view paper/chapter/abstract.tex @ 90:a93c2401753b

author anatofuz <>
date Fri, 05 Feb 2021 17:45:51 +0900
parents 7f5bb7c5b433
children 4232c9dc1431
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証明を利用して信頼性を保証する定理証明は、 AgdaやCoqなどの定理証明支援系を利用することになる。
証明そのものは可能であるが、 支援系で証明されたソースコードがそのままOSとして動作する訳ではない。


メタレベルの計算では資源管理などを行うが、 モデル検査などの証明をメタレベルの計算で行いたい。

両レベルを記述できる言語にContinuation Based (CbC)がある。

GearsOSの開発を進めていくには、メタレベルの計算を柔軟に扱うAPIや、 自動でメタレベルの計算を作製するGearsOSのビルドシステムが必須となる。
In order to guarantee the reliability of an application, the reliability of the underlying OS must be highly guaranteed.
The source code of an OS is huge, and there are bugs such as parallel processing that can only be discovered by actually running the OS.
It is impossible to verify all the functions of an OS by testing.

Instead of relying on tests, we want to use formal methods such as theorem proving and model checking to guarantee the reliability of the OS.
For theorem proving to guarantee reliability using proofs, we can use theorem proving support systems such as Agda and Coq.
Another method of guaranteeing reliability is model checking, in which all possible executions of a program are counted to verify that it meets the specifications.

A program can be divided into normal-level computation, which is the computation we want to do, and meta-level computation, which is the computation necessary to do the computation.
In meta-level computation, we want to perform resource management, etc., but we also want to perform proofs such as model checking in meta-level computation.

In order to achieve this, it is necessary to separate the processing of normal-level and meta-level computation, and to have an OS and language processing system that can handle meta-level computation more flexibly.
A language that can describe both levels is Continuation Based C (CbC).
CbC is characterized by the fact that it does not have a stack or an environment, and the next process is performed by continuation.
Using CbC, we are developing GearsOS, an OS that is both scalable and reliable.

The development of GearsOS requires both normal-level code and meta-level code, and the number of meta-level computations varies widely.
In order to proceed with the development of GearsOS, an API that can flexibly handle meta-level computations and a build system for GearsOS that can automatically create meta-level computations are essential.
In this study, we discussed the API for meta-calculus, which will guarantee the reliability and scalability of GearsOS, and extended the language functions.
We also improved the trans-compiler that automatically generates meta-calculus, and devised a system that is more flexible than the conventional GearsOS system.