Mercurial > hg > RemoteEditor > vim7
comparison runtime/syntax/mf.vim @ 0:76efa0be13f1
Initial revision
author | atsuki |
date | Sat, 10 Nov 2007 15:07:22 +0900 |
parents | |
children |
-1:000000000000 | 0:76efa0be13f1 |
1 " Vim syntax file | |
2 " Language: Metafont | |
3 " Maintainer: Andreas Scherer <> | |
4 " Last Change: April 25, 2001 | |
5 | |
6 " For version 5.x: Clear all syntax items | |
7 " For version 6.x: Quit when a syntax file was already loaded | |
8 if version < 600 | |
9 syn clear | |
10 elseif exists("b:current_syntax") | |
11 finish | |
12 endif | |
13 | |
14 " Metafont 'primitives' as defined in chapter 25 of 'The METAFONTbook' | |
15 " Page 210: 'boolean expressions' | |
16 syn keyword mfBoolExp true false known unknown odd charexists not and or | |
17 | |
18 " Page 210: 'numeric expression' | |
19 syn keyword mfNumExp normaldeviate length ASCII oct hex angle turningnumber | |
20 syn keyword mfNumExp totalweight directiontime xpart ypart xxpart xypart | |
21 syn keyword mfNumExp yxpart yypart sqrt sind cosd mlog mexp floor | |
22 syn keyword mfNumExp uniformdeviate | |
23 | |
24 " Page 211: 'internal quantities' | |
25 syn keyword mfInternal tracingtitles tracingequations tracingcapsules | |
26 syn keyword mfInternal tracingchoices tracingspecs tracingpens | |
27 syn keyword mfInternal tracingcommands tracingrestores tracingmacros | |
28 syn keyword mfInternal tracingedges tracingoutput tracingonline tracingstats | |
29 syn keyword mfInternal pausing showstopping fontmaking proofing | |
30 syn keyword mfInternal turningcheck warningcheck smoothing autorounding | |
31 syn keyword mfInternal granularity fillin year month day time | |
32 syn keyword mfInternal charcode charext charwd charht chardp charic | |
33 syn keyword mfInternal chardx chardy designsize hppp vppp xoffset yoffset | |
34 syn keyword mfInternal boundarychar | |
35 | |
36 " Page 212: 'pair expressions' | |
37 syn keyword mfPairExp point of precontrol postcontrol penoffset rotated | |
38 syn keyword mfPairExp scaled shifted slanted transformed xscaled yscaled | |
39 syn keyword mfPairExp zscaled | |
40 | |
41 " Page 213: 'path expressions' | |
42 syn keyword mfPathExp makepath reverse subpath curl tension atleast | |
43 syn keyword mfPathExp controls cycle | |
44 | |
45 " Page 214: 'pen expressions' | |
46 syn keyword mfPenExp nullpen pencircle makepen | |
47 | |
48 " Page 214: 'picutre expressions' | |
49 syn keyword mfPicExp nullpicture | |
50 | |
51 " Page 214: 'string expressions' | |
52 syn keyword mfStringExp jobname readstring str char decimal substring | |
53 | |
54 " Page 217: 'commands and statements' | |
55 syn keyword mfCommand end dump save interim newinternal randomseed let | |
56 syn keyword mfCommand delimiters outer everyjob show showvariable showtoken | |
57 syn keyword mfCommand showdependencies showstats message errmessage errhelp | |
58 syn keyword mfCommand batchmode nonstopmode scrollmode errorstopmode | |
59 syn keyword mfCommand addto also contour doublepath withpen withweight cull | |
60 syn keyword mfCommand keeping dropping display inwindow openwindow at from to | |
61 syn keyword mfCommand shipout special numspecial | |
62 | |
63 " Page 56: 'types' | |
64 syn keyword mfType boolean numeric pair path pen picture string transform | |
65 | |
66 " Page 155: 'grouping' | |
67 syn keyword mfStatement begingroup endgroup | |
68 | |
69 " Page 165: 'definitions' | |
70 syn keyword mfDefinition enddef def expr suffix text primary secondary | |
71 syn keyword mfDefinition tertiary vardef primarydef secondarydef tertiarydef | |
72 | |
73 " Page 169: 'conditions and loops' | |
74 syn keyword mfCondition if fi else elseif endfor for forsuffixes forever | |
75 syn keyword mfCondition step until exitif | |
76 | |
77 " Other primitives listed in the index | |
78 syn keyword mfPrimitive charlist endinput expandafter extensible | |
79 syn keyword mfPrimitive fontdimen headerbyte inner input intersectiontimes | |
80 syn keyword mfPrimitive kern ligtable quote scantokens skipto | |
81 | |
82 " Keywords defined by (defined on pp.262-278) | |
83 if !exists("plain_mf_macros") | |
84 let plain_mf_macros = 1 " Set this to '0' if your source gets too colourful | |
85 " metapost.vim does so to turn off Metafont macros | |
86 endif | |
87 if plain_mf_macros | |
88 syn keyword mfMacro abs addto_currentpicture aspect_ratio base_name | |
89 syn keyword mfMacro base_version beginchar blacker blankpicture bot bye byte | |
90 syn keyword mfMacro capsule_def ceiling change_width clear_pen_memory clearit | |
91 syn keyword mfMacro clearpen clearxy counterclockwise culldraw cullit | |
92 syn keyword mfMacro currentpen currentpen_path currentpicture | |
93 syn keyword mfMacro currenttransform currentwindow cutdraw cutoff d decr | |
94 syn keyword mfMacro define_blacker_pixels define_corrected_pixels | |
95 syn keyword mfMacro define_good_x_pixels define_good_y_pixels | |
96 syn keyword mfMacro define_horizontal_corrected_pixels define_pixels | |
97 syn keyword mfMacro define_whole_blacker_pixels define_whole_pixels | |
98 syn keyword mfMacro define_whole_vertical_blacker_pixels | |
99 syn keyword mfMacro define_whole_vertical_pixels dir direction directionpoint | |
100 syn keyword mfMacro displaying ditto div dotprod down downto draw drawdot | |
101 syn keyword mfMacro endchar eps epsilon extra_beginchar extra_endchar | |
102 syn keyword mfMacro extra_setup erase exitunless fill filldraw fix_units flex | |
103 syn keyword mfMacro font_coding_scheme font_extra_space font_identifier | |
104 syn keyword mfMacro font_normal_shrink font_normal_space font_normal_stretch | |
105 syn keyword mfMacro font_quad font_setup font_size font_slant font_x_height | |
106 syn keyword mfMacro fullcircle generate gfcorners gobble gobbled grayfont h | |
107 syn keyword mfMacro halfcircle hide hround identity image_rules incr infinity | |
108 syn keyword mfMacro interact interpath intersectionpoint inverse italcorr | |
109 syn keyword mfMacro join_radius killtext labelfont labels left lft localfont | |
110 syn keyword mfMacro loggingall lowres lowres_fix mag magstep makebox makegrid | |
111 syn keyword mfMacro makelabel maketicks max min mod mode mode_def mode_name | |
112 syn keyword mfMacro mode_setup nodisplays notransforms number_of_modes numtok | |
113 syn keyword mfMacro o_correction openit origin pen_bot pen_lft pen_rt pen_top | |
114 syn keyword mfMacro penlabels penpos penrazor penspeck pensquare penstroke | |
115 syn keyword mfMacro pickup pixels_per_inch proof proofoffset proofrule | |
116 syn keyword mfMacro proofrulethickness quartercircle range reflectedabout | |
117 syn keyword mfMacro relax right rotatedabout rotatedaround round rt rulepen | |
118 syn keyword mfMacro savepen screenchars screen_rows screen_cols screenrule | |
119 syn keyword mfMacro screenstrokes shipit showit slantfont smode smoke softjoin | |
120 syn keyword mfMacro solve stop superellipse takepower tensepath titlefont | |
121 syn keyword mfMacro tolerance top tracingall tracingnone undraw undrawdot | |
122 syn keyword mfMacro unfill unfilldraw unitpixel unitsquare unitvector up upto | |
123 syn keyword mfMacro vround w whatever | |
124 endif | |
125 | |
126 " Some other basic macro names, e.g., from cmbase, logo, etc. | |
127 if !exists("other_mf_macros") | |
128 let other_mf_macros = 1 " Set this to '0' if your code gets too colourful | |
129 " metapost.vim does so to turn off Metafont macros | |
130 endif | |
131 if other_mf_macros | |
132 syn keyword mfMacro beginlogochar | |
133 endif | |
134 | |
135 " Numeric tokens | |
136 syn match mfNumeric "[-]\=\d\+" | |
137 syn match mfNumeric "[-]\=\.\d\+" | |
138 syn match mfNumeric "[-]\=\d\+\.\d\+" | |
139 | |
140 " Metafont lengths | |
141 syn match mfLength "\<\(bp\|cc\|cm\|dd\|in\|mm\|pc\|pt\)\>" | |
142 syn match mfLength "\<[-]\=\d\+\(bp\|cc\|cm\|dd\|in\|mm\|pc\|pt\)\#\=\>" | |
143 syn match mfLength "\<[-]\=\.\d\+\(bp\|cc\|cm\|dd\|in\|mm\|pc\|pt\)\#\=\>" | |
144 syn match mfLength "\<[-]\=\d\+\.\d\+\(bp\|cc\|cm\|dd\|in\|mm\|pc\|pt\)\#\=\>" | |
145 | |
146 " Metafont coordinates and points | |
147 syn match mfCoord "\<[xy]\d\+\>" | |
148 syn match mfPoint "\<z\d\+\>" | |
149 | |
150 " String constants | |
151 syn region mfString start=+"+ end=+"+ | |
152 | |
153 " Comments: | |
154 syn match mfComment "%.*$" | |
155 | |
156 " synchronizing | |
157 syn sync maxlines=50 | |
158 | |
159 " Define the default highlighting | |
160 " For version 5.7 and earlier: only when not done already | |
161 " For version 5.8 and later: only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet | |
162 if version >= 508 || !exists("did_mf_syntax_inits") | |
163 if version < 508 | |
164 let did_mf_syntax_inits = 1 | |
165 command -nargs=+ HiLink hi link <args> | |
166 else | |
167 command -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link <args> | |
168 endif | |
169 | |
170 HiLink mfBoolExp Statement | |
171 HiLink mfNumExp Statement | |
172 HiLink mfInternal Identifier | |
173 HiLink mfPairExp Statement | |
174 HiLink mfPathExp Statement | |
175 HiLink mfPenExp Statement | |
176 HiLink mfPicExp Statement | |
177 HiLink mfStringExp Statement | |
178 HiLink mfCommand Statement | |
179 HiLink mfType Type | |
180 HiLink mfStatement Statement | |
181 HiLink mfDefinition Statement | |
182 HiLink mfCondition Conditional | |
183 HiLink mfPrimitive Statement | |
184 HiLink mfMacro Macro | |
185 HiLink mfCoord Identifier | |
186 HiLink mfPoint Identifier | |
187 HiLink mfNumeric Number | |
188 HiLink mfLength Number | |
189 HiLink mfComment Comment | |
190 HiLink mfString String | |
191 | |
192 delcommand HiLink | |
193 endif | |
194 | |
195 let b:current_syntax = "mf" | |
196 | |
197 " vim: ts=8 |