diff runtime/syntax/fdcc.vim @ 0:76efa0be13f1

Initial revision
author atsuki
date Sat, 10 Nov 2007 15:07:22 +0900
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/runtime/syntax/fdcc.vim	Sat Nov 10 15:07:22 2007 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+" Vim syntax file
+" Language:	fdcc or locale files
+" Maintainer:	Dwayne Bailey <dwayne@translate.org.za>
+" Last Change:	2004 May 16
+" Remarks:      FDCC (Formal Definitions of Cultural Conventions) see ISO TR 14652
+" For version 5.x: Clear all syntax items
+" For version 6.x: Quit when a syntax file was already loaded
+if version < 600
+  syntax clear
+elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
+  finish
+syn sync minlines=150
+setlocal iskeyword+=-
+" Numbers
+syn match fdccNumber /[0-9]*/ contained
+" Unicode codings and strings
+syn match fdccUnicodeInValid /<[^<]*>/ contained
+syn match fdccUnicodeValid /<U[0-9A-F][0-9A-F][0-9A-F][0-9A-F]>/ contained
+syn region fdccString start=/"/ end=/"/ contains=fdccUnicodeInValid,fdccUnicodeValid
+" Valid LC_ Keywords
+syn keyword fdccKeyword escape_char comment_char
+syn keyword fdccKeywordIdentification title source address contact email tel fax language territory revision date category
+syn keyword fdccKeywordCtype copy space translit_start include translit_end outdigit class
+syn keyword fdccKeywordCollate copy script order_start order_end collating-symbol reorder-after reorder-end collating-element symbol-equivalence
+syn keyword fdccKeywordMonetary copy int_curr_symbol currency_symbol mon_decimal_point mon_thousands_sep mon_grouping positive_sign negative_sign int_frac_digits frac_digits p_cs_precedes p_sep_by_space n_cs_precedes n_sep_by_space p_sign_posn n_sign_posn int_p_cs_precedes int_p_sep_by_space int_n_cs_precedes int_n_sep_by_space  int_p_sign_posn int_n_sign_posn
+syn keyword fdccKeywordNumeric copy decimal_point thousands_sep grouping
+syn keyword fdccKeywordTime copy abday day abmon mon d_t_fmt d_fmt t_fmt am_pm t_fmt_ampm date_fmt era_d_fmt first_weekday first_workday week cal_direction time_zone era alt_digits era_d_t_fmt
+syn keyword fdccKeywordMessages copy yesexpr noexpr yesstr nostr
+syn keyword fdccKeywordPaper copy height width
+syn keyword fdccKeywordTelephone copy tel_int_fmt int_prefix tel_dom_fmt int_select
+syn keyword fdccKeywordMeasurement copy measurement
+syn keyword fdccKeywordName copy name_fmt name_gen name_mr name_mrs name_miss name_ms
+syn keyword fdccKeywordAddress copy postal_fmt country_name country_post country_ab2 country_ab3  country_num country_car  country_isbn lang_name lang_ab lang_term lang_lib
+" Comments
+syn keyword fdccTodo TODO FIXME contained
+syn match fdccVariable /%[a-zA-Z]/ contained
+syn match fdccComment /[#%].*/ contains=fdccTodo,fdccVariable
+" LC_ Groups
+syn region fdccBlank matchgroup=fdccLCIdentification start=/^LC_IDENTIFICATION$/ end=/^END LC_IDENTIFICATION$/ contains=fdccKeywordIdentification,fdccString,fdccComment
+syn region fdccBlank matchgroup=fdccLCCtype start=/^LC_CTYPE$/ end=/^END LC_CTYPE$/ contains=fdccKeywordCtype,fdccString,fdccComment,fdccUnicodeInValid,fdccUnicodeValid
+syn region fdccBlank matchgroup=fdccLCCollate start=/^LC_COLLATE$/ end=/^END LC_COLLATE$/ contains=fdccKeywordCollate,fdccString,fdccComment,fdccUnicodeInValid,fdccUnicodeValid
+syn region fdccBlank matchgroup=fdccLCMonetary start=/^LC_MONETARY$/ end=/^END LC_MONETARY$/ contains=fdccKeywordMonetary,fdccString,fdccComment,fdccNumber
+syn region fdccBlank matchgroup=fdccLCNumeric start=/^LC_NUMERIC$/ end=/^END LC_NUMERIC$/ contains=fdccKeywordNumeric,fdccString,fdccComment,fdccNumber
+syn region fdccBlank matchgroup=fdccLCTime start=/^LC_TIME$/ end=/^END LC_TIME$/ contains=fdccKeywordTime,fdccString,fdccComment,fdccNumber
+syn region fdccBlank matchgroup=fdccLCMessages start=/^LC_MESSAGES$/ end=/^END LC_MESSAGES$/ contains=fdccKeywordMessages,fdccString,fdccComment
+syn region fdccBlank matchgroup=fdccLCPaper start=/^LC_PAPER$/ end=/^END LC_PAPER$/ contains=fdccKeywordPaper,fdccString,fdccComment,fdccNumber
+syn region fdccBlank matchgroup=fdccLCTelephone start=/^LC_TELEPHONE$/ end=/^END LC_TELEPHONE$/ contains=fdccKeywordTelephone,fdccString,fdccComment
+syn region fdccBlank matchgroup=fdccLCMeasurement start=/^LC_MEASUREMENT$/ end=/^END LC_MEASUREMENT$/ contains=fdccKeywordMeasurement,fdccString,fdccComment,fdccNumber
+syn region fdccBlank matchgroup=fdccLCName start=/^LC_NAME$/ end=/^END LC_NAME$/ contains=fdccKeywordName,fdccString,fdccComment
+syn region fdccBlank matchgroup=fdccLCAddress start=/^LC_ADDRESS$/ end=/^END LC_ADDRESS$/ contains=fdccKeywordAddress,fdccString,fdccComment,fdccNumber
+" For version 5.7 and earlier: only when not done already
+" For version 5.8 and later: only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet
+if version >= 508 || !exists("did_fdcc_syn_inits")
+  if version < 508
+    let did_fdcc_syn_inits = 1
+    command -nargs=+ HiLink hi link <args>
+  else
+    command -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link <args>
+  endif
+  HiLink fdccBlank		 Blank
+  HiLink fdccTodo		 Todo
+  HiLink fdccComment		 Comment
+  HiLink fdccVariable		 Type
+  HiLink fdccLCIdentification	 Statement
+  HiLink fdccLCCtype		 Statement
+  HiLink fdccLCCollate		 Statement
+  HiLink fdccLCMonetary		 Statement
+  HiLink fdccLCNumeric		 Statement
+  HiLink fdccLCTime		 Statement
+  HiLink fdccLCMessages		 Statement
+  HiLink fdccLCPaper		 Statement
+  HiLink fdccLCTelephone	 Statement
+  HiLink fdccLCMeasurement	 Statement
+  HiLink fdccLCName		 Statement
+  HiLink fdccLCAddress		 Statement
+  HiLink fdccUnicodeInValid	 Error
+  HiLink fdccUnicodeValid	 String
+  HiLink fdccString		 String
+  HiLink fdccNumber		 Blank
+  HiLink fdccKeywordIdentification fdccKeyword
+  HiLink fdccKeywordCtype	   fdccKeyword
+  HiLink fdccKeywordCollate	   fdccKeyword
+  HiLink fdccKeywordMonetary	   fdccKeyword
+  HiLink fdccKeywordNumeric	   fdccKeyword
+  HiLink fdccKeywordTime	   fdccKeyword
+  HiLink fdccKeywordMessages	   fdccKeyword
+  HiLink fdccKeywordPaper	   fdccKeyword
+  HiLink fdccKeywordTelephone	   fdccKeyword
+  HiLink fdccKeywordMeasurement    fdccKeyword
+  HiLink fdccKeywordName	   fdccKeyword
+  HiLink fdccKeywordAddress	   fdccKeyword
+  HiLink fdccKeyword		   Identifier
+  delcommand HiLink
+let b:current_syntax = "fdcc"
+" vim: ts=8