1 "----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 " Description: Vim Ada syntax file
3 " Language: Ada (2005)
4 " $Id: ada.vim 887 2008-07-08 14:29:01Z krischik $
5 " Copyright: Copyright (C) 2006 Martin Krischik
6 " Maintainer: Martin Krischik
7 " David A. Wheeler <dwheeler@dwheeler.com>
8 " Simon Bradley <simon.bradley@pitechnology.com>
9 " Contributors: Preben Randhol.
10 " $Author: krischik $
11 " $Date: 2008-07-08 16:29:01 +0200 (Di, 08 Jul 2008) $
12 " Version: 4.6
13 " $Revision: 887 $
14 " $HeadURL: https://gnuada.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/gnuada/trunk/tools/vim/syntax/ada.vim $
15 " http://www.dwheeler.com/vim
16 " History: 24.05.2006 MK Unified Headers
17 " 26.05.2006 MK ' should not be in iskeyword.
18 " 16.07.2006 MK Ada-Mode as vim-ball
19 " 02.10.2006 MK Better folding.
20 " 15.10.2006 MK Bram's suggestion for runtime integration
21 " 05.11.2006 MK Spell check for comments and strings only
22 " 05.11.2006 MK Bram suggested to save on spaces
23 " Help Page: help ft-ada-syntax
24 "------------------------------------------------------------------------------
25 " The formal spec of Ada 2005 (ARM) is the "Ada 2005 Reference Manual".
26 " For more Ada 2005 info, see http://www.gnuada.org and http://www.adapower.com.
27 "
28 " This vim syntax file works on vim 7.0 only and makes use of most of Voim 7.0
29 " advanced features.
30 "------------------------------------------------------------------------------
32 if exists("b:current_syntax") || version < 700
33 finish
34 endif
35 let s:keepcpo= &cpo
36 set cpo&vim
38 let b:current_syntax = "ada"
40 " Section: Ada is entirely case-insensitive. {{{1
41 "
42 syntax case ignore
44 " Section: Highlighting commands {{{1
45 "
46 " There are 72 reserved words in total in Ada2005. Some keywords are
47 " used in more than one way. For example:
48 " 1. "end" is a general keyword, but "end if" ends a Conditional.
49 " 2. "then" is a conditional, but "and then" is an operator.
50 "
51 for b:Item in g:ada#Keywords
52 " Standard Exceptions (including I/O).
53 " We'll highlight the standard exceptions, similar to vim's Python mode.
54 " It's possible to redefine the standard exceptions as something else,
55 " but doing so is very bad practice, so simply highlighting them makes sense.
56 if b:Item['kind'] == "x"
57 execute "syntax keyword adaException " . b:Item['word']
58 endif
59 if b:Item['kind'] == "a"
60 execute 'syntax match adaAttribute "\V' . b:Item['word'] . '"'
61 endif
62 " We don't normally highlight types in package Standard
63 " (Integer, Character, Float, etc.). I don't think it looks good
64 " with the other type keywords, and many Ada programs define
65 " so many of their own types that it looks inconsistent.
66 " However, if you want this highlighting, turn on "ada_standard_types".
67 " For package Standard's definition, see ARM section A.1.
68 if b:Item['kind'] == "t" && exists ("g:ada_standard_types")
69 execute "syntax keyword adaBuiltinType " . b:Item['word']
70 endif
71 endfor
73 " Section: others {{{1
74 "
75 syntax keyword adaLabel others
77 " Section: Operatoren {{{1
78 "
79 syntax keyword adaOperator abs mod not rem xor
80 syntax match adaOperator "\<and\>"
81 syntax match adaOperator "\<and\s\+then\>"
82 syntax match adaOperator "\<or\>"
83 syntax match adaOperator "\<or\s\+else\>"
84 syntax match adaOperator "[-+*/<>&]"
85 syntax keyword adaOperator **
86 syntax match adaOperator "[/<>]="
87 syntax keyword adaOperator =>
88 syntax match adaOperator "\.\."
89 syntax match adaOperator "="
91 " Section: <> {{{1
92 "
93 " Handle the box, <>, specially:
94 "
95 syntax keyword adaSpecial <>
97 " Section: rainbow color {{{1
98 "
99 if exists("g:ada_rainbow_color")
100 syntax match adaSpecial "[:;.,]"
101 call rainbow_parenthsis#LoadRound ()
102 call rainbow_parenthsis#Activate ()
103 else
104 syntax match adaSpecial "[:;().,]"
105 endif
107 " Section: := {{{1
108 "
109 " We won't map "adaAssignment" by default, but we need to map ":=" to
110 " something or the "=" inside it will be mislabelled as an operator.
111 " Note that in Ada, assignment (:=) is not considered an operator.
112 "
113 syntax match adaAssignment ":="
115 " Section: Numbers, including floating point, exponents, and alternate bases. {{{1
116 "
117 syntax match adaNumber "\<\d[0-9_]*\(\.\d[0-9_]*\)\=\([Ee][+-]\=\d[0-9_]*\)\=\>"
118 syntax match adaNumber "\<\d\d\=#\x[0-9A-Fa-f_]*\(\.\x[0-9A-Fa-f_]*\)\=#\([Ee][+-]\=\d[0-9_]*\)\="
120 " Section: Identify leading numeric signs {{{1
121 "
122 " In "A-5" the "-" is an operator, " but in "A:=-5" the "-" is a sign. This
123 " handles "A3+-5" (etc.) correctly. " This assumes that if you put a
124 " don't put a space after +/- when it's used " as an operator, you won't
125 " put a space before it either -- which is true " in code I've seen.
126 "
127 syntax match adaSign "[[:space:]<>=(,|:;&*/+-][+-]\d"lc=1,hs=s+1,he=e-1,me=e-1
129 " Section: Labels for the goto statement. {{{1
130 "
131 syntax region adaLabel start="<<" end=">>"
133 " Section: Boolean Constants {{{1
134 " Boolean Constants.
135 syntax keyword adaBoolean true false
137 " Section: Warn C/C++ {{{1
138 "
139 " Warn people who try to use C/C++ notation erroneously:
140 "
141 syntax match adaError "//"
142 syntax match adaError "/\*"
143 syntax match adaError "=="
146 " Section: Space Errors {{{1
147 "
148 if exists("g:ada_space_errors")
149 if !exists("g:ada_no_trail_space_error")
150 syntax match adaSpaceError excludenl "\s\+$"
151 endif
152 if !exists("g:ada_no_tab_space_error")
153 syntax match adaSpaceError " \+\t"me=e-1
154 endif
155 if !exists("g:ada_all_tab_usage")
156 syntax match adaSpecial "\t"
157 endif
158 endif
160 " Section: end {{{1
161 " Unless special ("end loop", "end if", etc.), "end" marks the end of a
162 " begin, package, task etc. Assiging it to adaEnd.
163 syntax match adaEnd /\<end\>/
165 syntax keyword adaPreproc pragma
167 syntax keyword adaRepeat exit for loop reverse while
168 syntax match adaRepeat "\<end\s\+loop\>"
170 syntax keyword adaStatement accept delay goto raise requeue return
171 syntax keyword adaStatement terminate
172 syntax match adaStatement "\<abort\>"
174 " Section: Handle Ada's record keywords. {{{1
175 "
176 " 'record' usually starts a structure, but "with null record;" does not,
177 " and 'end record;' ends a structure. The ordering here is critical -
178 " 'record;' matches a "with null record", so make it a keyword (this can
179 " match when the 'with' or 'null' is on a previous line).
180 " We see the "end" in "end record" before the word record, so we match that
181 " pattern as adaStructure (and it won't match the "record;" pattern).
182 "
183 syntax match adaStructure "\<record\>" contains=adaRecord
184 syntax match adaStructure "\<end\s\+record\>" contains=adaRecord
185 syntax match adaKeyword "\<record;"me=e-1
187 " Section: type classes {{{1
188 "
189 syntax keyword adaStorageClass abstract access aliased array at constant delta
190 syntax keyword adaStorageClass digits limited of private range tagged
191 syntax keyword adaStorageClass interface synchronized
192 syntax keyword adaTypedef subtype type
194 " Section: Conditionals {{{1
195 "
196 " "abort" after "then" is a conditional of its own.
197 "
198 syntax match adaConditional "\<then\>"
199 syntax match adaConditional "\<then\s\+abort\>"
200 syntax match adaConditional "\<else\>"
201 syntax match adaConditional "\<end\s\+if\>"
202 syntax match adaConditional "\<end\s\+case\>"
203 syntax match adaConditional "\<end\s\+select\>"
204 syntax keyword adaConditional if case select
205 syntax keyword adaConditional elsif when
207 " Section: other keywords {{{1
208 syntax match adaKeyword "\<is\>" contains=adaRecord
209 syntax keyword adaKeyword all do exception in new null out
210 syntax keyword adaKeyword separate until overriding
212 " Section: begin keywords {{{1
213 "
214 " These keywords begin various constructs, and you _might_ want to
215 " highlight them differently.
216 "
217 syntax keyword adaBegin begin body declare entry generic
218 syntax keyword adaBegin protected renames task
220 syntax match adaBegin "\<function\>" contains=adaFunction
221 syntax match adaBegin "\<procedure\>" contains=adaProcedure
222 syntax match adaBegin "\<package\>" contains=adaPackage
224 if exists("ada_with_gnat_project_files")
225 syntax keyword adaBegin project
226 endif
228 " Section: with, use {{{1
229 "
230 if exists("ada_withuse_ordinary")
231 " Don't be fancy. Display "with" and "use" as ordinary keywords in all cases.
232 syntax keyword adaKeyword with use
233 else
234 " Highlight "with" and "use" clauses like C's "#include" when they're used
235 " to reference other compilation units; otherwise they're ordinary keywords.
236 " If we have vim 6.0 or later, we'll use its advanced pattern-matching
237 " capabilities so that we won't match leading spaces.
238 syntax match adaKeyword "\<with\>"
239 syntax match adaKeyword "\<use\>"
240 syntax match adaBeginWith "^\s*\zs\(\(with\(\s\+type\)\=\)\|\(use\)\)\>" contains=adaInc
241 syntax match adaSemiWith ";\s*\zs\(\(with\(\s\+type\)\=\)\|\(use\)\)\>" contains=adaInc
242 syntax match adaInc "\<with\>" contained contains=NONE
243 syntax match adaInc "\<with\s\+type\>" contained contains=NONE
244 syntax match adaInc "\<use\>" contained contains=NONE
245 " Recognize "with null record" as a keyword (even the "record").
246 syntax match adaKeyword "\<with\s\+null\s\+record\>"
247 " Consider generic formal parameters of subprograms and packages as keywords.
248 syntax match adaKeyword ";\s*\zswith\s\+\(function\|procedure\|package\)\>"
249 syntax match adaKeyword "^\s*\zswith\s\+\(function\|procedure\|package\)\>"
250 endif
252 " Section: String and character constants. {{{1
253 "
254 syntax region adaString contains=@Spell start=+"+ skip=+""+ end=+"+
255 syntax match adaCharacter "'.'"
257 " Section: Todo (only highlighted in comments) {{{1
258 "
259 syntax keyword adaTodo contained TODO FIXME XXX NOTE
261 " Section: Comments. {{{1
262 "
263 syntax region adaComment
264 \ oneline
265 \ contains=adaTodo,adaLineError,@Spell
266 \ start="--"
267 \ end="$"
269 " Section: line errors {{{1
270 "
271 " Note: Line errors have become quite slow with Vim 7.0
272 "
273 if exists("g:ada_line_errors")
274 syntax match adaLineError "\(^.\{79}\)\@<=." contains=ALL containedin=ALL
275 endif
277 " Section: syntax folding {{{1
278 "
279 " Syntax folding is very tricky - for now I still suggest to use
280 " indent folding
281 "
282 if exists("g:ada_folding") && g:ada_folding[0] == 's'
283 if stridx (g:ada_folding, 'p') >= 0
284 syntax region adaPackage
285 \ start="\(\<package\s\+body\>\|\<package\>\)\s*\z(\k*\)"
286 \ end="end\s\+\z1\s*;"
287 \ keepend extend transparent fold contains=ALL
288 endif
289 if stridx (g:ada_folding, 'f') >= 0
290 syntax region adaProcedure
291 \ start="\<procedure\>\s*\z(\k*\)"
292 \ end="\<end\>\s\+\z1\s*;"
293 \ keepend extend transparent fold contains=ALL
294 syntax region adaFunction
295 \ start="\<procedure\>\s*\z(\k*\)"
296 \ end="end\s\+\z1\s*;"
297 \ keepend extend transparent fold contains=ALL
298 endif
299 if stridx (g:ada_folding, 'f') >= 0
300 syntax region adaRecord
301 \ start="\<is\s\+record\>"
302 \ end="\<end\s\+record\>"
303 \ keepend extend transparent fold contains=ALL
304 endif
305 endif
307 " Section: The default methods for highlighting. Can be overridden later. {{{1
308 "
309 highlight def link adaCharacter Character
310 highlight def link adaComment Comment
311 highlight def link adaConditional Conditional
312 highlight def link adaKeyword Keyword
313 highlight def link adaLabel Label
314 highlight def link adaNumber Number
315 highlight def link adaSign Number
316 highlight def link adaOperator Operator
317 highlight def link adaPreproc PreProc
318 highlight def link adaRepeat Repeat
319 highlight def link adaSpecial Special
320 highlight def link adaStatement Statement
321 highlight def link adaString String
322 highlight def link adaStructure Structure
323 highlight def link adaTodo Todo
324 highlight def link adaType Type
325 highlight def link adaTypedef Typedef
326 highlight def link adaStorageClass StorageClass
327 highlight def link adaBoolean Boolean
328 highlight def link adaException Exception
329 highlight def link adaAttribute Tag
330 highlight def link adaInc Include
331 highlight def link adaError Error
332 highlight def link adaSpaceError Error
333 highlight def link adaLineError Error
334 highlight def link adaBuiltinType Type
335 highlight def link adaAssignment Special
337 " Subsection: Begin, End {{{2
338 "
339 if exists ("ada_begin_preproc")
340 " This is the old default display:
341 highlight def link adaBegin PreProc
342 highlight def link adaEnd PreProc
343 else
344 " This is the new default display:
345 highlight def link adaBegin Keyword
346 highlight def link adaEnd Keyword
347 endif
351 " Section: sync {{{1
352 "
353 " We don't need to look backwards to highlight correctly;
354 " this speeds things up greatly.
355 syntax sync minlines=1 maxlines=1
357 let &cpo = s:keepcpo
358 unlet s:keepcpo
360 finish " 1}}}
362 "------------------------------------------------------------------------------
363 " Copyright (C) 2006 Martin Krischik
364 "
365 " Vim is Charityware - see ":help license" or uganda.txt for licence details.
366 "------------------------------------------------------------------------------
367 "vim: textwidth=78 nowrap tabstop=8 shiftwidth=3 softtabstop=3 noexpandtab
368 "vim: foldmethod=marker