changeset 75:ea4a1eec3b36

It's NOT completed.
author kent
date Thu, 08 Nov 2007 19:55:21 +0900
parents d44d734502da
children f07d649cae30
files src/pathfinder/ src/sample/merge/ src/sample/merge/
diffstat 3 files changed, 296 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/pathfinder/	Thu Nov 08 19:55:21 2007 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+package pathfinder;
+import java.util.Random;
+import remoteeditor.command.REPCommand;
+import sample.merge.Translater;
+public class EditorEmulator {
+	private int eid;
+	private int seq;
+	private Random rand;
+	private int MAX_CMD;
+	private int ODDS;
+	public NetworkSimulator<REPCommand> ns;
+	public ChannelSimulator<REPCommand> cs;
+	public Translater translater;
+	public Text text;
+	public EditorEmulator(int id, NetworkSimulator<REPCommand> _ns, int max_cmd, int odds) {
+		eid = id;
+		ns = _ns;
+		MAX_CMD = max_cmd;
+		ODDS = odds;
+		rand = new Random();
+		translater = new Translater(eid);
+	}
+	public EditorEmulator(int id, NetworkSimulator<REPCommand> _ns) {
+		this(id, _ns, 3, 10);
+	}
+	public void init(){
+		cs = ns.connect();
+	}
+	public void run(){
+		REPCommand cmd;
+		System.out.println("Editor"+eid+" start.");
+		while(true){
+			cmd =;
+			if (cmd!=null) cmd = translater.transReceiveCmd(cmd);
+			if (cmd!=null) edit(cmd);
+		}
+		System.out.println("Editor"+eid+" finish.");
+	}
+	private REPCommand genRandomCmd(){
+		if (seq>MAC_CMD || rand.nextInt(100)>ODDS) return null;
+		String str = new String("inserted or replaced by editor"+eid);
+		return new REPCommand(cmdNO[rand.nextInt(2)],
+		                      0, eid, seq++,
+		                      rand.nextInt(text.size()), //size-1?
+		                      str.length(), str);
+	}
+	private void edit(REPCommand cmd){
+		if (cmd.cmd==REP.REPCMD_INSERT)        text.insert(cmd.lineno, cmd.string);
+		else if (cmd.cmd==REP.REPCMD_REPLACE)  text.replace(cmd.lineno, cmd.string);
+		else if (cmd.cmd==REP.REPCMD_DELETE)   text.delete(cmd.lineno);
+		else assert false;
+	}
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/sample/merge/	Thu Nov 08 19:55:21 2007 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+package sample.merge;
+import remoteeditor.command.REPCommand;
+public class Merger {
+	private REPPacketReceive receiver;
+	private REPPacketSend sender;
+	private RemoteEditor;
+	private Translater translater;
+	public Merger(){
+		translater = new Translater();
+	}
+	public void pushRemoteCmd(REPCommand cmd){
+		cmd = translater.transReceiveCmd(cmd);
+		if (cmd==null) return;
+		sender.send(cmd);
+		edit(cmd);
+	}
+	public void pushEditorCmd(REPCommand cmd){
+		cmd = translater.transSendCmd(cmd);
+		sender.send(cmd);
+	}
+	private void edit(REPCommand cmd){
+		if (cmd.cmd==REP.REPCMD_NOP) return;
+		else if (cmd.cmd==REP.REPCMD_INSERT)
+			;
+		else if (cmd.cmd==REP.REPCMD_DELETE)
+			;
+		else if (cmd.cmd==REP.REPCMD_REPLACE)
+			;
+		editor.changeText( , );
+	}
+                          +-----------------+
+       pushEditor------>  | Merger          |  <------ pushRemoteCmd
+                          |                 |
+Editor.changeText<------  |        +-------+|  ------> REPPacketSend
+                          +--+-----+Trans- ++
+                             ^     |  later|
+                             +---->|       |
+                                   +-------+
+                    -------------
+  pushEditorCmd --> |           | <-- pushRemoteCmd
+                    |  Merger   |
+       editor.  <-- |           | --> REPPacketSend.send
+                    -------------
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/sample/merge/	Thu Nov 08 19:55:21 2007 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+package sample.merge;
+import java.util.LinkedList;
+import remoteeditor.command.REPCommand;
+public class Translater {
+	//List <REPCommand> userList;
+	//List <REPCommand> tokenList;
+	private LinkedList<REPCommand> cmdList;
+	public int eid;
+	public Translater(int _eid){
+		eid = _eid;
+		cmdList = new LinkedList<REPCommand>();
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Translate cmd When the editor send REPCommand.
+	 * but now, Only adding cmd to the queue is available.
+	 * @param cmd
+	 * @return translated command.
+	 */
+	public REPCommand transSendCmd(REPCommand cmd){
+		cmdList.add(cmd);
+		return cmd;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Dequeue command cmd that was returned.
+	 * @param cmd
+	 */
+	public void catchOwnCommand(REPCommand cmd){
+		// ringである以上、戻ってきたコマンドは確実にキューの先頭にある事を期待している
+		REPCommand cmd0 = cmdList.poll();
+		assert cmd.eid==eid;
+		assert cmd0.seq!=cmd.seq;
+		// とりあえず今のところは何もしない事になっている
+	}
+	/**
+	 * Translate Command cmd that was received from SeMa.
+	 * @param cmd the command to be translated.
+	 * @return translated commannd.
+	 */
+	public REPCommand transReceiveCmd(REPCommand cmd){
+		if (cmd.eid==eid){
+			catchOwnCommand(cmd);
+			return null;
+		}
+		// 拡張for構文、順序は保証されるの? 保証されないとダメ。
+		for(REPCommand cmd0: cmdList){
+			if (cmd0.lineno>cmd.lineno) continue;
+			else if (cmd0.lineno==cmd.lineno){
+				// 既に送ったCommandと行番号が重なる限り、繰り返し変換する
+				cmd = translate(cmd,  cmd0);
+			}
+			// ずれたlinenoを合わせる
+			else if (cmd0.cmd==REP.REPCMD_INSERT) cmd.lineno++;
+			else if (cmd0.cmd==REP.REPCMD_DELETE) cmd.lineno--;
+		}
+		return cmd;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * 
+	 *  比較時に行番号が重なったときの処理は以下の表。
+	 *  なるべくテキストが残るようにしている。
+	 *  0   -- なにもしない
+	 *  +1  -- 行番号を +1
+	 *  INS -- コマンド id を 'REPCMD_INSERT' にする。
+	 *  NOP -- コマンドをNOP(何もしない)にする。
+	 *  ?*  -- TOKENがMasterを通っていなければ 
+	 *               REMOTE
+	 *       |  i  |  r  |  d
+	 *    ---|------------------
+	 *  U  i | +1* | +1  | +1
+	 *  S ---|------------------
+	 *  E  r |  0  | NOP*| NOP    
+	 *  R ---|------------------
+	 *     d |  0  | INS | NOP
+	 *
+	 * 
+	 */
+	private REPCommand translate(REPCommand Rcmd, REPCommand Lcmd){
+		assert Rcmd.lineno==Lcmd.lineno;
+		int Lird = Lcmd.cmd;
+		int Rird = Rcmd.cmd;
+		if (Lird==REP.REPCMD_INSERT){
+			if (Rird==REP.REPCMD_INSERT){
+				if (!Rcmd.throughMaster) Rcmd.lineno++;
+			}else if (Rird==REP.REPCMD_REPLACE){
+				Rcmd.lineno++;
+			}else if (Rird==REP.REPCMD_DELETE){
+				Rcmd.lineno++;
+			}
+		}else if (Lird==REP.REPCMD_REPLACE){
+			if (Rird==REP.REPCMD_INSERT){
+			}else if (Rird==REP.REPCMD_REPLACE){
+				if (!Rcmd.throughMaster) Rcmd.cmd=REP.REPCMD_NOP;
+			}else if (Rird==REP.REPCMD_DELETE){
+				Rcmd.cmd = REP.REPCMD_NOP;
+			}
+		}else if (Lird==REP.REPCMD_DELETE){
+			if (Rird==REP.REPCMD_INSERT){
+			}else if (Rird==REP.REPCMD_REPLACE){
+				Rcmd.cmd = REP.REPCMD_INSERT;
+			}else if (Rird==REP.REPCMD_DELETE){
+				Rcmd.cmd = REP.REPCMD_NOP;
+			}
+		}
+		return Rcmd;
+		// あとで整形しよう
+		if (Lcmd.cmd==REP.REPCMD_INSERT && Rcmd.cmd==REP.REPCMD_INSERT){
+			if (!Rcmd.throughMaster) Rcmd.lineno++;
+		}
+		if (Lcmd.cmd==REP.REPCMD_DELETE && Rcmd.cmd==REP.REPCMD_DELETE){
+			Rcmd.cmd = REP.REPCMD_NOP;
+		}
+		if (Lcmd.cmd==REP.REPCMD_REPLACE && Rcmd.cmd==REP.REPCMD_REPLACE){
+			if (!Rcmd.throughMaster) Rcmd.cmd=REP.REPCMD_NOP;
+		}
+		if (Lcmd.cmd==REP.REPCMD_INSERT && Rcmd.cmd==REP.REPCMD_DELETE){
+			Rcmd.lineno++;
+		}
+		if (Lcmd.cmd==REP.REPCMD_DELETE && Rcmd.cmd==REP.REPCMD_INSERT){
+		}
+		if (Lcmd.cmd==REP.REPCMD_REPLACE && Rcmd.cmd==REP.REPCMD_DELETE){
+			Rcmd.cmd = REP.REPCMD_NOP;
+		}
+		if (Lcmd.cmd==REP.REPCMD_DELETE && Rcmd.cmd==REP.REPCMD_REPLACE){
+			Rcmd.cmd = REP.REPCMD_INSERT;
+		}
+		if (Lcmd.cmd==REP.REPCMD_INSERT && Rcmd.cmd==REP.REPCMD_REPLACE){
+			Rcmd.lineno++;
+		}
+		if (Lcmd.cmd==REP.REPCMD_REPLACE && Rcmd.cmd==REP.REPCMD_INSERT){
+		}
+		return Rcmd;
+	}
+	public void setEid(int _eid){
+		eid = _eid;
+	}
+	/*
+	  old version ( not ring type)
+	  0  -- なにもしない
+	  +1 -- 行番号を +1
+	  i  -- コマンド id を 'i' にする。
+	  X  -- コマンドを削除(無視に)する。
+	              USER
+	       |  i   |  r   |  d
+	    ---|--------------------
+	  T  i | 0\+1 | 0\+1 | 0\+1
+	  O ---|--------------------
+	  K  r | +1\0 | 0\X  | i\X
+	  E ---|--------------------
+	  N  d | +1\0 | X\i  | X\X
+	*/