diff runtime/syntax/quake.vim @ 0:76efa0be13f1

Initial revision
author atsuki
date Sat, 10 Nov 2007 15:07:22 +0900
children e170173ecb68
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/runtime/syntax/quake.vim	Sat Nov 10 15:07:22 2007 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+" Vim syntax file
+" Language:         Quake[1-3] configuration file
+" Maintainer:       Nikolai Weibull <now@bitwi.se>
+" Latest Revision:  2006-04-19
+"               quake_is_quake1 - the syntax is to be used for quake1 configs
+"               quake_is_quake2 - the syntax is to be used for quake2 configs
+"               quake_is_quake3 - the syntax is to be used for quake3 configs
+" Credits:          Tomasz Kalkosinski wrote the original quake3Colors stuff
+if exists("b:current_syntax")
+  finish
+let s:cpo_save = &cpo
+set cpo&vim
+setlocal iskeyword=@,48-57,+,-,_
+syn keyword quakeTodo         contained TODO FIXME XXX NOTE
+syn region  quakeComment      display oneline start='//' end='$' end=';'
+                              \ keepend contains=quakeTodo,@Spell
+syn region  quakeString       display oneline start=+"+ skip=+\\\\\|\\"+
+                              \ end=+"\|$+ contains=quakeNumbers,
+                              \ @quakeCommands,@quake3Colors
+syn case ignore
+syn match quakeNumbers        display transparent '\<-\=\d\|\.\d'
+                              \ contains=quakeNumber,quakeFloat,
+                              \ quakeOctalError,quakeOctal
+syn match quakeNumber         contained display '\d\+\>'
+syn match quakeFloat          contained display '\d\+\.\d*'
+syn match quakeFloat          contained display '\.\d\+\>'
+if exists("quake_is_quake1") || exists("quake_is_quake2")
+  syn match quakeOctal        contained display '0\o\+\>'
+                              \ contains=quakeOctalZero
+  syn match quakeOctalZero    contained display '\<0'
+  syn match quakeOctalError   contained display '0\o*[89]\d*'
+syn cluster quakeCommands     contains=quakeCommand,quake1Command,
+                              \ quake12Command,Quake2Command,Quake23Command,
+                              \ Quake3Command
+syn keyword quakeCommand      +attack +back +forward +left +lookdown +lookup
+syn keyword quakeCommand      +mlook +movedown +moveleft +moveright +moveup
+syn keyword quakeCommand      +right +speed +strafe -attack -back bind
+syn keyword quakeCommand      bindlist centerview clear connect cvarlist dir
+syn keyword quakeCommand      disconnect dumpuser echo error exec -forward
+syn keyword quakeCommand      god heartbeat joy_advancedupdate kick kill
+syn keyword quakeCommand      killserver -left -lookdown -lookup map
+syn keyword quakeCommand      messagemode messagemode2 -mlook modellist
+syn keyword quakeCommand      -movedown -moveleft -moveright -moveup play
+syn keyword quakeCommand      quit rcon reconnect record -right say say_team
+syn keyword quakeCommand      screenshot serverinfo serverrecord serverstop
+syn keyword quakeCommand      set sizedown sizeup snd_restart soundinfo
+syn keyword quakeCommand      soundlist -speed spmap status -strafe stopsound
+syn keyword quakeCommand      toggleconsole unbind unbindall userinfo pause
+syn keyword quakeCommand      vid_restart viewpos wait weapnext weapprev
+if exists("quake_is_quake1")
+  syn keyword quake1Command   sv
+if exists("quake_is_quake1") || exists("quake_is_quake2")
+  syn keyword quake12Command  +klook alias cd impulse link load save
+  syn keyword quake12Command  timerefresh changing info loading
+  syn keyword quake12Command  pingservers playerlist players score
+if exists("quake_is_quake2")
+  syn keyword quake2Command   cmd demomap +use condump download drop gamemap
+  syn keyword quake2Command   give gun_model setmaster sky sv_maplist wave
+  syn keyword quake2Command   cmdlist gameversiona gun_next gun_prev invdrop
+  syn keyword quake2Command   inven invnext invnextp invnextw invprev
+  syn keyword quake2Command   invprevp invprevw invuse menu_addressbook
+  syn keyword quake2Command   menu_credits menu_dmoptions menu_game
+  syn keyword quake2Command   menu_joinserver menu_keys menu_loadgame
+  syn keyword quake2Command   menu_main menu_multiplayer menu_options
+  syn keyword quake2Command   menu_playerconfig menu_quit menu_savegame
+  syn keyword quake2Command   menu_startserver menu_video
+  syn keyword quake2Command   notarget precache prog togglechat vid_front
+  syn keyword quake2Command   weaplast
+if exists("quake_is_quake2") || exists("quake_is_quake3")
+  syn keyword quake23Command  imagelist modellist path z_stats
+if exists("quake_is_quake3")
+  syn keyword quake3Command   +info +scores +zoom addbot arena banClient
+  syn keyword quake3Command   banUser callteamvote callvote changeVectors
+  syn keyword quake3Command   cinematic clientinfo clientkick cmd cmdlist
+  syn keyword quake3Command   condump configstrings crash cvar_restart devmap
+  syn keyword quake3Command   fdir follow freeze fs_openedList Fs_pureList
+  syn keyword quake3Command   Fs_referencedList gfxinfo globalservers
+  syn keyword quake3Command   hunk_stats in_restart -info levelshot
+  syn keyword quake3Command   loaddeferred localservers map_restart mem_info
+  syn keyword quake3Command   messagemode3 messagemode4 midiinfo model music
+  syn keyword quake3Command   modelist net_restart nextframe nextskin noclip
+  syn keyword quake3Command   notarget ping prevframe prevskin reset restart
+  syn keyword quake3Command   s_disable_a3d s_enable_a3d s_info s_list s_stop
+  syn keyword quake3Command   scanservers -scores screenshotJPEG sectorlist
+  syn keyword quake3Command   serverstatus seta setenv sets setu setviewpos
+  syn keyword quake3Command   shaderlist showip skinlist spdevmap startOribt
+  syn keyword quake3Command   stats stopdemo stoprecord systeminfo togglemenu
+  syn keyword quake3Command   tcmd team teamtask teamvote tell tell_attacker
+  syn keyword quake3Command   tell_target testgun testmodel testshader toggle
+  syn keyword quake3Command   touchFile vminfo vmprofile vmtest vosay
+  syn keyword quake3Command   vosay_team vote votell vsay vsay_team vstr
+  syn keyword quake3Command   vtaunt vtell vtell_attacker vtell_target weapon
+  syn keyword quake3Command   writeconfig -zoom
+  syn match   quake3Command   display "\<[+-]button\(\d\|1[0-4]\)\>"
+if exists("quake_is_quake3")
+  syn cluster quake3Colors    contains=quake3Red,quake3Green,quake3Yellow,
+                              \ quake3Blue,quake3Cyan,quake3Purple,quake3White,
+                              \ quake3Orange,quake3Grey,quake3Black,quake3Shadow
+  syn region quake3Red        contained start=+\^1+hs=e+1 end=+[$^"\n]+he=e-1
+  syn region quake3Green      contained start=+\^2+hs=e+1 end=+[$^"\n]+he=e-1
+  syn region quake3Yellow     contained start=+\^3+hs=e+1 end=+[$^"\n]+he=e-1
+  syn region quake3Blue       contained start=+\^4+hs=e+1 end=+[$^"\n]+he=e-1
+  syn region quake3Cyan       contained start=+\^5+hs=e+1 end=+[$^"\n]+he=e-1
+  syn region quake3Purple     contained start=+\^6+hs=e+1 end=+[$^"\n]+he=e-1
+  syn region quake3White      contained start=+\^7+hs=e+1 end=+[$^"\n]+he=e-1
+  syn region quake3Orange     contained start=+\^8+hs=e+1 end=+[$^\"\n]+he=e-1
+  syn region quake3Grey       contained start=+\^9+hs=e+1 end=+[$^"\n]+he=e-1
+  syn region quake3Black      contained start=+\^0+hs=e+1 end=+[$^"\n]+he=e-1
+  syn region quake3Shadow     contained start=+\^[Xx]+hs=e+1 end=+[$^"\n]+he=e-1
+hi def link quakeComment      Comment
+hi def link quakeTodo         Todo
+hi def link quakeString       String
+hi def link quakeNumber       Number
+hi def link quakeOctal        Number
+hi def link quakeOctalZero    PreProc
+hi def link quakeFloat        Number
+hi def link quakeOctalError   Error
+hi def link quakeCommand      quakeCommands
+hi def link quake1Command     quakeCommands
+hi def link quake12Command    quakeCommands
+hi def link quake2Command     quakeCommands
+hi def link quake23Command    quakeCommands
+hi def link quake3Command     quakeCommands
+hi def link quakeCommands     Keyword
+if exists("quake_is_quake3")
+  hi quake3Red                ctermfg=Red         guifg=Red
+  hi quake3Green              ctermfg=Green       guifg=Green
+  hi quake3Yellow             ctermfg=Yellow      guifg=Yellow
+  hi quake3Blue               ctermfg=Blue        guifg=Blue
+  hi quake3Cyan               ctermfg=Cyan        guifg=Cyan
+  hi quake3Purple             ctermfg=DarkMagenta guifg=Purple
+  hi quake3White              ctermfg=White       guifg=White
+  hi quake3Black              ctermfg=Black       guifg=Black
+  hi quake3Orange             ctermfg=Brown       guifg=Orange
+  hi quake3Grey               ctermfg=LightGrey   guifg=LightGrey
+  hi quake3Shadow             cterm=underline     gui=underline
+let b:current_syntax = "quake"
+let &cpo = s:cpo_save
+unlet s:cpo_save