diff runtime/doc/vim2html.pl @ 0:76efa0be13f1

Initial revision
author atsuki
date Sat, 10 Nov 2007 15:07:22 +0900
children c16898406ff2
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/runtime/doc/vim2html.pl	Sat Nov 10 15:07:22 2007 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env perl
+# converts vim documentation to simple html
+# Sirtaj Singh Kang (taj@kde.org)
+# Sun Feb 24 14:49:17 CET 2002
+use strict;
+use vars qw/%url $date/;
+%url = ();
+$date = `date`;
+chop $date;
+sub maplink
+	my $tag = shift;
+	if( exists $url{ $tag } ){
+		return $url{ $tag };
+	} else {
+		#warn "Unknown hyperlink target: $tag\n";
+		$tag =~ s/\.txt//;
+		$tag =~ s/</&lt;/g;
+		$tag =~ s/>/&gt;/g;
+		return "<code class=\"badlink\">$tag</code>";
+	}
+sub readTagFile
+	my($tagfile) = @_;
+	my( $tag, $file, $name );
+	open(TAGS,"$tagfile") || die "can't read tags\n";
+	while( <TAGS> ) {
+		next unless /^(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+/;
+		$tag = $1;
+		my $label = $tag;
+		($file= $2) =~ s/.txt$/.html/g;
+		$label =~ s/\.txt//;
+		$url{ $tag } = "<a href=\"$file#".escurl($tag)."\">".esctext($label)."</a>";
+	}
+	close( TAGS );
+sub esctext
+	my $text = shift;
+	$text =~ s/&/&amp;/g;
+	$text =~ s/</&lt;/g;
+	$text =~ s/>/&gt;/g;
+	return $text;
+sub escurl
+	my $url = shift;
+	$url =~ s/"/%22/g;
+	$url =~ s/~/%7E/g;
+	$url =~ s/</%3C/g;
+	$url =~ s/>/%3E/g;
+	$url =~ s/=/%20/g;
+	$url =~ s/#/%23/g;
+	$url =~ s/\//%2F/g;
+	return $url;
+sub vim2html
+	my( $infile ) = @_;
+	my( $outfile );
+	open(IN, "$infile" ) || die "Couldn't read from $infile: $!.\n";
+	($outfile = $infile) =~ s:.*/::g;
+	$outfile =~ s/\.txt$//g;
+	open( OUT, ">$outfile.html" )
+			|| die "Couldn't write to $outfile.html: $!.\n";
+	my $head = uc( $outfile );
+	print OUT<<EOF;
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
+<title>VIM: $outfile</title>
+<link rel="stylesheet" href="vim-stylesheet.css" type="text/css">
+	my $inexample = 0;
+	while( <IN> ) {
+		chop;
+		if ( /^\s*[-=]+\s*$/ ) {
+			print OUT "</pre><hr><pre>";
+			next;
+		}
+		# examples
+		elsif( /^>$/ || /\s>$/ ) {
+			$inexample = 1;
+			chop;
+		}
+		elsif ( $inexample && /^([<\S])/ ) {
+			$inexample = 0;
+			$_ = $' if $1 eq "<";
+		}
+		s/\s+$//g;
+		# Various vim highlights. note that < and > have already been escaped
+		# so that HTML doesn't get screwed up.
+		my @out = ();
+		#		print "Text: $_\n";
+		LOOP:
+		foreach my $token ( split /((?:\|[^\|]+\|)|(?:\*[^\*]+\*))/ ) {
+			if ( $token =~ /^\|([^\|]+)\|/ ) {
+				# link
+				push( @out, "|".maplink( $1 )."|" );
+				next LOOP;
+			}
+			elsif ( $token =~ /^\*([^\*]+)\*/ ) {
+				# target
+				push( @out,
+					"<b class=\"vimtag\">\*<a name=\"".escurl($1)."\">".esctext($1)."<\/a>\*<\/b>");
+				next LOOP;
+			}
+			$_ = esctext($token);
+			s/CTRL-(\w+)/<code class="keystroke">CTRL-$1<\/code>/g;
+			# parameter <...>
+			s/&lt;(.*?)&gt;/<code class="special">&lt;$1&gt;<\/code>/g;
+			# parameter {...}
+			s/\{([^}]*)\}/<code class="special">{$1}<\/code>/g;
+			# parameter [...]
+			s/\[(range|line|count|offset|cmd|[-+]?num)\]/<code class="special">\[$1\]<\/code>/g;
+			# note
+			s/(Note:?)/<code class="note">$1<\/code>/gi;
+			# local heading
+			s/^(.*)\~$/<code class="section">$1<\/code>/g;
+			push( @out, $_ );
+		}
+		$_ = join( "", @out );
+		if( $inexample == 2 ) {
+			print OUT "<code class=\"example\">$_</code>\n";
+		} else {
+			print OUT $_,"\n";
+		}
+		$inexample = 2 if $inexample == 1;
+	}
+	print OUT<<EOF;
+<p><i>Generated by vim2html on $date</i></p>
+sub usage
+vim2html.pl: converts vim documentation to HTML.
+	vim2html.pl <tag file> <text files>
+sub writeCSS
+	open( CSS, ">vim-stylesheet.css"  ) || die "Couldn't write stylesheet: $!\n";
+	print CSS<<EOF;
+body { background-color: white; color: black;}
+:link { color: rgb(0,137,139); }
+:visited { color: rgb(0,100,100);
+           background-color: white; /* should be inherit */ }
+:active { color: rgb(0,200,200);
+          background-color: white; /* should be inherit */ }
+B.vimtag { color : rgb(250,0,250); }
+h1, h2 { color: rgb(82,80,82); text-align: center; }
+h3, h4, h5, h6 { color: rgb(82,80,82); }
+.headline { color: rgb(0,137,139); }
+.header { color: rgb(164, 32, 246); }
+.section { color: rgb(164, 32, 246); }
+.keystroke { color: rgb(106, 89, 205); }
+.vim { }
+.example { color: rgb(0, 0, 255); }
+.option { }
+.notvi { }
+.special { color: rgb(106, 89, 205); }
+.note { color: blue; background-color: yellow; }
+.sub {}
+.badlink { color: rgb(0,37,39); }
+# main
+usage() if $#ARGV < 2;
+print "Processing tags...\n";
+readTagFile( $ARGV[ 0 ] );
+foreach my $file ( 1..$#ARGV ) {
+	print "Processing ".$ARGV[ $file ]."...\n";
+	vim2html( $ARGV[ $file ] );
+print "Writing stylesheet...\n";
+print "done.\n"