1 module ModelChecking where
3 open import Level renaming (zero to Z ; suc to succ)
5 open import Data.Nat hiding (compare)
6 open import Data.Nat.Properties as NatProp
7 open import Data.Maybe
8 -- open import Data.Maybe.Properties
9 open import Data.Empty
10 open import Data.List
11 open import Data.Product
12 open import Function as F hiding (const)
13 open import Relation.Binary
14 open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
15 open import Relation.Nullary
16 open import logic
17 open import Data.Unit hiding (_≟_ ; _≤?_ ; _≤_)
18 open import Relation.Binary.Definitions
22 record AtomicNat : Set where
23 field
24 value : ℕ
26 set : {n : Level } {t : Set n} → AtomicNat → (value : ℕ) → ( AtomicNat → t ) → t
27 set a v next = next record { value = v }
29 record Phils : Set where
30 field
31 pid : ℕ
32 left right : AtomicNat
34 putdown_rfork : {n : Level} {t : Set n} → Phils → ( Phils → t ) → t
35 putdown_rfork p next = set (Phils.right p) 0 ( λ f → next record p { right = f } )
37 putdown_lfork : {n : Level} {t : Set n} → Phils → ( Phils → t ) → t
38 putdown_lfork p next = set (Phils.left p) 0 ( λ f → next record p { left = f } )
40 thinking : {n : Level} {t : Set n} → Phils → ( Phils → t ) → t
41 thinking p next = next p
43 pickup_rfork : {n : Level} {t : Set n} → Phils → ( Phils → t ) → t
44 pickup_rfork p next = set (Phils.right p) (Phils.pid p) ( λ f → next record p { right = f } )
46 pickup_lfork : {n : Level} {t : Set n} → Phils → ( Phils → t ) → t
47 pickup_lfork p next = set (Phils.left p) (Phils.pid p) ( λ f → next record p { left = f } )
49 --eating : {n : Level} {t : Set n} → Phils → ( Phils → t ) → t
50 --eating p next = next p
52 data Code : Set where
53 C_putdown_rfork : Code
54 C_putdown_lfork : Code
55 C_thinking : Code
56 C_pickup_rfork : Code
57 C_pickup_lfork : Code
58 C_eating : Code
60 record Process : Set where
61 field
62 phil : Phils
63 next_code : Code
65 putdown_rfork_stub : {n : Level} {t : Set n} → Process → ( Process → t) → t
66 putdown_rfork_stub p next = putdown_rfork ( Process.phil p ) ( λ ph → next record p { phil = ph ; next_code = C_putdown_lfork } )
68 putdown_lfork_stub : {n : Level} {t : Set n} → Process → ( Process → t) → t
69 putdown_lfork_stub p next = putdown_lfork ( Process.phil p ) ( λ ph → next record p { phil = ph ; next_code = C_putdown_lfork } )
71 code_table : {n : Level} {t : Set n} → Code → Process → ( Process → t) → t
72 -- code_table C_set = {!!}
73 code_table C_putdown_rfork = putdown_rfork_stub
74 code_table C_putdown_lfork = putdown_lfork_stub
75 code_table C_thinking = {!!}
76 code_table C_pickup_rfork = {!!}
77 code_table C_pickup_lfork = {!!}
78 code_table C_eating = {!!}
80 open Process
82 step : {n : Level} {t : Set n} → List Process → (List Process → t) → t
83 step {n} {t} [] next0 = next0 []
84 step {n} {t} (p ∷ ps) next0 = code_table (next_code p) p ( λ np → next0 (ps ++ ( np ∷ [] ) ))
86 test : List Process
87 test = step ( record { phil = record { pid = 1 ; left = record { value = 1 } ; right = record { value = 1 } } ; next_code = C_putdown_rfork } ∷ [] ) ( λ ps → ps )
89 test1 : List Process
90 test1 = step ( record { phil = record { pid = 1 ; left = record { value = 1 } ; right = record { value = 1 } } ; next_code = C_putdown_rfork } ∷ [] )
91 $ λ ps → step ps $ λ ps → ps
93 record Phi : Set where
94 field
95 pid : ℕ
96 right-hand : Bool
97 left-hand : Bool
98 next-code : Code
99 open Phi
101 record Env : Set where
102 field
103 table : List ℕ
104 ph : List Phi
105 open Env
107 init-table : {n : Level} {t : Set n} → ℕ → (exit : Env → t) → t
108 init-table n exit = init-table-loop n 0 (record {table = [] ; ph = []}) exit where
109 init-table-loop : {n : Level} {t : Set n} → (redu inc : ℕ) → Env → (exit : Env → t) → t
110 init-table-loop zero ind env exit = exit env
111 init-table-loop (suc redu) ind env exit = init-table-loop redu (suc ind) record env{
112 table = 0 ∷ (table env)
113 ; ph = record {pid = redu ; left-hand = false ; right-hand = false ; next-code = C_thinking } ∷ (ph env) } exit
115 -- eatingも探索範囲に含める
116 brute-force-search : {n : Level} {t : Set n} → Env → (exit : List Env → t) → t
117 brute-force-search env exit = make-state-list 1 [] (ph env) env (env ∷ []) exit where
118 make-state-list : {n : Level} {t : Set n} → ℕ → List Bool → List Phi → Env → (List Env) → (exit : List Env → t) → t
119 make-state-list redu state (x ∷ pl) env envl exit with next-code x
120 ... | C_thinking = make-state-list (redu + redu) (state ++ (false ∷ [])) pl env envl exit
121 ... | C_eating = make-state-list (redu + redu) (state ++ (false ∷ [])) pl env envl exit
122 ... | _ = make-state-list redu state pl env envl exit
123 make-state-list redu state [] env envl exit = bit-force-search redu [] state env envl exit where
124 bit-force-search : {n : Level} {t : Set n} → ℕ → (f b : List Bool )→ Env → (List Env) → (exit : List Env → t) → t
125 bit-force-search zero f l env envl exit = exit envl
126 bit-force-search (suc redu) f [] env envl exit = exit envl
127 bit-force-search (suc redu) f (true ∷ bs) env envl exit = bit-force-search (suc redu) (f ++ (false ∷ [])) bs env envl exit -- 今回の対象をfalseにしてfに追加,bを次の対象にする
128 bit-force-search (suc redu) f (false ∷ bs) env envl exit = set-state redu (f ++ (true ∷ bs)) (f ++ (true ∷ bs)) [] (ph env) env envl exit where -- 今回の対象をtrueにし,fとbを結合してそのListを代入する.かつそれをbに入れfをinitしてloopさせる
129 set-state : {n : Level} {t : Set n} → ℕ → (origin state : List Bool ) → (f b : List Phi) → Env → (List Env) → (exit : List Env → t) → t -- 入れ替える必要のあるやつはphaseがThinkingのやつのみ
130 set-state redu origin [] f b env envl exit = bit-force-search redu [] origin env (record env{ph = (f ++ b)} ∷ envl) exit -- Stateが先に尽きる
131 set-state redu origin state@(s ∷ ss) f b env envl exit with b
132 ... | [] = bit-force-search redu [] origin env (record env{ph = f} ∷ envl) exit
133 ... | p ∷ ps with next-code p
134 ... | C_putdown_rfork = set-state redu origin state (f ++ (p ∷ [])) ps env envl exit -- 変更対象ではないので奥を対象にする
135 ... | C_putdown_lfork = set-state redu origin state (f ++ (p ∷ [])) ps env envl exit -- 変更対象ではないので奥を対象にする
136 ... | C_pickup_rfork = set-state redu origin state (f ++ (p ∷ [])) ps env envl exit -- 変更対象ではないので奥を対象にする
137 ... | C_pickup_lfork = set-state redu origin state (f ++ (p ∷ [])) ps env envl exit -- 変更対象ではないので奥を対象にする
138 set-state redu origin (true ∷ ss) f b env envl exit | p ∷ ps | C_eating = set-state redu origin ss (f ++ (record p{next-code = C_putdown_lfork} ∷ [])) ps env envl exit -- 変更対象なので変更して奥に進む
139 set-state redu origin (false ∷ ss) f b env envl exit | p ∷ ps | C_eating = set-state redu origin ss (f ++ (p ∷ [])) ps env envl exit -- 変更対象なので変更して奥に進む
140 set-state redu origin (true ∷ ss) f b env envl exit | p ∷ ps | C_thinking = set-state redu origin ss (f ++ (record p{next-code = C_pickup_rfork} ∷ [])) ps env envl exit -- 変更対象なので変更して奥に進む
141 set-state redu origin (false ∷ ss) f b env envl exit | p ∷ ps | C_thinking = set-state redu origin ss (f ++ (p ∷ [])) ps env envl exit -- 変更対象なので変更して奥に進む
145 test-search : List Env
146 test-search = init-table 3 (λ e0 → brute-force-search e0 (λ e1 → e1))
148 -- テーブルをたどるために若干loopが必要
149 pickup-rfork-c : {n : Level} {t : Set n} → ℕ → Phi → Env → (Env → t) → t
150 pickup-rfork-c ind p env exit = pickup-rfork-p ind [] (table env) p env exit where
151 pickup-rfork-p : {n : Level} {t : Set n} → ℕ → (f b : List ℕ) → Phi → Env → (Env → t) → t
152 pickup-rfork-p zero f [] p env exit = exit env
153 pickup-rfork-p zero f (zero ∷ ts) p env exit = exit record env{ph = ((ph env) ++ (record p{right-hand = true ; next-code = C_pickup_lfork} ∷ [])); table = (f ++ ((pid p) ∷ ts))} -- 取得可能なので変更する envの後ろにappendする感じ
154 pickup-rfork-p zero f ((suc x) ∷ ts) p env exit = exit record env{ph = ((ph env) ++ p ∷ [])} -- 取得不可能なので変更せず終了する
155 pickup-rfork-p (suc ind) f [] p env exit = exit env
156 pickup-rfork-p (suc ind) f (x ∷ ts) p env exit = pickup-rfork-p ind (f ++ (x ∷ [])) ts p env exit
158 pickup-lfork-c : {n : Level} {t : Set n} → ℕ → Phi → Env → (Env → t) → t
159 pickup-lfork-c ind p env exit = pickup-lfork-p (suc ind) [] (table env) p env exit where
160 pickup-lfork-p : {n : Level} {t : Set n} → ℕ → (f b : List ℕ) → Phi → Env → (Env → t) → t
161 pickup-lfork-p zero f [] p env exit with table env
162 ... | [] = exit env
163 ... | 0 ∷ ts = exit record env{ph = ((ph env) ++ (record p{left-hand = true ; next-code = C_eating} ∷ [])); table = ((pid p) ∷ ts)} -- 取得可能なので変更する envの後ろにappendする感じ
164 ... | (suc x) ∷ ts = exit record env{ph = ((ph env) ++ p ∷ [])} -- 取得不可能なので変更せず終了する
165 pickup-lfork-p zero f (0 ∷ ts) p env exit = exit record env{ph = ((ph env) ++ (record p{left-hand = true ; next-code = C_eating} ∷ [])); table = (f ++ ((pid p) ∷ ts))} -- 取得可能なので変更する envの後ろにappendする感じ
166 pickup-lfork-p zero f ((suc x) ∷ ts) p env exit = exit record env{ph = ((ph env) ++ p ∷ [])} -- 取得不可能なので変更せず終了する
167 pickup-lfork-p (suc ind) f [] p env exit = exit env
168 pickup-lfork-p (suc ind) f (x ∷ ts) p env exit = pickup-lfork-p ind (f ++ (x ∷ [])) ts p env exit
171 putdown-lfork-c : {n : Level} {t : Set n} → ℕ → Phi → Env → (Env → t) → t
172 putdown-lfork-c ind p env exit = putdown-lfork-p (suc ind) [] (table env) p env exit where
173 putdown-lfork-p : {n : Level} {t : Set n} → ℕ → (f b : List ℕ) → Phi → Env → (Env → t) → t
174 putdown-lfork-p zero f [] p env exit with table env
175 ... | [] = exit env
176 ... | x ∷ ts = exit record env{ph = ((ph env) ++ (record p{left-hand = false ; next-code = C_putdown_rfork} ∷ [])); table = (0 ∷ ts)} -- 取得可能なので変更する envの後ろにappendする感じ
177 putdown-lfork-p zero f (x ∷ ts) p env exit = exit record env{ph = ((ph env) ++ (record p{left-hand = false ; next-code = C_putdown_rfork} ∷ [])); table = (f ++ (0 ∷ ts))} -- 取得可能なので変更する envの後ろにappendする感じ
178 putdown-lfork-p (suc ind) f [] p env exit = exit env
179 putdown-lfork-p (suc ind) f (x ∷ ts) p env exit = putdown-lfork-p ind (f ++ (x ∷ [])) ts p env exit
183 putdown-rfork-c : {n : Level} {t : Set n} → ℕ → Phi → Env → (Env → t) → t
184 putdown-rfork-c ind p env exit = putdown-rfork-p ind [] (table env) p env exit where
185 putdown-rfork-p : {n : Level} {t : Set n} → ℕ → (f b : List ℕ) → Phi → Env → (Env → t) → t
186 putdown-rfork-p zero f [] p env exit = exit env
187 putdown-rfork-p zero f (x ∷ ts) p env exit = exit record env{ph = ((ph env) ++ (record p{right-hand = false ; next-code = C_thinking} ∷ [])); table = (f ++ (0 ∷ ts))} -- 取得可能なので変更する envの後ろにappendする感じ
188 putdown-rfork-p (suc ind) f [] p env exit = exit env
189 putdown-rfork-p (suc ind) f (x ∷ ts) p env exit = putdown-rfork-p ind (f ++ (x ∷ [])) ts p env exit
192 thinking-c : {n : Level} {t : Set n} → ℕ → Phi → Env → (Env → t) → t
193 thinking-c ind p env exit = exit record env{ph = ((ph env) ++ p ∷ [])} -- 取得不要なので変更せず終了する
195 code_table-test : {n : Level} {t : Set n} → Code → ℕ → Phi → Env → (Env → t) → t
196 code_table-test C_putdown_rfork = putdown-rfork-c
197 code_table-test C_putdown_lfork = putdown-lfork-c
198 code_table-test C_thinking = thinking-c
199 code_table-test C_pickup_rfork = pickup-rfork-c
200 code_table-test C_pickup_lfork = pickup-lfork-c
201 code_table-test C_eating = thinking-c
203 step-c : {n : Level} {t : Set n} → Env → (exit : Env → t) → t
204 step-c env exit = step-p (length (table env)) 0 record env{ph = []} (ph env) exit where
205 step-p : {n : Level} {t : Set n} → (redu index : ℕ) → Env → (List Phi) → (exit : Env → t) → t
206 step-p zero ind env pl exit = exit env
207 step-p (suc redu) ind env [] exit = exit env
208 step-p (suc redu) ind env (p ∷ ps) exit = code_table-test (next-code p) ind p env (λ e → step-p redu (suc ind) e ps exit )
210 step-c-debug : {n : Level} {t : Set n} → Env → (exit : List Env → t) → t
211 step-c-debug env exit = step-p (length (table env)) 0 (record env{ph = [] } ∷ env ∷ []) (ph env) exit where
212 step-p : {n : Level} {t : Set n} → (redu index : ℕ) → List Env → (List Phi) → (exit : List Env → t) → t
213 step-p zero ind envl pl exit = exit envl
214 step-p (suc redu) ind [] pl exit = exit []
215 step-p (suc redu) ind (e ∷ envl) [] exit = exit []
216 step-p (suc redu) ind (e ∷ envl) (p ∷ ps) exit = code_table-test (next-code p) ind p e (λ e0 → step-p redu (suc ind) (e0 ∷ envl) ps exit )
218 exec-n : {n : Level} {t : Set n} → ℕ → Env → (exit : List Env → t) → t
219 exec-n n env exit = exec-n-p n (env ∷ []) exit where
220 exec-n-p : {n : Level} {t : Set n} → ℕ → List Env → (exit : List Env → t) → t
221 exec-n-p zero envl exit = exit envl
222 exec-n-p (suc n) [] exit = exit []
223 exec-n-p (suc n) envl@(x ∷ es) exit = step-c x (λ e → exec-n-p n (e ∷ envl) exit)
225 init-brute-force : {n : Level} {t : Set n} → List Env → (exit : List (List Env) → t) → t
226 init-brute-force envl exit = init-brute-force-p envl [] exit where
227 init-brute-force-p : {n : Level} {t : Set n} → List Env → List (List Env) → (exit : List (List Env) → t) → t
228 init-brute-force-p [] envll exit = exit envll
229 init-brute-force-p (x ∷ envl) envll exit = init-brute-force-p envl ((x ∷ []) ∷ envll) exit
231 search-brute-force-envll : {n : Level} {t : Set n} → List (List Env) → (exit : List (List Env) → t) → t
232 search-brute-force-envll envll exit = search-brute-force-envll-p [] envll exit where
233 search-brute-force-envll-p : {n : Level} {t : Set n} → (f b : List (List Env)) → (exit : List (List Env) → t) → t
234 search-brute-force-envll-p f [] exit = exit f
235 search-brute-force-envll-p f ([] ∷ bs) exit = search-brute-force-envll-p f bs exit
236 search-brute-force-envll-p f (b@(x ∷ xs) ∷ bs) exit = brute-force-search x (λ e0 → make-brute-force-envl [] e0 b (λ e1 → search-brute-force-envll-p (f ++ e1) bs exit) ) where
237 make-brute-force-envl : {n : Level} {t : Set n} → List (List Env) → (state p_step : List Env) → (exit : List (List Env) → t) → t
238 make-brute-force-envl res [] xs exit = exit res
239 make-brute-force-envl res (x ∷ state) xs exit = make-brute-force-envl (res ++ (x ∷ xs) ∷ []) state xs exit
241 step-brute-force : {n : Level} {t : Set n} → List (List Env) → (exit : List (List Env) → t) → t
242 step-brute-force envll exit = step-brute-force-p [] envll exit where
243 step-brute-force-p : {n : Level} {t : Set n} → (f b : List (List Env)) → (exit : List (List Env) → t) → t
244 step-brute-force-p f [] exit = exit f
245 step-brute-force-p f ([] ∷ bs) exit = step-brute-force-p f bs exit
246 step-brute-force-p f ((x ∷ xs) ∷ bs) exit = step-c x (λ e0 → step-brute-force-p (f ++ ((e0 ∷ x ∷ xs) ∷ [])) bs exit)
248 exec-brute-force : {n : Level} {t : Set n} → ℕ → List (List Env) → (exit : List (List Env) → t) → t
249 exec-brute-force n envll exit = exec-brute-force-p n envll exit where
250 exec-brute-force-p : {n : Level} {t : Set n} → ℕ → List (List Env) → (exit : List (List Env) → t) → t
251 exec-brute-force-p zero envll exit = exit envll
252 exec-brute-force-p (suc n) envll exit = search-brute-force-envll envll (λ e1 → step-brute-force e1 (λ e2 → exec-brute-force-p n e2 exit))
254 model-check-deadlock : {n : Level} {t : Set n} → List (List Env) → (exit : List (List Env) → t) → t
255 model-check-deadlock envll exit = test11 [] envll exit where
256 test11 : {n : Level} {t : Set n} → (f b : List (List Env)) → (exit : List (List Env) → t) → t
257 test11 f [] exit = exit f
258 test11 f ([] ∷ bs) exit = test11 f bs exit
259 test11 f (s@(x ∷ []) ∷ bs) exit = test11 (f ++ (s ∷ [])) bs exit
260 test11 f (s@(x ∷ x1 ∷ []) ∷ bs) exit = test11 (f ++ (s ∷ [])) bs exit
261 test11 f ((x ∷ x1 ∷ x2 ∷ xs) ∷ bs) exit = {!!}
265 data _===_ {n} {A : Set n} : List A -> List A -> Set n where
266 reflection : {x : List A} -> x === x
267 reflection1 : {x : List A} -> (x === x)
269 testhoge : Code → Code → ℕ
270 testhoge C_putdown_rfork C_putdown_rfork = {!!}
271 testhoge C_putdown_lfork C_putdown_lfork = {!!}
272 testhoge C_pickup_rfork C_pickup_rfork = {!!}
273 testhoge C_pickup_lfork C_pickup_lfork = {!!}
274 testhoge _ _ = {!!}
277 test-step-c : (List Env)
278 test-step-c = brute-force-search record {
279 table = 0 ∷ 0 ∷ 0 ∷ []
280 ; ph = record
281 { pid = 1
282 ; left-hand = false
283 ; right-hand = false
284 ; next-code = C_pickup_rfork
285 } ∷ record
286 { pid = 2
287 ; left-hand = false
288 ; right-hand = false
289 ; next-code = C_pickup_rfork
290 } ∷ record
291 { pid = 3
292 ; left-hand = false
293 ; right-hand = false
294 ; next-code = C_pickup_rfork
295 } ∷ []
296 } (λ e2 → e2)
298 test-step-c2 : List (List Env)
299 test-step-c2 = init-brute-force (record {
300 table = 0 ∷ 0 ∷ 0 ∷ []
301 ; ph = record
302 { pid = 1
303 ; left-hand = false
304 ; right-hand = false
305 ; next-code = C_thinking
306 } ∷ record
307 { pid = 2
308 ; left-hand = false
309 ; right-hand = false
310 ; next-code = C_pickup_rfork
311 } ∷ record
312 { pid = 3
313 ; left-hand = false
314 ; right-hand = false
315 ; next-code = C_pickup_rfork
316 } ∷ []
317 } ∷ []) (λ e0 → exec-brute-force 2 e0 (λ e2 → e2))
319 -- 以下メモ
321 -- eathingの状態はいらない Done
322 -- tableはℕのList Done
323 -- いきなりsearchしないで実行結果を持つ感じに
324 -- stubを使うとCodeの引数がスマートになるのでやる
326 -- 実行結果をListでもっているので,stepをじっこうしても変化がなかった場合をdeadlockとして検出したい
327 -- 東恩納先輩とおなじように,waitに入れて評価する
329 -- 余裕があったらassertにLTLの話をいれる
331 -- loop execution
333 -- concurrnt execution
335 -- state db ( binary tree of processes )
337 -- depth first ececution
339 -- verify temporal logic poroerries