1 " Vim indent file
2 " Language: Makefile
3 " Maintainer: Nikolai Weibull <now@bitwi.se>
4 " Latest Revision: 2007-05-07
6 if exists("b:did_indent")
7 finish
8 endif
9 let b:did_indent = 1
11 setlocal indentexpr=GetMakeIndent()
12 setlocal indentkeys=!^F,o,O,<:>,=else,=endif
13 setlocal nosmartindent
15 if exists("*GetMakeIndent")
16 finish
17 endif
19 let s:comment_rx = '^\s*#'
20 let s:rule_rx = '^[^ \t#:][^#:]*:\{1,2}\%([^=:]\|$\)'
21 let s:continued_rule_rx = '^[^#:]*:\{1,2}\%([^=:]\|$\)'
22 let s:continuation_rx = '\\$'
23 let s:assignment_rx = '^\s*\h\w*\s*[+?]\==\s*\zs.*\\$'
24 let s:folded_assignment_rx = '^\s*\h\w*\s*[+?]\=='
25 " TODO: This needs to be a lot more restrictive in what it matches.
26 let s:just_inserted_rule_rx = '^\s*[^#:]\+:\{1,2}$'
27 let s:conditional_directive_rx = '^ *\%(ifn\=\%(eq\|def\)\|else\)\>'
28 let s:end_conditional_directive_rx = '^\s*\%(else\|endif\)\>'
30 function s:remove_continuation(line)
31 return substitute(a:line, s:continuation_rx, "", "")
32 endfunction
34 function GetMakeIndent()
35 " TODO: Should this perhaps be v:lnum -1?
36 " let prev_lnum = prevnonblank(v:lnum - 1)
37 let prev_lnum = v:lnum - 1
38 if prev_lnum == 0
39 return 0
40 endif
41 let prev_line = getline(prev_lnum)
43 let prev_prev_lnum = prev_lnum - 1
44 let prev_prev_line = prev_prev_lnum != 0 ? getline(prev_prev_lnum) : ""
46 " TODO: Deal with comments. In comments, continuations aren't interesting.
47 if prev_line =~ s:continuation_rx
48 if prev_prev_line =~ s:continuation_rx
49 return indent(prev_lnum)
50 elseif prev_line =~ s:rule_rx
51 return &sw
52 elseif prev_line =~ s:assignment_rx
53 call cursor(prev_lnum, 1)
54 if search(s:assignment_rx, 'W') != 0
55 return virtcol('.') - 1
56 else
57 " TODO: ?
58 return &sw
59 endif
60 else
61 " TODO: OK, this might be a continued shell command, so perhaps indent
62 " properly here? Leave this out for now, but in the next release this
63 " should be using indent/sh.vim somehow.
64 "if prev_line =~ '^\t' " s:rule_command_rx
65 " if prev_line =~ '^\s\+[@-]\%(if\)\>'
66 " return indent(prev_lnum) + 2
67 " endif
68 "endif
69 return indent(prev_lnum) + &sw
70 endif
71 elseif prev_prev_line =~ s:continuation_rx
72 let folded_line = s:remove_continuation(prev_prev_line) . ' ' . s:remove_continuation(prev_line)
73 let lnum = prev_prev_lnum - 1
74 let line = getline(lnum)
75 while line =~ s:continuation_rx
76 let folded_line = s:remove_continuation(line) . ' ' . folded_line
77 let lnum -= 1
78 let line = getline(lnum)
79 endwhile
80 let folded_lnum = lnum + 1
81 if folded_line =~ s:rule_rx
82 if getline(v:lnum) =~ s:rule_rx
83 return 0
84 else
85 return &ts
86 endif
87 else
88 " elseif folded_line =~ s:folded_assignment_rx
89 if getline(v:lnum) =~ s:rule_rx
90 return 0
91 else
92 return indent(folded_lnum)
93 endif
94 " else
95 " " TODO: ?
96 " return indent(prev_lnum)
97 endif
98 elseif prev_line =~ s:rule_rx
99 if getline(v:lnum) =~ s:rule_rx
100 return 0
101 else
102 return &ts
103 endif
104 elseif prev_line =~ s:conditional_directive_rx
105 return &sw
106 else
107 let line = getline(v:lnum)
108 if line =~ s:just_inserted_rule_rx
109 return 0
110 elseif line =~ s:end_conditional_directive_rx
111 return v:lnum - 1 == 0 ? 0 : indent(v:lnum - 1) - &sw
112 else
113 return v:lnum - 1 == 0 ? 0 : indent(v:lnum - 1)
114 endif
115 endif
116 endfunction