diff test/sematest/TestEditor.java @ 285:b468f24c3e09

author kono
date Sun, 28 Sep 2008 14:50:46 +0900
parents 90965a3bd4f3
children 30c993e89286
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/test/sematest/TestEditor.java	Sun Sep 28 14:16:13 2008 +0900
+++ b/test/sematest/TestEditor.java	Sun Sep 28 14:50:46 2008 +0900
@@ -2,11 +2,14 @@
 import java.io.IOException;
 import java.net.InetSocketAddress;
+import java.nio.channels.SelectionKey;
+import java.util.LinkedList;
 import rep.REP;
 import rep.REPCommand;
 import rep.REPCommandPacker;
 import rep.channel.REPLogger;
+import rep.channel.REPSelector;
 import rep.channel.REPSocketChannel;
 import test.Text;
@@ -19,13 +22,15 @@
 	private int seq = 0;
 	public static int editorNo = 0;
 	public Text text;
+	public LinkedList<REPCommand> cmds;
+	private int eid;
+	private int sid;
+	REPSocketChannel<REPCommand> channel;
+	boolean running = true;
+	long timeout = 1;
 	static private String[] text1d = {
 		"aaa", "bbb", "ccc", "ddd", "eee",
-		"fff", "ggg", "hhh", "iii", "jjj",
-		"kkk", "lll", "mmm", "nnn", "ooo",
-		"ppp", "qqq", "rrr", "sss", "ttt",
-		"uuu", "vvv", "www", "xxx", "yyy", "zzz"
 	public TestEditor(String name, String _host,int _port, boolean master){
@@ -34,40 +39,82 @@
 		ns = REPLogger.singleton();
 		this.master = master;
 		myid = editorNo++;
-		if (master)
+		if (master) {
 			text = new Text(text1d);
-		else
+			cmds = new LinkedList<REPCommand>();
+			cmds.add(new REPCommand(REP.REPCMD_INSERT,0,0,0,0,"m0"));
+			cmds.add(new REPCommand(REP.REPCMD_DELETE,0,0,0,0,"m0"));
+			cmds.add(new REPCommand(REP.SMCMD_QUIT,0,0,0,0,""));
+		} else {
 			text = new Text(new String[0]);
+			cmds.add(new REPCommand(REP.REPCMD_INSERT,0,0,0,0,"c0"));
+			cmds.add(new REPCommand(REP.REPCMD_DELETE,0,0,0,0,"c0"));
+			cmds.add(new REPCommand(REP.SMCMD_QUIT,0,0,0,0,""));
+		}
 	public void run(){
 		try {
-			REPSocketChannel<REPCommand> channel;
 			channel = REPSocketChannel.<REPCommand>create(new REPCommandPacker());
+		} catch (IOException e) {	return;	}
-			ns.writeLog("try to connect to SessionManager whose ip is "+semaIP+" editor-"+myid, 1);
+		ns.writeLog("try to connect to SessionManager whose ip is "+semaIP+" editor-"+myid, 1);
+		try {
 			while (!channel.connect(semaIP)){
 				ns.writeLog("SeMa not listen to socket yet, wait", 1);
-				Thread.yield();
-			ns.writeLog("successes to connect editor-"+myid, 1);
-			REPCommand command;
-			/*
-			 *         public REPCommand(REP cmd,int sid,int eid, int seq, int lineno,  String string) 
-			 */
-			if (master)
-				command = new REPCommand(REP.SMCMD_PUT,0,0,seq++,0,"master-file");
-			else				
-				command = new REPCommand(REP.SMCMD_JOIN,0,0,seq++,0,"editor-"+myid);
-			channel.write(command);
+		} catch (IOException e) { return; }
+		ns.writeLog("successes to connect editor-"+myid, 1);
+		REPCommand command;
+		/*
+		 *         public REPCommand(REP cmd,int sid,int eid, int seq, int lineno,  String string) 
+		 */
+		if (master)
+			command = new REPCommand(REP.SMCMD_PUT,0,0,seq++,0,"master-file");
+		else				
+			command = new REPCommand(REP.SMCMD_JOIN,0,0,seq++,0,"editor-"+myid);
+		channel.write(command);
-			mainloop(channel);
+		try {
+			mainloop();
 		} catch (IOException e) {
-	private void mainloop(REPSocketChannel<REPCommand> channel) {
+	private void mainloop() throws IOException {
+		channel.configureBlocking(false);
+		REPSelector<REPCommand> selector = REPSelector.create();
+		channel.register(selector, SelectionKey.OP_READ);
+		while(running) {
+			if (selector.select(timeout)<=0) {
+				REPCommand cmd = cmds.poll();
+				if (cmd!=null) {
+					text.edit(cmd);
+					sendCommand(cmd);
+				} else {
+					// no more command to send
+					timeout = 0;
+				}
+			} else {
+				handle(channel.read());
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	private void sendCommand(REPCommand cmd) {
+		cmd.setSEQID(seq++);
+		cmd.setEID(eid);
+		cmd.setSID(sid);
+		ns.writeLog("editor-"+myid+" send "+cmd);
+		channel.write(cmd);
+	}
+	private void handle(REPCommand cmd) {
+		ns.writeLog("editor-"+myid+" read "+cmd);
+		switch(cmd.cmd) {
+		}