diff runtime/syntax/splint.vim @ 0:76efa0be13f1

Initial revision
author atsuki
date Sat, 10 Nov 2007 15:07:22 +0900
children e170173ecb68
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/runtime/syntax/splint.vim	Sat Nov 10 15:07:22 2007 +0900
@@ -0,0 +1,260 @@
+" Vim syntax file
+" Language:	splint (C with lclint/splint Annotations)
+" Maintainer:	Ralf Wildenhues <Ralf.Wildenhues@gmx.de>
+" Splint Home:	http://www.splint.org/
+" Last Change:	$Date$
+" $Revision$
+" Note:		Splint annotated files are not detected by default.
+"		If you want to use this file for highlighting C code,
+"		please make sure splint.vim is sourced instead of c.vim,
+"		for example by putting
+"			/* vim: set filetype=splint : */
+"		at the end of your code or something like
+"			au! BufRead,BufNewFile *.c	setfiletype splint
+"		in your vimrc file or filetype.vim
+" For version 5.x: Clear all syntax items
+" For version 6.x: Quit when a syntax file was already loaded
+if version < 600
+  syntax clear
+elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
+  finish
+" Read the C syntax to start with
+if version < 600
+  so <sfile>:p:h/c.vim
+  runtime! syntax/c.vim
+" FIXME: uses and changes several clusters defined in c.vim
+"	so watch for changes there
+" TODO: make a little more grammar explicit
+"	match flags with hyphen and underscore notation
+"	match flag expanded forms
+"	accept other comment char than @
+syn case match
+" splint annotations (taken from 'splint -help annotations')
+syn match   splintStateAnnot	contained "\(pre\|post\):\(only\|shared\|owned\|dependent\|observer\|exposed\|isnull\|notnull\)"
+syn keyword splintSpecialAnnot  contained special
+syn keyword splintSpecTag	contained uses sets defines allocated releases
+syn keyword splintModifies	contained modifies
+syn keyword splintRequires	contained requires ensures
+syn keyword splintGlobals	contained globals
+syn keyword splintGlobitem	contained internalState fileSystem
+syn keyword splintGlobannot	contained undef killed
+syn keyword splintWarning	contained warn
+syn keyword splintModitem	contained internalState fileSystem nothing
+syn keyword splintReqitem	contained MaxSet MaxRead result
+syn keyword splintIter		contained iter yield
+syn keyword splintConst		contained constant
+syn keyword splintAlt		contained alt
+syn keyword splintType		contained abstract concrete mutable immutable refcounted numabstract
+syn keyword splintGlobalType	contained unchecked checkmod checked checkedstrict
+syn keyword splintMemMgm	contained dependent keep killref only owned shared temp
+syn keyword splintAlias		contained unique returned
+syn keyword splintExposure	contained observer exposed
+syn keyword splintDefState	contained out in partial reldef
+syn keyword splintGlobState	contained undef killed
+syn keyword splintNullState	contained null notnull relnull
+syn keyword splintNullPred	contained truenull falsenull nullwhentrue falsewhennull
+syn keyword splintExit		contained exits mayexit trueexit falseexit neverexit
+syn keyword splintExec		contained noreturn maynotreturn noreturnwhentrue noreturnwhenfalse alwaysreturns
+syn keyword splintSef		contained sef
+syn keyword splintDecl		contained unused external
+syn keyword splintCase		contained fallthrough
+syn keyword splintBreak		contained innerbreak loopbreak switchbreak innercontinue
+syn keyword splintUnreach	contained notreached
+syn keyword splintSpecFunc	contained printflike scanflike messagelike
+" TODO: make these region or match
+syn keyword splintErrSupp	contained i ignore end t
+syn match   splintErrSupp	contained "[it]\d\+\>"
+syn keyword splintTypeAcc	contained access noaccess
+syn keyword splintMacro		contained notfunction
+syn match   splintSpecType	contained "\(\|unsigned\|signed\)integraltype"
+" Flags taken from 'splint -help flags full' divided in local and global flags
+"				 Local Flags:
+syn keyword splintFlag contained abstract abstractcompare accessall accessczech accessczechoslovak
+syn keyword splintFlag contained accessfile accessmodule accessslovak aliasunique allblock
+syn keyword splintFlag contained allempty allglobs allimponly allmacros alwaysexits
+syn keyword splintFlag contained annotationerror ansi89limits assignexpose badflag bitwisesigned
+syn keyword splintFlag contained boolcompare boolfalse boolint boolops booltrue
+syn keyword splintFlag contained booltype bounds boundscompacterrormessages boundsread boundswrite
+syn keyword splintFlag contained branchstate bufferoverflow bufferoverflowhigh bugslimit casebreak
+syn keyword splintFlag contained caseinsensitivefilenames castexpose castfcnptr charindex charint
+syn keyword splintFlag contained charintliteral charunsignedchar checkedglobalias checkmodglobalias checkpost
+syn keyword splintFlag contained checkstrictglobalias checkstrictglobs codeimponly commentchar commenterror
+syn keyword splintFlag contained compdef compdestroy compmempass constmacros constprefix
+syn keyword splintFlag contained constprefixexclude constuse continuecomment controlnestdepth cppnames
+syn keyword splintFlag contained csvoverwrite czech czechconsts czechfcns czechmacros
+syn keyword splintFlag contained czechoslovak czechoslovakconsts czechoslovakfcns czechoslovakmacros czechoslovaktypes
+syn keyword splintFlag contained czechoslovakvars czechtypes czechvars debugfcnconstraint declundef
+syn keyword splintFlag contained deepbreak deparrays dependenttrans distinctexternalnames distinctinternalnames
+syn keyword splintFlag contained duplicatecases duplicatequals elseifcomplete emptyret enumindex
+syn keyword splintFlag contained enumint enummembers enummemuse enumprefix enumprefixexclude
+syn keyword splintFlag contained evalorder evalorderuncon exitarg exportany exportconst
+syn keyword splintFlag contained exportfcn exportheader exportheadervar exportiter exportlocal
+syn keyword splintFlag contained exportmacro exporttype exportvar exposetrans externalnamecaseinsensitive
+syn keyword splintFlag contained externalnamelen externalprefix externalprefixexclude fcnderef fcnmacros
+syn keyword splintFlag contained fcnpost fcnuse fielduse fileextensions filestaticprefix
+syn keyword splintFlag contained filestaticprefixexclude firstcase fixedformalarray floatdouble forblock
+syn keyword splintFlag contained forcehints forempty forloopexec formalarray formatcode
+syn keyword splintFlag contained formatconst formattype forwarddecl freshtrans fullinitblock
+syn keyword splintFlag contained globalias globalprefix globalprefixexclude globimponly globnoglobs
+syn keyword splintFlag contained globs globsimpmodsnothing globstate globuse gnuextensions
+syn keyword splintFlag contained grammar hasyield hints htmlfileformat ifblock
+syn keyword splintFlag contained ifempty ignorequals ignoresigns immediatetrans impabstract
+syn keyword splintFlag contained impcheckedglobs impcheckedspecglobs impcheckedstatics impcheckedstrictglobs impcheckedstrictspecglobs
+syn keyword splintFlag contained impcheckedstrictstatics impcheckmodglobs impcheckmodinternals impcheckmodspecglobs impcheckmodstatics
+syn keyword splintFlag contained impconj implementationoptional implictconstraint impouts imptype
+syn keyword splintFlag contained includenest incompletetype incondefs incondefslib indentspaces
+syn keyword splintFlag contained infloops infloopsuncon initallelements initsize internalglobs
+syn keyword splintFlag contained internalglobsnoglobs internalnamecaseinsensitive internalnamelen internalnamelookalike iso99limits
+syn keyword splintFlag contained isoreserved isoreservedinternal iterbalance iterloopexec iterprefix
+syn keyword splintFlag contained iterprefixexclude iteryield its4low its4moderate its4mostrisky
+syn keyword splintFlag contained its4risky its4veryrisky keep keeptrans kepttrans
+syn keyword splintFlag contained legacy libmacros likelyboundsread likelyboundswrite likelybool
+syn keyword splintFlag contained likelybounds limit linelen lintcomments localprefix
+syn keyword splintFlag contained localprefixexclude locindentspaces longint longintegral longsignedintegral
+syn keyword splintFlag contained longunsignedintegral longunsignedunsignedintegral loopexec looploopbreak looploopcontinue
+syn keyword splintFlag contained loopswitchbreak macroassign macroconstdecl macrodecl macroempty
+syn keyword splintFlag contained macrofcndecl macromatchname macroparams macroparens macroredef
+syn keyword splintFlag contained macroreturn macrostmt macrounrecog macrovarprefix macrovarprefixexclude
+syn keyword splintFlag contained maintype matchanyintegral matchfields mayaliasunique memchecks
+syn keyword splintFlag contained memimp memtrans misplacedsharequal misscase modfilesys
+syn keyword splintFlag contained modglobs modglobsnomods modglobsunchecked modinternalstrict modnomods
+syn keyword splintFlag contained modobserver modobserveruncon mods modsimpnoglobs modstrictglobsnomods
+syn keyword splintFlag contained moduncon modunconnomods modunspec multithreaded mustdefine
+syn keyword splintFlag contained mustfree mustfreefresh mustfreeonly mustmod mustnotalias
+syn keyword splintFlag contained mutrep namechecks needspec nestcomment nestedextern
+syn keyword splintFlag contained newdecl newreftrans nextlinemacros noaccess nocomments
+syn keyword splintFlag contained noeffect noeffectuncon noparams nopp noret
+syn keyword splintFlag contained null nullassign nullderef nullinit nullpass
+syn keyword splintFlag contained nullptrarith nullret nullstate nullterminated
+syn keyword splintFlag contained numabstract numabstractcast numabstractindex numabstractlit numabstractprint
+syn keyword splintFlag contained numenummembers numliteral numstructfields observertrans obviousloopexec
+syn keyword splintFlag contained oldstyle onlytrans onlyunqglobaltrans orconstraint overload
+syn keyword splintFlag contained ownedtrans paramimptemp paramuse parenfileformat partial
+syn keyword splintFlag contained passunknown portability predassign predbool predboolint
+syn keyword splintFlag contained predboolothers predboolptr preproc protoparammatch protoparamname
+syn keyword splintFlag contained protoparamprefix protoparamprefixexclude ptrarith ptrcompare ptrnegate
+syn keyword splintFlag contained quiet readonlystrings readonlytrans realcompare redecl
+syn keyword splintFlag contained redef redundantconstraints redundantsharequal refcounttrans relaxquals
+syn keyword splintFlag contained relaxtypes repeatunrecog repexpose retalias retexpose
+syn keyword splintFlag contained retimponly retval retvalbool retvalint retvalother
+syn keyword splintFlag contained sefparams sefuncon shadow sharedtrans shiftimplementation
+syn keyword splintFlag contained shiftnegative shortint showallconjs showcolumn showconstraintlocation
+syn keyword splintFlag contained showconstraintparens showdeephistory showfunc showloadloc showscan
+syn keyword splintFlag contained showsourceloc showsummary sizeofformalarray sizeoftype skipisoheaders
+syn keyword splintFlag contained skipposixheaders slashslashcomment slovak slovakconsts slovakfcns
+syn keyword splintFlag contained slovakmacros slovaktypes slovakvars specglobimponly specimponly
+syn keyword splintFlag contained specmacros specretimponly specstructimponly specundecl specundef
+syn keyword splintFlag contained stackref statemerge statetransfer staticinittrans statictrans
+syn keyword splintFlag contained strictbranchstate strictdestroy strictops strictusereleased stringliterallen
+syn keyword splintFlag contained stringliteralnoroom stringliteralnoroomfinalnull stringliteralsmaller stringliteraltoolong structimponly
+syn keyword splintFlag contained superuser switchloopbreak switchswitchbreak syntax sysdirerrors
+syn keyword splintFlag contained sysdirexpandmacros sysunrecog tagprefix tagprefixexclude temptrans
+syn keyword splintFlag contained tmpcomments toctou topuse trytorecover type
+syn keyword splintFlag contained typeprefix typeprefixexclude typeuse uncheckedglobalias uncheckedmacroprefix
+syn keyword splintFlag contained uncheckedmacroprefixexclude uniondef unixstandard unqualifiedinittrans unqualifiedtrans
+syn keyword splintFlag contained unreachable unrecog unrecogcomments unrecogdirective unrecogflagcomments
+syn keyword splintFlag contained unsignedcompare unusedspecial usedef usereleased usevarargs
+syn keyword splintFlag contained varuse voidabstract warnflags warnlintcomments warnmissingglobs
+syn keyword splintFlag contained warnmissingglobsnoglobs warnposixheaders warnrc warnsysfiles warnunixlib
+syn keyword splintFlag contained warnuse whileblock whileempty whileloopexec zerobool
+syn keyword splintFlag contained zeroptr
+"				       Global Flags:
+syn keyword splintGlobalFlag contained csv dump errorstream errorstreamstderr errorstreamstdout
+syn keyword splintGlobalFlag contained expect f help i isolib
+syn keyword splintGlobalFlag contained larchpath lclexpect lclimportdir lcs lh
+syn keyword splintGlobalFlag contained load messagestream messagestreamstderr messagestreamstdout mts
+syn keyword splintGlobalFlag contained neverinclude nof nolib posixlib posixstrictlib
+syn keyword splintGlobalFlag contained showalluses singleinclude skipsysheaders stats streamoverwrite
+syn keyword splintGlobalFlag contained strictlib supcounts sysdirs timedist tmpdir
+syn keyword splintGlobalFlag contained unixlib unixstrictlib warningstream warningstreamstderr warningstreamstdout
+syn keyword splintGlobalFlag contained whichlib
+syn match   splintFlagExpr contained "[\+\-\=]" nextgroup=splintFlag,splintGlobalFlag
+" detect missing /*@ and wrong */
+syn match	splintAnnError	"@\*/"
+syn cluster	cCommentGroup	add=splintAnnError
+syn match	splintAnnError2	"[^@]\*/"hs=s+1 contained
+syn region	splintAnnotation start="/\*@" end="@\*/" contains=@splintAnnotElem,cType keepend
+syn match	splintShortAnn	"/\*@\*/"
+syn cluster	splintAnnotElem	contains=splintStateAnnot,splintSpecialAnnot,splintSpecTag,splintModifies,splintRequires,splintGlobals,splintGlobitem,splintGlobannot,splintWarning,splintModitem,splintIter,splintConst,splintAlt,splintType,splintGlobalType,splintMemMgm,splintAlias,splintExposure,splintDefState,splintGlobState,splintNullState,splintNullPred,splintExit,splintExec,splintSef,splintDecl,splintCase,splintBreak,splintUnreach,splintSpecFunc,splintErrSupp,splintTypeAcc,splintMacro,splintSpecType,splintAnnError2,splintFlagExpr
+syn cluster	splintAllStuff	contains=@splintAnnotElem,splintFlag,splintGlobalFlag
+syn cluster	cParenGroup	add=@splintAllStuff
+syn cluster	cPreProcGroup	add=@splintAllStuff
+syn cluster	cMultiGroup	add=@splintAllStuff
+" Define the default highlighting.
+" For version 5.7 and earlier: only when not done already
+" For version 5.8 and later: only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet
+if version >= 508 || !exists("did_splint_syntax_inits")
+  if version < 508
+    let did_splint_syntax_inits = 1
+    command -nargs=+ HiLink hi link <args>
+  else
+    command -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link <args>
+  endif
+  HiLink splintShortAnn		splintAnnotation
+  HiLink splintAnnotation	Comment
+  HiLink splintAnnError		splintError
+  HiLink splintAnnError2	splintError
+  HiLink splintFlag		SpecialComment
+  HiLink splintGlobalFlag	splintError
+  HiLink splintSpecialAnnot	splintAnnKey
+  HiLink splintStateAnnot	splintAnnKey
+  HiLink splintSpecTag		splintAnnKey
+  HiLink splintModifies		splintAnnKey
+  HiLink splintRequires		splintAnnKey
+  HiLink splintGlobals		splintAnnKey
+  HiLink splintGlobitem		Constant
+  HiLink splintGlobannot	splintAnnKey
+  HiLink splintWarning		splintAnnKey
+  HiLink splintModitem		Constant
+  HiLink splintIter		splintAnnKey
+  HiLink splintConst		splintAnnKey
+  HiLink splintAlt		splintAnnKey
+  HiLink splintType		splintAnnKey
+  HiLink splintGlobalType	splintAnnKey
+  HiLink splintMemMgm		splintAnnKey
+  HiLink splintAlias		splintAnnKey
+  HiLink splintExposure		splintAnnKey
+  HiLink splintDefState		splintAnnKey
+  HiLink splintGlobState	splintAnnKey
+  HiLink splintNullState	splintAnnKey
+  HiLink splintNullPred		splintAnnKey
+  HiLink splintExit		splintAnnKey
+  HiLink splintExec		splintAnnKey
+  HiLink splintSef		splintAnnKey
+  HiLink splintDecl		splintAnnKey
+  HiLink splintCase		splintAnnKey
+  HiLink splintBreak		splintAnnKey
+  HiLink splintUnreach		splintAnnKey
+  HiLink splintSpecFunc		splintAnnKey
+  HiLink splintErrSupp		splintAnnKey
+  HiLink splintTypeAcc		splintAnnKey
+  HiLink splintMacro		splintAnnKey
+  HiLink splintSpecType		splintAnnKey
+  HiLink splintAnnKey		Type
+  HiLink splintError		Error
+  delcommand HiLink
+let b:current_syntax = "splint"
+" vim: ts=8