comparison Paper/bibsample.bib @ 2:844341bbe032

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author ichikitakahiro <>
date Thu, 29 Apr 2021 20:38:08 +0900
equal deleted inserted replaced
1:6d0296897cde 2:844341bbe032
1 @book{latex,
2 author = "Leslie Lamport",
3 title = "A Document Preparation System {\LaTeX} User's Guide
4 \& Reference Manual",
5 publisher = "Addison Wesley",
6 address = "Reading, Massachusetts",
7 year = 1986,
8 note = "(Cooke, E., et al.訳:文書処理システム {\LaTeX}," #
9 "アスキー出版局 (1990))"}
10 @book{total,
11 author = "伊藤 和人",
12 yomi = "Kazuto Itoh",
13 title = "{\LaTeX} トータルガイド",
14 publisher = "秀和システムトレーディング",
15 year = 1991}
16 @book{nodera,
17 author = "野寺 隆志",
18 yomi = "Takashi Nodera",
19 title = "楽々 {\LaTeX}",
20 publisher = "共立出版",
21 year = 1990}
22 @book{okumura,
23 author = "奥村 晴彦",
24 yomi = "Haruhiko Okudera",
25 title = "{\LaTeX} 美文書作成入門",
26 publisher = "技術評論社",
27 year = 1991}
28 @article{article1,
29 author = "桜井 貴文",
30 yomi = "Sakurai, Takafumi",
31 title = "直観主義論理と型理論",
32 journal = "情報処理",
33 volume = 30,
34 number = 6,
35 pages = "626--634",
36 year = 1989}
37 @article{article2,
38 author = "野口 健一郎 and 大谷 真",
39 yomi = "Noguchi, K and Ohtani, M",
40 title = "OSIの実現とその課題",
41 journal = "情報処理",
42 volume = 31,
43 number = 9,
44 pages = "1235-1244",
45 year = 1990}
46 @article{article3,
47 author = "Ssss Itoh and Nnnn Goto",
48 title = "An Adaptive Noiseless Coding for Sources with Big
49 Alphabet Size",
50 journal = "Trans. IEICE",
51 volume = "E74",
52 number = 9,
53 pages = "2495--2503",
54 year = 1991,
55 month = sep}
56 @article{article4,
57 author = "田中 {正次} and 村松 茂 and 山下 茂",
58 yomi = "Tanaka, S and Muramatsu, S and Yamashita, S",
59 title = "9段数7次陽的Runge-Kutta法の最適化について",
60 journal = "情報処理学会論文誌",
61 volume = 33,
62 number = 12,
63 pages = "1512--1526",
64 year = 1992}
65 @article{article5,
66 author = "K. Abrahamson and N. Dadoun and " #
67 "D. G. Kirkpatrick and T. Przytycka",
68 title = "A Simple Parallel Tree Contraction Algorithm",
69 journal = "J. Algorithms",
70 volume = 10,
71 number = 2,
72 pages = "287--302",
73 year = 1989}
74 @article{article6,
75 author = "田中 {正次} and others",
76 title = "9段数7次陽的Runge-Kutta法の次数条件式の解について",
77 journal = "情報処理学会論文誌",
78 volume = 33,
79 number = 12,
80 pages = "1506--1511",
81 year = 1992}
82 @article{article7,
83 author = "T. Yamakami",
84 title = "Exploratory Session Analysis in the Mobile
85 Clickstream",
86 journal = "IPSJ Digital Courier",
87 volume = 3,
88 pages = "14-20",
89 doi = "10.2197/ipsjdc.3.14",
90 year = 2007}
91 @article{article8,
92 author = "波多野 賢治 and 絹谷 弘子 and 吉川 正俊 and
93 植村 俊亮",
94 title = "XML文書検索システムにおける文書内容の統計量を" #
95 "利用した検索対象部分文書の決定",
96 journal = "電子情報通信学会論文誌D",
97 volume = "J89-D",
98 number = 3,
99 pages = "422-431",
100 url = "",
101 year = 2006}
103 @book{book1,
104 author = "J. D. Foley and others",
105 title = "Computer Graphics --- Principles and Practice",
106 series = "System Programming Series",
107 publisher = "Addison-Wesley",
108 address = "Reading, Massachusetts",
109 edition = "2nd",
110 year = 1990}
111 @book{book2,
112 author = "千葉 則茂 and 村岡 一信",
113 yomi = "Chiba, N. and Muraoka, K.",
114 title = "レイトレーシングCG入門",
115 series = "Information {\&} Computing",
116 volume = 46,
117 publisher = "サイエンス社",
118 year = 1990}
119 @book{book3,
120 author = "Chang, C. L. and Lee, R. C. T.",
121 title = "Symbolic Logic and Mechanical Theorem Proving",
122 publisher = "Academic Press",
123 address = "New York",
124 year = 1973,
125 note = "(長尾真,辻井潤一訳: " #
126 "計算機による定理の自動証明, " #
127 "日本コンピュータ協会 (1983))"}
128 @booklet{booklet1,
129 author = "新世代コンピュータ技術開発機構",
130 title = "第五世代コンピュータプロジェクトの概要",
131 howpublished = "{FGCS'92}にて配布",
132 year = 1992}
134 @inbook{inbook1,
135 author = "Knuth, D. E.",
136 title = "Fundamental Algorithms",
137 series = "Art of Computer Programming",
138 volume = 1,
139 chapter = 2,
140 pages = "371--381",
141 publisher = "Addison-Wesley",
142 address = "Reading, Massachusetts",
143 edition = "2nd",
144 year = 1973}
146 @incollection{incollection1,
147 author = "Schwartz, Aaaa Jjjj",
148 title = "Subdividing B{\'e}zier Curves and Surfaces",
149 booktitle = "Geometric Modeling: Algorithms and New Trends",
150 editor = "Farin, G. E.",
151 publisher = "SIAM",
152 address = "Philadelphia",
153 pages = "55--66",
154 year = 1987}
156 @inproceedings{inproceedings1,
157 author = "Baraff, D",
158 title = "Curved Surfaces and Coherence for Non-penetrating
159 Rigid Body Simulation",
160 booktitle = "SIGGRAPH '90 Proceedings",
161 pages = "19--28",
162 editor = "Beach, R. J.",
163 address = "Dallas, Texas",
164 organization = "ACM",
165 publisher = "Addison-Wesley",
166 year = 1990}
168 @inproceedings{inproceedings2,
169 author = "Hiroshi Nakashima and others",
170 title = "OhHelp: A Scalable Domain-Decomposing Dynamic
171 Load Balancing for Particle-in-Cell Simulations",
172 booktitle = "Proc.\ Intl.\ Conf. Supercomputing",
173 year = 2009,
174 pages = "90-99",
175 doi = ""}
177 @manual{manual1,
178 organization = "Adobe Systems Inc.",
179 title = "PostScript Language Reference Manual",
180 publisher = "Addison-Wesley",
181 address = "Reading, Massachusetts",
182 year = 1985}
184 @mastersthesis{mastersthesis1,
185 author = "山下 義行",
186 yomi = "Yamashita, Y",
187 title = "文脈自由文法への否定の導入",
188 school = "筑波大学大学院工学研究科",
189 year = 1989}
192 @misc{misc1,
193 author = "斉藤 康己 and 中島 浩",
194 title = "{{\tt ipsjpapers.sty}}",
195 note = "(情報処理学会論文誌用スタイルファイル," #
196 "論文著者に配布)",
197 year = 1995}
199 @phdthesis{phdthesis1,
200 author = "Weihl, W.",
201 title = "Specification and Implementation of
202 Atomic Data Types",
203 school = "MIT",
204 address = "Boston",
205 year = 1984}
207 @proceedings{proceedings1,
208 title = "Proc. Intl. Conf. on Fifth Generation Computer
209 Systems",
210 organization = "Institute for New Generation Computer Technology",
211 volume = 1,
212 year = 1992}
214 @techreport{techreport1,
215 author = "Ihsakat Aredon",
216 title = "{\TeX} 独稽古",
217 type = "Seminar on Mathematical Sciences",
218 number = 13,
219 institution = "Department of Mathematics, Keio University",
220 address = "Yokohama",
221 year = 1989}
223 @unpublished{unpublished,
224 author = "情報処理学会論文誌編集委員会",
225 title = "{\LaTeX}による論文作成のガイド(第1版)",
226 note = "(論文著者に配布)",
227 year = 1995}
229 @webpage{webpage1,
230 author = "情報処理学会",
231 title = "コンピュータ博物館設立の提言",
232 organization = "情報処理学会",
233 url = "",
234 refdate = "2007-02-05"}
236 @webpage{webpage2,
237 author = "情報処理学会論文誌編集委員会",
238 title = "「情報処理学会論文誌(IPSJ Journal)」原稿執筆案内",
239 organization = "情報処理学会",
240 url="",
241 refdate = "2010-10-28"}
243 @webpage{webpage3,
244 author = "Alan Kay",
245 title = "Welcome to Squeakland",
246 organization = "Squeakland",
247 url = "",
248 refdate = "2007-04-05"}
250 @webpage{webpage4,
251 author = "Hiroshi Nakashima",
252 title = "A {WEB} Page",
253 organization = "Kyoto University",
254 url = "",
255 refdate = "2010-10-30"}
257 @webpage{webpage5,
258 author = "Hiroshi Nakashima",
259 title = "Another {WEB} Page",
260 organization = "Kyoto University",
261 url = "",
262 refdate = "2010-10-30"}