Mercurial > hg > RemoteEditor > vim7
comparison runtime/syntax/dcl.vim @ 0:76efa0be13f1
Initial revision
author | atsuki |
date | Sat, 10 Nov 2007 15:07:22 +0900 |
parents | |
children |
-1:000000000000 | 0:76efa0be13f1 |
1 " Vim syntax file | |
2 " Language: DCL (Digital Command Language - vms) | |
3 " Maintainer: Dr. Charles E. Campbell, Jr. <NdrOchipS@PcampbellAfamily.Mbiz> | |
4 " Last Change: Sep 11, 2006 | |
5 " Version: 6 | |
6 " URL: | |
7 | |
8 " For version 5.x: Clear all syntax items | |
9 " For version 6.x: Quit when a syntax file was already loaded | |
10 if version < 600 | |
11 syntax clear | |
12 elseif exists("b:current_syntax") | |
13 finish | |
14 endif | |
15 | |
16 if version < 600 | |
17 set iskeyword=$,@,48-57,_ | |
18 else | |
19 setlocal iskeyword=$,@,48-57,_ | |
20 endif | |
21 | |
22 syn case ignore | |
23 syn keyword dclInstr accounting del[ete] gen[cat] mou[nt] run | |
24 syn keyword dclInstr all[ocate] dep[osit] gen[eral] ncp run[off] | |
25 syn keyword dclInstr ana[lyze] dia[gnose] gos[ub] ncs sca | |
26 syn keyword dclInstr app[end] dif[ferences] got[o] on sea[rch] | |
27 syn keyword dclInstr ass[ign] dir[ectory] hel[p] ope[n] set | |
28 syn keyword dclInstr att[ach] dis[able] ico[nv] pas[cal] sho[w] | |
29 syn keyword dclInstr aut[horize] dis[connect] if pas[sword] sor[t] | |
30 syn keyword dclInstr aut[ogen] dis[mount] ini[tialize] pat[ch] spa[wn] | |
31 syn keyword dclInstr bac[kup] dpm[l] inq[uire] pca sta[rt] | |
32 syn keyword dclInstr cal[l] dqs ins[tall] pho[ne] sto[p] | |
33 syn keyword dclInstr can[cel] dsr job pri[nt] sub[mit] | |
34 syn keyword dclInstr cc dst[graph] lat[cp] pro[duct] sub[routine] | |
35 syn keyword dclInstr clo[se] dtm lib[rary] psw[rap] swx[cr] | |
36 syn keyword dclInstr cms dum[p] lic[ense] pur[ge] syn[chronize] | |
37 syn keyword dclInstr con[nect] edi[t] lin[k] qde[lete] sys[gen] | |
38 syn keyword dclInstr con[tinue] ena[ble] lmc[p] qse[t] sys[man] | |
39 syn keyword dclInstr con[vert] end[subroutine] loc[ale] qsh[ow] tff | |
40 syn keyword dclInstr cop[y] eod log[in] rea[d] then | |
41 syn keyword dclInstr cre[ate] eoj log[out] rec[all] typ[e] | |
42 syn keyword dclInstr cxx exa[mine] lse[dit] rec[over] uil | |
43 syn keyword dclInstr cxx[l_help] exc[hange] mac[ro] ren[ame] unl[ock] | |
44 syn keyword dclInstr dea[llocate] exi[t] mai[l] rep[ly] ves[t] | |
45 syn keyword dclInstr dea[ssign] fdl mer[ge] req[uest] vie[w] | |
46 syn keyword dclInstr deb[ug] flo[wgraph] mes[sage] ret[urn] wai[t] | |
47 syn keyword dclInstr dec[k] fon[t] mms rms wri[te] | |
48 syn keyword dclInstr def[ine] for[tran] | |
49 | |
50 syn keyword dclLexical f$context f$edit f$getjpi f$message f$setprv | |
51 syn keyword dclLexical f$csid f$element f$getqui f$mode f$string | |
52 syn keyword dclLexical f$cvsi f$environment f$getsyi f$parse f$time | |
53 syn keyword dclLexical f$cvtime f$extract f$identifier f$pid f$trnlnm | |
54 syn keyword dclLexical f$cvui f$fao f$integer f$privilege f$type | |
55 syn keyword dclLexical f$device f$file_attributes f$length f$process f$user | |
56 syn keyword dclLexical f$directory f$getdvi f$locate f$search f$verify | |
57 | |
58 syn match dclMdfy "/\I\i*" nextgroup=dclMdfySet,dclMdfySetString | |
59 syn match dclMdfySet "=[^ \t"]*" contained | |
60 syn region dclMdfySet matchgroup=dclMdfyBrkt start="=\[" matchgroup=dclMdfyBrkt end="]" contains=dclMdfySep | |
61 syn region dclMdfySetString start='="' skip='""' end='"' contained | |
62 syn match dclMdfySep "[:,]" contained | |
63 | |
64 " Numbers | |
65 syn match dclNumber "\d\+" | |
66 | |
67 " Varname (mainly to prevent dclNumbers from being recognized when part of a dclVarname) | |
68 syn match dclVarname "\I\i*" | |
69 | |
70 " Filenames (devices, paths) | |
71 syn match dclDevice "\I\i*\(\$\I\i*\)\=:[^=]"me=e-1 nextgroup=dclDirPath,dclFilename | |
72 syn match dclDirPath "\[\(\I\i*\.\)*\I\i*\]" contains=dclDirSep nextgroup=dclFilename | |
73 syn match dclFilename "\I\i*\$\(\I\i*\)\=\.\(\I\i*\)*\(;\d\+\)\=" contains=dclDirSep | |
74 syn match dclFilename "\I\i*\.\(\I\i*\)\=\(;\d\+\)\=" contains=dclDirSep contained | |
75 syn match dclDirSep "[[\].;]" | |
76 | |
77 " Strings | |
78 syn region dclString start='"' skip='""' end='"' contains=@Spell | |
79 | |
80 " $ stuff and comments | |
81 syn cluster dclCommentGroup contains=dclStart,dclTodo,@Spell | |
82 syn match dclStart "^\$" skipwhite nextgroup=dclExe | |
83 syn match dclContinue "-$" | |
84 syn match dclComment "^\$!.*$" contains=@dclCommentGroup | |
85 syn match dclExe "\I\i*" contained | |
86 syn keyword dclTodo contained COMBAK DEBUG FIXME TODO XXX | |
87 | |
88 " Assignments and Operators | |
89 syn match dclAssign ":==\=" | |
90 syn match dclAssign "=" | |
91 syn match dclOper "--\|+\|\*\|/" | |
92 syn match dclLogOper "\.[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z]\=\." contains=dclLogical,dclLogSep | |
93 syn keyword dclLogical contained and ge gts lt nes | |
94 syn keyword dclLogical contained eq ges le lts not | |
95 syn keyword dclLogical contained eqs gt les ne or | |
96 syn match dclLogSep "\." contained | |
97 | |
98 " @command procedures | |
99 syn match dclCmdProcStart "@" nextgroup=dclCmdProc | |
100 syn match dclCmdProc "\I\i*\(\.\I\i*\)\=" contained | |
101 syn match dclCmdProc "\I\i*:" contained nextgroup=dclCmdDirPath,dclCmdProc | |
102 syn match dclCmdDirPath "\[\(\I\i*\.\)*\I\i*\]" contained nextgroup=delCmdProc | |
103 | |
104 " labels | |
105 syn match dclGotoLabel "^\$\s*\I\i*:\s*$" contains=dclStart | |
106 | |
107 " parameters | |
108 syn match dclParam "'\I[a-zA-Z0-9_$]*'\=" | |
109 | |
110 " () matching (the clusters are commented out until a vim/vms comes out for v5.2+) | |
111 "syn cluster dclNextGroups contains=dclCmdDirPath,dclCmdProc,dclCmdProc,dclDirPath,dclFilename,dclFilename,dclMdfySet,dclMdfySetString,delCmdProc,dclExe,dclTodo | |
112 "syn region dclFuncList matchgroup=Delimiter start="(" matchgroup=Delimiter end=")" contains=ALLBUT,@dclNextGroups | |
113 syn region dclFuncList matchgroup=Delimiter start="(" matchgroup=Delimiter end=")" contains=ALLBUT,dclCmdDirPath,dclCmdProc,dclCmdProc,dclDirPath,dclFilename,dclFilename,dclMdfySet,dclMdfySetString,delCmdProc,dclExe,dclTodo | |
114 syn match dclError ")" | |
115 | |
116 " Define the default highlighting. | |
117 " For version 5.7 and earlier: only when not done already | |
118 " For version 5.8 and later: only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet | |
119 if version >= 508 || !exists("did_dcl_syntax_inits") | |
120 if version < 508 | |
121 let did_dcl_syntax_inits = 1 | |
122 command -nargs=+ HiLink hi link <args> | |
123 else | |
124 command -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link <args> | |
125 endif | |
126 | |
127 HiLink dclLogOper dclError | |
128 HiLink dclLogical dclOper | |
129 HiLink dclLogSep dclSep | |
130 | |
131 HiLink dclAssign Operator | |
132 HiLink dclCmdProc Special | |
133 HiLink dclCmdProcStart Operator | |
134 HiLink dclComment Comment | |
135 HiLink dclContinue Statement | |
136 HiLink dclDevice Identifier | |
137 HiLink dclDirPath Identifier | |
138 HiLink dclDirPath Identifier | |
139 HiLink dclDirSep Delimiter | |
140 HiLink dclError Error | |
141 HiLink dclExe Statement | |
142 HiLink dclFilename NONE | |
143 HiLink dclGotoLabel Label | |
144 HiLink dclInstr Statement | |
145 HiLink dclLexical Function | |
146 HiLink dclMdfy Type | |
147 HiLink dclMdfyBrkt Delimiter | |
148 HiLink dclMdfySep Delimiter | |
149 HiLink dclMdfySet Type | |
150 HiLink dclMdfySetString String | |
151 HiLink dclNumber Number | |
152 HiLink dclOper Operator | |
153 HiLink dclParam Special | |
154 HiLink dclSep Delimiter | |
155 HiLink dclStart Delimiter | |
156 HiLink dclString String | |
157 HiLink dclTodo Todo | |
158 | |
159 delcommand HiLink | |
160 endif | |
161 | |
162 let b:current_syntax = "dcl" | |
163 | |
164 " vim: ts=16 |