1 module Hoare
2 (PrimComm : Set)
3 (Cond : Set)
4 (Axiom : Cond @$\rightarrow$@ PrimComm @$\rightarrow$@ Cond @$\rightarrow$@ Set)
5 (Tautology : Cond @$\rightarrow$@ Cond @$\rightarrow$@ Set)
6 (_and_ : Cond @$\rightarrow$@ Cond @$\rightarrow$@ Cond)
7 (neg : Cond @$\rightarrow$@ Cond )
8 where
10 data Comm : Set where
11 Skip : Comm
12 Abort : Comm
13 PComm : PrimComm @$\rightarrow$@ Comm
14 Seq : Comm @$\rightarrow$@ Comm @$\rightarrow$@ Comm
15 If : Cond @$\rightarrow$@ Comm @$\rightarrow$@ Comm @$\rightarrow$@ Comm
16 While : Cond @$\rightarrow$@ Comm @$\rightarrow$@ Comm
18 -- Hoare Triple
19 data HT : Set where
20 ht : Cond @$\rightarrow$@ Comm @$\rightarrow$@ Cond @$\rightarrow$@ HT
22 {-
23 prPre pr prPost
24 ------------- ------------------ ----------------
25 bPre => bPre' {bPre'} c {bPost'} bPost' => bPost
26 Weakening : ----------------------------------------------------
27 {bPre} c {bPost}
29 Assign: ----------------------------
30 {bPost[v<-e]} v:=e {bPost}
32 pr1 pr2
33 ----------------- ------------------
34 {bPre} cm1 {bMid} {bMid} cm2 {bPost}
35 Seq: ---------------------------------------
36 {bPre} cm1 ; cm2 {bPost}
38 pr1 pr2
39 ----------------------- ---------------------------
40 {bPre @$\wedge$@ c} cm1 {bPost} {bPre @$\wedge$@ neg c} cm2 {bPost}
41 If: ------------------------------------------------------
42 {bPre} If c then cm1 else cm2 fi {bPost}
44 pr
45 -------------------
46 {inv @$\wedge$@ c} cm {inv}
47 While: ---------------------------------------
48 {inv} while c do cm od {inv @$\wedge$@ neg c}
49 -}
52 data HTProof : Cond @$\rightarrow$@ Comm @$\rightarrow$@ Cond @$\rightarrow$@ Set where
53 PrimRule : {bPre : Cond} @$\rightarrow$@ {pcm : PrimComm} @$\rightarrow$@ {bPost : Cond} @$\rightarrow$@
54 (pr : Axiom bPre pcm bPost) @$\rightarrow$@
55 HTProof bPre (PComm pcm) bPost
56 SkipRule : (b : Cond) @$\rightarrow$@ HTProof b Skip b
57 AbortRule : (bPre : Cond) @$\rightarrow$@ (bPost : Cond) @$\rightarrow$@
58 HTProof bPre Abort bPost
59 WeakeningRule : {bPre : Cond} @$\rightarrow$@ {bPre' : Cond} @$\rightarrow$@ {cm : Comm} @$\rightarrow$@
60 {bPost' : Cond} @$\rightarrow$@ {bPost : Cond} @$\rightarrow$@
61 Tautology bPre bPre' @$\rightarrow$@
62 HTProof bPre' cm bPost' @$\rightarrow$@
63 Tautology bPost' bPost @$\rightarrow$@
64 HTProof bPre cm bPost
65 SeqRule : {bPre : Cond} @$\rightarrow$@ {cm1 : Comm} @$\rightarrow$@ {bMid : Cond} @$\rightarrow$@
66 {cm2 : Comm} @$\rightarrow$@ {bPost : Cond} @$\rightarrow$@
67 HTProof bPre cm1 bMid @$\rightarrow$@
68 HTProof bMid cm2 bPost @$\rightarrow$@
69 HTProof bPre (Seq cm1 cm2) bPost
70 IfRule : {cmThen : Comm} @$\rightarrow$@ {cmElse : Comm} @$\rightarrow$@
71 {bPre : Cond} @$\rightarrow$@ {bPost : Cond} @$\rightarrow$@
72 {b : Cond} @$\rightarrow$@
73 HTProof (bPre and b) cmThen bPost @$\rightarrow$@
74 HTProof (bPre and neg b) cmElse bPost @$\rightarrow$@
75 HTProof bPre (If b cmThen cmElse) bPost
76 WhileRule : {cm : Comm} @$\rightarrow$@ {bInv : Cond} @$\rightarrow$@ {b : Cond} @$\rightarrow$@
77 HTProof (bInv and b) cm bInv @$\rightarrow$@
78 HTProof bInv (While b cm) (bInv and neg b)