comparison runtime/syntax/ant.vim @ 0:76efa0be13f1

Initial revision
author atsuki
date Sat, 10 Nov 2007 15:07:22 +0900
children e170173ecb68
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:76efa0be13f1
1 " Vim syntax file
2 " Language: ANT build file (xml)
3 " Maintainer: Johannes Zellner <>
4 " Last Change: Tue Apr 27 13:05:59 CEST 2004
5 " Filenames: build.xml
6 " $Id$
8 " Quit when a syntax file was already loaded
9 if exists("b:current_syntax")
10 finish
11 endif
13 let s:ant_cpo_save = &cpo
14 set cpo&vim
16 runtime! syntax/xml.vim
18 syn case ignore
20 if !exists('*AntSyntaxScript')
21 fun AntSyntaxScript(tagname, synfilename)
22 unlet b:current_syntax
23 let s:include = expand("<sfile>:p:h").'/'.a:synfilename
24 if filereadable(s:include)
25 exe 'syn include @ant'.a:tagname.' '.s:include
26 else
27 exe 'syn include @ant'.a:tagname." $VIMRUNTIME/syntax/".a:synfilename
28 endif
30 exe 'syn region ant'.a:tagname
31 \." start=#<script[^>]\\{-}language\\s*=\\s*['\"]".a:tagname."['\"]\\(>\\|[^>]*[^/>]>\\)#"
32 \.' end=#</script>#'
33 \.' fold'
34 \.' contains=@ant'.a:tagname.',xmlCdataStart,xmlCdataEnd,xmlTag,xmlEndTag'
35 \.' keepend'
36 exe 'syn cluster xmlRegionHook add=ant'.a:tagname
37 endfun
38 endif
40 " TODO: add more script languages here ?
41 call AntSyntaxScript('javascript', 'javascript.vim')
42 call AntSyntaxScript('jpython', 'python.vim')
45 syn cluster xmlTagHook add=antElement
47 syn keyword antElement display WsdlToDotnet addfiles and ant antcall antstructure apply archives arg argument
48 syn keyword antElement display assertions attrib attribute available basename bcc blgenclient bootclasspath
49 syn keyword antElement display borland bottom buildnumber buildpath buildpathelement bunzip2 bzip2 cab
50 syn keyword antElement display catalogpath cc cccheckin cccheckout cclock ccmcheckin ccmcheckintask ccmcheckout
51 syn keyword antElement display ccmcreatetask ccmkattr ccmkbl ccmkdir ccmkelem ccmklabel ccmklbtype
52 syn keyword antElement display ccmreconfigure ccrmtype ccuncheckout ccunlock ccupdate checksum chgrp chmod
53 syn keyword antElement display chown classconstants classes classfileset classpath commandline comment
54 syn keyword antElement display compilerarg compilerclasspath concat concatfilter condition copy copydir
55 syn keyword antElement display copyfile coveragepath csc custom cvs cvschangelog cvspass cvstagdiff cvsversion
56 syn keyword antElement display daemons date defaultexcludes define delete deletecharacters deltree depend
57 syn keyword antElement display depends dependset depth description different dirname dirset disable dname
58 syn keyword antElement display doclet doctitle dtd ear echo echoproperties ejbjar element enable entity entry
59 syn keyword antElement display env equals escapeunicode exclude excludepackage excludesfile exec execon
60 syn keyword antElement display existing expandproperties extdirs extension extensionSet extensionset factory
61 syn keyword antElement display fail filelist filename filepath fileset filesmatch filetokenizer filter
62 syn keyword antElement display filterchain filterreader filters filterset filtersfile fixcrlf footer format
63 syn keyword antElement display from ftp generic genkey get gjdoc grant group gunzip gzip header headfilter http
64 syn keyword antElement display ignoreblank ilasm ildasm import importtypelib include includesfile input iplanet
65 syn keyword antElement display iplanet-ejbc isfalse isreference isset istrue jar jarlib-available
66 syn keyword antElement display jarlib-manifest jarlib-resolve java javac javacc javadoc javadoc2 jboss jdepend
67 syn keyword antElement display jjdoc jjtree jlink jonas jpcoverage jpcovmerge jpcovreport jsharpc jspc
68 syn keyword antElement display junitreport jvmarg lib libfileset linetokenizer link loadfile loadproperties
69 syn keyword antElement display location macrodef mail majority manifest map mapper marker mergefiles message
70 syn keyword antElement display metainf method mimemail mkdir mmetrics modified move mparse none not options or
71 syn keyword antElement display os outputproperty package packageset parallel param patch path pathconvert
72 syn keyword antElement display pathelement patternset permissions prefixlines present presetdef project
73 syn keyword antElement display property propertyfile propertyref propertyset pvcs pvcsproject record reference
74 syn keyword antElement display regexp rename renameext replace replacefilter replaceregex replaceregexp
75 syn keyword antElement display replacestring replacetoken replacetokens replacevalue replyto report resource
76 syn keyword antElement display revoke rmic root rootfileset rpm scp section selector sequential serverdeploy
77 syn keyword antElement display setproxy signjar size sleep socket soscheckin soscheckout sosget soslabel source
78 syn keyword antElement display sourcepath sql src srcfile srcfilelist srcfiles srcfileset sshexec stcheckin
79 syn keyword antElement display stcheckout stlabel stlist stringtokenizer stripjavacomments striplinebreaks
80 syn keyword antElement display striplinecomments style subant substitution support symlink sync sysproperty
81 syn keyword antElement display syspropertyset tabstospaces tag taglet tailfilter tar tarfileset target
82 syn keyword antElement display targetfile targetfilelist targetfileset taskdef tempfile test testlet text title
83 syn keyword antElement display to token tokenfilter touch transaction translate triggers trim tstamp type
84 syn keyword antElement display typedef unjar untar unwar unzip uptodate url user vbc vssadd vsscheckin
85 syn keyword antElement display vsscheckout vsscp vsscreate vssget vsshistory vsslabel waitfor war wasclasspath
86 syn keyword antElement display webapp webinf weblogic weblogictoplink websphere whichresource wlclasspath
87 syn keyword antElement display wljspc wsdltodotnet xmlcatalog xmlproperty xmlvalidate xslt zip zipfileset
88 syn keyword antElement display zipgroupfileset
90 hi def link antElement Statement
92 let b:current_syntax = "ant"
94 let &cpo = s:ant_cpo_save
95 unlet s:ant_cpo_save
97 " vim: ts=8