1.03125 7.890625 -1.328125 7.3125 -1.84375 C 6.671875 -2.421875 6.40625 -3.109375 6.328125 -4.375 C 6.296875 -4.84375 6.28125 -5.375 6.28125 -5.625 C 6.28125 -6.578125 6.34375 -9.421875 6.421875 -11.953125 C 6.484375 -14.59375 6.578125 -15.671875 6.703125 -16.375 Z M 4.875 -16.375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-10"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 13 -16.921875 C 12.265625 -15.765625 9.640625 -13.3125 6.84375 -11.171875 C 5.3125 -10 5.3125 -10 5.0625 -9.75 C 4.65625 -9.328125 4.453125 -8.84375 4.453125 -8.34375 C 4.453125 -7.625 4.78125 -7.15625 5.96875 -6.234375 C 9.03125 -3.84375 9.875 -3.15625 11.28125 -1.84375 C 12.65625 -0.5625 13.484375 0.3125 13.984375 1.03125 L 15.3125 -0.265625 C 15.078125 -0.46875 15.03125 -0.484375 14.71875 -0.796875 C 11.640625 -3.71875 11.046875 -4.203125 8 -6.53125 C 6.296875 -7.859375 6.125 -8 6.125 -8.375 C 6.125 -8.671875 6.28125 -8.84375 7.0625 -9.421875 C 9.703125 -11.46875 10.84375 -12.40625 11.890625 -13.390625 C 14.0625 -15.5 14.234375 -15.640625 14.46875 -15.828125 Z M 13 -16.921875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-11"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 7.28125 -14.140625 C 5.140625 -14.140625 3.546875 -14.21875 2.796875 -14.359375 L 2.765625 -12.921875 C 3 -12.9375 3.046875 -12.9375 3.234375 -12.9375 C 3.296875 -12.9375 3.46875 -12.9375 3.5625 -12.9375 C 4.34375 -12.921875 6.328125 -12.875 6.65625 -12.875 C 6.765625 -12.875 6.96875 -12.890625 7.0625 -12.921875 C 6.9375 -12.703125 6.9375 -12.703125 6.859375 -12.59375 C 5.359375 -9.90625 3.609375 -7.703125 2.15625 -6.59375 L 3.34375 -5.421875 C 3.671875 -5.984375 4.140625 -6.46875 4.953125 -7.15625 C 6.65625 -8.609375 8.3125 -9.390625 9.640625 -9.390625 C 10.625 -9.390625 11.125 -8.890625 11.296875 -7.734375 C 9.890625 -7.125 8.890625 -6.578125 8.171875 -6.046875 C 6.734375 -4.984375 6.03125 -3.890625 6.03125 -2.734375 C 6.03125 -0.5625 7.859375 0.5 11.609375 0.5 C 13.234375 0.5 15.0625 0.359375 16.71875 0.078125 C 17.140625 0.015625 17.234375 0 17.5625 -0.015625 L 17.359375 -1.640625 C 16.171875 -1.15625 13.84375 -0.8125 11.765625 -0.8125 C 8.796875 -0.8125 7.5 -1.421875 7.5 -2.8125 C 7.5 -4.078125 8.59375 -5.0625 11.4375 -6.40625 C 11.46875 -6.15625 11.46875 -6.109375 11.46875 -5.78125 C 11.46875 -4.5 11.40625 -3.21875 11.34375 -2.75 L 12.765625 -2.765625 C 12.71875 -3.0625 12.71875 -3.234375 12.71875 -3.53125 C 12.71875 -3.71875 12.71875 -4.015625 12.75 -4.46875 C 12.765625 -4.890625 12.765625 -5.359375 12.765625 -5.625 C 12.765625 -6.15625 12.765625 -6.359375 12.71875 -6.90625 C 15.34375 -7.9375 17.234375 -8.5625 18.328125 -8.75 L 17.65625 -10.234375 C 17.328125 -10 17.265625 -9.96875 16.234375 -9.625 C 15.3125 -9.28125 14.109375 -8.84375 12.578125 -8.234375 C 12.3125 -9.78125 11.359375 -10.5625 9.8125 -10.5625 C 8.71875 -10.5625 7.609375 -10.203125 6.640625 -9.53125 C 6.421875 -9.390625 6.421875 -9.390625 5.671875 -8.796875 C 5.65625 -8.8125 5.65625 -8.8125 5.625 -8.859375 C 5.625 -8.859375 5.625 -8.859375 5.625 -8.890625 C 5.625 -8.890625 5.65625 -8.890625 5.65625 -8.90625 C 5.671875 -8.921875 5.78125 -9.015625 5.921875 -9.109375 C 6 -9.171875 6.421875 -9.65625 6.640625 -9.90625 C 7.375 -10.8125 7.890625 -11.65625 8.53125 -12.890625 C 11.0625 -12.984375 13.265625 -13.140625 15.453125 -13.4375 C 15.828125 -13.5 15.953125 -13.53125 16.296875 -13.546875 L 16.171875 -14.96875 C 15.015625 -14.59375 12.921875 -14.34375 9.5625 -14.171875 C 9.359375 -14.171875 9.359375 -14.171875 9.109375 -14.15625 C 9.21875 -14.34375 9.484375 -14.90625 9.765625 -15.578125 C 10.125 -16.4375 10.125 -16.4375 10.3125 -16.71875 L 8.625 -17.015625 C 8.5625 -16.34375 8.3125 -15.609375 7.625 -14.140625 Z M 7.28125 -14.140625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-12"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 11.609375 -13 L 11.609375 -0.59375 C 11.609375 0.53125 11.578125 1.109375 11.484375 1.609375 L 13.109375 1.609375 C 13 1.09375 12.953125 0.4375 12.953125 -0.59375 L 12.953125 -3.796875 L 17.28125 -3.796875 C 18.015625 -3.796875 18.5625 -3.765625 19.125 -3.671875 L 19.125 -5.125 C 18.546875 -5.046875 18.03125 -5 17.28125 -5 L 12.953125 -5 L 12.953125 -8.40625 L 17.21875 -8.40625 C 17.9375 -8.40625 18.421875 -8.359375 19.0625 -8.28125 L 19.0625 -9.71875 C 18.484375 -9.640625 18 -9.59375 17.21875 -9.59375 L 12.953125 -9.59375 L 12.953125 -13 L 17.890625 -13 C 18.78125 -13 19.28125 -12.984375 19.796875 -12.890625 L 19.796875 -14.328125 C 19.1875 -14.21875 18.734375 -14.203125 17.890625 -14.203125 L 11.234375 -14.203125 C 11.546875 -14.9375 11.65625 -15.203125 11.953125 -16.0625 C 12.140625 -16.609375 12.203125 -16.765625 12.375 -17.140625 L 10.90625 -17.625 C 10.84375 -16.90625 10.515625 -15.875 10.015625 -14.640625 C 9.078125 -12.375 7.9375 -10.625 6.296875 -8.890625 C 6.9375 -8.4375 6.9375 -8.4375 7.34375 -7.875 C 8.734375 -9.515625 9.703125 -11 10.6875 -13 Z M 6 -17.625 C 5.875 -16.796875 5.609375 -15.890625 5.125 -14.8125 C 4.015625 -12.265625 2.546875 -10.1875 0.6875 -8.5 C 1.203125 -8 1.203125 -8 1.578125 -7.390625 C 2.796875 -8.625 3.4375 -9.46875 4.171875 -10.703125 C 4.109375 -9.46875 4.09375 -8.90625 4.09375 -8 L 4.09375 -1.03125 C 4.09375 -0.015625 4.046875 0.71875 3.953125 1.53125 L 5.59375 1.53125 C 5.484375 0.84375 5.4375 -0.046875 5.4375 -0.984375 L 5.4375 -12.46875 C 6.234375 -14.046875 6.515625 -14.65625 7 -15.953125 C 7.15625 -16.375 7.21875 -16.5625 7.46875 -17.140625 Z M 6 -17.625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-13"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 16.90625 -11.09375 C 16.671875 -9.5625 15.578125 -7.125 14.328125 -5.3125 C 13.546875 -7.328125 13.078125 -9.875 12.9375 -12.875 L 17.359375 -12.875 C 18.484375 -12.875 19.0625 -12.859375 19.71875 -12.765625 L 19.71875 -14.203125 C 19.1875 -14.09375 18.640625 -14.0625 17.46875 -14.0625 L 12.890625 -14.0625 C 12.859375 -15.0625 12.859375 -15.375 12.859375 -15.75 C 12.859375 -16.546875 12.875 -17.046875 12.953125 -17.46875 L 11.34375 -17.46875 C 11.4375 -16.984375 11.46875 -16.65625 11.546875 -14.0625 L 5.359375 -14.0625 C 4.28125 -14.0625 3.53125 -14.09375 2.796875 -14.171875 C 2.890625 -13.46875 2.921875 -13.125 2.921875 -11.71875 C 2.921875 -7.625 2.6875 -4.78125 2.21875 -2.890625 C 1.9375 -1.71875 1.53125 -0.84375 0.75 0.25 C 1.203125 0.5 1.484375 0.75 1.875 1.203125 C 2.734375 -0.078125 3.109375 -0.984375 3.46875 -2.484375 C 3.84375 -4.03125 4.015625 -5.59375 4.140625 -8.28125 L 8.34375 -8.28125 C 8.3125 -6.609375 8.21875 -5.046875 8.0625 -4.15625 C 7.921875 -3.234375 7.75 -3.046875 7.0625 -3.046875 C 6.359375 -3.046875 5.734375 -3.125 4.578125 -3.375 C 4.75 -2.875 4.78125 -2.5625 4.828125 -2.015625 C 5.78125 -1.875 6.28125 -1.828125 7.03125 -1.828125 C 8.21875 -1.828125 8.671875 -2.015625 8.984375 -2.671875 C 9.28125 -3.28125 9.484375 -4.8125 9.625 -7.1875 C 9.703125 -9.09375 9.703125 -9.09375 9.765625 -9.53125 C 9.296875 -9.46875 8.953125 -9.453125 8.1875 -9.453125 L 4.171875 -9.453125 C 4.203125 -10.328125 4.21875 -11.046875 4.21875 -12.875 L 11.609375 -12.875 C 11.828125 -9.359375 12.4375 -6.390625 13.390625 -4.140625 C 11.703125 -2.15625 9.78125 -0.84375 7.15625 0.203125 C 7.640625 0.5625 7.859375 0.78125 8.1875 1.28125 C 10.609375 0.140625 12.28125 -1.078125 14 -2.890625 C 14.546875 -1.9375 15.125 -1.15625 15.75 -0.546875 C 16.5625 0.265625 17.40625 0.75 17.953125 0.75 C 18.5 0.75 18.921875 0.421875 19.25 -0.25 C 19.578125 -0.859375 19.734375 -1.421875 20.015625 -2.8125 C 19.640625 -3.046875 19.3125 -3.296875 18.875 -3.734375 C 18.625 -1.8125 18.265625 -0.71875 17.9375 -0.71875 C 17.75 -0.71875 17.40625 -0.90625 17.03125 -1.203125 C 16.078125 -2 15.5625 -2.671875 14.90625 -3.984375 C 16.109375 -5.5625 16.5 -6.328125 17.703125 -9.109375 C 18.0625 -9.953125 18.265625 -10.421875 18.328125 -10.515625 Z M 18.0625 -15.28125 C 16.6875 -16.40625 16.4375 -16.5625 15.0625 -17.359375 L 14.15625 -16.625 C 15.5625 -15.8125 16 -15.484375 17.171875 -14.40625 Z M 18.0625 -15.28125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-14"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 15.484375 -16.0625 C 15.28125 -14.875 14.390625 -12.65625 13.265625 -10.6875 C 10.859375 -6.421875 7.671875 -3.65625 2.921875 -1.640625 C 3.484375 -1.046875 3.65625 -0.8125 3.984375 -0.171875 C 7.5 -1.9375 9.84375 -3.640625 11.90625 -5.984375 C 13.8125 -8.125 15.265625 -10.640625 16.6875 -14.265625 C 17.046875 -15.15625 17.046875 -15.15625 17.21875 -15.484375 Z M 15.484375 -16.0625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-15"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.828125 -7.203125 C 2.453125 -7.265625 2.890625 -7.28125 4.4375 -7.28125 L 16.609375 -7.28125 C 18.015625 -7.28125 18.5 -7.265625 19.171875 -7.203125 L 19.171875 -8.90625 C 18.515625 -8.8125 18.1875 -8.796875 16.625 -8.796875 L 4.4375 -8.796875 C 3 -8.796875 2.4375 -8.8125 1.828125 -8.921875 Z M 1.828125 -7.203125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-16"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 8.015625 0.65625 C 7.9375 0.140625 7.921875 -0.3125 7.921875 -1.578125 L 7.921875 -7.890625 C 7.921875 -8.421875 7.890625 -8.75 7.828125 -9.140625 L 7.875 -9.15625 C 8.0625 -9.015625 8.234375 -8.921875 8.53125 -8.796875 C 11.484375 -7.5625 14.78125 -5.8125 16.359375 -4.640625 L 17.265625 -6.1875 C 13.8125 -8.1875 10.921875 -9.5625 7.921875 -10.625 L 7.921875 -14.546875 C 7.921875 -15.859375 7.9375 -16.25 8.015625 -16.734375 L 6.21875 -16.734375 C 6.296875 -16.28125 6.328125 -15.921875 6.34375 -14.59375 L 6.34375 -1.546875 C 6.328125 -0.265625 6.296875 0.171875 6.21875 0.65625 Z M 13.234375 -15.34375 C 13.859375 -14.703125 14.875 -13.125 15.390625 -12.015625 L 16.4375 -12.640625 C 15.8125 -13.875 15.21875 -14.765625 14.28125 -15.890625 Z M 15.625 -16.484375 C 16.4375 -15.515625 17.328125 -14.171875 17.765625 -13.171875 L 18.8125 -13.78125 C 18.125 -15.09375 17.59375 -15.875 16.65625 -17.046875 Z M 15.625 -16.484375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-17"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 12.21875 -13.140625 C 11.609375 -14.40625 11.1875 -14.96875 10.453125 -15.5 C 9.65625 -16.0625 8.53125 -16.375 7.265625 -16.375 C 5.4375 -16.375 3.953125 -15.609375 2.828125 -14.09375 C 1.828125 -12.71875 1.234375 -10.375 1.234375 -7.75 C 1.234375 -4.765625 2 -2.421875 3.359375 -1.15625 C 4.265625 -0.3125 5.671875 0.171875 7.15625 0.171875 C 10.484375 0.171875 12.65625 -1.96875 12.65625 -5.234375 C 12.65625 -8.46875 10.640625 -10.484375 7.390625 -10.484375 C 5.9375 -10.484375 4.828125 -10.078125 3.84375 -9.203125 C 3.375 -8.796875 3.171875 -8.5 2.796875 -7.859375 C 2.9375 -10.140625 3.125 -11.109375 3.671875 -12.375 C 4.4375 -14.09375 5.671875 -14.96875 7.3125 -14.96875 C 8.359375 -14.96875 9.171875 -14.609375 9.8125 -13.921875 C 10.125 -13.5625 10.265625 -13.265625 10.546875 -12.59375 Z M 11 -5.1875 C 11 -4.375 10.796875 -3.5 10.453125 -2.96875 C 9.8125 -1.90625 8.546875 -1.265625 7.1875 -1.265625 C 4.90625 -1.265625 3.21875 -2.9375 3.21875 -5.203125 C 3.21875 -6.265625 3.5625 -7.1875 4.265625 -7.875 C 5 -8.609375 6.109375 -9.078125 7.15625 -9.078125 C 9.625 -9.078125 11 -7.671875 11 -5.1875 Z M 11 -5.1875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-18"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 15.453125 -0.125 C 15.140625 -0.671875 14.875 -1.28125 14.34375 -2.546875 L 9.640625 -14.140625 C 9.109375 -15.40625 9.015625 -15.6875 8.921875 -16.078125 L 6.796875 -16.078125 C 6.703125 -15.609375 6.53125 -15.125 6.125 -14.140625 L 1.421875 -2.546875 C 0.859375 -1.140625 0.71875 -0.8125 0.296875 -0.125 L 2.484375 -0.125 C 2.625 -0.859375 2.8125 -1.46875 3.125 -2.265625 L 4.21875 -4.984375 L 11.546875 -4.984375 L 12.640625 -2.265625 C 12.890625 -1.609375 13.125 -0.875 13.296875 -0.125 Z M 11.046875 -6.421875 L 4.71875 -6.421875 L 7.40625 -13.359375 C 7.453125 -13.4375 7.515625 -13.671875 7.640625 -14 C 7.6875 -14.15625 7.765625 -14.390625 7.875 -14.703125 C 8.28125 -13.546875 8.28125 -13.53125 8.34375 -13.359375 Z M 11.046875 -6.421875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-19"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 6.515625 -16.484375 C 6.640625 -16.15625 6.671875 -16.046875 6.859375 -15.15625 C 7.40625 -12.46875 7.8125 -11 8.40625 -9.28125 C 7.09375 -8.625 6.453125 -8.234375 5.65625 -7.578125 C 4.40625 -6.578125 3.78125 -5.359375 3.78125 -4.015625 C 3.78125 -2.359375 4.65625 -1.203125 6.390625 -0.5625 C 7.390625 -0.1875 8.96875 0 11.046875 0 C 12.515625 0 13.53125 -0.0625 15.6875 -0.265625 C 16.84375 -0.40625 16.84375 -0.40625 17.234375 -0.40625 L 17.078125 -2.140625 C 15.828125 -1.703125 13.484375 -1.421875 11.0625 -1.421875 C 6.953125 -1.421875 5.328125 -2.15625 5.328125 -4.078125 C 5.328125 -5.8125 6.890625 -7.203125 10.484375 -8.625 C 12.328125 -9.390625 15.328125 -10.359375 16.796875 -10.671875 L 16.171875 -12.265625 C 15.75 -12.046875 15.5625 -11.984375 14.828125 -11.71875 C 11.578125 -10.578125 10.984375 -10.359375 9.75 -9.84375 C 9.03125 -11.953125 8.25 -15.390625 8.171875 -16.796875 Z M 6.515625 -16.484375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-20"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.15625 -12.203125 C 3.1875 -12.4375 5.0625 -12.59375 9.40625 -12.890625 C 11.734375 -13.046875 12.78125 -13.140625 14.03125 -13.359375 C 13.234375 -12.984375 12.6875 -12.6875 12.03125 -12.25 C 9.53125 -10.5625 8.109375 -8.234375 8.109375 -5.796875 C 8.109375 -4.078125 8.953125 -2.515625 10.4375 -1.515625 C 11.640625 -0.6875 12.890625 -0.25 14.96875 0.109375 C 15.3125 0.171875 15.390625 0.1875 15.625 0.234375 L 15.890625 -1.46875 C 15.8125 -1.46875 15.734375 -1.46875 15.6875 -1.46875 C 14.890625 -1.46875 13.5625 -1.765625 12.53125 -2.140625 C 10.671875 -2.859375 9.59375 -4.265625 9.59375 -6.03125 C 9.59375 -7.765625 10.5 -9.46875 12.1875 -10.875 C 13.328125 -11.859375 14.8125 -12.625 16.21875 -13 C 17.015625 -13.1875 17.71875 -13.265625 18.5625 -13.265625 L 18.4375 -14.84375 C 18.109375 -14.734375 17.109375 -14.65625 15.9375 -14.609375 C 13.234375 -14.484375 6.515625 -14.109375 4.015625 -13.921875 C 3.359375 -13.875 3.109375 -13.859375 2.8125 -13.859375 C 2.671875 -13.859375 2.453125 -13.859375 2.0625 -13.859375 Z M 2.15625 -12.203125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-21"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 9.578125 -15.25 C 8.984375 -15.25 8.484375 -15.265625 7.890625 -15.328125 C 7.953125 -14.703125 7.984375 -14.328125 7.984375 -13.90625 L 7.984375 -3.640625 C 7.984375 -3.109375 7.953125 -2.671875 7.921875 -2.203125 C 8.40625 -2.25 8.90625 -2.265625 9.53125 -2.265625 L 17.09375 -2.265625 C 17.65625 -2.265625 18.109375 -2.25 18.5625 -2.203125 C 18.515625 -2.75 18.5 -3.15625 18.5 -3.609375 L 18.5 -6.28125 C 18.5 -7.03125 18.515625 -7.4375 18.5625 -7.890625 C 18.140625 -7.828125 17.890625 -7.828125 17.046875 -7.828125 L 9.296875 -7.828125 L 9.296875 -10 L 16.421875 -10 C 17.03125 -10 17.40625 -9.96875 17.953125 -9.9375 C 17.890625 -10.3125 17.890625 -10.75 17.890625 -11.359375 L 17.890625 -13.921875 C 17.890625 -14.453125 17.890625 -14.890625 17.953125 -15.328125 C 17.53125 -15.265625 17.109375 -15.25 16.4375 -15.25 L 12.875 -15.25 C 13.203125 -15.75 13.59375 -16.375 14.046875 -17.234375 L 12.640625 -17.578125 C 12.3125 -16.71875 11.984375 -16.125 11.4375 -15.25 Z M 9.296875 -14.09375 L 16.59375 -14.09375 L 16.59375 -11.125 L 9.296875 -11.125 Z M 9.296875 -6.703125 L 17.203125 -6.703125 L 17.203125 -3.4375 L 9.296875 -3.4375 Z M 1.34375 -16.109375 C 2.671875 -14.890625 3.359375 -14.09375 4.59375 -12.28125 L 5.671875 -13.234375 C 4.40625 -14.90625 3.765625 -15.671875 2.328125 -16.984375 Z M 1.203125 -7.703125 C 1.71875 -7.796875 2.03125 -7.8125 2.734375 -7.8125 L 4.109375 -7.8125 L 4.109375 -2.75 C 2.96875 -1.640625 1.65625 -0.65625 0.734375 -0.203125 L 1.421875 1.15625 C 1.75 0.875 1.953125 0.6875 2.203125 0.5 C 3.34375 -0.40625 3.78125 -0.78125 4.71875 -1.75 C 5.4375 -0.6875 5.9375 -0.203125 6.84375 0.234375 C 8.046875 0.8125 9.46875 1.015625 12.921875 1.015625 C 15.3125 1.015625 17.109375 0.96875 19.890625 0.875 C 19.984375 0.25 20.0625 0.0625 20.375 -0.625 C 18.4375 -0.375 15.75 -0.25 12.03125 -0.25 C 9.109375 -0.25 7.8125 -0.46875 6.828125 -1.109375 C 6.109375 -1.578125 5.734375 -2.03125 5.4375 -2.8125 L 5.4375 -6.90625 C 5.4375 -7.984375 5.453125 -8.46875 5.515625 -9.109375 C 5.046875 -9.046875 4.53125 -9.015625 3.953125 -9.015625 L 2.8125 -9.015625 C 2.03125 -9.015625 1.703125 -9.03125 1.203125 -9.109375 Z M 1.203125 -7.703125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-22"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 6.046875 -13.5 C 6.125 -16.921875 6.125 -16.921875 6.234375 -17.46875 L 4.640625 -17.46875 C 4.765625 -16.859375 4.78125 -16.53125 4.78125 -15.1875 C 4.78125 -14.53125 4.78125 -14.09375 4.75 -13.5 L 3.53125 -13.5 C 2.484375 -13.5 1.71875 -13.546875 1.21875 -13.65625 L 1.21875 -12.09375 C 1.78125 -12.203125 2.5 -12.25 3.421875 -12.25 L 4.6875 -12.25 C 4.46875 -8.46875 3.90625 -5.796875 2.828125 -3.5 C 2.1875 -2.125 1.65625 -1.359375 0.484375 -0.015625 C 0.9375 0.359375 1.21875 0.65625 1.546875 1.15625 C 2.625 -0.1875 3.0625 -0.859375 3.671875 -2.0625 C 4.375 -3.40625 4.828125 -4.65625 5.203125 -6.28125 C 5.625 -8.109375 5.859375 -9.703125 6 -12.25 L 9.078125 -12.25 C 9.046875 -10 9.015625 -8.8125 8.90625 -6.828125 C 8.78125 -4.625 8.375 -1.875 8.109375 -1.171875 C 7.953125 -0.8125 7.6875 -0.671875 7.125 -0.671875 C 6.515625 -0.671875 5.625 -0.796875 4.65625 -1.015625 C 4.8125 -0.40625 4.84375 -0.234375 4.875 0.375 C 5.859375 0.53125 6.78125 0.609375 7.4375 0.609375 C 8.890625 0.609375 9.328125 0.125 9.703125 -1.96875 C 10.078125 -4.15625 10.328125 -7.453125 10.390625 -10.921875 C 10.421875 -12.984375 10.421875 -12.984375 10.5 -13.59375 C 9.875 -13.53125 9.296875 -13.5 8.3125 -13.5 Z M 13.625 -0.859375 L 17.96875 -0.859375 L 17.96875 0.65625 L 19.421875 0.65625 C 19.34375 0.015625 19.296875 -0.609375 19.296875 -1.40625 L 19.296875 -12.703125 C 19.296875 -13.71875 19.3125 -14.265625 19.40625 -14.90625 C 18.734375 -14.828125 18.390625 -14.8125 17.578125 -14.8125 L 14.046875 -14.8125 C 13.25 -14.8125 12.8125 -14.828125 12.203125 -14.90625 C 12.28125 -14.265625 12.3125 -13.671875 12.3125 -12.703125 L 12.3125 -1.578125 C 12.3125 -0.71875 12.265625 0.234375 12.1875 0.8125 L 13.625 0.8125 Z M 13.625 -13.59375 L 17.96875 -13.59375 L 17.96875 -2.078125 L 13.625 -2.078125 Z M 13.625 -13.59375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-23"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 11.859375 -17.578125 C 11.59375 -16.796875 10.546875 -15.328125 9.359375 -14.0625 C 9.03125 -14.328125 8.78125 -14.53125 7.984375 -15.140625 L 7.078125 -14.171875 C 9.03125 -12.765625 9.828125 -12.109375 11.28125 -10.734375 C 10.90625 -10.359375 10.90625 -10.359375 9.765625 -9.28125 C 7.890625 -9.21875 7.890625 -9.21875 7.515625 -9.21875 C 6.859375 -9.21875 6.390625 -9.234375 6 -9.296875 L 6.234375 -7.890625 C 6.59375 -7.953125 6.640625 -7.953125 7.25 -8 C 9.296875 -8.109375 10.390625 -8.171875 10.546875 -8.171875 C 9.5625 -6.28125 7.9375 -4.765625 5.609375 -3.5 C 6 -3.171875 6.296875 -2.859375 6.546875 -2.5 C 7.75 -3.25 8.609375 -3.953125 9.421875 -4.8125 C 10.125 -3.796875 10.734375 -3.171875 11.84375 -2.1875 C 9.8125 -0.9375 7.875 -0.203125 5.390625 0.234375 C 5.859375 0.78125 5.96875 0.921875 6.1875 1.453125 C 8.921875 0.796875 10.640625 0.0625 12.875 -1.40625 C 13.421875 -1.03125 13.859375 -0.75 14.71875 -0.34375 C 16.484375 0.546875 17.46875 0.90625 19.453125 1.390625 C 19.796875 0.609375 19.796875 0.59375 20.140625 0.0625 C 17.90625 -0.3125 15.765625 -1.09375 13.96875 -2.1875 C 15.125 -3.09375 16.296875 -4.28125 17.015625 -5.3125 C 17.296875 -5.734375 17.296875 -5.734375 17.5 -5.9375 L 16.625 -6.734375 C 16.296875 -6.671875 15.671875 -6.640625 14.90625 -6.640625 L 10.921875 -6.640625 C 11.40625 -7.328125 11.53125 -7.515625 11.921875 -8.28125 C 14.234375 -8.421875 14.234375 -8.421875 17.828125 -8.8125 C 18.25 -8.234375 18.421875 -7.984375 18.984375 -7.140625 L 20.078125 -7.890625 C 18.6875 -9.765625 17.875 -10.75 16.4375 -12.265625 L 15.453125 -11.59375 C 16.25 -10.765625 16.5625 -10.4375 17.09375 -9.78125 C 14.40625 -9.53125 14.40625 -9.53125 11.484375 -9.359375 C 13.359375 -11.109375 14.609375 -12.4375 16 -14.140625 C 16.5 -14.734375 16.625 -14.890625 16.84375 -15.125 L 15.515625 -15.890625 C 15.0625 -14.953125 13.984375 -13.59375 12.15625 -11.640625 C 11.4375 -12.3125 11.125 -12.59375 10.265625 -13.328125 C 11.125 -14.234375 11.921875 -15.21875 12.59375 -16.171875 C 12.890625 -16.625 12.953125 -16.6875 13.125 -16.921875 Z M 15.5625 -5.5625 C 14.84375 -4.53125 14.0625 -3.765625 12.890625 -2.890625 C 11.828125 -3.71875 11.109375 -4.453125 10.296875 -5.5625 Z M 5.265625 -17.65625 C 4.53125 -16.0625 2.921875 -14.359375 0.9375 -13.171875 C 1.328125 -12.859375 1.515625 -12.625 1.78125 -12.140625 C 3.421875 -13.265625 4.78125 -14.59375 5.96875 -16.25 C 6.28125 -16.671875 6.28125 -16.671875 6.453125 -16.890625 Z M 3.359375 -0.96875 C 3.359375 0.125 3.3125 0.875 3.234375 1.46875 L 4.765625 1.46875 C 4.703125 0.84375 4.65625 0.0625 4.65625 -1.03125 L 4.65625 -9.703125 C 5.25 -10.421875 5.78125 -11.125 6.046875 -11.609375 C 6.328125 -12.078125 6.421875 -12.25 6.65625 -12.53125 L 5.453125 -13.265625 C 5.234375 -12.65625 4.84375 -12.015625 4.21875 -11.125 C 3.171875 -9.640625 2.015625 -8.484375 0.546875 -7.453125 C 0.96875 -7.015625 1.078125 -6.828125 1.328125 -6.296875 C 2.28125 -7.0625 2.765625 -7.5625 3.40625 -8.375 C 3.375 -7.203125 3.375 -7.203125 3.375 -7.0625 C 3.375 -6.765625 3.375 -6.28125 3.359375 -5.5625 Z M 3.359375 -0.96875 "/> +</symbol> +</g> +</defs> +<g id="surface1"> +<rect x="0" y="0" width="773" height="374" style="fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;stroke:none;"/> +<path style="fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(100%,100%,100%);fill-opacity:1;stroke-width:1;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(0%,0%,0%);stroke-opacity:1;stroke-miterlimit:10;" d="M 233.738281 254.097656 C 248.542969 268.894531 248.542969 292.882812 233.738281 307.679688 C 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-2.9375 C 12.738281 -2.507812 12.753906 -2.109375 12.765625 -1.734375 C 12.785156 -1.359375 12.820312 -1.019531 12.875 -0.71875 C 12.925781 -0.414062 13.035156 -0.175781 13.203125 0 L 15.75 0 C 15.507812 -0.289062 15.328125 -0.625 15.203125 -1 C 15.085938 -1.375 14.992188 -1.769531 14.921875 -2.1875 C 14.859375 -2.601562 14.816406 -3.023438 14.796875 -3.453125 C 14.785156 -3.890625 14.765625 -4.316406 14.734375 -4.734375 C 14.679688 -5.148438 14.613281 -5.546875 14.53125 -5.921875 C 14.445312 -6.304688 14.3125 -6.65625 14.125 -6.96875 C 13.9375 -7.28125 13.6875 -7.546875 13.375 -7.765625 C 13.0625 -7.992188 12.660156 -8.15625 12.171875 -8.25 L 12.171875 -8.296875 C 13.210938 -8.585938 13.96875 -9.125 14.4375 -9.90625 C 14.90625 -10.695312 15.140625 -11.609375 15.140625 -12.640625 C 15.140625 -14.035156 14.679688 -15.132812 13.765625 -15.9375 C 12.847656 -16.738281 11.570312 -17.140625 9.9375 -17.140625 Z M 8.90625 -9.234375 L 4.15625 -9.234375 L 4.15625 -15.21875 L 9.8125 -15.21875 C 10.882812 -15.21875 11.660156 -14.941406 12.140625 -14.390625 C 12.617188 -13.847656 12.859375 -13.144531 12.859375 -12.28125 C 12.859375 -11.664062 12.75 -11.160156 12.53125 -10.765625 C 12.320312 -10.367188 12.035156 -10.054688 11.671875 -9.828125 C 11.316406 -9.597656 10.898438 -9.441406 10.421875 -9.359375 C 9.941406 -9.273438 9.4375 -9.234375 8.90625 -9.234375 Z M 8.90625 -9.234375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-2"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 10.15625 -7.390625 L 3.03125 -7.390625 C 3.0625 -7.867188 3.160156 -8.320312 3.328125 -8.75 C 3.503906 -9.175781 3.742188 -9.546875 4.046875 -9.859375 C 4.359375 -10.179688 4.722656 -10.429688 5.140625 -10.609375 C 5.566406 -10.796875 6.046875 -10.890625 6.578125 -10.890625 C 7.085938 -10.890625 7.550781 -10.796875 7.96875 -10.609375 C 8.394531 -10.429688 8.765625 -10.1875 9.078125 -9.875 C 9.390625 -9.5625 9.640625 -9.1875 9.828125 -8.75 C 10.015625 -8.320312 10.125 -7.867188 10.15625 -7.390625 Z M 12.125 -3.9375 L 10.109375 -3.9375 C 9.929688 -3.125 9.566406 -2.515625 9.015625 -2.109375 C 8.460938 -1.710938 7.753906 -1.515625 6.890625 -1.515625 C 6.210938 -1.515625 5.625 -1.625 5.125 -1.84375 C 4.632812 -2.070312 4.226562 -2.375 3.90625 -2.75 C 3.59375 -3.125 3.363281 -3.554688 3.21875 -4.046875 C 3.070312 -4.535156 3.007812 -5.050781 3.03125 -5.59375 L 12.3125 -5.59375 C 12.34375 -6.34375 12.273438 -7.132812 12.109375 -7.96875 C 11.941406 -8.800781 11.632812 -9.566406 11.1875 -10.265625 C 10.75 -10.972656 10.164062 -11.554688 9.4375 -12.015625 C 8.71875 -12.472656 7.804688 -12.703125 6.703125 -12.703125 C 5.847656 -12.703125 5.0625 -12.539062 4.34375 -12.21875 C 3.632812 -11.894531 3.019531 -11.445312 2.5 -10.875 C 1.988281 -10.300781 1.585938 -9.617188 1.296875 -8.828125 C 1.003906 -8.046875 0.859375 -7.179688 0.859375 -6.234375 C 0.890625 -5.296875 1.03125 -4.425781 1.28125 -3.625 C 1.53125 -2.820312 1.898438 -2.132812 2.390625 -1.5625 C 2.890625 -0.988281 3.503906 -0.539062 4.234375 -0.21875 C 4.960938 0.101562 5.820312 0.265625 6.8125 0.265625 C 8.21875 0.265625 9.382812 -0.0820312 10.3125 -0.78125 C 11.25 -1.488281 11.851562 -2.539062 12.125 -3.9375 Z M 12.125 -3.9375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-3"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 12.53125 -0.046875 C 12.175781 0.160156 11.6875 0.265625 11.0625 0.265625 C 10.53125 0.265625 10.109375 0.117188 9.796875 -0.171875 C 9.492188 -0.472656 9.34375 -0.957031 9.34375 -1.625 C 8.78125 -0.957031 8.125 -0.472656 7.375 -0.171875 C 6.632812 0.117188 5.832031 0.265625 4.96875 0.265625 C 4.40625 0.265625 3.867188 0.195312 3.359375 0.0625 C 2.859375 -0.0625 2.425781 -0.257812 2.0625 -0.53125 C 1.695312 -0.800781 1.40625 -1.15625 1.1875 -1.59375 C 0.96875 -2.03125 0.859375 -2.5625 0.859375 -3.1875 C 0.859375 -3.894531 0.976562 -4.472656 1.21875 -4.921875 C 1.457031 -5.367188 1.773438 -5.734375 2.171875 -6.015625 C 2.566406 -6.296875 3.015625 -6.503906 3.515625 -6.640625 C 4.015625 -6.785156 4.53125 -6.910156 5.0625 -7.015625 C 5.625 -7.117188 6.15625 -7.195312 6.65625 -7.25 C 7.164062 -7.3125 7.609375 -7.394531 7.984375 -7.5 C 8.367188 -7.601562 8.671875 -7.753906 8.890625 -7.953125 C 9.117188 -8.148438 9.234375 -8.441406 9.234375 -8.828125 C 9.234375 -9.273438 9.148438 -9.632812 8.984375 -9.90625 C 8.816406 -10.175781 8.597656 -10.382812 8.328125 -10.53125 C 8.066406 -10.675781 7.769531 -10.769531 7.4375 -10.8125 C 7.113281 -10.863281 6.796875 -10.890625 6.484375 -10.890625 C 5.617188 -10.890625 4.894531 -10.722656 4.3125 -10.390625 C 3.738281 -10.066406 3.429688 -9.453125 3.390625 -8.546875 L 1.34375 -8.546875 C 1.375 -9.316406 1.53125 -9.960938 1.8125 -10.484375 C 2.101562 -11.015625 2.488281 -11.441406 2.96875 -11.765625 C 3.457031 -12.097656 4.007812 -12.335938 4.625 -12.484375 C 5.238281 -12.628906 5.894531 -12.703125 6.59375 -12.703125 C 7.15625 -12.703125 7.710938 -12.660156 8.265625 -12.578125 C 8.816406 -12.492188 9.316406 -12.328125 9.765625 -12.078125 C 10.210938 -11.835938 10.570312 -11.492188 10.84375 -11.046875 C 11.113281 -10.597656 11.25 -10.007812 11.25 -9.28125 L 11.25 -2.90625 C 11.25 -2.425781 11.273438 -2.070312 11.328125 -1.84375 C 11.390625 -1.625 11.582031 -1.515625 11.90625 -1.515625 C 12.082031 -1.515625 12.289062 -1.550781 12.53125 -1.625 Z M 9.21875 -6.40625 C 8.957031 -6.21875 8.617188 -6.078125 8.203125 -5.984375 C 7.785156 -5.898438 7.347656 -5.828125 6.890625 -5.765625 C 6.441406 -5.710938 5.984375 -5.648438 5.515625 -5.578125 C 5.054688 -5.503906 4.640625 -5.382812 4.265625 -5.21875 C 3.898438 -5.0625 3.601562 -4.835938 3.375 -4.546875 C 3.144531 -4.253906 3.03125 -3.851562 3.03125 -3.34375 C 3.03125 -3 3.097656 -2.710938 3.234375 -2.484375 C 3.367188 -2.253906 3.539062 -2.066406 3.75 -1.921875 C 3.96875 -1.773438 4.21875 -1.671875 4.5 -1.609375 C 4.789062 -1.546875 5.097656 -1.515625 5.421875 -1.515625 C 6.097656 -1.515625 6.675781 -1.601562 7.15625 -1.78125 C 7.632812 -1.96875 8.023438 -2.203125 8.328125 -2.484375 C 8.628906 -2.765625 8.851562 -3.066406 9 -3.390625 C 9.144531 -3.722656 9.21875 -4.03125 9.21875 -4.3125 Z M 9.21875 -6.40625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-4"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.03125 -6.09375 C 3.03125 -6.707031 3.09375 -7.300781 3.21875 -7.875 C 3.34375 -8.445312 3.546875 -8.957031 3.828125 -9.40625 C 4.117188 -9.851562 4.503906 -10.210938 4.984375 -10.484375 C 5.472656 -10.753906 6.0625 -10.890625 6.75 -10.890625 C 7.445312 -10.890625 8.039062 -10.757812 8.53125 -10.5 C 9.03125 -10.238281 9.4375 -9.890625 9.75 -9.453125 C 10.0625 -9.023438 10.289062 -8.523438 10.4375 -7.953125 C 10.582031 -7.390625 10.65625 -6.800781 10.65625 -6.1875 C 10.65625 -5.613281 10.585938 -5.046875 10.453125 -4.484375 C 10.316406 -3.921875 10.097656 -3.421875 9.796875 -2.984375 C 9.492188 -2.546875 9.097656 -2.191406 8.609375 -1.921875 C 8.128906 -1.648438 7.546875 -1.515625 6.859375 -1.515625 C 6.203125 -1.515625 5.628906 -1.640625 5.140625 -1.890625 C 4.660156 -2.148438 4.265625 -2.492188 3.953125 -2.921875 C 3.640625 -3.359375 3.40625 -3.851562 3.25 -4.40625 C 3.101562 -4.957031 3.03125 -5.519531 3.03125 -6.09375 Z M 12.625 0 L 12.625 -17.140625 L 10.578125 -17.140625 L 10.578125 -10.75 L 10.53125 -10.75 C 10.3125 -11.113281 10.035156 -11.421875 9.703125 -11.671875 C 9.378906 -11.921875 9.03125 -12.117188 8.65625 -12.265625 C 8.289062 -12.421875 7.925781 -12.53125 7.5625 -12.59375 C 7.195312 -12.664062 6.851562 -12.703125 6.53125 -12.703125 C 5.582031 -12.703125 4.75 -12.523438 4.03125 -12.171875 C 3.320312 -11.828125 2.734375 -11.363281 2.265625 -10.78125 C 1.796875 -10.195312 1.441406 -9.515625 1.203125 -8.734375 C 0.972656 -7.953125 0.859375 -7.117188 0.859375 -6.234375 C 0.859375 -5.359375 0.976562 -4.523438 1.21875 -3.734375 C 1.457031 -2.953125 1.8125 -2.265625 2.28125 -1.671875 C 2.757812 -1.085938 3.351562 -0.617188 4.0625 -0.265625 C 4.78125 0.0859375 5.617188 0.265625 6.578125 0.265625 C 7.441406 0.265625 8.234375 0.113281 8.953125 -0.1875 C 9.671875 -0.488281 10.195312 -0.988281 10.53125 -1.6875 L 10.578125 -1.6875 L 10.578125 0 Z M 12.625 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-5"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d=""/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-6"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 4.15625 -1.921875 L 4.15625 -15.21875 L 7.984375 -15.21875 C 9.046875 -15.21875 9.9375 -15.066406 10.65625 -14.765625 C 11.375 -14.472656 11.960938 -14.039062 12.421875 -13.46875 C 12.878906 -12.90625 13.207031 -12.21875 13.40625 -11.40625 C 13.601562 -10.601562 13.703125 -9.6875 13.703125 -8.65625 C 13.703125 -7.601562 13.59375 -6.703125 13.375 -5.953125 C 13.164062 -5.210938 12.890625 -4.59375 12.546875 -4.09375 C 12.210938 -3.601562 11.832031 -3.210938 11.40625 -2.921875 C 10.988281 -2.640625 10.5625 -2.421875 10.125 -2.265625 C 9.695312 -2.117188 9.289062 -2.023438 8.90625 -1.984375 C 8.519531 -1.941406 8.195312 -1.921875 7.9375 -1.921875 Z M 1.875 -17.140625 L 1.875 0 L 7.75 0 C 9.175781 0 10.410156 -0.195312 11.453125 -0.59375 C 12.492188 -1 13.347656 -1.582031 14.015625 -2.34375 C 14.691406 -3.101562 15.1875 -4.035156 15.5 -5.140625 C 15.820312 -6.253906 15.984375 -7.53125 15.984375 -8.96875 C 15.984375 -11.726562 15.269531 -13.78125 13.84375 -15.125 C 12.425781 -16.46875 10.394531 -17.140625 7.75 -17.140625 Z M 1.875 -17.140625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-7"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 4.375 -12.40625 L 4.375 -16.125 L 2.328125 -16.125 L 2.328125 -12.40625 L 0.21875 -12.40625 L 0.21875 -10.609375 L 2.328125 -10.609375 L 2.328125 -2.71875 C 2.328125 -2.132812 2.378906 -1.664062 2.484375 -1.3125 C 2.597656 -0.96875 2.769531 -0.695312 3 -0.5 C 3.238281 -0.3125 3.546875 -0.179688 3.921875 -0.109375 C 4.296875 -0.0351562 4.75 0 5.28125 0 L 6.84375 0 L 6.84375 -1.796875 L 5.90625 -1.796875 C 5.582031 -1.796875 5.320312 -1.804688 5.125 -1.828125 C 4.925781 -1.859375 4.769531 -1.910156 4.65625 -1.984375 C 4.539062 -2.066406 4.460938 -2.179688 4.421875 -2.328125 C 4.390625 -2.472656 4.375 -2.664062 4.375 -2.90625 L 4.375 -10.609375 L 6.84375 -10.609375 L 6.84375 -12.40625 Z M 4.375 -12.40625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-8"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 14.6875 -2.140625 L 15.28125 0 L 16.734375 0 L 16.734375 -9.03125 L 9.21875 -9.03125 L 9.21875 -7.109375 L 14.6875 -7.109375 C 14.71875 -6.316406 14.613281 -5.582031 14.375 -4.90625 C 14.132812 -4.226562 13.773438 -3.632812 13.296875 -3.125 C 12.828125 -2.625 12.25 -2.226562 11.5625 -1.9375 C 10.875 -1.65625 10.082031 -1.515625 9.1875 -1.515625 C 8.226562 -1.515625 7.382812 -1.703125 6.65625 -2.078125 C 5.925781 -2.453125 5.3125 -2.953125 4.8125 -3.578125 C 4.320312 -4.210938 3.945312 -4.941406 3.6875 -5.765625 C 3.4375 -6.597656 3.3125 -7.460938 3.3125 -8.359375 C 3.3125 -9.265625 3.421875 -10.15625 3.640625 -11.03125 C 3.867188 -11.90625 4.21875 -12.679688 4.6875 -13.359375 C 5.164062 -14.035156 5.773438 -14.582031 6.515625 -15 C 7.253906 -15.414062 8.144531 -15.625 9.1875 -15.625 C 9.832031 -15.625 10.4375 -15.546875 11 -15.390625 C 11.570312 -15.242188 12.082031 -15.015625 12.53125 -14.703125 C 12.976562 -14.398438 13.351562 -14.015625 13.65625 -13.546875 C 13.957031 -13.078125 14.164062 -12.515625 14.28125 -11.859375 L 16.5625 -11.859375 C 16.394531 -12.867188 16.09375 -13.726562 15.65625 -14.4375 C 15.21875 -15.144531 14.675781 -15.726562 14.03125 -16.1875 C 13.382812 -16.65625 12.644531 -17 11.8125 -17.21875 C 10.988281 -17.4375 10.113281 -17.546875 9.1875 -17.546875 C 7.832031 -17.546875 6.644531 -17.289062 5.625 -16.78125 C 4.613281 -16.28125 3.765625 -15.601562 3.078125 -14.75 C 2.398438 -13.90625 1.890625 -12.921875 1.546875 -11.796875 C 1.203125 -10.671875 1.03125 -9.484375 1.03125 -8.234375 C 1.03125 -7.109375 1.210938 -6.023438 1.578125 -4.984375 C 1.953125 -3.953125 2.488281 -3.035156 3.1875 -2.234375 C 3.894531 -1.429688 4.75 -0.789062 5.75 -0.3125 C 6.757812 0.15625 7.90625 0.390625 9.1875 0.390625 C 10.195312 0.390625 11.195312 0.191406 12.1875 -0.203125 C 13.1875 -0.597656 14.019531 -1.242188 14.6875 -2.140625 Z M 14.6875 -2.140625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-9"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.46875 -12.40625 L 1.46875 0 L 3.5 0 L 3.5 -5.515625 C 3.5 -6.316406 3.578125 -7.023438 3.734375 -7.640625 C 3.898438 -8.253906 4.160156 -8.773438 4.515625 -9.203125 C 4.867188 -9.640625 5.332031 -9.96875 5.90625 -10.1875 C 6.476562 -10.414062 7.171875 -10.53125 7.984375 -10.53125 L 7.984375 -12.703125 C 6.890625 -12.734375 5.976562 -12.503906 5.25 -12.015625 C 4.53125 -11.535156 3.925781 -10.796875 3.4375 -9.796875 L 3.390625 -9.796875 L 3.390625 -12.40625 Z M 1.46875 -12.40625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-10"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 17.359375 0 L 21.9375 -17.140625 L 19.65625 -17.140625 L 16.171875 -2.875 L 16.125 -2.875 L 12.34375 -17.140625 L 9.859375 -17.140625 L 6.03125 -2.875 L 5.96875 -2.875 L 2.609375 -17.140625 L 0.28125 -17.140625 L 4.6875 0 L 7.0625 0 L 11.015625 -14.40625 L 11.0625 -14.40625 L 14.96875 0 Z M 17.359375 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-11"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.703125 -14.640625 L 3.703125 -17.140625 L 1.65625 -17.140625 L 1.65625 -14.640625 Z M 1.65625 -12.40625 L 1.65625 0 L 3.703125 0 L 3.703125 -12.40625 Z M 1.65625 -12.40625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-12"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 4.15625 -8.921875 L 4.15625 -15.21875 L 8.609375 -15.21875 C 9.910156 -15.21875 10.859375 -14.945312 11.453125 -14.40625 C 12.054688 -13.875 12.359375 -13.097656 12.359375 -12.078125 C 12.359375 -11.046875 12.054688 -10.257812 11.453125 -9.71875 C 10.859375 -9.175781 9.910156 -8.910156 8.609375 -8.921875 Z M 1.875 -17.140625 L 1.875 0 L 4.15625 0 L 4.15625 -7.015625 L 9.390625 -7.015625 C 11.109375 -6.992188 12.410156 -7.429688 13.296875 -8.328125 C 14.191406 -9.222656 14.640625 -10.472656 14.640625 -12.078125 C 14.640625 -13.671875 14.191406 -14.910156 13.296875 -15.796875 C 12.410156 -16.691406 11.109375 -17.140625 9.390625 -17.140625 Z M 1.875 -17.140625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-13"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.78125 -3.90625 L 0.75 -3.90625 C 0.78125 -3.144531 0.9375 -2.492188 1.21875 -1.953125 C 1.507812 -1.421875 1.894531 -0.988281 2.375 -0.65625 C 2.851562 -0.332031 3.40625 -0.0976562 4.03125 0.046875 C 4.65625 0.191406 5.3125 0.265625 6 0.265625 C 6.625 0.265625 7.25 0.203125 7.875 0.078125 C 8.507812 -0.0351562 9.078125 -0.242188 9.578125 -0.546875 C 10.085938 -0.859375 10.5 -1.257812 10.8125 -1.75 C 11.125 -2.25 11.28125 -2.875 11.28125 -3.625 C 11.28125 -4.21875 11.160156 -4.710938 10.921875 -5.109375 C 10.691406 -5.515625 10.390625 -5.847656 10.015625 -6.109375 C 9.640625 -6.367188 9.207031 -6.578125 8.71875 -6.734375 C 8.226562 -6.898438 7.726562 -7.039062 7.21875 -7.15625 C 6.738281 -7.257812 6.257812 -7.363281 5.78125 -7.46875 C 5.300781 -7.570312 4.867188 -7.703125 4.484375 -7.859375 C 4.097656 -8.015625 3.78125 -8.207031 3.53125 -8.4375 C 3.289062 -8.664062 3.171875 -8.957031 3.171875 -9.3125 C 3.171875 -9.632812 3.25 -9.894531 3.40625 -10.09375 C 3.5625 -10.289062 3.769531 -10.445312 4.03125 -10.5625 C 4.289062 -10.6875 4.578125 -10.769531 4.890625 -10.8125 C 5.203125 -10.863281 5.507812 -10.890625 5.8125 -10.890625 C 6.144531 -10.890625 6.472656 -10.851562 6.796875 -10.78125 C 7.128906 -10.71875 7.429688 -10.601562 7.703125 -10.4375 C 7.972656 -10.28125 8.195312 -10.066406 8.375 -9.796875 C 8.550781 -9.535156 8.65625 -9.207031 8.6875 -8.8125 L 10.734375 -8.8125 C 10.679688 -9.5625 10.519531 -10.1875 10.25 -10.6875 C 9.976562 -11.195312 9.613281 -11.597656 9.15625 -11.890625 C 8.695312 -12.191406 8.171875 -12.398438 7.578125 -12.515625 C 6.992188 -12.640625 6.347656 -12.703125 5.640625 -12.703125 C 5.097656 -12.703125 4.550781 -12.628906 4 -12.484375 C 3.445312 -12.347656 2.945312 -12.140625 2.5 -11.859375 C 2.0625 -11.585938 1.703125 -11.226562 1.421875 -10.78125 C 1.148438 -10.332031 1.015625 -9.796875 1.015625 -9.171875 C 1.015625 -8.367188 1.210938 -7.742188 1.609375 -7.296875 C 2.003906 -6.847656 2.503906 -6.5 3.109375 -6.25 C 3.710938 -6 4.363281 -5.804688 5.0625 -5.671875 C 5.769531 -5.535156 6.421875 -5.382812 7.015625 -5.21875 C 7.617188 -5.050781 8.117188 -4.832031 8.515625 -4.5625 C 8.921875 -4.289062 9.125 -3.890625 9.125 -3.359375 C 9.125 -2.972656 9.023438 -2.65625 8.828125 -2.40625 C 8.640625 -2.164062 8.394531 -1.976562 8.09375 -1.84375 C 7.800781 -1.71875 7.476562 -1.628906 7.125 -1.578125 C 6.769531 -1.535156 6.4375 -1.515625 6.125 -1.515625 C 5.707031 -1.515625 5.300781 -1.550781 4.90625 -1.625 C 4.507812 -1.707031 4.15625 -1.835938 3.84375 -2.015625 C 3.539062 -2.203125 3.289062 -2.453125 3.09375 -2.765625 C 2.90625 -3.078125 2.800781 -3.457031 2.78125 -3.90625 Z M 2.78125 -3.90625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-14"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.53125 -12.40625 L 1.53125 0 L 3.578125 0 L 3.578125 -7.015625 C 3.578125 -7.566406 3.648438 -8.078125 3.796875 -8.546875 C 3.953125 -9.023438 4.179688 -9.4375 4.484375 -9.78125 C 4.785156 -10.132812 5.164062 -10.40625 5.625 -10.59375 C 6.082031 -10.789062 6.625 -10.890625 7.25 -10.890625 C 8.03125 -10.890625 8.644531 -10.664062 9.09375 -10.21875 C 9.539062 -9.769531 9.765625 -9.164062 9.765625 -8.40625 L 9.765625 0 L 11.8125 0 L 11.8125 -8.15625 C 11.8125 -8.832031 11.742188 -9.445312 11.609375 -10 C 11.472656 -10.550781 11.234375 -11.023438 10.890625 -11.421875 C 10.554688 -11.828125 10.117188 -12.140625 9.578125 -12.359375 C 9.035156 -12.585938 8.351562 -12.703125 7.53125 -12.703125 C 5.695312 -12.703125 4.351562 -11.945312 3.5 -10.4375 L 3.453125 -10.4375 L 3.453125 -12.40625 Z M 1.53125 -12.40625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-15"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 5.765625 -15.21875 L 5.765625 0 L 8.046875 0 L 8.046875 -15.21875 L 13.75 -15.21875 L 13.75 -17.140625 L 0.046875 -17.140625 L 0.046875 -15.21875 Z M 5.765625 -15.21875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-0"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.78125 0 L 0.78125 -17.21875 L 14.4375 -17.21875 L 14.4375 0 Z M 12.28125 -2.15625 L 12.28125 -15.0625 L 2.9375 -15.0625 L 2.9375 -2.15625 Z M 12.28125 -2.15625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-1"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.359375 -17.21875 L 4.71875 -17.21875 L 4.71875 0 L 2.359375 0 Z M 2.359375 -17.21875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-2"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.546875 -12.546875 L 3.546875 -12.546875 L 3.546875 -10.765625 C 4.140625 -11.503906 4.769531 -12.03125 5.4375 -12.34375 C 6.101562 -12.664062 6.84375 -12.828125 7.65625 -12.828125 C 9.4375 -12.828125 10.640625 -12.207031 11.265625 -10.96875 C 11.609375 -10.289062 11.78125 -9.316406 11.78125 -8.046875 L 11.78125 0 L 9.640625 0 L 9.640625 -7.90625 C 9.640625 -8.675781 9.523438 -9.296875 9.296875 -9.765625 C 8.921875 -10.546875 8.238281 -10.9375 7.25 -10.9375 C 6.75 -10.9375 6.34375 -10.882812 6.03125 -10.78125 C 5.445312 -10.613281 4.9375 -10.269531 4.5 -9.75 C 4.144531 -9.332031 3.914062 -8.90625 3.8125 -8.46875 C 3.707031 -8.03125 3.65625 -7.398438 3.65625 -6.578125 L 3.65625 0 L 1.546875 0 Z M 6.5 -12.859375 Z M 6.5 -12.859375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-3"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 6.84375 -1.421875 C 7.832031 -1.421875 8.648438 -1.832031 9.296875 -2.65625 C 9.953125 -3.476562 10.28125 -4.710938 10.28125 -6.359375 C 10.28125 -7.359375 10.132812 -8.21875 9.84375 -8.9375 C 9.300781 -10.3125 8.300781 -11 6.84375 -11 C 5.382812 -11 4.382812 -10.269531 3.84375 -8.8125 C 3.550781 -8.03125 3.40625 -7.039062 3.40625 -5.84375 C 3.40625 -4.875 3.550781 -4.046875 3.84375 -3.359375 C 4.394531 -2.066406 5.394531 -1.421875 6.84375 -1.421875 Z M 1.390625 -12.5 L 3.4375 -12.5 L 3.4375 -10.828125 C 3.851562 -11.398438 4.3125 -11.84375 4.8125 -12.15625 C 5.53125 -12.625 6.367188 -12.859375 7.328125 -12.859375 C 8.742188 -12.859375 9.945312 -12.3125 10.9375 -11.21875 C 11.9375 -10.132812 12.4375 -8.578125 12.4375 -6.546875 C 12.4375 -3.816406 11.722656 -1.863281 10.296875 -0.6875 C 9.390625 0.0507812 8.332031 0.421875 7.125 0.421875 C 6.175781 0.421875 5.382812 0.210938 4.75 -0.203125 C 4.375 -0.429688 3.957031 -0.832031 3.5 -1.40625 L 3.5 5 L 1.390625 5 Z M 1.390625 -12.5 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-4"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.65625 -12.546875 L 3.65625 -4.21875 C 3.65625 -3.582031 3.757812 -3.0625 3.96875 -2.65625 C 4.34375 -1.90625 5.039062 -1.53125 6.0625 -1.53125 C 7.53125 -1.53125 8.53125 -2.1875 9.0625 -3.5 C 9.351562 -4.195312 9.5 -5.160156 9.5 -6.390625 L 9.5 -12.546875 L 11.609375 -12.546875 L 11.609375 0 L 9.609375 0 L 9.640625 -1.859375 C 9.359375 -1.378906 9.015625 -0.972656 8.609375 -0.640625 C 7.804688 0.015625 6.832031 0.34375 5.6875 0.34375 C 3.894531 0.34375 2.675781 -0.253906 2.03125 -1.453125 C 1.675781 -2.097656 1.5 -2.953125 1.5 -4.015625 L 1.5 -12.546875 Z M 6.546875 -12.859375 Z M 6.546875 -12.859375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-5"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.96875 -16.0625 L 4.109375 -16.0625 L 4.109375 -12.546875 L 6.109375 -12.546875 L 6.109375 -10.828125 L 4.109375 -10.828125 L 4.109375 -2.640625 C 4.109375 -2.203125 4.253906 -1.910156 4.546875 -1.765625 C 4.710938 -1.671875 4.988281 -1.625 5.375 -1.625 C 5.46875 -1.625 5.570312 -1.625 5.6875 -1.625 C 5.8125 -1.632812 5.953125 -1.648438 6.109375 -1.671875 L 6.109375 0 C 5.867188 0.0703125 5.613281 0.125 5.34375 0.15625 C 5.082031 0.1875 4.800781 0.203125 4.5 0.203125 C 3.519531 0.203125 2.851562 -0.046875 2.5 -0.546875 C 2.144531 -1.054688 1.96875 -1.710938 1.96875 -2.515625 L 1.96875 -10.828125 L 0.265625 -10.828125 L 0.265625 -12.546875 L 1.96875 -12.546875 Z M 1.96875 -16.0625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-6"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d=""/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-7"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 8.4375 -2 C 9.226562 -2 9.878906 -2.078125 10.390625 -2.234375 C 11.296875 -2.546875 12.035156 -3.132812 12.609375 -4 C 13.066406 -4.695312 13.398438 -5.585938 13.609375 -6.671875 C 13.722656 -7.316406 13.78125 -7.914062 13.78125 -8.46875 C 13.78125 -10.601562 13.351562 -12.257812 12.5 -13.4375 C 11.65625 -14.625 10.296875 -15.21875 8.421875 -15.21875 L 4.28125 -15.21875 L 4.28125 -2 Z M 1.9375 -17.21875 L 8.90625 -17.21875 C 11.269531 -17.21875 13.109375 -16.378906 14.421875 -14.703125 C 15.578125 -13.179688 16.15625 -11.238281 16.15625 -8.875 C 16.15625 -7.039062 15.8125 -5.390625 15.125 -3.921875 C 13.914062 -1.304688 11.835938 0 8.890625 0 L 1.9375 0 Z M 1.9375 -17.21875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-8"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.171875 -3.34375 C 3.171875 -2.726562 3.390625 -2.242188 3.828125 -1.890625 C 4.273438 -1.546875 4.804688 -1.375 5.421875 -1.375 C 6.160156 -1.375 6.878906 -1.546875 7.578125 -1.890625 C 8.742188 -2.460938 9.328125 -3.394531 9.328125 -4.6875 L 9.328125 -6.390625 C 9.066406 -6.222656 8.734375 -6.082031 8.328125 -5.96875 C 7.921875 -5.863281 7.523438 -5.789062 7.140625 -5.75 L 5.859375 -5.578125 C 5.097656 -5.472656 4.523438 -5.3125 4.140625 -5.09375 C 3.492188 -4.726562 3.171875 -4.144531 3.171875 -3.34375 Z M 8.28125 -7.609375 C 8.757812 -7.671875 9.082031 -7.875 9.25 -8.21875 C 9.34375 -8.40625 9.390625 -8.675781 9.390625 -9.03125 C 9.390625 -9.75 9.132812 -10.269531 8.625 -10.59375 C 8.113281 -10.914062 7.378906 -11.078125 6.421875 -11.078125 C 5.316406 -11.078125 4.535156 -10.78125 4.078125 -10.1875 C 3.816406 -9.851562 3.648438 -9.363281 3.578125 -8.71875 L 1.609375 -8.71875 C 1.648438 -10.269531 2.148438 -11.347656 3.109375 -11.953125 C 4.078125 -12.554688 5.195312 -12.859375 6.46875 -12.859375 C 7.945312 -12.859375 9.144531 -12.578125 10.0625 -12.015625 C 10.976562 -11.453125 11.4375 -10.578125 11.4375 -9.390625 L 11.4375 -2.15625 C 11.4375 -1.9375 11.476562 -1.757812 11.5625 -1.625 C 11.65625 -1.5 11.847656 -1.4375 12.140625 -1.4375 C 12.234375 -1.4375 12.335938 -1.441406 12.453125 -1.453125 C 12.578125 -1.460938 12.703125 -1.476562 12.828125 -1.5 L 12.828125 0.0625 C 12.503906 0.15625 12.253906 0.210938 12.078125 0.234375 C 11.910156 0.253906 11.675781 0.265625 11.375 0.265625 C 10.65625 0.265625 10.128906 0.0078125 9.796875 -0.5 C 9.628906 -0.78125 9.507812 -1.171875 9.4375 -1.671875 C 9.007812 -1.109375 8.390625 -0.617188 7.578125 -0.203125 C 6.773438 0.210938 5.890625 0.421875 4.921875 0.421875 C 3.753906 0.421875 2.800781 0.0664062 2.0625 -0.640625 C 1.332031 -1.347656 0.96875 -2.234375 0.96875 -3.296875 C 0.96875 -4.460938 1.328125 -5.363281 2.046875 -6 C 2.773438 -6.644531 3.726562 -7.039062 4.90625 -7.1875 Z M 6.53125 -12.859375 Z M 6.53125 -12.859375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-9"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 9.265625 -17.65625 C 10.890625 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6.910156 -17.65625 9.265625 -17.65625 Z M 8.890625 -17.6875 Z M 8.890625 -17.6875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-10"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 6.78125 -12.828125 C 7.664062 -12.828125 8.523438 -12.617188 9.359375 -12.203125 C 10.203125 -11.785156 10.84375 -11.242188 11.28125 -10.578125 C 11.695312 -9.953125 11.976562 -9.21875 12.125 -8.375 C 12.25 -7.789062 12.3125 -6.867188 12.3125 -5.609375 L 3.109375 -5.609375 C 3.148438 -4.328125 3.453125 -3.300781 4.015625 -2.53125 C 4.578125 -1.769531 5.445312 -1.390625 6.625 -1.390625 C 7.726562 -1.390625 8.609375 -1.75 9.265625 -2.46875 C 9.640625 -2.894531 9.90625 -3.382812 10.0625 -3.9375 L 12.125 -3.9375 C 12.070312 -3.476562 11.890625 -2.960938 11.578125 -2.390625 C 11.273438 -1.828125 10.929688 -1.367188 10.546875 -1.015625 C 9.910156 -0.390625 9.117188 0.0351562 8.171875 0.265625 C 7.660156 0.390625 7.085938 0.453125 6.453125 0.453125 C 4.890625 0.453125 3.5625 -0.113281 2.46875 -1.25 C 1.382812 -2.394531 0.84375 -3.988281 0.84375 -6.03125 C 0.84375 -8.050781 1.390625 -9.6875 2.484375 -10.9375 C 3.578125 -12.195312 5.007812 -12.828125 6.78125 -12.828125 Z M 10.140625 -7.28125 C 10.054688 -8.195312 9.859375 -8.925781 9.546875 -9.46875 C 8.960938 -10.488281 7.992188 -11 6.640625 -11 C 5.671875 -11 4.859375 -10.644531 4.203125 -9.9375 C 3.546875 -9.238281 3.203125 -8.351562 3.171875 -7.28125 Z M 6.578125 -12.859375 Z M 6.578125 -12.859375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-11"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.609375 -12.546875 L 3.609375 -12.546875 L 3.609375 -10.390625 C 3.773438 -10.804688 4.175781 -11.316406 4.8125 -11.921875 C 5.457031 -12.523438 6.195312 -12.828125 7.03125 -12.828125 C 7.070312 -12.828125 7.140625 -12.820312 7.234375 -12.8125 C 7.328125 -12.8125 7.488281 -12.800781 7.71875 -12.78125 L 7.71875 -10.546875 C 7.59375 -10.566406 7.472656 -10.582031 7.359375 -10.59375 C 7.253906 -10.601562 7.140625 -10.609375 7.015625 -10.609375 C 5.953125 -10.609375 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6.21875 -0.71875 C 6.28125 -0.726562 6.347656 -0.738281 6.421875 -0.75 L 6.421875 0.03125 C 6.253906 0.0703125 6.125 0.0976562 6.03125 0.109375 C 5.945312 0.128906 5.832031 0.140625 5.6875 0.140625 C 5.320312 0.140625 5.0625 0.0078125 4.90625 -0.25 C 4.8125 -0.382812 4.75 -0.578125 4.71875 -0.828125 C 4.5 -0.546875 4.1875 -0.300781 3.78125 -0.09375 C 3.382812 0.113281 2.945312 0.21875 2.46875 0.21875 C 1.882812 0.21875 1.40625 0.0390625 1.03125 -0.3125 C 0.664062 -0.664062 0.484375 -1.109375 0.484375 -1.640625 C 0.484375 -2.222656 0.664062 -2.675781 1.03125 -3 C 1.394531 -3.320312 1.867188 -3.519531 2.453125 -3.59375 Z M 3.265625 -6.421875 Z M 3.265625 -6.421875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-3"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.984375 -8.03125 L 2.046875 -8.03125 L 2.046875 -6.28125 L 3.046875 -6.28125 L 3.046875 -5.421875 L 2.046875 -5.421875 L 2.046875 -1.3125 C 2.046875 -1.09375 2.125 -0.945312 2.28125 -0.875 C 2.351562 -0.832031 2.488281 -0.8125 2.6875 -0.8125 C 2.738281 -0.8125 2.789062 -0.8125 2.84375 -0.8125 C 2.90625 -0.820312 2.972656 -0.828125 3.046875 -0.828125 L 3.046875 0 C 2.929688 0.03125 2.804688 0.0507812 2.671875 0.0625 C 2.546875 0.0820312 2.40625 0.09375 2.25 0.09375 C 1.757812 0.09375 1.425781 -0.03125 1.25 -0.28125 C 1.070312 -0.53125 0.984375 -0.859375 0.984375 -1.265625 L 0.984375 -5.421875 L 0.140625 -5.421875 L 0.140625 -6.28125 L 0.984375 -6.28125 Z M 0.984375 -8.03125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-4"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.15625 -5.9375 L 1.15625 -6.75 C 1.914062 -6.820312 2.441406 -6.945312 2.734375 -7.125 C 3.035156 -7.300781 3.265625 -7.710938 3.421875 -8.359375 L 4.25 -8.359375 L 4.25 0 L 3.125 0 L 3.125 -5.9375 Z M 1.15625 -5.9375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-5"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.375 0 C 0.414062 -0.71875 0.566406 -1.34375 0.828125 -1.875 C 1.085938 -2.414062 1.59375 -2.90625 2.34375 -3.34375 L 3.46875 -4 C 3.96875 -4.289062 4.320312 -4.539062 4.53125 -4.75 C 4.851562 -5.070312 5.015625 -5.441406 5.015625 -5.859375 C 5.015625 -6.347656 4.863281 -6.734375 4.5625 -7.015625 C 4.269531 -7.304688 3.882812 -7.453125 3.40625 -7.453125 C 2.675781 -7.453125 2.175781 -7.179688 1.90625 -6.640625 C 1.75 -6.335938 1.664062 -5.929688 1.65625 -5.421875 L 0.578125 -5.421875 C 0.585938 -6.148438 0.722656 -6.742188 0.984375 -7.203125 C 1.441406 -8.015625 2.25 -8.421875 3.40625 -8.421875 C 4.363281 -8.421875 5.0625 -8.160156 5.5 -7.640625 C 5.945312 -7.117188 6.171875 -6.539062 6.171875 -5.90625 C 6.171875 -5.238281 5.9375 -4.664062 5.46875 -4.1875 C 5.195312 -3.90625 4.707031 -3.566406 4 -3.171875 L 3.1875 -2.734375 C 2.8125 -2.523438 2.515625 -2.320312 2.296875 -2.125 C 1.898438 -1.789062 1.648438 -1.414062 1.546875 -1 L 6.140625 -1 L 6.140625 0 Z M 0.375 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-6"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.125 0.234375 C 2.125 0.234375 1.398438 -0.0351562 0.953125 -0.578125 C 0.503906 -1.128906 0.28125 -1.796875 0.28125 -2.578125 L 1.390625 -2.578125 C 1.429688 -2.035156 1.53125 -1.640625 1.6875 -1.390625 C 1.96875 -0.953125 2.460938 -0.734375 3.171875 -0.734375 C 3.734375 -0.734375 4.179688 -0.878906 4.515625 -1.171875 C 4.847656 -1.472656 5.015625 -1.859375 5.015625 -2.328125 C 5.015625 -2.898438 4.835938 -3.300781 4.484375 -3.53125 C 4.128906 -3.769531 3.640625 -3.890625 3.015625 -3.890625 C 2.941406 -3.890625 2.867188 -3.882812 2.796875 -3.875 C 2.722656 -3.875 2.648438 -3.875 2.578125 -3.875 L 2.578125 -4.8125 C 2.691406 -4.789062 2.785156 -4.78125 2.859375 -4.78125 C 2.929688 -4.78125 3.007812 -4.78125 3.09375 -4.78125 C 3.488281 -4.78125 3.8125 -4.84375 4.0625 -4.96875 C 4.507812 -5.1875 4.734375 -5.578125 4.734375 -6.140625 C 4.734375 -6.554688 4.582031 -6.875 4.28125 -7.09375 C 3.988281 -7.320312 3.644531 -7.4375 3.25 -7.4375 C 2.550781 -7.4375 2.066406 -7.203125 1.796875 -6.734375 C 1.648438 -6.484375 1.566406 -6.117188 1.546875 -5.640625 L 0.5 -5.640625 C 0.5 -6.265625 0.625 -6.796875 0.875 -7.234375 C 1.300781 -8.015625 2.054688 -8.40625 3.140625 -8.40625 C 3.992188 -8.40625 4.65625 -8.210938 5.125 -7.828125 C 5.59375 -7.453125 5.828125 -6.898438 5.828125 -6.171875 C 5.828125 -5.660156 5.691406 -5.242188 5.421875 -4.921875 C 5.242188 -4.722656 5.019531 -4.566406 4.75 -4.453125 C 5.1875 -4.328125 5.53125 -4.09375 5.78125 -3.75 C 6.03125 -3.40625 6.15625 -2.984375 6.15625 -2.484375 C 6.15625 -1.679688 5.890625 -1.023438 5.359375 -0.515625 C 4.835938 -0.015625 4.09375 0.234375 3.125 0.234375 Z M 3.125 0.234375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-7"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.265625 -0.6875 C 3.960938 -0.6875 4.441406 -0.945312 4.703125 -1.46875 C 4.960938 -2 5.09375 -2.585938 5.09375 -3.234375 C 5.09375 -3.828125 5 -4.304688 4.8125 -4.671875 C 4.507812 -5.242188 4 -5.53125 3.28125 -5.53125 C 2.632812 -5.53125 2.164062 -5.285156 1.875 -4.796875 C 1.582031 -4.304688 1.4375 -3.710938 1.4375 -3.015625 C 1.4375 -2.347656 1.582031 -1.789062 1.875 -1.34375 C 2.164062 -0.90625 2.628906 -0.6875 3.265625 -0.6875 Z M 3.3125 -6.453125 C 4.113281 -6.453125 4.789062 -6.179688 5.34375 -5.640625 C 5.90625 -5.109375 6.1875 -4.316406 6.1875 -3.265625 C 6.1875 -2.253906 5.941406 -1.414062 5.453125 -0.75 C 4.960938 -0.09375 4.203125 0.234375 3.171875 0.234375 C 2.304688 0.234375 1.617188 -0.0546875 1.109375 -0.640625 C 0.597656 -1.234375 0.34375 -2.019531 0.34375 -3 C 0.34375 -4.050781 0.609375 -4.890625 1.140625 -5.515625 C 1.679688 -6.140625 2.40625 -6.453125 3.3125 -6.453125 Z M 3.265625 -6.421875 Z M 3.265625 -6.421875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-8"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.421875 -0.703125 C 3.910156 -0.703125 4.316406 -0.910156 4.640625 -1.328125 C 4.972656 -1.742188 5.140625 -2.359375 5.140625 -3.171875 C 5.140625 -3.671875 5.066406 -4.101562 4.921875 -4.46875 C 4.648438 -5.15625 4.148438 -5.5 3.421875 -5.5 C 2.691406 -5.5 2.191406 -5.132812 1.921875 -4.40625 C 1.773438 -4.019531 1.703125 -3.523438 1.703125 -2.921875 C 1.703125 -2.429688 1.773438 -2.019531 1.921875 -1.6875 C 2.191406 -1.03125 2.691406 -0.703125 3.421875 -0.703125 Z M 0.6875 -6.25 L 1.71875 -6.25 L 1.71875 -5.421875 C 1.925781 -5.703125 2.15625 -5.921875 2.40625 -6.078125 C 2.757812 -6.304688 3.175781 -6.421875 3.65625 -6.421875 C 4.375 -6.421875 4.976562 -6.148438 5.46875 -5.609375 C 5.96875 -5.066406 6.21875 -4.289062 6.21875 -3.28125 C 6.21875 -1.90625 5.859375 -0.925781 5.140625 -0.34375 C 4.691406 0.03125 4.164062 0.21875 3.5625 0.21875 C 3.09375 0.21875 2.695312 0.113281 2.375 -0.09375 C 2.1875 -0.21875 1.976562 -0.421875 1.75 -0.703125 L 1.75 2.5 L 0.6875 2.5 Z M 0.6875 -6.25 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-9"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.796875 -8.609375 L 1.859375 -8.609375 L 1.859375 0 L 0.796875 0 Z M 0.796875 -8.609375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-10"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.40625 -1.96875 C 1.4375 -1.613281 1.523438 -1.34375 1.671875 -1.15625 C 1.929688 -0.820312 2.390625 -0.65625 3.046875 -0.65625 C 3.441406 -0.65625 3.785156 -0.738281 4.078125 -0.90625 C 4.378906 -1.070312 4.53125 -1.332031 4.53125 -1.6875 C 4.53125 -1.957031 4.410156 -2.164062 4.171875 -2.3125 C 4.015625 -2.394531 3.710938 -2.492188 3.265625 -2.609375 L 2.421875 -2.8125 C 1.890625 -2.945312 1.5 -3.097656 1.25 -3.265625 C 0.789062 -3.546875 0.5625 -3.941406 0.5625 -4.453125 C 0.5625 -5.046875 0.773438 -5.523438 1.203125 -5.890625 C 1.628906 -6.253906 2.207031 -6.4375 2.9375 -6.4375 C 3.875 -6.4375 4.550781 -6.160156 4.96875 -5.609375 C 5.238281 -5.253906 5.367188 -4.875 5.359375 -4.46875 L 4.359375 -4.46875 C 4.335938 -4.707031 4.253906 -4.925781 4.109375 -5.125 C 3.867188 -5.394531 3.445312 -5.53125 2.84375 -5.53125 C 2.445312 -5.53125 2.144531 -5.453125 1.9375 -5.296875 C 1.738281 -5.148438 1.640625 -4.953125 1.640625 -4.703125 C 1.640625 -4.429688 1.773438 -4.210938 2.046875 -4.046875 C 2.203125 -3.953125 2.429688 -3.867188 2.734375 -3.796875 L 3.421875 -3.625 C 4.179688 -3.4375 4.691406 -3.257812 4.953125 -3.09375 C 5.359375 -2.820312 5.5625 -2.394531 5.5625 -1.8125 C 5.5625 -1.257812 5.347656 -0.78125 4.921875 -0.375 C 4.503906 0.03125 3.863281 0.234375 3 0.234375 C 2.0625 0.234375 1.394531 0.0234375 1 -0.390625 C 0.613281 -0.816406 0.410156 -1.34375 0.390625 -1.96875 Z M 2.953125 -6.421875 Z M 2.953125 -6.421875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-11"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.921875 -8.609375 L 2.296875 -8.609375 L 6.640625 -1.640625 L 6.640625 -8.609375 L 7.75 -8.609375 L 7.75 0 L 6.4375 0 L 2.03125 -6.96875 L 2.03125 0 L 0.921875 0 Z M 4.25 -8.609375 Z M 4.25 -8.609375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-12"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.1875 -8.609375 L 2.1875 -3.28125 C 2.1875 -2.65625 2.300781 -2.140625 2.53125 -1.734375 C 2.875 -1.109375 3.460938 -0.796875 4.296875 -0.796875 C 5.273438 -0.796875 5.945312 -1.132812 6.3125 -1.8125 C 6.5 -2.175781 6.59375 -2.664062 6.59375 -3.28125 L 6.59375 -8.609375 L 7.78125 -8.609375 L 7.78125 -3.78125 C 7.78125 -2.71875 7.632812 -1.898438 7.34375 -1.328125 C 6.820312 -0.285156 5.835938 0.234375 4.390625 0.234375 C 2.929688 0.234375 1.941406 -0.285156 1.421875 -1.328125 C 1.140625 -1.898438 1 -2.71875 1 -3.78125 L 1 -8.609375 Z M 4.390625 -8.609375 Z M 4.390625 -8.609375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-13"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.921875 -8.609375 L 2.078125 -8.609375 L 2.078125 -1.03125 L 6.4375 -1.03125 L 6.4375 0 L 0.921875 0 Z M 0.921875 -8.609375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-14"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.96875 -2.96875 L 3.96875 -6.78125 L 1.28125 -2.96875 Z M 3.984375 0 L 3.984375 -2.046875 L 0.3125 -2.046875 L 0.3125 -3.078125 L 4.15625 -8.421875 L 5.046875 -8.421875 L 5.046875 -2.96875 L 6.28125 -2.96875 L 6.28125 -2.046875 L 5.046875 -2.046875 L 5.046875 0 Z M 3.984375 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-0"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 6.546875 -10.65625 L 1.625 -10.65625 L 1.625 -0.75 L 6.546875 -0.75 Z M 7.359375 -11.390625 L 7.359375 -0.015625 L 0.8125 -0.015625 L 0.8125 -11.390625 Z M 7.359375 -11.390625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-1"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 5.703125 0 L 5.703125 -11.34375 L 4.65625 -11.34375 C 4.582031 -10.914062 4.441406 -10.5625 4.234375 -10.28125 C 4.035156 -10.007812 3.789062 -9.789062 3.5 -9.625 C 3.207031 -9.46875 2.878906 -9.359375 2.515625 -9.296875 C 2.148438 -9.242188 1.773438 -9.21875 1.390625 -9.21875 L 1.390625 -8.125 L 4.34375 -8.125 L 4.34375 0 Z M 5.703125 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-2"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.109375 -6.5 L 3.109375 -8.265625 L 1.328125 -8.265625 L 1.328125 -6.5 Z M 1.328125 -1.78125 L 1.328125 0 L 3.109375 0 L 3.109375 -1.78125 Z M 1.328125 -1.78125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-3"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d=""/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-4"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 6.640625 -5.609375 L 8.046875 -5.609375 C 7.992188 -6.109375 7.863281 -6.535156 7.65625 -6.890625 C 7.457031 -7.242188 7.203125 -7.535156 6.890625 -7.765625 C 6.578125 -8.003906 6.210938 -8.179688 5.796875 -8.296875 C 5.390625 -8.410156 4.953125 -8.46875 4.484375 -8.46875 C 3.828125 -8.46875 3.253906 -8.351562 2.765625 -8.125 C 2.273438 -7.894531 1.867188 -7.578125 1.546875 -7.171875 C 1.222656 -6.773438 0.976562 -6.304688 0.8125 -5.765625 C 0.65625 -5.222656 0.578125 -4.644531 0.578125 -4.03125 C 0.578125 -3.414062 0.660156 -2.847656 0.828125 -2.328125 C 0.992188 -1.804688 1.238281 -1.359375 1.5625 -0.984375 C 1.882812 -0.617188 2.285156 -0.332031 2.765625 -0.125 C 3.253906 0.0703125 3.816406 0.171875 4.453125 0.171875 C 5.503906 0.171875 6.335938 -0.101562 6.953125 -0.65625 C 7.566406 -1.207031 7.945312 -2 8.09375 -3.03125 L 6.703125 -3.03125 C 6.617188 -2.382812 6.382812 -1.882812 6 -1.53125 C 5.625 -1.1875 5.101562 -1.015625 4.4375 -1.015625 C 4.007812 -1.015625 3.640625 -1.097656 3.328125 -1.265625 C 3.015625 -1.429688 2.757812 -1.65625 2.5625 -1.9375 C 2.375 -2.226562 2.234375 -2.550781 2.140625 -2.90625 C 2.054688 -3.269531 2.015625 -3.644531 2.015625 -4.03125 C 2.015625 -4.445312 2.054688 -4.847656 2.140625 -5.234375 C 2.222656 -5.628906 2.363281 -5.972656 2.5625 -6.265625 C 2.757812 -6.566406 3.023438 -6.804688 3.359375 -6.984375 C 3.691406 -7.171875 4.101562 -7.265625 4.59375 -7.265625 C 5.164062 -7.265625 5.625 -7.117188 5.96875 -6.828125 C 6.3125 -6.546875 6.535156 -6.140625 6.640625 -5.609375 Z M 6.640625 -5.609375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-5"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 8.359375 -0.03125 C 8.117188 0.101562 7.789062 0.171875 7.375 0.171875 C 7.019531 0.171875 6.738281 0.0703125 6.53125 -0.125 C 6.320312 -0.320312 6.21875 -0.644531 6.21875 -1.09375 C 5.84375 -0.644531 5.40625 -0.320312 4.90625 -0.125 C 4.414062 0.0703125 3.882812 0.171875 3.3125 0.171875 C 2.9375 0.171875 2.582031 0.128906 2.25 0.046875 C 1.914062 -0.0351562 1.625 -0.164062 1.375 -0.34375 C 1.132812 -0.53125 0.941406 -0.769531 0.796875 -1.0625 C 0.648438 -1.351562 0.578125 -1.707031 0.578125 -2.125 C 0.578125 -2.59375 0.65625 -2.976562 0.8125 -3.28125 C 0.976562 -3.582031 1.191406 -3.820312 1.453125 -4 C 1.710938 -4.1875 2.007812 -4.328125 2.34375 -4.421875 C 2.675781 -4.523438 3.019531 -4.609375 3.375 -4.671875 C 3.75 -4.742188 4.101562 -4.796875 4.4375 -4.828125 C 4.769531 -4.867188 5.066406 -4.925781 5.328125 -5 C 5.585938 -5.070312 5.789062 -5.171875 5.9375 -5.296875 C 6.082031 -5.429688 6.15625 -5.628906 6.15625 -5.890625 C 6.15625 -6.191406 6.097656 -6.429688 5.984375 -6.609375 C 5.878906 -6.785156 5.738281 -6.921875 5.5625 -7.015625 C 5.382812 -7.117188 5.1875 -7.1875 4.96875 -7.21875 C 4.75 -7.25 4.53125 -7.265625 4.3125 -7.265625 C 3.738281 -7.265625 3.257812 -7.15625 2.875 -6.9375 C 2.488281 -6.71875 2.28125 -6.304688 2.25 -5.703125 L 0.890625 -5.703125 C 0.910156 -6.210938 1.015625 -6.640625 1.203125 -6.984375 C 1.398438 -7.335938 1.660156 -7.625 1.984375 -7.84375 C 2.304688 -8.0625 2.671875 -8.21875 3.078125 -8.3125 C 3.492188 -8.414062 3.9375 -8.46875 4.40625 -8.46875 C 4.769531 -8.46875 5.132812 -8.4375 5.5 -8.375 C 5.875 -8.320312 6.207031 -8.210938 6.5 -8.046875 C 6.800781 -7.890625 7.039062 -7.660156 7.21875 -7.359375 C 7.40625 -7.054688 7.5 -6.664062 7.5 -6.1875 L 7.5 -1.9375 C 7.5 -1.613281 7.515625 -1.378906 7.546875 -1.234375 C 7.585938 -1.085938 7.71875 -1.015625 7.9375 -1.015625 C 8.050781 -1.015625 8.191406 -1.039062 8.359375 -1.09375 Z M 6.140625 -4.265625 C 5.972656 -4.140625 5.75 -4.046875 5.46875 -3.984375 C 5.195312 -3.929688 4.90625 -3.882812 4.59375 -3.84375 C 4.289062 -3.8125 3.984375 -3.769531 3.671875 -3.71875 C 3.367188 -3.664062 3.09375 -3.585938 2.84375 -3.484375 C 2.601562 -3.378906 2.40625 -3.226562 2.25 -3.03125 C 2.09375 -2.832031 2.015625 -2.5625 2.015625 -2.21875 C 2.015625 -2 2.054688 -1.8125 2.140625 -1.65625 C 2.234375 -1.5 2.351562 -1.375 2.5 -1.28125 C 2.644531 -1.1875 2.8125 -1.117188 3 -1.078125 C 3.195312 -1.035156 3.398438 -1.015625 3.609375 -1.015625 C 4.054688 -1.015625 4.441406 -1.070312 4.765625 -1.1875 C 5.085938 -1.3125 5.347656 -1.46875 5.546875 -1.65625 C 5.753906 -1.84375 5.90625 -2.046875 6 -2.265625 C 6.09375 -2.484375 6.140625 -2.6875 6.140625 -2.875 Z M 6.140625 -4.265625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-6"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.859375 -2.609375 L 0.5 -2.609375 C 0.519531 -2.097656 0.625 -1.660156 0.8125 -1.296875 C 1.007812 -0.941406 1.265625 -0.65625 1.578125 -0.4375 C 1.898438 -0.21875 2.269531 -0.0625 2.6875 0.03125 C 3.101562 0.125 3.539062 0.171875 4 0.171875 C 4.414062 0.171875 4.832031 0.128906 5.25 0.046875 C 5.675781 -0.0234375 6.054688 -0.160156 6.390625 -0.359375 C 6.722656 -0.566406 6.992188 -0.832031 7.203125 -1.15625 C 7.410156 -1.488281 7.515625 -1.910156 7.515625 -2.421875 C 7.515625 -2.816406 7.4375 -3.144531 7.28125 -3.40625 C 7.132812 -3.675781 6.929688 -3.898438 6.671875 -4.078125 C 6.421875 -4.253906 6.132812 -4.394531 5.8125 -4.5 C 5.488281 -4.601562 5.15625 -4.691406 4.8125 -4.765625 C 4.5 -4.835938 4.179688 -4.910156 3.859375 -4.984375 C 3.535156 -5.054688 3.242188 -5.140625 2.984375 -5.234375 C 2.734375 -5.335938 2.523438 -5.46875 2.359375 -5.625 C 2.191406 -5.78125 2.109375 -5.972656 2.109375 -6.203125 C 2.109375 -6.421875 2.160156 -6.59375 2.265625 -6.71875 C 2.378906 -6.851562 2.519531 -6.960938 2.6875 -7.046875 C 2.851562 -7.128906 3.039062 -7.1875 3.25 -7.21875 C 3.457031 -7.25 3.664062 -7.265625 3.875 -7.265625 C 4.09375 -7.265625 4.3125 -7.238281 4.53125 -7.1875 C 4.75 -7.144531 4.945312 -7.066406 5.125 -6.953125 C 5.3125 -6.847656 5.460938 -6.707031 5.578125 -6.53125 C 5.703125 -6.351562 5.773438 -6.132812 5.796875 -5.875 L 7.15625 -5.875 C 7.125 -6.375 7.015625 -6.789062 6.828125 -7.125 C 6.648438 -7.457031 6.40625 -7.722656 6.09375 -7.921875 C 5.789062 -8.117188 5.441406 -8.257812 5.046875 -8.34375 C 4.660156 -8.425781 4.234375 -8.46875 3.765625 -8.46875 C 3.398438 -8.46875 3.03125 -8.421875 2.65625 -8.328125 C 2.289062 -8.234375 1.960938 -8.09375 1.671875 -7.90625 C 1.378906 -7.71875 1.140625 -7.472656 0.953125 -7.171875 C 0.765625 -6.878906 0.671875 -6.523438 0.671875 -6.109375 C 0.671875 -5.578125 0.800781 -5.160156 1.0625 -4.859375 C 1.332031 -4.566406 1.664062 -4.335938 2.0625 -4.171875 C 2.46875 -4.003906 2.90625 -3.875 3.375 -3.78125 C 3.84375 -3.6875 4.273438 -3.582031 4.671875 -3.46875 C 5.078125 -3.363281 5.410156 -3.21875 5.671875 -3.03125 C 5.941406 -2.851562 6.078125 -2.585938 6.078125 -2.234375 C 6.078125 -1.984375 6.015625 -1.773438 5.890625 -1.609375 C 5.765625 -1.441406 5.601562 -1.316406 5.40625 -1.234375 C 5.207031 -1.148438 4.988281 -1.09375 4.75 -1.0625 C 4.519531 -1.03125 4.296875 -1.015625 4.078125 -1.015625 C 3.796875 -1.015625 3.523438 -1.039062 3.265625 -1.09375 C 3.003906 -1.144531 2.769531 -1.226562 2.5625 -1.34375 C 2.351562 -1.46875 2.1875 -1.632812 2.0625 -1.84375 C 1.9375 -2.050781 1.867188 -2.304688 1.859375 -2.609375 Z M 1.859375 -2.609375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-7"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.265625 3.15625 L 4.296875 3.15625 C 3.546875 1.925781 3.003906 0.710938 2.671875 -0.484375 C 2.347656 -1.691406 2.1875 -2.96875 2.1875 -4.3125 C 2.1875 -5.625 2.347656 -6.878906 2.671875 -8.078125 C 2.992188 -9.273438 3.535156 -10.484375 4.296875 -11.703125 L 3.265625 -11.703125 C 2.429688 -10.597656 1.800781 -9.40625 1.375 -8.125 C 0.957031 -6.84375 0.75 -5.570312 0.75 -4.3125 C 0.75 -3.613281 0.804688 -2.941406 0.921875 -2.296875 C 1.046875 -1.660156 1.21875 -1.035156 1.4375 -0.421875 C 1.65625 0.179688 1.914062 0.773438 2.21875 1.359375 C 2.53125 1.953125 2.878906 2.550781 3.265625 3.15625 Z M 3.265625 3.15625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-8"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 4.40625 -7.03125 C 4.269531 -7.1875 4.140625 -7.34375 4.015625 -7.5 C 3.890625 -7.664062 3.769531 -7.828125 3.65625 -7.984375 C 3.550781 -8.148438 3.460938 -8.316406 3.390625 -8.484375 C 3.328125 -8.660156 3.296875 -8.835938 3.296875 -9.015625 C 3.296875 -9.421875 3.429688 -9.722656 3.703125 -9.921875 C 3.984375 -10.117188 4.285156 -10.21875 4.609375 -10.21875 C 5.015625 -10.21875 5.332031 -10.097656 5.5625 -9.859375 C 5.800781 -9.617188 5.921875 -9.335938 5.921875 -9.015625 C 5.921875 -8.765625 5.867188 -8.539062 5.765625 -8.34375 C 5.671875 -8.144531 5.550781 -7.960938 5.40625 -7.796875 C 5.257812 -7.640625 5.09375 -7.5 4.90625 -7.375 C 4.726562 -7.25 4.5625 -7.132812 4.40625 -7.03125 Z M 7.328125 -1.421875 L 8.546875 0 L 10.3125 0 L 8.09375 -2.578125 C 8.207031 -2.828125 8.304688 -3.050781 8.390625 -3.25 C 8.484375 -3.445312 8.554688 -3.644531 8.609375 -3.84375 C 8.671875 -4.050781 8.71875 -4.273438 8.75 -4.515625 C 8.789062 -4.753906 8.828125 -5.046875 8.859375 -5.390625 L 7.5625 -5.390625 C 7.53125 -4.804688 7.410156 -4.210938 7.203125 -3.609375 L 5.140625 -6.125 C 5.410156 -6.289062 5.671875 -6.46875 5.921875 -6.65625 C 6.179688 -6.851562 6.410156 -7.078125 6.609375 -7.328125 C 6.816406 -7.578125 6.976562 -7.847656 7.09375 -8.140625 C 7.21875 -8.429688 7.28125 -8.75 7.28125 -9.09375 C 7.28125 -9.46875 7.203125 -9.800781 7.046875 -10.09375 C 6.890625 -10.394531 6.679688 -10.644531 6.421875 -10.84375 C 6.171875 -11.039062 5.878906 -11.1875 5.546875 -11.28125 C 5.210938 -11.375 4.867188 -11.421875 4.515625 -11.421875 C 4.097656 -11.421875 3.726562 -11.359375 3.40625 -11.234375 C 3.082031 -11.109375 2.8125 -10.9375 2.59375 -10.71875 C 2.375 -10.5 2.207031 -10.242188 2.09375 -9.953125 C 1.988281 -9.671875 1.9375 -9.378906 1.9375 -9.078125 C 1.9375 -8.785156 1.96875 -8.523438 2.03125 -8.296875 C 2.101562 -8.066406 2.203125 -7.847656 2.328125 -7.640625 C 2.453125 -7.429688 2.585938 -7.222656 2.734375 -7.015625 C 2.878906 -6.816406 3.035156 -6.609375 3.203125 -6.390625 C 2.835938 -6.191406 2.492188 -5.984375 2.171875 -5.765625 C 1.847656 -5.546875 1.5625 -5.300781 1.3125 -5.03125 C 1.070312 -4.757812 0.878906 -4.453125 0.734375 -4.109375 C 0.597656 -3.765625 0.53125 -3.367188 0.53125 -2.921875 C 0.53125 -2.691406 0.566406 -2.398438 0.640625 -2.046875 C 0.722656 -1.691406 0.890625 -1.347656 1.140625 -1.015625 C 1.398438 -0.691406 1.765625 -0.410156 2.234375 -0.171875 C 2.703125 0.0546875 3.320312 0.171875 4.09375 0.171875 C 4.726562 0.171875 5.335938 0.0390625 5.921875 -0.21875 C 6.515625 -0.488281 6.984375 -0.890625 7.328125 -1.421875 Z M 3.953125 -5.515625 L 6.578125 -2.375 C 6.296875 -1.957031 5.945312 -1.625 5.53125 -1.375 C 5.125 -1.132812 4.660156 -1.015625 4.140625 -1.015625 C 3.867188 -1.015625 3.597656 -1.0625 3.328125 -1.15625 C 3.066406 -1.25 2.835938 -1.378906 2.640625 -1.546875 C 2.441406 -1.710938 2.28125 -1.914062 2.15625 -2.15625 C 2.03125 -2.394531 1.96875 -2.65625 1.96875 -2.9375 C 1.96875 -3.28125 2.019531 -3.578125 2.125 -3.828125 C 2.226562 -4.078125 2.367188 -4.300781 2.546875 -4.5 C 2.734375 -4.707031 2.945312 -4.890625 3.1875 -5.046875 C 3.425781 -5.210938 3.679688 -5.367188 3.953125 -5.515625 Z M 3.953125 -5.515625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-9"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.015625 -4.0625 C 2.015625 -4.46875 2.054688 -4.863281 2.140625 -5.25 C 2.222656 -5.632812 2.359375 -5.972656 2.546875 -6.265625 C 2.742188 -6.566406 3.003906 -6.804688 3.328125 -6.984375 C 3.648438 -7.171875 4.039062 -7.265625 4.5 -7.265625 C 4.96875 -7.265625 5.363281 -7.175781 5.6875 -7 C 6.019531 -6.820312 6.289062 -6.585938 6.5 -6.296875 C 6.707031 -6.015625 6.859375 -5.679688 6.953125 -5.296875 C 7.054688 -4.921875 7.109375 -4.53125 7.109375 -4.125 C 7.109375 -3.738281 7.0625 -3.359375 6.96875 -2.984375 C 6.875 -2.617188 6.722656 -2.285156 6.515625 -1.984375 C 6.316406 -1.691406 6.054688 -1.457031 5.734375 -1.28125 C 5.421875 -1.101562 5.035156 -1.015625 4.578125 -1.015625 C 4.140625 -1.015625 3.753906 -1.097656 3.421875 -1.265625 C 3.097656 -1.429688 2.832031 -1.660156 2.625 -1.953125 C 2.414062 -2.242188 2.257812 -2.570312 2.15625 -2.9375 C 2.0625 -3.300781 2.015625 -3.675781 2.015625 -4.0625 Z M 8.421875 0 L 8.421875 -11.421875 L 7.0625 -11.421875 L 7.0625 -7.171875 L 7.03125 -7.171875 C 6.875 -7.410156 6.6875 -7.613281 6.46875 -7.78125 C 6.25 -7.945312 6.015625 -8.082031 5.765625 -8.1875 C 5.523438 -8.289062 5.28125 -8.363281 5.03125 -8.40625 C 4.789062 -8.445312 4.566406 -8.46875 4.359375 -8.46875 C 3.722656 -8.46875 3.164062 -8.351562 2.6875 -8.125 C 2.21875 -7.894531 1.828125 -7.582031 1.515625 -7.1875 C 1.203125 -6.800781 0.96875 -6.347656 0.8125 -5.828125 C 0.65625 -5.304688 0.578125 -4.75 0.578125 -4.15625 C 0.578125 -3.570312 0.65625 -3.019531 0.8125 -2.5 C 0.976562 -1.976562 1.21875 -1.519531 1.53125 -1.125 C 1.84375 -0.726562 2.234375 -0.410156 2.703125 -0.171875 C 3.179688 0.0546875 3.742188 0.171875 4.390625 0.171875 C 4.960938 0.171875 5.488281 0.0703125 5.96875 -0.125 C 6.445312 -0.332031 6.800781 -0.664062 7.03125 -1.125 L 7.0625 -1.125 L 7.0625 0 Z M 8.421875 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-10"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.90625 -8.265625 L 2.90625 -10.75 L 1.546875 -10.75 L 1.546875 -8.265625 L 0.140625 -8.265625 L 0.140625 -7.078125 L 1.546875 -7.078125 L 1.546875 -1.8125 C 1.546875 -1.425781 1.582031 -1.113281 1.65625 -0.875 C 1.738281 -0.644531 1.851562 -0.460938 2 -0.328125 C 2.15625 -0.203125 2.359375 -0.113281 2.609375 -0.0625 C 2.859375 -0.0195312 3.160156 0 3.515625 0 L 4.5625 0 L 4.5625 -1.203125 L 3.9375 -1.203125 C 3.71875 -1.203125 3.539062 -1.207031 3.40625 -1.21875 C 3.28125 -1.238281 3.175781 -1.273438 3.09375 -1.328125 C 3.019531 -1.378906 2.96875 -1.453125 2.9375 -1.546875 C 2.914062 -1.648438 2.90625 -1.78125 2.90625 -1.9375 L 2.90625 -7.078125 L 4.5625 -7.078125 L 4.5625 -8.265625 Z M 2.90625 -8.265625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-11"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.484375 -6.484375 L 3.484375 -5.328125 C 3.742188 -5.359375 4.015625 -5.375 4.296875 -5.375 C 4.640625 -5.375 4.957031 -5.328125 5.25 -5.234375 C 5.550781 -5.148438 5.804688 -5.015625 6.015625 -4.828125 C 6.234375 -4.640625 6.40625 -4.410156 6.53125 -4.140625 C 6.65625 -3.867188 6.71875 -3.554688 6.71875 -3.203125 C 6.71875 -2.859375 6.648438 -2.550781 6.515625 -2.28125 C 6.378906 -2.007812 6.195312 -1.78125 5.96875 -1.59375 C 5.75 -1.40625 5.488281 -1.257812 5.1875 -1.15625 C 4.894531 -1.0625 4.582031 -1.015625 4.25 -1.015625 C 3.476562 -1.015625 2.890625 -1.242188 2.484375 -1.703125 C 2.078125 -2.171875 1.863281 -2.769531 1.84375 -3.5 L 0.484375 -3.5 C 0.472656 -2.914062 0.550781 -2.394531 0.71875 -1.9375 C 0.894531 -1.476562 1.148438 -1.085938 1.484375 -0.765625 C 1.816406 -0.453125 2.21875 -0.21875 2.6875 -0.0625 C 3.15625 0.09375 3.675781 0.171875 4.25 0.171875 C 4.789062 0.171875 5.296875 0.101562 5.765625 -0.03125 C 6.242188 -0.175781 6.65625 -0.394531 7 -0.6875 C 7.351562 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-8 C 5.804688 -8.3125 5.195312 -8.46875 4.46875 -8.46875 C 3.894531 -8.46875 3.367188 -8.359375 2.890625 -8.140625 C 2.421875 -7.929688 2.015625 -7.632812 1.671875 -7.25 C 1.328125 -6.863281 1.054688 -6.410156 0.859375 -5.890625 C 0.671875 -5.367188 0.578125 -4.789062 0.578125 -4.15625 C 0.597656 -3.53125 0.691406 -2.945312 0.859375 -2.40625 C 1.023438 -1.875 1.269531 -1.414062 1.59375 -1.03125 C 1.925781 -0.65625 2.332031 -0.359375 2.8125 -0.140625 C 3.300781 0.0664062 3.878906 0.171875 4.546875 0.171875 C 5.484375 0.171875 6.257812 -0.0625 6.875 -0.53125 C 7.5 -1 7.898438 -1.695312 8.078125 -2.625 Z M 8.078125 -2.625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-16"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.25 -4.359375 L 0.140625 0 L 1.796875 0 L 4.09375 -3.421875 L 6.40625 0 L 8.140625 0 L 4.9375 -4.46875 L 7.796875 -8.265625 L 6.15625 -8.265625 L 4.09375 -5.375 L 2.109375 -8.265625 L 0.375 -8.265625 Z M 3.25 -4.359375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-17"> 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-5.640625 C 0.5 -6.265625 0.625 -6.796875 0.875 -7.234375 C 1.300781 -8.015625 2.054688 -8.40625 3.140625 -8.40625 C 3.992188 -8.40625 4.65625 -8.210938 5.125 -7.828125 C 5.59375 -7.453125 5.828125 -6.898438 5.828125 -6.171875 C 5.828125 -5.660156 5.691406 -5.242188 5.421875 -4.921875 C 5.242188 -4.722656 5.019531 -4.566406 4.75 -4.453125 C 5.1875 -4.328125 5.53125 -4.09375 5.78125 -3.75 C 6.03125 -3.40625 6.15625 -2.984375 6.15625 -2.484375 C 6.15625 -1.679688 5.890625 -1.023438 5.359375 -0.515625 C 4.835938 -0.015625 4.09375 0.234375 3.125 0.234375 Z M 3.125 0.234375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-7"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.265625 -0.6875 C 3.960938 -0.6875 4.441406 -0.945312 4.703125 -1.46875 C 4.960938 -2 5.09375 -2.585938 5.09375 -3.234375 C 5.09375 -3.828125 5 -4.304688 4.8125 -4.671875 C 4.507812 -5.242188 4 -5.53125 3.28125 -5.53125 C 2.632812 -5.53125 2.164062 -5.285156 1.875 -4.796875 C 1.582031 -4.304688 1.4375 -3.710938 1.4375 -3.015625 C 1.4375 -2.347656 1.582031 -1.789062 1.875 -1.34375 C 2.164062 -0.90625 2.628906 -0.6875 3.265625 -0.6875 Z M 3.3125 -6.453125 C 4.113281 -6.453125 4.789062 -6.179688 5.34375 -5.640625 C 5.90625 -5.109375 6.1875 -4.316406 6.1875 -3.265625 C 6.1875 -2.253906 5.941406 -1.414062 5.453125 -0.75 C 4.960938 -0.09375 4.203125 0.234375 3.171875 0.234375 C 2.304688 0.234375 1.617188 -0.0546875 1.109375 -0.640625 C 0.597656 -1.234375 0.34375 -2.019531 0.34375 -3 C 0.34375 -4.050781 0.609375 -4.890625 1.140625 -5.515625 C 1.679688 -6.140625 2.40625 -6.453125 3.3125 -6.453125 Z M 3.265625 -6.421875 Z M 3.265625 -6.421875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-8"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.421875 -0.703125 C 3.910156 -0.703125 4.316406 -0.910156 4.640625 -1.328125 C 4.972656 -1.742188 5.140625 -2.359375 5.140625 -3.171875 C 5.140625 -3.671875 5.066406 -4.101562 4.921875 -4.46875 C 4.648438 -5.15625 4.148438 -5.5 3.421875 -5.5 C 2.691406 -5.5 2.191406 -5.132812 1.921875 -4.40625 C 1.773438 -4.019531 1.703125 -3.523438 1.703125 -2.921875 C 1.703125 -2.429688 1.773438 -2.019531 1.921875 -1.6875 C 2.191406 -1.03125 2.691406 -0.703125 3.421875 -0.703125 Z M 0.6875 -6.25 L 1.71875 -6.25 L 1.71875 -5.421875 C 1.925781 -5.703125 2.15625 -5.921875 2.40625 -6.078125 C 2.757812 -6.304688 3.175781 -6.421875 3.65625 -6.421875 C 4.375 -6.421875 4.976562 -6.148438 5.46875 -5.609375 C 5.96875 -5.066406 6.21875 -4.289062 6.21875 -3.28125 C 6.21875 -1.90625 5.859375 -0.925781 5.140625 -0.34375 C 4.691406 0.03125 4.164062 0.21875 3.5625 0.21875 C 3.09375 0.21875 2.695312 0.113281 2.375 -0.09375 C 2.1875 -0.21875 1.976562 -0.421875 1.75 -0.703125 L 1.75 2.5 L 0.6875 2.5 Z M 0.6875 -6.25 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-9"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.796875 -8.609375 L 1.859375 -8.609375 L 1.859375 0 L 0.796875 0 Z M 0.796875 -8.609375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-10"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.40625 -1.96875 C 1.4375 -1.613281 1.523438 -1.34375 1.671875 -1.15625 C 1.929688 -0.820312 2.390625 -0.65625 3.046875 -0.65625 C 3.441406 -0.65625 3.785156 -0.738281 4.078125 -0.90625 C 4.378906 -1.070312 4.53125 -1.332031 4.53125 -1.6875 C 4.53125 -1.957031 4.410156 -2.164062 4.171875 -2.3125 C 4.015625 -2.394531 3.710938 -2.492188 3.265625 -2.609375 L 2.421875 -2.8125 C 1.890625 -2.945312 1.5 -3.097656 1.25 -3.265625 C 0.789062 -3.546875 0.5625 -3.941406 0.5625 -4.453125 C 0.5625 -5.046875 0.773438 -5.523438 1.203125 -5.890625 C 1.628906 -6.253906 2.207031 -6.4375 2.9375 -6.4375 C 3.875 -6.4375 4.550781 -6.160156 4.96875 -5.609375 C 5.238281 -5.253906 5.367188 -4.875 5.359375 -4.46875 L 4.359375 -4.46875 C 4.335938 -4.707031 4.253906 -4.925781 4.109375 -5.125 C 3.867188 -5.394531 3.445312 -5.53125 2.84375 -5.53125 C 2.445312 -5.53125 2.144531 -5.453125 1.9375 -5.296875 C 1.738281 -5.148438 1.640625 -4.953125 1.640625 -4.703125 C 1.640625 -4.429688 1.773438 -4.210938 2.046875 -4.046875 C 2.203125 -3.953125 2.429688 -3.867188 2.734375 -3.796875 L 3.421875 -3.625 C 4.179688 -3.4375 4.691406 -3.257812 4.953125 -3.09375 C 5.359375 -2.820312 5.5625 -2.394531 5.5625 -1.8125 C 5.5625 -1.257812 5.347656 -0.78125 4.921875 -0.375 C 4.503906 0.03125 3.863281 0.234375 3 0.234375 C 2.0625 0.234375 1.394531 0.0234375 1 -0.390625 C 0.613281 -0.816406 0.410156 -1.34375 0.390625 -1.96875 Z M 2.953125 -6.421875 Z M 2.953125 -6.421875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-11"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.921875 -8.609375 L 2.296875 -8.609375 L 6.640625 -1.640625 L 6.640625 -8.609375 L 7.75 -8.609375 L 7.75 0 L 6.4375 0 L 2.03125 -6.96875 L 2.03125 0 L 0.921875 0 Z M 4.25 -8.609375 Z M 4.25 -8.609375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-12"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.1875 -8.609375 L 2.1875 -3.28125 C 2.1875 -2.65625 2.300781 -2.140625 2.53125 -1.734375 C 2.875 -1.109375 3.460938 -0.796875 4.296875 -0.796875 C 5.273438 -0.796875 5.945312 -1.132812 6.3125 -1.8125 C 6.5 -2.175781 6.59375 -2.664062 6.59375 -3.28125 L 6.59375 -8.609375 L 7.78125 -8.609375 L 7.78125 -3.78125 C 7.78125 -2.71875 7.632812 -1.898438 7.34375 -1.328125 C 6.820312 -0.285156 5.835938 0.234375 4.390625 0.234375 C 2.929688 0.234375 1.941406 -0.285156 1.421875 -1.328125 C 1.140625 -1.898438 1 -2.71875 1 -3.78125 L 1 -8.609375 Z M 4.390625 -8.609375 Z M 4.390625 -8.609375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-13"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.921875 -8.609375 L 2.078125 -8.609375 L 2.078125 -1.03125 L 6.4375 -1.03125 L 6.4375 0 L 0.921875 0 Z M 0.921875 -8.609375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-14"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.96875 -2.96875 L 3.96875 -6.78125 L 1.28125 -2.96875 Z M 3.984375 0 L 3.984375 -2.046875 L 0.3125 -2.046875 L 0.3125 -3.078125 L 4.15625 -8.421875 L 5.046875 -8.421875 L 5.046875 -2.96875 L 6.28125 -2.96875 L 6.28125 -2.046875 L 5.046875 -2.046875 L 5.046875 0 Z M 3.984375 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-15"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.484375 -2.140625 C 1.554688 -1.535156 1.835938 -1.117188 2.328125 -0.890625 C 2.578125 -0.773438 2.863281 -0.71875 3.1875 -0.71875 C 3.8125 -0.71875 4.273438 -0.914062 4.578125 -1.3125 C 4.878906 -1.707031 5.03125 -2.148438 5.03125 -2.640625 C 5.03125 -3.222656 4.847656 -3.675781 4.484375 -4 C 4.128906 -4.320312 3.703125 -4.484375 3.203125 -4.484375 C 2.835938 -4.484375 2.523438 -4.410156 2.265625 -4.265625 C 2.003906 -4.128906 1.785156 -3.9375 1.609375 -3.6875 L 0.6875 -3.734375 L 1.328125 -8.25 L 5.6875 -8.25 L 5.6875 -7.234375 L 2.125 -7.234375 L 1.765625 -4.90625 C 1.960938 -5.050781 2.148438 -5.160156 2.328125 -5.234375 C 2.640625 -5.359375 3 -5.421875 3.40625 -5.421875 C 4.175781 -5.421875 4.828125 -5.171875 5.359375 -4.671875 C 5.898438 -4.179688 6.171875 -3.554688 6.171875 -2.796875 C 6.171875 -2.003906 5.921875 -1.300781 5.421875 -0.6875 C 4.929688 -0.0820312 4.148438 0.21875 3.078125 0.21875 C 2.398438 0.21875 1.796875 0.0234375 1.265625 -0.359375 C 0.742188 -0.742188 0.453125 -1.335938 0.390625 -2.140625 Z M 1.484375 -2.140625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-0"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 6.546875 -10.65625 L 1.625 -10.65625 L 1.625 -0.75 L 6.546875 -0.75 Z M 7.359375 -11.390625 L 7.359375 -0.015625 L 0.8125 -0.015625 L 0.8125 -11.390625 Z M 7.359375 -11.390625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-1"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 5.703125 0 L 5.703125 -11.34375 L 4.65625 -11.34375 C 4.582031 -10.914062 4.441406 -10.5625 4.234375 -10.28125 C 4.035156 -10.007812 3.789062 -9.789062 3.5 -9.625 C 3.207031 -9.46875 2.878906 -9.359375 2.515625 -9.296875 C 2.148438 -9.242188 1.773438 -9.21875 1.390625 -9.21875 L 1.390625 -8.125 L 4.34375 -8.125 L 4.34375 0 Z M 5.703125 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-2"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.109375 -6.5 L 3.109375 -8.265625 L 1.328125 -8.265625 L 1.328125 -6.5 Z M 1.328125 -1.78125 L 1.328125 0 L 3.109375 0 L 3.109375 -1.78125 Z M 1.328125 -1.78125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-3"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d=""/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-4"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.90625 -8.265625 L 2.90625 -10.75 L 1.546875 -10.75 L 1.546875 -8.265625 L 0.140625 -8.265625 L 0.140625 -7.078125 L 1.546875 -7.078125 L 1.546875 -1.8125 C 1.546875 -1.425781 1.582031 -1.113281 1.65625 -0.875 C 1.738281 -0.644531 1.851562 -0.460938 2 -0.328125 C 2.15625 -0.203125 2.359375 -0.113281 2.609375 -0.0625 C 2.859375 -0.0195312 3.160156 0 3.515625 0 L 4.5625 0 L 4.5625 -1.203125 L 3.9375 -1.203125 C 3.71875 -1.203125 3.539062 -1.207031 3.40625 -1.21875 C 3.28125 -1.238281 3.175781 -1.273438 3.09375 -1.328125 C 3.019531 -1.378906 2.96875 -1.453125 2.9375 -1.546875 C 2.914062 -1.648438 2.90625 -1.78125 2.90625 -1.9375 L 2.90625 -7.078125 L 4.5625 -7.078125 L 4.5625 -8.265625 Z M 2.90625 -8.265625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-5"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.03125 -11.421875 L 1.03125 0 L 2.390625 0 L 2.390625 -4.671875 C 2.390625 -5.046875 2.4375 -5.390625 2.53125 -5.703125 C 2.632812 -6.015625 2.785156 -6.285156 2.984375 -6.515625 C 3.191406 -6.753906 3.445312 -6.9375 3.75 -7.0625 C 4.050781 -7.195312 4.410156 -7.265625 4.828125 -7.265625 C 5.347656 -7.265625 5.757812 -7.113281 6.0625 -6.8125 C 6.363281 -6.519531 6.515625 -6.113281 6.515625 -5.59375 L 6.515625 0 L 7.875 0 L 7.875 -5.4375 C 7.875 -5.882812 7.828125 -6.289062 7.734375 -6.65625 C 7.640625 -7.03125 7.476562 -7.347656 7.25 -7.609375 C 7.03125 -7.878906 6.738281 -8.085938 6.375 -8.234375 C 6.019531 -8.390625 5.570312 -8.46875 5.03125 -8.46875 C 4.78125 -8.46875 4.523438 -8.4375 4.265625 -8.375 C 4.003906 -8.320312 3.753906 -8.238281 3.515625 -8.125 C 3.273438 -8.019531 3.054688 -7.878906 2.859375 -7.703125 C 2.671875 -7.523438 2.523438 -7.3125 2.421875 -7.0625 L 2.390625 -7.0625 L 2.390625 -11.421875 Z M 1.03125 -11.421875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-6"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.96875 -8.265625 L 0.96875 0 L 2.34375 0 L 2.34375 -3.6875 C 2.34375 -4.21875 2.394531 -4.6875 2.5 -5.09375 C 2.601562 -5.507812 2.769531 -5.859375 3 -6.140625 C 3.238281 -6.429688 3.550781 -6.648438 3.9375 -6.796875 C 4.320312 -6.953125 4.785156 -7.03125 5.328125 -7.03125 L 5.328125 -8.46875 C 4.585938 -8.488281 3.976562 -8.335938 3.5 -8.015625 C 3.019531 -7.691406 2.613281 -7.195312 2.28125 -6.53125 L 2.25 -6.53125 L 2.25 -8.265625 Z M 0.96875 -8.265625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-7"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 6.765625 -4.921875 L 2.015625 -4.921875 C 2.035156 -5.242188 2.101562 -5.546875 2.21875 -5.828125 C 2.34375 -6.109375 2.503906 -6.351562 2.703125 -6.5625 C 2.910156 -6.78125 3.15625 -6.953125 3.4375 -7.078125 C 3.71875 -7.203125 4.035156 -7.265625 4.390625 -7.265625 C 4.722656 -7.265625 5.03125 -7.203125 5.3125 -7.078125 C 5.601562 -6.953125 5.851562 -6.785156 6.0625 -6.578125 C 6.269531 -6.367188 6.429688 -6.117188 6.546875 -5.828125 C 6.671875 -5.546875 6.742188 -5.242188 6.765625 -4.921875 Z M 8.078125 -2.625 L 6.734375 -2.625 C 6.617188 -2.082031 6.375 -1.675781 6 -1.40625 C 5.632812 -1.144531 5.164062 -1.015625 4.59375 -1.015625 C 4.144531 -1.015625 3.753906 -1.085938 3.421875 -1.234375 C 3.085938 -1.378906 2.8125 -1.578125 2.59375 -1.828125 C 2.382812 -2.078125 2.234375 -2.363281 2.140625 -2.6875 C 2.046875 -3.019531 2.003906 -3.367188 2.015625 -3.734375 L 8.203125 -3.734375 C 8.222656 -4.234375 8.175781 -4.757812 8.0625 -5.3125 C 7.957031 -5.863281 7.757812 -6.375 7.46875 -6.84375 C 7.175781 -7.3125 6.785156 -7.695312 6.296875 -8 C 5.804688 -8.3125 5.195312 -8.46875 4.46875 -8.46875 C 3.894531 -8.46875 3.367188 -8.359375 2.890625 -8.140625 C 2.421875 -7.929688 2.015625 -7.632812 1.671875 -7.25 C 1.328125 -6.863281 1.054688 -6.410156 0.859375 -5.890625 C 0.671875 -5.367188 0.578125 -4.789062 0.578125 -4.15625 C 0.597656 -3.53125 0.691406 -2.945312 0.859375 -2.40625 C 1.023438 -1.875 1.269531 -1.414062 1.59375 -1.03125 C 1.925781 -0.65625 2.332031 -0.359375 2.8125 -0.140625 C 3.300781 0.0664062 3.878906 0.171875 4.546875 0.171875 C 5.484375 0.171875 6.257812 -0.0625 6.875 -0.53125 C 7.5 -1 7.898438 -1.695312 8.078125 -2.625 Z M 8.078125 -2.625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-8"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 8.359375 -0.03125 C 8.117188 0.101562 7.789062 0.171875 7.375 0.171875 C 7.019531 0.171875 6.738281 0.0703125 6.53125 -0.125 C 6.320312 -0.320312 6.21875 -0.644531 6.21875 -1.09375 C 5.84375 -0.644531 5.40625 -0.320312 4.90625 -0.125 C 4.414062 0.0703125 3.882812 0.171875 3.3125 0.171875 C 2.9375 0.171875 2.582031 0.128906 2.25 0.046875 C 1.914062 -0.0351562 1.625 -0.164062 1.375 -0.34375 C 1.132812 -0.53125 0.941406 -0.769531 0.796875 -1.0625 C 0.648438 -1.351562 0.578125 -1.707031 0.578125 -2.125 C 0.578125 -2.59375 0.65625 -2.976562 0.8125 -3.28125 C 0.976562 -3.582031 1.191406 -3.820312 1.453125 -4 C 1.710938 -4.1875 2.007812 -4.328125 2.34375 -4.421875 C 2.675781 -4.523438 3.019531 -4.609375 3.375 -4.671875 C 3.75 -4.742188 4.101562 -4.796875 4.4375 -4.828125 C 4.769531 -4.867188 5.066406 -4.925781 5.328125 -5 C 5.585938 -5.070312 5.789062 -5.171875 5.9375 -5.296875 C 6.082031 -5.429688 6.15625 -5.628906 6.15625 -5.890625 C 6.15625 -6.191406 6.097656 -6.429688 5.984375 -6.609375 C 5.878906 -6.785156 5.738281 -6.921875 5.5625 -7.015625 C 5.382812 -7.117188 5.1875 -7.1875 4.96875 -7.21875 C 4.75 -7.25 4.53125 -7.265625 4.3125 -7.265625 C 3.738281 -7.265625 3.257812 -7.15625 2.875 -6.9375 C 2.488281 -6.71875 2.28125 -6.304688 2.25 -5.703125 L 0.890625 -5.703125 C 0.910156 -6.210938 1.015625 -6.640625 1.203125 -6.984375 C 1.398438 -7.335938 1.660156 -7.625 1.984375 -7.84375 C 2.304688 -8.0625 2.671875 -8.21875 3.078125 -8.3125 C 3.492188 -8.414062 3.9375 -8.46875 4.40625 -8.46875 C 4.769531 -8.46875 5.132812 -8.4375 5.5 -8.375 C 5.875 -8.320312 6.207031 -8.210938 6.5 -8.046875 C 6.800781 -7.890625 7.039062 -7.660156 7.21875 -7.359375 C 7.40625 -7.054688 7.5 -6.664062 7.5 -6.1875 L 7.5 -1.9375 C 7.5 -1.613281 7.515625 -1.378906 7.546875 -1.234375 C 7.585938 -1.085938 7.71875 -1.015625 7.9375 -1.015625 C 8.050781 -1.015625 8.191406 -1.039062 8.359375 -1.09375 Z M 6.140625 -4.265625 C 5.972656 -4.140625 5.75 -4.046875 5.46875 -3.984375 C 5.195312 -3.929688 4.90625 -3.882812 4.59375 -3.84375 C 4.289062 -3.8125 3.984375 -3.769531 3.671875 -3.71875 C 3.367188 -3.664062 3.09375 -3.585938 2.84375 -3.484375 C 2.601562 -3.378906 2.40625 -3.226562 2.25 -3.03125 C 2.09375 -2.832031 2.015625 -2.5625 2.015625 -2.21875 C 2.015625 -2 2.054688 -1.8125 2.140625 -1.65625 C 2.234375 -1.5 2.351562 -1.375 2.5 -1.28125 C 2.644531 -1.1875 2.8125 -1.117188 3 -1.078125 C 3.195312 -1.035156 3.398438 -1.015625 3.609375 -1.015625 C 4.054688 -1.015625 4.441406 -1.070312 4.765625 -1.1875 C 5.085938 -1.3125 5.347656 -1.46875 5.546875 -1.65625 C 5.753906 -1.84375 5.90625 -2.046875 6 -2.265625 C 6.09375 -2.484375 6.140625 -2.6875 6.140625 -2.875 Z M 6.140625 -4.265625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-9"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.015625 -4.0625 C 2.015625 -4.46875 2.054688 -4.863281 2.140625 -5.25 C 2.222656 -5.632812 2.359375 -5.972656 2.546875 -6.265625 C 2.742188 -6.566406 3.003906 -6.804688 3.328125 -6.984375 C 3.648438 -7.171875 4.039062 -7.265625 4.5 -7.265625 C 4.96875 -7.265625 5.363281 -7.175781 5.6875 -7 C 6.019531 -6.820312 6.289062 -6.585938 6.5 -6.296875 C 6.707031 -6.015625 6.859375 -5.679688 6.953125 -5.296875 C 7.054688 -4.921875 7.109375 -4.53125 7.109375 -4.125 C 7.109375 -3.738281 7.0625 -3.359375 6.96875 -2.984375 C 6.875 -2.617188 6.722656 -2.285156 6.515625 -1.984375 C 6.316406 -1.691406 6.054688 -1.457031 5.734375 -1.28125 C 5.421875 -1.101562 5.035156 -1.015625 4.578125 -1.015625 C 4.140625 -1.015625 3.753906 -1.097656 3.421875 -1.265625 C 3.097656 -1.429688 2.832031 -1.660156 2.625 -1.953125 C 2.414062 -2.242188 2.257812 -2.570312 2.15625 -2.9375 C 2.0625 -3.300781 2.015625 -3.675781 2.015625 -4.0625 Z M 8.421875 0 L 8.421875 -11.421875 L 7.0625 -11.421875 L 7.0625 -7.171875 L 7.03125 -7.171875 C 6.875 -7.410156 6.6875 -7.613281 6.46875 -7.78125 C 6.25 -7.945312 6.015625 -8.082031 5.765625 -8.1875 C 5.523438 -8.289062 5.28125 -8.363281 5.03125 -8.40625 C 4.789062 -8.445312 4.566406 -8.46875 4.359375 -8.46875 C 3.722656 -8.46875 3.164062 -8.351562 2.6875 -8.125 C 2.21875 -7.894531 1.828125 -7.582031 1.515625 -7.1875 C 1.203125 -6.800781 0.96875 -6.347656 0.8125 -5.828125 C 0.65625 -5.304688 0.578125 -4.75 0.578125 -4.15625 C 0.578125 -3.570312 0.65625 -3.019531 0.8125 -2.5 C 0.976562 -1.976562 1.21875 -1.519531 1.53125 -1.125 C 1.84375 -0.726562 2.234375 -0.410156 2.703125 -0.171875 C 3.179688 0.0546875 3.742188 0.171875 4.390625 0.171875 C 4.960938 0.171875 5.488281 0.0703125 5.96875 -0.125 C 6.445312 -0.332031 6.800781 -0.664062 7.03125 -1.125 L 7.0625 -1.125 L 7.0625 0 Z M 8.421875 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-10"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.21875 -4.71875 L 5.15625 -10.046875 L 5.1875 -10.046875 L 7.09375 -4.71875 Z M 4.359375 -11.421875 L -0.09375 0 L 1.453125 0 L 2.734375 -3.4375 L 7.5625 -3.4375 L 8.8125 0 L 10.5 0 L 6.03125 -11.421875 Z M 4.359375 -11.421875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-11"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 6.640625 -5.609375 L 8.046875 -5.609375 C 7.992188 -6.109375 7.863281 -6.535156 7.65625 -6.890625 C 7.457031 -7.242188 7.203125 -7.535156 6.890625 -7.765625 C 6.578125 -8.003906 6.210938 -8.179688 5.796875 -8.296875 C 5.390625 -8.410156 4.953125 -8.46875 4.484375 -8.46875 C 3.828125 -8.46875 3.253906 -8.351562 2.765625 -8.125 C 2.273438 -7.894531 1.867188 -7.578125 1.546875 -7.171875 C 1.222656 -6.773438 0.976562 -6.304688 0.8125 -5.765625 C 0.65625 -5.222656 0.578125 -4.644531 0.578125 -4.03125 C 0.578125 -3.414062 0.660156 -2.847656 0.828125 -2.328125 C 0.992188 -1.804688 1.238281 -1.359375 1.5625 -0.984375 C 1.882812 -0.617188 2.285156 -0.332031 2.765625 -0.125 C 3.253906 0.0703125 3.816406 0.171875 4.453125 0.171875 C 5.503906 0.171875 6.335938 -0.101562 6.953125 -0.65625 C 7.566406 -1.207031 7.945312 -2 8.09375 -3.03125 L 6.703125 -3.03125 C 6.617188 -2.382812 6.382812 -1.882812 6 -1.53125 C 5.625 -1.1875 5.101562 -1.015625 4.4375 -1.015625 C 4.007812 -1.015625 3.640625 -1.097656 3.328125 -1.265625 C 3.015625 -1.429688 2.757812 -1.65625 2.5625 -1.9375 C 2.375 -2.226562 2.234375 -2.550781 2.140625 -2.90625 C 2.054688 -3.269531 2.015625 -3.644531 2.015625 -4.03125 C 2.015625 -4.445312 2.054688 -4.847656 2.140625 -5.234375 C 2.222656 -5.628906 2.363281 -5.972656 2.5625 -6.265625 C 2.757812 -6.566406 3.023438 -6.804688 3.359375 -6.984375 C 3.691406 -7.171875 4.101562 -7.265625 4.59375 -7.265625 C 5.164062 -7.265625 5.625 -7.117188 5.96875 -6.828125 C 6.3125 -6.546875 6.535156 -6.140625 6.640625 -5.609375 Z M 6.640625 -5.609375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-12"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.859375 -2.609375 L 0.5 -2.609375 C 0.519531 -2.097656 0.625 -1.660156 0.8125 -1.296875 C 1.007812 -0.941406 1.265625 -0.65625 1.578125 -0.4375 C 1.898438 -0.21875 2.269531 -0.0625 2.6875 0.03125 C 3.101562 0.125 3.539062 0.171875 4 0.171875 C 4.414062 0.171875 4.832031 0.128906 5.25 0.046875 C 5.675781 -0.0234375 6.054688 -0.160156 6.390625 -0.359375 C 6.722656 -0.566406 6.992188 -0.832031 7.203125 -1.15625 C 7.410156 -1.488281 7.515625 -1.910156 7.515625 -2.421875 C 7.515625 -2.816406 7.4375 -3.144531 7.28125 -3.40625 C 7.132812 -3.675781 6.929688 -3.898438 6.671875 -4.078125 C 6.421875 -4.253906 6.132812 -4.394531 5.8125 -4.5 C 5.488281 -4.601562 5.15625 -4.691406 4.8125 -4.765625 C 4.5 -4.835938 4.179688 -4.910156 3.859375 -4.984375 C 3.535156 -5.054688 3.242188 -5.140625 2.984375 -5.234375 C 2.734375 -5.335938 2.523438 -5.46875 2.359375 -5.625 C 2.191406 -5.78125 2.109375 -5.972656 2.109375 -6.203125 C 2.109375 -6.421875 2.160156 -6.59375 2.265625 -6.71875 C 2.378906 -6.851562 2.519531 -6.960938 2.6875 -7.046875 C 2.851562 -7.128906 3.039062 -7.1875 3.25 -7.21875 C 3.457031 -7.25 3.664062 -7.265625 3.875 -7.265625 C 4.09375 -7.265625 4.3125 -7.238281 4.53125 -7.1875 C 4.75 -7.144531 4.945312 -7.066406 5.125 -6.953125 C 5.3125 -6.847656 5.460938 -6.707031 5.578125 -6.53125 C 5.703125 -6.351562 5.773438 -6.132812 5.796875 -5.875 L 7.15625 -5.875 C 7.125 -6.375 7.015625 -6.789062 6.828125 -7.125 C 6.648438 -7.457031 6.40625 -7.722656 6.09375 -7.921875 C 5.789062 -8.117188 5.441406 -8.257812 5.046875 -8.34375 C 4.660156 -8.425781 4.234375 -8.46875 3.765625 -8.46875 C 3.398438 -8.46875 3.03125 -8.421875 2.65625 -8.328125 C 2.289062 -8.234375 1.960938 -8.09375 1.671875 -7.90625 C 1.378906 -7.71875 1.140625 -7.472656 0.953125 -7.171875 C 0.765625 -6.878906 0.671875 -6.523438 0.671875 -6.109375 C 0.671875 -5.578125 0.800781 -5.160156 1.0625 -4.859375 C 1.332031 -4.566406 1.664062 -4.335938 2.0625 -4.171875 C 2.46875 -4.003906 2.90625 -3.875 3.375 -3.78125 C 3.84375 -3.6875 4.273438 -3.582031 4.671875 -3.46875 C 5.078125 -3.363281 5.410156 -3.21875 5.671875 -3.03125 C 5.941406 -2.851562 6.078125 -2.585938 6.078125 -2.234375 C 6.078125 -1.984375 6.015625 -1.773438 5.890625 -1.609375 C 5.765625 -1.441406 5.601562 -1.316406 5.40625 -1.234375 C 5.207031 -1.148438 4.988281 -1.09375 4.75 -1.0625 C 4.519531 -1.03125 4.296875 -1.015625 4.078125 -1.015625 C 3.796875 -1.015625 3.523438 -1.039062 3.265625 -1.09375 C 3.003906 -1.144531 2.769531 -1.226562 2.5625 -1.34375 C 2.351562 -1.46875 2.1875 -1.632812 2.0625 -1.84375 C 1.9375 -2.050781 1.867188 -2.304688 1.859375 -2.609375 Z M 1.859375 -2.609375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-13"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.265625 3.15625 L 4.296875 3.15625 C 3.546875 1.925781 3.003906 0.710938 2.671875 -0.484375 C 2.347656 -1.691406 2.1875 -2.96875 2.1875 -4.3125 C 2.1875 -5.625 2.347656 -6.878906 2.671875 -8.078125 C 2.992188 -9.273438 3.535156 -10.484375 4.296875 -11.703125 L 3.265625 -11.703125 C 2.429688 -10.597656 1.800781 -9.40625 1.375 -8.125 C 0.957031 -6.84375 0.75 -5.570312 0.75 -4.3125 C 0.75 -3.613281 0.804688 -2.941406 0.921875 -2.296875 C 1.046875 -1.660156 1.21875 -1.035156 1.4375 -0.421875 C 1.65625 0.179688 1.914062 0.773438 2.21875 1.359375 C 2.53125 1.953125 2.878906 2.550781 3.265625 3.15625 Z M 3.265625 3.15625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-14"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 4.40625 -7.03125 C 4.269531 -7.1875 4.140625 -7.34375 4.015625 -7.5 C 3.890625 -7.664062 3.769531 -7.828125 3.65625 -7.984375 C 3.550781 -8.148438 3.460938 -8.316406 3.390625 -8.484375 C 3.328125 -8.660156 3.296875 -8.835938 3.296875 -9.015625 C 3.296875 -9.421875 3.429688 -9.722656 3.703125 -9.921875 C 3.984375 -10.117188 4.285156 -10.21875 4.609375 -10.21875 C 5.015625 -10.21875 5.332031 -10.097656 5.5625 -9.859375 C 5.800781 -9.617188 5.921875 -9.335938 5.921875 -9.015625 C 5.921875 -8.765625 5.867188 -8.539062 5.765625 -8.34375 C 5.671875 -8.144531 5.550781 -7.960938 5.40625 -7.796875 C 5.257812 -7.640625 5.09375 -7.5 4.90625 -7.375 C 4.726562 -7.25 4.5625 -7.132812 4.40625 -7.03125 Z M 7.328125 -1.421875 L 8.546875 0 L 10.3125 0 L 8.09375 -2.578125 C 8.207031 -2.828125 8.304688 -3.050781 8.390625 -3.25 C 8.484375 -3.445312 8.554688 -3.644531 8.609375 -3.84375 C 8.671875 -4.050781 8.71875 -4.273438 8.75 -4.515625 C 8.789062 -4.753906 8.828125 -5.046875 8.859375 -5.390625 L 7.5625 -5.390625 C 7.53125 -4.804688 7.410156 -4.210938 7.203125 -3.609375 L 5.140625 -6.125 C 5.410156 -6.289062 5.671875 -6.46875 5.921875 -6.65625 C 6.179688 -6.851562 6.410156 -7.078125 6.609375 -7.328125 C 6.816406 -7.578125 6.976562 -7.847656 7.09375 -8.140625 C 7.21875 -8.429688 7.28125 -8.75 7.28125 -9.09375 C 7.28125 -9.46875 7.203125 -9.800781 7.046875 -10.09375 C 6.890625 -10.394531 6.679688 -10.644531 6.421875 -10.84375 C 6.171875 -11.039062 5.878906 -11.1875 5.546875 -11.28125 C 5.210938 -11.375 4.867188 -11.421875 4.515625 -11.421875 C 4.097656 -11.421875 3.726562 -11.359375 3.40625 -11.234375 C 3.082031 -11.109375 2.8125 -10.9375 2.59375 -10.71875 C 2.375 -10.5 2.207031 -10.242188 2.09375 -9.953125 C 1.988281 -9.671875 1.9375 -9.378906 1.9375 -9.078125 C 1.9375 -8.785156 1.96875 -8.523438 2.03125 -8.296875 C 2.101562 -8.066406 2.203125 -7.847656 2.328125 -7.640625 C 2.453125 -7.429688 2.585938 -7.222656 2.734375 -7.015625 C 2.878906 -6.816406 3.035156 -6.609375 3.203125 -6.390625 C 2.835938 -6.191406 2.492188 -5.984375 2.171875 -5.765625 C 1.847656 -5.546875 1.5625 -5.300781 1.3125 -5.03125 C 1.070312 -4.757812 0.878906 -4.453125 0.734375 -4.109375 C 0.597656 -3.765625 0.53125 -3.367188 0.53125 -2.921875 C 0.53125 -2.691406 0.566406 -2.398438 0.640625 -2.046875 C 0.722656 -1.691406 0.890625 -1.347656 1.140625 -1.015625 C 1.398438 -0.691406 1.765625 -0.410156 2.234375 -0.171875 C 2.703125 0.0546875 3.320312 0.171875 4.09375 0.171875 C 4.726562 0.171875 5.335938 0.0390625 5.921875 -0.21875 C 6.515625 -0.488281 6.984375 -0.890625 7.328125 -1.421875 Z M 3.953125 -5.515625 L 6.578125 -2.375 C 6.296875 -1.957031 5.945312 -1.625 5.53125 -1.375 C 5.125 -1.132812 4.660156 -1.015625 4.140625 -1.015625 C 3.867188 -1.015625 3.597656 -1.0625 3.328125 -1.15625 C 3.066406 -1.25 2.835938 -1.378906 2.640625 -1.546875 C 2.441406 -1.710938 2.28125 -1.914062 2.15625 -2.15625 C 2.03125 -2.394531 1.96875 -2.65625 1.96875 -2.9375 C 1.96875 -3.28125 2.019531 -3.578125 2.125 -3.828125 C 2.226562 -4.078125 2.367188 -4.300781 2.546875 -4.5 C 2.734375 -4.707031 2.945312 -4.890625 3.1875 -5.046875 C 3.425781 -5.210938 3.679688 -5.367188 3.953125 -5.515625 Z M 3.953125 -5.515625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-15"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.484375 -6.484375 L 3.484375 -5.328125 C 3.742188 -5.359375 4.015625 -5.375 4.296875 -5.375 C 4.640625 -5.375 4.957031 -5.328125 5.25 -5.234375 C 5.550781 -5.148438 5.804688 -5.015625 6.015625 -4.828125 C 6.234375 -4.640625 6.40625 -4.410156 6.53125 -4.140625 C 6.65625 -3.867188 6.71875 -3.554688 6.71875 -3.203125 C 6.71875 -2.859375 6.648438 -2.550781 6.515625 -2.28125 C 6.378906 -2.007812 6.195312 -1.78125 5.96875 -1.59375 C 5.75 -1.40625 5.488281 -1.257812 5.1875 -1.15625 C 4.894531 -1.0625 4.582031 -1.015625 4.25 -1.015625 C 3.476562 -1.015625 2.890625 -1.242188 2.484375 -1.703125 C 2.078125 -2.171875 1.863281 -2.769531 1.84375 -3.5 L 0.484375 -3.5 C 0.472656 -2.914062 0.550781 -2.394531 0.71875 -1.9375 C 0.894531 -1.476562 1.148438 -1.085938 1.484375 -0.765625 C 1.816406 -0.453125 2.21875 -0.21875 2.6875 -0.0625 C 3.15625 0.09375 3.675781 0.171875 4.25 0.171875 C 4.789062 0.171875 5.296875 0.101562 5.765625 -0.03125 C 6.242188 -0.175781 6.65625 -0.394531 7 -0.6875 C 7.351562 -0.976562 7.632812 -1.335938 7.84375 -1.765625 C 8.050781 -2.203125 8.15625 -2.703125 8.15625 -3.265625 C 8.15625 -3.941406 7.988281 -4.53125 7.65625 -5.03125 C 7.320312 -5.539062 6.804688 -5.867188 6.109375 -6.015625 L 6.109375 -6.046875 C 6.554688 -6.253906 6.929688 -6.550781 7.234375 -6.9375 C 7.535156 -7.332031 7.6875 -7.785156 7.6875 -8.296875 C 7.6875 -8.828125 7.597656 -9.28125 7.421875 -9.65625 C 7.242188 -10.039062 7 -10.351562 6.6875 -10.59375 C 6.375 -10.84375 6.003906 -11.03125 5.578125 -11.15625 C 5.160156 -11.28125 4.707031 -11.34375 4.21875 -11.34375 C 3.65625 -11.34375 3.15625 -11.25 2.71875 -11.0625 C 2.289062 -10.882812 1.929688 -10.632812 1.640625 -10.3125 C 1.359375 -10 1.140625 -9.617188 0.984375 -9.171875 C 0.828125 -8.722656 0.738281 -8.226562 0.71875 -7.6875 L 2.078125 -7.6875 C 2.078125 -8.007812 2.117188 -8.320312 2.203125 -8.625 C 2.296875 -8.925781 2.425781 -9.1875 2.59375 -9.40625 C 2.769531 -9.632812 2.992188 -9.8125 3.265625 -9.9375 C 3.546875 -10.070312 3.863281 -10.140625 4.21875 -10.140625 C 4.800781 -10.140625 5.28125 -9.988281 5.65625 -9.6875 C 6.039062 -9.382812 6.234375 -8.925781 6.234375 -8.3125 C 6.234375 -8.019531 6.175781 -7.753906 6.0625 -7.515625 C 5.945312 -7.285156 5.789062 -7.09375 5.59375 -6.9375 C 5.394531 -6.78125 5.164062 -6.660156 4.90625 -6.578125 C 4.644531 -6.503906 4.367188 -6.46875 4.078125 -6.46875 L 3.796875 -6.46875 C 3.742188 -6.46875 3.6875 -6.46875 3.625 -6.46875 C 3.582031 -6.46875 3.535156 -6.472656 3.484375 -6.484375 Z M 3.484375 -6.484375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-16"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.796875 -5.09375 L 0.796875 -3.8125 L 5.421875 -3.8125 L 5.421875 -5.09375 Z M 0.796875 -5.09375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-17"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.734375 -0.953125 L 0.734375 0.109375 L 8.859375 -3.546875 L 8.859375 -4.546875 L 0.734375 -8.21875 L 0.734375 -7.140625 L 7.53125 -4.046875 Z M 0.734375 -0.953125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-18"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.03125 -8.265625 L 1.03125 0 L 2.390625 0 L 2.390625 -4.671875 C 2.390625 -5.046875 2.4375 -5.390625 2.53125 -5.703125 C 2.632812 -6.015625 2.785156 -6.285156 2.984375 -6.515625 C 3.191406 -6.753906 3.445312 -6.9375 3.75 -7.0625 C 4.050781 -7.195312 4.410156 -7.265625 4.828125 -7.265625 C 5.347656 -7.265625 5.757812 -7.113281 6.0625 -6.8125 C 6.363281 -6.519531 6.515625 -6.113281 6.515625 -5.59375 L 6.515625 0 L 7.875 0 L 7.875 -5.4375 C 7.875 -5.882812 7.828125 -6.289062 7.734375 -6.65625 C 7.640625 -7.03125 7.476562 -7.347656 7.25 -7.609375 C 7.03125 -7.878906 6.738281 -8.085938 6.375 -8.234375 C 6.019531 -8.390625 5.570312 -8.46875 5.03125 -8.46875 C 3.800781 -8.46875 2.90625 -7.960938 2.34375 -6.953125 L 2.296875 -6.953125 L 2.296875 -8.265625 Z M 1.03125 -8.265625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-19"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.25 -4.359375 L 0.140625 0 L 1.796875 0 L 4.09375 -3.421875 L 6.40625 0 L 8.140625 0 L 4.9375 -4.46875 L 7.796875 -8.265625 L 6.15625 -8.265625 L 4.09375 -5.375 L 2.109375 -8.265625 L 0.375 -8.265625 Z M 3.25 -4.359375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-20"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.328125 -1.78125 L 1.328125 0 L 2.265625 0 C 2.273438 0.125 2.265625 0.257812 2.234375 0.40625 C 2.210938 0.5625 2.164062 0.710938 2.09375 0.859375 C 2.019531 1.003906 1.921875 1.132812 1.796875 1.25 C 1.671875 1.375 1.519531 1.46875 1.34375 1.53125 L 1.34375 2.34375 C 1.957031 2.15625 2.40625 1.84375 2.6875 1.40625 C 2.96875 0.96875 3.109375 0.445312 3.109375 -0.15625 L 3.109375 -1.78125 Z M 1.328125 -1.78125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-21"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.234375 -11.421875 L 1.234375 0 L 2.671875 0 L 2.671875 -9.171875 L 2.703125 -9.171875 L 8.671875 0 L 10.34375 0 L 10.34375 -11.421875 L 8.890625 -11.421875 L 8.890625 -2.15625 L 8.859375 -2.15625 L 2.84375 -11.421875 Z M 1.234375 -11.421875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-22"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 10.375 -4.125 L 10.375 -11.421875 L 8.84375 -11.421875 L 8.84375 -4.125 C 8.84375 -3.101562 8.585938 -2.328125 8.078125 -1.796875 C 7.578125 -1.273438 6.84375 -1.015625 5.875 -1.015625 C 4.851562 -1.015625 4.066406 -1.273438 3.515625 -1.796875 C 2.972656 -2.328125 2.703125 -3.101562 2.703125 -4.125 L 2.703125 -11.421875 L 1.1875 -11.421875 L 1.1875 -4.125 C 1.1875 -2.601562 1.597656 -1.492188 2.421875 -0.796875 C 3.242188 -0.0976562 4.394531 0.25 5.875 0.25 C 7.3125 0.25 8.421875 -0.113281 9.203125 -0.84375 C 9.984375 -1.570312 10.375 -2.664062 10.375 -4.125 Z M 10.375 -4.125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-23"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.25 -11.421875 L 1.25 0 L 8.8125 0 L 8.8125 -1.28125 L 2.765625 -1.28125 L 2.765625 -11.421875 Z M 1.25 -11.421875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-24"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 5.421875 -3.859375 L 1.609375 -3.859375 L 5.390625 -9.40625 L 5.421875 -9.40625 Z M 6.703125 -3.859375 L 6.703125 -11.34375 L 5.609375 -11.34375 L 0.453125 -3.96875 L 0.453125 -2.65625 L 5.421875 -2.65625 L 5.421875 0 L 6.703125 0 L 6.703125 -2.65625 L 8.234375 -2.65625 L 8.234375 -3.859375 Z M 6.703125 -3.859375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-25"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M -0.140625 3.15625 L 0.875 3.15625 C 1.707031 2.050781 2.332031 0.863281 2.75 -0.40625 C 3.175781 -1.675781 3.390625 -2.941406 3.390625 -4.203125 C 3.390625 -4.910156 3.332031 -5.582031 3.21875 -6.21875 C 3.101562 -6.863281 2.9375 -7.492188 2.71875 -8.109375 C 2.5 -8.722656 2.234375 -9.320312 1.921875 -9.90625 C 1.609375 -10.5 1.257812 -11.097656 0.875 -11.703125 L -0.140625 -11.703125 C 0.597656 -10.472656 1.128906 -9.25 1.453125 -8.03125 C 1.785156 -6.820312 1.953125 -5.546875 1.953125 -4.203125 C 1.953125 -2.898438 1.789062 -1.648438 1.46875 -0.453125 C 1.144531 0.742188 0.609375 1.945312 -0.140625 3.15625 Z M -0.140625 3.15625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-26"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.109375 -11.421875 L 1.109375 0 L 2.46875 0 L 2.46875 -11.421875 Z M 1.109375 -11.421875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-27"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.703125 -7.328125 L 2.0625 -7.328125 C 2.050781 -7.671875 2.082031 -8.007812 2.15625 -8.34375 C 2.238281 -8.675781 2.367188 -8.972656 2.546875 -9.234375 C 2.734375 -9.503906 2.96875 -9.722656 3.25 -9.890625 C 3.539062 -10.054688 3.878906 -10.140625 4.265625 -10.140625 C 4.566406 -10.140625 4.847656 -10.09375 5.109375 -10 C 5.378906 -9.90625 5.613281 -9.765625 5.8125 -9.578125 C 6.007812 -9.398438 6.164062 -9.1875 6.28125 -8.9375 C 6.40625 -8.6875 6.46875 -8.40625 6.46875 -8.09375 C 6.46875 -7.695312 6.40625 -7.347656 6.28125 -7.046875 C 6.15625 -6.753906 5.972656 -6.476562 5.734375 -6.21875 C 5.492188 -5.96875 5.191406 -5.71875 4.828125 -5.46875 C 4.460938 -5.21875 4.039062 -4.941406 3.5625 -4.640625 C 3.164062 -4.398438 2.785156 -4.144531 2.421875 -3.875 C 2.066406 -3.613281 1.742188 -3.304688 1.453125 -2.953125 C 1.171875 -2.609375 0.9375 -2.195312 0.75 -1.71875 C 0.5625 -1.25 0.441406 -0.675781 0.390625 0 L 7.796875 0 L 7.796875 -1.203125 L 1.96875 -1.203125 C 2.03125 -1.554688 2.164062 -1.867188 2.375 -2.140625 C 2.582031 -2.410156 2.832031 -2.660156 3.125 -2.890625 C 3.414062 -3.128906 3.738281 -3.351562 4.09375 -3.5625 C 4.445312 -3.769531 4.800781 -3.976562 5.15625 -4.1875 C 5.507812 -4.414062 5.847656 -4.648438 6.171875 -4.890625 C 6.503906 -5.140625 6.796875 -5.414062 7.046875 -5.71875 C 7.304688 -6.019531 7.515625 -6.363281 7.671875 -6.75 C 7.828125 -7.132812 7.90625 -7.578125 7.90625 -8.078125 C 7.90625 -8.609375 7.8125 -9.078125 7.625 -9.484375 C 7.4375 -9.890625 7.179688 -10.226562 6.859375 -10.5 C 6.546875 -10.769531 6.171875 -10.976562 5.734375 -11.125 C 5.304688 -11.269531 4.847656 -11.34375 4.359375 -11.34375 C 3.753906 -11.34375 3.21875 -11.238281 2.75 -11.03125 C 2.28125 -10.832031 1.890625 -10.550781 1.578125 -10.1875 C 1.265625 -9.832031 1.03125 -9.410156 0.875 -8.921875 C 0.726562 -8.429688 0.671875 -7.898438 0.703125 -7.328125 Z M 0.703125 -7.328125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-28"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.765625 -6.515625 L 2.765625 -10.140625 L 5.8125 -10.140625 C 6.132812 -10.140625 6.441406 -10.117188 6.734375 -10.078125 C 7.035156 -10.046875 7.296875 -9.960938 7.515625 -9.828125 C 7.742188 -9.703125 7.921875 -9.519531 8.046875 -9.28125 C 8.171875 -9.050781 8.234375 -8.738281 8.234375 -8.34375 C 8.234375 -7.726562 8.046875 -7.269531 7.671875 -6.96875 C 7.296875 -6.664062 6.675781 -6.515625 5.8125 -6.515625 Z M 1.25 -11.421875 L 1.25 0 L 6.765625 0 C 7.328125 0 7.820312 -0.09375 8.25 -0.28125 C 8.6875 -0.46875 9.050781 -0.710938 9.34375 -1.015625 C 9.644531 -1.316406 9.867188 -1.664062 10.015625 -2.0625 C 10.160156 -2.457031 10.234375 -2.863281 10.234375 -3.28125 C 10.234375 -3.988281 10.046875 -4.585938 9.671875 -5.078125 C 9.304688 -5.566406 8.769531 -5.882812 8.0625 -6.03125 L 8.0625 -6.0625 C 8.601562 -6.28125 9.019531 -6.609375 9.3125 -7.046875 C 9.613281 -7.492188 9.765625 -8.019531 9.765625 -8.625 C 9.765625 -9.195312 9.628906 -9.679688 9.359375 -10.078125 C 9.097656 -10.472656 8.785156 -10.785156 8.421875 -11.015625 C 8.242188 -11.117188 8.035156 -11.195312 7.796875 -11.25 C 7.554688 -11.300781 7.296875 -11.335938 7.015625 -11.359375 C 6.742188 -11.390625 6.46875 -11.40625 6.1875 -11.40625 C 5.90625 -11.414062 5.640625 -11.421875 5.390625 -11.421875 Z M 2.765625 -1.28125 L 2.765625 -5.234375 L 6.234375 -5.234375 C 6.554688 -5.234375 6.863281 -5.203125 7.15625 -5.140625 C 7.457031 -5.085938 7.722656 -4.988281 7.953125 -4.84375 C 8.179688 -4.695312 8.363281 -4.5 8.5 -4.25 C 8.644531 -4.007812 8.71875 -3.703125 8.71875 -3.328125 C 8.71875 -2.691406 8.523438 -2.191406 8.140625 -1.828125 C 7.765625 -1.460938 7.242188 -1.28125 6.578125 -1.28125 Z M 2.765625 -1.28125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-29"> +<path 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-4.765625 C 10.375 -3.359375 9.96875 -2.15625 9.15625 -1.15625 C 8.351562 -0.164062 7.125 0.328125 5.46875 0.328125 C 3.820312 0.328125 2.59375 -0.164062 1.78125 -1.15625 C 0.976562 -2.15625 0.578125 -3.359375 0.578125 -4.765625 C 0.578125 -6.148438 0.976562 -7.347656 1.78125 -8.359375 C 2.59375 -9.378906 3.820312 -9.890625 5.46875 -9.890625 C 7.125 -9.890625 8.351562 -9.378906 9.15625 -8.359375 C 9.96875 -7.347656 10.375 -6.148438 10.375 -4.765625 Z M 5.46875 -9.828125 Z M 5.46875 -9.828125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-8"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 6.375 -9.8125 C 6.414062 -9.8125 6.453125 -9.804688 6.484375 -9.796875 C 6.523438 -9.796875 6.597656 -9.796875 6.703125 -9.796875 L 6.703125 -7.21875 C 6.546875 -7.238281 6.40625 -7.25 6.28125 -7.25 C 6.15625 -7.257812 6.054688 -7.265625 5.984375 -7.265625 C 4.972656 -7.265625 4.296875 -6.9375 3.953125 -6.28125 C 3.765625 -5.914062 3.671875 -5.347656 3.671875 -4.578125 L 3.671875 0 L 1.140625 0 L 1.140625 -9.578125 L 3.53125 -9.578125 L 3.53125 -7.90625 C 3.914062 -8.550781 4.253906 -8.988281 4.546875 -9.21875 C 5.015625 -9.613281 5.625 -9.8125 6.375 -9.8125 Z M 6.375 -9.8125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-9"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.8125 -6.375 C 0.8125 -8.632812 1.414062 -10.378906 2.625 -11.609375 C 3.675781 -12.671875 5.019531 -13.203125 6.65625 -13.203125 C 8.832031 -13.203125 10.425781 -12.488281 11.4375 -11.0625 C 11.988281 -10.257812 12.285156 -9.453125 12.328125 -8.640625 L 9.625 -8.640625 C 9.445312 -9.265625 9.222656 -9.734375 8.953125 -10.046875 C 8.453125 -10.609375 7.722656 -10.890625 6.765625 -10.890625 C 5.773438 -10.890625 4.992188 -10.492188 4.421875 -9.703125 C 3.859375 -8.910156 3.578125 -7.785156 3.578125 -6.328125 C 3.578125 -4.878906 3.875 -3.789062 4.46875 -3.0625 C 5.070312 -2.34375 5.835938 -1.984375 6.765625 -1.984375 C 7.710938 -1.984375 8.4375 -2.289062 8.9375 -2.90625 C 9.21875 -3.238281 9.445312 -3.738281 9.625 -4.40625 L 12.3125 -4.40625 C 12.070312 -3 11.46875 -1.851562 10.5 -0.96875 C 9.539062 -0.0820312 8.304688 0.359375 6.796875 0.359375 C 4.941406 0.359375 3.476562 -0.238281 2.40625 -1.4375 C 1.34375 -2.632812 0.8125 -4.28125 0.8125 -6.375 Z M 6.578125 -13.34375 Z M 6.578125 -13.34375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-10"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 6.484375 -9.8125 C 7.472656 -9.8125 8.28125 -9.550781 8.90625 -9.03125 C 9.539062 -8.507812 9.859375 -7.648438 9.859375 -6.453125 L 9.859375 0 L 7.28125 0 L 7.28125 -5.828125 C 7.28125 -6.328125 7.210938 -6.710938 7.078125 -6.984375 C 6.835938 -7.472656 6.367188 -7.71875 5.671875 -7.71875 C 4.828125 -7.71875 4.242188 -7.359375 3.921875 -6.640625 C 3.765625 -6.265625 3.6875 -5.78125 3.6875 -5.1875 L 3.6875 0 L 1.1875 0 L 1.1875 -9.5625 L 3.609375 -9.5625 L 3.609375 -8.171875 C 3.929688 -8.660156 4.234375 -9.015625 4.515625 -9.234375 C 5.035156 -9.617188 5.691406 -9.8125 6.484375 -9.8125 Z M 5.5625 -9.828125 Z M 5.5625 -9.828125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-11"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.1875 -7.703125 L 0.1875 -9.5 L 1.515625 -9.5 L 1.515625 -12.171875 L 4 -12.171875 L 4 -9.5 L 5.5625 -9.5 L 5.5625 -7.703125 L 4 -7.703125 L 4 -2.640625 C 4 -2.253906 4.046875 -2.007812 4.140625 -1.90625 C 4.242188 -1.8125 4.550781 -1.765625 5.0625 -1.765625 C 5.132812 -1.765625 5.210938 -1.765625 5.296875 -1.765625 C 5.390625 -1.773438 5.476562 -1.78125 5.5625 -1.78125 L 5.5625 0.09375 L 4.375 0.125 C 3.1875 0.164062 2.375 -0.0351562 1.9375 -0.484375 C 1.65625 -0.773438 1.515625 -1.21875 1.515625 -1.8125 L 1.515625 -7.703125 Z M 0.1875 -7.703125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-12"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.234375 0 L 3.5 -4.859375 L 0.375 -9.5625 L 3.4375 -9.5625 L 5.03125 -6.78125 L 6.59375 -9.5625 L 9.578125 -9.5625 L 6.4375 -4.890625 L 9.703125 0 L 6.578125 0 L 4.9375 -2.875 L 3.265625 0 Z M 0.234375 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-13"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.25 -8.796875 L 1.25 -10.5 C 2.039062 -10.53125 2.59375 -10.582031 2.90625 -10.65625 C 3.414062 -10.757812 3.828125 -10.984375 4.140625 -11.328125 C 4.359375 -11.546875 4.519531 -11.847656 4.625 -12.234375 C 4.695312 -12.460938 4.734375 -12.632812 4.734375 -12.75 L 6.8125 -12.75 L 6.8125 0 L 4.25 0 L 4.25 -8.796875 Z M 1.25 -8.796875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-14"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.5625 0 C 0.582031 -0.914062 0.78125 -1.75 1.15625 -2.5 C 1.507812 -3.351562 2.351562 -4.253906 3.6875 -5.203125 C 4.84375 -6.023438 5.585938 -6.617188 5.921875 -6.984375 C 6.441406 -7.535156 6.703125 -8.144531 6.703125 -8.8125 C 6.703125 -9.34375 6.550781 -9.785156 6.25 -10.140625 C 5.957031 -10.503906 5.53125 -10.6875 4.96875 -10.6875 C 4.207031 -10.6875 3.691406 -10.398438 3.421875 -9.828125 C 3.265625 -9.503906 3.171875 -8.984375 3.140625 -8.265625 L 0.703125 -8.265625 C 0.742188 -9.347656 0.941406 -10.226562 1.296875 -10.90625 C 1.960938 -12.175781 3.148438 -12.8125 4.859375 -12.8125 C 6.203125 -12.8125 7.269531 -12.4375 8.0625 -11.6875 C 8.863281 -10.9375 9.265625 -9.945312 9.265625 -8.71875 C 9.265625 -7.769531 8.984375 -6.929688 8.421875 -6.203125 C 8.046875 -5.710938 7.4375 -5.171875 6.59375 -4.578125 L 5.59375 -3.875 C 4.96875 -3.425781 4.539062 -3.101562 4.3125 -2.90625 C 4.082031 -2.707031 3.890625 -2.472656 3.734375 -2.203125 L 9.296875 -2.203125 L 9.296875 0 Z M 0.5625 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-15"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.140625 -12.953125 L 4.859375 -5.53125 L 5.21875 -3.46875 L 5.59375 -5.5 L 7.0625 -12.953125 L 9.921875 -12.953125 L 11.453125 -5.53125 L 11.84375 -3.46875 L 12.25 -5.453125 L 13.96875 -12.953125 L 16.71875 -12.953125 L 13.078125 0 L 10.5 0 L 8.9375 -7.578125 L 8.46875 -10.078125 L 8.015625 -7.578125 L 6.453125 0 L 3.9375 0 L 0.265625 -12.953125 Z M 3.140625 -12.953125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-16"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.75 -10.71875 L 1.203125 -10.71875 L 1.203125 -13.03125 L 3.75 -13.03125 Z M 1.203125 -9.578125 L 3.75 -9.578125 L 3.75 0 L 1.203125 0 Z M 1.203125 -9.578125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-17"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 7.078125 -1.9375 C 7.390625 -1.9375 7.6875 -1.972656 7.96875 -2.046875 C 8.125 -2.085938 8.328125 -2.160156 8.578125 -2.265625 L 7.265625 -3.515625 L 8.671875 -4.96875 L 9.96875 -3.734375 C 10.175781 -4.148438 10.320312 -4.515625 10.40625 -4.828125 C 10.53125 -5.304688 10.59375 -5.863281 10.59375 -6.5 C 10.59375 -7.945312 10.296875 -9.066406 9.703125 -9.859375 C 9.109375 -10.660156 8.242188 -11.0625 7.109375 -11.0625 C 6.035156 -11.0625 5.175781 -10.675781 4.53125 -9.90625 C 3.894531 -9.144531 3.578125 -8.007812 3.578125 -6.5 C 3.578125 -4.71875 4.035156 -3.445312 4.953125 -2.6875 C 5.546875 -2.1875 6.253906 -1.9375 7.078125 -1.9375 Z M 13.3125 -6.6875 C 13.3125 -5.53125 13.171875 -4.5625 12.890625 -3.78125 C 12.660156 -3.039062 12.320312 -2.425781 11.875 -1.9375 L 13.375 -0.53125 L 11.953125 0.9375 L 10.390625 -0.53125 C 9.910156 -0.25 9.5 -0.046875 9.15625 0.078125 C 8.570312 0.265625 7.878906 0.359375 7.078125 0.359375 C 5.390625 0.359375 3.992188 -0.144531 2.890625 -1.15625 C 1.554688 -2.363281 0.890625 -4.144531 0.890625 -6.5 C 0.890625 -8.863281 1.570312 -10.648438 2.9375 -11.859375 C 4.0625 -12.847656 5.457031 -13.34375 7.125 -13.34375 C 8.800781 -13.34375 10.207031 -12.820312 11.34375 -11.78125 C 12.65625 -10.5625 13.3125 -8.863281 13.3125 -6.6875 Z M 13.3125 -6.6875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-18"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.671875 -9.578125 L 3.671875 -3.8125 C 3.671875 -3.257812 3.734375 -2.847656 3.859375 -2.578125 C 4.085938 -2.085938 4.535156 -1.84375 5.203125 -1.84375 C 6.054688 -1.84375 6.644531 -2.191406 6.96875 -2.890625 C 7.125 -3.265625 7.203125 -3.757812 7.203125 -4.375 L 7.203125 -9.578125 L 9.75 -9.578125 L 9.75 0 L 7.3125 0 L 7.3125 -1.359375 C 7.289062 -1.328125 7.234375 -1.238281 7.140625 -1.09375 C 7.046875 -0.945312 6.929688 -0.816406 6.796875 -0.703125 C 6.410156 -0.347656 6.03125 -0.109375 5.65625 0.015625 C 5.289062 0.148438 4.863281 0.21875 4.375 0.21875 C 2.957031 0.21875 2.003906 -0.289062 1.515625 -1.3125 C 1.234375 -1.875 1.09375 -2.707031 1.09375 -3.8125 L 1.09375 -9.578125 Z M 5.421875 -9.828125 Z M 5.421875 -9.828125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-19"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 10.78125 -12.953125 L 10.78125 -10.65625 L 6.90625 -10.65625 L 6.90625 0 L 4.1875 0 L 4.1875 -10.65625 L 0.296875 -10.65625 L 0.296875 -12.953125 Z M 10.78125 -12.953125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-20"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.125 -3.0625 C 3.175781 -2.613281 3.289062 -2.296875 3.46875 -2.109375 C 3.769531 -1.773438 4.34375 -1.609375 5.1875 -1.609375 C 5.675781 -1.609375 6.066406 -1.679688 6.359375 -1.828125 C 6.648438 -1.972656 6.796875 -2.191406 6.796875 -2.484375 C 6.796875 -2.765625 6.675781 -2.976562 6.4375 -3.125 C 6.207031 -3.269531 5.335938 -3.523438 3.828125 -3.890625 C 2.742188 -4.160156 1.976562 -4.492188 1.53125 -4.890625 C 1.09375 -5.296875 0.875 -5.875 0.875 -6.625 C 0.875 -7.507812 1.21875 -8.269531 1.90625 -8.90625 C 2.601562 -9.539062 3.582031 -9.859375 4.84375 -9.859375 C 6.039062 -9.859375 7.015625 -9.617188 7.765625 -9.140625 C 8.515625 -8.660156 8.945312 -7.832031 9.0625 -6.65625 L 6.5625 -6.65625 C 6.519531 -6.976562 6.425781 -7.234375 6.28125 -7.421875 C 6.007812 -7.765625 5.539062 -7.9375 4.875 -7.9375 C 4.332031 -7.9375 3.941406 -7.847656 3.703125 -7.671875 C 3.472656 -7.503906 3.359375 -7.304688 3.359375 -7.078125 C 3.359375 -6.796875 3.484375 -6.585938 3.734375 -6.453125 C 3.984375 -6.328125 4.851562 -6.097656 6.34375 -5.765625 C 7.34375 -5.535156 8.09375 -5.179688 8.59375 -4.703125 C 9.082031 -4.222656 9.328125 -3.625 9.328125 -2.90625 C 9.328125 -1.957031 8.972656 -1.179688 8.265625 -0.578125 C 7.554688 0.0234375 6.46875 0.328125 5 0.328125 C 3.488281 0.328125 2.375 0.0078125 1.65625 -0.625 C 0.9375 -1.257812 0.578125 -2.070312 0.578125 -3.0625 Z M 5.03125 -9.828125 Z M 5.03125 -9.828125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-21"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.140625 -12.90625 L 3.609375 -12.90625 L 3.609375 -5.9375 L 6.71875 -9.53125 L 9.828125 -9.53125 L 6.484375 -5.875 L 9.953125 0 L 6.9375 0 L 4.640625 -4.09375 L 3.609375 -3.015625 L 3.609375 0 L 1.140625 0 Z M 1.140625 -12.90625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-22"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 9.953125 -12.953125 L 13.859375 -12.953125 L 13.859375 0 L 11.328125 0 L 11.328125 -8.765625 C 11.328125 -9.015625 11.328125 -9.363281 11.328125 -9.8125 C 11.335938 -10.269531 11.34375 -10.625 11.34375 -10.875 L 8.890625 0 L 6.265625 0 L 3.828125 -10.875 C 3.828125 -10.625 3.828125 -10.269531 3.828125 -9.8125 C 3.835938 -9.363281 3.84375 -9.015625 3.84375 -8.765625 L 3.84375 0 L 1.328125 0 L 1.328125 -12.953125 L 5.265625 -12.953125 L 7.625 -2.765625 Z M 9.953125 -12.953125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-23"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 5.28125 -2.0625 C 5.863281 -2.0625 6.359375 -2.28125 6.765625 -2.71875 C 7.171875 -3.164062 7.375 -3.867188 7.375 -4.828125 C 7.375 -5.742188 7.179688 -6.4375 6.796875 -6.90625 C 6.410156 -7.382812 5.894531 -7.625 5.25 -7.625 C 4.375 -7.625 3.769531 -7.207031 3.4375 -6.375 C 3.257812 -5.9375 3.171875 -5.394531 3.171875 -4.75 C 3.171875 -4.195312 3.265625 -3.703125 3.453125 -3.265625 C 3.796875 -2.460938 4.40625 -2.0625 5.28125 -2.0625 Z M 4.65625 -9.8125 C 5.132812 -9.8125 5.554688 -9.738281 5.921875 -9.59375 C 6.523438 -9.34375 7.015625 -8.878906 7.390625 -8.203125 L 7.390625 -9.578125 L 9.828125 -9.578125 L 9.828125 -0.5 C 9.828125 0.738281 9.617188 1.671875 9.203125 2.296875 C 8.484375 3.378906 7.113281 3.921875 5.09375 3.921875 C 3.863281 3.921875 2.863281 3.679688 2.09375 3.203125 C 1.320312 2.722656 0.894531 2.003906 0.8125 1.046875 L 3.53125 1.046875 C 3.601562 1.335938 3.71875 1.546875 3.875 1.671875 C 4.144531 1.898438 4.597656 2.015625 5.234375 2.015625 C 6.140625 2.015625 6.742188 1.710938 7.046875 1.109375 C 7.242188 0.722656 7.34375 0.078125 7.34375 -0.828125 L 7.34375 -1.453125 C 7.101562 -1.035156 6.847656 -0.726562 6.578125 -0.53125 C 6.078125 -0.144531 5.425781 0.046875 4.625 0.046875 C 3.394531 0.046875 2.410156 -0.382812 1.671875 -1.25 C 0.941406 -2.113281 0.578125 -3.285156 0.578125 -4.765625 C 0.578125 -6.191406 0.929688 -7.390625 1.640625 -8.359375 C 2.347656 -9.328125 3.351562 -9.8125 4.65625 -9.8125 Z M 5.453125 -9.828125 Z M 5.453125 -9.828125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-0"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.578125 0 L 0.578125 -12.90625 L 10.828125 -12.90625 L 10.828125 0 Z M 9.21875 -1.625 L 9.21875 -11.296875 L 2.203125 -11.296875 L 2.203125 -1.625 Z M 9.21875 -1.625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-1"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 5.140625 -1.0625 C 5.867188 -1.0625 6.476562 -1.367188 6.96875 -1.984375 C 7.457031 -2.609375 7.703125 -3.535156 7.703125 -4.765625 C 7.703125 -5.515625 7.597656 -6.160156 7.390625 -6.703125 C 6.972656 -7.734375 6.222656 -8.25 5.140625 -8.25 C 4.035156 -8.25 3.285156 -7.703125 2.890625 -6.609375 C 2.671875 -6.023438 2.5625 -5.28125 2.5625 -4.375 C 2.5625 -3.644531 2.671875 -3.023438 2.890625 -2.515625 C 3.296875 -1.546875 4.046875 -1.0625 5.140625 -1.0625 Z M 1.03125 -9.375 L 2.578125 -9.375 L 2.578125 -8.125 C 2.890625 -8.550781 3.234375 -8.878906 3.609375 -9.109375 C 4.140625 -9.460938 4.769531 -9.640625 5.5 -9.640625 C 6.5625 -9.640625 7.460938 -9.226562 8.203125 -8.40625 C 8.953125 -7.59375 9.328125 -6.425781 9.328125 -4.90625 C 9.328125 -2.863281 8.789062 -1.398438 7.71875 -0.515625 C 7.039062 0.0351562 6.25 0.3125 5.34375 0.3125 C 4.632812 0.3125 4.039062 0.15625 3.5625 -0.15625 C 3.28125 -0.320312 2.96875 -0.625 2.625 -1.0625 L 2.625 3.75 L 1.03125 3.75 Z M 1.03125 -9.375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-2"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 6.9375 -13.265625 C 9.21875 -13.265625 10.90625 -12.53125 12 -11.0625 C 12.863281 -9.925781 13.296875 -8.46875 13.296875 -6.6875 C 13.296875 -4.75 12.804688 -3.144531 11.828125 -1.875 C 10.671875 -0.375 9.03125 0.375 6.90625 0.375 C 4.914062 0.375 3.351562 -0.28125 2.21875 -1.59375 C 1.207031 -2.851562 0.703125 -4.453125 0.703125 -6.390625 C 0.703125 -8.140625 1.132812 -9.632812 2 -10.875 C 3.113281 -12.46875 4.757812 -13.265625 6.9375 -13.265625 Z M 7.125 -1.1875 C 8.664062 -1.1875 9.78125 -1.738281 10.46875 -2.84375 C 11.15625 -3.945312 11.5 -5.21875 11.5 -6.65625 C 11.5 -8.175781 11.097656 -9.394531 10.296875 -10.3125 C 9.503906 -11.238281 8.421875 -11.703125 7.046875 -11.703125 C 5.710938 -11.703125 4.625 -11.242188 3.78125 -10.328125 C 2.9375 -9.410156 2.515625 -8.0625 2.515625 -6.28125 C 2.515625 -4.84375 2.875 -3.632812 3.59375 -2.65625 C 4.320312 -1.675781 5.5 -1.1875 7.125 -1.1875 Z M 7 -13.265625 Z M 7 -13.265625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-3"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 5.078125 -9.625 C 5.742188 -9.625 6.390625 -9.46875 7.015625 -9.15625 C 7.648438 -8.84375 8.128906 -8.4375 8.453125 -7.9375 C 8.773438 -7.457031 8.988281 -6.90625 9.09375 -6.28125 C 9.1875 -5.84375 9.234375 -5.148438 9.234375 -4.203125 L 2.328125 -4.203125 C 2.359375 -3.242188 2.582031 -2.472656 3 -1.890625 C 3.425781 -1.316406 4.082031 -1.03125 4.96875 -1.03125 C 5.789062 -1.03125 6.445312 -1.304688 6.9375 -1.859375 C 7.21875 -2.171875 7.421875 -2.535156 7.546875 -2.953125 L 9.09375 -2.953125 C 9.050781 -2.609375 8.914062 -2.222656 8.6875 -1.796875 C 8.457031 -1.367188 8.195312 -1.019531 7.90625 -0.75 C 7.425781 -0.28125 6.832031 0.03125 6.125 0.1875 C 5.75 0.28125 5.316406 0.328125 4.828125 0.328125 C 3.660156 0.328125 2.671875 -0.09375 1.859375 -0.9375 C 1.046875 -1.789062 0.640625 -2.988281 0.640625 -4.53125 C 0.640625 -6.039062 1.046875 -7.265625 1.859375 -8.203125 C 2.679688 -9.148438 3.753906 -9.625 5.078125 -9.625 Z M 7.609375 -5.453125 C 7.535156 -6.140625 7.382812 -6.691406 7.15625 -7.109375 C 6.71875 -7.867188 5.992188 -8.25 4.984375 -8.25 C 4.253906 -8.25 3.644531 -7.984375 3.15625 -7.453125 C 2.664062 -6.929688 2.40625 -6.265625 2.375 -5.453125 Z M 4.9375 -9.640625 Z M 4.9375 -9.640625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-4"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.203125 -9.40625 L 2.703125 -9.40625 L 2.703125 -7.78125 C 2.828125 -8.101562 3.128906 -8.488281 3.609375 -8.9375 C 4.085938 -9.394531 4.644531 -9.625 5.28125 -9.625 C 5.300781 -9.625 5.347656 -9.617188 5.421875 -9.609375 C 5.492188 -9.609375 5.613281 -9.597656 5.78125 -9.578125 L 5.78125 -7.90625 C 5.6875 -7.925781 5.597656 -7.9375 5.515625 -7.9375 C 5.441406 -7.945312 5.359375 -7.953125 5.265625 -7.953125 C 4.460938 -7.953125 3.847656 -7.695312 3.421875 -7.1875 C 2.992188 -6.675781 2.78125 -6.085938 2.78125 -5.421875 L 2.78125 0 L 1.203125 0 Z M 1.203125 -9.40625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-5"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.375 -2.5 C 2.375 -2.039062 2.539062 -1.679688 2.875 -1.421875 C 3.207031 -1.160156 3.601562 -1.03125 4.0625 -1.03125 C 4.613281 -1.03125 5.148438 -1.160156 5.671875 -1.421875 C 6.554688 -1.847656 7 -2.546875 7 -3.515625 L 7 -4.796875 C 6.800781 -4.671875 6.550781 -4.566406 6.25 -4.484375 C 5.945312 -4.398438 5.648438 -4.34375 5.359375 -4.3125 L 4.390625 -4.1875 C 3.816406 -4.101562 3.390625 -3.984375 3.109375 -3.828125 C 2.617188 -3.546875 2.375 -3.101562 2.375 -2.5 Z M 6.203125 -5.703125 C 6.566406 -5.753906 6.8125 -5.90625 6.9375 -6.15625 C 7.007812 -6.300781 7.046875 -6.503906 7.046875 -6.765625 C 7.046875 -7.304688 6.851562 -7.695312 6.46875 -7.9375 C 6.082031 -8.1875 5.53125 -8.3125 4.8125 -8.3125 C 3.988281 -8.3125 3.40625 -8.085938 3.0625 -7.640625 C 2.863281 -7.390625 2.738281 -7.023438 2.6875 -6.546875 L 1.203125 -6.546875 C 1.234375 -7.703125 1.609375 -8.503906 2.328125 -8.953125 C 3.054688 -9.410156 3.898438 -9.640625 4.859375 -9.640625 C 5.960938 -9.640625 6.859375 -9.429688 7.546875 -9.015625 C 8.234375 -8.585938 8.578125 -7.929688 8.578125 -7.046875 L 8.578125 -1.625 C 8.578125 -1.457031 8.609375 -1.320312 8.671875 -1.21875 C 8.742188 -1.125 8.890625 -1.078125 9.109375 -1.078125 C 9.179688 -1.078125 9.257812 -1.078125 9.34375 -1.078125 C 9.425781 -1.085938 9.519531 -1.101562 9.625 -1.125 L 9.625 0.046875 C 9.375 0.117188 9.1875 0.160156 9.0625 0.171875 C 8.9375 0.191406 8.757812 0.203125 8.53125 0.203125 C 7.988281 0.203125 7.59375 0.0078125 7.34375 -0.375 C 7.21875 -0.582031 7.128906 -0.875 7.078125 -1.25 C 6.753906 -0.820312 6.289062 -0.453125 5.6875 -0.140625 C 5.082031 0.160156 4.414062 0.3125 3.6875 0.3125 C 2.8125 0.3125 2.097656 0.046875 1.546875 -0.484375 C 0.992188 -1.015625 0.71875 -1.675781 0.71875 -2.46875 C 0.71875 -3.34375 0.988281 -4.019531 1.53125 -4.5 C 2.082031 -4.976562 2.800781 -5.273438 3.6875 -5.390625 Z M 4.890625 -9.640625 Z M 4.890625 -9.640625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-6"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.484375 -12.046875 L 3.078125 -12.046875 L 3.078125 -9.40625 L 4.578125 -9.40625 L 4.578125 -8.125 L 3.078125 -8.125 L 3.078125 -1.984375 C 3.078125 -1.648438 3.1875 -1.425781 3.40625 -1.3125 C 3.53125 -1.25 3.738281 -1.21875 4.03125 -1.21875 C 4.101562 -1.21875 4.179688 -1.21875 4.265625 -1.21875 C 4.359375 -1.226562 4.460938 -1.238281 4.578125 -1.25 L 4.578125 0 C 4.398438 0.0507812 4.210938 0.0859375 4.015625 0.109375 C 3.816406 0.140625 3.601562 0.15625 3.375 0.15625 C 2.632812 0.15625 2.132812 -0.03125 1.875 -0.40625 C 1.613281 -0.789062 1.484375 -1.285156 1.484375 -1.890625 L 1.484375 -8.125 L 0.203125 -8.125 L 0.203125 -9.40625 L 1.484375 -9.40625 Z M 1.484375 -12.046875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-7"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.15625 -9.375 L 2.765625 -9.375 L 2.765625 0 L 1.15625 0 Z M 1.15625 -12.90625 L 2.765625 -12.90625 L 2.765625 -11.125 L 1.15625 -11.125 Z M 1.15625 -12.90625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-8"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 4.890625 -1.015625 C 5.941406 -1.015625 6.660156 -1.410156 7.046875 -2.203125 C 7.441406 -3.003906 7.640625 -3.890625 7.640625 -4.859375 C 7.640625 -5.734375 7.5 -6.445312 7.21875 -7 C 6.769531 -7.875 6 -8.3125 4.90625 -8.3125 C 3.945312 -8.3125 3.242188 -7.941406 2.796875 -7.203125 C 2.359375 -6.460938 2.140625 -5.570312 2.140625 -4.53125 C 2.140625 -3.53125 2.359375 -2.691406 2.796875 -2.015625 C 3.242188 -1.347656 3.941406 -1.015625 4.890625 -1.015625 Z M 4.953125 -9.6875 C 6.171875 -9.6875 7.195312 -9.28125 8.03125 -8.46875 C 8.875 -7.664062 9.296875 -6.476562 9.296875 -4.90625 C 9.296875 -3.382812 8.925781 -2.128906 8.1875 -1.140625 C 7.445312 -0.148438 6.300781 0.34375 4.75 0.34375 C 3.445312 0.34375 2.414062 -0.09375 1.65625 -0.96875 C 0.894531 -1.84375 0.515625 -3.019531 0.515625 -4.5 C 0.515625 -6.082031 0.914062 -7.34375 1.71875 -8.28125 C 2.519531 -9.21875 3.597656 -9.6875 4.953125 -9.6875 Z M 4.90625 -9.640625 Z M 4.90625 -9.640625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-9"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.15625 -9.40625 L 2.65625 -9.40625 L 2.65625 -8.078125 C 3.101562 -8.628906 3.578125 -9.023438 4.078125 -9.265625 C 4.578125 -9.503906 5.128906 -9.625 5.734375 -9.625 C 7.078125 -9.625 7.984375 -9.160156 8.453125 -8.234375 C 8.703125 -7.722656 8.828125 -6.988281 8.828125 -6.03125 L 8.828125 0 L 7.21875 0 L 7.21875 -5.9375 C 7.21875 -6.507812 7.132812 -6.972656 6.96875 -7.328125 C 6.6875 -7.910156 6.175781 -8.203125 5.4375 -8.203125 C 5.0625 -8.203125 4.753906 -8.164062 4.515625 -8.09375 C 4.085938 -7.957031 3.707031 -7.695312 3.375 -7.3125 C 3.113281 -7 2.941406 -6.675781 2.859375 -6.34375 C 2.785156 -6.019531 2.75 -5.550781 2.75 -4.9375 L 2.75 0 L 1.15625 0 Z M 4.875 -9.640625 Z M 4.875 -9.640625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-10"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 5.328125 -13.125 C 4.410156 -11.332031 3.8125 -10.015625 3.53125 -9.171875 C 3.113281 -7.890625 2.90625 -6.410156 2.90625 -4.734375 C 2.90625 -3.035156 3.144531 -1.484375 3.625 -0.078125 C 3.914062 0.796875 4.492188 2.046875 5.359375 3.671875 L 4.296875 3.671875 C 3.429688 2.335938 2.894531 1.484375 2.6875 1.109375 C 2.488281 0.742188 2.269531 0.242188 2.03125 -0.390625 C 1.695312 -1.253906 1.46875 -2.179688 1.34375 -3.171875 C 1.28125 -3.671875 1.25 -4.15625 1.25 -4.625 C 1.25 -6.351562 1.519531 -7.894531 2.0625 -9.25 C 2.40625 -10.113281 3.128906 -11.40625 4.234375 -13.125 Z M 5.328125 -13.125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-11"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.625 3.671875 C 1.550781 1.859375 2.148438 0.535156 2.421875 -0.296875 C 2.835938 -1.554688 3.046875 -3.035156 3.046875 -4.734375 C 3.046875 -6.421875 2.804688 -7.96875 2.328125 -9.375 C 2.035156 -10.238281 1.457031 -11.488281 0.59375 -13.125 L 1.65625 -13.125 C 2.5625 -11.675781 3.109375 -10.785156 3.296875 -10.453125 C 3.492188 -10.117188 3.703125 -9.65625 3.921875 -9.0625 C 4.203125 -8.332031 4.398438 -7.609375 4.515625 -6.890625 C 4.640625 -6.171875 4.703125 -5.484375 4.703125 -4.828125 C 4.703125 -3.085938 4.425781 -1.539062 3.875 -0.1875 C 3.53125 0.6875 2.8125 1.972656 1.71875 3.671875 Z M 0.625 3.671875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-12"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.15625 -4.59375 C 2.15625 -3.582031 2.367188 -2.738281 2.796875 -2.0625 C 3.234375 -1.382812 3.921875 -1.046875 4.859375 -1.046875 C 5.585938 -1.046875 6.1875 -1.359375 6.65625 -1.984375 C 7.132812 -2.617188 7.375 -3.523438 7.375 -4.703125 C 7.375 -5.890625 7.128906 -6.769531 6.640625 -7.34375 C 6.160156 -7.914062 5.5625 -8.203125 4.84375 -8.203125 C 4.039062 -8.203125 3.390625 -7.894531 2.890625 -7.28125 C 2.398438 -6.675781 2.15625 -5.78125 2.15625 -4.59375 Z M 4.546875 -9.578125 C 5.265625 -9.578125 5.867188 -9.425781 6.359375 -9.125 C 6.640625 -8.945312 6.957031 -8.640625 7.3125 -8.203125 L 7.3125 -12.953125 L 8.828125 -12.953125 L 8.828125 0 L 7.40625 0 L 7.40625 -1.3125 C 7.039062 -0.726562 6.601562 -0.304688 6.09375 -0.046875 C 5.59375 0.203125 5.019531 0.328125 4.375 0.328125 C 3.320312 0.328125 2.410156 -0.109375 1.640625 -0.984375 C 0.878906 -1.867188 0.5 -3.046875 0.5 -4.515625 C 0.5 -5.878906 0.847656 -7.0625 1.546875 -8.0625 C 2.242188 -9.070312 3.242188 -9.578125 4.546875 -9.578125 Z M 4.546875 -9.578125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-13"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 4.796875 -9.6875 C 5.847656 -9.6875 6.707031 -9.425781 7.375 -8.90625 C 8.039062 -8.394531 8.441406 -7.507812 8.578125 -6.25 L 7.046875 -6.25 C 6.953125 -6.832031 6.734375 -7.3125 6.390625 -7.6875 C 6.054688 -8.070312 5.523438 -8.265625 4.796875 -8.265625 C 3.785156 -8.265625 3.0625 -7.773438 2.625 -6.796875 C 2.34375 -6.160156 2.203125 -5.375 2.203125 -4.4375 C 2.203125 -3.488281 2.398438 -2.691406 2.796875 -2.046875 C 3.203125 -1.398438 3.832031 -1.078125 4.6875 -1.078125 C 5.34375 -1.078125 5.863281 -1.273438 6.25 -1.671875 C 6.632812 -2.078125 6.898438 -2.628906 7.046875 -3.328125 L 8.578125 -3.328125 C 8.398438 -2.078125 7.957031 -1.164062 7.25 -0.59375 C 6.550781 -0.0195312 5.65625 0.265625 4.5625 0.265625 C 3.332031 0.265625 2.347656 -0.179688 1.609375 -1.078125 C 0.878906 -1.972656 0.515625 -3.097656 0.515625 -4.453125 C 0.515625 -6.097656 0.914062 -7.378906 1.71875 -8.296875 C 2.519531 -9.222656 3.546875 -9.6875 4.796875 -9.6875 Z M 4.546875 -9.640625 Z M 4.546875 -9.640625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-14"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.15625 -9.40625 L 2.71875 -9.40625 L 2.71875 -8.078125 C 3.09375 -8.535156 3.4375 -8.875 3.75 -9.09375 C 4.269531 -9.445312 4.859375 -9.625 5.515625 -9.625 C 6.265625 -9.625 6.867188 -9.441406 7.328125 -9.078125 C 7.585938 -8.859375 7.820312 -8.546875 8.03125 -8.140625 C 8.382812 -8.640625 8.796875 -9.007812 9.265625 -9.25 C 9.742188 -9.5 10.28125 -9.625 10.875 -9.625 C 12.132812 -9.625 12.992188 -9.164062 13.453125 -8.25 C 13.703125 -7.757812 13.828125 -7.097656 13.828125 -6.265625 L 13.828125 0 L 12.1875 0 L 12.1875 -6.546875 C 12.1875 -7.171875 12.023438 -7.597656 11.703125 -7.828125 C 11.390625 -8.066406 11.007812 -8.1875 10.5625 -8.1875 C 9.945312 -8.1875 9.410156 -7.976562 8.953125 -7.5625 C 8.503906 -7.144531 8.28125 -6.445312 8.28125 -5.46875 L 8.28125 0 L 6.6875 0 L 6.6875 -6.140625 C 6.6875 -6.785156 6.609375 -7.253906 6.453125 -7.546875 C 6.210938 -7.984375 5.765625 -8.203125 5.109375 -8.203125 C 4.503906 -8.203125 3.957031 -7.96875 3.46875 -7.5 C 2.988281 -7.039062 2.75 -6.207031 2.75 -5 L 2.75 0 L 1.15625 0 Z M 1.15625 -9.40625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-15"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 6.8125 -13.265625 C 8.445312 -13.265625 9.710938 -12.832031 10.609375 -11.96875 C 11.515625 -11.101562 12.019531 -10.125 12.125 -9.03125 L 10.421875 -9.03125 C 10.222656 -9.863281 9.832031 -10.523438 9.25 -11.015625 C 8.675781 -11.503906 7.867188 -11.75 6.828125 -11.75 C 5.554688 -11.75 4.53125 -11.300781 3.75 -10.40625 C 2.96875 -9.507812 2.578125 -8.140625 2.578125 -6.296875 C 2.578125 -4.785156 2.925781 -3.554688 3.625 -2.609375 C 4.332031 -1.671875 5.390625 -1.203125 6.796875 -1.203125 C 8.085938 -1.203125 9.066406 -1.695312 9.734375 -2.6875 C 10.097656 -3.207031 10.363281 -3.894531 10.53125 -4.75 L 12.25 -4.75 C 12.09375 -3.382812 11.585938 -2.242188 10.734375 -1.328125 C 9.703125 -0.222656 8.316406 0.328125 6.578125 0.328125 C 5.078125 0.328125 3.816406 -0.125 2.796875 -1.03125 C 1.460938 -2.226562 0.796875 -4.082031 0.796875 -6.59375 C 0.796875 -8.5 1.296875 -10.0625 2.296875 -11.28125 C 3.390625 -12.601562 4.894531 -13.265625 6.8125 -13.265625 Z M 6.453125 -13.265625 Z M 6.453125 -13.265625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-16"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.75 -9.40625 L 2.75 -3.171875 C 2.75 -2.679688 2.820312 -2.285156 2.96875 -1.984375 C 3.25 -1.421875 3.773438 -1.140625 4.546875 -1.140625 C 5.648438 -1.140625 6.398438 -1.632812 6.796875 -2.625 C 7.015625 -3.144531 7.125 -3.867188 7.125 -4.796875 L 7.125 -9.40625 L 8.703125 -9.40625 L 8.703125 0 L 7.203125 0 L 7.21875 -1.390625 C 7.019531 -1.035156 6.765625 -0.734375 6.453125 -0.484375 C 5.859375 0.00390625 5.128906 0.25 4.265625 0.25 C 2.921875 0.25 2.003906 -0.195312 1.515625 -1.09375 C 1.253906 -1.570312 1.125 -2.210938 1.125 -3.015625 L 1.125 -9.40625 Z M 4.90625 -9.640625 Z M 4.90625 -9.640625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-17"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 4.484375 -9.578125 C 5.222656 -9.578125 5.867188 -9.394531 6.421875 -9.03125 C 6.710938 -8.832031 7.015625 -8.535156 7.328125 -8.140625 L 7.328125 -9.328125 L 8.796875 -9.328125 L 8.796875 -0.765625 C 8.796875 0.429688 8.617188 1.375 8.265625 2.0625 C 7.609375 3.34375 6.367188 3.984375 4.546875 3.984375 C 3.535156 3.984375 2.679688 3.753906 1.984375 3.296875 C 1.296875 2.847656 0.910156 2.140625 0.828125 1.171875 L 2.4375 1.171875 C 2.507812 1.585938 2.660156 1.910156 2.890625 2.140625 C 3.242188 2.492188 3.804688 2.671875 4.578125 2.671875 C 5.796875 2.671875 6.59375 2.242188 6.96875 1.390625 C 7.1875 0.890625 7.285156 -0.0078125 7.265625 -1.3125 C 6.953125 -0.832031 6.570312 -0.472656 6.125 -0.234375 C 5.675781 -0.00390625 5.085938 0.109375 4.359375 0.109375 C 3.335938 0.109375 2.441406 -0.25 1.671875 -0.96875 C 0.910156 -1.695312 0.53125 -2.894531 0.53125 -4.5625 C 0.53125 -6.132812 0.914062 -7.363281 1.6875 -8.25 C 2.457031 -9.132812 3.390625 -9.578125 4.484375 -9.578125 Z M 7.328125 -4.75 C 7.328125 -5.914062 7.085938 -6.78125 6.609375 -7.34375 C 6.128906 -7.90625 5.515625 -8.1875 4.765625 -8.1875 C 3.660156 -8.1875 2.898438 -7.664062 2.484375 -6.625 C 2.265625 -6.0625 2.15625 -5.332031 2.15625 -4.4375 C 2.15625 -3.375 2.367188 -2.5625 2.796875 -2 C 3.234375 -1.445312 3.816406 -1.171875 4.546875 -1.171875 C 5.679688 -1.171875 6.476562 -1.6875 6.9375 -2.71875 C 7.195312 -3.300781 7.328125 -3.976562 7.328125 -4.75 Z M 4.671875 -9.640625 Z M 4.671875 -9.640625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-18"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 7.375 -7 C 8.195312 -7 8.84375 -7.160156 9.3125 -7.484375 C 9.789062 -7.816406 10.03125 -8.410156 10.03125 -9.265625 C 10.03125 -10.179688 9.695312 -10.804688 9.03125 -11.140625 C 8.675781 -11.316406 8.203125 -11.40625 7.609375 -11.40625 L 3.328125 -11.40625 L 3.328125 -7 Z M 1.578125 -12.90625 L 7.5625 -12.90625 C 8.539062 -12.90625 9.351562 -12.765625 10 -12.484375 C 11.207031 -11.929688 11.8125 -10.914062 11.8125 -9.4375 C 11.8125 -8.65625 11.648438 -8.019531 11.328125 -7.53125 C 11.015625 -7.039062 10.570312 -6.644531 10 -6.34375 C 10.5 -6.132812 10.875 -5.863281 11.125 -5.53125 C 11.382812 -5.195312 11.53125 -4.65625 11.5625 -3.90625 L 11.625 -2.1875 C 11.632812 -1.6875 11.675781 -1.316406 11.75 -1.078125 C 11.851562 -0.671875 12.039062 -0.410156 12.3125 -0.296875 L 12.3125 0 L 10.15625 0 C 10.101562 -0.113281 10.054688 -0.253906 10.015625 -0.421875 C 9.984375 -0.597656 9.957031 -0.941406 9.9375 -1.453125 L 9.828125 -3.609375 C 9.785156 -4.453125 9.472656 -5.015625 8.890625 -5.296875 C 8.554688 -5.453125 8.03125 -5.53125 7.3125 -5.53125 L 3.328125 -5.53125 L 3.328125 0 L 1.578125 0 Z M 1.578125 -12.90625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-19"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.09375 -2.953125 C 2.144531 -2.421875 2.28125 -2.015625 2.5 -1.734375 C 2.894531 -1.222656 3.585938 -0.96875 4.578125 -0.96875 C 5.160156 -0.96875 5.671875 -1.09375 6.109375 -1.34375 C 6.554688 -1.601562 6.78125 -2.003906 6.78125 -2.546875 C 6.78125 -2.941406 6.601562 -3.25 6.25 -3.46875 C 6.019531 -3.59375 5.566406 -3.738281 4.890625 -3.90625 L 3.640625 -4.234375 C 2.835938 -4.429688 2.242188 -4.648438 1.859375 -4.890625 C 1.179688 -5.316406 0.84375 -5.910156 0.84375 -6.671875 C 0.84375 -7.554688 1.160156 -8.273438 1.796875 -8.828125 C 2.441406 -9.378906 3.304688 -9.65625 4.390625 -9.65625 C 5.804688 -9.65625 6.832031 -9.238281 7.46875 -8.40625 C 7.851562 -7.882812 8.039062 -7.316406 8.03125 -6.703125 L 6.546875 -6.703125 C 6.515625 -7.066406 6.382812 -7.394531 6.15625 -7.6875 C 5.789062 -8.101562 5.160156 -8.3125 4.265625 -8.3125 C 3.671875 -8.3125 3.21875 -8.195312 2.90625 -7.96875 C 2.601562 -7.738281 2.453125 -7.4375 2.453125 -7.0625 C 2.453125 -6.644531 2.65625 -6.316406 3.0625 -6.078125 C 3.289062 -5.929688 3.632812 -5.800781 4.09375 -5.6875 L 5.140625 -5.4375 C 6.273438 -5.15625 7.035156 -4.882812 7.421875 -4.625 C 8.035156 -4.226562 8.34375 -3.59375 8.34375 -2.71875 C 8.34375 -1.882812 8.023438 -1.160156 7.390625 -0.546875 C 6.753906 0.0546875 5.785156 0.359375 4.484375 0.359375 C 3.085938 0.359375 2.097656 0.0390625 1.515625 -0.59375 C 0.929688 -1.226562 0.617188 -2.015625 0.578125 -2.953125 Z M 4.4375 -9.640625 Z M 4.4375 -9.640625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-20"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.9375 -9.40625 L 4.453125 -1.75 L 7.078125 -9.40625 L 8.8125 -9.40625 L 5.25 0 L 3.5625 0 L 0.09375 -9.40625 Z M 1.9375 -9.40625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-21"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.203125 -12.90625 L 2.78125 -12.90625 L 2.78125 0 L 1.203125 0 Z M 1.203125 -12.90625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-22"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.890625 -9.40625 L 3.703125 -2 L 5.53125 -9.40625 L 7.3125 -9.40625 L 9.15625 -2.046875 L 11.078125 -9.40625 L 12.671875 -9.40625 L 9.9375 0 L 8.28125 0 L 6.375 -7.28125 L 4.515625 0 L 2.875 0 L 0.15625 -9.40625 Z M 1.890625 -9.40625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-23"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.265625 -9.40625 L 2.3125 -9.40625 L 4.46875 -6.09375 L 6.65625 -9.40625 L 8.59375 -9.375 L 5.421875 -4.828125 L 8.734375 0 L 6.703125 0 L 4.375 -3.53125 L 2.09375 0 L 0.09375 0 L 3.40625 -4.828125 Z M 0.265625 -9.40625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-24"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.125 -13 L 4.5 -13 L 4.5 -11.703125 L 2.625 -11.703125 L 2.625 2.25 L 4.5 2.25 L 4.5 3.546875 L 1.125 3.546875 Z M 1.125 -13 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-25"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d=""/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-26"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 9.96875 -7.21875 L 9.96875 -5.75 L 0.8125 -5.75 L 0.8125 -7.21875 Z M 9.96875 -3.453125 L 9.96875 -1.953125 L 0.8125 -1.953125 L 0.8125 -3.453125 Z M 9.96875 -3.453125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-27"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 4.875 -12.59375 C 6.5 -12.59375 7.675781 -11.921875 8.40625 -10.578125 C 8.96875 -9.535156 9.25 -8.113281 9.25 -6.3125 C 9.25 -4.601562 8.992188 -3.1875 8.484375 -2.0625 C 7.742188 -0.457031 6.535156 0.34375 4.859375 0.34375 C 3.347656 0.34375 2.222656 -0.3125 1.484375 -1.625 C 0.867188 -2.71875 0.5625 -4.1875 0.5625 -6.03125 C 0.5625 -7.46875 0.742188 -8.695312 1.109375 -9.71875 C 1.804688 -11.632812 3.0625 -12.59375 4.875 -12.59375 Z M 4.859375 -1.09375 C 5.671875 -1.09375 6.320312 -1.457031 6.8125 -2.1875 C 7.300781 -2.914062 7.546875 -4.269531 7.546875 -6.25 C 7.546875 -7.675781 7.367188 -8.847656 7.015625 -9.765625 C 6.660156 -10.691406 5.976562 -11.15625 4.96875 -11.15625 C 4.03125 -11.15625 3.347656 -10.71875 2.921875 -9.84375 C 2.492188 -8.96875 2.28125 -7.679688 2.28125 -5.984375 C 2.28125 -4.691406 2.414062 -3.660156 2.6875 -2.890625 C 3.113281 -1.691406 3.835938 -1.09375 4.859375 -1.09375 Z M 4.859375 -1.09375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-28"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.40625 2.25 L 2.28125 2.25 L 2.28125 -11.703125 L 0.40625 -11.703125 L 0.40625 -13 L 3.78125 -13 L 3.78125 3.546875 L 0.40625 3.546875 Z M 0.40625 2.25 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-29"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.53125 -12.90625 L 10.953125 -12.90625 L 10.953125 -11.328125 L 3.25 -11.328125 L 3.25 -7.40625 L 10.375 -7.40625 L 10.375 -5.921875 L 3.25 -5.921875 L 3.25 -1.53125 L 11.078125 -1.53125 L 11.078125 0 L 1.53125 0 Z M 6.3125 -12.90625 Z M 6.3125 -12.90625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-30"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 7.046875 -9.40625 L 8.796875 -9.40625 C 8.566406 -8.8125 8.066406 -7.4375 7.296875 -5.28125 C 6.722656 -3.664062 6.242188 -2.347656 5.859375 -1.328125 C 4.941406 1.078125 4.296875 2.539062 3.921875 3.0625 C 3.546875 3.59375 2.90625 3.859375 2 3.859375 C 1.769531 3.859375 1.59375 3.847656 1.46875 3.828125 C 1.351562 3.816406 1.207031 3.785156 1.03125 3.734375 L 1.03125 2.296875 C 1.3125 2.367188 1.507812 2.414062 1.625 2.4375 C 1.75 2.457031 1.859375 2.46875 1.953125 2.46875 C 2.253906 2.46875 2.472656 2.414062 2.609375 2.3125 C 2.742188 2.21875 2.859375 2.097656 2.953125 1.953125 C 2.984375 1.910156 3.085938 1.671875 3.265625 1.234375 C 3.453125 0.804688 3.585938 0.484375 3.671875 0.265625 L 0.1875 -9.40625 L 1.984375 -9.40625 L 4.5 -1.75 Z M 4.484375 -9.640625 Z M 4.484375 -9.640625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-31"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.5625 -10.84375 C 1.582031 -11.5 1.695312 -11.976562 1.90625 -12.28125 C 2.269531 -12.820312 2.976562 -13.09375 4.03125 -13.09375 C 4.132812 -13.09375 4.238281 -13.085938 4.34375 -13.078125 C 4.445312 -13.078125 4.566406 -13.070312 4.703125 -13.0625 L 4.703125 -11.625 C 4.535156 -11.632812 4.414062 -11.640625 4.34375 -11.640625 C 4.269531 -11.640625 4.203125 -11.640625 4.140625 -11.640625 C 3.660156 -11.640625 3.375 -11.515625 3.28125 -11.265625 C 3.1875 -11.023438 3.140625 -10.394531 3.140625 -9.375 L 4.703125 -9.375 L 4.703125 -8.125 L 3.125 -8.125 L 3.125 0 L 1.5625 0 L 1.5625 -8.125 L 0.25 -8.125 L 0.25 -9.375 L 1.5625 -9.375 Z M 1.5625 -10.84375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-32"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.125 -12.90625 L 2.640625 -12.90625 L 2.640625 -5.421875 L 6.703125 -9.40625 L 8.734375 -9.40625 L 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C 2.421875 -7.929688 2.015625 -7.632812 1.671875 -7.25 C 1.328125 -6.863281 1.054688 -6.410156 0.859375 -5.890625 C 0.671875 -5.367188 0.578125 -4.789062 0.578125 -4.15625 C 0.597656 -3.53125 0.691406 -2.945312 0.859375 -2.40625 C 1.023438 -1.875 1.269531 -1.414062 1.59375 -1.03125 C 1.925781 -0.65625 2.332031 -0.359375 2.8125 -0.140625 C 3.300781 0.0664062 3.878906 0.171875 4.546875 0.171875 C 5.484375 0.171875 6.257812 -0.0625 6.875 -0.53125 C 7.5 -1 7.898438 -1.695312 8.078125 -2.625 Z M 8.078125 -2.625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-6"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.859375 -2.609375 L 0.5 -2.609375 C 0.519531 -2.097656 0.625 -1.660156 0.8125 -1.296875 C 1.007812 -0.941406 1.265625 -0.65625 1.578125 -0.4375 C 1.898438 -0.21875 2.269531 -0.0625 2.6875 0.03125 C 3.101562 0.125 3.539062 0.171875 4 0.171875 C 4.414062 0.171875 4.832031 0.128906 5.25 0.046875 C 5.675781 -0.0234375 6.054688 -0.160156 6.390625 -0.359375 C 6.722656 -0.566406 6.992188 -0.832031 7.203125 -1.15625 C 7.410156 -1.488281 7.515625 -1.910156 7.515625 -2.421875 C 7.515625 -2.816406 7.4375 -3.144531 7.28125 -3.40625 C 7.132812 -3.675781 6.929688 -3.898438 6.671875 -4.078125 C 6.421875 -4.253906 6.132812 -4.394531 5.8125 -4.5 C 5.488281 -4.601562 5.15625 -4.691406 4.8125 -4.765625 C 4.5 -4.835938 4.179688 -4.910156 3.859375 -4.984375 C 3.535156 -5.054688 3.242188 -5.140625 2.984375 -5.234375 C 2.734375 -5.335938 2.523438 -5.46875 2.359375 -5.625 C 2.191406 -5.78125 2.109375 -5.972656 2.109375 -6.203125 C 2.109375 -6.421875 2.160156 -6.59375 2.265625 -6.71875 C 2.378906 -6.851562 2.519531 -6.960938 2.6875 -7.046875 C 2.851562 -7.128906 3.039062 -7.1875 3.25 -7.21875 C 3.457031 -7.25 3.664062 -7.265625 3.875 -7.265625 C 4.09375 -7.265625 4.3125 -7.238281 4.53125 -7.1875 C 4.75 -7.144531 4.945312 -7.066406 5.125 -6.953125 C 5.3125 -6.847656 5.460938 -6.707031 5.578125 -6.53125 C 5.703125 -6.351562 5.773438 -6.132812 5.796875 -5.875 L 7.15625 -5.875 C 7.125 -6.375 7.015625 -6.789062 6.828125 -7.125 C 6.648438 -7.457031 6.40625 -7.722656 6.09375 -7.921875 C 5.789062 -8.117188 5.441406 -8.257812 5.046875 -8.34375 C 4.660156 -8.425781 4.234375 -8.46875 3.765625 -8.46875 C 3.398438 -8.46875 3.03125 -8.421875 2.65625 -8.328125 C 2.289062 -8.234375 1.960938 -8.09375 1.671875 -7.90625 C 1.378906 -7.71875 1.140625 -7.472656 0.953125 -7.171875 C 0.765625 -6.878906 0.671875 -6.523438 0.671875 -6.109375 C 0.671875 -5.578125 0.800781 -5.160156 1.0625 -4.859375 C 1.332031 -4.566406 1.664062 -4.335938 2.0625 -4.171875 C 2.46875 -4.003906 2.90625 -3.875 3.375 -3.78125 C 3.84375 -3.6875 4.273438 -3.582031 4.671875 -3.46875 C 5.078125 -3.363281 5.410156 -3.21875 5.671875 -3.03125 C 5.941406 -2.851562 6.078125 -2.585938 6.078125 -2.234375 C 6.078125 -1.984375 6.015625 -1.773438 5.890625 -1.609375 C 5.765625 -1.441406 5.601562 -1.316406 5.40625 -1.234375 C 5.207031 -1.148438 4.988281 -1.09375 4.75 -1.0625 C 4.519531 -1.03125 4.296875 -1.015625 4.078125 -1.015625 C 3.796875 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0.128906 2.25 0.046875 C 1.914062 -0.0351562 1.625 -0.164062 1.375 -0.34375 C 1.132812 -0.53125 0.941406 -0.769531 0.796875 -1.0625 C 0.648438 -1.351562 0.578125 -1.707031 0.578125 -2.125 C 0.578125 -2.59375 0.65625 -2.976562 0.8125 -3.28125 C 0.976562 -3.582031 1.191406 -3.820312 1.453125 -4 C 1.710938 -4.1875 2.007812 -4.328125 2.34375 -4.421875 C 2.675781 -4.523438 3.019531 -4.609375 3.375 -4.671875 C 3.75 -4.742188 4.101562 -4.796875 4.4375 -4.828125 C 4.769531 -4.867188 5.066406 -4.925781 5.328125 -5 C 5.585938 -5.070312 5.789062 -5.171875 5.9375 -5.296875 C 6.082031 -5.429688 6.15625 -5.628906 6.15625 -5.890625 C 6.15625 -6.191406 6.097656 -6.429688 5.984375 -6.609375 C 5.878906 -6.785156 5.738281 -6.921875 5.5625 -7.015625 C 5.382812 -7.117188 5.1875 -7.1875 4.96875 -7.21875 C 4.75 -7.25 4.53125 -7.265625 4.3125 -7.265625 C 3.738281 -7.265625 3.257812 -7.15625 2.875 -6.9375 C 2.488281 -6.71875 2.28125 -6.304688 2.25 -5.703125 L 0.890625 -5.703125 C 0.910156 -6.210938 1.015625 -6.640625 1.203125 -6.984375 C 1.398438 -7.335938 1.660156 -7.625 1.984375 -7.84375 C 2.304688 -8.0625 2.671875 -8.21875 3.078125 -8.3125 C 3.492188 -8.414062 3.9375 -8.46875 4.40625 -8.46875 C 4.769531 -8.46875 5.132812 -8.4375 5.5 -8.375 C 5.875 -8.320312 6.207031 -8.210938 6.5 -8.046875 C 6.800781 -7.890625 7.039062 -7.660156 7.21875 -7.359375 C 7.40625 -7.054688 7.5 -6.664062 7.5 -6.1875 L 7.5 -1.9375 C 7.5 -1.613281 7.515625 -1.378906 7.546875 -1.234375 C 7.585938 -1.085938 7.71875 -1.015625 7.9375 -1.015625 C 8.050781 -1.015625 8.191406 -1.039062 8.359375 -1.09375 Z M 6.140625 -4.265625 C 5.972656 -4.140625 5.75 -4.046875 5.46875 -3.984375 C 5.195312 -3.929688 4.90625 -3.882812 4.59375 -3.84375 C 4.289062 -3.8125 3.984375 -3.769531 3.671875 -3.71875 C 3.367188 -3.664062 3.09375 -3.585938 2.84375 -3.484375 C 2.601562 -3.378906 2.40625 -3.226562 2.25 -3.03125 C 2.09375 -2.832031 2.015625 -2.5625 2.015625 -2.21875 C 2.015625 -2 2.054688 -1.8125 2.140625 -1.65625 C 2.234375 -1.5 2.351562 -1.375 2.5 -1.28125 C 2.644531 -1.1875 2.8125 -1.117188 3 -1.078125 C 3.195312 -1.035156 3.398438 -1.015625 3.609375 -1.015625 C 4.054688 -1.015625 4.441406 -1.070312 4.765625 -1.1875 C 5.085938 -1.3125 5.347656 -1.46875 5.546875 -1.65625 C 5.753906 -1.84375 5.90625 -2.046875 6 -2.265625 C 6.09375 -2.484375 6.140625 -2.6875 6.140625 -2.875 Z M 6.140625 -4.265625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-10"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 7.203125 -3.265625 L 6.40625 -2.34375 L 7.65625 -1.328125 C 7.144531 -1.117188 6.617188 -1.015625 6.078125 -1.015625 C 5.390625 -1.015625 4.789062 -1.148438 4.28125 -1.421875 C 3.78125 -1.691406 3.367188 -2.050781 3.046875 -2.5 C 2.734375 -2.945312 2.5 -3.445312 2.34375 -4 C 2.195312 -4.5625 2.125 -5.132812 2.125 -5.71875 C 2.125 -6.289062 2.195312 -6.851562 2.34375 -7.40625 C 2.5 -7.96875 2.734375 -8.472656 3.046875 -8.921875 C 3.367188 -9.367188 3.78125 -9.726562 4.28125 -10 C 4.789062 -10.28125 5.390625 -10.421875 6.078125 -10.421875 C 6.773438 -10.421875 7.375 -10.28125 7.875 -10 C 8.375 -9.726562 8.78125 -9.367188 9.09375 -8.921875 C 9.414062 -8.472656 9.648438 -7.96875 9.796875 -7.40625 C 9.953125 -6.851562 10.03125 -6.289062 10.03125 -5.71875 C 10.03125 -5.007812 9.921875 -4.332031 9.703125 -3.6875 C 9.492188 -3.039062 9.164062 -2.492188 8.71875 -2.046875 Z M 10.5625 0.96875 L 11.328125 0.015625 L 9.828125 -1.171875 C 10.398438 -1.742188 10.828125 -2.425781 11.109375 -3.21875 C 11.398438 -4.007812 11.546875 -4.84375 11.546875 -5.71875 C 11.546875 -6.488281 11.429688 -7.234375 11.203125 -7.953125 C 10.972656 -8.679688 10.628906 -9.320312 10.171875 -9.875 C 9.710938 -10.425781 9.140625 -10.867188 8.453125 -11.203125 C 7.773438 -11.535156 6.984375 -11.703125 6.078125 -11.703125 C 5.171875 -11.703125 4.375 -11.535156 3.6875 -11.203125 C 3.007812 -10.867188 2.441406 -10.425781 1.984375 -9.875 C 1.523438 -9.320312 1.179688 -8.679688 0.953125 -7.953125 C 0.722656 -7.234375 0.609375 -6.488281 0.609375 -5.71875 C 0.609375 -4.9375 0.722656 -4.1875 0.953125 -3.46875 C 1.179688 -2.75 1.523438 -2.109375 1.984375 -1.546875 C 2.441406 -0.992188 3.007812 -0.554688 3.6875 -0.234375 C 4.375 0.0859375 5.171875 0.25 6.078125 0.25 C 7.128906 0.25 8.039062 0.0234375 8.8125 -0.421875 Z M 10.5625 0.96875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-11"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 7.875 0 L 7.875 -8.265625 L 6.515625 -8.265625 L 6.515625 -3.59375 C 6.515625 -3.226562 6.460938 -2.882812 6.359375 -2.5625 C 6.253906 -2.25 6.097656 -1.972656 5.890625 -1.734375 C 5.691406 -1.503906 5.441406 -1.328125 5.140625 -1.203125 C 4.835938 -1.078125 4.476562 -1.015625 4.0625 -1.015625 C 3.539062 -1.015625 3.128906 -1.160156 2.828125 -1.453125 C 2.535156 -1.753906 2.390625 -2.160156 2.390625 -2.671875 L 2.390625 -8.265625 L 1.03125 -8.265625 L 1.03125 -2.828125 C 1.03125 -2.378906 1.070312 -1.972656 1.15625 -1.609375 C 1.25 -1.242188 1.40625 -0.925781 1.625 -0.65625 C 1.851562 -0.382812 2.148438 -0.175781 2.515625 -0.03125 C 2.878906 0.101562 3.332031 0.171875 3.875 0.171875 C 4.476562 0.171875 5.003906 0.0507812 5.453125 -0.1875 C 5.898438 -0.425781 6.269531 -0.800781 6.5625 -1.3125 L 6.59375 -1.3125 L 6.59375 0 Z M 7.875 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-12"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.265625 3.15625 L 4.296875 3.15625 C 3.546875 1.925781 3.003906 0.710938 2.671875 -0.484375 C 2.347656 -1.691406 2.1875 -2.96875 2.1875 -4.3125 C 2.1875 -5.625 2.347656 -6.878906 2.671875 -8.078125 C 2.992188 -9.273438 3.535156 -10.484375 4.296875 -11.703125 L 3.265625 -11.703125 C 2.429688 -10.597656 1.800781 -9.40625 1.375 -8.125 C 0.957031 -6.84375 0.75 -5.570312 0.75 -4.3125 C 0.75 -3.613281 0.804688 -2.941406 0.921875 -2.296875 C 1.046875 -1.660156 1.21875 -1.035156 1.4375 -0.421875 C 1.65625 0.179688 1.914062 0.773438 2.21875 1.359375 C 2.53125 1.953125 2.878906 2.550781 3.265625 3.15625 Z M 3.265625 3.15625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-13"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 9.28125 -7.984375 L 10.796875 -7.984375 C 10.710938 -8.585938 10.53125 -9.117188 10.25 -9.578125 C 9.976562 -10.046875 9.632812 -10.4375 9.21875 -10.75 C 8.800781 -11.0625 8.320312 -11.296875 7.78125 -11.453125 C 7.25 -11.617188 6.6875 -11.703125 6.09375 -11.703125 C 5.21875 -11.703125 4.441406 -11.539062 3.765625 -11.21875 C 3.085938 -10.90625 2.519531 -10.476562 2.0625 -9.9375 C 1.613281 -9.394531 1.269531 -8.753906 1.03125 -8.015625 C 0.800781 -7.285156 0.6875 -6.507812 0.6875 -5.6875 C 0.6875 -4.851562 0.796875 -4.070312 1.015625 -3.34375 C 1.234375 -2.613281 1.5625 -1.984375 2 -1.453125 C 2.4375 -0.921875 2.984375 -0.503906 3.640625 -0.203125 C 4.304688 0.0976562 5.082031 0.25 5.96875 0.25 C 7.425781 0.25 8.578125 -0.144531 9.421875 -0.9375 C 10.265625 -1.738281 10.757812 -2.859375 10.90625 -4.296875 L 9.390625 -4.296875 C 9.359375 -3.828125 9.257812 -3.390625 9.09375 -2.984375 C 8.9375 -2.585938 8.71875 -2.238281 8.4375 -1.9375 C 8.15625 -1.644531 7.816406 -1.414062 7.421875 -1.25 C 7.035156 -1.09375 6.59375 -1.015625 6.09375 -1.015625 C 5.414062 -1.015625 4.828125 -1.140625 4.328125 -1.390625 C 3.835938 -1.648438 3.4375 -1.992188 3.125 -2.421875 C 2.8125 -2.859375 2.578125 -3.363281 2.421875 -3.9375 C 2.273438 -4.519531 2.203125 -5.140625 2.203125 -5.796875 C 2.203125 -6.390625 2.273438 -6.960938 2.421875 -7.515625 C 2.578125 -8.078125 2.8125 -8.570312 3.125 -9 C 3.4375 -9.425781 3.835938 -9.769531 4.328125 -10.03125 C 4.816406 -10.289062 5.398438 -10.421875 6.078125 -10.421875 C 6.878906 -10.421875 7.570312 -10.21875 8.15625 -9.8125 C 8.738281 -9.40625 9.113281 -8.796875 9.28125 -7.984375 Z M 9.28125 -7.984375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-14"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.765625 -5.953125 L 2.765625 -10.140625 L 5.75 -10.140625 C 6.613281 -10.140625 7.242188 -9.960938 7.640625 -9.609375 C 8.035156 -9.253906 8.234375 -8.734375 8.234375 -8.046875 C 8.234375 -7.367188 8.035156 -6.847656 7.640625 -6.484375 C 7.242188 -6.117188 6.613281 -5.941406 5.75 -5.953125 Z M 1.25 -11.421875 L 1.25 0 L 2.765625 0 L 2.765625 -4.671875 L 6.25 -4.671875 C 7.40625 -4.660156 8.28125 -4.953125 8.875 -5.546875 C 9.46875 -6.148438 9.765625 -6.984375 9.765625 -8.046875 C 9.765625 -9.109375 9.46875 -9.9375 8.875 -10.53125 C 8.28125 -11.125 7.40625 -11.421875 6.25 -11.421875 Z M 1.25 -11.421875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-15"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 10.375 -4.125 L 10.375 -11.421875 L 8.84375 -11.421875 L 8.84375 -4.125 C 8.84375 -3.101562 8.585938 -2.328125 8.078125 -1.796875 C 7.578125 -1.273438 6.84375 -1.015625 5.875 -1.015625 C 4.851562 -1.015625 4.066406 -1.273438 3.515625 -1.796875 C 2.972656 -2.328125 2.703125 -3.101562 2.703125 -4.125 L 2.703125 -11.421875 L 1.1875 -11.421875 L 1.1875 -4.125 C 1.1875 -2.601562 1.597656 -1.492188 2.421875 -0.796875 C 3.242188 -0.0976562 4.394531 0.25 5.875 0.25 C 7.3125 0.25 8.421875 -0.113281 9.203125 -0.84375 C 9.984375 -1.570312 10.375 -2.664062 10.375 -4.125 Z M 10.375 -4.125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-16"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 9.796875 -1.421875 L 10.1875 0 L 11.15625 0 L 11.15625 -6.015625 L 6.140625 -6.015625 L 6.140625 -4.734375 L 9.796875 -4.734375 C 9.816406 -4.210938 9.742188 -3.722656 9.578125 -3.265625 C 9.421875 -2.816406 9.1875 -2.421875 8.875 -2.078125 C 8.5625 -1.742188 8.175781 -1.484375 7.71875 -1.296875 C 7.257812 -1.109375 6.726562 -1.015625 6.125 -1.015625 C 5.488281 -1.015625 4.925781 -1.140625 4.4375 -1.390625 C 3.957031 -1.640625 3.550781 -1.972656 3.21875 -2.390625 C 2.882812 -2.816406 2.628906 -3.300781 2.453125 -3.84375 C 2.285156 -4.394531 2.203125 -4.96875 2.203125 -5.5625 C 2.203125 -6.175781 2.273438 -6.769531 2.421875 -7.34375 C 2.578125 -7.925781 2.8125 -8.441406 3.125 -8.890625 C 3.4375 -9.347656 3.84375 -9.71875 4.34375 -10 C 4.84375 -10.28125 5.4375 -10.421875 6.125 -10.421875 C 6.550781 -10.421875 6.953125 -10.367188 7.328125 -10.265625 C 7.710938 -10.160156 8.050781 -10.003906 8.34375 -9.796875 C 8.644531 -9.597656 8.894531 -9.34375 9.09375 -9.03125 C 9.300781 -8.71875 9.441406 -8.34375 9.515625 -7.90625 L 11.046875 -7.90625 C 10.929688 -8.570312 10.726562 -9.144531 10.4375 -9.625 C 10.144531 -10.101562 9.78125 -10.492188 9.34375 -10.796875 C 8.914062 -11.109375 8.425781 -11.335938 7.875 -11.484375 C 7.332031 -11.628906 6.75 -11.703125 6.125 -11.703125 C 5.21875 -11.703125 4.425781 -11.53125 3.75 -11.1875 C 3.070312 -10.851562 2.503906 -10.398438 2.046875 -9.828125 C 1.597656 -9.265625 1.257812 -8.609375 1.03125 -7.859375 C 0.800781 -7.109375 0.6875 -6.316406 0.6875 -5.484375 C 0.6875 -4.742188 0.804688 -4.023438 1.046875 -3.328125 C 1.296875 -2.628906 1.65625 -2.015625 2.125 -1.484375 C 2.59375 -0.953125 3.160156 -0.53125 3.828125 -0.21875 C 4.503906 0.09375 5.269531 0.25 6.125 0.25 C 6.800781 0.25 7.46875 0.117188 8.125 -0.140625 C 8.789062 -0.398438 9.347656 -0.828125 9.796875 -1.421875 Z M 9.796875 -1.421875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-17"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M -0.140625 3.15625 L 0.875 3.15625 C 1.707031 2.050781 2.332031 0.863281 2.75 -0.40625 C 3.175781 -1.675781 3.390625 -2.941406 3.390625 -4.203125 C 3.390625 -4.910156 3.332031 -5.582031 3.21875 -6.21875 C 3.101562 -6.863281 2.9375 -7.492188 2.71875 -8.109375 C 2.5 -8.722656 2.234375 -9.320312 1.921875 -9.90625 C 1.609375 -10.5 1.257812 -11.097656 0.875 -11.703125 L -0.140625 -11.703125 C 0.597656 -10.472656 1.128906 -9.25 1.453125 -8.03125 C 1.785156 -6.820312 1.953125 -5.546875 1.953125 -4.203125 C 1.953125 -2.898438 1.789062 -1.648438 1.46875 -0.453125 C 1.144531 0.742188 0.609375 1.945312 -0.140625 3.15625 Z M -0.140625 3.15625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-18"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.03125 -8.265625 L 1.03125 0 L 2.390625 0 L 2.390625 -4.671875 C 2.390625 -5.046875 2.4375 -5.390625 2.53125 -5.703125 C 2.632812 -6.015625 2.785156 -6.285156 2.984375 -6.515625 C 3.191406 -6.753906 3.445312 -6.9375 3.75 -7.0625 C 4.050781 -7.195312 4.410156 -7.265625 4.828125 -7.265625 C 5.347656 -7.265625 5.757812 -7.113281 6.0625 -6.8125 C 6.363281 -6.519531 6.515625 -6.113281 6.515625 -5.59375 L 6.515625 0 L 7.875 0 L 7.875 -5.4375 C 7.875 -5.882812 7.828125 -6.289062 7.734375 -6.65625 C 7.640625 -7.03125 7.476562 -7.347656 7.25 -7.609375 C 7.03125 -7.878906 6.738281 -8.085938 6.375 -8.234375 C 6.019531 -8.390625 5.570312 -8.46875 5.03125 -8.46875 C 3.800781 -8.46875 2.90625 -7.960938 2.34375 -6.953125 L 2.296875 -6.953125 L 2.296875 -8.265625 Z M 1.03125 -8.265625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-19"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.90625 -8.265625 L 2.90625 -10.75 L 1.546875 -10.75 L 1.546875 -8.265625 L 0.140625 -8.265625 L 0.140625 -7.078125 L 1.546875 -7.078125 L 1.546875 -1.8125 C 1.546875 -1.425781 1.582031 -1.113281 1.65625 -0.875 C 1.738281 -0.644531 1.851562 -0.460938 2 -0.328125 C 2.15625 -0.203125 2.359375 -0.113281 2.609375 -0.0625 C 2.859375 -0.0195312 3.160156 0 3.515625 0 L 4.5625 0 L 4.5625 -1.203125 L 3.9375 -1.203125 C 3.71875 -1.203125 3.539062 -1.207031 3.40625 -1.21875 C 3.28125 -1.238281 3.175781 -1.273438 3.09375 -1.328125 C 3.019531 -1.378906 2.96875 -1.453125 2.9375 -1.546875 C 2.914062 -1.648438 2.90625 -1.78125 2.90625 -1.9375 L 2.90625 -7.078125 L 4.5625 -7.078125 L 4.5625 -8.265625 Z M 2.90625 -8.265625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-20"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.25 -4.359375 L 0.140625 0 L 1.796875 0 L 4.09375 -3.421875 L 6.40625 0 L 8.140625 0 L 4.9375 -4.46875 L 7.796875 -8.265625 L 6.15625 -8.265625 L 4.09375 -5.375 L 2.109375 -8.265625 L 0.375 -8.265625 Z M 3.25 -4.359375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-21"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 5.703125 0 L 5.703125 -11.34375 L 4.65625 -11.34375 C 4.582031 -10.914062 4.441406 -10.5625 4.234375 -10.28125 C 4.035156 -10.007812 3.789062 -9.789062 3.5 -9.625 C 3.207031 -9.46875 2.878906 -9.359375 2.515625 -9.296875 C 2.148438 -9.242188 1.773438 -9.21875 1.390625 -9.21875 L 1.390625 -8.125 L 4.34375 -8.125 L 4.34375 0 Z M 5.703125 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-22"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.109375 -6.5 L 3.109375 -8.265625 L 1.328125 -8.265625 L 1.328125 -6.5 Z M 1.328125 -1.78125 L 1.328125 0 L 3.109375 0 L 3.109375 -1.78125 Z M 1.328125 -1.78125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-23"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 6.640625 -5.609375 L 8.046875 -5.609375 C 7.992188 -6.109375 7.863281 -6.535156 7.65625 -6.890625 C 7.457031 -7.242188 7.203125 -7.535156 6.890625 -7.765625 C 6.578125 -8.003906 6.210938 -8.179688 5.796875 -8.296875 C 5.390625 -8.410156 4.953125 -8.46875 4.484375 -8.46875 C 3.828125 -8.46875 3.253906 -8.351562 2.765625 -8.125 C 2.273438 -7.894531 1.867188 -7.578125 1.546875 -7.171875 C 1.222656 -6.773438 0.976562 -6.304688 0.8125 -5.765625 C 0.65625 -5.222656 0.578125 -4.644531 0.578125 -4.03125 C 0.578125 -3.414062 0.660156 -2.847656 0.828125 -2.328125 C 0.992188 -1.804688 1.238281 -1.359375 1.5625 -0.984375 C 1.882812 -0.617188 2.285156 -0.332031 2.765625 -0.125 C 3.253906 0.0703125 3.816406 0.171875 4.453125 0.171875 C 5.503906 0.171875 6.335938 -0.101562 6.953125 -0.65625 C 7.566406 -1.207031 7.945312 -2 8.09375 -3.03125 L 6.703125 -3.03125 C 6.617188 -2.382812 6.382812 -1.882812 6 -1.53125 C 5.625 -1.1875 5.101562 -1.015625 4.4375 -1.015625 C 4.007812 -1.015625 3.640625 -1.097656 3.328125 -1.265625 C 3.015625 -1.429688 2.757812 -1.65625 2.5625 -1.9375 C 2.375 -2.226562 2.234375 -2.550781 2.140625 -2.90625 C 2.054688 -3.269531 2.015625 -3.644531 2.015625 -4.03125 C 2.015625 -4.445312 2.054688 -4.847656 2.140625 -5.234375 C 2.222656 -5.628906 2.363281 -5.972656 2.5625 -6.265625 C 2.757812 -6.566406 3.023438 -6.804688 3.359375 -6.984375 C 3.691406 -7.171875 4.101562 -7.265625 4.59375 -7.265625 C 5.164062 -7.265625 5.625 -7.117188 5.96875 -6.828125 C 6.3125 -6.546875 6.535156 -6.140625 6.640625 -5.609375 Z M 6.640625 -5.609375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-24"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.03125 -11.421875 L 1.03125 0 L 2.390625 0 L 2.390625 -4.671875 C 2.390625 -5.046875 2.4375 -5.390625 2.53125 -5.703125 C 2.632812 -6.015625 2.785156 -6.285156 2.984375 -6.515625 C 3.191406 -6.753906 3.445312 -6.9375 3.75 -7.0625 C 4.050781 -7.195312 4.410156 -7.265625 4.828125 -7.265625 C 5.347656 -7.265625 5.757812 -7.113281 6.0625 -6.8125 C 6.363281 -6.519531 6.515625 -6.113281 6.515625 -5.59375 L 6.515625 0 L 7.875 0 L 7.875 -5.4375 C 7.875 -5.882812 7.828125 -6.289062 7.734375 -6.65625 C 7.640625 -7.03125 7.476562 -7.347656 7.25 -7.609375 C 7.03125 -7.878906 6.738281 -8.085938 6.375 -8.234375 C 6.019531 -8.390625 5.570312 -8.46875 5.03125 -8.46875 C 4.78125 -8.46875 4.523438 -8.4375 4.265625 -8.375 C 4.003906 -8.320312 3.753906 -8.238281 3.515625 -8.125 C 3.273438 -8.019531 3.054688 -7.878906 2.859375 -7.703125 C 2.671875 -7.523438 2.523438 -7.3125 2.421875 -7.0625 L 2.390625 -7.0625 L 2.390625 -11.421875 Z M 1.03125 -11.421875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-25"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 9.21875 0 L 11.859375 -8.265625 L 10.453125 -8.265625 L 8.59375 -1.5 L 8.5625 -1.5 L 6.828125 -8.265625 L 5.34375 -8.265625 L 3.6875 -1.5 L 3.640625 -1.5 L 1.78125 -8.265625 L 0.265625 -8.265625 L 2.921875 0 L 4.40625 0 L 6.0625 -6.578125 L 6.09375 -6.578125 L 7.78125 0 Z M 9.21875 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-26"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.46875 -9.765625 L 2.46875 -11.421875 L 1.109375 -11.421875 L 1.109375 -9.765625 Z M 1.109375 -8.265625 L 1.109375 0 L 2.46875 0 L 2.46875 -8.265625 Z M 1.109375 -8.265625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-27"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.3125 -11.421875 L 1.3125 0 L 2.828125 0 L 2.828125 -11.421875 Z M 1.3125 -11.421875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-28"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.078125 -8.265625 L 1.078125 3.15625 L 2.4375 3.15625 L 2.4375 -1.109375 L 2.46875 -1.109375 C 2.613281 -0.859375 2.796875 -0.648438 3.015625 -0.484375 C 3.234375 -0.316406 3.460938 -0.1875 3.703125 -0.09375 C 3.953125 0 4.203125 0.0664062 4.453125 0.109375 C 4.703125 0.148438 4.929688 0.171875 5.140625 0.171875 C 5.765625 0.171875 6.3125 0.0625 6.78125 -0.15625 C 7.257812 -0.382812 7.65625 -0.691406 7.96875 -1.078125 C 8.289062 -1.460938 8.523438 -1.914062 8.671875 -2.4375 C 8.828125 -2.96875 8.90625 -3.523438 8.90625 -4.109375 C 8.90625 -4.691406 8.828125 -5.242188 8.671875 -5.765625 C 8.515625 -6.296875 8.273438 -6.757812 7.953125 -7.15625 C 7.640625 -7.5625 7.242188 -7.878906 6.765625 -8.109375 C 6.296875 -8.347656 5.742188 -8.46875 5.109375 -8.46875 C 4.523438 -8.46875 3.992188 -8.363281 3.515625 -8.15625 C 3.035156 -7.945312 2.6875 -7.613281 2.46875 -7.15625 L 2.4375 -7.15625 L 2.4375 -8.265625 Z M 7.46875 -4.203125 C 7.46875 -3.796875 7.425781 -3.398438 7.34375 -3.015625 C 7.257812 -2.640625 7.117188 -2.300781 6.921875 -2 C 6.734375 -1.695312 6.484375 -1.457031 6.171875 -1.28125 C 5.859375 -1.101562 5.460938 -1.015625 4.984375 -1.015625 C 4.515625 -1.015625 4.113281 -1.097656 3.78125 -1.265625 C 3.457031 -1.441406 3.191406 -1.675781 2.984375 -1.96875 C 2.773438 -2.257812 2.625 -2.59375 2.53125 -2.96875 C 2.4375 -3.34375 2.390625 -3.734375 2.390625 -4.140625 C 2.390625 -4.523438 2.429688 -4.90625 2.515625 -5.28125 C 2.609375 -5.65625 2.753906 -5.988281 2.953125 -6.28125 C 3.160156 -6.570312 3.421875 -6.804688 3.734375 -6.984375 C 4.054688 -7.171875 4.445312 -7.265625 4.90625 -7.265625 C 5.34375 -7.265625 5.722656 -7.175781 6.046875 -7 C 6.378906 -6.832031 6.648438 -6.601562 6.859375 -6.3125 C 7.066406 -6.03125 7.21875 -5.703125 7.3125 -5.328125 C 7.414062 -4.960938 7.46875 -4.585938 7.46875 -4.203125 Z M 7.46875 -4.203125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-29"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.765625 -1.28125 L 2.765625 -10.140625 L 5.328125 -10.140625 C 6.035156 -10.140625 6.628906 -10.039062 7.109375 -9.84375 C 7.585938 -9.644531 7.976562 -9.359375 8.28125 -8.984375 C 8.582031 -8.609375 8.800781 -8.148438 8.9375 -7.609375 C 9.070312 -7.066406 9.140625 -6.457031 9.140625 -5.78125 C 9.140625 -5.070312 9.066406 -4.46875 8.921875 -3.96875 C 8.773438 -3.476562 8.585938 -3.066406 8.359375 -2.734375 C 8.140625 -2.398438 7.890625 -2.132812 7.609375 -1.9375 C 7.328125 -1.75 7.039062 -1.601562 6.75 -1.5 C 6.457031 -1.40625 6.179688 -1.34375 5.921875 -1.3125 C 5.671875 -1.289062 5.460938 -1.28125 5.296875 -1.28125 Z M 1.25 -11.421875 L 1.25 0 L 5.171875 0 C 6.117188 0 6.9375 -0.128906 7.625 -0.390625 C 8.320312 -0.660156 8.894531 -1.046875 9.34375 -1.546875 C 9.789062 -2.054688 10.117188 -2.679688 10.328125 -3.421875 C 10.546875 -4.171875 10.65625 -5.023438 10.65625 -5.984375 C 10.65625 -7.816406 10.179688 -9.179688 9.234375 -10.078125 C 8.285156 -10.972656 6.929688 -11.421875 5.171875 -11.421875 Z M 1.25 -11.421875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-30"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.703125 -7.328125 L 2.0625 -7.328125 C 2.050781 -7.671875 2.082031 -8.007812 2.15625 -8.34375 C 2.238281 -8.675781 2.367188 -8.972656 2.546875 -9.234375 C 2.734375 -9.503906 2.96875 -9.722656 3.25 -9.890625 C 3.539062 -10.054688 3.878906 -10.140625 4.265625 -10.140625 C 4.566406 -10.140625 4.847656 -10.09375 5.109375 -10 C 5.378906 -9.90625 5.613281 -9.765625 5.8125 -9.578125 C 6.007812 -9.398438 6.164062 -9.1875 6.28125 -8.9375 C 6.40625 -8.6875 6.46875 -8.40625 6.46875 -8.09375 C 6.46875 -7.695312 6.40625 -7.347656 6.28125 -7.046875 C 6.15625 -6.753906 5.972656 -6.476562 5.734375 -6.21875 C 5.492188 -5.96875 5.191406 -5.71875 4.828125 -5.46875 C 4.460938 -5.21875 4.039062 -4.941406 3.5625 -4.640625 C 3.164062 -4.398438 2.785156 -4.144531 2.421875 -3.875 C 2.066406 -3.613281 1.742188 -3.304688 1.453125 -2.953125 C 1.171875 -2.609375 0.9375 -2.195312 0.75 -1.71875 C 0.5625 -1.25 0.441406 -0.675781 0.390625 0 L 7.796875 0 L 7.796875 -1.203125 L 1.96875 -1.203125 C 2.03125 -1.554688 2.164062 -1.867188 2.375 -2.140625 C 2.582031 -2.410156 2.832031 -2.660156 3.125 -2.890625 C 3.414062 -3.128906 3.738281 -3.351562 4.09375 -3.5625 C 4.445312 -3.769531 4.800781 -3.976562 5.15625 -4.1875 C 5.507812 -4.414062 5.847656 -4.648438 6.171875 -4.890625 C 6.503906 -5.140625 6.796875 -5.414062 7.046875 -5.71875 C 7.304688 -6.019531 7.515625 -6.363281 7.671875 -6.75 C 7.828125 -7.132812 7.90625 -7.578125 7.90625 -8.078125 C 7.90625 -8.609375 7.8125 -9.078125 7.625 -9.484375 C 7.4375 -9.890625 7.179688 -10.226562 6.859375 -10.5 C 6.546875 -10.769531 6.171875 -10.976562 5.734375 -11.125 C 5.304688 -11.269531 4.847656 -11.34375 4.359375 -11.34375 C 3.753906 -11.34375 3.21875 -11.238281 2.75 -11.03125 C 2.28125 -10.832031 1.890625 -10.550781 1.578125 -10.1875 C 1.265625 -9.832031 1.03125 -9.410156 0.875 -8.921875 C 0.726562 -8.429688 0.671875 -7.898438 0.703125 -7.328125 Z M 0.703125 -7.328125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-31"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.015625 -4.0625 C 2.015625 -4.46875 2.054688 -4.863281 2.140625 -5.25 C 2.222656 -5.632812 2.359375 -5.972656 2.546875 -6.265625 C 2.742188 -6.566406 3.003906 -6.804688 3.328125 -6.984375 C 3.648438 -7.171875 4.039062 -7.265625 4.5 -7.265625 C 4.96875 -7.265625 5.363281 -7.175781 5.6875 -7 C 6.019531 -6.820312 6.289062 -6.585938 6.5 -6.296875 C 6.707031 -6.015625 6.859375 -5.679688 6.953125 -5.296875 C 7.054688 -4.921875 7.109375 -4.53125 7.109375 -4.125 C 7.109375 -3.738281 7.0625 -3.359375 6.96875 -2.984375 C 6.875 -2.617188 6.722656 -2.285156 6.515625 -1.984375 C 6.316406 -1.691406 6.054688 -1.457031 5.734375 -1.28125 C 5.421875 -1.101562 5.035156 -1.015625 4.578125 -1.015625 C 4.140625 -1.015625 3.753906 -1.097656 3.421875 -1.265625 C 3.097656 -1.429688 2.832031 -1.660156 2.625 -1.953125 C 2.414062 -2.242188 2.257812 -2.570312 2.15625 -2.9375 C 2.0625 -3.300781 2.015625 -3.675781 2.015625 -4.0625 Z M 8.421875 0 L 8.421875 -11.421875 L 7.0625 -11.421875 L 7.0625 -7.171875 L 7.03125 -7.171875 C 6.875 -7.410156 6.6875 -7.613281 6.46875 -7.78125 C 6.25 -7.945312 6.015625 -8.082031 5.765625 -8.1875 C 5.523438 -8.289062 5.28125 -8.363281 5.03125 -8.40625 C 4.789062 -8.445312 4.566406 -8.46875 4.359375 -8.46875 C 3.722656 -8.46875 3.164062 -8.351562 2.6875 -8.125 C 2.21875 -7.894531 1.828125 -7.582031 1.515625 -7.1875 C 1.203125 -6.800781 0.96875 -6.347656 0.8125 -5.828125 C 0.65625 -5.304688 0.578125 -4.75 0.578125 -4.15625 C 0.578125 -3.570312 0.65625 -3.019531 0.8125 -2.5 C 0.976562 -1.976562 1.21875 -1.519531 1.53125 -1.125 C 1.84375 -0.726562 2.234375 -0.410156 2.703125 -0.171875 C 3.179688 0.0546875 3.742188 0.171875 4.390625 0.171875 C 4.960938 0.171875 5.488281 0.0703125 5.96875 -0.125 C 6.445312 -0.332031 6.800781 -0.664062 7.03125 -1.125 L 7.0625 -1.125 L 7.0625 0 Z M 8.421875 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-32"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.078125 -11.421875 L 1.078125 0 L 2.4375 0 L 2.4375 -1.109375 L 2.46875 -1.109375 C 2.613281 -0.859375 2.796875 -0.648438 3.015625 -0.484375 C 3.234375 -0.316406 3.460938 -0.1875 3.703125 -0.09375 C 3.953125 0 4.203125 0.0664062 4.453125 0.109375 C 4.703125 0.148438 4.929688 0.171875 5.140625 0.171875 C 5.765625 0.171875 6.3125 0.0625 6.78125 -0.15625 C 7.257812 -0.382812 7.65625 -0.691406 7.96875 -1.078125 C 8.289062 -1.460938 8.523438 -1.914062 8.671875 -2.4375 C 8.828125 -2.96875 8.90625 -3.523438 8.90625 -4.109375 C 8.90625 -4.691406 8.828125 -5.242188 8.671875 -5.765625 C 8.515625 -6.296875 8.273438 -6.757812 7.953125 -7.15625 C 7.640625 -7.5625 7.242188 -7.878906 6.765625 -8.109375 C 6.296875 -8.347656 5.742188 -8.46875 5.109375 -8.46875 C 4.523438 -8.46875 3.992188 -8.363281 3.515625 -8.15625 C 3.035156 -7.945312 2.6875 -7.613281 2.46875 -7.15625 L 2.4375 -7.15625 L 2.4375 -11.421875 Z M 7.46875 -4.203125 C 7.46875 -3.796875 7.425781 -3.398438 7.34375 -3.015625 C 7.257812 -2.640625 7.117188 -2.300781 6.921875 -2 C 6.734375 -1.695312 6.484375 -1.457031 6.171875 -1.28125 C 5.859375 -1.101562 5.460938 -1.015625 4.984375 -1.015625 C 4.515625 -1.015625 4.113281 -1.097656 3.78125 -1.265625 C 3.457031 -1.441406 3.191406 -1.675781 2.984375 -1.96875 C 2.773438 -2.257812 2.625 -2.59375 2.53125 -2.96875 C 2.4375 -3.34375 2.390625 -3.734375 2.390625 -4.140625 C 2.390625 -4.523438 2.429688 -4.90625 2.515625 -5.28125 C 2.609375 -5.65625 2.753906 -5.988281 2.953125 -6.28125 C 3.160156 -6.570312 3.421875 -6.804688 3.734375 -6.984375 C 4.054688 -7.171875 4.445312 -7.265625 4.90625 -7.265625 C 5.34375 -7.265625 5.722656 -7.175781 6.046875 -7 C 6.378906 -6.832031 6.648438 -6.601562 6.859375 -6.3125 C 7.066406 -6.03125 7.21875 -5.703125 7.3125 -5.328125 C 7.414062 -4.960938 7.46875 -4.585938 7.46875 -4.203125 Z M 7.46875 -4.203125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-33"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.109375 -11.421875 L 1.109375 0 L 2.46875 0 L 2.46875 -11.421875 Z M 1.109375 -11.421875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-34"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.109375 -5.578125 C 2.109375 -5.859375 2.109375 -6.164062 2.109375 -6.5 C 2.117188 -6.84375 2.144531 -7.179688 2.1875 -7.515625 C 2.238281 -7.847656 2.3125 -8.171875 2.40625 -8.484375 C 2.5 -8.804688 2.632812 -9.085938 2.8125 -9.328125 C 2.988281 -9.578125 3.207031 -9.773438 3.46875 -9.921875 C 3.738281 -10.066406 4.066406 -10.140625 4.453125 -10.140625 C 4.835938 -10.140625 5.160156 -10.066406 5.421875 -9.921875 C 5.691406 -9.773438 5.914062 -9.578125 6.09375 -9.328125 C 6.269531 -9.085938 6.398438 -8.804688 6.484375 -8.484375 C 6.578125 -8.171875 6.644531 -7.847656 6.6875 -7.515625 C 6.738281 -7.179688 6.765625 -6.84375 6.765625 -6.5 C 6.773438 -6.164062 6.78125 -5.859375 6.78125 -5.578125 C 6.78125 -5.148438 6.765625 -4.671875 6.734375 -4.140625 C 6.710938 -3.617188 6.628906 -3.125 6.484375 -2.65625 C 6.335938 -2.195312 6.101562 -1.804688 5.78125 -1.484375 C 5.46875 -1.171875 5.023438 -1.015625 4.453125 -1.015625 C 3.867188 -1.015625 3.414062 -1.171875 3.09375 -1.484375 C 2.78125 -1.804688 2.550781 -2.195312 2.40625 -2.65625 C 2.257812 -3.125 2.171875 -3.617188 2.140625 -4.140625 C 2.117188 -4.671875 2.109375 -5.148438 2.109375 -5.578125 Z M 0.671875 -5.5625 C 0.671875 -5.144531 0.679688 -4.710938 0.703125 -4.265625 C 0.722656 -3.816406 0.773438 -3.378906 0.859375 -2.953125 C 0.941406 -2.523438 1.0625 -2.125 1.21875 -1.75 C 1.382812 -1.375 1.601562 -1.039062 1.875 -0.75 C 2.15625 -0.457031 2.503906 -0.226562 2.921875 -0.0625 C 3.347656 0.09375 3.859375 0.171875 4.453125 0.171875 C 5.046875 0.171875 5.550781 0.09375 5.96875 -0.0625 C 6.382812 -0.226562 6.726562 -0.457031 7 -0.75 C 7.28125 -1.039062 7.5 -1.375 7.65625 -1.75 C 7.820312 -2.125 7.945312 -2.523438 8.03125 -2.953125 C 8.113281 -3.378906 8.164062 -3.816406 8.1875 -4.265625 C 8.207031 -4.710938 8.21875 -5.144531 8.21875 -5.5625 C 8.21875 -5.976562 8.207031 -6.410156 8.1875 -6.859375 C 8.164062 -7.304688 8.113281 -7.742188 8.03125 -8.171875 C 7.945312 -8.597656 7.820312 -9.003906 7.65625 -9.390625 C 7.5 -9.773438 7.28125 -10.109375 7 -10.390625 C 6.726562 -10.679688 6.378906 -10.910156 5.953125 -11.078125 C 5.535156 -11.253906 5.035156 -11.34375 4.453125 -11.34375 C 3.859375 -11.34375 3.347656 -11.253906 2.921875 -11.078125 C 2.503906 -10.910156 2.15625 -10.679688 1.875 -10.390625 C 1.601562 -10.109375 1.382812 -9.773438 1.21875 -9.390625 C 1.0625 -9.003906 0.941406 -8.597656 0.859375 -8.171875 C 0.773438 -7.742188 0.722656 -7.304688 0.703125 -6.859375 C 0.679688 -6.410156 0.671875 -5.976562 0.671875 -5.5625 Z M 0.671875 -5.5625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-35"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 8.15625 -0.703125 L 8.15625 -8.265625 L 6.875 -8.265625 L 6.875 -7.09375 L 6.859375 -7.09375 C 6.617188 -7.550781 6.28125 -7.894531 5.84375 -8.125 C 5.40625 -8.351562 4.925781 -8.46875 4.40625 -8.46875 C 3.6875 -8.46875 3.082031 -8.328125 2.59375 -8.046875 C 2.101562 -7.773438 1.707031 -7.429688 1.40625 -7.015625 C 1.101562 -6.597656 0.890625 -6.128906 0.765625 -5.609375 C 0.640625 -5.085938 0.578125 -4.582031 0.578125 -4.09375 C 0.578125 -3.53125 0.65625 -2.992188 0.8125 -2.484375 C 0.96875 -1.984375 1.195312 -1.539062 1.5 -1.15625 C 1.8125 -0.78125 2.195312 -0.476562 2.65625 -0.25 C 3.113281 -0.03125 3.648438 0.078125 4.265625 0.078125 C 4.804688 0.078125 5.3125 -0.0390625 5.78125 -0.28125 C 6.257812 -0.519531 6.613281 -0.894531 6.84375 -1.40625 L 6.875 -1.40625 L 6.875 -0.859375 C 6.875 -0.398438 6.828125 0.015625 6.734375 0.390625 C 6.648438 0.773438 6.503906 1.101562 6.296875 1.375 C 6.097656 1.65625 5.84375 1.867188 5.53125 2.015625 C 5.226562 2.171875 4.851562 2.25 4.40625 2.25 C 4.175781 2.25 3.9375 2.222656 3.6875 2.171875 C 3.445312 2.128906 3.222656 2.054688 3.015625 1.953125 C 2.804688 1.847656 2.628906 1.707031 2.484375 1.53125 C 2.335938 1.363281 2.257812 1.15625 2.25 0.90625 L 0.890625 0.90625 C 0.910156 1.351562 1.023438 1.734375 1.234375 2.046875 C 1.453125 2.359375 1.722656 2.609375 2.046875 2.796875 C 2.378906 2.992188 2.742188 3.132812 3.140625 3.21875 C 3.546875 3.300781 3.9375 3.34375 4.3125 3.34375 C 5.632812 3.34375 6.601562 3.003906 7.21875 2.328125 C 7.84375 1.660156 8.15625 0.648438 8.15625 -0.703125 Z M 4.359375 -1.109375 C 3.910156 -1.109375 3.535156 -1.195312 3.234375 -1.375 C 2.929688 -1.5625 2.6875 -1.804688 2.5 -2.109375 C 2.320312 -2.421875 2.195312 -2.765625 2.125 -3.140625 C 2.050781 -3.515625 2.015625 -3.882812 2.015625 -4.25 C 2.015625 -4.644531 2.054688 -5.023438 2.140625 -5.390625 C 2.234375 -5.753906 2.378906 -6.070312 2.578125 -6.34375 C 2.773438 -6.625 3.03125 -6.847656 3.34375 -7.015625 C 3.65625 -7.179688 4.03125 -7.265625 4.46875 -7.265625 C 4.894531 -7.265625 5.253906 -7.175781 5.546875 -7 C 5.847656 -6.832031 6.09375 -6.609375 6.28125 -6.328125 C 6.46875 -6.046875 6.601562 -5.726562 6.6875 -5.375 C 6.769531 -5.019531 6.8125 -4.660156 6.8125 -4.296875 C 6.8125 -3.921875 6.765625 -3.539062 6.671875 -3.15625 C 6.585938 -2.769531 6.445312 -2.421875 6.25 -2.109375 C 6.0625 -1.804688 5.8125 -1.5625 5.5 -1.375 C 5.1875 -1.195312 4.804688 -1.109375 4.359375 -1.109375 Z M 4.359375 -1.109375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-36"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.28125 -11.421875 L 1.28125 0 L 2.71875 0 L 2.71875 -9.5 L 2.75 -9.5 L 6.3125 0 L 7.609375 0 L 11.1875 -9.5 L 11.21875 -9.5 L 11.21875 0 L 12.65625 0 L 12.65625 -11.421875 L 10.578125 -11.421875 L 6.953125 -1.828125 L 3.359375 -11.421875 Z M 1.28125 -11.421875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-37"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.796875 -5.09375 L 0.796875 -3.8125 L 5.421875 -3.8125 L 5.421875 -5.09375 Z M 0.796875 -5.09375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-38"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.734375 -0.953125 L 0.734375 0.109375 L 8.859375 -3.546875 L 8.859375 -4.546875 L 0.734375 -8.21875 L 0.734375 -7.140625 L 7.53125 -4.046875 Z M 0.734375 -0.953125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-0"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.390625 0 L 0.390625 -8.609375 L 7.21875 -8.609375 L 7.21875 0 Z M 6.140625 -1.078125 L 6.140625 -7.53125 L 1.46875 -7.53125 L 1.46875 -1.078125 Z M 6.140625 -1.078125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-1"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 7.171875 -8.609375 L 7.171875 -7.578125 L 4.28125 -7.578125 L 4.28125 0 L 3.09375 0 L 3.09375 -7.578125 L 0.1875 -7.578125 L 0.1875 -8.609375 Z M 7.171875 -8.609375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-2"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.578125 -1.671875 C 1.578125 -1.367188 1.6875 -1.128906 1.90625 -0.953125 C 2.132812 -0.773438 2.398438 -0.6875 2.703125 -0.6875 C 3.078125 -0.6875 3.4375 -0.769531 3.78125 -0.9375 C 4.375 -1.226562 4.671875 -1.695312 4.671875 -2.34375 L 4.671875 -3.1875 C 4.535156 -3.113281 4.363281 -3.046875 4.15625 -2.984375 C 3.957031 -2.929688 3.757812 -2.894531 3.5625 -2.875 L 2.9375 -2.796875 C 2.550781 -2.742188 2.257812 -2.660156 2.0625 -2.546875 C 1.738281 -2.367188 1.578125 -2.078125 1.578125 -1.671875 Z M 4.140625 -3.796875 C 4.378906 -3.828125 4.539062 -3.929688 4.625 -4.109375 C 4.664062 -4.203125 4.6875 -4.335938 4.6875 -4.515625 C 4.6875 -4.867188 4.554688 -5.125 4.296875 -5.28125 C 4.046875 -5.445312 3.6875 -5.53125 3.21875 -5.53125 C 2.664062 -5.53125 2.273438 -5.382812 2.046875 -5.09375 C 1.910156 -4.925781 1.820312 -4.679688 1.78125 -4.359375 L 0.796875 -4.359375 C 0.816406 -5.128906 1.066406 -5.664062 1.546875 -5.96875 C 2.035156 -6.269531 2.597656 -6.421875 3.234375 -6.421875 C 3.972656 -6.421875 4.570312 -6.28125 5.03125 -6 C 5.488281 -5.71875 5.71875 -5.28125 5.71875 -4.6875 L 5.71875 -1.078125 C 5.71875 -0.972656 5.738281 -0.882812 5.78125 -0.8125 C 5.832031 -0.75 5.929688 -0.71875 6.078125 -0.71875 C 6.117188 -0.71875 6.164062 -0.71875 6.21875 -0.71875 C 6.28125 -0.726562 6.347656 -0.738281 6.421875 -0.75 L 6.421875 0.03125 C 6.253906 0.0703125 6.125 0.0976562 6.03125 0.109375 C 5.945312 0.128906 5.832031 0.140625 5.6875 0.140625 C 5.320312 0.140625 5.0625 0.0078125 4.90625 -0.25 C 4.8125 -0.382812 4.75 -0.578125 4.71875 -0.828125 C 4.5 -0.546875 4.1875 -0.300781 3.78125 -0.09375 C 3.382812 0.113281 2.945312 0.21875 2.46875 0.21875 C 1.882812 0.21875 1.40625 0.0390625 1.03125 -0.3125 C 0.664062 -0.664062 0.484375 -1.109375 0.484375 -1.640625 C 0.484375 -2.222656 0.664062 -2.675781 1.03125 -3 C 1.394531 -3.320312 1.867188 -3.519531 2.453125 -3.59375 Z M 3.265625 -6.421875 Z M 3.265625 -6.421875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-3"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.40625 -1.96875 C 1.4375 -1.613281 1.523438 -1.34375 1.671875 -1.15625 C 1.929688 -0.820312 2.390625 -0.65625 3.046875 -0.65625 C 3.441406 -0.65625 3.785156 -0.738281 4.078125 -0.90625 C 4.378906 -1.070312 4.53125 -1.332031 4.53125 -1.6875 C 4.53125 -1.957031 4.410156 -2.164062 4.171875 -2.3125 C 4.015625 -2.394531 3.710938 -2.492188 3.265625 -2.609375 L 2.421875 -2.8125 C 1.890625 -2.945312 1.5 -3.097656 1.25 -3.265625 C 0.789062 -3.546875 0.5625 -3.941406 0.5625 -4.453125 C 0.5625 -5.046875 0.773438 -5.523438 1.203125 -5.890625 C 1.628906 -6.253906 2.207031 -6.4375 2.9375 -6.4375 C 3.875 -6.4375 4.550781 -6.160156 4.96875 -5.609375 C 5.238281 -5.253906 5.367188 -4.875 5.359375 -4.46875 L 4.359375 -4.46875 C 4.335938 -4.707031 4.253906 -4.925781 4.109375 -5.125 C 3.867188 -5.394531 3.445312 -5.53125 2.84375 -5.53125 C 2.445312 -5.53125 2.144531 -5.453125 1.9375 -5.296875 C 1.738281 -5.148438 1.640625 -4.953125 1.640625 -4.703125 C 1.640625 -4.429688 1.773438 -4.210938 2.046875 -4.046875 C 2.203125 -3.953125 2.429688 -3.867188 2.734375 -3.796875 L 3.421875 -3.625 C 4.179688 -3.4375 4.691406 -3.257812 4.953125 -3.09375 C 5.359375 -2.820312 5.5625 -2.394531 5.5625 -1.8125 C 5.5625 -1.257812 5.347656 -0.78125 4.921875 -0.375 C 4.503906 0.03125 3.863281 0.234375 3 0.234375 C 2.0625 0.234375 1.394531 0.0234375 1 -0.390625 C 0.613281 -0.816406 0.410156 -1.34375 0.390625 -1.96875 Z M 2.953125 -6.421875 Z M 2.953125 -6.421875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-4"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.75 -8.609375 L 1.765625 -8.609375 L 1.765625 -3.609375 L 4.46875 -6.28125 L 5.8125 -6.28125 L 3.421875 -3.921875 L 5.953125 0 L 4.609375 0 L 2.65625 -3.171875 L 1.765625 -2.359375 L 1.765625 0 L 0.75 0 Z M 0.75 -8.609375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-5"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d=""/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-6"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.671875 -2.78125 C 1.703125 -2.289062 1.816406 -1.894531 2.015625 -1.59375 C 2.410156 -1.019531 3.09375 -0.734375 4.0625 -0.734375 C 4.5 -0.734375 4.898438 -0.796875 5.265625 -0.921875 C 5.960938 -1.160156 6.3125 -1.59375 6.3125 -2.21875 C 6.3125 -2.6875 6.160156 -3.019531 5.859375 -3.21875 C 5.566406 -3.414062 5.101562 -3.585938 4.46875 -3.734375 L 3.3125 -4 C 2.539062 -4.164062 2 -4.351562 1.6875 -4.5625 C 1.144531 -4.925781 0.875 -5.460938 0.875 -6.171875 C 0.875 -6.953125 1.140625 -7.585938 1.671875 -8.078125 C 2.203125 -8.578125 2.957031 -8.828125 3.9375 -8.828125 C 4.84375 -8.828125 5.609375 -8.609375 6.234375 -8.171875 C 6.867188 -7.734375 7.1875 -7.035156 7.1875 -6.078125 L 6.09375 -6.078125 C 6.03125 -6.546875 5.90625 -6.898438 5.71875 -7.140625 C 5.363281 -7.585938 4.757812 -7.8125 3.90625 -7.8125 C 3.21875 -7.8125 2.722656 -7.664062 2.421875 -7.375 C 2.117188 -7.09375 1.96875 -6.757812 1.96875 -6.375 C 1.96875 -5.957031 2.144531 -5.648438 2.5 -5.453125 C 2.726562 -5.328125 3.25 -5.171875 4.0625 -4.984375 L 5.28125 -4.703125 C 5.851562 -4.566406 6.300781 -4.382812 6.625 -4.15625 C 7.164062 -3.757812 7.4375 -3.175781 7.4375 -2.40625 C 7.4375 -1.457031 7.085938 -0.773438 6.390625 -0.359375 C 5.703125 0.046875 4.898438 0.25 3.984375 0.25 C 2.910156 0.25 2.070312 -0.0195312 1.46875 -0.5625 C 0.863281 -1.113281 0.566406 -1.851562 0.578125 -2.78125 Z M 4.03125 -8.84375 Z M 4.03125 -8.84375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-7"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.421875 -0.703125 C 3.910156 -0.703125 4.316406 -0.910156 4.640625 -1.328125 C 4.972656 -1.742188 5.140625 -2.359375 5.140625 -3.171875 C 5.140625 -3.671875 5.066406 -4.101562 4.921875 -4.46875 C 4.648438 -5.15625 4.148438 -5.5 3.421875 -5.5 C 2.691406 -5.5 2.191406 -5.132812 1.921875 -4.40625 C 1.773438 -4.019531 1.703125 -3.523438 1.703125 -2.921875 C 1.703125 -2.429688 1.773438 -2.019531 1.921875 -1.6875 C 2.191406 -1.03125 2.691406 -0.703125 3.421875 -0.703125 Z M 0.6875 -6.25 L 1.71875 -6.25 L 1.71875 -5.421875 C 1.925781 -5.703125 2.15625 -5.921875 2.40625 -6.078125 C 2.757812 -6.304688 3.175781 -6.421875 3.65625 -6.421875 C 4.375 -6.421875 4.976562 -6.148438 5.46875 -5.609375 C 5.96875 -5.066406 6.21875 -4.289062 6.21875 -3.28125 C 6.21875 -1.90625 5.859375 -0.925781 5.140625 -0.34375 C 4.691406 0.03125 4.164062 0.21875 3.5625 0.21875 C 3.09375 0.21875 2.695312 0.113281 2.375 -0.09375 C 2.1875 -0.21875 1.976562 -0.421875 1.75 -0.703125 L 1.75 2.5 L 0.6875 2.5 Z M 0.6875 -6.25 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-8"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.265625 -6.28125 L 2.46875 -1.328125 L 3.6875 -6.28125 L 4.875 -6.28125 L 6.109375 -1.359375 L 7.390625 -6.28125 L 8.4375 -6.28125 L 6.625 0 L 5.53125 0 L 4.25 -4.859375 L 3.015625 0 L 1.921875 0 L 0.109375 -6.28125 Z M 1.265625 -6.28125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-9"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.78125 -6.28125 L 1.78125 -6.28125 L 1.78125 -5.390625 C 2.070312 -5.753906 2.382812 -6.015625 2.71875 -6.171875 C 3.050781 -6.335938 3.421875 -6.421875 3.828125 -6.421875 C 4.710938 -6.421875 5.3125 -6.109375 5.625 -5.484375 C 5.800781 -5.140625 5.890625 -4.65625 5.890625 -4.03125 L 5.890625 0 L 4.8125 0 L 4.8125 -3.953125 C 4.8125 -4.335938 4.753906 -4.644531 4.640625 -4.875 C 4.453125 -5.269531 4.113281 -5.46875 3.625 -5.46875 C 3.375 -5.46875 3.171875 -5.441406 3.015625 -5.390625 C 2.722656 -5.304688 2.46875 -5.132812 2.25 -4.875 C 2.070312 -4.664062 1.957031 -4.453125 1.90625 -4.234375 C 1.851562 -4.015625 1.828125 -3.695312 1.828125 -3.28125 L 1.828125 0 L 0.78125 0 Z M 3.25 -6.421875 Z M 3.25 -6.421875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-10"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.171875 -8.609375 L 2.359375 -8.609375 L 2.359375 0 L 1.171875 0 Z M 1.171875 -8.609375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-11"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 4.21875 -1 C 4.613281 -1 4.9375 -1.039062 5.1875 -1.125 C 5.644531 -1.269531 6.019531 -1.5625 6.3125 -2 C 6.539062 -2.34375 6.703125 -2.785156 6.796875 -3.328125 C 6.859375 -3.660156 6.890625 -3.960938 6.890625 -4.234375 C 6.890625 -5.304688 6.675781 -6.132812 6.25 -6.71875 C 5.832031 -7.3125 5.148438 -7.609375 4.203125 -7.609375 L 2.140625 -7.609375 L 2.140625 -1 Z M 0.96875 -8.609375 L 4.453125 -8.609375 C 5.640625 -8.609375 6.554688 -8.1875 7.203125 -7.34375 C 7.785156 -6.59375 8.078125 -5.625 8.078125 -4.4375 C 8.078125 -3.519531 7.90625 -2.691406 7.5625 -1.953125 C 6.957031 -0.648438 5.914062 0 4.4375 0 L 0.96875 0 Z M 0.96875 -8.609375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-12"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 4.640625 -8.828125 C 5.441406 -8.828125 6.140625 -8.671875 6.734375 -8.359375 C 7.585938 -7.910156 8.109375 -7.125 8.296875 -6 L 7.15625 -6 C 7.007812 -6.625 6.710938 -7.082031 6.265625 -7.375 C 5.828125 -7.664062 5.273438 -7.8125 4.609375 -7.8125 C 3.804688 -7.8125 3.132812 -7.507812 2.59375 -6.90625 C 2.050781 -6.3125 1.78125 -5.421875 1.78125 -4.234375 C 1.78125 -3.210938 2.003906 -2.378906 2.453125 -1.734375 C 2.898438 -1.097656 3.628906 -0.78125 4.640625 -0.78125 C 5.421875 -0.78125 6.066406 -1.003906 6.578125 -1.453125 C 7.085938 -1.898438 7.347656 -2.628906 7.359375 -3.640625 L 4.671875 -3.640625 L 4.671875 -4.609375 L 8.4375 -4.609375 L 8.4375 0 L 7.6875 0 L 7.40625 -1.109375 C 7.019531 -0.671875 6.671875 -0.367188 6.359375 -0.203125 C 5.847656 0.0859375 5.195312 0.234375 4.40625 0.234375 C 3.394531 0.234375 2.519531 -0.0976562 1.78125 -0.765625 C 0.976562 -1.585938 0.578125 -2.722656 0.578125 -4.171875 C 0.578125 -5.609375 0.96875 -6.753906 1.75 -7.609375 C 2.488281 -8.421875 3.453125 -8.828125 4.640625 -8.828125 Z M 4.4375 -8.84375 Z M 4.4375 -8.84375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-13"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 4.546875 -8.84375 C 5.628906 -8.84375 6.472656 -8.554688 7.078125 -7.984375 C 7.679688 -7.410156 8.015625 -6.757812 8.078125 -6.03125 L 6.9375 -6.03125 C 6.8125 -6.582031 6.554688 -7.019531 6.171875 -7.34375 C 5.785156 -7.664062 5.242188 -7.828125 4.546875 -7.828125 C 3.703125 -7.828125 3.019531 -7.53125 2.5 -6.9375 C 1.976562 -6.34375 1.71875 -5.429688 1.71875 -4.203125 C 1.71875 -3.191406 1.953125 -2.367188 2.421875 -1.734375 C 2.890625 -1.109375 3.59375 -0.796875 4.53125 -0.796875 C 5.382812 -0.796875 6.039062 -1.128906 6.5 -1.796875 C 6.726562 -2.140625 6.90625 -2.597656 7.03125 -3.171875 L 8.15625 -3.171875 C 8.0625 -2.265625 7.726562 -1.503906 7.15625 -0.890625 C 6.46875 -0.148438 5.546875 0.21875 4.390625 0.21875 C 3.390625 0.21875 2.550781 -0.0820312 1.875 -0.6875 C 0.976562 -1.488281 0.53125 -2.722656 0.53125 -4.390625 C 0.53125 -5.660156 0.863281 -6.703125 1.53125 -7.515625 C 2.257812 -8.398438 3.265625 -8.84375 4.546875 -8.84375 Z M 4.3125 -8.84375 Z M 4.3125 -8.84375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-14"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.265625 -0.6875 C 3.960938 -0.6875 4.441406 -0.945312 4.703125 -1.46875 C 4.960938 -2 5.09375 -2.585938 5.09375 -3.234375 C 5.09375 -3.828125 5 -4.304688 4.8125 -4.671875 C 4.507812 -5.242188 4 -5.53125 3.28125 -5.53125 C 2.632812 -5.53125 2.164062 -5.285156 1.875 -4.796875 C 1.582031 -4.304688 1.4375 -3.710938 1.4375 -3.015625 C 1.4375 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-3.4375 4.691406 -3.257812 4.953125 -3.09375 C 5.359375 -2.820312 5.5625 -2.394531 5.5625 -1.8125 C 5.5625 -1.257812 5.347656 -0.78125 4.921875 -0.375 C 4.503906 0.03125 3.863281 0.234375 3 0.234375 C 2.0625 0.234375 1.394531 0.0234375 1 -0.390625 C 0.613281 -0.816406 0.410156 -1.34375 0.390625 -1.96875 Z M 2.953125 -6.421875 Z M 2.953125 -6.421875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-4"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.75 -8.609375 L 1.765625 -8.609375 L 1.765625 -3.609375 L 4.46875 -6.28125 L 5.8125 -6.28125 L 3.421875 -3.921875 L 5.953125 0 L 4.609375 0 L 2.65625 -3.171875 L 1.765625 -2.359375 L 1.765625 0 L 0.75 0 Z M 0.75 -8.609375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-5"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.15625 -5.9375 L 1.15625 -6.75 C 1.914062 -6.820312 2.441406 -6.945312 2.734375 -7.125 C 3.035156 -7.300781 3.265625 -7.710938 3.421875 -8.359375 L 4.25 -8.359375 L 4.25 0 L 3.125 0 L 3.125 -5.9375 Z M 1.15625 -5.9375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-6"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.375 0 C 0.414062 -0.71875 0.566406 -1.34375 0.828125 -1.875 C 1.085938 -2.414062 1.59375 -2.90625 2.34375 -3.34375 L 3.46875 -4 C 3.96875 -4.289062 4.320312 -4.539062 4.53125 -4.75 C 4.851562 -5.070312 5.015625 -5.441406 5.015625 -5.859375 C 5.015625 -6.347656 4.863281 -6.734375 4.5625 -7.015625 C 4.269531 -7.304688 3.882812 -7.453125 3.40625 -7.453125 C 2.675781 -7.453125 2.175781 -7.179688 1.90625 -6.640625 C 1.75 -6.335938 1.664062 -5.929688 1.65625 -5.421875 L 0.578125 -5.421875 C 0.585938 -6.148438 0.722656 -6.742188 0.984375 -7.203125 C 1.441406 -8.015625 2.25 -8.421875 3.40625 -8.421875 C 4.363281 -8.421875 5.0625 -8.160156 5.5 -7.640625 C 5.945312 -7.117188 6.171875 -6.539062 6.171875 -5.90625 C 6.171875 -5.238281 5.9375 -4.664062 5.46875 -4.1875 C 5.195312 -3.90625 4.707031 -3.566406 4 -3.171875 L 3.1875 -2.734375 C 2.8125 -2.523438 2.515625 -2.320312 2.296875 -2.125 C 1.898438 -1.789062 1.648438 -1.414062 1.546875 -1 L 6.140625 -1 L 6.140625 0 Z M 0.375 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-7"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.125 0.234375 C 2.125 0.234375 1.398438 -0.0351562 0.953125 -0.578125 C 0.503906 -1.128906 0.28125 -1.796875 0.28125 -2.578125 L 1.390625 -2.578125 C 1.429688 -2.035156 1.53125 -1.640625 1.6875 -1.390625 C 1.96875 -0.953125 2.460938 -0.734375 3.171875 -0.734375 C 3.734375 -0.734375 4.179688 -0.878906 4.515625 -1.171875 C 4.847656 -1.472656 5.015625 -1.859375 5.015625 -2.328125 C 5.015625 -2.898438 4.835938 -3.300781 4.484375 -3.53125 C 4.128906 -3.769531 3.640625 -3.890625 3.015625 -3.890625 C 2.941406 -3.890625 2.867188 -3.882812 2.796875 -3.875 C 2.722656 -3.875 2.648438 -3.875 2.578125 -3.875 L 2.578125 -4.8125 C 2.691406 -4.789062 2.785156 -4.78125 2.859375 -4.78125 C 2.929688 -4.78125 3.007812 -4.78125 3.09375 -4.78125 C 3.488281 -4.78125 3.8125 -4.84375 4.0625 -4.96875 C 4.507812 -5.1875 4.734375 -5.578125 4.734375 -6.140625 C 4.734375 -6.554688 4.582031 -6.875 4.28125 -7.09375 C 3.988281 -7.320312 3.644531 -7.4375 3.25 -7.4375 C 2.550781 -7.4375 2.066406 -7.203125 1.796875 -6.734375 C 1.648438 -6.484375 1.566406 -6.117188 1.546875 -5.640625 L 0.5 -5.640625 C 0.5 -6.265625 0.625 -6.796875 0.875 -7.234375 C 1.300781 -8.015625 2.054688 -8.40625 3.140625 -8.40625 C 3.992188 -8.40625 4.65625 -8.210938 5.125 -7.828125 C 5.59375 -7.453125 5.828125 -6.898438 5.828125 -6.171875 C 5.828125 -5.660156 5.691406 -5.242188 5.421875 -4.921875 C 5.242188 -4.722656 5.019531 -4.566406 4.75 -4.453125 C 5.1875 -4.328125 5.53125 -4.09375 5.78125 -3.75 C 6.03125 -3.40625 6.15625 -2.984375 6.15625 -2.484375 C 6.15625 -1.679688 5.890625 -1.023438 5.359375 -0.515625 C 4.835938 -0.015625 4.09375 0.234375 3.125 0.234375 Z M 3.125 0.234375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-8"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.984375 -8.03125 L 2.046875 -8.03125 L 2.046875 -6.28125 L 3.046875 -6.28125 L 3.046875 -5.421875 L 2.046875 -5.421875 L 2.046875 -1.3125 C 2.046875 -1.09375 2.125 -0.945312 2.28125 -0.875 C 2.351562 -0.832031 2.488281 -0.8125 2.6875 -0.8125 C 2.738281 -0.8125 2.789062 -0.8125 2.84375 -0.8125 C 2.90625 -0.820312 2.972656 -0.828125 3.046875 -0.828125 L 3.046875 0 C 2.929688 0.03125 2.804688 0.0507812 2.671875 0.0625 C 2.546875 0.0820312 2.40625 0.09375 2.25 0.09375 C 1.757812 0.09375 1.425781 -0.03125 1.25 -0.28125 C 1.070312 -0.53125 0.984375 -0.859375 0.984375 -1.265625 L 0.984375 -5.421875 L 0.140625 -5.421875 L 0.140625 -6.28125 L 0.984375 -6.28125 Z M 0.984375 -8.03125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-9"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.265625 -0.6875 C 3.960938 -0.6875 4.441406 -0.945312 4.703125 -1.46875 C 4.960938 -2 5.09375 -2.585938 5.09375 -3.234375 C 5.09375 -3.828125 5 -4.304688 4.8125 -4.671875 C 4.507812 -5.242188 4 -5.53125 3.28125 -5.53125 C 2.632812 -5.53125 2.164062 -5.285156 1.875 -4.796875 C 1.582031 -4.304688 1.4375 -3.710938 1.4375 -3.015625 C 1.4375 -2.347656 1.582031 -1.789062 1.875 -1.34375 C 2.164062 -0.90625 2.628906 -0.6875 3.265625 -0.6875 Z M 3.3125 -6.453125 C 4.113281 -6.453125 4.789062 -6.179688 5.34375 -5.640625 C 5.90625 -5.109375 6.1875 -4.316406 6.1875 -3.265625 C 6.1875 -2.253906 5.941406 -1.414062 5.453125 -0.75 C 4.960938 -0.09375 4.203125 0.234375 3.171875 0.234375 C 2.304688 0.234375 1.617188 -0.0546875 1.109375 -0.640625 C 0.597656 -1.234375 0.34375 -2.019531 0.34375 -3 C 0.34375 -4.050781 0.609375 -4.890625 1.140625 -5.515625 C 1.679688 -6.140625 2.40625 -6.453125 3.3125 -6.453125 Z M 3.265625 -6.421875 Z M 3.265625 -6.421875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-10"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.421875 -0.703125 C 3.910156 -0.703125 4.316406 -0.910156 4.640625 -1.328125 C 4.972656 -1.742188 5.140625 -2.359375 5.140625 -3.171875 C 5.140625 -3.671875 5.066406 -4.101562 4.921875 -4.46875 C 4.648438 -5.15625 4.148438 -5.5 3.421875 -5.5 C 2.691406 -5.5 2.191406 -5.132812 1.921875 -4.40625 C 1.773438 -4.019531 1.703125 -3.523438 1.703125 -2.921875 C 1.703125 -2.429688 1.773438 -2.019531 1.921875 -1.6875 C 2.191406 -1.03125 2.691406 -0.703125 3.421875 -0.703125 Z M 0.6875 -6.25 L 1.71875 -6.25 L 1.71875 -5.421875 C 1.925781 -5.703125 2.15625 -5.921875 2.40625 -6.078125 C 2.757812 -6.304688 3.175781 -6.421875 3.65625 -6.421875 C 4.375 -6.421875 4.976562 -6.148438 5.46875 -5.609375 C 5.96875 -5.066406 6.21875 -4.289062 6.21875 -3.28125 C 6.21875 -1.90625 5.859375 -0.925781 5.140625 -0.34375 C 4.691406 0.03125 4.164062 0.21875 3.5625 0.21875 C 3.09375 0.21875 2.695312 0.113281 2.375 -0.09375 C 2.1875 -0.21875 1.976562 -0.421875 1.75 -0.703125 L 1.75 2.5 L 0.6875 2.5 Z M 0.6875 -6.25 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-11"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.796875 -8.609375 L 1.859375 -8.609375 L 1.859375 0 L 0.796875 0 Z M 0.796875 -8.609375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-12"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.921875 -8.609375 L 2.296875 -8.609375 L 6.640625 -1.640625 L 6.640625 -8.609375 L 7.75 -8.609375 L 7.75 0 L 6.4375 0 L 2.03125 -6.96875 L 2.03125 0 L 0.921875 0 Z M 4.25 -8.609375 Z M 4.25 -8.609375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-13"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.1875 -8.609375 L 2.1875 -3.28125 C 2.1875 -2.65625 2.300781 -2.140625 2.53125 -1.734375 C 2.875 -1.109375 3.460938 -0.796875 4.296875 -0.796875 C 5.273438 -0.796875 5.945312 -1.132812 6.3125 -1.8125 C 6.5 -2.175781 6.59375 -2.664062 6.59375 -3.28125 L 6.59375 -8.609375 L 7.78125 -8.609375 L 7.78125 -3.78125 C 7.78125 -2.71875 7.632812 -1.898438 7.34375 -1.328125 C 6.820312 -0.285156 5.835938 0.234375 4.390625 0.234375 C 2.929688 0.234375 1.941406 -0.285156 1.421875 -1.328125 C 1.140625 -1.898438 1 -2.71875 1 -3.78125 L 1 -8.609375 Z M 4.390625 -8.609375 Z M 4.390625 -8.609375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-14"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.921875 -8.609375 L 2.078125 -8.609375 L 2.078125 -1.03125 L 6.4375 -1.03125 L 6.4375 0 L 0.921875 0 Z M 0.921875 -8.609375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-15"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.890625 -8.609375 L 2.5625 -8.609375 L 5.03125 -1.328125 L 7.484375 -8.609375 L 9.140625 -8.609375 L 9.140625 0 L 8.03125 0 L 8.03125 -5.078125 C 8.03125 -5.253906 8.03125 -5.546875 8.03125 -5.953125 C 8.039062 -6.359375 8.046875 -6.796875 8.046875 -7.265625 L 5.59375 0 L 4.4375 0 L 1.96875 -7.265625 L 1.96875 -7 C 1.96875 -6.789062 1.972656 -6.46875 1.984375 -6.03125 C 1.992188 -5.601562 2 -5.285156 2 -5.078125 L 2 0 L 0.890625 0 Z M 0.890625 -8.609375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-16"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.78125 -6.28125 L 1.78125 -6.28125 L 1.78125 -5.390625 C 2.070312 -5.753906 2.382812 -6.015625 2.71875 -6.171875 C 3.050781 -6.335938 3.421875 -6.421875 3.828125 -6.421875 C 4.710938 -6.421875 5.3125 -6.109375 5.625 -5.484375 C 5.800781 -5.140625 5.890625 -4.65625 5.890625 -4.03125 L 5.890625 0 L 4.8125 0 L 4.8125 -3.953125 C 4.8125 -4.335938 4.753906 -4.644531 4.640625 -4.875 C 4.453125 -5.269531 4.113281 -5.46875 3.625 -5.46875 C 3.375 -5.46875 3.171875 -5.441406 3.015625 -5.390625 C 2.722656 -5.304688 2.46875 -5.132812 2.25 -4.875 C 2.070312 -4.664062 1.957031 -4.453125 1.90625 -4.234375 C 1.851562 -4.015625 1.828125 -3.695312 1.828125 -3.28125 L 1.828125 0 L 0.78125 0 Z M 3.25 -6.421875 Z M 3.25 -6.421875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-17"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.984375 -6.390625 C 3.484375 -6.390625 3.914062 -6.269531 4.28125 -6.03125 C 4.476562 -5.882812 4.679688 -5.679688 4.890625 -5.421875 L 4.890625 -6.21875 L 5.859375 -6.21875 L 5.859375 -0.515625 C 5.859375 0.285156 5.742188 0.914062 5.515625 1.375 C 5.078125 2.226562 4.25 2.65625 3.03125 2.65625 C 2.351562 2.65625 1.785156 2.503906 1.328125 2.203125 C 0.867188 1.898438 0.609375 1.425781 0.546875 0.78125 L 1.625 0.78125 C 1.675781 1.0625 1.773438 1.28125 1.921875 1.4375 C 2.160156 1.664062 2.535156 1.78125 3.046875 1.78125 C 3.859375 1.78125 4.390625 1.492188 4.640625 0.921875 C 4.785156 0.585938 4.851562 -0.0078125 4.84375 -0.875 C 4.632812 -0.550781 4.378906 -0.3125 4.078125 -0.15625 C 3.785156 0 3.394531 0.078125 2.90625 0.078125 C 2.226562 0.078125 1.632812 -0.160156 1.125 -0.640625 C 0.613281 -1.128906 0.359375 -1.929688 0.359375 -3.046875 C 0.359375 -4.097656 0.613281 -4.914062 1.125 -5.5 C 1.644531 -6.09375 2.265625 -6.390625 2.984375 -6.390625 Z M 4.890625 -3.171875 C 4.890625 -3.941406 4.726562 -4.515625 4.40625 -4.890625 C 4.082031 -5.265625 3.675781 -5.453125 3.1875 -5.453125 C 2.4375 -5.453125 1.925781 -5.101562 1.65625 -4.40625 C 1.507812 -4.039062 1.4375 -3.554688 1.4375 -2.953125 C 1.4375 -2.242188 1.578125 -1.703125 1.859375 -1.328125 C 2.148438 -0.960938 2.539062 -0.78125 3.03125 -0.78125 C 3.789062 -0.78125 4.320312 -1.125 4.625 -1.8125 C 4.800781 -2.195312 4.890625 -2.648438 4.890625 -3.171875 Z M 3.109375 -6.421875 Z M 3.109375 -6.421875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-18"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.390625 -6.421875 C 3.835938 -6.421875 4.269531 -6.316406 4.6875 -6.109375 C 5.101562 -5.898438 5.421875 -5.628906 5.640625 -5.296875 C 5.847656 -4.972656 5.988281 -4.601562 6.0625 -4.1875 C 6.125 -3.894531 6.15625 -3.429688 6.15625 -2.796875 L 1.546875 -2.796875 C 1.566406 -2.160156 1.71875 -1.648438 2 -1.265625 C 2.28125 -0.878906 2.71875 -0.6875 3.3125 -0.6875 C 3.863281 -0.6875 4.300781 -0.867188 4.625 -1.234375 C 4.8125 -1.441406 4.945312 -1.6875 5.03125 -1.96875 L 6.0625 -1.96875 C 6.039062 -1.738281 5.953125 -1.484375 5.796875 -1.203125 C 5.640625 -0.921875 5.46875 -0.6875 5.28125 -0.5 C 4.957031 -0.1875 4.554688 0.0195312 4.078125 0.125 C 3.828125 0.1875 3.539062 0.21875 3.21875 0.21875 C 2.4375 0.21875 1.773438 -0.0625 1.234375 -0.625 C 0.691406 -1.195312 0.421875 -1.992188 0.421875 -3.015625 C 0.421875 -4.023438 0.691406 -4.84375 1.234375 -5.46875 C 1.785156 -6.101562 2.503906 -6.421875 3.390625 -6.421875 Z M 5.0625 -3.640625 C 5.019531 -4.097656 4.921875 -4.460938 4.765625 -4.734375 C 4.484375 -5.242188 4.003906 -5.5 3.328125 -5.5 C 2.835938 -5.5 2.425781 -5.320312 2.09375 -4.96875 C 1.769531 -4.625 1.597656 -4.179688 1.578125 -3.640625 Z M 3.28125 -6.421875 Z M 3.28125 -6.421875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-19"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.796875 -6.28125 L 1.8125 -6.28125 L 1.8125 -5.1875 C 1.882812 -5.40625 2.082031 -5.664062 2.40625 -5.96875 C 2.726562 -6.269531 3.097656 -6.421875 3.515625 -6.421875 C 3.535156 -6.421875 3.566406 -6.414062 3.609375 -6.40625 C 3.660156 -6.40625 3.742188 -6.398438 3.859375 -6.390625 L 3.859375 -5.28125 C 3.796875 -5.289062 3.738281 -5.296875 3.6875 -5.296875 C 3.632812 -5.296875 3.578125 -5.296875 3.515625 -5.296875 C 2.984375 -5.296875 2.570312 -5.125 2.28125 -4.78125 C 2 -4.445312 1.859375 -4.054688 1.859375 -3.609375 L 1.859375 0 L 0.796875 0 Z M 0.796875 -6.28125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-20"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.484375 -8.609375 L 3.109375 -1.609375 L 5.046875 -8.609375 L 6.3125 -8.609375 L 8.265625 -1.609375 L 9.890625 -8.609375 L 11.15625 -8.609375 L 8.90625 0 L 7.671875 0 L 5.6875 -7.140625 L 3.6875 0 L 2.46875 0 L 0.21875 -8.609375 Z M 1.484375 -8.609375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-0"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 6.546875 -10.65625 L 1.625 -10.65625 L 1.625 -0.75 L 6.546875 -0.75 Z M 7.359375 -11.390625 L 7.359375 -0.015625 L 0.8125 -0.015625 L 0.8125 -11.390625 Z M 7.359375 -11.390625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-1"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 7.859375 -8.078125 L 9.296875 -8.078125 C 9.273438 -8.710938 9.15625 -9.253906 8.9375 -9.703125 C 8.71875 -10.160156 8.414062 -10.535156 8.03125 -10.828125 C 7.65625 -11.128906 7.21875 -11.347656 6.71875 -11.484375 C 6.21875 -11.628906 5.675781 -11.703125 5.09375 -11.703125 C 4.5625 -11.703125 4.046875 -11.632812 3.546875 -11.5 C 3.054688 -11.363281 2.613281 -11.160156 2.21875 -10.890625 C 1.832031 -10.617188 1.519531 -10.269531 1.28125 -9.84375 C 1.050781 -9.425781 0.9375 -8.929688 0.9375 -8.359375 C 0.9375 -7.828125 1.039062 -7.390625 1.25 -7.046875 C 1.457031 -6.703125 1.734375 -6.421875 2.078125 -6.203125 C 2.429688 -5.984375 2.828125 -5.804688 3.265625 -5.671875 C 3.703125 -5.535156 4.144531 -5.414062 4.59375 -5.3125 C 5.050781 -5.21875 5.5 -5.117188 5.9375 -5.015625 C 6.375 -4.921875 6.765625 -4.796875 7.109375 -4.640625 C 7.453125 -4.492188 7.726562 -4.296875 7.9375 -4.046875 C 8.144531 -3.804688 8.25 -3.488281 8.25 -3.09375 C 8.25 -2.675781 8.164062 -2.332031 8 -2.0625 C 7.832031 -1.789062 7.609375 -1.578125 7.328125 -1.421875 C 7.046875 -1.273438 6.734375 -1.171875 6.390625 -1.109375 C 6.046875 -1.046875 5.703125 -1.015625 5.359375 -1.015625 C 4.929688 -1.015625 4.515625 -1.066406 4.109375 -1.171875 C 3.703125 -1.273438 3.347656 -1.4375 3.046875 -1.65625 C 2.742188 -1.882812 2.5 -2.171875 2.3125 -2.515625 C 2.125 -2.867188 2.03125 -3.285156 2.03125 -3.765625 L 0.59375 -3.765625 C 0.59375 -3.066406 0.71875 -2.460938 0.96875 -1.953125 C 1.21875 -1.453125 1.554688 -1.035156 1.984375 -0.703125 C 2.421875 -0.378906 2.925781 -0.140625 3.5 0.015625 C 4.070312 0.171875 4.675781 0.25 5.3125 0.25 C 5.832031 0.25 6.359375 0.1875 6.890625 0.0625 C 7.421875 -0.0507812 7.894531 -0.242188 8.3125 -0.515625 C 8.738281 -0.785156 9.085938 -1.132812 9.359375 -1.5625 C 9.640625 -2 9.78125 -2.523438 9.78125 -3.140625 C 9.78125 -3.703125 9.675781 -4.171875 9.46875 -4.546875 C 9.257812 -4.921875 8.976562 -5.226562 8.625 -5.46875 C 8.28125 -5.71875 7.890625 -5.910156 7.453125 -6.046875 C 7.015625 -6.191406 6.566406 -6.316406 6.109375 -6.421875 C 5.660156 -6.535156 5.21875 -6.632812 4.78125 -6.71875 C 4.34375 -6.8125 3.953125 -6.925781 3.609375 -7.0625 C 3.265625 -7.207031 2.988281 -7.390625 2.78125 -7.609375 C 2.570312 -7.828125 2.46875 -8.113281 2.46875 -8.46875 C 2.46875 -8.84375 2.535156 -9.15625 2.671875 -9.40625 C 2.816406 -9.65625 3.007812 -9.851562 3.25 -10 C 3.488281 -10.144531 3.765625 -10.25 4.078125 -10.3125 C 4.390625 -10.382812 4.707031 -10.421875 5.03125 -10.421875 C 5.8125 -10.421875 6.457031 -10.234375 6.96875 -9.859375 C 7.476562 -9.492188 7.773438 -8.898438 7.859375 -8.078125 Z M 7.859375 -8.078125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-2"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 4.265625 1.109375 C 4.109375 1.515625 3.953125 1.851562 3.796875 2.125 C 3.640625 2.40625 3.46875 2.632812 3.28125 2.8125 C 3.101562 2.988281 2.894531 3.113281 2.65625 3.1875 C 2.425781 3.269531 2.164062 3.3125 1.875 3.3125 C 1.707031 3.3125 1.546875 3.300781 1.390625 3.28125 C 1.234375 3.257812 1.078125 3.222656 0.921875 3.171875 L 0.921875 1.921875 C 1.046875 1.972656 1.179688 2.015625 1.328125 2.046875 C 1.484375 2.085938 1.617188 2.109375 1.734375 2.109375 C 2.003906 2.109375 2.234375 2.039062 2.421875 1.90625 C 2.609375 1.78125 2.75 1.59375 2.84375 1.34375 L 3.40625 -0.046875 L 0.125 -8.265625 L 1.65625 -8.265625 L 4.078125 -1.5 L 4.109375 -1.5 L 6.4375 -8.265625 L 7.875 -8.265625 Z M 4.265625 1.109375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-3"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.03125 -8.265625 L 1.03125 0 L 2.390625 0 L 2.390625 -4.671875 C 2.390625 -5.046875 2.4375 -5.390625 2.53125 -5.703125 C 2.632812 -6.015625 2.785156 -6.285156 2.984375 -6.515625 C 3.191406 -6.753906 3.445312 -6.9375 3.75 -7.0625 C 4.050781 -7.195312 4.410156 -7.265625 4.828125 -7.265625 C 5.347656 -7.265625 5.757812 -7.113281 6.0625 -6.8125 C 6.363281 -6.519531 6.515625 -6.113281 6.515625 -5.59375 L 6.515625 0 L 7.875 0 L 7.875 -5.4375 C 7.875 -5.882812 7.828125 -6.289062 7.734375 -6.65625 C 7.640625 -7.03125 7.476562 -7.347656 7.25 -7.609375 C 7.03125 -7.878906 6.738281 -8.085938 6.375 -8.234375 C 6.019531 -8.390625 5.570312 -8.46875 5.03125 -8.46875 C 3.800781 -8.46875 2.90625 -7.960938 2.34375 -6.953125 L 2.296875 -6.953125 L 2.296875 -8.265625 Z M 1.03125 -8.265625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-4"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 6.640625 -5.609375 L 8.046875 -5.609375 C 7.992188 -6.109375 7.863281 -6.535156 7.65625 -6.890625 C 7.457031 -7.242188 7.203125 -7.535156 6.890625 -7.765625 C 6.578125 -8.003906 6.210938 -8.179688 5.796875 -8.296875 C 5.390625 -8.410156 4.953125 -8.46875 4.484375 -8.46875 C 3.828125 -8.46875 3.253906 -8.351562 2.765625 -8.125 C 2.273438 -7.894531 1.867188 -7.578125 1.546875 -7.171875 C 1.222656 -6.773438 0.976562 -6.304688 0.8125 -5.765625 C 0.65625 -5.222656 0.578125 -4.644531 0.578125 -4.03125 C 0.578125 -3.414062 0.660156 -2.847656 0.828125 -2.328125 C 0.992188 -1.804688 1.238281 -1.359375 1.5625 -0.984375 C 1.882812 -0.617188 2.285156 -0.332031 2.765625 -0.125 C 3.253906 0.0703125 3.816406 0.171875 4.453125 0.171875 C 5.503906 0.171875 6.335938 -0.101562 6.953125 -0.65625 C 7.566406 -1.207031 7.945312 -2 8.09375 -3.03125 L 6.703125 -3.03125 C 6.617188 -2.382812 6.382812 -1.882812 6 -1.53125 C 5.625 -1.1875 5.101562 -1.015625 4.4375 -1.015625 C 4.007812 -1.015625 3.640625 -1.097656 3.328125 -1.265625 C 3.015625 -1.429688 2.757812 -1.65625 2.5625 -1.9375 C 2.375 -2.226562 2.234375 -2.550781 2.140625 -2.90625 C 2.054688 -3.269531 2.015625 -3.644531 2.015625 -4.03125 C 2.015625 -4.445312 2.054688 -4.847656 2.140625 -5.234375 C 2.222656 -5.628906 2.363281 -5.972656 2.5625 -6.265625 C 2.757812 -6.566406 3.023438 -6.804688 3.359375 -6.984375 C 3.691406 -7.171875 4.101562 -7.265625 4.59375 -7.265625 C 5.164062 -7.265625 5.625 -7.117188 5.96875 -6.828125 C 6.3125 -6.546875 6.535156 -6.140625 6.640625 -5.609375 Z M 6.640625 -5.609375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-5"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.03125 -11.421875 L 1.03125 0 L 2.390625 0 L 2.390625 -4.671875 C 2.390625 -5.046875 2.4375 -5.390625 2.53125 -5.703125 C 2.632812 -6.015625 2.785156 -6.285156 2.984375 -6.515625 C 3.191406 -6.753906 3.445312 -6.9375 3.75 -7.0625 C 4.050781 -7.195312 4.410156 -7.265625 4.828125 -7.265625 C 5.347656 -7.265625 5.757812 -7.113281 6.0625 -6.8125 C 6.363281 -6.519531 6.515625 -6.113281 6.515625 -5.59375 L 6.515625 0 L 7.875 0 L 7.875 -5.4375 C 7.875 -5.882812 7.828125 -6.289062 7.734375 -6.65625 C 7.640625 -7.03125 7.476562 -7.347656 7.25 -7.609375 C 7.03125 -7.878906 6.738281 -8.085938 6.375 -8.234375 C 6.019531 -8.390625 5.570312 -8.46875 5.03125 -8.46875 C 4.78125 -8.46875 4.523438 -8.4375 4.265625 -8.375 C 4.003906 -8.320312 3.753906 -8.238281 3.515625 -8.125 C 3.273438 -8.019531 3.054688 -7.878906 2.859375 -7.703125 C 2.671875 -7.523438 2.523438 -7.3125 2.421875 -7.0625 L 2.390625 -7.0625 L 2.390625 -11.421875 Z M 1.03125 -11.421875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-6"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.96875 -8.265625 L 0.96875 0 L 2.34375 0 L 2.34375 -3.6875 C 2.34375 -4.21875 2.394531 -4.6875 2.5 -5.09375 C 2.601562 -5.507812 2.769531 -5.859375 3 -6.140625 C 3.238281 -6.429688 3.550781 -6.648438 3.9375 -6.796875 C 4.320312 -6.953125 4.785156 -7.03125 5.328125 -7.03125 L 5.328125 -8.46875 C 4.585938 -8.488281 3.976562 -8.335938 3.5 -8.015625 C 3.019531 -7.691406 2.613281 -7.195312 2.28125 -6.53125 L 2.25 -6.53125 L 2.25 -8.265625 Z M 0.96875 -8.265625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-7"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.015625 -4.125 C 2.015625 -4.625 2.082031 -5.066406 2.21875 -5.453125 C 2.351562 -5.847656 2.535156 -6.175781 2.765625 -6.4375 C 3.003906 -6.707031 3.28125 -6.910156 3.59375 -7.046875 C 3.90625 -7.191406 4.238281 -7.265625 4.59375 -7.265625 C 4.945312 -7.265625 5.28125 -7.191406 5.59375 -7.046875 C 5.90625 -6.910156 6.175781 -6.707031 6.40625 -6.4375 C 6.644531 -6.175781 6.832031 -5.847656 6.96875 -5.453125 C 7.101562 -5.066406 7.171875 -4.625 7.171875 -4.125 C 7.171875 -3.625 7.101562 -3.175781 6.96875 -2.78125 C 6.832031 -2.394531 6.644531 -2.070312 6.40625 -1.8125 C 6.175781 -1.550781 5.90625 -1.351562 5.59375 -1.21875 C 5.28125 -1.082031 4.945312 -1.015625 4.59375 -1.015625 C 4.238281 -1.015625 3.90625 -1.082031 3.59375 -1.21875 C 3.28125 -1.351562 3.003906 -1.550781 2.765625 -1.8125 C 2.535156 -2.070312 2.351562 -2.394531 2.21875 -2.78125 C 2.082031 -3.175781 2.015625 -3.625 2.015625 -4.125 Z M 0.578125 -4.125 C 0.578125 -3.519531 0.660156 -2.953125 0.828125 -2.421875 C 1.003906 -1.898438 1.257812 -1.445312 1.59375 -1.0625 C 1.9375 -0.675781 2.359375 -0.375 2.859375 -0.15625 C 3.359375 0.0625 3.9375 0.171875 4.59375 0.171875 C 5.25 0.171875 5.828125 0.0625 6.328125 -0.15625 C 6.828125 -0.375 7.242188 -0.675781 7.578125 -1.0625 C 7.921875 -1.445312 8.175781 -1.898438 8.34375 -2.421875 C 8.519531 -2.953125 8.609375 -3.519531 8.609375 -4.125 C 8.609375 -4.738281 8.519531 -5.304688 8.34375 -5.828125 C 8.175781 -6.359375 7.921875 -6.816406 7.578125 -7.203125 C 7.242188 -7.597656 6.828125 -7.90625 6.328125 -8.125 C 5.828125 -8.351562 5.25 -8.46875 4.59375 -8.46875 C 3.9375 -8.46875 3.359375 -8.351562 2.859375 -8.125 C 2.359375 -7.90625 1.9375 -7.597656 1.59375 -7.203125 C 1.257812 -6.816406 1.003906 -6.359375 0.828125 -5.828125 C 0.660156 -5.304688 0.578125 -4.738281 0.578125 -4.125 Z M 0.578125 -4.125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-8"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.46875 -9.765625 L 2.46875 -11.421875 L 1.109375 -11.421875 L 1.109375 -9.765625 Z M 1.109375 -8.265625 L 1.109375 0 L 2.46875 0 L 2.46875 -8.265625 Z M 1.109375 -8.265625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-9"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.359375 -1.046875 L 0.359375 0 L 7.328125 0 L 7.328125 -1.203125 L 2.046875 -1.203125 L 7.109375 -7.34375 L 7.109375 -8.265625 L 0.671875 -8.265625 L 0.671875 -7.078125 L 5.34375 -7.078125 Z M 0.359375 -1.046875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-10"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 6.765625 -4.921875 L 2.015625 -4.921875 C 2.035156 -5.242188 2.101562 -5.546875 2.21875 -5.828125 C 2.34375 -6.109375 2.503906 -6.351562 2.703125 -6.5625 C 2.910156 -6.78125 3.15625 -6.953125 3.4375 -7.078125 C 3.71875 -7.203125 4.035156 -7.265625 4.390625 -7.265625 C 4.722656 -7.265625 5.03125 -7.203125 5.3125 -7.078125 C 5.601562 -6.953125 5.851562 -6.785156 6.0625 -6.578125 C 6.269531 -6.367188 6.429688 -6.117188 6.546875 -5.828125 C 6.671875 -5.546875 6.742188 -5.242188 6.765625 -4.921875 Z M 8.078125 -2.625 L 6.734375 -2.625 C 6.617188 -2.082031 6.375 -1.675781 6 -1.40625 C 5.632812 -1.144531 5.164062 -1.015625 4.59375 -1.015625 C 4.144531 -1.015625 3.753906 -1.085938 3.421875 -1.234375 C 3.085938 -1.378906 2.8125 -1.578125 2.59375 -1.828125 C 2.382812 -2.078125 2.234375 -2.363281 2.140625 -2.6875 C 2.046875 -3.019531 2.003906 -3.367188 2.015625 -3.734375 L 8.203125 -3.734375 C 8.222656 -4.234375 8.175781 -4.757812 8.0625 -5.3125 C 7.957031 -5.863281 7.757812 -6.375 7.46875 -6.84375 C 7.175781 -7.3125 6.785156 -7.695312 6.296875 -8 C 5.804688 -8.3125 5.195312 -8.46875 4.46875 -8.46875 C 3.894531 -8.46875 3.367188 -8.359375 2.890625 -8.140625 C 2.421875 -7.929688 2.015625 -7.632812 1.671875 -7.25 C 1.328125 -6.863281 1.054688 -6.410156 0.859375 -5.890625 C 0.671875 -5.367188 0.578125 -4.789062 0.578125 -4.15625 C 0.597656 -3.53125 0.691406 -2.945312 0.859375 -2.40625 C 1.023438 -1.875 1.269531 -1.414062 1.59375 -1.03125 C 1.925781 -0.65625 2.332031 -0.359375 2.8125 -0.140625 C 3.300781 0.0664062 3.878906 0.171875 4.546875 0.171875 C 5.484375 0.171875 6.257812 -0.0625 6.875 -0.53125 C 7.5 -1 7.898438 -1.695312 8.078125 -2.625 Z M 8.078125 -2.625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-11"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.015625 -4.0625 C 2.015625 -4.46875 2.054688 -4.863281 2.140625 -5.25 C 2.222656 -5.632812 2.359375 -5.972656 2.546875 -6.265625 C 2.742188 -6.566406 3.003906 -6.804688 3.328125 -6.984375 C 3.648438 -7.171875 4.039062 -7.265625 4.5 -7.265625 C 4.96875 -7.265625 5.363281 -7.175781 5.6875 -7 C 6.019531 -6.820312 6.289062 -6.585938 6.5 -6.296875 C 6.707031 -6.015625 6.859375 -5.679688 6.953125 -5.296875 C 7.054688 -4.921875 7.109375 -4.53125 7.109375 -4.125 C 7.109375 -3.738281 7.0625 -3.359375 6.96875 -2.984375 C 6.875 -2.617188 6.722656 -2.285156 6.515625 -1.984375 C 6.316406 -1.691406 6.054688 -1.457031 5.734375 -1.28125 C 5.421875 -1.101562 5.035156 -1.015625 4.578125 -1.015625 C 4.140625 -1.015625 3.753906 -1.097656 3.421875 -1.265625 C 3.097656 -1.429688 2.832031 -1.660156 2.625 -1.953125 C 2.414062 -2.242188 2.257812 -2.570312 2.15625 -2.9375 C 2.0625 -3.300781 2.015625 -3.675781 2.015625 -4.0625 Z M 8.421875 0 L 8.421875 -11.421875 L 7.0625 -11.421875 L 7.0625 -7.171875 L 7.03125 -7.171875 C 6.875 -7.410156 6.6875 -7.613281 6.46875 -7.78125 C 6.25 -7.945312 6.015625 -8.082031 5.765625 -8.1875 C 5.523438 -8.289062 5.28125 -8.363281 5.03125 -8.40625 C 4.789062 -8.445312 4.566406 -8.46875 4.359375 -8.46875 C 3.722656 -8.46875 3.164062 -8.351562 2.6875 -8.125 C 2.21875 -7.894531 1.828125 -7.582031 1.515625 -7.1875 C 1.203125 -6.800781 0.96875 -6.347656 0.8125 -5.828125 C 0.65625 -5.304688 0.578125 -4.75 0.578125 -4.15625 C 0.578125 -3.570312 0.65625 -3.019531 0.8125 -2.5 C 0.976562 -1.976562 1.21875 -1.519531 1.53125 -1.125 C 1.84375 -0.726562 2.234375 -0.410156 2.703125 -0.171875 C 3.179688 0.0546875 3.742188 0.171875 4.390625 0.171875 C 4.960938 0.171875 5.488281 0.0703125 5.96875 -0.125 C 6.445312 -0.332031 6.800781 -0.664062 7.03125 -1.125 L 7.0625 -1.125 L 7.0625 0 Z M 8.421875 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-12"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d=""/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-13"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 7.203125 -3.265625 L 6.40625 -2.34375 L 7.65625 -1.328125 C 7.144531 -1.117188 6.617188 -1.015625 6.078125 -1.015625 C 5.390625 -1.015625 4.789062 -1.148438 4.28125 -1.421875 C 3.78125 -1.691406 3.367188 -2.050781 3.046875 -2.5 C 2.734375 -2.945312 2.5 -3.445312 2.34375 -4 C 2.195312 -4.5625 2.125 -5.132812 2.125 -5.71875 C 2.125 -6.289062 2.195312 -6.851562 2.34375 -7.40625 C 2.5 -7.96875 2.734375 -8.472656 3.046875 -8.921875 C 3.367188 -9.367188 3.78125 -9.726562 4.28125 -10 C 4.789062 -10.28125 5.390625 -10.421875 6.078125 -10.421875 C 6.773438 -10.421875 7.375 -10.28125 7.875 -10 C 8.375 -9.726562 8.78125 -9.367188 9.09375 -8.921875 C 9.414062 -8.472656 9.648438 -7.96875 9.796875 -7.40625 C 9.953125 -6.851562 10.03125 -6.289062 10.03125 -5.71875 C 10.03125 -5.007812 9.921875 -4.332031 9.703125 -3.6875 C 9.492188 -3.039062 9.164062 -2.492188 8.71875 -2.046875 Z M 10.5625 0.96875 L 11.328125 0.015625 L 9.828125 -1.171875 C 10.398438 -1.742188 10.828125 -2.425781 11.109375 -3.21875 C 11.398438 -4.007812 11.546875 -4.84375 11.546875 -5.71875 C 11.546875 -6.488281 11.429688 -7.234375 11.203125 -7.953125 C 10.972656 -8.679688 10.628906 -9.320312 10.171875 -9.875 C 9.710938 -10.425781 9.140625 -10.867188 8.453125 -11.203125 C 7.773438 -11.535156 6.984375 -11.703125 6.078125 -11.703125 C 5.171875 -11.703125 4.375 -11.535156 3.6875 -11.203125 C 3.007812 -10.867188 2.441406 -10.425781 1.984375 -9.875 C 1.523438 -9.320312 1.179688 -8.679688 0.953125 -7.953125 C 0.722656 -7.234375 0.609375 -6.488281 0.609375 -5.71875 C 0.609375 -4.9375 0.722656 -4.1875 0.953125 -3.46875 C 1.179688 -2.75 1.523438 -2.109375 1.984375 -1.546875 C 2.441406 -0.992188 3.007812 -0.554688 3.6875 -0.234375 C 4.375 0.0859375 5.171875 0.25 6.078125 0.25 C 7.128906 0.25 8.039062 0.0234375 8.8125 -0.421875 Z M 10.5625 0.96875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-14"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 7.875 0 L 7.875 -8.265625 L 6.515625 -8.265625 L 6.515625 -3.59375 C 6.515625 -3.226562 6.460938 -2.882812 6.359375 -2.5625 C 6.253906 -2.25 6.097656 -1.972656 5.890625 -1.734375 C 5.691406 -1.503906 5.441406 -1.328125 5.140625 -1.203125 C 4.835938 -1.078125 4.476562 -1.015625 4.0625 -1.015625 C 3.539062 -1.015625 3.128906 -1.160156 2.828125 -1.453125 C 2.535156 -1.753906 2.390625 -2.160156 2.390625 -2.671875 L 2.390625 -8.265625 L 1.03125 -8.265625 L 1.03125 -2.828125 C 1.03125 -2.378906 1.070312 -1.972656 1.15625 -1.609375 C 1.25 -1.242188 1.40625 -0.925781 1.625 -0.65625 C 1.851562 -0.382812 2.148438 -0.175781 2.515625 -0.03125 C 2.878906 0.101562 3.332031 0.171875 3.875 0.171875 C 4.476562 0.171875 5.003906 0.0507812 5.453125 -0.1875 C 5.898438 -0.425781 6.269531 -0.800781 6.5625 -1.3125 L 6.59375 -1.3125 L 6.59375 0 Z M 7.875 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-15"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.765625 -5.953125 L 2.765625 -10.140625 L 5.75 -10.140625 C 6.613281 -10.140625 7.242188 -9.960938 7.640625 -9.609375 C 8.035156 -9.253906 8.234375 -8.734375 8.234375 -8.046875 C 8.234375 -7.367188 8.035156 -6.847656 7.640625 -6.484375 C 7.242188 -6.117188 6.613281 -5.941406 5.75 -5.953125 Z M 1.25 -11.421875 L 1.25 0 L 2.765625 0 L 2.765625 -4.671875 L 6.25 -4.671875 C 7.40625 -4.660156 8.28125 -4.953125 8.875 -5.546875 C 9.46875 -6.148438 9.765625 -6.984375 9.765625 -8.046875 C 9.765625 -9.109375 9.46875 -9.9375 8.875 -10.53125 C 8.28125 -11.125 7.40625 -11.421875 6.25 -11.421875 Z M 1.25 -11.421875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-16"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.90625 -8.265625 L 2.90625 -10.75 L 1.546875 -10.75 L 1.546875 -8.265625 L 0.140625 -8.265625 L 0.140625 -7.078125 L 1.546875 -7.078125 L 1.546875 -1.8125 C 1.546875 -1.425781 1.582031 -1.113281 1.65625 -0.875 C 1.738281 -0.644531 1.851562 -0.460938 2 -0.328125 C 2.15625 -0.203125 2.359375 -0.113281 2.609375 -0.0625 C 2.859375 -0.0195312 3.160156 0 3.515625 0 L 4.5625 0 L 4.5625 -1.203125 L 3.9375 -1.203125 C 3.71875 -1.203125 3.539062 -1.207031 3.40625 -1.21875 C 3.28125 -1.238281 3.175781 -1.273438 3.09375 -1.328125 C 3.019531 -1.378906 2.96875 -1.453125 2.9375 -1.546875 C 2.914062 -1.648438 2.90625 -1.78125 2.90625 -1.9375 L 2.90625 -7.078125 L 4.5625 -7.078125 L 4.5625 -8.265625 Z M 2.90625 -8.265625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-17"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.84375 -10.140625 L 3.84375 0 L 5.359375 0 L 5.359375 -10.140625 L 9.171875 -10.140625 L 9.171875 -11.421875 L 0.03125 -11.421875 L 0.03125 -10.140625 Z M 3.84375 -10.140625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-18"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 8.359375 -0.03125 C 8.117188 0.101562 7.789062 0.171875 7.375 0.171875 C 7.019531 0.171875 6.738281 0.0703125 6.53125 -0.125 C 6.320312 -0.320312 6.21875 -0.644531 6.21875 -1.09375 C 5.84375 -0.644531 5.40625 -0.320312 4.90625 -0.125 C 4.414062 0.0703125 3.882812 0.171875 3.3125 0.171875 C 2.9375 0.171875 2.582031 0.128906 2.25 0.046875 C 1.914062 -0.0351562 1.625 -0.164062 1.375 -0.34375 C 1.132812 -0.53125 0.941406 -0.769531 0.796875 -1.0625 C 0.648438 -1.351562 0.578125 -1.707031 0.578125 -2.125 C 0.578125 -2.59375 0.65625 -2.976562 0.8125 -3.28125 C 0.976562 -3.582031 1.191406 -3.820312 1.453125 -4 C 1.710938 -4.1875 2.007812 -4.328125 2.34375 -4.421875 C 2.675781 -4.523438 3.019531 -4.609375 3.375 -4.671875 C 3.75 -4.742188 4.101562 -4.796875 4.4375 -4.828125 C 4.769531 -4.867188 5.066406 -4.925781 5.328125 -5 C 5.585938 -5.070312 5.789062 -5.171875 5.9375 -5.296875 C 6.082031 -5.429688 6.15625 -5.628906 6.15625 -5.890625 C 6.15625 -6.191406 6.097656 -6.429688 5.984375 -6.609375 C 5.878906 -6.785156 5.738281 -6.921875 5.5625 -7.015625 C 5.382812 -7.117188 5.1875 -7.1875 4.96875 -7.21875 C 4.75 -7.25 4.53125 -7.265625 4.3125 -7.265625 C 3.738281 -7.265625 3.257812 -7.15625 2.875 -6.9375 C 2.488281 -6.71875 2.28125 -6.304688 2.25 -5.703125 L 0.890625 -5.703125 C 0.910156 -6.210938 1.015625 -6.640625 1.203125 -6.984375 C 1.398438 -7.335938 1.660156 -7.625 1.984375 -7.84375 C 2.304688 -8.0625 2.671875 -8.21875 3.078125 -8.3125 C 3.492188 -8.414062 3.9375 -8.46875 4.40625 -8.46875 C 4.769531 -8.46875 5.132812 -8.4375 5.5 -8.375 C 5.875 -8.320312 6.207031 -8.210938 6.5 -8.046875 C 6.800781 -7.890625 7.039062 -7.660156 7.21875 -7.359375 C 7.40625 -7.054688 7.5 -6.664062 7.5 -6.1875 L 7.5 -1.9375 C 7.5 -1.613281 7.515625 -1.378906 7.546875 -1.234375 C 7.585938 -1.085938 7.71875 -1.015625 7.9375 -1.015625 C 8.050781 -1.015625 8.191406 -1.039062 8.359375 -1.09375 Z M 6.140625 -4.265625 C 5.972656 -4.140625 5.75 -4.046875 5.46875 -3.984375 C 5.195312 -3.929688 4.90625 -3.882812 4.59375 -3.84375 C 4.289062 -3.8125 3.984375 -3.769531 3.671875 -3.71875 C 3.367188 -3.664062 3.09375 -3.585938 2.84375 -3.484375 C 2.601562 -3.378906 2.40625 -3.226562 2.25 -3.03125 C 2.09375 -2.832031 2.015625 -2.5625 2.015625 -2.21875 C 2.015625 -2 2.054688 -1.8125 2.140625 -1.65625 C 2.234375 -1.5 2.351562 -1.375 2.5 -1.28125 C 2.644531 -1.1875 2.8125 -1.117188 3 -1.078125 C 3.195312 -1.035156 3.398438 -1.015625 3.609375 -1.015625 C 4.054688 -1.015625 4.441406 -1.070312 4.765625 -1.1875 C 5.085938 -1.3125 5.347656 -1.46875 5.546875 -1.65625 C 5.753906 -1.84375 5.90625 -2.046875 6 -2.265625 C 6.09375 -2.484375 6.140625 -2.6875 6.140625 -2.875 Z M 6.140625 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-5.972656 2.109375 -6.203125 C 2.109375 -6.421875 2.160156 -6.59375 2.265625 -6.71875 C 2.378906 -6.851562 2.519531 -6.960938 2.6875 -7.046875 C 2.851562 -7.128906 3.039062 -7.1875 3.25 -7.21875 C 3.457031 -7.25 3.664062 -7.265625 3.875 -7.265625 C 4.09375 -7.265625 4.3125 -7.238281 4.53125 -7.1875 C 4.75 -7.144531 4.945312 -7.066406 5.125 -6.953125 C 5.3125 -6.847656 5.460938 -6.707031 5.578125 -6.53125 C 5.703125 -6.351562 5.773438 -6.132812 5.796875 -5.875 L 7.15625 -5.875 C 7.125 -6.375 7.015625 -6.789062 6.828125 -7.125 C 6.648438 -7.457031 6.40625 -7.722656 6.09375 -7.921875 C 5.789062 -8.117188 5.441406 -8.257812 5.046875 -8.34375 C 4.660156 -8.425781 4.234375 -8.46875 3.765625 -8.46875 C 3.398438 -8.46875 3.03125 -8.421875 2.65625 -8.328125 C 2.289062 -8.234375 1.960938 -8.09375 1.671875 -7.90625 C 1.378906 -7.71875 1.140625 -7.472656 0.953125 -7.171875 C 0.765625 -6.878906 0.671875 -6.523438 0.671875 -6.109375 C 0.671875 -5.578125 0.800781 -5.160156 1.0625 -4.859375 C 1.332031 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-0.71875 6.21875 -0.71875 C 6.28125 -0.726562 6.347656 -0.738281 6.421875 -0.75 L 6.421875 0.03125 C 6.253906 0.0703125 6.125 0.0976562 6.03125 0.109375 C 5.945312 0.128906 5.832031 0.140625 5.6875 0.140625 C 5.320312 0.140625 5.0625 0.0078125 4.90625 -0.25 C 4.8125 -0.382812 4.75 -0.578125 4.71875 -0.828125 C 4.5 -0.546875 4.1875 -0.300781 3.78125 -0.09375 C 3.382812 0.113281 2.945312 0.21875 2.46875 0.21875 C 1.882812 0.21875 1.40625 0.0390625 1.03125 -0.3125 C 0.664062 -0.664062 0.484375 -1.109375 0.484375 -1.640625 C 0.484375 -2.222656 0.664062 -2.675781 1.03125 -3 C 1.394531 -3.320312 1.867188 -3.519531 2.453125 -3.59375 Z M 3.265625 -6.421875 Z M 3.265625 -6.421875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-3"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.984375 -8.03125 L 2.046875 -8.03125 L 2.046875 -6.28125 L 3.046875 -6.28125 L 3.046875 -5.421875 L 2.046875 -5.421875 L 2.046875 -1.3125 C 2.046875 -1.09375 2.125 -0.945312 2.28125 -0.875 C 2.351562 -0.832031 2.488281 -0.8125 2.6875 -0.8125 C 2.738281 -0.8125 2.789062 -0.8125 2.84375 -0.8125 C 2.90625 -0.820312 2.972656 -0.828125 3.046875 -0.828125 L 3.046875 0 C 2.929688 0.03125 2.804688 0.0507812 2.671875 0.0625 C 2.546875 0.0820312 2.40625 0.09375 2.25 0.09375 C 1.757812 0.09375 1.425781 -0.03125 1.25 -0.28125 C 1.070312 -0.53125 0.984375 -0.859375 0.984375 -1.265625 L 0.984375 -5.421875 L 0.140625 -5.421875 L 0.140625 -6.28125 L 0.984375 -6.28125 Z M 0.984375 -8.03125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-4"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.15625 -5.9375 L 1.15625 -6.75 C 1.914062 -6.820312 2.441406 -6.945312 2.734375 -7.125 C 3.035156 -7.300781 3.265625 -7.710938 3.421875 -8.359375 L 4.25 -8.359375 L 4.25 0 L 3.125 0 L 3.125 -5.9375 Z M 1.15625 -5.9375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-5"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.375 0 C 0.414062 -0.71875 0.566406 -1.34375 0.828125 -1.875 C 1.085938 -2.414062 1.59375 -2.90625 2.34375 -3.34375 L 3.46875 -4 C 3.96875 -4.289062 4.320312 -4.539062 4.53125 -4.75 C 4.851562 -5.070312 5.015625 -5.441406 5.015625 -5.859375 C 5.015625 -6.347656 4.863281 -6.734375 4.5625 -7.015625 C 4.269531 -7.304688 3.882812 -7.453125 3.40625 -7.453125 C 2.675781 -7.453125 2.175781 -7.179688 1.90625 -6.640625 C 1.75 -6.335938 1.664062 -5.929688 1.65625 -5.421875 L 0.578125 -5.421875 C 0.585938 -6.148438 0.722656 -6.742188 0.984375 -7.203125 C 1.441406 -8.015625 2.25 -8.421875 3.40625 -8.421875 C 4.363281 -8.421875 5.0625 -8.160156 5.5 -7.640625 C 5.945312 -7.117188 6.171875 -6.539062 6.171875 -5.90625 C 6.171875 -5.238281 5.9375 -4.664062 5.46875 -4.1875 C 5.195312 -3.90625 4.707031 -3.566406 4 -3.171875 L 3.1875 -2.734375 C 2.8125 -2.523438 2.515625 -2.320312 2.296875 -2.125 C 1.898438 -1.789062 1.648438 -1.414062 1.546875 -1 L 6.140625 -1 L 6.140625 0 Z M 0.375 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-6"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.125 0.234375 C 2.125 0.234375 1.398438 -0.0351562 0.953125 -0.578125 C 0.503906 -1.128906 0.28125 -1.796875 0.28125 -2.578125 L 1.390625 -2.578125 C 1.429688 -2.035156 1.53125 -1.640625 1.6875 -1.390625 C 1.96875 -0.953125 2.460938 -0.734375 3.171875 -0.734375 C 3.734375 -0.734375 4.179688 -0.878906 4.515625 -1.171875 C 4.847656 -1.472656 5.015625 -1.859375 5.015625 -2.328125 C 5.015625 -2.898438 4.835938 -3.300781 4.484375 -3.53125 C 4.128906 -3.769531 3.640625 -3.890625 3.015625 -3.890625 C 2.941406 -3.890625 2.867188 -3.882812 2.796875 -3.875 C 2.722656 -3.875 2.648438 -3.875 2.578125 -3.875 L 2.578125 -4.8125 C 2.691406 -4.789062 2.785156 -4.78125 2.859375 -4.78125 C 2.929688 -4.78125 3.007812 -4.78125 3.09375 -4.78125 C 3.488281 -4.78125 3.8125 -4.84375 4.0625 -4.96875 C 4.507812 -5.1875 4.734375 -5.578125 4.734375 -6.140625 C 4.734375 -6.554688 4.582031 -6.875 4.28125 -7.09375 C 3.988281 -7.320312 3.644531 -7.4375 3.25 -7.4375 C 2.550781 -7.4375 2.066406 -7.203125 1.796875 -6.734375 C 1.648438 -6.484375 1.566406 -6.117188 1.546875 -5.640625 L 0.5 -5.640625 C 0.5 -6.265625 0.625 -6.796875 0.875 -7.234375 C 1.300781 -8.015625 2.054688 -8.40625 3.140625 -8.40625 C 3.992188 -8.40625 4.65625 -8.210938 5.125 -7.828125 C 5.59375 -7.453125 5.828125 -6.898438 5.828125 -6.171875 C 5.828125 -5.660156 5.691406 -5.242188 5.421875 -4.921875 C 5.242188 -4.722656 5.019531 -4.566406 4.75 -4.453125 C 5.1875 -4.328125 5.53125 -4.09375 5.78125 -3.75 C 6.03125 -3.40625 6.15625 -2.984375 6.15625 -2.484375 C 6.15625 -1.679688 5.890625 -1.023438 5.359375 -0.515625 C 4.835938 -0.015625 4.09375 0.234375 3.125 0.234375 Z M 3.125 0.234375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-7"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.265625 -0.6875 C 3.960938 -0.6875 4.441406 -0.945312 4.703125 -1.46875 C 4.960938 -2 5.09375 -2.585938 5.09375 -3.234375 C 5.09375 -3.828125 5 -4.304688 4.8125 -4.671875 C 4.507812 -5.242188 4 -5.53125 3.28125 -5.53125 C 2.632812 -5.53125 2.164062 -5.285156 1.875 -4.796875 C 1.582031 -4.304688 1.4375 -3.710938 1.4375 -3.015625 C 1.4375 -2.347656 1.582031 -1.789062 1.875 -1.34375 C 2.164062 -0.90625 2.628906 -0.6875 3.265625 -0.6875 Z M 3.3125 -6.453125 C 4.113281 -6.453125 4.789062 -6.179688 5.34375 -5.640625 C 5.90625 -5.109375 6.1875 -4.316406 6.1875 -3.265625 C 6.1875 -2.253906 5.941406 -1.414062 5.453125 -0.75 C 4.960938 -0.09375 4.203125 0.234375 3.171875 0.234375 C 2.304688 0.234375 1.617188 -0.0546875 1.109375 -0.640625 C 0.597656 -1.234375 0.34375 -2.019531 0.34375 -3 C 0.34375 -4.050781 0.609375 -4.890625 1.140625 -5.515625 C 1.679688 -6.140625 2.40625 -6.453125 3.3125 -6.453125 Z M 3.265625 -6.421875 Z M 3.265625 -6.421875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-8"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.421875 -0.703125 C 3.910156 -0.703125 4.316406 -0.910156 4.640625 -1.328125 C 4.972656 -1.742188 5.140625 -2.359375 5.140625 -3.171875 C 5.140625 -3.671875 5.066406 -4.101562 4.921875 -4.46875 C 4.648438 -5.15625 4.148438 -5.5 3.421875 -5.5 C 2.691406 -5.5 2.191406 -5.132812 1.921875 -4.40625 C 1.773438 -4.019531 1.703125 -3.523438 1.703125 -2.921875 C 1.703125 -2.429688 1.773438 -2.019531 1.921875 -1.6875 C 2.191406 -1.03125 2.691406 -0.703125 3.421875 -0.703125 Z M 0.6875 -6.25 L 1.71875 -6.25 L 1.71875 -5.421875 C 1.925781 -5.703125 2.15625 -5.921875 2.40625 -6.078125 C 2.757812 -6.304688 3.175781 -6.421875 3.65625 -6.421875 C 4.375 -6.421875 4.976562 -6.148438 5.46875 -5.609375 C 5.96875 -5.066406 6.21875 -4.289062 6.21875 -3.28125 C 6.21875 -1.90625 5.859375 -0.925781 5.140625 -0.34375 C 4.691406 0.03125 4.164062 0.21875 3.5625 0.21875 C 3.09375 0.21875 2.695312 0.113281 2.375 -0.09375 C 2.1875 -0.21875 1.976562 -0.421875 1.75 -0.703125 L 1.75 2.5 L 0.6875 2.5 Z M 0.6875 -6.25 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-9"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.796875 -8.609375 L 1.859375 -8.609375 L 1.859375 0 L 0.796875 0 Z M 0.796875 -8.609375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-10"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.40625 -1.96875 C 1.4375 -1.613281 1.523438 -1.34375 1.671875 -1.15625 C 1.929688 -0.820312 2.390625 -0.65625 3.046875 -0.65625 C 3.441406 -0.65625 3.785156 -0.738281 4.078125 -0.90625 C 4.378906 -1.070312 4.53125 -1.332031 4.53125 -1.6875 C 4.53125 -1.957031 4.410156 -2.164062 4.171875 -2.3125 C 4.015625 -2.394531 3.710938 -2.492188 3.265625 -2.609375 L 2.421875 -2.8125 C 1.890625 -2.945312 1.5 -3.097656 1.25 -3.265625 C 0.789062 -3.546875 0.5625 -3.941406 0.5625 -4.453125 C 0.5625 -5.046875 0.773438 -5.523438 1.203125 -5.890625 C 1.628906 -6.253906 2.207031 -6.4375 2.9375 -6.4375 C 3.875 -6.4375 4.550781 -6.160156 4.96875 -5.609375 C 5.238281 -5.253906 5.367188 -4.875 5.359375 -4.46875 L 4.359375 -4.46875 C 4.335938 -4.707031 4.253906 -4.925781 4.109375 -5.125 C 3.867188 -5.394531 3.445312 -5.53125 2.84375 -5.53125 C 2.445312 -5.53125 2.144531 -5.453125 1.9375 -5.296875 C 1.738281 -5.148438 1.640625 -4.953125 1.640625 -4.703125 C 1.640625 -4.429688 1.773438 -4.210938 2.046875 -4.046875 C 2.203125 -3.953125 2.429688 -3.867188 2.734375 -3.796875 L 3.421875 -3.625 C 4.179688 -3.4375 4.691406 -3.257812 4.953125 -3.09375 C 5.359375 -2.820312 5.5625 -2.394531 5.5625 -1.8125 C 5.5625 -1.257812 5.347656 -0.78125 4.921875 -0.375 C 4.503906 0.03125 3.863281 0.234375 3 0.234375 C 2.0625 0.234375 1.394531 0.0234375 1 -0.390625 C 0.613281 -0.816406 0.410156 -1.34375 0.390625 -1.96875 Z M 2.953125 -6.421875 Z M 2.953125 -6.421875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-11"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.921875 -8.609375 L 2.296875 -8.609375 L 6.640625 -1.640625 L 6.640625 -8.609375 L 7.75 -8.609375 L 7.75 0 L 6.4375 0 L 2.03125 -6.96875 L 2.03125 0 L 0.921875 0 Z M 4.25 -8.609375 Z M 4.25 -8.609375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-12"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.1875 -8.609375 L 2.1875 -3.28125 C 2.1875 -2.65625 2.300781 -2.140625 2.53125 -1.734375 C 2.875 -1.109375 3.460938 -0.796875 4.296875 -0.796875 C 5.273438 -0.796875 5.945312 -1.132812 6.3125 -1.8125 C 6.5 -2.175781 6.59375 -2.664062 6.59375 -3.28125 L 6.59375 -8.609375 L 7.78125 -8.609375 L 7.78125 -3.78125 C 7.78125 -2.71875 7.632812 -1.898438 7.34375 -1.328125 C 6.820312 -0.285156 5.835938 0.234375 4.390625 0.234375 C 2.929688 0.234375 1.941406 -0.285156 1.421875 -1.328125 C 1.140625 -1.898438 1 -2.71875 1 -3.78125 L 1 -8.609375 Z M 4.390625 -8.609375 Z M 4.390625 -8.609375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-13"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.921875 -8.609375 L 2.078125 -8.609375 L 2.078125 -1.03125 L 6.4375 -1.03125 L 6.4375 0 L 0.921875 0 Z M 0.921875 -8.609375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-0"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 6.546875 -10.65625 L 1.625 -10.65625 L 1.625 -0.75 L 6.546875 -0.75 Z M 7.359375 -11.390625 L 7.359375 -0.015625 L 0.8125 -0.015625 L 0.8125 -11.390625 Z M 7.359375 -11.390625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-1"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 5.703125 0 L 5.703125 -11.34375 L 4.65625 -11.34375 C 4.582031 -10.914062 4.441406 -10.5625 4.234375 -10.28125 C 4.035156 -10.007812 3.789062 -9.789062 3.5 -9.625 C 3.207031 -9.46875 2.878906 -9.359375 2.515625 -9.296875 C 2.148438 -9.242188 1.773438 -9.21875 1.390625 -9.21875 L 1.390625 -8.125 L 4.34375 -8.125 L 4.34375 0 Z M 5.703125 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-2"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.109375 -6.5 L 3.109375 -8.265625 L 1.328125 -8.265625 L 1.328125 -6.5 Z M 1.328125 -1.78125 L 1.328125 0 L 3.109375 0 L 3.109375 -1.78125 Z M 1.328125 -1.78125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-3"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d=""/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-4"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 6.640625 -5.609375 L 8.046875 -5.609375 C 7.992188 -6.109375 7.863281 -6.535156 7.65625 -6.890625 C 7.457031 -7.242188 7.203125 -7.535156 6.890625 -7.765625 C 6.578125 -8.003906 6.210938 -8.179688 5.796875 -8.296875 C 5.390625 -8.410156 4.953125 -8.46875 4.484375 -8.46875 C 3.828125 -8.46875 3.253906 -8.351562 2.765625 -8.125 C 2.273438 -7.894531 1.867188 -7.578125 1.546875 -7.171875 C 1.222656 -6.773438 0.976562 -6.304688 0.8125 -5.765625 C 0.65625 -5.222656 0.578125 -4.644531 0.578125 -4.03125 C 0.578125 -3.414062 0.660156 -2.847656 0.828125 -2.328125 C 0.992188 -1.804688 1.238281 -1.359375 1.5625 -0.984375 C 1.882812 -0.617188 2.285156 -0.332031 2.765625 -0.125 C 3.253906 0.0703125 3.816406 0.171875 4.453125 0.171875 C 5.503906 0.171875 6.335938 -0.101562 6.953125 -0.65625 C 7.566406 -1.207031 7.945312 -2 8.09375 -3.03125 L 6.703125 -3.03125 C 6.617188 -2.382812 6.382812 -1.882812 6 -1.53125 C 5.625 -1.1875 5.101562 -1.015625 4.4375 -1.015625 C 4.007812 -1.015625 3.640625 -1.097656 3.328125 -1.265625 C 3.015625 -1.429688 2.757812 -1.65625 2.5625 -1.9375 C 2.375 -2.226562 2.234375 -2.550781 2.140625 -2.90625 C 2.054688 -3.269531 2.015625 -3.644531 2.015625 -4.03125 C 2.015625 -4.445312 2.054688 -4.847656 2.140625 -5.234375 C 2.222656 -5.628906 2.363281 -5.972656 2.5625 -6.265625 C 2.757812 -6.566406 3.023438 -6.804688 3.359375 -6.984375 C 3.691406 -7.171875 4.101562 -7.265625 4.59375 -7.265625 C 5.164062 -7.265625 5.625 -7.117188 5.96875 -6.828125 C 6.3125 -6.546875 6.535156 -6.140625 6.640625 -5.609375 Z M 6.640625 -5.609375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-5"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 8.359375 -0.03125 C 8.117188 0.101562 7.789062 0.171875 7.375 0.171875 C 7.019531 0.171875 6.738281 0.0703125 6.53125 -0.125 C 6.320312 -0.320312 6.21875 -0.644531 6.21875 -1.09375 C 5.84375 -0.644531 5.40625 -0.320312 4.90625 -0.125 C 4.414062 0.0703125 3.882812 0.171875 3.3125 0.171875 C 2.9375 0.171875 2.582031 0.128906 2.25 0.046875 C 1.914062 -0.0351562 1.625 -0.164062 1.375 -0.34375 C 1.132812 -0.53125 0.941406 -0.769531 0.796875 -1.0625 C 0.648438 -1.351562 0.578125 -1.707031 0.578125 -2.125 C 0.578125 -2.59375 0.65625 -2.976562 0.8125 -3.28125 C 0.976562 -3.582031 1.191406 -3.820312 1.453125 -4 C 1.710938 -4.1875 2.007812 -4.328125 2.34375 -4.421875 C 2.675781 -4.523438 3.019531 -4.609375 3.375 -4.671875 C 3.75 -4.742188 4.101562 -4.796875 4.4375 -4.828125 C 4.769531 -4.867188 5.066406 -4.925781 5.328125 -5 C 5.585938 -5.070312 5.789062 -5.171875 5.9375 -5.296875 C 6.082031 -5.429688 6.15625 -5.628906 6.15625 -5.890625 C 6.15625 -6.191406 6.097656 -6.429688 5.984375 -6.609375 C 5.878906 -6.785156 5.738281 -6.921875 5.5625 -7.015625 C 5.382812 -7.117188 5.1875 -7.1875 4.96875 -7.21875 C 4.75 -7.25 4.53125 -7.265625 4.3125 -7.265625 C 3.738281 -7.265625 3.257812 -7.15625 2.875 -6.9375 C 2.488281 -6.71875 2.28125 -6.304688 2.25 -5.703125 L 0.890625 -5.703125 C 0.910156 -6.210938 1.015625 -6.640625 1.203125 -6.984375 C 1.398438 -7.335938 1.660156 -7.625 1.984375 -7.84375 C 2.304688 -8.0625 2.671875 -8.21875 3.078125 -8.3125 C 3.492188 -8.414062 3.9375 -8.46875 4.40625 -8.46875 C 4.769531 -8.46875 5.132812 -8.4375 5.5 -8.375 C 5.875 -8.320312 6.207031 -8.210938 6.5 -8.046875 C 6.800781 -7.890625 7.039062 -7.660156 7.21875 -7.359375 C 7.40625 -7.054688 7.5 -6.664062 7.5 -6.1875 L 7.5 -1.9375 C 7.5 -1.613281 7.515625 -1.378906 7.546875 -1.234375 C 7.585938 -1.085938 7.71875 -1.015625 7.9375 -1.015625 C 8.050781 -1.015625 8.191406 -1.039062 8.359375 -1.09375 Z M 6.140625 -4.265625 C 5.972656 -4.140625 5.75 -4.046875 5.46875 -3.984375 C 5.195312 -3.929688 4.90625 -3.882812 4.59375 -3.84375 C 4.289062 -3.8125 3.984375 -3.769531 3.671875 -3.71875 C 3.367188 -3.664062 3.09375 -3.585938 2.84375 -3.484375 C 2.601562 -3.378906 2.40625 -3.226562 2.25 -3.03125 C 2.09375 -2.832031 2.015625 -2.5625 2.015625 -2.21875 C 2.015625 -2 2.054688 -1.8125 2.140625 -1.65625 C 2.234375 -1.5 2.351562 -1.375 2.5 -1.28125 C 2.644531 -1.1875 2.8125 -1.117188 3 -1.078125 C 3.195312 -1.035156 3.398438 -1.015625 3.609375 -1.015625 C 4.054688 -1.015625 4.441406 -1.070312 4.765625 -1.1875 C 5.085938 -1.3125 5.347656 -1.46875 5.546875 -1.65625 C 5.753906 -1.84375 5.90625 -2.046875 6 -2.265625 C 6.09375 -2.484375 6.140625 -2.6875 6.140625 -2.875 Z M 6.140625 -4.265625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-6"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.859375 -2.609375 L 0.5 -2.609375 C 0.519531 -2.097656 0.625 -1.660156 0.8125 -1.296875 C 1.007812 -0.941406 1.265625 -0.65625 1.578125 -0.4375 C 1.898438 -0.21875 2.269531 -0.0625 2.6875 0.03125 C 3.101562 0.125 3.539062 0.171875 4 0.171875 C 4.414062 0.171875 4.832031 0.128906 5.25 0.046875 C 5.675781 -0.0234375 6.054688 -0.160156 6.390625 -0.359375 C 6.722656 -0.566406 6.992188 -0.832031 7.203125 -1.15625 C 7.410156 -1.488281 7.515625 -1.910156 7.515625 -2.421875 C 7.515625 -2.816406 7.4375 -3.144531 7.28125 -3.40625 C 7.132812 -3.675781 6.929688 -3.898438 6.671875 -4.078125 C 6.421875 -4.253906 6.132812 -4.394531 5.8125 -4.5 C 5.488281 -4.601562 5.15625 -4.691406 4.8125 -4.765625 C 4.5 -4.835938 4.179688 -4.910156 3.859375 -4.984375 C 3.535156 -5.054688 3.242188 -5.140625 2.984375 -5.234375 C 2.734375 -5.335938 2.523438 -5.46875 2.359375 -5.625 C 2.191406 -5.78125 2.109375 -5.972656 2.109375 -6.203125 C 2.109375 -6.421875 2.160156 -6.59375 2.265625 -6.71875 C 2.378906 -6.851562 2.519531 -6.960938 2.6875 -7.046875 C 2.851562 -7.128906 3.039062 -7.1875 3.25 -7.21875 C 3.457031 -7.25 3.664062 -7.265625 3.875 -7.265625 C 4.09375 -7.265625 4.3125 -7.238281 4.53125 -7.1875 C 4.75 -7.144531 4.945312 -7.066406 5.125 -6.953125 C 5.3125 -6.847656 5.460938 -6.707031 5.578125 -6.53125 C 5.703125 -6.351562 5.773438 -6.132812 5.796875 -5.875 L 7.15625 -5.875 C 7.125 -6.375 7.015625 -6.789062 6.828125 -7.125 C 6.648438 -7.457031 6.40625 -7.722656 6.09375 -7.921875 C 5.789062 -8.117188 5.441406 -8.257812 5.046875 -8.34375 C 4.660156 -8.425781 4.234375 -8.46875 3.765625 -8.46875 C 3.398438 -8.46875 3.03125 -8.421875 2.65625 -8.328125 C 2.289062 -8.234375 1.960938 -8.09375 1.671875 -7.90625 C 1.378906 -7.71875 1.140625 -7.472656 0.953125 -7.171875 C 0.765625 -6.878906 0.671875 -6.523438 0.671875 -6.109375 C 0.671875 -5.578125 0.800781 -5.160156 1.0625 -4.859375 C 1.332031 -4.566406 1.664062 -4.335938 2.0625 -4.171875 C 2.46875 -4.003906 2.90625 -3.875 3.375 -3.78125 C 3.84375 -3.6875 4.273438 -3.582031 4.671875 -3.46875 C 5.078125 -3.363281 5.410156 -3.21875 5.671875 -3.03125 C 5.941406 -2.851562 6.078125 -2.585938 6.078125 -2.234375 C 6.078125 -1.984375 6.015625 -1.773438 5.890625 -1.609375 C 5.765625 -1.441406 5.601562 -1.316406 5.40625 -1.234375 C 5.207031 -1.148438 4.988281 -1.09375 4.75 -1.0625 C 4.519531 -1.03125 4.296875 -1.015625 4.078125 -1.015625 C 3.796875 -1.015625 3.523438 -1.039062 3.265625 -1.09375 C 3.003906 -1.144531 2.769531 -1.226562 2.5625 -1.34375 C 2.351562 -1.46875 2.1875 -1.632812 2.0625 -1.84375 C 1.9375 -2.050781 1.867188 -2.304688 1.859375 -2.609375 Z M 1.859375 -2.609375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-7"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.265625 3.15625 L 4.296875 3.15625 C 3.546875 1.925781 3.003906 0.710938 2.671875 -0.484375 C 2.347656 -1.691406 2.1875 -2.96875 2.1875 -4.3125 C 2.1875 -5.625 2.347656 -6.878906 2.671875 -8.078125 C 2.992188 -9.273438 3.535156 -10.484375 4.296875 -11.703125 L 3.265625 -11.703125 C 2.429688 -10.597656 1.800781 -9.40625 1.375 -8.125 C 0.957031 -6.84375 0.75 -5.570312 0.75 -4.3125 C 0.75 -3.613281 0.804688 -2.941406 0.921875 -2.296875 C 1.046875 -1.660156 1.21875 -1.035156 1.4375 -0.421875 C 1.65625 0.179688 1.914062 0.773438 2.21875 1.359375 C 2.53125 1.953125 2.878906 2.550781 3.265625 3.15625 Z M 3.265625 3.15625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-8"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 4.40625 -7.03125 C 4.269531 -7.1875 4.140625 -7.34375 4.015625 -7.5 C 3.890625 -7.664062 3.769531 -7.828125 3.65625 -7.984375 C 3.550781 -8.148438 3.460938 -8.316406 3.390625 -8.484375 C 3.328125 -8.660156 3.296875 -8.835938 3.296875 -9.015625 C 3.296875 -9.421875 3.429688 -9.722656 3.703125 -9.921875 C 3.984375 -10.117188 4.285156 -10.21875 4.609375 -10.21875 C 5.015625 -10.21875 5.332031 -10.097656 5.5625 -9.859375 C 5.800781 -9.617188 5.921875 -9.335938 5.921875 -9.015625 C 5.921875 -8.765625 5.867188 -8.539062 5.765625 -8.34375 C 5.671875 -8.144531 5.550781 -7.960938 5.40625 -7.796875 C 5.257812 -7.640625 5.09375 -7.5 4.90625 -7.375 C 4.726562 -7.25 4.5625 -7.132812 4.40625 -7.03125 Z M 7.328125 -1.421875 L 8.546875 0 L 10.3125 0 L 8.09375 -2.578125 C 8.207031 -2.828125 8.304688 -3.050781 8.390625 -3.25 C 8.484375 -3.445312 8.554688 -3.644531 8.609375 -3.84375 C 8.671875 -4.050781 8.71875 -4.273438 8.75 -4.515625 C 8.789062 -4.753906 8.828125 -5.046875 8.859375 -5.390625 L 7.5625 -5.390625 C 7.53125 -4.804688 7.410156 -4.210938 7.203125 -3.609375 L 5.140625 -6.125 C 5.410156 -6.289062 5.671875 -6.46875 5.921875 -6.65625 C 6.179688 -6.851562 6.410156 -7.078125 6.609375 -7.328125 C 6.816406 -7.578125 6.976562 -7.847656 7.09375 -8.140625 C 7.21875 -8.429688 7.28125 -8.75 7.28125 -9.09375 C 7.28125 -9.46875 7.203125 -9.800781 7.046875 -10.09375 C 6.890625 -10.394531 6.679688 -10.644531 6.421875 -10.84375 C 6.171875 -11.039062 5.878906 -11.1875 5.546875 -11.28125 C 5.210938 -11.375 4.867188 -11.421875 4.515625 -11.421875 C 4.097656 -11.421875 3.726562 -11.359375 3.40625 -11.234375 C 3.082031 -11.109375 2.8125 -10.9375 2.59375 -10.71875 C 2.375 -10.5 2.207031 -10.242188 2.09375 -9.953125 C 1.988281 -9.671875 1.9375 -9.378906 1.9375 -9.078125 C 1.9375 -8.785156 1.96875 -8.523438 2.03125 -8.296875 C 2.101562 -8.066406 2.203125 -7.847656 2.328125 -7.640625 C 2.453125 -7.429688 2.585938 -7.222656 2.734375 -7.015625 C 2.878906 -6.816406 3.035156 -6.609375 3.203125 -6.390625 C 2.835938 -6.191406 2.492188 -5.984375 2.171875 -5.765625 C 1.847656 -5.546875 1.5625 -5.300781 1.3125 -5.03125 C 1.070312 -4.757812 0.878906 -4.453125 0.734375 -4.109375 C 0.597656 -3.765625 0.53125 -3.367188 0.53125 -2.921875 C 0.53125 -2.691406 0.566406 -2.398438 0.640625 -2.046875 C 0.722656 -1.691406 0.890625 -1.347656 1.140625 -1.015625 C 1.398438 -0.691406 1.765625 -0.410156 2.234375 -0.171875 C 2.703125 0.0546875 3.320312 0.171875 4.09375 0.171875 C 4.726562 0.171875 5.335938 0.0390625 5.921875 -0.21875 C 6.515625 -0.488281 6.984375 -0.890625 7.328125 -1.421875 Z M 3.953125 -5.515625 L 6.578125 -2.375 C 6.296875 -1.957031 5.945312 -1.625 5.53125 -1.375 C 5.125 -1.132812 4.660156 -1.015625 4.140625 -1.015625 C 3.867188 -1.015625 3.597656 -1.0625 3.328125 -1.15625 C 3.066406 -1.25 2.835938 -1.378906 2.640625 -1.546875 C 2.441406 -1.710938 2.28125 -1.914062 2.15625 -2.15625 C 2.03125 -2.394531 1.96875 -2.65625 1.96875 -2.9375 C 1.96875 -3.28125 2.019531 -3.578125 2.125 -3.828125 C 2.226562 -4.078125 2.367188 -4.300781 2.546875 -4.5 C 2.734375 -4.707031 2.945312 -4.890625 3.1875 -5.046875 C 3.425781 -5.210938 3.679688 -5.367188 3.953125 -5.515625 Z M 3.953125 -5.515625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-9"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.90625 -8.265625 L 2.90625 -10.75 L 1.546875 -10.75 L 1.546875 -8.265625 L 0.140625 -8.265625 L 0.140625 -7.078125 L 1.546875 -7.078125 L 1.546875 -1.8125 C 1.546875 -1.425781 1.582031 -1.113281 1.65625 -0.875 C 1.738281 -0.644531 1.851562 -0.460938 2 -0.328125 C 2.15625 -0.203125 2.359375 -0.113281 2.609375 -0.0625 C 2.859375 -0.0195312 3.160156 0 3.515625 0 L 4.5625 0 L 4.5625 -1.203125 L 3.9375 -1.203125 C 3.71875 -1.203125 3.539062 -1.207031 3.40625 -1.21875 C 3.28125 -1.238281 3.175781 -1.273438 3.09375 -1.328125 C 3.019531 -1.378906 2.96875 -1.453125 2.9375 -1.546875 C 2.914062 -1.648438 2.90625 -1.78125 2.90625 -1.9375 L 2.90625 -7.078125 L 4.5625 -7.078125 L 4.5625 -8.265625 Z M 2.90625 -8.265625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-10"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.015625 -4.125 C 2.015625 -4.625 2.082031 -5.066406 2.21875 -5.453125 C 2.351562 -5.847656 2.535156 -6.175781 2.765625 -6.4375 C 3.003906 -6.707031 3.28125 -6.910156 3.59375 -7.046875 C 3.90625 -7.191406 4.238281 -7.265625 4.59375 -7.265625 C 4.945312 -7.265625 5.28125 -7.191406 5.59375 -7.046875 C 5.90625 -6.910156 6.175781 -6.707031 6.40625 -6.4375 C 6.644531 -6.175781 6.832031 -5.847656 6.96875 -5.453125 C 7.101562 -5.066406 7.171875 -4.625 7.171875 -4.125 C 7.171875 -3.625 7.101562 -3.175781 6.96875 -2.78125 C 6.832031 -2.394531 6.644531 -2.070312 6.40625 -1.8125 C 6.175781 -1.550781 5.90625 -1.351562 5.59375 -1.21875 C 5.28125 -1.082031 4.945312 -1.015625 4.59375 -1.015625 C 4.238281 -1.015625 3.90625 -1.082031 3.59375 -1.21875 C 3.28125 -1.351562 3.003906 -1.550781 2.765625 -1.8125 C 2.535156 -2.070312 2.351562 -2.394531 2.21875 -2.78125 C 2.082031 -3.175781 2.015625 -3.625 2.015625 -4.125 Z M 0.578125 -4.125 C 0.578125 -3.519531 0.660156 -2.953125 0.828125 -2.421875 C 1.003906 -1.898438 1.257812 -1.445312 1.59375 -1.0625 C 1.9375 -0.675781 2.359375 -0.375 2.859375 -0.15625 C 3.359375 0.0625 3.9375 0.171875 4.59375 0.171875 C 5.25 0.171875 5.828125 0.0625 6.328125 -0.15625 C 6.828125 -0.375 7.242188 -0.675781 7.578125 -1.0625 C 7.921875 -1.445312 8.175781 -1.898438 8.34375 -2.421875 C 8.519531 -2.953125 8.609375 -3.519531 8.609375 -4.125 C 8.609375 -4.738281 8.519531 -5.304688 8.34375 -5.828125 C 8.175781 -6.359375 7.921875 -6.816406 7.578125 -7.203125 C 7.242188 -7.597656 6.828125 -7.90625 6.328125 -8.125 C 5.828125 -8.351562 5.25 -8.46875 4.59375 -8.46875 C 3.9375 -8.46875 3.359375 -8.351562 2.859375 -8.125 C 2.359375 -7.90625 1.9375 -7.597656 1.59375 -7.203125 C 1.257812 -6.816406 1.003906 -6.359375 0.828125 -5.828125 C 0.660156 -5.304688 0.578125 -4.738281 0.578125 -4.125 Z M 0.578125 -4.125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-11"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.078125 -8.265625 L 1.078125 3.15625 L 2.4375 3.15625 L 2.4375 -1.109375 L 2.46875 -1.109375 C 2.613281 -0.859375 2.796875 -0.648438 3.015625 -0.484375 C 3.234375 -0.316406 3.460938 -0.1875 3.703125 -0.09375 C 3.953125 0 4.203125 0.0664062 4.453125 0.109375 C 4.703125 0.148438 4.929688 0.171875 5.140625 0.171875 C 5.765625 0.171875 6.3125 0.0625 6.78125 -0.15625 C 7.257812 -0.382812 7.65625 -0.691406 7.96875 -1.078125 C 8.289062 -1.460938 8.523438 -1.914062 8.671875 -2.4375 C 8.828125 -2.96875 8.90625 -3.523438 8.90625 -4.109375 C 8.90625 -4.691406 8.828125 -5.242188 8.671875 -5.765625 C 8.515625 -6.296875 8.273438 -6.757812 7.953125 -7.15625 C 7.640625 -7.5625 7.242188 -7.878906 6.765625 -8.109375 C 6.296875 -8.347656 5.742188 -8.46875 5.109375 -8.46875 C 4.523438 -8.46875 3.992188 -8.363281 3.515625 -8.15625 C 3.035156 -7.945312 2.6875 -7.613281 2.46875 -7.15625 L 2.4375 -7.15625 L 2.4375 -8.265625 Z M 7.46875 -4.203125 C 7.46875 -3.796875 7.425781 -3.398438 7.34375 -3.015625 C 7.257812 -2.640625 7.117188 -2.300781 6.921875 -2 C 6.734375 -1.695312 6.484375 -1.457031 6.171875 -1.28125 C 5.859375 -1.101562 5.460938 -1.015625 4.984375 -1.015625 C 4.515625 -1.015625 4.113281 -1.097656 3.78125 -1.265625 C 3.457031 -1.441406 3.191406 -1.675781 2.984375 -1.96875 C 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4.253906 -4.925781 4.109375 -5.125 C 3.867188 -5.394531 3.445312 -5.53125 2.84375 -5.53125 C 2.445312 -5.53125 2.144531 -5.453125 1.9375 -5.296875 C 1.738281 -5.148438 1.640625 -4.953125 1.640625 -4.703125 C 1.640625 -4.429688 1.773438 -4.210938 2.046875 -4.046875 C 2.203125 -3.953125 2.429688 -3.867188 2.734375 -3.796875 L 3.421875 -3.625 C 4.179688 -3.4375 4.691406 -3.257812 4.953125 -3.09375 C 5.359375 -2.820312 5.5625 -2.394531 5.5625 -1.8125 C 5.5625 -1.257812 5.347656 -0.78125 4.921875 -0.375 C 4.503906 0.03125 3.863281 0.234375 3 0.234375 C 2.0625 0.234375 1.394531 0.0234375 1 -0.390625 C 0.613281 -0.816406 0.410156 -1.34375 0.390625 -1.96875 Z M 2.953125 -6.421875 Z M 2.953125 -6.421875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-10"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.921875 -8.609375 L 2.296875 -8.609375 L 6.640625 -1.640625 L 6.640625 -8.609375 L 7.75 -8.609375 L 7.75 0 L 6.4375 0 L 2.03125 -6.96875 L 2.03125 0 L 0.921875 0 Z M 4.25 -8.609375 Z M 4.25 -8.609375 "/> 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2.421875 -3.875 C 2.066406 -3.613281 1.742188 -3.304688 1.453125 -2.953125 C 1.171875 -2.609375 0.9375 -2.195312 0.75 -1.71875 C 0.5625 -1.25 0.441406 -0.675781 0.390625 0 L 7.796875 0 L 7.796875 -1.203125 L 1.96875 -1.203125 C 2.03125 -1.554688 2.164062 -1.867188 2.375 -2.140625 C 2.582031 -2.410156 2.832031 -2.660156 3.125 -2.890625 C 3.414062 -3.128906 3.738281 -3.351562 4.09375 -3.5625 C 4.445312 -3.769531 4.800781 -3.976562 5.15625 -4.1875 C 5.507812 -4.414062 5.847656 -4.648438 6.171875 -4.890625 C 6.503906 -5.140625 6.796875 -5.414062 7.046875 -5.71875 C 7.304688 -6.019531 7.515625 -6.363281 7.671875 -6.75 C 7.828125 -7.132812 7.90625 -7.578125 7.90625 -8.078125 C 7.90625 -8.609375 7.8125 -9.078125 7.625 -9.484375 C 7.4375 -9.890625 7.179688 -10.226562 6.859375 -10.5 C 6.546875 -10.769531 6.171875 -10.976562 5.734375 -11.125 C 5.304688 -11.269531 4.847656 -11.34375 4.359375 -11.34375 C 3.753906 -11.34375 3.21875 -11.238281 2.75 -11.03125 C 2.28125 -10.832031 1.890625 -10.550781 1.578125 -10.1875 C 1.265625 -9.832031 1.03125 -9.410156 0.875 -8.921875 C 0.726562 -8.429688 0.671875 -7.898438 0.703125 -7.328125 Z M 0.703125 -7.328125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-2"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.109375 -6.5 L 3.109375 -8.265625 L 1.328125 -8.265625 L 1.328125 -6.5 Z M 1.328125 -1.78125 L 1.328125 0 L 3.109375 0 L 3.109375 -1.78125 Z M 1.328125 -1.78125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-3"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d=""/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-4"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 6.640625 -5.609375 L 8.046875 -5.609375 C 7.992188 -6.109375 7.863281 -6.535156 7.65625 -6.890625 C 7.457031 -7.242188 7.203125 -7.535156 6.890625 -7.765625 C 6.578125 -8.003906 6.210938 -8.179688 5.796875 -8.296875 C 5.390625 -8.410156 4.953125 -8.46875 4.484375 -8.46875 C 3.828125 -8.46875 3.253906 -8.351562 2.765625 -8.125 C 2.273438 -7.894531 1.867188 -7.578125 1.546875 -7.171875 C 1.222656 -6.773438 0.976562 -6.304688 0.8125 -5.765625 C 0.65625 -5.222656 0.578125 -4.644531 0.578125 -4.03125 C 0.578125 -3.414062 0.660156 -2.847656 0.828125 -2.328125 C 0.992188 -1.804688 1.238281 -1.359375 1.5625 -0.984375 C 1.882812 -0.617188 2.285156 -0.332031 2.765625 -0.125 C 3.253906 0.0703125 3.816406 0.171875 4.453125 0.171875 C 5.503906 0.171875 6.335938 -0.101562 6.953125 -0.65625 C 7.566406 -1.207031 7.945312 -2 8.09375 -3.03125 L 6.703125 -3.03125 C 6.617188 -2.382812 6.382812 -1.882812 6 -1.53125 C 5.625 -1.1875 5.101562 -1.015625 4.4375 -1.015625 C 4.007812 -1.015625 3.640625 -1.097656 3.328125 -1.265625 C 3.015625 -1.429688 2.757812 -1.65625 2.5625 -1.9375 C 2.375 -2.226562 2.234375 -2.550781 2.140625 -2.90625 C 2.054688 -3.269531 2.015625 -3.644531 2.015625 -4.03125 C 2.015625 -4.445312 2.054688 -4.847656 2.140625 -5.234375 C 2.222656 -5.628906 2.363281 -5.972656 2.5625 -6.265625 C 2.757812 -6.566406 3.023438 -6.804688 3.359375 -6.984375 C 3.691406 -7.171875 4.101562 -7.265625 4.59375 -7.265625 C 5.164062 -7.265625 5.625 -7.117188 5.96875 -6.828125 C 6.3125 -6.546875 6.535156 -6.140625 6.640625 -5.609375 Z M 6.640625 -5.609375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-5"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 8.359375 -0.03125 C 8.117188 0.101562 7.789062 0.171875 7.375 0.171875 C 7.019531 0.171875 6.738281 0.0703125 6.53125 -0.125 C 6.320312 -0.320312 6.21875 -0.644531 6.21875 -1.09375 C 5.84375 -0.644531 5.40625 -0.320312 4.90625 -0.125 C 4.414062 0.0703125 3.882812 0.171875 3.3125 0.171875 C 2.9375 0.171875 2.582031 0.128906 2.25 0.046875 C 1.914062 -0.0351562 1.625 -0.164062 1.375 -0.34375 C 1.132812 -0.53125 0.941406 -0.769531 0.796875 -1.0625 C 0.648438 -1.351562 0.578125 -1.707031 0.578125 -2.125 C 0.578125 -2.59375 0.65625 -2.976562 0.8125 -3.28125 C 0.976562 -3.582031 1.191406 -3.820312 1.453125 -4 C 1.710938 -4.1875 2.007812 -4.328125 2.34375 -4.421875 C 2.675781 -4.523438 3.019531 -4.609375 3.375 -4.671875 C 3.75 -4.742188 4.101562 -4.796875 4.4375 -4.828125 C 4.769531 -4.867188 5.066406 -4.925781 5.328125 -5 C 5.585938 -5.070312 5.789062 -5.171875 5.9375 -5.296875 C 6.082031 -5.429688 6.15625 -5.628906 6.15625 -5.890625 C 6.15625 -6.191406 6.097656 -6.429688 5.984375 -6.609375 C 5.878906 -6.785156 5.738281 -6.921875 5.5625 -7.015625 C 5.382812 -7.117188 5.1875 -7.1875 4.96875 -7.21875 C 4.75 -7.25 4.53125 -7.265625 4.3125 -7.265625 C 3.738281 -7.265625 3.257812 -7.15625 2.875 -6.9375 C 2.488281 -6.71875 2.28125 -6.304688 2.25 -5.703125 L 0.890625 -5.703125 C 0.910156 -6.210938 1.015625 -6.640625 1.203125 -6.984375 C 1.398438 -7.335938 1.660156 -7.625 1.984375 -7.84375 C 2.304688 -8.0625 2.671875 -8.21875 3.078125 -8.3125 C 3.492188 -8.414062 3.9375 -8.46875 4.40625 -8.46875 C 4.769531 -8.46875 5.132812 -8.4375 5.5 -8.375 C 5.875 -8.320312 6.207031 -8.210938 6.5 -8.046875 C 6.800781 -7.890625 7.039062 -7.660156 7.21875 -7.359375 C 7.40625 -7.054688 7.5 -6.664062 7.5 -6.1875 L 7.5 -1.9375 C 7.5 -1.613281 7.515625 -1.378906 7.546875 -1.234375 C 7.585938 -1.085938 7.71875 -1.015625 7.9375 -1.015625 C 8.050781 -1.015625 8.191406 -1.039062 8.359375 -1.09375 Z M 6.140625 -4.265625 C 5.972656 -4.140625 5.75 -4.046875 5.46875 -3.984375 C 5.195312 -3.929688 4.90625 -3.882812 4.59375 -3.84375 C 4.289062 -3.8125 3.984375 -3.769531 3.671875 -3.71875 C 3.367188 -3.664062 3.09375 -3.585938 2.84375 -3.484375 C 2.601562 -3.378906 2.40625 -3.226562 2.25 -3.03125 C 2.09375 -2.832031 2.015625 -2.5625 2.015625 -2.21875 C 2.015625 -2 2.054688 -1.8125 2.140625 -1.65625 C 2.234375 -1.5 2.351562 -1.375 2.5 -1.28125 C 2.644531 -1.1875 2.8125 -1.117188 3 -1.078125 C 3.195312 -1.035156 3.398438 -1.015625 3.609375 -1.015625 C 4.054688 -1.015625 4.441406 -1.070312 4.765625 -1.1875 C 5.085938 -1.3125 5.347656 -1.46875 5.546875 -1.65625 C 5.753906 -1.84375 5.90625 -2.046875 6 -2.265625 C 6.09375 -2.484375 6.140625 -2.6875 6.140625 -2.875 Z M 6.140625 -4.265625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-6"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.859375 -2.609375 L 0.5 -2.609375 C 0.519531 -2.097656 0.625 -1.660156 0.8125 -1.296875 C 1.007812 -0.941406 1.265625 -0.65625 1.578125 -0.4375 C 1.898438 -0.21875 2.269531 -0.0625 2.6875 0.03125 C 3.101562 0.125 3.539062 0.171875 4 0.171875 C 4.414062 0.171875 4.832031 0.128906 5.25 0.046875 C 5.675781 -0.0234375 6.054688 -0.160156 6.390625 -0.359375 C 6.722656 -0.566406 6.992188 -0.832031 7.203125 -1.15625 C 7.410156 -1.488281 7.515625 -1.910156 7.515625 -2.421875 C 7.515625 -2.816406 7.4375 -3.144531 7.28125 -3.40625 C 7.132812 -3.675781 6.929688 -3.898438 6.671875 -4.078125 C 6.421875 -4.253906 6.132812 -4.394531 5.8125 -4.5 C 5.488281 -4.601562 5.15625 -4.691406 4.8125 -4.765625 C 4.5 -4.835938 4.179688 -4.910156 3.859375 -4.984375 C 3.535156 -5.054688 3.242188 -5.140625 2.984375 -5.234375 C 2.734375 -5.335938 2.523438 -5.46875 2.359375 -5.625 C 2.191406 -5.78125 2.109375 -5.972656 2.109375 -6.203125 C 2.109375 -6.421875 2.160156 -6.59375 2.265625 -6.71875 C 2.378906 -6.851562 2.519531 -6.960938 2.6875 -7.046875 C 2.851562 -7.128906 3.039062 -7.1875 3.25 -7.21875 C 3.457031 -7.25 3.664062 -7.265625 3.875 -7.265625 C 4.09375 -7.265625 4.3125 -7.238281 4.53125 -7.1875 C 4.75 -7.144531 4.945312 -7.066406 5.125 -6.953125 C 5.3125 -6.847656 5.460938 -6.707031 5.578125 -6.53125 C 5.703125 -6.351562 5.773438 -6.132812 5.796875 -5.875 L 7.15625 -5.875 C 7.125 -6.375 7.015625 -6.789062 6.828125 -7.125 C 6.648438 -7.457031 6.40625 -7.722656 6.09375 -7.921875 C 5.789062 -8.117188 5.441406 -8.257812 5.046875 -8.34375 C 4.660156 -8.425781 4.234375 -8.46875 3.765625 -8.46875 C 3.398438 -8.46875 3.03125 -8.421875 2.65625 -8.328125 C 2.289062 -8.234375 1.960938 -8.09375 1.671875 -7.90625 C 1.378906 -7.71875 1.140625 -7.472656 0.953125 -7.171875 C 0.765625 -6.878906 0.671875 -6.523438 0.671875 -6.109375 C 0.671875 -5.578125 0.800781 -5.160156 1.0625 -4.859375 C 1.332031 -4.566406 1.664062 -4.335938 2.0625 -4.171875 C 2.46875 -4.003906 2.90625 -3.875 3.375 -3.78125 C 3.84375 -3.6875 4.273438 -3.582031 4.671875 -3.46875 C 5.078125 -3.363281 5.410156 -3.21875 5.671875 -3.03125 C 5.941406 -2.851562 6.078125 -2.585938 6.078125 -2.234375 C 6.078125 -1.984375 6.015625 -1.773438 5.890625 -1.609375 C 5.765625 -1.441406 5.601562 -1.316406 5.40625 -1.234375 C 5.207031 -1.148438 4.988281 -1.09375 4.75 -1.0625 C 4.519531 -1.03125 4.296875 -1.015625 4.078125 -1.015625 C 3.796875 -1.015625 3.523438 -1.039062 3.265625 -1.09375 C 3.003906 -1.144531 2.769531 -1.226562 2.5625 -1.34375 C 2.351562 -1.46875 2.1875 -1.632812 2.0625 -1.84375 C 1.9375 -2.050781 1.867188 -2.304688 1.859375 -2.609375 Z M 1.859375 -2.609375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-7"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.265625 3.15625 L 4.296875 3.15625 C 3.546875 1.925781 3.003906 0.710938 2.671875 -0.484375 C 2.347656 -1.691406 2.1875 -2.96875 2.1875 -4.3125 C 2.1875 -5.625 2.347656 -6.878906 2.671875 -8.078125 C 2.992188 -9.273438 3.535156 -10.484375 4.296875 -11.703125 L 3.265625 -11.703125 C 2.429688 -10.597656 1.800781 -9.40625 1.375 -8.125 C 0.957031 -6.84375 0.75 -5.570312 0.75 -4.3125 C 0.75 -3.613281 0.804688 -2.941406 0.921875 -2.296875 C 1.046875 -1.660156 1.21875 -1.035156 1.4375 -0.421875 C 1.65625 0.179688 1.914062 0.773438 2.21875 1.359375 C 2.53125 1.953125 2.878906 2.550781 3.265625 3.15625 Z M 3.265625 3.15625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-8"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 4.40625 -7.03125 C 4.269531 -7.1875 4.140625 -7.34375 4.015625 -7.5 C 3.890625 -7.664062 3.769531 -7.828125 3.65625 -7.984375 C 3.550781 -8.148438 3.460938 -8.316406 3.390625 -8.484375 C 3.328125 -8.660156 3.296875 -8.835938 3.296875 -9.015625 C 3.296875 -9.421875 3.429688 -9.722656 3.703125 -9.921875 C 3.984375 -10.117188 4.285156 -10.21875 4.609375 -10.21875 C 5.015625 -10.21875 5.332031 -10.097656 5.5625 -9.859375 C 5.800781 -9.617188 5.921875 -9.335938 5.921875 -9.015625 C 5.921875 -8.765625 5.867188 -8.539062 5.765625 -8.34375 C 5.671875 -8.144531 5.550781 -7.960938 5.40625 -7.796875 C 5.257812 -7.640625 5.09375 -7.5 4.90625 -7.375 C 4.726562 -7.25 4.5625 -7.132812 4.40625 -7.03125 Z M 7.328125 -1.421875 L 8.546875 0 L 10.3125 0 L 8.09375 -2.578125 C 8.207031 -2.828125 8.304688 -3.050781 8.390625 -3.25 C 8.484375 -3.445312 8.554688 -3.644531 8.609375 -3.84375 C 8.671875 -4.050781 8.71875 -4.273438 8.75 -4.515625 C 8.789062 -4.753906 8.828125 -5.046875 8.859375 -5.390625 L 7.5625 -5.390625 C 7.53125 -4.804688 7.410156 -4.210938 7.203125 -3.609375 L 5.140625 -6.125 C 5.410156 -6.289062 5.671875 -6.46875 5.921875 -6.65625 C 6.179688 -6.851562 6.410156 -7.078125 6.609375 -7.328125 C 6.816406 -7.578125 6.976562 -7.847656 7.09375 -8.140625 C 7.21875 -8.429688 7.28125 -8.75 7.28125 -9.09375 C 7.28125 -9.46875 7.203125 -9.800781 7.046875 -10.09375 C 6.890625 -10.394531 6.679688 -10.644531 6.421875 -10.84375 C 6.171875 -11.039062 5.878906 -11.1875 5.546875 -11.28125 C 5.210938 -11.375 4.867188 -11.421875 4.515625 -11.421875 C 4.097656 -11.421875 3.726562 -11.359375 3.40625 -11.234375 C 3.082031 -11.109375 2.8125 -10.9375 2.59375 -10.71875 C 2.375 -10.5 2.207031 -10.242188 2.09375 -9.953125 C 1.988281 -9.671875 1.9375 -9.378906 1.9375 -9.078125 C 1.9375 -8.785156 1.96875 -8.523438 2.03125 -8.296875 C 2.101562 -8.066406 2.203125 -7.847656 2.328125 -7.640625 C 2.453125 -7.429688 2.585938 -7.222656 2.734375 -7.015625 C 2.878906 -6.816406 3.035156 -6.609375 3.203125 -6.390625 C 2.835938 -6.191406 2.492188 -5.984375 2.171875 -5.765625 C 1.847656 -5.546875 1.5625 -5.300781 1.3125 -5.03125 C 1.070312 -4.757812 0.878906 -4.453125 0.734375 -4.109375 C 0.597656 -3.765625 0.53125 -3.367188 0.53125 -2.921875 C 0.53125 -2.691406 0.566406 -2.398438 0.640625 -2.046875 C 0.722656 -1.691406 0.890625 -1.347656 1.140625 -1.015625 C 1.398438 -0.691406 1.765625 -0.410156 2.234375 -0.171875 C 2.703125 0.0546875 3.320312 0.171875 4.09375 0.171875 C 4.726562 0.171875 5.335938 0.0390625 5.921875 -0.21875 C 6.515625 -0.488281 6.984375 -0.890625 7.328125 -1.421875 Z M 3.953125 -5.515625 L 6.578125 -2.375 C 6.296875 -1.957031 5.945312 -1.625 5.53125 -1.375 C 5.125 -1.132812 4.660156 -1.015625 4.140625 -1.015625 C 3.867188 -1.015625 3.597656 -1.0625 3.328125 -1.15625 C 3.066406 -1.25 2.835938 -1.378906 2.640625 -1.546875 C 2.441406 -1.710938 2.28125 -1.914062 2.15625 -2.15625 C 2.03125 -2.394531 1.96875 -2.65625 1.96875 -2.9375 C 1.96875 -3.28125 2.019531 -3.578125 2.125 -3.828125 C 2.226562 -4.078125 2.367188 -4.300781 2.546875 -4.5 C 2.734375 -4.707031 2.945312 -4.890625 3.1875 -5.046875 C 3.425781 -5.210938 3.679688 -5.367188 3.953125 -5.515625 Z M 3.953125 -5.515625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-9"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.90625 -8.265625 L 2.90625 -10.75 L 1.546875 -10.75 L 1.546875 -8.265625 L 0.140625 -8.265625 L 0.140625 -7.078125 L 1.546875 -7.078125 L 1.546875 -1.8125 C 1.546875 -1.425781 1.582031 -1.113281 1.65625 -0.875 C 1.738281 -0.644531 1.851562 -0.460938 2 -0.328125 C 2.15625 -0.203125 2.359375 -0.113281 2.609375 -0.0625 C 2.859375 -0.0195312 3.160156 0 3.515625 0 L 4.5625 0 L 4.5625 -1.203125 L 3.9375 -1.203125 C 3.71875 -1.203125 3.539062 -1.207031 3.40625 -1.21875 C 3.28125 -1.238281 3.175781 -1.273438 3.09375 -1.328125 C 3.019531 -1.378906 2.96875 -1.453125 2.9375 -1.546875 C 2.914062 -1.648438 2.90625 -1.78125 2.90625 -1.9375 L 2.90625 -7.078125 L 4.5625 -7.078125 L 4.5625 -8.265625 Z M 2.90625 -8.265625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-10"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.015625 -4.125 C 2.015625 -4.625 2.082031 -5.066406 2.21875 -5.453125 C 2.351562 -5.847656 2.535156 -6.175781 2.765625 -6.4375 C 3.003906 -6.707031 3.28125 -6.910156 3.59375 -7.046875 C 3.90625 -7.191406 4.238281 -7.265625 4.59375 -7.265625 C 4.945312 -7.265625 5.28125 -7.191406 5.59375 -7.046875 C 5.90625 -6.910156 6.175781 -6.707031 6.40625 -6.4375 C 6.644531 -6.175781 6.832031 -5.847656 6.96875 -5.453125 C 7.101562 -5.066406 7.171875 -4.625 7.171875 -4.125 C 7.171875 -3.625 7.101562 -3.175781 6.96875 -2.78125 C 6.832031 -2.394531 6.644531 -2.070312 6.40625 -1.8125 C 6.175781 -1.550781 5.90625 -1.351562 5.59375 -1.21875 C 5.28125 -1.082031 4.945312 -1.015625 4.59375 -1.015625 C 4.238281 -1.015625 3.90625 -1.082031 3.59375 -1.21875 C 3.28125 -1.351562 3.003906 -1.550781 2.765625 -1.8125 C 2.535156 -2.070312 2.351562 -2.394531 2.21875 -2.78125 C 2.082031 -3.175781 2.015625 -3.625 2.015625 -4.125 Z M 0.578125 -4.125 C 0.578125 -3.519531 0.660156 -2.953125 0.828125 -2.421875 C 1.003906 -1.898438 1.257812 -1.445312 1.59375 -1.0625 C 1.9375 -0.675781 2.359375 -0.375 2.859375 -0.15625 C 3.359375 0.0625 3.9375 0.171875 4.59375 0.171875 C 5.25 0.171875 5.828125 0.0625 6.328125 -0.15625 C 6.828125 -0.375 7.242188 -0.675781 7.578125 -1.0625 C 7.921875 -1.445312 8.175781 -1.898438 8.34375 -2.421875 C 8.519531 -2.953125 8.609375 -3.519531 8.609375 -4.125 C 8.609375 -4.738281 8.519531 -5.304688 8.34375 -5.828125 C 8.175781 -6.359375 7.921875 -6.816406 7.578125 -7.203125 C 7.242188 -7.597656 6.828125 -7.90625 6.328125 -8.125 C 5.828125 -8.351562 5.25 -8.46875 4.59375 -8.46875 C 3.9375 -8.46875 3.359375 -8.351562 2.859375 -8.125 C 2.359375 -7.90625 1.9375 -7.597656 1.59375 -7.203125 C 1.257812 -6.816406 1.003906 -6.359375 0.828125 -5.828125 C 0.660156 -5.304688 0.578125 -4.738281 0.578125 -4.125 Z M 0.578125 -4.125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-11"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.078125 -8.265625 L 1.078125 3.15625 L 2.4375 3.15625 L 2.4375 -1.109375 L 2.46875 -1.109375 C 2.613281 -0.859375 2.796875 -0.648438 3.015625 -0.484375 C 3.234375 -0.316406 3.460938 -0.1875 3.703125 -0.09375 C 3.953125 0 4.203125 0.0664062 4.453125 0.109375 C 4.703125 0.148438 4.929688 0.171875 5.140625 0.171875 C 5.765625 0.171875 6.3125 0.0625 6.78125 -0.15625 C 7.257812 -0.382812 7.65625 -0.691406 7.96875 -1.078125 C 8.289062 -1.460938 8.523438 -1.914062 8.671875 -2.4375 C 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1.421875 -5.1875 C 1.765625 -4.113281 2.28125 -3.160156 2.96875 -2.328125 C 3.664062 -1.492188 4.523438 -0.832031 5.546875 -0.34375 C 6.566406 0.144531 7.757812 0.390625 9.125 0.390625 C 10.707031 0.390625 12.070312 0.0507812 13.21875 -0.625 Z M 15.84375 1.46875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-9"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 11.8125 0 L 11.8125 -12.40625 L 9.765625 -12.40625 L 9.765625 -5.40625 C 9.765625 -4.84375 9.6875 -4.320312 9.53125 -3.84375 C 9.382812 -3.375 9.160156 -2.960938 8.859375 -2.609375 C 8.554688 -2.265625 8.175781 -1.992188 7.71875 -1.796875 C 7.257812 -1.609375 6.71875 -1.515625 6.09375 -1.515625 C 5.3125 -1.515625 4.695312 -1.738281 4.25 -2.1875 C 3.800781 -2.632812 3.578125 -3.242188 3.578125 -4.015625 L 3.578125 -12.40625 L 1.53125 -12.40625 L 1.53125 -4.25 C 1.53125 -3.570312 1.597656 -2.957031 1.734375 -2.40625 C 1.867188 -1.851562 2.101562 -1.378906 2.4375 -0.984375 C 2.78125 -0.585938 3.222656 -0.28125 3.765625 -0.0625 C 4.304688 0.15625 4.988281 0.265625 5.8125 0.265625 C 6.71875 0.265625 7.503906 0.0859375 8.171875 -0.265625 C 8.847656 -0.628906 9.40625 -1.195312 9.84375 -1.96875 L 9.890625 -1.96875 L 9.890625 0 Z M 11.8125 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-10"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 10.15625 -7.390625 L 3.03125 -7.390625 C 3.0625 -7.867188 3.160156 -8.320312 3.328125 -8.75 C 3.503906 -9.175781 3.742188 -9.546875 4.046875 -9.859375 C 4.359375 -10.179688 4.722656 -10.429688 5.140625 -10.609375 C 5.566406 -10.796875 6.046875 -10.890625 6.578125 -10.890625 C 7.085938 -10.890625 7.550781 -10.796875 7.96875 -10.609375 C 8.394531 -10.429688 8.765625 -10.1875 9.078125 -9.875 C 9.390625 -9.5625 9.640625 -9.1875 9.828125 -8.75 C 10.015625 -8.320312 10.125 -7.867188 10.15625 -7.390625 Z M 12.125 -3.9375 L 10.109375 -3.9375 C 9.929688 -3.125 9.566406 -2.515625 9.015625 -2.109375 C 8.460938 -1.710938 7.753906 -1.515625 6.890625 -1.515625 C 6.210938 -1.515625 5.625 -1.625 5.125 -1.84375 C 4.632812 -2.070312 4.226562 -2.375 3.90625 -2.75 C 3.59375 -3.125 3.363281 -3.554688 3.21875 -4.046875 C 3.070312 -4.535156 3.007812 -5.050781 3.03125 -5.59375 L 12.3125 -5.59375 C 12.34375 -6.34375 12.273438 -7.132812 12.109375 -7.96875 C 11.941406 -8.800781 11.632812 -9.566406 11.1875 -10.265625 C 10.75 -10.972656 10.164062 -11.554688 9.4375 -12.015625 C 8.71875 -12.472656 7.804688 -12.703125 6.703125 -12.703125 C 5.847656 -12.703125 5.0625 -12.539062 4.34375 -12.21875 C 3.632812 -11.894531 3.019531 -11.445312 2.5 -10.875 C 1.988281 -10.300781 1.585938 -9.617188 1.296875 -8.828125 C 1.003906 -8.046875 0.859375 -7.179688 0.859375 -6.234375 C 0.890625 -5.296875 1.03125 -4.425781 1.28125 -3.625 C 1.53125 -2.820312 1.898438 -2.132812 2.390625 -1.5625 C 2.890625 -0.988281 3.503906 -0.539062 4.234375 -0.21875 C 4.960938 0.101562 5.820312 0.265625 6.8125 0.265625 C 8.21875 0.265625 9.382812 -0.0820312 10.3125 -0.78125 C 11.25 -1.488281 11.851562 -2.539062 12.125 -3.9375 Z M 12.125 -3.9375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-11"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 4.828125 -7.078125 L 7.734375 -15.078125 L 7.78125 -15.078125 L 10.625 -7.078125 Z M 6.53125 -17.140625 L -0.140625 0 L 2.1875 0 L 4.109375 -5.15625 L 11.359375 -5.15625 L 13.21875 0 L 15.75 0 L 9.046875 -17.140625 Z M 6.53125 -17.140625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-12"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 9.953125 -8.421875 L 12.078125 -8.421875 C 11.992188 -9.160156 11.800781 -9.796875 11.5 -10.328125 C 11.195312 -10.867188 10.804688 -11.3125 10.328125 -11.65625 C 9.859375 -12.007812 9.316406 -12.269531 8.703125 -12.4375 C 8.085938 -12.613281 7.425781 -12.703125 6.71875 -12.703125 C 5.738281 -12.703125 4.878906 -12.523438 4.140625 -12.171875 C 3.410156 -11.828125 2.800781 -11.351562 2.3125 -10.75 C 1.820312 -10.15625 1.457031 -9.453125 1.21875 -8.640625 C 0.976562 -7.835938 0.859375 -6.972656 0.859375 -6.046875 C 0.859375 -5.117188 0.984375 -4.265625 1.234375 -3.484375 C 1.484375 -2.710938 1.851562 -2.046875 2.34375 -1.484375 C 2.832031 -0.921875 3.4375 -0.488281 4.15625 -0.1875 C 4.882812 0.113281 5.722656 0.265625 6.671875 0.265625 C 8.253906 0.265625 9.503906 -0.148438 10.421875 -0.984375 C 11.347656 -1.816406 11.921875 -3 12.140625 -4.53125 L 10.0625 -4.53125 C 9.925781 -3.570312 9.570312 -2.828125 9 -2.296875 C 8.4375 -1.773438 7.648438 -1.515625 6.640625 -1.515625 C 6.003906 -1.515625 5.453125 -1.640625 4.984375 -1.890625 C 4.523438 -2.148438 4.148438 -2.488281 3.859375 -2.90625 C 3.578125 -3.332031 3.367188 -3.816406 3.234375 -4.359375 C 3.097656 -4.910156 3.03125 -5.472656 3.03125 -6.046875 C 3.03125 -6.671875 3.09375 -7.273438 3.21875 -7.859375 C 3.34375 -8.441406 3.550781 -8.957031 3.84375 -9.40625 C 4.144531 -9.851562 4.539062 -10.210938 5.03125 -10.484375 C 5.53125 -10.753906 6.148438 -10.890625 6.890625 -10.890625 C 7.753906 -10.890625 8.441406 -10.671875 8.953125 -10.234375 C 9.460938 -9.804688 9.796875 -9.203125 9.953125 -8.421875 Z M 9.953125 -8.421875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-13"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 7.125 0 L 11.65625 -12.40625 L 9.53125 -12.40625 L 6.140625 -2.0625 L 6.09375 -2.0625 L 2.609375 -12.40625 L 0.34375 -12.40625 L 4.9375 0 Z M 7.125 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-14"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.921875 -17.140625 L 1.921875 0 L 4.078125 0 L 4.078125 -14.25 L 4.125 -14.25 L 9.484375 0 L 11.421875 0 L 16.78125 -14.25 L 16.828125 -14.25 L 16.828125 0 L 18.984375 0 L 18.984375 -17.140625 L 15.859375 -17.140625 L 10.4375 -2.734375 L 5.046875 -17.140625 Z M 1.921875 -17.140625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-15"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.53125 -12.40625 L 1.53125 0 L 3.578125 0 L 3.578125 -7.015625 C 3.578125 -7.566406 3.648438 -8.078125 3.796875 -8.546875 C 3.953125 -9.023438 4.179688 -9.4375 4.484375 -9.78125 C 4.785156 -10.132812 5.164062 -10.40625 5.625 -10.59375 C 6.082031 -10.789062 6.625 -10.890625 7.25 -10.890625 C 8.03125 -10.890625 8.644531 -10.664062 9.09375 -10.21875 C 9.539062 -9.769531 9.765625 -9.164062 9.765625 -8.40625 L 9.765625 0 L 11.8125 0 L 11.8125 -8.15625 C 11.8125 -8.832031 11.742188 -9.445312 11.609375 -10 C 11.472656 -10.550781 11.234375 -11.023438 10.890625 -11.421875 C 10.554688 -11.828125 10.117188 -12.140625 9.578125 -12.359375 C 9.035156 -12.585938 8.351562 -12.703125 7.53125 -12.703125 C 5.695312 -12.703125 4.351562 -11.945312 3.5 -10.4375 L 3.453125 -10.4375 L 3.453125 -12.40625 Z M 1.53125 -12.40625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-16"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 12.234375 -1.0625 L 12.234375 -12.40625 L 10.3125 -12.40625 L 10.3125 -10.625 L 10.296875 -10.625 C 9.929688 -11.3125 9.421875 -11.828125 8.765625 -12.171875 C 8.109375 -12.523438 7.382812 -12.703125 6.59375 -12.703125 C 5.519531 -12.703125 4.613281 -12.492188 3.875 -12.078125 C 3.144531 -11.671875 2.554688 -11.148438 2.109375 -10.515625 C 1.660156 -9.890625 1.335938 -9.1875 1.140625 -8.40625 C 0.953125 -7.632812 0.859375 -6.878906 0.859375 -6.140625 C 0.859375 -5.296875 0.972656 -4.492188 1.203125 -3.734375 C 1.441406 -2.972656 1.789062 -2.304688 2.25 -1.734375 C 2.71875 -1.171875 3.296875 -0.71875 3.984375 -0.375 C 4.671875 -0.0390625 5.476562 0.125 6.40625 0.125 C 7.207031 0.125 7.960938 -0.0507812 8.671875 -0.40625 C 9.390625 -0.769531 9.921875 -1.335938 10.265625 -2.109375 L 10.3125 -2.109375 L 10.3125 -1.296875 C 10.3125 -0.609375 10.242188 0.0195312 10.109375 0.59375 C 9.972656 1.175781 9.753906 1.671875 9.453125 2.078125 C 9.148438 2.484375 8.765625 2.800781 8.296875 3.03125 C 7.835938 3.269531 7.269531 3.390625 6.59375 3.390625 C 6.257812 3.390625 5.90625 3.351562 5.53125 3.28125 C 5.164062 3.207031 4.828125 3.085938 4.515625 2.921875 C 4.210938 2.765625 3.953125 2.554688 3.734375 2.296875 C 3.515625 2.046875 3.398438 1.738281 3.390625 1.375 L 1.34375 1.375 C 1.375 2.039062 1.550781 2.601562 1.875 3.0625 C 2.195312 3.53125 2.597656 3.90625 3.078125 4.1875 C 3.566406 4.476562 4.109375 4.6875 4.703125 4.8125 C 5.304688 4.945312 5.898438 5.015625 6.484375 5.015625 C 8.460938 5.015625 9.914062 4.507812 10.84375 3.5 C 11.769531 2.488281 12.234375 0.96875 12.234375 -1.0625 Z M 6.53125 -1.65625 C 5.851562 -1.65625 5.289062 -1.796875 4.84375 -2.078125 C 4.394531 -2.359375 4.035156 -2.722656 3.765625 -3.171875 C 3.492188 -3.628906 3.300781 -4.140625 3.1875 -4.703125 C 3.082031 -5.265625 3.03125 -5.828125 3.03125 -6.390625 C 3.03125 -6.972656 3.097656 -7.535156 3.234375 -8.078125 C 3.367188 -8.628906 3.582031 -9.113281 3.875 -9.53125 C 4.164062 -9.945312 4.546875 -10.273438 5.015625 -10.515625 C 5.484375 -10.765625 6.046875 -10.890625 6.703125 -10.890625 C 7.335938 -10.890625 7.878906 -10.757812 8.328125 -10.5 C 8.773438 -10.25 9.140625 -9.910156 9.421875 -9.484375 C 9.703125 -9.066406 9.90625 -8.59375 10.03125 -8.0625 C 10.15625 -7.53125 10.21875 -6.992188 10.21875 -6.453125 C 10.21875 -5.878906 10.148438 -5.300781 10.015625 -4.71875 C 9.878906 -4.144531 9.664062 -3.628906 9.375 -3.171875 C 9.09375 -2.722656 8.710938 -2.359375 8.234375 -2.078125 C 7.765625 -1.796875 7.195312 -1.65625 6.53125 -1.65625 Z M 6.53125 -1.65625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-17"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.46875 -12.40625 L 1.46875 0 L 3.5 0 L 3.5 -5.515625 C 3.5 -6.316406 3.578125 -7.023438 3.734375 -7.640625 C 3.898438 -8.253906 4.160156 -8.773438 4.515625 -9.203125 C 4.867188 -9.640625 5.332031 -9.96875 5.90625 -10.1875 C 6.476562 -10.414062 7.171875 -10.53125 7.984375 -10.53125 L 7.984375 -12.703125 C 6.890625 -12.734375 5.976562 -12.503906 5.25 -12.015625 C 4.53125 -11.535156 3.925781 -10.796875 3.4375 -9.796875 L 3.390625 -9.796875 L 3.390625 -12.40625 Z M 1.46875 -12.40625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-18"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.875 -17.140625 L 1.875 0 L 13.78125 0 L 13.78125 -1.921875 L 4.15625 -1.921875 L 4.15625 -7.84375 L 13.0625 -7.84375 L 13.0625 -9.765625 L 4.15625 -9.765625 L 4.15625 -15.21875 L 13.703125 -15.21875 L 13.703125 -17.140625 Z M 1.875 -17.140625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-19"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.03125 -6.09375 C 3.03125 -6.707031 3.09375 -7.300781 3.21875 -7.875 C 3.34375 -8.445312 3.546875 -8.957031 3.828125 -9.40625 C 4.117188 -9.851562 4.503906 -10.210938 4.984375 -10.484375 C 5.472656 -10.753906 6.0625 -10.890625 6.75 -10.890625 C 7.445312 -10.890625 8.039062 -10.757812 8.53125 -10.5 C 9.03125 -10.238281 9.4375 -9.890625 9.75 -9.453125 C 10.0625 -9.023438 10.289062 -8.523438 10.4375 -7.953125 C 10.582031 -7.390625 10.65625 -6.800781 10.65625 -6.1875 C 10.65625 -5.613281 10.585938 -5.046875 10.453125 -4.484375 C 10.316406 -3.921875 10.097656 -3.421875 9.796875 -2.984375 C 9.492188 -2.546875 9.097656 -2.191406 8.609375 -1.921875 C 8.128906 -1.648438 7.546875 -1.515625 6.859375 -1.515625 C 6.203125 -1.515625 5.628906 -1.640625 5.140625 -1.890625 C 4.660156 -2.148438 4.265625 -2.492188 3.953125 -2.921875 C 3.640625 -3.359375 3.40625 -3.851562 3.25 -4.40625 C 3.101562 -4.957031 3.03125 -5.519531 3.03125 -6.09375 Z M 12.625 4.734375 L 12.625 -12.40625 L 10.578125 -12.40625 L 10.578125 -10.75 L 10.53125 -10.75 C 10.3125 -11.113281 10.035156 -11.421875 9.703125 -11.671875 C 9.378906 -11.921875 9.03125 -12.117188 8.65625 -12.265625 C 8.289062 -12.421875 7.925781 -12.53125 7.5625 -12.59375 C 7.195312 -12.664062 6.851562 -12.703125 6.53125 -12.703125 C 5.582031 -12.703125 4.75 -12.523438 4.03125 -12.171875 C 3.320312 -11.828125 2.734375 -11.363281 2.265625 -10.78125 C 1.796875 -10.195312 1.441406 -9.515625 1.203125 -8.734375 C 0.972656 -7.953125 0.859375 -7.117188 0.859375 -6.234375 C 0.859375 -5.359375 0.976562 -4.523438 1.21875 -3.734375 C 1.457031 -2.953125 1.8125 -2.265625 2.28125 -1.671875 C 2.757812 -1.085938 3.351562 -0.617188 4.0625 -0.265625 C 4.78125 0.0859375 5.617188 0.265625 6.578125 0.265625 C 7.441406 0.265625 8.234375 0.113281 8.953125 -0.1875 C 9.671875 -0.488281 10.195312 -0.988281 10.53125 -1.6875 L 10.578125 -1.6875 L 10.578125 4.734375 Z M 12.625 4.734375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-0"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.78125 0 L 0.78125 -17.21875 L 14.4375 -17.21875 L 14.4375 0 Z M 12.28125 -2.15625 L 12.28125 -15.0625 L 2.9375 -15.0625 L 2.9375 -2.15625 Z M 12.28125 -2.15625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-1"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 9.828125 -9.328125 C 10.921875 -9.328125 11.785156 -9.546875 12.421875 -9.984375 C 13.066406 -10.421875 13.390625 -11.210938 13.390625 -12.359375 C 13.390625 -13.578125 12.941406 -14.410156 12.046875 -14.859375 C 11.566406 -15.097656 10.929688 -15.21875 10.140625 -15.21875 L 4.4375 -15.21875 L 4.4375 -9.328125 Z M 2.109375 -17.21875 L 10.078125 -17.21875 C 11.390625 -17.21875 12.472656 -17.023438 13.328125 -16.640625 C 14.941406 -15.910156 15.75 -14.554688 15.75 -12.578125 C 15.75 -11.546875 15.535156 -10.703125 15.109375 -10.046875 C 14.679688 -9.390625 14.085938 -8.863281 13.328125 -8.46875 C 13.992188 -8.1875 14.5 -7.820312 14.84375 -7.375 C 15.1875 -6.9375 15.375 -6.21875 15.40625 -5.21875 L 15.5 -2.90625 C 15.519531 -2.25 15.570312 -1.757812 15.65625 -1.4375 C 15.800781 -0.894531 16.050781 -0.546875 16.40625 -0.390625 L 16.40625 0 L 13.546875 0 C 13.472656 -0.144531 13.410156 -0.332031 13.359375 -0.5625 C 13.316406 -0.800781 13.28125 -1.257812 13.25 -1.9375 L 13.109375 -4.8125 C 13.046875 -5.9375 12.625 -6.6875 11.84375 -7.0625 C 11.40625 -7.28125 10.707031 -7.390625 9.75 -7.390625 L 4.4375 -7.390625 L 4.4375 0 L 2.109375 0 Z M 2.109375 -17.21875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-2"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 6.78125 -12.828125 C 7.664062 -12.828125 8.523438 -12.617188 9.359375 -12.203125 C 10.203125 -11.785156 10.84375 -11.242188 11.28125 -10.578125 C 11.695312 -9.953125 11.976562 -9.21875 12.125 -8.375 C 12.25 -7.789062 12.3125 -6.867188 12.3125 -5.609375 L 3.109375 -5.609375 C 3.148438 -4.328125 3.453125 -3.300781 4.015625 -2.53125 C 4.578125 -1.769531 5.445312 -1.390625 6.625 -1.390625 C 7.726562 -1.390625 8.609375 -1.75 9.265625 -2.46875 C 9.640625 -2.894531 9.90625 -3.382812 10.0625 -3.9375 L 12.125 -3.9375 C 12.070312 -3.476562 11.890625 -2.960938 11.578125 -2.390625 C 11.273438 -1.828125 10.929688 -1.367188 10.546875 -1.015625 C 9.910156 -0.390625 9.117188 0.0351562 8.171875 0.265625 C 7.660156 0.390625 7.085938 0.453125 6.453125 0.453125 C 4.890625 0.453125 3.5625 -0.113281 2.46875 -1.25 C 1.382812 -2.394531 0.84375 -3.988281 0.84375 -6.03125 C 0.84375 -8.050781 1.390625 -9.6875 2.484375 -10.9375 C 3.578125 -12.195312 5.007812 -12.828125 6.78125 -12.828125 Z M 10.140625 -7.28125 C 10.054688 -8.195312 9.859375 -8.925781 9.546875 -9.46875 C 8.960938 -10.488281 7.992188 -11 6.640625 -11 C 5.671875 -11 4.859375 -10.644531 4.203125 -9.9375 C 3.546875 -9.238281 3.203125 -8.351562 3.171875 -7.28125 Z M 6.578125 -12.859375 Z M 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3.960938 0.140625 3.484375 0.140625 C 3.128906 0.140625 2.8125 0.0664062 2.53125 -0.078125 C 2.25 -0.234375 2.019531 -0.421875 1.84375 -0.640625 L 1.84375 2.390625 Z M 1.75 -3.078125 C 1.75 -2.273438 1.910156 -1.679688 2.234375 -1.296875 C 2.554688 -0.921875 2.945312 -0.734375 3.40625 -0.734375 C 3.875 -0.734375 4.273438 -0.929688 4.609375 -1.328125 C 4.941406 -1.722656 5.109375 -2.335938 5.109375 -3.171875 C 5.109375 -3.960938 4.945312 -4.550781 4.625 -4.9375 C 4.300781 -5.332031 3.910156 -5.53125 3.453125 -5.53125 C 3.003906 -5.53125 2.609375 -5.320312 2.265625 -4.90625 C 1.921875 -4.488281 1.75 -3.878906 1.75 -3.078125 Z M 1.75 -3.078125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-9"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 4.875 0 L 4.875 -0.921875 C 4.382812 -0.210938 3.722656 0.140625 2.890625 0.140625 C 2.523438 0.140625 2.179688 0.0703125 1.859375 -0.0625 C 1.546875 -0.207031 1.3125 -0.382812 1.15625 -0.59375 C 1 -0.8125 0.890625 -1.078125 0.828125 -1.390625 C 0.785156 -1.585938 0.765625 -1.914062 0.765625 -2.375 L 0.765625 -6.21875 L 1.828125 -6.21875 L 1.828125 -2.765625 C 1.828125 -2.222656 1.847656 -1.851562 1.890625 -1.65625 C 1.953125 -1.382812 2.085938 -1.164062 2.296875 -1 C 2.515625 -0.84375 2.785156 -0.765625 3.109375 -0.765625 C 3.421875 -0.765625 3.710938 -0.84375 3.984375 -1 C 4.265625 -1.164062 4.460938 -1.390625 4.578125 -1.671875 C 4.703125 -1.953125 4.765625 -2.359375 4.765625 -2.890625 L 4.765625 -6.21875 L 5.8125 -6.21875 L 5.8125 0 Z M 4.875 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-10"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.375 -1.859375 L 1.40625 -2.015625 C 1.46875 -1.597656 1.628906 -1.28125 1.890625 -1.0625 C 2.160156 -0.84375 2.539062 -0.734375 3.03125 -0.734375 C 3.507812 -0.734375 3.863281 -0.828125 4.09375 -1.015625 C 4.332031 -1.210938 4.453125 -1.445312 4.453125 -1.71875 C 4.453125 -1.957031 4.347656 -2.144531 4.140625 -2.28125 C 3.992188 -2.375 3.632812 -2.492188 3.0625 -2.640625 C 2.289062 -2.835938 1.753906 -3.003906 1.453125 -3.140625 C 1.160156 -3.285156 0.9375 -3.484375 0.78125 -3.734375 C 0.625 -3.984375 0.546875 -4.265625 0.546875 -4.578125 C 0.546875 -4.847656 0.609375 -5.101562 0.734375 -5.34375 C 0.859375 -5.582031 1.03125 -5.78125 1.25 -5.9375 C 1.414062 -6.050781 1.640625 -6.148438 1.921875 -6.234375 C 2.203125 -6.316406 2.507812 -6.359375 2.84375 -6.359375 C 3.320312 -6.359375 3.742188 -6.285156 4.109375 -6.140625 C 4.484375 -6.003906 4.757812 -5.816406 4.9375 -5.578125 C 5.113281 -5.335938 5.234375 -5.019531 5.296875 -4.625 L 4.265625 -4.484375 C 4.222656 -4.796875 4.085938 -5.039062 3.859375 -5.21875 C 3.640625 -5.40625 3.320312 -5.5 2.90625 -5.5 C 2.425781 -5.5 2.082031 -5.414062 1.875 -5.25 C 1.664062 -5.09375 1.5625 -4.90625 1.5625 -4.6875 C 1.5625 -4.550781 1.601562 -4.429688 1.6875 -4.328125 C 1.78125 -4.210938 1.914062 -4.117188 2.09375 -4.046875 C 2.195312 -4.003906 2.507812 -3.914062 3.03125 -3.78125 C 3.78125 -3.570312 4.300781 -3.40625 4.59375 -3.28125 C 4.882812 -3.15625 5.113281 -2.972656 5.28125 -2.734375 C 5.445312 -2.492188 5.53125 -2.191406 5.53125 -1.828125 C 5.53125 -1.472656 5.425781 -1.140625 5.21875 -0.828125 C 5.019531 -0.523438 4.726562 -0.285156 4.34375 -0.109375 C 3.957031 0.0546875 3.519531 0.140625 3.03125 0.140625 C 2.21875 0.140625 1.597656 -0.0234375 1.171875 -0.359375 C 0.753906 -0.703125 0.488281 -1.203125 0.375 -1.859375 Z M 0.375 -1.859375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-11"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.5 -2.265625 L 1.5625 -2.40625 C 1.675781 -1.8125 1.878906 -1.378906 2.171875 -1.109375 C 2.460938 -0.847656 2.816406 -0.71875 3.234375 -0.71875 C 3.734375 -0.71875 4.15625 -0.890625 4.5 -1.234375 C 4.84375 -1.578125 5.015625 -2.003906 5.015625 -2.515625 C 5.015625 -2.992188 4.851562 -3.390625 4.53125 -3.703125 C 4.21875 -4.023438 3.816406 -4.1875 3.328125 -4.1875 C 3.128906 -4.1875 2.878906 -4.144531 2.578125 -4.0625 L 2.703125 -5 C 2.773438 -4.988281 2.832031 -4.984375 2.875 -4.984375 C 3.320312 -4.984375 3.722656 -5.097656 4.078125 -5.328125 C 4.441406 -5.566406 4.625 -5.929688 4.625 -6.421875 C 4.625 -6.804688 4.492188 -7.125 4.234375 -7.375 C 3.972656 -7.632812 3.632812 -7.765625 3.21875 -7.765625 C 2.8125 -7.765625 2.46875 -7.632812 2.1875 -7.375 C 1.914062 -7.113281 1.742188 -6.726562 1.671875 -6.21875 L 0.609375 -6.40625 C 0.734375 -7.101562 1.023438 -7.644531 1.484375 -8.03125 C 1.941406 -8.425781 2.507812 -8.625 3.1875 -8.625 C 3.65625 -8.625 4.085938 -8.519531 4.484375 -8.3125 C 4.878906 -8.113281 5.179688 -7.84375 5.390625 -7.5 C 5.597656 -7.15625 5.703125 -6.785156 5.703125 -6.390625 C 5.703125 -6.023438 5.601562 -5.6875 5.40625 -5.375 C 5.207031 -5.070312 4.914062 -4.832031 4.53125 -4.65625 C 5.03125 -4.539062 5.421875 -4.296875 5.703125 -3.921875 C 5.984375 -3.554688 6.125 -3.09375 6.125 -2.53125 C 6.125 -1.78125 5.847656 -1.144531 5.296875 -0.625 C 4.753906 -0.101562 4.066406 0.15625 3.234375 0.15625 C 2.484375 0.15625 1.859375 -0.0664062 1.359375 -0.515625 C 0.859375 -0.972656 0.570312 -1.554688 0.5 -2.265625 Z M 0.5 -2.265625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-12"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.59375 0.515625 L 1.625 0.671875 C 1.664062 0.984375 1.785156 1.210938 1.984375 1.359375 C 2.242188 1.554688 2.597656 1.65625 3.046875 1.65625 C 3.535156 1.65625 3.910156 1.554688 4.171875 1.359375 C 4.441406 1.160156 4.625 0.890625 4.71875 0.546875 C 4.78125 0.328125 4.804688 -0.125 4.796875 -0.8125 C 4.335938 -0.269531 3.765625 0 3.078125 0 C 2.222656 0 1.5625 -0.304688 1.09375 -0.921875 C 0.625 -1.546875 0.390625 -2.285156 0.390625 -3.140625 C 0.390625 -3.734375 0.492188 -4.28125 0.703125 -4.78125 C 0.921875 -5.289062 1.234375 -5.679688 1.640625 -5.953125 C 2.046875 -6.222656 2.523438 -6.359375 3.078125 -6.359375 C 3.816406 -6.359375 4.425781 -6.0625 4.90625 -5.46875 L 4.90625 -6.21875 L 5.875 -6.21875 L 5.875 -0.84375 C 5.875 0.125 5.773438 0.8125 5.578125 1.21875 C 5.378906 1.625 5.066406 1.941406 4.640625 2.171875 C 4.210938 2.410156 3.6875 2.53125 3.0625 2.53125 C 2.320312 2.53125 1.722656 2.363281 1.265625 2.03125 C 0.804688 1.695312 0.582031 1.191406 0.59375 0.515625 Z M 1.46875 -3.21875 C 1.46875 -2.40625 1.628906 -1.8125 1.953125 -1.4375 C 2.273438 -1.0625 2.679688 -0.875 3.171875 -0.875 C 3.660156 -0.875 4.066406 -1.0625 4.390625 -1.4375 C 4.722656 -1.8125 4.890625 -2.394531 4.890625 -3.1875 C 4.890625 -3.945312 4.71875 -4.519531 4.375 -4.90625 C 4.039062 -5.289062 3.632812 -5.484375 3.15625 -5.484375 C 2.6875 -5.484375 2.285156 -5.289062 1.953125 -4.90625 C 1.628906 -4.53125 1.46875 -3.96875 1.46875 -3.21875 Z M 1.46875 -3.21875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-13"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.8125 2.53125 C 2.226562 1.789062 1.734375 0.929688 1.328125 -0.046875 C 0.929688 -1.035156 0.734375 -2.054688 0.734375 -3.109375 C 0.734375 -4.035156 0.878906 -4.925781 1.171875 -5.78125 C 1.523438 -6.769531 2.070312 -7.753906 2.8125 -8.734375 L 3.5625 -8.734375 C 3.09375 -7.921875 2.78125 -7.34375 2.625 -7 C 2.382812 -6.457031 2.195312 -5.894531 2.0625 -5.3125 C 1.894531 -4.582031 1.8125 -3.847656 1.8125 -3.109375 C 1.8125 -1.222656 2.394531 0.65625 3.5625 2.53125 Z M 2.8125 2.53125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-14"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.796875 0 L 0.796875 -8.59375 L 1.859375 -8.59375 L 1.859375 -3.6875 L 4.34375 -6.21875 L 5.71875 -6.21875 L 3.328125 -3.921875 L 5.953125 0 L 4.65625 0 L 2.59375 -3.1875 L 1.859375 -2.46875 L 1.859375 0 Z M 0.796875 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-15"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 5.046875 -2 L 6.140625 -1.875 C 5.972656 -1.238281 5.65625 -0.742188 5.1875 -0.390625 C 4.71875 -0.0351562 4.125 0.140625 3.40625 0.140625 C 2.5 0.140625 1.773438 -0.140625 1.234375 -0.703125 C 0.703125 -1.265625 0.4375 -2.050781 0.4375 -3.0625 C 0.4375 -4.101562 0.707031 -4.910156 1.25 -5.484375 C 1.789062 -6.066406 2.488281 -6.359375 3.34375 -6.359375 C 4.175781 -6.359375 4.851562 -6.078125 5.375 -5.515625 C 5.90625 -4.953125 6.171875 -4.15625 6.171875 -3.125 C 6.171875 -3.0625 6.171875 -2.96875 6.171875 -2.84375 L 1.53125 -2.84375 C 1.570312 -2.15625 1.765625 -1.628906 2.109375 -1.265625 C 2.453125 -0.910156 2.882812 -0.734375 3.40625 -0.734375 C 3.789062 -0.734375 4.117188 -0.832031 4.390625 -1.03125 C 4.671875 -1.238281 4.890625 -1.5625 5.046875 -2 Z M 1.59375 -3.703125 L 5.0625 -3.703125 C 5.019531 -4.234375 4.890625 -4.628906 4.671875 -4.890625 C 4.328125 -5.296875 3.890625 -5.5 3.359375 -5.5 C 2.867188 -5.5 2.457031 -5.335938 2.125 -5.015625 C 1.800781 -4.691406 1.625 -4.253906 1.59375 -3.703125 Z M 1.59375 -3.703125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-16"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.78125 0 L 0.78125 -6.21875 L 1.734375 -6.21875 L 1.734375 -5.28125 C 1.972656 -5.71875 2.191406 -6.003906 2.390625 -6.140625 C 2.597656 -6.285156 2.828125 -6.359375 3.078125 -6.359375 C 3.429688 -6.359375 3.789062 -6.25 4.15625 -6.03125 L 3.796875 -5.046875 C 3.535156 -5.203125 3.28125 -5.28125 3.03125 -5.28125 C 2.789062 -5.28125 2.578125 -5.207031 2.390625 -5.0625 C 2.210938 -4.925781 2.085938 -4.734375 2.015625 -4.484375 C 1.890625 -4.109375 1.828125 -3.703125 1.828125 -3.265625 L 1.828125 0 Z M 0.78125 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-17"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.796875 0 L 0.796875 -6.21875 L 1.734375 -6.21875 L 1.734375 -5.34375 C 2.191406 -6.019531 2.851562 -6.359375 3.71875 -6.359375 C 4.09375 -6.359375 4.4375 -6.289062 4.75 -6.15625 C 5.070312 -6.019531 5.3125 -5.84375 5.46875 -5.625 C 5.625 -5.40625 5.734375 -5.148438 5.796875 -4.859375 C 5.828125 -4.660156 5.84375 -4.316406 5.84375 -3.828125 L 5.84375 0 L 4.796875 0 L 4.796875 -3.78125 C 4.796875 -4.21875 4.753906 -4.539062 4.671875 -4.75 C 4.585938 -4.957031 4.441406 -5.125 4.234375 -5.25 C 4.023438 -5.382812 3.78125 -5.453125 3.5 -5.453125 C 3.050781 -5.453125 2.660156 -5.304688 2.328125 -5.015625 C 2.003906 -4.734375 1.84375 -4.195312 1.84375 -3.40625 L 1.84375 0 Z M 0.796875 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-18"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.765625 0 L 0.765625 -8.59375 L 1.828125 -8.59375 L 1.828125 0 Z M 0.765625 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-19"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.40625 -3.109375 C 0.40625 -4.265625 0.722656 -5.117188 1.359375 -5.671875 C 1.890625 -6.128906 2.539062 -6.359375 3.3125 -6.359375 C 4.164062 -6.359375 4.863281 -6.078125 5.40625 -5.515625 C 5.957031 -4.960938 6.234375 -4.191406 6.234375 -3.203125 C 6.234375 -2.398438 6.113281 -1.769531 5.875 -1.3125 C 5.632812 -0.851562 5.28125 -0.492188 4.8125 -0.234375 C 4.351562 0.015625 3.851562 0.140625 3.3125 0.140625 C 2.445312 0.140625 1.742188 -0.132812 1.203125 -0.6875 C 0.671875 -1.25 0.40625 -2.054688 0.40625 -3.109375 Z M 1.484375 -3.109375 C 1.484375 -2.316406 1.65625 -1.722656 2 -1.328125 C 2.351562 -0.929688 2.789062 -0.734375 3.3125 -0.734375 C 3.84375 -0.734375 4.28125 -0.929688 4.625 -1.328125 C 4.96875 -1.722656 5.140625 -2.328125 5.140625 -3.140625 C 5.140625 -3.910156 4.960938 -4.492188 4.609375 -4.890625 C 4.265625 -5.285156 3.832031 -5.484375 3.3125 -5.484375 C 2.789062 -5.484375 2.351562 -5.285156 2 -4.890625 C 1.65625 -4.503906 1.484375 -3.910156 1.484375 -3.109375 Z M 1.484375 -3.109375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-20"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.75 2.390625 L 0.625 1.40625 C 0.851562 1.46875 1.054688 1.5 1.234375 1.5 C 1.460938 1.5 1.644531 1.457031 1.78125 1.375 C 1.925781 1.300781 2.046875 1.195312 2.140625 1.0625 C 2.203125 0.945312 2.3125 0.679688 2.46875 0.265625 C 2.476562 0.210938 2.507812 0.128906 2.5625 0.015625 L 0.1875 -6.21875 L 1.328125 -6.21875 L 2.625 -2.625 C 2.789062 -2.164062 2.941406 -1.679688 3.078125 -1.171875 C 3.203125 -1.660156 3.347656 -2.132812 3.515625 -2.59375 L 4.84375 -6.21875 L 5.890625 -6.21875 L 3.53125 0.109375 C 3.269531 0.785156 3.070312 1.253906 2.9375 1.515625 C 2.75 1.867188 2.53125 2.125 2.28125 2.28125 C 2.039062 2.445312 1.753906 2.53125 1.421875 2.53125 C 1.222656 2.53125 1 2.484375 0.75 2.390625 Z M 0.75 2.390625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-21"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.484375 2.53125 L 0.734375 2.53125 C 1.898438 0.65625 2.484375 -1.222656 2.484375 -3.109375 C 2.484375 -3.835938 2.398438 -4.566406 2.234375 -5.296875 C 2.097656 -5.878906 1.910156 -6.441406 1.671875 -6.984375 C 1.515625 -7.328125 1.203125 -7.910156 0.734375 -8.734375 L 1.484375 -8.734375 C 2.210938 -7.753906 2.753906 -6.769531 3.109375 -5.78125 C 3.410156 -4.925781 3.5625 -4.035156 3.5625 -3.109375 C 3.5625 -2.054688 3.359375 -1.035156 2.953125 -0.046875 C 2.546875 0.929688 2.054688 1.789062 1.484375 2.53125 Z M 1.484375 2.53125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-22"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.09375 -0.9375 L 3.25 -0.015625 C 2.945312 0.046875 2.679688 0.078125 2.453125 0.078125 C 2.066406 0.078125 1.769531 0.0195312 1.5625 -0.09375 C 1.351562 -0.21875 1.203125 -0.378906 1.109375 -0.578125 C 1.023438 -0.773438 0.984375 -1.191406 0.984375 -1.828125 L 0.984375 -5.40625 L 0.21875 -5.40625 L 0.21875 -6.21875 L 0.984375 -6.21875 L 0.984375 -7.765625 L 2.03125 -8.390625 L 2.03125 -6.21875 L 3.09375 -6.21875 L 3.09375 -5.40625 L 2.03125 -5.40625 L 2.03125 -1.765625 C 2.03125 -1.460938 2.046875 -1.269531 2.078125 -1.1875 C 2.117188 -1.101562 2.179688 -1.035156 2.265625 -0.984375 C 2.347656 -0.929688 2.46875 -0.90625 2.625 -0.90625 C 2.75 -0.90625 2.90625 -0.914062 3.09375 -0.9375 Z M 3.09375 -0.9375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-23"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.9375 0 L 0.03125 -6.21875 L 1.125 -6.21875 L 2.109375 -2.625 L 2.484375 -1.296875 C 2.503906 -1.359375 2.613281 -1.785156 2.8125 -2.578125 L 3.796875 -6.21875 L 4.875 -6.21875 L 5.8125 -2.609375 L 6.125 -1.421875 L 6.484375 -2.625 L 7.546875 -6.21875 L 8.578125 -6.21875 L 6.625 0 L 5.53125 0 L 4.546875 -3.734375 L 4.296875 -4.78125 L 3.046875 0 Z M 1.9375 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-24"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.796875 -7.375 L 0.796875 -8.59375 L 1.859375 -8.59375 L 1.859375 -7.375 Z M 0.796875 0 L 0.796875 -6.21875 L 1.859375 -6.21875 L 1.859375 0 Z M 0.796875 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-25"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.765625 0 L 0.78125 0 L 0.78125 -8.59375 L 1.84375 -8.59375 L 1.84375 -5.53125 C 2.289062 -6.082031 2.859375 -6.359375 3.546875 -6.359375 C 3.929688 -6.359375 4.289062 -6.28125 4.625 -6.125 C 4.96875 -5.976562 5.25 -5.765625 5.46875 -5.484375 C 5.695312 -5.203125 5.875 -4.863281 6 -4.46875 C 6.125 -4.070312 6.1875 -3.648438 6.1875 -3.203125 C 6.1875 -2.140625 5.921875 -1.316406 5.390625 -0.734375 C 4.859375 -0.148438 4.226562 0.140625 3.5 0.140625 C 2.757812 0.140625 2.179688 -0.164062 1.765625 -0.78125 Z M 1.75 -3.15625 C 1.75 -2.414062 1.851562 -1.878906 2.0625 -1.546875 C 2.394531 -1.003906 2.84375 -0.734375 3.40625 -0.734375 C 3.863281 -0.734375 4.257812 -0.929688 4.59375 -1.328125 C 4.9375 -1.722656 5.109375 -2.320312 5.109375 -3.125 C 5.109375 -3.9375 4.945312 -4.535156 4.625 -4.921875 C 4.300781 -5.304688 3.910156 -5.5 3.453125 -5.5 C 2.992188 -5.5 2.59375 -5.296875 2.25 -4.890625 C 1.914062 -4.492188 1.75 -3.914062 1.75 -3.15625 Z M 1.75 -3.15625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-26"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.796875 0 L 0.796875 -8.59375 L 1.84375 -8.59375 L 1.84375 -5.515625 C 2.332031 -6.078125 2.953125 -6.359375 3.703125 -6.359375 C 4.171875 -6.359375 4.570312 -6.265625 4.90625 -6.078125 C 5.25 -5.898438 5.492188 -5.648438 5.640625 -5.328125 C 5.785156 -5.015625 5.859375 -4.550781 5.859375 -3.9375 L 5.859375 0 L 4.8125 0 L 4.8125 -3.9375 C 4.8125 -4.46875 4.695312 -4.851562 4.46875 -5.09375 C 4.238281 -5.332031 3.914062 -5.453125 3.5 -5.453125 C 3.1875 -5.453125 2.890625 -5.367188 2.609375 -5.203125 C 2.335938 -5.046875 2.140625 -4.828125 2.015625 -4.546875 C 1.898438 -4.273438 1.84375 -3.894531 1.84375 -3.40625 L 1.84375 0 Z M 0.796875 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-27"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.796875 0 L 0.796875 -6.21875 L 1.734375 -6.21875 L 1.734375 -5.34375 C 1.929688 -5.65625 2.191406 -5.898438 2.515625 -6.078125 C 2.835938 -6.265625 3.207031 -6.359375 3.625 -6.359375 C 4.082031 -6.359375 4.457031 -6.265625 4.75 -6.078125 C 5.050781 -5.890625 5.257812 -5.625 5.375 -5.28125 C 5.875 -6 6.515625 -6.359375 7.296875 -6.359375 C 7.921875 -6.359375 8.394531 -6.1875 8.71875 -5.84375 C 9.050781 -5.507812 9.21875 -4.984375 9.21875 -4.265625 L 9.21875 0 L 8.171875 0 L 8.171875 -3.921875 C 8.171875 -4.335938 8.132812 -4.640625 8.0625 -4.828125 C 8 -5.015625 7.878906 -5.164062 7.703125 -5.28125 C 7.523438 -5.394531 7.3125 -5.453125 7.0625 -5.453125 C 6.625 -5.453125 6.257812 -5.304688 5.96875 -5.015625 C 5.6875 -4.722656 5.546875 -4.253906 5.546875 -3.609375 L 5.546875 0 L 4.484375 0 L 4.484375 -4.046875 C 4.484375 -4.515625 4.394531 -4.863281 4.21875 -5.09375 C 4.050781 -5.332031 3.773438 -5.453125 3.390625 -5.453125 C 3.085938 -5.453125 2.8125 -5.375 2.5625 -5.21875 C 2.3125 -5.0625 2.128906 -4.832031 2.015625 -4.53125 C 1.898438 -4.226562 1.84375 -3.796875 1.84375 -3.234375 L 1.84375 0 Z M 0.796875 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-28"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 4.859375 -0.765625 C 4.460938 -0.429688 4.082031 -0.195312 3.71875 -0.0625 C 3.363281 0.0703125 2.976562 0.140625 2.5625 0.140625 C 1.875 0.140625 1.347656 -0.0234375 0.984375 -0.359375 C 0.617188 -0.691406 0.4375 -1.117188 0.4375 -1.640625 C 0.4375 -1.941406 0.503906 -2.21875 0.640625 -2.46875 C 0.773438 -2.726562 0.957031 -2.929688 1.1875 -3.078125 C 1.414062 -3.234375 1.671875 -3.347656 1.953125 -3.421875 C 2.148438 -3.484375 2.460938 -3.539062 2.890625 -3.59375 C 3.734375 -3.6875 4.359375 -3.804688 4.765625 -3.953125 C 4.765625 -4.097656 4.765625 -4.1875 4.765625 -4.21875 C 4.765625 -4.65625 4.664062 -4.960938 4.46875 -5.140625 C 4.195312 -5.367188 3.796875 -5.484375 3.265625 -5.484375 C 2.773438 -5.484375 2.410156 -5.394531 2.171875 -5.21875 C 1.929688 -5.050781 1.753906 -4.75 1.640625 -4.3125 L 0.609375 -4.453125 C 0.703125 -4.890625 0.859375 -5.242188 1.078125 -5.515625 C 1.296875 -5.785156 1.609375 -5.992188 2.015625 -6.140625 C 2.421875 -6.285156 2.890625 -6.359375 3.421875 -6.359375 C 3.953125 -6.359375 4.382812 -6.296875 4.71875 -6.171875 C 5.050781 -6.046875 5.296875 -5.890625 5.453125 -5.703125 C 5.609375 -5.515625 5.71875 -5.273438 5.78125 -4.984375 C 5.8125 -4.804688 5.828125 -4.484375 5.828125 -4.015625 L 5.828125 -2.609375 C 5.828125 -1.628906 5.847656 -1.007812 5.890625 -0.75 C 5.941406 -0.488281 6.035156 -0.238281 6.171875 0 L 5.0625 0 C 4.957031 -0.21875 4.890625 -0.472656 4.859375 -0.765625 Z M 4.765625 -3.125 C 4.378906 -2.96875 3.804688 -2.832031 3.046875 -2.71875 C 2.609375 -2.65625 2.300781 -2.582031 2.125 -2.5 C 1.945312 -2.425781 1.804688 -2.316406 1.703125 -2.171875 C 1.609375 -2.023438 1.5625 -1.859375 1.5625 -1.671875 C 1.5625 -1.390625 1.664062 -1.15625 1.875 -0.96875 C 2.09375 -0.78125 2.40625 -0.6875 2.8125 -0.6875 C 3.21875 -0.6875 3.578125 -0.773438 3.890625 -0.953125 C 4.210938 -1.128906 4.445312 -1.375 4.59375 -1.6875 C 4.707031 -1.925781 4.765625 -2.273438 4.765625 -2.734375 Z M 4.765625 -3.125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-0"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0 -1.5 L -7.5 -1.5 L -7.5 -7.5 L 0 -7.5 Z M -0.1875 -1.6875 L -0.1875 -7.3125 L -7.3125 -7.3125 L -7.3125 -1.6875 Z M -0.1875 -1.6875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-1"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M -0.9375 -3.09375 L -0.015625 -3.25 C 0.046875 -2.945312 0.078125 -2.679688 0.078125 -2.453125 C 0.078125 -2.066406 0.0195312 -1.769531 -0.09375 -1.5625 C -0.21875 -1.351562 -0.378906 -1.203125 -0.578125 -1.109375 C -0.773438 -1.023438 -1.191406 -0.984375 -1.828125 -0.984375 L -5.40625 -0.984375 L -5.40625 -0.21875 L -6.21875 -0.21875 L -6.21875 -0.984375 L -7.765625 -0.984375 L -8.390625 -2.03125 L -6.21875 -2.03125 L -6.21875 -3.09375 L -5.40625 -3.09375 L -5.40625 -2.03125 L -1.765625 -2.03125 C -1.460938 -2.03125 -1.269531 -2.046875 -1.1875 -2.078125 C -1.101562 -2.117188 -1.035156 -2.179688 -0.984375 -2.265625 C -0.929688 -2.347656 -0.90625 -2.46875 -0.90625 -2.625 C -0.90625 -2.75 -0.914062 -2.90625 -0.9375 -3.09375 Z M -0.9375 -3.09375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-2"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M -7.375 -0.796875 L -8.59375 -0.796875 L -8.59375 -1.859375 L -7.375 -1.859375 Z M 0 -0.796875 L -6.21875 -0.796875 L -6.21875 -1.859375 L 0 -1.859375 Z M 0 -0.796875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-3"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0 -0.796875 L -6.21875 -0.796875 L -6.21875 -1.734375 L -5.34375 -1.734375 C -5.65625 -1.929688 -5.898438 -2.191406 -6.078125 -2.515625 C -6.265625 -2.835938 -6.359375 -3.207031 -6.359375 -3.625 C -6.359375 -4.082031 -6.265625 -4.457031 -6.078125 -4.75 C -5.890625 -5.050781 -5.625 -5.257812 -5.28125 -5.375 C -6 -5.875 -6.359375 -6.515625 -6.359375 -7.296875 C -6.359375 -7.921875 -6.1875 -8.394531 -5.84375 -8.71875 C -5.507812 -9.050781 -4.984375 -9.21875 -4.265625 -9.21875 L 0 -9.21875 L 0 -8.171875 L -3.921875 -8.171875 C -4.335938 -8.171875 -4.640625 -8.132812 -4.828125 -8.0625 C -5.015625 -8 -5.164062 -7.878906 -5.28125 -7.703125 C -5.394531 -7.523438 -5.453125 -7.3125 -5.453125 -7.0625 C -5.453125 -6.625 -5.304688 -6.257812 -5.015625 -5.96875 C -4.722656 -5.6875 -4.253906 -5.546875 -3.609375 -5.546875 L 0 -5.546875 L 0 -4.484375 L -4.046875 -4.484375 C -4.515625 -4.484375 -4.863281 -4.394531 -5.09375 -4.21875 C -5.332031 -4.050781 -5.453125 -3.773438 -5.453125 -3.390625 C -5.453125 -3.085938 -5.375 -2.8125 -5.21875 -2.5625 C -5.0625 -2.3125 -4.832031 -2.128906 -4.53125 -2.015625 C -4.226562 -1.898438 -3.796875 -1.84375 -3.234375 -1.84375 L 0 -1.84375 Z M 0 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-4.890625 -4.671875 C -5.296875 -4.328125 -5.5 -3.890625 -5.5 -3.359375 C -5.5 -2.867188 -5.335938 -2.457031 -5.015625 -2.125 C -4.691406 -1.800781 -4.253906 -1.625 -3.703125 -1.59375 Z M -3.703125 -1.59375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-5"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.53125 -2.8125 C 1.789062 -2.226562 0.929688 -1.734375 -0.046875 -1.328125 C -1.035156 -0.929688 -2.054688 -0.734375 -3.109375 -0.734375 C -4.035156 -0.734375 -4.925781 -0.878906 -5.78125 -1.171875 C -6.769531 -1.523438 -7.753906 -2.070312 -8.734375 -2.8125 L -8.734375 -3.5625 C -7.921875 -3.09375 -7.34375 -2.78125 -7 -2.625 C -6.457031 -2.382812 -5.894531 -2.195312 -5.3125 -2.0625 C -4.582031 -1.894531 -3.847656 -1.8125 -3.109375 -1.8125 C -1.222656 -1.8125 0.65625 -2.394531 2.53125 -3.5625 Z M 2.53125 -2.8125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-6"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M -1.859375 -0.375 L -2.015625 -1.40625 C -1.597656 -1.46875 -1.28125 -1.628906 -1.0625 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2.144531 -3.144531 2.3125 -3.0625 C 2.488281 -2.988281 2.628906 -2.878906 2.734375 -2.734375 C 2.847656 -2.597656 2.9375 -2.429688 3 -2.234375 C 3.0625 -2.035156 3.09375 -1.828125 3.09375 -1.609375 C 3.09375 -1.066406 2.957031 -0.648438 2.6875 -0.359375 C 2.425781 -0.0664062 2.113281 0.078125 1.75 0.078125 C 1.382812 0.078125 1.09375 -0.078125 0.875 -0.390625 Z M 0.875 -1.578125 C 0.875 -1.203125 0.925781 -0.929688 1.03125 -0.765625 C 1.195312 -0.492188 1.421875 -0.359375 1.703125 -0.359375 C 1.929688 -0.359375 2.128906 -0.457031 2.296875 -0.65625 C 2.460938 -0.863281 2.546875 -1.164062 2.546875 -1.5625 C 2.546875 -1.96875 2.460938 -2.265625 2.296875 -2.453125 C 2.140625 -2.648438 1.945312 -2.75 1.71875 -2.75 C 1.488281 -2.75 1.289062 -2.644531 1.125 -2.4375 C 0.957031 -2.238281 0.875 -1.953125 0.875 -1.578125 Z M 0.875 -1.578125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-12"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.53125 -1 L 3.078125 -0.9375 C 2.984375 -0.613281 2.820312 -0.363281 2.59375 -0.1875 C 2.363281 -0.0078125 2.066406 0.078125 1.703125 0.078125 C 1.242188 0.078125 0.878906 -0.0625 0.609375 -0.34375 C 0.347656 -0.625 0.21875 -1.019531 0.21875 -1.53125 C 0.21875 -2.050781 0.351562 -2.457031 0.625 -2.75 C 0.894531 -3.039062 1.242188 -3.1875 1.671875 -3.1875 C 2.085938 -3.1875 2.425781 -3.039062 2.6875 -2.75 C 2.957031 -2.46875 3.09375 -2.070312 3.09375 -1.5625 C 3.09375 -1.53125 3.085938 -1.484375 3.078125 -1.421875 L 0.765625 -1.421875 C 0.785156 -1.078125 0.878906 -0.8125 1.046875 -0.625 C 1.222656 -0.445312 1.441406 -0.359375 1.703125 -0.359375 C 1.898438 -0.359375 2.066406 -0.410156 2.203125 -0.515625 C 2.335938 -0.617188 2.445312 -0.78125 2.53125 -1 Z M 0.796875 -1.859375 L 2.53125 -1.859375 C 2.507812 -2.117188 2.441406 -2.3125 2.328125 -2.4375 C 2.160156 -2.644531 1.941406 -2.75 1.671875 -2.75 C 1.429688 -2.75 1.226562 -2.664062 1.0625 -2.5 C 0.90625 -2.34375 0.816406 -2.128906 0.796875 -1.859375 Z M 0.796875 -1.859375 "/> +</symbol> 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2.632812 -0.242188 2.40625 -0.109375 C 2.175781 0.015625 1.925781 0.078125 1.65625 0.078125 C 1.21875 0.078125 0.863281 -0.0625 0.59375 -0.34375 C 0.332031 -0.625 0.203125 -1.03125 0.203125 -1.5625 Z M 0.734375 -1.5625 C 0.734375 -1.15625 0.820312 -0.851562 1 -0.65625 C 1.175781 -0.457031 1.394531 -0.359375 1.65625 -0.359375 C 1.914062 -0.359375 2.132812 -0.457031 2.3125 -0.65625 C 2.488281 -0.863281 2.578125 -1.171875 2.578125 -1.578125 C 2.578125 -1.960938 2.488281 -2.253906 2.3125 -2.453125 C 2.132812 -2.648438 1.914062 -2.75 1.65625 -2.75 C 1.394531 -2.75 1.175781 -2.648438 1 -2.453125 C 0.820312 -2.253906 0.734375 -1.957031 0.734375 -1.5625 Z M 0.734375 -1.5625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-15"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.515625 0 L 0.515625 -2.703125 L 0.0625 -2.703125 L 0.0625 -3.109375 L 0.515625 -3.109375 L 0.515625 -3.4375 C 0.515625 -3.644531 0.535156 -3.800781 0.578125 -3.90625 C 0.628906 -4.039062 0.71875 -4.148438 0.84375 -4.234375 C 0.96875 -4.328125 1.148438 -4.375 1.390625 -4.375 C 1.535156 -4.375 1.695312 -4.351562 1.875 -4.3125 L 1.796875 -3.859375 C 1.679688 -3.878906 1.578125 -3.890625 1.484375 -3.890625 C 1.328125 -3.890625 1.210938 -3.851562 1.140625 -3.78125 C 1.078125 -3.71875 1.046875 -3.59375 1.046875 -3.40625 L 1.046875 -3.109375 L 1.65625 -3.109375 L 1.65625 -2.703125 L 1.046875 -2.703125 L 1.046875 0 Z M 0.515625 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-16"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.53125 -1.5 L 4.09375 -1.359375 C 3.976562 -0.890625 3.765625 -0.53125 3.453125 -0.28125 C 3.140625 -0.0390625 2.757812 0.078125 2.3125 0.078125 C 1.851562 0.078125 1.476562 -0.015625 1.1875 -0.203125 C 0.894531 -0.398438 0.671875 -0.675781 0.515625 -1.03125 C 0.367188 -1.382812 0.296875 -1.769531 0.296875 -2.1875 C 0.296875 -2.625 0.378906 -3.007812 0.546875 -3.34375 C 0.722656 -3.675781 0.96875 -3.929688 1.28125 -4.109375 C 1.601562 -4.285156 1.953125 -4.375 2.328125 -4.375 C 2.753906 -4.375 3.113281 -4.265625 3.40625 -4.046875 C 3.695312 -3.828125 3.898438 -3.519531 4.015625 -3.125 L 3.46875 -2.984375 C 3.363281 -3.296875 3.21875 -3.519531 3.03125 -3.65625 C 2.84375 -3.800781 2.601562 -3.875 2.3125 -3.875 C 1.976562 -3.875 1.703125 -3.796875 1.484375 -3.640625 C 1.265625 -3.484375 1.109375 -3.269531 1.015625 -3 C 0.929688 -2.738281 0.890625 -2.46875 0.890625 -2.1875 C 0.890625 -1.820312 0.941406 -1.5 1.046875 -1.21875 C 1.148438 -0.945312 1.3125 -0.742188 1.53125 -0.609375 C 1.757812 -0.472656 2.003906 -0.40625 2.265625 -0.40625 C 2.585938 -0.40625 2.859375 -0.5 3.078125 -0.6875 C 3.296875 -0.875 3.445312 -1.144531 3.53125 -1.5 Z M 3.53125 -1.5 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-17"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.46875 0 L 0.46875 -4.296875 L 2.078125 -4.296875 C 2.367188 -4.296875 2.585938 -4.28125 2.734375 -4.25 C 2.941406 -4.21875 3.117188 -4.148438 3.265625 -4.046875 C 3.410156 -3.953125 3.523438 -3.816406 3.609375 -3.640625 C 3.691406 -3.460938 3.734375 -3.265625 3.734375 -3.046875 C 3.734375 -2.679688 3.617188 -2.375 3.390625 -2.125 C 3.160156 -1.875 2.742188 -1.75 2.140625 -1.75 L 1.03125 -1.75 L 1.03125 0 Z M 1.03125 -2.25 L 2.140625 -2.25 C 2.503906 -2.25 2.765625 -2.316406 2.921875 -2.453125 C 3.078125 -2.585938 3.15625 -2.78125 3.15625 -3.03125 C 3.15625 -3.21875 3.109375 -3.375 3.015625 -3.5 C 2.929688 -3.625 2.8125 -3.707031 2.65625 -3.75 C 2.5625 -3.769531 2.382812 -3.78125 2.125 -3.78125 L 1.03125 -3.78125 Z M 1.03125 -2.25 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-18"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.28125 -4.296875 L 3.84375 -4.296875 L 3.84375 -1.8125 C 3.84375 -1.382812 3.796875 -1.039062 3.703125 -0.78125 C 3.609375 -0.53125 3.429688 -0.320312 3.171875 -0.15625 C 2.921875 0 2.585938 0.078125 2.171875 0.078125 C 1.765625 0.078125 1.429688 0.0078125 1.171875 -0.125 C 0.921875 -0.269531 0.738281 -0.472656 0.625 -0.734375 C 0.519531 -0.992188 0.46875 -1.351562 0.46875 -1.8125 L 0.46875 -4.296875 L 1.046875 -4.296875 L 1.046875 -1.8125 C 1.046875 -1.4375 1.078125 -1.160156 1.140625 -0.984375 C 1.210938 -0.816406 1.332031 -0.679688 1.5 -0.578125 C 1.664062 -0.484375 1.875 -0.4375 2.125 -0.4375 C 2.539062 -0.4375 2.835938 -0.53125 3.015625 -0.71875 C 3.191406 -0.914062 3.28125 -1.28125 3.28125 -1.8125 Z M 3.28125 -4.296875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-19"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.390625 0 L 0.390625 -4.296875 L 0.90625 -4.296875 L 0.90625 0 Z M 0.390625 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-20"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.390625 0 L 0.390625 -3.109375 L 0.875 -3.109375 L 0.875 -2.671875 C 1.101562 -3.015625 1.429688 -3.1875 1.859375 -3.1875 C 2.046875 -3.1875 2.21875 -3.148438 2.375 -3.078125 C 2.53125 -3.015625 2.644531 -2.925781 2.71875 -2.8125 C 2.800781 -2.707031 2.859375 -2.578125 2.890625 -2.421875 C 2.910156 -2.328125 2.921875 -2.15625 2.921875 -1.90625 L 2.921875 0 L 2.390625 0 L 2.390625 -1.890625 C 2.390625 -2.109375 2.367188 -2.269531 2.328125 -2.375 C 2.296875 -2.476562 2.222656 -2.5625 2.109375 -2.625 C 2.003906 -2.6875 1.882812 -2.71875 1.75 -2.71875 C 1.519531 -2.71875 1.320312 -2.644531 1.15625 -2.5 C 1 -2.363281 0.921875 -2.097656 0.921875 -1.703125 L 0.921875 0 Z M 0.390625 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-21"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.546875 -0.46875 L 1.625 0 C 1.476562 0.03125 1.34375 0.046875 1.21875 0.046875 C 1.03125 0.046875 0.882812 0.015625 0.78125 -0.046875 C 0.675781 -0.109375 0.601562 -0.1875 0.5625 -0.28125 C 0.519531 -0.382812 0.5 -0.59375 0.5 -0.90625 L 0.5 -2.703125 L 0.109375 -2.703125 L 0.109375 -3.109375 L 0.5 -3.109375 L 0.5 -3.875 L 1.015625 -4.203125 L 1.015625 -3.109375 L 1.546875 -3.109375 L 1.546875 -2.703125 L 1.015625 -2.703125 L 1.015625 -0.875 C 1.015625 -0.726562 1.023438 -0.632812 1.046875 -0.59375 C 1.066406 -0.550781 1.097656 -0.515625 1.140625 -0.484375 C 1.179688 -0.460938 1.238281 -0.453125 1.3125 -0.453125 C 1.375 -0.453125 1.453125 -0.457031 1.546875 -0.46875 Z M 1.546875 -0.46875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-22"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.1875 -0.921875 L 0.703125 -1.015625 C 0.734375 -0.804688 0.816406 -0.644531 0.953125 -0.53125 C 1.085938 -0.414062 1.273438 -0.359375 1.515625 -0.359375 C 1.753906 -0.359375 1.929688 -0.40625 2.046875 -0.5 C 2.171875 -0.601562 2.234375 -0.722656 2.234375 -0.859375 C 2.234375 -0.972656 2.179688 -1.066406 2.078125 -1.140625 C 2.003906 -1.179688 1.820312 -1.238281 1.53125 -1.3125 C 1.144531 -1.414062 0.875 -1.5 0.71875 -1.5625 C 0.570312 -1.632812 0.457031 -1.734375 0.375 -1.859375 C 0.300781 -1.992188 0.265625 -2.132812 0.265625 -2.28125 C 0.265625 -2.425781 0.296875 -2.554688 0.359375 -2.671875 C 0.429688 -2.785156 0.519531 -2.882812 0.625 -2.96875 C 0.707031 -3.03125 0.816406 -3.082031 0.953125 -3.125 C 1.097656 -3.164062 1.253906 -3.1875 1.421875 -3.1875 C 1.660156 -3.1875 1.875 -3.148438 2.0625 -3.078125 C 2.25 -3.003906 2.382812 -2.90625 2.46875 -2.78125 C 2.5625 -2.664062 2.625 -2.507812 2.65625 -2.3125 L 2.140625 -2.234375 C 2.109375 -2.398438 2.035156 -2.523438 1.921875 -2.609375 C 1.816406 -2.703125 1.660156 -2.75 1.453125 -2.75 C 1.210938 -2.75 1.039062 -2.707031 0.9375 -2.625 C 0.832031 -2.550781 0.78125 -2.457031 0.78125 -2.34375 C 0.78125 -2.28125 0.800781 -2.21875 0.84375 -2.15625 C 0.882812 -2.101562 0.953125 -2.054688 1.046875 -2.015625 C 1.097656 -2.003906 1.253906 -1.960938 1.515625 -1.890625 C 1.890625 -1.785156 2.148438 -1.703125 2.296875 -1.640625 C 2.441406 -1.578125 2.554688 -1.484375 2.640625 -1.359375 C 2.722656 -1.242188 2.765625 -1.097656 2.765625 -0.921875 C 2.765625 -0.742188 2.710938 -0.578125 2.609375 -0.421875 C 2.515625 -0.265625 2.367188 -0.140625 2.171875 -0.046875 C 1.972656 0.0351562 1.753906 0.078125 1.515625 0.078125 C 1.109375 0.078125 0.796875 -0.00390625 0.578125 -0.171875 C 0.367188 -0.347656 0.238281 -0.597656 0.1875 -0.921875 Z M 0.1875 -0.921875 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-1.972656 2.476562 -2.269531 2.3125 -2.46875 C 2.144531 -2.664062 1.953125 -2.765625 1.734375 -2.765625 C 1.503906 -2.765625 1.300781 -2.660156 1.125 -2.453125 C 0.957031 -2.242188 0.875 -1.9375 0.875 -1.53125 Z M 0.875 -1.53125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-24"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.5625 0 L 1.5625 -3.78125 L 0.140625 -3.78125 L 0.140625 -4.296875 L 3.546875 -4.296875 L 3.546875 -3.78125 L 2.125 -3.78125 L 2.125 0 Z M 1.5625 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-25"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.421875 -0.390625 C 2.234375 -0.222656 2.046875 -0.101562 1.859375 -0.03125 C 1.679688 0.0390625 1.488281 0.078125 1.28125 0.078125 C 0.9375 0.078125 0.671875 -0.00390625 0.484375 -0.171875 C 0.304688 -0.347656 0.21875 -0.566406 0.21875 -0.828125 C 0.21875 -0.972656 0.25 -1.109375 0.3125 -1.234375 C 0.382812 -1.359375 0.476562 -1.457031 0.59375 -1.53125 C 0.707031 -1.613281 0.832031 -1.675781 0.96875 -1.71875 C 1.070312 -1.738281 1.226562 -1.765625 1.4375 -1.796875 C 1.863281 -1.847656 2.175781 -1.90625 2.375 -1.96875 C 2.382812 -2.039062 2.390625 -2.085938 2.390625 -2.109375 C 2.390625 -2.328125 2.335938 -2.476562 2.234375 -2.5625 C 2.097656 -2.6875 1.898438 -2.75 1.640625 -2.75 C 1.390625 -2.75 1.203125 -2.703125 1.078125 -2.609375 C 0.960938 -2.523438 0.878906 -2.375 0.828125 -2.15625 L 0.3125 -2.21875 C 0.351562 -2.445312 0.425781 -2.628906 0.53125 -2.765625 C 0.644531 -2.898438 0.800781 -3.003906 1 -3.078125 C 1.207031 -3.148438 1.445312 -3.1875 1.71875 -3.1875 C 1.976562 -3.1875 2.191406 -3.15625 2.359375 -3.09375 C 2.523438 -3.03125 2.644531 -2.945312 2.71875 -2.84375 C 2.800781 -2.75 2.859375 -2.632812 2.890625 -2.5 C 2.910156 -2.40625 2.921875 -2.238281 2.921875 -2 L 2.921875 -1.296875 C 2.921875 -0.804688 2.929688 -0.492188 2.953125 -0.359375 C 2.972656 -0.234375 3.015625 -0.113281 3.078125 0 L 2.53125 0 C 2.476562 -0.113281 2.441406 -0.242188 2.421875 -0.390625 Z M 2.375 -1.5625 C 2.1875 -1.476562 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{ } def /_pola 0 def /_doClip 0 def /cf currentflat def /_tm matrix def /_renderStart [ /e0 /r0 /a0 /o0 /e1 /r1 /a1 /i0 ] def /_renderEnd [ null null null null /i1 /i1 /i1 /i1 ] def /_render -1 def /_rise 0 def /_ax 0 def /_ay 0 def /_cx 0 def /_cy 0 def /_leading [ 0 0 ] def /_ctm matrix def /_mtx matrix def /_sp 16#020 def /_hyphen (-) def /_fScl 0 def /_cnt 0 def /_hs 1 def /_nativeEncoding 0 def /_useNativeEncoding 0 def /_tempEncode 0 def /_pntr 0 def /_tDict 2 dict def /_wv 0 def /Tx { } def /Tj { } def /CRender { } def /_AI3_savepage { } def /_gf null def /_cf 4 array def /_if null def /_of false def /_fc { } def /_gs null def /_cs 4 array def /_is null def /_os false def /_sc { } def /_pd 1 dict def /_ed 15 dict def /_pm matrix def /_fm null def /_fd null def /_fdd null def /_sm null def /_sd null def /_sdd null def /_i null def /discardSave null def /buffer 256 string def /beginString null def /endString null def /endStringLength null def /layerCnt 1 def /layerCount 1 def /perCent (%) 0 get def /perCentSeen? false def /newBuff null def /newBuffButFirst null def /newBuffLast null def /clipForward? false def end userdict /Adobe_Illustrator_AI5 known not { userdict /Adobe_Illustrator_AI5 91 dict put } if userdict /Adobe_Illustrator_AI5 get begin /initialize { Adobe_Illustrator_AI5 dup begin Adobe_Illustrator_AI5_vars begin discardDict { bind pop pop } forall dup /nc get begin { dup xcheck 1 index type /operatortype ne and { bind } if pop pop } forall end newpath } def /terminate { end end } def /_ null def /ddef { Adobe_Illustrator_AI5_vars 3 1 roll put } def /xput { dup load dup length exch maxlength eq { dup dup load dup length 2 mul dict copy def } if load begin def end } def /npop { { pop } repeat } def /sw { dup length exch stringwidth exch 5 -1 roll 3 index mul add 4 1 roll 3 1 roll mul add } def /swj { dup 4 1 roll dup length exch stringwidth exch 5 -1 roll 3 index mul add 4 1 roll 3 1 roll mul add 6 2 roll /_cnt 0 ddef { 1 index eq { /_cnt _cnt 1 add ddef } if } forall pop exch _cnt mul exch _cnt mul 2 index add 4 1 roll 2 index add 4 1 roll pop pop } def /ss { 4 1 roll { 2 npop (0) exch 2 copy 0 exch put pop gsave false charpath currentpoint 4 index setmatrix stroke grestore moveto 2 copy rmoveto } exch cshow 3 npop } def /jss { 4 1 roll { 2 npop (0) exch 2 copy 0 exch put gsave _sp eq { exch 6 index 6 index 6 index 5 -1 roll widthshow currentpoint } { false charpath currentpoint 4 index setmatrix stroke } ifelse grestore moveto 2 copy rmoveto } exch cshow 6 npop } def /sp { { 2 npop (0) exch 2 copy 0 exch put pop false charpath 2 copy rmoveto } exch cshow 2 npop } def /jsp { { 2 npop (0) exch 2 copy 0 exch put _sp eq { exch 5 index 5 index 5 index 5 -1 roll widthshow } { false charpath } ifelse 2 copy rmoveto } exch cshow 5 npop } def /pl { transform 0.25 sub round 0.25 add exch 0.25 sub round 0.25 add exch itransform } def /setstrokeadjust where { pop true setstrokeadjust /c { curveto } def /C /c load def /v { currentpoint 6 2 roll curveto } def /V /v load def /y { 2 copy curveto } def /Y /y load def /l { lineto } def /L /l load def /m { moveto } def } { /c { pl curveto } def /C /c load def /v { currentpoint 6 2 roll pl curveto } def /V /v load def /y { pl 2 copy curveto } def /Y /y load def /l { pl lineto } def /L /l load def /m { pl moveto } def } ifelse /d { setdash } def /cf { } def /i { dup 0 eq { pop cf } if setflat } def /j { setlinejoin } def /J { setlinecap } def /M { setmiterlimit } def /w { setlinewidth } def /XR { 0 ne /_eo exch ddef } def /H { } def /h { closepath } def /N { _pola 0 eq { _doClip 1 eq { _eo {eoclip} {clip} ifelse /_doClip 0 ddef } if newpath } { /CRender { N } ddef } ifelse } def /n { N } def /F { _pola 0 eq { _doClip 1 eq { gsave _pf grestore _eo {eoclip} {clip} ifelse newpath /_lp /none ddef _fc /_doClip 0 ddef } { _pf } ifelse } { /CRender { F } ddef } ifelse } def /f { closepath F } def /S { _pola 0 eq { _doClip 1 eq { gsave _ps grestore _eo {eoclip} {clip} ifelse newpath /_lp /none ddef _sc /_doClip 0 ddef } { _ps } ifelse } { /CRender { S } ddef } ifelse } def /s { closepath S } def /B { _pola 0 eq { _doClip 1 eq gsave F grestore { gsave S grestore _eo {eoclip} {clip} ifelse newpath /_lp /none ddef _sc /_doClip 0 ddef } { S } ifelse } { /CRender { B } ddef } ifelse } def /b { closepath B } def /W { /_doClip 1 ddef } def /* { count 0 ne { dup type /stringtype eq { pop } if } if newpath } def /u { } def /U { } def /q { _pola 0 eq { gsave } if } def /Q { _pola 0 eq { grestore } if } def /*u { _pola 1 add /_pola exch ddef } def /*U { _pola 1 sub /_pola exch ddef _pola 0 eq { CRender } if } def /D { pop } def /*w { } def /*W { } def /` { /_i save ddef clipForward? { nulldevice } if 6 1 roll 4 npop concat pop userdict begin /showpage { } def 0 setgray 0 setlinecap 1 setlinewidth 0 setlinejoin 10 setmiterlimit [] 0 setdash /setstrokeadjust where {pop false setstrokeadjust} if newpath 0 setgray false setoverprint } def /~ { end _i restore } def /O { 0 ne /_of exch ddef /_lp /none ddef } def /R { 0 ne /_os exch ddef /_lp /none ddef } def /g { /_gf exch ddef /_fc { _lp /fill ne { _of setoverprint _gf setgray /_lp /fill ddef } if } ddef /_pf { _fc _eo {eofill} {fill} ifelse } ddef /_psf { _fc ashow } ddef /_pjsf { _fc awidthshow } ddef /_lp /none ddef } def /G { /_gs exch ddef /_sc { _lp /stroke ne { _os setoverprint _gs setgray /_lp /stroke ddef } if } ddef /_ps { _sc stroke } ddef /_pss { _sc ss } ddef /_pjss { _sc jss } ddef /_lp /none ddef } def /k { _cf astore pop /_fc { _lp /fill ne { _of setoverprint _cf aload pop setcmykcolor /_lp /fill ddef } if } ddef /_pf { _fc _eo {eofill} {fill} ifelse } ddef /_psf { _fc ashow } ddef /_pjsf { _fc awidthshow } ddef /_lp /none ddef } def /K { _cs astore pop /_sc { _lp /stroke ne { _os setoverprint _cs aload pop setcmykcolor /_lp /stroke ddef } if } ddef /_ps { _sc stroke } ddef /_pss { _sc ss } ddef /_pjss { _sc jss } ddef /_lp /none ddef } def /x { /_gf exch ddef findcmykcustomcolor /_if exch ddef /_fc { _lp /fill ne { _of setoverprint _if _gf 1 exch sub setcustomcolor /_lp /fill ddef } if } ddef /_pf { _fc _eo {eofill} {fill} ifelse } ddef /_psf { _fc ashow } ddef /_pjsf { _fc awidthshow } ddef /_lp /none ddef } def /X { /_gs exch ddef findcmykcustomcolor /_is exch ddef /_sc { _lp /stroke ne { _os setoverprint _is _gs 1 exch sub setcustomcolor /_lp /stroke ddef } if } ddef /_ps { _sc stroke } ddef /_pss { _sc ss } ddef /_pjss { _sc jss } ddef /_lp /none ddef } def /A { pop } def /annotatepage { userdict /annotatepage 2 copy known {get exec} {pop pop} ifelse } def /XT { pop pop } def /discard { save /discardSave exch store discardDict begin /endString exch store gt38? { 2 add } if load stopped pop end discardSave restore } bind def userdict /discardDict 7 dict dup begin put /pre38Initialize { /endStringLength endString length store /newBuff buffer 0 endStringLength getinterval store /newBuffButFirst newBuff 1 endStringLength 1 sub getinterval store /newBuffLast newBuff endStringLength 1 sub 1 getinterval store } def /shiftBuffer { newBuff 0 newBuffButFirst putinterval newBuffLast 0 currentfile read not { stop } if put } def 0 { pre38Initialize mark currentfile newBuff readstring exch pop { { newBuff endString eq { cleartomark stop } if shiftBuffer } loop } { stop } ifelse } def 1 { pre38Initialize /beginString exch store mark currentfile newBuff readstring exch pop { { newBuff beginString eq { /layerCount dup load 1 add store } { newBuff endString eq { /layerCount dup load 1 sub store layerCount 0 eq { cleartomark stop } if } if } ifelse shiftBuffer } loop } if } def 2 { mark { currentfile buffer readline not { stop } if endString eq { cleartomark stop } if } loop } def 3 { /beginString exch store /layerCnt 1 store mark { currentfile buffer readline not { stop } if dup beginString eq { pop /layerCnt dup load 1 add store } { endString eq { layerCnt 1 eq { cleartomark stop } { /layerCnt dup load 1 sub store } ifelse } if } ifelse } loop } def end userdict /clipRenderOff 15 dict dup begin put { /n /N /s /S /f /F /b /B } { { _doClip 1 eq { /_doClip 0 ddef _eo {eoclip} {clip} ifelse } if newpath } def } forall /Tr /pop load def /Bb {} def /BB /pop load def /Bg {12 npop} def /Bm {6 npop} def /Bc /Bm load def /Bh {4 npop} def end /Lb { 4 npop 6 1 roll pop 4 1 roll pop pop pop 0 eq { 0 eq { (%AI5_BeginLayer) 1 (%AI5_EndLayer--) discard } { /clipForward? true def /Tx /pop load def /Tj /pop load def currentdict end clipRenderOff begin begin } ifelse } { 0 eq { save /discardSave exch store } if } ifelse } bind def /LB { discardSave dup null ne { restore } { pop clipForward? { currentdict end end begin /clipForward? false ddef } if } ifelse } bind def /Pb { pop pop 0 (%AI5_EndPalette) discard } bind def /Np { 0 (%AI5_End_NonPrinting--) discard } bind def /Ln /pop load def /Ap /pop load def /Ar { 72 exch div 0 dtransform dup mul exch dup mul add sqrt dup 1 lt { pop 1 } if setflat } def /Mb { q } def /Md { } def /MB { Q } def /nc 3 dict def nc begin /setgray { pop } bind def /setcmykcolor { 4 npop } bind def /setcustomcolor { 2 npop } bind def currentdict readonly pop end end setpacking %%EndResource %%EndProlog %%BeginSetup Adobe_level2_AI5 /initialize get exec Adobe_ColorImage_AI6 /initialize get exec Adobe_Illustrator_AI5 /initialize get exec %AI5_Begin_NonPrinting Np %AI3_BeginPattern: (Arrow1.2.out/in) (Arrow1.2.out/in) 1 1 39.4039 39.4039 [ %AI3_Tile (0 O 0 R 0.75 0.75 0.375 0 k 0.75 0.75 0.375 0 K ) @ ( %AI6_BeginPatternLayer 800 Ar 1 J 0 j 1 w 4 M []0 d %AI3_Note: 0 D 0 XR 33.9039 15.6187 m 39.4247 20.202 L 39.4247 20.202 L 33.8869 24.6252 L S 39.2997 20.202 m 24.5706 20.202 l 20.4039 20.4792 20.4039 16.8125 v 20.4039 13.1458 20.4039 12.5625 y S %AI6_EndPatternLayer ) & ] E %AI3_EndPattern %AI3_BeginPattern: (Arrow1.2.side) (Arrow1.2.side) 1 1 39.404 39.4039 [ %AI3_Tile (0 O 0 R 0.75 0.75 0.375 0 k 0.75 0.75 0.375 0 K ) @ ( %AI6_BeginPatternLayer 800 Ar 1 J 0 j 1 w 4 M []0 d %AI3_Note: 0 D 0 XR 20.202 20.202 m 39.404 20.202 l S 33.904 15.6187 m 39.4248 20.202 L 39.4248 20.202 L 33.887 24.6252 L S %AI6_EndPatternLayer ) & ] E %AI3_EndPattern %AI3_BeginPattern: (Bricks) (Bricks) 1.6 1.6 73.6 73.6 [ %AI3_Tile (0 O 0 R 0.3 0.85 0.85 0 k 0.3 0.85 0.85 0 K ) @ ( %AI6_BeginPatternLayer 800 Ar 0 J 0 j 1 w 4 M []0 d %AI3_Note: 0 D 0 XR 1.6 1.6 m 1.6 73.6 L 73.6 73.6 L 73.6 1.6 L 1.6 1.6 L f %AI6_EndPatternLayer ) & (0 O 0 R 1 g 1 G ) @ ( %AI6_BeginPatternLayer 800 Ar 0 J 0 j 0.3 w 4 M []0 d %AI3_Note: 0 D 0 XR 1.6 70.01 m 73.6 70.01 l S 1.6 62.809 m 73.6 62.809 L S 1.6 55.609 m 73.6 55.609 L S 1.6 48.408 m 73.6 48.408 L S 1.6 41.208 m 73.6 41.208 L S 1.6 34.007 m 73.6 34.007 L S 1.6 26.807 m 73.6 26.807 L S 1.6 19.606 m 73.6 19.606 L S 1.6 12.406 m 73.6 12.406 L S 1.6 5.206 m 73.6 5.206 L S 70.01 70.01 m 70.01 62.822 l S 55.61 70.01 m 55.61 62.822 L S 41.21 70.01 m 41.21 62.822 L S 26.81 70.01 m 26.81 62.822 L S 12.41 70.01 m 12.41 62.822 L S 70.01 55.572 m 70.01 48.385 l S 55.61 55.572 m 55.61 48.385 L S 41.21 55.572 m 41.21 48.385 L S 26.81 55.572 m 26.81 48.385 L S 12.41 55.572 m 12.41 48.385 L S 70.01 41.197 m 70.01 34.01 l S 55.61 41.197 m 55.61 34.01 L S 41.21 41.197 m 41.21 34.01 L S 26.81 41.197 m 26.81 34.01 L S 12.41 41.197 m 12.41 34.01 L S 70.01 26.822 m 70.01 19.635 l S 55.61 26.822 m 55.61 19.635 L S 41.21 26.822 m 41.21 19.635 L S 26.81 26.822 m 26.81 19.635 L S 12.41 26.822 m 12.41 19.635 L S 70.01 12.385 m 70.01 5.197 l S 55.61 12.385 m 55.61 5.197 L S 41.21 12.385 m 41.21 5.197 L S 26.81 12.385 m 26.81 5.197 L S 12.41 12.385 m 12.41 5.197 L S 62.797 5.197 m 62.797 1.6 L S 48.397 5.197 m 48.397 1.6 L S 33.997 5.197 m 33.997 1.6 L S 19.597 5.197 m 19.597 1.6 L S 5.197 5.197 m 5.197 1.6 l S 62.797 19.635 m 62.797 12.447 L S 48.397 19.635 m 48.397 12.447 L S 33.997 19.635 m 33.997 12.447 L S 19.597 19.635 m 19.597 12.447 L S 5.197 19.635 m 5.197 12.447 l S 62.797 34.01 m 62.797 26.822 L S 48.397 34.01 m 48.397 26.822 L S 19.597 34.01 m 19.597 26.822 L S 5.197 34.01 m 5.197 26.822 l S 62.797 48.385 m 62.797 41.197 L S 48.397 48.385 m 48.397 41.197 L S 33.997 48.385 m 33.997 41.197 L S 19.597 48.385 m 19.597 41.197 L S 5.197 48.385 m 5.197 41.197 l S 62.797 62.822 m 62.797 55.635 L S 48.397 62.822 m 48.397 55.635 L S 33.997 62.822 m 33.997 55.635 L S 19.597 62.822 m 19.597 55.635 L S 5.197 62.822 m 5.197 55.635 l S 62.797 73.5589 m 62.797 70.072 L S 48.397 73.5589 m 48.397 70.072 L S 33.997 73.5589 m 33.997 70.072 L S 19.597 73.5589 m 19.597 70.072 L S 5.197 73.5589 m 5.197 70.072 l S 33.997 34.01 m 33.997 26.822 L S %AI6_EndPatternLayer ) & ] E %AI3_EndPattern %AI3_BeginPattern: (Checks) (Checks) 1 1 31.3995 31.3995 [ %AI3_Tile (0 O 0 R 0 0.9 1 0 k 0 0.9 1 0 K ) @ ( %AI6_BeginPatternLayer 800 Ar 0 J 0 j 1 w 4 M []0 d %AI3_Note: 0 D 1 XR 19.9995 4.8 m 27.5995 4.8 L 27.5995 12.3995 L 19.9995 12.3995 L 19.9995 4.8 L f 31.3995 27.5995 m 31.3995 31.3995 L 27.5995 31.3995 L 27.5995 27.5995 L 31.3995 27.5995 L f 19.9995 27.5995 m 19.9995 19.9995 L 27.5995 19.9995 L 27.5995 27.5995 L 19.9995 27.5995 L f 0 XR 12.3995 12.3995 m 19.9995 12.3995 L 19.9995 19.9995 L 12.3995 19.9995 L 12.3995 12.3995 L f 1 XR 12.3995 27.5995 m 4.8 27.5995 L 4.8 19.9995 L 12.3995 19.9995 L 12.3995 27.5995 L f 4.8 12.3995 m 4.8 4.8 L 12.3995 4.8 L 12.3995 12.3995 L 4.8 12.3995 L f 19.9995 27.5995 m 19.9995 31.3995 L 12.3995 31.3995 L 12.3995 27.5995 L 19.9995 27.5995 L f 12.3995 4.8 m 12.3995 1 L 19.9995 1 L 19.9995 4.8 L 12.3995 4.8 L f 4.8 19.9995 m 1 19.9995 L 1 12.3995 L 4.8 12.3995 L 4.8 19.9995 L f 27.5995 19.9995 m 27.5995 12.3995 L 31.3995 12.3995 L 31.3995 19.9995 L 27.5995 19.9995 L f 4.8 31.3995 m 1 31.3995 L 1 27.5995 L 4.8 27.5995 L 4.8 31.3995 L f 27.5995 1 m 31.3995 1 L 31.3995 4.8 L 27.5995 4.8 L 27.5995 1 L f 1 4.8 m 1 1 L 4.8 1 L 4.8 4.8 L 1 4.8 L f %AI6_EndPatternLayer ) & (0 O 0 R 0 0.05 0.2 0 k 0 0.05 0.2 0 K ) @ ( %AI6_BeginPatternLayer 800 Ar 0 J 0 j 1 w 4 M []0 d %AI3_Note: 0 D 1 XR 4.8 4.8 m 4.8 1 L 12.3995 1 L 12.3995 4.8 L 4.8 4.8 L f 4.8 12.3995 m 1 12.3995 L 1 4.8 L 4.8 4.8 L 4.8 12.3995 L f 19.9995 4.8 m 19.9995 1 L 27.5995 1 L 27.5995 4.8 L 19.9995 4.8 L f 12.3995 12.3995 m 12.3995 4.8 L 19.9995 4.8 L 19.9995 12.3995 L 12.3995 12.3995 L f 27.5995 4.8 m 31.3995 4.8 L 31.3995 12.3995 L 27.5995 12.3995 L 27.5995 4.8 L f 12.3995 19.9995 m 4.8 19.9995 L 4.8 12.3995 L 12.3995 12.3995 L 12.3995 19.9995 L f 4.8 27.5995 m 1 27.5995 L 1 19.9995 L 4.8 19.9995 L 4.8 27.5995 L f 19.9995 12.3995 m 27.5995 12.3995 L 27.5995 19.9995 L 19.9995 19.9995 L 19.9995 12.3995 L f 19.9995 19.9995 m 19.9995 27.5995 L 12.3995 27.5995 L 12.3995 19.9995 L 19.9995 19.9995 L f 27.5995 19.9995 m 31.3995 19.9995 L 31.3995 27.5995 L 27.5995 27.5995 L 27.5995 19.9995 L f 12.3995 27.5995 m 12.3995 31.3995 L 4.8 31.3995 L 4.8 27.5995 L 12.3995 27.5995 L f 27.5995 27.5995 m 27.5995 31.3995 L 19.9995 31.3995 L 19.9995 27.5995 L 27.5995 27.5995 L f %AI6_EndPatternLayer ) & ] E %AI3_EndPattern %AI3_BeginPattern: (Confetti) (Confetti) 4.85 3.617 76.85 75.617 [ %AI3_Tile (0 O 0 R 1 g 1 G ) @ ( %AI6_BeginPatternLayer 800 Ar 0 J 0 j 1 w 4 M []0 d %AI3_Note: 0 D 0 XR 4.85 3.617 m 4.85 75.617 L 76.85 75.617 L 76.85 3.617 L 4.85 3.617 L f %AI6_EndPatternLayer ) & (0 O 0 R 0 g 0 G ) @ ( %AI6_BeginPatternLayer 800 Ar 0 J 0 j 0.3 w 4 M []0 d %AI3_Note: 0 D 0 XR 10.6 64.867 m 7.85 62.867 l S 9.1 8.617 m 6.85 6.867 l S 78.1 68.617 m 74.85 67.867 l S 76.85 56.867 m 74.35 55.117 l S 79.6 51.617 m 76.6 51.617 l S 76.35 44.117 m 73.6 45.867 l S 78.6 35.867 m 76.6 34.367 l S 76.1 23.867 m 73.35 26.117 l S 78.1 12.867 m 73.85 13.617 l S 68.35 14.617 m 66.1 12.867 l S 76.6 30.617 m 73.6 30.617 l S 62.85 58.117 m 60.956 60.941 l S 32.85 59.617 m 31.196 62.181 l S 47.891 64.061 m 49.744 66.742 l S 72.814 2.769 m 73.928 5.729 l S 67.976 2.633 m 67.35 5.909 l S 61.85 27.617 m 59.956 30.441 l S 53.504 56.053 m 51.85 58.617 l S 52.762 1.779 m 52.876 4.776 l S 45.391 5.311 m 47.244 7.992 l S 37.062 3.375 m 35.639 5.43 l S 55.165 34.828 m 57.518 37.491 l S 20.795 3.242 m 22.12 5.193 l S 14.097 4.747 m 15.008 8.965 l S 9.736 1.91 m 8.073 4.225 l S 31.891 5.573 m 32.005 8.571 l S 12.1 70.367 m 15.6 68.867 l S 9.35 54.867 m 9.6 58.117 l S 12.85 31.867 m 14.35 28.117 l S 10.1 37.367 m 12.35 41.117 l S 34.1 71.117 m 31.85 68.617 l S 38.35 71.117 m 41.6 68.367 l S 55.1 71.117 m 58.35 69.117 l S 57.35 65.117 m 55.35 61.867 l S 64.35 66.367 m 69.35 68.617 l S 71.85 62.867 m 69.35 61.117 l S 23.6 70.867 m 23.6 67.867 l S 20.6 65.867 m 17.35 65.367 l S 24.85 61.367 m 25.35 58.117 l S 25.85 65.867 m 29.35 66.617 l S 14.1 54.117 m 16.85 56.117 l S 12.35 11.617 m 12.6 15.617 l S 12.1 19.867 m 14.35 22.367 l S 26.1 9.867 m 23.6 13.367 l S 34.6 47.117 m 32.1 45.367 l S 62.6 41.867 m 59.85 43.367 l S 31.6 35.617 m 27.85 36.367 l S 36.35 26.117 m 34.35 24.617 l S 33.85 14.117 m 31.1 16.367 l S 37.1 9.867 m 35.1 11.117 l S 34.35 20.867 m 31.35 20.867 l S 44.6 56.617 m 42.1 54.867 l S 47.35 51.367 m 44.35 51.367 l S 44.1 43.867 m 41.35 45.617 l S 43.35 33.117 m 42.6 30.617 l S 43.85 23.617 m 41.1 25.867 l S 44.35 15.617 m 42.35 16.867 l S 67.823 31.1 m 64.823 31.1 l S 27.1 32.617 m 29.6 30.867 l S 31.85 55.117 m 34.85 55.117 l S 19.6 40.867 m 22.1 39.117 l S 16.85 35.617 m 19.85 35.617 l S 20.1 28.117 m 22.85 29.867 l S 52.1 42.617 m 54.484 44.178 l S 52.437 50.146 m 54.821 48.325 l S 59.572 54.133 m 59.35 51.117 l S 50.185 10.055 m 53.234 9.928 l S 51.187 15.896 m 53.571 14.075 l S 58.322 19.883 m 59.445 16.823 l S 53.1 32.117 m 50.6 30.367 l S 52.85 24.617 m 49.6 25.617 l S 61.85 9.117 m 59.1 10.867 l S 69.35 34.617 m 66.6 36.367 l S 67.1 23.617 m 65.1 22.117 l S 24.435 46.055 m 27.484 45.928 l S 25.437 51.896 m 27.821 50.075 l S 62.6 47.117 m 65.321 46.575 l S 19.85 19.867 m 20.35 16.617 l S 21.85 21.867 m 25.35 22.617 l S 37.6 62.867 m 41.6 62.117 l S 38.323 42.1 m 38.823 38.6 l S 69.35 52.617 m 66.85 53.867 l S 14.85 62.117 m 18.1 59.367 l S 9.6 46.117 m 7.1 44.367 l S 20.6 51.617 m 18.6 50.117 l S 46.141 70.811 m 47.994 73.492 l S 69.391 40.561 m 71.244 43.242 l S 38.641 49.311 m 39.35 52.117 l S 25.141 16.811 m 25.85 19.617 l S 36.6 32.867 m 34.6 31.367 l S 6.1 68.617 m 2.85 67.867 l S 4.85 56.867 m 2.35 55.117 l S 7.6 51.617 m 4.6 51.617 l S 6.6 35.867 m 4.6 34.367 l S 6.1 12.867 m 1.85 13.617 l S 4.6 30.617 m 1.6 30.617 l S 72.814 74.769 m 73.928 77.729 l S 67.976 74.633 m 67.35 77.909 l S 52.762 73.779 m 52.876 76.776 l S 37.062 75.375 m 35.639 77.43 l S 20.795 75.242 m 22.12 77.193 l S 9.736 73.91 m 8.073 76.225 l S 10.1 23.617 m 6.35 24.367 l S 73.217 18.276 m 71.323 21.1 l S 28.823 39.6 m 29.505 42.389 l S 49.6 38.617 m 47.6 37.117 l S 60.323 73.6 m 62.323 76.6 l S 60.323 1.6 m 62.323 4.6 l S %AI6_EndPatternLayer ) & ] E %AI3_EndPattern %AI3_BeginPattern: (DblLine1.2.inner) (DblLine1.2.inner) 1 1 39.2705 39.2706 [ %AI3_Tile (0 O 0 R 1 0.14 0.09 0 k 1 0.14 0.09 0 K ) @ ( %AI6_BeginPatternLayer 800 Ar 0 J 0 j 1 w 4 M []0 d %AI3_Note: 0 D 0 XR 39.2702 22.175 m 39.2702 13.6108 L 26.66 13.6108 L 26.66 1.0003 L 18.0958 1.0003 L 18.0948 22.175 L 18.0958 22.175 L 18.0958 22.1752 L 39.2702 22.175 L f 39.2708 24.6929 m 15.5779 24.6929 L 15.5779 1.0003 L 14.9037 1.0003 L 14.9032 25.3675 L 39.2708 25.3675 L 39.2708 24.6929 L f %AI6_EndPatternLayer ) & ] E %AI3_EndPattern %AI3_BeginPattern: (DblLine1.2.outer) (DblLine1.2.outer) 1 1.0003 39.2706 39.271 [ %AI3_Tile (0 O 0 R 1 0.14 0.09 0 k 1 0.14 0.09 0 K ) @ ( %AI6_BeginPatternLayer 800 Ar 0 J 0 j 0.3 w 4 M []0 d %AI3_Note: 0 D 0 XR 39.2708 26.6602 m 13.6111 26.6602 L 13.6111 1.0005 L 22.1751 1 L 22.1751 18.096 L 39.2708 18.096 L 39.2708 26.6602 L f 39.2708 15.578 m 24.6928 15.578 L 24.6928 1 L 25.367 1 L 25.367 14.9038 L 39.2708 14.9038 L 39.2708 15.578 L f %AI6_EndPatternLayer ) & ] E %AI3_EndPattern %AI3_BeginPattern: (DblLine1.2.side) (DblLine1.2.side) 1 1 39.2706 39.2706 [ %AI3_Tile (0 O 0 R 1 0.14 0.09 0 k 1 0.14 0.09 0 K ) @ ( %AI6_BeginPatternLayer 800 Ar 0 J 0 j 0.3 w 4 M []0 d %AI3_Note: 0 D 0 XR 39.2704 18.0958 m 39.2704 26.6598 L 1.0001 26.6598 L 1.0001 18.0958 L 39.2704 18.0958 L f 39.2704 14.9037 m 39.2704 15.5776 L 1.0001 15.5776 L 1.0001 14.9037 L 39.2704 14.9037 L f %AI6_EndPatternLayer ) & ] E %AI3_EndPattern %AI3_BeginPattern: (Diamonds) (Diamonds) 1 1 37.1865 41.9411 [ %AI3_Tile (0 O 0 R 0.2 0 1 0 k 0.2 0 1 0 K ) @ ( %AI6_BeginPatternLayer 800 Ar 0 J 0 j 0.3 w 4 M []0 d %AI3_Note: 0 D 0 XR 1.0002 1.0004 m 1.0002 41.9411 L 37.1865 41.9411 L 37.1865 1.0004 L 1.0002 1.0004 L f %AI6_EndPatternLayer ) & (0 O 0 R 0 g 0 G ) @ ( %AI6_BeginPatternLayer 800 Ar 0 J 0 j 1 w 4 M []0 d %AI3_Note: 0 D 1 XR 19.0936 41.9408 m 19.0929 41.9408 L 19.0933 41.9402 L 19.0936 41.9408 L f 7.0311 41.9408 m 7.0304 41.9408 L 7.0308 41.9402 L 7.0311 41.9408 L f 31.1556 41.9408 m 31.1548 41.9408 L 31.1552 41.9402 L 31.1556 41.9408 L f %AI6_EndPatternLayer ) & (0 O 0 R 0.75 0.9 0 0 k 0.75 0.9 0 0 K ) @ ( %AI6_BeginPatternLayer 800 Ar 0 J 0 j 0.3 w 4 M []0 d %AI3_Note: 0 D 1 XR 37.1865 1 m 37.1865 11.2349 L 31.1552 1 L 37.1865 1 L f 19.0933 1 m 31.1552 1 L 25.124 11.2349 L 19.0933 1 L f 7.0308 1 m 19.0933 1 L 13.062 11.2349 L 7.0308 1 L f 1 1 m 7.0308 1 L 1 11.2349 L 1 1 L f 37.1859 11.2349 m 37.1865 11.236 L 37.1865 31.7059 L 31.1552 21.4704 L 37.1859 11.2349 L f 19.0933 21.4704 m 25.124 11.2349 L 31.1552 21.4704 L 25.124 31.7059 L 19.0933 21.4704 L f 7.0308 21.4704 m 13.062 11.2349 L 19.0933 21.4704 L 13.062 31.7059 L 7.0308 21.4704 L f 1 31.7059 m 1 11.2349 L 7.0308 21.4704 L 1 31.7059 L f 37.1859 31.7059 m 37.1865 31.707 L 37.1865 41.9408 L 31.1556 41.9408 L 31.1552 41.9402 L 37.1859 31.7059 L f 25.124 31.7059 m 31.1552 41.9402 L 31.1548 41.9408 L 19.0936 41.9408 L 19.0933 41.9402 L 25.124 31.7059 L f 13.062 31.7059 m 19.0933 41.9402 L 19.0929 41.9408 L 7.0311 41.9408 L 7.0308 41.9402 L 13.062 31.7059 L f 7.0304 41.9408 m 1 41.9408 L 1 31.7059 L 7.0308 41.9402 L 7.0304 41.9408 L f %AI6_EndPatternLayer ) & ] E %AI3_EndPattern %AI3_BeginPattern: (Hexagon) (Hexagon) 4 1.6 70.151 77.983 [ %AI3_Tile (0 O 0 R 0 1 0.35 0 k 0 1 0.35 0 K ) @ ( %AI6_BeginPatternLayer 800 Ar 0 J 0 j 1 w 4 M []0 d %AI3_Note: 0 D 0 XR 70.151 77.983 m 70.151 1.6 L 4 1.6 L 4 77.983 L 70.151 77.983 L f %AI6_EndPatternLayer ) & (0 O 0 R 0.9921 1 0 0 k 0.9921 1 0 0 K ) @ ( %AI6_BeginPatternLayer 800 Ar 0 J 0 j 0.3 w 4 M []0 d %AI3_Note: 0 D 0 XR 20.538 30.244 m S 26.05 20.696 m 15.025 20.696 L 9.513 30.244 L 15.025 39.792 L 26.05 39.792 L 31.564 30.244 L 26.05 20.696 L s 20.537 11.148 m S 26.05 1.6 m 15.024 1.6 L 9.512 11.148 L 15.024 20.696 L 26.05 20.696 L 31.563 11.148 L 26.05 1.6 L s 53.614 30.244 m S 59.126 20.696 m 48.101 20.696 L 42.589 30.244 L 48.101 39.792 L 59.126 39.792 L 64.639 30.244 L 59.126 20.696 L s 53.614 11.148 m S 59.126 1.6 m 48.101 1.6 L 42.588 11.148 L 48.101 20.696 L 59.126 20.696 L 64.638 11.148 L 59.126 1.6 L s 20.538 68.436 m S 26.051 58.888 m 15.025 58.888 L 9.513 68.436 L 15.025 77.984 L 26.051 77.984 L 31.564 68.436 L 26.051 58.888 L s 20.538 49.34 m S 26.051 39.792 m 15.025 39.792 L 9.513 49.34 L 15.025 58.888 L 26.05 58.888 L 31.564 49.34 L 26.051 39.792 L s 53.614 68.436 m S 59.127 58.888 m 48.102 58.888 L 42.589 68.436 L 48.101 77.985 L 59.127 77.985 L 64.639 68.436 L 59.127 58.888 L s 53.614 49.34 m S 59.127 39.792 m 48.101 39.792 L 42.589 49.34 L 48.101 58.888 L 59.127 58.888 L 64.639 49.341 L 59.127 39.792 L s 4 20.696 m S 3.876 30.244 m 9.512 30.244 L 15.024 20.696 L 9.512 11.147 L 3.876 11.147 L S 37.075 20.696 m S 42.588 11.148 m 31.563 11.148 L 26.05 20.696 L 31.563 30.244 L 42.589 30.244 L 48.101 20.696 L 42.588 11.148 L s 37.076 58.888 m S 42.589 49.34 m 31.564 49.34 L 26.05 58.888 L 31.564 68.436 L 42.589 68.436 L 48.101 58.888 L 42.589 49.34 L s 70.151 20.696 m S 70.2094 11.147 m 64.639 11.147 L 59.127 20.696 L 64.639 30.244 L 70.2094 30.244 L S 70.152 58.888 m S 70.0427 49.34 m 64.639 49.34 L 59.127 58.888 L 64.639 68.436 L 70.0427 68.436 L S 4 58.888 m S 3.876 68.436 m 9.513 68.436 L 15.025 58.888 L 9.513 49.34 L 3.876 49.34 L S %AI6_EndPatternLayer ) & ] E %AI3_EndPattern %AI3_BeginPattern: (Laurel.inner) (Laurel.inner) 1 1 28.5392 28.5392 [ %AI3_Tile (0 O 0 R 0 0.55 1 0.12 k 0 0.55 1 0.12 K ) @ ( %AI6_BeginPatternLayer 800 Ar 0 J 0 j 0.3 w 4 M []0 d %AI3_Note: 0 D 0 XR 19.2768 15.3585 m 28.9144 15.3585 L 28.9144 14.2335 L 19.2768 14.2335 L 19.2768 15.3585 L f %AI6_EndPatternLayer ) & (0 O 0 R 0 0.55 1 0.3 k 0 0.55 1 0.3 K ) @ ( %AI6_BeginPatternLayer 800 Ar 0 J 0 j 0.3 w 4 M []0 d %AI3_Note: 0 D 0 XR 14.7461 18.9624 m 13.0264 17.8486 11.3273 14.4193 11.3273 10.0362 c 11.3273 5.6547 12.9768 2.1518 14.744 1.1112 C 14.7443 1.1112 L 16.4707 2.1518 18.1679 5.6547 18.1679 10.0362 c 18.1679 14.4143 16.432 17.8633 14.7461 18.9624 C f %AI6_EndPatternLayer ) & ] E %AI3_EndPattern %AI3_BeginPattern: (Laurel.outer) (Laurel.outer) 1 1.3751 28.5393 28.9143 [ %AI3_Tile (0 O 0 R 0 0.55 1 0.12 k 0 0.55 1 0.12 K ) @ ( %AI6_BeginPatternLayer 800 Ar 0 J 0 j 0.3 w 4 M []0 d %AI3_Note: 0 D 0 XR 14.2395 10.6375 m 14.2395 1 L 15.3645 1 L 15.3645 10.6375 L 14.2395 10.6375 L f %AI6_EndPatternLayer ) & (0 O 0 R 0 0.55 1 0.3 k 0 0.55 1 0.3 K ) @ ( %AI6_BeginPatternLayer 800 Ar 0 J 0 j 0.3 w 4 M []0 d %AI3_Note: 0 D 0 XR 10.5769 15.124 m 11.6906 16.8438 15.1198 18.5429 19.503 18.5429 c 23.8844 18.5429 27.3874 16.8935 28.428 15.1262 C 28.428 15.1259 L 27.3874 13.3995 23.8844 11.7023 19.503 11.7023 c 15.1249 11.7023 11.676 13.4382 10.5769 15.124 C f %AI6_EndPatternLayer ) & ] E %AI3_EndPattern %AI3_BeginPattern: (Laurel.side) (Laurel.side) 1.3972 1 28.9364 28.5392 [ %AI3_Tile (0 O 0 R 0 0.55 1 0.12 k 0 0.55 1 0.12 K ) @ ( %AI6_BeginPatternLayer 800 Ar 0 J 0 j 0.3 w 4 M []0 d %AI3_Note: 0 D 0 XR 29.1571 15.2998 m 1 15.2998 L 1 14.1748 L 29.1571 14.1748 L 29.1571 15.2998 L f %AI6_EndPatternLayer ) & (0 O 0 R 0 0.55 1 0.3 k 0 0.55 1 0.3 K ) @ ( %AI6_BeginPatternLayer 800 Ar 0 J 0 j 0.3 w 4 M []0 d %AI3_Note: 0 D 0 XR 2.0183 27.4787 m 1.5899 25.4751 2.8132 21.8488 5.9125 18.7494 c 9.0107 15.6513 12.654 14.3407 14.6395 14.8545 C 14.6398 14.8547 L 15.1246 16.8113 13.8478 20.4883 10.7496 23.5865 c 7.6538 26.6824 3.9876 27.8936 2.0183 27.4787 C f %AI6_EndPatternLayer ) & (0 O 0 R 0 0.39 0.7 0.12 k 0 0.39 0.7 0.12 K ) @ ( %AI6_BeginPatternLayer 800 Ar 0 J 0 j 0.3 w 4 M []0 d %AI3_Note: 0 D 0 XR 2.0183 2.0091 m 1.5899 4.0126 2.8132 7.6389 5.9125 10.7382 c 9.0107 13.8365 12.654 15.147 14.6395 14.6332 C 14.6398 14.633 L 15.1246 12.6765 13.8478 8.9993 10.7496 5.9011 c 7.6538 2.8054 3.9876 1.5941 2.0183 2.0091 C f %AI6_EndPatternLayer ) & (0 O 0 R 0 0.55 1 0.3 k 0 0.55 1 0.3 K ) @ ( %AI6_BeginPatternLayer 800 Ar 0 J 0 j 0.3 w 4 M []0 d %AI3_Note: 0 D 0 XR 15.821 2.0091 m 15.3925 4.0126 16.6159 7.6389 19.7152 10.7382 c 22.8134 13.8365 26.4567 15.147 28.4422 14.6332 C 28.4424 14.633 L 28.9273 12.6765 27.6505 8.9993 24.5523 5.9011 c 21.4565 2.8054 17.7903 1.5941 15.821 2.0091 C f %AI6_EndPatternLayer ) & (0 O 0 R 0 0.39 0.7 0.12 k 0 0.39 0.7 0.12 K ) @ ( %AI6_BeginPatternLayer 800 Ar 0 J 0 j 0.3 w 4 M []0 d %AI3_Note: 0 D 0 XR 15.821 27.4787 m 15.3925 25.4751 16.6159 21.8488 19.7152 18.7494 c 22.8134 15.6513 26.4567 14.3407 28.4422 14.8545 C 28.4424 14.8547 L 28.9273 16.8113 27.6505 20.4883 24.5523 23.5865 c 21.4565 26.6824 17.7903 27.8936 15.821 27.4787 C f %AI6_EndPatternLayer ) & ] E %AI3_EndPattern %AI3_BeginPattern: (Leaves-fall) (Leaves-fall) 1 1 52.733 89.816 [ %AI3_Tile (0 O 0 R 0.05 0.2 1 0 k 0.05 0.2 1 0 K ) @ ( %AI6_BeginPatternLayer 800 Ar 0 J 0 j 1 w 4 M []0 d %AI3_Note: 0 D 0 XR 52.733 89.816 m 52.733 1 L 1 1 L 1 89.816 L 52.733 89.816 L f %AI6_EndPatternLayer ) & (0 O 0 R 0.83 0 1 0 k 0.83 0 1 0 K ) @ ( %AI6_BeginPatternLayer 800 Ar 0 J 0 j 1 w 4 M []0 d %AI3_Note: 1 D 0 XR 25.317 2.083 m 25.994 2.283 26.284 2.435 V 24.815 5.147 29.266 9.428 30.186 10.168 C 30.787 9.943 30.907 7.41 30.23 6.073 C 31.073 6.196 33.262 4.818 34.02 3.529 C 34.085 4.217 35.655 7.158 36.481 7.535 C 35.561 7.933 34.896 9.406 34.134 10.854 C 35.156 11.021 36.555 10.1 38.026 9.195 C 38.541 9.996 39.915 10.968 41.174 11.484 C 40.086 12.171 39.591 12.912 39.094 14.372 C 38.052 13.806 35.865 13.657 35.336 13.944 C 35.85 15.057 38.096 15.6 38.827 15.547 C 38.573 16.409 38.425 18.562 38.598 21.155 C 36.939 19.839 35.393 18.522 33.734 18.58 C 34.003 17.158 33.367 15.353 32.99 14.86 C 32.417 15.604 32.006 16.431 32.361 18.408 C 30.908 18.893 29.671 19.439 28.297 20.697 C 28.297 18.866 27.725 17.664 26.857 16.388 C 28.117 15.9 29.389 14.697 29.385 13.658 C 28.537 13.81 26.845 14.554 26.352 15.547 C 25.634 14.8 23.95 13.491 22.346 13.487 C 23.534 12.632 24.454 11.598 24.549 9.686 C 25.802 10.657 28.255 11.272 29.635 10.674 C 24.794 6.438 25.262 3.405 25.317 2.083 C f 12.412 33.743 m 11.887 33.272 11.691 33.01 V 14.182 31.192 11.928 25.366 11.415 24.303 C 10.776 24.247 9.369 26.988 9.405 28.486 C 8.273 27.73 6.608 27.851 5.006 28.137 C 5.578 27.049 5.177 25.104 4.376 24.303 C 5.378 24.339 6.729 23.624 8.038 22.643 C 7.203 21.823 5.376 21.984 3.46 22.643 C 3.46 21.27 2.638 19.533 1.801 18.351 C 3.117 18.408 4.262 17.722 5.12 16.691 C 5.785 18.26 7.819 19.373 8.725 19.324 C 8.742 17.959 7.169 15.869 6.147 15.47 C 6.747 14.801 7.766 13.27 8.725 10.854 C 9.524 12.78 10.694 14.022 11.927 14.955 C 10.785 16.517 10.959 17.388 11.358 18.866 C 12.101 18.325 13.132 17.893 13.303 15.89 C 15.02 16.176 16.156 16.104 17.653 15.203 C 17.198 16.865 17.195 18.466 17.515 20.166 C 15.665 20.026 14.105 20.239 13.075 21.728 C 13.905 21.955 16.165 22.014 17.039 21.082 C 17.366 22.064 18.261 23.47 19.707 24.164 C 18.267 24.424 17.282 25.523 16.373 27.209 C 15.66 25.793 13.433 24.128 11.93 24.073 C 13.933 28.137 13.933 31.055 12.412 33.743 C f 31.125 30.5 m 31.445 31.128 31.648 31.385 V 34.045 29.444 38.851 32.752 39.746 33.521 C 39.636 34.153 37.511 35.29 35.794 34.26 C 36.234 35.549 35.332 37.51 34.134 38.552 C 35.873 38.451 38.019 39.813 38.541 40.555 C 38.763 39.577 39.946 38.307 41.231 37.293 C 41.582 38.266 40.887 40.384 39.971 41.986 C 41.206 42.487 42.318 43.417 42.776 44.676 C 43.233 43.359 44.236 42.685 45.58 41.929 C 44.421 40.502 43.64 38.328 43.92 37.465 C 45.243 37.8 46.814 40.518 46.937 41.607 C 47.812 40.841 49.366 40.154 51.947 39.848 C 50.246 38.77 49.884 36.778 49.3 35.347 C 48.152 35.794 45.983 35.853 45.008 35.29 C 45.721 34.711 47.061 34.16 49.071 34.146 C 49.071 32.601 49.534 31.469 50.788 30.254 C 49.065 30.267 46.965 29.781 45.469 29.389 C 45.221 30.718 44.378 32.314 43.233 32.715 C 43.227 31.854 43.493 29.605 44.378 28.938 C 43.513 28.37 42.26 26.993 41.803 25.276 C 41.181 26.601 40.32 27.906 38.457 28.35 C 39.642 29.403 40.477 31.42 40.143 32.887 C 35.091 28.905 32.414 30.203 31.125 30.5 C f 25.317 46.491 m 25.994 46.691 26.284 46.843 V 24.815 49.556 29.266 53.837 30.186 54.576 C 30.787 54.351 30.907 51.818 30.23 50.482 C 31.073 50.605 33.262 49.227 34.02 47.938 C 34.085 48.625 35.655 51.566 36.481 51.944 C 35.561 52.341 34.896 53.814 34.134 55.263 C 35.156 55.43 36.555 54.508 38.026 53.603 C 38.541 54.404 39.915 55.377 41.174 55.892 C 40.086 56.579 39.591 57.321 39.094 58.78 C 38.052 58.215 35.865 58.065 35.336 58.353 C 35.85 59.465 38.096 60.008 38.827 59.955 C 38.573 60.817 38.425 62.97 38.598 65.563 C 36.939 64.247 35.393 62.931 33.734 62.988 C 34.003 61.567 33.367 59.761 32.99 59.268 C 32.417 60.012 32.006 60.839 32.361 62.817 C 30.908 63.302 29.671 63.847 28.297 65.106 C 28.297 63.274 27.725 62.073 26.857 60.796 C 28.117 60.308 29.389 59.106 29.385 58.067 C 28.537 58.219 26.845 58.963 26.352 59.955 C 25.634 59.209 23.95 57.899 22.346 57.895 C 23.534 57.041 24.454 56.006 24.549 54.094 C 25.802 55.065 28.255 55.68 29.635 55.083 C 24.794 50.846 25.262 47.814 25.317 46.491 C f 12.412 78.151 m 11.887 77.68 11.691 77.418 V 14.182 75.601 11.928 69.774 11.415 68.711 C 10.776 68.655 9.369 71.396 9.405 72.894 C 8.273 72.138 6.608 72.259 5.006 72.545 C 5.578 71.458 5.177 69.512 4.376 68.711 C 5.378 68.747 6.729 68.032 8.038 67.052 C 7.203 66.231 5.376 66.393 3.46 67.052 C 3.46 65.678 2.638 63.941 1.801 62.759 C 3.117 62.817 4.262 62.13 5.12 61.1 C 5.785 62.669 7.819 63.781 8.725 63.732 C 8.742 62.367 7.169 60.277 6.147 59.878 C 6.747 59.209 7.766 57.678 8.725 55.263 C 9.524 57.189 10.694 58.431 11.927 59.364 C 10.785 60.925 10.959 61.796 11.358 63.274 C 12.101 62.734 13.132 62.301 13.303 60.298 C 15.02 60.584 16.156 60.512 17.653 59.612 C 17.198 61.273 17.195 62.874 17.515 64.574 C 15.665 64.434 14.105 64.648 13.075 66.136 C 13.905 66.363 16.165 66.422 17.039 65.49 C 17.366 66.472 18.261 67.878 19.707 68.572 C 18.267 68.832 17.282 69.931 16.373 71.617 C 15.66 70.202 13.433 68.536 11.93 68.482 C 13.933 72.545 13.933 75.464 12.412 78.151 C f 31.125 74.908 m 31.445 75.537 31.648 75.794 V 34.045 73.853 38.851 77.161 39.746 77.929 C 39.636 78.562 37.511 79.698 35.794 78.668 C 36.234 79.957 35.332 81.918 34.134 82.96 C 35.873 82.86 38.019 84.221 38.541 84.963 C 38.763 83.986 39.946 82.716 41.231 81.701 C 41.582 82.675 40.887 84.792 39.971 86.394 C 41.206 86.895 42.318 87.825 42.776 89.084 C 43.233 87.768 44.236 87.093 45.58 86.337 C 44.421 84.91 43.64 82.736 43.92 81.873 C 45.243 82.208 46.814 84.926 46.937 86.016 C 47.812 85.249 49.366 84.563 51.947 84.257 C 50.246 83.179 49.884 81.187 49.3 79.756 C 48.152 80.203 45.983 80.262 45.008 79.698 C 45.721 79.119 47.061 78.569 49.071 78.554 C 49.071 77.009 49.534 75.877 50.788 74.663 C 49.065 74.675 46.965 74.189 45.469 73.798 C 45.221 75.126 44.378 76.723 43.233 77.123 C 43.227 76.262 43.493 74.013 44.378 73.347 C 43.513 72.779 42.26 71.401 41.803 69.684 C 41.181 71.009 40.32 72.314 38.457 72.759 C 39.642 73.812 40.477 75.829 40.143 77.295 C 35.091 73.313 32.414 74.611 31.125 74.908 C f %AI6_EndPatternLayer ) & ] E %AI3_EndPattern %AI3_BeginPattern: (Polka dots) (Polka dots) 1 1 29.8 29.8 [ %AI3_Tile (0 O 0 R 0.45 0.9 0 0 k 0.45 0.9 0 0 K ) @ ( %AI6_BeginPatternLayer 800 Ar 0 J 0 j 0.3 w 4 M []0 d %AI3_Note: 0 D 0 XR 1 1 m 1 29.8 L 29.8 29.8 L 29.8 1 L 1 1 L f %AI6_EndPatternLayer ) & (0 O 0 R 0.09 0.18 0 0 k 0.09 0.18 0 0 K ) @ ( %AI6_BeginPatternLayer *u 800 Ar 0 J 0 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3.88 m 1 1 L 3.88 1 L 3.88 2.591 2.59 3.88 1 3.88 C f 1 XR 26.92 15.4 m 26.92 13.81 28.209 12.52 29.8 12.52 C 29.8 18.28 L 28.209 18.28 26.92 16.991 26.92 15.4 c f 0 XR 15.4 18.28 m 13.809 18.28 12.52 16.991 12.52 15.4 c 12.52 13.81 13.809 12.52 15.4 12.52 c 16.99 12.52 18.28 13.81 18.28 15.4 c 18.28 16.991 16.99 18.28 15.4 18.28 c f 1 XR 3.88 15.4 m 3.88 16.991 2.59 18.28 1 18.28 C 1 12.52 L 2.59 12.52 3.88 13.81 3.88 15.4 c f 0 XR 29.8 26.92 m 29.8 29.8 L 26.92 29.8 L 26.92 28.21 28.209 26.92 29.8 26.92 C f 15.4 26.92 m 16.99 26.92 18.28 28.21 18.28 29.8 C 12.52 29.8 L 12.52 28.21 13.809 26.92 15.4 26.92 c f 3.88 29.8 m 1 29.8 L 1 26.92 L 2.59 26.92 3.88 28.21 3.88 29.8 C f 1 XR 8.2 11.08 m 6.609 11.08 5.32 9.791 5.32 8.2 c 5.32 6.61 6.609 5.32 8.2 5.32 c 9.79 5.32 11.08 6.61 11.08 8.2 c 11.08 9.791 9.79 11.08 8.2 11.08 c f 22.6 11.08 m 21.009 11.08 19.72 9.791 19.72 8.2 c 19.72 6.61 21.009 5.32 22.6 5.32 c 24.19 5.32 25.48 6.61 25.48 8.2 c 25.48 9.791 24.19 11.08 22.6 11.08 c f 8.2 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43.765 28.643 42.848 28.889 42.13 28.475 c 41.413 28.06 41.167 27.143 41.581 26.425 c 41.995 25.708 42.913 25.462 43.63 25.876 c 44.348 26.291 44.593 27.208 44.179 27.926 c s 35.929 41.024 m 35.515 41.741 34.598 41.987 33.88 41.573 c 33.163 41.158 32.917 40.241 33.331 39.524 c 33.745 38.806 34.663 38.56 35.38 38.975 c 36.098 39.389 36.343 40.306 35.929 41.024 c s 28.38 34.225 m 28.794 34.942 28.549 35.859 27.831 36.274 c 27.114 36.688 26.196 36.442 25.782 35.725 c 25.368 35.007 25.614 34.09 26.331 33.675 c 27.049 33.261 27.966 33.507 28.38 34.225 c s 31.179 28.024 m 30.765 28.741 29.848 28.987 29.13 28.573 c 28.413 28.158 28.167 27.241 28.581 26.524 c 28.995 25.806 29.913 25.56 30.63 25.975 c 31.348 26.389 31.593 27.306 31.179 28.024 c s 36.792 23.349 m 35.963 23.349 35.292 22.678 35.292 21.849 c 35.292 21.021 35.963 20.349 36.792 20.349 c 37.62 20.349 38.292 21.021 38.292 21.849 c 38.292 22.678 37.62 23.349 36.792 23.349 c s 10.888 34.175 m 10.474 34.893 10.72 35.81 11.437 36.225 c 12.155 36.639 13.072 36.393 13.486 35.675 c 13.901 34.958 13.655 34.041 12.937 33.626 c 12.22 33.212 11.303 33.458 10.888 34.175 c s 11.517 26.601 m 11.931 27.318 12.848 27.564 13.566 27.15 c 14.283 26.735 14.529 25.818 14.115 25.1 c 13.701 24.383 12.783 24.137 12.066 24.551 c 11.348 24.966 11.103 25.883 11.517 26.601 c s 16.782 41.426 m 17.196 42.143 18.114 42.389 18.831 41.975 c 19.549 41.56 19.794 40.643 19.38 39.926 c 18.966 39.208 18.049 38.962 17.331 39.377 c 16.614 39.791 16.368 40.708 16.782 41.426 c s 22.365 24.35 m 23.194 24.35 23.865 23.678 23.865 22.85 c 23.865 22.021 23.194 21.35 22.365 21.35 c 21.537 21.35 20.865 22.021 20.865 22.85 c 20.865 23.678 21.537 24.35 22.365 24.35 c s 45.385 7.849 m 44.971 7.132 44.053 6.886 43.336 7.3 c 42.619 7.714 42.373 8.632 42.787 9.349 c 43.201 10.067 44.119 10.312 44.836 9.898 c 45.553 9.484 45.799 8.567 45.385 7.849 c s 29.679 7.774 m 29.265 7.056 28.348 6.81 27.63 7.225 c 26.913 7.639 26.667 8.556 27.081 9.274 c 27.495 9.991 28.413 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s 29.728 54.725 m 30.143 54.007 29.897 53.09 29.179 52.675 c 28.462 52.261 27.544 52.507 27.13 53.225 c 26.716 53.942 26.962 54.859 27.679 55.274 c 28.397 55.688 29.314 55.442 29.728 54.725 c s 10.86 54.1 m 10.446 53.382 10.691 52.465 11.409 52.051 c 12.126 51.636 13.044 51.882 13.458 52.6 c 13.872 53.317 13.626 54.234 12.909 54.649 c 12.191 55.063 11.274 54.817 10.86 54.1 c s 19.154 49.1 m 19.568 48.382 20.486 48.136 21.203 48.551 c 21.92 48.965 22.166 49.882 21.752 50.6 c 21.338 51.317 20.42 51.563 19.703 51.149 c 18.986 50.734 18.74 49.817 19.154 49.1 c s 51.88 38.85 m 51.052 38.85 50.38 39.521 50.38 40.35 c 50.38 41.178 51.052 41.85 51.88 41.85 c 52.709 41.85 53.38 41.178 53.38 40.35 c 53.38 39.521 52.709 38.85 51.88 38.85 c s 51.865 11.349 m 52.693 11.349 53.365 12.021 53.365 12.849 c 53.365 13.678 52.693 14.349 51.865 14.349 c 51.036 14.349 50.365 13.678 50.365 12.849 c 50.365 12.021 51.036 11.349 51.865 11.349 c s 30.179 18.524 m 29.765 19.241 28.848 19.487 28.13 19.073 c 27.413 18.658 27.167 17.741 27.581 17.024 c 27.995 16.306 28.913 16.06 29.63 16.475 c 30.348 16.889 30.593 17.806 30.179 18.524 c s 21.679 31.524 m 21.265 32.241 20.348 32.487 19.63 32.073 c 18.913 31.658 18.667 30.741 19.081 30.024 c 19.495 29.306 20.413 29.06 21.13 29.475 c 21.848 29.889 22.093 30.806 21.679 31.524 c s 37.914 33.399 m 37.5 34.116 36.583 34.362 35.865 33.948 c 35.148 33.533 34.902 32.616 35.316 31.899 c 35.73 31.181 36.648 30.935 37.365 31.35 c 38.083 31.764 38.328 32.681 37.914 33.399 c s 28.929 45.024 m 28.515 45.741 27.598 45.987 26.88 45.573 c 26.163 45.158 25.917 44.241 26.331 43.524 c 26.745 42.806 27.663 42.56 28.38 42.975 c 29.098 43.389 29.343 44.306 28.929 45.024 c s 12.429 45.524 m 12.015 46.241 11.098 46.487 10.38 46.073 c 9.663 45.658 9.417 44.741 9.831 44.024 c 10.245 43.306 11.163 43.06 11.88 43.475 c 12.598 43.889 12.843 44.806 12.429 45.524 c s 44.49 45.6 m 44.075 46.317 43.158 46.563 42.441 46.149 c 41.723 45.734 41.477 44.817 41.891 44.1 c 42.306 43.382 43.223 43.136 43.941 43.55 c 44.658 43.965 44.904 44.882 44.49 45.6 c s 12.679 18.524 m 12.265 19.241 11.348 19.487 10.63 19.073 c 9.913 18.658 9.667 17.741 10.081 17.024 c 10.495 16.306 11.413 16.06 12.13 16.475 c 12.848 16.889 13.093 17.806 12.679 18.524 c s 21.179 5.774 m 20.765 6.491 19.848 6.737 19.13 6.323 c 18.413 5.908 18.167 4.991 18.581 4.274 c 18.995 3.557 19.913 3.311 20.63 3.725 c 21.348 4.139 21.593 5.056 21.179 5.774 c s 38.929 5.274 m 38.515 5.991 37.598 6.237 36.88 5.823 c 36.163 5.408 35.917 4.491 36.331 3.774 c 36.745 3.057 37.663 2.811 38.38 3.225 c 39.098 3.639 39.343 4.556 38.929 5.274 c s 43.865 18.1 m 44.694 18.1 45.365 17.429 45.365 16.6 c 45.365 15.772 44.694 15.1 43.865 15.1 c 43.037 15.1 42.365 15.772 42.365 16.6 c 42.365 17.429 43.037 18.1 43.865 18.1 c s 51.13 4.6 m 50.302 4.6 49.63 3.928 49.63 3.1 c 49.63 2.272 50.302 1.6 51.13 1.6 c 51.959 1.6 52.63 2.272 52.63 3.1 c 52.63 3.928 51.959 4.6 51.13 4.6 c s 52.163 31.649 m 51.748 32.366 50.831 32.612 50.114 32.198 c 49.396 31.783 49.15 30.866 49.565 30.149 c 49.979 29.431 50.896 29.185 51.614 29.6 c 52.331 30.014 52.577 30.931 52.163 31.649 c s 51.85 51.35 m 51.021 51.35 50.35 50.678 50.35 49.85 c 50.35 49.021 51.021 48.35 51.85 48.35 c 52.678 48.35 53.35 49.021 53.35 49.85 c 53.35 50.678 52.678 51.35 51.85 51.35 c s 49.85 23.1 m 50.679 23.1 51.35 22.428 51.35 21.6 c 51.35 20.771 50.679 20.1 49.85 20.1 c 49.022 20.1 48.35 20.771 48.35 21.6 c 48.35 22.428 49.022 23.1 49.85 23.1 c s 5.13 38.85 m 4.302 38.85 3.63 39.521 3.63 40.35 c 3.63 41.178 4.302 41.85 5.13 41.85 c 5.959 41.85 6.63 41.178 6.63 40.35 c 6.63 39.521 5.959 38.85 5.13 38.85 c s 5.115 11.349 m 5.943 11.349 6.615 12.021 6.615 12.849 c 6.615 13.678 5.943 14.349 5.115 14.349 c 4.286 14.349 3.615 13.678 3.615 12.849 c 3.615 12.021 4.286 11.349 5.115 11.349 c s 4.38 4.6 m 3.552 4.6 2.88 3.928 2.88 3.1 c 2.88 2.272 3.552 1.6 4.38 1.6 c 5.209 1.6 5.88 2.272 5.88 3.1 c 5.88 3.928 5.209 4.6 4.38 4.6 c s 5.413 31.649 m 4.998 32.366 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E %AI3_EndPattern %AI3_BeginPattern: (Scales) (Scales) 1.6 9.3475 48.088 55.8355 [ %AI3_Tile (0 O 0 R 1 g 1 G ) @ ( %AI6_BeginPatternLayer 800 Ar 0 J 0 j 1 w 4 M []0 d %AI3_Note: 0 D 0 XR 1.6 9.3475 m 1.6 55.8355 L 48.088 55.8355 L 48.088 9.3475 L 1.6 9.3475 L f %AI6_EndPatternLayer ) & (0 O 0 R 0 g 0 G ) @ ( %AI6_BeginPatternLayer 800 Ar 0 J 0 j 0.3 w 4 M []0 d %AI3_Note: 0 D 0 XR 17.0956 9.3475 m 12.8162 9.3475 9.3475 5.8787 9.3475 1.6 C 9.3475 5.8787 5.8787 9.3475 1.6 9.3475 C 1.6 13.6262 5.0687 17.095 9.3475 17.095 c 13.6268 17.095 17.0956 13.6262 17.0956 9.3475 C s 32.5918 9.3475 m 28.3125 9.3475 24.8437 5.8787 24.8437 1.6 C 24.8437 5.8787 21.3743 9.3475 17.0956 9.3475 C 17.0956 13.6262 20.5644 17.095 24.8437 17.095 c 29.1224 17.095 32.5918 13.6262 32.5918 9.3475 C s 48.088 9.3475 m 43.8087 9.3475 40.3399 5.8787 40.3399 1.6 C 40.3399 5.8787 36.8705 9.3475 32.5918 9.3475 C 32.5918 13.6262 36.0606 17.095 40.3399 17.095 c 44.6186 17.095 48.088 13.6262 48.088 9.3475 C s 17.0956 40.3393 m 12.8162 40.3393 9.3475 36.8699 9.3475 32.5912 C 9.3475 36.8699 5.8787 40.3393 1.6 40.3393 C 1.6 44.6181 5.0687 48.0874 9.3475 48.0874 c 13.6268 48.0874 17.0956 44.6181 17.0956 40.3393 C s 17.0956 24.8431 m 12.8162 24.8431 9.3475 21.3743 9.3475 17.095 C 9.3475 21.3743 5.8787 24.8431 1.6 24.8431 C 1.6 29.1218 5.0687 32.5912 9.3475 32.5912 c 13.6268 32.5912 17.0956 29.1218 17.0956 24.8431 C s 32.5918 24.8431 m 28.3125 24.8431 24.8437 21.3743 24.8437 17.095 C 24.8437 21.3743 21.3743 24.8431 17.0956 24.8431 C 17.0956 29.1218 20.5644 32.5912 24.8437 32.5912 c 29.1224 32.5912 32.5918 29.1218 32.5918 24.8431 C s 48.088 24.8431 m 43.8087 24.8431 40.3399 21.3743 40.3399 17.095 C 40.3399 21.3743 36.8705 24.8431 32.5918 24.8431 C 32.5918 29.1218 36.0606 32.5912 40.3399 32.5912 c 44.6186 32.5912 48.088 29.1218 48.088 24.8431 C s 32.5918 40.3393 m 28.3125 40.3393 24.8437 36.8699 24.8437 32.5912 C 24.8437 36.8699 21.3743 40.3393 17.0956 40.3393 C 17.0956 44.6181 20.5644 48.0874 24.8437 48.0874 c 29.1224 48.0874 32.5918 44.6181 32.5918 40.3393 C s 48.088 40.3393 m 43.8087 40.3393 40.3399 36.8699 40.3399 32.5912 C 40.3399 36.8699 36.8705 40.3393 32.5918 40.3393 C 32.5918 44.6181 36.0606 48.0874 40.3399 48.0874 c 44.6186 48.0874 48.088 44.6181 48.088 40.3393 C s 17.0956 55.8355 m 12.8162 55.8355 9.3475 52.3662 9.3475 48.0874 C 9.3475 52.3662 5.8787 55.8355 1.6 55.8355 C 1.6 60.1143 5.0687 63.5836 9.3475 63.5836 c 13.6268 63.5836 17.0956 60.1143 17.0956 55.8355 C s 32.5918 55.8355 m 28.3125 55.8355 24.8437 52.3662 24.8437 48.0874 C 24.8437 52.3662 21.3743 55.8355 17.0956 55.8355 C 17.0956 60.1143 20.5644 63.5836 24.8437 63.5836 c 29.1224 63.5836 32.5918 60.1143 32.5918 55.8355 C s 48.088 55.8355 m 43.8087 55.8355 40.3399 52.3662 40.3399 48.0874 C 40.3399 52.3662 36.8705 55.8355 32.5918 55.8355 C 32.5918 60.1143 36.0606 63.5836 40.3399 63.5836 c 44.6186 63.5836 48.088 60.1143 48.088 55.8355 C s %AI6_EndPatternLayer ) & ] E %AI3_EndPattern %AI3_BeginPattern: (SolidStar.side) (SolidStar.side) 1 1 33.0117 33.0117 [ %AI3_Tile (0 O 0 R 0.05 0.2 0.95 0 k 0.05 0.2 0.95 0 K ) @ ( %AI6_BeginPatternLayer 800 Ar 0 J 0 j 1 w 4 M []0 d %AI3_Note: 1 D 0 XR 7.9689 26.0458 m 14.5331 22.9874 l 17.0095 29.7904 L 19.4859 22.9874 l 26.0473 26.0458 l 22.9889 19.4815 l 29.792 17.0052 l 22.9889 14.5288 l 26.0473 7.9674 l 19.4859 11.0257 l 17.0095 4.2226 l 14.5305 11.0257 l 7.9689 7.9674 l 11.0273 14.5288 l 4.2242 17.0052 l 11.0273 19.4843 L 7.9689 26.0458 l f %AI6_EndPatternLayer ) & ] E %AI3_EndPattern %AI3_BeginPattern: (Stars) (Stars) 1 1 63.384 84.766 [ %AI3_Tile (0 O 0 R 1 0.9 0.1 0 k 1 0.9 0.1 0 K ) @ ( %AI6_BeginPatternLayer 800 Ar 0 J 0 j 0.3 w 4 M []0 d %AI3_Note: 0 D 0 XR 1 1 m 1 84.766 L 63.384 84.766 L 63.384 1 L 1 1 L f %AI6_EndPatternLayer ) & (0 O 0 R 0 0.25 1 0 k 0 0.25 1 0 K ) @ ( %AI6_BeginPatternLayer *u 800 Ar 0 J 0 j 1 w 4 M []0 d %AI3_Note: 0 D 0 XR 37.668 67.113 m 43.924 62.567 L 41.535 55.213 L 47.791 59.757 L 54.046 55.212 L 51.657 62.566 L 57.914 67.112 L 50.18 67.112 L 47.791 74.467 L 45.402 67.113 L 37.668 67.113 L f 16.596 59.757 m 22.851 55.212 L 20.462 62.566 L 26.719 67.112 L 18.985 67.112 L 16.596 74.467 L 14.207 67.113 L 6.473 67.113 L 12.729 62.567 L 10.34 55.213 L 16.596 59.757 L f 20.462 20.683 m 26.719 25.229 L 18.985 25.229 L 16.596 32.584 L 14.207 25.23 L 6.473 25.23 L 12.729 20.684 L 10.34 13.33 L 16.596 17.874 L 22.851 13.329 L 20.462 20.683 L f 38.447 34.271 m 36.058 41.625 L 42.315 46.171 L 34.581 46.171 L 32.192 53.526 L 29.803 46.172 L 22.069 46.172 L 28.325 41.626 L 25.936 34.272 L 32.192 38.816 L 38.447 34.271 L f 51.657 20.683 m 57.914 25.229 L 50.18 25.229 L 47.791 32.584 L 45.402 25.23 L 37.668 25.23 L 43.924 20.684 L 41.535 13.33 L 47.791 17.874 L 54.046 13.329 L 51.657 20.683 L f *U 1 XR 34.581 4.288 m 32.192 11.643 L 29.803 4.289 L 22.069 4.289 L 26.5962 1 L 37.7885 1 L 42.315 4.288 L 34.581 4.288 L f 53.261 4.289 m 57.7882 1 L 63.384 1 L 63.384 11.643 L 60.995 4.289 L 53.261 4.289 L f 4.866 41.625 m 11.123 46.171 L 3.389 46.171 L 1 53.526 L 1 38.816 L 7.255 34.271 L 4.866 41.625 L f 36.058 41.625 m 42.315 46.171 L 34.581 46.171 L 32.192 53.526 L 29.803 46.172 L 22.069 46.172 L 28.325 41.626 L 25.936 34.272 L 32.192 38.816 L 38.447 34.271 L 36.058 41.625 L f 53.261 46.172 m 59.517 41.626 L 57.128 34.272 L 63.384 38.816 L 63.384 53.526 L 60.995 46.172 L 53.261 46.172 L f 4.866 83.508 m 6.5974 84.766 L 1 84.766 L 1 80.699 L 7.255 76.154 L 4.866 83.508 L f 25.936 76.155 m 32.192 80.699 L 38.447 76.154 L 36.058 83.508 L 37.7895 84.766 L 26.5951 84.766 L 28.325 83.509 L 25.936 76.155 L f 22.851 55.212 m 20.462 62.566 L 26.719 67.112 L 18.985 67.112 L 16.596 74.467 L 14.207 67.113 L 6.473 67.113 L 12.729 62.567 L 10.34 55.213 L 16.596 59.757 L 22.851 55.212 L f 41.535 55.213 m 47.791 59.757 L 54.046 55.212 L 51.657 62.566 L 57.914 67.112 L 50.18 67.112 L 47.791 74.467 L 45.402 67.113 L 37.668 67.113 L 43.924 62.567 L 41.535 55.213 L f 50.18 25.229 m 47.791 32.584 L 45.402 25.23 L 37.668 25.23 L 43.924 20.684 L 41.535 13.33 L 47.791 17.874 L 54.046 13.329 L 51.657 20.683 L 57.914 25.229 L 50.18 25.229 L f 18.985 25.229 m 16.596 32.584 L 14.207 25.23 L 6.473 25.23 L 12.729 20.684 L 10.34 13.33 L 16.596 17.874 L 22.851 13.329 L 20.462 20.683 L 26.719 25.229 L 18.985 25.229 L f 3.388 4.289 m 1 11.643 L 1 1 L 6.5948 1 L 11.122 4.289 L 3.388 4.289 L f 57.128 76.154 m 63.384 80.699 L 63.384 84.766 L 57.7855 84.766 L 59.517 83.508 L 57.128 76.154 L f %AI6_EndPatternLayer ) & ] E %AI3_EndPattern %AI3_BeginPattern: (Stripes) (Stripes) 8.45 4.6001 80.45 76.6001 [ %AI3_Tile (0 O 0 R 1 0.07 1 0 k 1 0.07 1 0 K ) @ ( %AI6_BeginPatternLayer 800 Ar 0 J 0 j 3.6 w 4 M []0 d %AI3_Note: 0 D 0 XR 8.2 8.2 m 80.7 8.2 L S 8.2 22.6001 m 80.7 22.6001 L S 8.2 37.0002 m 80.7 37.0002 L S 8.2 51.4 m 80.7 51.4 L S 8.2 65.8001 m 80.7 65.8001 L S 8.2 15.4 m 80.7 15.4 L S 8.2 29.8001 m 80.7 29.8001 L S 8.2 44.2 m 80.7 44.2 L S 8.2 58.6001 m 80.7 58.6001 L S 8.2 73.0002 m 80.7 73.0002 L S %AI6_EndPatternLayer ) & ] E %AI3_EndPattern %AI3_BeginPattern: (TriBevel.outer) (TriBevel.outer) 1 1.0004 31.6124 31.6127 [ %AI3_Tile (0 O 0 R 0 0 0 0.3 k 0 0 0 0.3 K ) @ ( %AI6_BeginPatternLayer 800 Ar 0 J 0 j 1 w 4 M []0 d %AI3_Note: 0 D 0 XR 31.6118 5.4917 m 27.1221 5.4917 L 27.1205 1.0011 L 27.8031 1.0011 L 27.8031 4.8091 L 31.6118 4.8091 L 31.6118 5.4917 L f %AI6_EndPatternLayer ) & (0 O 0 R 0 0 0 0.2 k 0 0 0 0.2 K ) @ ( %AI6_BeginPatternLayer 800 Ar 0 J 0 j 1 w 4 M []0 d %AI3_Note: 0 D 0 XR 31.6149 9.5062 m 23.1111 9.5062 L 23.1111 1.0015 L 27.1205 1.0015 L 27.1205 5.493 L 31.6144 5.493 L 31.6149 9.5062 L f %AI6_EndPatternLayer ) & (0 O 0 R 0 0 0 0.4 k 0 0 0 0.4 K ) @ ( %AI6_BeginPatternLayer 800 Ar 0 J 0 j 1 w 4 M []0 d %AI3_Note: 0 D 0 XR 31.6124 10.485 m 22.1297 10.485 L 22.1292 1.0015 L 23.1084 1.0015 L 23.1084 9.5049 L 31.6124 9.5049 L 31.6124 10.485 L f %AI6_EndPatternLayer ) & (0 O 0 R 0 0 0 0.3 k 0 0 0 0.3 K ) @ ( %AI6_BeginPatternLayer 800 Ar 0 J 0 j 1 w 4 M []0 d %AI3_Note: 0 D 0 XR 31.6129 17.2066 m 15.4064 17.2085 L 15.4064 1 L 22.1301 1 L 22.1301 10.4868 L 31.6129 10.4868 L 31.6129 17.2066 L f %AI6_EndPatternLayer ) & (0 O 0 R 0 0 0 0.5 k 0 0 0 0.5 K ) @ ( %AI6_BeginPatternLayer 800 Ar 0 J 0 j 1 w 4 M []0 d %AI3_Note: 0 D 0 XR 31.6149 18.3658 m 14.2517 18.3658 L 14.2515 1.0009 L 15.4043 1.0009 L 15.4043 17.2093 L 31.6149 17.2093 L 31.6149 18.3658 L f %AI6_EndPatternLayer ) & (0 O 0 R 0 0 0 0.4 k 0 0 0 0.4 K ) @ ( %AI6_BeginPatternLayer 800 Ar 0 J 0 j 1 w 4 M []0 d %AI3_Note: 0 D 0 XR 31.6124 30.4755 m 2.1395 30.4755 L 2.1395 1.0015 L 14.249 1 L 14.249 18.366 L 31.6149 18.366 L 31.6124 30.4755 L f %AI6_EndPatternLayer ) & (0 O 0 R 0 0 0 0.6 k 0 0 0 0.6 K ) @ ( %AI6_BeginPatternLayer 800 Ar 0 J 0 j 1 w 4 M []0 d %AI3_Note: 0 D 0 XR 15.4066 16.847 m 14.2778 18.3257 l 15.4066 17.2057 l 15.4066 16.847 l f %AI6_EndPatternLayer ) & (0 O 0 R 0 0 0 0.5 k 0 0 0 0.5 K ) @ ( %AI6_BeginPatternLayer 800 Ar 0 J 0 j 1 w 4 M []0 d %AI3_Note: 0 D 0 XR 23.1095 9.1906 m 22.1759 10.4392 l 23.1082 9.505 l 23.1095 9.1906 l f %AI6_EndPatternLayer ) & (0 O 0 R 0 0 0 0.4 k 0 0 0 0.4 K ) @ ( %AI6_BeginPatternLayer 800 Ar 0 J 0 j 1 w 4 M []0 d %AI3_Note: 0 D 0 XR 27.8039 4.6026 m 27.1619 5.4533 l 27.8029 4.8093 l 27.8039 4.6026 l f %AI6_EndPatternLayer ) & ] E %AI3_EndPattern %AI3_BeginPattern: (TriBevel.side) (TriBevel.side) 1.0006 1 29.0006 31.6124 [ %AI3_Tile (0 O 0 R 0 0 0 0.3 k 0 0 0 0.3 K ) @ ( %AI6_BeginPatternLayer 800 Ar 0 J 0 j 1 w 4 M []0 d %AI3_Note: 0 D 0 XR 29 4.8087 m 29 4.8087 L 29.0026 5.4927 L 1.0026 5.4927 L 1 4.8087 L 1 4.8087 L 29 4.8087 L f %AI6_EndPatternLayer ) & (0 O 0 R 0 0 0 0.2 k 0 0 0 0.2 K ) @ ( %AI6_BeginPatternLayer 800 Ar 0 J 0 j 1 w 4 M []0 d %AI3_Note: 0 D 0 XR 29.0026 5.4927 m 29.0005 9.5045 L 1.0005 9.5045 L 1.0026 5.4927 L 29.0026 5.4927 L f %AI6_EndPatternLayer ) & (0 O 0 R 0 0 0 0.4 k 0 0 0 0.4 K ) @ ( %AI6_BeginPatternLayer 800 Ar 0 J 0 j 1 w 4 M []0 d %AI3_Note: 0 D 0 XR 29.0005 9.5045 m 29.0011 10.4865 L 1.0011 10.4865 L 1.0005 9.5045 L 29.0005 9.5045 L f %AI6_EndPatternLayer ) & (0 O 0 R 0 0 0 0.3 k 0 0 0 0.3 K ) @ ( %AI6_BeginPatternLayer 800 Ar 0 J 0 j 1 w 4 M []0 d %AI3_Note: 0 D 0 XR 29.0011 10.4865 m 29.003 17.209 L 1.003 17.209 L 1.0011 10.4865 L 29.0011 10.4865 L f %AI6_EndPatternLayer ) & (0 O 0 R 0 0 0 0.5 k 0 0 0 0.5 K ) @ ( %AI6_BeginPatternLayer 800 Ar 0 J 0 j 1 w 4 M []0 d %AI3_Note: 0 D 0 XR 29.003 17.209 m 29.0031 18.3656 L 1.0031 18.3656 L 1.003 17.209 L 29.003 17.209 L f %AI6_EndPatternLayer ) & (0 O 0 R 0 0 0 0.4 k 0 0 0 0.4 K ) @ ( %AI6_BeginPatternLayer 800 Ar 0 J 0 j 1 w 4 M []0 d %AI3_Note: 0 D 0 XR 29.0031 18.3656 m 29.0006 30.4752 L 1.0006 30.4752 L 1.0031 18.3656 L 29.0031 18.3656 L f %AI6_EndPatternLayer ) & ] E %AI3_EndPattern %AI3_BeginPattern: (Waves-scroll) (Waves-scroll) 17.926 10.516 68.663 69.012 [ %AI3_Tile (0 O 0 R 1 0 0.3 0 k 1 0 0.3 0 K ) @ ( %AI6_BeginPatternLayer 800 Ar 0 J 0 j 1 w 4 M []0 d %AI3_Note: 1 D 0 XR 17.926 69.012 m 17.926 10.516 L 68.663 10.516 L 68.663 69.012 L 17.926 69.012 L f %AI6_EndPatternLayer ) & (0 O 0 R 0.55 0 0 0 k 0.55 0 0 0 K ) @ ( %AI6_BeginPatternLayer 800 Ar 0 J 0 j 0.75 w 4 M []0 d %AI3_Note: 0 D 0 XR 65.335 70.465 m 65.881 68.746 67.444 68.168 68.663 69.012 C 67.538 69.668 68.011 71.255 69.686 70.933 c 72.124 70.464 71.894 67.213 70.53 65.589 c 68.561 63.245 64.565 60.995 53.241 71.117 C S 39.964 70.465 m 40.511 68.746 42.074 68.168 43.293 69.012 C 42.168 69.668 42.64 71.255 44.316 70.933 c 46.753 70.464 46.524 67.213 45.16 65.589 c 43.191 63.245 39.195 60.995 27.87 71.117 c S 14.594 70.465 m 15.141 68.746 16.704 68.168 17.923 69.012 C 16.798 69.668 17.27 71.255 18.945 70.933 c 21.382 70.464 21.153 67.213 19.789 65.589 c 17.821 63.245 13.825 60.995 2.5 71.117 c S 10.959 51.619 m 22.282 41.497 26.278 43.747 28.247 46.09 c 29.611 47.715 29.841 50.965 27.403 51.434 c 25.728 51.757 25.255 50.169 26.38 49.513 C 25.161 48.669 23.599 49.248 23.052 50.966 c 22.723 51.997 23.38 53.966 24.872 54.903 c 27.267 56.406 31.371 56.05 36.328 51.619 c 47.653 41.497 51.649 43.746 53.618 46.09 c 54.982 47.715 55.212 50.965 52.774 51.434 c 51.099 51.757 50.626 50.169 51.751 49.513 C 50.532 48.669 48.97 49.248 48.423 50.966 c 48.094 51.997 48.751 53.966 50.243 54.903 c 52.638 56.406 56.742 56.05 61.699 51.619 C 73.024 41.497 77.02 43.747 78.988 46.09 c S 70.156 32.12 m 65.199 36.551 61.095 36.907 58.7 35.404 c 57.208 34.468 56.552 32.499 56.88 31.468 c 57.427 29.749 58.99 29.171 60.208 30.015 C 59.083 30.671 59.556 32.258 61.231 31.936 c 63.669 31.467 63.439 28.216 62.075 26.592 c 60.106 24.248 56.11 21.998 44.786 32.12 C 39.829 36.551 35.725 36.907 33.33 35.404 c 31.838 34.468 31.182 32.499 31.51 31.468 c 32.056 29.749 33.619 29.171 34.838 30.015 C 33.713 30.671 34.186 32.258 35.861 31.936 c 38.299 31.467 38.069 28.216 36.705 26.592 c 34.737 24.248 30.74 21.998 19.415 32.12 c 14.458 36.551 10.354 36.907 7.96 35.404 c S 19.792 7.094 m 21.157 8.719 21.386 11.968 18.949 12.437 c 17.274 12.76 16.801 11.172 17.926 10.516 C 16.708 9.673 15.145 10.252 14.598 11.969 c 14.27 13 14.926 14.969 16.418 15.906 c 18.812 17.409 22.916 17.053 27.874 12.622 c 39.199 2.5 43.195 4.75 45.163 7.094 c 46.528 8.719 46.757 11.968 44.32 12.437 c 42.644 12.76 42.172 11.172 43.297 10.516 C 42.078 9.673 40.515 10.252 39.968 11.969 c 39.64 13 40.297 14.969 41.788 15.906 c 44.183 17.409 48.287 17.053 53.245 12.622 C 64.569 2.5 68.565 4.75 70.534 7.094 c 71.898 8.719 72.127 11.968 69.69 12.437 c 68.014 12.76 67.542 11.172 68.667 10.516 C 67.448 9.673 65.885 10.252 65.338 11.969 c 65.011 13 65.667 14.969 67.159 15.906 c 69.553 17.409 73.657 17.053 78.615 12.622 c S %AI6_EndPatternLayer ) & ] E %AI3_EndPattern %AI3_BeginPattern: (Yellow Stripe) (Yellow Stripe) 8.4499 4.6 80.4499 76.6 [ %AI3_Tile (0 O 0 R 0 0.4 1 0 k 0 0.4 1 0 K ) @ ( %AI6_BeginPatternLayer 800 Ar 0 J 0 j 3.6 w 4 M []0 d %AI3_Note: 0 D 0 XR 8.1999 8.1999 m 80.6999 8.1999 L S 8.1999 22.6 m 80.6999 22.6 L S 8.1999 37.0001 m 80.6999 37.0001 L S 8.1999 51.3999 m 80.6999 51.3999 L S 8.1999 65.8 m 80.6999 65.8 L S 8.1999 15.3999 m 80.6999 15.3999 L S 8.1999 29.8 m 80.6999 29.8 L S 8.1999 44.1999 m 80.6999 44.1999 L S 8.1999 58.6 m 80.6999 58.6 L S 8.1999 73.0001 m 80.6999 73.0001 L S %AI6_EndPatternLayer ) & ] E %AI3_EndPattern %AI5_End_NonPrinting-- %AI5_Begin_NonPrinting Np 13 Bn %AI5_BeginGradient: (Black & White) (Black & White) 0 2 Bd [ 0 0 0 < 000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F101112131415161718191A1B1C1D1E1F2021222324252627 28292A2B2C2D2E2F303132333435363738393A3B3C3D3E3F404142434445464748494A4B4C4D4E4F 505152535455565758595A5B5C5D5E5F606162636465666768696A6B6C6D6E6F7071727374757677 78797A7B7C7D7E7F808182838485868788898A8B8C8D8E8F909192939495969798999A9B9C9D9E9F A0A1A2A3A4A5A6A7A8A9AAABACADAEAFB0B1B2B3B4B5B6B7B8B9BABBBCBDBEBFC0C1C2C3C4C5C6C7 C8C9CACBCCCDCECFD0D1D2D3D4D5D6D7D8D9DADBDCDDDEDFE0E1E2E3E4E5E6E7E8E9EAEBECEDEEEF F0F1F2F3F4F5F6F7F8F9FAFBFCFDFEFF > 1 %_Br [ 0 0 50 100 %_Bs 1 0 50 0 %_Bs BD %AI5_EndGradient %AI5_BeginGradient: (Black, White) (Black, White) 0 2 Bd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r [ 0 0 50 100 %_Bs 1 0 50 0 %_Bs BD %AI5_EndGradient %AI5_BeginGradient: (Chrome) (Chrome) 0 6 Bd [ 0 < 464646454545444444444343434342424241414141404040403F3F3F3E3E3E3E3D3D3D3C3C3C3C3B 3B3B3B3A3A3A39393939383838383737373636363635353535343434333333333232323131313130 3030302F2F2F2E2E2E2E2D2D2D2D2C2C2C2B2B2B2B2A2A2A2A292929282828282727272726262625 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373738383838393939393A3A3A3B3B3B3B3C3C3C3C3D3D3D3E3E3E3E3F3F3F404040404141414142 42424343434344444444454545464646 > < 000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F101112131415161718191A1B1C1D1E1F2021222324252627 28292A2B2C2D2E2F303132333435363738393A3B3C3D3E3F404142434445464748494A4B4C4D4E4F 505152535455565758595A5B5C5D5E5F606162636465666768696A6B6C6D6E6F7071727374757677 78797A7B7C7D7E7F808182838485868788898A8B8C8D8E8F909192939495969798999A9B9C9D9E9F A0A1A2A3A4A5A6A7A8A9AAABACADAEAFB0B1B2B3B4B5B6B7B8B9BABBBCBDBEBFC0C1C2C3C4C5C6C7 C8C9CACBCCCDCECFD0D1D2D3D4D5D6D7D8D9DADBDCDDDEDFE0E1E2E3E4E5E6E7E8E9EAEBECEDEEEF F0F1F2F3F4F5F6F7F8F9FAFBFCFDFEFF > < 00000101020203030304040505050606070708080809090A0A0A0B0B0C0C0D0D0D0E0E0F0F101010 1111121212131314141515151616171718181819191A1A1A1B1B1C1C1D1D1D1E1E1F1F1F20202121 222222232324242525252626272727282829292A2A2A2B2B2C2C2D2D2D2E2E2F2F2F303031313232 32333334343435353636373737383839393A3A3A3B3B3C3C3C3D3D3E3E3F3F3F4040414142424243 434444444545464647474748484949494A4A4B4B4C4C4C4D4D4E4E4F4F4F50505151515252535354 54545555565657575758585959595A5A5B5B5C5C5C5D5D5E5E5F5F5F606061616162626363646464 6565666666676768686969696A6A6B6B > 1 %_Br 0 0 0 0 1 %_Br < FFFEFDFCFBFAF9F8F7F6F5F4F3F2F1F0EFEEEDECEBEAE9E8E7E6E5E4E3E2E1E0DFDEDDDCDBDAD9D8 D7D6D5D4D3D2D1D0CFCECDCCCBCAC9C8C7C6C5C4C3C2C1C0BFBEBDBCBBBAB9B8B7B6B5B4B3B2B1B0 AFAEADACABAAA9A8A7A6A5A4A3A2A1A09F9E9D9C9B9A999897969594939291908F8E8D8C8B8A8988 87868584838281807F7E7D7C7B7A797877767574737271706F6E6D6C6B6A69686766656463626160 5F5E5D5C5B5A595857565554535251504F4E4D4C4B4A494847464544434241403F3E3D3C3B3A3938 37363534333231302F2E2D2C2B2A292827262524232221201F1E1D1C1B1A19181716151413121110 0F0E0D0C0B0A09080706050403020100 > < 4D4C4C4C4B4B4B4A4A4A4A4949494848484747474746464645454544444444434343424242414141 414040403F3F3F3E3E3E3E3D3D3D3C3C3C3B3B3B3B3A3A3A39393938383838373737363636353535 35343434333333323232323131313030302F2F2F2F2E2E2E2D2D2D2C2C2C2C2B2B2B2A2A2A292929 292828282727272626262625252524242423232323222222212121202020201F1F1F1E1E1E1D1D1D 1D1C1C1C1B1B1B1A1A1A1A1919191818181717171716161615151514141414131313121212111111 111010100F0F0F0E0E0E0E0D0D0D0C0C0C0B0B0B0B0A0A0A09090908080808070707060606050505 05040404030303020202020101010000 > 0 0 1 %_Br [ 1 0 50 92 %_Bs 0 0.275 1 0.12 1 50 59 %_Bs 0 0.275 1 0.42 1 50 50 %_Bs 1 0 50 49 %_Bs 1 0 50 41 %_Bs 1 0.3 0 0 1 50 0 %_Bs BD %AI5_EndGradient %AI5_BeginGradient: (Green, Blue) (Green, Blue) 0 2 Bd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0.96 0 0.01 1 50 100 %_Bs 0.94 0.33 1 0 1 50 50 %_Bs 0 0.63 0.96 0 1 50 0 %_Bs BD %AI5_EndGradient %AI5_BeginGradient: (Pink, Yellow, Green ) (Pink, Yellow, Green ) 0 3 Bd [ < 000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F101112131415161718191A1B1C1D1E1F2021222324252627 28292A2B2C2D2E2F303132333435363738393A3B3C3D3E3F404142434445464748494A4B4C4E4F50 5152535455565758595A5B5C5D5E5F606162636465666768696A6B6C6D6E6F70717273 > < 05050505050505050505050505050404040404040404040404040404040404040404040403030303 03030303030303030303030303030303030303020202020202020202020202020202020202020202 0201010101010101010101010101010101010101010101000000000000000000000000 > < CCCCCCCCCCCBCBCBCBCBCBCBCBCBCACACACACACACACACAC9C9C9C9C9C9C9C9C9C8C8C8C8C8C8C8C8 C8C7C7C7C7C7C7C7C7C7C6C6C6C6C6C6C6C6C6C5C5C5C5C5C5C5C5C5C4C4C4C4C4C4C4C4C3C3C3C3 C3C3C3C3C3C2C2C2C2C2C2C2C2C2C1C1C1C1C1C1C1C1C1C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0BFBFBF > 0 1 %_Br < 0D0D0D0D0D0D0D0D0D0D0D0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0C0B 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0 1 50 0 %_Bs 0 1 1 0 1 50 12.5 %_Bs 0 0 0 0 1 50 12.5 %_Bs 0 0 0 0 1 50 25 %_Bs 0 1 1 0 1 50 25 %_Bs 0 1 1 0 1 50 37.5 %_Bs 0 0 0 0 1 50 37.5 %_Bs 0 0 0 0 1 50 50 %_Bs 0 1 1 0 1 50 50 %_Bs 0 1 1 0 1 50 62.5 %_Bs 0 0 0 0 1 50 62.5 %_Bs 0 0 0 0 1 50 75 %_Bs 0 1 1 0 1 50 75 %_Bs 0 1 1 0 1 50 87.5 %_Bs 0 0 0 0 1 50 87.5 %_Bs 0 0 0 0 1 50 100 %_Bs 0 1 1 0 1 50 100 %_Bs BD %AI5_EndGradient %AI5_BeginGradient: (Yellow & Orange Radial) (Yellow & Orange Radial) 1 2 Bd [ 0 < 0001010203040506060708090A0B0C0C0D0E0F10111213131415161718191A1B1C1D1D1E1F202122 232425262728292A2B2B2C2D2E2F303132333435363738393A3B3C3D3E3E3F404142434445464748 494A4B4C4D4E4F505152535455565758595A5B5C5D5E5F60606162636465666768696A6B6C6D6E6F 707172737475767778797A7B7C7D7E7F808182838485868788898A8B8C > < FFFFFFFFFEFEFEFEFEFEFEFDFDFDFDFDFDFCFCFCFCFCFCFBFBFBFBFBFBFAFAFAFAFAFAF9F9F9F9F9 F9F8F8F8F8F8F8F7F7F7F7F7F7F6F6F6F6F6F6F5F5F5F5F5F5F4F4F4F4F4F3F3F3F3F3F3F2F2F2F2 F2F2F1F1F1F1F1F0F0F0F0F0F0EFEFEFEFEFEFEEEEEEEEEEEDEDEDEDEDEDECECECECECEBEBEBEBEB EBEAEAEAEAEAE9E9E9E9E9E9E8E8E8E8E8E8E7E7E7E7E7E6E6E6E6E6E5 > 0 1 %_Br [ 0 0 1 0 1 52 19 %_Bs 0 0.55 0.9 0 1 50 100 %_Bs BD %AI5_EndGradient %AI5_BeginGradient: (Yellow & Purple Radial) (Yellow & Purple Radial) 1 2 Bd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r [ 0 0.08 0.67 0 1 50 14 %_Bs 1 1 0 0 1 50 100 %_Bs BD %AI5_EndGradient %AI5_BeginGradient: (Yellow, Violet, Orange, Blue) (Yellow, Violet, Orange, Blue) 0 4 Bd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r < 9C9B9A9A9998989796969595949393929191908F8F8E8E8D8C8C8B8A8A8989888787868585848383 82828180807F7E7E7D7C7C7B7B7A797978777776757574747372727170706F6E6E6D6D6C6B6B6A69 6968676766666564646362626161605F5F5E5D5D5C5B5B5A5A595858575656555454535352515150 4F4F4E4D4D4C4C4B4A4A4948484746464545444343424141403F3F3E3E3D3C3C3B3A3A3939383737 36353534333332323130302F2E2E2D2C2C2B2B2A292928272726252524242322222120201F1E1E1D 1D1C1B1B1A191918171716161514141312121111100F0F0E0D0D0C0B0B0A0A090808070606050404 030302010100 > < F5F4F4F4F3F3F3F2F2F2F1F1F1F0F0F0EFEFEFEEEEEEEDEDEDECECECEBEBEAEAEAE9E9E9E8E8E8E7 E7E7E6E6E6E5E5E5E4E4E4E3E3E3E2E2E2E1E1E1E0E0E0DFDFDEDEDEDDDDDDDCDCDCDBDBDBDADADA D9D9D9D8D8D8D7D7D7D6D6D6D5D5D5D4D4D3D3D3D2D2D2D1D1D1D0D0D0CFCFCFCECECECDCDCDCCCC CCCBCBCBCACACAC9C9C8C8C8C7C7C7C6C6C6C5C5C5C4C4C4C3C3C3C2C2C2C1C1C1C0C0C0BFBFBFBE BEBEBDBDBCBCBCBBBBBBBABABAB9B9B9B8B8B8B7B7B7B6B6B6B5B5B5B4B4B4B3B3B3B2B2B1B1B1B0 B0B0AFAFAFAEAEAEADADADACACACABABABAAAAAAA9A9A9A8A8A8A7A7A6A6A6A5A5A5A4A4A4A3A3A3 A2A2A2A1A1A1 > < 000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F101112131415161718191A1B1C1D1E1F2021222324252627 28292A2B2C2D2E2F303132333435363738393A3B3C3D3E3F404142434445464748494A4B4C4D4E4F 505152535455565758595A5B5C5D5E5F606162636465666768696A6B6C6D6E6F7071727374757677 78797A7B7C7D7E7F808182838485868788898A8B8C8D8E8F909192939495969798999A9B9C9D9E9F A0A1A2A3A4A5A6A7A8A9AAABACADAEAFB0B1B2B3B4B5B6B7B8B9BABBBCBDBEBFC0C1C2C3C4C5C6C7 C8C9CACBCCCDCECFD0D1D2D3D4D5D6D7D8D9DADBDCDDDEDFE0E1E2E3E4E5E6E7E8E9EAEBECEDEEEF F0F1F2F3F4F5 > < 03030303030202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202 02020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202 02020202020202020202020202020202020202020201010101010101010101010101010101010101 01010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101 01010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000 > 1 %_Br < 0D0D0E0F0F10101111121313141415161617171819191A1A1B1C1C1D1D1E1E1F2020212122232324 2425262627272828292A2A2B2B2C2D2D2E2E2F30303131323333343435353637373838393A3A3B3B 3C3D3D3E3E3F3F404141424243444445454647474848494A4A4B4B4C4C4D4E4E4F4F505151525253 54545555565757585859595A5B5B5C5C5D5E5E5F5F60616162626363646565666667686869696A6B 6B6C6C6D6E6E6F6F70707172727373747575767677787879797A7B7B7C7C7D7D7E7F7F8080818282 8383848585868687878889898A8A8B8C8C8D8D8E8F8F90909192929393949495969697979899999A 9A9B9C > < 08090A0B0C0D0E0F0F101112131415161718191A1B1C1D1E1F202122232425262728292A2B2C2D2E 2F303132333435363738393A3B3C3D3E3F40404142434445464748494A4B4C4D4E4F505152535455 565758595A5B5C5D5E5F606162636465666768696A6B6C6D6E6F70717172737475767778797A7B7C 7D7E7F808182838485868788898A8B8C8D8E8F909192939495969798999A9B9C9D9E9FA0A1A2A2A3 A4A5A6A7A8A9AAABACADAEAFB0B1B2B3B4B5B6B7B8B9BABBBCBDBEBFC0C1C2C3C4C5C6C7C8C9CACB CCCDCECFD0D1D2D2D3D4D5D6D7D8D9DADBDCDDDEDFE0E1E2E3E4E5E6E7E8E9EAEBECEDEEEFF0F1F2 F3F4F5 > < F2F1F0EFEEEDECEBEAE9E8E7E6E5E4E3E2E1E0DFDEDDDCDBDAD9D8D7D6D5D4D3D2D1D0CFCECDCCCB CAC9C8C7C6C5C4C3C2C1C0BFBEBDBCBBBAB9B8B7B6B5B4B3B2B1B0AFAEADACABAAA9A8A7A6A5A4A3 A2A1A09F9E9D9C9B9A999897969594939291908F8E8D8C8B8A898887868584838281807F7E7D7C7B 7A797877767574737271706F6E6D6C6B6A696867666564636261605F5E5D5C5B5A59585756555453 5251504F4E4D4C4B4A494847464544434241403F3E3D3C3B3A393837363534333231302F2E2D2C2B 2A292827262524232221201F1E1D1C1B1A191817161514131211100F0E0D0C0B0A09080706050403 020100 > < 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101 01010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101 01010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010202020202020202020202020202020202 02020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202 02020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020202020303 030303 > 1 %_Br [ 1 0.87 0 0 1 50 95 %_Bs 0 0.63 0.96 0 1 50 65 %_Bs 0.61 0.96 0 0.01 1 50 35 %_Bs 0.05 0.03 0.95 0 1 50 5 %_Bs BD %AI5_EndGradient %AI5_End_NonPrinting-- %AI5_BeginPalette 0 0 Pb 0 0 0 0 k Pc 0 0 0 1 k Pc 0 0.45 0.6 0 k Pc 0 0.5 0.05 0 k Pc 0 0.9 1 0 k Pc 1 0.2 1 0 k Pc 1 0.4 0.15 0 k Pc 0.2 0 1 0 k Pc 0.25 1 0.25 0 k Pc 0.4 0.4 0.4 0 k Pc 0.4 0.7 1 0 k Pc 0.75 0.9 0 0 k Pc 1 0 0.55 0 (Aqua) 0 x Pc 1 0.5 0 0 (Blue) 0 x Pc 0.5 0.4 0.3 0 (Blue Gray) 0 x Pc 0.8 0.05 0 0 (Blue Sky) 0 x Pc 0.5 0.85 1 0 (Brown) 0 x Pc 1 0.9 0.1 0 (Dark Blue) 0 x Pc 1 0.55 1 0 (Forest Green) 0 x Pc 0.05 0.2 0.95 0 (Gold) 0 x Pc 0.75 0.05 1 0 (Grass Green) 0 x Pc 0 0.45 1 0 (Orange) 0 x Pc 0.15 1 1 0 (Red) 0 x Pc 0.45 0.9 0 0 (Violet) 0 x Pc Bb 2 (Black, White) -4220 4422 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 Bg 0 BB Pc Bb 2 (Chrome) -4220 4422 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 Bg 0 BB Pc Bb 2 (Green, Blue) -4220 4422 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 Bg 0 BB Pc Bb 2 (Orange, Green, Violet) -4220 4422 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 Bg 0 BB Pc Bb 2 (Pink, Yellow, Green ) -4220 4422 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 Bg 0 BB Pc Bb 2 (Purple, Red, Yellow) -4220 4422 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 Bg 0 BB Pc Bb 2 (Rainbow) -4220 4422 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 Bg 0 BB Pc Bb 2 (Steel Bar) -4220 4422 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 Bg 0 BB Pc Bb 0 0 0 0 Bh 2 (White & Red Radial) -4220 4422 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 Bg 0 BB Pc Bb 0 0 0 0 Bh 2 (Yellow & Orange Radial) -4220 4422 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 Bg 0 BB Pc Bb 0 0 0 0 Bh 2 (Yellow & Purple Radial) -4220 4422 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 Bg 0 BB Pc Bb 2 (Yellow, Violet, Orange, Blue) -4220 4422 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 Bg 0 BB Pc (Arrow1.2.out/in) 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 [1 0 0 1 0 0] p Pc (Arrow1.2.side) 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 [1 0 0 1 0 0] p Pc (Bricks) 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 [1 0 0 1 0 0] p Pc (Checks) 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 [1 0 0 1 0 0] p Pc (Confetti) 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 [1 0 0 1 0 0] p Pc (DblLine1.2.inner) 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 [1 0 0 1 0 0] p Pc (DblLine1.2.outer) 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 [1 0 0 1 0 0] p Pc (DblLine1.2.side) 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 [1 0 0 1 0 0] p Pc (Diamonds) 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 [1 0 0 1 0 0] p Pc (Hexagon) 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 [1 0 0 1 0 0] p Pc (Laurel.inner) 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 [1 0 0 1 0 0] p Pc (Laurel.outer) 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 [1 0 0 1 0 0] p Pc (Laurel.side) 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 [1 0 0 1 0 0] p Pc (Leaves-fall) 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 [1 0 0 1 0 0] p Pc (Polka dots) 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 [1 0 0 1 0 0] p Pc (Random circles) 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 [1 0 0 1 0 0] p Pc (Rope.side) 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 [1 0 0 1 0 0] p Pc (Scales) 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 [1 0 0 1 0 0] p Pc (SolidStar.side) 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 [1 0 0 1 0 0] p Pc (Stars) 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 [1 0 0 1 0 0] p Pc (Stripes) 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 [1 0 0 1 0 0] p Pc (TriBevel.outer) 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 [1 0 0 1 0 0] p Pc (TriBevel.side) 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 [1 0 0 1 0 0] p Pc (Waves-scroll) 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 [1 0 0 1 0 0] p Pc 1 1 1 1 k Pc 1 g Pc 0 g Pc 0.75 g Pc 0.5 g Pc 0.25 g Pc 0 g Pc Bb 2 (Black & White) -4220 4422 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 Bg 0 BB Pc 0.25 0 0 0 k Pc 0.5 0 0 0 k Pc 0.75 0 0 0 k Pc 1 0 0 0 k Pc 0.25 0.25 0 0 k Pc 0.5 0.5 0 0 k Pc 0.75 0.75 0 0 k Pc 1 1 0 0 k Pc 0 g Pc 0 0.25 0 0 k Pc 0 0.5 0 0 k Pc 0 0.75 0 0 k Pc 0 1 0 0 k Pc 0 0.25 0.25 0 k Pc 0 0.5 0.5 0 k Pc 0 0.75 0.75 0 k Pc 0 1 1 0 k Pc 0 g Pc 0 0 0.25 0 k Pc 0 0 0.5 0 k Pc 0 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-1.796875 C 5.582031 -1.179688 5.273438 -0.703125 4.859375 -0.359375 C 4.453125 -0.0234375 3.929688 0.140625 3.296875 0.140625 C 2.472656 0.140625 1.820312 -0.15625 1.34375 -0.75 C 0.78125 -1.457031 0.5 -2.617188 0.5 -4.234375 Z M 1.578125 -4.234375 C 1.578125 -2.828125 1.742188 -1.890625 2.078125 -1.421875 C 2.410156 -0.953125 2.816406 -0.71875 3.296875 -0.71875 C 3.785156 -0.71875 4.191406 -0.953125 4.515625 -1.421875 C 4.847656 -1.890625 5.015625 -2.828125 5.015625 -4.234375 C 5.015625 -5.648438 4.847656 -6.585938 4.515625 -7.046875 C 4.191406 -7.515625 3.78125 -7.75 3.28125 -7.75 C 2.800781 -7.75 2.414062 -7.546875 2.125 -7.140625 C 1.757812 -6.617188 1.578125 -5.648438 1.578125 -4.234375 Z M 1.578125 -4.234375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-2"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 6.046875 -1.015625 L 6.046875 0 L 0.359375 0 C 0.359375 -0.25 0.398438 -0.492188 0.484375 -0.734375 C 0.628906 -1.117188 0.859375 -1.5 1.171875 -1.875 C 1.492188 -2.25 1.957031 -2.679688 2.5625 -3.171875 C 3.5 -3.941406 4.128906 -4.550781 4.453125 -5 C 4.785156 -5.445312 4.953125 -5.867188 4.953125 -6.265625 C 4.953125 -6.679688 4.800781 -7.03125 4.5 -7.3125 C 4.195312 -7.601562 3.804688 -7.75 3.328125 -7.75 C 2.816406 -7.75 2.410156 -7.597656 2.109375 -7.296875 C 1.804688 -6.992188 1.648438 -6.570312 1.640625 -6.03125 L 0.5625 -6.140625 C 0.632812 -6.953125 0.910156 -7.566406 1.390625 -7.984375 C 1.878906 -8.410156 2.535156 -8.625 3.359375 -8.625 C 4.179688 -8.625 4.832031 -8.394531 5.3125 -7.9375 C 5.789062 -7.476562 6.03125 -6.910156 6.03125 -6.234375 C 6.03125 -5.890625 5.957031 -5.550781 5.8125 -5.21875 C 5.675781 -4.894531 5.441406 -4.546875 5.109375 -4.171875 C 4.785156 -3.804688 4.25 -3.304688 3.5 -2.671875 C 2.863281 -2.140625 2.453125 -1.773438 2.265625 -1.578125 C 2.085938 -1.390625 1.941406 -1.203125 1.828125 -1.015625 Z M 6.046875 -1.015625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-3"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.875 0 L 3.875 -2.0625 L 0.15625 -2.0625 L 0.15625 -3.03125 L 4.078125 -8.59375 L 4.9375 -8.59375 L 4.9375 -3.03125 L 6.09375 -3.03125 L 6.09375 -2.0625 L 4.9375 -2.0625 L 4.9375 0 Z M 3.875 -3.03125 L 3.875 -6.890625 L 1.1875 -3.03125 Z M 3.875 -3.03125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-4"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 5.96875 -6.484375 L 4.921875 -6.40625 C 4.828125 -6.820312 4.695312 -7.125 4.53125 -7.3125 C 4.238281 -7.613281 3.882812 -7.765625 3.46875 -7.765625 C 3.132812 -7.765625 2.835938 -7.671875 2.578125 -7.484375 C 2.253906 -7.234375 1.992188 -6.875 1.796875 -6.40625 C 1.609375 -5.945312 1.507812 -5.289062 1.5 -4.4375 C 1.75 -4.820312 2.054688 -5.109375 2.421875 -5.296875 C 2.796875 -5.484375 3.1875 -5.578125 3.59375 -5.578125 C 4.289062 -5.578125 4.882812 -5.316406 5.375 -4.796875 C 5.875 -4.273438 6.125 -3.609375 6.125 -2.796875 C 6.125 -2.253906 6.003906 -1.75 5.765625 -1.28125 C 5.535156 -0.820312 5.21875 -0.46875 4.8125 -0.21875 C 4.40625 0.0195312 3.945312 0.140625 3.4375 0.140625 C 2.550781 0.140625 1.832031 -0.179688 1.28125 -0.828125 C 0.726562 -1.472656 0.453125 -2.535156 0.453125 -4.015625 C 0.453125 -5.679688 0.757812 -6.890625 1.375 -7.640625 C 1.90625 -8.296875 2.625 -8.625 3.53125 -8.625 C 4.207031 -8.625 4.757812 -8.429688 5.1875 -8.046875 C 5.625 -7.671875 5.882812 -7.148438 5.96875 -6.484375 Z M 1.671875 -2.78125 C 1.671875 -2.414062 1.742188 -2.066406 1.890625 -1.734375 C 2.046875 -1.410156 2.257812 -1.160156 2.53125 -0.984375 C 2.8125 -0.804688 3.109375 -0.71875 3.421875 -0.71875 C 3.859375 -0.71875 4.238281 -0.894531 4.5625 -1.25 C 4.882812 -1.613281 5.046875 -2.101562 5.046875 -2.71875 C 5.046875 -3.3125 4.882812 -3.78125 4.5625 -4.125 C 4.25 -4.46875 3.851562 -4.640625 3.375 -4.640625 C 2.894531 -4.640625 2.488281 -4.46875 2.15625 -4.125 C 1.832031 -3.78125 1.671875 -3.332031 1.671875 -2.78125 Z M 1.671875 -2.78125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-5"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.125 -4.65625 C 1.6875 -4.820312 1.359375 -5.050781 1.140625 -5.34375 C 0.929688 -5.644531 0.828125 -6 0.828125 -6.40625 C 0.828125 -7.03125 1.050781 -7.554688 1.5 -7.984375 C 1.957031 -8.410156 2.554688 -8.625 3.296875 -8.625 C 4.046875 -8.625 4.648438 -8.40625 5.109375 -7.96875 C 5.566406 -7.53125 5.796875 -7 5.796875 -6.375 C 5.796875 -5.976562 5.691406 -5.632812 5.484375 -5.34375 C 5.273438 -5.050781 4.957031 -4.820312 4.53125 -4.65625 C 5.0625 -4.488281 5.460938 -4.210938 5.734375 -3.828125 C 6.003906 -3.441406 6.140625 -2.984375 6.140625 -2.453125 C 6.140625 -1.722656 5.878906 -1.109375 5.359375 -0.609375 C 4.847656 -0.109375 4.164062 0.140625 3.3125 0.140625 C 2.46875 0.140625 1.785156 -0.109375 1.265625 -0.609375 C 0.742188 -1.109375 0.484375 -1.734375 0.484375 -2.484375 C 0.484375 -3.046875 0.625 -3.515625 0.90625 -3.890625 C 1.195312 -4.265625 1.601562 -4.519531 2.125 -4.65625 Z M 1.90625 -6.453125 C 1.90625 -6.046875 2.035156 -5.710938 2.296875 -5.453125 C 2.566406 -5.191406 2.910156 -5.0625 3.328125 -5.0625 C 3.734375 -5.0625 4.066406 -5.1875 4.328125 -5.4375 C 4.585938 -5.695312 4.71875 -6.015625 4.71875 -6.390625 C 4.71875 -6.773438 4.582031 -7.097656 4.3125 -7.359375 C 4.039062 -7.628906 3.707031 -7.765625 3.3125 -7.765625 C 2.90625 -7.765625 2.566406 -7.632812 2.296875 -7.375 C 2.035156 -7.113281 1.90625 -6.804688 1.90625 -6.453125 Z M 1.578125 -2.484375 C 1.578125 -2.179688 1.644531 -1.890625 1.78125 -1.609375 C 1.925781 -1.328125 2.140625 -1.109375 2.421875 -0.953125 C 2.703125 -0.796875 3.003906 -0.71875 3.328125 -0.71875 C 3.828125 -0.71875 4.238281 -0.878906 4.5625 -1.203125 C 4.894531 -1.523438 5.0625 -1.9375 5.0625 -2.4375 C 5.0625 -2.945312 4.894531 -3.367188 4.5625 -3.703125 C 4.226562 -4.035156 3.804688 -4.203125 3.296875 -4.203125 C 2.796875 -4.203125 2.382812 -4.035156 2.0625 -3.703125 C 1.738281 -3.378906 1.578125 -2.972656 1.578125 -2.484375 Z M 1.578125 -2.484375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-6"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 4.46875 0 L 3.421875 0 L 3.421875 -6.71875 C 3.160156 -6.476562 2.820312 -6.234375 2.40625 -5.984375 C 2 -5.742188 1.632812 -5.566406 1.3125 -5.453125 L 1.3125 -6.46875 C 1.894531 -6.75 2.40625 -7.082031 2.84375 -7.46875 C 3.289062 -7.863281 3.609375 -8.25 3.796875 -8.625 L 4.46875 -8.625 Z M 4.46875 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-7"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.5 -2.265625 L 1.5625 -2.40625 C 1.675781 -1.8125 1.878906 -1.378906 2.171875 -1.109375 C 2.460938 -0.847656 2.816406 -0.71875 3.234375 -0.71875 C 3.734375 -0.71875 4.15625 -0.890625 4.5 -1.234375 C 4.84375 -1.578125 5.015625 -2.003906 5.015625 -2.515625 C 5.015625 -2.992188 4.851562 -3.390625 4.53125 -3.703125 C 4.21875 -4.023438 3.816406 -4.1875 3.328125 -4.1875 C 3.128906 -4.1875 2.878906 -4.144531 2.578125 -4.0625 L 2.703125 -5 C 2.773438 -4.988281 2.832031 -4.984375 2.875 -4.984375 C 3.320312 -4.984375 3.722656 -5.097656 4.078125 -5.328125 C 4.441406 -5.566406 4.625 -5.929688 4.625 -6.421875 C 4.625 -6.804688 4.492188 -7.125 4.234375 -7.375 C 3.972656 -7.632812 3.632812 -7.765625 3.21875 -7.765625 C 2.8125 -7.765625 2.46875 -7.632812 2.1875 -7.375 C 1.914062 -7.113281 1.742188 -6.726562 1.671875 -6.21875 L 0.609375 -6.40625 C 0.734375 -7.101562 1.023438 -7.644531 1.484375 -8.03125 C 1.941406 -8.425781 2.507812 -8.625 3.1875 -8.625 C 3.65625 -8.625 4.085938 -8.519531 4.484375 -8.3125 C 4.878906 -8.113281 5.179688 -7.84375 5.390625 -7.5 C 5.597656 -7.15625 5.703125 -6.785156 5.703125 -6.390625 C 5.703125 -6.023438 5.601562 -5.6875 5.40625 -5.375 C 5.207031 -5.070312 4.914062 -4.832031 4.53125 -4.65625 C 5.03125 -4.539062 5.421875 -4.296875 5.703125 -3.921875 C 5.984375 -3.554688 6.125 -3.09375 6.125 -2.53125 C 6.125 -1.78125 5.847656 -1.144531 5.296875 -0.625 C 4.753906 -0.101562 4.066406 0.15625 3.234375 0.15625 C 2.484375 0.15625 1.859375 -0.0664062 1.359375 -0.515625 C 0.859375 -0.972656 0.570312 -1.554688 0.5 -2.265625 Z M 0.5 -2.265625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-8"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 7.0625 -3.015625 L 8.1875 -2.71875 C 7.945312 -1.789062 7.519531 -1.082031 6.90625 -0.59375 C 6.289062 -0.101562 5.535156 0.140625 4.640625 0.140625 C 3.710938 0.140625 2.957031 -0.046875 2.375 -0.421875 C 1.789062 -0.796875 1.347656 -1.335938 1.046875 -2.046875 C 0.742188 -2.765625 0.59375 -3.535156 0.59375 -4.359375 C 0.59375 -5.253906 0.765625 -6.035156 1.109375 -6.703125 C 1.453125 -7.367188 1.9375 -7.875 2.5625 -8.21875 C 3.195312 -8.5625 3.894531 -8.734375 4.65625 -8.734375 C 5.507812 -8.734375 6.226562 -8.515625 6.8125 -8.078125 C 7.40625 -7.640625 7.816406 -7.023438 8.046875 -6.234375 L 6.921875 -5.96875 C 6.722656 -6.59375 6.429688 -7.046875 6.046875 -7.328125 C 5.671875 -7.617188 5.195312 -7.765625 4.625 -7.765625 C 3.96875 -7.765625 3.414062 -7.601562 2.96875 -7.28125 C 2.53125 -6.96875 2.21875 -6.546875 2.03125 -6.015625 C 1.851562 -5.484375 1.765625 -4.929688 1.765625 -4.359375 C 1.765625 -3.628906 1.867188 -2.992188 2.078125 -2.453125 C 2.296875 -1.910156 2.628906 -1.503906 3.078125 -1.234375 C 3.523438 -0.960938 4.015625 -0.828125 4.546875 -0.828125 C 5.179688 -0.828125 5.71875 -1.007812 6.15625 -1.375 C 6.601562 -1.738281 6.90625 -2.285156 7.0625 -3.015625 Z M 7.0625 -3.015625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-9"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.921875 0 L 0.921875 -8.59375 L 4.171875 -8.59375 C 4.734375 -8.59375 5.164062 -8.566406 5.46875 -8.515625 C 5.894531 -8.441406 6.25 -8.304688 6.53125 -8.109375 C 6.820312 -7.910156 7.050781 -7.632812 7.21875 -7.28125 C 7.394531 -6.925781 7.484375 -6.535156 7.484375 -6.109375 C 7.484375 -5.378906 7.25 -4.757812 6.78125 -4.25 C 6.320312 -3.75 5.484375 -3.5 4.265625 -3.5 L 2.0625 -3.5 L 2.0625 0 Z M 2.0625 -4.5 L 4.28125 -4.5 C 5.019531 -4.5 5.539062 -4.632812 5.84375 -4.90625 C 6.15625 -5.1875 6.3125 -5.578125 6.3125 -6.078125 C 6.3125 -6.429688 6.21875 -6.734375 6.03125 -6.984375 C 5.851562 -7.242188 5.617188 -7.414062 5.328125 -7.5 C 5.128906 -7.550781 4.773438 -7.578125 4.265625 -7.578125 L 2.0625 -7.578125 Z M 2.0625 -4.5 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-10"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 6.5625 -8.59375 L 7.703125 -8.59375 L 7.703125 -3.625 C 7.703125 -2.757812 7.601562 -2.070312 7.40625 -1.5625 C 7.207031 -1.0625 6.851562 -0.648438 6.34375 -0.328125 C 5.832031 -0.015625 5.164062 0.140625 4.34375 0.140625 C 3.539062 0.140625 2.878906 0.00390625 2.359375 -0.265625 C 1.847656 -0.546875 1.484375 -0.945312 1.265625 -1.46875 C 1.046875 -2 0.9375 -2.71875 0.9375 -3.625 L 0.9375 -8.59375 L 2.078125 -8.59375 L 2.078125 -3.640625 C 2.078125 -2.890625 2.144531 -2.335938 2.28125 -1.984375 C 2.425781 -1.628906 2.664062 -1.351562 3 -1.15625 C 3.34375 -0.96875 3.757812 -0.875 4.25 -0.875 C 5.082031 -0.875 5.675781 -1.0625 6.03125 -1.4375 C 6.382812 -1.820312 6.5625 -2.554688 6.5625 -3.640625 Z M 6.5625 -8.59375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-11"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.375 -1.859375 L 1.40625 -2.015625 C 1.46875 -1.597656 1.628906 -1.28125 1.890625 -1.0625 C 2.160156 -0.84375 2.539062 -0.734375 3.03125 -0.734375 C 3.507812 -0.734375 3.863281 -0.828125 4.09375 -1.015625 C 4.332031 -1.210938 4.453125 -1.445312 4.453125 -1.71875 C 4.453125 -1.957031 4.347656 -2.144531 4.140625 -2.28125 C 3.992188 -2.375 3.632812 -2.492188 3.0625 -2.640625 C 2.289062 -2.835938 1.753906 -3.003906 1.453125 -3.140625 C 1.160156 -3.285156 0.9375 -3.484375 0.78125 -3.734375 C 0.625 -3.984375 0.546875 -4.265625 0.546875 -4.578125 C 0.546875 -4.847656 0.609375 -5.101562 0.734375 -5.34375 C 0.859375 -5.582031 1.03125 -5.78125 1.25 -5.9375 C 1.414062 -6.050781 1.640625 -6.148438 1.921875 -6.234375 C 2.203125 -6.316406 2.507812 -6.359375 2.84375 -6.359375 C 3.320312 -6.359375 3.742188 -6.285156 4.109375 -6.140625 C 4.484375 -6.003906 4.757812 -5.816406 4.9375 -5.578125 C 5.113281 -5.335938 5.234375 -5.019531 5.296875 -4.625 L 4.265625 -4.484375 C 4.222656 -4.796875 4.085938 -5.039062 3.859375 -5.21875 C 3.640625 -5.40625 3.320312 -5.5 2.90625 -5.5 C 2.425781 -5.5 2.082031 -5.414062 1.875 -5.25 C 1.664062 -5.09375 1.5625 -4.90625 1.5625 -4.6875 C 1.5625 -4.550781 1.601562 -4.429688 1.6875 -4.328125 C 1.78125 -4.210938 1.914062 -4.117188 2.09375 -4.046875 C 2.195312 -4.003906 2.507812 -3.914062 3.03125 -3.78125 C 3.78125 -3.570312 4.300781 -3.40625 4.59375 -3.28125 C 4.882812 -3.15625 5.113281 -2.972656 5.28125 -2.734375 C 5.445312 -2.492188 5.53125 -2.191406 5.53125 -1.828125 C 5.53125 -1.472656 5.425781 -1.140625 5.21875 -0.828125 C 5.019531 -0.523438 4.726562 -0.285156 4.34375 -0.109375 C 3.957031 0.0546875 3.519531 0.140625 3.03125 0.140625 C 2.21875 0.140625 1.597656 -0.0234375 1.171875 -0.359375 C 0.753906 -0.703125 0.488281 -1.203125 0.375 -1.859375 Z M 0.375 -1.859375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-12"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.09375 -0.9375 L 3.25 -0.015625 C 2.945312 0.046875 2.679688 0.078125 2.453125 0.078125 C 2.066406 0.078125 1.769531 0.0195312 1.5625 -0.09375 C 1.351562 -0.21875 1.203125 -0.378906 1.109375 -0.578125 C 1.023438 -0.773438 0.984375 -1.191406 0.984375 -1.828125 L 0.984375 -5.40625 L 0.21875 -5.40625 L 0.21875 -6.21875 L 0.984375 -6.21875 L 0.984375 -7.765625 L 2.03125 -8.390625 L 2.03125 -6.21875 L 3.09375 -6.21875 L 3.09375 -5.40625 L 2.03125 -5.40625 L 2.03125 -1.765625 C 2.03125 -1.460938 2.046875 -1.269531 2.078125 -1.1875 C 2.117188 -1.101562 2.179688 -1.035156 2.265625 -0.984375 C 2.347656 -0.929688 2.46875 -0.90625 2.625 -0.90625 C 2.75 -0.90625 2.90625 -0.914062 3.09375 -0.9375 Z M 3.09375 -0.9375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-13"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.9375 0 L 0.03125 -6.21875 L 1.125 -6.21875 L 2.109375 -2.625 L 2.484375 -1.296875 C 2.503906 -1.359375 2.613281 -1.785156 2.8125 -2.578125 L 3.796875 -6.21875 L 4.875 -6.21875 L 5.8125 -2.609375 L 6.125 -1.421875 L 6.484375 -2.625 L 7.546875 -6.21875 L 8.578125 -6.21875 L 6.625 0 L 5.53125 0 L 4.546875 -3.734375 L 4.296875 -4.78125 L 3.046875 0 Z M 1.9375 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-14"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.796875 -7.375 L 0.796875 -8.59375 L 1.859375 -8.59375 L 1.859375 -7.375 Z M 0.796875 0 L 0.796875 -6.21875 L 1.859375 -6.21875 L 1.859375 0 Z M 0.796875 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-15"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 4.859375 -2.28125 L 5.890625 -2.140625 C 5.773438 -1.429688 5.484375 -0.875 5.015625 -0.46875 C 4.546875 -0.0625 3.972656 0.140625 3.296875 0.140625 C 2.441406 0.140625 1.753906 -0.132812 1.234375 -0.6875 C 0.722656 -1.25 0.46875 -2.050781 0.46875 -3.09375 C 0.46875 -3.757812 0.578125 -4.34375 0.796875 -4.84375 C 1.023438 -5.351562 1.363281 -5.734375 1.8125 -5.984375 C 2.269531 -6.234375 2.769531 -6.359375 3.3125 -6.359375 C 3.976562 -6.359375 4.523438 -6.1875 4.953125 -5.84375 C 5.390625 -5.507812 5.671875 -5.023438 5.796875 -4.390625 L 4.765625 -4.234375 C 4.671875 -4.648438 4.5 -4.960938 4.25 -5.171875 C 4 -5.390625 3.695312 -5.5 3.34375 -5.5 C 2.8125 -5.5 2.378906 -5.304688 2.046875 -4.921875 C 1.710938 -4.546875 1.546875 -3.945312 1.546875 -3.125 C 1.546875 -2.28125 1.707031 -1.671875 2.03125 -1.296875 C 2.351562 -0.921875 2.769531 -0.734375 3.28125 -0.734375 C 3.695312 -0.734375 4.039062 -0.859375 4.3125 -1.109375 C 4.59375 -1.359375 4.773438 -1.75 4.859375 -2.28125 Z M 4.859375 -2.28125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-16"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 5.046875 -2 L 6.140625 -1.875 C 5.972656 -1.238281 5.65625 -0.742188 5.1875 -0.390625 C 4.71875 -0.0351562 4.125 0.140625 3.40625 0.140625 C 2.5 0.140625 1.773438 -0.140625 1.234375 -0.703125 C 0.703125 -1.265625 0.4375 -2.050781 0.4375 -3.0625 C 0.4375 -4.101562 0.707031 -4.910156 1.25 -5.484375 C 1.789062 -6.066406 2.488281 -6.359375 3.34375 -6.359375 C 4.175781 -6.359375 4.851562 -6.078125 5.375 -5.515625 C 5.90625 -4.953125 6.171875 -4.15625 6.171875 -3.125 C 6.171875 -3.0625 6.171875 -2.96875 6.171875 -2.84375 L 1.53125 -2.84375 C 1.570312 -2.15625 1.765625 -1.628906 2.109375 -1.265625 C 2.453125 -0.910156 2.882812 -0.734375 3.40625 -0.734375 C 3.789062 -0.734375 4.117188 -0.832031 4.390625 -1.03125 C 4.671875 -1.238281 4.890625 -1.5625 5.046875 -2 Z M 1.59375 -3.703125 L 5.0625 -3.703125 C 5.019531 -4.234375 4.890625 -4.628906 4.671875 -4.890625 C 4.328125 -5.296875 3.890625 -5.5 3.359375 -5.5 C 2.867188 -5.5 2.457031 -5.335938 2.125 -5.015625 C 1.800781 -4.691406 1.625 -4.253906 1.59375 -3.703125 Z M 1.59375 -3.703125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-17"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.84375 -5.546875 L 0.546875 -7.1875 L 0.546875 -8.59375 L 1.75 -8.59375 L 1.75 -7.1875 L 1.484375 -5.546875 Z M 2.78125 -5.546875 L 2.5 -7.1875 L 2.5 -8.59375 L 3.703125 -8.59375 L 3.703125 -7.1875 L 3.421875 -5.546875 Z M 2.78125 -5.546875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-18"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.59375 0.515625 L 1.625 0.671875 C 1.664062 0.984375 1.785156 1.210938 1.984375 1.359375 C 2.242188 1.554688 2.597656 1.65625 3.046875 1.65625 C 3.535156 1.65625 3.910156 1.554688 4.171875 1.359375 C 4.441406 1.160156 4.625 0.890625 4.71875 0.546875 C 4.78125 0.328125 4.804688 -0.125 4.796875 -0.8125 C 4.335938 -0.269531 3.765625 0 3.078125 0 C 2.222656 0 1.5625 -0.304688 1.09375 -0.921875 C 0.625 -1.546875 0.390625 -2.285156 0.390625 -3.140625 C 0.390625 -3.734375 0.492188 -4.28125 0.703125 -4.78125 C 0.921875 -5.289062 1.234375 -5.679688 1.640625 -5.953125 C 2.046875 -6.222656 2.523438 -6.359375 3.078125 -6.359375 C 3.816406 -6.359375 4.425781 -6.0625 4.90625 -5.46875 L 4.90625 -6.21875 L 5.875 -6.21875 L 5.875 -0.84375 C 5.875 0.125 5.773438 0.8125 5.578125 1.21875 C 5.378906 1.625 5.066406 1.941406 4.640625 2.171875 C 4.210938 2.410156 3.6875 2.53125 3.0625 2.53125 C 2.320312 2.53125 1.722656 2.363281 1.265625 2.03125 C 0.804688 1.695312 0.582031 1.191406 0.59375 0.515625 Z M 1.46875 -3.21875 C 1.46875 -2.40625 1.628906 -1.8125 1.953125 -1.4375 C 2.273438 -1.0625 2.679688 -0.875 3.171875 -0.875 C 3.660156 -0.875 4.066406 -1.0625 4.390625 -1.4375 C 4.722656 -1.8125 4.890625 -2.394531 4.890625 -3.1875 C 4.890625 -3.945312 4.71875 -4.519531 4.375 -4.90625 C 4.039062 -5.289062 3.632812 -5.484375 3.15625 -5.484375 C 2.6875 -5.484375 2.285156 -5.289062 1.953125 -4.90625 C 1.628906 -4.53125 1.46875 -3.96875 1.46875 -3.21875 Z M 1.46875 -3.21875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-19"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 4.859375 -0.765625 C 4.460938 -0.429688 4.082031 -0.195312 3.71875 -0.0625 C 3.363281 0.0703125 2.976562 0.140625 2.5625 0.140625 C 1.875 0.140625 1.347656 -0.0234375 0.984375 -0.359375 C 0.617188 -0.691406 0.4375 -1.117188 0.4375 -1.640625 C 0.4375 -1.941406 0.503906 -2.21875 0.640625 -2.46875 C 0.773438 -2.726562 0.957031 -2.929688 1.1875 -3.078125 C 1.414062 -3.234375 1.671875 -3.347656 1.953125 -3.421875 C 2.148438 -3.484375 2.460938 -3.539062 2.890625 -3.59375 C 3.734375 -3.6875 4.359375 -3.804688 4.765625 -3.953125 C 4.765625 -4.097656 4.765625 -4.1875 4.765625 -4.21875 C 4.765625 -4.65625 4.664062 -4.960938 4.46875 -5.140625 C 4.195312 -5.367188 3.796875 -5.484375 3.265625 -5.484375 C 2.773438 -5.484375 2.410156 -5.394531 2.171875 -5.21875 C 1.929688 -5.050781 1.753906 -4.75 1.640625 -4.3125 L 0.609375 -4.453125 C 0.703125 -4.890625 0.859375 -5.242188 1.078125 -5.515625 C 1.296875 -5.785156 1.609375 -5.992188 2.015625 -6.140625 C 2.421875 -6.285156 2.890625 -6.359375 3.421875 -6.359375 C 3.953125 -6.359375 4.382812 -6.296875 4.71875 -6.171875 C 5.050781 -6.046875 5.296875 -5.890625 5.453125 -5.703125 C 5.609375 -5.515625 5.71875 -5.273438 5.78125 -4.984375 C 5.8125 -4.804688 5.828125 -4.484375 5.828125 -4.015625 L 5.828125 -2.609375 C 5.828125 -1.628906 5.847656 -1.007812 5.890625 -0.75 C 5.941406 -0.488281 6.035156 -0.238281 6.171875 0 L 5.0625 0 C 4.957031 -0.21875 4.890625 -0.472656 4.859375 -0.765625 Z M 4.765625 -3.125 C 4.378906 -2.96875 3.804688 -2.832031 3.046875 -2.71875 C 2.609375 -2.65625 2.300781 -2.582031 2.125 -2.5 C 1.945312 -2.425781 1.804688 -2.316406 1.703125 -2.171875 C 1.609375 -2.023438 1.5625 -1.859375 1.5625 -1.671875 C 1.5625 -1.390625 1.664062 -1.15625 1.875 -0.96875 C 2.09375 -0.78125 2.40625 -0.6875 2.8125 -0.6875 C 3.21875 -0.6875 3.578125 -0.773438 3.890625 -0.953125 C 4.210938 -1.128906 4.445312 -1.375 4.59375 -1.6875 C 4.707031 -1.925781 4.765625 -2.273438 4.765625 -2.734375 Z M 4.765625 -3.125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-20"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.78125 0 L 0.78125 -6.21875 L 1.734375 -6.21875 L 1.734375 -5.28125 C 1.972656 -5.71875 2.191406 -6.003906 2.390625 -6.140625 C 2.597656 -6.285156 2.828125 -6.359375 3.078125 -6.359375 C 3.429688 -6.359375 3.789062 -6.25 4.15625 -6.03125 L 3.796875 -5.046875 C 3.535156 -5.203125 3.28125 -5.28125 3.03125 -5.28125 C 2.789062 -5.28125 2.578125 -5.207031 2.390625 -5.0625 C 2.210938 -4.925781 2.085938 -4.734375 2.015625 -4.484375 C 1.890625 -4.109375 1.828125 -3.703125 1.828125 -3.265625 L 1.828125 0 Z M 0.78125 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-21"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M -0.1875 2.390625 L -0.1875 1.625 L 6.8125 1.625 L 6.8125 2.390625 Z M -0.1875 2.390625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-22"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.796875 2.390625 L 0.796875 -6.21875 L 1.75 -6.21875 L 1.75 -5.421875 C 1.976562 -5.734375 2.234375 -5.96875 2.515625 -6.125 C 2.804688 -6.28125 3.15625 -6.359375 3.5625 -6.359375 C 4.09375 -6.359375 4.5625 -6.222656 4.96875 -5.953125 C 5.375 -5.679688 5.675781 -5.296875 5.875 -4.796875 C 6.082031 -4.296875 6.1875 -3.75 6.1875 -3.15625 C 6.1875 -2.519531 6.070312 -1.945312 5.84375 -1.4375 C 5.625 -0.925781 5.296875 -0.535156 4.859375 -0.265625 C 4.421875 0.00390625 3.960938 0.140625 3.484375 0.140625 C 3.128906 0.140625 2.8125 0.0664062 2.53125 -0.078125 C 2.25 -0.234375 2.019531 -0.421875 1.84375 -0.640625 L 1.84375 2.390625 Z M 1.75 -3.078125 C 1.75 -2.273438 1.910156 -1.679688 2.234375 -1.296875 C 2.554688 -0.921875 2.945312 -0.734375 3.40625 -0.734375 C 3.875 -0.734375 4.273438 -0.929688 4.609375 -1.328125 C 4.941406 -1.722656 5.109375 -2.335938 5.109375 -3.171875 C 5.109375 -3.960938 4.945312 -4.550781 4.625 -4.9375 C 4.300781 -5.332031 3.910156 -5.53125 3.453125 -5.53125 C 3.003906 -5.53125 2.609375 -5.320312 2.265625 -4.90625 C 1.921875 -4.488281 1.75 -3.878906 1.75 -3.078125 Z M 1.75 -3.078125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-23"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.40625 -3.109375 C 0.40625 -4.265625 0.722656 -5.117188 1.359375 -5.671875 C 1.890625 -6.128906 2.539062 -6.359375 3.3125 -6.359375 C 4.164062 -6.359375 4.863281 -6.078125 5.40625 -5.515625 C 5.957031 -4.960938 6.234375 -4.191406 6.234375 -3.203125 C 6.234375 -2.398438 6.113281 -1.769531 5.875 -1.3125 C 5.632812 -0.851562 5.28125 -0.492188 4.8125 -0.234375 C 4.351562 0.015625 3.851562 0.140625 3.3125 0.140625 C 2.445312 0.140625 1.742188 -0.132812 1.203125 -0.6875 C 0.671875 -1.25 0.40625 -2.054688 0.40625 -3.109375 Z M 1.484375 -3.109375 C 1.484375 -2.316406 1.65625 -1.722656 2 -1.328125 C 2.351562 -0.929688 2.789062 -0.734375 3.3125 -0.734375 C 3.84375 -0.734375 4.28125 -0.929688 4.625 -1.328125 C 4.96875 -1.722656 5.140625 -2.328125 5.140625 -3.140625 C 5.140625 -3.910156 4.960938 -4.492188 4.609375 -4.890625 C 4.265625 -5.285156 3.832031 -5.484375 3.3125 -5.484375 C 2.789062 -5.484375 2.351562 -5.285156 2 -4.890625 C 1.65625 -4.503906 1.484375 -3.910156 1.484375 -3.109375 Z M 1.484375 -3.109375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-24"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 4.828125 0 L 4.828125 -0.78125 C 4.429688 -0.164062 3.851562 0.140625 3.09375 0.140625 C 2.59375 0.140625 2.132812 0.00390625 1.71875 -0.265625 C 1.300781 -0.546875 0.976562 -0.929688 0.75 -1.421875 C 0.519531 -1.910156 0.40625 -2.472656 0.40625 -3.109375 C 0.40625 -3.722656 0.507812 -4.285156 0.71875 -4.796875 C 0.925781 -5.304688 1.238281 -5.691406 1.65625 -5.953125 C 2.070312 -6.222656 2.535156 -6.359375 3.046875 -6.359375 C 3.421875 -6.359375 3.753906 -6.28125 4.046875 -6.125 C 4.335938 -5.96875 4.578125 -5.765625 4.765625 -5.515625 L 4.765625 -8.59375 L 5.8125 -8.59375 L 5.8125 0 Z M 1.5 -3.109375 C 1.5 -2.304688 1.664062 -1.707031 2 -1.3125 C 2.332031 -0.925781 2.726562 -0.734375 3.1875 -0.734375 C 3.644531 -0.734375 4.035156 -0.921875 4.359375 -1.296875 C 4.679688 -1.671875 4.84375 -2.242188 4.84375 -3.015625 C 4.84375 -3.867188 4.675781 -4.492188 4.34375 -4.890625 C 4.019531 -5.285156 3.617188 -5.484375 3.140625 -5.484375 C 2.671875 -5.484375 2.28125 -5.289062 1.96875 -4.90625 C 1.65625 -4.53125 1.5 -3.929688 1.5 -3.109375 Z M 1.5 -3.109375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-0"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0 -1.5 L -7.5 -1.5 L -7.5 -7.5 L 0 -7.5 Z M 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-7.242188 5.617188 -7.414062 5.328125 -7.5 C 5.128906 -7.550781 4.773438 -7.578125 4.265625 -7.578125 L 2.0625 -7.578125 Z M 2.0625 -4.5 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-10"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 6.5625 -8.59375 L 7.703125 -8.59375 L 7.703125 -3.625 C 7.703125 -2.757812 7.601562 -2.070312 7.40625 -1.5625 C 7.207031 -1.0625 6.851562 -0.648438 6.34375 -0.328125 C 5.832031 -0.015625 5.164062 0.140625 4.34375 0.140625 C 3.539062 0.140625 2.878906 0.00390625 2.359375 -0.265625 C 1.847656 -0.546875 1.484375 -0.945312 1.265625 -1.46875 C 1.046875 -2 0.9375 -2.71875 0.9375 -3.625 L 0.9375 -8.59375 L 2.078125 -8.59375 L 2.078125 -3.640625 C 2.078125 -2.890625 2.144531 -2.335938 2.28125 -1.984375 C 2.425781 -1.628906 2.664062 -1.351562 3 -1.15625 C 3.34375 -0.96875 3.757812 -0.875 4.25 -0.875 C 5.082031 -0.875 5.675781 -1.0625 6.03125 -1.4375 C 6.382812 -1.820312 6.5625 -2.554688 6.5625 -3.640625 Z M 6.5625 -8.59375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" 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4.265625 -4.484375 C 4.222656 -4.796875 4.085938 -5.039062 3.859375 -5.21875 C 3.640625 -5.40625 3.320312 -5.5 2.90625 -5.5 C 2.425781 -5.5 2.082031 -5.414062 1.875 -5.25 C 1.664062 -5.09375 1.5625 -4.90625 1.5625 -4.6875 C 1.5625 -4.550781 1.601562 -4.429688 1.6875 -4.328125 C 1.78125 -4.210938 1.914062 -4.117188 2.09375 -4.046875 C 2.195312 -4.003906 2.507812 -3.914062 3.03125 -3.78125 C 3.78125 -3.570312 4.300781 -3.40625 4.59375 -3.28125 C 4.882812 -3.15625 5.113281 -2.972656 5.28125 -2.734375 C 5.445312 -2.492188 5.53125 -2.191406 5.53125 -1.828125 C 5.53125 -1.472656 5.425781 -1.140625 5.21875 -0.828125 C 5.019531 -0.523438 4.726562 -0.285156 4.34375 -0.109375 C 3.957031 0.0546875 3.519531 0.140625 3.03125 0.140625 C 2.21875 0.140625 1.597656 -0.0234375 1.171875 -0.359375 C 0.753906 -0.703125 0.488281 -1.203125 0.375 -1.859375 Z M 0.375 -1.859375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-12"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.09375 -0.9375 L 3.25 -0.015625 C 2.945312 0.046875 2.679688 0.078125 2.453125 0.078125 C 2.066406 0.078125 1.769531 0.0195312 1.5625 -0.09375 C 1.351562 -0.21875 1.203125 -0.378906 1.109375 -0.578125 C 1.023438 -0.773438 0.984375 -1.191406 0.984375 -1.828125 L 0.984375 -5.40625 L 0.21875 -5.40625 L 0.21875 -6.21875 L 0.984375 -6.21875 L 0.984375 -7.765625 L 2.03125 -8.390625 L 2.03125 -6.21875 L 3.09375 -6.21875 L 3.09375 -5.40625 L 2.03125 -5.40625 L 2.03125 -1.765625 C 2.03125 -1.460938 2.046875 -1.269531 2.078125 -1.1875 C 2.117188 -1.101562 2.179688 -1.035156 2.265625 -0.984375 C 2.347656 -0.929688 2.46875 -0.90625 2.625 -0.90625 C 2.75 -0.90625 2.90625 -0.914062 3.09375 -0.9375 Z M 3.09375 -0.9375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-13"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.9375 0 L 0.03125 -6.21875 L 1.125 -6.21875 L 2.109375 -2.625 L 2.484375 -1.296875 C 2.503906 -1.359375 2.613281 -1.785156 2.8125 -2.578125 L 3.796875 -6.21875 L 4.875 -6.21875 L 5.8125 -2.609375 L 6.125 -1.421875 L 6.484375 -2.625 L 7.546875 -6.21875 L 8.578125 -6.21875 L 6.625 0 L 5.53125 0 L 4.546875 -3.734375 L 4.296875 -4.78125 L 3.046875 0 Z M 1.9375 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-14"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.796875 -7.375 L 0.796875 -8.59375 L 1.859375 -8.59375 L 1.859375 -7.375 Z M 0.796875 0 L 0.796875 -6.21875 L 1.859375 -6.21875 L 1.859375 0 Z M 0.796875 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-15"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 4.859375 -2.28125 L 5.890625 -2.140625 C 5.773438 -1.429688 5.484375 -0.875 5.015625 -0.46875 C 4.546875 -0.0625 3.972656 0.140625 3.296875 0.140625 C 2.441406 0.140625 1.753906 -0.132812 1.234375 -0.6875 C 0.722656 -1.25 0.46875 -2.050781 0.46875 -3.09375 C 0.46875 -3.757812 0.578125 -4.34375 0.796875 -4.84375 C 1.023438 -5.351562 1.363281 -5.734375 1.8125 -5.984375 C 2.269531 -6.234375 2.769531 -6.359375 3.3125 -6.359375 C 3.976562 -6.359375 4.523438 -6.1875 4.953125 -5.84375 C 5.390625 -5.507812 5.671875 -5.023438 5.796875 -4.390625 L 4.765625 -4.234375 C 4.671875 -4.648438 4.5 -4.960938 4.25 -5.171875 C 4 -5.390625 3.695312 -5.5 3.34375 -5.5 C 2.8125 -5.5 2.378906 -5.304688 2.046875 -4.921875 C 1.710938 -4.546875 1.546875 -3.945312 1.546875 -3.125 C 1.546875 -2.28125 1.707031 -1.671875 2.03125 -1.296875 C 2.351562 -0.921875 2.769531 -0.734375 3.28125 -0.734375 C 3.695312 -0.734375 4.039062 -0.859375 4.3125 -1.109375 C 4.59375 -1.359375 4.773438 -1.75 4.859375 -2.28125 Z M 4.859375 -2.28125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-16"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 5.046875 -2 L 6.140625 -1.875 C 5.972656 -1.238281 5.65625 -0.742188 5.1875 -0.390625 C 4.71875 -0.0351562 4.125 0.140625 3.40625 0.140625 C 2.5 0.140625 1.773438 -0.140625 1.234375 -0.703125 C 0.703125 -1.265625 0.4375 -2.050781 0.4375 -3.0625 C 0.4375 -4.101562 0.707031 -4.910156 1.25 -5.484375 C 1.789062 -6.066406 2.488281 -6.359375 3.34375 -6.359375 C 4.175781 -6.359375 4.851562 -6.078125 5.375 -5.515625 C 5.90625 -4.953125 6.171875 -4.15625 6.171875 -3.125 C 6.171875 -3.0625 6.171875 -2.96875 6.171875 -2.84375 L 1.53125 -2.84375 C 1.570312 -2.15625 1.765625 -1.628906 2.109375 -1.265625 C 2.453125 -0.910156 2.882812 -0.734375 3.40625 -0.734375 C 3.789062 -0.734375 4.117188 -0.832031 4.390625 -1.03125 C 4.671875 -1.238281 4.890625 -1.5625 5.046875 -2 Z M 1.59375 -3.703125 L 5.0625 -3.703125 C 5.019531 -4.234375 4.890625 -4.628906 4.671875 -4.890625 C 4.328125 -5.296875 3.890625 -5.5 3.359375 -5.5 C 2.867188 -5.5 2.457031 -5.335938 2.125 -5.015625 C 1.800781 -4.691406 1.625 -4.253906 1.59375 -3.703125 Z M 1.59375 -3.703125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-17"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.84375 -5.546875 L 0.546875 -7.1875 L 0.546875 -8.59375 L 1.75 -8.59375 L 1.75 -7.1875 L 1.484375 -5.546875 Z M 2.78125 -5.546875 L 2.5 -7.1875 L 2.5 -8.59375 L 3.703125 -8.59375 L 3.703125 -7.1875 L 3.421875 -5.546875 Z M 2.78125 -5.546875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-18"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.59375 0.515625 L 1.625 0.671875 C 1.664062 0.984375 1.785156 1.210938 1.984375 1.359375 C 2.242188 1.554688 2.597656 1.65625 3.046875 1.65625 C 3.535156 1.65625 3.910156 1.554688 4.171875 1.359375 C 4.441406 1.160156 4.625 0.890625 4.71875 0.546875 C 4.78125 0.328125 4.804688 -0.125 4.796875 -0.8125 C 4.335938 -0.269531 3.765625 0 3.078125 0 C 2.222656 0 1.5625 -0.304688 1.09375 -0.921875 C 0.625 -1.546875 0.390625 -2.285156 0.390625 -3.140625 C 0.390625 -3.734375 0.492188 -4.28125 0.703125 -4.78125 C 0.921875 -5.289062 1.234375 -5.679688 1.640625 -5.953125 C 2.046875 -6.222656 2.523438 -6.359375 3.078125 -6.359375 C 3.816406 -6.359375 4.425781 -6.0625 4.90625 -5.46875 L 4.90625 -6.21875 L 5.875 -6.21875 L 5.875 -0.84375 C 5.875 0.125 5.773438 0.8125 5.578125 1.21875 C 5.378906 1.625 5.066406 1.941406 4.640625 2.171875 C 4.210938 2.410156 3.6875 2.53125 3.0625 2.53125 C 2.320312 2.53125 1.722656 2.363281 1.265625 2.03125 C 0.804688 1.695312 0.582031 1.191406 0.59375 0.515625 Z M 1.46875 -3.21875 C 1.46875 -2.40625 1.628906 -1.8125 1.953125 -1.4375 C 2.273438 -1.0625 2.679688 -0.875 3.171875 -0.875 C 3.660156 -0.875 4.066406 -1.0625 4.390625 -1.4375 C 4.722656 -1.8125 4.890625 -2.394531 4.890625 -3.1875 C 4.890625 -3.945312 4.71875 -4.519531 4.375 -4.90625 C 4.039062 -5.289062 3.632812 -5.484375 3.15625 -5.484375 C 2.6875 -5.484375 2.285156 -5.289062 1.953125 -4.90625 C 1.628906 -4.53125 1.46875 -3.96875 1.46875 -3.21875 Z M 1.46875 -3.21875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-19"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 4.859375 -0.765625 C 4.460938 -0.429688 4.082031 -0.195312 3.71875 -0.0625 C 3.363281 0.0703125 2.976562 0.140625 2.5625 0.140625 C 1.875 0.140625 1.347656 -0.0234375 0.984375 -0.359375 C 0.617188 -0.691406 0.4375 -1.117188 0.4375 -1.640625 C 0.4375 -1.941406 0.503906 -2.21875 0.640625 -2.46875 C 0.773438 -2.726562 0.957031 -2.929688 1.1875 -3.078125 C 1.414062 -3.234375 1.671875 -3.347656 1.953125 -3.421875 C 2.148438 -3.484375 2.460938 -3.539062 2.890625 -3.59375 C 3.734375 -3.6875 4.359375 -3.804688 4.765625 -3.953125 C 4.765625 -4.097656 4.765625 -4.1875 4.765625 -4.21875 C 4.765625 -4.65625 4.664062 -4.960938 4.46875 -5.140625 C 4.195312 -5.367188 3.796875 -5.484375 3.265625 -5.484375 C 2.773438 -5.484375 2.410156 -5.394531 2.171875 -5.21875 C 1.929688 -5.050781 1.753906 -4.75 1.640625 -4.3125 L 0.609375 -4.453125 C 0.703125 -4.890625 0.859375 -5.242188 1.078125 -5.515625 C 1.296875 -5.785156 1.609375 -5.992188 2.015625 -6.140625 C 2.421875 -6.285156 2.890625 -6.359375 3.421875 -6.359375 C 3.953125 -6.359375 4.382812 -6.296875 4.71875 -6.171875 C 5.050781 -6.046875 5.296875 -5.890625 5.453125 -5.703125 C 5.609375 -5.515625 5.71875 -5.273438 5.78125 -4.984375 C 5.8125 -4.804688 5.828125 -4.484375 5.828125 -4.015625 L 5.828125 -2.609375 C 5.828125 -1.628906 5.847656 -1.007812 5.890625 -0.75 C 5.941406 -0.488281 6.035156 -0.238281 6.171875 0 L 5.0625 0 C 4.957031 -0.21875 4.890625 -0.472656 4.859375 -0.765625 Z M 4.765625 -3.125 C 4.378906 -2.96875 3.804688 -2.832031 3.046875 -2.71875 C 2.609375 -2.65625 2.300781 -2.582031 2.125 -2.5 C 1.945312 -2.425781 1.804688 -2.316406 1.703125 -2.171875 C 1.609375 -2.023438 1.5625 -1.859375 1.5625 -1.671875 C 1.5625 -1.390625 1.664062 -1.15625 1.875 -0.96875 C 2.09375 -0.78125 2.40625 -0.6875 2.8125 -0.6875 C 3.21875 -0.6875 3.578125 -0.773438 3.890625 -0.953125 C 4.210938 -1.128906 4.445312 -1.375 4.59375 -1.6875 C 4.707031 -1.925781 4.765625 -2.273438 4.765625 -2.734375 Z M 4.765625 -3.125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-20"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.78125 0 L 0.78125 -6.21875 L 1.734375 -6.21875 L 1.734375 -5.28125 C 1.972656 -5.71875 2.191406 -6.003906 2.390625 -6.140625 C 2.597656 -6.285156 2.828125 -6.359375 3.078125 -6.359375 C 3.429688 -6.359375 3.789062 -6.25 4.15625 -6.03125 L 3.796875 -5.046875 C 3.535156 -5.203125 3.28125 -5.28125 3.03125 -5.28125 C 2.789062 -5.28125 2.578125 -5.207031 2.390625 -5.0625 C 2.210938 -4.925781 2.085938 -4.734375 2.015625 -4.484375 C 1.890625 -4.109375 1.828125 -3.703125 1.828125 -3.265625 L 1.828125 0 Z M 0.78125 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-21"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M -0.1875 2.390625 L -0.1875 1.625 L 6.8125 1.625 L 6.8125 2.390625 Z M -0.1875 2.390625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-22"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.796875 2.390625 L 0.796875 -6.21875 L 1.75 -6.21875 L 1.75 -5.421875 C 1.976562 -5.734375 2.234375 -5.96875 2.515625 -6.125 C 2.804688 -6.28125 3.15625 -6.359375 3.5625 -6.359375 C 4.09375 -6.359375 4.5625 -6.222656 4.96875 -5.953125 C 5.375 -5.679688 5.675781 -5.296875 5.875 -4.796875 C 6.082031 -4.296875 6.1875 -3.75 6.1875 -3.15625 C 6.1875 -2.519531 6.070312 -1.945312 5.84375 -1.4375 C 5.625 -0.925781 5.296875 -0.535156 4.859375 -0.265625 C 4.421875 0.00390625 3.960938 0.140625 3.484375 0.140625 C 3.128906 0.140625 2.8125 0.0664062 2.53125 -0.078125 C 2.25 -0.234375 2.019531 -0.421875 1.84375 -0.640625 L 1.84375 2.390625 Z M 1.75 -3.078125 C 1.75 -2.273438 1.910156 -1.679688 2.234375 -1.296875 C 2.554688 -0.921875 2.945312 -0.734375 3.40625 -0.734375 C 3.875 -0.734375 4.273438 -0.929688 4.609375 -1.328125 C 4.941406 -1.722656 5.109375 -2.335938 5.109375 -3.171875 C 5.109375 -3.960938 4.945312 -4.550781 4.625 -4.9375 C 4.300781 -5.332031 3.910156 -5.53125 3.453125 -5.53125 C 3.003906 -5.53125 2.609375 -5.320312 2.265625 -4.90625 C 1.921875 -4.488281 1.75 -3.878906 1.75 -3.078125 Z M 1.75 -3.078125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-23"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.40625 -3.109375 C 0.40625 -4.265625 0.722656 -5.117188 1.359375 -5.671875 C 1.890625 -6.128906 2.539062 -6.359375 3.3125 -6.359375 C 4.164062 -6.359375 4.863281 -6.078125 5.40625 -5.515625 C 5.957031 -4.960938 6.234375 -4.191406 6.234375 -3.203125 C 6.234375 -2.398438 6.113281 -1.769531 5.875 -1.3125 C 5.632812 -0.851562 5.28125 -0.492188 4.8125 -0.234375 C 4.351562 0.015625 3.851562 0.140625 3.3125 0.140625 C 2.445312 0.140625 1.742188 -0.132812 1.203125 -0.6875 C 0.671875 -1.25 0.40625 -2.054688 0.40625 -3.109375 Z M 1.484375 -3.109375 C 1.484375 -2.316406 1.65625 -1.722656 2 -1.328125 C 2.351562 -0.929688 2.789062 -0.734375 3.3125 -0.734375 C 3.84375 -0.734375 4.28125 -0.929688 4.625 -1.328125 C 4.96875 -1.722656 5.140625 -2.328125 5.140625 -3.140625 C 5.140625 -3.910156 4.960938 -4.492188 4.609375 -4.890625 C 4.265625 -5.285156 3.832031 -5.484375 3.3125 -5.484375 C 2.789062 -5.484375 2.351562 -5.285156 2 -4.890625 C 1.65625 -4.503906 1.484375 -3.910156 1.484375 -3.109375 Z M 1.484375 -3.109375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-24"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 4.828125 0 L 4.828125 -0.78125 C 4.429688 -0.164062 3.851562 0.140625 3.09375 0.140625 C 2.59375 0.140625 2.132812 0.00390625 1.71875 -0.265625 C 1.300781 -0.546875 0.976562 -0.929688 0.75 -1.421875 C 0.519531 -1.910156 0.40625 -2.472656 0.40625 -3.109375 C 0.40625 -3.722656 0.507812 -4.285156 0.71875 -4.796875 C 0.925781 -5.304688 1.238281 -5.691406 1.65625 -5.953125 C 2.070312 -6.222656 2.535156 -6.359375 3.046875 -6.359375 C 3.421875 -6.359375 3.753906 -6.28125 4.046875 -6.125 C 4.335938 -5.96875 4.578125 -5.765625 4.765625 -5.515625 L 4.765625 -8.59375 L 5.8125 -8.59375 L 5.8125 0 Z M 1.5 -3.109375 C 1.5 -2.304688 1.664062 -1.707031 2 -1.3125 C 2.332031 -0.925781 2.726562 -0.734375 3.1875 -0.734375 C 3.644531 -0.734375 4.035156 -0.921875 4.359375 -1.296875 C 4.679688 -1.671875 4.84375 -2.242188 4.84375 -3.015625 C 4.84375 -3.867188 4.675781 -4.492188 4.34375 -4.890625 C 4.019531 -5.285156 3.617188 -5.484375 3.140625 -5.484375 C 2.671875 -5.484375 2.28125 -5.289062 1.96875 -4.90625 C 1.65625 -4.53125 1.5 -3.929688 1.5 -3.109375 Z M 1.5 -3.109375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-25"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.796875 0 L 0.796875 -6.21875 L 1.734375 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6.773438 0.210938 5.890625 0.421875 4.921875 0.421875 C 3.753906 0.421875 2.800781 0.0664062 2.0625 -0.640625 C 1.332031 -1.347656 0.96875 -2.234375 0.96875 -3.296875 C 0.96875 -4.460938 1.328125 -5.363281 2.046875 -6 C 2.773438 -6.644531 3.726562 -7.039062 4.90625 -7.1875 Z M 6.53125 -12.859375 Z M 6.53125 -12.859375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-7"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.796875 -3.9375 C 2.859375 -3.238281 3.035156 -2.703125 3.328125 -2.328125 C 3.859375 -1.640625 4.78125 -1.296875 6.09375 -1.296875 C 6.875 -1.296875 7.5625 -1.46875 8.15625 -1.8125 C 8.75 -2.15625 9.046875 -2.679688 9.046875 -3.390625 C 9.046875 -3.929688 8.804688 -4.34375 8.328125 -4.625 C 8.023438 -4.789062 7.425781 -4.988281 6.53125 -5.21875 L 4.859375 -5.640625 C 3.785156 -5.898438 2.992188 -6.195312 2.484375 -6.53125 C 1.578125 -7.101562 1.125 -7.890625 1.125 -8.890625 C 1.125 -10.078125 1.550781 -11.035156 2.40625 -11.765625 C 3.257812 -12.503906 4.410156 -12.875 5.859375 -12.875 C 7.753906 -12.875 9.117188 -12.320312 9.953125 -11.21875 C 10.472656 -10.507812 10.726562 -9.75 10.71875 -8.9375 L 8.71875 -8.9375 C 8.675781 -9.414062 8.507812 -9.851562 8.21875 -10.25 C 7.726562 -10.800781 6.890625 -11.078125 5.703125 -11.078125 C 4.898438 -11.078125 4.289062 -10.921875 3.875 -10.609375 C 3.46875 -10.304688 3.265625 -9.90625 3.265625 -9.40625 C 3.265625 -8.863281 3.535156 -8.425781 4.078125 -8.09375 C 4.390625 -7.90625 4.851562 -7.734375 5.46875 -7.578125 L 6.859375 -7.25 C 8.367188 -6.875 9.382812 -6.515625 9.90625 -6.171875 C 10.726562 -5.640625 11.140625 -4.796875 11.140625 -3.640625 C 11.140625 -2.515625 10.710938 -1.546875 9.859375 -0.734375 C 9.015625 0.078125 7.722656 0.484375 5.984375 0.484375 C 4.117188 0.484375 2.796875 0.0625 2.015625 -0.78125 C 1.242188 -1.632812 0.832031 -2.6875 0.78125 -3.9375 Z M 5.921875 -12.859375 Z M 5.921875 -12.859375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-8"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.5 -17.21875 L 3.53125 -17.21875 L 3.53125 -7.21875 L 8.9375 -12.546875 L 11.640625 -12.546875 L 6.828125 -7.859375 L 11.90625 0 L 9.21875 0 L 5.296875 -6.328125 L 3.53125 -4.71875 L 3.53125 0 L 1.5 0 Z M 1.5 -17.21875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-9"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 9.828125 -9.328125 C 10.921875 -9.328125 11.785156 -9.546875 12.421875 -9.984375 C 13.066406 -10.421875 13.390625 -11.210938 13.390625 -12.359375 C 13.390625 -13.578125 12.941406 -14.410156 12.046875 -14.859375 C 11.566406 -15.097656 10.929688 -15.21875 10.140625 -15.21875 L 4.4375 -15.21875 L 4.4375 -9.328125 Z M 2.109375 -17.21875 L 10.078125 -17.21875 C 11.390625 -17.21875 12.472656 -17.023438 13.328125 -16.640625 C 14.941406 -15.910156 15.75 -14.554688 15.75 -12.578125 C 15.75 -11.546875 15.535156 -10.703125 15.109375 -10.046875 C 14.679688 -9.390625 14.085938 -8.863281 13.328125 -8.46875 C 13.992188 -8.1875 14.5 -7.820312 14.84375 -7.375 C 15.1875 -6.9375 15.375 -6.21875 15.40625 -5.21875 L 15.5 -2.90625 C 15.519531 -2.25 15.570312 -1.757812 15.65625 -1.4375 C 15.800781 -0.894531 16.050781 -0.546875 16.40625 -0.390625 L 16.40625 0 L 13.546875 0 C 13.472656 -0.144531 13.410156 -0.332031 13.359375 -0.5625 C 13.316406 -0.800781 13.28125 -1.257812 13.25 -1.9375 L 13.109375 -4.8125 C 13.046875 -5.9375 12.625 -6.6875 11.84375 -7.0625 C 11.40625 -7.28125 10.707031 -7.390625 9.75 -7.390625 L 4.4375 -7.390625 L 4.4375 0 L 2.109375 0 Z M 2.109375 -17.21875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-10"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.890625 -6.125 C 2.890625 -4.78125 3.171875 -3.65625 3.734375 -2.75 C 4.304688 -1.84375 5.222656 -1.390625 6.484375 -1.390625 C 7.460938 -1.390625 8.265625 -1.8125 8.890625 -2.65625 C 9.515625 -3.5 9.828125 -4.703125 9.828125 -6.265625 C 9.828125 -7.859375 9.503906 -9.035156 8.859375 -9.796875 C 8.210938 -10.554688 7.410156 -10.9375 6.453125 -10.9375 C 5.390625 -10.9375 4.53125 -10.53125 3.875 -9.71875 C 3.21875 -8.90625 2.890625 -7.707031 2.890625 -6.125 Z M 6.0625 -12.78125 C 7.019531 -12.78125 7.820312 -12.578125 8.46875 -12.171875 C 8.84375 -11.929688 9.269531 -11.519531 9.75 -10.9375 L 9.75 -17.28125 L 11.78125 -17.28125 L 11.78125 0 L 9.875 0 L 9.875 -1.75 C 9.382812 -0.976562 8.800781 -0.414062 8.125 -0.0625 C 7.457031 0.28125 6.691406 0.453125 5.828125 0.453125 C 4.429688 0.453125 3.21875 -0.132812 2.1875 -1.3125 C 1.164062 -2.488281 0.65625 -4.054688 0.65625 -6.015625 C 0.65625 -7.835938 1.117188 -9.421875 2.046875 -10.765625 C 2.984375 -12.109375 4.320312 -12.78125 6.0625 -12.78125 Z M 6.0625 -12.78125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-11"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 8.4375 -2 C 9.226562 -2 9.878906 -2.078125 10.390625 -2.234375 C 11.296875 -2.546875 12.035156 -3.132812 12.609375 -4 C 13.066406 -4.695312 13.398438 -5.585938 13.609375 -6.671875 C 13.722656 -7.316406 13.78125 -7.914062 13.78125 -8.46875 C 13.78125 -10.601562 13.351562 -12.257812 12.5 -13.4375 C 11.65625 -14.625 10.296875 -15.21875 8.421875 -15.21875 L 4.28125 -15.21875 L 4.28125 -2 Z M 1.9375 -17.21875 L 8.90625 -17.21875 C 11.269531 -17.21875 13.109375 -16.378906 14.421875 -14.703125 C 15.578125 -13.179688 16.15625 -11.238281 16.15625 -8.875 C 16.15625 -7.039062 15.8125 -5.390625 15.125 -3.921875 C 13.914062 -1.304688 11.835938 0 8.890625 0 L 1.9375 0 Z M 1.9375 -17.21875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-12"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.046875 -17.21875 L 14.609375 -17.21875 L 14.609375 -15.109375 L 4.328125 -15.109375 L 4.328125 -9.875 L 13.828125 -9.875 L 13.828125 -7.890625 L 4.328125 -7.890625 L 4.328125 -2.046875 L 14.78125 -2.046875 L 14.78125 0 L 2.046875 0 Z M 8.421875 -17.21875 Z M 8.421875 -17.21875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-13"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.359375 -12.546875 L 3.078125 -12.546875 L 5.96875 -8.140625 L 8.890625 -12.546875 L 11.453125 -12.5 L 7.21875 -6.4375 L 11.640625 0 L 8.9375 0 L 5.828125 -4.71875 L 2.796875 0 L 0.125 0 L 4.546875 -6.4375 Z M 0.359375 -12.546875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-14"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 6.390625 -12.921875 C 7.804688 -12.921875 8.957031 -12.578125 9.84375 -11.890625 C 10.726562 -11.203125 11.257812 -10.015625 11.4375 -8.328125 L 9.390625 -8.328125 C 9.265625 -9.109375 8.976562 -9.753906 8.53125 -10.265625 C 8.082031 -10.773438 7.367188 -11.03125 6.390625 -11.03125 C 5.046875 -11.03125 4.082031 -10.375 3.5 -9.0625 C 3.125 -8.207031 2.9375 -7.15625 2.9375 -5.90625 C 2.9375 -4.644531 3.203125 -3.582031 3.734375 -2.71875 C 4.265625 -1.863281 5.101562 -1.4375 6.25 -1.4375 C 7.125 -1.4375 7.816406 -1.703125 8.328125 -2.234375 C 8.835938 -2.773438 9.191406 -3.507812 9.390625 -4.4375 L 11.4375 -4.4375 C 11.207031 -2.78125 10.625 -1.566406 9.6875 -0.796875 C 8.75 -0.0234375 7.546875 0.359375 6.078125 0.359375 C 4.441406 0.359375 3.132812 -0.238281 2.15625 -1.4375 C 1.175781 -2.632812 0.6875 -4.132812 0.6875 -5.9375 C 0.6875 -8.132812 1.222656 -9.847656 2.296875 -11.078125 C 3.367188 -12.304688 4.734375 -12.921875 6.390625 -12.921875 Z M 6.0625 -12.859375 Z M 6.0625 -12.859375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-15"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.96875 -17.21875 L 6.21875 -3.21875 L 10.109375 -17.21875 L 12.640625 -17.21875 L 16.53125 -3.21875 L 19.765625 -17.21875 L 22.328125 -17.21875 L 17.796875 0 L 15.359375 0 L 11.375 -14.28125 L 7.390625 0 L 4.9375 0 L 0.4375 -17.21875 Z M 2.96875 -17.21875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-16"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.609375 -12.546875 L 3.609375 -12.546875 L 3.609375 -10.390625 C 3.773438 -10.804688 4.175781 -11.316406 4.8125 -11.921875 C 5.457031 -12.523438 6.195312 -12.828125 7.03125 -12.828125 C 7.070312 -12.828125 7.140625 -12.820312 7.234375 -12.8125 C 7.328125 -12.8125 7.488281 -12.800781 7.71875 -12.78125 L 7.71875 -10.546875 C 7.59375 -10.566406 7.472656 -10.582031 7.359375 -10.59375 C 7.253906 -10.601562 7.140625 -10.609375 7.015625 -10.609375 C 5.953125 -10.609375 5.132812 -10.265625 4.5625 -9.578125 C 4 -8.898438 3.71875 -8.113281 3.71875 -7.21875 L 3.71875 0 L 1.609375 0 Z M 1.609375 -12.546875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-17"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.546875 -12.5 L 3.6875 -12.5 L 3.6875 0 L 1.546875 0 Z M 1.546875 -17.21875 L 3.6875 -17.21875 L 3.6875 -14.828125 L 1.546875 -14.828125 Z M 1.546875 -17.21875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-0"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 9.8125 -15.984375 L 2.453125 -15.984375 L 2.453125 -1.125 L 9.8125 -1.125 Z M 11.046875 -17.09375 L 11.046875 -0.03125 L 1.21875 -0.03125 L 1.21875 -17.09375 Z M 11.046875 -17.09375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-1"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 17.359375 0 L 21.9375 -17.140625 L 19.65625 -17.140625 L 16.171875 -2.875 L 16.125 -2.875 L 12.34375 -17.140625 L 9.859375 -17.140625 L 6.03125 -2.875 L 5.96875 -2.875 L 2.609375 -17.140625 L 0.28125 -17.140625 L 4.6875 0 L 7.0625 0 L 11.015625 -14.40625 L 11.0625 -14.40625 L 14.96875 0 Z M 17.359375 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-2"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.03125 -6.1875 C 3.03125 -6.9375 3.128906 -7.601562 3.328125 -8.1875 C 3.523438 -8.78125 3.800781 -9.273438 4.15625 -9.671875 C 4.507812 -10.066406 4.921875 -10.367188 5.390625 -10.578125 C 5.859375 -10.785156 6.359375 -10.890625 6.890625 -10.890625 C 7.421875 -10.890625 7.921875 -10.785156 8.390625 -10.578125 C 8.859375 -10.367188 9.269531 -10.066406 9.625 -9.671875 C 9.976562 -9.273438 10.253906 -8.78125 10.453125 -8.1875 C 10.648438 -7.601562 10.75 -6.9375 10.75 -6.1875 C 10.75 -5.4375 10.648438 -4.769531 10.453125 -4.1875 C 10.253906 -3.601562 9.976562 -3.113281 9.625 -2.71875 C 9.269531 -2.332031 8.859375 -2.035156 8.390625 -1.828125 C 7.921875 -1.617188 7.421875 -1.515625 6.890625 -1.515625 C 6.359375 -1.515625 5.859375 -1.617188 5.390625 -1.828125 C 4.921875 -2.035156 4.507812 -2.332031 4.15625 -2.71875 C 3.800781 -3.113281 3.523438 -3.601562 3.328125 -4.1875 C 3.128906 -4.769531 3.03125 -5.4375 3.03125 -6.1875 Z M 0.859375 -6.1875 C 0.859375 -5.28125 0.984375 -4.429688 1.234375 -3.640625 C 1.492188 -2.859375 1.878906 -2.175781 2.390625 -1.59375 C 2.910156 -1.007812 3.546875 -0.550781 4.296875 -0.21875 C 5.046875 0.101562 5.910156 0.265625 6.890625 0.265625 C 7.878906 0.265625 8.742188 0.101562 9.484375 -0.21875 C 10.234375 -0.550781 10.863281 -1.007812 11.375 -1.59375 C 11.882812 -2.175781 12.265625 -2.859375 12.515625 -3.640625 C 12.773438 -4.429688 12.90625 -5.28125 12.90625 -6.1875 C 12.90625 -7.101562 12.773438 -7.957031 12.515625 -8.75 C 12.265625 -9.539062 11.882812 -10.226562 11.375 -10.8125 C 10.863281 -11.394531 10.234375 -11.851562 9.484375 -12.1875 C 8.742188 -12.53125 7.878906 -12.703125 6.890625 -12.703125 C 5.910156 -12.703125 5.046875 -12.53125 4.296875 -12.1875 C 3.546875 -11.851562 2.910156 -11.394531 2.390625 -10.8125 C 1.878906 -10.226562 1.492188 -9.539062 1.234375 -8.75 C 0.984375 -7.957031 0.859375 -7.101562 0.859375 -6.1875 Z M 0.859375 -6.1875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-3"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.46875 -12.40625 L 1.46875 0 L 3.5 0 L 3.5 -5.515625 C 3.5 -6.316406 3.578125 -7.023438 3.734375 -7.640625 C 3.898438 -8.253906 4.160156 -8.773438 4.515625 -9.203125 C 4.867188 -9.640625 5.332031 -9.96875 5.90625 -10.1875 C 6.476562 -10.414062 7.171875 -10.53125 7.984375 -10.53125 L 7.984375 -12.703125 C 6.890625 -12.734375 5.976562 -12.503906 5.25 -12.015625 C 4.53125 -11.535156 3.925781 -10.796875 3.4375 -9.796875 L 3.390625 -9.796875 L 3.390625 -12.40625 Z M 1.46875 -12.40625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-4"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.65625 -17.140625 L 1.65625 0 L 3.703125 0 L 3.703125 -4.703125 L 5.609375 -6.484375 L 9.859375 0 L 12.453125 0 L 7.171875 -7.890625 L 12.09375 -12.40625 L 9.359375 -12.40625 L 3.703125 -6.984375 L 3.703125 -17.140625 Z M 1.65625 -17.140625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-5"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 10.15625 -7.390625 L 3.03125 -7.390625 C 3.0625 -7.867188 3.160156 -8.320312 3.328125 -8.75 C 3.503906 -9.175781 3.742188 -9.546875 4.046875 -9.859375 C 4.359375 -10.179688 4.722656 -10.429688 5.140625 -10.609375 C 5.566406 -10.796875 6.046875 -10.890625 6.578125 -10.890625 C 7.085938 -10.890625 7.550781 -10.796875 7.96875 -10.609375 C 8.394531 -10.429688 8.765625 -10.1875 9.078125 -9.875 C 9.390625 -9.5625 9.640625 -9.1875 9.828125 -8.75 C 10.015625 -8.320312 10.125 -7.867188 10.15625 -7.390625 Z M 12.125 -3.9375 L 10.109375 -3.9375 C 9.929688 -3.125 9.566406 -2.515625 9.015625 -2.109375 C 8.460938 -1.710938 7.753906 -1.515625 6.890625 -1.515625 C 6.210938 -1.515625 5.625 -1.625 5.125 -1.84375 C 4.632812 -2.070312 4.226562 -2.375 3.90625 -2.75 C 3.59375 -3.125 3.363281 -3.554688 3.21875 -4.046875 C 3.070312 -4.535156 3.007812 -5.050781 3.03125 -5.59375 L 12.3125 -5.59375 C 12.34375 -6.34375 12.273438 -7.132812 12.109375 -7.96875 C 11.941406 -8.800781 11.632812 -9.566406 11.1875 -10.265625 C 10.75 -10.972656 10.164062 -11.554688 9.4375 -12.015625 C 8.71875 -12.472656 7.804688 -12.703125 6.703125 -12.703125 C 5.847656 -12.703125 5.0625 -12.539062 4.34375 -12.21875 C 3.632812 -11.894531 3.019531 -11.445312 2.5 -10.875 C 1.988281 -10.300781 1.585938 -9.617188 1.296875 -8.828125 C 1.003906 -8.046875 0.859375 -7.179688 0.859375 -6.234375 C 0.890625 -5.296875 1.03125 -4.425781 1.28125 -3.625 C 1.53125 -2.820312 1.898438 -2.132812 2.390625 -1.5625 C 2.890625 -0.988281 3.503906 -0.539062 4.234375 -0.21875 C 4.960938 0.101562 5.820312 0.265625 6.8125 0.265625 C 8.21875 0.265625 9.382812 -0.0820312 10.3125 -0.78125 C 11.25 -1.488281 11.851562 -2.539062 12.125 -3.9375 Z M 12.125 -3.9375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-6"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 4.15625 -8.921875 L 4.15625 -15.21875 L 8.609375 -15.21875 C 9.910156 -15.21875 10.859375 -14.945312 11.453125 -14.40625 C 12.054688 -13.875 12.359375 -13.097656 12.359375 -12.078125 C 12.359375 -11.046875 12.054688 -10.257812 11.453125 -9.71875 C 10.859375 -9.175781 9.910156 -8.910156 8.609375 -8.921875 Z M 1.875 -17.140625 L 1.875 0 L 4.15625 0 L 4.15625 -7.015625 L 9.390625 -7.015625 C 11.109375 -6.992188 12.410156 -7.429688 13.296875 -8.328125 C 14.191406 -9.222656 14.640625 -10.472656 14.640625 -12.078125 C 14.640625 -13.671875 14.191406 -14.910156 13.296875 -15.796875 C 12.410156 -16.691406 11.109375 -17.140625 9.390625 -17.140625 Z M 1.875 -17.140625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-7"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.78125 -3.90625 L 0.75 -3.90625 C 0.78125 -3.144531 0.9375 -2.492188 1.21875 -1.953125 C 1.507812 -1.421875 1.894531 -0.988281 2.375 -0.65625 C 2.851562 -0.332031 3.40625 -0.0976562 4.03125 0.046875 C 4.65625 0.191406 5.3125 0.265625 6 0.265625 C 6.625 0.265625 7.25 0.203125 7.875 0.078125 C 8.507812 -0.0351562 9.078125 -0.242188 9.578125 -0.546875 C 10.085938 -0.859375 10.5 -1.257812 10.8125 -1.75 C 11.125 -2.25 11.28125 -2.875 11.28125 -3.625 C 11.28125 -4.21875 11.160156 -4.710938 10.921875 -5.109375 C 10.691406 -5.515625 10.390625 -5.847656 10.015625 -6.109375 C 9.640625 -6.367188 9.207031 -6.578125 8.71875 -6.734375 C 8.226562 -6.898438 7.726562 -7.039062 7.21875 -7.15625 C 6.738281 -7.257812 6.257812 -7.363281 5.78125 -7.46875 C 5.300781 -7.570312 4.867188 -7.703125 4.484375 -7.859375 C 4.097656 -8.015625 3.78125 -8.207031 3.53125 -8.4375 C 3.289062 -8.664062 3.171875 -8.957031 3.171875 -9.3125 C 3.171875 -9.632812 3.25 -9.894531 3.40625 -10.09375 C 3.5625 -10.289062 3.769531 -10.445312 4.03125 -10.5625 C 4.289062 -10.6875 4.578125 -10.769531 4.890625 -10.8125 C 5.203125 -10.863281 5.507812 -10.890625 5.8125 -10.890625 C 6.144531 -10.890625 6.472656 -10.851562 6.796875 -10.78125 C 7.128906 -10.71875 7.429688 -10.601562 7.703125 -10.4375 C 7.972656 -10.28125 8.195312 -10.066406 8.375 -9.796875 C 8.550781 -9.535156 8.65625 -9.207031 8.6875 -8.8125 L 10.734375 -8.8125 C 10.679688 -9.5625 10.519531 -10.1875 10.25 -10.6875 C 9.976562 -11.195312 9.613281 -11.597656 9.15625 -11.890625 C 8.695312 -12.191406 8.171875 -12.398438 7.578125 -12.515625 C 6.992188 -12.640625 6.347656 -12.703125 5.640625 -12.703125 C 5.097656 -12.703125 4.550781 -12.628906 4 -12.484375 C 3.445312 -12.347656 2.945312 -12.140625 2.5 -11.859375 C 2.0625 -11.585938 1.703125 -11.226562 1.421875 -10.78125 C 1.148438 -10.332031 1.015625 -9.796875 1.015625 -9.171875 C 1.015625 -8.367188 1.210938 -7.742188 1.609375 -7.296875 C 2.003906 -6.847656 2.503906 -6.5 3.109375 -6.25 C 3.710938 -6 4.363281 -5.804688 5.0625 -5.671875 C 5.769531 -5.535156 6.421875 -5.382812 7.015625 -5.21875 C 7.617188 -5.050781 8.117188 -4.832031 8.515625 -4.5625 C 8.921875 -4.289062 9.125 -3.890625 9.125 -3.359375 C 9.125 -2.972656 9.023438 -2.65625 8.828125 -2.40625 C 8.640625 -2.164062 8.394531 -1.976562 8.09375 -1.84375 C 7.800781 -1.71875 7.476562 -1.628906 7.125 -1.578125 C 6.769531 -1.535156 6.4375 -1.515625 6.125 -1.515625 C 5.707031 -1.515625 5.300781 -1.550781 4.90625 -1.625 C 4.507812 -1.707031 4.15625 -1.835938 3.84375 -2.015625 C 3.539062 -2.203125 3.289062 -2.453125 3.09375 -2.765625 C 2.90625 -3.078125 2.800781 -3.457031 2.78125 -3.90625 Z M 2.78125 -3.90625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-8"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.703125 -14.640625 L 3.703125 -17.140625 L 1.65625 -17.140625 L 1.65625 -14.640625 Z M 1.65625 -12.40625 L 1.65625 0 L 3.703125 0 L 3.703125 -12.40625 Z M 1.65625 -12.40625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-9"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 4.375 -12.40625 L 4.375 -16.125 L 2.328125 -16.125 L 2.328125 -12.40625 L 0.21875 -12.40625 L 0.21875 -10.609375 L 2.328125 -10.609375 L 2.328125 -2.71875 C 2.328125 -2.132812 2.378906 -1.664062 2.484375 -1.3125 C 2.597656 -0.96875 2.769531 -0.695312 3 -0.5 C 3.238281 -0.3125 3.546875 -0.179688 3.921875 -0.109375 C 4.296875 -0.0351562 4.75 0 5.28125 0 L 6.84375 0 L 6.84375 -1.796875 L 5.90625 -1.796875 C 5.582031 -1.796875 5.320312 -1.804688 5.125 -1.828125 C 4.925781 -1.859375 4.769531 -1.910156 4.65625 -1.984375 C 4.539062 -2.066406 4.460938 -2.179688 4.421875 -2.328125 C 4.390625 -2.472656 4.375 -2.664062 4.375 -2.90625 L 4.375 -10.609375 L 6.84375 -10.609375 L 6.84375 -12.40625 Z M 4.375 -12.40625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-10"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.53125 -12.40625 L 1.53125 0 L 3.578125 0 L 3.578125 -7.015625 C 3.578125 -7.566406 3.648438 -8.078125 3.796875 -8.546875 C 3.953125 -9.023438 4.179688 -9.4375 4.484375 -9.78125 C 4.785156 -10.132812 5.164062 -10.40625 5.625 -10.59375 C 6.082031 -10.789062 6.625 -10.890625 7.25 -10.890625 C 8.03125 -10.890625 8.644531 -10.664062 9.09375 -10.21875 C 9.539062 -9.769531 9.765625 -9.164062 9.765625 -8.40625 L 9.765625 0 L 11.8125 0 L 11.8125 -8.15625 C 11.8125 -8.832031 11.742188 -9.445312 11.609375 -10 C 11.472656 -10.550781 11.234375 -11.023438 10.890625 -11.421875 C 10.554688 -11.828125 10.117188 -12.140625 9.578125 -12.359375 C 9.035156 -12.585938 8.351562 -12.703125 7.53125 -12.703125 C 5.695312 -12.703125 4.351562 -11.945312 3.5 -10.4375 L 3.453125 -10.4375 L 3.453125 -12.40625 Z M 1.53125 -12.40625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-11"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d=""/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-12"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 4.15625 -1.921875 L 4.15625 -15.21875 L 7.984375 -15.21875 C 9.046875 -15.21875 9.9375 -15.066406 10.65625 -14.765625 C 11.375 -14.472656 11.960938 -14.039062 12.421875 -13.46875 C 12.878906 -12.90625 13.207031 -12.21875 13.40625 -11.40625 C 13.601562 -10.601562 13.703125 -9.6875 13.703125 -8.65625 C 13.703125 -7.601562 13.59375 -6.703125 13.375 -5.953125 C 13.164062 -5.210938 12.890625 -4.59375 12.546875 -4.09375 C 12.210938 -3.601562 11.832031 -3.210938 11.40625 -2.921875 C 10.988281 -2.640625 10.5625 -2.421875 10.125 -2.265625 C 9.695312 -2.117188 9.289062 -2.023438 8.90625 -1.984375 C 8.519531 -1.941406 8.195312 -1.921875 7.9375 -1.921875 Z M 1.875 -17.140625 L 1.875 0 L 7.75 0 C 9.175781 0 10.410156 -0.195312 11.453125 -0.59375 C 12.492188 -1 13.347656 -1.582031 14.015625 -2.34375 C 14.691406 -3.101562 15.1875 -4.035156 15.5 -5.140625 C 15.820312 -6.253906 15.984375 -7.53125 15.984375 -8.96875 C 15.984375 -11.726562 15.269531 -13.78125 13.84375 -15.125 C 12.425781 -16.46875 10.394531 -17.140625 7.75 -17.140625 Z M 1.875 -17.140625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-13"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 12.53125 -0.046875 C 12.175781 0.160156 11.6875 0.265625 11.0625 0.265625 C 10.53125 0.265625 10.109375 0.117188 9.796875 -0.171875 C 9.492188 -0.472656 9.34375 -0.957031 9.34375 -1.625 C 8.78125 -0.957031 8.125 -0.472656 7.375 -0.171875 C 6.632812 0.117188 5.832031 0.265625 4.96875 0.265625 C 4.40625 0.265625 3.867188 0.195312 3.359375 0.0625 C 2.859375 -0.0625 2.425781 -0.257812 2.0625 -0.53125 C 1.695312 -0.800781 1.40625 -1.15625 1.1875 -1.59375 C 0.96875 -2.03125 0.859375 -2.5625 0.859375 -3.1875 C 0.859375 -3.894531 0.976562 -4.472656 1.21875 -4.921875 C 1.457031 -5.367188 1.773438 -5.734375 2.171875 -6.015625 C 2.566406 -6.296875 3.015625 -6.503906 3.515625 -6.640625 C 4.015625 -6.785156 4.53125 -6.910156 5.0625 -7.015625 C 5.625 -7.117188 6.15625 -7.195312 6.65625 -7.25 C 7.164062 -7.3125 7.609375 -7.394531 7.984375 -7.5 C 8.367188 -7.601562 8.671875 -7.753906 8.890625 -7.953125 C 9.117188 -8.148438 9.234375 -8.441406 9.234375 -8.828125 C 9.234375 -9.273438 9.148438 -9.632812 8.984375 -9.90625 C 8.816406 -10.175781 8.597656 -10.382812 8.328125 -10.53125 C 8.066406 -10.675781 7.769531 -10.769531 7.4375 -10.8125 C 7.113281 -10.863281 6.796875 -10.890625 6.484375 -10.890625 C 5.617188 -10.890625 4.894531 -10.722656 4.3125 -10.390625 C 3.738281 -10.066406 3.429688 -9.453125 3.390625 -8.546875 L 1.34375 -8.546875 C 1.375 -9.316406 1.53125 -9.960938 1.8125 -10.484375 C 2.101562 -11.015625 2.488281 -11.441406 2.96875 -11.765625 C 3.457031 -12.097656 4.007812 -12.335938 4.625 -12.484375 C 5.238281 -12.628906 5.894531 -12.703125 6.59375 -12.703125 C 7.15625 -12.703125 7.710938 -12.660156 8.265625 -12.578125 C 8.816406 -12.492188 9.316406 -12.328125 9.765625 -12.078125 C 10.210938 -11.835938 10.570312 -11.492188 10.84375 -11.046875 C 11.113281 -10.597656 11.25 -10.007812 11.25 -9.28125 L 11.25 -2.90625 C 11.25 -2.425781 11.273438 -2.070312 11.328125 -1.84375 C 11.390625 -1.625 11.582031 -1.515625 11.90625 -1.515625 C 12.082031 -1.515625 12.289062 -1.550781 12.53125 -1.625 Z M 9.21875 -6.40625 C 8.957031 -6.21875 8.617188 -6.078125 8.203125 -5.984375 C 7.785156 -5.898438 7.347656 -5.828125 6.890625 -5.765625 C 6.441406 -5.710938 5.984375 -5.648438 5.515625 -5.578125 C 5.054688 -5.503906 4.640625 -5.382812 4.265625 -5.21875 C 3.898438 -5.0625 3.601562 -4.835938 3.375 -4.546875 C 3.144531 -4.253906 3.03125 -3.851562 3.03125 -3.34375 C 3.03125 -3 3.097656 -2.710938 3.234375 -2.484375 C 3.367188 -2.253906 3.539062 -2.066406 3.75 -1.921875 C 3.96875 -1.773438 4.21875 -1.671875 4.5 -1.609375 C 4.789062 -1.546875 5.097656 -1.515625 5.421875 -1.515625 C 6.097656 -1.515625 6.675781 -1.601562 7.15625 -1.78125 C 7.632812 -1.96875 8.023438 -2.203125 8.328125 -2.484375 C 8.628906 -2.765625 8.851562 -3.066406 9 -3.390625 C 9.144531 -3.722656 9.21875 -4.03125 9.21875 -4.3125 Z M 9.21875 -6.40625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-14"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 5.765625 -15.21875 L 5.765625 0 L 8.046875 0 L 8.046875 -15.21875 L 13.75 -15.21875 L 13.75 -17.140625 L 0.046875 -17.140625 L 0.046875 -15.21875 Z M 5.765625 -15.21875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-15"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 10.796875 -4.890625 L 9.59375 -3.5 L 11.5 -1.984375 C 10.726562 -1.671875 9.9375 -1.515625 9.125 -1.515625 C 8.082031 -1.515625 7.179688 -1.71875 6.421875 -2.125 C 5.671875 -2.53125 5.054688 -3.066406 4.578125 -3.734375 C 4.097656 -4.410156 3.742188 -5.164062 3.515625 -6 C 3.296875 -6.84375 3.1875 -7.695312 3.1875 -8.5625 C 3.1875 -9.425781 3.296875 -10.28125 3.515625 -11.125 C 3.742188 -11.96875 4.097656 -12.722656 4.578125 -13.390625 C 5.054688 -14.066406 5.671875 -14.609375 6.421875 -15.015625 C 7.179688 -15.421875 8.082031 -15.625 9.125 -15.625 C 10.164062 -15.625 11.0625 -15.421875 11.8125 -15.015625 C 12.5625 -14.609375 13.175781 -14.066406 13.65625 -13.390625 C 14.132812 -12.722656 14.484375 -11.96875 14.703125 -11.125 C 14.929688 -10.28125 15.046875 -9.425781 15.046875 -8.5625 C 15.046875 -7.507812 14.882812 -6.5 14.5625 -5.53125 C 14.25 -4.5625 13.753906 -3.742188 13.078125 -3.078125 Z M 15.84375 1.46875 L 16.984375 0.03125 L 14.734375 -1.75 C 15.597656 -2.613281 16.242188 -3.632812 16.671875 -4.8125 C 17.109375 -6 17.328125 -7.25 17.328125 -8.5625 C 17.328125 -9.726562 17.15625 -10.851562 16.8125 -11.9375 C 16.46875 -13.019531 15.953125 -13.976562 15.265625 -14.8125 C 14.578125 -15.644531 13.71875 -16.304688 12.6875 -16.796875 C 11.664062 -17.296875 10.476562 -17.546875 9.125 -17.546875 C 7.757812 -17.546875 6.566406 -17.296875 5.546875 -16.796875 C 4.523438 -16.304688 3.664062 -15.644531 2.96875 -14.8125 C 2.28125 -13.976562 1.765625 -13.019531 1.421875 -11.9375 C 1.078125 -10.851562 0.90625 -9.726562 0.90625 -8.5625 C 0.90625 -7.394531 1.078125 -6.269531 1.421875 -5.1875 C 1.765625 -4.113281 2.28125 -3.160156 2.96875 -2.328125 C 3.664062 -1.492188 4.523438 -0.832031 5.546875 -0.34375 C 6.566406 0.144531 7.757812 0.390625 9.125 0.390625 C 10.707031 0.390625 12.070312 0.0507812 13.21875 -0.625 Z M 15.84375 1.46875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-16"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 11.8125 0 L 11.8125 -12.40625 L 9.765625 -12.40625 L 9.765625 -5.40625 C 9.765625 -4.84375 9.6875 -4.320312 9.53125 -3.84375 C 9.382812 -3.375 9.160156 -2.960938 8.859375 -2.609375 C 8.554688 -2.265625 8.175781 -1.992188 7.71875 -1.796875 C 7.257812 -1.609375 6.71875 -1.515625 6.09375 -1.515625 C 5.3125 -1.515625 4.695312 -1.738281 4.25 -2.1875 C 3.800781 -2.632812 3.578125 -3.242188 3.578125 -4.015625 L 3.578125 -12.40625 L 1.53125 -12.40625 L 1.53125 -4.25 C 1.53125 -3.570312 1.597656 -2.957031 1.734375 -2.40625 C 1.867188 -1.851562 2.101562 -1.378906 2.4375 -0.984375 C 2.78125 -0.585938 3.222656 -0.28125 3.765625 -0.0625 C 4.304688 0.15625 4.988281 0.265625 5.8125 0.265625 C 6.71875 0.265625 7.503906 0.0859375 8.171875 -0.265625 C 8.847656 -0.628906 9.40625 -1.195312 9.84375 -1.96875 L 9.890625 -1.96875 L 9.890625 0 Z M 11.8125 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-0"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 9 -14.65625 L 2.25 -14.65625 L 2.25 -1.03125 L 9 -1.03125 Z M 10.125 -15.65625 L 10.125 -0.015625 L 1.125 -0.015625 L 1.125 -15.65625 Z M 10.125 -15.65625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-1"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.96875 -10.078125 L 2.84375 -10.078125 C 2.820312 -10.546875 2.863281 -11.007812 2.96875 -11.46875 C 3.082031 -11.9375 3.265625 -12.351562 3.515625 -12.71875 C 3.765625 -13.082031 4.082031 -13.378906 4.46875 -13.609375 C 4.863281 -13.835938 5.332031 -13.953125 5.875 -13.953125 C 6.28125 -13.953125 6.664062 -13.882812 7.03125 -13.75 C 7.40625 -13.613281 7.726562 -13.421875 8 -13.171875 C 8.269531 -12.921875 8.484375 -12.625 8.640625 -12.28125 C 8.804688 -11.9375 8.890625 -11.550781 8.890625 -11.125 C 8.890625 -10.582031 8.800781 -10.109375 8.625 -9.703125 C 8.457031 -9.296875 8.207031 -8.914062 7.875 -8.5625 C 7.550781 -8.207031 7.140625 -7.859375 6.640625 -7.515625 C 6.140625 -7.171875 5.5625 -6.789062 4.90625 -6.375 C 4.363281 -6.050781 3.84375 -5.707031 3.34375 -5.34375 C 2.84375 -4.976562 2.394531 -4.550781 2 -4.0625 C 1.601562 -3.582031 1.273438 -3.015625 1.015625 -2.359375 C 0.765625 -1.710938 0.601562 -0.925781 0.53125 0 L 10.71875 0 L 10.71875 -1.65625 L 2.703125 -1.65625 C 2.796875 -2.132812 2.984375 -2.5625 3.265625 -2.9375 C 3.554688 -3.3125 3.898438 -3.660156 4.296875 -3.984375 C 4.703125 -4.304688 5.144531 -4.609375 5.625 -4.890625 C 6.113281 -5.179688 6.597656 -5.472656 7.078125 -5.765625 C 7.566406 -6.066406 8.035156 -6.382812 8.484375 -6.71875 C 8.941406 -7.0625 9.347656 -7.441406 9.703125 -7.859375 C 10.054688 -8.273438 10.335938 -8.75 10.546875 -9.28125 C 10.765625 -9.8125 10.875 -10.421875 10.875 -11.109375 C 10.875 -11.835938 10.742188 -12.476562 10.484375 -13.03125 C 10.222656 -13.59375 9.875 -14.0625 9.4375 -14.4375 C 9 -14.8125 8.484375 -15.097656 7.890625 -15.296875 C 7.296875 -15.492188 6.660156 -15.59375 5.984375 -15.59375 C 5.160156 -15.59375 4.425781 -15.453125 3.78125 -15.171875 C 3.132812 -14.898438 2.59375 -14.515625 2.15625 -14.015625 C 1.726562 -13.523438 1.410156 -12.941406 1.203125 -12.265625 C 1.003906 -11.597656 0.925781 -10.867188 0.96875 -10.078125 Z M 0.96875 -10.078125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-2"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.828125 -2.4375 L 1.828125 0 L 4.265625 0 L 4.265625 -2.4375 Z M 1.828125 -2.4375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-3"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d=""/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-4"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.71875 -15.703125 L 1.71875 0 L 3.8125 0 L 3.8125 -6.703125 L 8.90625 -6.703125 C 9.425781 -6.703125 9.835938 -6.625 10.140625 -6.46875 C 10.453125 -6.320312 10.703125 -6.117188 10.890625 -5.859375 C 11.078125 -5.609375 11.210938 -5.304688 11.296875 -4.953125 C 11.390625 -4.609375 11.46875 -4.25 11.53125 -3.875 C 11.601562 -3.488281 11.644531 -3.097656 11.65625 -2.703125 C 11.675781 -2.304688 11.691406 -1.9375 11.703125 -1.59375 C 11.710938 -1.25 11.742188 -0.9375 11.796875 -0.65625 C 11.847656 -0.375 11.945312 -0.15625 12.09375 0 L 14.4375 0 C 14.21875 -0.257812 14.050781 -0.5625 13.9375 -0.90625 C 13.820312 -1.257812 13.734375 -1.625 13.671875 -2 C 13.617188 -2.382812 13.582031 -2.773438 13.5625 -3.171875 C 13.550781 -3.566406 13.535156 -3.953125 13.515625 -4.328125 C 13.460938 -4.710938 13.394531 -5.082031 13.3125 -5.4375 C 13.238281 -5.789062 13.113281 -6.109375 12.9375 -6.390625 C 12.769531 -6.671875 12.546875 -6.914062 12.265625 -7.125 C 11.984375 -7.332031 11.613281 -7.476562 11.15625 -7.5625 L 11.15625 -7.609375 C 12.101562 -7.878906 12.789062 -8.367188 13.21875 -9.078125 C 13.65625 -9.796875 13.875 -10.632812 13.875 -11.59375 C 13.875 -12.875 13.453125 -13.878906 12.609375 -14.609375 C 11.773438 -15.335938 10.609375 -15.703125 9.109375 -15.703125 Z M 8.15625 -8.46875 L 3.8125 -8.46875 L 3.8125 -13.953125 L 9 -13.953125 C 9.976562 -13.953125 10.6875 -13.703125 11.125 -13.203125 C 11.570312 -12.703125 11.796875 -12.054688 11.796875 -11.265625 C 11.796875 -10.691406 11.695312 -10.222656 11.5 -9.859375 C 11.300781 -9.503906 11.035156 -9.21875 10.703125 -9 C 10.367188 -8.789062 9.984375 -8.648438 9.546875 -8.578125 C 9.109375 -8.503906 8.644531 -8.46875 8.15625 -8.46875 Z M 8.15625 -8.46875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-5"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 9.3125 -6.78125 L 2.765625 -6.78125 C 2.796875 -7.21875 2.890625 -7.628906 3.046875 -8.015625 C 3.210938 -8.410156 3.4375 -8.753906 3.71875 -9.046875 C 4 -9.335938 4.332031 -9.566406 4.71875 -9.734375 C 5.101562 -9.898438 5.539062 -9.984375 6.03125 -9.984375 C 6.5 -9.984375 6.925781 -9.898438 7.3125 -9.734375 C 7.695312 -9.566406 8.03125 -9.335938 8.3125 -9.046875 C 8.601562 -8.765625 8.832031 -8.425781 9 -8.03125 C 9.175781 -7.632812 9.28125 -7.21875 9.3125 -6.78125 Z M 11.109375 -3.609375 L 9.265625 -3.609375 C 9.097656 -2.859375 8.757812 -2.300781 8.25 -1.9375 C 7.75 -1.570312 7.101562 -1.390625 6.3125 -1.390625 C 5.695312 -1.390625 5.160156 -1.488281 4.703125 -1.6875 C 4.253906 -1.894531 3.878906 -2.171875 3.578125 -2.515625 C 3.285156 -2.859375 3.070312 -3.253906 2.9375 -3.703125 C 2.8125 -4.148438 2.753906 -4.625 2.765625 -5.125 L 11.28125 -5.125 C 11.3125 -5.8125 11.25 -6.535156 11.09375 -7.296875 C 10.945312 -8.066406 10.671875 -8.773438 10.265625 -9.421875 C 9.859375 -10.066406 9.320312 -10.597656 8.65625 -11.015625 C 7.988281 -11.429688 7.148438 -11.640625 6.140625 -11.640625 C 5.359375 -11.640625 4.640625 -11.492188 3.984375 -11.203125 C 3.335938 -10.910156 2.773438 -10.5 2.296875 -9.96875 C 1.816406 -9.4375 1.445312 -8.8125 1.1875 -8.09375 C 0.925781 -7.375 0.796875 -6.582031 0.796875 -5.71875 C 0.828125 -4.851562 0.953125 -4.050781 1.171875 -3.3125 C 1.398438 -2.582031 1.738281 -1.953125 2.1875 -1.421875 C 2.644531 -0.898438 3.207031 -0.492188 3.875 -0.203125 C 4.550781 0.0859375 5.34375 0.234375 6.25 0.234375 C 7.539062 0.234375 8.609375 -0.0820312 9.453125 -0.71875 C 10.304688 -1.363281 10.859375 -2.328125 11.109375 -3.609375 Z M 11.109375 -3.609375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-6"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 11.484375 -0.046875 C 11.160156 0.140625 10.710938 0.234375 10.140625 0.234375 C 9.660156 0.234375 9.273438 0.0976562 8.984375 -0.171875 C 8.703125 -0.441406 8.5625 -0.882812 8.5625 -1.5 C 8.039062 -0.882812 7.4375 -0.441406 6.75 -0.171875 C 6.070312 0.0976562 5.335938 0.234375 4.546875 0.234375 C 4.035156 0.234375 3.546875 0.175781 3.078125 0.0625 C 2.617188 -0.0507812 2.222656 -0.234375 1.890625 -0.484375 C 1.554688 -0.734375 1.289062 -1.054688 1.09375 -1.453125 C 0.894531 -1.859375 0.796875 -2.347656 0.796875 -2.921875 C 0.796875 -3.566406 0.90625 -4.09375 1.125 -4.5 C 1.34375 -4.914062 1.628906 -5.25 1.984375 -5.5 C 2.347656 -5.757812 2.757812 -5.957031 3.21875 -6.09375 C 3.6875 -6.226562 4.160156 -6.335938 4.640625 -6.421875 C 5.148438 -6.523438 5.632812 -6.601562 6.09375 -6.65625 C 6.5625 -6.707031 6.972656 -6.78125 7.328125 -6.875 C 7.679688 -6.96875 7.957031 -7.101562 8.15625 -7.28125 C 8.363281 -7.46875 8.46875 -7.738281 8.46875 -8.09375 C 8.46875 -8.507812 8.390625 -8.835938 8.234375 -9.078125 C 8.085938 -9.328125 7.890625 -9.519531 7.640625 -9.65625 C 7.398438 -9.789062 7.128906 -9.878906 6.828125 -9.921875 C 6.523438 -9.960938 6.226562 -9.984375 5.9375 -9.984375 C 5.144531 -9.984375 4.484375 -9.832031 3.953125 -9.53125 C 3.429688 -9.238281 3.148438 -8.671875 3.109375 -7.828125 L 1.234375 -7.828125 C 1.265625 -8.535156 1.410156 -9.128906 1.671875 -9.609375 C 1.929688 -10.097656 2.28125 -10.488281 2.71875 -10.78125 C 3.164062 -11.082031 3.671875 -11.300781 4.234375 -11.4375 C 4.796875 -11.570312 5.398438 -11.640625 6.046875 -11.640625 C 6.554688 -11.640625 7.066406 -11.601562 7.578125 -11.53125 C 8.085938 -11.457031 8.546875 -11.304688 8.953125 -11.078125 C 9.359375 -10.847656 9.6875 -10.523438 9.9375 -10.109375 C 10.1875 -9.703125 10.3125 -9.171875 10.3125 -8.515625 L 10.3125 -2.65625 C 10.3125 -2.21875 10.335938 -1.894531 10.390625 -1.6875 C 10.441406 -1.488281 10.613281 -1.390625 10.90625 -1.390625 C 11.070312 -1.390625 11.265625 -1.425781 11.484375 -1.5 Z M 8.453125 -5.875 C 8.210938 -5.695312 7.898438 -5.566406 7.515625 -5.484375 C 7.140625 -5.410156 6.742188 -5.347656 6.328125 -5.296875 C 5.910156 -5.242188 5.488281 -5.179688 5.0625 -5.109375 C 4.632812 -5.046875 4.25 -4.941406 3.90625 -4.796875 C 3.570312 -4.648438 3.296875 -4.441406 3.078125 -4.171875 C 2.867188 -3.898438 2.765625 -3.53125 2.765625 -3.0625 C 2.765625 -2.75 2.828125 -2.484375 2.953125 -2.265625 C 3.078125 -2.054688 3.238281 -1.882812 3.4375 -1.75 C 3.632812 -1.625 3.863281 -1.53125 4.125 -1.46875 C 4.394531 -1.414062 4.675781 -1.390625 4.96875 -1.390625 C 5.582031 -1.390625 6.109375 -1.472656 6.546875 -1.640625 C 6.992188 -1.804688 7.351562 -2.015625 7.625 -2.265625 C 7.90625 -2.523438 8.113281 -2.804688 8.25 -3.109375 C 8.382812 -3.410156 8.453125 -3.691406 8.453125 -3.953125 Z M 8.453125 -5.875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-7"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.765625 -5.59375 C 2.765625 -6.144531 2.820312 -6.6875 2.9375 -7.21875 C 3.0625 -7.75 3.253906 -8.21875 3.515625 -8.625 C 3.785156 -9.03125 4.140625 -9.359375 4.578125 -9.609375 C 5.015625 -9.859375 5.550781 -9.984375 6.1875 -9.984375 C 6.832031 -9.984375 7.378906 -9.863281 7.828125 -9.625 C 8.285156 -9.382812 8.65625 -9.066406 8.9375 -8.671875 C 9.226562 -8.273438 9.4375 -7.816406 9.5625 -7.296875 C 9.695312 -6.773438 9.765625 -6.234375 9.765625 -5.671875 C 9.765625 -5.148438 9.703125 -4.628906 9.578125 -4.109375 C 9.453125 -3.597656 9.25 -3.140625 8.96875 -2.734375 C 8.695312 -2.335938 8.335938 -2.015625 7.890625 -1.765625 C 7.453125 -1.515625 6.921875 -1.390625 6.296875 -1.390625 C 5.691406 -1.390625 5.164062 -1.503906 4.71875 -1.734375 C 4.269531 -1.972656 3.898438 -2.289062 3.609375 -2.6875 C 3.328125 -3.082031 3.113281 -3.53125 2.96875 -4.03125 C 2.832031 -4.539062 2.765625 -5.0625 2.765625 -5.59375 Z M 11.578125 0 L 11.578125 -15.703125 L 9.703125 -15.703125 L 9.703125 -9.859375 L 9.65625 -9.859375 C 9.445312 -10.191406 9.191406 -10.472656 8.890625 -10.703125 C 8.597656 -10.929688 8.28125 -11.113281 7.9375 -11.25 C 7.601562 -11.394531 7.265625 -11.492188 6.921875 -11.546875 C 6.585938 -11.609375 6.273438 -11.640625 5.984375 -11.640625 C 5.117188 -11.640625 4.359375 -11.476562 3.703125 -11.15625 C 3.054688 -10.84375 2.515625 -10.421875 2.078125 -9.890625 C 1.648438 -9.359375 1.328125 -8.734375 1.109375 -8.015625 C 0.898438 -7.296875 0.796875 -6.53125 0.796875 -5.71875 C 0.796875 -4.914062 0.90625 -4.15625 1.125 -3.4375 C 1.34375 -2.71875 1.664062 -2.082031 2.09375 -1.53125 C 2.53125 -0.988281 3.070312 -0.554688 3.71875 -0.234375 C 4.375 0.078125 5.144531 0.234375 6.03125 0.234375 C 6.820312 0.234375 7.546875 0.0976562 8.203125 -0.171875 C 8.867188 -0.453125 9.351562 -0.910156 9.65625 -1.546875 L 9.703125 -1.546875 L 9.703125 0 Z M 11.578125 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-8"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.8125 -1.765625 L 3.8125 -13.953125 L 7.328125 -13.953125 C 8.296875 -13.953125 9.109375 -13.816406 9.765625 -13.546875 C 10.429688 -13.273438 10.972656 -12.878906 11.390625 -12.359375 C 11.804688 -11.835938 12.101562 -11.203125 12.28125 -10.453125 C 12.46875 -9.710938 12.5625 -8.875 12.5625 -7.9375 C 12.5625 -6.96875 12.460938 -6.140625 12.265625 -5.453125 C 12.066406 -4.773438 11.8125 -4.207031 11.5 -3.75 C 11.195312 -3.300781 10.847656 -2.941406 10.453125 -2.671875 C 10.066406 -2.410156 9.675781 -2.210938 9.28125 -2.078125 C 8.882812 -1.941406 8.507812 -1.851562 8.15625 -1.8125 C 7.8125 -1.78125 7.519531 -1.765625 7.28125 -1.765625 Z M 1.71875 -15.703125 L 1.71875 0 L 7.109375 0 C 8.410156 0 9.535156 -0.179688 10.484375 -0.546875 C 11.441406 -0.910156 12.226562 -1.441406 12.84375 -2.140625 C 13.457031 -2.835938 13.910156 -3.695312 14.203125 -4.71875 C 14.503906 -5.738281 14.65625 -6.910156 14.65625 -8.234375 C 14.65625 -10.753906 14 -12.628906 12.6875 -13.859375 C 11.382812 -15.085938 9.523438 -15.703125 7.109375 -15.703125 Z M 1.71875 -15.703125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-9"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 4 -11.375 L 4 -14.78125 L 2.140625 -14.78125 L 2.140625 -11.375 L 0.203125 -11.375 L 0.203125 -9.71875 L 2.140625 -9.71875 L 2.140625 -2.484375 C 2.140625 -1.953125 2.1875 -1.523438 2.28125 -1.203125 C 2.382812 -0.878906 2.539062 -0.628906 2.75 -0.453125 C 2.96875 -0.285156 3.25 -0.164062 3.59375 -0.09375 C 3.9375 -0.03125 4.351562 0 4.84375 0 L 6.265625 0 L 6.265625 -1.65625 L 5.40625 -1.65625 C 5.113281 -1.65625 4.875 -1.664062 4.6875 -1.6875 C 4.507812 -1.707031 4.367188 -1.753906 4.265625 -1.828125 C 4.160156 -1.898438 4.085938 -2 4.046875 -2.125 C 4.015625 -2.257812 4 -2.4375 4 -2.65625 L 4 -9.71875 L 6.265625 -9.71875 L 6.265625 -11.375 Z M 4 -11.375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-10"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 13.46875 -1.953125 L 14.015625 0 L 15.328125 0 L 15.328125 -8.265625 L 8.453125 -8.265625 L 8.453125 -6.515625 L 13.46875 -6.515625 C 13.5 -5.796875 13.398438 -5.125 13.171875 -4.5 C 12.953125 -3.875 12.625 -3.328125 12.1875 -2.859375 C 11.757812 -2.398438 11.226562 -2.039062 10.59375 -1.78125 C 9.96875 -1.519531 9.242188 -1.390625 8.421875 -1.390625 C 7.546875 -1.390625 6.773438 -1.5625 6.109375 -1.90625 C 5.441406 -2.25 4.878906 -2.707031 4.421875 -3.28125 C 3.960938 -3.863281 3.613281 -4.53125 3.375 -5.28125 C 3.144531 -6.039062 3.03125 -6.832031 3.03125 -7.65625 C 3.03125 -8.488281 3.132812 -9.304688 3.34375 -10.109375 C 3.550781 -10.910156 3.867188 -11.617188 4.296875 -12.234375 C 4.734375 -12.859375 5.289062 -13.363281 5.96875 -13.75 C 6.65625 -14.132812 7.472656 -14.328125 8.421875 -14.328125 C 9.015625 -14.328125 9.570312 -14.253906 10.09375 -14.109375 C 10.613281 -13.972656 11.078125 -13.765625 11.484375 -13.484375 C 11.890625 -13.203125 12.234375 -12.84375 12.515625 -12.40625 C 12.796875 -11.976562 12.988281 -11.46875 13.09375 -10.875 L 15.1875 -10.875 C 15.03125 -11.789062 14.75 -12.578125 14.34375 -13.234375 C 13.945312 -13.890625 13.453125 -14.425781 12.859375 -14.84375 C 12.265625 -15.269531 11.585938 -15.582031 10.828125 -15.78125 C 10.078125 -15.976562 9.273438 -16.078125 8.421875 -16.078125 C 7.179688 -16.078125 6.09375 -15.847656 5.15625 -15.390625 C 4.226562 -14.929688 3.453125 -14.3125 2.828125 -13.53125 C 2.203125 -12.75 1.734375 -11.84375 1.421875 -10.8125 C 1.109375 -9.78125 0.953125 -8.691406 0.953125 -7.546875 C 0.953125 -6.515625 1.117188 -5.519531 1.453125 -4.5625 C 1.785156 -3.613281 2.273438 -2.773438 2.921875 -2.046875 C 3.566406 -1.316406 4.351562 -0.734375 5.28125 -0.296875 C 6.207031 0.140625 7.253906 0.359375 8.421875 0.359375 C 9.347656 0.359375 10.265625 0.179688 11.171875 -0.171875 C 12.085938 -0.535156 12.851562 -1.128906 13.46875 -1.953125 Z M 13.46875 -1.953125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-11"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.34375 -11.375 L 1.34375 0 L 3.21875 0 L 3.21875 -5.0625 C 3.21875 -5.789062 3.289062 -6.4375 3.4375 -7 C 3.582031 -7.570312 3.816406 -8.054688 4.140625 -8.453125 C 4.460938 -8.847656 4.882812 -9.144531 5.40625 -9.34375 C 5.9375 -9.550781 6.578125 -9.65625 7.328125 -9.65625 L 7.328125 -11.640625 C 6.316406 -11.671875 5.476562 -11.460938 4.8125 -11.015625 C 4.15625 -10.578125 3.597656 -9.894531 3.140625 -8.96875 L 3.109375 -8.96875 L 3.109375 -11.375 Z M 1.34375 -11.375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-12"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 4.796875 -8.90625 L 4.796875 -7.328125 C 5.148438 -7.367188 5.523438 -7.390625 5.921875 -7.390625 C 6.390625 -7.390625 6.820312 -7.328125 7.21875 -7.203125 C 7.625 -7.078125 7.972656 -6.882812 8.265625 -6.625 C 8.566406 -6.375 8.800781 -6.0625 8.96875 -5.6875 C 9.144531 -5.3125 9.234375 -4.882812 9.234375 -4.40625 C 9.234375 -3.9375 9.140625 -3.515625 8.953125 -3.140625 C 8.773438 -2.765625 8.53125 -2.445312 8.21875 -2.1875 C 7.914062 -1.925781 7.554688 -1.726562 7.140625 -1.59375 C 6.734375 -1.457031 6.304688 -1.390625 5.859375 -1.390625 C 4.785156 -1.390625 3.96875 -1.707031 3.40625 -2.34375 C 2.851562 -2.976562 2.5625 -3.800781 2.53125 -4.8125 L 0.65625 -4.8125 C 0.644531 -4.007812 0.757812 -3.289062 1 -2.65625 C 1.238281 -2.03125 1.585938 -1.5 2.046875 -1.0625 C 2.503906 -0.632812 3.050781 -0.3125 3.6875 -0.09375 C 4.332031 0.125 5.054688 0.234375 5.859375 0.234375 C 6.585938 0.234375 7.273438 0.132812 7.921875 -0.0625 C 8.578125 -0.257812 9.144531 -0.554688 9.625 -0.953125 C 10.113281 -1.347656 10.5 -1.84375 10.78125 -2.4375 C 11.070312 -3.03125 11.21875 -3.710938 11.21875 -4.484375 C 11.21875 -5.421875 10.984375 -6.234375 10.515625 -6.921875 C 10.054688 -7.617188 9.351562 -8.066406 8.40625 -8.265625 L 8.40625 -8.3125 C 9.019531 -8.59375 9.53125 -9.003906 9.9375 -9.546875 C 10.351562 -10.085938 10.5625 -10.710938 10.5625 -11.421875 C 10.5625 -12.140625 10.4375 -12.757812 10.1875 -13.28125 C 9.945312 -13.8125 9.613281 -14.242188 9.1875 -14.578125 C 8.769531 -14.921875 8.269531 -15.175781 7.6875 -15.34375 C 7.101562 -15.507812 6.476562 -15.59375 5.8125 -15.59375 C 5.03125 -15.59375 4.34375 -15.46875 3.75 -15.21875 C 3.15625 -14.96875 2.660156 -14.625 2.265625 -14.1875 C 1.867188 -13.75 1.5625 -13.222656 1.34375 -12.609375 C 1.132812 -11.992188 1.015625 -11.3125 0.984375 -10.5625 L 2.859375 -10.5625 C 2.859375 -11.007812 2.914062 -11.4375 3.03125 -11.84375 C 3.15625 -12.257812 3.335938 -12.617188 3.578125 -12.921875 C 3.816406 -13.234375 4.125 -13.484375 4.5 -13.671875 C 4.875 -13.859375 5.3125 -13.953125 5.8125 -13.953125 C 6.601562 -13.953125 7.257812 -13.738281 7.78125 -13.3125 C 8.3125 -12.894531 8.578125 -12.269531 8.578125 -11.4375 C 8.578125 -11.03125 8.492188 -10.664062 8.328125 -10.34375 C 8.171875 -10.019531 7.957031 -9.75 7.6875 -9.53125 C 7.414062 -9.320312 7.097656 -9.160156 6.734375 -9.046875 C 6.378906 -8.941406 6.003906 -8.890625 5.609375 -8.890625 L 5.21875 -8.890625 C 5.144531 -8.890625 5.070312 -8.890625 5 -8.890625 C 4.9375 -8.890625 4.867188 -8.894531 4.796875 -8.90625 Z M 4.796875 -8.90625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" 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-12.671875 1.90625 -12.671875 L 1.90625 -11.171875 L 5.96875 -11.171875 L 5.96875 0 Z M 7.828125 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-16"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.765625 -5.59375 C 2.765625 -6.144531 2.820312 -6.6875 2.9375 -7.21875 C 3.0625 -7.75 3.253906 -8.21875 3.515625 -8.625 C 3.785156 -9.03125 4.140625 -9.359375 4.578125 -9.609375 C 5.015625 -9.859375 5.550781 -9.984375 6.1875 -9.984375 C 6.832031 -9.984375 7.378906 -9.863281 7.828125 -9.625 C 8.285156 -9.382812 8.65625 -9.066406 8.9375 -8.671875 C 9.226562 -8.273438 9.4375 -7.816406 9.5625 -7.296875 C 9.695312 -6.773438 9.765625 -6.234375 9.765625 -5.671875 C 9.765625 -5.148438 9.703125 -4.628906 9.578125 -4.109375 C 9.453125 -3.597656 9.25 -3.140625 8.96875 -2.734375 C 8.695312 -2.335938 8.335938 -2.015625 7.890625 -1.765625 C 7.453125 -1.515625 6.921875 -1.390625 6.296875 -1.390625 C 5.691406 -1.390625 5.164062 -1.503906 4.71875 -1.734375 C 4.269531 -1.972656 3.898438 -2.289062 3.609375 -2.6875 C 3.328125 -3.082031 3.113281 -3.53125 2.96875 -4.03125 C 2.832031 -4.539062 2.765625 -5.0625 2.765625 -5.59375 Z M 11.578125 4.328125 L 11.578125 -11.375 L 9.703125 -11.375 L 9.703125 -9.859375 L 9.65625 -9.859375 C 9.445312 -10.191406 9.191406 -10.472656 8.890625 -10.703125 C 8.597656 -10.929688 8.28125 -11.113281 7.9375 -11.25 C 7.601562 -11.394531 7.265625 -11.492188 6.921875 -11.546875 C 6.585938 -11.609375 6.273438 -11.640625 5.984375 -11.640625 C 5.117188 -11.640625 4.359375 -11.476562 3.703125 -11.15625 C 3.054688 -10.84375 2.515625 -10.421875 2.078125 -9.890625 C 1.648438 -9.359375 1.328125 -8.734375 1.109375 -8.015625 C 0.898438 -7.296875 0.796875 -6.53125 0.796875 -5.71875 C 0.796875 -4.914062 0.90625 -4.15625 1.125 -3.4375 C 1.34375 -2.71875 1.664062 -2.082031 2.09375 -1.53125 C 2.53125 -0.988281 3.070312 -0.554688 3.71875 -0.234375 C 4.375 0.078125 5.144531 0.234375 6.03125 0.234375 C 6.820312 0.234375 7.546875 0.0976562 8.203125 -0.171875 C 8.867188 -0.453125 9.351562 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8.445312 -6.039062 8 -6.1875 C 7.550781 -6.332031 7.09375 -6.457031 6.625 -6.5625 C 6.1875 -6.65625 5.742188 -6.75 5.296875 -6.84375 C 4.859375 -6.945312 4.460938 -7.066406 4.109375 -7.203125 C 3.765625 -7.335938 3.476562 -7.507812 3.25 -7.71875 C 3.019531 -7.9375 2.90625 -8.207031 2.90625 -8.53125 C 2.90625 -8.820312 2.976562 -9.0625 3.125 -9.25 C 3.269531 -9.4375 3.457031 -9.582031 3.6875 -9.6875 C 3.925781 -9.800781 4.1875 -9.878906 4.46875 -9.921875 C 4.757812 -9.960938 5.046875 -9.984375 5.328125 -9.984375 C 5.628906 -9.984375 5.929688 -9.953125 6.234375 -9.890625 C 6.535156 -9.828125 6.8125 -9.71875 7.0625 -9.5625 C 7.3125 -9.414062 7.515625 -9.222656 7.671875 -8.984375 C 7.835938 -8.742188 7.9375 -8.441406 7.96875 -8.078125 L 9.828125 -8.078125 C 9.785156 -8.765625 9.640625 -9.335938 9.390625 -9.796875 C 9.140625 -10.265625 8.804688 -10.632812 8.390625 -10.90625 C 7.972656 -11.175781 7.492188 -11.363281 6.953125 -11.46875 C 6.410156 -11.582031 5.816406 -11.640625 5.171875 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8.15625 -9.8125 C 8.738281 -9.40625 9.113281 -8.796875 9.28125 -7.984375 Z M 9.28125 -7.984375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-7"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.015625 -4.125 C 2.015625 -4.625 2.082031 -5.066406 2.21875 -5.453125 C 2.351562 -5.847656 2.535156 -6.175781 2.765625 -6.4375 C 3.003906 -6.707031 3.28125 -6.910156 3.59375 -7.046875 C 3.90625 -7.191406 4.238281 -7.265625 4.59375 -7.265625 C 4.945312 -7.265625 5.28125 -7.191406 5.59375 -7.046875 C 5.90625 -6.910156 6.175781 -6.707031 6.40625 -6.4375 C 6.644531 -6.175781 6.832031 -5.847656 6.96875 -5.453125 C 7.101562 -5.066406 7.171875 -4.625 7.171875 -4.125 C 7.171875 -3.625 7.101562 -3.175781 6.96875 -2.78125 C 6.832031 -2.394531 6.644531 -2.070312 6.40625 -1.8125 C 6.175781 -1.550781 5.90625 -1.351562 5.59375 -1.21875 C 5.28125 -1.082031 4.945312 -1.015625 4.59375 -1.015625 C 4.238281 -1.015625 3.90625 -1.082031 3.59375 -1.21875 C 3.28125 -1.351562 3.003906 -1.550781 2.765625 -1.8125 C 2.535156 -2.070312 2.351562 -2.394531 2.21875 -2.78125 C 2.082031 -3.175781 2.015625 -3.625 2.015625 -4.125 Z M 0.578125 -4.125 C 0.578125 -3.519531 0.660156 -2.953125 0.828125 -2.421875 C 1.003906 -1.898438 1.257812 -1.445312 1.59375 -1.0625 C 1.9375 -0.675781 2.359375 -0.375 2.859375 -0.15625 C 3.359375 0.0625 3.9375 0.171875 4.59375 0.171875 C 5.25 0.171875 5.828125 0.0625 6.328125 -0.15625 C 6.828125 -0.375 7.242188 -0.675781 7.578125 -1.0625 C 7.921875 -1.445312 8.175781 -1.898438 8.34375 -2.421875 C 8.519531 -2.953125 8.609375 -3.519531 8.609375 -4.125 C 8.609375 -4.738281 8.519531 -5.304688 8.34375 -5.828125 C 8.175781 -6.359375 7.921875 -6.816406 7.578125 -7.203125 C 7.242188 -7.597656 6.828125 -7.90625 6.328125 -8.125 C 5.828125 -8.351562 5.25 -8.46875 4.59375 -8.46875 C 3.9375 -8.46875 3.359375 -8.351562 2.859375 -8.125 C 2.359375 -7.90625 1.9375 -7.597656 1.59375 -7.203125 C 1.257812 -6.816406 1.003906 -6.359375 0.828125 -5.828125 C 0.660156 -5.304688 0.578125 -4.738281 0.578125 -4.125 Z M 0.578125 -4.125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-8"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.03125 -8.265625 L 1.03125 0 L 2.390625 0 L 2.390625 -4.671875 C 2.390625 -5.046875 2.4375 -5.390625 2.53125 -5.703125 C 2.632812 -6.015625 2.785156 -6.285156 2.984375 -6.515625 C 3.191406 -6.753906 3.445312 -6.9375 3.75 -7.0625 C 4.050781 -7.195312 4.410156 -7.265625 4.828125 -7.265625 C 5.347656 -7.265625 5.757812 -7.113281 6.0625 -6.8125 C 6.363281 -6.519531 6.515625 -6.113281 6.515625 -5.59375 L 6.515625 0 L 7.875 0 L 7.875 -5.4375 C 7.875 -5.882812 7.828125 -6.289062 7.734375 -6.65625 C 7.640625 -7.03125 7.476562 -7.347656 7.25 -7.609375 C 7.03125 -7.878906 6.738281 -8.085938 6.375 -8.234375 C 6.019531 -8.390625 5.570312 -8.46875 5.03125 -8.46875 C 3.800781 -8.46875 2.90625 -7.960938 2.34375 -6.953125 L 2.296875 -6.953125 L 2.296875 -8.265625 Z M 1.03125 -8.265625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-9"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.90625 -8.265625 L 2.90625 -10.75 L 1.546875 -10.75 L 1.546875 -8.265625 L 0.140625 -8.265625 L 0.140625 -7.078125 L 1.546875 -7.078125 L 1.546875 -1.8125 C 1.546875 -1.425781 1.582031 -1.113281 1.65625 -0.875 C 1.738281 -0.644531 1.851562 -0.460938 2 -0.328125 C 2.15625 -0.203125 2.359375 -0.113281 2.609375 -0.0625 C 2.859375 -0.0195312 3.160156 0 3.515625 0 L 4.5625 0 L 4.5625 -1.203125 L 3.9375 -1.203125 C 3.71875 -1.203125 3.539062 -1.207031 3.40625 -1.21875 C 3.28125 -1.238281 3.175781 -1.273438 3.09375 -1.328125 C 3.019531 -1.378906 2.96875 -1.453125 2.9375 -1.546875 C 2.914062 -1.648438 2.90625 -1.78125 2.90625 -1.9375 L 2.90625 -7.078125 L 4.5625 -7.078125 L 4.5625 -8.265625 Z M 2.90625 -8.265625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-10"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 6.765625 -4.921875 L 2.015625 -4.921875 C 2.035156 -5.242188 2.101562 -5.546875 2.21875 -5.828125 C 2.34375 -6.109375 2.503906 -6.351562 2.703125 -6.5625 C 2.910156 -6.78125 3.15625 -6.953125 3.4375 -7.078125 C 3.71875 -7.203125 4.035156 -7.265625 4.390625 -7.265625 C 4.722656 -7.265625 5.03125 -7.203125 5.3125 -7.078125 C 5.601562 -6.953125 5.851562 -6.785156 6.0625 -6.578125 C 6.269531 -6.367188 6.429688 -6.117188 6.546875 -5.828125 C 6.671875 -5.546875 6.742188 -5.242188 6.765625 -4.921875 Z M 8.078125 -2.625 L 6.734375 -2.625 C 6.617188 -2.082031 6.375 -1.675781 6 -1.40625 C 5.632812 -1.144531 5.164062 -1.015625 4.59375 -1.015625 C 4.144531 -1.015625 3.753906 -1.085938 3.421875 -1.234375 C 3.085938 -1.378906 2.8125 -1.578125 2.59375 -1.828125 C 2.382812 -2.078125 2.234375 -2.363281 2.140625 -2.6875 C 2.046875 -3.019531 2.003906 -3.367188 2.015625 -3.734375 L 8.203125 -3.734375 C 8.222656 -4.234375 8.175781 -4.757812 8.0625 -5.3125 C 7.957031 -5.863281 7.757812 -6.375 7.46875 -6.84375 C 7.175781 -7.3125 6.785156 -7.695312 6.296875 -8 C 5.804688 -8.3125 5.195312 -8.46875 4.46875 -8.46875 C 3.894531 -8.46875 3.367188 -8.359375 2.890625 -8.140625 C 2.421875 -7.929688 2.015625 -7.632812 1.671875 -7.25 C 1.328125 -6.863281 1.054688 -6.410156 0.859375 -5.890625 C 0.671875 -5.367188 0.578125 -4.789062 0.578125 -4.15625 C 0.597656 -3.53125 0.691406 -2.945312 0.859375 -2.40625 C 1.023438 -1.875 1.269531 -1.414062 1.59375 -1.03125 C 1.925781 -0.65625 2.332031 -0.359375 2.8125 -0.140625 C 3.300781 0.0664062 3.878906 0.171875 4.546875 0.171875 C 5.484375 0.171875 6.257812 -0.0625 6.875 -0.53125 C 7.5 -1 7.898438 -1.695312 8.078125 -2.625 Z M 8.078125 -2.625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-11"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.25 -4.359375 L 0.140625 0 L 1.796875 0 L 4.09375 -3.421875 L 6.40625 0 L 8.140625 0 L 4.9375 -4.46875 L 7.796875 -8.265625 L 6.15625 -8.265625 L 4.09375 -5.375 L 2.109375 -8.265625 L 0.375 -8.265625 Z M 3.25 -4.359375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-12"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M -0.140625 3.15625 L 0.875 3.15625 C 1.707031 2.050781 2.332031 0.863281 2.75 -0.40625 C 3.175781 -1.675781 3.390625 -2.941406 3.390625 -4.203125 C 3.390625 -4.910156 3.332031 -5.582031 3.21875 -6.21875 C 3.101562 -6.863281 2.9375 -7.492188 2.71875 -8.109375 C 2.5 -8.722656 2.234375 -9.320312 1.921875 -9.90625 C 1.609375 -10.5 1.257812 -11.097656 0.875 -11.703125 L -0.140625 -11.703125 C 0.597656 -10.472656 1.128906 -9.25 1.453125 -8.03125 C 1.785156 -6.820312 1.953125 -5.546875 1.953125 -4.203125 C 1.953125 -2.898438 1.789062 -1.648438 1.46875 -0.453125 C 1.144531 0.742188 0.609375 1.945312 -0.140625 3.15625 Z M -0.140625 3.15625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-13"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 5.703125 0 L 5.703125 -11.34375 L 4.65625 -11.34375 C 4.582031 -10.914062 4.441406 -10.5625 4.234375 -10.28125 C 4.035156 -10.007812 3.789062 -9.789062 3.5 -9.625 C 3.207031 -9.46875 2.878906 -9.359375 2.515625 -9.296875 C 2.148438 -9.242188 1.773438 -9.21875 1.390625 -9.21875 L 1.390625 -8.125 L 4.34375 -8.125 L 4.34375 0 Z M 5.703125 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-14"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.109375 -6.5 L 3.109375 -8.265625 L 1.328125 -8.265625 L 1.328125 -6.5 Z M 1.328125 -1.78125 L 1.328125 0 L 3.109375 0 L 3.109375 -1.78125 Z M 1.328125 -1.78125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-15"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d=""/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-16"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 8.15625 -0.703125 L 8.15625 -8.265625 L 6.875 -8.265625 L 6.875 -7.09375 L 6.859375 -7.09375 C 6.617188 -7.550781 6.28125 -7.894531 5.84375 -8.125 C 5.40625 -8.351562 4.925781 -8.46875 4.40625 -8.46875 C 3.6875 -8.46875 3.082031 -8.328125 2.59375 -8.046875 C 2.101562 -7.773438 1.707031 -7.429688 1.40625 -7.015625 C 1.101562 -6.597656 0.890625 -6.128906 0.765625 -5.609375 C 0.640625 -5.085938 0.578125 -4.582031 0.578125 -4.09375 C 0.578125 -3.53125 0.65625 -2.992188 0.8125 -2.484375 C 0.96875 -1.984375 1.195312 -1.539062 1.5 -1.15625 C 1.8125 -0.78125 2.195312 -0.476562 2.65625 -0.25 C 3.113281 -0.03125 3.648438 0.078125 4.265625 0.078125 C 4.804688 0.078125 5.3125 -0.0390625 5.78125 -0.28125 C 6.257812 -0.519531 6.613281 -0.894531 6.84375 -1.40625 L 6.875 -1.40625 L 6.875 -0.859375 C 6.875 -0.398438 6.828125 0.015625 6.734375 0.390625 C 6.648438 0.773438 6.503906 1.101562 6.296875 1.375 C 6.097656 1.65625 5.84375 1.867188 5.53125 2.015625 C 5.226562 2.171875 4.851562 2.25 4.40625 2.25 C 4.175781 2.25 3.9375 2.222656 3.6875 2.171875 C 3.445312 2.128906 3.222656 2.054688 3.015625 1.953125 C 2.804688 1.847656 2.628906 1.707031 2.484375 1.53125 C 2.335938 1.363281 2.257812 1.15625 2.25 0.90625 L 0.890625 0.90625 C 0.910156 1.351562 1.023438 1.734375 1.234375 2.046875 C 1.453125 2.359375 1.722656 2.609375 2.046875 2.796875 C 2.378906 2.992188 2.742188 3.132812 3.140625 3.21875 C 3.546875 3.300781 3.9375 3.34375 4.3125 3.34375 C 5.632812 3.34375 6.601562 3.003906 7.21875 2.328125 C 7.84375 1.660156 8.15625 0.648438 8.15625 -0.703125 Z M 4.359375 -1.109375 C 3.910156 -1.109375 3.535156 -1.195312 3.234375 -1.375 C 2.929688 -1.5625 2.6875 -1.804688 2.5 -2.109375 C 2.320312 -2.421875 2.195312 -2.765625 2.125 -3.140625 C 2.050781 -3.515625 2.015625 -3.882812 2.015625 -4.25 C 2.015625 -4.644531 2.054688 -5.023438 2.140625 -5.390625 C 2.234375 -5.753906 2.378906 -6.070312 2.578125 -6.34375 C 2.773438 -6.625 3.03125 -6.847656 3.34375 -7.015625 C 3.65625 -7.179688 4.03125 -7.265625 4.46875 -7.265625 C 4.894531 -7.265625 5.253906 -7.175781 5.546875 -7 C 5.847656 -6.832031 6.09375 -6.609375 6.28125 -6.328125 C 6.46875 -6.046875 6.601562 -5.726562 6.6875 -5.375 C 6.769531 -5.019531 6.8125 -4.660156 6.8125 -4.296875 C 6.8125 -3.921875 6.765625 -3.539062 6.671875 -3.15625 C 6.585938 -2.769531 6.445312 -2.421875 6.25 -2.109375 C 6.0625 -1.804688 5.8125 -1.5625 5.5 -1.375 C 5.1875 -1.195312 4.804688 -1.109375 4.359375 -1.109375 Z M 4.359375 -1.109375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-17"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 11.5625 0 L 14.625 -11.421875 L 13.109375 -11.421875 L 10.78125 -1.921875 L 10.75 -1.921875 L 8.21875 -11.421875 L 6.578125 -11.421875 L 4.015625 -1.921875 L 3.984375 -1.921875 L 1.75 -11.421875 L 0.1875 -11.421875 L 3.125 0 L 4.703125 0 L 7.34375 -9.59375 L 7.375 -9.59375 L 9.984375 0 Z M 11.5625 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-18"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.96875 -8.265625 L 0.96875 0 L 2.34375 0 L 2.34375 -3.6875 C 2.34375 -4.21875 2.394531 -4.6875 2.5 -5.09375 C 2.601562 -5.507812 2.769531 -5.859375 3 -6.140625 C 3.238281 -6.429688 3.550781 -6.648438 3.9375 -6.796875 C 4.320312 -6.953125 4.785156 -7.03125 5.328125 -7.03125 L 5.328125 -8.46875 C 4.585938 -8.488281 3.976562 -8.335938 3.5 -8.015625 C 3.019531 -7.691406 2.613281 -7.195312 2.28125 -6.53125 L 2.25 -6.53125 L 2.25 -8.265625 Z M 0.96875 -8.265625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-19"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 7.203125 -3.265625 L 6.40625 -2.34375 L 7.65625 -1.328125 C 7.144531 -1.117188 6.617188 -1.015625 6.078125 -1.015625 C 5.390625 -1.015625 4.789062 -1.148438 4.28125 -1.421875 C 3.78125 -1.691406 3.367188 -2.050781 3.046875 -2.5 C 2.734375 -2.945312 2.5 -3.445312 2.34375 -4 C 2.195312 -4.5625 2.125 -5.132812 2.125 -5.71875 C 2.125 -6.289062 2.195312 -6.851562 2.34375 -7.40625 C 2.5 -7.96875 2.734375 -8.472656 3.046875 -8.921875 C 3.367188 -9.367188 3.78125 -9.726562 4.28125 -10 C 4.789062 -10.28125 5.390625 -10.421875 6.078125 -10.421875 C 6.773438 -10.421875 7.375 -10.28125 7.875 -10 C 8.375 -9.726562 8.78125 -9.367188 9.09375 -8.921875 C 9.414062 -8.472656 9.648438 -7.96875 9.796875 -7.40625 C 9.953125 -6.851562 10.03125 -6.289062 10.03125 -5.71875 C 10.03125 -5.007812 9.921875 -4.332031 9.703125 -3.6875 C 9.492188 -3.039062 9.164062 -2.492188 8.71875 -2.046875 Z M 10.5625 0.96875 L 11.328125 0.015625 L 9.828125 -1.171875 C 10.398438 -1.742188 10.828125 -2.425781 11.109375 -3.21875 C 11.398438 -4.007812 11.546875 -4.84375 11.546875 -5.71875 C 11.546875 -6.488281 11.429688 -7.234375 11.203125 -7.953125 C 10.972656 -8.679688 10.628906 -9.320312 10.171875 -9.875 C 9.710938 -10.425781 9.140625 -10.867188 8.453125 -11.203125 C 7.773438 -11.535156 6.984375 -11.703125 6.078125 -11.703125 C 5.171875 -11.703125 4.375 -11.535156 3.6875 -11.203125 C 3.007812 -10.867188 2.441406 -10.425781 1.984375 -9.875 C 1.523438 -9.320312 1.179688 -8.679688 0.953125 -7.953125 C 0.722656 -7.234375 0.609375 -6.488281 0.609375 -5.71875 C 0.609375 -4.9375 0.722656 -4.1875 0.953125 -3.46875 C 1.179688 -2.75 1.523438 -2.109375 1.984375 -1.546875 C 2.441406 -0.992188 3.007812 -0.554688 3.6875 -0.234375 C 4.375 0.0859375 5.171875 0.25 6.078125 0.25 C 7.128906 0.25 8.039062 0.0234375 8.8125 -0.421875 Z M 10.5625 0.96875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-20"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 7.875 0 L 7.875 -8.265625 L 6.515625 -8.265625 L 6.515625 -3.59375 C 6.515625 -3.226562 6.460938 -2.882812 6.359375 -2.5625 C 6.253906 -2.25 6.097656 -1.972656 5.890625 -1.734375 C 5.691406 -1.503906 5.441406 -1.328125 5.140625 -1.203125 C 4.835938 -1.078125 4.476562 -1.015625 4.0625 -1.015625 C 3.539062 -1.015625 3.128906 -1.160156 2.828125 -1.453125 C 2.535156 -1.753906 2.390625 -2.160156 2.390625 -2.671875 L 2.390625 -8.265625 L 1.03125 -8.265625 L 1.03125 -2.828125 C 1.03125 -2.378906 1.070312 -1.972656 1.15625 -1.609375 C 1.25 -1.242188 1.40625 -0.925781 1.625 -0.65625 C 1.851562 -0.382812 2.148438 -0.175781 2.515625 -0.03125 C 2.878906 0.101562 3.332031 0.171875 3.875 0.171875 C 4.476562 0.171875 5.003906 0.0507812 5.453125 -0.1875 C 5.898438 -0.425781 6.269531 -0.800781 6.5625 -1.3125 L 6.59375 -1.3125 L 6.59375 0 Z M 7.875 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-21"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.703125 -7.328125 L 2.0625 -7.328125 C 2.050781 -7.671875 2.082031 -8.007812 2.15625 -8.34375 C 2.238281 -8.675781 2.367188 -8.972656 2.546875 -9.234375 C 2.734375 -9.503906 2.96875 -9.722656 3.25 -9.890625 C 3.539062 -10.054688 3.878906 -10.140625 4.265625 -10.140625 C 4.566406 -10.140625 4.847656 -10.09375 5.109375 -10 C 5.378906 -9.90625 5.613281 -9.765625 5.8125 -9.578125 C 6.007812 -9.398438 6.164062 -9.1875 6.28125 -8.9375 C 6.40625 -8.6875 6.46875 -8.40625 6.46875 -8.09375 C 6.46875 -7.695312 6.40625 -7.347656 6.28125 -7.046875 C 6.15625 -6.753906 5.972656 -6.476562 5.734375 -6.21875 C 5.492188 -5.96875 5.191406 -5.71875 4.828125 -5.46875 C 4.460938 -5.21875 4.039062 -4.941406 3.5625 -4.640625 C 3.164062 -4.398438 2.785156 -4.144531 2.421875 -3.875 C 2.066406 -3.613281 1.742188 -3.304688 1.453125 -2.953125 C 1.171875 -2.609375 0.9375 -2.195312 0.75 -1.71875 C 0.5625 -1.25 0.441406 -0.675781 0.390625 0 L 7.796875 0 L 7.796875 -1.203125 L 1.96875 -1.203125 C 2.03125 -1.554688 2.164062 -1.867188 2.375 -2.140625 C 2.582031 -2.410156 2.832031 -2.660156 3.125 -2.890625 C 3.414062 -3.128906 3.738281 -3.351562 4.09375 -3.5625 C 4.445312 -3.769531 4.800781 -3.976562 5.15625 -4.1875 C 5.507812 -4.414062 5.847656 -4.648438 6.171875 -4.890625 C 6.503906 -5.140625 6.796875 -5.414062 7.046875 -5.71875 C 7.304688 -6.019531 7.515625 -6.363281 7.671875 -6.75 C 7.828125 -7.132812 7.90625 -7.578125 7.90625 -8.078125 C 7.90625 -8.609375 7.8125 -9.078125 7.625 -9.484375 C 7.4375 -9.890625 7.179688 -10.226562 6.859375 -10.5 C 6.546875 -10.769531 6.171875 -10.976562 5.734375 -11.125 C 5.304688 -11.269531 4.847656 -11.34375 4.359375 -11.34375 C 3.753906 -11.34375 3.21875 -11.238281 2.75 -11.03125 C 2.28125 -10.832031 1.890625 -10.550781 1.578125 -10.1875 C 1.265625 -9.832031 1.03125 -9.410156 0.875 -8.921875 C 0.726562 -8.429688 0.671875 -7.898438 0.703125 -7.328125 Z M 0.703125 -7.328125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-22"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 9.21875 0 L 11.859375 -8.265625 L 10.453125 -8.265625 L 8.59375 -1.5 L 8.5625 -1.5 L 6.828125 -8.265625 L 5.34375 -8.265625 L 3.6875 -1.5 L 3.640625 -1.5 L 1.78125 -8.265625 L 0.265625 -8.265625 L 2.921875 0 L 4.40625 0 L 6.0625 -6.578125 L 6.09375 -6.578125 L 7.78125 0 Z M 9.21875 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-23"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.46875 -9.765625 L 2.46875 -11.421875 L 1.109375 -11.421875 L 1.109375 -9.765625 Z M 1.109375 -8.265625 L 1.109375 0 L 2.46875 0 L 2.46875 -8.265625 Z M 1.109375 -8.265625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-24"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 6.640625 -5.609375 L 8.046875 -5.609375 C 7.992188 -6.109375 7.863281 -6.535156 7.65625 -6.890625 C 7.457031 -7.242188 7.203125 -7.535156 6.890625 -7.765625 C 6.578125 -8.003906 6.210938 -8.179688 5.796875 -8.296875 C 5.390625 -8.410156 4.953125 -8.46875 4.484375 -8.46875 C 3.828125 -8.46875 3.253906 -8.351562 2.765625 -8.125 C 2.273438 -7.894531 1.867188 -7.578125 1.546875 -7.171875 C 1.222656 -6.773438 0.976562 -6.304688 0.8125 -5.765625 C 0.65625 -5.222656 0.578125 -4.644531 0.578125 -4.03125 C 0.578125 -3.414062 0.660156 -2.847656 0.828125 -2.328125 C 0.992188 -1.804688 1.238281 -1.359375 1.5625 -0.984375 C 1.882812 -0.617188 2.285156 -0.332031 2.765625 -0.125 C 3.253906 0.0703125 3.816406 0.171875 4.453125 0.171875 C 5.503906 0.171875 6.335938 -0.101562 6.953125 -0.65625 C 7.566406 -1.207031 7.945312 -2 8.09375 -3.03125 L 6.703125 -3.03125 C 6.617188 -2.382812 6.382812 -1.882812 6 -1.53125 C 5.625 -1.1875 5.101562 -1.015625 4.4375 -1.015625 C 4.007812 -1.015625 3.640625 -1.097656 3.328125 -1.265625 C 3.015625 -1.429688 2.757812 -1.65625 2.5625 -1.9375 C 2.375 -2.226562 2.234375 -2.550781 2.140625 -2.90625 C 2.054688 -3.269531 2.015625 -3.644531 2.015625 -4.03125 C 2.015625 -4.445312 2.054688 -4.847656 2.140625 -5.234375 C 2.222656 -5.628906 2.363281 -5.972656 2.5625 -6.265625 C 2.757812 -6.566406 3.023438 -6.804688 3.359375 -6.984375 C 3.691406 -7.171875 4.101562 -7.265625 4.59375 -7.265625 C 5.164062 -7.265625 5.625 -7.117188 5.96875 -6.828125 C 6.3125 -6.546875 6.535156 -6.140625 6.640625 -5.609375 Z M 6.640625 -5.609375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-25"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.03125 -11.421875 L 1.03125 0 L 2.390625 0 L 2.390625 -4.671875 C 2.390625 -5.046875 2.4375 -5.390625 2.53125 -5.703125 C 2.632812 -6.015625 2.785156 -6.285156 2.984375 -6.515625 C 3.191406 -6.753906 3.445312 -6.9375 3.75 -7.0625 C 4.050781 -7.195312 4.410156 -7.265625 4.828125 -7.265625 C 5.347656 -7.265625 5.757812 -7.113281 6.0625 -6.8125 C 6.363281 -6.519531 6.515625 -6.113281 6.515625 -5.59375 L 6.515625 0 L 7.875 0 L 7.875 -5.4375 C 7.875 -5.882812 7.828125 -6.289062 7.734375 -6.65625 C 7.640625 -7.03125 7.476562 -7.347656 7.25 -7.609375 C 7.03125 -7.878906 6.738281 -8.085938 6.375 -8.234375 C 6.019531 -8.390625 5.570312 -8.46875 5.03125 -8.46875 C 4.78125 -8.46875 4.523438 -8.4375 4.265625 -8.375 C 4.003906 -8.320312 3.753906 -8.238281 3.515625 -8.125 C 3.273438 -8.019531 3.054688 -7.878906 2.859375 -7.703125 C 2.671875 -7.523438 2.523438 -7.3125 2.421875 -7.0625 L 2.390625 -7.0625 L 2.390625 -11.421875 Z M 1.03125 -11.421875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-26"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.796875 -5.09375 L 0.796875 -3.8125 L 5.421875 -3.8125 L 5.421875 -5.09375 Z M 0.796875 -5.09375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-27"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.734375 -0.953125 L 0.734375 0.109375 L 8.859375 -3.546875 L 8.859375 -4.546875 L 0.734375 -8.21875 L 0.734375 -7.140625 L 7.53125 -4.046875 Z M 0.734375 -0.953125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-28"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.484375 -6.484375 L 3.484375 -5.328125 C 3.742188 -5.359375 4.015625 -5.375 4.296875 -5.375 C 4.640625 -5.375 4.957031 -5.328125 5.25 -5.234375 C 5.550781 -5.148438 5.804688 -5.015625 6.015625 -4.828125 C 6.234375 -4.640625 6.40625 -4.410156 6.53125 -4.140625 C 6.65625 -3.867188 6.71875 -3.554688 6.71875 -3.203125 C 6.71875 -2.859375 6.648438 -2.550781 6.515625 -2.28125 C 6.378906 -2.007812 6.195312 -1.78125 5.96875 -1.59375 C 5.75 -1.40625 5.488281 -1.257812 5.1875 -1.15625 C 4.894531 -1.0625 4.582031 -1.015625 4.25 -1.015625 C 3.476562 -1.015625 2.890625 -1.242188 2.484375 -1.703125 C 2.078125 -2.171875 1.863281 -2.769531 1.84375 -3.5 L 0.484375 -3.5 C 0.472656 -2.914062 0.550781 -2.394531 0.71875 -1.9375 C 0.894531 -1.476562 1.148438 -1.085938 1.484375 -0.765625 C 1.816406 -0.453125 2.21875 -0.21875 2.6875 -0.0625 C 3.15625 0.09375 3.675781 0.171875 4.25 0.171875 C 4.789062 0.171875 5.296875 0.101562 5.765625 -0.03125 C 6.242188 -0.175781 6.65625 -0.394531 7 -0.6875 C 7.351562 -0.976562 7.632812 -1.335938 7.84375 -1.765625 C 8.050781 -2.203125 8.15625 -2.703125 8.15625 -3.265625 C 8.15625 -3.941406 7.988281 -4.53125 7.65625 -5.03125 C 7.320312 -5.539062 6.804688 -5.867188 6.109375 -6.015625 L 6.109375 -6.046875 C 6.554688 -6.253906 6.929688 -6.550781 7.234375 -6.9375 C 7.535156 -7.332031 7.6875 -7.785156 7.6875 -8.296875 C 7.6875 -8.828125 7.597656 -9.28125 7.421875 -9.65625 C 7.242188 -10.039062 7 -10.351562 6.6875 -10.59375 C 6.375 -10.84375 6.003906 -11.03125 5.578125 -11.15625 C 5.160156 -11.28125 4.707031 -11.34375 4.21875 -11.34375 C 3.65625 -11.34375 3.15625 -11.25 2.71875 -11.0625 C 2.289062 -10.882812 1.929688 -10.632812 1.640625 -10.3125 C 1.359375 -10 1.140625 -9.617188 0.984375 -9.171875 C 0.828125 -8.722656 0.738281 -8.226562 0.71875 -7.6875 L 2.078125 -7.6875 C 2.078125 -8.007812 2.117188 -8.320312 2.203125 -8.625 C 2.296875 -8.925781 2.425781 -9.1875 2.59375 -9.40625 C 2.769531 -9.632812 2.992188 -9.8125 3.265625 -9.9375 C 3.546875 -10.070312 3.863281 -10.140625 4.21875 -10.140625 C 4.800781 -10.140625 5.28125 -9.988281 5.65625 -9.6875 C 6.039062 -9.382812 6.234375 -8.925781 6.234375 -8.3125 C 6.234375 -8.019531 6.175781 -7.753906 6.0625 -7.515625 C 5.945312 -7.285156 5.789062 -7.09375 5.59375 -6.9375 C 5.394531 -6.78125 5.164062 -6.660156 4.90625 -6.578125 C 4.644531 -6.503906 4.367188 -6.46875 4.078125 -6.46875 L 3.796875 -6.46875 C 3.742188 -6.46875 3.6875 -6.46875 3.625 -6.46875 C 3.582031 -6.46875 3.535156 -6.472656 3.484375 -6.484375 Z M 3.484375 -6.484375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-29"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.015625 -4.0625 C 2.015625 -4.46875 2.054688 -4.863281 2.140625 -5.25 C 2.222656 -5.632812 2.359375 -5.972656 2.546875 -6.265625 C 2.742188 -6.566406 3.003906 -6.804688 3.328125 -6.984375 C 3.648438 -7.171875 4.039062 -7.265625 4.5 -7.265625 C 4.96875 -7.265625 5.363281 -7.175781 5.6875 -7 C 6.019531 -6.820312 6.289062 -6.585938 6.5 -6.296875 C 6.707031 -6.015625 6.859375 -5.679688 6.953125 -5.296875 C 7.054688 -4.921875 7.109375 -4.53125 7.109375 -4.125 C 7.109375 -3.738281 7.0625 -3.359375 6.96875 -2.984375 C 6.875 -2.617188 6.722656 -2.285156 6.515625 -1.984375 C 6.316406 -1.691406 6.054688 -1.457031 5.734375 -1.28125 C 5.421875 -1.101562 5.035156 -1.015625 4.578125 -1.015625 C 4.140625 -1.015625 3.753906 -1.097656 3.421875 -1.265625 C 3.097656 -1.429688 2.832031 -1.660156 2.625 -1.953125 C 2.414062 -2.242188 2.257812 -2.570312 2.15625 -2.9375 C 2.0625 -3.300781 2.015625 -3.675781 2.015625 -4.0625 Z M 8.421875 0 L 8.421875 -11.421875 L 7.0625 -11.421875 L 7.0625 -7.171875 L 7.03125 -7.171875 C 6.875 -7.410156 6.6875 -7.613281 6.46875 -7.78125 C 6.25 -7.945312 6.015625 -8.082031 5.765625 -8.1875 C 5.523438 -8.289062 5.28125 -8.363281 5.03125 -8.40625 C 4.789062 -8.445312 4.566406 -8.46875 4.359375 -8.46875 C 3.722656 -8.46875 3.164062 -8.351562 2.6875 -8.125 C 2.21875 -7.894531 1.828125 -7.582031 1.515625 -7.1875 C 1.203125 -6.800781 0.96875 -6.347656 0.8125 -5.828125 C 0.65625 -5.304688 0.578125 -4.75 0.578125 -4.15625 C 0.578125 -3.570312 0.65625 -3.019531 0.8125 -2.5 C 0.976562 -1.976562 1.21875 -1.519531 1.53125 -1.125 C 1.84375 -0.726562 2.234375 -0.410156 2.703125 -0.171875 C 3.179688 0.0546875 3.742188 0.171875 4.390625 0.171875 C 4.960938 0.171875 5.488281 0.0703125 5.96875 -0.125 C 6.445312 -0.332031 6.800781 -0.664062 7.03125 -1.125 L 7.0625 -1.125 L 7.0625 0 Z M 8.421875 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-30"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 9.796875 -1.421875 L 10.1875 0 L 11.15625 0 L 11.15625 -6.015625 L 6.140625 -6.015625 L 6.140625 -4.734375 L 9.796875 -4.734375 C 9.816406 -4.210938 9.742188 -3.722656 9.578125 -3.265625 C 9.421875 -2.816406 9.1875 -2.421875 8.875 -2.078125 C 8.5625 -1.742188 8.175781 -1.484375 7.71875 -1.296875 C 7.257812 -1.109375 6.726562 -1.015625 6.125 -1.015625 C 5.488281 -1.015625 4.925781 -1.140625 4.4375 -1.390625 C 3.957031 -1.640625 3.550781 -1.972656 3.21875 -2.390625 C 2.882812 -2.816406 2.628906 -3.300781 2.453125 -3.84375 C 2.285156 -4.394531 2.203125 -4.96875 2.203125 -5.5625 C 2.203125 -6.175781 2.273438 -6.769531 2.421875 -7.34375 C 2.578125 -7.925781 2.8125 -8.441406 3.125 -8.890625 C 3.4375 -9.347656 3.84375 -9.71875 4.34375 -10 C 4.84375 -10.28125 5.4375 -10.421875 6.125 -10.421875 C 6.550781 -10.421875 6.953125 -10.367188 7.328125 -10.265625 C 7.710938 -10.160156 8.050781 -10.003906 8.34375 -9.796875 C 8.644531 -9.597656 8.894531 -9.34375 9.09375 -9.03125 C 9.300781 -8.71875 9.441406 -8.34375 9.515625 -7.90625 L 11.046875 -7.90625 C 10.929688 -8.570312 10.726562 -9.144531 10.4375 -9.625 C 10.144531 -10.101562 9.78125 -10.492188 9.34375 -10.796875 C 8.914062 -11.109375 8.425781 -11.335938 7.875 -11.484375 C 7.332031 -11.628906 6.75 -11.703125 6.125 -11.703125 C 5.21875 -11.703125 4.425781 -11.53125 3.75 -11.1875 C 3.070312 -10.851562 2.503906 -10.398438 2.046875 -9.828125 C 1.597656 -9.265625 1.257812 -8.609375 1.03125 -7.859375 C 0.800781 -7.109375 0.6875 -6.316406 0.6875 -5.484375 C 0.6875 -4.742188 0.804688 -4.023438 1.046875 -3.328125 C 1.296875 -2.628906 1.65625 -2.015625 2.125 -1.484375 C 2.59375 -0.953125 3.160156 -0.53125 3.828125 -0.21875 C 4.503906 0.09375 5.269531 0.25 6.125 0.25 C 6.800781 0.25 7.46875 0.117188 8.125 -0.140625 C 8.789062 -0.398438 9.347656 -0.828125 9.796875 -1.421875 Z M 9.796875 -1.421875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-31"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 5.421875 -3.859375 L 1.609375 -3.859375 L 5.390625 -9.40625 L 5.421875 -9.40625 Z M 6.703125 -3.859375 L 6.703125 -11.34375 L 5.609375 -11.34375 L 0.453125 -3.96875 L 0.453125 -2.65625 L 5.421875 -2.65625 L 5.421875 0 L 6.703125 0 L 6.703125 -2.65625 L 8.234375 -2.65625 L 8.234375 -3.859375 Z M 6.703125 -3.859375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-32"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 2.125 -5.71875 C 2.125 -6.289062 2.195312 -6.851562 2.34375 -7.40625 C 2.5 -7.96875 2.734375 -8.472656 3.046875 -8.921875 C 3.367188 -9.367188 3.78125 -9.726562 4.28125 -10 C 4.789062 -10.28125 5.390625 -10.421875 6.078125 -10.421875 C 6.773438 -10.421875 7.375 -10.28125 7.875 -10 C 8.375 -9.726562 8.78125 -9.367188 9.09375 -8.921875 C 9.414062 -8.472656 9.648438 -7.96875 9.796875 -7.40625 C 9.953125 -6.851562 10.03125 -6.289062 10.03125 -5.71875 C 10.03125 -5.132812 9.953125 -4.5625 9.796875 -4 C 9.648438 -3.445312 9.414062 -2.945312 9.09375 -2.5 C 8.78125 -2.050781 8.375 -1.691406 7.875 -1.421875 C 7.375 -1.148438 6.773438 -1.015625 6.078125 -1.015625 C 5.390625 -1.015625 4.789062 -1.148438 4.28125 -1.421875 C 3.78125 -1.691406 3.367188 -2.050781 3.046875 -2.5 C 2.734375 -2.945312 2.5 -3.445312 2.34375 -4 C 2.195312 -4.5625 2.125 -5.132812 2.125 -5.71875 Z M 0.609375 -5.71875 C 0.609375 -4.9375 0.722656 -4.1875 0.953125 -3.46875 C 1.179688 -2.75 1.523438 -2.109375 1.984375 -1.546875 C 2.441406 -0.992188 3.007812 -0.554688 3.6875 -0.234375 C 4.375 0.0859375 5.171875 0.25 6.078125 0.25 C 6.984375 0.25 7.773438 0.0859375 8.453125 -0.234375 C 9.140625 -0.554688 9.710938 -0.992188 10.171875 -1.546875 C 10.628906 -2.109375 10.972656 -2.75 11.203125 -3.46875 C 11.429688 -4.1875 11.546875 -4.9375 11.546875 -5.71875 C 11.546875 -6.488281 11.429688 -7.234375 11.203125 -7.953125 C 10.972656 -8.679688 10.628906 -9.320312 10.171875 -9.875 C 9.710938 -10.425781 9.140625 -10.867188 8.453125 -11.203125 C 7.773438 -11.535156 6.984375 -11.703125 6.078125 -11.703125 C 5.171875 -11.703125 4.375 -11.535156 3.6875 -11.203125 C 3.007812 -10.867188 2.441406 -10.425781 1.984375 -9.875 C 1.523438 -9.320312 1.179688 -8.679688 0.953125 -7.953125 C 0.722656 -7.234375 0.609375 -6.488281 0.609375 -5.71875 Z M 0.609375 -5.71875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-33"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.03125 -8.265625 L 1.03125 0 L 2.390625 0 L 2.390625 -5.15625 C 2.390625 -5.3125 2.425781 -5.507812 2.5 -5.75 C 2.582031 -5.988281 2.710938 -6.21875 2.890625 -6.4375 C 3.066406 -6.664062 3.296875 -6.859375 3.578125 -7.015625 C 3.859375 -7.179688 4.195312 -7.265625 4.59375 -7.265625 C 4.90625 -7.265625 5.15625 -7.21875 5.34375 -7.125 C 5.539062 -7.03125 5.695312 -6.898438 5.8125 -6.734375 C 5.9375 -6.578125 6.019531 -6.382812 6.0625 -6.15625 C 6.113281 -5.9375 6.140625 -5.691406 6.140625 -5.421875 L 6.140625 0 L 7.5 0 L 7.5 -5.15625 C 7.5 -5.789062 7.691406 -6.300781 8.078125 -6.6875 C 8.460938 -7.070312 8.988281 -7.265625 9.65625 -7.265625 C 9.988281 -7.265625 10.257812 -7.210938 10.46875 -7.109375 C 10.675781 -7.015625 10.835938 -6.882812 10.953125 -6.71875 C 11.078125 -6.5625 11.160156 -6.367188 11.203125 -6.140625 C 11.242188 -5.921875 11.265625 -5.679688 11.265625 -5.421875 L 11.265625 0 L 12.625 0 L 12.625 -6.0625 C 12.625 -6.488281 12.554688 -6.851562 12.421875 -7.15625 C 12.285156 -7.457031 12.097656 -7.703125 11.859375 -7.890625 C 11.617188 -8.085938 11.332031 -8.234375 11 -8.328125 C 10.664062 -8.421875 10.289062 -8.46875 9.875 -8.46875 C 9.332031 -8.46875 8.832031 -8.34375 8.375 -8.09375 C 7.925781 -7.851562 7.5625 -7.507812 7.28125 -7.0625 C 7.113281 -7.570312 6.820312 -7.929688 6.40625 -8.140625 C 5.988281 -8.359375 5.523438 -8.46875 5.015625 -8.46875 C 3.847656 -8.46875 2.957031 -8 2.34375 -7.0625 L 2.296875 -7.0625 L 2.296875 -8.265625 Z M 1.03125 -8.265625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-34"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 7.515625 -9.953125 L 7.515625 -11.15625 L 1.921875 -11.15625 L 0.859375 -5.265625 L 2.03125 -5.203125 C 2.300781 -5.523438 2.609375 -5.78125 2.953125 -5.96875 C 3.296875 -6.164062 3.691406 -6.265625 4.140625 -6.265625 C 4.523438 -6.265625 4.875 -6.203125 5.1875 -6.078125 C 5.5 -5.953125 5.769531 -5.773438 6 -5.546875 C 6.226562 -5.316406 6.398438 -5.039062 6.515625 -4.71875 C 6.640625 -4.40625 6.703125 -4.066406 6.703125 -3.703125 C 6.703125 -3.253906 6.632812 -2.859375 6.5 -2.515625 C 6.375 -2.179688 6.203125 -1.898438 5.984375 -1.671875 C 5.765625 -1.453125 5.507812 -1.285156 5.21875 -1.171875 C 4.925781 -1.066406 4.617188 -1.015625 4.296875 -1.015625 C 3.960938 -1.015625 3.648438 -1.0625 3.359375 -1.15625 C 3.078125 -1.257812 2.832031 -1.40625 2.625 -1.59375 C 2.414062 -1.78125 2.25 -2 2.125 -2.25 C 2.007812 -2.5 1.941406 -2.769531 1.921875 -3.0625 L 0.5625 -3.0625 C 0.570312 -2.539062 0.671875 -2.078125 0.859375 -1.671875 C 1.054688 -1.273438 1.316406 -0.9375 1.640625 -0.65625 C 1.972656 -0.382812 2.351562 -0.175781 2.78125 -0.03125 C 3.21875 0.101562 3.679688 0.171875 4.171875 0.171875 C 4.835938 0.171875 5.414062 0.0664062 5.90625 -0.140625 C 6.40625 -0.347656 6.816406 -0.625 7.140625 -0.96875 C 7.472656 -1.320312 7.722656 -1.722656 7.890625 -2.171875 C 8.054688 -2.628906 8.140625 -3.097656 8.140625 -3.578125 C 8.140625 -4.234375 8.039062 -4.800781 7.84375 -5.28125 C 7.65625 -5.769531 7.394531 -6.175781 7.0625 -6.5 C 6.738281 -6.820312 6.351562 -7.0625 5.90625 -7.21875 C 5.457031 -7.382812 4.984375 -7.46875 4.484375 -7.46875 C 4.097656 -7.46875 3.707031 -7.398438 3.3125 -7.265625 C 2.925781 -7.140625 2.613281 -6.9375 2.375 -6.65625 L 2.34375 -6.6875 L 2.9375 -9.953125 Z M 7.515625 -9.953125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-35"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 6.625 -8.453125 L 7.984375 -8.453125 C 7.898438 -9.390625 7.578125 -10.101562 7.015625 -10.59375 C 6.460938 -11.09375 5.71875 -11.34375 4.78125 -11.34375 C 3.96875 -11.34375 3.296875 -11.171875 2.765625 -10.828125 C 2.234375 -10.484375 1.804688 -10.03125 1.484375 -9.46875 C 1.171875 -8.90625 0.945312 -8.257812 0.8125 -7.53125 C 0.675781 -6.800781 0.609375 -6.046875 0.609375 -5.265625 C 0.609375 -4.671875 0.648438 -4.050781 0.734375 -3.40625 C 0.828125 -2.769531 1.015625 -2.179688 1.296875 -1.640625 C 1.578125 -1.109375 1.972656 -0.671875 2.484375 -0.328125 C 2.992188 0.00390625 3.671875 0.171875 4.515625 0.171875 C 5.222656 0.171875 5.820312 0.0507812 6.3125 -0.1875 C 6.800781 -0.425781 7.191406 -0.726562 7.484375 -1.09375 C 7.773438 -1.457031 7.984375 -1.863281 8.109375 -2.3125 C 8.234375 -2.757812 8.296875 -3.191406 8.296875 -3.609375 C 8.296875 -4.140625 8.21875 -4.628906 8.0625 -5.078125 C 7.90625 -5.523438 7.675781 -5.910156 7.375 -6.234375 C 7.082031 -6.566406 6.71875 -6.828125 6.28125 -7.015625 C 5.851562 -7.203125 5.367188 -7.296875 4.828125 -7.296875 C 4.210938 -7.296875 3.664062 -7.175781 3.1875 -6.9375 C 2.71875 -6.707031 2.320312 -6.332031 2 -5.8125 L 1.96875 -5.84375 C 1.976562 -6.28125 2.019531 -6.75 2.09375 -7.25 C 2.164062 -7.75 2.300781 -8.210938 2.5 -8.640625 C 2.695312 -9.078125 2.972656 -9.4375 3.328125 -9.71875 C 3.679688 -10 4.144531 -10.140625 4.71875 -10.140625 C 5.257812 -10.140625 5.695312 -9.984375 6.03125 -9.671875 C 6.363281 -9.367188 6.5625 -8.960938 6.625 -8.453125 Z M 4.578125 -6.09375 C 4.960938 -6.09375 5.296875 -6.023438 5.578125 -5.890625 C 5.867188 -5.753906 6.109375 -5.566406 6.296875 -5.328125 C 6.492188 -5.097656 6.632812 -4.828125 6.71875 -4.515625 C 6.8125 -4.203125 6.859375 -3.867188 6.859375 -3.515625 C 6.859375 -3.191406 6.804688 -2.875 6.703125 -2.5625 C 6.609375 -2.257812 6.460938 -1.988281 6.265625 -1.75 C 6.078125 -1.519531 5.84375 -1.335938 5.5625 -1.203125 C 5.28125 -1.078125 4.953125 -1.015625 4.578125 -1.015625 C 4.203125 -1.015625 3.867188 -1.078125 3.578125 -1.203125 C 3.285156 -1.335938 3.039062 -1.515625 2.84375 -1.734375 C 2.644531 -1.960938 2.488281 -2.234375 2.375 -2.546875 C 2.269531 -2.859375 2.21875 -3.1875 2.21875 -3.53125 C 2.21875 -3.882812 2.269531 -4.21875 2.375 -4.53125 C 2.476562 -4.851562 2.628906 -5.128906 2.828125 -5.359375 C 3.035156 -5.585938 3.28125 -5.765625 3.5625 -5.890625 C 3.851562 -6.023438 4.191406 -6.09375 4.578125 -6.09375 Z M 4.578125 -6.09375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph0-36"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.109375 -6.5 L 3.109375 -8.265625 L 1.328125 -8.265625 L 1.328125 -6.5 Z M 1.328125 -1.78125 L 1.328125 0 L 2.265625 0 C 2.273438 0.125 2.265625 0.257812 2.234375 0.40625 C 2.210938 0.5625 2.164062 0.710938 2.09375 0.859375 C 2.019531 1.003906 1.921875 1.132812 1.796875 1.25 C 1.671875 1.375 1.519531 1.46875 1.34375 1.53125 L 1.34375 2.34375 C 1.957031 2.15625 2.40625 1.84375 2.6875 1.40625 C 2.976562 0.96875 3.117188 0.445312 3.109375 -0.15625 L 3.109375 -1.78125 Z M 1.328125 -1.78125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-0"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.390625 0 L 0.390625 -8.609375 L 7.21875 -8.609375 L 7.21875 0 Z M 6.140625 -1.078125 L 6.140625 -7.53125 L 1.46875 -7.53125 L 1.46875 -1.078125 Z M 6.140625 -1.078125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-1"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.171875 -8.609375 L 2.359375 -8.609375 L 2.359375 0 L 1.171875 0 Z M 1.171875 -8.609375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-2"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 4.21875 -1 C 4.613281 -1 4.9375 -1.039062 5.1875 -1.125 C 5.644531 -1.269531 6.019531 -1.5625 6.3125 -2 C 6.539062 -2.34375 6.703125 -2.785156 6.796875 -3.328125 C 6.859375 -3.660156 6.890625 -3.960938 6.890625 -4.234375 C 6.890625 -5.304688 6.675781 -6.132812 6.25 -6.71875 C 5.832031 -7.3125 5.148438 -7.609375 4.203125 -7.609375 L 2.140625 -7.609375 L 2.140625 -1 Z M 0.96875 -8.609375 L 4.453125 -8.609375 C 5.640625 -8.609375 6.554688 -8.1875 7.203125 -7.34375 C 7.785156 -6.59375 8.078125 -5.625 8.078125 -4.4375 C 8.078125 -3.519531 7.90625 -2.691406 7.5625 -1.953125 C 6.957031 -0.648438 5.914062 0 4.4375 0 L 0.96875 0 Z M 0.96875 -8.609375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-3"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 4.640625 -8.828125 C 5.441406 -8.828125 6.140625 -8.671875 6.734375 -8.359375 C 7.585938 -7.910156 8.109375 -7.125 8.296875 -6 L 7.15625 -6 C 7.007812 -6.625 6.710938 -7.082031 6.265625 -7.375 C 5.828125 -7.664062 5.273438 -7.8125 4.609375 -7.8125 C 3.804688 -7.8125 3.132812 -7.507812 2.59375 -6.90625 C 2.050781 -6.3125 1.78125 -5.421875 1.78125 -4.234375 C 1.78125 -3.210938 2.003906 -2.378906 2.453125 -1.734375 C 2.898438 -1.097656 3.628906 -0.78125 4.640625 -0.78125 C 5.421875 -0.78125 6.066406 -1.003906 6.578125 -1.453125 C 7.085938 -1.898438 7.347656 -2.628906 7.359375 -3.640625 L 4.671875 -3.640625 L 4.671875 -4.609375 L 8.4375 -4.609375 L 8.4375 0 L 7.6875 0 L 7.40625 -1.109375 C 7.019531 -0.671875 6.671875 -0.367188 6.359375 -0.203125 C 5.847656 0.0859375 5.195312 0.234375 4.40625 0.234375 C 3.394531 0.234375 2.519531 -0.0976562 1.78125 -0.765625 C 0.976562 -1.585938 0.578125 -2.722656 0.578125 -4.171875 C 0.578125 -5.609375 0.96875 -6.753906 1.75 -7.609375 C 2.488281 -8.421875 3.453125 -8.828125 4.640625 -8.828125 Z M 4.4375 -8.84375 Z M 4.4375 -8.84375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-4"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 4.546875 -8.84375 C 5.628906 -8.84375 6.472656 -8.554688 7.078125 -7.984375 C 7.679688 -7.410156 8.015625 -6.757812 8.078125 -6.03125 L 6.9375 -6.03125 C 6.8125 -6.582031 6.554688 -7.019531 6.171875 -7.34375 C 5.785156 -7.664062 5.242188 -7.828125 4.546875 -7.828125 C 3.703125 -7.828125 3.019531 -7.53125 2.5 -6.9375 C 1.976562 -6.34375 1.71875 -5.429688 1.71875 -4.203125 C 1.71875 -3.191406 1.953125 -2.367188 2.421875 -1.734375 C 2.890625 -1.109375 3.59375 -0.796875 4.53125 -0.796875 C 5.382812 -0.796875 6.039062 -1.128906 6.5 -1.796875 C 6.726562 -2.140625 6.90625 -2.597656 7.03125 -3.171875 L 8.15625 -3.171875 C 8.0625 -2.265625 7.726562 -1.503906 7.15625 -0.890625 C 6.46875 -0.148438 5.546875 0.21875 4.390625 0.21875 C 3.390625 0.21875 2.550781 -0.0820312 1.875 -0.6875 C 0.976562 -1.488281 0.53125 -2.722656 0.53125 -4.390625 C 0.53125 -5.660156 0.863281 -6.703125 1.53125 -7.515625 C 2.257812 -8.398438 3.265625 -8.84375 4.546875 -8.84375 Z M 4.3125 -8.84375 Z M 4.3125 -8.84375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-5"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.265625 -0.6875 C 3.960938 -0.6875 4.441406 -0.945312 4.703125 -1.46875 C 4.960938 -2 5.09375 -2.585938 5.09375 -3.234375 C 5.09375 -3.828125 5 -4.304688 4.8125 -4.671875 C 4.507812 -5.242188 4 -5.53125 3.28125 -5.53125 C 2.632812 -5.53125 2.164062 -5.285156 1.875 -4.796875 C 1.582031 -4.304688 1.4375 -3.710938 1.4375 -3.015625 C 1.4375 -2.347656 1.582031 -1.789062 1.875 -1.34375 C 2.164062 -0.90625 2.628906 -0.6875 3.265625 -0.6875 Z M 3.3125 -6.453125 C 4.113281 -6.453125 4.789062 -6.179688 5.34375 -5.640625 C 5.90625 -5.109375 6.1875 -4.316406 6.1875 -3.265625 C 6.1875 -2.253906 5.941406 -1.414062 5.453125 -0.75 C 4.960938 -0.09375 4.203125 0.234375 3.171875 0.234375 C 2.304688 0.234375 1.617188 -0.0546875 1.109375 -0.640625 C 0.597656 -1.234375 0.34375 -2.019531 0.34375 -3 C 0.34375 -4.050781 0.609375 -4.890625 1.140625 -5.515625 C 1.679688 -6.140625 2.40625 -6.453125 3.3125 -6.453125 Z M 3.265625 -6.421875 Z M 3.265625 -6.421875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-6"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.828125 -6.28125 L 1.828125 -2.109375 C 1.828125 -1.785156 1.878906 -1.523438 1.984375 -1.328125 C 2.171875 -0.953125 2.519531 -0.765625 3.03125 -0.765625 C 3.757812 -0.765625 4.257812 -1.09375 4.53125 -1.75 C 4.675781 -2.101562 4.75 -2.582031 4.75 -3.1875 L 4.75 -6.28125 L 5.796875 -6.28125 L 5.796875 0 L 4.8125 0 L 4.8125 -0.921875 C 4.675781 -0.679688 4.507812 -0.484375 4.3125 -0.328125 C 3.90625 0.00390625 3.414062 0.171875 2.84375 0.171875 C 1.945312 0.171875 1.335938 -0.128906 1.015625 -0.734375 C 0.835938 -1.046875 0.75 -1.472656 0.75 -2.015625 L 0.75 -6.28125 Z M 3.28125 -6.421875 Z M 3.28125 -6.421875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-7"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.78125 -6.28125 L 1.78125 -6.28125 L 1.78125 -5.390625 C 2.070312 -5.753906 2.382812 -6.015625 2.71875 -6.171875 C 3.050781 -6.335938 3.421875 -6.421875 3.828125 -6.421875 C 4.710938 -6.421875 5.3125 -6.109375 5.625 -5.484375 C 5.800781 -5.140625 5.890625 -4.65625 5.890625 -4.03125 L 5.890625 0 L 4.8125 0 L 4.8125 -3.953125 C 4.8125 -4.335938 4.753906 -4.644531 4.640625 -4.875 C 4.453125 -5.269531 4.113281 -5.46875 3.625 -5.46875 C 3.375 -5.46875 3.171875 -5.441406 3.015625 -5.390625 C 2.722656 -5.304688 2.46875 -5.132812 2.25 -4.875 C 2.070312 -4.664062 1.957031 -4.453125 1.90625 -4.234375 C 1.851562 -4.015625 1.828125 -3.695312 1.828125 -3.28125 L 1.828125 0 L 0.78125 0 Z M 3.25 -6.421875 Z M 3.25 -6.421875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-8"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.984375 -8.03125 L 2.046875 -8.03125 L 2.046875 -6.28125 L 3.046875 -6.28125 L 3.046875 -5.421875 L 2.046875 -5.421875 L 2.046875 -1.3125 C 2.046875 -1.09375 2.125 -0.945312 2.28125 -0.875 C 2.351562 -0.832031 2.488281 -0.8125 2.6875 -0.8125 C 2.738281 -0.8125 2.789062 -0.8125 2.84375 -0.8125 C 2.90625 -0.820312 2.972656 -0.828125 3.046875 -0.828125 L 3.046875 0 C 2.929688 0.03125 2.804688 0.0507812 2.671875 0.0625 C 2.546875 0.0820312 2.40625 0.09375 2.25 0.09375 C 1.757812 0.09375 1.425781 -0.03125 1.25 -0.28125 C 1.070312 -0.53125 0.984375 -0.859375 0.984375 -1.265625 L 0.984375 -5.421875 L 0.140625 -5.421875 L 0.140625 -6.28125 L 0.984375 -6.28125 Z M 0.984375 -8.03125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-9"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 4.625 -8.84375 C 6.144531 -8.84375 7.269531 -8.351562 8 -7.375 C 8.570312 -6.613281 8.859375 -5.640625 8.859375 -4.453125 C 8.859375 -3.171875 8.53125 -2.101562 7.875 -1.25 C 7.113281 -0.25 6.023438 0.25 4.609375 0.25 C 3.285156 0.25 2.242188 -0.1875 1.484375 -1.0625 C 0.804688 -1.90625 0.46875 -2.972656 0.46875 -4.265625 C 0.46875 -5.421875 0.757812 -6.414062 1.34375 -7.25 C 2.082031 -8.3125 3.175781 -8.84375 4.625 -8.84375 Z M 4.75 -0.796875 C 5.769531 -0.796875 6.507812 -1.160156 6.96875 -1.890625 C 7.4375 -2.628906 7.671875 -3.476562 7.671875 -4.4375 C 7.671875 -5.445312 7.40625 -6.257812 6.875 -6.875 C 6.34375 -7.5 5.617188 -7.8125 4.703125 -7.8125 C 3.804688 -7.8125 3.078125 -7.503906 2.515625 -6.890625 C 1.953125 -6.273438 1.671875 -5.375 1.671875 -4.1875 C 1.671875 -3.226562 1.910156 -2.421875 2.390625 -1.765625 C 2.878906 -1.117188 3.664062 -0.796875 4.75 -0.796875 Z M 4.671875 -8.84375 Z M 4.671875 -8.84375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-10"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.4375 -3.0625 C 1.4375 -2.394531 1.578125 -1.832031 1.859375 -1.375 C 2.148438 -0.925781 2.609375 -0.703125 3.234375 -0.703125 C 3.722656 -0.703125 4.125 -0.910156 4.4375 -1.328125 C 4.757812 -1.742188 4.921875 -2.347656 4.921875 -3.140625 C 4.921875 -3.929688 4.753906 -4.515625 4.421875 -4.890625 C 4.097656 -5.273438 3.703125 -5.46875 3.234375 -5.46875 C 2.703125 -5.46875 2.269531 -5.265625 1.9375 -4.859375 C 1.601562 -4.453125 1.4375 -3.851562 1.4375 -3.0625 Z M 3.03125 -6.390625 C 3.507812 -6.390625 3.910156 -6.285156 4.234375 -6.078125 C 4.421875 -5.960938 4.632812 -5.757812 4.875 -5.46875 L 4.875 -8.640625 L 5.890625 -8.640625 L 5.890625 0 L 4.9375 0 L 4.9375 -0.875 C 4.695312 -0.488281 4.40625 -0.207031 4.0625 -0.03125 C 3.726562 0.132812 3.34375 0.21875 2.90625 0.21875 C 2.207031 0.21875 1.601562 -0.0703125 1.09375 -0.65625 C 0.582031 -1.25 0.328125 -2.03125 0.328125 -3 C 0.328125 -3.914062 0.5625 -4.707031 1.03125 -5.375 C 1.5 -6.050781 2.164062 -6.390625 3.03125 -6.390625 Z M 3.03125 -6.390625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-11"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 3.390625 -6.421875 C 3.835938 -6.421875 4.269531 -6.316406 4.6875 -6.109375 C 5.101562 -5.898438 5.421875 -5.628906 5.640625 -5.296875 C 5.847656 -4.972656 5.988281 -4.601562 6.0625 -4.1875 C 6.125 -3.894531 6.15625 -3.429688 6.15625 -2.796875 L 1.546875 -2.796875 C 1.566406 -2.160156 1.71875 -1.648438 2 -1.265625 C 2.28125 -0.878906 2.71875 -0.6875 3.3125 -0.6875 C 3.863281 -0.6875 4.300781 -0.867188 4.625 -1.234375 C 4.8125 -1.441406 4.945312 -1.6875 5.03125 -1.96875 L 6.0625 -1.96875 C 6.039062 -1.738281 5.953125 -1.484375 5.796875 -1.203125 C 5.640625 -0.921875 5.46875 -0.6875 5.28125 -0.5 C 4.957031 -0.1875 4.554688 0.0195312 4.078125 0.125 C 3.828125 0.1875 3.539062 0.21875 3.21875 0.21875 C 2.4375 0.21875 1.773438 -0.0625 1.234375 -0.625 C 0.691406 -1.195312 0.421875 -1.992188 0.421875 -3.015625 C 0.421875 -4.023438 0.691406 -4.84375 1.234375 -5.46875 C 1.785156 -6.101562 2.503906 -6.421875 3.390625 -6.421875 Z M 5.0625 -3.640625 C 5.019531 -4.097656 4.921875 -4.460938 4.765625 -4.734375 C 4.484375 -5.242188 4.003906 -5.5 3.328125 -5.5 C 2.835938 -5.5 2.425781 -5.320312 2.09375 -4.96875 C 1.769531 -4.625 1.597656 -4.179688 1.578125 -3.640625 Z M 3.28125 -6.421875 Z M 3.28125 -6.421875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-12"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d=""/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-13"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.578125 -1.671875 C 1.578125 -1.367188 1.6875 -1.128906 1.90625 -0.953125 C 2.132812 -0.773438 2.398438 -0.6875 2.703125 -0.6875 C 3.078125 -0.6875 3.4375 -0.769531 3.78125 -0.9375 C 4.375 -1.226562 4.671875 -1.695312 4.671875 -2.34375 L 4.671875 -3.1875 C 4.535156 -3.113281 4.363281 -3.046875 4.15625 -2.984375 C 3.957031 -2.929688 3.757812 -2.894531 3.5625 -2.875 L 2.9375 -2.796875 C 2.550781 -2.742188 2.257812 -2.660156 2.0625 -2.546875 C 1.738281 -2.367188 1.578125 -2.078125 1.578125 -1.671875 Z M 4.140625 -3.796875 C 4.378906 -3.828125 4.539062 -3.929688 4.625 -4.109375 C 4.664062 -4.203125 4.6875 -4.335938 4.6875 -4.515625 C 4.6875 -4.867188 4.554688 -5.125 4.296875 -5.28125 C 4.046875 -5.445312 3.6875 -5.53125 3.21875 -5.53125 C 2.664062 -5.53125 2.273438 -5.382812 2.046875 -5.09375 C 1.910156 -4.925781 1.820312 -4.679688 1.78125 -4.359375 L 0.796875 -4.359375 C 0.816406 -5.128906 1.066406 -5.664062 1.546875 -5.96875 C 2.035156 -6.269531 2.597656 -6.421875 3.234375 -6.421875 C 3.972656 -6.421875 4.570312 -6.28125 5.03125 -6 C 5.488281 -5.71875 5.71875 -5.28125 5.71875 -4.6875 L 5.71875 -1.078125 C 5.71875 -0.972656 5.738281 -0.882812 5.78125 -0.8125 C 5.832031 -0.75 5.929688 -0.71875 6.078125 -0.71875 C 6.117188 -0.71875 6.164062 -0.71875 6.21875 -0.71875 C 6.28125 -0.726562 6.347656 -0.738281 6.421875 -0.75 L 6.421875 0.03125 C 6.253906 0.0703125 6.125 0.0976562 6.03125 0.109375 C 5.945312 0.128906 5.832031 0.140625 5.6875 0.140625 C 5.320312 0.140625 5.0625 0.0078125 4.90625 -0.25 C 4.8125 -0.382812 4.75 -0.578125 4.71875 -0.828125 C 4.5 -0.546875 4.1875 -0.300781 3.78125 -0.09375 C 3.382812 0.113281 2.945312 0.21875 2.46875 0.21875 C 1.882812 0.21875 1.40625 0.0390625 1.03125 -0.3125 C 0.664062 -0.664062 0.484375 -1.109375 0.484375 -1.640625 C 0.484375 -2.222656 0.664062 -2.675781 1.03125 -3 C 1.394531 -3.320312 1.867188 -3.519531 2.453125 -3.59375 Z M 3.265625 -6.421875 Z M 3.265625 -6.421875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph1-14"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.796875 -6.28125 L 1.8125 -6.28125 L 1.8125 -5.1875 C 1.882812 -5.40625 2.082031 -5.664062 2.40625 -5.96875 C 2.726562 -6.269531 3.097656 -6.421875 3.515625 -6.421875 C 3.535156 -6.421875 3.566406 -6.414062 3.609375 -6.40625 C 3.660156 -6.40625 3.742188 -6.398438 3.859375 -6.390625 L 3.859375 -5.28125 C 3.796875 -5.289062 3.738281 -5.296875 3.6875 -5.296875 C 3.632812 -5.296875 3.578125 -5.296875 3.515625 -5.296875 C 2.984375 -5.296875 2.570312 -5.125 2.28125 -4.78125 C 2 -4.445312 1.859375 -4.054688 1.859375 -3.609375 L 1.859375 0 L 0.796875 0 Z M 0.796875 -6.28125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-0"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 4.90625 -7.984375 L 1.21875 -7.984375 L 1.21875 -0.5625 L 4.90625 -0.5625 Z M 5.515625 -8.546875 L 5.515625 -0.015625 L 0.609375 -0.015625 L 0.609375 -8.546875 Z M 5.515625 -8.546875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-1"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 6.953125 -5.984375 L 8.09375 -5.984375 C 8.03125 -6.441406 7.894531 -6.84375 7.6875 -7.1875 C 7.476562 -7.539062 7.21875 -7.832031 6.90625 -8.0625 C 6.59375 -8.289062 6.238281 -8.460938 5.84375 -8.578125 C 5.445312 -8.703125 5.023438 -8.765625 4.578125 -8.765625 C 3.921875 -8.765625 3.335938 -8.644531 2.828125 -8.40625 C 2.316406 -8.175781 1.890625 -7.859375 1.546875 -7.453125 C 1.210938 -7.046875 0.957031 -6.566406 0.78125 -6.015625 C 0.601562 -5.472656 0.515625 -4.890625 0.515625 -4.265625 C 0.515625 -3.640625 0.597656 -3.050781 0.765625 -2.5 C 0.929688 -1.957031 1.175781 -1.484375 1.5 -1.078125 C 1.820312 -0.679688 2.234375 -0.367188 2.734375 -0.140625 C 3.234375 0.078125 3.8125 0.1875 4.46875 0.1875 C 5.570312 0.1875 6.4375 -0.109375 7.0625 -0.703125 C 7.695312 -1.304688 8.070312 -2.148438 8.1875 -3.234375 L 7.046875 -3.234375 C 7.023438 -2.878906 6.953125 -2.546875 6.828125 -2.234375 C 6.703125 -1.929688 6.535156 -1.671875 6.328125 -1.453125 C 6.117188 -1.234375 5.867188 -1.0625 5.578125 -0.9375 C 5.285156 -0.8125 4.953125 -0.75 4.578125 -0.75 C 4.054688 -0.75 3.613281 -0.84375 3.25 -1.03125 C 2.882812 -1.226562 2.582031 -1.488281 2.34375 -1.8125 C 2.101562 -2.132812 1.925781 -2.515625 1.8125 -2.953125 C 1.707031 -3.390625 1.65625 -3.851562 1.65625 -4.34375 C 1.65625 -4.789062 1.707031 -5.222656 1.8125 -5.640625 C 1.925781 -6.054688 2.101562 -6.425781 2.34375 -6.75 C 2.582031 -7.070312 2.882812 -7.328125 3.25 -7.515625 C 3.613281 -7.710938 4.050781 -7.8125 4.5625 -7.8125 C 5.15625 -7.8125 5.671875 -7.660156 6.109375 -7.359375 C 6.546875 -7.054688 6.828125 -6.597656 6.953125 -5.984375 Z M 6.953125 -5.984375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-2"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.515625 -3.09375 C 1.515625 -3.46875 1.5625 -3.800781 1.65625 -4.09375 C 1.757812 -4.382812 1.898438 -4.628906 2.078125 -4.828125 C 2.253906 -5.035156 2.457031 -5.191406 2.6875 -5.296875 C 2.925781 -5.398438 3.175781 -5.453125 3.4375 -5.453125 C 3.707031 -5.453125 3.957031 -5.398438 4.1875 -5.296875 C 4.425781 -5.191406 4.632812 -5.035156 4.8125 -4.828125 C 4.988281 -4.628906 5.125 -4.382812 5.21875 -4.09375 C 5.320312 -3.800781 5.375 -3.46875 5.375 -3.09375 C 5.375 -2.71875 5.320312 -2.382812 5.21875 -2.09375 C 5.125 -1.800781 4.988281 -1.554688 4.8125 -1.359375 C 4.632812 -1.160156 4.425781 -1.007812 4.1875 -0.90625 C 3.957031 -0.800781 3.707031 -0.75 3.4375 -0.75 C 3.175781 -0.75 2.925781 -0.800781 2.6875 -0.90625 C 2.457031 -1.007812 2.253906 -1.160156 2.078125 -1.359375 C 1.898438 -1.554688 1.757812 -1.800781 1.65625 -2.09375 C 1.5625 -2.382812 1.515625 -2.71875 1.515625 -3.09375 Z M 0.4375 -3.09375 C 0.4375 -2.632812 0.5 -2.207031 0.625 -1.8125 C 0.75 -1.425781 0.9375 -1.085938 1.1875 -0.796875 C 1.445312 -0.503906 1.765625 -0.273438 2.140625 -0.109375 C 2.523438 0.046875 2.957031 0.125 3.4375 0.125 C 3.9375 0.125 4.367188 0.046875 4.734375 -0.109375 C 5.109375 -0.273438 5.425781 -0.503906 5.6875 -0.796875 C 5.945312 -1.085938 6.140625 -1.425781 6.265625 -1.8125 C 6.390625 -2.207031 6.453125 -2.632812 6.453125 -3.09375 C 6.453125 -3.550781 6.390625 -3.976562 6.265625 -4.375 C 6.140625 -4.769531 5.945312 -5.113281 5.6875 -5.40625 C 5.425781 -5.695312 5.109375 -5.925781 4.734375 -6.09375 C 4.367188 -6.257812 3.9375 -6.34375 3.4375 -6.34375 C 2.957031 -6.34375 2.523438 -6.257812 2.140625 -6.09375 C 1.765625 -5.925781 1.445312 -5.695312 1.1875 -5.40625 C 0.9375 -5.113281 0.75 -4.769531 0.625 -4.375 C 0.5 -3.976562 0.4375 -3.550781 0.4375 -3.09375 Z M 0.4375 -3.09375 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-3"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.515625 -3.046875 C 1.515625 -3.347656 1.546875 -3.644531 1.609375 -3.9375 C 1.671875 -4.226562 1.773438 -4.484375 1.921875 -4.703125 C 2.066406 -4.929688 2.257812 -5.113281 2.5 -5.25 C 2.738281 -5.382812 3.03125 -5.453125 3.375 -5.453125 C 3.726562 -5.453125 4.023438 -5.382812 4.265625 -5.25 C 4.515625 -5.113281 4.71875 -4.9375 4.875 -4.71875 C 5.03125 -4.507812 5.144531 -4.257812 5.21875 -3.96875 C 5.289062 -3.6875 5.328125 -3.394531 5.328125 -3.09375 C 5.328125 -2.800781 5.289062 -2.515625 5.21875 -2.234375 C 5.15625 -1.960938 5.046875 -1.710938 4.890625 -1.484375 C 4.742188 -1.265625 4.550781 -1.085938 4.3125 -0.953125 C 4.070312 -0.816406 3.78125 -0.75 3.4375 -0.75 C 3.101562 -0.75 2.8125 -0.8125 2.5625 -0.9375 C 2.320312 -1.070312 2.125 -1.242188 1.96875 -1.453125 C 1.8125 -1.671875 1.695312 -1.914062 1.625 -2.1875 C 1.550781 -2.46875 1.515625 -2.753906 1.515625 -3.046875 Z M 6.3125 0 L 6.3125 -8.5625 L 5.296875 -8.5625 L 5.296875 -5.375 L 5.265625 -5.375 C 5.148438 -5.5625 5.007812 -5.71875 4.84375 -5.84375 C 4.6875 -5.96875 4.515625 -6.066406 4.328125 -6.140625 C 4.148438 -6.210938 3.96875 -6.265625 3.78125 -6.296875 C 3.59375 -6.328125 3.421875 -6.34375 3.265625 -6.34375 C 2.796875 -6.34375 2.378906 -6.253906 2.015625 -6.078125 C 1.660156 -5.910156 1.363281 -5.679688 1.125 -5.390625 C 0.894531 -5.097656 0.722656 -4.753906 0.609375 -4.359375 C 0.492188 -3.972656 0.4375 -3.5625 0.4375 -3.125 C 0.4375 -2.675781 0.492188 -2.253906 0.609375 -1.859375 C 0.734375 -1.472656 0.910156 -1.128906 1.140625 -0.828125 C 1.378906 -0.535156 1.675781 -0.300781 2.03125 -0.125 C 2.382812 0.0390625 2.800781 0.125 3.28125 0.125 C 3.71875 0.125 4.113281 0.0507812 4.46875 -0.09375 C 4.832031 -0.25 5.097656 -0.5 5.265625 -0.84375 L 5.296875 -0.84375 L 5.296875 0 Z M 6.3125 0 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-4"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 5.078125 -3.703125 L 1.515625 -3.703125 C 1.523438 -3.941406 1.570312 -4.164062 1.65625 -4.375 C 1.75 -4.582031 1.867188 -4.765625 2.015625 -4.921875 C 2.171875 -5.085938 2.351562 -5.21875 2.5625 -5.3125 C 2.78125 -5.40625 3.019531 -5.453125 3.28125 -5.453125 C 3.539062 -5.453125 3.773438 -5.40625 3.984375 -5.3125 C 4.203125 -5.21875 4.390625 -5.09375 4.546875 -4.9375 C 4.703125 -4.78125 4.820312 -4.59375 4.90625 -4.375 C 5 -4.164062 5.054688 -3.941406 5.078125 -3.703125 Z M 6.0625 -1.96875 L 5.046875 -1.96875 C 4.960938 -1.5625 4.78125 -1.253906 4.5 -1.046875 C 4.226562 -0.847656 3.875 -0.75 3.4375 -0.75 C 3.101562 -0.75 2.8125 -0.804688 2.5625 -0.921875 C 2.320312 -1.035156 2.117188 -1.1875 1.953125 -1.375 C 1.796875 -1.5625 1.679688 -1.773438 1.609375 -2.015625 C 1.535156 -2.265625 1.503906 -2.523438 1.515625 -2.796875 L 6.15625 -2.796875 C 6.175781 -3.171875 6.140625 -3.566406 6.046875 -3.984375 C 5.960938 -4.398438 5.8125 -4.78125 5.59375 -5.125 C 5.375 -5.476562 5.082031 -5.769531 4.71875 -6 C 4.351562 -6.226562 3.894531 -6.34375 3.34375 -6.34375 C 2.925781 -6.34375 2.535156 -6.265625 2.171875 -6.109375 C 1.816406 -5.953125 1.507812 -5.726562 1.25 -5.4375 C 0.988281 -5.144531 0.785156 -4.800781 0.640625 -4.40625 C 0.503906 -4.019531 0.4375 -3.59375 0.4375 -3.125 C 0.445312 -2.644531 0.515625 -2.207031 0.640625 -1.8125 C 0.765625 -1.414062 0.953125 -1.070312 1.203125 -0.78125 C 1.453125 -0.488281 1.753906 -0.265625 2.109375 -0.109375 C 2.472656 0.046875 2.90625 0.125 3.40625 0.125 C 4.113281 0.125 4.695312 -0.046875 5.15625 -0.390625 C 5.625 -0.742188 5.925781 -1.269531 6.0625 -1.96875 Z M 6.0625 -1.96875 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-5"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d=""/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-6"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 7.34375 -1.0625 L 7.640625 0 L 8.359375 0 L 8.359375 -4.515625 L 4.609375 -4.515625 L 4.609375 -3.546875 L 7.34375 -3.546875 C 7.363281 -3.160156 7.3125 -2.796875 7.1875 -2.453125 C 7.070312 -2.109375 6.894531 -1.8125 6.65625 -1.5625 C 6.414062 -1.3125 6.125 -1.113281 5.78125 -0.96875 C 5.4375 -0.820312 5.039062 -0.75 4.59375 -0.75 C 4.113281 -0.75 3.691406 -0.84375 3.328125 -1.03125 C 2.960938 -1.21875 2.65625 -1.46875 2.40625 -1.78125 C 2.164062 -2.101562 1.976562 -2.46875 1.84375 -2.875 C 1.71875 -3.289062 1.65625 -3.722656 1.65625 -4.171875 C 1.65625 -4.628906 1.707031 -5.078125 1.8125 -5.515625 C 1.925781 -5.953125 2.101562 -6.335938 2.34375 -6.671875 C 2.582031 -7.015625 2.882812 -7.289062 3.25 -7.5 C 3.625 -7.707031 4.070312 -7.8125 4.59375 -7.8125 C 4.914062 -7.8125 5.21875 -7.769531 5.5 -7.6875 C 5.78125 -7.613281 6.03125 -7.5 6.25 -7.34375 C 6.476562 -7.195312 6.671875 -7.003906 6.828125 -6.765625 C 6.984375 -6.535156 7.085938 -6.253906 7.140625 -5.921875 L 8.28125 -5.921875 C 8.195312 -6.429688 8.046875 -6.863281 7.828125 -7.21875 C 7.609375 -7.570312 7.335938 -7.863281 7.015625 -8.09375 C 6.691406 -8.332031 6.320312 -8.503906 5.90625 -8.609375 C 5.5 -8.710938 5.0625 -8.765625 4.59375 -8.765625 C 3.914062 -8.765625 3.320312 -8.640625 2.8125 -8.390625 C 2.300781 -8.140625 1.875 -7.800781 1.53125 -7.375 C 1.195312 -6.957031 0.941406 -6.460938 0.765625 -5.890625 C 0.597656 -5.328125 0.515625 -4.734375 0.515625 -4.109375 C 0.515625 -3.554688 0.601562 -3.019531 0.78125 -2.5 C 0.96875 -1.976562 1.238281 -1.515625 1.59375 -1.109375 C 1.945312 -0.710938 2.375 -0.394531 2.875 -0.15625 C 3.382812 0.0703125 3.957031 0.1875 4.59375 0.1875 C 5.101562 0.1875 5.601562 0.09375 6.09375 -0.09375 C 6.59375 -0.289062 7.007812 -0.613281 7.34375 -1.0625 Z M 7.34375 -1.0625 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-7"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 6.265625 -0.03125 C 6.085938 0.0703125 5.84375 0.125 5.53125 0.125 C 5.269531 0.125 5.0625 0.0507812 4.90625 -0.09375 C 4.75 -0.238281 4.671875 -0.476562 4.671875 -0.8125 C 4.390625 -0.476562 4.0625 -0.238281 3.6875 -0.09375 C 3.3125 0.0507812 2.910156 0.125 2.484375 0.125 C 2.203125 0.125 1.9375 0.09375 1.6875 0.03125 C 1.4375 -0.03125 1.21875 -0.128906 1.03125 -0.265625 C 0.84375 -0.398438 0.695312 -0.578125 0.59375 -0.796875 C 0.488281 -1.015625 0.4375 -1.28125 0.4375 -1.59375 C 0.4375 -1.945312 0.492188 -2.234375 0.609375 -2.453125 C 0.734375 -2.679688 0.890625 -2.863281 1.078125 -3 C 1.273438 -3.144531 1.5 -3.253906 1.75 -3.328125 C 2.007812 -3.398438 2.269531 -3.457031 2.53125 -3.5 C 2.8125 -3.5625 3.078125 -3.601562 3.328125 -3.625 C 3.578125 -3.65625 3.796875 -3.695312 3.984375 -3.75 C 4.179688 -3.800781 4.335938 -3.875 4.453125 -3.96875 C 4.566406 -4.070312 4.625 -4.222656 4.625 -4.421875 C 4.625 -4.640625 4.582031 -4.816406 4.5 -4.953125 C 4.414062 -5.085938 4.304688 -5.191406 4.171875 -5.265625 C 4.035156 -5.335938 3.882812 -5.382812 3.71875 -5.40625 C 3.5625 -5.4375 3.398438 -5.453125 3.234375 -5.453125 C 2.804688 -5.453125 2.445312 -5.367188 2.15625 -5.203125 C 1.875 -5.035156 1.71875 -4.722656 1.6875 -4.265625 L 0.671875 -4.265625 C 0.691406 -4.648438 0.769531 -4.972656 0.90625 -5.234375 C 1.050781 -5.503906 1.242188 -5.71875 1.484375 -5.875 C 1.722656 -6.039062 1.992188 -6.160156 2.296875 -6.234375 C 2.609375 -6.304688 2.941406 -6.34375 3.296875 -6.34375 C 3.578125 -6.34375 3.851562 -6.320312 4.125 -6.28125 C 4.40625 -6.25 4.65625 -6.171875 4.875 -6.046875 C 5.101562 -5.921875 5.285156 -5.742188 5.421875 -5.515625 C 5.554688 -5.296875 5.625 -5.003906 5.625 -4.640625 L 5.625 -1.453125 C 5.625 -1.210938 5.640625 -1.035156 5.671875 -0.921875 C 5.703125 -0.804688 5.796875 -0.75 5.953125 -0.75 C 6.035156 -0.75 6.140625 -0.769531 6.265625 -0.8125 Z M 4.609375 -3.203125 C 4.484375 -3.109375 4.316406 -3.035156 4.109375 -2.984375 C 3.898438 -2.941406 3.679688 -2.90625 3.453125 -2.875 C 3.222656 -2.851562 2.988281 -2.820312 2.75 -2.78125 C 2.519531 -2.75 2.3125 -2.691406 2.125 -2.609375 C 1.945312 -2.535156 1.800781 -2.421875 1.6875 -2.265625 C 1.570312 -2.117188 1.515625 -1.921875 1.515625 -1.671875 C 1.515625 -1.503906 1.546875 -1.359375 1.609375 -1.234375 C 1.679688 -1.117188 1.769531 -1.023438 1.875 -0.953125 C 1.988281 -0.890625 2.113281 -0.835938 2.25 -0.796875 C 2.394531 -0.765625 2.550781 -0.75 2.71875 -0.75 C 3.050781 -0.75 3.335938 -0.796875 3.578125 -0.890625 C 3.816406 -0.984375 4.007812 -1.097656 4.15625 -1.234375 C 4.3125 -1.378906 4.425781 -1.53125 4.5 -1.6875 C 4.570312 -1.851562 4.609375 -2.007812 4.609375 -2.15625 Z M 4.609375 -3.203125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-8"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.734375 -6.203125 L 0.734375 0 L 1.75 0 L 1.75 -2.765625 C 1.75 -3.160156 1.785156 -3.507812 1.859375 -3.8125 C 1.941406 -4.125 2.070312 -4.390625 2.25 -4.609375 C 2.425781 -4.828125 2.660156 -4.988281 2.953125 -5.09375 C 3.242188 -5.207031 3.59375 -5.265625 4 -5.265625 L 4 -6.34375 C 3.445312 -6.363281 2.988281 -6.253906 2.625 -6.015625 C 2.269531 -5.773438 1.96875 -5.398438 1.71875 -4.890625 L 1.6875 -4.890625 L 1.6875 -6.203125 Z M 0.734375 -6.203125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-9"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 1.59375 -4.28125 C 1.59375 -4.71875 1.648438 -5.144531 1.765625 -5.5625 C 1.878906 -5.976562 2.054688 -6.351562 2.296875 -6.6875 C 2.535156 -7.03125 2.84375 -7.300781 3.21875 -7.5 C 3.59375 -7.707031 4.039062 -7.8125 4.5625 -7.8125 C 5.082031 -7.8125 5.53125 -7.707031 5.90625 -7.5 C 6.28125 -7.300781 6.585938 -7.03125 6.828125 -6.6875 C 7.066406 -6.351562 7.242188 -5.976562 7.359375 -5.5625 C 7.472656 -5.144531 7.53125 -4.71875 7.53125 -4.28125 C 7.53125 -3.851562 7.472656 -3.425781 7.359375 -3 C 7.242188 -2.582031 7.066406 -2.207031 6.828125 -1.875 C 6.585938 -1.539062 6.28125 -1.269531 5.90625 -1.0625 C 5.53125 -0.851562 5.082031 -0.75 4.5625 -0.75 C 4.039062 -0.75 3.59375 -0.851562 3.21875 -1.0625 C 2.84375 -1.269531 2.535156 -1.539062 2.296875 -1.875 C 2.054688 -2.207031 1.878906 -2.582031 1.765625 -3 C 1.648438 -3.425781 1.59375 -3.851562 1.59375 -4.28125 Z M 0.453125 -4.28125 C 0.453125 -3.695312 0.535156 -3.132812 0.703125 -2.59375 C 0.878906 -2.050781 1.140625 -1.570312 1.484375 -1.15625 C 1.828125 -0.75 2.253906 -0.421875 2.765625 -0.171875 C 3.285156 0.0664062 3.882812 0.1875 4.5625 0.1875 C 5.238281 0.1875 5.832031 0.0664062 6.34375 -0.171875 C 6.851562 -0.421875 7.28125 -0.75 7.625 -1.15625 C 7.96875 -1.570312 8.222656 -2.050781 8.390625 -2.59375 C 8.566406 -3.132812 8.65625 -3.695312 8.65625 -4.28125 C 8.65625 -4.863281 8.566406 -5.425781 8.390625 -5.96875 C 8.222656 -6.507812 7.96875 -6.988281 7.625 -7.40625 C 7.28125 -7.820312 6.851562 -8.148438 6.34375 -8.390625 C 5.832031 -8.640625 5.238281 -8.765625 4.5625 -8.765625 C 3.882812 -8.765625 3.285156 -8.640625 2.765625 -8.390625 C 2.253906 -8.148438 1.828125 -7.820312 1.484375 -7.40625 C 1.140625 -6.988281 0.878906 -6.507812 0.703125 -5.96875 C 0.535156 -5.425781 0.453125 -4.863281 0.453125 -4.28125 Z M 0.453125 -4.28125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-10"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 6.125 -0.53125 L 6.125 -6.203125 L 5.15625 -6.203125 L 5.15625 -5.3125 L 5.140625 -5.3125 C 4.960938 -5.65625 4.707031 -5.910156 4.375 -6.078125 C 4.050781 -6.253906 3.691406 -6.34375 3.296875 -6.34375 C 2.765625 -6.34375 2.3125 -6.238281 1.9375 -6.03125 C 1.570312 -5.832031 1.273438 -5.570312 1.046875 -5.25 C 0.828125 -4.9375 0.671875 -4.585938 0.578125 -4.203125 C 0.484375 -3.816406 0.4375 -3.441406 0.4375 -3.078125 C 0.4375 -2.648438 0.492188 -2.242188 0.609375 -1.859375 C 0.722656 -1.484375 0.894531 -1.148438 1.125 -0.859375 C 1.351562 -0.578125 1.640625 -0.351562 1.984375 -0.1875 C 2.335938 -0.0195312 2.742188 0.0625 3.203125 0.0625 C 3.597656 0.0625 3.972656 -0.0234375 4.328125 -0.203125 C 4.691406 -0.390625 4.960938 -0.675781 5.140625 -1.0625 L 5.15625 -1.0625 L 5.15625 -0.640625 C 5.15625 -0.296875 5.117188 0.015625 5.046875 0.296875 C 4.984375 0.585938 4.875 0.832031 4.71875 1.03125 C 4.570312 1.238281 4.378906 1.398438 4.140625 1.515625 C 3.910156 1.628906 3.628906 1.6875 3.296875 1.6875 C 3.128906 1.6875 2.953125 1.664062 2.765625 1.625 C 2.585938 1.59375 2.421875 1.535156 2.265625 1.453125 C 2.109375 1.378906 1.972656 1.273438 1.859375 1.140625 C 1.753906 1.015625 1.695312 0.863281 1.6875 0.6875 L 0.671875 0.6875 C 0.691406 1.019531 0.78125 1.300781 0.9375 1.53125 C 1.09375 1.769531 1.289062 1.957031 1.53125 2.09375 C 1.78125 2.238281 2.054688 2.34375 2.359375 2.40625 C 2.660156 2.476562 2.953125 2.515625 3.234375 2.515625 C 4.234375 2.515625 4.960938 2.257812 5.421875 1.75 C 5.890625 1.25 6.125 0.488281 6.125 -0.53125 Z M 3.265625 -0.828125 C 2.929688 -0.828125 2.648438 -0.894531 2.421875 -1.03125 C 2.203125 -1.175781 2.023438 -1.363281 1.890625 -1.59375 C 1.753906 -1.820312 1.65625 -2.070312 1.59375 -2.34375 C 1.539062 -2.625 1.515625 -2.90625 1.515625 -3.1875 C 1.515625 -3.488281 1.546875 -3.773438 1.609375 -4.046875 C 1.679688 -4.316406 1.789062 -4.554688 1.9375 -4.765625 C 2.082031 -4.972656 2.269531 -5.140625 2.5 -5.265625 C 2.738281 -5.390625 3.019531 -5.453125 3.34375 -5.453125 C 3.664062 -5.453125 3.9375 -5.382812 4.15625 -5.25 C 4.382812 -5.125 4.566406 -4.953125 4.703125 -4.734375 C 4.847656 -4.523438 4.953125 -4.289062 5.015625 -4.03125 C 5.078125 -3.769531 5.109375 -3.503906 5.109375 -3.234375 C 5.109375 -2.941406 5.070312 -2.648438 5 -2.359375 C 4.9375 -2.078125 4.832031 -1.820312 4.6875 -1.59375 C 4.539062 -1.363281 4.347656 -1.175781 4.109375 -1.03125 C 3.878906 -0.894531 3.597656 -0.828125 3.265625 -0.828125 Z M 3.265625 -0.828125 "/> +</symbol> +<symbol overflow="visible" id="glyph2-11"> +<path style="stroke:none;" d="M 0.765625 -6.203125 L 0.765625 0 L 1.78125 0 L 1.78125 -3.859375 C 1.78125 -3.984375 1.8125 -4.132812 1.875 -4.3125 C 1.9375 -4.488281 2.03125 -4.660156 2.15625 -4.828125 C 2.289062 -5.003906 2.460938 -5.148438 2.671875 -5.265625 C 2.890625 -5.390625 3.144531 -5.453125 3.4375 -5.453125 C 3.675781 -5.453125 3.867188 -5.414062 4.015625 -5.34375 C 4.160156 -5.28125 4.273438 -5.1875 4.359375 -5.0625 C 4.453125 -4.9375 4.515625 -4.789062 4.546875 -4.625 C 4.585938 -4.457031 4.609375 -4.269531 4.609375 -4.0625 L 4.609375 0 L 5.625 0 L 5.625 -3.859375 C 5.625 -4.335938 5.765625 -4.722656 6.046875 -5.015625 C 6.335938 -5.304688 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--- a/slide/sigos.html Fri May 24 14:18:28 2019 +0900 +++ b/slide/sigos.html Sun May 26 20:32:55 2019 +0900 @@ -89,18 +89,31 @@ <div class='slide'> - <!-- ## 本発表の流れ --> -<!-- * 研究目的 --> -<!-- * CbC の説明 --> -<!-- * --> -<!-- * Interface の説明 --> -<!-- * --> -<!-- * 実際に行なった書き換え--> -<!-- * まとめ --> + +<!-- _S9SLIDE_ --> +<h2 id="研究目的">研究目的</h2> +<ul> + <li>現代の OS では拡張性と信頼性を両立させることが要求されている</li> + <li>信頼性をノーマルレベルの計算に対して保証し、拡張性をメタレベルの計算で実現することを目標に Gears OS を設計中である</li> + <li>ノーマルレベルの計算とメタレベルの計算を切り離して記述するために Code Gear と Data Gear という単位を用いている</li> + <li>Gears OS は Continuation based C(CbC) によってアプリケーションと OS そのものを記述する</li> + <li>本研究では、CbC を用いた Gears OS の実装の前段階として xv6 での実装を目標とする</li> +</ul> + -<!-- _S9SLIDE_ --> -<h2 id="xv6-を継続で書き換える意味">xv6 を継続で書き換える意味</h2> +</div> + +<div class='slide'> + <!-- _S9SLIDE_ --> +<h2 id="メタ計算とは">メタ計算とは</h2> +<ul> + <li>プログラムを記述する際、ノーマルレベルの処理の他に、メモリ管理やスレッド管理、CPU や GPU の資源管理等、記述しなければならない処理が存在する</li> + <li>これらの計算をメタ計算と呼ぶ</li> + <li>メタ計算はノーマルレベルの計算から切り離して記述したい</li> + <li>そのためには処理を細かく分割する必要があるが、関数やクラスなどの単位は容易に分割できない</li> + <li>そこで当研究室ではメタ計算を柔軟に記述するためのプログラミング言語の単位として Code Gear、Data Gear という単位を提案している</li> +</ul> @@ -110,10 +123,11 @@ <!-- _S9SLIDE_ --> <h2 id="continuatuin-based-c">Continuatuin based C</h2> <ul> - <li>Continuation based C (CbC) はこの Code Gear 単位を用いたプログラミング言語として開発している。</li> - <li>Code Gear は 関数呼び出し時の環境を使わずに次の Code Gear へと goto 文によって遷移する。</li> + <li>Continuation based C (CbC) はこの Code Gear 処理の単位としてプログラミング言語として開発している。</li> + <li>Code Gear は 関数呼び出し時の環境を使わずに次の Code Gear へと goto 文によって遷移する</li> <li>この goto 文による遷移を軽量継続と呼ぶ。</li> - <li>CbC は軽量継続を持ち、C と互換性のある言語である</li> + <li>継続を用いることによって状態遷移ベースでのプログラミングが可能である</li> + <li>CbC は C と互換性のある言語なので、C の関数も呼び出すことができる</li> </ul> @@ -124,10 +138,20 @@ <!-- _S9SLIDE_ --> <h2 id="cbc-のコード例">CbC のコード例</h2> <ul> - <li>CbC では Code Gear は <em>__code</em> という型を持つ関数の構文で定義される。</li> - <li>Code Gear は戻り値を持たないので、関数とは異なり return 文は存在しない。</li> - <li>goto の後に Code Gear 名と引数を並べて、次の Code Gear の遷移を記述する。</li> - <li>この goto の行き先を継続と呼び、このときの a+b が次の Code Gear への出力となる。</li> + <li>CbC では Code Gear は <em>__code</em> Code Gear 名 (引数) の形で記述される</li> + <li>Code Gear は戻り値を持たないので、関数とは異なり return 文は存在しない</li> + <li>goto の後に Code Gear 名と引数を並べて、次の Code Gear の遷移を記述する</li> +</ul> + + + +</div> + +<div class='slide'> + <!-- _S9SLIDE_ --> +<h2 id="cbc-のコード例-1">CbC のコード例</h2> +<ul> + <li>この goto の行き先を継続と呼び、このときの a+b が次の Code Gear への出力となる</li> </ul> <pre><code>__code cg0(int a, int b){ @@ -145,11 +169,28 @@ <div class='slide'> <!-- _S9SLIDE_ --> +<h2 id="cbc-の継続">CbC の継続</h2> +<ul> + <li>Code Gear の継続を表す図である</li> + <li>Code Gear 間の遷移は goto によって行われる</li> + <li>アセンブラレベルで見ると call ではなく jmp となっている</li> +</ul> + +<div style="text-align: center;"> + <img src="./images/normal_Code_Gear.pdf" alt="normalCodeGear" width="600" /> +</div> + + + +</div> + +<div class='slide'> + <!-- _S9SLIDE_ --> <h2 id="gears-におけるメタ計算">Gears におけるメタ計算</h2> <ul> - <li>Gears OS ではメタ計算を Meta Code Gear、Meta Data Gear で表現する。</li> - <li>Meta Code Gear はノーマルレベルの Code Gear の直後に遷移され、メタ計算を実行する。</li> - <li>Meta Code Gear で OS の機能であるメモリ管理やスレッド管理を行う。</li> + <li>Gears OS ではメタ計算を Meta Code Gear、Meta Data Gear で表現する</li> + <li>Meta Code Gear はノーマルレベルの Code Gear の直後に遷移され、メタ計算を実行する</li> + <li>Meta Code Gear で OS の機能であるメモリ管理やスレッド管理を行う</li> </ul> @@ -160,9 +201,22 @@ <!-- _S9SLIDE_ --> <h2 id="interface">Interface</h2> <ul> - <li>Code Gear と Data Gear は Interface と呼ばれるまとまりとして記述される。</li> - <li>Interface は使用される Data Gear の定義と、それに対する Code Gear の集合である。</li> - <li>Interface の操作に対応する Code Gear の引数は Interface に定義されている Data Gear を通して行われる。</li> + <li>Code Gear と Data Gear は Interface と呼ばれるまとまりとして記述される</li> + <li>Interface は使用される Data Gear の定義と、それに対する Code Gear の集合である</li> + <li>Interface の操作に対応する Code Gear の引数は Interface に定義されている Data Gear を通して行われる</li> +</ul> + + + +</div> + +<div class='slide'> + <!-- _S9SLIDE_ --> +<h2 id="xv6-rpi-の-cbc-対応">xv6-rpi の CbC 対応</h2> +<ul> + <li>オリジナルの xv6 は x86 アーキテクチャで実装されたものだが、xv6-rpi は Raspberry Pi 用に実装されたものである</li> + <li>xv6-rpi を CbC で書き換えるために、GCC 上で実装した CbC コンパイラを ARM 向けに build し xv6-rpi をコンパイルした</li> + <li>これにより、xv6-rpi を CbC で書き換える ことができるようになった</li> </ul> @@ -172,6 +226,12 @@ <div class='slide'> <!-- _S9SLIDE_ --> <h2 id="xv6-の-cbc-への書き換え">xv6 の CbC への書き換え</h2> +<ul> + <li>xv6 は UNIX V6 を x86 向けに再実装した OS である</li> + <li>プロセスや仮想メモリ、カーネルとユーザーの分離、割り込み、ファイルシステムなどの基本的な Unix の構造を持つ</li> + <li>CbC は Code Gear 間の遷移が goto による継続で行われるため、状態遷移ベースでのプログラミングに適している</li> + <li>CbC で xv6 を書き換えることにより、状態遷移モデルによるモデル検査が可能となることを期待する</li> +</ul> @@ -179,7 +239,12 @@ <div class='slide'> <!-- _S9SLIDE_ --> -<h2 id="xv6-rpi-の-cbc-対応">xv6-rpi の CbC 対応</h2> +<h2 id="xv6-の書き換えの方針">xv6 の書き換えの方針</h2> +<ul> + <li>xv6 を CbC で書き換え、Gears OS の機能と置き換えることで Gears OS に OS の基本構造を持たせたい</li> + <li>このためには xv6 をモジュール化することで、xv6 の機能を明らかにする必要がある</li> + <li>xv6 の Interface を定義し、Gears OS の機能をこれに合わせることによって実現したい</li> +</ul> @@ -188,6 +253,471 @@ <div class='slide'> <!-- _S9SLIDE_ --> <h2 id="cbc-によるシステムコールの書き換え">CbC によるシステムコールの書き換え</h2> +<ul> + <li>CbC は C と互換性のある言語であるため、元のソースコードから大きく崩すことなく必要な機能のみを CbC へと書き換えることが可能である</li> + <li>ここでは実際にシステムコールを CbC で書き換えることによって、状態遷移ベースで書き換えるには何が必要か示すことにした</li> + <li>今回は read システムコールの CbC 書き換えを行なった</li> +</ul> + + + +</div> + +<div class='slide'> + <!-- _S9SLIDE_ --> +<h2 id="sys_read-関数">sys_read 関数</h2> +<ul> + <li>読み込むファイルの情報とアドレスを取り出し、fileread に渡している + <pre><code>int sys_read(void) +{ + struct file *f; + int n; + char *p; + + if(argfd(0, 0, &f) < 0 || argint(2, &n) < 0 || argptr(1, &p, n) < 0) { + return -1; + } + + return fileread(f, p, n); +} +</code></pre> + </li> +</ul> + + + +</div> + +<div class='slide'> + <!-- _S9SLIDE_ --> +<h2 id="cbc_read">cbc_read</h2> +<pre><code>__code cbc_read(__code (*next)(int ret)){ + struct file *f; + int n; + char *p; + + if(argfd(0, 0, &f) < 0 || argint(2, &n) < 0 || argptr(1, &p, n) < 0) { + goto next(-1); + } + goto cbc_fileread(f, p, n, next); +} +</code></pre> + + + +</div> + +<div class='slide'> + <!-- _S9SLIDE_ --> +<h2 id="fileread">fileread</h2> +<ul> + <li>file の状態を確認し、対応した関数へ移行する + <pre><code>int fileread (struct file *f, char *addr, int n) +{ + int r; + + if (f->readable == 0) { + return -1; + } + + if (f->type == FD_PIPE) { + return piperead(f->pipe, addr, n); + } + + if (f->type == FD_INODE) { + ilock(f->ip); + + if ((r = readi(f->ip, addr, f->off, n)) > 0) { + f->off += r; + } + + iunlock(f->ip); + + return r; + } + + panic("fileread"); +} +</code></pre> + </li> +</ul> + + + +</div> + +<div class='slide'> + <!-- _S9SLIDE_ --> +<h2 id="cbc_fileread">cbc_fileread</h2> +<pre><code>__code cbc_fileread1 (int r) +{ + struct file *f = proc->cbc_arg.cbc_console_arg.f; + __code (*next)(int ret) = cbc_ret; + if (r > 0) + f->off += r; + iunlock(f->ip); + goto next(r); +} + +__code cbc_fileread (struct file *f, char *addr, int n, __code (*next)(int ret)) +{ + if (f->readable == 0) { + goto next(-1); + } + + if (f->type == FD_PIPE) { + //goto cbc_piperead(f->pipe, addr, n, next); + goto next(-1); + } + + if (f->type == FD_INODE) { + ilock(f->ip); + proc->cbc_arg.cbc_console_arg.f = f; + goto cbc_readi(f->ip, addr, f->off, n, cbc_fileread1); + } + + goto cbc_panic("fileread"); +} +</code></pre> + + + +</div> + +<div class='slide'> + <!-- _S9SLIDE_ --> +<h2 id="readi">readi</h2> +<ul> + <li>readi はファイルシステム上か特殊なデバイスを制御するかどうかで分岐する</li> + <li>ここでは consoleread へ向かう処理を確認する + <pre><code>int readi (struct inode *ip, char *dst, uint off, uint n) +{ + uint tot, m; + struct buf *bp; + + if (ip->type == T_DEV) { + if (ip->major < 0 || ip->major >= NDEV || !devsw[ip->major].read) { + return -1; + } + + return devsw[ip->major].read(ip, dst, n); + } +... +</code></pre> + </li> +</ul> + + + +</div> + +<div class='slide'> + <!-- _S9SLIDE_ --> +<h2 id="cbc_readi">cbc_readi</h2> +<pre><code>__code cbc_readi (struct inode *ip, char *dst, uint off, uint n, __code (*next)(int ret)) +{ + uint tot, m; + struct buf *bp; + + if (ip->type == T_DEV) { + if (ip->major < 0 || ip->major >= NDEV || !cbc_devsw[ip->major].read) { + goto next(-1); + } + + goto cbc_devsw[ip->major].read(ip, dst, n, next); + } +... +</code></pre> + + + +</div> + +<div class='slide'> + <!-- _S9SLIDE_ --> +<h2 id="consoleread">consoleread</h2> +<ul> + <li>console への入力を読み込み、待っている間スリープする + <pre><code>int consoleread (struct inode *ip, char *dst, int n) +{ + uint target; + int c; + iunlock(ip); + target = n; + acquire(&input.lock); + + while (n > 0) { + while (input.r == input.w) { + if (proc->killed) { + release(&input.lock); + ilock(ip); + return -1; + } + sleep(&input.r, &input.lock); + } + c = input.buf[input.r++ % INPUT_BUF]; + if (c == C('D')) { // EOF + if (n < target) { + input.r--; + } + break; + } + *dst++ = c; + --n; + if (c == '\n') { + break; + } + } + release(&input.lock); + ilock(ip); + return target - n; +} +</code></pre> + </li> +</ul> + + + +</div> + +<div class='slide'> + <!-- _S9SLIDE_ --> +<h2 id="cbc_consoleread">cbc_consoleread</h2> + +<pre><code>__code cbc_consoleread (struct inode *ip, char *dst, int n, __code(*next)(int ret)) +{ + uint target; + + iunlock(ip); + + target = n; + acquire(&input.lock); + + if (n > 0) { + proc->cbc_arg.cbc_console_arg.n = n; + proc-> = target; + proc->cbc_arg.cbc_console_arg.dst = dst; + proc->cbc_arg.cbc_console_arg.ip = ip; + proc-> = next; + goto cbc_consoleread2(); + } + goto cbc_consoleread1(); +} +</code></pre> + + + +</div> + +<div class='slide'> + <!-- _S9SLIDE_ --> +<h2 id="cbc_consoleread-1">cbc_consoleread</h2> +<pre><code>__code cbc_consoleread2 () +{ + struct inode *ip = proc->cbc_arg.cbc_console_arg.ip; + __code(*next)(int ret) = proc->; + if (input.r == input.w) { + if (proc->killed) { + release(&input.lock); + ilock(ip); + goto next(-1); + } + goto cbc_sleep(&input.r, &input.lock, cbc_consoleread2); + } + goto cbc_consoleread1(); +} + +__code cbc_consoleread1 () +{ + int cont = 1; + int n = proc->cbc_arg.cbc_console_arg.n; + int target = proc->; + char* dst = proc->cbc_arg.cbc_console_arg.dst; + struct inode *ip = proc->cbc_arg.cbc_console_arg.ip; + __code(*next)(int ret) = proc->; + + int c = input.buf[input.r++ % INPUT_BUF]; + + if (c == C('D')) { // EOF + if (n < target) { + input.r--; + } + cont = 0; + } + + *dst++ = c; + --n; + if (c == '\n') { + cont = 0; + } + if (cont == 1) { + if (n > 0) { + proc->cbc_arg.cbc_console_arg.n = n; + proc-> = target; + proc->cbc_arg.cbc_console_arg.dst = dst; + proc->cbc_arg.cbc_console_arg.ip = ip; + proc-> = next; + goto cbc_sleep(&input.r, &input.lock, cbc_consoleread2); + } + } + release(&input.lock); + ilock(ip); + goto next(target - n); +} +</code></pre> + + +</div> + +<div class='slide'> + <!-- _S9SLIDE_ --> +<h2 id="sleep">sleep</h2> +<ul> + <li>プロセスをスリープ状態にしてスケジューラーへ引き渡す + <pre><code>void sleep(void *chan, struct spinlock *lk) +{ + if(proc == 0) { + panic("sleep"); + } + + if(lk == 0) { + panic("sleep without lk"); + } + + if(lk != &ptable.lock){ //DOC: sleeplock0 + acquire(&ptable.lock); //DOC: sleeplock1 + release(lk); + } + + proc->chan = chan; + proc->state = SLEEPING; + sched(); + + proc->chan = 0; + + if(lk != &ptable.lock){ //DOC: sleeplock2 + release(&ptable.lock); + acquire(lk); + } +} +</code></pre> + </li> +</ul> + + + +</div> + +<div class='slide'> + <!-- _S9SLIDE_ --> +<h2 id="cbc_sleep">cbc_sleep</h2> +<pre><code>__code cbc_sleep1() +{ + struct spinlock *lk = proc->lk; + proc->chan = 0; + + if(lk != &ptable.lock){ //DOC: sleeplock2 + release(&ptable.lock); + acquire(lk); + } + goto proc->cbc_next(); +} + +__code cbc_sleep(void *chan, struct spinlock *lk, __code(*next1)()) +{ + if(proc == 0) { + panic("sleep"); + } + + if(lk == 0) { + panic("sleep without lk"); + } + + if(lk != &ptable.lock){ //DOC: sleeplock0 + acquire(&ptable.lock); //DOC: sleeplock1 + release(lk); + } + proc->chan = chan; + proc->state = SLEEPING; + proc->lk = lk; + proc->cbc_next = next1; + + goto cbc_sched(cbc_sleep1); +} +</code></pre> + + + +</div> + +<div class='slide'> + <!-- _S9SLIDE_ --> +<h2 id="sched">sched</h2> +<ul> + <li>レジスタの値を切り替えて、スケジューラーへと戻る</li> + <li>再開時は swtch の下から再開する + <pre><code>void sched(void) +{ + int intena; + + if(!holding(&ptable.lock)) { + panic("sched ptable.lock"); + } + + if(cpu->ncli != 1) { + panic("sched locks"); + } + + if(proc->state == RUNNING) { + panic("sched running"); + } + + if(int_enabled ()) { + panic("sched interruptible"); + } + + intena = cpu->intena; + swtch(&proc->context, cpu->scheduler); + cpu->intena = intena; +} +</code></pre> + </li> +</ul> + + + +</div> + +<div class='slide'> + <!-- _S9SLIDE_ --> +<h2 id="cbc_sched">cbc_sched</h2> +<pre><code>__code cbc_sched(__code(*next)()) +{ + int intena; + + if(!holding(&ptable.lock)) { + panic("sched ptable.lock"); + } + + if(cpu->ncli != 1) { + panic("sched locks"); + } + + if(proc->state == RUNNING) { + panic("sched running"); + } + + if(int_enabled ()) { + panic("sched interruptible"); + } + + intena = cpu->intena; + swtch(&proc->context, cpu->scheduler); + cpu->intena = intena; + + goto next(); +} +</code></pre> @@ -196,6 +726,12 @@ <div class='slide'> <!-- _S9SLIDE_ --> <h2 id="まとめと今後の方針">まとめと今後の方針</h2> +<ul> + <li>現在は xv6 のシステムコールの一部のみの書き換えと、設計のみしか行っていないのでカーネル全ての書き換えをおこなう</li> + <li>Gears OS にはメタ計算を実装する context は par goto の機能がある</li> + <li>これらの機能を xv6 に組み込む方法について考察する必要がある</li> + <li>xv6-rpi は QEMU のみの動作でしか確認してないため、実機上での動作が可能なように実装する必要がある</li> +</ul> </div>
--- a/slide/ Fri May 24 14:18:28 2019 +0900 +++ b/slide/ Sun May 26 20:32:55 2019 +0900 @@ -3,29 +3,34 @@ profile: 琉球大学工学部情報工学科並列信頼研 -<!-- ## 本発表の流れ --> -<!-- * 研究目的 --> -<!-- * CbC の説明 --> -<!-- * --> -<!-- * Interface の説明 --> -<!-- * --> -<!-- * 実際に行なった書き換え--> -<!-- * まとめ --> +## 研究目的 +* 現代の OS では拡張性と信頼性を両立させることが要求されている +* 信頼性をノーマルレベルの計算に対して保証し、拡張性をメタレベルの計算で実現することを目標に Gears OS を設計中である +* ノーマルレベルの計算とメタレベルの計算を切り離して記述するために Code Gear と Data Gear という単位を用いている +* Gears OS は Continuation based C(CbC) によってアプリケーションと OS そのものを記述する +* 本研究では、CbC を用いた Gears OS の実装の前段階として xv6 での実装を目標とする -## 研究目的 - +## メタ計算とは +* プログラムを記述する際、ノーマルレベルの処理の他に、メモリ管理やスレッド管理、CPU や GPU の資源管理等、記述しなければならない処理が存在する +* これらの計算をメタ計算と呼ぶ +* メタ計算はノーマルレベルの計算から切り離して記述したい +* そのためには処理を細かく分割する必要があるが、関数やクラスなどの単位は容易に分割できない +* そこで当研究室ではメタ計算を柔軟に記述するためのプログラミング言語の単位として Code Gear、Data Gear という単位を提案している ## Continuatuin based C -* Continuation based C (CbC) はこの Code Gear 単位を用いたプログラミング言語として開発している。 -* Code Gear は 関数呼び出し時の環境を使わずに次の Code Gear へと goto 文によって遷移する。 +* Continuation based C (CbC) はこの Code Gear 処理の単位としてプログラミング言語として開発している。 +* Code Gear は 関数呼び出し時の環境を使わずに次の Code Gear へと goto 文によって遷移する * この goto 文による遷移を軽量継続と呼ぶ。 -* CbC は軽量継続を持ち、C と互換性のある言語である +* 継続を用いることによって状態遷移ベースでのプログラミングが可能である +* CbC は C と互換性のある言語なので、C の関数も呼び出すことができる ## CbC のコード例 -* CbC では Code Gear は *__code* という型を持つ関数の構文で定義される。 -* Code Gear は戻り値を持たないので、関数とは異なり return 文は存在しない。 -* goto の後に Code Gear 名と引数を並べて、次の Code Gear の遷移を記述する。 -* この goto の行き先を継続と呼び、このときの a+b が次の Code Gear への出力となる。 +* CbC では Code Gear は *__code* Code Gear 名 (引数) の形で記述される +* Code Gear は戻り値を持たないので、関数とは異なり return 文は存在しない +* goto の後に Code Gear 名と引数を並べて、次の Code Gear の遷移を記述する + +## CbC のコード例 +* この goto の行き先を継続と呼び、このときの a+b が次の Code Gear への出力となる ``` __code cg0(int a, int b){ @@ -37,20 +42,425 @@ } ``` +## CbC の継続 +* Code Gear の継続を表す図である +* Code Gear 間の遷移は goto によって行われる +* アセンブラレベルで見ると call ではなく jmp となっている + +<div style="text-align: center;"> + <img src="./images/normal_Code_Gear.pdf" alt="normalCodeGear" width="600"> +</div> + ## Gears におけるメタ計算 -* Gears OS ではメタ計算を Meta Code Gear、Meta Data Gear で表現する。 -* Meta Code Gear はノーマルレベルの Code Gear の直後に遷移され、メタ計算を実行する。 -* Meta Code Gear で OS の機能であるメモリ管理やスレッド管理を行う。 +* Gears OS ではメタ計算を Meta Code Gear、Meta Data Gear で表現する +* Meta Code Gear はノーマルレベルの Code Gear の直後に遷移され、メタ計算を実行する +* Meta Code Gear で OS の機能であるメモリ管理やスレッド管理を行う ## Interface -* Code Gear と Data Gear は Interface と呼ばれるまとまりとして記述される。 -* Interface は使用される Data Gear の定義と、それに対する Code Gear の集合である。 -* Interface の操作に対応する Code Gear の引数は Interface に定義されている Data Gear を通して行われる。 +* Code Gear と Data Gear は Interface と呼ばれるまとまりとして記述される +* Interface は使用される Data Gear の定義と、それに対する Code Gear の集合である +* Interface の操作に対応する Code Gear の引数は Interface に定義されている Data Gear を通して行われる + +## xv6-rpi の CbC 対応 +* オリジナルの xv6 は x86 アーキテクチャで実装されたものだが、xv6-rpi は Raspberry Pi 用に実装されたものである +* xv6-rpi を CbC で書き換えるために、GCC 上で実装した CbC コンパイラを ARM 向けに build し xv6-rpi をコンパイルした +* これにより、xv6-rpi を CbC で書き換える ことができるようになった ## xv6 の CbC への書き換え +* xv6 は UNIX V6 を x86 向けに再実装した OS である +* プロセスや仮想メモリ、カーネルとユーザーの分離、割り込み、ファイルシステムなどの基本的な Unix の構造を持つ +* CbC は Code Gear 間の遷移が goto による継続で行われるため、状態遷移ベースでのプログラミングに適している +* CbC で xv6 を書き換えることにより、状態遷移モデルによるモデル検査が可能となることを期待する -## xv6-rpi の CbC 対応 +## xv6 の書き換えの方針 +* xv6 を CbC で書き換え、Gears OS の機能と置き換えることで Gears OS に OS の基本構造を持たせたい +* このためには xv6 をモジュール化することで、xv6 の機能を明らかにする必要がある +* xv6 の Interface を定義し、Gears OS の機能をこれに合わせることによって実現したい ## CbC によるシステムコールの書き換え +* CbC は C と互換性のある言語であるため、元のソースコードから大きく崩すことなく必要な機能のみを CbC へと書き換えることが可能である +* ここでは実際にシステムコールを CbC で書き換えることによって、状態遷移ベースで書き換えるには何が必要か示すことにした +* 今回は read システムコールの CbC 書き換えを行なった + +## sys\_read 関数 +* 読み込むファイルの情報とアドレスを取り出し、fileread に渡している +``` +int sys_read(void) +{ + struct file *f; + int n; + char *p; + + if(argfd(0, 0, &f) < 0 || argint(2, &n) < 0 || argptr(1, &p, n) < 0) { + return -1; + } + + return fileread(f, p, n); +} +``` + +## cbc\_read +``` +__code cbc_read(__code (*next)(int ret)){ + struct file *f; + int n; + char *p; + + if(argfd(0, 0, &f) < 0 || argint(2, &n) < 0 || argptr(1, &p, n) < 0) { + goto next(-1); + } + goto cbc_fileread(f, p, n, next); +} +``` + +## fileread +* file の状態を確認し、対応した関数へ移行する +``` +int fileread (struct file *f, char *addr, int n) +{ + int r; + + if (f->readable == 0) { + return -1; + } + + if (f->type == FD_PIPE) { + return piperead(f->pipe, addr, n); + } + + if (f->type == FD_INODE) { + ilock(f->ip); + + if ((r = readi(f->ip, addr, f->off, n)) > 0) { + f->off += r; + } + + iunlock(f->ip); + + return r; + } + + panic("fileread"); +} +``` + +## cbc\_fileread +``` +__code cbc_fileread1 (int r) +{ + struct file *f = proc->cbc_arg.cbc_console_arg.f; + __code (*next)(int ret) = cbc_ret; + if (r > 0) + f->off += r; + iunlock(f->ip); + goto next(r); +} + +__code cbc_fileread (struct file *f, char *addr, int n, __code (*next)(int ret)) +{ + if (f->readable == 0) { + goto next(-1); + } + + if (f->type == FD_PIPE) { + //goto cbc_piperead(f->pipe, addr, n, next); + goto next(-1); + } + + if (f->type == FD_INODE) { + ilock(f->ip); + proc->cbc_arg.cbc_console_arg.f = f; + goto cbc_readi(f->ip, addr, f->off, n, cbc_fileread1); + } + + goto cbc_panic("fileread"); +} +``` + +## readi +* readi はファイルシステム上か特殊なデバイスを制御するかどうかで分岐する +* ここでは consoleread へ向かう処理を確認する +``` +int readi (struct inode *ip, char *dst, uint off, uint n) +{ + uint tot, m; + struct buf *bp; + + if (ip->type == T_DEV) { + if (ip->major < 0 || ip->major >= NDEV || !devsw[ip->major].read) { + return -1; + } + + return devsw[ip->major].read(ip, dst, n); + } +... +``` + +## cbc\_readi +``` +__code cbc_readi (struct inode *ip, char *dst, uint off, uint n, __code (*next)(int ret)) +{ + uint tot, m; + struct buf *bp; + + if (ip->type == T_DEV) { + if (ip->major < 0 || ip->major >= NDEV || !cbc_devsw[ip->major].read) { + goto next(-1); + } + + goto cbc_devsw[ip->major].read(ip, dst, n, next); + } +... +``` + +## consoleread +* console への入力を読み込み、待っている間スリープする +``` +int consoleread (struct inode *ip, char *dst, int n) +{ + uint target; + int c; + iunlock(ip); + target = n; + acquire(&input.lock); + + while (n > 0) { + while (input.r == input.w) { + if (proc->killed) { + release(&input.lock); + ilock(ip); + return -1; + } + sleep(&input.r, &input.lock); + } + c = input.buf[input.r++ % INPUT_BUF]; + if (c == C('D')) { // EOF + if (n < target) { + input.r--; + } + break; + } + *dst++ = c; + --n; + if (c == '\n') { + break; + } + } + release(&input.lock); + ilock(ip); + return target - n; +} +``` + +## cbc\_consoleread + +``` +__code cbc_consoleread (struct inode *ip, char *dst, int n, __code(*next)(int ret)) +{ + uint target; + + iunlock(ip); + + target = n; + acquire(&input.lock); + + if (n > 0) { + proc->cbc_arg.cbc_console_arg.n = n; + proc-> = target; + proc->cbc_arg.cbc_console_arg.dst = dst; + proc->cbc_arg.cbc_console_arg.ip = ip; + proc-> = next; + goto cbc_consoleread2(); + } + goto cbc_consoleread1(); +} +``` + +## cbc\_consoleread +``` +__code cbc_consoleread2 () +{ + struct inode *ip = proc->cbc_arg.cbc_console_arg.ip; + __code(*next)(int ret) = proc->; + if (input.r == input.w) { + if (proc->killed) { + release(&input.lock); + ilock(ip); + goto next(-1); + } + goto cbc_sleep(&input.r, &input.lock, cbc_consoleread2); + } + goto cbc_consoleread1(); +} + +__code cbc_consoleread1 () +{ + int cont = 1; + int n = proc->cbc_arg.cbc_console_arg.n; + int target = proc->; + char* dst = proc->cbc_arg.cbc_console_arg.dst; + struct inode *ip = proc->cbc_arg.cbc_console_arg.ip; + __code(*next)(int ret) = proc->; + + int c = input.buf[input.r++ % INPUT_BUF]; + + if (c == C('D')) { // EOF + if (n < target) { + input.r--; + } + cont = 0; + } + + *dst++ = c; + --n; + if (c == '\n') { + cont = 0; + } + if (cont == 1) { + if (n > 0) { + proc->cbc_arg.cbc_console_arg.n = n; + proc-> = target; + proc->cbc_arg.cbc_console_arg.dst = dst; + proc->cbc_arg.cbc_console_arg.ip = ip; + proc-> = next; + goto cbc_sleep(&input.r, &input.lock, cbc_consoleread2); + } + } + release(&input.lock); + ilock(ip); + goto next(target - n); +} +``` +## sleep +* プロセスをスリープ状態にしてスケジューラーへ引き渡す +``` +void sleep(void *chan, struct spinlock *lk) +{ + if(proc == 0) { + panic("sleep"); + } + + if(lk == 0) { + panic("sleep without lk"); + } + + if(lk != &ptable.lock){ //DOC: sleeplock0 + acquire(&ptable.lock); //DOC: sleeplock1 + release(lk); + } + + proc->chan = chan; + proc->state = SLEEPING; + sched(); + + proc->chan = 0; + + if(lk != &ptable.lock){ //DOC: sleeplock2 + release(&ptable.lock); + acquire(lk); + } +} +``` + +## cbc\_sleep +``` +__code cbc_sleep1() +{ + struct spinlock *lk = proc->lk; + proc->chan = 0; + + if(lk != &ptable.lock){ //DOC: sleeplock2 + release(&ptable.lock); + acquire(lk); + } + goto proc->cbc_next(); +} + +__code cbc_sleep(void *chan, struct spinlock *lk, __code(*next1)()) +{ + if(proc == 0) { + panic("sleep"); + } + + if(lk == 0) { + panic("sleep without lk"); + } + + if(lk != &ptable.lock){ //DOC: sleeplock0 + acquire(&ptable.lock); //DOC: sleeplock1 + release(lk); + } + proc->chan = chan; + proc->state = SLEEPING; + proc->lk = lk; + proc->cbc_next = next1; + + goto cbc_sched(cbc_sleep1); +} +``` + +## sched +* レジスタの値を切り替えて、スケジューラーへと戻る +* 再開時は swtch の下から再開する +``` +void sched(void) +{ + int intena; + + if(!holding(&ptable.lock)) { + panic("sched ptable.lock"); + } + + if(cpu->ncli != 1) { + panic("sched locks"); + } + + if(proc->state == RUNNING) { + panic("sched running"); + } + + if(int_enabled ()) { + panic("sched interruptible"); + } + + intena = cpu->intena; + swtch(&proc->context, cpu->scheduler); + cpu->intena = intena; +} +``` + +## cbc\_sched +``` +__code cbc_sched(__code(*next)()) +{ + int intena; + + if(!holding(&ptable.lock)) { + panic("sched ptable.lock"); + } + + if(cpu->ncli != 1) { + panic("sched locks"); + } + + if(proc->state == RUNNING) { + panic("sched running"); + } + + if(int_enabled ()) { + panic("sched interruptible"); + } + + intena = cpu->intena; + swtch(&proc->context, cpu->scheduler); + cpu->intena = intena; + + goto next(); +} +``` ## まとめと今後の方針 +* 現在は xv6 のシステムコールの一部のみの書き換えと、設計のみしか行っていないのでカーネル全ての書き換えをおこなう +* Gears OS にはメタ計算を実装する context は par goto の機能がある +* これらの機能を xv6 に組み込む方法について考察する必要がある +* xv6-rpi は QEMU のみの動作でしか確認してないため、実機上での動作が可能なように実装する必要がある
--- a/slide/sigos.pdf.html Fri May 24 14:18:28 2019 +0900 +++ b/slide/sigos.pdf.html Sun May 26 20:32:55 2019 +0900 @@ -73,18 +73,31 @@ <div class='slide'> - <!-- ## 本発表の流れ --> -<!-- * 研究目的 --> -<!-- * CbC の説明 --> -<!-- * --> -<!-- * Interface の説明 --> -<!-- * --> -<!-- * 実際に行なった書き換え--> -<!-- * まとめ --> + +<!-- _S9SLIDE_ --> +<h2 id="研究目的">研究目的</h2> +<ul> + <li>現代の OS では拡張性と信頼性を両立させることが要求されている</li> + <li>信頼性をノーマルレベルの計算に対して保証し、拡張性をメタレベルの計算で実現することを目標に Gears OS を設計中である</li> + <li>ノーマルレベルの計算とメタレベルの計算を切り離して記述するために Code Gear と Data Gear という単位を用いている</li> + <li>Gears OS は Continuation based C(CbC) によってアプリケーションと OS そのものを記述する</li> + <li>本研究では、CbC を用いた Gears OS の実装の前段階として xv6 での実装を目標とする</li> +</ul> + -<!-- _S9SLIDE_ --> -<h2 id="xv6-を継続で書き換える意味">xv6 を継続で書き換える意味</h2> +</div> + +<div class='slide'> + <!-- _S9SLIDE_ --> +<h2 id="メタ計算とは">メタ計算とは</h2> +<ul> + <li>プログラムを記述する際、ノーマルレベルの処理の他に、メモリ管理やスレッド管理、CPU や GPU の資源管理等、記述しなければならない処理が存在する</li> + <li>これらの計算をメタ計算と呼ぶ</li> + <li>メタ計算はノーマルレベルの計算から切り離して記述したい</li> + <li>そのためには処理を細かく分割する必要があるが、関数やクラスなどの単位は容易に分割できない</li> + <li>そこで当研究室ではメタ計算を柔軟に記述するためのプログラミング言語の単位として Code Gear、Data Gear という単位を提案している</li> +</ul> @@ -94,10 +107,11 @@ <!-- _S9SLIDE_ --> <h2 id="continuatuin-based-c">Continuatuin based C</h2> <ul> - <li>Continuation based C (CbC) はこの Code Gear 単位を用いたプログラミング言語として開発している。</li> - <li>Code Gear は 関数呼び出し時の環境を使わずに次の Code Gear へと goto 文によって遷移する。</li> + <li>Continuation based C (CbC) はこの Code Gear 処理の単位としてプログラミング言語として開発している。</li> + <li>Code Gear は 関数呼び出し時の環境を使わずに次の Code Gear へと goto 文によって遷移する</li> <li>この goto 文による遷移を軽量継続と呼ぶ。</li> - <li>CbC は軽量継続を持ち、C と互換性のある言語である</li> + <li>継続を用いることによって状態遷移ベースでのプログラミングが可能である</li> + <li>CbC は C と互換性のある言語なので、C の関数も呼び出すことができる</li> </ul> @@ -108,10 +122,20 @@ <!-- _S9SLIDE_ --> <h2 id="cbc-のコード例">CbC のコード例</h2> <ul> - <li>CbC では Code Gear は <em>__code</em> という型を持つ関数の構文で定義される。</li> - <li>Code Gear は戻り値を持たないので、関数とは異なり return 文は存在しない。</li> - <li>goto の後に Code Gear 名と引数を並べて、次の Code Gear の遷移を記述する。</li> - <li>この goto の行き先を継続と呼び、このときの a+b が次の Code Gear への出力となる。</li> + <li>CbC では Code Gear は <em>__code</em> Code Gear 名 (引数) の形で記述される</li> + <li>Code Gear は戻り値を持たないので、関数とは異なり return 文は存在しない</li> + <li>goto の後に Code Gear 名と引数を並べて、次の Code Gear の遷移を記述する</li> +</ul> + + + +</div> + +<div class='slide'> + <!-- _S9SLIDE_ --> +<h2 id="cbc-のコード例-1">CbC のコード例</h2> +<ul> + <li>この goto の行き先を継続と呼び、このときの a+b が次の Code Gear への出力となる</li> </ul> <pre><code>__code cg0(int a, int b){ @@ -129,11 +153,28 @@ <div class='slide'> <!-- _S9SLIDE_ --> +<h2 id="cbc-の継続">CbC の継続</h2> +<ul> + <li>Code Gear の継続を表す図である</li> + <li>Code Gear 間の遷移は goto によって行われる</li> + <li>アセンブラレベルで見ると call ではなく jmp となっている</li> +</ul> + +<div style="text-align: center;"> + <img src="./images/normal_Code_Gear.pdf" alt="normalCodeGear" width="600" /> +</div> + + + +</div> + +<div class='slide'> + <!-- _S9SLIDE_ --> <h2 id="gears-におけるメタ計算">Gears におけるメタ計算</h2> <ul> - <li>Gears OS ではメタ計算を Meta Code Gear、Meta Data Gear で表現する。</li> - <li>Meta Code Gear はノーマルレベルの Code Gear の直後に遷移され、メタ計算を実行する。</li> - <li>Meta Code Gear で OS の機能であるメモリ管理やスレッド管理を行う。</li> + <li>Gears OS ではメタ計算を Meta Code Gear、Meta Data Gear で表現する</li> + <li>Meta Code Gear はノーマルレベルの Code Gear の直後に遷移され、メタ計算を実行する</li> + <li>Meta Code Gear で OS の機能であるメモリ管理やスレッド管理を行う</li> </ul> @@ -144,9 +185,22 @@ <!-- _S9SLIDE_ --> <h2 id="interface">Interface</h2> <ul> - <li>Code Gear と Data Gear は Interface と呼ばれるまとまりとして記述される。</li> - <li>Interface は使用される Data Gear の定義と、それに対する Code Gear の集合である。</li> - <li>Interface の操作に対応する Code Gear の引数は Interface に定義されている Data Gear を通して行われる。</li> + <li>Code Gear と Data Gear は Interface と呼ばれるまとまりとして記述される</li> + <li>Interface は使用される Data Gear の定義と、それに対する Code Gear の集合である</li> + <li>Interface の操作に対応する Code Gear の引数は Interface に定義されている Data Gear を通して行われる</li> +</ul> + + + +</div> + +<div class='slide'> + <!-- _S9SLIDE_ --> +<h2 id="xv6-rpi-の-cbc-対応">xv6-rpi の CbC 対応</h2> +<ul> + <li>オリジナルの xv6 は x86 アーキテクチャで実装されたものだが、xv6-rpi は Raspberry Pi 用に実装されたものである</li> + <li>xv6-rpi を CbC で書き換えるために、GCC 上で実装した CbC コンパイラを ARM 向けに build し xv6-rpi をコンパイルした</li> + <li>これにより、xv6-rpi を CbC で書き換える ことができるようになった</li> </ul> @@ -156,6 +210,12 @@ <div class='slide'> <!-- _S9SLIDE_ --> <h2 id="xv6-の-cbc-への書き換え">xv6 の CbC への書き換え</h2> +<ul> + <li>xv6 は UNIX V6 を x86 向けに再実装した OS である</li> + <li>プロセスや仮想メモリ、カーネルとユーザーの分離、割り込み、ファイルシステムなどの基本的な Unix の構造を持つ</li> + <li>CbC は Code Gear 間の遷移が goto による継続で行われるため、状態遷移ベースでのプログラミングに適している</li> + <li>CbC で xv6 を書き換えることにより、状態遷移モデルによるモデル検査が可能となることを期待する</li> +</ul> @@ -163,7 +223,12 @@ <div class='slide'> <!-- _S9SLIDE_ --> -<h2 id="xv6-rpi-の-cbc-対応">xv6-rpi の CbC 対応</h2> +<h2 id="xv6-の書き換えの方針">xv6 の書き換えの方針</h2> +<ul> + <li>xv6 を CbC で書き換え、Gears OS の機能と置き換えることで Gears OS に OS の基本構造を持たせたい</li> + <li>このためには xv6 をモジュール化することで、xv6 の機能を明らかにする必要がある</li> + <li>xv6 の Interface を定義し、Gears OS の機能をこれに合わせることによって実現したい</li> +</ul> @@ -172,6 +237,471 @@ <div class='slide'> <!-- _S9SLIDE_ --> <h2 id="cbc-によるシステムコールの書き換え">CbC によるシステムコールの書き換え</h2> +<ul> + <li>CbC は C と互換性のある言語であるため、元のソースコードから大きく崩すことなく必要な機能のみを CbC へと書き換えることが可能である</li> + <li>ここでは実際にシステムコールを CbC で書き換えることによって、状態遷移ベースで書き換えるには何が必要か示すことにした</li> + <li>今回は read システムコールの CbC 書き換えを行なった</li> +</ul> + + + +</div> + +<div class='slide'> + <!-- _S9SLIDE_ --> +<h2 id="sys_read-関数">sys_read 関数</h2> +<ul> + <li>読み込むファイルの情報とアドレスを取り出し、fileread に渡している + <pre><code>int sys_read(void) +{ + struct file *f; + int n; + char *p; + + if(argfd(0, 0, &f) < 0 || argint(2, &n) < 0 || argptr(1, &p, n) < 0) { + return -1; + } + + return fileread(f, p, n); +} +</code></pre> + </li> +</ul> + + + +</div> + +<div class='slide'> + <!-- _S9SLIDE_ --> +<h2 id="cbc_read">cbc_read</h2> +<pre><code>__code cbc_read(__code (*next)(int ret)){ + struct file *f; + int n; + char *p; + + if(argfd(0, 0, &f) < 0 || argint(2, &n) < 0 || argptr(1, &p, n) < 0) { + goto next(-1); + } + goto cbc_fileread(f, p, n, next); +} +</code></pre> + + + +</div> + +<div class='slide'> + <!-- _S9SLIDE_ --> +<h2 id="fileread">fileread</h2> +<ul> + <li>file の状態を確認し、対応した関数へ移行する + <pre><code>int fileread (struct file *f, char *addr, int n) +{ + int r; + + if (f->readable == 0) { + return -1; + } + + if (f->type == FD_PIPE) { + return piperead(f->pipe, addr, n); + } + + if (f->type == FD_INODE) { + ilock(f->ip); + + if ((r = readi(f->ip, addr, f->off, n)) > 0) { + f->off += r; + } + + iunlock(f->ip); + + return r; + } + + panic("fileread"); +} +</code></pre> + </li> +</ul> + + + +</div> + +<div class='slide'> + <!-- _S9SLIDE_ --> +<h2 id="cbc_fileread">cbc_fileread</h2> +<pre><code>__code cbc_fileread1 (int r) +{ + struct file *f = proc->cbc_arg.cbc_console_arg.f; + __code (*next)(int ret) = cbc_ret; + if (r > 0) + f->off += r; + iunlock(f->ip); + goto next(r); +} + +__code cbc_fileread (struct file *f, char *addr, int n, __code (*next)(int ret)) +{ + if (f->readable == 0) { + goto next(-1); + } + + if (f->type == FD_PIPE) { + //goto cbc_piperead(f->pipe, addr, n, next); + goto next(-1); + } + + if (f->type == FD_INODE) { + ilock(f->ip); + proc->cbc_arg.cbc_console_arg.f = f; + goto cbc_readi(f->ip, addr, f->off, n, cbc_fileread1); + } + + goto cbc_panic("fileread"); +} +</code></pre> + + + +</div> + +<div class='slide'> + <!-- _S9SLIDE_ --> +<h2 id="readi">readi</h2> +<ul> + <li>readi はファイルシステム上か特殊なデバイスを制御するかどうかで分岐する</li> + <li>ここでは consoleread へ向かう処理を確認する + <pre><code>int readi (struct inode *ip, char *dst, uint off, uint n) +{ + uint tot, m; + struct buf *bp; + + if (ip->type == T_DEV) { + if (ip->major < 0 || ip->major >= NDEV || !devsw[ip->major].read) { + return -1; + } + + return devsw[ip->major].read(ip, dst, n); + } +... +</code></pre> + </li> +</ul> + + + +</div> + +<div class='slide'> + <!-- _S9SLIDE_ --> +<h2 id="cbc_readi">cbc_readi</h2> +<pre><code>__code cbc_readi (struct inode *ip, char *dst, uint off, uint n, __code (*next)(int ret)) +{ + uint tot, m; + struct buf *bp; + + if (ip->type == T_DEV) { + if (ip->major < 0 || ip->major >= NDEV || !cbc_devsw[ip->major].read) { + goto next(-1); + } + + goto cbc_devsw[ip->major].read(ip, dst, n, next); + } +... +</code></pre> + + + +</div> + +<div class='slide'> + <!-- _S9SLIDE_ --> +<h2 id="consoleread">consoleread</h2> +<ul> + <li>console への入力を読み込み、待っている間スリープする + <pre><code>int consoleread (struct inode *ip, char *dst, int n) +{ + uint target; + int c; + iunlock(ip); + target = n; + acquire(&input.lock); + + while (n > 0) { + while (input.r == input.w) { + if (proc->killed) { + release(&input.lock); + ilock(ip); + return -1; + } + sleep(&input.r, &input.lock); + } + c = input.buf[input.r++ % INPUT_BUF]; + if (c == C('D')) { // EOF + if (n < target) { + input.r--; + } + break; + } + *dst++ = c; + --n; + if (c == '\n') { + break; + } + } + release(&input.lock); + ilock(ip); + return target - n; +} +</code></pre> + </li> +</ul> + + + +</div> + +<div class='slide'> + <!-- _S9SLIDE_ --> +<h2 id="cbc_consoleread">cbc_consoleread</h2> + +<pre><code>__code cbc_consoleread (struct inode *ip, char *dst, int n, __code(*next)(int ret)) +{ + uint target; + + iunlock(ip); + + target = n; + acquire(&input.lock); + + if (n > 0) { + proc->cbc_arg.cbc_console_arg.n = n; + proc-> = target; + proc->cbc_arg.cbc_console_arg.dst = dst; + proc->cbc_arg.cbc_console_arg.ip = ip; + proc-> = next; + goto cbc_consoleread2(); + } + goto cbc_consoleread1(); +} +</code></pre> + + + +</div> + +<div class='slide'> + <!-- _S9SLIDE_ --> +<h2 id="cbc_consoleread-1">cbc_consoleread</h2> +<pre><code>__code cbc_consoleread2 () +{ + struct inode *ip = proc->cbc_arg.cbc_console_arg.ip; + __code(*next)(int ret) = proc->; + if (input.r == input.w) { + if (proc->killed) { + release(&input.lock); + ilock(ip); + goto next(-1); + } + goto cbc_sleep(&input.r, &input.lock, cbc_consoleread2); + } + goto cbc_consoleread1(); +} + +__code cbc_consoleread1 () +{ + int cont = 1; + int n = proc->cbc_arg.cbc_console_arg.n; + int target = proc->; + char* dst = proc->cbc_arg.cbc_console_arg.dst; + struct inode *ip = proc->cbc_arg.cbc_console_arg.ip; + __code(*next)(int ret) = proc->; + + int c = input.buf[input.r++ % INPUT_BUF]; + + if (c == C('D')) { // EOF + if (n < target) { + input.r--; + } + cont = 0; + } + + *dst++ = c; + --n; + if (c == '\n') { + cont = 0; + } + if (cont == 1) { + if (n > 0) { + proc->cbc_arg.cbc_console_arg.n = n; + proc-> = target; + proc->cbc_arg.cbc_console_arg.dst = dst; + proc->cbc_arg.cbc_console_arg.ip = ip; + proc-> = next; + goto cbc_sleep(&input.r, &input.lock, cbc_consoleread2); + } + } + release(&input.lock); + ilock(ip); + goto next(target - n); +} +</code></pre> + + +</div> + +<div class='slide'> + <!-- _S9SLIDE_ --> +<h2 id="sleep">sleep</h2> +<ul> + <li>プロセスをスリープ状態にしてスケジューラーへ引き渡す + <pre><code>void sleep(void *chan, struct spinlock *lk) +{ + if(proc == 0) { + panic("sleep"); + } + + if(lk == 0) { + panic("sleep without lk"); + } + + if(lk != &ptable.lock){ //DOC: sleeplock0 + acquire(&ptable.lock); //DOC: sleeplock1 + release(lk); + } + + proc->chan = chan; + proc->state = SLEEPING; + sched(); + + proc->chan = 0; + + if(lk != &ptable.lock){ //DOC: sleeplock2 + release(&ptable.lock); + acquire(lk); + } +} +</code></pre> + </li> +</ul> + + + +</div> + +<div class='slide'> + <!-- _S9SLIDE_ --> +<h2 id="cbc_sleep">cbc_sleep</h2> +<pre><code>__code cbc_sleep1() +{ + struct spinlock *lk = proc->lk; + proc->chan = 0; + + if(lk != &ptable.lock){ //DOC: sleeplock2 + release(&ptable.lock); + acquire(lk); + } + goto proc->cbc_next(); +} + +__code cbc_sleep(void *chan, struct spinlock *lk, __code(*next1)()) +{ + if(proc == 0) { + panic("sleep"); + } + + if(lk == 0) { + panic("sleep without lk"); + } + + if(lk != &ptable.lock){ //DOC: sleeplock0 + acquire(&ptable.lock); //DOC: sleeplock1 + release(lk); + } + proc->chan = chan; + proc->state = SLEEPING; + proc->lk = lk; + proc->cbc_next = next1; + + goto cbc_sched(cbc_sleep1); +} +</code></pre> + + + +</div> + +<div class='slide'> + <!-- _S9SLIDE_ --> +<h2 id="sched">sched</h2> +<ul> + <li>レジスタの値を切り替えて、スケジューラーへと戻る</li> + <li>再開時は swtch の下から再開する + <pre><code>void sched(void) +{ + int intena; + + if(!holding(&ptable.lock)) { + panic("sched ptable.lock"); + } + + if(cpu->ncli != 1) { + panic("sched locks"); + } + + if(proc->state == RUNNING) { + panic("sched running"); + } + + if(int_enabled ()) { + panic("sched interruptible"); + } + + intena = cpu->intena; + swtch(&proc->context, cpu->scheduler); + cpu->intena = intena; +} +</code></pre> + </li> +</ul> + + + +</div> + +<div class='slide'> + <!-- _S9SLIDE_ --> +<h2 id="cbc_sched">cbc_sched</h2> +<pre><code>__code cbc_sched(__code(*next)()) +{ + int intena; + + if(!holding(&ptable.lock)) { + panic("sched ptable.lock"); + } + + if(cpu->ncli != 1) { + panic("sched locks"); + } + + if(proc->state == RUNNING) { + panic("sched running"); + } + + if(int_enabled ()) { + panic("sched interruptible"); + } + + intena = cpu->intena; + swtch(&proc->context, cpu->scheduler); + cpu->intena = intena; + + goto next(); +} +</code></pre> @@ -180,6 +710,12 @@ <div class='slide'> <!-- _S9SLIDE_ --> <h2 id="まとめと今後の方針">まとめと今後の方針</h2> +<ul> + <li>現在は xv6 のシステムコールの一部のみの書き換えと、設計のみしか行っていないのでカーネル全ての書き換えをおこなう</li> + <li>Gears OS にはメタ計算を実装する context は par goto の機能がある</li> + <li>これらの機能を xv6 に組み込む方法について考察する必要がある</li> + <li>xv6-rpi は QEMU のみの動作でしか確認してないため、実機上での動作が可能なように実装する必要がある</li> +</ul> </div>