1 " Vim syntax file
2 " Language: PPWizard (preprocessor by Dennis Bareis)
3 " Maintainer: Stefan Schwarzer <s.schwarzer@ndh.net>
4 " URL: http://www.ndh.net/home/sschwarzer/download/ppwiz.vim
5 " Last Change: 2003 May 11
6 " Filename: ppwiz.vim
8 " Remove old syntax stuff
9 " For version 5.x: Clear all syntax items
10 " For version 6.x: Quit when a syntax file was already loaded
11 if version < 600
12 syntax clear
13 elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
14 finish
15 endif
17 syn case ignore
19 if !exists("ppwiz_highlight_defs")
20 let ppwiz_highlight_defs = 1
21 endif
23 if !exists("ppwiz_with_html")
24 let ppwiz_with_html = 1
25 endif
27 " comments
28 syn match ppwizComment "^;.*$"
29 syn match ppwizComment ";;.*$"
30 " HTML
31 if ppwiz_with_html > 0
32 syn region ppwizHTML start="<" end=">" contains=ppwizArg,ppwizMacro
33 syn match ppwizHTML "\&\w\+;"
34 endif
35 " define, evaluate etc.
36 if ppwiz_highlight_defs == 1
37 syn match ppwizDef "^\s*\#\S\+\s\+\S\+" contains=ALL
38 syn match ppwizDef "^\s*\#\(if\|else\|endif\)" contains=ALL
39 syn match ppwizDef "^\s*\#\({\|break\|continue\|}\)" contains=ALL
40 " elseif ppwiz_highlight_defs == 2
41 " syn region ppwizDef start="^\s*\#" end="[^\\]$" end="^$" keepend contains=ALL
42 else
43 syn region ppwizDef start="^\s*\#" end="[^\\]$" end="^$" keepend contains=ppwizCont
44 endif
45 syn match ppwizError "\s.\\$"
46 syn match ppwizCont "\s\([+\-%]\|\)\\$"
47 " macros to execute
48 syn region ppwizMacro start="<\$" end=">" contains=@ppwizArgVal,ppwizCont
49 " macro arguments
50 syn region ppwizArg start="{" end="}" contains=ppwizEqual,ppwizString
51 syn match ppwizEqual "=" contained
52 syn match ppwizOperator "<>\|=\|<\|>" contained
53 " standard variables (builtin)
54 syn region ppwizStdVar start="<?[^?]" end=">" contains=@ppwizArgVal
55 " Rexx variables
56 syn region ppwizRexxVar start="<??" end=">" contains=@ppwizArgVal
57 " Constants
58 syn region ppwizString start=+"+ end=+"+ contained contains=ppwizMacro,ppwizArg,ppwizHTML,ppwizCont,ppwizStdVar,ppwizRexxVar
59 syn region ppwizString start=+'+ end=+'+ contained contains=ppwizMacro,ppwizArg,ppwizHTML,ppwizCont,ppwizStdVar,ppwizRexxVar
60 syn match ppwizInteger "\d\+" contained
62 " Clusters
63 syn cluster ppwizArgVal add=ppwizString,ppwizInteger
65 " Define the default highlighting.
66 " For version 5.7 and earlier: only when not done already
67 " For version 5.8 and later: only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet
68 if version >= 508 || !exists("did_ppwiz_syn_inits")
69 if version < 508
70 let did_ppwiz_syn_inits = 1
71 command -nargs=+ HiLink hi link <args>
72 else
73 command -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link <args>
74 endif
76 HiLink ppwizSpecial Special
77 HiLink ppwizEqual ppwizSpecial
78 HiLink ppwizOperator ppwizSpecial
79 HiLink ppwizComment Comment
80 HiLink ppwizDef PreProc
81 HiLink ppwizMacro Statement
82 HiLink ppwizArg Identifier
83 HiLink ppwizStdVar Identifier
84 HiLink ppwizRexxVar Identifier
85 HiLink ppwizString Constant
86 HiLink ppwizInteger Constant
87 HiLink ppwizCont ppwizSpecial
88 HiLink ppwizError Error
89 HiLink ppwizHTML Type
91 delcommand HiLink
92 endif
94 let b:current_syntax = "ppwiz"
96 " vim: ts=4